#how did this stuff come about im desperate to know. is there some prequel comic or book i don’t know about
un-pearable · 6 months
need to find a good atla fic focusing on iroh’s formative years. i get why everyone’s obsessed with zuko but i’m fascinated by iroh’s history - i think we’ve collectively forgotten that he was the previous crown prince. he spent his childhood in the same situation as zuko - in line for the throne with a vindicative younger sibling, doing terrible things for what felt like a worthy cause. where’s the melodramatic late twenties mid thirties saga of this man grappling with his morality and impact on the world just in time to have a son who’s doomed to die
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knifesxedge · 4 years
you really are about to unlock smth bc a) i have SO many thoughts on the sequel trilogy and b) im DESPERATE for a distraction so um. i think about the prequel trilogy and i really truly start to lose it. bc force awakens was SO GOOD. like remember the first time you watched it and you (me, but maybe you as well) were like? HOLY SHIT. it was obviously a new hope v2 but it was FRESH and NEW and there were cool characters that i CARED about. (1/3)
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HELL YEAH let’s get into it ok ok ok OPINIONS INCOMING.
TOTALLY with u on this. like the prequels make me mad about the wasted potential but tbh the sequel trilogy is just like. draining emotionally because they LOOK so fucking good. the force awakens WAS so so good, like very very star wars even if it was following the plot beats of anh. and then it just. tanked itself holy shit. like at least the prequels look bad, sound bad, it’s like a comical level of tragic. the sequel trilogy feels like having chalk dust spread all over my skin and then being put in an echo chamber of nails on a chalkboard 😔 at this point even tfa comes with a TINY lil bit of like 😞 just because i know what comes after but YES tfa is one of those star wars movies that just FEELS so fucking star wars it makes me unhinged. “THATS ONE HELL OF A PILOT” YEAH BITCH!!! IT IS!!!!! GAY PEOPLE!!!
the last jedi. a mess. i like certain rian johnson films but he should not be allowed to be anywhere near Star Wars. my main problem? (beyond the racism and romanticizing stalking and emotional and physical abuse?) it doesn’t FEEL like star wars. like. ok even in the darkest moments in mainstream star wars films they are SUPPOSED to feel hopeful. tlj feels like watching a train wreck in slow motion it’s just like shitty thing after shitty thing after shitty thing happening to the main cast. i think the casino planet’s design was a little lazy and WAY too underlit and rose’s character was pointless in the way she was shown in the movie. exhausting. the jokes were all on the wrong edge of disrespectful to the characters and the original star wars like luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder? appalling. not funny just there for shock value. everyone is out of character. everyone is stressed and miserable all the time. aside from things i didn’t really want to see but wouldn’t have argued with in a better movie (ie luke dying) it really was just a racist misogynistic mess. oh yeah did i mention how they did rey’s character dirty because she went from being a scrappy desert mechanic who’s a little dorky and just trying to find a family and a place in the galaxy to Bland White Girl Servicing a Man’s Character. that pales in comparison to how finn poe and rose’s characters were treated but HOLY shit. i walked out of the theater crying. tfa raised my expectations only to have tlj smash them down to the floor it was. hhhhh ok ok ok im trying to think if i liked anything from the movie. um. you were right it looked good! sound and score were great as usual. i did think poe’s conversation with hux at the beginning was funny. i really liked when leia used the force to come back to the ship (ik that was a controversial scene for some people but i did really like that scene. she deserves it). laura dern is cool i hated her character but in theory laura dern being leia’s lesbian boarding school friend is neat. but yeah im sorry i really REALLY didn’t like that movie we only saw it in theaters once it was so bad. :( i do agree with u abt the force mysticism being cool tho!
rise of skywalker. now maybe it’s because the bar was on the floor after tlj. but i actually liked it quite a bit. still kind of a mess. jj trying to retcon all of the stuff from the last movie because for some reason he wasn’t just allowed to do the whole trilogy. the pacing being a nightmare for the first half. the atrocious abuser-validating kiss at the end. but im gonna be real after having to sit through tlj i was happy enough just to see the main trio back together and finn and poe being treated with more respect to care much about that stuff. disney queerbaits me once again but that’s on me for clowning. i really genuinely liked the scene where rey passes the lightsaber to kylo i thought that was cool but it was overshadowed by the knowledge that the Kiss 🤮 was coming so i didn’t get to enjoy it like i wanted. ALSO hayden christiansen and all the other actors doing the voices in the scene where rey is fighting the emperor (who im pretty sure was only in there because RIAN put the trilogy’s intended big bad into a sparkly gold bathrobe and killed him off in the second movie but im not complaining about seeing ian mcdiarmid) were apparently on set in costume and force ghosts were supposed to protect her in like a big circle and what im saying is i feel robbed and cheated and feral
the only movie of the three i REALLY liked was tfa. now we’re back to How Would I Fix It. step one fire rian johnson. step two put JJ on the whole trilogy and HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE for having a plot planned out, or else get a different director TO DO ALL THREE MOVIES. none of this middle of the road “trying to appease both sides of the fandom” bullshit. kylo dies at the end and they DO NOT kiss and that is all the redemption he gets. if disney is claiming gay rep then they SHOW us ACTUAL gay representation. poe and finn kiss on screen and we don’t get a two second blurry background kiss between random characters. completely toss out whatever the fuck that plot was supposed to be in tlj and separate ros into two movies so JJ could actually DO the entire plot he had planned (instead of disney execs chopping down what was p much a four hour movie into two hours twenty two minutes which was SHORTER than the two hour forty minute cut jj reluctantly okayed but i DIGRESS).
god. what the fuck. anyways sorry for completely going off the rails but ty for sharing ur sequel trilogy opinions and ty for letting me rant sorry this got so long but ily!!! ❣️💕💝
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
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Mysterio’s and Chameleon’s canon friendship 
I’ve limited myself to comics and indisputable panels, but if you’re really thirsty for Mysteleon content like me, there’s also the fact that (almost) every time they both appear in the same story, they are either directly working with one another (for example in cartoons like TSSM, 90′s Spider-man, Marvel’s Spider-man...) and often express interest in the other’s work or at least they are standing close to each other (ha!) or usually get mentioned one after the other (HA! thats what desperation smells like). And of course, unlike other villains, they are often unexpectedly polite and v professional in their team ups, no dick measuring contests and almost no backstabbing! 
Click on the pictures for the source (and to be able to read the actual lines lol) and on the read more for some context and explanations ~
Bonus from the Sinister Six novel trilogy:
Cham suggesting to politely wait for Beck to finish his newest murder show : 
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Once Beck’s plan inevitably fails, not only Cham (disguised as the talkative cop) is there the Second he gets arrested but he immediately reminds him of the more successful part of his performance and praises n thanks him for it!! AND “GENUINE UNMISTAKABLE WARMTH”?? LIKE ARE YOU KIDDIN ME.
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Cont. from the previous part, Beck is “practically hopping” with excitement to see his buddy ok this one could be debatable but after genuine unmistakable warmth and “wont spend so much as a single minute behind bars” im. 🤔🤔🤔 
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Here’s the promised context  and some crying in the order of the photoset
1) Avengers Academy: Pretty much self-explanatory, Cham in disguise kicked Beck so hard his helmet shattered in order to fool some kids, once he can reveal himself he helps him up and apologizes. And you can practically smell that shared interest in acting :3
2) Grim Hunt: Sasha Kravinoff wants to bring Kraven back from the dead, she enlists help of Chammy and manipulates some villains n spiders. Listen, i get that they had to hire Electro for the actual necromancy but MYSTERIO?? For what, the little confusion mist and spooky effects he added to the graveyard??? For the animated spiders on Cham’s disguise? Like the he couldnt pull that on his own? Mysti didnt even need to be motivated for the Gauntlet challenge, his plans were already in motion! Cham got him purely because it’s “a pleasure to work with him” you cant change my mind
3) Ends of Earth: Most of the Mysteleon stuff comes from this arc or the preparation arcs that tie into it, Otto is dying and he regroups the Sin Six for Something Big. Mysti and Cham have a frikin Blast the whole time. How does that saying go about finishing each other’s sentences.. :3 
4)  Fantastic Voyage: One of the EoE prequels, Beck n Cham are on their own on an island, tryin to distract the fantastic four and do somethin reality-shattering for Ock while pretending the entire squad is there. Mmmm look at them compliments, sure, Mysterio praises Everyone if he’s impressed but damn Quentin that’s not how you help someone up, what even are you doing? :’D and Dmitri’s “MY HEART BLEEDS FOR YOU, BECK” both as sassing him or the lil chance it’s genuine is Excellent
5)  EoE: ok i’ll admit it, this one is open to interpretations BUT they have nicknames for each other! And their own private octobot they share! And Beck wants to know what Cham is thinking!! (and im reaching i know let the girl dream)
6) More of the Ends of Earth shenanigans, Chameleon disguised as Doc Ock versus Spidey+Black Widow+Silver Sable in order to help Beck keep having fun up the illusion going.  “No I’m not being a baby” fdjkagj love their bickering but please note that Beck DID make the suit padded and sturdy enough to withstand a bomb near head.
7) Gauntlet: Prequel for the Grim hunt, Cham goes to hire Beck with a Personal joke HE THOUGHT BECK WOULD LIKE! for comparison, this is how he recruited Electro lmao:
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8) EoE, Spidey+Sable+Widow got stuck on Mysterio’s set and Beck n Cham are watching and roasting them.( It’s slightly before Cham attacks spidey disguised as doc ock.) Anyway FRIENDS!!! Talkin about their shared interests of acting and being bastards!! Nicknames! Mysti coming up with an idea and Cham immediately following through! Skill praising sorta! Them makin fun of Otto! This page has it all. 
9) Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil: This whole issue is a gift but Mysti asking Cham to borrow his car is the cherry on top. 
Bonus Bonus for gettin all the way here: According to wiki, this guy is a fusion of Mysterio and Chameleon, idk how they got that information since Mysti’s helmet can as well be opaque like this even without Cham’s influence BUT who am i to look into the gift horse’s mouth right
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