#how do y'all deal w fucked up siblings like im
kevindavidday · 1 year
fellas im ngl im losing my mind </3
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dareactions · 2 years
I just have a few requests x3
How about the companions react to a Young!Inquisitor reacting to solas's betrayal by saying this: "I dont know why I was surpprised, everyone I have ever loved has either left me,died,betrayed me somehow,or given me copious amounts of trauma. I'm kinda numb to it all at this point" and they stop hiding their emotions and they just look....so old? Like almost broken old?
I return just to hit y'all w the angst hammer im so sorry. (I'm not <3)
Solas goes first bcs he is a big meanie and should feel bad for hurting poor young!inquisitor smh
Solas: It's not the answer he expects or the response he wants. There's no doubt that he knew from the beginning that he'd hurt them, that no matter what happened they would look at him as if he'd lit their entire life on fire and watched it burn down but not once had he even considered that they'd look so- aged. There's a horrifyingly burning feeling in his chest and he wants to grab their shoulders and beg for them to be angry, kick, scream- do anything a normal person would. But instead, they're just staring at him so exhausted and for once Solas feels dread.
Cassandra: Her first initial feeling, is anger. Cassandra always responds to things with that first burst of fiery rage and need for justice, but once that passes it's just the need to protect. She finally understands her own brother, a bit. Cassandra helps in the only ways she knows, holding the Inquisitor until they finally let themself cry, and after that, she makes it her own personal life goal to cave in the skull of anyone who ever makes them make that expression again. She considers for just a moment if maybe she is part of the problem (she knows she is, she remembers the first time they met in that cell), but she can't bring herself to think about it.
Blackwall: He knows he is part of the problem, of that long list of people who have lied and turned tail when it came down to it. And fuck if he doesn't feel bad. Blackwall hates to admit that he is an expert in self-pity but he really can't help the wave of self-hatred that seeing the Inquisitor like that brings. He has never seen someone young seem so old but then he remembers young soldiers, young mages, and templars all with that same dead look in their eyes. Blackwall turns away, he might make them small trinkets and keep an eye on them but he is nowhere near brave enough to look them in the face for nearly a week after that.
Dorian: So, he is adopting them- everyone shut up, you don't get to pick. It's his younger sibling now and as their new legal guardian, he would want everyone to back the fuck off. Dorian is the most likely I think to fall into the attempts of regaining normalcy for the Inquisitor. He treats them the same, doesn't matter what horrifying piece of information they may have dropped he keeps the same level of jest and care between them. But he is more keen-eyed on making sure nobody gets too close, that nobody says something that no teenager or child should year. Nothing is more horrifying than a Pavus with protective habits, let me tell you that much.
Sera: I love Sera, but she is fucking horrid with the emotional support and she knows it. Sera will step around like she is walking on glass shards, get annoyed and say something bordering on insensitive and then realize what she has done- and try her best to mend things. Sera forgot their age, she said and had them help with things that maybe a child shouldn't deal with but no child in Ferelden isn't broken a little bit, so she isn't entirely sure how to navigate someone so numb to it all. Sera of course suggests crime, that always makes her feel better and it'll make them feel better for sure.
Iron Bull: See, the Inquisitor is a member of the Bull's Chargers. That means they're family and they're looking so fucking miserable and sad right now that it just means that he kicks into that need to protect. Bull knows better than to lean onto his past mistakes and regrets, think about everything he could've done better at this point to protect them. He just is more weary, more aware of their age- he does his best to keep some semblance of childhood in their life even if its far too late. And if things get too hard he pats their shoulder, leans down and reminds them 'horns pointed up, chin high' because nobody can take them down and if they are too numb to go on then he'll just have to re-ignite their flame.
Varric: Oh, he has seen that look before. Hawke carried it like a horrifying shadow of dread after their mom, after everything. He remembers the glazed over look, the empty tone of voice and the exhaustion. The way nothing is hidden on their face and he hates it. A part of Varric had promised himself to not let it get to this point, and he failed miserably. Varric never saw himself as much of a parental figure but somehow he falls into one pretty easily after that reveal, he is far less willing to let things slide. Varric is the first to admit he will put a bolt through Solas throat if he sees him again though.
Vivienne: She sees that expression, hears those words and she sees red. If you've ever seen this woman mad you've never seen her mad like this and it's like watching a mother lion with its cub. It's almost laughable when people try to get too close to do something after this, it's as if the Inquisitor has their own personal mom to freeze people at will now. She can't undo that hurt, she knows she can't, but she sure as hell can help them in the future.
Cole: Oh this poor lad, he feels that pain into his very core and it makes him feel like he will shatter and break himself. Cole is hovering, but not in the way that Cass of Vivienne is- he hovers in a surprisingly...helpful way. Cole whispers words of comfort, reminds them of the good and is well aware of when to be quiet. Sometimes he can help, not with everything, but this he can help with and he does so the only way he knows- words of truth and letting the Inquisitor wear his hat and hug him, obviously.
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drterminal · 6 years
the umbrella academy s1 reactions - part 3
lets go umbrella gang!
part 1: https://casey-brinkes.tumblr.com/post/182841103516/umbrella-academy-s1-reactions-part-1
part 2: https://casey-brinkes.tumblr.com/post/182861701786/umbrella-academy-s1-reactions-part-2-ep-2-3
this part covers episodes 4 through 7 uwu
- i love how pogo’s just ready,,, holding the serum,,, hsbjndfhn
- luther “okay so basically,, im monky” hargreeves
- “poor diego” hahaha if only you knew
- luther is so edgy sdhjbfkksfhbdns 
- “for one day i think you'll be fine” SHUT UP LEONARD MEDS ARE IMPORTANT!!!!
- leonard is really pushing his relationship w vanya and I Don't Like It
- i hope the rest of the fandom hates leonard as much as i do
- “no wonder we didnt last” were diego and eudora in a relationship in the past??????? did they really make police mans a woman to give diego a relationship??? 
- why does this show make everything romantic
- like i get luther/allison bc that was a thing in the comics (which i don't like anyway), but vanya/leonard and diego/eudora make me ://////
- leonard’s being a creepy weirdo again but when isn't he
- diego i know you have a rivalry with your brother but calling him a monster is a little too far
- oh shit they got the eyes
- okay but. how do they think hazel and cha-cha killed grace?? they didn’t know she was a robot (the academy obviously doesn't know this but their kills aren’t clean. just look at their victims later in the episode)
- “you know what’s funny? i'm going through puberty. twice” trans people be like
- klaus winking at the lady on the bus hjsndshfb
- oh look its kate walsh
- i love my angry boy, diego hargreeves
- so the handler = carmichael??
- okay so the whole deal with the handler and the kennedy assassination is weird because in dallas number five is trying to stop his older self from killing the people involved in the kennedy assassination bc tua takes place in this alternate universe where kennedy never died (bc older five stopped them) BUT in that timeline the world ends bc kennedy meets hargreeves and gives him nukes and the nukes end up in hazel and cha-cha’s hands and they go boom SO in order to make sure the world doesn’t end allison assassinates kennedy. but in the netflix show kennedy dies? i think? bc older five never stopped the assassins bc he wanted to get back to his time? so i don’t know how that’s going to work. of course things are VERY different from the comics and im aware of that but im just wondering how shit is gonna work out with everything changed yknow. SORRY FOR THE HUGE PARAGRAPH 
- these dumbasses and their food choices (vanya was just out of it BUT DIEGO AND KLAUS WERE NOT)
- “you know i can't drive” that's how u know klaus is really lgbt
- i also love klaus and diego’s relationship
- “wearing grace’s heels” klaus hargreeves, a nonbinary icon since age twelve
- is klaus okay???? like there’s all this shit that’s already happened to him PLUS now he has ptsd from war and a dead boyfriend
- i love hazel not being able to comprehend peaceful bird watching
- agnes is iconic
- F U C K
- no. what i think is about to happen better not fucking happen
- the little scream when the umbrella popped in hfjdksfk
- “terminate hazel” OH NOOOOO
- @ comic fans did y'all notice the temps aeternalis masks on the wall of the briefcase room
- yay hazel is alive! thank u cha-cha
- but im interested in what actually made her not kill him. cha-cha’s the no-nonsense, cut-to-the-chase one. she wouldn’t hesitate in terminating someone for the commission, so why hesitate now? because hazel’s been her parter for, hell, who knows how long? or did he sway her in his little speech?
- let me tell you i love analyzing this series
- BHDSJAKKHBFKJNSFB JNS JNAFSNJKAL DIEGO SUPPORTING HIS BROTHER WITHOUT HESITATION!!!!!!! “well dave must have been a very special person to put up with all your weird-ass shit” DO YOU HEAR ME CRYING
- “what an asshole” we been knew buddy
- “to finish the feast” allison. honey. that food has been there for years
- everyone in the academy is an idiot and you know what? that's valid
- diego geniunely cares for klaus. i love them
- dave D’:
- “im an idiot” yes, yes you are. you all are
- the “tough” one can’t kill her partner but the “distracted” one can
- i doubt hazel would go through w it but like. just imagine
- i'm so writing a fic for this now
- D A V E
- but really who the fuck is that
- “i'll save you from the evil dr terminal!” 
- his dad was a dick too but JESUS 
- “money money money money” HBJSDBHKJN KLAUS
- i LOVE klaus’s relationships w all his brothers 
- “yeah, he didnt seem dangerous when i first saw him. looked kinda scrawny” “yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers. i mean, look at him” “thanks”
- “you know the door was unlocked?” KSHDFJLFJHBDJLAHsb
- why does leonard / harold get stuck with such an ugly name BOTH times
- oh god they're kissing
- :(
- this such a good scene tho... (the ben & klaus one)
- LUTHER ARE YOU OKAY?????????????
- “huge fan of the furries” FSHBDJKNBHDKNBHADWKNL
- klaus :(
- “did you?” “no, no, no, of course not, why would you ask that about me?”
- aw its little girl god not cowboy god
- y'all are missing out in cowboy god
- oh worm leonard’s all beat up BUT. VANYA. POWERS.
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thegeminisage · 6 years
i dont normally make these posts but i need to process here's my review of the finale:
the good:
not that i like bad things happening to magnus but i love that he gets this depth??? he had a bad childhood! he wasn't raised by monks! i mean you could definitely make an argument for him being an abuse survivor there and i think that's rad. his voice even broke once during the ep, idr when, but i loved that, i loved it
i also really REALLY like asmodeus. he’s charming, amiable, and can turn terrifying on a dime. he’s eccentric enough to make me believe he’s magnus’s dad and i fully yelled when he flashed the cat eyes. you get a lot of sense about who he is just from a very short time spent with him and his actor really delivered his lines well. he’s very..................charismatic. (i’d like to take this opportunity to tell cathy to shut up in advance) anyway it’s Good
magnus BEAT. LORENZO’S. ASS. i was so sure he’d stop at one attack once he realized how bad he fucked up but he got pissed and he went all in and i couldn’t be more proud. normally i think he’s a little Too perfect - that the writers never allow him to make dumbass mistakes. so this was a great refresher.
magnus being mortal also presents some veeeery interesting plot possibilities but it depends on how much of a bitch alec is about it. his trope is a trope i love, and i don’t have any real worry that it’ll stick, but i also think giving up something big like that For Alec (for jace, but it was for alec, yk) is also a dumbass mistake when i don’t think alec is always the best and most supportive boyfriend he can be back to magnus. it’s hard to remember they’ve only known each other for like two months
speaking of alec, i liked him more in this episode than i have in half a season. their goodbye before edom was very sweet and so were all his interactions with jace. i wish he could be like that all the time - more like he was in season 1 - instead of like...how he is now. not necessarily more repressed just in season 1 you got the feeling he was a jerk because he was miserable and now you get the feeling he's a jerk for no good reason
becky coming the fuck through for simon??? A+++? idk about everyone else but that felt SO fucking real to me. siblings, especially if they're close in age, especially if they had a single parent...there's no one in the world who will understand you as much as someone who grew up with you. there's no one else you can be on the level with like that. it felt so organic the way she went from confusion to fear to acceptance. that's her little brother, you know??
speaking of simon good on him for yelling at jordan i want everyone to yell at jordan forever hes done some stuff thats like...like him offering his jacket to mia seemed like a weel-meaning but awkward gesture where most people, if they made a fuss about it, it would be like "wow what's ur deal hes just trying to be nice" & same with his little love confession or w/e...but maia AND simon BOTH told him he was full of shit and they SEE what bullshit he's playing at and i am SO HERE for it
i mentioned this once already but the jace and alec stuff was SO good like alec, previously resigned to killing jace, now resigned to dying himself, using his last few seconds to try and say the things he knows jace will need to hear, and in comes mganus with the dramatic rescue, oh man. the fight was brutal the dialogue delivery was on point, every beat was perfect. full n*t
AND THE BEST FOR LAST...CAN WE TALK ABOUT CLARY THOUGH...she's in HANDCUFFS and she's dominating the field. things dont go according to jia's will or the angels will they go according to HER WILL. SHE decides when valentine lives and dies. she busts her own goddamn self out of death row. you know who that reminds me of? valentine locked up in the instute's basement and still running the show. a-maz-ing. she comes up with the plan to trick lilith into killing herself. she leaves breadcrumbs for the people looking for her. she was in charge of her own fate the entire time. she was a major goddamn player. she was the only player. i am SO proud of her. y'all remember 1.04? when she had to be told where to stand on the pentagram? holy shit she has come so far
the bad:
where the fuck is maia
what's with those pilgrim outfits
i really would have loved for valentine to stick around long enough to lay eyes on jace that would have been amazing
y'all not gonna give maryse a blade? seriously? SERIOUSLY? i would die to see her fight
not a big fan of luke having to choose between his job and clary, his pack and clary, over and over again. it just feels a little tired at this point because this same guy has been making these same arguments practically since he became an alpha
i don't like heidi but i feel pretty bad for her and lilith's FEMINISM thing fell kinda flat with me
simon telling his mom he's DEAD is not doing either of them a kindness, and in fact, it is literally probably the cruelest possible thing he could do. there were so many ways around that. he could say he was moving to iceland or that she never had a son or WHATEVER but this presents a bunch of logistics problems on top of being horrible. like i did well up but im not a fan
izzy's "we'll get through this together" felt a little out of nowhere to me like that was just worded kinda weird. i get that they're endgame and im trying to keep an open mind so i dont totally hate it and be miserable when it happens but like.......he's with maia rn like Please
i wasn't really SUPER invested in will tudor like everyone else but im VERY offended about the recast on your behalf
two episodes at once is too many i need time to Process
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Anastasia AU
So I saw Anastasia (the broadway one) in June and it was amazing like if you get the chance go see it. But anyway, since i’m absolute trash i’m jotting down some ideas for a newsies anastasia AU. (based more on the broadway version than the movie but like the plots aren’t too different so). also yes this AU would make more sense with jack and kath as the main characters (love interest) but when was the last time I wrote something heterosexual?
Note: this turned into a somewhat humorous summary of anastasia feat. javid
-So its 1917 in russia and the royal family is having a great time (said royal family is the Jacobs, but we’ll stick with the name Romanov because ‘jacobs’ is not russian)
-David is like ten or something? Sarah is nineteen, and while she adores her family, she has plans to go to Paris to spend time with her girlfriend  lady in waiting, Katherine. David doesn’t want her to go, so she promises she’ll see him soon and gives him a music box and they sing a haunting lullaby together, etc, y'all now how the story goes.
-like five minutes after Sarah leaves a bunch of revolution people come and kill the nobility for the sake of communism. (i feel rlly bad that Les dies). Sarah finds out about this and is Very Sad
-Time jump like ten years. Russia is now Very Communist and people are generally upset about that. But there’s a Rumor in Saint Petersburg that hey?? Maybe that david kid isn’t dead??????? And it turns out his older sister Sarah, who is currently chilling in Paris with her gf, will pay a Lot for his return
-Jack Kelly and his bff Crutchie are basically poor con artists who are bitter about communism. they want to Leave Russia but that’s Difficult. (crutchie is like thirty something- jack’s 22- cause i need crutchie to be older cause he used to be a count or something?). Jack hears about the missing prince rumor and thinks, hey, i could make money off of that. he ropes Crutchie into helping him, and they buy a music box that probably belonged to David. they’re really pumped about this plan
-who else happens to exist in Russia at the time? a kid named Davey who is currently like 20, and can’t remember the first ten years of his life. he’s spent all of his life travelling Russia with close to nothing and no memories, and he really wants to Leave. someone tells him, hey, hit up Jack Kelly he can get you out.
-so he goes to see Jack and Crutchie, who decide, hey, this kid looks vaguely like David (and has a very similar name, because fuck you i didn’t want to come up with another name). Davey sings an angsty ballad about not remembering shit. Jack is instantly smitten. Jack and Crutchie (who i will now refer to as the Dream Team to shorten things up) convince him that he’s probably a lost prince and davey just. goes along with it.
-the Dream Team tries to teach Davey all the Things about being russian nobility and. don’t do well. its okay they tried. Crutchie actually tries to be nice and helpful. Jack and Davey engage in some banter
.-theres this whole subplot in the musical about this ultra-communist dude and his struggle between wanting to kill anastasia for being a romanov and being in love with her. hes v morally grey and actually kinda interesting but i just. dont want to deal w/his story in this. if yall have ideas on how to include him in this lmk
-Jack sings an Upbeat song about how much he fucking hates Russia but also he loves it???? Davey is smitten (My Petersburg is a Bop listen to it)
-ngl i don’t really remember how this part happened in the musical so im going to go off of what i remember from the movie. The Dream Team + Davey go to rehearse in some old ballroom that used to be used by nobility. Davey has intense flashbacks and ends up singing that lullaby he heard literally ten years ago. He may or may not hallucinate his dead family. 
-turns out everyone Fucking Hates Russia but also loves it.
-they leave russia. Crutchie is pumped to see his friend Katherine, who will hopefully take him, jack, and davey to see Sarah. Jack and Davey are both Nervous
-they arrive near Paris, and the Dream Team rush ahead to relish in the fact that they finally got out of Goddamn Russia. Davey stays behind for three minutes and seventeen seconds to sing about how he’s going to finally find his family??? He’s scared but also happy and just. My boy.
-Crutchie is Very Excited about being in Paris. He was there a lot when he was nobility I guess? He leads a very nice musical number about how great france is. Jack comes to the realization that, wow, after this, he’s probably never going to see davey again??? that sucks. Davey meanwhile is Shook by Paris
-Davey Crosses a Bridge
-also somewhere in here Jack and Davey dance with each other. Its cute and crutchie ships it
-meanwhile, in the Richest part of Paris, Sarah and Kath are a few minutes into Reading Letters and Chill when sarah gets sad. She’s angsty because there have been a bunch of fake Davids and she just misses her little bro:( Kath tries to comfort her gf and give her hope, but Sarah just insists they Close the Door forever. She can’t deal with any more pain. She asks to be alone
-kath goes to a russian club to get drunk (not with liquor!!! fame works quicker!!!) and sing a BOP about missing being russian nobility. (dudes. Land of Yesterday is amazing)
-Crutchie and Kath meet up and Crutchie is like “hey so me and my buddy Jack brought a guy who may or may not be David can we see Sarah?” Kath is worried at first but eventually she agrees cause she and Crutchie are Good Friends (the characters they’re based on have a relationship in the musical but none of that straight shit in my AU)
-Davey has nightmares about All of His Family Dying and Jack comforts him by telling him a story about a parade he was at when he was ten. ten year old Jack had watched a parade of russian nobility, and had such an instant crush on young David that he just. ran out in the middle of the street to see him. David had smiled at him and that was jack’s bisexual awakening
.-In order to Add To the Story of Davey Being David, Jack has Davey retell the story from his POV. he says basically the same stuff, but then adds on that Jack had bowed. But Jack never told him that??? Wow turns out Davey is David!!! What a surprising turn of events
.-Jack and Davey finish the song in a very romantic duet and they’re about to kiss but then Jack bows to him instead
-Crutchie comments on how in love Jack and Davey are and wow this might fuck up the plan
-They go see a ballet. Davey sees sarah and is excited!!! thats his sister!!!! he just needs to convince her of that. Sarah sees Davey and wonders if thats her bro?? but no she cant get hopes up. Jack wants to protect and support davey like a good bf
-Kath recognizes Davey as the kid crutchie told her about and takes him to go to see Sarah while Jack waits outside. Jack convinces himself that they can only win. But… even if it works, and he gets the money, he’s going to lose Davey?? He realizes that he loves Davey and pining ensue
s-in the meeting, Davey realizes that there was a reward for finding David and figures that Jack and Crutchie were just using him and he is pretty heartbroken. he storms off, but Jack stays to try to convince Sarah to talk to Davey again. she respects his boldness and agrees. Jack on the other hand, thinks Davey hates him now and is heartbroken. he decides to leave Paris
-Sarah and Davey talk but she still doesn’t believe him. He shows her the music box and sings their lullaby. Sarah is Convinced and joins in on the lullaby. They hug and share a sibling moment. Its very cute.
-theres a Press Conference about David
-Davey realizes he kinda doesn’t want to be a prince cause he’d rather be gay for Jack. Sarah is chill with that. Davey decides to go after Jack
-Davey nearly gets shot but doesn’t.
-Davey finds Jack being angsty as he’s planning to leave. Jack makes some bs comment like “leave me alone i don’t want to be in love with someone who doesn’t love me for the rest of my life.” Davey decides Jack is being stupid and kisses him. They leave Paris together and live happily ever after!!
-(Meanwhile, Sarah lives in Paris with Katherine- they are happy and in love. Crutchie mostly stays with them but also joins Jack and Davey regularly on their exploits. Everyone is happy forever.)
so yeah this is stupid
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Cat & Mouse (Roman Reigns): Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Read it on Wattpad Writing Masterlist
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Warnings: 18+, smut(ish?), Alpha!Roman, Idk what else needs a warning, teasing(??), snarky!Lyra (she’s gettin real annoyed w/ Roman’s internal conflict, and she’s annoyed w/ seth cause idk man siblings fight)
Word Count: 1831 (this turned out a lil bit longer than I thought it would)
A/N: I’m sorry this chapter is trash, finals got me being like 50 shades of writers block. But we gon get Naomi and The Usos next chapter! (hopefully, idfk what my brain is doing anymore) I hope y’all enjoy this chapter, idk it’s annoying tf outta me but I can’t fix it aka im lazy.
Tag List (if anyone wants to be added, let me know): @m-a-t-91​ @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai​@simulated-heat​ @greatbreadwizard​ @hoodgirl163​ @sabrina-the-champ​ @thiickreigns​ @alexahood21​@ii-love-roman-reigns​ @queenreignsempire​ @flawlessglamazon​ @not-that-kinda-gurl08​ @x-fivefoot​  @finnbalorsdemonqueen​ @romanempirefics​ @rocketgirl2410​ @sausagefest1996​ @vebner37​@macfizzle​ @cute-face-chubby-waist​ @wwefoever70​ @horcruxhunter5972​
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She wriggled around in his arms until she found a position she liked, not that any position that involved her on top of Roman could ever be uncomfortable, but she wanted to tell Naomi about this, and she certainly couldn’t have Roman looking at her phone. While it may be a long journey for Roman, it was going to be a fun ride for her.
By the time they reached the hotel near their next venue it was nearly 2am, everyone was more than a little tired and irritable, and it certainly didn't help that it was raining. So it was no surprise that Lyra and Seth managed to pick a fight with each other. Seth had opened the trunk and a bag had fallen out, startling everyone.
"That better not be my makeup, Seth, or you're gonna have to replace anything that gets fucked up," Lyra snapped at her brother as she got out of the car, Roman following her closely.
"Watch your tone, it's not your shit anyways," Seth shot back, holding up one of Roman's bags.
"Whatever," she said, reaching to grab her own bags out of the trunk. She grabbed her suitcase and pulled it out, but in doing so she knocked against Seth.
"What the fuck is a your problem tonight," he glared at her, Roman and Dean gave each other a look, knowing they'd probably have to keep the siblings apart for the next few days.
"My problem? That was an accident, you're the one being a little dick," she snarled, before Seth could reply, Roman grabbed her arm and pulled her away.
"I think y'all are just a little too tired and cranky, and just need some time away from each other," Roman pointed out as he picked up Lyra's remaining bag. "Lyra, you can stay with me for tonight."
"I don't need you to sort my shit out, Reigns, I can fight my own damn battles," she bit back, taking her bag from him before she headed inside to check in. Roman rolled his eyes, got his own things, and followed her in, leaving Seth and Dean to get their bags.
Neither Roman nor Lyra said anything to each other as they made their way to their room. Once they were in the room, she dumped her things by one of the beds, dug out a pair of boxers and a black tank top, and headed straight for the bathroom to take a hot shower and relax.
Turning the heat all the way up, she let the scorching water wash over her, and clear her head for fifteen minutes. She groaned to herself as she got out of the shower; she knew she'd been a complete bitch to Roman, and now she needed to figure out a way to apologize to him. Drying herself off, she slipped on her clothes, and wrapped her hair up in the towel.
"Shower's all yours," she mumbled, not meeting Roman's eyes as she walked over to her bed. She took out her hair dryer as she heard the shower come on. She spent nearly twenty minutes, mindlessly drying her hair, trying to think of a way to apologize.
When she finally set it down, she could hear Roman using the hotel's dryer in the bathroom, meaning he would come out soon and go to bed, and she wanted to clear the air before either of them went to sleep. Knowing Roman could be just as stubborn as she was, she decided to sit on his bed so that he wouldn't be able to brush her off.
She grabbed her phone before hopping onto Roman's bed so that she could text Naomi and let her know what had happened that night. She explained the situation to her friend, hoping she could help.
Naomi: Did you really say that to him??
Lyra: I know I know, it was stupid, but I'm tired and Seth had me all cranky. Help me!! What do I do to make it better?
Naomi: Girl, I'm sorry, you're on your own, idk how to help :/
Lyra: You're dating his cousin!! You gotta have SOME ideas, what do you do when Jimmy gets mad?
Naomi: I usually just cook him his fave food, and...well I'm not gonna go into details, but like I don't think you can do that with Roman.
Lyra: Urgh, fine fine, I'll figure this out on my own.
Naomi: Sorry girl, I wish I could help more.
She was so focused on texting that the sound of Roman clearing his throat made her jump. She looked up to see him standing in front of her; for a huge, 6'3" man he sure knew how to keep uncharacteristically quiet when he wanted to.
She gulped as she stared up at him; he was standing there, completely shirtless, in black shorts, with his hair up in a loose bun; she had to will her blush away, she'd seen him shirtless plenty of times, but she always ended up blushing.
"You lose your way or something?" He asked, raising an eyebrow; Lyra had to bite back an equally sarcastic response as she stood and moved out of his way.
"I, uh, I just wanna say I'm sorry for being a snappy bitch earlier, you were just tryna help and I was an asshole," she said, rubbing the back of her neck. She looked up at him to see his expression had softened. "And, um, thanks for switching rooms even after I said that."
"Well can't have you and Seth blowing up at each other and fuckin up another room," he said, giving her a smile, he reached out to pull her into a hug; she couldn't help but bury her face in his chest, his scent was soothing and exhilarating all at once. "Apology accepted, I'm sure I'll find a way for you to make it up to me."
"I can think of plenty of ways to make it up to you," she said, looking up at him as she lightly dragged her nails down his chest.
"Oh yeah?" He said, smirking down at her as he pushed her back until her legs hit the bed and she fell onto it, her phone slipping from her fingers; she stared up at him with raised eyebrows, before a gleeful smile crossed her face when he crawled between her legs. "Y'know, not many people have the guts to be that snappy with their Alpha even when they're mad as fuck."
"Who said you're my Alpha?" She shot back without thinking it through; she bit her lip when she felt a growl rumble through his chest, his brown eyes adopting a faint silvery glow.
"I said so," he growled, his right hand grabbed her hair and yanked her head roughly to the side, making her gasp, she wasn't going to admit it to him but nothing turned her on more than when Roman was rough and dominating.
His other hand was slowly pushing up her tank top, his fingers exploring her skin with agonizingly slow motions that sent sparks through her body. His eyes were glowing a bright silver as his head dipped to her neck; his lips were soft, contrasting with his scruff tickling her skin.
She wound her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her, and almost subconsciously spread her legs further apart when she felt him pressing against her through his shorts. She found it hard to keep her thoughts in order as he started to suck a mark on the side of her throat.
"You, uh, you don't get to dictate that, you, uhm, if you want, oh fuck," she moaned as she felt him nip at the sensitive spot, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to make her freeze. "R-Roman? Ro', w-what're you doing?"
Although she wanted nothing more than to have him claim her, she didn't think Roman would be too happy if his wolf made that decision on his own, but with his body pinning her down, there wasn't much she could do to stop him. She tried tugging his hair to get him to look at her, but only succeeded in making him moan into her neck, and grind his hips against hers which further weakened her resolve to stop him.
She trailed her fingers up his back, enjoying the feeling of his muscles shifting beneath them. She tried saying something again but Roman shut her up with a hand over her mouth. She whimpered against it as she felt his other hand slowly slip into her boxers.
What little determination she had left, dissolved when she felt his long, calloused fingers squeezing her smooth ass hard enough to bruise as he pulled her against his grinding hips. She ran her hands down his chest, letting one rest on his tattoos while the other reached for his shorts.
Roman had started kissing his way down to her chest when a shrill PING from her phone had him jerking away with an animalistic snarl. Lyra cursed herself for not silencing her phone as Roman pulled his hands away and stood up, a guilty look gracing his face.
"Uhm, we should probably go to sleep, not together, like separately I mean, fuck, I'm sorry, that shouldn't have happened," he rambled, his, now brown, eyes avoiding hers as he stepped aside to let her pass. She stood up, adjusted her top, and snatched her phone off his bed, but instead of going over to her bed like she knew he wanted, she stood facing him with her arms crossed. "Please just go to bed, we're both tired, that's it."
"Really? We're not gonna talk about this?" She retorted, trying not to sound exasperated; he fixed her with a look that told her that they definitely weren't going to talk about it anytime soon. "I'm not a child, you can't just send me to bed when you don't wanna deal with me."
"Watch me," was all he said before scooping her up, walked over to he bed, and dumped her on it, all the while ignoring her protests. "Now, we're going to go to sleep in our respective beds, and tomorrow we're going to be traveling with my cousins, and you'll room with Naomi."
Had she not been as annoyed at him, she would've found his commanding voice hotter than she did at that moment. Instead she stuck her tongue out at him, then turned away with a huff, not caring that that was kind of an immature move.
She heard Roman growl behind her, but chose to ignore him. She could feel him still standing by her bed as she reached to charge her phone, as if he wanted to say something; part of her hoped he would just so she could be petty and ignore him, but she was disappointed once again as she heard him sigh and walk away.
As she lay in her bed, she scrolled through her phone one last time to check what had interrupted them, only to find that it was a spam email. Muttering to herself in annoyance, she silenced her phone and set it down on the nightstand before pulling the covers up around her. If there was such a thing as angry sleep, that's what she was going to be doing that night.
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That Marx mem
It's long- And in a buncha different formats cause I'm just copy/pasting from discord
Under a cut. But its not bad, just long
Brain: You met Angels siblings and dad
Me: Wait really
Brain: They all loved you
Me: for obvious reasons
Brain: Molly and Arackniss flirted with you hard core and Angel smacked them both
Me: Uh-
Brain: and papa spider gave you and aproving nod and Angel almost cried cause of that
Im gettin images of Molly doin that fuckin
Thing girls do to accentuate their chest to guys they like and battin her eyes at me and im just thinkin
"Uuuuhhhhhhhh I like girls as much as the next guy but plz I am technically dating your brother this is weird"
"How about you both stop fawning over him, he aint that special"
"Arackniss your blushing"
-quietly dying in dragon-
"You two know I have three brothers right"
Molly slams all four fists on the table "ARE YOU SERIOUS"
"Y-y es?"
Angel sighs "ya shouldnt have said that"
Molly grabs my hands from across the table, she has this huge fuckin grin and Angel is glaring at her so hard "Tell us about your brothers"
"U-uhhhhh-" I look at Angel for a split second and he gives me this look of "dont you fucking dare" and u h
I mouth "I'm sorry", look back to Molly, pulling my hands from hers (with a bit of a challenge honestly) "Wellll I have two younger brothers, and one older-" Molly rests her chin in her hands and Angel slaps all six of his hands against his face. I grin and continue "I don't think y'all would like Fitch- My older brother. Hes a total douche like- Worse than Arackniss-"
"Whaat??" I chuckle, "He's always tryin ta kill me in some way- It's really annoying... He's got this silly god complex... Not fun to deal with." Molly pouts- I probably shouldnt have started with Fitch, she seems dissapointed. "Hes the only bad one though, Hatchet's pretty entertaining... He's about a year younger than me, covered in tattoos, and really... Spikey... He looks pretty tough but he's soft- he's the only one of us who can put up with Fitch for more than five seconds-"
Angel mumbles into his hands "Marx please shut up"
"Am I not allowed to tell your siblings about my own? You told me sooooo much about these two... I figured I could do the same~" I'm honestly having fun purely cause I'm bugging Angel- I pat his cheek with my tail, and Arackniss pipes up.
"Ya gonna tell us 'bout the last brother or are ya gonna keep teasin Angel?"
"Oh Arackniss, I can do both at the same time~ Now- Malcom. He's the youngest of us, and he's a lil... Weird. In a good way though! He doesn't talk much, but he's incredibly cuddly and sweet. He loves to find a way into my apartment at absolutely random times, and he will tackle ya if he knows ya pretty well. I think y'all would li-"
Angel slaps a hand over my mouth "Okay there we go- haha Ya told 'em bout your brothers.. Woo hoo-" He twirls a finger in the air, "You two happy now?"
"Wh- Bee you're gonna miss meetin Angels family!"
"Yeah- Well I don't really have a choice in the matter, boss"
"It'll be fine, 'm sure Molly'll try to see ya again.. Just go out on your job"
"GOD Bee I wish ya could've been there, it was amazing!"
"Molly and Arackniss were just flirting with ya the whole time"
"Marx oh my fucking god-"
"You told Molly when she wanted ta meet us that I attract spiders. All of y'all knew this was gonna be a disaster for you"
Angel groans "I know so I dunno why I a gr eeeeeeddddddd"
"I take it it went well?"
"-w- Incredibly"
"We're having dinner with them again next weekend"
"Oh my god-"
"It was Marx's idea and he wouldnt let me say no"
"Bee needs to see the beauty of the chaos"
"he really doesnt"
"..... Yes I do...."
GR OAN S from Angel
-that next weekend-
Me: -immediately dies as Molly tackles me and holds my arm until Angel pries her off of me-
Bee: -laughing his ass off in the background-
Me: -finds a piece of paper in my pocket-
Paper: -has Molly's number on it-
Me: ..... Uhhhhhhhhh -notices Arackniss scribbled his own really small in the corner- Aaaaaannnngggeeeeeellllll
"If ya ever get tired a Angel.." She winks
"Haha- Thanks but-"
"Oh don't worry, hun I know ya got plenty 'a options..." She pats my chest "It's just an offer~ 'N 'niss has the same lil offer.. In case ya want him instead"
I hear Arackniss spit his drink "MOLLY!!"
Marx.exe has stopped working. Not used to this much love
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