#how do I self-publish
Enchanting Covers: A Dive into the Spellbinding World of Book Cover Design
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Step into a world where art and literature converge, giving birth to the captivating realm of book cover design. In this exploration, we'll unravel the secrets behind the magic, the nuances that transform a mere cover into a portal to worlds unknown. Join us on this journey as we delve into the enchanting process of crafting book covers that captivate and leave an indelible mark on the reader's soul.
The Allure of First Impressions:
Delve into the psychology of first impressions in the context of book covers.
Explore how a well-designed cover can act as a silent storyteller, inviting readers into the narrative.
A Symphony of Elements:
Break down the key components of a captivating book cover.
Discuss the interplay of imagery, typography, and color in creating a harmonious visual composition.
The Artistic Palette:
a. Visual Storytelling through Imagery:
Explore the impact of custom illustrations and carefully chosen imagery.
Showcase examples of covers where visuals seamlessly tell the story before the pages are turned.
b. Typography as an Art Form:
Discuss how fonts become a visual language, communicating the book's tone and genre.
Highlight the artistic potential of typography in cover design.
Color Chronicles:
Journey through the emotional landscape of colors.
Guide readers on choosing a color palette that not only appeals but also aligns with the essence of the story.
Genre-specific Enchantment:
Uncover the unique design strategies that work best for different genres.
Showcase iconic book covers that perfectly capture the spirit of their respective genres.
Sculpting Simplicity:
Discuss the elegance of simplicity in a world cluttered with visual noise.
Explore minimalist design trends and their effectiveness in creating memorable covers.
Navigating Trends and Traditions:
Examine current trends shaping the book cover design landscape.
Discuss the delicate balance between following trends and honoring timeless traditions.
From Concept to Canvas:
Provide insights into the creative process from the initial concept to the final cover.
Share anecdotes of notable covers and their evolution.
Author-Designer Alchemy:
Showcase successful collaborations between authors and designers.
Offer tips for fostering a synergistic relationship to bring the author's vision to life.
The Reader's Journey:
Highlight the role of the cover in the reader's journey.
Discuss how a well-crafted cover can enhance the overall reading experience.
As we conclude this exploration into the captivating realm of book cover design, it's clear that more than just protective shields, these covers are gateways to undiscovered realms. The magic lies in the details, the careful brushstrokes of creativity that transform a simple cover into a work of art.
Whether you're an author seeking the perfect visual companion for your narrative or a reader captivated by the allure of a well-designed cover, the realm of book cover design continues to be a mesmerizing journey, full of enchantment and discovery. Happy exploring and reading! Click here to see related article about Visual Alchemy: Mastering the Craft of Captivating Book Covers.
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publishingconsultants · 10 months
Enchanting Covers: A Dive into the Spellbinding World of Book Cover Design
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Step into a world where art and literature converge, giving birth to the captivating realm of book cover design. In this exploration, we'll unravel the secrets behind the magic, the nuances that transform a mere cover into a portal to worlds unknown. Join us on this journey as we delve into the enchanting process of crafting book covers that captivate and leave an indelible mark on the reader's soul.
The Allure of First Impressions:
Delve into the psychology of first impressions in the context of book covers.
Explore how a well-designed cover can act as a silent storyteller, inviting readers into the narrative.
A Symphony of Elements:
Break down the key components of a captivating book cover.
Discuss the interplay of imagery, typography, and color in creating a harmonious visual composition.
The Artistic Palette:
a. Visual Storytelling through Imagery:
Explore the impact of custom illustrations and carefully chosen imagery.
Showcase examples of covers where visuals seamlessly tell the story before the pages are turned.
b. Typography as an Art Form:
Discuss how fonts become a visual language, communicating the book's tone and genre.
Highlight the artistic potential of typography in cover design.
Color Chronicles:
Journey through the emotional landscape of colors.
Guide readers on choosing a color palette that not only appeals but also aligns with the essence of the story.
Genre-specific Enchantment:
Uncover the unique design strategies that work best for different genres.
Showcase iconic book covers that perfectly capture the spirit of their respective genres.
Sculpting Simplicity:
Discuss the elegance of simplicity in a world cluttered with visual noise.
Explore minimalist design trends and their effectiveness in creating memorable covers.
Navigating Trends and Traditions:
Examine current trends shaping the book cover design landscape.
Discuss the delicate balance between following trends and honoring timeless traditions.
From Concept to Canvas:
Provide insights into the creative process from the initial concept to the final cover.
Share anecdotes of notable covers and their evolution.
Author-Designer Alchemy:
Showcase successful collaborations between authors and designers.
Offer tips for fostering a synergistic relationship to bring the author's vision to life.
The Reader's Journey:
Highlight the role of the cover in the reader's journey.
Discuss how a well-crafted cover can enhance the overall reading experience.
As we conclude this exploration into the captivating realm of book cover design, it's clear that more than just protective shields, these covers are gateways to undiscovered realms. The magic lies in the details, the careful brushstrokes of creativity that transform a simple cover into a work of art.
Whether you're an author seeking the perfect visual companion for your narrative or a reader captivated by the allure of a well-designed cover, the realm of book cover design continues to be a mesmerizing journey, full of enchantment and discovery. Happy exploring and reading! Click here to see related article about Visual Alchemy: Mastering the Craft of Captivating Book Covers.
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Visual Alchemy: Mastering the Craft of Captivating Book Covers
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Embark on a visual journey as we explore the intricate world of book cover design, where art seamlessly intertwines with the science of reader psychology. In this blog post, we delve into the captivating realm of book cover design, unraveling the delicate balance between artistic expression and strategic elements that make a cover truly irresistible.
The Visual Symphony:
Discuss the role of a book cover as the first point of contact between a reader and a story.
Explore the emotional impact of a well-crafted cover in setting the tone for the reading experience.
Understanding Your Audience:
Highlight the importance of knowing the target audience.
Discuss how demographics, genre preferences, and cultural factors shape design choices.
The Artistic Alchemy:
a. Illustrations and Imagery:
Explore the use of custom illustrations versus stock imagery.
Discuss how visual elements can convey the essence of the story.
b. Typography as a Visual Language:
Dive into the world of fonts and their role in evoking emotions.
Showcase examples of effective typography in different genres.
Color Palette Dynamics:
Examine the psychological impact of colors on human emotions.
Guide readers through selecting a color palette that resonates with the book's theme.
The Science of Simplicity:
Discuss the power of simplicity in a cluttered bookshelf.
Explore minimalist design trends and their effectiveness.
Genre-specific Strategies:
Uncover the unique design elements that work best for different genres.
Discuss case studies of iconic book covers within specific genres.
Prototyping and Iteration:
Emphasize the importance of prototyping and refining cover designs.
Discuss how iteration can lead to a more polished and effective final product.
Market Trends and Innovations:
Explore current trends in book cover design.
Discuss how the industry is evolving with technological advancements and changing reader preferences.
Author-Designer Collaboration:
Showcase successful collaborations between authors and designers.
Provide tips for fostering effective communication throughout the design process.
Measuring Success:
Discuss metrics for evaluating the success of a book cover.
Explore the correlation between a compelling cover and book sales.
In the enchanting world of book cover design, the alchemy of art and science converges to create an invitation into the realms of imagination. As authors and designers collaborate to craft captivating covers, they wield the power to not only entice readers but to become an integral part of the storytelling experience. Whether you're a creator seeking the perfect visual embodiment for your narrative or a reader drawn to the magic of a well-designed cover, the art and science of book cover design continue to shape the literary landscape, making each book a unique and visually enchanting treasure. Happy crafting and reading!
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Visual Alchemy: Mastering the Craft of Captivating Book Covers
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Embark on a visual journey as we explore the intricate world of book cover design, where art seamlessly intertwines with the science of reader psychology. In this blog post, we delve into the captivating realm of book cover design, unraveling the delicate balance between artistic expression and strategic elements that make a cover truly irresistible.
The Visual Symphony:
Discuss the role of a book cover as the first point of contact between a reader and a story.
Explore the emotional impact of a well-crafted cover in setting the tone for the reading experience.
Understanding Your Audience:
Highlight the importance of knowing the target audience.
Discuss how demographics, genre preferences, and cultural factors shape design choices.
The Artistic Alchemy:
a. Illustrations and Imagery:
Explore the use of custom illustrations versus stock imagery.
Discuss how visual elements can convey the essence of the story.
b. Typography as a Visual Language:
Dive into the world of fonts and their role in evoking emotions.
Showcase examples of effective typography in different genres.
Color Palette Dynamics:
Examine the psychological impact of colors on human emotions.
Guide readers through selecting a color palette that resonates with the book's theme.
The Science of Simplicity:
Discuss the power of simplicity in a cluttered bookshelf.
Explore minimalist design trends and their effectiveness.
Genre-specific Strategies:
Uncover the unique design elements that work best for different genres.
Discuss case studies of iconic book covers within specific genres.
Prototyping and Iteration:
Emphasize the importance of prototyping and refining cover designs.
Discuss how iteration can lead to a more polished and effective final product.
Market Trends and Innovations:
Explore current trends in book cover design.
Discuss how the industry is evolving with technological advancements and changing reader preferences.
Author-Designer Collaboration:
Showcase successful collaborations between authors and designers.
Provide tips for fostering effective communication throughout the design process.
Measuring Success:
Discuss metrics for evaluating the success of a book cover.
Explore the correlation between a compelling cover and book sales.
In the enchanting world of book cover design, the alchemy of art and science converges to create an invitation into the realms of imagination. As authors and designers collaborate to craft captivating covers, they wield the power to not only entice readers but to become an integral part of the storytelling experience. Whether you're a creator seeking the perfect visual embodiment for your narrative or a reader drawn to the magic of a well-designed cover, the art and science of book cover design continue to shape the literary landscape, making each book a unique and visually enchanting treasure. Happy crafting and reading!
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Crafting Captivating Covers: The Art and Science of Book Cover Design
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Welcome to the world of Book Cover Design, where art meets literature in a visual dance that entices readers to judge a book by its cover. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of book cover design, exploring the elements that make a cover stand out, and how it plays a crucial role in the success of a book.
The Power of First Impressions:
Discuss the psychological impact of first impressions.
Explain how readers often judge a book by its cover.
Share statistics or case studies on the correlation between a compelling cover and increased book sales.
Elements of a Striking Book Cover:
a. Visual Hierarchy:
Explain the importance of arranging elements in a way that guides the viewer's eye.
Discuss the use of size, color, and contrast to establish hierarchy.
b. Typography:
Explore the role of fonts in conveying the book's genre and tone.
Provide examples of successful font choices for different genres.
c. Imagery and Artwork:
Highlight the significance of selecting images that resonate with the book's theme.
Discuss the impact of custom illustrations or photography.
d. Color Palette:
Explain how color psychology influences the perception of a book.
Provide examples of effective color palettes for various genres.
Trends in Book Cover Design:
Explore current trends in the industry.
Discuss the balance between following trends and creating a timeless design.
Collaboration between Authors and Designers:
Emphasize the importance of communication between authors and designers.
Provide tips for authors on conveying their vision to the designer.
DIY vs. Professional Design:
Discuss the pros and cons of designing a book cover independently versus hiring a professional.
Share resources for authors interested in creating their own covers.
Case Studies:
Showcase successful book covers and analyze what makes them effective.
Discuss the evolution of covers for popular books and series.
Tools and Resources for Aspiring Designers:
List software and online tools for those interested in trying their hand at book cover design.
Recommend courses or tutorials for learning the basics of graphic design.
Adapting to Different Genres:
Explore how different genres have distinct visual expectations.
Discuss the challenges and opportunities of designing covers for various genres, from romance to science fiction.
Mobile-Friendly Designs:
Acknowledge the rise of e-books and the importance of creating covers that look appealing in digital formats.
Provide tips for designing covers that maintain their impact on smaller screens.
Testing and Iteration:
Emphasize the value of testing covers with the target audience.
Discuss A/B testing for e-book covers and how it can inform design decisions.
Cultural Considerations:
Highlight the cultural aspects that influence cover design.
Discuss how cover elements may vary based on the target readership and cultural nuances.
Branding for Series:
Explore the challenges and strategies for creating cohesive covers for book series.
Showcase examples of successful series branding.
Accessibility in Design:
Address the importance of making book covers accessible to a diverse audience.
Discuss considerations for visually impaired readers and the use of inclusive design elements.
Legal and Ethical Considerations:
Briefly touch upon copyright issues in cover design.
Provide guidance on using images and fonts responsibly.
Emerging Technologies and Augmented Reality:
Discuss how technology is influencing the future of book covers.
Explore the potential of augmented reality in enhancing the interactive and immersive aspects of book cover design.
Interviews with Industry Experts:
Include insights from professional book cover designers.
Conduct interviews with authors who have had successful cover designs.
Resources for Inspiration:
Share websites, blogs, and social media accounts that curate exceptional book cover designs.
Encourage designers to draw inspiration from a variety of sources.
Interactive Elements:
Explore the use of QR codes or augmented reality markers on physical book covers.
Discuss how interactive elements can enhance the reader's experience.
As the world of book cover design continues to evolve, it's essential for designers and authors alike to stay attuned to trends, technological advancements, and the diverse needs of readers. The journey from concept to a reader's hands is a collaborative and creative endeavor, where every element contributes to the magic of storytelling. Whether you're an avid reader appreciating the art or a creator shaping it, the realm of book cover design is a vibrant and ever-changing landscape, waiting to be explored and celebrated. Happy reading and designing!
In the literary world, a book cover is more than just a protective shell – it's a gateway to the worlds within. As authors and designers continue to push the boundaries of creativity, the art of book cover design remains a dynamic and integral part of the reading experience. Whether you're an author seeking the perfect design for your masterpiece or a budding designer exploring the craft, understanding the nuances of book cover design can make all the difference in the literary journey. Happy designing!
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solitaireships · 3 months
I feel like I should say since there's been a recent uptick in a lot of communities I'm in/see stuff from a lot of white people pretending to be Asian, but you are not welcome here if you are in anyway stealing from Asian cultures for clout or the aesthetics of it
This includes if you're white and you give your self inserts Asian names, I truly do not care if your f/o is from an anime, you should not be using an Asian name under any circumstances. I hate that whenever I see someone using an Asian name online, I feel like I have to start searching their account to see if they're actually Asian or just a white person who likes the aesthetic of it bcs far too many white people will use Asian names here just bcs it sounds cool, with no regard for the actual cultural meaning behind it. Meanwhile actual Asian people will be mocked for their names, or treated like their names are too hard to learn to pronounce, or discriminated against based on their names
Asian cultures are not a fun little costume for people to dress up with. They aren't just a nice aesthetic, they aren't just a thing you can borrow from bcs you think it sounds cool
#my posts#selfship community#anti asian racism#like it's definitely a perpetual problem of white people not seeming to realize asian names are like#a thing that are tied to culture and identity#but it's gotten crazy lately with people pretending to be asian online for clout#just in the past like 3 weeks of things i've seen#we had the white woman pretending to be a japanese woman on comic twitter#the white woman who pretended to be korean to get a 'ownvoices' book published#(who btw. named herself kim chi. you cannot make this shit up)#and then the white guy pretending to be japanese to try to justify his hate of the new assassin's creed game using stuff around yasuke#like it's so draining. i hate how much this is a never ending problem#i hate how casually white people will use asian names#like worstie. i am a korean woman. but i am whitepassing and mixed so i never use korean names for my self inserts#bcs i have the privilege of looking white and people generally only knowing i'm asian if i say it#it feels inappropriate to me for me to name my self inserts a korean name#bcs that would then mean they experience the world in a different way than i do#even being whitepassing bcs of the way people treat korean (and other asian) names#if you are white you have no fucking right to asian names#idgaf if your f/o's an anime character. stay away from asian names bcs they are not yours to dress up in#vent a little bit sorry team#i've been dealing with white people doing this shit and being assholes to me about it for well over a year now. it's exhausting
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kanerallels · 5 months
See the bright side of finishing my book is that it's done! I can move forward with the series!! So cool!!
The not so bright side is that I've officially moved into the part where I don't know anything about what I'm doing
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Hah, well, my usual two pairings plus the standard wildcard! Whichever strikes your fancy.
Hector/Karlach - "Oh, shut up." "You shut up." "Make me." "Okay, but you might moan a little."
Jaheira/Rasaad - "Shh... just a little bit more."
Shadowheart/Lae'zel - "Let me ruin you."
(Spicy Romance Prompts)
Jaheira/Rasaad - "Shh… just a little bit more."
Y'know, for some reason I was originally not going to try to mess with Jaheira/Rasaad smut until I got further along in Open Your Eyes, but I've been working on the next chapter outline and rotating them in my head a lot and got to feeling inspired. XD So here we go.
NSFW warning. XD
Rasaad’s eyes grow very dark when he makes love to her.
Even by the light of day, his eyes are the most striking thing about him, deep and black, glittering like gemstones. Onyx, Jaheira often thinks, recalling crystals she has plucked from caves deep in Faerun’s heart, crystals forged by time and pressure, steady and slow. 
But when they are alone, when he is bared to her in both body and spirit, then the chaos and heat within him slips the bounds of his iron self-control. Then the onyx becomes obsidian, volcanic glass, gleaming with the light of a contained inferno.
And it thrills her in a way she cannot describe. Love, desire, yes - but also perhaps there is a part of her that thrives on taming a hurricane.
“Jaheira…” He groans out her name, a soft catch on the last syllable. He's stretched beneath her on the bed, looking up at her with those obsidian eyes. His hips arch up into her hungrily, and she meets and rolls with the motion, keeping his wrists pinned tight next to his head.
“So eager, monk,” she murmurs, her eyes narrowing teasingly. “Where is your patience?”
He strains his hands upward against her weight. “You drive me to distraction… to madness…” he growls throatily. “I feel how you want me as well…”
He is right, of course. Her pulse is thundering in her throat and between her legs as she straddles him and feels him stiff against the inside of her thigh. Yes, she wants him. He is safety and home and fierce heat, found at last after so much loss and loneliness. Though she teases him, he knows full well that he could have her for the taking if he wished. He lets her hold him back for the same reason she holds him - because to draw the moment to its breaking point makes it all the more satisfying when it… snaps…
“Shh…” she whispers. “Calm… just a little bit more…” She dips her head and kisses him and feels his teeth score along her lower lip, so eagerly does he tip his head up to meet hers. The soft whimper he makes into her mouth sends a shiver of pleasure down her spine.
“You torment me…” He rolls his head back, his eyes half-closed. His breath quickens as she moves her lips under his jaw, sucking at the pulse point there.
“Yes,” she agrees, and a wicked smile tugs at her lips. She releases one of his hands, slides her own between them, down, gripping him with a sudden swift stroke. 
His eyes snap open, black pits now with the pupils blown wide. “Gods…” he breathes. “Jaheira… please…” His hips buck up sharply into her hand, thrusting along her palm, hungry, searching. 
She lets the moment hang just a little longer, to listen to the way his breath drags in his throat with a low whine. Then she guides him - up, in, fitting their bodies together, the heat of him flowing into her.
“Take me, then,” she commands, and lets go of his wrist.
Suddenly all of him is moving at once, like a dog strained at the leash suddenly released. He growls, deep in his throat, and rolls sharply to push her beneath him, arching as he does so into a jolting thrust that jerks her a few inches up the bed. She cries out and wraps her arms around him, digging her fingertips into his back.
He does not stop, and she doesn’t want him to. The rhythm he sets is hungry and rough and she glories in it, a hawk riding the updrafts of his storm. Closing her eyes, she clings to him and surrenders to sensation blotting out everything else.
“Take me…” she whispers again, disjointedly, breathless. “Take-- Rasaad-- ahhh--”
“Jaheira… my sun…” His voice is muffled, his face buried in her shoulder. One of his arms cradles her hips; the other hand is buried in her hair, his fingertips tight on the back of her neck. “I love you… do not let me go…”
He’s moving faster now, pressing her down into the bed with weight and passion. There is no sense left of any restraint; they are both free and wild and for a moment she can think about nothing at all except the feeling of his skin and the pleasure boiling in her core. And when it breaks, it does so suddenly, rocking her from head to foot as she rides from one jolt to the next, crying out against his ear and riding up against him as if to somehow take him deeper, feel him more.
He moans, a soft ragged sound of desire, and then his movement shudders to an abrupt halt with one last, jolting thrust, and she feels his whole body twitch with the release. He is never loud, but she can feel the way he curls into her, the way his breath hitches and his hips rock, and then the slow relaxation, the muscles of his back unclenching under her fingers.
He lifts his head, his eyes meeting hers. His gaze is settled again, calm onyx, glowing rather than blazing. “Jaheira…” he whispers. Rolling his weight onto one elbow, he cups her cheek with his other palm.
“I’m here…” She moves one hand to stroke gently against the back of his head. “Howling hells… you complain that I tease you, and yet you make it so worth the waiting for…”
His face drops back into her shoulder and he laughs, low and warm. “I did not say you should stop…”
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n30draws · 11 months
My Fizzarozzie brainrot forced my hand and I ended up writing a little fic about them... It’s basically pwp with a lot of feelings and fluff (despite what the silly title might make you think LMAO). It was supposed to be a oneshot, but I couldn’t help adding a small, extra soft bonus chapter,,,,,
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nuclearr-wessels · 11 months
‧⁺✧ Eldritch Horror Romance ♡°‧
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edit: out with the first edition, in with the second! Check it out here!
Get it at playstore | amzn | kobo | BoD | your local library service and more! Read a tumblr snippet here ♡
Oh boy, am I glad this thing got out before Halloween lol
Have you ever seen a 1980s body horror abomination and thought "I want to hold their hand/tentacle/vaguely insect-ish limb"? I sure did, so I wrote a horror love story and decided to publish it as a romance novel! It'd be my honour to introduce you to Christopher and Gyth, eldritch sweethearts ♡
Synopsis of "Far Beyond The Moon"
The life of 38-year-old Christopher Ennington is in shambles. Battered by abuse, disease and loneliness, he cannot believe his luck when he crosses paths with a mysterious stranger. Gyth is kind, dreamy, and just as much of an outsider as Christopher. Birds of a feather flock together. But people in rural Massachusetts do not take kindly to this blossoming relationship. It is only when Christopher learns of Gyth’s true nature that his world starts to finally change – and he himself with it.
Cosmic horror and body horror entangled in a steamy queer romance – literally!
More about "Far Beyond The Moon"
118,000+ words
409 pages for you to devour
14 chapters full of hurt/comfort
7 smut scenes with eldritch body horror
2 loners who finally find their perfect match
1 cosmic-mad, brain-melting, sweet-as-honey romance
and too many tentacles to count!
Since it deals with trauma and mental illness and serves as an abuse survivour fantasy, parts of the book are fairly dark even outside of the body horror genre aspects. I have written this very much in the spirit of a hurt/comfort fanfic. Still, I encourage you to check out the CWs on my carrd before buying or renting the book.
By now it should be available internationally; I have been told US stores need a bit longer. There is a special e-book discount until 6 December 2023 that you might wanna take into consideration! (I will say that I have no control over international prices of the paperback though. It had to be at least 14€ to cover the printing costs but is often more expensive in stores outside of my country.)
Overall, I hope this story reaches its right audience lol, it does venture into ero guro territory at times after all. And I've already found several typos in it (rip). That said, holding this book in my hands, I am insanely proud of it and its story. Seeing yourself in "the other", SA as body horror etc. etc. (To be very honest my therapist loudly encouraged me to publish this lol) The two main characters are adults and very much two dads™, though without any mpreg, for those who want to know.
I want to revise this book very badly for a second edition because I'd like it to be as perfect as possible, but that depends on how well this baby sells in the first place. Maybe give the eldritch sweethearts a try!! If not, I'd be happy if you still spread the word ♡
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essektheylyss · 2 years
I presume that if you follow me you probably like D&D-esque storytelling, amoral mages, and also treason, and if so you are in luck!
I wrote probably the most on brand piece for a very cool publication called Ballads of the Distant Reaches, in which all of the stories take place in (and build the lore of) the same fantasy world. Mine is the story of a former magical arms dealer turned priest of chaos on trial for treason following a siege of the capital by his former collaborator. (Like I said, very on brand.) I got to write some absolute bastards in some absolute shit situations, and also a very fun description of a realm of chaos. Check it out!
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Elevate Your Business with Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution Services
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In the digital age, where screens and devices dominate, one might be tempted to think that printed materials have lost their charm. But, the truth is, high-quality printing and efficient distribution remain indispensable for businesses looking to make a lasting impact. At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we understand the power of a well-executed print and distribution strategy. Let's explore how our services can elevate your business in Surrey Hills and beyond.
The Art of Printing
Printing is more than just transferring digital files to paper; it's an art that transforms ideas into tangible, impactful materials. At Surrey Hills Printing, we take pride in our diverse printing solutions:
1. Offset Printing: Our state-of-the-art offset printing technology ensures that your brochures, flyers, catalogs, and more come to life with crisp and vibrant prints. These printed materials make a statement about your brand and leave a memorable impression on your audience.
2. Digital Printing: For smaller print runs, quick turnaround times, and cost-effective solutions, our digital printing services are ideal. Whether you need customized marketing materials or business cards, we've got you covered.
3. Large Format Printing: When you need to make a grand impression, our large format printing services are the way to go. From eye-catching banners to stunning posters and signs, we help you stand out in Surrey Hills.
4. Custom Printing: Every business is unique, and we understand the importance of customized materials. Our custom printing services cover a wide range of options, allowing your creativity to shine through in your branding and packaging.
Efficient Distribution Services
Having beautifully printed materials is only the beginning. The next crucial step is ensuring these materials reach the right audience. This is where Surrey Hills Distribution comes into play:
1. Direct Mail: Target your audience directly with personalized direct mail campaigns. By reaching your customers where they are, you can significantly increase engagement and response rates.
2. Warehousing: Say goodbye to the space constraints of storing printed materials. We provide secure warehousing and efficient dispatch services to save you time and resources.
3. Fulfillment: Our team manages the entire order fulfillment process, from picking and packing to shipping. This ensures a seamless experience for both you and your customers.
4. Mailing Services: The complexities of mailing, from addressing and sorting to postage, are handled with precision by our experts. This guarantees efficient and cost-effective distribution.
Why Choose Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution
At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we're not just a local service provider; we're your strategic partner in success. Here's why you should choose us:
Quality: We are committed to delivering the highest quality prints and distribution services that reflect your brand's excellence.
Reliability: Count on us for on-time delivery and responsive customer service. We understand the importance of meeting deadlines.
Bespoke Solutions: Every project is unique, and our team is dedicated to crafting tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs.
Sustainability: We are passionate about eco-friendly practices and use sustainable materials whenever possible.
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Start Your Journey Today
Ready to elevate your business with superior printing and distribution services? Contact Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution today, and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your marketing and communication goals. Your success is our mission, and we're eager to be part of your journey.
Thank you for considering Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution. We look forward to serving your needs and helping your business grow in Surrey Hills and beyond.
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publishingconsultants · 11 months
Elevate Your Business with Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution Services
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In the digital age, where screens and devices dominate, one might be tempted to think that printed materials have lost their charm. But, the truth is, high-quality printing and efficient distribution remain indispensable for businesses looking to make a lasting impact. At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we understand the power of a well-executed print and distribution strategy. Let's explore how our services can elevate your business in Surrey Hills and beyond.
The Art of Printing
Printing is more than just transferring digital files to paper; it's an art that transforms ideas into tangible, impactful materials. At Surrey Hills Printing, we take pride in our diverse printing solutions:
1. Offset Printing: Our state-of-the-art offset printing technology ensures that your brochures, flyers, catalogs, and more come to life with crisp and vibrant prints. These printed materials make a statement about your brand and leave a memorable impression on your audience.
2. Digital Printing: For smaller print runs, quick turnaround times, and cost-effective solutions, our digital printing services are ideal. Whether you need customized marketing materials or business cards, we've got you covered.
3. Large Format Printing: When you need to make a grand impression, our large format printing services are the way to go. From eye-catching banners to stunning posters and signs, we help you stand out in Surrey Hills.
4. Custom Printing: Every business is unique, and we understand the importance of customized materials. Our custom printing services cover a wide range of options, allowing your creativity to shine through in your branding and packaging.
Efficient Distribution Services
Having beautifully printed materials is only the beginning. The next crucial step is ensuring these materials reach the right audience. This is where Surrey Hills Distribution comes into play:
1. Direct Mail: Target your audience directly with personalized direct mail campaigns. By reaching your customers where they are, you can significantly increase engagement and response rates.
2. Warehousing: Say goodbye to the space constraints of storing printed materials. We provide secure warehousing and efficient dispatch services to save you time and resources.
3. Fulfillment: Our team manages the entire order fulfillment process, from picking and packing to shipping. This ensures a seamless experience for both you and your customers.
4. Mailing Services: The complexities of mailing, from addressing and sorting to postage, are handled with precision by our experts. This guarantees efficient and cost-effective distribution.
Why Choose Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution
At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we're not just a local service provider; we're your strategic partner in success. Here's why you should choose us:
Quality: We are committed to delivering the highest quality prints and distribution services that reflect your brand's excellence.
Reliability: Count on us for on-time delivery and responsive customer service. We understand the importance of meeting deadlines.
Bespoke Solutions: Every project is unique, and our team is dedicated to crafting tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs.
Sustainability: We are passionate about eco-friendly practices and use sustainable materials whenever possible.
Competitive Pricing: Our services are cost-effective, providing the best value for your investment.
Start Your Journey Today
Ready to elevate your business with superior printing and distribution services? Contact Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution today, and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your marketing and communication goals. Your success is our mission, and we're eager to be part of your journey.
Thank you for considering Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution. We look forward to serving your needs and helping your business grow in Surrey Hills and beyond.
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Elevate Your Business with Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution Services
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In the digital age, where screens and devices dominate, one might be tempted to think that printed materials have lost their charm. But, the truth is, high-quality printing and efficient distribution remain indispensable for businesses looking to make a lasting impact. At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we understand the power of a well-executed print and distribution strategy. Let's explore how our services can elevate your business in Surrey Hills and beyond.
The Art of Printing
Printing is more than just transferring digital files to paper; it's an art that transforms ideas into tangible, impactful materials. At Surrey Hills Printing, we take pride in our diverse printing solutions:
1. Offset Printing: Our state-of-the-art offset printing technology ensures that your brochures, flyers, catalogs, and more come to life with crisp and vibrant prints. These printed materials make a statement about your brand and leave a memorable impression on your audience.
2. Digital Printing: For smaller print runs, quick turnaround times, and cost-effective solutions, our digital printing services are ideal. Whether you need customized marketing materials or business cards, we've got you covered.
3. Large Format Printing: When you need to make a grand impression, our large format printing services are the way to go. From eye-catching banners to stunning posters and signs, we help you stand out in Surrey Hills.
4. Custom Printing: Every business is unique, and we understand the importance of customized materials. Our custom printing services cover a wide range of options, allowing your creativity to shine through in your branding and packaging.
Efficient Distribution Services
Having beautifully printed materials is only the beginning. The next crucial step is ensuring these materials reach the right audience. This is where Surrey Hills Distribution comes into play:
1. Direct Mail: Target your audience directly with personalized direct mail campaigns. By reaching your customers where they are, you can significantly increase engagement and response rates.
2. Warehousing: Say goodbye to the space constraints of storing printed materials. We provide secure warehousing and efficient dispatch services to save you time and resources.
3. Fulfillment: Our team manages the entire order fulfillment process, from picking and packing to shipping. This ensures a seamless experience for both you and your customers.
4. Mailing Services: The complexities of mailing, from addressing and sorting to postage, are handled with precision by our experts. This guarantees efficient and cost-effective distribution.
Why Choose Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution
At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we're not just a local service provider; we're your strategic partner in success. Here's why you should choose us:
Quality: We are committed to delivering the highest quality prints and distribution services that reflect your brand's excellence.
Reliability: Count on us for on-time delivery and responsive customer service. We understand the importance of meeting deadlines.
Bespoke Solutions: Every project is unique, and our team is dedicated to crafting tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs.
Sustainability: We are passionate about eco-friendly practices and use sustainable materials whenever possible.
Competitive Pricing: Our services are cost-effective, providing the best value for your investment.
Start Your Journey Today
Ready to elevate your business with superior printing and distribution services? Contact Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution today, and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your marketing and communication goals. Your success is our mission, and we're eager to be part of your journey.
Thank you for considering Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution. We look forward to serving your needs and helping your business grow in Surrey Hills and beyond.
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Elevate Your Business with Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution Services
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In the digital age, where screens and devices dominate, one might be tempted to think that printed materials have lost their charm. But, the truth is, high-quality printing and efficient distribution remain indispensable for businesses looking to make a lasting impact. At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we understand the power of a well-executed print and distribution strategy. Let's explore how our services can elevate your business in Surrey Hills and beyond.
The Art of Printing
Printing is more than just transferring digital files to paper; it's an art that transforms ideas into tangible, impactful materials. At Surrey Hills Printing, we take pride in our diverse printing solutions:
1. Offset Printing: Our state-of-the-art offset printing technology ensures that your brochures, flyers, catalogs, and more come to life with crisp and vibrant prints. These printed materials make a statement about your brand and leave a memorable impression on your audience.
2. Digital Printing: For smaller print runs, quick turnaround times, and cost-effective solutions, our digital printing services are ideal. Whether you need customized marketing materials or business cards, we've got you covered.
3. Large Format Printing: When you need to make a grand impression, our large format printing services are the way to go. From eye-catching banners to stunning posters and signs, we help you stand out in Surrey Hills.
4. Custom Printing: Every business is unique, and we understand the importance of customized materials. Our custom printing services cover a wide range of options, allowing your creativity to shine through in your branding and packaging.
Efficient Distribution Services
Having beautifully printed materials is only the beginning. The next crucial step is ensuring these materials reach the right audience. This is where Surrey Hills Distribution comes into play:
1. Direct Mail: Target your audience directly with personalized direct mail campaigns. By reaching your customers where they are, you can significantly increase engagement and response rates.
2. Warehousing: Say goodbye to the space constraints of storing printed materials. We provide secure warehousing and efficient dispatch services to save you time and resources.
3. Fulfillment: Our team manages the entire order fulfillment process, from picking and packing to shipping. This ensures a seamless experience for both you and your customers.
4. Mailing Services: The complexities of mailing, from addressing and sorting to postage, are handled with precision by our experts. This guarantees efficient and cost-effective distribution.
Why Choose Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution
At Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution, we're not just a local service provider; we're your strategic partner in success. Here's why you should choose us:
Quality: We are committed to delivering the highest quality prints and distribution services that reflect your brand's excellence.
Reliability: Count on us for on-time delivery and responsive customer service. We understand the importance of meeting deadlines.
Bespoke Solutions: Every project is unique, and our team is dedicated to crafting tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs.
Sustainability: We are passionate about eco-friendly practices and use sustainable materials whenever possible.
Competitive Pricing: Our services are cost-effective, providing the best value for your investment.
Start Your Journey Today
Ready to elevate your business with superior printing and distribution services? Contact Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution today, and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your marketing and communication goals. Your success is our mission, and we're eager to be part of your journey.
Thank you for considering Surrey Hills Printing & Distribution. We look forward to serving your needs and helping your business grow in Surrey Hills and beyond.
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mcnuggyy · 8 months
Sorry did more math because it’s so fun for me fyi if only 3% of my followers on here bought my book I would reach my goal (and then some) 🥺
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