#how did i not notice this earlier... whattt
skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
no fucking way these two brought matching outfits to the dark tourny
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bkgml · 2 years
katsuki taking care of drunk you!
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you and katsuki were in a weird place.
you both know you want each other, (so does the entire dorm). you’ve just never confessed so you’re in a weird stage of being more than friends but less than lovers.
earlier today kami got an invite from one of his one night stands to a party at a local college. she said to bring whoever he wants, so he invited you, bakugou, kirishima, mina, and jiro. you were so excited, if you could get katsuki to have a beer with you, maybe he’d loosen up a little and you could talk about your ‘situation’.
until bakugou had the genius idea to be the designated driver. why does he have to be so stupid and responsible?
guess you’re drinking away your problems tonight.
you get ready with the girls, giggling and bringing multiple outfits to mina’s dorm so she could pick for you.
“yn! you should literally wear none of these!” she saying laughing.
“you want bakugou to take notice of you tonight right?” she asks.
“well i mean a little bit, but not just for him! i’m independent!” you yell and jiro whoops.
“you’ve been independent for too long yn! it’s time to take what you want! i think, you should wear…. this!” she says pulling a dress out of her closet.
the perfect little black dress.
“okay i’m with mina now!!” jiro! how could she betray you like this!
you laugh and hold the dress up to yourself in the mirror.
“alright, alright! but only cause i’m going to look good in this.” you say shocked.
the girls cheer and you all finish getting ready.
“what the hell’s taking so long.” bakugou grumbles to his friends in the hallway.
“relax, bakugou we’re here!” you say, walking down the hallway with your girls.
“wow! you guys look great!” kirishima says, proud.
“thanks kiri!” the three of you say together.
you all get in the car and head to the party.
as you pull up, you take notice of the massive place you’re going to.
“holy shit! this is going to be awesome! our first college party!” mina squeals.
“none of you little shits better get lost, or pass out, or nothing. we’re all meeting back in this car at midnight or you’re all fuckin dead.” bakugo warns.
a chorus of ‘fine’ sings as you all get out and head to the party.
you spend the night trying to forget your issues with bakugou, by drinking, dancing, drinking, talking to your friends, drinking.
“haven’t you had enough?” bakugou says in your ear.
“lighten up. it’s a party, remember?” you say, walking away.
bakugou grumbles and goes to find a wall to lean on, so he can stand there and glare at you and your friends.
some loser chick tries to talk to him, and he looks her way to turn her down as politely as he can.
but as he looks back, you’re fucking gone.
“what the fuck? i looked away for one goddamn second.” he says to himself. eyes scanning the party in search of you.
after a minute of searching he hears a guy ask you to go upstairs with him. he’s about to lose his shit before he sees you walking up the stairs with him.
he scoffs. are you joking right now?
“yo!! bakugou! is that yn? whys she going upstairs with that guy? thought she liked you.” kirishima says.
“yeah. so did i.” he grumbles.
“well are you sure she wants to be going upstairs with him? she had a lot to drink” kirishima asks.
fuck he didn’t even think of that. he didn’t hear you say yes.
he stomps towards you, he needs to make sure you’re okay.
suddenly he sees your quirk activate, the guy sent into the wall.
you turn and see bakugou. fuck you need out of here.
“katsuki!” you say, rushing towards him.
katsuki? his heart jumps.
“hey, hey, what’s goin on?” he asks with his hands on your shoulders.
“wanna go home.” you slur.
fuck you’re so drunk.
“yeah, come on.” he says while leading you towards the rest of the group.
“alright dipshits, let’s go.” he says.
“whattt, but it’s not even 11:30!” mina defends.
“we’re going. now.” he says walking away, pushing you along with him.
you guys make it outside before you’re running into a bush to hurl your guts out.
“shit. come on, yn. you alright?” he says, rubbing your back, soothingly.
you stand straight and wipe your mouth.
“i wanna goooo.” you whine, pouting.
“i know, let’s get you home.”
you all get into the car, katsuki guides you to the passenger seat.
“but this is kiris seat.” you say, feeling guilty for taking it.
“i know, he won’t mind though, okay? you’re so sweet for thinkin of him.” he runs his fingers through your hair and you lean into his touch.
you all get into the car. while katsuki drives he keeps an eye on you, squirming in your seat.
“katsuki, i dont feel good.” you whine.
the car goes silent. you called him by his first name? and he didn’t murder you??
katsuki glares at them for a moment before turning his eyes back to the road. a silent ‘dont fuckin say a word’ warning and the people in the car resume to their normal chattiness.
“i know you don’t, yn. we’re almost there, okay? just hang on.” he soothes.
you stop squirming and try to take deep breaths to settle your stomach.
“alright we’re here, get out.” katsuki says to the idiots in his back seat.
once they leave katsuki gets out and opens your door for you. you run past him and throw up in another bush.
“fuck, are you okay?” katsuki asks.
“i wanna go to sleep, katsu.” you mumble.
katsuki takes you inside and walks you to your dorm.
“where are your keys, yn?” he asks and you hand them to him.
he opens your door and steps inside.
“are you done throwing up for tonight?” he asks cautiously.
“think so.” you hiccup.
“go brush your teeth, kay? i’ll get your pyjamas.” he says and gently pushes you into your bathroom.
he looks around your room and guesses which drawer your pyjamas sit in. thankfully, he guesses right. 
he picks some pyjamas for you and lays them on your bed.
you come out of the bathroom looking more refreshed.
“alright, you’re all set. see you tomorrow during your hangover.” katsuki says, turning on his heel and waking to your door.
“wait!” you call to him. he turns to you.
you walk to him and kiss him. hard. trying to start something you can’t finish. at least you used mouthwash.
“hey, hey, hey, no.” he says pulling you off him.
“please? i can’t do this waiting thing anymore katsuki.” you plead with him.
“i’m sorry, but i’m not doing this for the first time with someone who probably won’t even remember it in the morning.” he sighs, walking away again.
you run up to him again and wrap your arms around him, your cheek pressed to his back.
“i’m sorry. i made you upset.” you say.
god you’re so drunk.
he turns in your grip.
“i’m not upset, baby. i just don’t want us doing something we’ll regret cause you were drunk.”
you look up at him with wide, glossy eyes.
“will you stay the night with me? i don’t feel good and you’re so warm.” you plead.
he thinks for a moment. would you freak out if he was in your bed and you don’t remember why, maybe… but you trust him enough to believe why.
“okay, i’ll stay. get into the bathroom and change. i’ll wait for you.” he says, ushering you to the bathroom.
“promise you won’t leave?” you ask.
“i promise.” he pats your head and goes to sit on your bed.
thank god he wore comfortable clothes. you would probably have a harder time believing that nothing happened if he was in his boxers.
a couple minutes go by until you step out of the bathroom. you shyly walk up to him and sit in his lap.
you’re clingy when you’re drunk.
you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his chest.
he laughs lightly and swings his legs onto your bed before pulling the covers over the two of you. you being completely on top of him, curled into a little ball to help settle your stomach.
he runs his fingers through your hair and you kiss his peck in response.
maybe he’ll let dunce face drag you two to a couple more parties.
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part 2
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brelione · 4 years
Drown (Barry X Reader)
 Warnings:Sexual Inneudos 
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“Barry.”You whispered, trapped under him.He had fallen asleep on top of you, one of his legs across your thighs, head on your ribs and arms around your hips.He hummed, eyes still closed. “Barry.”You repeated, trying to move your arm. “Whattt?”He groaned, still not moving.
 “Barry- I need to get up.”You whispered, still trying to get out from under him.He grumbled, moving a bit, accidentally touching one of your boobs in the process, making you let out a soft moan.His eyes widened, becoming fully awake. “Did you just moan?”He asked, completely off of you at this point.You quickly shook your head, sitting up.
 “No-no i didnt.”You replied, quickly making your way to the bathroom.He sat still for a couple of minutes, shocked.He had tried to ignore his boner that refused to go away, forced to wear baggy pants around the house.
No clients were supposed to come by today because it was a Tuesday and he needs a little ‘self care’ day for himself once a week.He sat down at the kitchen table, lighting a blunt and watching the bathroom door. 
“Did you drown in there?”He shouted, waiting for an answer. “No.”You answered, coming out of the bathroom and closing the door behind you. You did, however, drown of embarrassment. You couldnt believe what had happened just a few moments ago, hoping that maybe he was too tired to really remember the whole thing.He huffed, white smoke falling from his mouth and floating into the air. 
“Good, you going back to bed?”He asked. You hummed, going back down the hallway and laying down on the mattress, closing your eyes. Its what you ended up doing most days, sleeping when the sun was out and staying up all night. What you werent expecting was for Barry’s weight to sink in the mattress right next to you, a light kiss being pressed to your jaw. 
You didnt say anything, waiting to see if he would do anything else, his hand carefully sliding under your shirt and onto your waist. He kissed your temple, muttering something in your ear. You took in a deep breath, feeling his rough hand drag itself along your skin, cupping your breast, his thumb rolling over your nipple. 
You knew what he was doing, noticing how he was aiming for the same spot he had touched earlier, a small moan slipping out of you once he found it. He grinned, kissing your neck. “I heard that.”He muttered. 
You bit your lip, leaning against him. “literally rail me..”You joked, feeling your face get hot. “Was that a dare?” He asked, pushing you onto your back so that he could get on top of you, raising an eyebrow. “Depends....”You answered, his fingertips grazing your temple. “Just remember, princess. You asked me for this.”He whispered.
@outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @deionswannabegirl​ @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless 
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sungtaro · 3 years
i remember i watched ygtb back when i didn't know all of the treasure members (i think i knew hyunsuk yedam yoshi asahi and junkyu) so rewatching it and recognising that junghwan had the "duel" with hyunsuk i was like WHATTT HOW DID I NOT NOTICE IT WAS HIM??? but yeah even if some performances are a bit cringey bc they were babies and some were really new trainees it's so fun bc they were so young 🥺 the mashi / seunghun half moon stage 🥰 i absolutely adored it!! I honestly felt quite bad as i was watching it that seunghun and bx were so good and seemed to be so overlooked, but i knew they were in cix and i'm so glad it all worked out, especially since cix has a lot of bops ☺️ i also remember when i watched it i didn't know about the weird ending, and magnum, and all that so i was just SO confused by the end 😭😭😭 now i wanna rewatch ygtb 😵‍💫
when i watched i already was a treasure stan so i knew all of them but i forgot about some of these stages, i just rewatched the hajeongwoo one and i am like . UNIT WHEN !!! they're so cute and it's really sweet to see a lot of their earlier bonds/relationships, like you can already pick out so much good chemistry even early in the game. omg yeah the half moon stage ! seeing that one again made me like wow they do not showcase mashiho's vocals enough ... also the pitbull stage he does with junkyu . help it's so cute ... ~ really crazyyyy ~ ... sigh yeah with gonhun it's bittersweet because they were some of the most talented and trained for so long with the others but i just don't think they ever fit yg's vision for the group and it ended up being really unfair to them. that said, cix is definitely where they belong, and i'm so glad that they stuck together and were able to debut with each other in the end! they have a really special bond and being in a smaller group i think they are better able to showcase their talents. cix rly has a no skip discography !! i wish we could still like ... see and know that they're all still friends though, like how we get to see abcix / golchab6ix friendships on main 🥲
truly the way it all panned out i have always said just goes to show that treasure as they are now were always meant to be. i really can't imagine the original 2 groups promoting separately ... like a world where asahi isn't with haruto & jae & jeongwoo ? a world where dobby isn't with hyunsuk, & hyunsuk isn't with yoshi ? a world where junkyu isn't with jihoon ????? absolutely not ... no ... wrong ... thank god that didn't happen ... ugh i want to rewatch all of it now too but i truly do not have that kind of time or emotional energy rn 🤧 i'll stick to my periodic highlight reels lollll
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wowcool808 · 3 years
Aren’t You Cheerful?-YTTD head cannon
This is a headcanon in an alternate universe where Sara never had a stalker and Joe and Sara were never in the killing game. Also, I took the title name from the song “Aren't You Cheerful?” in the Your Turn To Die soundtrack.
“Do you...know what a majority vote is..?”
“Aw...She died…”
“....My opinion...versus yours…”
Various, disembodied voices passed through Sara’s brain without paying any mind to her consciousness. Floating in and out before fading out of existence. It was an odd phenomenon, as Sara didn’t even have the time to grasp onto the words as they left her. And then, she woke. She had fallen asleep on her school desk, presumably drifting off as she was studying for her upcoming test. Slowly, Sara lifted her head, her brain swimming lightly from the abrupt awakening. She rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and massaged her sore jaw she had fallen asleep on. She sat up and, as her eyes adjusted to what little light streamed in the room, she realized it was already past 6:30 p.m.
“Ugh, seriously? How long did I even study for..?” she asked herself as she glanced down at the study guide in front of her. She had barely gotten to the second page when she fell asleep, deeming the hours she spent after school virtually useless. Sara begrudgingly got up and slung her backpack on her shoulders. She sent a text to her parents letting them know she was on her way home as she walked out of the front entrance. 
As she walked towards the gates, she took in her surroundings. They were the same things she saw everyday; the pond, the trees, and the large building that loomed above it all. Surprisingly enough, one of the lights in the school was turned on. “Huh, even janitors work this late. Thank you for your tireless service.” She said with a small smile as she continued on her way to the front gates. When she reached the gate, she took a look at her phone, reading a text from her friend, Ryoko. “Heyya, I just got homee, wanna sleep over? I’m tired as hell, but I kinda feel like talking about today.” Sara smiled a bit and typed a response. “Hi, and yeah, sure. I’m just getting home too. I spent the last few hours sleeping at my desk, but I’ll see if I can come over later.” Naturally, she would spend the time in between then to study since she wasted so much time doing nothing. Ryoko, however, spent the last few hours going on a date with one of her classmates, Jou Tazuna, or just Joe. Joe had bugged Sara about setting him up with Ryoko ever since he found out how close she and Ryoko were. Sara had finally given in and got the two of them to go on a date together. 
As Sara put her phone away, she heard someone call her name from the other side of the fence. “Heyyy, Sara! Why're you still here?” The voice made Sara jump, forcing herself to get into fight-or-flight mode. Once she recognized the owner of the voice, however, she dropped her stance and stared straight at the person with a hot face. “Joe, seriously?” she said, annoyed. Joe, a tall, gaudy-looking guy with various hair pins stood in front of her with a cheery smile on his face. “Whattt, did I scare you? Sorry ‘bout that.” he said with an unapologetic expression.
 “Oh shut up, you did that on purpose, huh?” Sara said, quickly regaining her cool.
“Jeeze, always so cold, huh? Well, whatever, I knew you would be here. You said you were studying, right?” He said, annoyingly changing the subject.
“Well, yeah, that was the plan. I fell asleep, though. Why did you come here?” She asked, sighing.
“I came to brag about my date, what else?!” He said with a cheeky smile as he put his hands on his hips.
“Right...well, I appreciate the thought, but I already talked with Ryoko about it.” She said with a sarcastic smile. It was a lie but Sara figured it was only fair since Joe had scared her.
“Whattt? I came all the way here though!” Joe said with a fake pout.
Sara rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Well, you were too late, then. Too bad.”
Joe winced and hung his head, moping. “Aww man.”
Sara smiled a bit and held back a pity laugh. “Fine, you can tell me as I walk home. I can’t guarantee I’ll pay attention though.”
Joe lifted his head and smiled again, making it blatantly obvious he was faking most of his reaction. “Good enough for me!”
Sara shook her head and stepped through the gate as Joe waited for her. “So, first we walked to the kabob place that we were talking about earlier. I ate so much that Ryoko had to help me get up!” he said, his head in the clouds as always. He brushed his hair out of his face and continued talking with his signature smile. “The bill was barely in my range, though that was because of my gluttonous butt. My wallet will be hurtn’ for weeks.” he said, rubbing his neck sheepishly. Joe glanced over at Sara, who, as noted, wasn’t paying attention. Joe elbowed her lightly and scrunched his nose. “Are you paying attention or what? I may have lost a ton of money, but we made some serious progress!” he whined. Sara groaned quietly and looked at Joe. “Hey, I promised I wouldn’t pay my full attention. But, whatever, did you kiss or something?” Joe scoffed, taken aback. “Of course not! You know they call people who kiss on first dates monsters and stuff. Come on, have you never been on a date before.” He said teasingly. “Nah, we held hands though! Crazy progress, right? Well, technically I fell in a construction hole and she helped me out, but whatever, it still counts.” He said excitedly. Sara, not wanting to dampen his happy mood any further, shook her head and smiled. “Well, that’s something.”
They passed under a street light, casting a shadow on their faces. “You know, you really never have been on a date, huh?” Joe asked, interrupting the calming silence. “Huh?” Sara muttered, confused. Well, she hadn’t, but why did it matter? It shouldn’t take personal experience to half-heartedly listen to your classmate’s story he excitedly retold. “Well, not like it really matters. But if Ryoko and I end up getting together, you’ll be the sad third wheel!” He said with a joking tone. 
Sara rolled her eyes for the third or fourth time and crossed her arms. “You’re taking this awfully seriously, huh? And why would I be the ‘Sad Fourth Wheel’? Ryoko wouldn’t choose a boyfriend over her best friend in a million years.” She said it rather confidently, but she never actually considered the possibility. Sure, she set up Joe and Ryoko mainly because Joe bugged her about it, but she didn’t think too far into it. She kind of assumed the relationship wouldn’t get too far. That’s what she kind of hoped, anyway.
Joe shrugged and continued walking. “I’m simply planning ahead, and like I said, we made tons of progress today, so success is basically guaranteed!” He said confidently.
Sara sighed and smiled a bit. “You’re too much sometimes.”
Joe chuckled and put his hands on his hips. “You like me for it though.” he said with a wide smile.
Sara scoffed a bit amusingly. “If that’s what you say.” As much as she would deny it, Joe is actually partially right. Perhaps it’s because Joe is so trusting, carefree, and emotional? It was a nice counter to her straightforward and logical nature. 
They rounded the corner of their block and passed under another streetlight, once again casting shadows on both of their faces. As they approached her house, Sara noticed something…...A warm and pleasant aroma wafting through the area (what, you thought it was something else? I told you there’s no killing game hehe)! As she breathed it in, Sara smiled. Joe looked over at her with a wide smirk. “What’re you cooking?” he asked curiously. 
“What do you mean ‘What am I cooking?', I’m literally next to you right now.” Sara asked with an exasperated yet amused look.
Joe chuckled and rubbed his neck and chuckled. “Right, I know that but like…” He said trailing off.
“What, do you want to eat inside? You just had kabobs and were complaining about how full you are!”
“Yeah, but like….” Joe said, moping a bit, “I told you I’m a glutton. Plus, I walked off all the calories.”
“Jeeze, for someone who looks as gaudy as you do, you certainly make a lot of silly excuses.” Sara said, crossing her arms and smirking. “Fine, I’ll ask my parents.” 
“Yaaay! Thanks!” He said, beaming happily like a child who was just given a balloon. 
Sara laughed a bit as she swung open the door and held it open for Joe. Surely enough, as it smelt, her parents made her one of her favorite meals: Mashed sweet potatoes with chestnuts and roasted chicken. Mouth watering already, Sara grabbed Joe’s hand and pulled him to the kitchen...
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mysteryspot-duhh · 5 years
This is still in movie plot-point format, with a lilttle bit dialog thrown in. This one is longer than before.
-Next, we see Rey running. Rushing to find Leia. She finds Leia sitting, in the place where they had their meeting earlier. Her hand clutching her chest. Teary eyed, Rey sobs. 'Ben needs help.' She approaches Leia and kneels. 'Should I find and go to him?' (UGH YEARNING). Leia wipes her single tear off her cheek. 'No.' She gets up. 'You have a much more important mission'. Rey is confused and gets angry and frustrated. 'He is your son! He is betrayed..and..and injured. I saw him. Just now! We should help him! He needs to know you are not abandoning him!' Leia doesn't stop and goes outside.
Outside, finn, poe, rose, chewie are loading the falcon with supplies (I'm gonna call them + Rey, The Gang)
Leia to Rose, 'I need you to report everything,' her gaze shifts to Finn and Poe, '..i mean EVERYTHING', and gives out the sweetest smile she can. 'I will, General.' Rose promises. 'May The Force be with you' They get into the falcon. Rey, still angry at Leia, stops to say something, but Leia pulls her into a hug. 'Rey, thank you, for saving my son.' The hug tightens. 'I am heartbroken with what happened, but..' now they face each other, '..he needs to fall before he RISES.' There is a gleam of hope in Leia's eyes. 'I know now that my son isn't gone, he is still here... And you will bring him home. To me.' Leia's smile grows wider. 'I am always with him,' now they are both teary eyed, '..and you.' Rey leaves Leia, 'Rey, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU, ALWAYS' (UGH, I NEED THIS MOTHER -DAUGHTER THING WITH LEIA AND REY)
- Next, we have Kylo Ren, walking away from a very bad landing. His TIE-fighter crashed on the beach. He is now walking through a grassfield filled with yellow wildflowers. He sees a house and a tall, elderly man tending to his horses (I KNOW THE ANIMALS ARE WEIRD IN STAR WARS, BUT JUST GO WITH IT). The winds hitting his face make the bruises go numb. He cups his still bleeding torso. The man notices him, and rushes towards him. (THE MAN IS RICHARD E GRANT GUYS. DEFINITELY NOT MOFF TARKIN'S RIP OFF)
-In Pryde's house, Kylo wakes up and notices everything inside the room is grey, except the yellow wildflowers in a vase. And there is Luke, in the corner, just watching him. (GUYS, I AM HAVING TOO MUCH FUN WITH LUKE MESSING AROUND WITH HIS NEPHEW AND WATCHING HIM SLEEP)
Kylo tries to sit up. He winces still looking at Luke. Pryde comes in- 'ah, you're awake. I have some fresh clothes.' He stops and look at where Kylo looks, but doesn't see anything. He looks back at Kylo who now staring at him. '-and you need some medicine for the injuries.' Pryde gets out of the room.
'Bet you had a good sleep.' Luke grins. He is ignored, as usual. Luke notices the bleeding hasn't stopped. 'Do you remember, back in the academy we learn how to use the Force to heal wound and in this case, very heavy injuries?' Kylo seems to recall his thoughts. Hesitantly, ' No.' Luke moves towards him, hand on Ben's torso and starts to force heal him. The bleeding stops and the scar heals. The one on his face too.
Ben looks at Luke, 'Uncl-', Pryde comes in with a bowl of medicine. He is shocked to see all the bruises on Ben's face and body heals. Leaving no trace. And we find, again, Luke disappears.
- Now, the gang lands on a grassfield. Walking towards the cave and what is supposed to be the abandon rebel station. All around them is silence. 'If this is a trap, we're screwed.' Poe holds his blaster up. 'Better light your saber Rey,' Rose tells Rey who looks at her and then walks to the cave.
'Are you the resistance?' A lady emerges from the shadow of the cave. 'Are you here to fight the First Order?' More people are coming out of the shadow. Only now Rey lights her lightsaber. 'Yeah, we are,' Poe confirms, '..who are you?' 'I'm Zorri Bliss, former princess of Kajimi. These are my people.' (AWW SNAP. I MADE KERI RUSSEL A PRINCESS YALL. ITS WHAT SHE DESERVES)
Still in doubt, 'how do you know to contact us?''with a help of a friend of course.' And out come Lando out of the cave. (YEAH, YOU WANT NOSTALGIA, HERE'S NOSTALGIA)
- They sit inside the cave discussing.
'This place used to be peaceful, free. We had a lot, we were prosperous. But once First Order came, they took everything. Our resources, our children. They are used to wage war against the galaxy. They had help. The First Order came here, helped by some of the people who wants more than what they have!' Zorri puts on a brave face, but inside we know she's heartbroken. 'Those who opposed them are taken as prisoner, some of them slaughtered. My father is one of them.' Again, silence surrounds them.
'Once she escaped, her knights found me.' Lando breaks the silence. 'You see, I didn't know what happen during Crait. I found out about it, after the story of Luke spreads around the galaxy. I went to our allies, checked on them, asking why didn't they come to your aid-'
'Yeah, they blocked our communication channels.' Finn chimes in. Unsatisfied.
'So, what do you want us to do?' Rose, eager to know.
Lando gets up, twirls his cape a little bit. 'You see my friends, I need you guys to blow something up.' A sly smile on his face. 'The channels are jammed by a satellite...and it is just across the the hills.' Lando points. 'in the courtyard of Princess Zorri's castle.'
Poe looks around. 'We don't have enough hands.' 'I know where we can get more.' Zorri answers Poe and smiles. (IM HINTING THAT I SHIP ZORRI AND POE)
- Ben now replaced his good boy sweater with the clothes Pryde gave. (ITS GREY OKAY, GREY, KIND OF LIKE WHAT ANAKIN WORE IN ROTS BUT GREY UGHHHH, WE WERE ROBBED)
Ben walks towards Pryde with caution. 'Come, help me.' Pryde who is scrubbing his horse says to Ben. 'The other one needs a scrub too.' 'O..okay.' 'I'm sorry about your ship.' Ben stops. 'Yeah, I know who you are. You are from the First Order. Thought you are a stormtrooper deserter, but you are too tall. So, you can't be,' (CAUSE LEIA SAID LUKE IS TOO SHORT TO BE A STROMTROOPER, BUT ADAM DRIVER IS TALL YALL) Pryde stops his scrubbing and looks at Ben, '..and i found this'. His lightsaber. Ben takes it, plays it in his hand. 'You are not afraid of me?' Pryde just smiles and walks towards the field. Ben follows. 'Give me a reason I should be afraid of you.' Ben doesn't say anything. Something about this place makes him calm, his rage dims. Or is it?
'I've faced Vader.' Those words makes Ben jumps.
'I was a young officer in the Empire. Just a small post. No one would notice if I'm gone. I had big ambition, but then, I saw Vader, I saw the destruction the Empire did. Even before the Death Star. Somehow, i managed to get away from it.'
'I found this place, swore to never have any part in any destruction. I would not even hurt a fly these days.'
'Why, didn't you join the Rebellion?' Ben asks. 'Same thing. The Empire, The Rebellion. Vader, Luke Skywalker. They all leads to destruction one way or another. Light, dark. Both sides are using the force irresponsibly. Destroying everything to the ground!' Pryde now faces Ben. '.. And you of all people should know that.' He walks away.
'Why did you help me?' 'I have compassion'
- The gang is in the Millennium Falcon, approaching a very quiet village. 'Okay, Finn. Now it's your turn.' Poe says. (CAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT, THIS IS THE VILLAGE WHERE JANNAH AND THE OTHER STORMTROOPERS LIVE AND FINN NEEDS TO CONVINCE THEM TO HELP. WOOT! WOOT! PAY OFF FROM THE FIRST MOVIE SAY WHATTT!)
They enter kind of like an eatery. (Picture The Mandalorian). 'No weapons.' The server says. 'I'll go outside' Rey offers to keep all their weapons.
They meet Jannah. 'Zorri said someone would be looking for me. Are you looking for me?' 'You Jannah?' Finn asks. Jannah offers them to sit. ' Look, we need your help. All of you.' 'You are Finn right? The former stormtrooper who deserted. Never thought you would pick up a weapon again,' she laughs and continues loudly, '.. Oh, wait, this time for the resistance. The good guys.' Her laughs echoes around the room and others join. 'We just want to live in peace! We don't want to risk our life anymore not FOR ANY CAUSE.' Finn gets up and faces the people. 'Well, then too bad! Too bad that you are no longer risking your life even for the right cause. If you keep on being like this, you will never be at peace! Cause you know what?! Sooner or later, the First Order will be here. They will be everywhere,.. all over the galaxy. More children like us will be taken, away from their families, fighting a war that would never ends. Wherever you go, they will find you-'
'And you think, us following you will stop it from happening?!!'
'We just have to believe and have hope.'
-Rey is outside. Clearly her mind is not here.
'Where are you?' Rey sees Ben is right in front of her. 'Ben..are you okay?' 'You are not with Leia. You're at someplace else.' ' Ben, are you hurt?' Rey looks at Ben, but she feels that something is different with him. 'Where are you?' He asks again. Not revealing the answer, Rey pleads. 'Ben, come home.' With that, Ben severs the connection. Rey feels disappointed but then she feels restless. She enters the eatery.
They are shouting at each other, which she just now notices as she did not pay any attention before. 'Guys, we need to go. I have A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS'. Rey shouts. Then we have the FO attacking that place. They've been following them. Not sure from where. Hopefully not from the cave. 'DO YOU SEE NOW JANNAH?!' Finn shouts. 'YOU LURED THEM TO US.' 'NO. WE NEED YOU. WHY WOULD WE DO THAT.' Now Poe is shouting. 'YOU GUYS, STOP! WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!' Rose chimes in. 'Please, Jannah, join us, and help us save what we love. (UGH OF COURSE JANNAH AND HER GROUP FOLLOW THEM AFTER THAT). We then have the standard spaceship fight and all that exciting stuff.
-The First Order received information on what happen on Kajimi.
'Those scum!' Hux exclaims. 'Sir, the satellite that blocks the communication is on Kajimi.' 'I am aware of that! Prepare the ship to raid the resistance base. I'll make sure nobody will survive.'
-At the same time, report from Rose comes in. 'General,-' 'You need to evacuate, now! Bring all our fighters to Kajimi. Prepare for a battle.' Connix nods at the orders.
- The FO comes just as the last supply transport ship flies away. 'General, we need to leave-' C3PO says befere Leia dimisses it 'You need to run, hide, leave me here.' 'What, no. General-' Connix says who is then shoved into a nearby bushes. From the distance, some of the resistance fighter put up a fight. Leia sees Hux coming towards her. 'Hide!' Now, Leia and Hux are facing each other.
'Leia Organa. The Leia Organa.' Leia knows Hux is mocking her. 'Well, your son iS DEAD! In the end, he was beaten by somebody who doesn't even have the Force. Pathetic!'
'Every word you just said, is wrong, General Hux. (SEE WHAT I DID THERE!) My son is alive, there is light in him ...and at least, he fights his own battles. That is more than what you are capable of. ' Leia said calmly before she stops talking. Hux has fired the blaster directly through her chest.
'We head to Kajimi.' Hux says. Gritting through his teeth.
-end of second act-
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kkaebsongtypo · 7 years
Swing Set // Huang Renjun
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(A/N: This is the first secenario I’ve ever posted so I’m pretty excited. I think I’m reletively okay at writing, you might think otherwise but that’s okay! I do hope you enjoy though! Also, this is a headcanon, but I also have another blog with my best friend where I’m going to post a story version. So if you prefer that kind of story, I’ll have a link to it all the way at the bottom!)
pairing: renjun x reader
genre: literally all i can write is fluff
warnings/notes: idk there’s some language i guess??
word count: 1716
(I didn’t proof read this so im sorry for any mistakes)
(Side note: the swing set isn’t actually in the scenario that much but I can’t title for shit aha)
Theme/Summary thing:
if one is drawing or writing on themselves, the other can feel the pen/marker/etc. as it’s writing
random tattoo needle pains lmaoo
if one soulmate gets a tattoo it shows up on the other
pen drawings fade/wash off
if you didn’t get the tattoo, it fades to a very faint tattoo, like barely noticeable
little back story type thing
you grew up in Canada
at the end of grade 10 you moved to Korea with your family because your mom got a real cool job there
and you end up at the same school as renjun for grade 11
and reunited with your childhood best friend Mark :))))
basic, i know
you could understand and speak it to an extent but you needed to be a pro
but Mark even still helps you a little at school too
for your 17th birthday you got a tattoo
the exo lucky one logo on your left wrist
(sorry if you don’t like them, i used exo because renjun loves exo and i actually have this tattoo in real life)
so randomly one weekend, while Renjun is drawing at home
(if you don’t know what getting a tattoo feels like: it feels like the tip of a sharp knife slightly cutting into your skin,,,,,,it’s not that bad,,,, and that was a shit description im sorry)
so he turns his wrist to see what’s going on
lo and behold there’s the Lucky One logo being etched onto his skin
‘why do i have a thing??? can you get your soulmates tattoo??’
he concludes with, yes, you can get your soulmates tattoo
‘hm, my soulmate must really love exo’
it isn’t that bad though
it would also get kind of dry so
whenever it would get dry,,,, you mosturize it
so when you do that it feels like heaven for renjun
(after a few days,,, he started writing 'please moisturize♥’ whenever he needed it)
and you feel the writing appear on your skin
so you lift up your sleeve and there’s that cute little sentence
you take out your little tub of lotion and roll up your sleeve completely
you????? have???? a????? tattoo?????
so you explain when you got it, and why and stuff
then the bell rings
and a few minutes later,,,,,
(they’re friends with the boys but you’ve become a bigger part of the friend group recently)
(though you’re stilll closer with Mark and Donghyuck)
so y'all are like heyyyy
and you go back to moisturizing your tattoo
Jeno and Jaemin notice
'hey dude,,,,, her wrist
so he looks down and his eyes go wide
(you annd renjun are secretly hoping you’re soulmates)
(because y'all like each other)
(but y'all don’t act on it because like,,,,, y'know,,,,, you have soulmates)
(but there’s this undinaiable connection between the two of you)
(but oH SHIT)
(okay moving on)
'heyyyy,,,,, y/n,,,,, when did you get that?’
and that cutie just pointed to your wrist
'oh,,, I got it last Saturday’
'oh cool, it’s really nice’
'ah, thanks jun’
giving him this adorable smile that makes him melt
and then everyone just carries on with their convorsations
'why didn’t you say anything???????’
to which Renjun just shrugged and looked down
almost as if he was guilty of something
so now it’s almost the end of the day and you’re in class sitting with Renjun
'hey y/n, do you want to hang out after school,,,,,, maybe like go out for bubble tea?’
'sure Junnie’
(oh yeah, you’re the only one that he lets call him that)
so when the bell rings you two go to your lockers because you’re kind of locker buddies
after talking with the other boys about weekend plans
when you turn around,,,,,, Jeno and Jaems give Junnie some goodluck thumbs when he looks back at them
and he asks if you’re hungry
so you two share some food
ignoring your protests and paying anyways
you changed in the cafe’s restroom before eating because school uniforms suck for dates- IMEANWHATTTThanging out
along with Renjuns beanie that you stole off his head on your way to your seat
which made him blush like crazy
but you didn’t notice
now he’s wearing a grey crew neck over his white t-shirt
and black ripped jeans
ohp yeah y'all bring a change of clothes to school because uniforms are uncomfortable after hours
which is quite large
but like no one’s around
like it’s friday so
everyone is at home sleeping or something
you two are just walking and talking about your day
you two come across a little playground
and you run over to the swing set with him following close behind
not that it took much begging at all
beacuse y'all are both children
and obviously he complies because he loves youuuu–WHATTT
just enough so you’re having fun but you’re not like flying away
or almost kicking him
he gets kind of warm
so he rolls up his sleeves
s o he’s not pushing you for a few swings
and you see him reaching into his bag to get some water
he’s holding his bag with his left hand
so you see the tattoo
and you’re like
and you look at your wrist too
'hey Junnie, can you bring me my water too please?’
he nods and goes into your bag and grabs your water
you get up from the swing to sit on it the opposit way so you’re facing him
he walks back over to you
with that fucking smile
the one that m e l t s you
that melts him too
now you’re both just sipping your waters
lowkey admiring you, with a small smile on his face, as you look at the clouds in the sky
thinking about the same thing
the tattoo
but neither of you know how to bring it up
after a few minutes,,,, you broke the comfortable silence
'hey Junnie, what’s that?’
you stubly gesture the tattoo on his wrist
he looks at it and starts blushing
showing it to you before mumbling a quiet 'um,,’
before he could say any more
'Renjun,,, are we soulmates?’
letting a small smile appear on your face
then he looks down beacuse he’s a shy and embarassed boy
and you grab his hand
so he raises his head to look at your face as you look up at him
(for this scenario and most of the ones I write,, you’re gonna be like 5'0 to 5'3 because I, the author, am 5 feet tall)
you see the tattoo,,,,
the moisturizing message from earlier that day,,,,
even the faded Moomin he drew for you the day before
all in the matching places as your own arm
and stand on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck in a hug
but finally he wraps both of his arms securely around your waist
taking in your scent because he loves it
you close your eyes and lift your head so you’re closer to his ear
he hums in response
'I’m really happy we’re soulmates’
he loosens his hold on your waist and pulls back slightly to look at your face
(and finally stand flat on your feet)
and he kisses your forhead before gazing at you with adoration filling his eyes
'me too’
holy shitttt
now you see
Renjun is probably my bias in nct
like I love all of the members but I have a super special place in my heart for Renjun
gosh, this sweet boy deserves the world
now,,, if you liked this
feel free to send requests because I love writing
also, Mark is next in this little nct soulmate series
story version: to be posted
~ Jae☾
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