#how do I make everything about naked in New York….. hmmmm
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whoswearingthetrousers · 4 months ago
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Guys he’s coming home I swear (I’m losing it) (I miss chris so bad guys)
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selenecrawford · 6 years ago
The Odd Pair 10
Warning: Foul Language (lots of cursing)
Nobunaga had to intervene again with Selene when he heard how the conversation went down. He had to convinced both to sign a truce to work out their immediate situation in New York. Selene went shopping, bought at least 10 queen pillows and duck tape to use on the  bed at the apartment. Shingen remained emotionless at Selene's actions. He only attempted two more times to apologize to her before giving up for the moment. Feeling inside a nightmare, Selene only speak the necessary, outside that it was total silence.
Once the week was over, she took a commercial plane back home, without letting Shingen know. She left all the clothes, she bought. Shingen had to followed in order to keep the conditions of the  testament. Upon arriving home, he found the same barrier at the bed with Selene covered completely. This was worst than the beginning they had. Selene completely shut herself in. Spending as little time as possible on the house or near him. Frustrated, Shingen decided to visit his mother, to get a break. Kaede knew his son was in trouble the moment he entered the door. The bag on his eyes, and the lost look made her give him a heartwarming hug, taking him by the hand with her to the kitchen. Once she sit him on the table she started making, his favorite dessert, sweet buns.
“How is everything sweet heart?”
“Well, considering the situation I think good. Selene is a hard heard, obstinate,...” Shingen couldn't continue speaking, seeing Selene hurt and knowing that he was the cause was something he hated it deeply.
“What happened?” Kaede saw how Shingen's voice went off. Since he was a little boy he learned how to convince anyone he was a tough kid. But it was only with her that he could never put a facade.
“ I told something terrible to Selene and now she hates me.” he puts his chin on his hands sighing dejectedly.
“Did she said I hate you out loud?” Kaede caress his son's hair, feeling his pain.
“No, she didn't, yet.” Kaede smiled, giving his son a kiss on the cheek she said. “Then is not over. Come on, tell me what happened.”
Kaede put some sweet buns in front of him but Shingen, wasn't feeling hungry. He then gave his mother the story without the comment. Telling her the words will be like seeing how he stab Selene back. Kaede heard his son patiently, once he was done,she hugged him. “God, why is so complicated for you both telling that you love each other? Everyone can see it except you two.”
“Mom, I mean how can I...” his mother cut him off gently.
“Tell me something, does your heart skip a beat every time you see her smile? Do you miss her if you both are apart? If you see something the first thing that comes into your mind is her? If your answer is yes, my boy you are in deep.” Kaede chuckled affectionately.
Shingen hugged his mother feeling fortunate because he could reach her when things might look bad. Then he thought of Selene what might she be doing now alone at the house.
Selene took the opportunity to take some trash out from her former room, since she was alone at the house. Shingen let her know he was going to visit his mother. This time gave her opportunity to get  things that might get Shingen's attention. If they were on better terms she would had let it slide, but now... Giving a head shake, Selene tried not  to think about Shingen. The situation times was too stressful with Shingen trying to reach for her and she evading him at all costs. Unless it was strictly necessary, she didn't talk. Seeking to distract herself from the situation, Selene took several things she found not use for. Filling a box with them she went to the trashcan outside the house. The trashcan got full, but thankfully tomorrow the truck will be taking the trash so no problem there. Once she went back inside the house she found herself without anything else to do. Finding a bottle of whiskey she took a shot from the bottle. The liquor burn her throat and cough a bit, still the warm feeling was welcome. Compare to Masamune she was a bit tougher drinking, taking the bottle with her Selene went to the living room, she started to drink from the bottle while watching television. Soon the whiskey made her feel hot. Not caring if Shingen came back, She changes her clothes to a dark top and some shorts. From time to time she took some bites of a left over cookies she made. The combination of sugar and whiskey, made her feeling loose, less stress out. Soon she was drunk. Giggling, laughing or cursing at her thoughts of Shingen, Selene soon finished the bottle of whiskey.
Shingen went back home after feeling much better speaking with his mother. It was mid-afternoon and the house was in silence.
“Selene I'm home. Where are you?” Shingen went around the house looking.
“Well, well, well, yeah those were three, WHOA look who is here, hehehehe.” Selene's speech was a slurred with some giggling in the mix.
Shingen raised an eyebrow not understanding Selene's behavior.
“Selene are you ok?” when he got near her the stench of alcohol was evident. “Had you been drinking?”
“Bingo!! Ding DING DING DONG? Hahahaha, you won something, YESH, shhhhh,” Selene crunched down while lowering the voice. “You, I mean me? just a little bit. Buahhhh.!” by now she tried to get up only to loose balance and go forward.
Shingen took her by the arm to stabilize it. His sight went from her to the empty bottle of whiskey on the coffee table. His head filled with all types of alarms and questions? (“  Did she drank all the bottle?” Is she ok?” Oh boy she looks adorable being drunk” Wait that's not a question, focus Shingen, focus.”). Smiling softly, Shingen tried to get near her.
“Princess, why don't we go to the kitchen and drink some coffee with cookies?”
Selene eyed Shingen suspiciously, “Hmmmm, we run out of cookishh heeeehhhehehehe.” her voice went into a childlike tone, walking very wobbly, she took the cookie jar and said “Opps” then smirked until started laughing. She moved like she was walking on suspending cable at high altitude. “ I guess I have to make mooooarrr cookishhhh, shhhh. I'M ON IT!!!!” giggling like crazy she started walking in zig zag toward the kitchen. Shingen had to went behind her to prevent her from using anything around.
“Princess, let's make cookies, later. How about you sit and I'll make you some coffee? Yes?”  Shingen took her by the waist to stabilize her.
Selene suddenly went silent. A deep aspiration sound was heard from her. She hugged Shingen's waist.
“Why you have to be so highly fuckable? Is hard to hate you and shleeep with you ata same time. Yooouuuu are being unfair Takeda. You know how much I want to fuck you?” Selene raise her face up to him looking with big puppy eyes. Her face was flustered.
Shingen felt his face getting got, the tip of the ears also getting warmer. Selene has no filter, when she was drunk, making her completely adorable. Suddenly, she frowned, tears forming on her eyes.
“But you don't love me, do you? , you are just like the rest.” releasing her grip on him, with a pout she wobbled back to the table. With a dejected gesture and a pout on her face she sentenced. “No more fucking for you.” then she flipped her middle fingers to him now angry.
“Ahhhh cat, got your tongue ehhh??” giggling again Selene tried to dance but her movements were rough. Combine with her dizziness from being drunk she gave two dangerous, turns before landing sit at the floor. Her drunken laugh was alternated with giggles, snorts, smirks, then some sniffs began until she started to cry.
Shingen couldn't react to the way Selene was behaving. They say children and drunken people always were sincere. And that was true with Selene, the question she made was a slap to his face. Her eyes, looked hurt. By now, her cries were loud, Shingen pass a hand on his face trying to get out of shock of seeing Selene on this poor state. With a sigh he went and tried to pick her up from the floor.
“NO, you are a meanie, I can DO it!” Selene slapped Shingen's hand when he tried to get her. With difficulty she stood up then gave a couple of steps toward the kitchen sink. Hovering, over it, she started vomiting. Shingen, put one of his arms around her waist, while the other arm hold her hair from getting vomit. He stood there with her, until she was done. The effort weaken her, by now Shingen took a clean cloth to her face gently cleaning her. Still holding her from the waist, Selene reached for the faucet to wash her mouth. She leaned against Shingen, her face was scarlet from embarrassment.
“I'm sorry please don't kick me out.” her voice was muffled against his chest.
Shingen sighed giving her a kiss at the top of the head. Putting the cloth on the sink, he took Selene on his arms walking toward the bathroom. He stayed silent after Selene's request, he was having a hard time controlling his emotions. Once in the bathroom he gave her some private time to use the bathroom. After thirty minutes he called Selene but there was no response, taking a look inside he found her asleep on the bathroom rug naked. He made sure she was ok then filled the tub and entered with her to give her a quick bath to freshen her up. Once he was done he dried her then carried her to bed. The pillow barrier was there making him angry. He ripped the barrier out of the bed scattering the pillows on the floor. Selene was dead asleep. She didn't noticed when Shingen dressed her with a shirt and boy short panties. Laying her down on bed he went down stairs to cleaned up the mess at the kitchen then the bathroom. He took the trash bag outside. Lifting the lid he found a white scrap book on top of a box.
Curiosity took the best of him, taking the book he started looking at it. There were pictures of Selene each page narrating the story of how her dream wedding will be. Her dress, the ceremony, all the details were there. It was a simple gathering, yet the emotion on those were words written touch him, the details were charming. At one page she indicated that she will be letting her hair grow. The last page has only one question. “Where is the groom?” closing his eyes Shingen felt now worse than he already was feeling. Looking at the box there were pictures, photo albums of Selene and her father. As well as pictures of him with them. All these things were part of her childhood, yet she decided to throw it away. Shingen decided to take the box with all the contents. Opening his car he put them on the trunk. He will take it to his mother's house tomorrow. His heart was beating a beating faster, an urge to be near her to take her in his arms was growing. She wasn't alone, he was there. He closed the door, securing the house before going to the room. Selene was still sleeping. Changing into his pajamas he went shirtless to the bed. With caution, he took Selene on his arms. Kissing her head, caressing her softly. His mother's words, echoed thru his head.
(“You know you love someone when you want to be there no matter the situation. Good times, bad times, she could be completely drunk or in tears, yet your only though is to be there for her. Then that's the sign that you love her my boy.”) Selene cuddle against him resting her head on his chest. Resting his cheek on her head, Shingen closed his eyes. He realized that the only place he wanted to be was on that bed with Selene on his arms.
Notes: Thank you as always. I like to give thanks because I’m grateful for this opportunity. For the warnings of you see something that might trigger you or upsets you please my apologies. Besides that, please enjoy this mad story lol. Thank you *grins* *bows in respect*
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ragwitch · 7 years ago
Darcy/Johnny/Bucky. Soul Mark AU.
Nix, my lady, my babe, I hope you enjoy this!
Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Johnny Storm/James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
Rating: T
They told him he had no soul. And his skin was clean (all but the scars that ran around his left shoulder where they’d made him into a machine) so he believed them.
So when the bonfire boy with the startling blue eyes had said to him—in the middle of a battle field, in the middle of the city, in the middle of the day—
“Well, hello there, beautiful. Would you like my number?”
And the feeling of flames spread down his left hip, licking and biting at his skin, he assumed they were real flames. And he threw the other man across the square and returned to his mission.
It wasn’t until they’d herded him back into the base, and stripped him for maintenance, that he saw the blue trace of fire down his skin and the spikey, twiggy words of invitation.
They wiped him and threw him in the cryofreezer.
But no matter how many times they told him he was a machine, he was their weapon to wield, he was nothing…
They silly words were on his skin, framed by blue fire.
He had a soul.
Darcy was sweating it out on the dance floor of some too loud, too crowded, too pricey club. But, fuck it! She finally had her damn degree. Now she could stare down the fathomless maw of student debt and limited job prospects like everyone else. Time to celebrate!
By herself.
With a bunch of strangers.
Cause Jane was definitely still in the lab, waist deep in theories, probably still sounding them out as if Darcy was in the room.
She couldn’t even be mad about it, really.
There was a body behind hers, like a heater inside of an already too hot club. And she was absolutely ready to turn around and tell them to politely back up to the next available booty cause she was really just here for the cardio.
Except she didn’t. She turned and he slotted them together, legs fitting into place like puzzle pieces, and she was staring up at muscles, and wicked blue eyes, and a suggestive smirk that was barely concealing a childlike grin of delight.
“You look like somebody who could take me home and keep me in bed for days,” Darcy said, blinking in surprise.  She added, “In a not creepy way.”
He stiffened in front of her, eyes puzzled, and a hand came up to settle over his chest.
He spoke and she watched his lips make the words, but there was no hearing him over the bass. It didn’t matter. A ring of spikey, sharp heat circled her hips, stirring up shock and arousal all at once.
They stood stock still on the dance floor, staring at one another. And then she took his hand and led him out of the club and into a cab. They went to her apartment and stayed in bed for days.
She explained that the geometric pattern that was now covering his chest was bits of circuitry she doodled when nervous and he explained why the words floating in the blue flames under her belly read, “I don’t know what you said but I promise to be good if you don’t run away like the last one.”
Darcy was eating Clint’s cheerios in the common room when Steve brought Bucky Barnes into the Tower for the first time. (After the de-conditioning and the early rounds of therapy and a long, quiet vacation in Canada while The Winter Soldier could be quietly brushed away from the public conscious and replaced with the POW and War Hero.) She froze behind the counter, debating on whether or not to sink down out of sight, or scurry from the room while they were turned the other way.
This was the guy. This was the guy.
It hadn’t been hard to figure out from Johnny’s description of him. Not after Hydra had burst forth from SHIELD like an Alien baby out of Sigourney Weaver.
Johnny’s other soulmate was James Buchanan Barnes. The Winter Soldier.
Tall and wide, wider than Johnny, with dark hair and icy sharp eyes. He had a beard growing in that Darcy badly wanted to scratch her fingers into. And while she’d always imagined him in the terrifying leather get up she’d seen blurry photos of, he was standing by the windows in jeans and a heavy sweater. Looking like any other outrageously handsome guy might, aside from the silver fingers peeking out from his long sleeve.
He was glancing at her out of the corner of his eye and Darcy could feel the blood rushing into her cheeks.
She needed to call Johnny. She needed to get out of here. She needed to know if she was part of a closed circuit or if she and this stranger were two links connecting to Johnny. (It was alright if they were, Johnny was near to bursting with love and Darcy knew she would never be an afterthought to him.)
So she put the box of cereal back on the shelf and made ready to escape.
Steve and Bucky were standing in her way, blocking her exit around the island.
“Buck, this is Darcy Lewis, she works mostly with Jane and Tony in the labs but she’s a bit of a jack of all trades really. Darcy this is my friend, James Barnes.”
“’S good to finally see a pretty face after months with this punk,” Bucky said to her.
The words were rusty, his tongue nearly tripping over them, and his expression was a little panicked as he spoke. But there were flurries around her chest, snowflakes kissing at the skin of her breasts and then warming like coals running across her ribs to her back. She gaped at him, at the tan calloused hand he had extended to her, and her own rose to meet his.
“Oh,” she said, and his hand twitched in hers. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and a smile was stretching so fast across her face it hurt her cheeks. “We’re all gonna be really happy, just so you know.”
Little lines and connections and branches grew out from under his sleeve down to his fingertips. He blinked at her and Steve stared between them, eyes wide.
“Do you know…?” Bucky’s metal hand traced over his hip and Darcy had to bite her lip to keep her face from cracking apart.
“Yeah,” she said.
He stepped up close to her, released her hand to wipe away the twin tears that had spilled over onto her cheeks.
“I’ll introduce you,” she told him.
Johnny let himself into Darcy’s apartment, hefting up the bag of groceries and wine and stepping inside. There was music playing and he could hear her speaking in the kitchen, a low and mellow voice answering her. His chest squeezed hard. (He’d heard about the news in the Tower. But this was just dinner with Darcy and he could settle down and not put those anxious hopes on his date with his girl.)
There was a little squeak of excitement and then sock-feet skidding across her floor boards as she ran in from the kitchen to greet him. She pulled the groceries out of his hold and bounced up into his arms for a kiss.
“Hey, cutie,” he said, laughing.
She was giddy and his heart was beating too fast.
“Hi!” she said, beaming. “I’ve got somebody here to meet you so…yeah, come on. I have no chill!”
She had his hand in hers and was yanking him to the kitchen, and he couldn’t find his feet underneath him.
Darcy squeezed his hand once once in the doorway to the kitchen and then pushed him ahead of her. His other soulmate was standing against the counter. If Johnny had passed him on the street he might not have recognized this cozy, smiling, bearded babe for the sooty eyed warrior he’d flirted with in the middle of new york city ten years ago. Everything inside of him was spinning like a merry go round on a playground, some invisible hand pushing it faster, faster, faster, until he thought it might take off out of his skin altogether. He was probably too close to starting yet another kitchen fire in Darcy’s apartment.
“Hey good lookin’,” the other man said, grin wobbling anxiously. “Can I still get that number?”
Ice landed on his shoulders, melting in curling rivulets down Johnny’s back until it pooled at the base of his spine, warm and twisting.
He laughed, the nerves and panic and joy falling out of him with the sound.
A month or so later
Johnny was dozing on his stomach while Bucky and Darcy traced the frost and currents of patterns on his back, the words that lined down his spine.
“Just remembered,” Bucky said, and Johnny peeked one drowsy eye open. “These melting patterns ain’t snow. This is the old city subway system.”
“Our bridge and tunnel boy,” Darcy murmured and Johnny smiled, hearing their kiss.
Darcy shifted, worming her way from draped over them to snuggled betweean them. Bucky wiggled to make room for her but Johnny just hid his grin in his pillow and let her work for it. There was nothing he didn’t love about the feeling of a naked Darcy squirming against him.
“Does this mean I’ve got the G train somewhere on me,” he asked, frowning.
Darcy snorted but Bucky just traced his finger over one of Johnny’s ribs. “Yeah, right here.”
“What’ve I got?” Darcy asked, elbowing Johnny so she could spread out for Bucky’s perusal.
Johnny could hear the wet sounds of kisses landing against skin. These crazy fuckers weren’t gonna let him get any rest were they? (He loved it.)
“Here’s the Sea Beach Line…” Darcy hummed and wiggled next to him. “And here’s the Brighton…”
Johnny rolled to his side and sat up, watching Bucky lick across a diagonal line that followed Darcy’s shoulder blade. He glanced up at Johnny and grinned, leaning across Darcy’s back to kiss him. Johnny could taste the salt from her skin and faint traces of himself from earlier.
He could rest later.
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masterlistcrawford · 6 years ago
The Odd Pair 10
Warning: Foul Language (lots of cursing)
Nobunaga had to intervene again with Selene when he heard how the conversation went down. He had to convinced both to sign a truce to work out their immediate situation in New York. Selene went shopping, bought at least 10 queen pillows and duck tape to use on the  bed at the apartment. Shingen remained emotionless at Selene’s actions. He only attempted two more times to apologize to her before giving up for the moment. Feeling inside a nightmare, Selene only speak the necessary, outside that it was total silence.
Once the week was over, she took a commercial plane back home, without letting Shingen know. She left all the clothes, she bought. Shingen had to followed in order to keep the conditions of the  testament. Upon arriving home, he found the same barrier at the bed with Selene covered completely. This was worst than the beginning they had. Selene completely shut herself in. Spending as little time as possible on the house or near him. Frustrated, Shingen decided to visit his mother, to get a break. Kaede knew his son was in trouble the moment he entered the door. The bag on his eyes, and the lost look made her give him a heartwarming hug, taking him by the hand with her to the kitchen. Once she sit him on the table she started making, his favorite dessert, sweet buns.
“How is everything sweet heart?”
“Well, considering the situation I think good. Selene is a hard heard, obstinate,…” Shingen couldn’t continue speaking, seeing Selene hurt and knowing that he was the cause was something he hated it deeply.
“What happened?” Kaede saw how Shingen’s voice went off. Since he was a little boy he learned how to convince anyone he was a tough kid. But it was only with her that he could never put a facade.
“ I told something terrible to Selene and now she hates me.” he puts his chin on his hands sighing dejectedly.
“Did she said I hate you out loud?” Kaede caress his son’s hair, feeling his pain.
“No, she didn’t, yet.” Kaede smiled, giving his son a kiss on the cheek she said. “Then is not over. Come on, tell me what happened.”
Kaede put some sweet buns in front of him but Shingen, wasn’t feeling hungry. He then gave his mother the story without the comment. Telling her the words will be like seeing how he stab Selene back. Kaede heard his son patiently, once he was done,she hugged him. “God, why is so complicated for you both telling that you love each other? Everyone can see it except you two.”
“Mom, I mean how can I…” his mother cut him off gently.
“Tell me something, does your heart skip a beat every time you see her smile? Do you miss her if you both are apart? If you see something the first thing that comes into your mind is her? If your answer is yes, my boy you are in deep.” Kaede chuckled affectionately.
Shingen hugged his mother feeling fortunate because he could reach her when things might look bad. Then he thought of Selene what might she be doing now alone at the house.
Selene took the opportunity to take some trash out from her former room, since she was alone at the house. Shingen let her know he was going to visit his mother. This time gave her opportunity to get  things that might get Shingen’s attention. If they were on better terms she would had let it slide, but now… Giving a head shake, Selene tried not  to think about Shingen. The situation times was too stressful with Shingen trying to reach for her and she evading him at all costs. Unless it was strictly necessary, she didn’t talk. Seeking to distract herself from the situation, Selene took several things she found not use for. Filling a box with them she went to the trashcan outside the house. The trashcan got full, but thankfully tomorrow the truck will be taking the trash so no problem there. Once she went back inside the house she found herself without anything else to do. Finding a bottle of whiskey she took a shot from the bottle. The liquor burn her throat and cough a bit, still the warm feeling was welcome. Compare to Masamune she was a bit tougher drinking, taking the bottle with her Selene went to the living room, she started to drink from the bottle while watching television. Soon the whiskey made her feel hot. Not caring if Shingen came back, She changes her clothes to a dark top and some shorts. From time to time she took some bites of a left over cookies she made. The combination of sugar and whiskey, made her feeling loose, less stress out. Soon she was drunk. Giggling, laughing or cursing at her thoughts of Shingen, Selene soon finished the bottle of whiskey.
Shingen went back home after feeling much better speaking with his mother. It was mid-afternoon and the house was in silence.
“Selene I’m home. Where are you?” Shingen went around the house looking.
“Well, well, well, yeah those were three, WHOA look who is here, hehehehe.” Selene’s speech was a slurred with some giggling in the mix.
Shingen raised an eyebrow not understanding Selene’s behavior.
“Selene are you ok?” when he got near her the stench of alcohol was evident. “Had you been drinking?”
“Bingo!! Ding DING DING DONG? Hahahaha, you won something, YESH, shhhhh,” Selene crunched down while lowering the voice. “You, I mean me? just a little bit. Buahhhh.!” by now she tried to get up only to loose balance and go forward.
Shingen took her by the arm to stabilize it. His sight went from her to the empty bottle of whiskey on the coffee table. His head filled with all types of alarms and questions? (“  Did she drank all the bottle?” Is she ok?” Oh boy she looks adorable being drunk” Wait that’s not a question, focus Shingen, focus.”). Smiling softly, Shingen tried to get near her.
“Princess, why don’t we go to the kitchen and drink some coffee with cookies?”
Selene eyed Shingen suspiciously, “Hmmmm, we run out of cookishh heeeehhhehehehe.” her voice went into a childlike tone, walking very wobbly, she took the cookie jar and said “Opps” then smirked until started laughing. She moved like she was walking on suspending cable at high altitude. “ I guess I have to make mooooarrr cookishhhh, shhhh. I’M ON IT!!!!” giggling like crazy she started walking in zig zag toward the kitchen. Shingen had to went behind her to prevent her from using anything around.
“Princess, let’s make cookies, later. How about you sit and I’ll make you some coffee? Yes?”  Shingen took her by the waist to stabilize her.
Selene suddenly went silent. A deep aspiration sound was heard from her. She hugged Shingen’s waist.
“Why you have to be so highly fuckable? Is hard to hate you and shleeep with you ata same time. Yooouuuu are being unfair Takeda. You know how much I want to fuck you?” Selene raise her face up to him looking with big puppy eyes. Her face was flustered.
Shingen felt his face getting got, the tip of the ears also getting warmer. Selene has no filter, when she was drunk, making her completely adorable. Suddenly, she frowned, tears forming on her eyes.
“But you don’t love me, do you? , you are just like the rest.” releasing her grip on him, with a pout she wobbled back to the table. With a dejected gesture and a pout on her face she sentenced. “No more fucking for you.” then she flipped her middle fingers to him now angry.
“Ahhhh cat, got your tongue ehhh??” giggling again Selene tried to dance but her movements were rough. Combine with her dizziness from being drunk she gave two dangerous, turns before landing sit at the floor. Her drunken laugh was alternated with giggles, snorts, smirks, then some sniffs began until she started to cry.
Shingen couldn’t react to the way Selene was behaving. They say children and drunken people always were sincere. And that was true with Selene, the question she made was a slap to his face. Her eyes, looked hurt. By now, her cries were loud, Shingen pass a hand on his face trying to get out of shock of seeing Selene on this poor state. With a sigh he went and tried to pick her up from the floor.
“NO, you are a meanie, I can DO it!” Selene slapped Shingen’s hand when he tried to get her. With difficulty she stood up then gave a couple of steps toward the kitchen sink. Hovering, over it, she started vomiting. Shingen, put one of his arms around her waist, while the other arm hold her hair from getting vomit. He stood there with her, until she was done. The effort weaken her, by now Shingen took a clean cloth to her face gently cleaning her. Still holding her from the waist, Selene reached for the faucet to wash her mouth. She leaned against Shingen, her face was scarlet from embarrassment.
“I’m sorry please don’t kick me out.” her voice was muffled against his chest.
Shingen sighed giving her a kiss at the top of the head. Putting the cloth on the sink, he took Selene on his arms walking toward the bathroom. He stayed silent after Selene’s request, he was having a hard time controlling his emotions. Once in the bathroom he gave her some private time to use the bathroom. After thirty minutes he called Selene but there was no response, taking a look inside he found her asleep on the bathroom rug naked. He made sure she was ok then filled the tub and entered with her to give her a quick bath to freshen her up. Once he was done he dried her then carried her to bed. The pillow barrier was there making him angry. He ripped the barrier out of the bed scattering the pillows on the floor. Selene was dead asleep. She didn’t noticed when Shingen dressed her with a shirt and boy short panties. Laying her down on bed he went down stairs to cleaned up the mess at the kitchen then the bathroom. He took the trash bag outside. Lifting the lid he found a white scrap book on top of a box.
Curiosity took the best of him, taking the book he started looking at it. There were pictures of Selene each page narrating the story of how her dream wedding will be. Her dress, the ceremony, all the details were there. It was a simple gathering, yet the emotion on those were words written touch him, the details were charming. At one page she indicated that she will be letting her hair grow. The last page has only one question. “Where is the groom?” closing his eyes Shingen felt now worse than he already was feeling. Looking at the box there were pictures, photo albums of Selene and her father. As well as pictures of him with them. All these things were part of her childhood, yet she decided to throw it away. Shingen decided to take the box with all the contents. Opening his car he put them on the trunk. He will take it to his mother’s house tomorrow. His heart was beating a beating faster, an urge to be near her to take her in his arms was growing. She wasn’t alone, he was there. He closed the door, securing the house before going to the room. Selene was still sleeping. Changing into his pajamas he went shirtless to the bed. With caution, he took Selene on his arms. Kissing her head, caressing her softly. His mother’s words, echoed thru his head.
(“You know you love someone when you want to be there no matter the situation. Good times, bad times, she could be completely drunk or in tears, yet your only though is to be there for her. Then that’s the sign that you love her my boy.”) Selene cuddle against him resting her head on his chest. Resting his cheek on her head, Shingen closed his eyes. He realized that the only place he wanted to be was on that bed with Selene on his arms.
Notes: Thank you as always. I like to give thanks because I’m grateful for this opportunity. For the warnings of you see something that might trigger you or upsets you please my apologies. Besides that, please enjoy this mad story lol. Thank you *grins* *bows in respect*
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