#how do i even tag all the replikas in this at once
octojuiceyuri · 1 month
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Been in an art slump + a new sem has risen to haunt me so have some art dumps w stonch and frens
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(bonus this papercraft sniffer from u/biggggggggggcat on the signalis subreddit with mini snorf + marcille in the background)
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leafwhisker · 5 years
Idk for sure how Warriors au Lyoko could work. Maybe something to do with the tunnels? Like going through them can get you to the different sectors if you know the way or something? And there is canon timetravel (debatably, sort of?) in warriors with the whole Jayfeather's expedition into the past so that could provide a bit of a base for the Return To The Past thing if it exists in this universe. Maybe Aelita could start as a "ghost" in the tunnels like Fallen Leaves but not dead? So many ideas
ohh, that’s true! implementing the tunnels would be a great idea! that could definitely at the very least be a reasonable point of entry to lyoko. i’m not quite sure how the tower system would work, either… maybe instead of towers, its pools of water that xana uses to get through to the real world (like how starclan uses the moonpool), and aelita’s the only one who can purify them. i do like the concept of lyoko being essentially a limbo i talked about in the tags of my last post.
she’d def be a “trapped” or “lost” spirit either way– and that part of the plot where they try to bring her to life would definitely still work. if she was trapped in lyoko and needed a mechanism different to the others in order to come back to the living world, then that’d be the materialization plot.
return to the past is definitely also a difficult thing to figure out… i’d possibly consider removing it entirely or maybe making it like rock’s stick, where there’s some sort of artifact they use to activate it that only goldensky’s really been able to figure out (since jeremie’s supposed to be the only one who can effectively use the supercomputer, lol).
god, once the whole deal with william and the replikas and the skid comes along, i’m not even sure where i’d begin there in all honesty fdsgahd
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