#how did he meet tom how did they make the oro how does he know neptune
seaofadventure · 2 years
Would kill for roger centric movie,,,,
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nakamurasuzuki · 4 years
No Grave Ch.9
It’s been 2 months, and we have a problem.
Crocus fell seamlessly into our crews dynamic, as if he had always been a part of the crew.
That wasn’t the problem.
The problem is that Dad has a crush and isn’t dealing very well, nor does he know how to properly express himself.
Aaaaand this is how most of our adventures these past weeks have started. Because our idiot captain keeps on trying to outdo Rouge.
Who hadn’t been a pirate in the manga, but then again we were never given a background for miss Portgas D. Rouge so what the fuck do I know.
“Christ, Dad. The last time you said that, we ended up in the sky. Not that that wasn’t fun, but I’d rather not do something even crazier if that’s okay with you.” Sterling said, and Shanks slapped him playfully.
“We got a new crew mate because of that trip! Apologize to Alan-OOF!” I thunked him on the head, grinning.
“Alana is a strong, independent woman and doesn’t need you to defend her. She can do that herself, right ‘Lana?” I looked at the blonde swordswoman, who was fiddling with the dials attached to the hilt of her sabre.
She smiled and sent me two thumbs up, before letting out a soundless yelp when one of the dials misfired and blew up in her face. She stared at the dial in surprise before a silent bout of laughter shook her body, wings fluttering in delight.
“See? Don’t be a dolt, Shanks. Oh yeah, Buggy wanted me to let you know that he’s ready for those lessons anytime you are, Alana!” I told her, and she gave me what could only be called a feral grin.
‘Teach Buggy, bombs help.’ She signed in the little Uzu sign that she had picked up from us. Of course, she has her native sign as well, but we’re working on teaching each other as well as the rest of the crew and practice makes perfect.
She ran off, leaving a few singed feathers in her wake.
Apparently, no one was keeping an eye on Dad, because within two hours we were docked at Water 7.
Which can only mean one thing.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am excited to finally be able to see the famous Oro Jackson in all her glory, but the Burning Rose has been my home for years and I don’t want to replace her. I know it’s probably for the best because Burning is getting old and repairs are taking longer and longer to complete….. but I don’t want to say goodbye.
I could feel the potential power that was housed on the island, but only because it was practically shouting it’s presence at me. I hushed it, telling it to keep itself hidden.
I jumped off the ship, only for Sterling to catch me before I could land. I just huffed and rolled my eyes.
Once I was on my feet, Sterling turned to Dad.
“We’re gonna go exploring. Don’t get lost.” He teased and Dad sputtered indignantly.
I grasped Sterling’s hand and waved goodbye to Dad, pretending that I didn’t notice the two kids following us.
I ended up dragging Sterling around aimlessly from store to store, until I heard Shanks snicker at my twin's misfortune.
I turned and snatched the redhead from the stall he was hiding behind and trapped him in a headlock, giving him a rough noogie.
“ WHAT’RE YOU DOING?! ” I bellowed with false anger as Shanks laughed loudly, squealing as I attacked his sides with nimble fingers.
“ STAH-AH-AHP! SOL I CAN- CAN’T BRE-RE-REATHE! ” He squirmed,face as red as his hair from laughing so hard.
“Sol, let him breathe.” Sterling jabbed my cheek and I snapped my jaws at the offending appendage. He yelped and pulled his hand away before I could take his finger off.
I relented and instead swung the mess of a kid up onto my shoulders, not caring when he grabbed fistfuls of my hair to steady himself.
“Oh how sweet! Your parents must be so proud.” An elderly couple cooed at us. Shanks’ grip on my hair tightened and I winced.
“I hope they are.” I plastered a smile on my face and hurried away.
I know it’s not their fault that they hit a sore spot, but I’m more concerned about my little brother than some random old people.
I did smile to myself though, when I caught sight of blue hair and goggles before the owner hid behind a crate. His hair was peeking out over the top.
Sterling winked at me before letting out an over exaggerated sigh.
“I promised Buggy and Alana that I’d find some more scrap metal for their bombs, but there’s nothing good that they can use and I have no idea where to look. Guess I’ll have to go home empty handed….”
“I can help!” Franky blurted, stepping into the middle of the alleyway.
“Ah, so you finally came out. Brat.” I smirked and Shanks giggled.
“Wha- YOU KNEW I WAS HERE?!!” He pointed accusingly at us.
“You weren’t exactly stealthy.”
“Yeah, we were kind of just waiting for you to give yourself away. Nobody would follow a couple of teenagers around an entire island unless they want something, so we assumed you had questions or something.” Sterling shrugged.
Shanks leaned forward, over my head and almost choking me with his legs, and extended his hand out to the new kid. I crouched so that he wouldn’t fall.
“Hi! I’m Shanks, what’s your name?” Franky shook his hand, smiling widely.
“I’m Franky!”
“Cool! You’re our brother now.” Shanks stated and I choked.
“Excuse me, wh-what?” I sputtered and he looked down at me like I was stupid.
“That’s what you did with me and Buggy. Is that not how that works?”
I decided to just go with it.
No, I won’t tell my darling little brother that he’s wrong. Can you imagine the face he’d make? I don’t need a guilty conscience, thank you very much.
Franky did end up showing us all the best places to find quality scrap, and once we had a pretty decent haul he excitedly showed us the current Battle Franky.
Shanks was all over it.
Questions flew from his mouth like bullets from a machine gun.
I could feel just how proud Franky was of his inventions, and how happy he was to have someone be interested in them.
“You have to meet our Captain! He’ll think you’re so cool!” Shanks grabbed Franky’s hand and started to drag him off.
I went to follow them when something caught my eye.
I stopped in front of a board that had multiple wanted posters plastered all over it. Most of them were old, but the ones that had caught my eye could only have been a week old, two weeks tops.
Gold Roger, which would undoubtedly piss off Dad to no end, but also our own wanted posters. Our pictures had been updated, and we have epithets now!
I ripped all three down and followed the boys, catching Sterling as he passed out and heaving him up over my shoulder. When we found Dad, he was talking with Tom.
“Dad! New bounties!” I beat both of the kids to the grownups and shoved both the papers and my twin into Dad’s arms. He adjusted Sterling into a much more comfortable position as he scowled and grumbled over the marines getting his name wrong, and then his face lit up with joy when he saw ours.
“ ‘Sun Spider’ Solaris and ‘Wood Imp’ Sterling! This is great, and such a high bounty for someone your age too!” He pointed at the numbers and my jaw dropped.
“ 333,000,000?!”
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