#how decentralization affects our society
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duckiemimi · 3 months ago
the end.
i feel
content. which shouldn’t be surprising considering i’ve reached the ending, but you see, i keep a little document to log in everything that passes through my mind each chapter and i’ve typed in a lot, still as soon as i reached chapter 271, my mind was quiet. this is a lie—it wouldn’t be me if i had nothing to say, but the point still stands. i liked chapter 271. a lot. cue emotional end-of-the-movie soundtrack.
i also wasn't lying about the document. i picked up with a reread of chapter 268, but my biggest gripe was with chapter 269. this chapter was...strange. it was as if gege was using his characters to communicate his frustrations instead of exploring how everything would've affected them individually, or even (in gege fashion) moving onto the next thing entirely. this isn't totally out of the ordinary considering there have been other instances where it seemed like he was speaking through a character, but it felt even more jarring considering there was nothing to explain now that everything's said and done. it almost seemed like he was self-aware but couldn't help himself from writing the chapter this way, because these were also my sentiments while reading:
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this chapter is so dense with information that we could've gone without. gege kept revisiting the past arc as to justify some of the writing choices he made, using maki to channel the voice of a frustrated audience. considering the long-winded discussions on why alternative plans wouldn't have worked, instead of a "say sorry and make up" chapter, the overexplained writing reads insecure. defensive, even. it seems like the collective pressure from fans and publication caved him in, but i wish he stuck to his guns instead of trying to clumsily fill fringe plot-holes with old cement. i hope this experience didn't kill his confidence in his capabilities—gege’s circumstances were rough as it is from what i know.
the new shadow school exposition dump and the scene where mei mei kills the school head felt rushed, too. which begs the question, why even include this? the earlier portion of jjk had an emphasized narrative on the fault in their system and anti-traditionalism, so perhaps this was gege trying to close circles. what i don't understand, though, is why introduce a new system at the end to ultimately kill it when residues of the old system still exist, the kamo and gojo clans being the biggest examples, two of the big three clans with the most influence in jujutsu society. even mei mei acknowledges that the death of the school head would mean the survival of the kamo and gojo clans, and likely their political clout. was something like decentralization not the goal here? yes, monopolies and tyrannical coups are undesirable, but that last scene was handled rather messily. but perhaps it was all a set up for mei mei's characterization. which begs the question, (again) why?
"the world ended but the earth kept spinning," is how i'd describe chapter 270. despite all the questions i had for past chapters, chapter 270 felt hopeful. it's the type of chapter you could easily picture in an ending-credit montage following the characters in the aftermath, which gave me a laugh. what stood out to me in particular was the reveal that cursed spirits are now public knowledge, meaning jujutsu is no longer a secret. that also pulled a dumbfounded laugh from me. i actually like the fact that we weren't given the nitty gritty of how society rebuilt after sukuna, particularly jujutsu society. timeskips at the end don't usually need that much explanation for them to have good impact. also, who is that next to takaba?
ending on a mission felt warm. i missed the way our main three used to work together, and maybe it's been a while, but it seemed like their chemistry got a lot better. or maybe the world got a lot brighter. and ohhh, that glimpse into how the jujutsu system works now was such a treat, especially seeing sorcerers and non-sorcerers interacting so well with each other! that conversation with gojo that yuuji had also felt warm. the conversation mahito, the ferryman of the styx, had with sukuna also felt warm, even if the change in heart felt like whiplash. i could probably churn out a couple more posts gushing about chapter 271 if prompted, but for now i say despite all the protruding bones i've picked at, i love the jjk's ending.
wow. it really is the end. for the six years of jjk's existence, i've only been there for four, but if i were a tree, you could cut me down in half and see four rings colored differently from the rest. thicker, richer. there'd be debates among scholars on which world-changing event made this happen, but the tree knows. rings become ink on paper.
thank you to gege for creating jjk, and i'm sorry if there have been things i've said that were unsavory. now. i've never really given myself the chance to pat myself on the back for catching onto things, so allow me to be a little big-headed here. yes, i am going to list out some of the things i got right:
jujutsu no longer being a secret (i talked about this here and here);
yuuji's flashback to his conversation with gojo instead of a letter (this one is a little more minor, but here);
sukuna's humanity, despite how he seemed to be for a majority of the story (i talked about this here and here); and
a hopeful ending instead of a last-man-standing one (to be frank, most of my posts about jjk have this outlook, and though i was a little headass in this post, here it is anyway).
alright, petty-time over. but, yea! thank you so much for reading jjk with me! despite everything, it was fun!
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collapsedsquid · 1 year ago
Key to understanding Rothbard on matters like this is that he identified himself as a "radical decentralist." He did not make simplistic arguments like "free markets will solve all our problems" and leave it at that. Nor did he think that — like some sort of Marxist — that only a full-blown version of his vision could better achieve the ends he proposed. On the contrary, Rothbard knew that even a move in the direction of truly free markets, through radical decentralization, was better than the centralized state that dictates to all local governments and private owners everywhere. Centralization cuts off every possible solution except the few accepted by the "experts" of the centralized state, and thus ensures that , if the one "official" plan fails, that there is no plan B, or way to prevent the problem from spreading throughout the one, giant national jurisdiction.
In other words, the current lack of decentralization prevents local governments, airlines, airports, or even individual states from having any control over movements between states or into airports. Such matters are all dictated by a single source: the federal government. Were a decentralized approach allowed, however, individual states, cities, airlines, and airports would be responsible for their own safety precautions. Moreover, those making the decisions, i.e.,  those in charge of safety in Atlanta and the Atlanta airport (as just an example), would also be personally affected were the precautions to fail.
Also, were there a decentralized system, it is unlikely that (in our example) were the Atlanta airport to institute precautions (up to and including a full travel ban) that all other airports and states and cities would blindly accept that the precautions were successful. Instead, travelers from Atlanta to, say, Denver, would have to again be subject to checks of their origins, state of health, final destination, etc.
Now some libertarians will say "but that's even worse than what we have now, where at least we have free movement once we're in the US." Now it's true there may be more inconvenience in some cases, assuming one's not already on some federal list (in which case your ability to travel by air is destroyed forever), but of course, this idea of some kind of one-stop-shop for disease control resembles the free market much less than does the decentralist model of redundancies and decentralized checks for disease control. In a totally-privatized society, each airport and local security operation would be likely to insist on checks for disease control. How this would be done exactly would be, as Walter Block often says "an entrepreneurial problem" to solve, but it would  nonetheless be likely that travel safety would be more complex in a privately-owned world. And in our case, it would also be more likely to contain epidemics since a failure at one point in the system would not lead to a complete system failure as is likely under the current system.
What would "President Rothbard" do right now? Well, it's reasonable to assume that President Rothbard would immediately lift all federal regulations prohibiting airlines and local airports from making their own decisions on controlling flights in and out, and who would be free to travel, and he would make it clear that localities, airlines, and airports are responsible for coordinating with other airports for security purposes. If disease were to spread within a particular state (say, Georgia) neighboring states would be free to cut off all travel from that state, or to cut off certain individuals from travel. President Rothbard would refuse to use the Justice Department to prosecute state governments that cut off travel of certain persons or of people overall. The edicts of the supreme court on the matter would be irrelevant since President Rothbard would refuse to send in the national guard and federal troops/police with assault rifles to force compliance with SCOTUS rulings.
Hope argentinians are ready to accept Freedom in the form of mandatory medical examinations whenever you step off an airplane
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zamiramendoza111 · 3 months ago
Week 9 & 10: The Cult of Creativity Review
This week we are concluding our reading of The Cult of Creativity: A Surprisingly Recent History (2023) by Samuel W. Franklin. Time flies!
This book proved to be a fascinating exploration into the cultural history of creative research: which emerged during post WW2 America. Not only was it surprising to learn how creativity was championed across sectors- spearheaded by many psychologists, advertisers, marketers and scientists- but also compelling was understanding how creativity, innovation and invention developed over time within the social / geopolitical context of this era.
Now, to be quite frank: this book is about research and case studies. While the reading could potentially feel dense and highly academic at times- I thought that this author's exposé of creative history was particularly emblematic of what was to become in our day and age.
As Franklin introduced us to the stories of early creative researchers and organizational leaders, I could sense myself becoming more and more enthralled with the journey of each individual- captivated by their struggles and the way that each challenged existing paradigms.
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Image of a Brainstorming Session - RAND Corp, Leonard McCombe
In the evolving landscape of 1950s America, a society notably associated with conformity, bureaucracy and suburbanization: people everywhere began to embrace their sense of individualism- igniting a creative revolution that was recognized across industries.
From early studies in creative research, brainstorming / synectics, decentralized management and even anti-establishment marketing: this book reveals just how various industries contributed towards the evolution of the creative fields that we know today. Franklin walks us through the divergent perspectives of industry professionals in their aspirations towards infusing creative spirit into corporate America.
Beyond the demands of capitalism and life during a time of Cold War, early professionals such as: Psychologist Carl Rogers, Adv. Executive Alexander Faickney Osborn, and Creative Consultants George Prince & William J.J. Gordon- all sought out to understand the nature of creative thinking, ingenuity and self actualization: to comprehend how it could transform individuals, industry and society at large.
As America was emerging from WW2 as both a political / economic powerhouse: policy makers, labor leaders and business executives all aimed to contribute towards this economic growth that was driven by mass consumerism. Notably in 1956, the postwar economy began to see the anticipated shift from blue-collar to white-collar labor.
Major funders such as the US Military, National Science Foundations and other such institutions contributed financially towards research projects that were lead by collaboratives of academic psychologists, management gurus, engineers and advertising executives. These collective research studies were implemented to produce knowledge, measure and quantify the concept of creativity as we know it today.
While many Americans were benefiting from this economic boom, many were also feeling alienated with their work environments. The relentless drive for consumerism and capitalism of American culture was beginning to affect employees everywhere, in different sectors.
With this challenge came a shift in priorities- and Creative Research emerged to understand the changing needs of industries to support the shift from efficiency to marketing, innovation and adaptability.
Psychologists sought out to understand what makes an individual creative: drawing upon the background of many schools of thought such as behavioral, gestalt and humanistic branches of psychology.
Researchers began to study their "creative subjects" and conducted series of cognitive tests, psychological examination and personality assessments (such as Rorschach inkblot tests). Main arguments that surfaced among psychologists during this time included the ethics of scientific research: including the dependence on government dollars which would inherently prioritize producing research that was most useful for these funders, social mobility factors of the participants and the history of scientific research being utilized to justify harmful legislation and policies that were implemented across the nation.
Franklin hit the nail on the head of this idea when he discussed the emergence of creativity research in the Chasing Leviathan Podcast with Host PJ Wehry. Samuel mentioned that people were concerned with the "human ability to generate novelty" but were also aware of the mistrust around that notion. Many industries wanted to "imbue new product development and advertising with the aura of individual imagination": the kind of human imagination that was un-directed, pre-market and pre-political. But it was really "capitalism all along"!
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Volkswagen Ads, DDB (1959) - from Living the Dreamsicle Blog
The humanistic psychology movement: with a focus on human thriving, creative expression and individuality- it became the key contribution towards the evolution of creative research. This branch of psychology described creativity and self-actualization as deeply linked. Psychologists such as Carl Rogers, often emphasized that creativity exists within each individual and simply awaits the proper conditions to be fully realized and expressed.
Instead of seeing creativity as a "quantifiable, intellectual ability"- Rogers perceived creativity as something much more expansive: it was the “expression of the human nature in its fullest flowering”.
From that point forward: various business leaders such as Alexander Faickney Osborn, an advertising executive began their own research and sought out to further understand creative thinking. Known as the “Father of Brainstorming”, Osborn was highly regarded for his ability come up with new slogans, marketing concepts and leading his teams in practicing group intelligence through brainstorming. 
Akin to the humanistic psychologists that had changed the trajectory of the creative research before him, Osborne believed that creative thinking was not a mystery- the skill of brainstorming and creative thinking was accessible to any person whom wanted to develop it. Osborne’s philosophy was that everyone had innate creative ability that could be improved upon and unleashed with practice over time.
As businesses kept tabs on those latest trends that could improve their own work processes and output of ideas among employees: industry leaders everywhere were eager to find a creative thinking approach that resonated with their own workplace culture- one that would allow them to differentiate themselves from the competitors.
Synectics Founders George Prince & William J.J. Gordon made their debut in the new industry of creative consultation. While synectics was a similar technique to brainstorming, it was a more abstract form of group facilitation- intended to engage the participants in problem solving through the emphasis of the playful, irrational and poetic side of the mind.
This synectics approach did lead to some notable inventions: for example, the Gillette Company (now known as Proctor & Gamble) collaborated with the Synectics founders to brainstorm a way that their shampoo could accommodate for different hair textures. The participants were asked to visualize themselves as a strand of hair.
As silly as that may sound- many innovative products and inventions that we know of today were developed as a result of synectics!
In the following chapters, the economic recession of 1958 had shrunk many advertising budgets during a time when the average American received very frequent ad impressions- daily! In the oversaturated market: advertising agencies needed to differentiate themselves.
The change agent that called for this transformation was “creative man”- someone who was somewhere between embodying an artist and a salesperson, comfortable with business while paradoxically committed to their own needs and the client. Someone who was humane yet rebellious in the face of capitalism.
This hero could truly transcend the bureaucracies of the advertising world and of corporate America. They could bring value to both the industry and society as a whole. Groundbreaking!
In April 1958, the Art Directors Club of New York hosted over 500 advertising industry elites at the Waldorf Astoria to talk creativity. This conference included a range of presentations on creativity: within science, management, marketing, art & technology fields.
The philosophies shared by the included agency executives: taking a laissez-faire approach to managing creatives. The June 1958 article written in review of the event contained more expert advice, such as “hours should be flexible. If someone wants to work at home, or take off during the day to sit in Central Park, that’s all right, too.” Another one read: “If you want conformity in the copywriter and artist, then you'll get it in the copy and art, too.” Many advertising leaders also emphasized an atmosphere that was not highly evaluative- rather, a permissive environment would hold more space for creativity ability.
Opposing remarks surfaced from agencies that highly regarded the more scientific approaches: campaigns based on empirical evidence, a careful process of research phases- where the artist or copywriter was never given the final word! Some celebrated that advertising campaigns relied heavily on the studies and statistical data rather than the “intuitive hunch of a lone copywriter at the typewriter.”
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Image of my virtual self writing this blog, Animal Crossing (2022)
Enter Bill Bernbach, who was known as the iconoclast copywriter and creative director who gave his creative teams enough space to operate. Bernbach relied heavily on intuition, and had no need for focus groups. He would often say that "advertising is fundamentally persuasion- and persuasion happens to not be a science, but an art".
Bill would impart more of his wisdom through sharing his process: "We test everything on ourselves. If we like it, it's good. If we don't, it stinks"! He understood that what traditional marketing was lacking was the ideas that give advertising its life, significance and results. The notion was something most could not quite put their finger on: some leaders just could not comprehend how to manage creatives. Much less would they come to understand that there is no right way- this creative revolution was reimagining roles & work environments.
All in all, The Cult of Creativity was a fascinating read and I took away plenty of inspiration for my own creative leadership journey onward!
This reflection could not be complete without acknowledging the relevance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in current context. Talk about a disruptor to society. AI, for better or worse has impacted a number of industries: including the fields of education, research, art, etc. You name it. The allure of AI automation and efficiency is powerful. However- with the range of concerns surrounding ethical utilization of AI, is this emerging technology worth the efficiencies?
In my opinion, I don't believe that anything can replace the creativity and innovation produced from the original ideas of real, living people.
Take marketing for example: if the goal is to connect to real human audiences through storytelling- then it must take real, human people to create that authentic connection that will resonate with audiences.
Hmm- if we could bring back any one of these legends or they could time travel to today, I wonder what they might have to say on this!
‱ Franklin, Samuel. "The Cult of Creativity: A Surprisingly Recent History." The University of Chicago Press. (April 18th, 2023).
‱ Wehry, PJ. "The Cult of Creativity with Dr. Samuel W. Franklin (Chasing Leviathan) #podcast #creativity" The Chasing Leviathan Podcast. (February 18th, 2023). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOSbVmhY2Oc&t=9s
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airdropbountyevents · 4 months ago
Plugin-Ambient Weather Partnership Empowering Today’s Society & Weather System
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The global climate is changing rapidly as compared to the pace at which natural variations occurred in the past. And with the climatic changes, previously unseen occurrences that could hinder many day-to-day operations in society are becoming too common.
For instance, global temperatures rose by roughly 1.8 °F between 1901 and 2016. The high temperatures are worsening and making frequent different types of disasters — -heat waves, storms, floods, droughts, etc. Warmer climates are also creating atmospheres that collect, retain, and dump more moisture, changing weather patterns in a way that wet areas become wetter and dry areas become drier. Increased drought, intense floods, and storms are causing numerous public health and safety concerns.
As well, the increased unpredictability of weather patterns is posing risks to numerous weather-dependent activities — -including but not limited to agriculture, travel, education, sports, etc. Given that some of these activities touch on the social and economic wellbeing of our societies, increased unpredictability in weather poses significant challenges to populaces globally.
While unpredictable weather poses a threat to day-to-day activities, all is not doom and groom. Unique partnerships leveraging smart weather forecasting and decentralized data-transfer protocols are making it possible for the inception of technologies that can point out weather changes or any related events in real-time. The innovations are giving stakeholders the ability to verify weather patterns that may affect their activities, further improving how society interacts with the ever-changing climatic conditions.
To highlight the importance of unique partnerships in unlocking the potential of smart weather management systems, let’s look into the recently concluded Plugin-Ambient Weather partnership and why it matters.
Plugin-Ambient Weather Partnership: Why does it matter.
With the rise in demand for accurate weather forecasts in day-to-day activities, the Plugin — Ambient weather partnership avails users with more options regarding smart weather stations for homes, businesses, farms, and more. As well, the partnership avails network members with an option to become data providers.
Given that ambient weather is available globally, the partnership allows users of ambient weather’s smart weather stations to participate in gathering weather-related data and claim the rewards therein.
Worth noting: The basic criteria a user needs to meet to participate in Plugin WFN’s use case as a data provider include; having uninterruptible power and Wi-Fi, and outdoor space to install an Ambient weather station. These preconditions ensure seamless data transfer via an approved Ambient sensor.
Plugin — Ambient Weather Partnership: How can users Participate?
Individuals or organizations that are interested in smart weather systems and willing to be part of Plugin WFN project must first purchase Ambient Weather’s smart weather system. Upon acquiring and installation of the smart weather forecast station, the user should go ahead and connect their device to Plugin’s portal. The registration process involves generating an ‘applicationkey’ & ‘apikey’ to register the new device. Upon creating the appropriate API keys for their device, users will have to check if their sensors transmit data to the ambientweather.net portal. Thereafter, users will be required to submit their device’s applicationkey, apikey, latitude, longitude, country, state, city, zip code, and wallet address to Plugin’s portal. If the data is satisfactory, team Plugin will approve the user’s node.
Once approved, a user will be required to stake 1000 PLI & 5000 XDC to register as a data provider for Plugin WFN. After staking is done successfully, a user will receive an approved WFN device ID for their node, allowing the user’s sensor to gather weather-related data for Plugin WFN’s project. Thereafter, a user can claim their reward for providing weather-related data. Interested users can view the detailed step-by-step process here
In line with these views, the partnership between Plugin and ambient weather guarantees accurate, verifiable, and highly granular climatic data. The data, which is availed in real-time, provides some important insights to guide vital activities in agriculture, disease control, humanitarian initiatives, conservation, etc. The smart climatic weather data systems also unlock an array of opportunities in a variety of weather-dependent industries That said, Plugin-Ambient weather’s partnership makes significant contributions toward empowering today’s society through accurate, and verifiable weather data.
For more information, kindly visit the following links:
A). Plugin Related: Plugin Website & Plugin WFN user interface & Plugin WFN — Ambient weather unit onboarding instructions & Twitter
B). Ambient Weather Related: Ambient Weather Website & Twitter
Contact: Vinod Khurana @ Suvik Technologies FZE Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park. Al Sharjah, United Arab Emirates https://goplugin.co/
Media Contact: Organization: Synergy Global Enterprise LLC Name: Gopi Divecha Address: 111 North Bridge Road #21–01, Singapore 179098 Website: https://airdropbounty.events/ | https://pixelproduction.com/ Email: [email protected] | [email protected] WhatsApp: https://wa.me/+6586940671
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anikashw · 5 months ago
Technology Shaping Our World
In general, I think these readings are really interesting because they open people's eyes to the hidden side of the Internet’s infrastructure—things we don’t think about but rely on daily.
One example that really stood out was how cell towers are disguised as trees or flagpoles, blending into the environment so we hardly notice them. It's a powerful indicator that no matter how big or small, technology is always around us, inevitably affecting our lives in small or big ways. It also makes me realize how disconnected we are from the physical systems that power our digital world because people don't usually think about it. Strangely, these towers, essential for our mobile phones and communication, are designed to look like part of the landscape, almost as if we're not supposed to notice them. It's also interesting how they look practically aesthetic to the terrain when playing into the landscapes.
Another interesting story from the readings was the party line in rural New Zealand, where one telephone line served an entire community. Back then, technology was something everyone shared and understood in terms of the physicality of it. The whole neighborhood was connected by a single system, and there was a sense of trust in how it worked. Today, technology has evolved so much that we don’t need to think about it—it just works, and we rarely stop to question how or why. This shift from shared, visible infrastructure to invisible networks highlights how far removed we’ve become from understanding the systems that make our lives run smoothly. Still, I think we should advance cautiously because we will soon have challenges differentiating between what technologies are humans and which are not.
Looking ahead to Web 3.0, I wonder if this trend of hiding technology will continue. In the last class, we discussed our previous reading about the ideal version of the Internet, free from governmental control. With more decentralization and increased privacy concerns, will the Internet become even more invisible? Right now, a clear understanding of how these systems work and who controls them is missing. It’s easy to forget that these invisible networks impact everything from privacy to data ownership, and that can be risky if we stay too disconnected from the process. Governmental laws also come into play concerning the internet, which most of society does not grasp. Is our data really private?
Both readings made me think about how important it is to make these hidden infrastructures more transparent. I want to explore this more—how do we stay connected to the very tools that connect us? If we pay attention to the physical and digital systems that shape our world, we might retain the ability to hold companies and governments accountable.
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unpluggedfinancial · 5 months ago
Bitcoin as the Moral Compass: How Sound Money Leads to Sound Values
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The financial system isn't just about money—it's about values. The way we use and understand money affects our behavior and decisions. Enter Bitcoin: a new kind of money that is changing the way people think, not just about finance, but about values and morals. Bitcoin is more than just an asset; it helps guide our values in a world that is becoming more disconnected from what is true and just.
Sound money has always been important in societies with strong moral values. When money is hard to create and easy to verify, it rewards honesty, hard work, and discipline. Bitcoin represents these qualities. It has a transparent, decentralized ledger and a limited supply, which makes it different from traditional money. In our current system, governments can print more money, causing inflation that eats away at people’s wealth. This encourages short-term thinking and spending quickly before money loses value. Bitcoin, on the other hand, encourages patience, saving, and a long-term view—values that build discipline and careful planning.
One of the most interesting effects of Bitcoin is how it aligns incentives with doing the right thing. With Bitcoin, individuals are encouraged to act responsibly for themselves and for their communities. Bitcoin’s design makes it harder for people to be dishonest or corrupt. It makes us think twice before spending recklessly or trying to make quick, risky gains. Bitcoin rewards integrity and careful planning, and it encourages people to build rather than exploit. The rules of the Bitcoin network are the same for everyone: no special treatment or insider advantage—just fairness, transparency, and accountability.
Bitcoin doesn’t only change how we use money; it changes how we think. Many people who start using Bitcoin find that their view of value changes—not just financially but in life overall. They start focusing on what truly matters: family, community, long-term goals, and learning. This is where Bitcoin as a moral guide shines the most. It helps us move away from mindless spending encouraged by traditional money and towards a more meaningful life, based on lasting principles.
The world needs a financial system that encourages good behavior rather than bad behavior. As more people start using Bitcoin, we are seeing a cultural shift—a return to basic values that we used to take for granted. Saving for the future, helping others, and building a better tomorrow—these are the values that Bitcoin brings back. The Bitcoin revolution is not just about financial freedom; it’s about improving our morals in a time when much seems lost. It’s a chance to rebuild our values with sound money leading the way.
Bitcoin also provides financial freedom by giving people full control over their money. Unlike traditional banks, which require us to trust them, Bitcoin operates on a system where users control their own funds. This independence from banks and governments means people are no longer at the mercy of bad financial policies, bank failures, or government interference. Being your own bank encourages responsibility, an important trait for building a morally strong society.
Bitcoin’s limited supply also encourages better behavior. In a system where money gains value over time, there is more incentive to save and invest wisely rather than spend recklessly. This encourages people to think about the future and build lasting value, instead of just living for today and worrying about tomorrow later. With Bitcoin, we see a way to create a society that values sustainability, foresight, and real wealth creation over reckless consumption.
Bitcoin also makes the financial system more inclusive and fair. Anyone with an internet connection can use it, no matter where they live or their social status. This is important for giving opportunities to people who have been left out of the traditional financial system. By making the playing field more even, Bitcoin helps promote equality and reduce economic gaps.
In the end, Bitcoin is not just a technological invention; it is a moral shift. It brings back important values like fairness, transparency, and personal accountability. By using Bitcoin, we are choosing sound money and also choosing to live by values that focus on long-term thinking, integrity, and responsibility to future generations. In a chaotic and unfair world, Bitcoin offers hope—a chance to build a financial system that works for everyone, encouraging all of us to be better stewards of our wealth and our values.
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erpinformation · 7 months ago
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swarajtractor · 9 months ago
Swaraj by Code: Empowering Communities through Decentralized Governance
Introduction: In the digital age, where technology permeates every facet of our lives, the concept of Swaraj, or self-governance, takes on a new dimension. Swaraj by code is an idea that leverages the power of decentralized technologies to create systems of governance that are transparent, inclusive, and empower communities to make decisions collectively. In this blog, we will explore how Swaraj by code can revolutionize governance structures and foster a sense of autonomy and empowerment.
The Essence of Swaraj: Swaraj, a term popularized by Mahatma Gandhi during India's struggle for independence, emphasizes self-rule and self-governance. In the context of the digital realm, Swaraj by code envisions a society where individuals have direct control over the decisions that affect them. It seeks to replace traditional, centralized models of governance with decentralized, community-driven approaches.
Decentralization and Blockchain Technology: At the core of Swaraj by code is the idea of decentralization, often facilitated by blockchain technology. Blockchain, a distributed ledger system, enables secure and transparent record-keeping without the need for a central authority. This technology forms the backbone of various decentralized applications (DApps) that can be employed for governance.
Smart Contracts and Automated Decision-Making: Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, play a crucial role in Swaraj by code. These contracts enable automated decision-making based on predefined rules, eliminating the need for intermediaries. Communities can use smart contracts to create and enforce rules, vote on proposals, and manage resources without relying on a centralized authority.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs); A significant manifestation of Swaraj by code is the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). DAOs are entities governed by code and run on blockchain networks. Members of a DAO collectively make decisions through voting mechanisms encoded in smart contracts. This enables communities to manage funds, allocate resources, and determine the direction of the organization in a democratic and transparent manner.
Benefits of Swaraj by Code:
Transparency: Blockchain's transparency ensures that all transactions and decisions are visible to the community, fostering trust and accountability.
Inclusivity: Swaraj by code empowers every individual within a community, ensuring that decision-making is not limited to a select few. Anyone can participate and contribute to the governance process.
Security: The decentralized nature of blockchain technology enhances security by eliminating single points of failure. This makes it more resistant to manipulation or corruption.
Efficiency: Automated processes and smart contracts streamline decision-making, reducing bureaucracy and increasing the speed at which decisions are executed.
Global Collaboration: Swaraj by code is not confined by geographical boundaries. Communities can collaborate globally, bringing diverse perspectives and expertise to the decision-making process.
Challenges and Considerations: While Swaraj by code offers a promising vision of decentralized governance, it is not without challenges. Issues such as scalability, regulatory concerns, and the need for widespread adoption pose obstacles to its implementation. Additionally, ensuring that decisions are made inclusively and fairly requires careful design of governance structures and mechanisms.
Conclusion: Swaraj by code represents a paradigm shift in how we envision governance in the digital age. By leveraging decentralized technologies, communities can reclaim control over their destinies, fostering a sense of autonomy and empowerment. While challenges exist, the potential benefits of transparent, inclusive, and efficient governance make Swaraj by code an intriguing avenue for exploring the future of self-rule in the digital era.
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eagleeyecoin11 · 1 year ago
EAGLEEYE COIN: Decrypting the Potential of AI-Driven Cryptocurrencies
EAGLEEYE COIN: Decrypting the Potential of AI-Driven Cryptocurrencies
In the context of AI in everything, a new trend full of possibilities has emerged: what happens when cryptocurrencies are combined with AI?
So far, the trend seems to be positive, basically something like "AI + crypto = infinite possibilities". But what exactly are these possibilities? Is some sort of financial superintelligence even possible? And perhaps even most importantly, are these two things really compatible on any meaningful level?
The 30,000-foot way of thinking about it is that AI represents digital abundance, while cryptocurrencies represent digital scarcity. From another perspective, AI represents highly centralized systems (where information is passed through language models). In some ways, this is like merging.
Crypto, on the other hand, represents the ideal of complete digital decentralization or the development of distributed networks based on a foundation of permissionless access and invariance, all controlled by private keys held by individual users. This is more like fragmentation.
Venture capitalist Peter Thiel writes in the introduction to the revised edition of his book, The Sovereign Individual. In fact, the great conflict over the future of our larger politics has only just begun. In the technological dimension, the conflict has two extremes: Al and crypto. artificial intelligence promises to be the ultimate solution to what economists call the "computational problem": in theory, it could centralize control of the entire economy. It is no coincidence that AI is the CCP's favorite technology. On the other hand, powerful cryptography holds the promise of a decentralized and personalized world. If Al is a communist, then cryptocurrencies are libertarians.
The future may lie somewhere between these two extremes. But we know that the actions we take today will determine the overall outcome
The basic premise of the sovereign individual is that the massive shift in technology in our lifetimes will lead to more personal freedom - especially for those learning how to utilize the tools of the information age.
At the same time, the shift to more individual freedom will come at the cost of major social upheaval as geographic boundaries begin to matter less and global technology platforms begin to supplant the needs and utility of more localized governments and civil society groups.
Against this shrinking backdrop, we see the emergence of cryptocurrencies built around the idea of personal control and regulation and artificial intelligence that exports tasks and production to large-scale models.
So what happens when these two ideals or visions of the future of the internet intersect? Where will it lead us and how will it affect us?
From early views on the internet, there seems to be a collective feeling that the combination of AI and cryptocurrencies will be infinitely more powerful, and that by reducing the friction that comes with human-centered technology, everything will be taken to the next level.
In many ways, it's the human-centered design aspects of crypto that make it so challenging, such as user experience, ease of interoperability, and understanding the computer science problems that crypto solves in the first place.
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So there may be some synergies from that perspective.
But this feels like a larger question looms: how will these two major technological and philosophical movements mesh with each other? Or do they actually represent competing ideas and visions?
Or, in other words, what happens when we provide robots with bank accounts that don't have an off switch? Is blind greed a component of generalized AI, or is there something innate to the human psyche that allows us to corner the market, want more, and do whatever we need to do to get it?
Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrency Potential Use Cases One of the biggest hopes for artificial intelligence is that it will help free humans from digital drudgery by automating a variety of everyday tasks.
Finding problems or bugs in software, which in the past required hours of code investigation by people with very specialized knowledge or skills, is one example.
Errors in smart contracts and other crypto-related systems can wreak havoc and create all sorts of security problems. This is a real problem at DeFi and elsewhere when relying heavily on smart contracts.
If a hacker has access to the contract's funds, a small vulnerability written into the code could be exploited and cause millions (or billions) of dollars in damage.
So what if there was some sort of AI bug bounty bot that constantly tested and double-checked smart contract code and other systems used to transfer and store digital assets?
It can act like an automated security force that can work at scale and easily work across jurisdictions and projects by leveraging the openness of decentralized systems.
Another example of incorporating AI into cryptocurrencies and DeFi is that language models and interfaces using AI may help remove some of the complexity of cryptocurrencies and make them more user-friendly and intuitive.
What if people looking for financial alternatives could browse DeFi products via chat, rather than having to navigate the complexities of different kinds of products or find one that meets a user's exact specifications?
Or that there was an easy way to compare and contrast all the emerging DeFi offerings to understand their unique value propositions?
By removing friction, things would move faster and make seamless automation possible. After all, automation is great - when it works.
The combination of cryptocurrencies and AI gets a bit more complicated when it comes to the DeFi protocol and governance of decentralized systems.
In some cases, making decisions about how to manage the protocol - everything from the underlying token economics and software upgrades to new types of products and services - is a challenge because it requires almost constant human attention.
According to Coin's paper on AI and cryptocurrencies, there is a phenomenon known as "governance fatigue" in decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
AI can help solve this emerging governance problem by making decisions by proxy that fit within individual user preferences.
On the one hand, this is a bit like having a self-driving car for governance. In many ways, it can be safer and more convenient. But delegating to AI agents to start making decisions that have real impact on DAOs can also have unintended consequences.
This leads to a more complex area: how do we manage autonomous AI?
Privacy in the age of digital abundance Practicalities and philosophical conundrums aside, combining cryptography with artificial intelligence should raise privacy concerns.
The dynamics of DeFi - a combination of openness and transparency enabled by a distributed digital ledger, combined with enough detailed information at the level of an individual's address to provide a digital fingerprint (the resolution may be low, but it's enough to establish behavioral patterns for individual wallet-holders) - require better ways to protect the new technology stack for financial transactions conducted by People.
In the broader digital asset community, we're seeing the privacy protection conversation unfold on a number of fronts, such as in the custodial/non-custodial wallet wars, the likelihood of government surveillance or intervention if/when central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) occur, and the use/need/legality of tools such as third-party mixers.
Meanwhile, there are almost constant calls (especially in the US) to figure out how to independently regulate these new technologies.
In the case of cryptocurrencies, the job of developing a regulatory framework falls to the agencies that typically create and enforce financial rules and regulations. In the case of artificial intelligence, it is less clear who will be responsible for regulating a new type of intelligence.
Regardless of which entity is ultimately tasked with regulating crypto and AI or a combination of crypto and AI, protecting individual user privacy should be a unifying focus for everyone using these cutting-edge technologies.
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ulloapiero · 1 year ago
"Preserving the Flow: A Water Conservation Crusade"
Story: A story or narrative is a connected series of events told through words (written or spoken), imagery (still and moving), body language, performance, music, or any other form of communication. You can tell a story about anything, and the events described can be real or imaginary; covering both fiction and nonfiction; and leaving no topic, genre, or style untouched. 
Tales: A story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe
Science Fiction: Science fiction is a form of fiction that deals principally with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or individuals.
In my present we are in the years 2050, some schools are beginning to close because of the lack of water,  all the safari parks had to close because they started to build buildings in order to bring more water to the world.so my friends and I met in a café with gourmet food to see what we could do, Ivan brought some robots to investigate the few water areas left in the country, Xavier investigated some methods to not waste much water, while Jara stayed eating taco and chocolate because of the pressure, and I discovered a method for time travel through a handshake. In the first place, our mission was only to keep our school, Interamericano, from closing, but when we saw how the situation was going, we saw that we could do more, but we could make a lot of mistakes.
Piero took the lead, with an imposing presence. “We needed someone who understand the intricate science of water management”. Piero suggested applying ancient aqueduct systems and modern decentralized water purification technologies, fostering a sustainable balance between human needs and environmental preservation.
As we navigated the unforgiving terrain, Xavier delved into the history of water management practices. He teachs locals the ancient agricultural wisdom of civilizations such as the Incas, whose terraced fields conserved water and preserved soil fertility. But at one point he began to think, "This must be karma for not taking care of the water like our ancestors”. But then he focused on combine these traditional practices with cutting-edge modern technologies, optimizing the use of water for agriculture.
Ivan, offered his vision of creating an efficient and energy-neutral desalination process. His proposal included a unique device such as the famous physicist Nikola Tesla, but the difference is that he built a robot which harnessed atmospheric energy to power desalination plants, ensuring a sustainable source of fresh water.
Meanwhile Jara, was an advocate of maintaining ecological balance in this parched world. He spoke passionately about using permaculture principles to rebuild devastated ecosystems. By reintroducing native flora, conserving water and using innovative hydrophilic materials to enhance rainfall, Jara aimed to create an oasis of life in this desert.
Our approach was multifaceted, a tapestry of solutions drawn from different eras. We were determined to harness the collective wisdom of history, fusing it with futuristic technology to address this impending disaster. With each idea we faced new challenges, but our unity and determination gave us the strength to overcome them.
After all, time travel had its complexities, and the consequences of our actions remained uncertain. Some of us had déjå vu due to the consequences of time travel. But thanks to our teamwork, we were able to move forward with the hope of transmitting a message to the future: a message that transcended time and space, a message of unity, innovation and responsibility for our world's most precious resource. To conclude, we set ourselves a very risky mission in which our present could have been affected if we did not do things correctly, but we succeeded and managed to promote the care of water and with this we were able to achieve our goal that no school closes due to lack of water.
Admin. (2018, November 3). Story: Definition and Examples | Literary Terms. Literary Terms. https://literaryterms.net/story/
tale. (2023). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/tale
Sterling, B. (1998b, July 20). Science fiction | Definition, Characteristics, Books, Movies, Authors, Examples, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/art/science-fiction
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I created this image using the hotpot website, using the Hotpot Art 11 style I was able to create an image that is based on my friends and I going back in time to save the future from water scarcity.
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emergingmediahasanalshaar · 1 year ago
Reflection 3
The book "The Internet Trap: How the Digital Economy Builds Monopolies and Undermines Democracy" by Matthew Hindman examines the digital world and its tremendous influence on our society. This book is an interesting analysis of the issues and complications in the digital era. Hindman's work has impacted my understanding of the Internet, its position in today's society, and its consequences for democracy. Chapters five and eight stood out to me the most when I was reading this book.
In chapter 5, Hindman looks into the complicated characteristics of online traffic i. He examines how web traffic is spread over the Internet and the ramifications for digital ecosystems, media organizations, and democratic debate. This chapter was exciting since it explains the fundamental mechanisms that shape the digital environment. According to Hindman, the Internet is prone to producing a few dominating players that take most online attention. He backs up his point with data indicating that a few websites receive the bulk of online traffic while most websites struggle to acquire awareness. This traffic concentration severely impacts businesses, media organizations, and political dialogue. As a result, while searching for goods online, we are more likely to click on the first choice since it is the first option in front of our eyes. The distribution of web traffic in the hands of a few large corporations raises worries about monopolization and the possibility of manipulation and censorship on the Internet. I do not believe that big companies should even be allowed to pay to have their websites appear first when someone is trying to find something online. This hurts smaller companies that may not necessarily have the resources to boost their brand online and get their website to the top of search pages.
Hindman examines the perceived "nature" of the Internet and the fundamental structure that shapes it in Chapter 8. He calls into question the idea that the Internet is essentially decentralized and democratic, exposing the structural and economic reasons that have led to centralization and the growth of internet giants. This chapter was incredibly eye-opening since it critically assesses the assumptions behind the Internet's fundamental "nature." This chapter represented the digital age's economic interests and power dynamics. Power is concentrated in the hands of a few corporations. The dominance of advertising income structures and the impact of algorithms all highlight the necessity for a critical evaluation of the nature of the Internet. After reading this chapter, I was astounded by how much power major corporations wielded over the Internet to try and shape public conversation and impact how we act and interact with others. Even though it was unsettling to read, I was not surprised to see this. We must pay attention to the material presented to us and recognize that we have to construct our views and opinions without being affected by the Internet. The Internet Trap reminded me of the importance of having informed conversations and addressing the complex difficulties the digital economy brings and its impact on our society. This book has given me a viewpoint that will help shape my academic and professional career in sports.
HINDMAN, M. (2020a). Internet trap: How the digital economy builds monopolies and undermines democracy. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRES. 
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kristikinzel12 · 2 years ago
Ace Blockchain Crypto Network Using Blockchain To Drive The Sustainability Revolution
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Earth carries finite resources and a delicate ecological system powered biology, energy, and chemistry. For the longest time, humans have consumed resources in a linear fashion — we extract, transform, use, and dispose. This approach has negatively affected the atmosphere and biosphere — but what if there was a better way?
Fast forward to 2023 and humanity has built a technology that can fundamentally change our relationship with consumption, waste, and sustainability. That technology is blockchain — our first truth machine.
ABCN is incredibly proud to be a pioneer of this new world.
Enabling True Digital-Sustainability
Blockchains offer an entirely new way to manage and share information. For the first time, global society can collaborate effectively, efficiently and transparently at scale. VeChain will operate as layer of trust for the hyper-connected era of big-data.
We’re now actively helping shape the direction of what will be some of the most crucial decades for humanity as we rapidly reshape the global economy to limit the historical impacts of economic activity.
If data is the new oil, blockchain is the new oil rig. Using blockchain, siloed or ‘dark’ data can finally be harnessed to provide unprecedented granularity and insights into human activity, helping us achieve sustainability targets. But how?
Creating Trust
Trust is one of the biggest hurdles to global sustainability. International collaboration requires data quality assurances and transparency within data trails. Ace blockchain technology solves this trust crisis.
Ace Blockchain Crypto Network — Public blockchain operating on PoA consensus mechanism to offer fast transactions with low energy consumption similar to Ethereum or Binance.
The outcomes of such developments are secure trails of instantly verifiable, high quality, and trustworthy data. For sustainability to flourish, millions of participants will need to collaborate efficiently in real-time and so the elimination of poor-quality data is paramount.
Ace blockchain technology enables an entirely new kind of economic model that places trust and transparency in data at its core.
More Than A Sustainable Blockchain
Based on our interactions, it’s increasingly clear that people are beginning to recognize the revolutionary power of blockchain technology. No technology has had such a profound impact on information sharing since the birth of the internet.
ABCN is proud to be a pioneer in this new world, leading the development of real-world sustainability applications and mass adoption of the technology. We’ve taken abstract concepts and worked with world leaders to transform them into tangible solutions.
As we head into 2023 and blockchain regulations continue to unfold globally, the Ace blockchain crypto network remains vigilant and ready to deliver on the unfolding narrative of blockchain as a tool for good. Blockchain technology is not just a ‘nice-to-have’ — it is an imperative.
About The Ace Blockchain
Ace Blockchain is a self-deployed blockchain platform by Ace Network, a world-leading smart contract platform spearheading the real-world adoption of blockchain technology.
Ace Network is a young and evolving ecosystem that is working on different aspects of decentralized applications to deploy on the main platform. and now turns its attention to arguably the greatest challenge of all — building technologies and ecosystems to drive true sustainability and digital transformation at a global scale.
Visit https://abcn.finance/ to learn more.
For more information on ABCN coin staking and reward structure, please refer https://abcn.finance/
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mark-matos · 2 years ago
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In the #StarWars universe, the political systems of the Galactic Empire 🌑👑 and the Rebel Alliance 🌟🚀 offer contrasting perspectives on AI policy and regulation. Let's explore how these two factions might approach AI development and governance in their respective societies.
The Galactic Empire: Centralized Control and AI Supremacy đŸ”—đŸ‘ïž
The Galactic Empire, with its highly centralized authority, would likely have a top-down approach to AI policy and regulation. Emperor Palpatine âšĄđŸ§™â€â™‚ïž and his inner circle would determine the course of AI development, with the primary goal of strengthening the Empire's grip on the galaxy.
This could lead to:
AI as a tool for surveillance and control đŸŽ„đŸšš: The Empire may develop AI technologies to monitor and suppress dissent, creating a pervasive surveillance network.
AI-powered military applications đŸ’„đŸ”«: In their quest for power, the Empire might develop advanced AI-driven weapons and war machines, such as droids đŸ€–, starships 🚀, and the infamous Death Star 💀🌑.
Limited access to AI technology đŸš«đŸ”: The Empire could restrict access to AI technology, ensuring that only those loyal to its cause could benefit from its advancements.
Suppression of innovation 🔒🔚: By centralizing control, the Empire might stifle independent research and creativity, limiting the scope of AI applications to those serving its interests.
The Rebel Alliance: Decentralized Innovation and AI for the People âœŠđŸ•Šïž
On the other hand, the Rebel Alliance, with its decentralized structure and focus on freedom, would likely adopt a more open approach to AI policy and regulation. The Alliance would encourage collaboration among its members and foster a competitive AI ecosystem that promotes innovation.
This could lead to:
AI as a tool for communication and coordination 📡🔗: The Rebel Alliance might use AI to facilitate secure communication and coordinate its efforts against the Empire.
AI-driven humanitarian efforts â€ïžđŸ„: AI could be employed to help those affected by the Empire's tyranny, such as providing medical assistance or disaster relief.
Encouragement of independent research 💡🌈: The Rebel Alliance would likely support a diverse range of AI applications, fueling creativity and innovation among its members.
Prioritizing ethical AI development đŸ€đŸŒŸ: The Alliance would focus on developing AI technologies that align with its values, such as ensuring privacy, fairness, and transparency.
The political systems in the Star Wars universe offer unique perspectives on AI policy and regulation. The Galactic Empire's centralized control could lead to AI being wielded as a tool for power and domination 🌑🔗, while the Rebel Alliance's decentralized approach might foster innovation and use AI to benefit the people đŸŒŸđŸ•Šïž. As we navigate the complexities of AI policy and regulation in our world, the lessons from a galaxy far, far away can offer valuable insights into striking a balance between centralization and decentralization for the betterment of society. đŸŒ đŸ€–
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rightserve · 2 years ago
What is the role of MEP in Smart Cities?
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Nothing stays something very similar for long any longer in our cutting edge society and as a matter of fact, it really is something else that things can change inside the space of a solitary ten years. Expanding quantities of individuals are additionally now living inside huge metropolitan urban communities and this is affecting assistance conveyance and furthermore framework. There is expanding interest for more accessible energy and all of this likewise affects other change processes which goes significantly more profound than the issue of giving energy to a city. Never before throughout the entire existence of the planet has there been such countless new innovations arising and those advances hugely affect the manner in which we carry on with our lives. It has additionally really impacted the viewpoint of individuals with respect to what is conceivable and what isn't. This is bringing about better-instructed residents with a remark about everything. There is currently a recent fad among numerous nearby specialists who are investigating the way in which they can further develop the executives particularly of things, for example, the utilization of land, energy supply and furthermore how to give a superior nature of administration.
Facing new challenges
There are numerous new advancements among nearby state run administrations, for example, new responsibilities to decarbonize economies, decentralization of dynamic cycles and there is likewise the economy with things, for example, the digitalization of information and administrations is additionally something which must be thought of. Throughout the past ten years, there have been changes, all things considered and this is additionally muddled by the circumstances which are capable locally in a particular region or district there are in many cases things like environment, culture, and assets to consider. While taking a gander at metropolitan regions another basic thought is the size of that area. Urban communities are progressively becoming areas of interest where each of the ongoing difficulties meet up like environment, socioeconomics, worldwide issues, and regular assets. Over half of individuals are now remaining inside an enormous metropolitan region and inside the following thirty years, this will increment to over 70%. It is essential to recall that dealing with the necessities of that city will require 75% of the ongoing worldwide energy utilization and such a city and its occupants will be liable for 80% of worldwide ozone harming substance emanations.
Addressing the current issues
There is an overall agreement that urban communities require MEP frameworks which is unbelievably complex and which will be disregarded and overseen by profoundly qualified and talented structure administrators individuals who are specialists in this particular field. It requires a great deal of drive and expertise to deal with an enormous city really. A ton of data is gotten from little sensor levels and those are dissected at large data communities at a city level utilizing simulated intelligence innovation. As per research, the typical customer is as yet the biggest section, taking everything into account followed by organizations which generally approach trend setting innovations which permit them to utilize energy sources. Medium-size and enormous organizations will actually want to profit from IoT-based brilliant mechanization frameworks, savvy LEDs, shrewd central air frameworks and other comparative advances.
The focus on MEP infrastructure
At the point when one glances at the mechanical, electrical and plumbing industry numerous different things strike a chord, for example, the need to integrate other savvy innovations to make this framework more productive. It is generally difficult to acquire a complete comprehension of shrewd MEP yet this can be made simpler by taking a gander at several key regions, for example, the need to have things appropriately kept up with, economical, observed and oversaw and responsible. As indicated by research, the land business has gained some headway, taking everything into account. Integrating such things into urban areas and huge structures to guarantee that they utilize present day advancements requires extra exertion and a goal take a gander at every one of the significant issues to guarantee a sufficient proportion of progress.
More effective data collection
We have frameworks and gadgets which are getting more intelligent consistently. This is surely great yet to completely use these frameworks, an enormous measure of new information should be accessible to guarantee that those frameworks are really used. Really at that time all around informed choices can be made which will additionally further develop conditions around there. The test will be to begin with individual structures and further develop them so they have more brilliant frameworks and as neighborhood authority prevails in this try whole urban communities will transform into shrewd urban communities which can more readily use and deal with their accessible assets giving a greater of life for everybody.
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jacksonjezewski · 2 years ago
Anarchist Ramblings
The systems of oppression established by the bourgeoisie, by the kings, queens, and police of our times have long overstayed their welcome. They claim they've made the state to protect our inalienable rights as humans, but in reality they've made it to control our naturally given freedoms, to decide who deserves what and to justify their choices. These authoritarian systems come in many skins, the blood stained face of capitalism, the overjoyed grin of communism, the fake lying eyes of representative democracy, but in reality all these faces have done little more than establish or strengthen hierarchical systems. Even the seemingly idyllic communist states of the USSR had casts, from the elite politicians at the top, to the agricultural peasants at the bottom.
When we look at all these economic and political systems a few similarities glare through, those being, centralized power, size and a caste system (both ones official and unofficial). Thus the solution to these issues is in my eyes quite simple, it is the destruction of all of our current centralized governments and systems no matter how functional they currently are and the formation of smaller less centralized governing groups that pertain to specific areas of life and issues and that are run by exclusively the people directly involved in those areas and issues. I am basically proposing a direct democracy, one with many, many small governing bodies that only intrude into their own business. This is unless the business of other governing groups or ungoverned groups will affect the people as a whole or negatively affect individuals, in which case the formation of larger governing groups pertaining to the subject will be formed and then dissolved after issues are solved. An important question may arise from the description of my ideal societal system, what will be the rules and how will they be enforced, this is quite simple, they laws will be customs and traditions established pre dissolution of centralized government or rules established by the collective of decentralized governing bodies, they will be enforced by the people, and any rule not enforced by the people is quite simply no longer a rule, this does not mean if one person or a small group of people view murder or rape as ok then it is now ok, it means that if the entire settlement agrees those things are okie, it is ok. This group enforced rule system places a natural check on antisocial behaviors such as murder since no sustained society would be in favor of such behaviors. I am suggesting a form of anarcho-democracy, but in reality i am suggesting the most basic and long lasting form of human government. 
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vagabond-sun · 4 years ago
this was originally posted on my pillowfort. come join the conversation there, too!
also, a disclaimer i feel like i have to make on tumblr: this isn’t an invitation to coin something. i think we should spend some time learning what the terrain looks like before we give the place a name.
so this is a question and a conversation that comes around every so often in the alt+h discord, on tumblr, and in some other places:
is identifying with an archetype otherkin? more broadly, is it alterhuman?
to the latter question: definitely yes. but i think we could stand to let it stand on its own as an experience, for a number of reasons. so here’s my attempt to write a bit about my experience with this concept, pin down what we’re actually talking about and its unique dimensions, and possibly reach people who are doing the same thing in the interests of building a community around it.
to start out with: what am i talking about?
there are people in the alterhuman communities (and outside of it!) who consider things like 'royalty' or 'pirate' or 'ranger' or 'mad scientist' part of their identity. I’ve seen a lot of people simply using the ‘kin’ label for this. and, like i said, I’ve seen a lot of people asking questions about it, often as a hypothetical experience, but also many times wondering if other people also feel what they feel.
there is a historical precedent – the silver elves in one of their books on ‘types’ of fae mention the Daundre, who are ‘rangerkind’ - a (presumably fictional or otherwise not-of-this-world) population of humans considered explicitly otherkin by dint of their connection to the wild and disconnect from society at large.
but for me, the ‘kin’ label is ill fitting. for me, it sits in a space partway between our understanding of ‘kin’ frameworks and gender ones. when i say I’m nonhuman, I’m describing an experience that affects my self image, the way i filter information, certain desires, my sense of embodiment, and so on. when i say i'm butch, i'm making a statement about where i sit in relation to men, and women, and femmes, and straights, and to Society In General. i'm making statements that might give you a clue as to how i'll dress or act, or what my values might be.
when i say I’m a pirate, I’m kind of saying both.
so what’s my experience? other-life experiences of literally being a swashbuckler aside, why does this speak to me? in what way, in this life, am i tangibly experiencing and manifesting this?
it’s more than just an aesthetic, though cultivating a particular Look is not not part of it. i think it’s a very pirate-ish thing to want to look flashy - it's only jolly roger enamel pins and barely-buttoned hawaiian shirts right now, but i'll have my 17th century frock coat eventually. i think it's also worth pointing out that people who do dedicate themselves to presenting a specific way like this are still not considered normal, even if it's 'only' an apperance thing.
but also, i think i would be deeply unhappy if i lived too far away from the ocean. it’s a bucket list item of mine to buy a boat one day, and i already have some sailing experience. i spent a lot of my formative years travelling and moving around the world and now i get itchy if i stay in the same place for too long. i’m really, very queer and i like to let people know that. i’m a strong advocate of freedom of information, the abolition of intellectual property, digital privacy and decentralization, as well as just generally striving for a system of (non?)governance that radically departs from the current social order.
pirate is a nice way to put a little bow on top of all of that. it's a thread that loops through all these seemingly disparate concepts and draws them together, creating a narrative.
i have similar but less definable relationships to the idea of kingship, and to some kind of village wiseperson, sage-on-the-mountain type role that I’m mostly calling druidry (see also this). that latter one’s complicated by the existence of actual ordained druids, but honestly? someone whose job it is to look into the future, perform magic, and mediate the spirit world is not having a typical human experience in western society. I’ve seen plenty of people talk about feeling alienated from humanity and the world at large because of being god- or spirit-touched. they’re welcome to call themselves alterhuman too - the original definition pretty much outright says so.
and, sure, you could still argue that anyone can experience oneness with nature, or concern about the state of copyright law, or the otherness of being queer, or a pull to leadership positions. these things on their own are normal human experiences. and yet. people do not move through the world calling themselves pirates and kings and magical girls and paladins and supervillains, at least not all the time, and not sincerely. not the way i do. i don’t see the way i live reflected in society, nor do i feel there is space made for me to do so. and i don't think that any current alterhuman communities fully encompass what i'm experiencing either.
reader, do you have an experience with an archetype you adhere strongly to? that affects your sense of self? how does it affect you? do you feel like you stand out from other people because of it? come tell me about it. we can make the space ourselves.
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