#how do you guys pump out so many chapters
throwmethroughawindow · 11 months
i wanna write so bad but once I open up the doc… my brain is literally empty and I’m so sleepy??? What is happening I have so many IDEAS‼️‼️🗣️🗣️😭😭😭
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a-hobit · 11 months
I hope you all read that heartbreaking letter from horikoshi on Twitter because I could cry rn. I have TRIED to do a weekly comic and I couldn’t even do TWO fuckass pages a week and to do 13 - 20 even with assistants (the level of detail in MHA is insane and I love that part about it!!) feels imposible with keeping up a healthy lifestyle. He’s SO sweet and cares so deeply about how his effort effects people down the corporate line as well as the readers. It’s so sickening to read his apology for not being able to pump out chapters every single week like a fucking machine. I’d rather wait ten years to see the end than read about my favorite author deteriorating just to get the manga out within the next year or so. I LOVE MHA so much! And I wish I could tell him how many people couldn’t care less how long it takes!! Once again I wish I could do anything to make this guy see that everyone doesn’t mind how long it takes and once again every heartfelt and sincere English reply will never be read. I hope the Japanese readers can get him away from this awful mindset.
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a-daydreamers-stories · 2 months
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Hey! This is an AU I thought would be fun and thanks to my friend @sherriesherbet I decided to write it! I'm not an expert in COD or UFC, so things will be wrong, sorry. This will be multiple parts, not sure how many yet. Hope you enjoy it!
The reader is a plus-size reader, this will be an 18 + story, minors do not interact
Never done this fandom before so if you'd like to be tagged for future parts let me know
Chapter warnings: Violence? Nothing really specifically mentioned yet
Chapter 1
Reader’s POV
“Please come with me! I won these two amazing tickets and my bud that was supposed to go is sick.” My brother whined out as he looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. I sighed and instantly regretted letting him into my apartment, it was my night off and I had been looking forward to lounging in my pjs as I ate takeout and watched sitcoms. 
“Don’t you have any other friends to take?” 
“No! Everyone else is busy or out of town since its last notice.”
“And you assumed I wasn’t busy?” I raised an eyebrow at him, he turned to look around my living room and then to the pjs I was already wearing. 
“You are?” 
“Yes I am,” I huffed at him and folded my arms over my chest as I snuggled deeper into the couch. “Now fuck off, I’m not going.” 
“Please! I have no one else, I’ll get you dinner too! Anything that you want just please come with me…” He begged even going so far as to get on his knees and hold his hands together. 
“Fine... Fine! I’ll go, what the hell do I even wear to this?” 
“Just go put on jeans and a shirt.”  He jumped up and fist-pumped the air like the dork he was. 
“Whatever you owe me,” I grumbled as I got off the couch, pushing him onto it as I made my way to the bedroom. I quickly showered and changed into jeans and a nice black tank top before putting on my sneakers. Walking out of my bedroom my brother popped up from the couch as I did with a big smile on his face. I couldn’t help but smile back, though I did shake my head at him. 
“Ready?” He asked excitedly. 
“Yeah, I’m ready.” After grabbing my phone and purse, I nodded and gestured for him to head out of my apartment. We left my apartment before I locked it up and headed to him to his car. “So how did you win these tickets?” 
“Radio contest spent a whole day listening to get these and I swear I called like 20 times but then I won! They’re amazing tickets too, fucking front-row seats!”  
“Okay okay calm down before you start hyperventilating.” 
“I’m just so excited!”  
“I can tell, remember to breathe though I don’t want to die because you passed out at the wheel.” 
“Shut up,” He playfully pushed my shoulder as he continued to drive towards the stadium. I couldn’t help but laugh, it was so funny to watch him get so excited like a teenager going to their first concert. We eventually made it into the stadium, parking had been a nightmare situation to try and figure out. He pulled out the tickets and we were guided to our seats, my brother moved into his seat and shot me an excited grin as I sat beside him. 
“Are you going to fangirl when these guys come out?” 
“No!” He narrowed his eyes at me in a playful glare. 
“Uh-huh,” I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes before something behind me caught his eye and he gasped. 
“Oh god…” 
“What?” I asked in confusion before looking in the direction he was looking in, an older man with mutton chops was slowly coming down one of the walkways. Tight black t-shirt molded over his wide shoulders and straining on his biceps and jeans that molded to a very delicious ass. The back of his shirt had the number 141 on it. “Who’s that?” 
“That’s John Price, he’s the head coach for the 141 Academy, his top boys are fighting tonight, and behind him coming out for the first fight is Gaz!” 
“Gaz? What kinda name is Gaz?” I asked as I spotted the handsome bronze man, probably somewhere near my age or my brother’s, coming down the hallway behind him in gold UFC shorts. 
“Well his real name is Kyle Garrick but he goes by Gaz in the ring.” Gaz flashed a smile and waved at the crowd causing a lot of girlish giggling and whistling as he moved to the ring. John patted him on the back and whispered in his ear, Gaz nodded back to him twice before flashing him a bright smile and clapping John’s shoulder. He practically bounced into the ring, full of energy and oozing charm. It was hard to believe someone as pretty as him, fights for a living but then his fight starts and you can see the hardness settling into his features, making him a little sharper and his entire focus is on the fight. 
He and the other man in the ring are similarly built but Gaz is faster and more calculated with his strikes, it doesn’t end in a knockout but Gaz does win the fight in the end. The referee lifts his arm at the end which causes a quick grimace to fall on Gaz’s face before he flashed the crowd a blinding smile, that’s only slightly bloody, which causes the crowd to lose their minds as they erupt into ear-piercing screams. I couldn’t help but clap for the man before he got out of the ring and John patted him on the back with a proud smile, saying something to the fighter. Looking him over before nodding to a different hallway than the one he came out of. 
“He’s sending him to the medic to get looked over, the other guy managed to hit him pretty hard in the ribs.”  My brother explained as Gaz walked away, cheers following him as he went. John moved his sight back to the other hallway and a few minutes later another man appeared from there, this man had a mohawk and was a bit broader than Gaz had been with blue UFC shorts on. 
“Who’s this one?”  I asked my brother. 
“Oh! This is Soap! He’s from Scotland.” 
“Soap? Why the fuck is he called Soap?” 
“Because he’s a slippery motherfucker.” My brother smirked and I snorted at that rolling my eyes. 
“Alright, gotta admit that’s pretty original for a UFC fighter name.”  
Soap stopped in front of John and started talking, it was still too loud to hear him clearly over the crowd but there were bits and pieces of an accent that reached us, John rested his hands on Soap’s shoulders and made the younger man look at him before he started talking to Soap. Soap nodded to him, a smirk on his face, there was a cocky yet capable attitude to him. John squeezed Soap’s shoulders before nodding to him and stepping aside, Soap got into the ring. The man he was facing was slightly taller than Soap and not quite as wide. 
The fight started and it was clear why they called him Soap, even with his wide frame, Soap dodged hits smoothly. He taunted his opponent with a smirk and a cocky joke but while his opponent grew hot-headed, Soap remained cool and calm. Gaz came back in the middle of the fight and stood next to John to watch Soap’s fight. He cheered Soap on from the sidelines till the fight ended and Soap was pronounced the winner, the crowd went nuts for the Scot. 
His lip and was split and he had a black eye forming but overall he was in good shape as he made his way out of the ring. Gaz patted him on the back in congratulations and John rubbed his head affectionately as Soap beamed at the two of them. John pointed towards the Med hallway and Soap shook his head before saying something to John with a lopsided grin on his face. 
There was a hush that settled over the crowd suddenly and I looked at my brother confused, he nodded excitedly towards the hallway the men of the 141 Academy had been coming out of. My breath caught in my throat as I turned to look at the man coming down the walkway, he was an absolute tank of a man in red UFC shorts. Taller than the other two fighters and his biceps were bigger than my head, with crocodile scars covering them and the upper part of his chest. 
“That’s Mace…” My brother whispered in my ear, his voice in awe. 
“His UFC name is Mace or his actual name?” 
“Honestly? No one knows, he only goes by Mace.” My brother shrugged. We watched as Mace made it to the other men by the ring. John nodded toward him and Mace threw him a feral smirk and a nod in return, before getting into the ring. The crowd erupted into loud cheers and screams as he made it into the ring. This fight was the most interesting so far, Mace was a vicious opponent and his opponent couldn’t do more than block the harsh blows that Mace landed. By the end his opponent was a bloody mess that had only managed to land a few good blows, even though they didn’t seem to phase Mace much, it didn’t surprise anyone when the referee lifted his arm as the winner. He got out of the ring and wrapped an arm around Soap’s shoulder, smirking as he talked to him, Gaz, and John. 
“Next is the main event of the night, it’s the last fight!” My brother told me and then pushed my shoulder excitedly as the hallway door opened again. My gaze traveled to the man coming out and my eyes widened as my stomach fluttered, this man was huge too. Just as big if not a little taller than Mace, though his arms were slightly smaller, he was no less intimidating though maybe more so with the look on his face. He had blonde hair, that was short on the sides and slightly longer on the top. He had scars on his face, small ones scattered along his face, a large one going diagonal from his chin to the bottom of his eye, and another larger one going down through his eyebrow on the other side. He had on black UFC shorts but right above where the short ended on his right leg was the design of a skull. 
“That’s Ghost…” 
“Yeah, no one knows what his name is either. They just call him Ghost.”  
“Let me guess because he’s a killer in the ring?” I smirked though I couldn’t take my eyes off the man as he made his way down to the ring. 
“That but he’s also a spooky fucker.” My brother chuckled. Ghost stopped in front of the other fighters and John, who spoke to him for a moment. Ghost just gave John a curt nod before he made his way into the ring. There were no smirks, no waves, he barely acknowledged the crowd gathered to watch him fight, only that his eyes scanned over the stadium while he waited for the fight to start. 
A shuddering breath escaped me as his eyes met mine pausing in his scan, the only thing that came to mind as this god of a man looked at me was to smile at him. His head tilted slightly and I could have sworn I saw a tick of one side of his mouth, almost like he would return it before he looked away towards his opponent. An intense focus settled over his face as he rolled his broad shoulders, waiting for his opponent to strike first.
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Alone and Forsaken
Alone and forsaken, Joel Miller hides himself away at the end of the world. After losing Sarah he was a shell of a man, trying to drown her memory in the blood of any soul that dared to cross his path. No matter what he did, Sarah haunted him. Then came Ellie, the girl he had been through hell with. Joel felt his chest crack open for her and from then on he decided that wherever Ellie went, he would be there. The Fireflies had other ideas. Joel had fought hard, he had torn through that hospital slaughtering anyone that he came across but he was too late. After practically burning down all of Salt Lake City, Joel banishes himself to a cabin in the middle of the woods. Resigned to his fate, his self imposed exile is soon interrupted when he finds you. Broken, starving, and on the brink of freezing to death, Joel has no choice but to let you into his life. With the winter winds in Montana being particularly piercing this season, he is forced to wait until the spring thaws the ground so that he can dump you on Tommy’s doorstep in Wyoming. Can he keep you at arm’s length until then? 
Warnings: Postoutbreak!Joel, mentions of child loss, mentions of religious trauma, brief mentions of Tommy and Maria, mentions of Tess, grieving Joel, Slow burn, eventual smut, eventual soft!Joel, A/B/O dynamics, unspecified age reader age (reader is in her mid-20s and Joel is 56), mentions of violence, Joel really needs a hug in this
A/N: This is my first fic so let me know what you guys think! I'm going to continue to put chapter warnings, both you and Joel are traumatized in this. This is going to be a bit of a slow-burn so strap in folks!
Chapter 1/20 - More to come!
Chapter 1: Withered and Gone
The thundering of his heart pounded in his ears, almost deafening him to the sound of each bullet that ripped into anyone in his way. Joel barely registered their deaths. If asked today he wouldn’t even be able to tell you how many people he slaughtered. Forty? Sixty? One hundred? He had no idea. Filled with a primal fear that pumped battery acid through his veins, he pressed on until he made it to the door.
That door. Joel hated that fucking door. He knew what he would find on the other side, he had seen it every other night for the last four years. Knowing didn’t change anything, it never did. Whether it was him cradling Sarah in his arms while screaming for Tommy and feeling her tiny body turn cold, or being confronted with Ellie’s skull cracked open while a stranger sliced through her brain, knowing didn’t make it better. 
Joel woke, as he did every night, with his heart slamming against his ribs and bile rising in his throat. His eyes were wild as he searched desperately for someone he would never have again, two someones that were gone forever. Nostrils flared, Joel huffed the stale air around him, searching haphazardly for the smell of strawberries and vanilla or cinnamon and ginger. For Sarah and Ellie, his pups. 
Joel was greeted with nothing but his own musk, the scent gone sour from the memories haunting his dreams. Running shaky hands over his flushed face, he cursed under his breath before getting up for the day. Knees popping and back twinging in protest, he forced himself into the tiny bathroom connected to his bedroom. Ignoring the weathered face in the mirror, Joel hauled himself into the shower and let the warm water soothe his tense muscles.
After Salt Lake City, Joel had resigned himself to living in the first dilapidated hunting cabin he could find in Montana. It was what he deserved after failing her. Again. He was a bad Alpha, an even worse father, he had let not one but TWO pups die under his care. Living out the rest of his days in some shithole was the least he could do. 
Having stumbled back to Wyoming, Joel reached Jackson and collapsed at the front gate. He remembers Tommy above him, trying and failing to shake him out of the daze he was in. He remembers the unfamiliar smells of the clinic, Tommy and Maria coming to see him. He remembers a beta doctor coming in to explain the lows he would experience in the coming months, being an alpha who had lost their pup.
As if he didn’t already know. 
Joel couldn’t stay there. He couldn’t stand the softness of the sheets, how Tommy looked at him with sorrow and Maria with guarded pity, how his innocent nephew looked up at him with Tommy’s eyes - the eyes that were the same as his, the same eyes he passed on to Sarah. It only got worse when he left the clinic. Walking through the streets of Jackson reminded him of Ellie. He had to restrain himself from burning the place to the ground. After turning quite a few heads in town with his bitter scent and chilling presence, Joel left quietly in the middle of the night. He left a note for Tommy with the patrol hanging around the front gate and departed for his exile. 
Sleepwalking through Wyoming, he finally made his way into Montana where he found the cabin. It must have been the treasure of some reclusive hunter, as it sat smack dead in the middle of the forest without a single road in sight for miles. The building was one story, with a slightly rotting front porch that was overhung by the tin roof. Black solar panels were clamped on the green tin roof, light reflecting against the glass and burning his eyes.
Joel approached it cautiously, pricking up his ears for any potential danger. Who would leave this oasis out here? Hearing nothing, he approached the log building and climbed the slightly softening stairs. Pushing open the door, he was greeted with nothing but dusty air. Taking one step into the room, he could tell nobody had been in this cabin for years. Dust covered the coffee table and moth eaten couch in the living room. Yellowing books lined the shelves and a taxidermied deer leered at him from the wall. 
Pushing forward, Joel found a puke green kitchen with a plethora of expired canned food and knitted dishcloths in a variety of bright colors. Next to that, a hallway that led him to a bathroom with a kitschy painting of a monkey in a wig brushing his teeth. Joel stared at it for a second, wondering who the hell would have bought something like that. Was he that type of person before the world went to shit? He couldn't remember. 
His tour of the house continued and he found two bedrooms. The first was a master suite with a large bed and a dust soaked brown comforter. He ignored the pictures that lined the walls and shifted through the dressers for anything useful. He found some pants and flannels around his size, as well as some smaller clothes that clearly belonged to a woman. Maybe the owner had a wife? Joel tsked at himself, he needed to remain focused on the task at hand. 
Joel dropped his bag, keeping his rifle notched against his shoulder as he approached the last door to the cabin. Surely if a clicker was going to jump out of him it would have already, but humans don’t typically alert their prey before pouncing in his experience. Joel didn’t smell anything as he approached the door but he remained tense. He didn’t trust his senses anymore. Hell, he hadn’t even smelled the Fireflies that approached him as he did compressions on Ellie after the tunnel. Years before that, he hadn’t noticed the soldier's scent sour after getting the orders that would kill Sarah. 
“Stupid, so fucking stupid, bad alpha, bad provider…”, he growled before shaking his head, trying to clear his mind of the poison that seeped into his soul with every waking moment of his miserable life. 
Half expecting (and half hoping) to be shot dead the second he enters the final room, Joel was greeted with a sight that punched him in the gut. He stumbled back a few steps before a wave of dizziness lurched him forward again. Ears ringing, he fell to his knees and let out a pained cry. 
The room was simple, with flowers painted lovingly on the walls and comic books stuffed into the tiny book shelf on the wall. Tears began to stream down his face as he shakily crawled forward. Joel grasped the only picture that sat on the peachy nightstand. Practically choking on his own cries, he dusted off the frame and looked at the picture. 
Two girls sat on the front porch. The girl on the left was tomboyish and silly, holding a fishing rod in one hand and throwing up the peace sign with the other. The other girl was softer, hands covered in paint and smiling wide while holding a painting of what looks to be a Disney princess. In another life, that could have been them; his pups, Ellie and Sarah.
“It’s not them, it’s not them, it’s n-not them,” he mumbled to himself, trying to ignore the similarities while his heart rate soared.
He could feel rage building up in his chest as he looked at the girls, his vision going blurry and his jaw popping with how hard he ground his teeth. 
“IT’S NOT FUCKING THEM!,” he yelled, launching the picture at the wall and shattering the frame. 
Joel stayed on the floor for hours before he collected himself, giving one last look to the room before closing it for good. This place would do fine, he decided. It was secluded enough to keep him in his solitary confinement. The cabin sat near a river with clean flowing water and had seeds and canned food in the cabinets. It even had a tomb for his dead girls to serve as a constant reminder of his failure. Scratch that, his failures. This would be where he spent the rest of his life. Alone, as it should be. 
For four years, Joel secluded himself in his cabin. The place had a few adjustments since then. The dust was shaken out of the blankets and the windows opened to wash out the dankness of the place. He had planted seeds and started a garden, put up traps around the area for meat, and even fixed the porch after he had almost fallen through it one morning.
Tommy found him a couple months after his arrival and he managed swindle his brother into helping him get the solar panels working so that he could have power. The younger Miller had lingered, trying to convince his brother to follow him back to a life in Jackson but Joel had just growled at the beta until he backed off. The only concession Joel agreed two was a meet up two times a year, once before winter hit in November and once again at the break of Spring in May. He knew Tommy just wanted to check in on him and as annoyed as he was, he also knew that it was the only way he could avoid the beta dragging him back to Jackson.
Jackson didn’t need the measly produce and game that Joel provided, Joel knew that. His brother needed proof that Joel was still breathing, and this was the only way Tommy knew he could get it. 
Joel’s head pounded at the thought of his idiot brother as he tried to rinse off the memories that plagued him. He stood under the scalding spray for a few more moments, willing himself to relax. He wondered briefly if it was his rut that was coming but he quickly brushed that off. He hadn’t had one of those since Tess was still alive. Whether it was stress or that he was aging way too fast, they had just stopped one day. Not that he minded, he hadn’t cared much for the monthly desperation and now he didn't think he deserved the pleasure a release would bring him.
Turning the valve, Joel stepped out of the shower and toweled off. His body was practically on auto pilot as he went through his routine of getting dressed. He crammed whatever food he could find into his mouth before putting on his boots and heading out to check the traps. 
The air was chilly as Joel stepped out. He quickly zipped his jacket while cursing the wind that bit into his wide frame. Joel stopped to look at the sky briefly and wondered if it would snow soon. A week into November and the temperatures had dropped drastically. He wondered if this winter would be as brutal as the last. One day he had not even been able to get out the front door with how much snow had come. After 24 hours, he had to literally dig himself out. 
Sighing, he headed into the trees surrounding the cabin. Every trap he crossed was empty, save for the last one near the river. That was usually the case, with animals that sought water easily getting snared in the wire. The trap held a good sized rabbit. He grinned as he thought about the stew that he would make with the gamey meat.  
“You’ll do just fine darling,” he drawled, releasing the snare from its neck before he shoved it in his pack. 
Joel turned, deciding to return to the cabin so that he could properly skin his new found treasure but something stopped him in his tracks. His spine straightened. Is that? No, it can't be. His nose lifted in the air, searching for something that could not possibly be true. That’s when he heard it. 
It was quiet. The noise barely carried over the wind and the river nearby but his ears zoned into it immediately. His instincts were trained for this. Joel waited a second. He was sure that he had finally lost it, but then he heard it again.
A whine. 
Not just any whine, no, this whine was high pitched and light. It floated on the cold air over to him and smacked him in the face. The scent of lavender and peppermint dizzied him and his heightened senses picked up another strangled whine. This whine had sweat forming on his brow and a need to protect tensing all the muscles in his legs. He was sure of it now. This was the whine of an omega. 
For a second Joel just stood there dumbfounded. What the fuck was an omega doing all the way out here? Were they alone? Did they need help? Were they hurt? If they are hurt then they need his help. He has to help, need to be good, need to protect, need to…
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Joel gritted out, rubbing his eyes as his headache worsened with every second he stood there. 
Another gust of cold wind brushed against his face and the sweet scent surrounded him again. He smelled the sharp note of panic in the aroma and his legs moved forward before his brain could process the action, his instincts taking over for him. Bounding through the trees, he ran towards the riverbank. His eyes wheeled around his surroundings, a gasp leaving his mouth as he spied a small lump near the rushing waters. Heart pounding in his ears, Joel raced towards it.
How long had you been lost? Weeks? A month? You didn’t even know anymore. You had been a part of a group of people, being the only survivors from a larger place that had been overrun by infected. After dodging infected and raiders for nearly a year, your luck had to ran out.
Your group had ran out of gas on some godforsaken backroad and were utterly stranded there. Hoping to find something in the small town - could you even call it a town? - your group had trudged into the small strip of dilapidated stores with one sorry looking gas station in the center. 
Everything had happened so fast. One moment you were outside the gas station watching a squirrel skitter up a tree near you, the next there were gunshots and screaming. Infected tore apart the face of your friend, an older omega named Miriam who had taken you under her wing, right in front of you. You remember screaming and immediately twenty dead faces turning in your direction. Miriam’s alpha, a soft yet stern woman named Rachel, had stepped in front of you cocking her gun. You whined and whimpered, legs shaking and scent downright acidic with terror as you cowered behind her. 
“Go Y/N,” Rachel yelled at you, squaring up as the runners and clickers darted towards her. 
You couldn't leave her. What would you do? Where would you go? Rarely had you ever been allowed to be alone and you never really wanted to be. Being an unclaimed omega in a lawless world meant that you had to stick to groups with those that would protect you, lest you become a raiding group's plaything.
Rachel pushed you back and started firing. Whining behind her, you tried to pull her towards the guard rail. You needed her, how would you survive alone?
“GET OUT OF HERE OMEGA!,” Rachel boomed. 
That flipped a switch in you. It was a biological kick in the ass that had you turning and sprinting across the road. Jumping over the guardrail, you looked back over your shoulder and saw Rachel slicing through the advancing dead. With her emptied gun somewhere on the ground behind her, you watched as a clicker launched itself at her and tore into her flesh. 
With Rachel’s last instructions to you bouncing off the walls of your now empty brain, you turned and sprinted into the forest. Passing nothing but trees, you ran until you were gagged and retched. Your chest was practically on the verge of exploding by the time you stopped and your legs gave out. Collapsing on to the cold ground, you laid beneath the foliage and drifted. 
That had been weeks ago, or months, you weren’t sure at this point. It’s not like keeping a calendar was on your mind. Plus, your heats had stopped from the starvation your group had faced for the past year. You tried counting how many days you had been lost by the nights but soon, with only a bag of granola in your pack and bottle of water depleted, the days and nights had blurred together.
This was how you were going to die. You felt like laughing and crying at the same time. You had been young when the virus hit, maybe 5 years old, and had watched it pick off every member of your family until it was just you and your mother. Your mother had been kind once, you think, but aren’t entirely sure if that was true or wishful thinking. 
A fairytale made up by a lonely child in a dying world perhaps?
You shook your head. No, she had sung songs to you at one point but that was before. After the infection, after your father died, she had kept you safe while bouncing around QZs in search of some sort of safe haven. That was until she met Josiah, a preacher that took you both into his group and quickly became your stepfather. 
You had tried to like him. He seemed sweet at first, giving candies to you and the other children at camp, offering to teach you how to tend to the garden, bringing you a pair of pink shoes that you were so excited to have that your mother pinched your arm just to get you to stop squealing. However, things shifted after your mother and you got more comfortable in town. It became clear that worshipping was the only way that Josiah would let you stay.
Your mother followed along, biting her cheeks and dragging you with her to bible studies and all night prayer services that bruised your knees. But you could tell that she hated every second of it. You could feel it in the way she wrenched you forward everytime you protested going to the services that you hated. You had been to religious services briefly before the outbreak, your mom taking you to Catholic mass once for Christmas eve and your father taking you to celebrate Purim at the local synagogue, but you were way too young to really understand the meaning of any of it. By the time Josiah came around, those memories were barely a whisper in your brain. 
Things got worse from there. Josiah became the centerpiece for the group and everyone bowed to his every decree. The alphas were at the top of the pecking order, never to be questioned especially by an omega. Omegas were to be demure, quiet, dutiful, and were meant to be completely under the coverture of their alpha. Betas were given slightly more leeway than omegas, but would never be in a leadership position at camp and would only be allowed to mate with other betas. Anyone breaking the strict biological guidelines were brutally punished. The methods were downright inhumane depending on Josiah’s mood or the level of perceived “heresy.” 
You prayed for years under Josiah’s tyranny that you would present as a beta. Sure, you would never lead like an alpha but that never appealed to you anyways. You were caring and you wanted to help people. Plus, maybe if you were a beta they would let you become a doctor. The majority of the group were also betas and many were your age. Being a beta would mean that when the time came, you would have more than enough people to choose from for mating. 
Much to your dismay, you presented as an omega and everything got worse. You didn’t have many friends, mainly Jake and the ladies that lived next door; Miriam and Rachel, but now you were stuck inside the house. Josiah wanted to keep you from sin, so he locked you away “for your own good.” You were forced to dress more conservatively, to eat less to maintain your figure, to pray more, to upkeep the house, to never look an alpha in the eye, etc. All the while, inside the house, you tiptoed around the rage of your dulled mother and the leers that your stepfather gave your developing figure. 
By the time the infected had overwhelmed the dinky gate that protected your community, you had already been planning on escaping for months. Leaping into a car with Miriam, Rachel, Jake, and a few others, calmness washed over you amidst the destruction. You knew that your mother was probably dead, and you had seen your stepfather get his head ripped clean off of shoulders by a massive clicker, but you didn’t feel anything but relief.
The year after you left, although it was hard with the constant running and fighting, was actually the best year of your life. Nobody expected you to be anything, nobody pinched you, nobody made you pray, nobody smacked you if you made eye contact. You were just you. 
“And now look at you,” you chuckled, “stumbling through the woods with no fucking idea where you are going.”
If you didn't find shelter soon, you knew that you would die. You needed to eat, to rest. There was no way you would last another night in the forest.
Your stomach growled violently, practically shaking your frame with the force. You lifted your nose in the air, searching for a whiff of anything. At this point, you were open to eating a squirrel. You shambled through the trees for hours, vision blacking out around the edges as you tried to find any trace of sustenance. Then you heard it: the loud roar of flowing water nearby. 
A new sense of urgency pierced through the delirium and you staggered through the vegetation. The urgency made you clumsy and you faceplanted on the rocky bank. A small whine escaped your mouth as you hauled yourself up onto your hands and knees. Your palms smeared blood across the rocks as you crawled towards the water. Dizziness scrambled your thoughts but you pushed through with your heart leaping in your chest and eyes bleary. Faltering as a wave of nausea and dizziness rocked into you, you lost your balance and crumpled just a few inches from the water.
You whined again, louder this time. Frustration welled up in your chest with your goal so close, yet so far away. As you laid there, contemplating whether or not it would be easier just to give in and die, a breeze came from the trees and carried over the most delicious scent that has ever graced your nostrils.
The smell of sandalwood and bergamot glided over the air and wrapped itself around your senses. You felt your body immediately sag along the shore, your eyelids drooping as a feeling of peace overwhelmed you. You weren't sure what was happening, having never felt this calm in your entire life but you didn't question it and gave in to the peace.
You didn't even flinch when you felt a pair of strong arms turn you over and lift you into the air. The comforting aroma coated the back of your throat and warmed the tips of your fingers, making you snuggle into the warmth pressed against you. You rubbed your face into the source as you felt yourself being whisked away.
A soft hum came from your carrier and you heard a deep comforting voice say, “It’s okay omega, I’ve got you. Not gonna let anything happen to ya darling.” 
You had never fallen asleep so quickly in your entire life.
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greycaelum · 1 year
Hi! Could you maybe make something protective Satoru-like? Maybe the reader is bothered by some drunken while coming back home?
Overall just angsty-fluff with comfort. Your style of writing is really to my liking and I've been thinking of taking a request for a while. I hope its not too much ❤️
Kaleidoscope Series—Love Me Now, Love Me Never Chapters: { Tipsy }
—Gojo Satoru X Sorcerer Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
"You sure you don't need me to drive and pick you up later? It's a den full of wolves." Satoru crossed his arms, leaning on the doorframe as he watch you wear the Jimmy Choo black pumps fitting your Friday night fashion for a girl's night out. "Satoru, baby. You don't know how to drive." You looked at him and sighed. "Y'know I don't need to drive, I can just whisk you away in a second back to bed!" He gasps dramatically and argued.
𑁍 Genre: mild angst to comfort, sfw (mild suggestive content)
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.3k)—/ alcohol, suggestive violence (not towards reader), the reader being bothered in the club—/
𑁍 A/N: Hi sweetheart, I hope you like this one. Drunk trope isn't my forte but it was fun writing this, better late than never —Grey,
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Having a Gojo Satoru as a boyfriend means there's often a 6'3 giant lurking around you. Or if he's unavailable, undoubtedly one of his subordinates is tailing you in the shadows. It's a compromise you both reached knowing your lover has many enemies and it's for your protection too. Satoru won't take it kindly if ever something to you. He will lose it.
"You sure you don't need me to drive and pick you up later? It's a den full of wolves." Satoru crossed his arms, leaning on the doorframe as he watch you wear the Jimmy Choo black pumps fitting your Friday night fashion for a girl's night out.
"Satoru, baby. You don't know how to drive." You looked at him and sighed.
"Y'know I don't need to drive, I can just whisk you away in a second back to bed!" He gasps dramatically and argued.
You giggled and threw your arms around Satoru's neck. Satoru won't have to admit it, but you have him wrapped around your finger.
"Call me when you wanna come home, 'kay?"
That was the plan... Until Utahime started wailing about still having no prospects for marriage even at her age. Shoko is too busy having a drinking contest with herself and you... well, Satoru's lightweight tendencies must be rubbing on you. Just one glass of margarita and you can tell that you are already tipsy, two more shots and you knew that was enough for tonight.
"Mei-san can I leave the two of them to you? I'll go home, I'm feeling a little lightheaded."
"I don't mind. Should I call Gojo for you?"
"No need, I'll call him. See you around Mei-san."
You made your way through the bar. It's so loud with the full-blast speaker and people dancing on the stage, some are getting a little more frisky in the open.
Did Satoru also go through this kind as a teen? You know he doesn't drink but did he ever go to a bar too? Did he also make out with some random girls and do the deed? Did he also—?
The dark thoughts are suddenly attacking you from all directions.
"Hey Miss, you look so lonely, care to spend some time with me?" A tall guy approached you, just from his scent you could tell he was wasted.
"No, I'm on my way home. Don't bother me." You stumbled a little but managed to grab onto the nearest wall to support yourself. Damn, maybe you should've stayed home instead.
"Awee c'mon, going home?" hiccup "Your cat at home got no tuna or somethin'?"
Fuck, the liquor in your veins is starting to get dizzying.
"Her cat is actually a territorial one. Now, fuck off from my woman."
The familiar cool spicy scent overpowered the bitter taste of liquor surrounding you, your body collided with a hard chest and a hand over your shoulder guided you close to his side.
"Hey, hold on to me alright pretty girl? 'M gonna get us home in a second."
True to his words, you feel the ground melting from your feet and in a second landed back on the floor of your home. There's a faint aroma of the chicken noodles you love.
"Satoru..." A small whine like a child escaped your sealed lips. You don't have the energy to wash up or even take off your clothes. You just brought up your arms asking for a carry.
"Y'know, you're too spoiled." Satoru sighed and hugged you while your feet clumsily took off your black pumps and left them there.
Satoru watch his girl act like a baby, whiny and more needy than usual as he carried her to the sofa and brought the warm mug of noodle soup to her hands.
"I told you to call me. What if I didn't come?"
Satoru helps you take off your makeup and at the back, he's running the water in the tub for you. He wants to scold you but the sight of your hazy eyes and flush cheeks will only evoke something else other than anger in him.
"Liar..." You slurred. "You always come even if I don't call..."
It's the perks of having a sober man who is too protective to let you go in a den of wolves as he would often phrase it, and yet still supportive enough to let you go on a girl's night out.
You don't wanna get used to him being a superman in your life but he does show up at the split second before the pinch. And you can't help but be complacent at the thought Satoru will always be there to catch you. Selfish... You silently berated yourself and finished the second mug of soup.
You stared at Satoru who is now drying your hair after a quick bath you had. The thoughts from earlier came running back to you.
Satoru set down the blower and that's when you turn around and crawled between his legs, your noses hit as you took his glasses down and stare into his cerulean orbs.
"Babe... wanna get frisky with me?"
"B-Baby?" Satoru uncharacteristically stuttered at the sudden aggressiveness, but he easily recovered and look down at your plump lips that seems to invite him to take a bite.
"Uhmp!" You gasped and felt yourself being rolled into a burrito roll towards your side of the bed and Satoru patting your head before he drop a kiss on your forehead.
"Ask that question again when your sober, you drunkard." Satoru chuckled at your pout and frown.
"'m not a drunkard! Satoru you coward!" But no matter how you spite him Satoru merely shrugs and gently pats you to sleep.
He watches you murmur empty threats with that feisty mouth towards him while he hums and lets you tire yourself out with the liquor in your veins still making your thoughts fuzzy. He thinks you're really cute when you're drunk, and if he was a lesser man he doubts he'll have the strength not to rail you all night.
But Satoru doesn't like the thought of doing it when you're barely sober to give him decent permission. So he painfully stuffs a pillow between the two of you while you're rolled in the blanket as he shushes you to sleep.
The next day, you woke up almost rolling down the bed to free yourself from the blanket. Satoru was already downstairs. He looks at you with a knowing smirk as you approach him for a morning hug and kiss.
"Hey, ask me the question again, Baby." Satoru hugged you as if he could press you any closer to him when even a thread can't pass between the two of you.
You could feel the fast beating of his heart against your chest.
"... What question 'Toru?" You pat his back and look at him. Did you ask something weird last night?
"..." Satoru stopped swaying you and frowns before running his hand over his face.
"Eh? Did I do something while I'm drunk?" What's with his reaction? You tried going back to your memory but you can't remember anything more than him giving you chicken noodle soup.
"This is why I don't drink." Satoru huffs and pouts at you. You're hopeless when you're drunk. Satoru looks at your (his) clothes. His shirt looks oversized in your frame running down to your mid-thighs while your hair falls freely to your back, your legs are in his full view, plump and full to his touch while you wiggle your bare toes in the warm insulated flooring.
"Hey Baby... wanna get frisky with me?" He rasped, tipsy with you.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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quinloki · 1 month
would you?!
Fic authors self rec! When you receive this, reply with favorite five fics you've written (include links, and if you want- a few thoughts about each one), then pass on to at least five other writers if you're up for it. Spread the self-love ✨
If you don't, I'll just... I'll just... well I won't do a thing but please?!
many fist pumps,
▲ I'm a symbol now
\o/ Tri, my sweet friend, you are - if anything - a symbol of good cheer =D ♥
Let's see, five favorite fics I've written. That's much easier than trying to pick just one ^_^
Birds of a Feather Marco/Reader ( tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - This is my most recently completed fic, at least at the time of this post, but I love it so much. My passion for Marco feels like it came out of nowhere and has made itself reigning champion in my thoughts. But a story I expected to be relatively short, ended up almost twice as long as I expected, and it was so easy. It was fun to write, and I think it goes down smooth, despite being nearly 90k words people consistently devour it in a single sitting.
Quicksand Sir Crocodile/Reader ( tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - Not sure if you're a fan of the sandy crocodile-themed warlord? Tread carefully, reading this title is statistically likely to convert you. Quicksand has an alternative ending because the story was originally intended to be a very dark Yandere - to the point that Doflamingo would've been the "good" guy. That's not how things went, and I'm quite glad for it. Quicksand going its own direction is what helped seal the deal in creating the Tales of the Grandline Metropolis, which is currently 3.8 completed stories. (it'll be at least 8 before it's done).
A Light Touch Eustass Kid/Reader ( Ao3 / Wattpad ) - My first Eustass Kid/Reader story. Set in the same AU as Quicksand, it was started from a pun, of all things. I figured Kid would be fancy tech stuff like neural-linked prosthetics, and the idea that would make a prosthetic for the reader after they lost a hand was something I wanted to write. Creating something like that would take a light touch, and if it glowed, that would be a different kind of light touch and getting close to Kid requires a light-- you get the point. Like I said, it's all based off a pun, but I'm really proud of the story, it's one of my favorite re-reads.
Some Direction Zoro/Reader (tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - A Modern AU where the government mandates who you marry. I have to give thanks to @lyndsyh24 for not only inspiring me to write this one (start to finish in a single month, I was obsessed!) but also for allowing my to play in the AU she'd built up. From Matchbook to the laws themselves, it's all thanks to Lyn. Zoro started out as one of my favorite characters in the series - I still have love for him, and I'm always happy to write him, but he's taken a bit of a back seat to my top three. Still Some Direction is a story I'm really proud of - even if I worry there'll be a mob after me for who the antagonist is 😅
Family Ties Doflamingo/Reader ( Ao3 / Wattpad ) - I was torn on this last choice - even with five slots it's hard to decide between stories I suppose ^^; Also, oops, apparently I only put the first ten chapters on tumblr... I need to fix that >.> Ahem, anyway, Family Ties is the first fic I wrote after over ten years of not writing at all. It's my first reader insert, my first true multi-chapter too. When I wrote it, it was the longest fic I'd written by nearly 50k words. I wrote it because I wanted a more morally ambiguous reader compared to what I'd been reading. It's not a dark fic though, it's pretty tooth-achingly sweet, honestly, but it's currently the only fic I have where the reader is a murderer in a very undisputed and direct manner.
Honorable mention I almost posted as piece 5 - The Dragon's Clause - my Sabo/Reader Noble/Fantasy/Magic AU, and also the only title I mention that's incomplete. But it's a an ode to my favorite genre, and a great many of my favorite tropes.
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a-killer-obsession · 5 days
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 51 - Udon, Again
Stupid ass Kid. Time for Plan B.
Word Count: ~3k
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You felt like absolute fucking trash when you finally woke up. Between your injury from Kid, sleeping on the floor, and hours of sobbing yesterday leaving you dehydrated, you felt like you'd been hit by a meteor, rolled up like a carpet and tossed into the sea. Waking up alone was hard, harder that it had been in weeks. For the first time in your life you were truly independent, and it was hard to accept that right now you didn't even have a crew. It was just you, by yourself, just hoping like hell that you could find a way to get to Heat before it was too late, if he was even still alive.
You lifted your shirt to examine your stomach, frowning at the deep purple bruise that was already forming, in the perfect shape of Kid's fist. Well, at least he'd used his flesh arm. You'd never have imagined he would lay hands on you - you understood it was a high stress situation, but that didn't make it okay. You weren't sure you'd ever forgive him for that, and you had a feeling if Killer came to his senses and saw the injury that it wouldn't bode well for Kid. Even Heat might turn to violence if he saw the bruise. The two of them were possessive of you, but the question was if they were possessive enough to go against their captain. You had no doubt Heat at least would leave the crew for you, but whether he'd physically fight Kid was another thing altogether. Kid was stronger than him though, so you hoped he wouldn't fight on your behalf.
Below your bruise was the fading scar of your hysterectomy, and your heart hurt thinking about Dawn, so far away. You hoped she was doing okay, and that she was too small to truly miss you. Above all you hoped you'd see her again soon, you missed her greatly, and you were getting really sick of making your hands hurt by expressing milk with the manual pump. You felt awful for leaving her, but you had to remind yourself that it wasn't forever, and it was for the best. You had to bring at least one dad home, or you didn't know how you could keep going on your own. You weren't suited to being a single mother, you didn't feel strong enough, not after everything you'd been through.
You let yourself lay back down, curling into a tight ball with a whimper, thinking about Killer and Heat and Dawn and missing them all greatly. It didn't matter that you technically saw Killer yesterday. That wasn't him, that was some other guy who had taken his body without permission, you just had to kick him out. You just wished there was something, anything, you could do to know whether Heat was alive. Not knowing was ripping you apart, every time you thought about it you felt like you couldn't breathe. You could at least hold faith that if he was dead, maybe you would have seen his ghost by now, because surely he would be searching for you. You saw many ghosts in Wano, those who had died suffering under Kaido's rule, but thankfully none you recognised.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, trying to soothe your searing headache. Rummaging through your duffle there was barely anything left, just a single bottle of water and a few apples. You could go without tomorrow, as long as you got the information you needed out of Killer, and once you got back to the capital you could steal more. You chugged the water greedily, hoping it would help your headache, and ate both apples before dealing with your heavy breasts. You drank that too, there was no point wasting it and you needed all the carbs you could get until you got back to the capital. At least your bag was light now, only containing the manual pump, a small med kit, and a map. You slung it over your shoulder and put your mask in place on your head, giving the shack one last look to ensure you didn't forget anything before making your way to Udon.
Your plan was just to cloak yourself and find Killer. Nobody would see you, but he would know you were there because of his haki, and you hoped you could get information out of him before he gave you away. All you needed was a location for where the rest of the crew were being kept, then you could be gone. You just hoped you wouldn't need to use pain to get the information out of him. There were things your devil fruit could do if you needed it, to inflict pain that would bring any man to their knees until he gave up the intel. It was a horrible thought, but you were desperate to get Heat back, and at this point Killer felt like a lost cause. You couldn't convince him to come back to himself last time, and if Kid couldn't either then who could? If he ever did come back to himself, he would forgive you for doing what you needed to do to get the rest of the crew back.
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Udon was in chaos as you arrived. You scaled the walls as you had before, perching at the top of the innermost wall to take stock of the situation. Some sort of samurai match was taking place between Luffy and an absolute circle of a man you would find out later was named Queen, one of Kaido's top men. Kid and Killer were being hung upside down over a large pool of water, and you could hear Kid yelling at Killer, who ignored him and merely laughing maniacally in return. No, not Killer - Kamazo. It was clear he wasn't himself, and gave no heed to Kid's desperate yelling for him to remember who he was. This was no good, there was no way for you to get the information you needed out of him like this, when they were so exposed out in the open. Weirdest of all though was that you swore you saw Big Mom at the gate on your way here. Surely you were mistaken, though there had been that article in the newspaper about Big Mom and Kaido that you hadn't been able to read, right before arriving in Wano. Maybe it was something to do with that?
You swore to yourself as Kid and Kamazo were lowered head first into the water. You really didn't want to help Kid right now, but you couldn't just let him die, right? As for Kamazo, whether or not he had stolen Killer's body, you needed him alive for information. God fucking dammit. It took significant concentration, given the distance, but you were able to form a small circular barrier around each of their heads, ensuring they had at least some oxygen. It wouldn't last them forever, but it was better than nothing, especially as the water weakened both of them. There wasn't much else you could do right now, but it didn't matter, because other things were already at work here.
Big Mom broke down the outermost gate, and you saw the mangled metal soar through the air as she threw it. All hell broke loose as the guards within Udon focused their attention on the invader, Kid and Kamazo entirely forgotten. You had a feeling the guards didn't realise who they were dealing with, as a loudspeaker sang out over the prison, “The intruder has broken through the second gate! Now approaching the third gate!”
She broke through the innermost gate to the courtyard you could see best, screaming about red bean soup. Queen turned into some sort of long-necked dinosaur and began fighting back to no avail, Big Mom easily grappling his head and slamming it down. He slapped his tail against the ground in anger, jumping into the air and diving down at great speed to make his attack. Big Mom countered, grabbing him by his long neck, swinging him in circles until every bystander was dizzy from watching, and throwing him at one of Udon's great walls with a deafening crack, the tower he hit tilting and threatening to collapse. You understood well why she was an emperor, Queen was one of Kaido's top men, and yet she'd taken him down without even using her devil fruit. You shivered to think how strong Kaido must be as well.
The tank of water containing Kid and Kamazo broke apart, the scaffolding that held their chains breaking with it and dumping them on the ground with a gush of water. Luffy and Big Mom began fighting as the Beast Pirates scurried to evacuate, and an explosion blew out from the fight, prompting you to form a shield of air pressure to protect Kid and Kamazo, on instinct alone, making you grumble in annoyance as you registered what you'd done. Still invisible, Kamazo sensed you were there, laughing as he stared right at you from your perch on top of the wall, making you unsettled, while Kid was too distracted right now to focus his haki, his head moving every which way trying to figure out where the fuck you were. It was clear you were somewhere, he just couldn't figure it out, and he looked pissed.
A short man with a large head threw the pair a set of keys, and you realised at that point that you were no longer needed here. As soon as Kid could get his seastone off, he could escape with Kamazo on his own, if he didn't kill Kid first. Exasperated and annoyed that you'd protected Kid, you left. You didn't want to be around when he got out, because frankly you didn't want to talk to him. Angry that your plan to get information had failed, you fled back towards the rundown shack. You'd have to find a new way to get that information. Surely Kid would drag Kamazo somewhere, likely nearby since he knew of the area. You could wait till he left Kamazo unattended, or eavesdrop as he got the information out of Kamazo himself, then go to free Heat before Kid even had a chance to get there. You had to get to him first, because you had no doubt Kid would sprout lies to Heat about the nature of your leaving, and you might never see him again. He may even go after Dawn, being that you'd shown Kid on the map where she was being kept. You'd told him as a backup, in case something happened to you, but now you regretted that choice. Then again, you never thought Kid would hurt you like he had.
You stood at the entrance to the ruined building, deciding instead that it would be better to find a different place to hide, since Kid knew this spot. It was the only shelter he knew of, so he would no doubt come here. It took a while, but eventually you were able to find another half destroyed building with a single intact room to shelter in. You slumped down in the corner, exhausted, exasperated and frustrated, with nothing to do except wait for Kid to get to the town and drop his guard so you could interrogate Kamazo. If Kid even managed to get him here at all. You had your doubts, you knew you were capable of disabling him, but Kid and Killer had always been equal in strength, and while Kamazo was a sloppier fighter, he had the edge of wearing Kid's best friend's face - you didn't know if Kid had it in him to truly fight him if it came to it.
You couldn't care less right now if Kamazo won the fight, you'd just had to accept Killer was gone if it came to that. You could probably capture him on your own, long enough to get information, but you wouldn't be able to keep him. Another encounter with Kamazo would no doubt end in one of your deaths, and it couldn't be yours, Dawn still needed you. Killer would understand. However, if Kid won, well that was an issue. Kamazo was your only lead to finding Heat, and he was stupid enough to destroy that lead without thinking if he got into a serious fight with the assassin.
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Elsewhere, Kid made his way in the general direction where he remembered the abandoned town to be, followed closely by an eerily quiet Killer. The fog in the blonde's mind from the last several weeks was finally clearing, and he felt ashamed of himself. Not to mention that now that he was in his right mind, he was overly aware of his exposed smile, and the uncontrollable laughter that came whenever he spoke. There wasn't much he could say anyway, he felt deeply embarrassed that he'd lost himself, that he'd been out of prison and yet had done nothing to help his crew, that he hadn't recognised his best friend, that he'd attacked you. There was tension in the air as he walked behind Kid. He wished the captain would just turn around and yell at him already, punish him for his insubordination, so he could at least feel a little like he'd gotten what he deserved. Kid hadn't spoken to him since leaving Udon, and he wondered if his betrayal was so great that the redhead would never forgive him.
The two remained silent as they walked through the streets of the ruined village, the only sounds being that of dirt crunching underfoot, and the various wildlife that had reclaimed the area. Kid grumbled to himself as he tried to remember exactly where the shack you'd taken him to was, since there was a significant lack of buildings still standing enough to serve as shelter. After circling several blocks, he finally found it, sitting down with a huff inside, watching Killer warily as the first mate entered behind him and sat a little ways away. A rogue bout of laughter escaped him from the stress of the tense situation, and he failed to muffle it with his hand. Defeated, Killer pulled his knees to his chest and let his head fall against them with a groan, his kimono falling open either side of his legs.
“Yin um… said about the SMILE fruit shit,” Kid finally broke the silence, “you… you okay?”
“Not really,” Killer laughed. He was so anxious that the laugh may have been real, he couldn't really tell.
“Right,” Kid replied, emphasising the ‘t’ with a pop, “of course you're not okay. Sorry.”
“It's not your fault,” Killer sighed, trying his best to look at Kid, but unable to keep eye contact when he felt so exposed.
“It kinda is though,” Kid grumbled, “it's my alliance bullshit that got us here.”
“It was Scratchmen that got us here,” Killer corrected, “and fucking Kaido.” Killer paused, looking around the small room with a realisation. “Where's Yin?”
“Scared her off,” Kid mumbled under his breath. Killer's heart hurt, remembering how he'd attacked you.
“I don't blame her,” Killer sighed, burying his face in his knees again, “I must have fucked her up pretty bad when I attacked her, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa.”
“She's not scared of you,” Kid huffed, “she knew you weren't yourself. It's me she's scared of.” Killer's head perked up, looking discerningly at the captain who reeked of guilt.
“Kid,” Killer said sternly, “what did you do?”
“You really don't know?” Kid replied, “you were there.”
“My memory is patchy,” Killer sighed, “what did you do to piss her off? I know she was at Udon, so why is she not here?”
“Look, I was angry, okay?” Kid tried to justify himself, “I didn't mean to!”
“Kid.” Killer snapped. Kid shivered, it was the same tone Killer used when they were young and Kid was in trouble.
“I may or may not have yelled at her when she tried to stop me from inevitably getting shot and captured,” Kid wouldn't look Killer in the eye, not knowing how he would react to the next part, “and then… I may have punched her in the gut. And she may have told me to go fuck myself and quit the crew. Wait, no, that was before I punched her.”
“Kid!!” Killer shouted, “What the hell is wrong with you! It took months to get her to trust you and you just go and throw that all away? What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“I fucked up okay?!” Kid yelled back, “you know what I'm like when I'm stressed!”
“That's no excuse for punching a woman!” Killer yelled back, “especially not when that woman is your best friend's girl! You're fucking lucky I don't have the energy right now to beat the shit out of you.”
“I'll take a raincheck,” Kid sighed, “it's the least I deserve.”
“Do you know where she would go?” Killer asked as he stood. It was clear you needed him right now more than Kid did, he had to find you, make sure you were okay, and make sure you knew he was sorry for hurting you.
“There's not many places she could get to without resting first,” Kid grumbled, “she's probably nearby. In another house or some shit. Where are you going?”
“To find her, dumbass,” Killer snapped, before choking on a string of laughter. He shook his head as he composed himself, “Stay here, I'll find her and come back tomorrow so we can all go find our crew, together. And for fucksake don't draw attention to yourself, in fact don't fucking leave this room.”
“Fine, whatever,” Kid grumbled as Killer left to find you. He curled in on himself as soon as Killer was out of sight. You were right, things had changed; if Killer had to pick between the two of you, Kid was no longer his first choice.
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[NEXT CHAPTER] - link soon
HIATUS NOTICE - Wavelengths will be on hiatus for at most a couple of months while I deal with irl chaos. There's only a few chapters left so my plan is to release them all at once over a week, I hope you all look forward it ❤️
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Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055 @eyes-ofhell @luvnisstuff
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melswifeasf · 2 years
Find my way back to you pt 3
previous chapter || next chapter || series page
Pairing: Samantha Carpenter x Fem!OC
Summary: Sam comes back after five years.
Warnings: none.
notes: are you guys enjoying this series? should i keep writing?
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the beeping sound of Tara’s heart monitor could be heard throughout the room. it had been a day since the incident and Tara was out of surgery. she had already made her statement an hour ago and ended up falling asleep again with all the drugs they were pumping her with. Estelle hadn’t gotten the chance to speak to her, she had been making her own statement and Judy had forced her to go home so she could take a shower and take off her uniform seeing as she hadn’t left the hospital since Tara was admitted.
honestly, Estelle didn’t have the energy to go home and do quite literally anything but Judy left her with no choice.
she didn’t take long, just took a quick shower and took an hour nap. it’s not like she could sleep, every time she closed her eyes she could only see that stupid mask.
Estelle had a redbull in hand as she walked into the room. she had her hair down, slight waves tumbling down her shoulders. she was out of uniform for the first time in hours, wearing a simple black shirt that was tucked into her blue jeans and a black bomber jacket on top. funny how Estelle would never wear such a thing in her teen years and yet now it’s most of what her wardrobe consisted of. it’s not like she had much time to have a life outside of work, not because she was forced to work extreme hours but because she had no idea how to live anymore.
pathetic how one single person can change an entire persons whole universe. even more pathetic considering they were only high school loves, the ones people always say don’t last. they were right.
at the sound of the door opening Tara looked toward it. her eyes landed on Estelle who had her drink in one hand and a bag of chips in another, a slight almost sad smile on her lips.
“i got your favorite” Estelle said as she held up the bag of sour cream and onion chips. Tara smiles softly in appreciation.
“thanks” she said lowly. Estelle approached her and handed her the chips which the teen girl gladly accepted.
there’s a beat of silence as Estelle takes a seat on the empty chair beside Tara’s bed. the younger girl placed the bag of chips on the table beside her whilst Estelle watched her intently. that night she hadnt realized all the injuries the girl was left with. she only remembers having seen the gash on her stomach and her leg being broken. now she knew about the hand and the many stabs that were spread around her body.
the idea alone made Estelle’s mouth run dry and tears begin to prick at her eyes but she quickly blinked them away.
“how’re you feeling? like, physically?” Estelle asked already knowing how the girl must be feeling emotionally, asking would be a waste of words.
Tara shrugged with a ghost of a smile on her lips, “i’m on all kind of drugs so i can’t really feel anything” she said honestly making Estelle chuckle.
“figures” she mutters as Tara breathes out a laugh. they fall silent once more as Estelle looks down at her fidgeting hands.
“i-..” she clears her throat softly, “i’m so sorry Tara” she said lowly her eyes not leaving her hands as tears burn in her eyes. she didn’t want to be the one crying, she had no right to, not after what Tara went through and yet here she was, not able to contain the burning tears beginning to fall.
Tara’s own eyes began to shine as she shook her head, “no” she whispered, “it’s not your fault”
“i should’ve been there sooner” Estelle said finally meeting her eyes, “i should’ve been closer. i should’ve installed a better security system. fuck, i should’ve shot them right through their fucking head” she shook her head and sniffled softly.
Tara held her healthy hand out making Estelle look at it, it took her a second before she placed her left hand on top of it. “it’s not your fault” Tara said firmly even with the tears in her eyes, “you never could’ve known this was going to happen. you did everything you could and i’m so thankful you were there” the young girl cried.
Estelle stood up from the chair and sat on the bed, wrapping her arms around Tara carefully so she wouldn’t accidentally hurt her.
Sam left five years ago, taking Estelle’s heart in the process but she left behind the girl who needed her most. the girl who had to learn how to make her own food, to get over her fear of the dark and learn how to make it seem like she wasn’t home alone practically everyday.
Estelle vowed to protect Tara like she wasn’t able to protect Elias.
Estelle had texted Amber per Tara’s requests to let her and the rest of her friends know that she was awake. Amber was the first to arrive followed by Wes then the twins. they all began to rant about how they couldn’t believe it was really happening and how glad they were Tara was okay as soon as they stepped into the room which cause Estelle to look at them in slight amusement.
she never really understood how they were all friends, they were all extremely different. she knew Amber and Tara were practically best friends - although Estelle always had her suspicions when it came to the two. Amber was always very possessive toward Tara and Tara never really seemed to mind that. but when it came to Wes and the twins, she didn’t really understand that part. she liked them all, maybe Wes a little less because he was just.. weird.
an hour later, after the group of friends got comfortable in their seats and did their best in trying to reassure the tara she was going to be fine, the door to their room opened, and Tara's sister appeared on the other side.
Estelles eyes snapped toward her as she leaned against the wall. her posture stiffened immediately and she pushed herself off of it slowly, her smile leaving her lips in a millisecond and instead is morphed into an emotionless expression.
her heart skipped, stopped and almost as if she had been revived it started hammering in her chest rapidly. she could feel her ears pulse and her hands begin to sweat as an extreme heat overtook her body. she could feel eyes on her but she didn’t look at anyone except the girl that just walked in.
she was hesitant to come in, only taking small steps as she looked around at the teens she used to take care of. her eyes stopped on Estelle longer than they had the rest but she tried to cover it up as her eyes locked with her sisters, the shyness went away and she crouched down beside her, softly setting her hand on Tara's shoulder and asking, "how are you feeling?"
if the sight of her pale sister who looked like she was in a state between life and death didn't hurt her enough, the words she threw at her were heart wrenching because of the doubtfulness in her voice, "you came."
Sam's escape from Woodsboro had lasted so long that it left her sister doubting she would even show up after she had been hurt, and the realization of that hurt Sam a lot because she never meant for the strand between her sister and herself to get to a point of no return.
"of course I came." Sam spoke softly, trying to lessen any doubts Tara might be feeling of how much she loved her. "this is my boyfriend, Richie." she said and as she turned to face her boyfriend her eyes met Estelle’s no longer than a second before she faced her boyfriend and stood up.
the man wasted no second in jumping into the conversation, “It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry if I'm intruding."
Tara too looked at Estelle before she ran her eyes across the man she had no intention of ever meeting, but knowing he was supposedly Sam's boyfriend, she decided to give him a polite smile and said, "nice to meet you, too."
everyone else in the room was looking between the exes and the tension was beginning to suffocate Estelle. every single muscle in her body felt like a rock and there was a huge knot in her throat that made it hard to swallow and the weight on her chest wasn’t helping her breathing either.
she wouldn’t left already if she knew it wouldn’t get everyone’s attention but she knew it would and Sam was near the door.
for the first time since the two had met, Estelle felt like an outsider in Sams life. hell, she felt like an outside in the room. she knew she didn’t belong and yet there she was.
Sam looked different, her hair had blonde highlights and she looked more mature. her face had defined itself and her body looked more mature now.
this wasn’t Sam Carpenter, the girl Estelle fell in love with. this was someone else and it felt like a fucking bullet to Estelle’s heart.
Sam had met every single one of the teens in the room a long time ago when she needed a few extra bucks and decided to babysit a few of them, so she went around the room and gave them a hug as she greeted them. she stayed near Wes longer than the others, softly thanking him for calling her and telling her about Tara's condition.
it was funny how Sam was trying her damn hardest to not meet Estelle’s eye or to not let her eyes even glance in her direction.
Estelle almost scoffed but keep it in, for Tara. she didn’t deserve her making a scene. neither did Sam. both for different reasons completely.
she moved back to where her boyfriend was standing and introduced them to him, "these are Chad and Mindy, the twins, and Wes. I used to babysit them all."
Wes was slightly embarrassed at that comment, or more so confused as to why she needed to add that last sentence in. "which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes pitched in sarcastically.
Amber chuckled which got Sam’s attention. she turned toward her, finally noticing her for the rust time and an uncomfortable smile formed on her lips. “and Amber, hey”
Amber nodded toward her, a matching smile on her lips “hi, nice to see you."
Richie turned to Amber and introduced himself,
"hi, I'm Richie."
Estelle coughed awkwardly leaving Sam no choice but to meet her eye. Estelle felt her breathing labor as their eyes met. she expected to see a reflection of who Sam was once but she didn’t that, she couldn’t see the adoration, the love, the affection. it was as if Sam was looking at a stranger, a wannabe that had nothing to do in her life.
“Estelle. hey” she said making Richies head turn in her direction so fast it was as if he had been pinched.
“Sam” Estelle said simply. “well, i have to go. ill be outside Tara” the girl said looking at her. Tara sent her a smile along with a nod.
without another word toward either of the sisters Estelle began to walk toward the door where she looked at him with a slight scowl.
he didn’t say anything but Estelle didn’t need him to, she already knew what he was thinking. she laughed quietly with a shake of her head as she walked out of the room.
fuck them both.
there was an awkward beat of silence once Estelle left and the heavy weigh of her absence was lingering amongst them which Sam feel uncomfortable as she began to speak quickly hoping she’d fill the silence, "where's mom?
"she's stuck at a conference in London. she called me earlier." Tara filled her sister in, and it just seemed like she was trying to justify her mother for not being there.
"yeah, for all of ten minutes" Amber mumbled dryly but they all heard.
Tara's mother wasn't always occupied with her work, but after her divorce, she latched onto her job as a sense of security. at first it was minor, sometimes just a weekend or a couple of days but then it had gotten to the point where she left Tara home alone every few days for a long duration.
Tara didnt say anything and she looked sorrowful and Amber quickly said, "look, guys, Tara's really tired. maybe we should just give her some space."
it only took one glance at Tara for them to agree with Amber's statement. they each said their goodbye's and exited the room silently. Sam trailed behind them, thinking her sister might want the room to herself while she sleeps, but it turns out she was wrong.
"not you, Sam." Tara called after her. "I want you to stay."
a smile made its way on Sam's lips, and she nodded as she walked back towards her sister.
"if it's okay with you, I could sleep here tonight."
Tara didn't have to think at all about the request, "I'd really like that."
Amber reached down to touch Tara’s arm “do you have your extra inhaler?”
“yeah i’ll be fine”
“okay.” Amber nodded and grabbed her things before leaving the room.
Richie took that as his time to leave, and he gave Sam a look to let her know he'd be outside.
once they were alone Tara began to break down, finally being alone with the person she loved most, her walls crumbled completely.
Sam hugged her sister tightly until her tears died down and the only thing that could be heard was the chatter outside of the room.
“why was Estelle here?” Sam spoke for the first time in almost an hour. she knew how close Tara and Estelle were before she left, Estelle was practically at their house everyday when they were together and she figured they would maybe keep in touch, it was a small town after all but she didn’t not expect her to be in her sisters hospital room when she walked in.
“she’s my friend?” Tara said although it sounded more like a question than it did a statement.
“yeah” Tara shrugged. “plus she was the one who got there when..” she trailed off not able to finish her sentence but Sam quickly shook her head.
“i get it” she assured her quickly, not wanting her sister to finish her sentence.
eight years ago..
the parking lot was filled with students that friday afternoon, some of them were killing time before practice whilst others were trying to figure out who would be throwing the best party that night.
Estelle leaned against the hood of her brothers car with his friends. thankfully their girlfriends had already left to get ready for whatever party they would be going to. Estelle didn’t think she could deal with them and their stupid comments.
she was included in some of the conversation as Elias and the two guys talked about the newest rumor being spread around school. she wasn’t that interested though, she had gotten a ride from her girlfriend earlier but they got into an argument meaning she had to catch a ride back home with her brother.
she sighed in boredom as she scrolled through her phone carelessly. until footsteps getting near her made the dark haired girl look up from the small screen.
she squinted, the sun bright on that particular October afternoon. as soon as her eyes adjusted she was met with Sam Carpenter who sported a shy smile.
“hey” she said first making the conversation between the boys die down completely and turn to look at her.
“hey” Estelle responded.
Sam glanced at the guys for a quick second, “i just wanted to thank you for taking me home the other day. i was really fucked up” she admitted a bit sheepishly.
Estelle chuckled, “you were extremely fucked up but it’s all good. you’d do the same for me” she shrugged.
Sam nodded. there was a split second in which her eyes glanced down at Estelle’s slightly exposed chest, her shirt not covering as much as it should.
Estelle bit back a smile at the action and as soon as Sams eyes met her own, the taller girl had a matching expression. Sams checks turned a bit rosy as she realized she had been caught.
she cleared her throat, “i’ll see you around”
Estelle nodded, “yeah”
without another word Sam turned and began to take her leave when Estelle’s voice stopped her. “just make sure to stick with weed this time” she called out. Sam didn’t respond verbally but Estelle still heard the laugh escape the tall girls lips.
Estelle watched the girl walk away, in awe at how her hips moved with every step that she took. she never really noticed other people, the only attractive person in the whole school was the girl Estelle was already dating but now seeing Sam up close, god she was so wrong.
“the fuck was that” Elias laughed snapping Estelle’s eyes away from Sams body quickly and turn to look at him.
the boy had an amused yet questioning look in his eye, “nothing” she quickly responded. “she just got high off her ass with the pills you sold to her and i had to take her home” she shrugged.
she didn’t get a response causing her to meet his eye once more. Elias only chuckled with a slight shake of his head.
“uh huh”
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blue-slxt · 1 year
Two Can Play
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: So this is my first Lo'ak fic and I'm really hoping it came out well. It's a little shorter than the other chapters since this one is really just to introduce the premise. Huge thanks to @pandorxxx for the inspiration. If you haven't read her Search & Rescue series, you should absolutely check it out. All characters are aged up.
Next Part
Pairing: Lo'ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: Smut, P in V (really quickly), Sexual Tension, that should be it for this chapter
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You have a reputation for getting around, but there is one person you refuse to give in to. What happens when you both make a bet to see who will fall for the other first?
“Ooooh fuck, Tetxi!” you moan as your head falls back reveling in your third orgasm of the night. He held on to your hips rocking them back and forth wanting to reach his own release.
“Shit, I’m so close!” he says through gritted teeth. That was your cue to hop off and finish him off with your hand. He groans at the loss of contact with your warmth, but he’s quickly thrown back into his pleasure with the touch of your skillful strokes. After only 3 quick pumps, his hot seed spilled all over your hands. Too easy. Beads of sweat trailed down the sides of his face as he tried to catch his breath.
While he’s still regaining his composure, you’re already getting your clothes back on.
“Leaving so soon?” he asks half-jokingly.
“Well, it is time for dinner.” You tie your top together behind your back wanting to leave this conversation quickly. Tetxi swings his legs around to stand up, “Here, I’ll go with you.”
Sheesh, not this situation again. “That’s okay. I’m a big girl, I can go by myself.”
His face drops, “So that’s it? We just fuck and then you’re running off?”
You internally roll your eyes struggling to keep your patience, “Look, it’s not that big of a deal. We just did what we came here to do and we had fun and now it’s done.”
You make sure that your loincloth is tightly secured around your hips and take your leave bidding him a swift and short ‘bye!’.
You walk through the gathering crowd looking for your best friend, Ako. You spot her signature half-up, half-down braids off to the side and run up behind her to throw your arms around her, “Found you!”
She jumps and squeals in shock at first before realizing it’s you. “Eywa, you nearly scared the life out of me!” a laugh laces through her words. She cocks her eyebrow at you, “So how was your night?”
“Average. Tetxi was fun and he got the job done, but ultimately, nothing really special.” You shrug your shoulders recounting the event.
This was a regular occurrence. You had a bit of a reputation in the clan for getting around. You didn’t let it bother you since it was true and you felt no real shame about it. You were young and trying new things. What was so wrong with that? There would be plenty of time for settling down and having a family later, but that was nothing you really needed to concern yourself with right now. Especially with so many attractive males in your clan, how were you supposed to choose just one right now? It only made sense to try them out before you made a final decision, didn’t it? They say that no man will want to take a mate who’s been passed around so much, but as far as you’re concerned, the right guy for you won’t care. Who cares if other people don’t like it? It’s not their choice. That’s why Ako was your best friend, she never judged you for your decisions. She was clear that your lifestyle wasn’t for her, but she respected your way of doing things. What more could you really ask for than that?
You had to admit, though, it was starting to get old. You had gone through all your top picks, second choices, backup plans, and even the drunk picks. Most of them were nice enough, but a lot of them just wanted to see if the rumors about you were true and were delighted when they found out they were. The real issue was that about half of them always wanted something more. They would want to see you more often, they would get possessive over you and your time, or they would ask you to be their girlfriend. You had clear boundaries around your escapades, though. You weren’t going to be their girlfriend, there was no pillow talking, no saying the L word, and absolutely no cumming inside of you.
There was really only one boy in the whole clan that you were insistent on not sleeping with.
“Don’t look now, but your favorite guy is coming this way” Ako jokingly nudges your shoulder.
You roll your eyes and groan already knowing who it was without even turning around. A big slender arm drapes itself around your shoulders, “Hello ladies.” He coos.
“Hello Lo’ak.”
Ako grins playfully at your expression.
“Aw don’t be like that, sevin.” His fingers find your chin to guide your face to his, “When are you gonna stop giving me the cold shoulder and let me actually make you feel good?”
This was also a regular occurrence. If anybody’s reputation rivaled yours, it was definitely Lo’ak. He had run through just about every girl in the clan at least twice. As the Olo’eyktan’s son, he got away with it. People didn’t judge him the way they did you. It drove him crazy that you were the only girl he couldn’t smooth talk his way into her cloth and you enjoyed having that kind of power over him.
You playfully lean your face into his and glance down at his lips, “In your wet dreams, Lo’ak.” You make sure to say his name extra sensually just to fuck with him. He feigns a pained look on his face. As much as it drove him crazy that you wouldn’t fuck him, it also drove him crazy. He liked this little game you two played. It just made him want you more. He loved a challenge. The other girls that would willingly fall at his feet were no real fun for him. He used to love how easily girls would flock to him, but he grew bored of it.
“Come on, Ako, let’s go grab some meat before it’s all gone.” You use your tail to gently push Lo’ak off of you as you intertwine your arm with your best friend and walk away. Lo’ak can’t help but lick his lips at the way your hips sway from left to right when you walk. You may or may not have done that purposefully to tease him a little more.
Dinner carried on per usual. At one point, you did catch Tetxi glaring at you through the crowd. He was upset and that was understandable. He wanted something more with you; something emotional, but that wasn’t going to happen. There wasn’t anything wrong with him, he would make a good mate for anyone, just not you. He wasn’t your perfect fit. From the look on his face, you figure he wouldn’t want anything to do with you for a while, so you make a mental note to yourself to take him off the roster.
It wasn’t necessarily that you kept a steady rotation. More often than not, the guys would approach you first. It did make you feel just the tiniest bit guilty hurting his feelings, though. Oh well, that was neither here nor there at this point.
The next day, you offered to help Ako gather fruit in the forest.
“I just don’t get it. A lot of the guys you’ve been with weren’t even half as handsome as Lo’ak and he clearly likes you. So, you won’t fuck him because….?” Ako questions.
“Because…” you continue for her, “Lo’ak doesn’t like me; he barely knows me. He likes the idea of having me just like Tetxi, Rokew, Veki, Pxayul, and a ton of others. They all want to be ‘the one to change me’ and that’s not going to happen. Besides, there’s no way Lo’ak could handle me.”
“Wanna bet?” his voice chimes in through the bushes. He walks through the foliage to the clearing where you two were.
Here we go again. Ako smiles and raises her eyebrows at you, “I think I saw some yovo fruit over there that was ripe. I’m gonna go grab those.” She walks off to give you both some privacy. You silently curse her for leaving you alone with him.
“You spying on me now?” you shift your weight to one side and rest your basket on your hip.
“Not spying, just happened to be strolling by and heard you running that pretty little mouth of yours.” His smirk is smug as all hell. “I think it’s cute that you think I couldn’t keep up with you.”
“Sweetheart, I know you couldn’t and I don’t feel like making you fall in love with me.” you’re even more smug than he is.
He gets closer to you, “Care to test that theory out?” he walks in a slow circle around you eyeing your body up and down.
You don’t make any attempt to stop him. Let him see what he couldn’t have. “What exactly did you have in mind?” You couldn’t deny that your curiosity was piqued.
He comes back around to your front looking down at you cocking his head to the side. “It’s simple. We challenge each other to see who falls first. First one to cave has to admit defeat.”
Taking one step forward, your chest presses against his, “You’re on.”
He leans his lips down to your ear, “Oh, yawne, you have no fucking idea what you’re in for.” He presses a quick kiss to the shell of your ear. It makes your core tremble, but you knew better than to let that show, especially to Lo’ak. Your poker face was unbeatable. When he pulls back to look at your face, you hold a sly smirk on your face. “You’re gonna have to do better than that…” you reach around to stroke to base of his queue, “yawne.” You whisper the last word.
You could see the way his body reacted to your touch. His jaw clenched and he huffed out a big breath. You had this in the bag.
You push him back with your hand on his chest, “I had better get going. These fruits aren’t gonna harvest themselves.” He steps back still looking over your body flashing the tips of his canines when he smiles, “I’ll see you at dinner.”
You set of into the same direction Ako went, fighting the urge to turn and look at Lo’ak’s face. You could practically feel the way his eyes bore into the back of your body, but you have to uphold your appearance of indifference. You can’t help the smile that creeps its way onto your face.
Ako notices the look on your face and is surprised to see a pleasant smile instead of your usual exasperation that you wore after an interaction with Lo’ak. “What is that face?”
“What face? There is no face. This is just my face.” You try to sound as aloof as you can.
“Mhmmm” she knew better than to believe you, but she also knew you’d tell her in due time.
You both continue to harvest until your baskets are full and it’s time to head back to Home Tree. You had some free time so you both decide to stick around and help prepare the food for dinner. Lo’ak is standing around talking with his brother and some of their friends. He looks over at you often. And when you would catch him looking, he would shoot you a wink and you’d shake your head to yourself turning your attention back to what you were working on. Ako catches these little interactions you two have and her eyebrows come together in confusion while she’s trying to put the pieces together.
“Okay, what the hell is going on? What happened in the forest?” she finally asks you straight out.
Ako was observant and you knew you wouldn’t be able to get something this big past her.
“Just a little wager that we have going on. He thinks that I’ll fall for him before he falls for me. But this is already a done deal as far as I’m concerned.”
She eyes you for a moment processing the new information. A smile breaks out on her face. “If you don’t think you’ll fall, then why does your tail keep swishing when he looks at you?”
You scoff, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Oh, come on. I know you well enough to know that your tail only moves like that when you’re actually happy.”
Your ears flatten against your head suddenly acutely aware of your body movements, “Don’t you have more vegetables to chop?”
She raises her hands in mock surrender and goes back to what she was doing.
Once it’s time for dinner, you sit with Ako as usual and right on time, Lo’ak approaches you. “Mind if I join?” the question is for both of you, but his eyes are focused on you.
“We don’t mind” you give him a sickeningly sweet smile.
He situates himself right next to you, his knee just barely touching yours. The slight brush of his leg against yours wasn’t lost on you. He’s testing the waters, but it would take more than some fleeting touches to get your attention.
You grab a piece of meat and moan lightly when you place it in your mouth. “Mmh…it’s so good tonight.” You act like you’re casually talking to Ako, but Lo’ak’s eyes snap to your face at the noise you made. And he watches intently when you lick the flavor slowly from your fingers. This was too easy. It’s harder to stifle your own laugh than it is to get in his head.
Ako sits on the other side of you enjoying the little show you two are providing her with. She decides to help stir the pot a little.
“Hey Lo’ak, could you pass me that bowl next to you?” she gestures to a small bowl of fruit next to him. He grabs it and passes it to her behind you. His hand runs across the small of your back when he pulls his hand back and his touch leaves goosebumps on your skin in its wake. You shake the hair out of your face trying to fight back the shudder in your body. You see how Lo’ak smiles to himself next to you and you continue to eat your food trying to look unphased.
You both continue on like this for the rest of the dinner. When it’s time to return home, Lo’ak offers to walk you back and Ako nearly pushes you into his arms accepting the offer for you. You shoot daggers at her with your stare, but she just giggles back at you before walking off into the direction of her own home.
Walking back home with Lo’ak is full of a lot of silence, but it’s not an awkward silence. You wonder how long this little game of yours will carry on for. If you were being honest, you gave him maybe a week or two at most until he was completely head over heels for you. There was no way you were losing this. If for no other reason, you were one of the most stubborn people you knew. Once you set your mind on something, there’s no getting you out of it.
You come out of your thoughts just in time to realize that you’ve reached your home. Lo’ak turns to face you and dramatically gestures to your tent, “We have arrived.”
“Oh, why thank you, sir” you say equally as dramatic making you both laugh.
You start to walk towards the opening, when he speaks again.
“Do I get a reward for getting you home safe? I mean I protected you from tripping on all those loose branches and everything.” He teases.
You roll your eyes playfully and slowly walk up to him. “Oh, I’m just so grateful,” You coo. You rest your hand on his chest and lift yourself up on your toes to just barely brush your lips against his. “I could show you just how grateful I am,” your hand glides down his body to rest at the waistband of his loincloth. You can feel how his breath fans your face just a little faster. A smile pulls on your lips. “Good night, Lo’ak.”
You fall back onto your heels and walk into your tent. Lo’ak stands stunned outside your tent for a little longer than a moment.
It’s now that Lo’ak realizes that he’s really going to have to step it up to get to you. He needs to get creative if he’s going to make any kind of progress. That’s something that he can worry about later, though. Right now, he needs to get back home and take care of his growing bulge while your voice and touch is still fresh in his mind.
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cultherent · 2 years
An Accidental Email [Ch.3]
TW: a little bit of smut, alcohol
Chapter 3
“Y/N, today I need the finalized video of the commercial. It needs to be uploaded tomorrow morning. If you two need to stay after work, file the correct paperwork for overtime.” You nodded at your boss with determination. “Please send me your final draft. I’ll leave edits, then after you revise, that should be all.” You left your boss’s room, making a B-line to Katsuki.
“Okay, I just met with Aizawa. He said when we have our final draft to send it over to him.” 
“Alright. I’m almost done with the editing. I’ll send my part over for you to stitch it together.”
“The commercial is looking good, so I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”
. . .
“Fuck me,” you groaned, your head in your hands. You had only one strand left of living. Your boss had so many revisions, it crushed both of your spirits. So much to the point that you basically had to refilm a whole new commercial. It was around 7 at night, your job had ended several hours ago and everyone was gone. 
Hearing a bang from the desk beside you, you saw how irritated Bakugo was. With a reassuring glance, “Hey, it’s gonna be okay. We’ll get this done.” He glared at you, not saying a word but instead clicking furiously with his mouse. You chuckled which caused him to stop and look at you again. 
“Let’s take a break.”
With his lips scrunched to the side, “That’s probably a good idea.”
You guys ordered some fast food for pick up then went to put on your coats. “You dropped your scarf,” Bakugo stated, staring at the floor. 
“Thank you for the informative comment. Are you gonna pick it up?” His nose flared and he just stared at you. “You’re literally closer to it,” the corner of your lips extended as far as they could go. “Seriously?” Bakugo grinned and started to turn around. “Bakugo, hand me my scarf.”
“I said hand it to me.”
“I have better things to do like pick up my food.”
“My?” In an instant, you picked up your scarf and wrapped it around his body, pulling him into you. His back laid on your chest and your lips met his ear, “So, you're just being outright rude, huh?” Bakugo’s breath hitched when he realized the predicament he was in. “Y’know what happens when you aren’t nice to me, you’re punished.”
“You wouldn’t,” Katsuki challenged as he turned his head to face you.
Your hand curled around him and you placed your hand on his neck. “I wouldn’t?” You whispered. You quickly tied his wrists together with your scarf before pushing him onto the ground, he sat at your feet. He looked up at you, a mixture of irritation and lust flowed around his irises. 
You bit down on your lip, he looked hot sitting below you. You bent down slightly and grabbed his hair at the base of his scalp. Yanking it slightly, he let out a moan. Smirking to the sound, you stood straight and slipped your shoe off. You pressed on Bakugo’s cock, a little surprised he was already hard.
You chuckled, “Really?” You grabbed onto him, causing him to fold over a bit. Moving his coat off, you flicked his nipples with your toes; he shivered. You caressed any part of his body that made him react. “No way, you’re extremely sensitive.”
Bakugo groaned, not really wanting you to know about that. You unzipped his pants, revealing an aggressive tent in his boxer briefs. Your foot lazily caressed his clothed cock. You took this time to take your chair and sit down, grinning at the comfort of the cushion. You fastened your pace and it seemed like he was getting to a point of climax. “Are you going to cum already?” You grabbed his hair, pulling him closer to you as he spat out nasty profanities from your stopping motions. 
“Just keep fucking going, cunt.” 
“Sorry, forgot who was taking orders,” you crouched down, pumping him with your hands. Feeling how fast you were going, he was going to bust in under a minute. You watched as his legs clenched and his eyes rolled back, but you stopped and placed your finger over his hole. He yanked himself from almost falling back and stared in disbelief. “This is a punishment, what did you think was gonna happen? And the fact you still bad-mouthed me. You should know who you’re speaking to.”
Walking behind him and picking up his coat, you throw it onto his head. “Let’s go, the food is almost ready.” Bakugo choked back words as he looked at you. “Now, I would've said the food is cold, but you were about to cum in 3 minutes.” You smirked, knowing you were able to take a jab at him. Walking closer to the door, “Chop, chop. I’m hungry and we have work to do.”
. . .
“Did you hear about the company party going on tonight?” You looked up from your monitor, Todoroki beaming. You raised an eyebrow causing him to continue. “Aizawa has paid for us to go to a bar not too far from here as a reward for our hard work.”
You nodded with a smile, “So he’s paying for the drinks?” With a nod, your smile turned into a devilish grin which caused a confused look on Shoto. 
“Also, what did Aizawa say about the video?”
With a sigh, “After redoing it, he liked it.”
“Don’t tell me you guys were here all night.” You nodded in defeat. “Well, this night goes out to you and Katsuki.”
. . .
“MORE SHOTS!!!” One of your coworkers screamed as others drank their drinks in one sip. You chuckled as you danced, the background music making you sway. Before coming to the bar, you went home to change, and you wore a tight-fitting dress that showed off your best assets. You did your hair and makeup and took photos outside with the other ladies you worked with.
“Let’s fucking send it!” Katsuki downed a purple vodka shot, his head shaking from the burning of his throat. He wore a loose button-up, his cardigan discarded beside him. He glanced at you, smirking.
You rolled your eyes, your attention focusing on Shoto who approached you. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel amazing, honestly. I needed this after last night.”
“I’m glad,” he smiled. “I didn’t say, but you look lovely today.”
Your cheeks heated, “Thank you, Shoto. You look great as well. I love the design on your shirt.”
“Thank you.”
“Hey Y/N, come here,” Bakugo stared at you, his eyelids heavy, he looked tipsy. 
“In a minute, I’m talking with Todoroki.” He glared at you and sat on the barstool right next to you. He pouted to himself, sighing loud enough that you could hear him over the music as you tried your best to continue your conversation. “Give me a second,” your eyes apologized and your coworker understood. “What is it?”
Katsuki looked at you and grinned, walking away from you to do God knows what. Your eyebrows scrunched, your palms flipping to the air to your confusion. As you turned around, Shoto was gone, talking to someone else. You groaned as you sat alone at the bar.
. . .
“Woah there, I think you’ve had too much to drink,” a male coworker held Bakugo up by his shoulders. Bakugo slurred his words as he held a cup in his hand. Frowning, you walked over, changing his alcoholic drink for water. Sitting him down, you grabbed a water as well, “I bet you can’t chug this concoction.”
His eyebrow raised, “You’re going down.” He drank the whole cup, cheering to himself that he won. You chuckled to yourself as you motioned him to get up. When he did, his knees gave way. You held him up with all your might, not wanting him to fall. “I’m gonna take him home!” You told your coworkers.
“Do you need help, he’s pretty heavy.”
“No, don’t worry. I got him.” You were pretty strong, you had to be. Sometimes you have to carry heavy equipment around for work, you can’t just simply say you can’t do it. “I’ll order a taxi.” Bakugo stood on his own, but he rested his head on your shoulder. “Can you give me your address Katsu?”
“I like when you call me that,” he nuzzled further into your shoulder, his smile forming from ear to ear. “It’s way better than Cocksuki. That one is mean. But, I do like it sometimes…” You felt something press against your side, and your eyes immediately darted to him as he started moving it against you.
Moving him off you softly, “Bakugo, address.”
“Can we go to yours?”
“No, give me your address, that’s an order.” He stayed silent, pretending he was asleep. “You’re lucky you're drunk.” You put in your address on your phone, the taxi came shortly.
Verifying it was your taxi beforehand, you helped Bakugo in then you went in yourself. You listened to the sound of the car driving as Katsuki’s head fell softly onto your shoulder. You looked over to see his eyes shut, his chest moving up and down. He snored quietly. 
“Right here is perfect. Come on Bakugo, we’re here.” You helped him into your apartment and plopped him onto your couch. “Wait right here.” You went to grab him some blankets and pillows, but when you arrived you found him on the floor. Placing the things on the couch, you moved towards him, “Are you alright?”
Katsuki crawled to your leg and looked up at you, his eyes bright and puppy-like. His cheek pressed against the side of your calf, “I want to be yours. Do whatever you want to me.”
“Bakugo-” you blurted, shocked by his words. You thought to yourself that he was only like this because he was drunk, so you motioned for him to get on the couch. He clung onto your leg, not letting up. “Katsu, you're drunk. You're not talking right, you need to rest.” His head went between your dress as he kissed your thigh, “Hey!”
“Call me that again, I love it,” he purred, his hands slowly moving up your legs. Pulling back, Katsuki fell onto his hands. 
He looked up once more, “I could be your pet.” Your mind raced, you were extremely overwhelmed by everything going on. He crawled over to you on all fours, “Let me please you. Let me serve you.” Your hands covered your eyes, you couldn’t take any of this anymore. 
It wasn’t right to do anything he said without his consent. Funny how you thought this, look at your situationship. You’re blackmailing him into sexual punishments which were for your own satisfaction, yet this was your line breaker. 
“I’m sorry, Bakugo. I can’t do this. You’re drunk.” The man pouted as he sat up on his legs. 
“I’m not even drunk, just a bit tipsy.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t. Have a good night, Katsu.”
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The Tour VII
Author’s Note: this chapter was way longer than intended but I had so much I had to get in! Warning: swearing, smut
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The club is absolutely pumping as you make your way inside. You’re immediately escorted to a VIP area that overlooks the entire club, waitresses standing at attention ready to take orders. You see the lust in their eyes as they take in all the men, paying particular attention to Colson. You push down your feelings of jealousy and give your order to the young brunette, who looks barely old enough to drink let alone serve you. 
Sophie insists on dancing as soon as the drinks arrive, instructing the boys to keep an eye on our drinks. Sophie leads the way back down the stairs, holding your hand and Ashleigh trails behind you, holding your other hand. You can’t miss the stares of the men around you as the three of you make your way onto the dance floor. 
“How many of them do you think would be turned off if I told them I was a mother?” Ashleigh yells at you over the music. 
“It’s Vegas so probably none of them,” you yell back with a grin. 
The music is loud, your blood is pumping and the rhythm is seeping into your bones. The three of you spin around each other, bumping and grinding as you dance in a tight circle. You’re purposely creating an impenetrable wall as none of you have any interest in being approached by a man. A few guys try to get your attention by pressing up against each of you but you just shove them off. The wall is working well until one guy can’t seem to take a hint. 
A short, stout man with a receding hairline and sunspots littered across his leather skin, puts his hands on your waist and pulls you to him. Your butt lands on his crotch and the small, hard object pressed firmly against your butt cheek makes you want to vomit. You try to push away from him but he just grips you tighter, grinding himself against you. His fingers dig in so hard it hurts but as quickly as he appears, the quicker he disappears. 
You turn around just as Colson rips the man backwards by his collar, sending him flying into the crowd. He grabs your hand and drags you towards an exit door. The door leads to a private hallway, clearly meant for staff but no one says anything as they scurry past the two of you. 
“Are you ok?” Colson looks over your features for any hint of distress but all he sees is pure disgust. 
“I’m fine. You didn’t have to do that,” you mumble and his face falls. “But thank you.”
He smiles at you reaching out to stroke your cheek with the back of his fingers and suddenly you’d rather be anywhere but in this nightclub. Images of having Colson on top of you moaning your name flash through your mind and you cheeks flame. 
“I love the effect I have on you.” 
Colson presses closer to you and all you can smell is him. His deep, rich scent fills your nostrils and you complete space. You reach out to touch his toned torso, liking the way his lips quiver at your touch. You lift his t-shirt slightly so your hand can grace his skin and he rolls his head back with a groan. 
“Fuck honey,” he grits through his teeth. 
“We should go,” you blurt out before you can stop yourself and Colson’s head flicks down to you. 
He wastes no time. Grabbing your wrist he leads you down the hallway to a small room, a group of employees sitting around chatting. Colson pulls out a crisp $100 bill and instructs one of them to show him out the back door. A young guy with acne scars and oily hair stands and leads the two of you through the room to a service entry. Colson hands him the bill before grabbing your hand and leading you down the street. He hails a cab and instructs the driver to the parking lot that the buses are parked in. 
You text Ashleigh to tell her you don’t feel well and that Colson is going to take you back to the bus. 10 minutes later she replies with a ‘Feel better and make sure he doesn’t leave your side’. 
Oh, he definitely won’t be leaving my side for the rest of the night. 
When you arrive back at the bus, your driver is nowhere in sight but Colson pulls a key out of his back pocket and unlocks the door. He steps aside so you can go in first and closes the door behind him. As soon as the door is closed, your lips are on his. The shock of your advancement causes him to stumble back but he regains his balance and steadies the two of you. He lifts you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist and walks you backwards to his bedroom. 
Colson kicks the door open and places you on the bed, resting between your legs. Every now and then, he grinds his hips down on you, rubbing his hard cock on your soaking panties. The move is so infrequent that it catches you off guard every time. You tear his t-shirt off, scraping your nails down his back.
“I want to finish what I started earlier,” you tell him in between kisses and he leans back to stare down at you. 
He nods and lies himself down on the bed, kicking off his shoes, flicking on a small lamp and allowing you to take control. Suddenly, you’re very nervous. You can feel his eyes on you and it makes you unbelievably self-conscious. It’s not like you’ve never given a blowjob before but with Colson, somehow it feels more intimate than with anyone else you’ve been with. 
When you gave him one earlier, well half of one, you were confident because you had no intention of finishing it. You wanted to tease him, to torture him with a hanging fruit that was just out of his reach. Now you feel the pressure of being within reach. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Colson whispers, reading the hesitation on your face. 
“No, it’s not that. It’s just…Can you close your eyes?” you ask him and he eyes you suspiciously. 
“You’re not going to strip me down and run off with all my clothes like some bad teen movie, are you?” you giggle but shake your head at his ridiculous concern. 
He obliges and closes his eyes, resting his arms behind his head. You lift his shirt, running your fingers along his snail trail to the waistband of his pants. His breathing stops and he bites his bottom lip at your touch. You undo the button of his jeans and drag his zipper down slowly, your confidence returning. You trail kisses from hip bone to hip bone and Colson bucks each time your lips drag across his skin. 
“Fuck baby,” he mewls and a smile plays on your lips. 
“Just sit back and relax, daddy,” you growl and he groans. 
You pull his pants and briefs down to his knees. His dick springs free of its confines, throbbing and twitching. You’re surprised he’s not in pain from how angry and contort the veins appear to be. You gently caress a finger from his balls, up the underside of his shaft, to the tip. Colson tries to remain neutral but you can see it’s slowly torturing him. His fingers flex on the bed sheet, gripping tightly and releasing. You smile to yourself gently as you lick up and down his shaft.
“Yeah, right there…mmm fuck, just like that,” he encourages you with his deep raspy voice.
You bob your head faster, twisting your wrists as you pump up and down. The sound of Colson’s low moans and curses only egg you on. Your mouth and hand is moving so fast, everything is a blur. He growls before suddenly releasing himself from your mouth with a loud pop. He drags you up the bed, flipping you onto your back and mounting you. He holds your hands above your head, kissing down your neck to the top of your cleavage. You writhe and whine beneath him.
“Please, let me touch you,” you beg as your body heats with each drag of his lips.
He said nothing, instead continuing his descent down your body. He uses one slender finger to move your thong out of the way, exposing your dripping pussy to him. He kisses up your thigh, dipping his nose between your lips to inhale your scent. You’re practically panting for him by this point. He licks the length of your slip, a low growl escaping your lips and your hips lift off the bed. 
“Stay still,” he commands before dipping his tongue into your tight hole.
A flash of colour fills your vision at the feeling of his rough tongue but you push against every instinct to move. He begins to lap the juices that drip from your pussy, turning you on more and more. He grinds his face against you, his nose occasionally hitting your clit.
“Please, Kells, I need you,” you beg him again and this time, your words hit him hard.
Colson looks up from between your legs, the desperation on your face turning him on more than he thought possible. Hearing your breathy voice beg for him is too irresistible.h winds his way back up your body, kissing you deeply, passionately. His tongue slips its way between your parted lips and caresses your own. 
He lines himself up, still holding your wrists in his hand, and slips himself in slowly. You take a moment to adjust to his size but once he begins to pull back, you’re practically purring. Goosebumps erupt on your skin but you don’t feel at all cold. If anything, your skin feels on fire with him above you. He holds your wrists in both his hands, sitting half up to look down at your face as he begins a steady pace. He stares down at you, memorising everything you do. The way your face contorts when he hits just the right spot, the way you bite your bottom lip to keep from screaming, the way your eyes flutter as he slips back into your tight pussy. He wants to remember every single second of his time with you because he doesn’t know when he will get it again. 
An overwhelming feeling begins to fill you as his pace quickens and Colson is pounding into you. You feel it start low in your belly, a burning that just can’t be extinguished. You grind yourself on his hard dick, meeting him thrust for thrust. You let him feel you, begging for him like a drug hitting your bloodstream. The fire builds, winding its way up your chest, spreading to your fingers and toes. Just as the fire feels as though it may burn you a wave crashes over you and your orgasm bursts through you.
“FUCK KELLS!” you cry out just as the door to the tour bus opens.
Colson immediately covers your mouth with his lips, swallowing your moans and curses. Your body quivers as you try and calm down from your high. You’re trying so hard to stay quiet but the orgasm that is currently raking through your body is shattering any shred of self-control you have. His lips quirk into smile against yours as he hides any ounce of sound that tries to escape. He continues to grind against you, riding out your high with you. A knock at the door grinds his thrusts to a complete stop and you whine against his lips.
“Shhhh,” he whispers against your lips and you nod. The knock turns frantic however and he’s forced to respond. “What?!” he calls out and you can tell his tone was harsher than he intended because he looks almost guilty.
“Have you seen Y/N?” Ashleigh asks through the door. “She told me she didn’t feel well but she’s not in her bunk.”
“She’s in here…uhh asleep,” he grumbles, winking at you.
“Oh,” is all Ashleigh says and you can tell she’s confused.
“The bunk was making her feel nauseous so I said she could lie down in here,” he quickly adds.
You’re confused as to why he felt the need to clarify further. Normally he doesn’t give a fuck what conclusions people make. Ashleigh instructs him to text her if your condition worsens, before heading back to her own bus. Colson turns back to you, a grin splitting his face but your own expression is dark. You know it’s a dumb thing to focus on but something about his reaction bothers you. The fact that he felt the need to explain why you’re in his room considering you’re nothing more than friends, at least that’s what everyone else thinks, feels…insulting. Given the fact that he’s still inside you, you’re caught as to how to bring it up without sounding whiny or clingy.
“Why did you say that?” you ask him calmly, as he kisses your neck again.
“Say…what?” he returns between kisses and you roll your eyes, placing a hand on his chest to force him to look at you.
“Give Ashleigh some shitty excuse as to why I’m in here. Like, I can’t just be in here with you alone because what would people think?” your calm tone is slipping and you have to take a deep breath to regain your composure.
Colson’s face drops and he reaches to stroke his thumb along your cheek. “No, that’s not how I meant it, I just didn’t want her to keep asking questions while we’re, you know,” he looks down to where the two of you connect and a blush creeps across your face. “I wasn’t done with you yet,” he whispers in your ear and your insides quiver.
Before you can say anything, he pulls out of you before slamming back into you. You cry out in pleasure and he repeats the move over and over. Just when you don’t think it could get better, he flips you onto your stomach and takes your from behind. Pounding into you, he spanks you in between thrusts.
“Fuck, I love watches your ass jiggle for me,” he growls before landing a loud smack onto your cheek.
You’re not sure if it’s his words, his thrusts or his spanking or a combination of all three but an unexpected orgasm tears through you.
“That’s it…baby, cum…for daddy,” Colson strains between thrusts before his cock twitches inside of you and he fills you with his load.
He collapses on top of you. His breaths fanning your neck, causing your hair to swirl against your skin. As Colson softens, he pulls out of you, lying next to you. You have to pee, you know you have to pee but you’re worried he’ll leave again. Where’s he going to go though? It’s not like he can run off to a hotel room or something. As if reading your mind, he rolls towards you with a small smile on his lips.
“Stay with me tonight?” he whispers before kissing you gently. 
You’re nodding before you can overthink it and you skip to the bathroom. When you come back to the room, Colson is lying under the sheets, his arm under his head, and he stares up at the ceiling. The lamp is still on but has been dimmed and it bathes the room in a soft yellow light. You sit on the other side of the bed and he regards you for a moment, his eyebrows raised.
“Wouldn’t that dress be uncomfortable to sleep in?” he asks as you lie down next to him. You look down, almost forgetting you were wearing it.
“Hmm, it’s a strong possibility,” you smile at him. 
He frowns and slips out from under the sheets, rummaging around the floor. He picks up his earlier discarded t-shirt and hands it to you. You smile at his sweet gesture. You know damn well that your pjs are not that far away but who are you to turn down a boy’s t-shirt? You lift your dress over your head, dropping it at your feet. Colson’s eyes drag over your half naked body, your red thong and lack of bra on full display. His mouth hangs open and you know you will never get over his reaction to your body. It makes your whole body blush every time. You pull his shirt over your head and it falls mid-thigh. 
When the shirt is on, you slip your thong off and tuck it under your dress on the floor. You climb back into the bed and Colson immediately pulls you to his chest, cradling you against him. He reaches behind him to flick off the lamp and you drift into unconsciousness, the feeling of his warm body against yours and the sound of his deep breathing in your ear.
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ladybirdswritings · 1 year
BEAUTY AND THE HYBRID - Klaus Mikaelson Fanfiction
summary: the slip of burlap rope brings an unsuspecting girl into the arms of a vicious, bloodthirsty creature.
warnings: mentions of ab*se, stockholm syndrome, captivity, dea*h, and violence.
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"Oh fuck yeah!"
My face tints a rose-like pink, burning at my cheeks as I scold my sister with wide eyes. She is happy today, and that's rare for us. Regardless, happy or not, her sailor's mouth never fails to mortify me. The patrons of this syrup scented diner stare for a moment, but return to their meal soon enough.
Birdie is fourteen today, and her eyes are eager and swimming with starvation as she inhales the powdered sugar air. I can't really afford this, not right now at least. Probably not tomorrow either, but today is her birthday. She'll only be fourteen once and- mom would have done the same thing. In fact, mom did do the same thing. Many times for me. When I turned twelve, we snuck into a cake shop and ate each sugared treat cased in glass displays. That was my favorite birthday.
I am not brave enough or- stupid enough to steal from anyone else. I have done enough of that this week.
"Dude, they have french toast coated in chocolate syrup."
Birdie is drooling now, I smile at her.
"Whatever you want, Birdie."
It's sad, how this is like Christmas for her. A warm meal at a shitty Mystic Falls Diner for the big one four. I will do more, soon. This however, it will be dealt with if I just take over Riley's night shift at the Grille- she won't mind the time off anyways.
The waitress is a strawberry blonde, her legs seem to go for miles. Her eyes are a pretty blue and her smile is tinted pink. Birdie wastes no time.
"Chocolate syrup french toast please! Heavy emphasis on the chocolate syrup... Ooh! And a stack of four pumpkin pancakes with whipped cream and lots of bacon and eggs on the side. Some orange juice too."
The waitress stifles her grin as she jots Birdie's order down on yellow pad paper.
"And for you?"
Birdie looks at me hopefully. I gaze into her eyes for a moment and pretend that my next words will be a request of pumpkin pancakes too.
"Oh that's everything, I'm not hungry."
Guilt floods them,
"I can hold off on the pump-"
"No Birdie, really I am not hungry."
I'm starving. My stomach growls in protest, luckily quiet enough for only me to hear. Birdie believes me, at least I hope she does as she sinks back into the booth.
The waitress smiles sympathetically, nodding once before scurrying off.
Birdie is impatient, drumming her fingers on the cherry wood as we wait. It isn't just the food she's impatient for. She groans.
"Ahhh- apple! C'mon- can't we just take a two second peek at what's in the big dumb thing?"
My brows twitch in discomfort and urgency, and I lift my finger to hush her. Maybe what that man said was all just to scare me, maybe he thought it was funny. It is the month of halloween after all, I have learned in my years here how serious all of Mystic Falls takes it. Still, I don't wan't to take any chances.
I shake my head at her,
"No. Not happening. That dude told us to keep this locked tight under all circumstances."
Birdie only rolls her eyes at that,
"Pfft. That guy was probably just trying to scare us. Ooh! I bet its drugs, or illegal weapons! Or illegal drug weapons!"
I shush her again.
"It doesn't matter what it is, it's not ours. I'm not opening it. I need it safe till midnight, till I get the payout and we get the hell out of Mystic Falls."
Birdie frowns, eyes gazing at the lonely jack-o-lantern glowing golden on the concrete outside.
"You think all that money is gonna buy us real fancy meds for dad? Like ones that'll get him better quickly?"
I wince at the question, I want to say yes but I truthfully don't know. He's worsened this month, I only hope these days. So does Birdie. It's her birthday, I can't make her sad.
"I'm sure we'll figure it out, we always do. Dad's gonna be fine. We're gonna have lots of money, money for medicine and money for unlimited pumpkin pancakes until you're at least forty three."
Birdie nods in agreement with that statement, "fuck yeah." she whispers. She tries to keep it discreet but, I hear it anyways. I ignore it.
The strawberry blonde waitress returns, juggling Birdie's food on a golden arm. She places four plates down in front of my lanky sister, her eyes light up like a million fireworks have ignited within them.
"Brought you a coffee pot sugar, its on the house."
The waitress, Karen, she smiles softly and it's warm like the coffee pot. She throws pink packets of sugar and small cups of cream in front of me. It'll keep me awake, I'm grateful. I thank her as I pour the bitter drink into the mug and breathe in the aroma.
Birdie is devouring her food as if it will up and leave her.
"My my, all this food. Today a special occasion?" Karen inquires, I nod with a warm grin.
"It's her birthday."
Karen gasps, "A birthday!? Well how old are you sweetheart? Old enough to pay the bill?" She jests.
Birdie shakes her head, teeth crushing a mixture of chocolate whipped pumpkin toast topped with bacon and egg. Whatever she could fit in her mouth. "Nope. Fourteen." She speaks muffled with a mouth full of food- her words are hardly audible, masked by her chewing. I repeat it to the waitress.
"Well then, a birthday calls for a special treat don't it? I'll go get one."
I nod gratefully, "Thanks. Hey um- do you guys have a bathroom?"
She points to the right and I slide out of the booth-gripping the white oak case in my hands. I'll bring it with me. I would be a fool to lose it, let alone leave it with my very occupied sister. I almost don't believe it's anything of importance, probably just some cruel prank. My intuition reminds me just how too good to be true it sounds. Yet, I am hopeful this month. So I'm playing along anyways.
My eyes are glued to the case as I walk right, so much so that I don't see the polished boots in front of me. I gasp, accepting the fate of the floor before it even greets me. We never meet. I clutch on to the fabric smelling of maple and bourbon. It tethers me, lifting me to my feet.
It is silent, I meet ice blue eyes.
They bore past my very being, into something I don't even see myself. My soul, maybe. He is tall, tall enough that it makes me feel quite small. He has golden brown hair that curls at the tips, and golden brown stubble that surrounds pink lips. His eyes, they're all I see.
I stumble, he steadies me again with two strong hands.
"Holy shit!" Birdie calls, maybe amused- maybe relieved. She saw that, everyone saw that. My cheeks are pink again, as are the tips of my ears. The man's eyes wander around us, and it seems like that is enough for everyone. They all mind their business and return to their meals. As if he just cast a spell to detour their gazes.
His hands still grasp me as his eyes devour my composure.
"Are you all right?" His voice is like honey, stuck in a glass pot but glazing sweetness dripping from the very lid. It is deep, accented. He isn't from here.
I can't speak, I feel like I am crushed under his boot, the same one I tripped over. I only nod.
He releases me, slowly.
His eyes remain on mine, until they don't. He peers at the white oak case with an expression I cannot begin to describe. I watch him for a moment, analyzing. Fear strums at my core... its familiarity- I think. Or maybe I am just paranoid. I gulp, bending down to collect the case in my hands in an instant before he gets the chance to. I gaze at it, praying my fall didn't disrupt whatever lay inside.
He gazes at it too.
I have to speak now, otherwise I will be stuck frozen here.
"I apologize I um- I should have been paying more attention."
He doesn't tear his gaze away from the case. Not at first, for a moment that seems far too long for me to stomach. He breaks, eventually and a part of me is relieved but it seems a bigger part of me wishes he would just return his stare toward the case again. His eyes feel like they're burning through me. Like as if I try and speak again, my voice will falter to nothingness.
"You're alright, sweetheart. On you go."
Sweetheart. It calms the nerves. I nod gratefully, but his eyes returning to what is grasped in my hands just reminds me of why exactly I should be stepping rather than shaking. A gulp, then I am on my way, feet clashing against the noir tiles. Birdie is accompanied by the waitress, I catch glimpse in a napkin holder and sigh in relief as I push through the faded blue door.
I am eager to release the case from my burning hands, I was gripping it tight enough to callous my reddened palms. I throw it on the ceramic sink as the faucet squeaks, my trembling hands splash my pink face with warm water. I heat even more.
The mirror greets my pallid features, sunken in with exhaustion and hunger. It also meets my eyes, swimming with a melting pot of emotions. My breaths are shallow and labored, and my heart is pounding on its cages.
I splash my face again and yet? I cannot shake the feeling that this won't be the last time I see that man again...
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batty4steddie · 7 months
Written with @spicycinnabun ❤️️ | Rating: M | cw, read, kudos and comment on ao3 | We have a playlist. 🦇 | Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Can I Keep It?
Chapter 7: Bad Vampire!
Eddie stepped on the gas and took them back towards Lover’s Lake, turning up the music so they could drown their thoughts. Skull Rock was close to Rick’s house, which was funny in a not-so-funny way because Eddie had spent all weekend wishing he was far away from it, and now he was right back. Eddie had spent many a night in these woods, but never for pleasure like Steve. Eddie went purely for business. Horny teenagers were good customers. 
Rock music flooded Steve’s ears. He didn’t mind. It was nice. Steve looked at Eddie for a long moment. The moonlight reflected off his pale skin, highlighting his long, milky neck. It was completely bare; Eddie was still in disguise, his hair pulled back. He was absolutely glowing, and Steve could feel his mouth watering. He quickly turned his attention back out the open window. The breeze brought in a variety of scents, which felt a little less overwhelming than how good Eddie smelled to him. Steve took another deep breath of fresh air.
Fifteen minutes later, Eddie pulled the beemer into the cozy spot multiple tires had sat in before, the grass yellowing in two straight lines. The familiar skull-shaped rock was lit by the car’s head beams, emphasizing the shadowy caverns of its eye sockets and making it look even more Halloweenish than usual.  
What was he thinking, going into the woods alone with a hungry, possessed vampire? Was he stupid? Yes, Eddie’s brain supplied for him immediately, very stupid. But would the guy who’d taken Eddie home, comforted him, and fed him his mother’s cooking really kill him?  
…Maybe, maybe not, but his instincts said no. His gut said no. It had been right about a thousand times before.
Eddie turned down the music, figuring it was probably best they didn’t make too much noise out here. Who knew who, or what, was listening, waiting, or watching. Ugh. “Maybe you can sink your fangs into the raccoon population terrorizing the trailer park,” he suggested. “My uncle’s been unsuccessful in dwindling their numbers so far.”  
Wayne’s attempts consisted of a bunch of broken traps and a lot of cursing. Mostly about all the bullets he would have to waste to kill the damn things. Eddie personally thought they were cute. Tiny trash bandits waving their little hands around and screaming at people who came near their treasure. Their homes had to be in the forest, right? Not only in the dumpster behind his favorite Chinese restaurant, Wok My World. 
As soon as Steve turned his head back in Eddie’s direction, Eddie’s scent invaded his nostrils again. He flared them, trying to stop the excitement that began to pump through him. It felt like he was here on a date, about to get laid. He wished. The bite on his neck started throbbing, and his pulse quickened. He was beginning to feel aroused. 
Eddie’s suggestion distracted him momentarily. However, the thought of munching on raccoons wasn’t appealing to Steve at all. “They’re too cute to eat.” 
Steve kind of thought Eddie had a cute raccoon quality. He was going to have a hard time with this. He didn’t want to get out of the car, and he didn’t want to be a vampire. 
“Too bad,” Steve heard. Not from Eddie but from inside his head. Like somebody was invading his mind. Steve knew that voice. It was the one and only and very dead, Billy Hargrove. He was doing this? “Harrington, I think you have a little crush on someone, don’t ya?”   
Eddie raised his brows, oblivious. “You’re going to have a hard time finding anything to eat if you think all the animals in the forest are cute.” He poked his tongue out the corner of his mouth. “Maybe you should eat me instead?” 
Eddie wasn’t cute. He probably wasn’t delicious either, but he had to be easier to swallow than raccoons and bunnies. 
Eddie expected Steve to laugh or roll his eyes in that semi-fond, semi-irritated way like he did with the kids (because maybe, just maybe, Eddie was growing on him the same way they had). Instead, he zoned out, expression taking on an eerily dormant quality—lights on but nobody home. Eddie’s smile fell. 
“No!” Steve suddenly yelled, his upper body jerking, expression contorting like he was in pain. A few seconds later, he went limp, head dropping to his chest.   Steve wasn’t saying no about his little crush because he couldn’t even contemplate that… that he had a crush on Eddie. He couldn’t believe Billy was back either—from the dead and currently controlling his entire body. He didn’t want that. Internally, he was pitching a fit; thrashing his body around, growling, foaming at the mouth and throwing punches.
“Sweet baby Jesus, what now? ” said Eddie, almost exasperated by the stress. His stomach felt like it shrivelled to the size of a pea. He reached out, tentatively placing his hand on Steve’s shoulder. Steve only swayed a little; a puppet with its strings cut. “Stevie?” 
Eddie didn’t know what to do. Shake him, slap him, yell at him?  
Steve re-animated just as Eddie started shaking him, lifting his head and rolling his shoulders, dislodging Eddie’s hand from him. His eyes were liquid black, and his face transformed with a smirk. It was a twisted, serpentine thing. Somehow, it didn’t look like it belonged on Steve’s face. It looked like someone else was wearing his face. Possession. “Wrong. It’s kind of pathetic, don’t you think? What you’re doing right now.”  
Eddie gaped. That was Steve’s voice, but it also wasn’t. It had a cruel, mocking quality that didn’t fit Harrington. Not the version Eddie was starting to get to know.  
“I saw everything that happened in his bedroom back there. Do you really think pretty boy is interested in you like that? I mean, even if he does swing that way occasionally, freak meat isn’t what he goes for. ” Not-Steve laughed, and that sounded wrong too. Overly theatrical and biting.  
It didn’t stop Eddie from turning a deep red. Mortified at being outed so casually, angry at being spied on by a fucking Upside Down wizard. At least he wasn’t scared anymore. “Who the fuck are you? Vecna? Get out of Steve!” 
Outside, an owl hooted—the who, who, whooo taunted Eddie in a way that was too coincidental. 
Not-Steve bit his lip in amusement, rolling his eyes. “I can’t claim that title, but maybe one day. I’m someone else.” He shrugged. “And no, I don’t think I will. I’m enjoying being inside him. Wouldn’t be the first time, if you get my drift.” 
While Eddie tried to figure that out—was this someone who knew Steve? Had... been with Steve? Somebody Vecna had killed? Was Not-Steve a woman or a man? That comment made it seem more likely it was a man. He was also getting major douchebag vibes. “Dude, that is incredibly disrespectful.”  
Yeah, this was no powerful wizard. More like a minion of Vecna’s, just like Steve had suggested.  
Steve was having an out-of-body experience. Completely paralyzed and unlike in the convenience store where he had blacked out (that must’ve been Billy, too), Steve was conscious. He was there, in the Upside Down, with Billy, but also still in the car with Eddie. He could see Billy talking to him but also see himself with Eddie. Billy’s ability to read Steve was uncomfortably uncanny. Billy had always seen right through Steve, and now he was reading Eddie like a book and using Steve to do it.  
Billy looked the same. He was the same gorgeous asshole with perfectly tussled curly hair, smug shit-eating grin, barely buttoned red shirt, in the tightest jeans that gave Steve’s a run for his money—all topped with his signature leather jacket. 
Steve felt utterly violated and spied on, and the comment about Billy having been in him before made him feel queasy. He’d never been in him. Sure, Billy had been on him before, by elbow checking him, grinding against him just to push him down when he hadn’t planted his feet like Billy insisted he did when they were playing basketball and again when they were outside the Byers’. 
Billy had gotten something out of taunting Steve and roughing him up. When he’d finally and rightfully socked Billy in the mouth, it was like that had turned him on. Billy had liked it, and it was like he had been waiting for it. 
The version of King Steve everyone talked about was the basketball captain, the good-looking great fighter and keg king with a perfect family. Billy was desperately trying to become king and take all of his titles. Only none of them were up for grabs. The title of king still belonged to Steve. 
Steve could be dense, but with the way Billy looked at him and flirted with him by calling him pretty boy more than once, Steve had thought Billy was queer. When Billy had straddled him, fighting him, Steve could’ve sworn Billy had been hard, but Billy had thrown a few good punches to make Steve loopy.     Steve didn’t want to think about if the kids hadn’t been there or if Max hadn’t stabbed Billy in the neck with the tranquillizer. If they had been alone, Billy could have gotten a couple more hits in and knocked Steve out. 
Maybe Billy was talking about a sick fantasy he had been planning when he said it wasn’t the first time he’d been inside Steve. 
“Maybe we should eat him,” Not-Steve mused, not talking to Eddie anymore but to the car at large. Or so it seemed until he added, “What do you think, pretty boy? He’s like cafeteria food. Not hot or appetizing, but he is cheap and available.” 
Eddie spluttered. “I am not!”  
“I would say I'm sorry if I thought that it would change your mind, but I know that this time I have said too much, been too unkind…”  
Steve’s guilty pleasure song, Boys Don’t Cry, came over the car’s radio. 
Steve didn’t want to eat Eddie. He couldn’t even bring himself to eat Thumper or Bambi. “Fuck no, I’m not going to eat him. He’s more Bambi than Bambi—the most doe-eyed guy I’ve ever seen,” Steve said, and suddenly he could speak and was very much back in his body and out of the Upside Down. 
If Steve weren’t a vampire, he would’ve turned red because he had just told Eddie, and not Billy, that he wouldn’t eat him because he thought he was cuter than Bambi. Fuck was right. 
Eddie was still trying to recover from being compared to the slop they served in the school cafeteria when Not-Steve’s eyes drained of their demonic color. Not-Steve had left the building (body), and this time, it was very clearly Real-Steve who had spoken. 
Bambi. That was a new one. Of all the things people had called him, some even downright creative with their nastiness, nobody had ever compared him to a Disney character before. Doe-eyed. Did Steve really think his eyes were doe-y?  
While his face wasn’t burning with embarrassment, Steve dropped his gaze because he still felt it. He hated Billy, hated that he was right about their feelings. He didn’t like being used as a puppet and to accuse Eddie of anything. 
Steve could tell by Eddie’s gaze lingering a little longer on him that Eddie liked him, but Steve liked that. He liked being liked, and he’d been enamored with Eddie, too. Steve looked down at his hand as he flexed his fingers, happy not to be paralyzed anymore and in control of himself for now, skull ring glimmering on his ring finger. 
The loaded silence stretched between them as the song continued, “So I try to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies. I try to laugh about it…”  
Eddie broke the tension with a nervous laugh, twisting one of his rings around his finger. Steve looked like Steve again, which was a relief—such an immense relief, even, that Eddie had to stop himself from jumping over the console and throwing his arms around him. He fiddled with his rings more. “Fuck, well, that was a trip. You okay? The… that thing isn’t still inside you listening, is it? You got it to scram?” 
Eddie’s voice got Steve to look up. “I’m okay, but I… I don’t know.” Steve felt alright—a little dehydrated, but that was it, and surprisingly, he didn’t feel like Billy had been in him in any way. “That thing was Billy Hargrove. Max’s brother, if you remember him from school. He’s such a motherfucker.” No pun intended since he probably slept with at least half of the housewives in Hawkins. “I thought he was dead. I hope he’s not listening or going to do that again, but knowing him, he likes to fuck with me. Think that was him back at the store, so that’s the second time he’s used me.” 
Billy Hargrove. That name rang a bell. Eddie’s gaze darkened briefly. He felt a surge of protectiveness for Steve. “I remember Hargrove.”  
Two years ago, when he transferred to Hawkins High, Billy Hargrove had been the name on everyone’s lips. The Californian Adonis who’d rocked up in a blue Camaro, guns blazing. Eddie had met him. Had a begrudging appreciation for the style and theatrics and had been unwillingly entranced by the pretty face, but that was where any admiration ended. The guy couldn’t have been more of a sexist pig if he tried, and he’d banded together with Tommy Hagan, which explained more than enough about his character.  
Knowing that was who was possessing Steve was just the worst fucking thing. Yuck. Just. Yuck. 
Steve swallowed. He’d pushed a lot down that Billy had brought right back up for him. At the time, he had been trying to make it work with Nancy, and had been fucking up in school, and there came Billy, the good-looking bully, who’d tried to take over his whole persona. Steve had been frustrated for more than a couple of reasons. 
“I’m sorry he talked to you like that, I wouldn’t… he didn’t, you know… he was lying.” It wasn’t like Steve cared much about his reputation, but he wouldn’t let that go. No matter how he swung, he didn’t swing that way for Billy. 
Eddie’s eyes widened. His insides squirmed, screaming at the fact that his thing for Steve was now hanging awkwardly between them, and Steve was fully aware of it. Great. That was just fucking great. At least Steve didn’t seem too disgusted. It didn’t seem like he was about to throw Eddie a knuckle sandwich. But maybe he was still in shock from being fucking possessed two minutes ago.  
“No, yeah, no, I didn’t think so,” he reassured Steve quickly. “Demons are notorious liars, man.”  
And that was what Billy now was: a demon who had possessed Steve like Regan in The Exorcist, thankfully without the head spinning and projectile pea soup.  
Of course that asshole had been lying. Eddie was glad Billy had never been with Steve that way, but if Steve had occasionally swung in his direction, that would have been… ideal was a creepy word to use, but it would have been nice, maybe. Steve wasn’t interested in him—that was clear as day—but to know another dude who was also interested in other dudes would have been refreshing. There were only two people Eddie was aware of who leaned the same way as he did, and they were— 
Steve’s back went ramrod straight, catching Eddie’s attention. His body language mirrored Steve as he followed Steve’s stare and caught sight of the bushes in front of the car’s head beams rustling ominously. Eddie was almost relieved for the next bout of fuckery about to be laid upon them, if only to escape this conversation.  
That was until three letterman jackets appeared, one belonging to Hawkins’ very own basketball star and Chrissy’s loving, devoted boyfriend, Jason Carver. It sure was impressive, the way he’d carried on with his Mr. Faithful schtick after he’d let Eddie jerk him off. So devoted. 
Eddie’s messed up heart decided to start booming over twisted feelings instead of the actual alarming problem at hand, which was that one of the jocks was holding a baseball bat, and they all had bloody murder in their eyes.  
“Shit,” Eddie muttered. He tried to restart the car but fumbled the keys. They dropped from the ignition and hit the floor with a jingle. “Christ, damn it!” 
Eddie folded himself sideways to disappear from view, inadvertently placing his head in Steve’s lap. The lights hopefully blinded the jocks enough that they hadn’t seen him. 
Here, Steve had been worried that his dick wouldn’t work as a vampire, but the second he felt Eddie’s nose graze his cock through the fabric of his jeans, it started to stir. Thankfully, it was very much alive, but Steve didn’t want to find out like this by accident. Eddie’s head was in a place he wanted it to be, but before his mind could go there and make him cream his jeans, Jason fucking Carver appeared. 
Carver and his gang were already charging toward them as Eddie scrounged on the floor for the stupid keys. 
“Harrington!” Jason called, obviously having recognized the beemer the closer he got. He stopped by Steve’s window, which was still open from earlier. Eddie froze. “Hey, have you seen that little freak, Eddie Munson? We’re looking for him. He killed Chrissy.”  
Steve’s eyes narrowed. Jason was talking to him like they were good friends. That always annoyed him because they were never friends. Jason was a little too perfect, always in his letterman jacket, like there wasn’t anything beyond basketball and Chrissy. 
Eddie held his breath, staring at the close-up fibers of Steve’s jeans. He still had the flimsy disguise on, but the sunglasses were slipping down his nose, and he knew from the soft intake of breath up above that Jason had realized he was there.  
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interru…”  
Eddie’s sunglasses fell to the floor. 
There was a long, horrifying pause. “… Munson,” Jason spat. 
Suddenly, Eddie was being yanked up by his ponytail and dragged out of the open window. Jason must have been eating his Wheaties because that fucking hurt. Eddie yowled like an alley cat, twisting wildly to free himself, but Jason still had his hair in a tight grip and the collar of Eddie’s jacket in the other. He felt Steve’s vice grip lock around his legs, keeping him from being yanked out completely. Jason’s bare arm was right beside his face, sleeve shoved up from the scuffle. Eddie growled and did the only thing he could think of, taking a page out of Steve’s new book by opening his mouth and biting Jason’s arm hard until he tasted metal. 
Steve heard teeth breaking flesh and then immediately smelled blood. Fresh fucking blood. His fangs emerged. He had to have it. 
Crack! Eddie let go as a burning pain lanced through his cheek. Carver had just bitch slapped him. Blood dripped into Eddie’s teeth as he was pulled back into the car. 
He was a little dazed, but when he locked eyes with Steve, he must have started fucking hallucinating. Steve looked monstrous again, eyes red and black veins practically popping from his skin. He had a rabid hunger and anger on his face, staring fixedly at Eddie’s lips.  “Gonna make him pay,” Steve promised. 
Eddie’s eyes dropped to Steve’s lips as they released their vengeful threat. Steve rubbed Eddie’s cheek with his thumb, then leaned in and kissed the blood right off Eddie’s lips. It didn’t last more than a second. Steve’s cold lips hitting his, his growing fangs poking Eddie and making him let out a small whimper. Then it was over, and Steve was licking Jason’s blood off like he’d just enjoyed a delectable treat.  
Steve immediately wanted more: blood, kisses and sweet revenge.
He let go and threw open the car door, hitting Jason with it. He got out and shut the door behind him to keep Eddie safe. With Jason on the ground, his lackeys came out of the woods, but it was too late. 
Steve had just kissed him. Eddie sat there, dumbfounded and still processing that, as Steve bolted out of the car and attacked Jason. Once again, his speed was immeasurable. Eddie’s heart pounded as he stared out the now-closed window. Steve was straddling Jason, hunched over his body, the same mouth he had just kissed Eddie with attached to Jason’s wrist and drinking his blood. 
Unlike Larry’s, Steve didn’t mind Jason’s blood. It was sweet and tangy, kinda like the orange sauce on orange chicken. Steve watched the light in Jason’s eyes fade as he drained him. It excited him that the evil bully was circling the drain. It was satisfying for a reason that Steve couldn’t put his finger on. He felt no remorse, surprisingly, since he was sound mind and body for this kill.
Drinking Jason’s blood was something he wanted to do, had to do, to protect Eddie and satisfy his vampiric needs. He didn’t regret it all. He was proud and full of sweet ‘n sour vampire fuel. There was little to no mess this time. Steve let Jason’s limp arm fall and punched him in the face for good measure. 
Steve was back in the car before Eddie could decide, once again, what the fuck he was supposed to do about the situation. The other jocks were white as sheets. They looked at what had happened to their leader, looked at each other, and then booked it, running in the opposite direction. Not very loyal lackeys, Eddie thought faintly. 
“Got him back for you.” Steve grinned at him, pleased as punch. 
And it was almost endearing. His fangs were stained like he’d just been eating a cherry popsicle. Eddie felt the absurd instinct to pat him on the head and call him a good vamp.  
“You… did,” answered Eddie slowly, fighting the weirdest combination of emotions known to man: terror mixed with dread mixed with affection mixed with heart-fluttering flattery.  
Eddie still seemed to be in shock, so Steve started the car for him. “In case Jason pulls a Larry, let’s fucking go!”
Eddie shook himself. “Steve, you’re not thinking straight. You’re really not thinking straight, buddy.” You kissed me! You killed Jason Carver! Killing Jason was actually the more likely thing to happen compared to Steve kissing him. It was just the blood on Eddie’s lips that he had been after. He’s a fucking vampire, Eddie reminded himself. And then, for the fifteenth time that day, he screamed at his mind to focus on the real problem. “You know what? Let’s go to the cemetery. There’s nobody with blood there to be in danger of those chompers.”  
Except for Eddie, but now that Steve was full of… Jason, he probably didn’t need any more blood—at least for a while. 
As they backed out of Lover’s Lake, Jason rose to his knees, mouth opening wide. The headlights caught his new fangs and black hole eyes. Eddie stepped on the gas and turned the wheel, tires squealing as they got out of there. 
“Maybe there isn’t anything straight about me anymore,” Steve said quietly. Steve’s skin warmed up full of tasty blood, and his darker veins dissipated slightly. His eyes went back to their normal honey-tan color. Steve had gone from a normal guy to a bloodsucking killer. “Technically, I’m not even human anymore.” 
It was laughable and a lot, not just for him but for Eddie. He wasn’t sure why Eddie hadn’t run away from him when he’d turned in the convenience store. Now, he suggested they go to the graveyard. If he weren’t a vampire, that would’ve given him the creeps. 
Eddie blinked hard but didn’t suddenly wake up in his bed, so he wasn’t dreaming. Had Steve just told him he wasn’t straight? There was no way. This had to be Hargrove’s influence. He was fucking with Steve, had control of his body and now his thoughts and feelings too. “Tell me that again after we’ve reversed this curse, and maybe I’ll believe you.” 
Steve wasn’t sure what Eddie was referencing. He revealed something that Eddie didn’t believe, but he wasn’t lying about anything. That left him feeling miffed. 
Eddie cleared his throat and continued, “I don’t think the police will check the boneyard. They’re gonna be after you now, too.” Especially as soon as Carver’s buddies squealed about what had just happened. “We need to get your Ghostbuster gang together to figure out how to fix you, stat.” 
Eddie wasn’t too worried about Steve biting his friends. So far, it only seemed to be the people who angered Steve that got fang-banged by him. (People who insulted Eddie and tried to hurt Eddie, but Steve probably would have fang-banged anybody to defend them, not just Eddie.) The trick was to keep Steve away from people who triggered his knightly instincts.
Steve couldn’t tell if Eddie was happy with him or not. Maybe Eddie feared him. He had just killed Jason, kind of. Temporarily stopped him from killing Eddie was a more accurate description. Also, drinking blood had finally satisfied Steve’s thirst. He hadn’t realized how thirsty he had become for blood and Eddie. Kissing him had felt like the most natural thing. And Eddie had done something that excited Steve. Biting Jason and drawing his blood had been really fucking hot. 
Steve wasn’t trying to hide that he liked Eddie back.  He thought he’d made it clear by kissing and protecting him. 
“Do you think we can find an empty coffin for me to hang out in when it becomes daylight?” Steve asked with a smirk, reaching down to grab his sunglasses from the floor. He put them on. “It’s a myth about the sunlight, right? The sun is gonna come up soon, so maybe you won’t have to worry about me eating you. Or do you think these shades will protect me?” 
Eddie glanced at the sky. It was turning a golden orange. The sun was minutes away from coming up. He knew Steve was joking but answered thoughtfully, “An aversion to garlic was supposed to be a myth, too, so I think we should be careful. Try to avoid it.” There wouldn’t be any empty coffins, but if things got bad, Eddie guessed they’d have to stick Steve in the trunk or something. He added, “Call me crazy, but I’m not worried about you hurting me. I trust you.”
That was the God’s honest truth, and Eddie was probably a lunatic for it, but he felt safe with Steve. It was the whacked-out supernatural forces he didn’t trust, not Harrington. What was happening to Steve wasn’t Steve’s fault.
Eddie’s answer was logical. Steve hadn’t been too worried. He was worried enough to bring it up, but at the reminder of what the garlic had done, he took the sun coming up more seriously. He hadn’t felt pain since the garlic jerky burnt his fingertips. He couldn’t imagine what the sun would do until they saw it themselves. 
Steve looked at Eddie. He noticed that Eddie’s hair tie was barely hanging on, so he reached out and took the elastic off.  “How’s your head?” Steve asked, having forgotten how violent Jason had gotten with him. His cheek was still really red. Steve gently ran his fingers through Eddie’s hair to detangle it. It felt really soft, probably thanks to his shampoo. He sunk his fingers into the top to rub Eddie’s scalp, knowing it was probably sore and tender. “I liked it when your head was in my lap. We could’ve put on a show if he hadn’t noticed it was you.” 
Focusing on the road was getting a little tricky, what with the lack of sleep, but Eddie didn’t lose focus entirely until he felt Steve’s fingers in his hair. His claws had retracted so Eddie could feel Steve’s soft fingertips grazing his scalp. He hadn’t been paying attention to the pain in his scalp, too caught up in adrenaline, but his hair follicles were screaming now with the attention brought to them, so the soothing touch made him make an embarrassing sound. It could’ve been something close to a moan, but then Steve had to get Billyfied again, and Eddie’s brain imploded.
The car veered dangerously off the road and onto the shoulder for a few seconds before he pulled it back on track.
Steve growled and bit back the urge to pull Eddie’s hair for that stunt. “Dude! Be careful with my car, would ya!” He let go so they could get to the cemetery without crashing. 
“I was being careful until you molested my head!” Eddie snapped, losing his cool and white-knuckling the steering wheel. “Quit distracting me! And quit… flirting! ”
“That wasn’t what I was doing.” Molesting Eddie’s head. Wow. Steve was just trying to make Eddie feel better. He was taken aback at being told to stop flirting, too. Jesus Christ. He wasn’t the one that almost took them off the road. 
Now, both of Eddie’s cheeks were scarlet, not just the one Carver had slapped. Eddie was used to being the flirty one, the inappropriate one, the I will make you uncomfortable before you make me uncomfortable one. He didn’t know what to do with this openly flirtatious, straight but not acting straight jock.
And then there was the whole consent issue because Steve was under the influence. It was rapey of Eddie to like that comment, to like that kiss, to like Steve at all. It was fucking with both his head and his heart, dear lord. So no, neither of them were doing very well right now, thank you.
Eddie took the next turn aggressively, going over the curb. 
If looks could kill, Steve’s narrowed eyes would’ve gotten the job done. A dirty look would do since telling Eddie to be careful hadn’t gone over well. 
The sun had started to rise, and with their new direction, the glare was very close to hitting their windshield. Just when Eddie thought things couldn’t get worse, he saw smoke up ahead. “Is that a fire?”
He leaned forward, and yeah, those were flames, but the closer they got, the more human-shaped those flames became until it became very clear that somebody was walking along the side of the road, on fire. 
Eddie hit the brakes hard, making them both jerk forward. He hesitated instead of getting out of the car to help because this person wasn’t screaming or acting panicked like a normal person on fire would. They were calmly, sluggishly walking as their flesh melted off. Eddie rolled down his window.
Eddie rolled the window back up, cutting off the crackling groan. “That is barbecued vampire bacon right there.”
The sunlight was slowly creeping into the car. It reached Steve’s collarbone. “Shit, Steve!” Without thinking much beyond preventing Steve from being flambeed, Eddie reached out and yanked Steve sideways out of the line of fire. Steve’s face hit his lap.
What they saw out Eddie’s open window was horrifying. A zombified vampire was on fire. Was Steve going to spontaneously burst into flames and go up into dust, too? Not on Eddie’s watch, apparently. Steve wasn’t sure what the fuck Eddie was doing to him or why his head suddenly needed to be buried in his lap. This was comical. 
“Who’s molesting who now?” Steve snarked as he got comfy. Maybe if he just went to sleep here in Eddie’s lap, the sun wouldn’t make him go up in flames. 
Eventually, he felt the sun on his legs, and he didn’t feel like he was burning. So, was he going to be okay? “Do you think me going down on you is the antidote or something?” Steve smirked and started to undo Eddie’s belt. Something about being a well-fed vampire was making Steve horny. Surely, Eddie wasn’t going to let him get his pants open, but Steve was going to try. He thought it was a grand invitation.
Eddie spluttered. “Do I—Jesus Christ, no .” If Eddie’s dick had magical vampiric healing properties, that would be too good to be true. There was the sound of metal clinking and—
“ Steven. Bad vampire!” Eddie smacked Steve’s hand away from his pants. The little fanger had actually gotten Eddie’s belt open and was starting on his zipper. Eddie didn’t know if Steve was short for Steven, but it felt right. “When I said you could eat me earlier, I meant the blood in my neck, not there. ”
Well, also there, but Steve wasn’t supposed to actually take him up on it. Billyfied Steve was really testing Eddie’s sanity. Eddie gripped the wheel so he didn’t do something stupid like bury his hands in Steve’s beautifully luscious-looking hair and say, “Let’s try and find out, shall we?” 
How was he supposed to survive? Hell, he’d take facing Vecna over this sort of personal torture.
Steven, ugh, that sounded like his mom was getting after him. Steve had to laugh when it was followed up with a bad vampire and a smack to his hand. Steve stopped and moved said hand out of the way, letting Eddie do his pants back up. 
Eddie didn’t trust himself yet to step on the gas pedal again, too busy willing himself not to get the world’s most inappropriate boner by thinking of sad and gross things like dead kittens and that time he accidentally walked in on Wayne in the tub.
That worked, thank God.
Eddie defended himself. “I’m not a creep like that, man.” Steve had to know he wasn’t about to take advantage of him in his current state. He didn’t know what sort of impression Steve had of him by now, but he would never sink to that level of grody human trash. “I was just trying to keep you from being turned into a fucking fanglet mignon. The sun almost grilled you through the window just now.”
There was sunlight on Steve’s legs, but his jeans must have protected his skin because nothing was happening. “There are some big shade trees at the cemetery we can sit under. Just stay down until we make it, okay? Or hide in the fucking back seat."
That was a way safer option for all parties. Eddie continued to scold him, totally killing Steve’s blood buzz. He hadn’t had anyone stop him or complain when he took their pants off before. He seriously considered biting Eddie’s thigh through his jeans just to shut him up. Steve shifted off Eddie’s lap but stayed low like he suggested.  “When I need blood again, I’m taking you up on your initial offer. I just thought we could’ve had a little fun after the day we’ve had. Since you’re not like that or into having my mouth on you, I’m gonna keep it off you.” Steve’s good mood was quickly dissipating. He climbed into the backseat, deciding that some space between them would be good. He sighed and stared up at the ceiling as Eddie started the car. 
Eddie’s stomach gave a little jolt, his eyebrows crinkling in instant regret. He bit his lip. Oh, how fucking wrong Steve was. But Steve was also overridden by lusty Billy-infused vampire hormones right now. He didn’t know what he was saying. He would get over it pretty quickly once he was regular Steve again. He would probably be disgusted by everything he’d said and done toward Eddie. There was no way these were his true feelings.
And besides, maybe Eddie wanted to be more than just a little fun. He’d been the experimental fun for Carver, and look how well that had turned out. Maybe he wanted to be… You know what? It didn’t matter because this wasn’t happening. Steve would thank him later for preventing it.
It was a bit awkward since it was on the floor near him, but Eddie reached back and grabbed a pack of strawberry Big League Chew from the basket, keeping his gaze far away from Steve’s after he noticed an honest-to-God, actual pout gracing the guy’s lips like he’d been denied his favorite toy. (And that was so cute it was fucking unfair.)
Eddie tore the pack open, shoving the entire contents into his mouth so it would be occupied and wouldn’t run off on all the ways Steve was wrong about him not being like that or not into having his mouth. Eddie scrunched the bubblegum wrapper in his fist and chewed his frustration out until they got to the cemetery.
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amberjazmyn · 3 months
instagram 🫶
pairing : logan sargeant x fem!reader
summary : a series of instagram posts from users logansargeant and yourusername.
warnings :  legit none, just some fluffy couple instagram posts
a/n : i just wanted to get another chapter out so i thought this would be a cute idea but if anyone has any ideas, please let me know as i am struggling to come up with original ideas rather than recycling older chapters. 
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liked by yourusername, charlesleclerc, oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, kellypiquet and 89,4k others
logansargeant who needs wine tastings when i have my own private tastings every day👅
view all 200 comments
yourusername little logan sargeant has gone rouge y'all
logansargeant yourusername you like it
charlesleclerc i don't know if i should be proud or slightly horrified...
logansargeant charlesleclerc honestly, this isn't my proudest moment right now so i don't mind if you say that you're horrified
oscarpiastri who knew little logan was a kinky bastard?
logansargeant oscarpiastri not you clearly!
maxverstappen1 i'm mildly amused by this and i feel ashamed of myself
logansargeant maxverstappen1 honestly same tbh
danielricciardo umm...need i remind you there are children on instagram...
logansargeant danielricciardo yeah landonorris but he hasn't arrived yet so we're fine
landonorris danielricciardo logansargeant wtf is wrong with you logan?
kellypiquet gorgeous couple 
logansargeant kellypiquet i'm glad you think that at least kelly!
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liked by logansargeant, maxverstappen1, kellypiquet, oscarpiastri, francisca.cgomes and 76.5k others
yourusername aunty y.n duties with the one and only little lola🤍
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logansargeant you and lola are just adorable together babe. your sister and brother-in-law make amazing kids
maxverstappen1 and i thought lola was a mini mummy but, she's more of a mini you, y.n 🤍
kellypiquet this is such a sweet photo, y.n. it's obvious at how much lola absolutely adores you and is always excited to hang out with you 🤍
oscarpiastri one of the best aunties in the world
francisca.cgomes am loving the matchy match you two! 
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liked by logansargeant, danielricciardo, maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, charlesleclerc, williamsracing, francisca.cgomes and 99.9k others
yourusername hey, logs, should we get married logansargeant?
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logansargeant i'm so pumped baby!
danielricciardo hold up, pause, what now? i think i may have missed a couple of chapters!
maxverstappen1 hold the fucking phone, what?!
oscarpiastri are you guys serious? cause if you're joking i'm gonna be so mad!
charlesleclerc it's happening, stay calm everybody!
williamsracing our first f1 grid wedding!
francisca.cgomes omg what?
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liked by yourusername and 2,350k others
logansargeant y.n y.m.n y.l.n you are the love of my life and my soulmate.
you are the only person that i've loved this seriously like this. i am in love with you so much that i think half of my brain is actually just images of you and the future we're going to have together. you are my favourite person in the entire world and the best distraction when my mind gets too busy. you always know how to make me happy and laugh. but you still remind me that i don't have to be happy all the time. you always remind me that i can cry, get anxious, get scared, etc. you never force me to always be one thing or feel one thing all the time. i knew the day i first met you before we reunited in the paddock at the miami grand prix that i was going to fall in love with you and one day marry you. you take care of me in your own way and it's now the only way i know how to be taken care of. you have your own special way of calming me down, treating me, loving me and it's the perfect way for me and only me. i love the way your eyes and nose crinkle up when you smile or have a laughing fit. i love how you are so good at your job as an activist and the many other things you manage to do. i love the way you pull your hair back with one of the many colourful claw clips that you have an extensive collection of. i love how you try to blow strands of hair from you face when i mess it up on purpose. i love how you distract me when we're supposed to be filming a take. i love how, even though you find it difficult at first, you always maintain eye contact when you're in conversation with somebody you don't know. i love how kind you always are to everyone, no matter if they were rude or if they were nice. i love how positive you are. i love how you take care of your nieces and nephews, i can already see what an amazing mother you'd be to our future children. i love how fearless you are. i love the way you always steal my clothes. i love the way you always wear the same colours that i do even if it's on purpose or unintentionally when it's not my own clothes you're wearing, especially during grand prixs. i love how you always have to wear at least one of my own clothing items (mostly my team polo) in your outfit when you're with me during a race because it truly does look better on you always. i love the way you always defend me when anyone feels the need to say things that you don't like as though they expect you to be disgusted by me. i love how you aren't embarrassed by the weird things i do. i love how you love me for me and nothing else.
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yourusername i love you even more logie and i cannot wait to marry you, you gorgeous man
danielricciardo you guys were serious! congratu-fucking-lations!
maxverstappen1 my phone is held and i am shocked! congrats you two
oscarpiastri you were very serious and i am so happy! congratulations you two
charlesleclerc i am so happy that you guys were serious! congratulations my lovelies
williamsracing congratulations logan and y.n!
francisca.cgomes i'm screaming!!!!
kellypiquet omg this is so exciting! congratulations logan and y.n!
this was so much fun to write again but for logan sargeant and now, part two will be up shortly as well!
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nhstadler · 9 months
3 9 7  P A G E S
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Hey everyone! I realised it's been forever since I posted anything and since I'm not quite finished with the chapter, I thought I'd at least post a story snippet to let you know that I haven't fogotten about you and about HNTBAW. It's just been a little much lately and I've been struggling with writer's block (as always).
But anyway, this is a random scene from the post Hogwarts series (which I might title A Catalogue of Us). It's kind of a flashback memory sort of thing and maybe it's a little confusing and sad, but maybe some of you enjoy it. I hope you had wonderful holidays / Christmas if you celebrate it and I promise I'm still writing.
Let me know what you think if you feel like it... hearing from you guys always helps my motivation, honestly :)
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When James fell, the world stood still. I stood still. 
Sometimes I still dream about it. His muddled form falling through the sky, the burst of levitation spells in the pouring rain, like perverse fireworks, missing him again and again and again. There was nothing anyone could have done and yet… 
And yet.
I take a sip of my coffee, trying to banish the scraps of the nightmare that still cling to my mind as I wrap the blanket tighter around my shoulders. The air is crisp, laced with salt and the subtle sweetness of the heather that grows along the cliffside, trembling in the breeze. I’ve been staring at the horizon for almost an hour, watching the darkness fade into that bluish glow that only exists in these few minutes before sunrise, when the world is in-between. Like the sky holds its breath for just a moment.
Like I held my breath when I was an ocean away, unpacking my old life into my new flat, barely paying attention to Ludo Bagman’s tinny commentary in the background. I didn’t even know why I had turned on the match in the first place. I should have stayed away, taken advantage of the physical distance, but there was comfort in the familiarity of it. In hearing his name chanted by thousands of voices. I missed him and I hated him a little for it. And then I heard the screams. 
I thought I had lost him before, but this was so much worse.
The room is bright, made of sun-drenched walls and filled with flowers and too many people. But I barely notice. James isn’t moving. There is a tangle of tubes, pumping healing potion from the IV bags into his system, mending his broken bones and his cuts and gashes as much as it can. But even magic can only do so much. 
Ginny sees me first. I’m lingering in the doorway like an intruder, not sure if I have a right to be here. I couldn’t not come. I don’t know what to say, though. My throat closes off when our gaze meets over the hospital bed. She’s clutching James’s hand in both of hers like she’s holding on for dear life, her eyes brimming with tears, and I’m crying too, biting my bottom lip to keep myself from sobbing.
“Seth!” Lily calls out, making both Harry and Al look up, but I still don’t know if I’m welcome. Not until Ginny lets go of her son and extends her hand towards me, the faintest of smiles curving her mouth as she summons me to his bedside.
I want to touch him, to feel that he is still here, warm and real and alive, but I don’t dare. There are too many IV lines and bandages and I’m afraid I might hurt him. “How - how is he?”
It’s a useless question, I know it, but there’s still the naive hope that the answer might have changed. That he’ll open his eyes and give me that infuriating half-smile, calling me Woodley and telling me that everything will be alright.
“I’m sorry,” someone says behind me and I turn around to look at the healer that has come into the room. “Only family is allowed in here.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry.” 
I make to get up, wiping away the tears with shaky fingers, but Ginny’s hand circles my wrist, her bloodshot gaze firmly on the woman in the lime green coat. “She is.”
I wanted to buy him some magazines, but half of the stock in the small St. Mungo’s kiosk is about brooms and Quidditch and the other half are gaudy newspapers that still seem to be in a competition over who can print the most disturbing pictures of James plummeting through the air. I was ready to give up and settle on the Kneazle Lover’s Digest when I saw the flashy book pyramid by the checkout. 
“I got you something.” I’m barely in the room when I hold up the shiny hardback with the gaudy cover and James raises an eyebrow at the shirtless guy that takes up most of the front.
“Holy Morgan, what is that, Woodley?” He lets his head fall to the side, smiling at me, even though he is too weak to move. Bruises and scratches still paint brutal patterns across his skin, covering his face and neck, his shoulders, his ribs, but they’re healing. 
Unlike his legs. 
“They had it in the hospital bookshop!” I can barely contain my excitement as I sit down in the chair next to his bed, thumbing through the pages, because this feels like a sign. A very dumb sign, but a sign nonetheless, and I’ll take anything I can get. “No way!” I press the open page against my mouth, my eyebrows arching at James over the edge of the book.
“What?” He’s frowning, amusement still tugging on the corners of his mouth. 
“It’s set in the 1800s.” 
He groans, though the grin on his face definitely dampens the effort. Rain is lashing against the windows, drowning out the steady drip of the IVs and, for a moment, it feels like it used to. Like Sunday mornings at his and Freddie’s flat, when he would refuse to get up and pull me back into bed with him.
“I’m so excited.”
“I bet.” He’s laughing, properly now, and my heart flutters behind my chest. It should know better. Especially because I saw her name flash across his phone screen last night before I left. “How long is that damn thing?”
I flip to the very back of the book, catching a few of the final words even though I try to not read them. “397 pages.”
“How many pages?”
He used to ask how many chapters. Then it turned to pages. Because he knows it too - that we only exist like the words on paper, between the pages. Until we reach the last one. The last sentence. 
When the story ends, so do we. But ours is a tragedy. Maybe it was always meant to be.
I come back every day. I sit next to his bed and read A Witch’s Guide to Rakes and Romance, blushing fiercely at the spicy scenes but reading it all. James covers Lily’s ears when she’s cuddled up next to him and she complains loudly while Al and Freddie laugh and Harry and Ginny exchange soft, tired smiles.
Sometimes, the room is crowded. Sometimes, it’s just us - James and me and the steady whirring of the machines - and I read to him until he falls asleep. I read to him until twilight creeps into the room and we have to turn on the neon hospital lights. 
I read to him until he can feel his legs again. 
Until the IV lines become less.
Until he can sit up by himself.
“How many?” He says and I don’t look at him.
It’s the last chapter. And, though I know that it’s time to go, that this semi-real version of us has an expiration date, I dread every page I turn.
“What if you stayed?” James says, quietly, and I feel like I might choke. I can barely breathe.
What if I stayed?
“I - I can’t.” My fingers are clenching the book in my lap, digging into the cover for something to hold on to. This feels awful, like a second break-up, and I wish I could just fold myself into his arms. 
But I can’t and he doesn’t argue. Because he knows me too well.
His lips are pressed together as he nods, a tear sliding down the side of his face into his pillow and I’m crying too. When he reaches out, I take his hand and weave my fingers through his, careful to not dislodge the catheter in the back of his hand.
“Do you want to hear the ending now?” I ask, wiping the tears from my cheeks, and his gaze slides from my face to the book in my lap, to our intertwined fingers.
“No.” I feel his hold on me loosen, his hand slipping out of my grasp a little. “I don’t want to know how it ends.”
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
A Good Day for Death (Book 1) Chapter Ten
Wednesday Addams x Reaper! Reader
Chapter Ten: A Good Day for Shopping
Summary: Everyone is excited for the Rave'N, except Wednesday, who, of course, just wants to continue her investigation. Unfortunately for her, her partner in crime is ready to party, and Wednesday herself is dragged in.
            The next day near the end of botany class, after they finished their reading of the section, (Y/N) asked, “How did Enid take your new dorm decorations?”
           When they had headed out for the morning, (Y/N) had spied Wednesday putting the photos of the victims and severed body parts up on a board. They had heard Wednesday sneaking out the previous night and guessed that she was up to something. They had been anxiously awaiting a moment to ask her what she had discovered on her little trip.
            “She didn’t appreciate my unsanctioned trip to the morgue,” murmured Wednesday so no one overheard. “She fainted when she saw the different surgically removed organs and limbs.”
            “Yeah, I can’t imagine Enid would like seeing that so early in the morning,” agreed (Y/N). They frowned. “Wait, surgically removed?”
            Wednesday nodded. “After the victims are killed by the monster, someone is removing body parts.”
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. “That just gives more questions about this monster issue than answers.”
            “Unfortunately, yes,” said Wednesday.
            “Alright, class,” called Thornhill. “I know everyone’s excited Saturday, but we have some lessons to finish up. To sum up the reading, while most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery or deception. The orchid specifically produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?”
            “Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave’N,” joked Bianca. The students laughed and began talking amongst themselves once again.
            “Okay, okay.” Thornhill gathered their attention again. “I know you’re all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven’t assignment any homework.” The students nearly cheered with joy. “But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here. Class dismissed!”
            “You’re not gonna volunteer?” asked Xavier, looking at Wednesday. “Aren’t you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch? There’s even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz.”
            “I’d rather stick needles in my eyes,” said Wednesday at the suggestion that she would go to a party.
            “Yeah, but you’d do that for fun,” teased (Y/N).
            “I’d at least stick them into others’ eyes,” agreed Wednesday.
            “Well, you could always invite someone to the Rave’N to have some fun,” said Xavier. Clearly, he was hoping to go with Wednesday. He put his sketchbook away and revealed three long scratches on his neck.
            “That would be even more torturesome. And not the fun kind of torture,” said Wednesday, standing up.
            (Y/N) followed but trailed behind in slight disappointment. They had to admit they were hoping that if Wednesday did get convinced to go the Rave’N, that she would go with them since they were partners in crime. They didn’t think there was much of a chance of her going anyway, but (Y/N) had entertained a small hope.
            “Did you see his neck?” remarked Wednesday, snapping them out of their thoughts.
            “Hm? Oh, yeah, the scratches,” said (Y/N).
            “They look similar to those of the monster’s victims,” said Wednesday. “I’m going to see what he’s up to in his free time.”
            “Like in his art shed?” asked (Y/N).
            “If that’s all it is,” said Wednesday darkly.
            “Alright, good luck,” said (Y/N).
            Wednesday looked at (Y/N) out of the corner of her eye. “You’re not accompanying me?”
            “Can’t. I’m helping Enid decide on what look she’s going for at the Rave’N. She’s making a masterplan to make Ajax jealous since he ditched her on the date they planned,” said (Y/N). They grinned. “Hopefully we make him really regret that decision.”
            Wednesday nodded. “If you are in need of torture tools for the boy, they are in my desk.”
            “We only will if he manages to somehow hurt Enid’s feelings at the dance. That would mean war,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            “Okay, so, full pink hair, I’ll ask some witches to perform a spell for it, sequined dress, which we’ll get in town, and what are we doing with your nails?” said (Y/N) as they wrote down what Enid had so far decided on.
            “I don’t want to match too much, but I want to keep a theme,” said Enid thoughtfully.
            “How about pink nails? And one of them could have some sparkles?” suggested (Y/N).
            “You’re a genius,” said Enid excitedly. “So what about you, what are you going to wear?”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll take a look when we go into town.”
            The door to the dorm swung open, and a traumatized-looking Wednesday entered the room. “I am horrified to say it, but I am going to the dance.”
            Enid’s eyes widened. “You’re going to the Rave’N?”
            Wednesday gritted her teeth. “In an attempt to investigate Xavier, I was accosted by him and had to save my cover by asking him to the Rave’N.”
            (Y/N) felt their heart clench. Yes, Wednesday was just doing it so Xavier didn’t realize she had been sneaking around his art shed, but it was disappointing that she was going with a guy who definitely had a thing for her. (Y/N) was, well, jealous of Xavier.
            “I guess we’ll have to get you a dress, then,” said (Y/N), swallowing their envy.
            “I already have one,” said Wednesday.
            Enid made a horrified face. “That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate. Thing, (Y/N), back me up.” Thing gave a thumbs up.
            (Y/N) shrugged sheepishly. “You looked nice, Wednesday, but it’s not exactly up to a formal dance’s dress code.”
            Wednesday crossed her arms and just glared at them.
            “I know just the place to fix this,” said Enid excitedly. “We need to get to Jericho, stat!”
            “What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?” questioned Wednesday as she glowered at the “Hewte Kewture” store before her.
            “The dance committee’s suggesting all white to match the white, but that’s not going to fly with us,” said Enid, ignoring Wednesday.
            “I have more pressing business than to worry about a dance I don’t want to attend,” said Wednesday, turning away. “I’m going to speak to Sheriff Galpin. I’m planning to convince him to give me more information on the case.” She glanced at (Y/N) to see if they were joining.
            Enid grabbed (Y/N)’s arm and smiled at Wednesday. “Have fun! I’m commandeering your partner-in-crime.”
            “Good luck with Sheriff Galpin,” said (Y/N), smiling. Wednesday nodded to them and walked away.
            Enid dragged (Y/N) into Hewte Kewture. “Alright, first things first, we’re getting you a dress.”
            (Y/N) frowned. “I thought today was your fashion show. You know, make a statement to Ajax that he should have showed up?”
            “Yeah, but I can’t have my best friend not turn up looking a-ma-zing.” Enid grinned at (Y/N). “You know, to prove to Xavier that he might be the one going with Wednesday, but you are so much better than him.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they turned red. “It’s just a cover. Wednesday doesn’t want him to know she was breaking into his art shed.”
            Enid ignored the mention of Wednesday breaking and entering. “Yeah, but he thinks it’s more than that, and we need to remind him you and Wednesday are way cuter.” (Y/N) somehow turned even redder.
            “Alright, we’ve both found dresses,” said Enid happily.
            (Y/N) nodded, holding the box with their dress in it. They honestly really liked their dress and were excited to wear it. Even if they weren’t going with Wednesday like they hoped, they were determined to have fun.
            “Now, I’ve been invited to get coffee with Yoko. Would you hate me if I headed out?” said Enid.
            (Y/N) smiled and shook their head. “No, I’m going to head back to Nevermore. Have fun.”
            “By the way, I’m hoping that Bianca charms Xavier or something so that you can go with Wednesday,” said Enid as she ran out. “Oh! I’ll ask a witch to curse him!”
            You know, Enid can be craftier than people think, thought (Y/N), smiling and shaking their head.
            “Don’t want to ask what trouble you’re in now,” said Tyler teasingly as Wednesday left the sheriff’s office.
            “Nothing I can’t handle,” replied Wednesday. “Your father’s in particularly frustrating form today. Avoid.”
            “Yeah, welcome to my world,” said Tyler. He cleared his throat. “You guys have the Rave’N this weekend, right? It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today.”
            “I must be the only one not obsessed with this stupid dance,” muttered Wednesday. “Even (Y/N) is into it.”
            “So, you’re not going?” asked Tyler.
            “Actually, I was forced to ask someone as an act of self-preservation,” said Wednesday.
            Tyler’s face was one of confusion. “Sure, that happens, I guess. So, who is it? (Y/N)?” Tyler had seen Wednesday with (Y/N) quite a bit, so his jealousy chose them as the person Wednesday would be going with for “self-preservation.”
            “No. Xavier,” said Wednesday.
            Tyler was further annoyed. “Got it.” He brushed past her. “Hope you two have fun.”
            “I’m not sure you’re upset,” said Wednesday, turning to face him.
            “That’s kind of the problem,” said Tyler. “I mean, call me crazy, Wednesday, but you keep giving me these signals.”
            Wednesday’s expression didn’t change. “It’s not my fault I can’t interpret your emotional Morse code.” The only person she was seen hanging around with was (Y/N), so why Tyler thought he was getting signals was unknown to her.
            “Then let me spell it out. I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this, and I have no idea where I stand,” said Tyler. “Am I in the ‘more than friend’ zone or just a pawn in some game you’re playing?”
            Again, Wednesday didn’t react. Tyler wasn’t someone she sought out for anything other than information, and while he was traditionally attractive, Wednesday was never one to be drawn in just by that type of stuff. Sure, he may become a friend at some point (though she denied it), but there wasn’t really anything more on Wednesday’s end. Tyler’s assertion that he thought he was getting hints of affection from Wednesday were just odd.
            “I am prioritizing, and emotions are not first,” said Wednesday to get herself out of the conversation. Without waiting for a response, she turned away and walked to the bus back to Nevermore.
            After her trip into the monster’s cave with Eugene’s help, Wednesday returned to Xavier’s shed. She needed his DNA to compare to the monster claw left in its lair. Hopefully this wouldn’t take long and then she could figure a way out of going to the Rave’N. If she could get Galpin to test it, that would work. Wednesday nearly smiled in satisfaction as she found a bloody rag in the trash, undoubtedly Xavier’s. She tucked it into a plastic bag and then placed that in her backpack. Before she could leave, however, Xavier walked in.
            “What are you doing?” asked Xavier.
            “How do you know what the monster looks like?” questioned Wednesday. “Or are these all just self-portraits?”
            Xavier scoffed. “What, you think it’s me? I saved your life.”
            “With the gargoyle, that was (Y/N),” pointed out Wednesday. “But if you’re talking about the night Rowan was killed, the monster did save me.”
            “You are so out of line right now,” snapped Xavier.
            “I’m trying to uncover the truth,” said Wednesday. “And your art seems to have a recurring motif.”
            Xavier swallowed. “Yeah. This creature’s been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out, but I can’t. So I just…come in here and paint it. While I was painting this one—” he gestured to a large painting “—claws reached out and took a swipe at me. That’s how I got these.” He pulled at the collar of his shirt to show his scratch marks.
            “I thought you were able to control your ability,” said Wednesday appraisingly.
            “Not when it comes to this,” admitted Xavier.
            “Maybe it’s your guilty conscience,” suggested Wednesday.
            “I told you I’m not the monster, okay?!” cried Xavier.
            Wednesday took out of the drawing she had taken from his shed earlier. “You just happened to draw pictures of it, down to the location of its lair in the woods?” she challenged. “Those are some pretty vivid dreams. And you keep trying to convince me that visions can’t be trusted, yet yours are fine.”
            “You were in here,” realized Xavier. “Before, when I caught you outside.” Wednesday looked slightly to the side as she realized she had given herself away. “That’s the only reason you asked me to the Rave’N?” He scoffed incredulously. “To try and cover. You are unbelievable!”
            “It’s nothing personal,” said Wednesday.
            “No! It never is with you, is it?!” cried Xavier. “I mean, do you even care about anyone or anything at all, Wednesday?!”
            He’d be unhappy to know that she did care about other people, but it just wasn’t him that she cared about in the way he wished.
            “No, Thing, for the last time, I’m not going,” said Wednesday as she gathered her supplies for the stakeout she and Eugene were going to. (Y/N) was too busy with the dance so Wednesday was heading with the Hummers crew.
            Thing continued tapping against the desk furiously. He was trying to convinced Wednesday to go since he was on Enid’s side trying to pair Wednesday and (Y/N) up.
            “No. I don’t care that (Y/N)’s going, and no, I don’t care that they’re dressed up. I don’t care about parties or any of that stuff,” said Wednesday.
            Thing paused in his equivalent of a sigh and tapped out his final message.
            “What do you mean you and Enid told them I was going to be joining them?” hissed Wednesday. “I didn’t even bother getting a dress.”
            Thing pointed to the bed in response. A black box lay on it. Wednesday glared at him but opened the package. The dress from Uriah’s Heap shop window lay in it. She sighed.
            “Fine. But only because I can’t have (Y/N) being upset at me,” muttered Wednesday. Thing tapped the desk. “No, not because I would care. Because it would interrupt my investigation, that’s why.”
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