#how could anyone think she wanted to mARRY HIM LMAO SHE LOOKS PETRIFIED EVERY TIME HE COMES UP
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stasammenarchive · 3 years ago
dolores: he [mariano] wants 5 babies
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kellykadesperate · 8 years ago
Nicole would you ever think about doing a little continuation of your Big Bang it doesn’t have to be a long fic or anything but just little snapshots into their life once they got together as I loved the whole world war theme and their story so much x
Do you have any headcanons for aaron & robert’s life together after they properly reunite in We’ll Meet Again? I could honestly read a whole angsty sequel about their life together, i’m so invested in this au version of their relationship lmao xx
so … i couldn’t resist. here’s about half of them, i have more i need to look over so enjoy these for now:
‘we’ll meet again’ headcanons (part one) :
1) Robert became an avid gardener. He dedicated a section for the garden to memories, it became a place filled with poppies like the First World War was dedicated to. It was filled with a sense of loss and tragedy and Robert hated watching them die. But Aaron would kiss his head, and tell him to wait until the flowers grew again in the spring and it wouldn’t feel so sad. They always grew, and Robert would always thank Aaron for making them grow again.
2) When Jacob was four, Robert received a letter from Eden’s mother wishing her grandson a happy birthday. It made Robert uncontrollably miserable until he was watching Aaron build stones up high in the garden with Jacob on his lap. He’d made a headstone for Eden, labelled ‘Mummy’ and it managed to make Robert smile for the first time in days. He was proud.
3) The first time they had sex after reuniting was not what either of them expected. They were passionate at first, ripping each other’s clothes off and falling into bed. But then Robert saw Aaron’s scars, more than he remembered, and he saw the bruises over his arms where needles had been prodded into, and he cried into Aaron’s chest. They were like that for what felt like hours, naked, exploring each other without anything sexual happening. It was all down to Aaron though, he initiated it and Robert readily accepted the sex, the way of communicating. It was slow and soft and then filled with need until they were collapsing down on the bed and falling to sleep. Content. For the first time in years it didn’t feel wrong for Aaron, he didn’t feel dirty, he just felt loved.
4) Annie’s mother, Martha, was beautiful, too beautiful to be working the streets at night because she was too proud to accept the help Aaron and Robert wanted to give her. It’s why she ended up the way she did, she’d contracted something from someone and she was dying before she could better herself for her daughter.
5) But before that, she’d been Aaron’s beard. She’d walk with him, her on his arm in front of crowds. Usually in the park where all the other women would gossip about them. She’d managed to keep the whispers about the two men in the quaint country house to a bare minimum and they were always grateful for that.
6) Robert built the cot Annie slept in after three attempts.  
7) Aaron freaked out after Annie was in their care, thoughts about not being good enough for her or for Jacob was suddenly forced to the front of his mind and he was telling Robert to marry a woman who could be a mother to them both. But then Annie held his hand and all the insecurities fell quiet around him.
8) Robert wrote love poems for Aaron, usually on his birthday. He’d wrap them up in neat bows and have Jacob deliver them to him with a soft smile on his face. Aaron would always read them in the garden, alone. Then he’d come back inside, just kiss at Robert’s head and the older man would always see the tears in Aaron’s eyes. Aaron would always blame the flowers and his ‘hayfever.’
9) Harry had three children with Molly, his childhood sweetheart, and they visited almost once a month. Molly always baked them biscuits and although she didn’t understand Aaron or Robert, or their love the way Harry did, she was always kind.
10) Chas visited with Liv when she could, before the drive because too long and her bones became too weak so she’d send cards.
11) Liv would always stay with them at Christmas, one time Robert was asked if she was his child by some local busy body and Aaron jumped at the chance to call her his own. It helped stopped the gossip even more.
12) Robert broke the bed twice during sex, his heavy movements were enough to make the whole thing fall apart and Jacob worry something bad had happened as they battled with the sheets to cover themselves up and not have full on laughing fits.
13) It was almost public knowledge around Emmerdale about the boys. Everyone seemed to know that they were together in some way or other and over the years it became known as almost a turn of phrase. ‘You wouldn’t run after me like Aaron ran after Robert would ya?’
14) Aaron made toast for him and Robert every single morning until the day Robert left for the care home. He made sure to tell Ellie that it’s the only way to get Robert up in the morning.
15) Little Jacob took to Aaron like a duck to water, it took only two weeks for him to call him daddy. Not dad, not father, nothing too formal, something soft. Daddy.
16) And Aaron nearly ran, would have if Robert hadn’t been standing behind him and nodding at his son, telling him that was right, “Aaron is your other daddy isn’t he?” And maybe it was too soon, but he knew Aaron wasn’t going anywhere ever so it was okay. It felt right.
17) Aaron did leave though, because he had to. It was nearly a year after Annie was born and a woman in the nearby village began gossiping about seeing Robert wear the same shirt she’d seen Aaron wear three days earlier. It made Aaron panic, made him leave Robert a note saying sorry. He came back two weeks later and found Robert in a heap on the floor, Jacob asleep, Annie in his arms. “You said you’d never leave again, you promised me.” And Aaron hated himself for days until Robert was letting him know he understood why, and that the whole world was mad. Aaron could agree to that.
18) ‘We’ll meet again’ became *their song naturally. They would dance, or Aaron would shuffle his feet, every year on their anniversary. An anniversary of when they first danced together in that village hall, when they first kissed.
19) Robert tried to grow a beard like Aaron’s for nearly three months. It didn’t work and little Annie clapped her hands together because only ‘daddy fluffy head’ could have one.
20) They had a dog called Benson who Aaron became besotted with. Once Annie and Jacob had left home, he’d spend hours out in the garden talking to him about what was going on in his head, especially when he didn’t want to upset Robert too much. They buried him in the back garden and Aaron wasn’t too proud to cry on Robert’s shoulder when it happened.
21) Aaron often woke up in the night petrified that Robert would leave him and marry a woman. His face would be wet, his chest rising and falling madly and he would cry into Robert’s chest and beg him not to do what he ‘ought to do’ before people began to wonder why he didn’t have a wife, or a new one considering Eden had died. Robert would always reassure him, always hold Aaron close and whisper how much he loved him. “You’re mine and I’m yours” he’d say and something would always settle in Aaron’s chest.
22) Robert spent his whole life trying to cope with his bisexuality, it took years before he heard someone describe it on the television in detail, with a light voice and no disgust in his tone, and it made something inside him break. Aaron squeezed his hand as they sat on the sofa together and heard a report about it all. It struck a cord and Robert tried to come to terms with the label.
23) Aaron bought Robert three books on bisexuality, smiled as he watched Robert read them before bed and relax a little more each time he put the book down as if it was helping him every night.
24) Robert became known for his war poetry after Jacob secretly entered his father’s poems into a competition. It was snapped up. It became published and he had three books to his name by his sixtieth birthday.
25) They fought like cats and dogs when they wanted to. It usually involved screaming and shouting and breaking plates and then falling in bed and telling each other that the other one was in the wrong in between moans and kisses as they tried to have make up sex.
26) Aaron and Robert told Jacob and Annie about the moon story one night when it was up so high and they were laying out on the grass. Jacob was in awe of the fact that the moon was the same wherever you were and Annie got all excited and attempted to touch it with her little hands. Robert couldn’t help but hum their old little song as he brushed his teeth that night and Aaron couldn’t help but almost cry.
27) Aaron was approached by the local newspaper about his time during the war and his treatment as a homosexual. They wanted him to write a few articles about it all and after months of battling with what to do about it, Aaron found the words.
28) Aaron became a spokesman for a charity which voiced the treatment of the lgbtq community during the war and was reunited with the two boys who had been with him during those seven days. All three of them were clearly damaged by what had happened but all three of them had a fella with them as they attended the charity ball and Aaron was so proud of that fact.
29) Robert was in the audience, holding back tears as he heard their children clap like mad at their father. He only managed to mouth an 'I love you’ as Aaron thanked him for all the years they’d spend together, all the patience.
30) Annie and Jacob grew up knowing exactly what they couldn’t say to other people about who lived at home. When Jacob started school they had to sit him down and tell him that he couldn’t tell anyone he had a daddy called Aaron too. And Jacob cried, like he knew why and hated the world for making it all so unfair. They had to tell Annie the same thing, and they watched it hurt their children, they also watched it make them love Aaron even more though and they’d run into his arms as soon as they were home.
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