#how come english keyboard only has :D and ^_^ we need more
mishapeesha · 5 months
your art is so cute and lovely! <3
AHHH thank you so much!!!! you are so sweet :’) so surprised that so many people liked that one drawing i did of cas with the sorry board game (*^▽^*)
will be drawing again soon after i successfully pass my math test _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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limetameta · 1 year
I genuinely want you to answer all of the weirdly specific questions for writers 👀
I am waiting for eggs to boil so I went and answered them. :)
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Times New Roman 12 babyy
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
I would just never write anything ever again and would instead evaporate
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
I write crosslegged so I had to dismantle an expensive gaming chair that I bought to treat myself because I had never owned one and was so guilty about buying it only to find out that I cannot sit comfortably (ie neurodivergent like) so I just never sat in it and didnt write anything in ages and felt so bad abt it and tried sitting in so many weird (ie normal neurotypical) positions on that chair but nothing was working. Until one day bestie just asked me if I can take the arm rests off. I did so the same day and binge wrote 20k.
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Rompar. It used to be roly poly but now its rompar.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Never keep the story in one google doc, you will be overwhelmed. Have a doc for each chapter and then you will finish it lmao.
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
That I suck ass and that the people who say I write well are lying to me.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Seeing how other people build off of my writing and them trying to give me theories about what they think is coming next :D
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Without action. I can write a whole fic just with dialogue no problem.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
Grandma, if you see this I hope you smite my enemies
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Means that paragraph that haunts me either fucks or sucks so bad I need to change it. I am haunted by my first ever published fanfiction from 2012. It is gone for a reason.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
Kid me used to delete that shit mercilessly and now I rue not having access to some of those darlings. I have a doc that I keep with all the darlings for a specific fic.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Lorem Ipsum my beloved this takes me back.
Wish 1) I never have to use google translate again. The word I am looking for appears to me in the language I want it to appear in so I dont need to scour bosanski -> english google translate.
Wish 2) I look like an eldritch horror when you see me out of the corner of your eye but when you see me normally i look like me :)
Wish 3) I wish to free the genie
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
What you see me write is easy. What you dont see is hard.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I give people books that I am done with. Never lend. I feel like a beggar trying to get them back after and thats not smth i need.
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I am scared to write in books because growing up i never owned books i only had library books.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Dead bug.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Can somebody send me a message what they want here like narrow it down
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
Send me passages
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started writing in English in 2009. Published my first fic online in 2012. I am on a proverbial horse right now, my writing is so rad when compared to even last year s writing. "Svakoga dana u svakom pogledu sve više napredujem ." XD
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
I would chose love. I know I can do the writing thing lmao. My love life is unlucky insofar.
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
I wish Id quit writing fanfic. But I keep getting sucked into fandoms. I most likely will try my hardest to stop writing fanfic once I fully complete the MCU.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
I am skipping this because dear god it is a mess.
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
I think I did answer this one somewhere u can check it out if u go in the #ask tag and scroll
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I want to kill Maes Hughes but every single scene with him having fun with Kimblee and co is important because it is making you fall in love with him as a character and making him into a real and lived char in this au. His death has to hurt and not be abrupt like in FMAB. Fma03 did this better u had more Maes scenes.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Pinako and Van used to grow weed.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I dont know man I just do my thing and ask myself what would Solf J Kimblee do and then I write
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Tom Riddle. I meann
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Dr Morsels is honestly turning into my favourite fandom oc lmao
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
My muse is Slenderman. I write Slenderman and all the words come back.
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
I remember my dreams in the first like hour after I wake up. But I did get some really good ideas in my dreams so I will implement them.
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
I love you. :) If you dont tell me you love me back I will die like a plant. <3
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
I dont return to anything lmao I am in academia and therefore disallowed from feeling art and reliving it.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Entirely seperate. I dance.
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go:
Good comma. 10/10.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
The way I just write sentences goes against all rules apparently. Bestie, native english writer, used to have an anyeurism until they found out that this is just how I write sentences and that I just will not change. They can explain better than I can.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
:) I am a part of the leisure mafia so I know all about that field.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
This person was so poor that they never went to therapy, huh?
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
Cats love us. :)
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
Each day that I write I get better at it. Each day I get better at it I am leagues better than my sworn arch nemesis.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
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professor-tammi · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you'd mind taking a look at the translation for Sylvain and Yuri's B support? I've seen people saying that the japanese version reveals that Yuri was actually the “man dressed as a woman” that Sylvain hit on when he was younger, but I can't find a confirmation. Yuri only vaguely talks about the first time they met in the english version, so I suppose they might have changed that part to fit with Houses?
Sure! Sorry, this took a bit -- my OS is... a little broken, so I don't have access to a Japanese keyboard, which makes transcribing dialogue a massive pain. But I was curious about this interaction as well, so here's a translation of the final bit of their supports (... also with notes):
ユーリス:軽薄なふりして、以外と忠義者なんだな。 そういう筋の通った奴は嫌いじゃないぜ。 安心しな、今んとこ裏切る予定はねえよ。 これからも末永く仲良くしようぜ、御曹司 。
Yuri: You act all flippant, but you’re a surprisingly loyal guy. I can’t say I hate rational types like that. Don’t worry, I have no plans to betray you for now. Here’s to getting along for many years to come, nobleman.
シルヴァン:ああ、頼むぜ。お前はいろいろと 話が早いから、こっちも妙に落ち着く。
Sylvain: Yeah, let’s. Weirdly enough, it really calmed me down to settle things so quickly with you.
ユーリス:ほほう、これは相思相愛ってやつか? 逢瀬ならいつでも付き合ってやるが…… その時には、初めて会った時よりもマシな 文句で口説いてくれよ? あれは酷かった。 「 やあ、小鳥のように可憐なお嬢さん ! よかったら、少し向こうで話でも……」
Yuri: Oho, are you falling for me? [1] If you’re looking for a tryst, I’ll take you up on it any time, but… When that happens, make sure you use a better pick-up line than the one you went with when we first met, okay? That one was awful. “Hello, young lady! You’re as sweet as a little bird! If you’d like, why don’t we go over there for a chat...”
シルヴァン:ああもう、女の子だと勘違いしたのは 悪 かったって。散々謝っただろうが!
Sylvain: Sheesh, I said I’m sorry for mistaking you for a girl, already. Haven’t I apologized enough!?
ユーリス:あははは! 次代のゴーティエ辺境伯を からかう種が出来ちまったよなあ! 俺様は別に謝ってほしかったわけじゃねえ。 ほらこの顔だ、間違える奴だってよくいる。 というか、女だってことにしてでも、 お前と話をしとくべきだったとさえ思う。 次代の辺境伯閣下と、将来を見据えた 付き合いができるに越したことはねえしな。
Yuri: Ahahaha! It’ll be the cause of much teasing for the next generation’s Margrave Gautier! Not that I needed you to apologize or anything. With a face like mine, there’s plenty of people who make the same mistake. If anything, even if I had been a woman, I think I rather would’ve liked to have that chat with you. [2] With the future in mind, what could possibly beat getting to go out with Your Excellency, the Margrave-to-be?
シルヴァン:なんとまあ熱烈な口説き文句だこと……。 ……悪い気がしねえ俺もどうかしてるな。
Sylvain: Now there’s a passionate pick-up line… … and I must be crazy to not dislike it. [3]
ユーリス:そうだろう? 人を口説くってのは、 こういうふうにやるんだぜ、シルヴァン。
Yuri: Right? This is how you properly seduce people, Sylvain.
シルヴァン:ったく……本当に敵に回したくない奴だよ。 お前が成り上がった理由もわかる気がする。 これからも頼むぜ。 互いに将来を見据えた 付き合ってのを、しようじゃないか。
Sylvain: Man… You really aren’t someone I’d want to see on the enemy side. I can see how you rose up so quickly in the world. I’ll keep counting on you from now on, too. Why don’t we keep each other company as we look toward that future? [4]
Literally "is this a mutual love". Yuri lays it on pretty thick.
Not entirely sure about how to translate this line, so if anyone has better ideas, let me know; I think this is roughly what he means. :'D
Sylvain is still clearly interested in Yuri's date suggestion in Japanese, though more in a "I must be going crazy if I'm into this" way... not too surprised this was changed.
The Japanese phrase for "date" or "go out with" is 付き合う, but this can also just mean "accompany" or "go along with". This support, of course, plays around with that ambiguity. Sylvain's final line here could just as well be read as "why don't we date, then". (Sylvain is also calling back to Yuri's earlier "looking toward the future" remark here.)
There's nothing in the support that suggests Yuri is the man from Sylvain's Ingrid supports, and given Ingrid says that all happened when they were around 10 years old, I'm not sure it lines up timeline-wise, anyhow. That said, it's not like there's anything saying he's not, either.
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: Catching them off-guard by being naked
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Hii, I've noticed your requests are open. And i've been seeing your Ateez reactions recently, which are amazing. :D I just wondered, do you think you could do an Ateez reaction where their S.O. walks into the room naked while they are playing a game, working on music etc? (Kind of like that new Tik tok trend going around atm) x
Guuurl, sorry I waited so long to actually do something about this ask lol, but hopefully this will make you happy :)
Songs Listened To: X by CODE KUNST + LEE HI, FXXK It by BIGBANG, Dante’s Creek by THEY + DEAN, Baby Don’t Stop by NCT, Love Talk - Wayv, A Little Death by The Neighborhood
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Hongjoong ♡:
• This man was straight vibing and your sneaky ass just HAD to do something
• “Joong.”
• “Yeah?” he didn’t look up from the small journal, with which he was jotting down lyrics for a future song he was to produce for
• He kept his eyes trained on the pages
• And uh-uh, that wouldn’t do 😤
• You rolled your eyes and waltzed over to the boy, putting a hand on the shoulder of the chair so you could swing him around to face you, an eyebrow raised
• “Look at me.”
• And he sure as hell did dafdsaffwq
• Face said :O
• Doesn’t matter how many times he sees your nude body, still looks like a kid in a candy store lol
• To say he was completely distracted would be a huge understatement
• Hanky panky in his mini studio? Yessir
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Seonghwa ♡:
• Looking at this gif and listening to a slowed sexy song is gonna kill me istg
• Also, who let him act like a little hoe in their comeback? Keep your shirt down, mister, it’s not safe
• Gorl has nothing to do in his sparetime because he’s not too big of a gAMeR, but he does like to play phone games when he’s especially bored
• Would probably be playing like fuckin uhhhh candy crush or something when you said “lemme do sum a lil crazy 😌💅“
• You were kinda just curious to see what his reaction would be if you showed up witcha tiddies out
• So you got out the shower and half-assedly threw on a silk robe that Hwa got you for your birthday, not tying it or anything, but rather letting it slip off your damp shoulders while the front sat open and displayed your body for all to see
• His reaction when you leant against the doorframe and fake pouted?
• Immediate 📉
• Everday and night he’s gon chase you frfr
• “C’mere...,” He’d mumble, tossing his phone to the side 
• Level thirty-seven could wait ;)
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Yunho ♡:
• Playing pc games at home is one of his favorite things to do (He’s even said so)
• PC games are his go-to when he gets bored of console
• So he’s constantly in his lil gaming room so that if you’re ever sleeping, he doesn’t wake you up
• He was on a multiuplayer session of Valorant when you decided to ruin his gaymer grind
• F in the chat boys
• “Yunho?”
• “Yes?” He stops his hastily typed directions to his game buddies in favor of giving you a quick glance from his chair, and has to look over again to make sure he's seeing things right
• Yeah, he was definitely seeing the pretty rise of your breasts and smoothness of your thighs, revealed from the towel now on the floor, right. Especially the way both of those lovely attributes were becoming larger as you approached him
• "W-woah!" He rushes to shield his eyes, though you only giggle and swivel his chair around in order to straddle him, removing his hands from his face
• "What? Am I too repulsive to?"
• "No! No it's just...," Yunho trails off, letting out a shaky breath and trying his best to not stare so obviously. Literally just paying attention at anything but what you wanted him to
• You only grin, tilting his chin to you face you head-on, "It's ok to look, baby. Don't be so shy"
• a forgotten game and heated chair sex is what would lead to your surprise
• kiss kiss for baby 😘
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Yeosang ♡:
• We need more Yeosang gifs, this is ridiculous y'all ;(. Also, we're just... Not gonna talk about San on the side 💀
• Oh oh! And Yeosang getting bolder on stage is my favorite thing
• soooo snowboarding
• Yeosang said he likes to do that in his free time
• He'd just got a new custom board, which the front had lovely baby blue dripping forest face and the meaning of his name painted in black for the back, "Sound Resonating From A High Point."
• He was waxing it in the kitchen with it sat atop the island for easier space when he felt your arms slide around his waist, to which he smiled at, still continuing his work
• "Hello there," he mused
• "Baby, what would you do if I told you I was naked?"
• bitch hUH??
• He really did not waste time with turning in your hold and IMMEDIATELY looking down to see what you're wearing
• He chuckles upon , giving a cat whistle before bending down to set you on top of the counter
• "What's this for?"
• "Bored," you purse your lips, allowing yourself to lean back on your forearms as you spread your legs, "And you seemed like a good time-passer"
• Yeosang hums, falling to his knees easily enough and pulling you towards the edge of the island, then presses an affectionate kiss to your inner thigh
• "Fair enough"
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San ♡:
• San likes to spiffy up on his English, which is still pretty hard for him even if you assure him that he's doing just fine when he speaks it around your family
• That being said, you'll sometimes catch him at the table with a textbook in front of him and a language journal by the side that he uses to write small romanizations
• You were particularly bored today. And damn, was San looking good with his messy black hair and shirtless torso. He never really did wear shirts around the house.
• "Sannie," You sang from the doorframe, fresh out of the shower and a bit sexually frustrated considering San hadn't touched you for a couple weeks due to your busy schedule
• He hummed in acknowledgement, jotting something down in the journal as he alternated between both the book and notebook
• You knew he was busy but his English really wasn't bad, so it didn't need to be now. It could wait a bit longer
• Sighing, you drop the towel from your body and fling it at San, which makes him jump and pull it from off of his head, looking towards you immediately and gasping
• You put a hand on your hip, giggling at how he tries to calm himself down
• lol goofy boy
• "C'mon, I know you're tired, I can help you relax," you gesture with a finger in a beckoning motion, and like he was already planning on it, he hops up from his seat and follows you back to the bedroom
• sorry if this was kinda boring lol, let's just San could have literally any reaction and frankly, this is probably the most tame he would be
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Mingi ♡:
• Like Yunho in a lot of ways
• He does like to play games (probably PC, too), so you already know he'd be mashing that controller in the living room lol
• "Aww man, are you kidding me!?"
• Mingi gets shy, especially when it comes to you, so when you decided it'd be a good idea to step in front of the screen while he was playing Zelda with the towel around your body held open, he was a visual representation of keyboard mashing
• "Woah—Ohmygod-" [insert Minnie baby accidentally throwing his controller in his haste to cover his eyes]
• "You don't want me?" You ask, pouting and tilting your head
• His response is spreading two of the fingers across his eyes to peek, nodding his head frantically but trying to find the right words so he doesn't make you sad, "You just scared me is all! I don't wanna be rude by looking when you don't want me to or anything..."
• He takes his fingers away to hold them out instead, making grabby hands until you smile and crawl into them, in turn, climbing on top of his lap and letting him press his face into the valley between your breasts so he could kiss the skin there while looking at you
• "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea," he mumbles, nuzzling his head farther down
• "No baby, you're fine," You reassure him with a hand ruffling the strands of his hair
• sweet hanky panky alert 🚨 sweet hanky panky alert 🚨
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Wooyoung ♡:
• it's the large ass gif of Woo and his ponytail for me
• Oh and yeah, I know this doesn't quite fit theme of YOU walking in on them to flash your boobies but you're gonna keep your mouth shut and pretend it does 😏
• Another gamer.. damn this is getting repetitive
• hmmm
• Dance practice it is! 😃
• Woo doesn't like repeatedly practicing the same moves over and over again, but he did like the progress he made with each re-do, so he supposes he'll bear with the exhaustion
• Well.. obviously not now, because he's just walking through the bedroom door when he finally registers that you're sitting on the bed, lying on your stomach and scrolling through your phone with a leg raising your body go the side
• You snap your head to look at him, "Ah, there you are," you grin, pushing yourself up to a sitting position, "Thought you were gonna come home late again"
• Wooyoung let's out a snort as he closes the door behind him and drops his dance bag to the side, already taking his inky black hair out of the ponytail it was previously in and shaking it loose
• "What a nice surprise"
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Jongho ♡:
• No thoughts, only buff babie
• And how he sung "sex in the morning baby" with a scary amount of aggression
• lol it makes sense that sweetie likes to play racing games on his computer
• LITerally so precious ;(
• Same trope (yes I'm a disappointment); Jongie plopped onto his lil chair with a fluffy blanket around his shoulders and headphones on that cute little head of his
• He said "I love playing car games, vroom vroom y'all 😤"
• And you said "I love playing surprise games, yes yes 😈"
• Gorl, when I tell you he squeaked out of surprise at how you turned his chair around to face you ;(
• "Uhh... Am I- Am I supposed to be looking?" He stammers, eyebrows raised and eyes locked on your bare front
• "By all means, baby," you purr, shaking your head with a familiar fondness at the boy in awe before you
• Just like Joong, he never tires of seeing you naked. He loves looking at you when you're nude, because it's when he can appreciate all aspects of you
• "Hang on, let me pause the game, I'll meet you in the bedroom"
• Getting intimate with Jongho is quite easy. He'll pretty much always say yes to sex, and it's pretty casual when you hint at it
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prospektsghost · 3 years
a little 2doc ficlet i was thinking about and decided to write, i have left tumblr and this blog for a while but this is something i came up with?? my first time writting in english since its not my first language
anywas HBD ya filthy old man
Cold. He always feels cold.
He tries to warm his hands, but he never can, and only assumes that he is trapped with this cold all his life.
"Do you ever regret it? Selling your soul I mean".
He had forgotten that 2D was by his side, somehow 2D... Stuart was always there.
Murdoc thinks about what the singer has just said, but his whole life has been a lot of horrible situations and after selling his soul... well.
He has his band, he has Noodle, who is like a daughter to him
He never imagined himself as a family man, but he had that weakness for her.
Russel! Russel was more like his father, since Noodle was little, Russel had taken more care of her than he had.
But she turned out to be... more like him.
Just like him.
What a role model he was.
And then there was 2D, dents, faceache, "D", Stu.
He takes a long drag on his cigarette.
He finally responds after thinking about it for a long time, and realizes that his cigarette had been consumed, he clicks his tongue.
2D approaches him and Murdoc has to look up to see the expression on the keyboard player's face.
"You can have mine."
He says and goes closer to give him the cigarette, the blue-haired man has a smile on his face and Murdoc remembers how 2D is always at his disposal, he watches the boy ... no. The middle-aged man he sees in front of him, and for once in his life, really reads the expression on his companion's face.
And he doesn't like it.
But… he takes the offered object anyway.
"Got a light? left mine inside the house" he asks, raising the cigar to his lips.
2D takes the lighter out of his jacket bag, and as soon as he reaches for his hand to light the cigarette that is now between the bassist's lips, he feels the difference in temperatures between his hands when they have contact due to the proximity.
"Murdoc, you're freezing," he says as he lights the cigarette. "Why don't we go in with the others?"
After the cigarette is lit, Murdoc quietly mutters a "thank you" so slowly that he has 2D thinking about if he had imagined it, but as soon as he listens to the younger’s suggestion, his expression changes and after taking another drag he responds.
"No, no. I'm fine here. You go if you want" Murdoc pats him on the shoulder, but 2D is a stubborn son of...
"Come on, there must still be pizza in the fridge..." 2D persuades, grabbing his wrist and walking towards the entrance of the house, and at that the bass player tries to get away.
"Oi, no!" He makes a sharp pull that gets the singer to release him, but then he does not know if the pull or 2D's face hurts more when he turns to see him.
"Ok Mudz," says the boy, Murdoc will never stop seeing him as such, he realizes. As if they were still in old Kong. "I'll go".
2D stays until he nods, and turns to go inside the warm interior of the house.
Murdoc should be with them, he would like to but ... he still hasn't allowed himself to forget what he'd done to them.
He thinks about 2D's question before.
"Do you ever regret it?"
All the time.
He stays outside, in the cold, that he thinks is a representation of his whole being, since he was a child he has been cold, Sebastian never took good care of them, they had a house, yes, but this fell from dirt and debris, they had no food, the money was spent by his father on drugs and alcohol and Murdoc could not even protect himself from the cold that always entered through the window of his room.
And he realizes that he has become like his dad.
The front door opens and the sound frightens him a bit, loud noises always remind him of the old Niccals home despite all these years, causing Murdoc to drop the cigarette in the snow and it instantly goes out.
“Russel told me that if you were going to be here outside the path of a jacket, but all the ones you have in your room are made of leather and I don't think they are very good at working against the cold Murdoc…”
2D begins to ramble on and Murdoc no longer hears what he's saying why he suddenly feels warm, and not just because of the jacket the singer puts on his shoulders and smells like butter sugar candy.
“... so you can have mine”.
Unconsciously he smells 2D’s scent that now surrounds him, completely changing his, which he had inadvertently tried to replicate from his father.
2D fixes the jacket and smiles when Murdoc decides to put it on precisely.
“Shut up”.
2D's smile widens.
“I didn’t say anything”
Murdoc is surprised when 2D helps him to raise the zipper and looks at the singer, who now is watching him too, but he has to bow his head to do it and despite the calm face of the minor, Murdoc feels anger.
He doesn't like them to see from a higher place than him.
And 2D was that, taller, more handsome, his voice sounded like an angel's, talented, but he was stupid as shit.
Yes, and whose fault is it?
He feels his hands that had been at his side being taken, and 2D rubs them with his own, completely changing his line of thought.
"You're still cold," he says, and Murdoc doesn't process what Stuart wants to do and stops him when he brings his hands together to his mouth to blow warm breath against them.
Murdoc jerks them away, but 2D holds them tight against his so that Murdoc won't do something like... hit him.
"W-what the hell ...?!
“Murdoc …”
2D still doesn't let go of his hands and Murdoc gets tired of fighting, he's old now, too old.
And he's tired, tired of not enjoying himself and always running away from the things that make him feel good.
Of the things that make him feel loved.
2D's hands release his and Murdoc misses the contact immediately.
“How can you be so tender with me when I …”
“I do not know.”
He doesn't know? He doesn’t know?!
“I don't know why I put up with you” although his tone is calm, Murdoc knows that he's half joking half telling the truth.
Murdoc thinks that the minor has reconsidered and thought about how all these years he has made his life impossible, why he is insane, Murdoc is obsessed with him.
Stuart can no longer see Murdoc's face, since at his confession the older man has lowered his head, avoiding his gaze.
He looks ... vulnerable.
Like every night, when Murdoc no longer had to put on a show in front of everyone, he drank all his worries and he was there for him, Murdoc an open book of all bad decisions and violent childhood before him.
Like in Plastic Beach.
Stuart doesn't remember Plastic Beach with much appreciation, but he had seen the real Murdoc there.
He gets closer to the dark-haired man, who keeps his head down, thinking about how brilliant he is, how he used to admire him and although he doesn't really tell him how he feels, his songs are the ones that speak for him.
He has tried to change, but in the meantime he is also moving away from them.
He knows that Murdoc is sick, he is twisted inside, his father and brother may be the cause of that, because he is also afraid of being abandoned.
But they are not like the Niccals.
He will not abandon you.
"You are very complicated for me," he grabs the elder's hips, and Murdoc does not fight when he approaches him slowly. “But I am a renegade when it comes to you”.
Murdoc opens his eyes, remembering the song Stuart is quoting.
He had been in jail when “the now now” ... 2D creation came out, but when he escaped and traveled with them again, the giant screen with his face behind him had stunned him.
“Why do you look so beautiful when you are so sad?”
"Stuart..." Murdoc says with a warning tone, but he has used his real name, the one he always uses when he is serious and neither has he moved away from him or pushed him away.
Then Stuart continues humming the song, but now crouched so that he can whisper it in the brunette's ear and he feels how he shudders to hear his voice so close.
And he knows what his voice produces for Murdoc, he has always been in love with his voice.
When he feels the bassist lay his head on his shoulder, he smiles.
“Stuart, I'm not cold anymore”.
2D laughs, knows what that means and better walks away from him, Murdoc needs his space right now, but maintains a grip on the eldest forearms.
He doesn't know what causes him to say his real name, but he and Murdoc have known each other for years, long before Russel and Noodle.
Murdoc knows him too well and knows what contact is for Stuart.
He is interrupted from staring at the man in front of him when the door opens for the umpteenth time that night and Stu does not miss the way he shudders at the noise.
"If a couple of addicts don't come in, you'll catch a cold and I'm not going to take care of you!" Russel leans out and the two can see Noodle behind him, chuckling and gesturing for them to come in and the drummer wouldn’t get angry at them for staying outside.
Stuart turns his head to look at Murdoc, who is still looking at the door where the others went, but is smiling and his face looks calmer compared to earlier.
But he comes to his senses and when he notices 2D's hands on his forearms and the way he's looking at him, his throat clears.
"L-let's go before he gets all… you know" Murdoc makes some gestures with his hands and Stuart smiles.
Cute. I would never describe a person like Murdoc that way, but when the man grabs part of his sleeve to pull him in, that's what he thinks.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 267: My Name Is
Previously on BnHA: Hawks stabbed Twice in the back of the head. Twice stabbed another guy in the back of the head. Everyone’s just running around stabbing or being stabbed. I should probably clarify that Twice actually died, because this is a shounen manga, so sometimes you have to clarify that this particular stabbing was actually fatal. Not just one of those flesh wound stabbings. Anyway so it was super sad, and now Dabi’s gonna face off with the sexy scarred murderous Hawks, and Toga and Compress are also going to be feeling a bit stabby after all this probably, and so that’s the general mood here I guess. I kind of need a break now so I’m wondering if we’re gonna cut to any of the kids. Because if we stick around Horikoshi may actually have to give us Dabi flashbacks. God forbid.
Today on BnHA: Tokoyami has a flashback to when Hawks told him he’s weak to being set on fire. This terrible thought weighs on his mind as he and the other lads and lasses of U.A.’s child soldier vanguard are escorted away from the battle via Fatgum and his absolute goat of a quirk. Dabi is all “:D you killed Twice, I’m gonna set you on fire repeatedly now” and Hawks is all “ffff no that’s my weakness also WHO ARE YOU” and WE GET SOME HAWKS FLASHBACKS?! and then Dabi is all “:DDDDDD [CENSORED]” and it’s literally fucking censored fuck my life. but also !!! because he actually fucking said it, though?? He really went and revealed it just like that?? And now Hawks knows, and he’s all shocked, and Dabi goes to kill him afterwards but TOKOYAMI IS ALL “ON YOUR LEFT!!!!” and OH SHIT. Also Endeavor saves Miruko so DOUBLE OH SHIT. Oh my god. I’m sorry this summary is all over the place but I can barely type a coherent sentence now so just TAKE THESE EXCLAMATION POINTS AND GO!!! SPREAD THE WORD. BE FREE.
everyone before we begin I would just like to tell you about my discovery this week. I learned that when I type the word “Dabi” on my phone the next word that the keyboard predicts is “flashbacks.” google keyboard is on to me. so now the FBI and the CIA and whoever else google is selling all my data to all know. I can only imagine. “she seems to spend an inordinate amount of time talking about ‘Dabi flashbacks.’ what’s a Dabi.” I’ll tell you what a Dabi is. it’s a guy whose fucking flashbacks we never fucking get that’s what
anyway so let’s read this chapter whose spoiler tags have already been filling up my dashboard, which is always a good sign. who will die this week? Horikoshi please have mercy on us in light of recent real life global events. maybe you can just have everyone abruptly decide that they are all done fighting and want to go home
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first color page, that this medium would one day soar to such great heights. who could have imagined that we would one day be witness to this masterwork, this magnificent fucking triumph of a colored manga page. holy shit. I will cherish this always
for real you all think I’m joking but I genuinely don’t want to scroll down lol. let’s just stay with Miruko forever. where it is safe. and sexy. goddammit
anyways but lol
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guys. we’ve been over this. fire is everyone’s weakness. just. I’m not quite sure people like Hawks and Kamui Woods actually grasp that. do they think normal people catch on fire and they’re just “oh, this is actually all right.” also, side note kids, please don’t use this answer if this ever comes up during a job interview
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what a gamechanging plan of action. don’t catch on fire. Toko write that down
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first gag panel, that this format would one day ascend to such lofty summits. who could have envisaged that we would one day behold such a showpiece, such a grand fucking slam of a joke panel in a shounen manga
anyway Horikoshi sure does love his English portmanteaus. I’m kind of stunned by how great this is you guys. but getting back to more serious observations, all I can say is thank fucking god somebody is actually thinking of the children! nothing terrible had better happen to them or I swear!!
so Fatgum is explaining that the plan was to have them use their respective quirks to help take out a bunch of bad guys at once, and that the grown-ups will now proceed to rope them all in and capture them. and dammit, I was trying to avoid having to post the panel because it takes forever if I post a lot of them, but I just noticed Mt. Lady over there stomping fools in the background and so now I have no choice
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A+ chapter so far you guys. 5 stars. keep it up
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one-and-a-half year-old Kaminari Denki has already fallen asleep. he wishes he could live there. I wish I had the words to adequately convey how utterly delighted I have been by this entire “everyone rides around in Fatgum’s belly” mini-arc, which is now my favorite part of the entire series (as always with the exception of “Dear Midoriya I’m really sorry”)
and I also just really love the timing of it?? right after the “here’s that angst you ordered” emotional sobfest of the last chapter, we’re taking a quick break to cut back to the Fatgum Express (excuse me, Fataxi) just to keep things from getting too heavy. this is such an important balance to strike. please don’t let this arc get too dark, Horikoshi
oh shit
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right, Dabi?? but I’ve had an entire week to process my feelings about it and I’m more or less good now! how are you
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not particularly great, then
and also, fuck. so Horikoshi was gracious enough not to show Twice’s murdered body even though he confirmed he was indeed killed (so apologies to anyone who was still holding out hope. it sucks but at least we’ve got closure). first he cuts off the bottom of the panel, and then he has Dabi literally cremate him on the fucking spot. there’s really going to be nothing left at all of him or any of the clones. I’m just gonna sit here and try not to think about that or else I’ll get sad all over again
anyway, so also Hawks’s wings have been totally incinerated now it looks like, and he’s just barely yeeting himself out of the way with whatever he’s got left
boy this is getting rough
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love how Horikoshi is avoiding showing Dabi’s face!! that was sarcasm by the way because I don’t love it! he pulls this shit all the time with Bakugou too! show us their emotions dammit!
anyway. how kind of Dabi to stomp out Hawks’s flames for him like that. you see. they’re still friends
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like. not to nitpick or anything, but your tear glands are actually located above your eyes. maybe he means his tear ducts. also I’m not a doctor or anything and I can barely name like three bones actually so maybe I should just shut up!
anyways though, out of courtesy let’s just take Dabi at his word that grinning like a deranged lunatic is a perfectly normal response to watching your friend get murdered by your sexy archenemy. who is to say
and what exactly is your dream again? to make Stain’s will a reality or something like that? so purging the world of false heroes I guess?
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most people would at least scream, wouldn’t they? Hawks??? does that not hurt??!
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no!! I won’t be fooled!! Horikoshi and Dabi flashbacks is like Wile E. Coyote and painting a fake tunnel onto a cliffside! don’t be conned by his deceitful forced perspective!
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apparently this man really will do anything to keep us from getting a Dabi flashback, even if that means giving us Hawks flashbacks instead lmao. WELL SHOOT. OH DARN. POOR US. WE’LL JUST HAVE TO SETTLE try not to look too happy guys he can sense satisfaction
anyway so here’s baby Hawks
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okay, so -- does fandom still hate Hawks. like, I haven’t checked the bnha tag much since this weekend so I don’t know if the general consensus is still “yeah he’s cancelled” or if we’re cooling down at all yet? anyway so I apologize if liking Hawks is still A Wrong Thing To Do, but just fyi he’s still adopted and I haven’t unadopted him and I love him unconditionally even though he’s in timeout. and so now that Baby Hawks has appeared to rival all other Baby Characters (BABY YODA WATCH YOUR SIX!!) with his lil wings and his Endeavor plush and his quiet lil nodding head, I just need you all to know that I would die for him without hesitation and that’s just how it is friends
(ETA: also, jesus christ. “Keigo-kun, you can say goodbye to your name from now on!" I’m surprised they didn’t assign him a fucking number. what the fuck. time for some grueling training, lab rat #184. better get ready. jesus. he’s like 7.)
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snap. gotta calm down. too much hype all of a sudden. easy does it
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noooo go back. fuck
and how the hell do you still have eyebrows, Hawks. how are you still even alive, let alone sexy. is fire your weakness?? is it really??! WELCOME TO BNHA THE MANGA WHERE ANYONE CAN SURVIVE ANYTHING. EXCEPT FOR BEING KILLED OFF-SCREEN AFTER WEEKS AND WEEKS OF BUILDUP
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what the fuck. is this a Tarantino movie. or an Eminem song. anyway but we all know what he actually said though so let’s just scroll down and see how Hawks is going to take the news
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oh my. I suddenly understand Dabi’s “grinning like a lunatic” reaction to witnessing a tragedy now. ohhhhhh that’s the good angst right there
so now Dabi says that if he wasn’t Hawks’s target in the beginning, then Hawks “would’ve been done for from the start”? ...what. lol what. am I just too tired to understand this you guys. I’m so confused
okay well I still have no fucking clue what that all meant but on the next panel he’s saying that Hawks shouldn’t have been focusing on Tomura or the League
is he suggesting that he has the power to bring down the hero system by revealing that he, the son of Endeavor, was made into a villain? am I reading into this right?
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holy moses. I can’t believe this is really happening. this plotline is finally on the move oh my god I can’t even I’m getting way too excited I can’t??
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well it matters to me you big melodramatic jerk!! don’t even pretend like you’re really gonna do it. I have zero fear of Hawks actually dying right now, not after that. there is way too much plot attached to him, gtfo with this fakeout shit
but more importantly, why the fuck are we cutting to Gigantomachia now oh shit. don’t tell me Fatgum got the babies out of there just in time
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let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the [deep breath] FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --
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okay like any reasonable person I am very concerned by the implications of this. and yet a part of me just wants to focus entirely on the “AM I GETTING TIRED AFTER LOSING AN ARM AND A SHITLOAD OF BLOOD AND FIGHTING FIVE NOUMUS ALL BY MYSELF FOR LIKE AN HOUR? ...NAH.” you’re absolutely right Miruko that would be ridiculous
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either she’s about to die and she knows it, or SHE WAS JUST TOYING WITH THEM WHAAAAT. I genuinely don’t even know which it is?? but it better not be the former and it absolutely is the latter though
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excuse me did this guy just fucking impale her
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SHE ONLY HAS THE ONE GOOD HAND LEFT LIKE CAN YOU PLEASE. can you fucking not, though?! and also I forgot that being impaled through the torso is another thing in this series that’s actually fatal. well fuck
(ETA: also he ripped out her hair!! look here you piece of shit I’m gonna --)
lmao but yeah, somehow
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Horikoshi. if you kill off your one cool strong top ten female hero character. just so you know. I will. ...you know what, just don’t do it, how about that. just don’t
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ohhhhhh I might be about to get really mad you guys. we’ll see. we’lllllll see
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GODDAMMIT, OBVIOUSLY TOMURA CAN’T FUCKING DIE SO WHY DON’T YOU FUCK OFF WITH THIS ENTIRE SCENARIO YOU’RE PRESENTING TO US RIGHT NOW HORIKOSHI, HOW ABOUT THAT. fuck everything I can’t believe chapter 267 page 16 was the last page of the entire manga you guys. tell me I’m reading way too much into this
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you literally had the perfect chapter. Fataxi!! Baby Hawks!! censored Touya reveals!! why would you go and. ...
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I knew it was a mistake reading past that amazing color page you guys
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-- AND AGAIN!!!!!
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y’all. I was this close to cancelling every damn thing. you don’t even know. my god I think I was grinding my teeth there
“you know what this manga has had quite enough of as of last week? tragic deaths! you know what it has not had nearly enough of? dramatic last minute saves! you know what it hasn’t had any of? TOKOYAMI VERSUS DABI, A.K.A. YOUR NEW FAVORITE MATCH-UP OF ALL TIME, YOU’RE FUCKING WELCOME.” geez. calm down Horikoshi. be cool man be cool
you guys. it was almost perfect, and then it wasn’t, and then it very much was. my god. how did I not see that Tokoyami save coming with all that buildup in hindsight. clearly he saw the fire on page four and was all “oh no! his weakness”
only thing is. it’s yours too, bud. :/ don’t think I’ve forgotten how this all played out during the forest arc. and meanwhile on top of that we’ve got Gigantomachia about to have the rudest of awakenings. goddammit. why is everything so dangerous and so awesome thanks I love it but geez
287 notes · View notes
summertime sadness .4.
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Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (oral)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: You settle into your new job but can’t get too comfortable.
Note: Okey, dokey. Here’s the fun part (for me at least). Still tryna figure out how exactly this one will pan out by part 6 but we’re all having a ride together, eh. Thanks everyone for their support and I love you all! 💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
It had only been a few weeks since your last visit to the university but it felt longer as you walked onto campus. Just as planned, you were due to meet Bucky in his office. He texted you as you rode the subway. He was eager to start his ‘marking’. You smirked and wondered how long he’d last at that.
You entered the English Building, the elevator back in service and empty. Not many instructors were in their offices on a Saturday and most students were hungover or readying for another party. You knocked on Bucky’s door before you entered. He had a stack of essays on his desk as he sat behind them listlessly.
“Finally,” He said.
“I slept in.” You replied. “For the first time in a week.”
“Then you’ll have lots of energy,” He reached below his desk, the sound of his zipper discernible beneath it. “I’ve got about forty papers here.”
“Forty? And how many do you think you’ll get to?”
“Knowing that mouth, maybe one.” He snickered. “Come on, baby, I’m rock hard over here.”
He rolled his chair back as you neared and set your purse down behind his desk. He slapped your ass and you got to your knees. You grinned up at him as you ducked under his desk and gripped his thighs as he pushed closer. You pulled down his briefs and his cock sprung out. He groaned and grabbed his pen.
“Fuck,” He swore under his breath. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this, baby.”
“You’ve got marking to do,” You reprimanded and stroked him. “Now get to work.”
You stretched your lips over his tip and he groaned. He slid closer and you could hear the clumsy scratching of his pen on paper. As he reached the back of your throat, his leg twitched. You pushed past your gag reflex and he nearly choked. You pulled back and felt the shiver in him.
“Mmm,” He hummed and flipped a page. “Just like that.”
The sloppy sounds of your mouth added to the flutter above, the scribbles of ink. You bobbed your head steadily, every now and then forcing him to your limit and holding him there. And then you stopped as a knock came at the door. You both froze.
“Shit,” He pushed himself against the desk entirely and trapped you underneath it. The front shielded you from view on the other side. “Keep going.”
“Slowly, quietly.” He grabbed his dick and slapped it against your lips. “Now.” He cleared his throat and shoved your head down as he glided into your mouth again. “Come in.” He called and the door opened.
Your eyes widened as he pulled his hand away. You carefully dragged your tongue along his length.
“Hey,” He greeted in a smooth tone. “Tanya.��
“Sorry to disturb,” His visitor replied. “I was just grabbing some stuff from my office and I just remembered I still had this.”
A thump sounded on the top of the desk as you slobbered down his cock.
“Thanks,” He said and squeezed his legs around you. “I almost forgot myself if I’m being honest.”
“I owe you one,” She said. You recognized her voice. She taught the other section of journalism, though you had her for a social movements class in your first year. “Maybe a drink. I could hang around til you finish with those.”
“Ah, you know, I wish I could,” He lamented. “But I promised a buddy I’d swing around to watch the game.”
You kept from gagging and held your breath, afraid to give yourself away.
“You don’t seem like the sports type,” She countered.
“Not really but a few beers and I am,” He dismissed her easily.
“You sure you’re not avoiding me?” Her toe tapped impatiently just on the other side of the desk.
“Avoiding you?” He chuckled. A slight quaver in his voice as you swirled your tongue around his tip. “Why would I be doing that?”
“Well… Ever since our little… you know…” She hesitated to say it aloud.
“I thought we agreed that it was just a little fun.” He said and you stopped suddenly. He nudged you with his toe and you wrapped your lips around him once more. “A drunken bit of fun.”
“Hmmm…” She sounded disappointed. “You free tomorrow?”
“Sorry, maybe next weekend,” He said. “But I really gotta finish here.”
“Okay, okay,” She accepted with a trill. “We’ll sort out a time then.”
“Sure,” He confirmed unconvincingly. “Next weekend. See ya.”
“Bye,” Her voice was cheerier as her heels clicked back across the floor and the door opened and closed once more.
You tried to pull away but he caught your head and held you down as he emptied himself down your throat. You choked and smacked at his thigh as he cupped his sac with his other hand. He left your mouth salty and sore as he slipped out and rolled back with a sigh.
You spit his cum into your hand and crawled out from under the desk. “What the fuck?”
“Sorry, I had to-- fuck, I almost came with her right there.” He grabbed a tissue and handed it to you.
“You could’ve warned me,” You wiped your hand off with a grimace. “What was that anyway? Did you fuck her?”
“Why? You jealous?” He cleaned himself up and zipped up his pants.
“No,” You rolled your eyes. “But I did just suck you off within two feet of her as she obviously wanted to do the same.”
He laughed and pushed his shoulders back. “It was months ago. Before… us. There was a conference, there was wine, and I regret it.” He sighed. “And she looks back on it fondly but… lots of teeth and she was stiff as a fucking board.”
“Wow,” You said dryly and wiped your mouth. “You know, I’m barely surprised.”
“This… thing between you and I, it’s not--”
“It’s just a bit of fun. Trust me, I get it. I haven’t got time for anything but.” You tossed the kleenex in the small bin beside his desk. “Right? That’s what it is?”
“So much fun,” He assured you. “You wanna hang around till I’m finished?”
“Thought you already were,” You jibed. His brow furrowed and you grinned. “Sure,” You pulled up a chair. “I got nothing better to do.”
“Well, don’t sound so excited,” He said. “Besides, I might need some more help sooner than later.”
You scribbled along the margin of your agenda and dropped the pen. The keys clacked beneath your fingers as you typed up a manic sentence. Your screen glowed back at you as the seconds ticked by with each letter. So enthralled by your task that the speck in your peripheral gave you a start.
You leaned back and turned your chair to face the man watching you. Loki’s lithe fingers swept up your golden pen and he admired the engraved letters beneath the fluorescent light. You watched him nervously as you pushed yourself away from your keyboard.
“Mr. Laufeyson.” You greeted him meekly. “I am just finishing the blurb you wanted.”
“Hard at work, as always,” He mused as he carefully set the pen back on your desk. “A beautiful pen…”
“A gift,” You smiled awkwardly.
“Well, I hate to interrupt you so I will let you finished,” His fingers brushed along your desk and he leaned on it as he casually cross his right leg in front of the other. “But when you have, I would like a moment in my office before you leave for the day.”
“Of course,” You affirmed. “It shouldn’t be more than twenty minutes.”
“As you will,” He stood straight and smoothed his jacket and buttoned it. “Then you are free to enjoy your weekend.”
“Okay,” You nodded and he turned away. 
You watched him go, his strides long but lingering as he retreated to his office. The usual crowd had thinned out and Stacey was readying for her own departure. You spun back to your computer and resumed your work. Your second week down and not a stumble yet. You dared to be proud of yourself. Even, to be happy.
Another weekend ahead of you and you weren’t entirely excited. You liked being in the office; liked working with the other journalists, writers, and editors. Enjoyed your chance to shadow one of the most powerful men in New York publishing. And he had achieved it all at such a young age. You could only hope to achieve as much in the next fifteen years. 
It was more than a bullet point for your resume, it was your own paradise.
So you finished up your blurb and attached it to an email. You logged out and packed up your agenda and pen beside your laptop. You pushed your chair in as you hooked your bag over your shoulder and trod tentatively to Loki’s office. You knocked on the open door and he looked away from his screen.
“Ah, there you are,” He beckoned you in with a wave. “Close the door behind you, please.”
You glanced back into the main office and did as he said. You stepped inside and sat across from him, your bag set down against the leg of the chair. His green eyes focused on you and he tilted his head as he absently traced his fingers over his phone. You fidgeted as you struggled not to shy away.
“I just wanted to check in,” He said. “And I was recently reviewing your references.”
“My references?” You wondered.
“Mmm,” He hummed. “Your professors speak highly of you. One of the reasons I even considered a second year, let alone one who had so suddenly changed majors, was a certain word on your behalf.”
“Okay?” You were confused and gripped the arms of the chair as you blinked at him dumbly.
“James Barnes has earned his tenure at the university and on occasion, he has written pieces for my own magazine. A respectable writer, admirable in his work both in teaching and otherwise. And when he proposed this workshop, the tours, I thought it was a charming idea. He proved me right so I had no doubt when he spoke to me of you.”
You gulped but said nothing. Your stomach churned and you brought your hands together and wrung them.
“You see,” He lifted his phone and blindly unlocked it. “You have lived up to his reference and your work is commendable…” He smirked as he flicked a finger across the screen. “But I still questions the veracity of his endorsement as I find his integrity has come into doubt.”
He set his phone down and slid it across the desk. He nodded for you to pick it up. You slid forward on your chair and took it. Your lips parted in horror as you stared at the screen. It was you and Bucky in the bookshop, your lips locked and his arms wrapped around you. You looked up, mortified, as the phone shook in your grasp.
“I…” The breath went out of you and you put the phone back on the desk before it could fall. “How did you--”
“It’s a quaint little shop.” He purred. “I venture in every now and then.”
You chewed your lip as your cheeks burned.
“You do realize that this could be… damaging. To you more than him.” He stood slowly and came around the desk to stand before you. “He has tenure, he is established. You, my dear, you’re barely getting started.”
You gaped up at him. The pet name unsettled you and you wiped your sweaty hands on your thighs.
“And aside from the ethical dilemma, I do wonder what a girl your age sees in a man his age. Especially when your work speak so boldly on its own.”
You shook your head, speechless.
“Surely there are boys your own age who would be delighted to offer you… companionship.”
“I never… I would never use him like that.” You insisted. “It’s all… my work. My own work.”
“Oh, I know it, dear,” He said as his lips curled. “But to risk that work on him? On an affair better fit to a dime store erotica?”
“Are you-- Are you going to report him? Me?” You asked. “Am I fired?”
“Well,” He leaned on the desk, his long fingers gripped it’s edge as he leered down at you. “That depends on you, my dear.”
“Me?” You squeaked.
“Oh yes, this is a very powerful secret, don’t you think?” He slithered. “And in our business, well, it would sell.”
“What do you want?” You asked.
He pushed himself away from the desk and reached to tickle your cheek. His fingers crawled along your chin and he brushed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“I haven’t yet made up my mind,” He bent so that his face was only inches from yours. “But when I do, my dear, you will appease me, won’t you?”
You shuddered but didn’t pull away. You were too frightened. A lock of his dark hair fell forward as his pale skin shone sinister in the lamp light. His green eyes bore into yours and you wanted desperately too look away.
“Y-yes,” You stammered weakly. “I--I will.”
“Very good,” He drew away slowly. “Now, darling, go enjoy your weekend.” He scooped up his phone and tucked it in his pocket. “And give the professor my regards.”
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asgardian--angels · 4 years
Recommend some good folk metal music please
:D i never thought i’d see the day when someone actually wants to know more about the music i listen to *cracks knuckles* my time has come
I apologize in advance for this novel. Feel free to skip to the recommended tracks lol.
Most folk metal comes out of northern Europe (Finland, heavily) though you can find it all over the world (Hu Band comes to mind but I mean, it’s on every continent). I am one of those people with like, a small handful of favorite bands that I listen to mercilessly so I am sure that I am only representing a miniscule percentage of what’s available out there. What’s great is that folk metal is much more versatile than many other genres in its sound; the essence of folk metal is simply to 1) utilize traditional (or rather, in the sense of a metal band, non-traditional) instruments such as violin, accordion, brass ensemble, bagpipes, what have you, and 2) have lyrical themes which revolve around regional folklore, mythology, cultural heritage, or place (what I particularly like is a frequent reverence and respect for nature). Other genres of metal (death, black) have the second element but not the first, and tend to incorporate darker overall tones and consistently harsher or lo-fi vocal styles and sounds. Folk metal can be a gateway genre into metal and can often be quite hopepunk (if you will). Because of these criteria, the actual sound of folk metal can range from sea shanties to ‘spooky walk in the midnight woods’ to scathing social commentary to SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SH
Basically you can find a range of styles within the genre that fit what you’re looking for, from those that have an orchestral, ballad feel, to things that border on death metal but have a hurdy-gurdy in there. There’s also a much higher percentage of female-led folk metal bands than other metal genres.
I’ll go through my top picks.
Turisas. These motherfuckers. My boys.
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Turisas is based in Finland, but sing primarily in English (with occasional Finnish, a smidge of Greek and Swedish too). Four albums out to date, fifth in progress. Sound is absolutely fucking bonkers god tier shit, if I may say so myself. Every single song sounds like you’ve been transported into an Iliad metal musical. Heavy use of a full orchestra and choir, along with sick violin and accordion solos. Their lyrical themes focus heavily on ancient Greco-Roman and Viking military history - but before you raise any red flags, rest assured they’re liberal as fuck and trust me the tea is scalding when Mathias feels like making a Point about Then and Now. No seriously, I don’t know how to express the beauty and depth of his songwriting - Mathias Nygård is an incredibly talented composer, musician, and songwriter (nay, POET), and an extremely intelligent and down to earth guy. There are plenty of bands that are happy to write Viking songs about pillaging and glorious death in battle and all that (Alestorm comes to mind), those are a dime a dozen. Turisas makes history come to life in a way that transports you back in time and thrusts you into the living breathing world of the past. They deal with the horrors and tragedy of war from both sides, consequences and motivations, fears and pride and loss, home and family, despair and hope. They write songs about people, big and small, and their role in weaving the great tapestry of history. And the best part is that it’s informed - Mathias does his damn research and the tales he tells are rooted in fact. He brings them to life so we can experience what it must have been like for those real living people, with the goal of forcing us to confront our own selves in them. He’s a modern Homer, I shit you not. 
Did I mention there’s a song about pirates that’s actually really complex and nuanced, about how the hypocrisy and vile colonialist deeds of emperors makes them no different than the criminals they persecute?
Or that they do a badass cover of Rasputin?? yeah?????
Anyway enough gushing. Their second and third albums (The Varangian Way, Stand Up And Fight) are consecutive concept albums that follow the story of the Varangian Guard (the legendary Viking battalion that defended Alexander the Great) so the songs are actually chronologically linked to tell this epic tale. It’s a fucking listen, lads. The Varangian Way is probably my favorite album. But all their albums are top notch. 
My favorite songs: End of An Empire (this one comes for 2020 hard), Piece by Piece (AKA die fascists 2k20), Cursed Be Iron, Among Ancestors, Greek Fire, Miklagard Overture (you gotta earn this song tho, it’s the finale)
Good first listen picks/hits: Battle Metal, To Holmgard and Beyond, March of the Varangian Guard, Ten More Miles, One More
Finntroll. These other motherfuckers. My other boys.
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Another big name in the Finnish folk metal scene. As you can see, their band revolves both aesthetically and musically around Scandinavian troll folklore. Yall weird elf-fuckers who like the really big ears? Here you go. Look at those ears. They’re good friends with Turisas. Both love their facepaint.
Musical style leans much more towards black and death metal influenced, with a heavier, fuller sound and growling vocals. But it’s an incredibly rich and creative aural tapestry, with layers of masterfully executed sound that’s a real delight to lose yourself in. Use of fiddle, brass, keyboard, accordion, and banjo, and strong folk melodies make their sound unmistakable and unique. They are known for their ‘black humppa’ beat, which basically gives the effect of feeling the primal need to stomp around loudly to their music. It’s great cardio. They also utilize orchestra in some great intro tracks. They know their stuff.
The majority of their songs are sung in Swedish (they do some English cover songs which are FANTASTIC holy SHIT), but don’t let that stop you. The mood and power and emotion of their music transcend language, and you can be sure the lyrics are about either trolls, witches, the dark woods, spirits, or something of that ilk. I think Swedish as a language works very well with this kind of music, and honestly having it in English would lose something. 
They have been around a long time and so have many albums, but I personally have only listened to the last three which feature their current singer, Mathias Lillmåns, whom I adore. Those albums are Nifelvind, Blodsvept, and their recent release Vredesvävd (that i’ve had on repeat since I got it three weeks ago). I’m sure their other ones are great too, I just can’t make a personal recommendation since I haven’t heard them. 
My favorite songs: Galgasång, Tiden Utan Tid, Ylaren, Skogsdotter, Två Ormar, Ett Norrskensdåd, Skövlarens Död
Good first listen picks/hits: Forsen, Under Bergets Rot, Häxbrygd, Trollhammaren (older song), Solsagan
I’ll go through these other ones a little faster, I haven’t heard quite as much from them but I do love them.
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Great, full folk sound, utilizes a lot of folk instruments including some less commonly seen ones like hurdy gurdy. Songs are mostly in Finnish but plenty in English too. Jonne Järvelä has a really unique voice that grows on you, but it’s not for everyone. The band started as Sami folk, and Jonne is trained in Sami yoik singing, which makes an appearance in a few songs. I prefer the Finnish tracks, as a lot of the English ones are drinking songs lmao. But again, really well-executed music with layers of sound that keeps you hooked. I haven’t heard enough of their discography to really recommend enough to cover everything. 
Song picks: Minä Näin Vedessä Neidon, Metsälle, Ämmänhauta, Lempo
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Definitely a darker, black-folk band. Probably not a great pick if you aren’t accustomed to black metal - very long tracks (8-15 mins is standard), growling/shrieking vocals, a ‘thinner’ but encompassing wall of sound usual of black metal, but with the benefit of wonderfully entrancing dark folk elements and chants. It’s done really really well. Sung almost entirely in Finnish (apart from cover tracks). Lyrically, focuses on themes of Norse mythology, man vs nature and similar elements. Definitely one of those bands whose music gets you into a zone. I can lose serious time just putting a whole album on and letting my mind wander elsewhere. My favorite album is Jumalten Aika. 
Song picks: Ruttolehto Sis. Päivättömän Päivän Kansa (my fucking FAVORITE), Suden Tunti (well known hit), and also uhh check out their cover of Non Serviam cause it’s a fucking banger
Other bands that I like what I’ve heard but really can’t say much about them, whoops - Tyr (from the Faroe Islands, great stuff, Faroese is a baller language), Ensiferum, Nightwish (female-led).... I’m open to suggestions. Like I said, there are folk metal bands all over the world, and each is intrinsically linked to a sense of place and cultural identity that makes them unique. I’d love to hear about more tbh. 
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tiliamericana · 3 years
Muay Thai: 1.17
Lind A: bring me lunch!
It was after eleven. She should be getting up and opening the dojo. This argument wasn’t quite enough to compel her legs to move from the bed, however, so Nairi lifted her phone and answered the text instead.
What do you want?
Lind A: idk get something you like and we can share Lind A: im at my studio!!
The ‘a’ button on her keyboard was sticking something fierce, and the black coating was worn away on the space bar and surrounding keys. Maybe she should get a new phone. She let the blackberry slip back down to rest on her chest as she went back to staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. The blanket was too hot where it was wrapped around her legs, and her shoulder was starting to ache where it had been pressed into her pillow and mattress for too long.
What did she like to eat? What did she like to eat that Linden also liked? Or, well, what was between here and Linden’s studio that had vegetarian options and food Linden liked, was probably the better question.
It was another ten minutes before she could make herself stand up and find a pair of jeans.
Almost an hour after that she’d made it to Linden’s studio, coffee and pastries in hand. Loud music was pumping out the propped-open door, grungier rock floating past the concrete paint can in sharp opposition to the cheerful pop from the last time she’d been here. Nairi stepped inside with her offerings, looking around for Linden.
“Oh hey, I thought you’d abandoned me,” said Linden cheerfully, and Nairi tracked her gaze down to see her sprawled on the floor. She was grinning up at her, hips twisted with one knee folded over her thigh, back pressed to the ground.
Nairi held up the paper bag by way of explanation. “Never. There was just a queue. Are you okay?”
Linden nodded sagely and shut her eyes, rolling her hips back down and shaking out her leg. “I had to pick up a box of glue off the craft shop floor this morning and I foolishly bent with my back instead of my knees, so now I must pay for my hubris.” She groaned as she sat up, taking a coffee from the proffered tray and grinning at Nairi. “Twenty-seven is way too young to even be having these issues, I swear to god.”
“Maybe your back’s just advanced for its age,” said Nairi, setting her tea and the pastries down on an unoccupied stretch of counter space.
Linden got to her feet and laughed brightly as she leaned over to her beat up ipod where it was sitting in a dock on the sill, spinning the volume almost all the way down. She straightened to grin at her head on as she reached out for Nairi’s hand. “Dad always said I was precocious. Come on, I made something for you!”
“Oh, what?” said Nairi, feeling the corner of her mouth twitch up as she let Linden tug her across the studio. “I only just figured out how to hang the last thing you painted me.”
Linden laughed again, letting go of her hand to reach up and pull down one of the two jackets from a hook on the back of the far door. “Well, this one hangs in a wardrobe, so I’m sure you’ll figure that out on your own.”
Nairi looked at the leather being offered to her, then back up at Linden, who jiggled the coat hanger at her.
She took it. It was a heavy, white motorcycle jacket, with two crisp stripes running the full length of the sleeves in red and green. The cuffs were zipped with sturdy silver tabs, and the pockets looked to fall just under the ribs with the same zips as closures. It was high-necked and padded in a way she instinctively approved of, with extra buckles at the neck and waist over the front zip. On the back Linden had painted an ourobouros of a dragon in green and black, its eye the same bright red as the stripe on the sleeves.
“Try it on,” said Linden eagerly, nodding at her. “I snooped in your drawers before I bought the jacket, so it should be the right size.”
Nairi felt her mouth twitch again, and she slipped the jacket on over her shoulders. It was comfortably snug around her arms, and heavy in a way that made it feel like it belonged there. The leather was a little stiff, not yet worn in, and the zip sufficiently toothy so that it took a second try to tug it down again. “It’s great,” she said, looking up and smiling back at Linden. “Thank you, you didn’t have to get me this.”
Linden was reaching up bring down its twin, and she glanced back over her shoulder at Nairi as she pulled it on. “Look, I saw them as I was walking past and I wanted one for me, and then I saw the white and I just hadto.” Hers was dark, crimson like her favourite wine-red lipstick, with thick, soft, elasticated fabric around the cuffs and waist hem. The painted embellishments were little lines of matchstick fires around the wide pockets, and a cherry tree in full blossom on the back, with a vintage style painting of a pair of cherries over one shoulder like a fake patch. “It gave me an excuse to break out the good paints too, the ones I haven’t used since I was a student. I had a lot of friends who did costume shit for theatre, the hardcore kind, it was nice to use them again! And like, I know it’s totally the wrong time of year for warm jackets and I should’ve held out for your birthday ‘cause it would’ve been perfect, but I got excited when I finished them and it’s been hard enough keeping my trap shut while I waited for them to dry.”
“It’s totally fine,” said Nairi, watching Linden give a little spin to show off her jacket before she shrugged it off again. “It’s just an early birthday present. Very early—preparatory, so I don’t have to wait for my birthday once it starts getting cold, and now you don’t have to worry about getting something for the day as well.”
Linden laughed again, ushering her back across the studio towards the pastries. “Oh, nice try, but you’re not escaping the birthday fun that easy,” she teased, picking up her coffee and nudging her broken chair towards Nairi with one foot. “Come on, sit, eat, give me the good goss, tell me how you and Aggy are going.”
“There’s not a lot happening, really,” said Nairi blandly, taking her tea back from Linden and sitting gingerly. The chair held, thankfully, if with a little more bounce than she’d been expecting. “You know, everything’s just kind of… fine.”
Linden pouted over her coffee before proceeding to loot the pastry bag. “Oh, that’s boring though! You two never do anything exciting, and you’ve been dating for like, months now. Seriously, nothing new?”
The impulse to laugh bubbled high in Nairi’s throat, and she swallowed it, wondering briefly where it had come from. “I think I’m okay with boring, honestly. Is your dating life not exciting enough?”
That got a snort as Linden resettled herself to lean back against the counter, raspberry crown in hand. “It’s a little cooled down at the moment, I won’t lie. Like, Simon and I are technically still ‘on’,you know, we’re just not, doing as much.”
“Tapering off, or just laying low from Nicholas?” asked Nairi with a small grin, catching the pastry bag as Linden tossed it to her.
Linden rolled her eyes, taking a drink from her coffee. “Si’s a big boy, he doesn’t need Nick barging in to tell him how to live his life. He’s still fun, it’s just, you know, reaching the point where people start making comments about taking him home to meet Dad and it’s definitelynot that kind of relationship.”
“Because you’re not expecting a ring or because he’s not up to scratch?” asked Nairi, tearing at a croissant.
“Yes,” said Linden, laughing. “Fuck, jesus, I’m nowhere near thinking about that, much less with Si’! That and Dad would eat him alive, he’s got an English degree—the only thing worse would be fine art.”
She hadn’t said it with any malice, so it was probably a normal sort of joke to make? “High expectations to meet?”
Linden grinned wolfishly. “Any partner I nail down better be ready to jump,” she joked with a darkly amused tone to it. “Dad’s good at what he does so he has high standards—typical lawyer shit, you know?”
Nairi shrugged. “Most of the lawyers I’ve met have just been dicks, but I think it’s different when you’re working with them as opposed to like, being raised by one. Is he defence or attack?”
Linden laughed loudly at that, hiding her grin behind her coffee cup again before answering. “Prosecutor, he’s a DA,” she said, sounding a little lighter. “Highest conviction rate in the state, only the best efforts for his job.”
“Damn, alright,” said Nairi, raising an eyebrow. “Kind of a bigshot?”
Linden nodded, setting her cup down. “Yeah, he gets kinda high profile sometimes—I don’t know if you remember a couple of years back, uh, Maxim Bailey? That guy?”
Oh yeah, she’d heard he’d been arrested. Nairi nodded, making a general noise of affirmation, and Linden nodded along with her.
“Yeah, he’s still salty he didn’t manage to get him on the murder charge, despite getting the other convictions,” said Linden, still nodding like a bobble-head. “Caught a little bit of media at the time, too.”
“Hell of a job,” said Nairi. Her thigh vibrated and she set her tea down to tug her phone out of her pocket.
“Stressful, he’s been talking about changing up careers for a couple months now,” said Linden, finally stopping the motion of her head.
Aga D: How’s your day? Any students for the first couple of classes?
She hesitated, chewing the inside of her cheek as her thumbs hovered over the buttons.
“Is that your giiirl-friend?” asked Linden, her drawl long and amused, and she lifted a leg to prod Nairi’s knee with her toe, making the chair spin a little.
Nairi glanced back at her phone, tapping out a response quickly. “Yeah, she’s just checking in.”
A couple yeah. Just having a quiet day.
Aga D: I’m glad! I’ll let you get back to teaching and stop distracting you :)
She tucked her phone away and picked up her tea again, suddenly not feeling much like eating anything.
Linden’s eyes were unreadable over her coffee, but she was smiling when Nairi looked at her. “That’s nice of her,” she said with a funny note in her voice. “I’m really happy for you two, you know that right?”
“Thanks,” said Nairi, shuffling her unappetising croissant back into its bag to avoid Linden’s piercing eyes. “I’m, um. I’m glad you both, sort of, uh, adopted me? Even if it’s in different ways. It’s been good. Really good.”
She covered her expression with her tea, not really tasting it as she drank. Why had that been hard to say?
Linden’s mouth twitched at the corner, just a hint of her normal dimples. “I’m glad you let us,” she said warmly, and suddenly her eyes were back to normal. “You looked like you could use a couple of friends when we met, and god only knows Agatha needed a relationship that actually worked out after her streak.”
“Yeah?” said Nairi, leaning to set the pastry bag back on the counter.
Linden nodded, giving her a rueful look. “Yeah, I mean, she told you how we met, right? Her boyfriend of like, ten years or some shit was one of my regulars, and when she found that out she showed up on my doorstep in tears, it was kind of fucking rough.”
“Oh, damn,” said Nairi, for lack of anything better. Ten years?Agatha had left that out.
“Yeah,” said Linden with an exaggerated grimace. “I mean, fuck, I’m pretty mercenary when it comes to cheating and the job, but even I felt bad. I helped her do some vandalism on him, and then I introduced her to Flo and some nice single people who helped her figure out she was into women, so like, it all worked out eventually, but it was kind of a rough time for her, you know?”
“Yeah,” echoed Nairi, feeling the pastry sink to the bottom of her stomach. “I’m glad it worked out, in the end.”
“Like I said,” said Linden, nudging her again with a wink and a smile, “she just needed someone like you to swoop in and be the good, stable girlfriend for her.”
Her tone was light and teasing, and Nairi made herself swallow more tea before she answered. “Right, yeah. I don’t know how ‘good’ I am at the whole, Prince Charming thing.”
She’d been trying for a joke, but it fell flat between them.
“You’re doing fine,” said Linden, her tone softening a little, and she looked at Nairi with earnestness in her eyes. “Seriously, Princess. You’re doing fine.”
End of book 1.
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haknew · 4 years
anon asked: I HAVE SONG RECS :DDD I tried not to do songs that you would have obviously heard before but a lot of the songs here are still popular but I couldn’t help but add them 😭
AHHHH thank you so so so so much for all the recommendations anon ! your taste is absolutely impeccable !!! i think i vibed with a lot of these maybe we are a bit similar ^~^ and no worries about your picks ! i totally support you and your incredible music taste no need to defend yourself :p ! popular songs can still be good ones ! thank you again and i tried ... to ... get through them all i’m so sorry JHGFDJHGDK you’ll see i get through like ... half and then ran out of energy T^T i’ll probably get back to this list some other time when i have free time and update with thoughts ! thank you for sending so many in ! i found so many new songs to add to my playlist heh thank you lovely ! 
cherry by rina sawayama - super cute ! i love these kinds of pop songs it’s right up my alley :o ! 
xs by rina sawayama - her voice is so well suited for this style ! i watched the mv and djkfhskgrjf HHH idk she gives me mitski vibes even tho their music is pretty different, you have peaked my interest i’ll definitely look into more of her stuff :o !
comme de garçons by rina sawayama - the bass line T^T !!! the talk-y (?) parts are so good i got chills, it’s like a rave song low key haha :p ! it’s so good ! 
Any song by Rina Sawayama 😭 - yes yes i’ll try to look more into her stuff ! 
123 by nct dream - i’m only an honorary guest of ncity but one of my irls ults them ! and dream’s music has always been a bit more my speed :o ! this has more nostalgic kpop vibes to it ! i said this before but i really am more a pop person at heart and this is so good ^~^ 
Up to you by pretty much and nct dream (HAECHANS PART HHHHH) - oooh are you a haechan stan 0v0 i like jaemin tho i admit my knowledge of dream is limited (my fren ults renjun heh) also yes yes consent is very important kids u.u dskjghkdfj YOU’RE RIGHT THO haechan is a singer he SINGS, i love the vocal harmonies ! 
Oasis by crush ft zico - those electric keyboard synths (?) amazing ! this song bops u.u 
Moon by everglow - !!! i actually have heard this a lot before ^~^ i got so excited when i saw this bc it’s so good ! it’s definitely one of my fav everglow songs too i think i overplayed it a lot when it first came out *v* 
Woowoo by dia - i love the ocean wave sounds ! that’s so cool i love how summery it is ! it kind of reminds me of loona too ! ggs are just >>> i love the fun and brighter pop songs so much 🥺
Secret garden by Oh My Girl - i’ve heard a few songs by omg ! and i really like a handful of them, secret garden kinda gives me early gfriend songs vibes too ! it’s so pretty ! i really love when songs utilize strings in their instrumentals too ! it’s a bit slower paced too which is really nice ^~^ 
Page by got7 - YEEEES okie actually maybe unpopular opinion but spinning top is one of my fav got7 albums ! i used to listen to the whole mini on repeat ! i actually used to ult got7 too for a few months heh ^^ BUT YEEES i love page ! got7 always have bangers love them so much 
Nekkoya by produce 48 - AHHHHH ANOTHER SONG I LOVE !!! i’m actually a wizone haha :p so i’ve seen produce 48 ! tho admittedly it probably contributes to my burning h*tred for mn*t and any survival shows ;;;; but i loved the title song so much ! i used to unironically play it on repeat djghskfj
Puzzle moon by gwsn - AHHHH YOUR TASTE !!! i also followed gwsn from debut and puzzle moon is so so so cute ! it’s such a bop too ! they have such fun and catchy songs ! 
Goblin by sulli - ahhh the xylophone chimes ! they make the song sound a bit haunting before the piano comes in ;;;; it really reflects the mv story so well i think ;;; and sulli’s voice is so beautiful ;;;; it’s got that characteristic background vocal harmonies that sm artists usually do and it’s just really beautiful ! 
What are you up to by kang daniel - today on can you tell jess is unfortunately a bg stan daniel’s songs have been so good :,)) i stopped following all the wanna ones closely after a while but ! he always surprises me ! his songs are such vibes u.u 
Best day ever by yeri and nct dream - the TRUMPETS YEEES it’s so upbeat and fun !!! the cheering is so cute i love it ! 
Hair in the air by yeri and nct dream - JAEMINNNNN !!!! I LOVE YERI SO MUCH PLEASE ! i love the vocal harmonies between her and the boys 🥺 it’s so cute T^T ! renjun’s a singer HE SINGS 
119 by nct dream - ah yes this is ncity brand u.u LOL they always have really filled chorus instrumentals and use a lot of vocals to fill up the space which i think is really cool and something i think immediately screams sm artist :0 ! i think renjun’s voice really sells this for me tho HIS VOICE IS AMAZING him and haechan yeees it’s a banger tho :,) 
Save me save you by wjsn - i love wjsn’s music so much ! it sounds so magic and ethereal and totally bops ! their voices are so beautiful too and work together so well and i think this song’s style really suits all the members’ voices so well too ! 
Loonatic by loona - YEEEEES loona are my ult gg ! and oec is probably my fav unit in terms of music ! i have spent many a day playing their whole discography ! haha :3 
Up by izone - MY GIRLS ! yes yes up is so cute ! i love it so much ! the choreo is so cute too ! i love izone please ;;;; 
N/s by stray kids - oh boy okie ;;;; i’m like not a good judge of a lot of hip hop / more rap heavy songs ;;;; bc i was classically trained as a singer in choir ;-; so i’m sorry i do not have much to say about this one ;;;; it slaps tho ! i probably wouldn’t listen to it normally if you hadn’t recommended it tho so ! good to listen to smth outside of my normal preferences  
Sunshine by straykids - OH very very different from the last skz song KJHGKFJHKD yea this is probably more my speed i’m so sorry LOL T-T it’s so good tho :o ! i don’t listen to a lot of skz bc i figured i wouldn’t be able to vibe with them but this one is so good i really like it ! skz and ateez man i’ve been trying to stan for ages but music is a big part of why i stan /stan/ certain groups more seriously and it’s also why i’m only honorary nctzen lol clearly i have been enlightened (literally *looks at my past ult groups* yeaaaa)
Blueprint by stray kids - YEEES IT’S SO UPBEAT ! i love upbeat and brighter songs (i am consistent like this T-T) it’s got summery tropical vibes to it too ! it’s so cute ! 
Question by stray kids - another banger yeeeees ! i vibe with the lyrics too u.u love that 
Any mixtape by stray kids (but I really love 1 and 4) - oooh i still have a lot to get through so i’ll save these for my own time haha ^^ 
I’m your girl by khan
Revolution by Alexa
Secret by wjsn
I wanna be by key and soyeon
Handle it by twice
Teenager by got7 
Bump bump by woodz
Stylish by loona - this is one of my fav loona b sides yeeees !!!! love them so much ! 
Outta my head by somi
showersnow by orbit
show off by orbit
crazy love by orbit
any orbit song ngl 😭
poison girl by nanaka suwa
lost umbrella (I like the tsukishima kei version cause it sounds like lee know :DDD)
Notice by moe shop
Kawaki wo ameku (domestic girlfriend opening)
The day by porno graffiti (my hero academia opening 1)
Odd future by uverworld (my hero academia opening 4)
Again by yui (full metal alchemist brotherhood opening 1)
More English music
Luxury by azalea banks (Ive heard she’s said some terrible things tho 😭 WHY DOES IT SLAP)
Hurricane by Bridget Mendler (I miss this song and ready or not too 😭)
Little dark age by mgmt
I got a couple one direction recs bear with me here 💀
Happily, Magic, AM, 18, Tell Me a Lie, Through The Dark, Wolves, Night Changes, Better Than Words
Leaked by lil tjay
Pretty little fears by 6lack and j cole
Water by joe gifted
The London by young thug
Bands by shoreline mafia
Swervin by a boogie wit a hoodie
Father stretch my hands pt 1 by Kanye west
More English music (indila is French)
Northern lights by kennie
I am not a robot by marina
Tourner dans le vide by indila
Parle a ta tete by indila
Greek tragedy by the wombats
Viva la vida by Coldplay (SHHHHH DONT ROAST ME)
La da dee by Cody Simpson (SHH IT MAKES ME HAPPY 😭)
Move your body by loving caliber and anders lystell (this ones good to make u feel like an early 2010’s movie protagonist :D)
Mariposa by Peach tree rascals
Sunflower by post Malone and swae lee (like many songs on here it’s popular but I still wanna put it here cause they make me happy 😭)
I got really carried away sorry I hope you haven’t heard too many of these 😭😭 OKAY BYEEE ❤️
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sirensmojo · 4 years
Tomorrow, When The Ache Begun
Summary: You and Ivar broke up four months ago, but you are still working together as associates in the corporation you created together. You were focused on work, whereas all he could do was thinking about you and mentally preparing himself to be ready for whenever you might bump into him.
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Pairing: Modern! Ivar x Reader
Warnings: heartbreak II fluff II angst, please excuse my English, for it’s not my mother tongue
Words: 2.6k
A/N: For the experience to be more immersive, I invite you to read with Holly Humberstone - Fake Plastic Trees, Cover Of RadioHead.
It was dark outside, drops of rain spurted on the windows as his fingers typing on the keyboard. He didn't see you today, nor this evening, even though he was well aware, you would never leave your office before midnight. You were always a hard worker since the very first day you started dating; you would continuously excuse yourself because you were late on most dates due to some crazy designs you had in mind. You were very inventive, a part of you that he missed much, as you would always find one thousand manners to show him love. You weren't like any other woman he's dated before, your scatty brain was giving you a grace he couldn't find anywhere else than on your expression. Saying he misses you wouldn't be sufficient, he craved for you every minute, every hour of each day he would wake-up alive still. When you left, he didn't understand why at first. It was when he saw you grin to others and telling cracks during meetings and conferences that he got it, he took you for granted. Not that you weren't happy with him, everybody close to you knew how sparkling you were to be by his side, supporting him and just being able to love him unconditionally. But when you got married, everything changed, he was spending more time outside than in the house, going out with his buddies instead of cuddling with you. Even when your fathers died, he wasn't there, letting you all alone trying to cope with the loss of the first man of your life. Although you never blame Ivar for his demeanor, you started to get quieter, less intense and garish, less stirring, less you. You stopped telling him what was on your eccentric mind, you stopped bring up surprises, you stopped addressing him poems and stopped whisper sweet words in his ears when his head used to drop on his desk so much he was drained. You got distanced, and one day, just like that, you stopped saying, "I love you" eventuating to you taking your own apartment, and soon you never put your feet into his no more. He couldn't even remember when you started to detached from him because he never thought you would. Everyone use to tell you and him that you were such a powerful modern couple, never getting into the other's business, and trusted each other with your life. What they didn't seem to be aware of is that everything you once hardly built was falling apart. Right in front of Ivar's eyes, but he was too focus on pity himself about his condition and go out with friends to realize he was failing you. And all he ever needed was you. Now that you were gone, he acknowledged it. Too late. 
"Ivar?" Your voice kicked him out of his thoughts "Y/N" He tried to spiritedly let out with some hope in his tone, but it came harsher, way harsher than what he wanted. "I'm going home, I'll let you close the office, is that okay?" You softly asked, and at this very moment, he wanted to stand up and throw every single item on the ground, off his desk. How could you be this soft with him? He didn't deserve it, how could you? And suddenly it stroke him, you could be smooth because you didn't care anymore. Because you were over him. Maybe you even started to see someone else? No, he has to calm down now, or he would explode, and he didn't want you to see him like that, not anymore. "Ivar, are you okay?" You asked, concerned. "Are you, Y/N?" He managed to respond with a calm tone. You tilted your head and exhaled deeply.
Surely you knew what he was referring to. In fact, you knew everything about him, as if he was the back of your hand. "Do you have something in particular to ask?" You raised one brow at him. "Are you... Seeing someone?" "I'm not" "Why?" "If I told you 'yes' you would've been irritated, only I said 'no' and still you are annoyed" You confusedly retort. "It's because you deserve someone, somebody that... sees you" He murmured the end of his sentence as he kept avoiding your eyes. "It's you I wanted, never another, and you used to see me" It was enough for him to look up at your eyes, they were glimmering. They always do at night; for some reason. He never noticed it when you were together, but now he sees it, he sees you again. "I don't know what to tell you" He finally answered and you giggled, your shoulders getting off the frame of the door. "You were never too talkative anyway" You snapped back as you turn your heels, ready to live his office. "You used to love me that way" He hassled to add, and that made you stopped in tracks. "That's true" You lowly let out, still showing him your back. You huffed and shook your head before getting out without letting him hold you back with old memories.
You quickly got to the elevator and pressed the button. It was only when you got into it that you breathe out the air you didn't even realize you were holding. Palm pressed on the forehead, you closed your eyes for a while. Seven floors before you get into your car and drive away from him, it meant only a few more minutes after which you could continue your life as if nothing ever happened. 
The next morning when you arrive at the office, you directly got to the kitchen as you wanted some coffee. You didn't sleep well last night, thinking about the small words you exchanged with the man you were still deeply and madly in love with. Nothing in the world could ever heal your heart from the damage it caused to leave him, though you 'd hoped it was for the better. 
 To your surprise, you bump into Ivar, he was standing against the counter, his crutch near him. You let out a groan as he was right in front of the coffee maker and were about to leave the room, you couldn't face his now, not this morning. "Y/N" You hear, and you reluctantly turn around, trying to offer him a small smile. "Hi" "You look tired" "I am, I had a long night" "Insomnia?" He asked, raising a brow. You cleared your throat "I have trouble sleeping haha" You tried to laugh, but it came as fake as the blond new hair color of your assistant. "Y/N..." He started, but you cut him off before he could add anything "I have a pile of files on my desk already, see you later" "Y/N" He called this time more firmly. You harshly swallow and turn around to look him in the eyes.
" You shouldn't work that much, it is terrible for your health. Your fatigue shows all over your face, even though I still believe you're beautiful, you should slow down" "Slow down Ivar? How am I supposed to do that?" You snickered, "Is it one of your bad days?" "One of my bad days?" You started to lose your cool, and he saw it. He grabbed his crutch and put down his cup of coffee before hassling to you as fast as he could. "Y/N, calm down, everything is alright. Look at me" He was aware of what was happening, an anxiety crisis. The lack of sleep always used to trigger your anxiety, and the only way to calm you down was his arms wrapped around your body, preventing you from racking.
"It's okay, come here" He muttered with a solemn tone. His hands reached your waist, pulling you nearer him, and soon, your head pressed against his chest, holding him close. His arms shyly embrace your body, which made you instantly relaxed. He gauged your reaction, not sure if you would let him touch you more than five seconds as it's been forever you never got to him that close. "Thank you" You eventually let out in a breathe. "You're still nervous, I can feel it." "Ye- yeah, it's because, you know... your touch... I didn't feel it for months now" You put both your hands on his chest and give it a small push to voice your reluctance. "My skin is not going to burn yours... If that was the matter" He tried to tease you, but it failed obviously. You sneak out his arms, but he didn't let you, "Ivar?" You asked with a high pitched tone.  "Aren't you feeling well?" "I do, but what I want does not matter" "Why would you say that? " "I mean, I wasn't the one who wanted "us" to end" " Then who?" "You, you wanted it to end, at least you didn't want it to continue" " Of course I did" He harshly snapped back, knitting his brows. "Are we going to have this conversation right here? Right now?" "This is not quite the time nor the place" He answered. You just rolled your eyes and got out of his grip. His eyes landed on you all the time, he didn't want to upset you, far from there, neither he wanted you to leave, but here you were, and what could he do about it? Nothing. He huffed noisily and watched you go away, once again. 
"I'm sorry for this morning" You cleared your throat and managed to say. Ivar hassled turned around to face you with a fazed expression. Why were you excusing yourself, it wasn't your fault, you can't control anxiety, and he promised you to always be there for you even when you broke up. His eyes grew wider. "I did not know Y/N would apologize for something she can't control" His voice dripped with sarcasm. It was funny cause you were the one always talking about letting go of what you couldn't control or accept it. You were the one always correcting him when he would say he was dumb or when he was too harsh with himself. You couldn't stand when he would do that, but now it was you in this situation. Being too hard on yourself to suffer from something you cannot command and apologized as if you could. You laughed frantically at his comment and looked away. "I'm glad you came to my office, I wanted to go to yours long ago and stayed there all my life if I could, but I didn't want to bother you" ."I was only here to tell you I'm sorry for taking your time, even if we are not together anymore" "Stop doing that Y/N, please" He exhaled, one of his palm running down his face. " You didn't respond. "I know better, you know better, why searching for excuses?" "Tomorrow, it will make five months since I left your apartment Ivar" Your eyes were strenuously now searching for his blue ones. When the two pairs met, it felt as if Thor himself stroke you down at the same time as both of you quickly looked away. "We had a conversation about our break-up right away, you remember?" "I do" He sadly answered. "I hoped I would be able to move on after tha-" "We can not move on Y/N" His eyes looking straight to your face, his hands clasping his desk, trying to control the anger that was ready to burst out from his chest. His eyes were darker, his pupils were dilated. "Please" Ivar added, pleading. He knew the decision wasn't his to make because he was the one who fucked it all up, but he couldn't let you go, not you, not now and simply never. "I can't sleep since I know what I did to you. I've tried to do better since you left..." "You did improve" You cheered him, the corner of your lips curving. "You did" You added, seeing no response on his face. "There is a but, there is a fucking, but" He shook his head. "We both need closure" You succeed letting out, your hands shakingly still on the door handle. "I think we should just let go. You know about my side corporation? I want to expend it. With the money of my shares, I would be able to start again" "You want me to buy your shares of this society?" "So we could bury our resentment with one another" You continued. "I don't have any resentment towards you, Y/N, I love you" "We deserve peace, Ivar. We deserve to let ourselves feel what there is to feel to properly heal. We own ourselves the truth, don't you think?" You softly said, he took a deep breath in and locked his eyes in yours. "It will never be the same, I could never be the same. You willingly kept choosing your friends and your self-destruction behavior over my love and the peace it always offered you" You let out lowly, but each of your words cut him as if they were the sharpest of the knives. He stayed silent, you were right. From all along, you were damn right. He abandoned you and not only neglected you but denied your worth, your potential, and your healing abilities towards the pain he always felt about his legs, both physically and mentally. "I gave you my heart, you gave me nothing, and now that we split you give me headaches" "Please stop talking" He supersedes to articulate, even if his mouth felt as dry as the Sahara desert. If he wasn't broken down before, he was now. His mind was running wild, his thoughts rushed in his head as if his brain changed into aa honeycomb. He was sweating, his forehead was almost damp. Ivar stood back up with the help of his crutch and hobbled to you, grabbing your hand with haste. "Y/N please" He was pleading with a broken voice, it was too much. "I have divorce papers drawn up and ready to be signed for over a month now". You open his hand that was holding yours and placed the papers there. "Please sign them, we already dawdled too long." You adamantly say. He was taken aback by your words and how determined you were to keep him out of your life. He thought he stood a chance, Ivar thought he could have you back if only that big man changed, but even now that you assured him he improved, you still didn't want him back. He was confused, hurt, and lost. "Though we're trying to stay ahead, we're just treading water Ivar" You were trying to reason with him. "Each of your fucking words cut me so deep it hurt for me to breathe in" He finally reached the accurate words to describe what he felt, words which almost eventuate to your heart dropping. Maybe you were too harsh this time, "Fuck" You muttered, looking downward. "It is about what is in here, huh?" His finger pointed his mind, and you shook your head. "It is about how you deal with what is happening here" You pointed his chest, where his heart was beating like a drum. "I will sign them, now please leave" His voice filled the room again, his tone was now solemn and calm as if he accepted your decision. Though he needed time to swallow the idea of living a life where there will be no "you and him", the idea of a "us" slowly fading away.  He tightened his grip on the papers and abruptly let go of your hands. You leave him without words, locking the door behind you in a thud.
Master List 
Ivar TAGGED: @youbloodymadgenius​ 
With Love, always #blacklivesmatter #happypridemonth
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markeffie · 3 years
Tickets at the door, add $5.
Tickets at the door, add $5. The process often goes quickly horno teka hc 610 me blanco but this year that's probably up to James and his advisers, because teams in the running for him probably won't move on to Plan B until they know his intentions. "Our board is looking forward to working with Jeff and his team to continue to implement Scotsburn's growth plan through product innovation and operational efficiencies.". Against Ensworth, Sanders hauled in eight receptions for 100 yards and one touchdown. As Jon scratched Ghost behind the ear, Toregg brought up Val’s horse for her. The group has Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS haibike e mtb 2020 severalrecords and have topped music charts. The sale of slaves to the south is carried to a great extent. Raab book, crazy as it is, is a cure for this kind of thinking, or, as the case may be, non thinking. She had never looked so young as she did in that moment, still half a girl, but there was nothing he could do. The rear driven model has sold well enough too, even though it is the LS version that remains the most popular D Max.. Yet while SilverStone designs moved the power supply and 5.25" bays to the top of the enclosure, Corsair made the enclosure wider and created a separate chamber for all the parts that didn need direct, active cooling. Blackheart, his men had named him, for the sigil on his shield. Marino completed nearly two thousand more passes than Starr attempted. The father first and then the son, so both die kings. Way that we finished the season, we peaked nike rpm sb at the right time. It took Dany half the morning to climb down. Each trip is unique and offers its own rewards. “Unhand me, ser.” Every time Suggs spoke to her, it left her yearning for her axes. It is only when the monster Legree commands him to inflict undeserved chastisement upon his fellow-servants, that Uncle Tom refuses obedience. April, 2012: Staff Sgt. Saturday, April 10 on the Great Lawn at Bellingrath Gardens. It was later discovered Lux received a ride from the residence on Hillside Ct. Guest passes are available for download at Rhea Lana's of Broken Arrow Facebook page.. "It's a group that's unencumbered by business and can just float in blue sky," says Jay Meschter, the lead designer on Flywire who's been part of the Kitchen since it was founded. Hikes Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS is that her students . Key players this year are Di Cultura in Piazza, with its packed to the brim program of cultural events and family fun (piazza del Carmine); Easy Living on the Arno beach, a sandy spot for catching rays or catching up over a drink (piazza Poggi); Serre Torrigiani in Piazzetta, a "secret urban garden" with street food and extensive programming in English during August (between piazza della Repubblica and via dei Calzaiuoli); and LIGHT Il Giardino di Marte, the summer hub near the stadium (viale Fanti). Some researchers have posed a "hygiene hypothesis," suggesting our cells are fighting pollen in the absence of truly harmful things, such as parasites, that our forebears encountered more often than we do (germy cellphones and keyboards notwithstanding).. It creates an incentive structure that is not good for the game. It is Dorothee v. The large body color bumper with integrated fog lights makes it look even bigger than the regular F 150. Whether you're going to Yellowstone, , Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore in the middle of winter, or just spending an afternoon in your city park with friends and family, the value of nature is something we must yell from the mountaintops. "Judy brings in her core group of dancers and she's adidas eqt rose gold shouting out commands and in three seconds flat they're whipping around doing all these things and you're standing there going 'ya, that's not gonna happen! dolce gabanna adidași bărbații Somebody speak to me in English, please!'". Maester Rhodry stood beside him, a raven on his arm. The sale was not for a moment interrupted, and none of the crowd appeared to be in the least affected by the scene. If Salla abandoned Stannis and his cause, he pointed out, he abandoned all hope of collecting the gold that was due him. It was asserted that Nikolay Sergeyitch had seen through the young prince’s character, and was scheming to take advantage of his failings for his own objects; that his daughter, Natasha (who sandalias doradas gioseppo was then seventeen), had ensnared the affections of the twenty-year-old boy; that the parents had fostered this attachment though they had pretended to notice nothing; that the scheming and “unprincipled” Natasha had bewitched the youth, and that by her efforts he had been kept for a whole year from seeing any of the girls of good family who were so abundant in the honourable households of the neighbouring landowners. They led anybody who followed them down to First, over to Church, along to Mint, then ended at a drainage grate in the shadow of the two much more frightening looking Panthers guarding Ericsson Stadium's east gate. Then a few cards brought me 1600x1200 and then 2560x1200. Rhaegal had snapped at Irri, and Viserion had set Reznak’s tokar ablaze the last time the seneschal had called. Shall we therefore condemn in the gross those relations, and the rights and authority they imply, from their occasional abuse? I could mention many instances of strong attachment on the part of the slave, but will only adduce one or two, of which I have been the object.. Their aged and venerated mother, raised up from a sick bed by the stimulus of the glad news, was there, weeping and giving dolce gabanna adidași bărbații thanks to God. The red priest stood on the forecastle facing the storm, his staff raised above his head as he boomed a prayer. Surely R’hllor would vouchsafe her a glimpse of what awaited him. "Everything. Extremely dry and windy conditions have forced a total of 24 counties in Tennessee to stop issuing burn permits. “That is not for you to judge.” j s authentic vans tibetan red true white Ser Barristan paused, wondering if he had said too much already. The Dornishmen were new hands, raw recruits, arrow fodder, three amongst two thousand. Chairman, that this is the most solemn moment of my life. Some folks, dey’s married by de book; but den, what’s de use? Dere’s my fus husband, we’se married by de book, and he sold way off to Florida, and I’s here. 6, 2017, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. More likely, Charlottesville passengers might wish to try their luck at the new casino three hours away at the Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs. Be fair. "You have to understand what your value is, and you have to be committed to doing that job. Hughes grinned ruefully, amazed at how much that delivery lifted, and two balls later his aggressive innings came to an end, as he tentatively poked at an Ishant delivery that crashed into the stumps.. “Do you take me for a fool, Obara?” The prince sighed. When it comes to gaming performance Itook a quick look at GTA V and found that bumping up the cache just 300 MHz gave us about half a frame per second higher frame rate on average. He is also survived by his wife's family; Marsha Slow, Evan and Roberta Slow, Francine Slow and Nowel Lustgarten; nieces and nephews, Jared, Hannah, Paulina and Elijah.
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rcreativ · 3 years
Welcome to the third edition of Ephemerata, a weekly-ish digest of links, ideas, learnings, and sounds that I think are worth sharing.
I’m doing this to stimulate discussion around what I find interesting and also to share things before they disappear into the void of my journal.
Short pithy contemplation of the week:
Fools don’t trust mirrors.
A short anecdote about why this Cohen was supposed to be a Katz, related to why one father from Gaza recently traded his children.
Trevor Noah mixes funny with serious talking about Israel-Palestine:
[Religion has never calmed down a situation when there’s a clash] … [Israel has a giant Mutombo in the sky knocking down rockets] … [What responsibility comes with power?]
India’s Golden Temple community kitchen has been feeding 100,000 people per day since the 1500s. The video describes quantities, costs, routines, division of labour involved in preparing massive batches of rice, potatoes, lentils, bread, tea and desert. (via @grey)
Beau of the Fifth Column talks about burning out from helping those in need.
Christopher Butler’s Think About the Future’s Past reflects on our relationship with time—on how we connect our current self to a potential self:
Our selves inhabit a world like that not as a contained body moving through space, but more like a worm whose dimensions are defined by time. Our posterior, the past; our middle, the present; our head, the future. His turn of phrase, “the long self,” is, as it turns out, quite literal.
At some Istanbul/Greek weddings, guests receive a dish known as “f***-off pilav”when the hosts want them to leave. Reminds me of the Brazilian practice/superstition of leaving a broom behind the door to tell guests you don’t want them around now.
Folha de S.Paulo showcases various Portuguese accents from Brazil and beyond.
Zé Felici made a Brazilian Portuguese IPA chart based on the popular English version. (via Dani)
In the search for the previous chart, I stumbled upon a fascinating infographic visualizing variations of slang interjections with religious origin. The way the words morph might be particular to Brazilian, but I wonder if similar transformations exist in Québec French. Est-ce qu’il y a un.e québecois.e sur la liste avec un indice?
An Egyptian sign language course given in Masri. (via @[email protected])
Stephen Diehl details how cryptocurrency scales ransomware to new heights.
Means TV describes itself as “the world’s first worker-owned, post-capitalist streaming service.”.
How people used to connect to the Internet: using a rotary dial phone and shoving the handset into a modem.
Comedian Drew Morgan shares his hilarious theory about how slavery in the United States led to the southern accent.
Mondo Mascots documents prolific creativity in Japanese mascots.
All the following items can be accessed as a one-click playlist.
Tariq Harb plays Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565 on guitar—a challenge translating this piece from organ keyboard to six strings. Classical music on this instrument is one of the most sublime things.
This funk carioca body-shaker blasting at home signalled my friend’s long-awaited scheduling of a COVID vaccine. I dig the music, and it has gotten over a billion views, but the video hurts your eyes. Featuring samples of Bach’s Flute Partita in A minor.
I’ve never seen such fiery dance choreography by someone in a wheelchair. (via Romain)
Three tracks in a row from Bandcamp Weekly #450 stopped me. Jaubi’s mix of jazz, raga, and rock, Yellow Spoon’s minute-long drum amen break escapade, and Athletic Progression’s high-energy vortex non-stop fire drumming.
If you liked the pygmy hockets from last week, check out Meara O’Reilly’s Hockets for Two Voices. In these exquisite duets with herself, she manages to create a diversity of moods using only the sound of her own voice.
Lovely Latin jazz with congas and cowbells from Cal Tjader’s Complete Concert By The Sea.
I always love receiving music. Send me recommendations anytime, anywhere!
That’s all folks! Feel free to reply and share any reflections you might have.
If you enjoyed this, consider sharing on Twitter, WhatsApp, or Email.
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Firsts / #4, “The First Time Meeting The Old Best Friend“
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*not my gif
---> NEXT BLURB: November 16th at the lastest, hopefully.
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+ : a break in the story; a time jump.
sorry i forgot italics in this one, it’s just too much sometimes to go back through and do
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WARNINGS: Swearing?
WORD COUNT: 9k words
SONG: If I Didn’t Have you from Monsters Inc. (CLICK TO LISTEN)
                          * SNEAK PEEK, DUH BC ALWAYS *
The irony that sits in the possibility of replies sickens me, because there’s little else I want more than to sit down and have dinner with him. The normalcy and the ignorance to how things have so drastically changed, and so quickly.
I wonder if I have enough time to leave, but no, I can’t. He’s noticed, and knows that I’m home. He’s expecting me. If only he could know how that same feeling has overflown inside of me, and been pushed back down each and every time, a hunger that was never fed. I hang my coat, place my keys on the ring beside his, and leave my ankle boots on the mat by his chestnut brown chelseas, just like every other time. In every way I still find it dreamy, but it’s not the same, no matter how much I wish that I could pretend that it is.
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“When I love, I love for miles and miles. A love so big it should either be outlawed or it should have a capital and its own currency.”
- Carrie Fisher
His humming pulls me from the lines of text growing hazy and forgotten in front of me. Tearing my eyes from my lap, I find him kneading his bottom lip between his fingers. A corner of my mouth greets my cheek as I observe him flip a page and his eyebrows sink closer to his pair of greens, concentrating. 
“What are you humming?” I ask, cocking my head to the side and narrowing my eyes. The sound stops and his eyes shoot over to me, brows still hugging his eyes, now in confusion. 
“What song are you humming? I don’t recognize it,” I explain, standing from my seat. The smooth, tiled floor is a welcomed cold against my bare feet that plod a path towards his tall bookshelf. 
“Oh, that. Um, Junk by Paul. God, I love that song. ‘ve been listenin’ t’ him loads with tha concert comin’ up. You should too, babe.” 
“I will, thanks for the reminder,” I tell him, winding my arms around his neck and pecking his cheek. Watching the dimple fall into it, a happy hum radiates through my chest. 
“Whatcha wanna do fer dinner t’night? We could eat those leftovers from last night, or I dunno, heat up a can o’ soup. Perfect weather fer it right now, ‘d say.” 
“Both sound good. You can call it, but I’m going to go and refill our teas,” I answer, leaving another kiss on his stubbly cheek. 
“Oh, thank you, love. I hardly noticed, been so engulfed in this bloody book.” 
His smile matches mine when I look over my shoulder, his empty mug in hand as I slide my flats back on. Voices trickle out of the doors I pass on my way to the breakroom. Excitement leaks from them, questions, hushed whispers, and then, a name I recognize. 
“Can you direct me to the office of Harry Styles?” a blonde woman asks Amelia at the front desk. With a hand on the door, I turn back around to watch. 
“Yes, of course. And your name was?” Amelia asks in her sing-song voice, hands poised on the computer keyboard, probably checking the schedule. 
“Oh, hey, Becky. Filling back up too, I see,” somebody says, drowning out the rest of the woman’s words.
“Why does that name sound familiar?” I mumble to myself and only her, watching as Amelia types away. “Sorry, what’d you say, Ash?”
“I just saw you’re getting a refill too. After you,” he almost wheezes, but I don’t take note of it, my eyebrows still in a dip after what I just saw. 
“What’s that look for, huh? Is somebody not happy to see me?”
“Of course not, Ash. I just saw- I dunno what I even saw,” I confess, setting down my pink mug I pluck from the cupboard, and Harry’s black one in front of the electric tea kettle. 
“Everything okay? You look a little lost, or something.” 
“Yeah, fine,” I say slowly, trying to remember if Harry had said anything about wanting coffee instead, but he’s already had two cups, and tries to stick to only two these days. It’s already almost time to go home for the day, anyways. Sighing, I pull open the tea drawer and pluck out an English Breakfast and a Peppermint. 
“I heard you and Harry nabbed that huge McConnell case that everybody’s talking about. Congrats on that,” Asher comments, sticking a hand into the drawer after I moved to the side, ripping open the tiny packets. 
“Oh, thanks. No pressure, or anything.” 
“You’ll do great, don’t worry about it. If anything, it’s a good thing you have Harry. If the bloke is good at one thing, it’s winning cases,” he insists, and I only nod along as I free the string from the bags to place in the mugs. 
A mumbled confirmation leaves my lips as the steam from the scalding hot water wafts over my face, filling the mugs, one and then two. 
“We still on for lunch tomorrow?”
“Yeah, sure thing, Ash. Talk later,” I smile at him, pushing my back against the door and turning around to walk down the hallway. 
Juggling the two, steaming cups in my hand, I take my time walking back to Harry’s office. Quickly, I find that I’m not the only one on my way there, and soon, I pass Amelia on her way back. Smiles float between us, but mine falls away for some reason, and in only a matter of moments, I’d have so many reasons why. 
His head is bent over that same book, and a hand missing that summer glow rubs over his tired face. I can see him from down the hallway, and my vantage point would end up being regrettable, if only I’d known. 
“I didn’t know running your own firm was so tiring, Styles,” the frosty-blonde girl says when she stops in his doorway, and he immediately perks up. 
No, that’s my nickname for him, I think immediately, stopping a few paces behind her. 
“Nelly?!” Harry exclaims with absolute sunshine radiating from his face. “Hell, look at you. T’ what do I owe tha pleasure, love?” he continues in a voice brimming with astonished happiness, standing quickly to hold out his arms towards her.
“I was in the neighborhood and figured I might as well finally come and see you and My’s firm. It’s about time, sorry it took me so long,” she giggles in her posh accent, walking right into his arms where he holds her against him for several moments. Something twinges in my chest at the sight of it while I try to remember when I’ve heard him speak about her. I know he brought her up once, or somebody else did, but I can’t remember what they’d said. Who is this person?
“Yer bloody right ‘s ‘bout time, only took ya years and years. How’ve ya been? Ya look good, thirty looks smashin’ on you, y’know. Married Ben yet?”
“Thanks, but I reckon it looks far better on you, Styles,” this woman laughs and it sounds like a song, but I’m not sure if it’s one that I like. From the appearance of his crinkly-eyed smile, Harry likes it. “Nah, we split a few months back.” 
“Damn, ‘m sorry t’ hear ‘bout that,” he remarks softly while she picks up and looks at things on his desk. His eyes roam over her, but I can’t blame him, because so do mine. They drift over her cropped, curly hair and the long-sleeved, polka dotted dress. Polka dots have never been my thing, but somehow she makes them look sexy and far from childish all at the same time. 
I watch as she picks up the framed pictures sitting on his desk and when she grabs the largest of them all, something flits across her face before she hastily places it down. I only wish I could’ve seen what it was. Shaking my head, I lift a foot to turn around while her voice wanders over to me, and then his. 
“I heard you’ve found somebody new, no longer with Amber, I see.” 
“No, we’ve been split fer a few now. Ya, that’s Becks,” he comments warmly, and the next few of his words I can’t make out, until I hear some that I can’t ignore. “There she ‘s now. Hey, babe, c’mere. There’s sumbody I wantcha t’ meet!” Harry calls down the hallway to me. Gulping, I look up and down the other side of the hallway before turning around to find the smile of my boyfriend. One of my favorite sights, if not a little duller now.
The few moments it takes me to walk to his office are awkward, knowing that they’re watching me and my movements. I suddenly wonder if I need to touch up my makeup, fix my hair, or how this new, black dress really does look on me. 
“Thank ya, love,” Harry smiles when he takes the black mug from my hands to sip from. My own lips fall when she plucks the pink mug from my hands with a similar notion, completely devoid of any apology or embarrassment, and neither is Harry. What the- “Nell, this ‘s me girlfriend and colleague, Becky Holte. She worked here as an assistant o’ mine befo’ she finished uni, and came back last January fer an associate position. She’s me mentee and ‘m her mentor fer tha next few years while she finds her footing, workin’ primarily with me on cases, includin’ tha new McConnell one.” 
“I heard about that, Harry, congratulations. That’s very exciting . . for the both of you,” she grins from behind her mug of tea. My mug of tea. 
“Oh, sorry. Becks, this ‘s Penelope Hautten, or as we fondly call her, Nelly,” he introduces, and she offers a small wave and an awkward smile. Yeah, you have no bloody idea how awkward this is. “We met in uni fer law in our cohort, same with Rose and Rory.” 
“Hi, it’s great to meet you. I’d love to say I’ve heard loads about you, but it’s been a minute since I’ve spoken to Styles over here,” she says, holding out a hand tanned from fake tan that I reluctantly shake when I hear her next comment made in laughter. “I’m sorry we had to meet like this, I’d be upset seeing another woman being all over my boyfriend, too.” 
“No, you’re okay,” is all I say at first, feeling a little better when I feel Harry squeeze my arm after swinging one around my waist. “It’s nice to meet you too, I think I’ve heard Harry mention you before. He sure has a lot of good things to say about all of his fun in uni.” 
The words bring loud laughs to both of their lips, and for a moment, I think that I need to as well. I find it awkward to not be laughing, but by then, it’s far too late to begin. 
“I just wanted to stop by to say hi and congratulate you on getting this case, it’s a rather big one. Actually, maybe we could talk some more about it over dinner? I was just on my way to Lenny’s on this side of town,” Nelly says, and yes, I do see the little glance you give to me before you bat your eyes at Harry. 
“Thanks, Nel.’ ‘d actually love t’ pick yer brain ‘bout tha case, and over a sandwich and soup sounds fantastic, ‘specially with this cold weather comin’ in. Great timin’, ‘m starvin’,” he remarks with an eager smile, rubbing a circle into my back before it falls. “Becks, you don’t mind, d’ya? Maybe ya could see if Rose needs help with anythin’,” Harry comments after setting down his tea, raising an eyebrow at me. He nods almost instantly, walking around his desk to grab his Northface off the back of his chair to pull on. 
“Yeah, I’d love to consult on it with you, Harry.” 
“Y-Yeah, sure,” I mumble, lifting a hand in a lousy wave as they’re already walking down the hall and away from me. Their loud and happy laughter floats back to me as the image of her arm hooking around his waist burns in my eyes. 
“Was that . . ?” somebody says, breaking into my thoughts. Blinking and turning my head, I see Rose standing in her doorway, down the hallway. “Oh god, was that Penelope?” she groans with a shake of her head, stopping when she sees me standing there. 
“Yep, in the flesh. She took my tea,” I say with a turn of my palm to the sky, taking slow steps until I arrive at her side. I join her in watching them get on the lift with smiles stretching their lips. “And my boyfriend.” 
“I never liked her.” 
“Why not? Wait,” I ask and then pause, furrowing my brows as thoughts race around behind my eyes. “Was she the one in your friend circle in uni who- No, please tell me that’s not the one who had a crush on Harry?”
A sigh is all that graces my ears while she tucks a daring lock of hair behind her ear. “Yes and yes,” she answers.
“God,” I groan, losing a hand in my hair. “And she just stole my boyfriend for a dinner date, when we were just going to go for our Taco Tuesday. What the fuck?” I exhale, letting my hand fall with a slap! to my leg. 
“You better keep a short leash on him when she’s around, that’s all I’ll say.” 
“Rose-,” I begin, turning to look at her. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to scare you, love. I’m sure everything will be fine, it’s been years since all of that happened, she’s bound to have changed, or so I hope.”
“You said everything would be fine, and you know what, it’s not fine!” I exclaim, dropping my bag onto the chestnut colored chair in front of the desk. Inhaling, the breath passes my lips shakily, and I turn away to look around the office. 
“Becky, what’s the matter, love? What are you talking about?” 
“Her. Penelope . . She’s on the McConnell case with Harry, instead of me,” I reveal gently, but the words falling from my lips feel like anything but that to my heart. Sniffling, I swipe a hand across my cheeks. 
“What, how do you-.” 
“I just saw him in the break room. You know what, I didn’t see him all last night. He didn’t come home until late. I went to sleep in an empty bed, and woke up later around eleven when he came in, and didn’t say a word to me. But in the break room, I run into my boyfriend, my mentee, my boss, who are all the same person, and all he has to say to me is that he’s switched me to your case and her to his. He didn’t have time to say anything more, because what’s-her-face slinked in and stole him from me. Again. Rose, I-I don’t like this, what the fuck is going on?” I finish, spinning around to look at her through the hazy tears sitting in my eyes. 
“Oh, Becky love, I’m so sorry,” is all she says before pulling me into her arms where I let the tears fly. 
“Am I stupid for getting so upset over this? I dunno if I am, because I looked her up on Insta last night and her stories were of them getting dinner and drinks together and she put hearts all around him on it. T-Then, this morning he barely kissed me on the cheek before breaking the news to me, and nothing more. No ‘I’m sorry for replacing you at dinner last night’ or ‘I’m sorry for coming home late and not responding to any of your texts last night,’” I cry, catching whiffs of her floral based perfume, feeling her sigh before hearing it. “I’m not going through another fucking Amber phase with him, she was one and done for me. I don’t like this, I just want him back.”
“Come ‘head, love, time for our weekly team meeting.” 
I remain silent, staring at the laptop screen unblinkingly, wishing it was the voice of another now saying my name. 
“I don’t want to . . she’ll be there . . with him,” I answer, switching tabs and scrolling through my search results on the Silver Net database. 
“I can’t, Rose, okay?” I nearly retort, turning my head to look at her patient, brown eyes. “You didn’t hear the stuff she said to me yesterday.” 
“What’d she say to you?” she hurriedly replies with concern, sitting down on the chair next to me, pulling it over so she’s facing me. 
“It’s what she didn’t say,” I respond, closing my laptop but nervous to meet her eyes. “With just my luck, I ran into her in the break room yesterday, just when I was starting to feel better the day after getting dropped from Harry’s case. She was asking me about him, and well, me. How long I’d known him, how long we’d been dating, blah blah. Then she couldn’t shut up about how she’s known him for over ten years, how they’d have all of these late study nights in the library together, and how they took their Bar together. Then, he came in and she just continued, rattling off the cases they won together in the beginning when they got their first real lawyer jobs. She knew what she was doing and so did I, she was showing how much better she is for him, and how I’m . . not.” 
“As if anybody fucking asked her,” Rose tuts, shaking her head vehemently and getting to her feet. “You stay and keep checking on those statements we got, okay? You don’t have to come to the meeting, I’ll just debrief you when I get back.” 
Nodding, I lift the lid of my laptop again and switch to Docs. 
“Yeah, Rose?” I say, my eyes flitting to the door where she stands with her hand on the doorknob. 
“You’re sure you aren’t going to talk to him about this? I think the sooner the better.”
“I would, if I could get him alone, but I can’t. It’s like she’s always there, even outside of work, he’s out doing something with her. I dunno, I give up.” 
“I’m really sorry, love,” she frowns, emphasis in her voice and the bend of her eyebrows. 
“Thank you, Rose,” I answer with a small smile, watching her return it and leave the room. I almost jump when I hear the ding of my phone, and scrabble to pry it from my pocket, only to be disappointed with a text from Skye. As well as the memory staring back at me, teasingly, from my lock screen.
If only I could go back to that day, or just rewind life by a few.
The flecks of snow leave cold puddles in my hair as my fingers wrap around the cold handle. Gulping, I don’t twist it, and instead, I just stare and listen. I listen to the happy hum of music I hear coming from the other side, and to the obnoxiously nervous thrumming of my heart. He’s home, and for the first time in three days, it’s before eleven o’clock. I want to savor it, but the repressed thoughts have turned sour in my heart, building upon each other throughout the prior days. 
The new cold that has embedded itself into the wind and the trees around me, is what brings me inside. Maybe there’s an ounce of wanting to see him, or a contradicting whole lot, but it’s the sudden cold that I can’t handle anymore, and how it’s much too like the same absence that’s grown in my chest. 
“Ya hungry, babe?” he calls to me, the sound of the door opening something I’ve only gotten used to recently, but he’s mastered by now. Breathing in, I chase a deep breath, but it’s lost. Wasting the time until I have to walk past him, I sink down onto the bottom step to pry off my shoes. “I was gonna make sumthin’ fer dinna, but ‘m not sure what. Anythin’ sound good t’ you? Oh, I was wonderin,’ why weren’t you at tha team meetin’ t’day? Ev’rything’ alright?” he continues, despite my lack of an answer. The irony that sits in the possibility of replies sickens me, because there’s little else I want more than to sit down and have dinner with him. The normalcy and the ignorance to how things have so drastically changed, and so quickly. 
I wonder if I have enough time to leave, but no, I can’t. He’s noticed, and knows that I’m home. He’s expecting me. If only he could know how that same feeling has overflown inside of me, and been pushed back down each and every time, a hunger that was never fed. I hang my coat, place my keys on the ring beside his, and leave my ankle boots on the mat by his chestnut brown chelseas, just like every other time. In every way I still find it dreamy, but it’s not the same, no matter how much I wish that I could pretend that it is. 
“I’m not hungry,” I softly decide on a few moments later, padding into the kitchen where he still stands in his work clothes from today. The shiny black number adorned with velvet edges now absent, and my ever favorite, the leopard button up. The pain still sings behind my ribs at the appearance of it in its lonesome, untucked from his slacks. 
“How are ya not? ‘s five o’clock, love. I know ya have yer lunches at one, so ya must be starvin,’” Harry comments, but how would he even know? The fridge makes that noise it always does when it opens, the soft pop before the whoosh of the refrigeration. “Hey, where are ya goin’? I could make a pizza, or some spaghetti fer us.” 
The words that he requires to his questions escape me, and in their place, sit the impatient ones that have been patient for far too long. Yet, I can’t find the right ones to say that feel right, but then again, all of this feels so wrong. Not one moment from the last few days has felt anything close to right. 
“Becks,” he says, urgency laden in his voice, and I wonder why I didn’t just walk up the stairs and away from him when I had the chance. “Hey, why’re you ignorin’ me, love?” 
If that didn’t do it, his hand on my shoulder, soft as can be, does. I try my hardest to not melt into putty in his hands, but he sidesteps that entirely, and walks around to stand in front of me. 
“What, it’s only okay when you do it?” I bite back, but the fervor isn’t there in my voice. No, not yet, but it’s not what does it for him when he sees my face. It’s barely there, but the way his eyes widen, and his lips part tells me that he too feels the tears warming up my cold-bitten cheeks. 
“Becks, I dunno what yer talkin’ ‘bout. What’s tha matter, love?” 
“Please, don’t lie to me,” I begin, a sob near and not too far. A swallow to wet my voice is anything but that, and I know it will only get worse as his eyebrows fall into the deepest V I may have ever seen. 
“‘m not lyin’ t’ you, bug,” he insists, cocking his head. A whimper sounds from my lips when I pull my arm out of his grasp, and the effect is immediate, firstly in his eyes. 
“You forgot about me, Harry. Our Taco Tuesday date . . watching the new episode of American Horror Story last night . . watching FRIENDS every night at dinner . . reading Harry Potter together every night before bed,” I say, the sob beginning its place behind my lips. “Ever since Nelly walked into your office on Tuesday, it’s been all about her! We’ve hardly spoken the last three days, and when we do, it’s ‘Nelly this,’ and ‘Nelly that.’ I’m your girlfriend, Harry, and I got fucking demoted by you, again!” the exclamation is dry, and yet with the sadness that leaps from my insides, no longer patient. 
“Honey, ‘m sorry,” he tries with sorrow and everything else sewn into his features, but unlike every other time, I don’t want to take it and run. I don’t want to give in, or settle. 
“Sorry doesn’t always cut it, Harry, you know that. You dropped me from your case without even asking me so you could have her help you! When we were talking about taking the case, you told me that it would be such a great learning experience for me. My first murder trial, and you gave it away to her! She’s seen how many murder trials, how many courtrooms, and known you for how long, Harry? It’s like I didn’t matter anymore the second she walked in your office. You didn’t answer your calls and texts, or if you did, it was hours later. I saw you on her Instagram story getting dinner and drinks every night this week, instead of having dinner at home, with me,” I explain, the tears wetting my lips chapped from the cold wind. “I don’t understand, Harry, what did I do or what didn’t I do? What does she have that I don’t?” 
“Becks, please-,” he starts with a sadness in his voice that I don’t want to place or take ownership of. 
“She loves you, Harry, I know it,” I say, and then, it all changes. His face does, and so do his words. He changes. 
“What? What would make ya say that?”
“Don’t play dumb, Harry, I’ve seen it. I’ve only known her for a few days, and I see it. I see it in the way she looks at you, how anytime I’ve tried to talk to you at work this week she steals you back from me, and how much she sells herself to sound like you . . how she’s so much better for you than I am,” I tell him, the emphasis at last arriving in my voice. The bravery. 
“She doesn’t feel that way ‘bout me, she never has. We’re jus’ good friends, ‘s all.” 
“P-Please, I said don’t lie to me,” I stutter, squeezing my eyes shut at the sound of his words. The sting of the denial. “She does, even Rose told me she has ever since uni, Harry! Why can’t you see that?” 
“There’s nuthin’ to see, Becks, ‘s jus’ best friends reunitin’ afta a few years. Ya wouldn’t understand . . ,” he spits back, disdain heavy in his voice, and now in my heart. 
“I’m supposed to be your best friend, Harry, but I guess, not this week.” 
“Jealous much?” he tuts with a shake of his head, his upper lip curling as his face takes on the look of . . somebody else. “Y’know what, ‘m sorry I dropped you from tha case, and yer all bitchy ‘bout that. I wanted t’ work onn’a case with me best friend fer ol’ time’s sake. I don’t see what’s so wrong with that! There’ll be how many mo’ murder cases, if that’s what yer really upset ‘bout. Nelly, she’s not in love with me, so stop bloody sayin’ that. Fookin’ f’get dinna, I don’t even wanna be ‘round you right now, yer bein’ pathetic and all jealous,” he retorts, and any words I had to say are drowning in the tears that crowd my cheeks. 
“Harry, please. Don’t,” I beg him, turning to watch him walk away and shove his feet into his boots by the door. 
“No, Becks. ‘m goin’ out fer dinna . . with Nelly. ‘ccordin’ t’ you, that’s all ‘m good at as of recent,” he says, and his voice drops when he says her name. So does my heart, and I’m sure it shows on my sleeve, because a hint of My Harry appears on his face just for a moment. Only a moment of regret and realness. I don’t wait to see if it remains, and dash past him to take the stairs two at a time until I find the guest bedroom, wishing that I could collapse onto our bed without it hurting me all the more. 
It’s a few choked breaths until I hear the door to the garage slam, his car start, and then leave. 
I guess I got my wish, afterall, to be alone.
The slamming of the door is what I hear next, and what lifts my heavy head from the pillow. Muffled curses pricks at my ears while I rub at my heavy eyes, a yawn leaving my lips. Blinking slowly, my eyes begin to fall shut and the pillow greets my head once more. Licking my lips, I grasp at the edges of the striped pillowcase, the remnants of my dream coming back to me. The sounds around me soften and so does the rest of my body, unbeknownst to me the hour, or the memory of the fight earlier. Nor did I know of the man who nervously climbs the stairs with a hole in his heart, searching for me. 
“There you are,” he says, but I hear it in my dream, or so I think. Opening my eyes slowly, sleep is all but lost as his steps creak across the floor after opening the door noisily. “Oh, shit. ‘m sorry, I woke you up.” 
I’d fall back asleep, ignoring him and it all, but I can’t after I hear the way the words fell from his lips. The subsequent sniffling and whimpers that adorn his words. Lying there staring into the darkness, my eyes slowly start to open more and so does my mind, and perhaps my heart. Having slept in another bed that wasn’t mine, I want more than anything to not have to fall asleep in an empty, cold bed tonight, without him. I just want things to be okay again, and to be normal. I had never before coveted the normalcy that we had only days ago, and how unknowingly happy I was living amongst it. 
It pulls me to my feet and across the room blindly, and into his arms. For the first time in days, the tears don’t find me, but as I breathe in his smell, they belong to him now. 
“Becks,” he cries from above me, his chest shaking under my touch. Sighing, all of the unspoken grievances spend themselves onto his skin, and hopefully, out of my heart. Little did I know. 
“I don’t want to fight anymore, Harry, it’s okay.” 
“‘s not okay, Becks, ‘s really not,” Harry continues, and as if in slow motion, I pull myself away from him. The glow of the streetlamp illuminates his features painted with sadness, and their rivers. 
“Harry,” I begin, afraid of the words mounting on his lips as he presses his palms against his eyes. 
“You were right,” is all he says and I’m stepping away, muttering frantic ‘no’s until I touch the bed, and sink onto it. His hands fall and in the scattered light amongst the darkness, I see the impending words weighing on his lips. “S-She kissed me . . t’night at dinna, we had been drinkin’ and . .” 
The ‘no’s are lost entirely within moments, and my head falls into my hands. An emptiness that had been building within my gut over the last few days only intensifies, and if I’d eaten anything for dinner, it would have been lost by now. 
“I stopped her, Becks, believe me. Please. I-I told her that she can’t, and I didn’t do it, too. I didn’t kiss her back, baby, I promise you that. ’m sorry, Becks, ’m so sorry,” Harry weeps. The floor creaks, but I’m too far away to know what it means, until his face falls into my lap. “I pushed her away, and told her that yer tha one I love, it could never be anybody else. I could never feel that way ‘bout her, I said that too, and how I love you so much and ‘ve been tha worst boyfriend t’ you ever since she came here . . . I-I made her leave, Becks, I swear. S-She’s gone and ‘m so fookin’ sorry I let this happen, baby, ‘m so goddamn sorry. I love you. I love you so fookin’ much, and ‘s only you. ‘s only ever been you.” 
With a choked sound, I stand up and hardly feel the carpet pass under my feet, or the wooden steps that come next. I hear my name, the one that he gave me so long ago, and only swears by. Again and again, it comes, and I listen, but I don’t. After a while, the sobs bursting from me cover his voice, but they could never silence it. No, not my favorite sound in the entire world, and yet, at this moment, it’s the one that I hate most, because of the words it said. 
“Becks, don’t. Baby, please,” he begs when I grab the keys and pull on my shoes. “Don’t leave. ‘m sorry, I promise she’s gone and isn’t comin’ back. You can’t leave anyways, ‘s a blizzard out there. They’re sayin’ people shouldn’t be drivin’ in it, ‘s tha first snowfall like this in October in a hundred years. I don’t want sumthin’ t’ happen t’ you.” 
Stopping, my hand freezes on the handle, just like it did only hours before. Only then, things weren’t nearly as bad as they are right now. Sniffling, my shoulders fall and shake harder than before, and so do my words, “I don’t want to be here,” I sob, helplessly. 
“I know, ‘m so sorry, Becks. ‘m so sorry,” he continues from behind me. I wait for the sound of his footsteps but they don’t come, and I’m not sure of my own, either. 
Standing there, I’m uncertain of how much longer I can do it, to stand. Our cries fill my ears, and the ache of all aches weighs in my chest. With every second, it feels as if my legs are going to forget me, but there I keep standing, for how long I’m not sure. 
“‘ll go, ‘ll leave you be. ‘m gonna pack a bag and stay at Myles’ down tha road . . Eat, babe, please. Have sumthin’ fer dinna,” he announces, and I swallow, past all of the anger and upset living in there. Blinking, the tears waiting in the dugout leave, and I see the cream of the door. I see all of the memories that happened even just there - the nights tripping in from too many drinks, the first nights at his place together, coming in after walks around the neighborhood, or surprising him after work with takeaway. They play before my eyes until freezing at the feeling of his lips on the crown of my head, and I close them. I wish that it could be like any other time, but the trembling of my lips tells me otherwise. “I love you, so much, Rebecca Ann. I love you, love you, love you,” he whispers before another peck, and then, he’s gone. 
I don’t remember leaving him, or making my way to the downstairs study, falling into a fitful sleep on his futon with the sights and smells of him dancing around me. I only remember wishing that this was all a nightmare that he could wake me up from, and to not have to wake up to it, again.
The shrill sound of my alarm is what brings my eyes open the next morning, instantly groaning. Turning over, I press Snooze on my phone screen, again, and catch the picture that I haven’t been able to get myself to change. I could place it anywhere - a visit to The National Gallery to see Monet, Harry’s recent infatuation. It was a selfie gone wrong in front of the painting, Bathers, and instead features our large smiles in a blurry photo. 
The time continues to tick away on the wall, and with every second that passes, life comes back to me, and walking back into my heart. I lay my head back down on the pillow and watch how the early morning sunlight peeking in through the shades dances across his study. The spines of his favorite books filling the shelf on the wall. Reflections painted on the screen of his trusty iMac. The ghosts stare back at me from the framed pictures around the towering object. His mum, sister, grandparents, the team at the firm, and then, there’s me. It’s the shiniest of all, absent of dust, and is in the biggest frame. He’s not even in it, like the others, because it’s just me. The pink and brown, patched quilt falls to my waist when I sit up quickly, squinting with my contactless eyes to see it. I had no idea he had printed it and framed it, to have in here, a snapshot of me from my birthday with a bedhead and a tired smile after opening presents. The accompanying frames hug the sides of his computer, but this one- no, not this one. It almost obscures the monitor itself, it’s so close, and it makes me wonder all the more if that says anything for how he holds me in his heart.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I mutter under my breath, stabbing at the lit up number amongst the rows. Dragging a hand through my hair, sighs fill the air whilst I smooth down my wrinkled slacks, hoping I don’t look as shitty as I feel, like I know I do. 
Not soon enough, the office comes into view, and I rush in. “I’m so sorry,” I apologize profusely, shaking my head as I set down my things in her closet where hers sit as well. “I just- I had a really terrible night, I know it’s no excuse, but-.” 
“Would you stop apologizing? You overdid it when you rang me on your drive here, don’t worry so much, love. We all oversleep sometimes. I’m just glad you didn’t miss the team meeting, come on then.” 
“God, another one? That has to be like two too many this week . . why?” I groan, following her out of the room with slumped shoulders. The realizations and realities don’t hit me until the second before I step foot into the conference room, searching for him. He’s nowhere to be found, and of course, it only makes me feel all the worse. I snoozed my alarm too many times and overslept, missed breakfast, forgot makeup, and now, my boyfriend I’m fighting with is MIA from work. 
Could this week get any worse? Hmm, perhaps I shouldn’t jinx it, now. 
“Where’s your lover boy at?” Rose taunts, but when my eyes stop their investigating, I find that she’s looking around with pinched brows, too. 
“I’m wondering the same thing,” I answer softly, watching as more people fill the room, plucking bagels and muffins from the platter in the middle of the table. It would be calling my name typically, but no, something else is right now, somebody else. 
“You go and find him.” 
“But, Rose, they’re going to start-,” I begin, until Myles’ booming voice interrupts me from the front of the room. 
Her firm green eyes don’t shy away from their answer, “It’s okay, go, Becky. He doesn’t usually miss these things, anyways. He’s gotten good at actually showing up to them for once,” she says with a soft smile, patting my arm and nodding at me to follow her words. 
Nodding with a grateful smile, I weave around the cluster of familiar lawyers finding seats, and slip out the door. Searching the halls nearby is the first thing I do, but I’ve never been very lucky with that, and I’m not this time, either. I think I have it in the bag when I push open the door to his office, but despite the warm light pouring in from the windows and the ceiling lights, it’s a ruse. Harry’s not here, either. 
Whirling around, I take a step towards the door until my mind catches on something. With careful steps, I turn back around and walk over to his desk, and I notice it. The mess. It hasn’t been this unorganized since well, when I worked as his assistant. He’s always kept it clean since I started working with him again, always having a place for everything, and keeping it that way. This is odd. 
That’s pitched back onto the pile, forgotten, when the sun glimmers on something reflective. With another step, I catch sight of it, and like the other one did so perfectly, the guilt starts to bead inside of me. Inhaling suddenly, a smile lopsides my lips as I reach out to touch it. It’s just like the other one, and yet it isn’t, and in the best of ways. 
As if it’s a mirror, my face stares back at me, and in so many ways. My staff picture for the firm that he took of me on a pair of steps on a walk together during lunch. Me riding the carousel when I had to be four or five. Pigtailed primary age me kicking a football along the field in a yellow jersey. Chubby-faced me smiling at the camera with only a few teeth to call my own, drool running down my chin. A candid of me at a staff party, and one that was long ago, when I was just his assistant. One to remember, a shot of me moments before my very first case with Harry, all dolled up in my lawyer attire. In the center of them all, they sit taped to a larger picture of me smiling so hard my dimple popped, in front of a path of autumn trees. A day only just a week ago if that, I realize, while admiring it. 
Sighing, I reach a hand to brush underneath my eye, but I bump his white Apple mouse in the process. It wakes up his iMac and the sight of his screen is soon clouded with tepid tears. They fall, tasting briny against my lips, and heavy with guilt. In all of my time working with him, before, I had seen his computer. I had seen his laptop background. I had even seen his lockscreen, and it was never of somebody. No, it was a painting, song lyrics, a grocery list, or a sample background. It was never of a girl, but this time, it is. It’s him and me, some secret snap from a hike with Robbie this summer, overlooking the peak but smiling at each other while the sunset colors wash the sky. 
God, I really do need to fix this, right now. And if I had any plans for what that would be like, they’re stolen away by the wind when I look up. 
“Hey,” he says softly, worrying away at his bottom lip. His warm gray suit flutters when he stuffs his hands into his pockets, and if it weren’t for the lip thing, I know from this too that he’s nervous. Anxious or not, he looks unforgettable in that suit - the very one he donned for our first date, and I requested for so many more that he finally told me ‘no,’ because he had so many others. 
“I was looking for you,” I reveal slowly, my voice shy and distant, although I try so hard. 
“I was jus’ lookin’ fer ya too.” 
Silence falls into the space between us and claims it, separating us all the more with the desk in between us, and his figure across the room. Words fill me to the brim, and I didn’t know it a moment before, but these ones are impatient too. They grow heavy and needy when I see the glassy look to his eyes, and then disappear altogether when the first tear drips down his cheek. 
“‘m so sorry, Becks. I know I fooked ev’rythin’ up, and I understand if ya wanna break up- I-,” Harry weeps, his voice giving out on him. His dingy, flat curls move when his head shakes from side to side. My heart aches with each beat, and only sinks further when those pretty greens run away from me to hide in his hand. 
“Harry,” I begin in the worst of sighs, my rushing feet not quick enough to get me over to him. “You didn’t fuck everything up, you’re not even capable of that. Breaking up hasn’t crossed my mind, I promise.” 
“What?” he breathes, his hands falling at last. They’re slick with tears when I wrap them up inside of my own. Shock paints his face and stills the tears in his eyes that glue to me immediately. 
“Just shut up and kiss me already, big head,” I refrain, freeing his hands and grabbing his face until my lips touch his. Surely, I’ve surprised him, but it’s only seconds until he kisses me back. Her face pops into my head, and I kiss him harder. The thought of her kissing him comes next, and I lose my fingers in his hair. I try to find my ground by focusing on the feeling of his stubble underneath my fingertips, and his smell. It smells like home. 
“Baby, ‘m still so sorry,” he mumbles against my lips in between kisses. 
“It’s okay,” I assure him, pressing pecks to his mouth with hurried breaths. The image of his wet green eyes find mine again, and it’s like my heart didn’t just get sewn back together in the last minute like I’d thought. 
“‘m sorry, Becks, fer ev’rythin’ this week. Ignorin’ you, droppin’ you from tha case, comin’ home late, and our row last night,” Harry starts with tears growing in his eyes. Shaking my head, I pull him against me, and find his neck with my nose. “I was such a prick t’ you, I can’t believe it. Ya don’t deserve tha way I treated you or talked t’ you. ‘m so sorry.” 
“I know, Harry, it’s okay. I forgive you, it’s okay,” I coo, trailing my nails against the back of his neck, catching the soft curls there. “I was to blame too, I should’ve talked to you right away, and not waited. I-.” 
“No, don’t, Becks. ‘s not yer fault, none o’ it, it was all me,” he insists with a sob. I shush him, and lay my head on his shoulder, wishing to know how I could make this all go away. Hushed ‘it’s okay’s fall from my lips as I rub hearts into his back, wishing I could rub and rub until it was all better. Finally, the silence feels comforting, and no longer dangerous. 
The sniffles have slowed and almost stopped once I pull away, catching a tear budding on the end of his nose. A corner of his mouth greets his cheek as he catches one under my eye. 
“I’m sorry I got so upset last night over that stupid kiss. I know that you’d never do something like that to me . . it wasn’t your fault, Harry,” I say, brushing my thumb over his untidy stubble along his cheek. 
“Thank you . . ‘m sorry I didn’t believe ya and got all defensive ‘bout whatcha said. Yer me girl, nuthin’ will ever change that,” Harry hums, sponging a kiss to my forehead. “I got so excited t’ see Nelly at first, but she kept tryin’ t’ keep me away from you, and I shouldn’t have ignored it.” 
“It’s okay, it’s all over and done with.” 
“Mmmhmm,” he hardly smiles, looking down at me. 
“I’m your girl, huh?”
“Always, baby,” he confirms, his lips slowly spreading to shine that sunshine on me. “Hey, why tha tears when I came in, bug?” Harry shushes, leaving kisses along my face until I’m giggling. 
“Your pictures,” I say amongst the attack of kisses, hearing his confused ‘hmm?’ from somewhere on the other side. “Nothing, I just- I know. I really know, now.” 
“Good, silly girl, wantcha t’ never f’get that. Yer all mine,” he nearly sings, his lips drifting to my jaw and then my neck. “Love you, love you, love you.” 
“I love you more,” I sing back in reply, but then my breath catches when his giggle tickles my ear. “Don’t you dare! Harry!” I chuckle.
“Do what, love?” he asks, the mischief sparkling in his eyes when his lips leave my skin to smile at me now. 
“I swear to God, Harry Edward,” I titter, my words collapsing into laughs. 
“I love you most,” he claims with a loud wheeze, tittering into the corner of my neck soon, making us both laugh. 
“That’s my line!” 
“Seems I got t’ steal it this time, bug, and fook, did it feel good t’ finally get t’ say,” he comments, earning a dramatic sigh from me. “So, what d’ya say t’ skippin’ tha team meetin’ like ‘d planned, and orderin’ brekky and catchin’ up on that show o’ ours?”
“Good answer,” he smirks, touching his lips to mine before pulling me in to wrap me up in my favorite place in the whole wide world, his arms.
“Are you ready yet? God, I swear you take longer than me, Harry, and I’m the gender who’s said to take the longest in the bathroom!” 
“Ya well, ‘s not very hard t’ bloody braid yer hair, throw on some gym clothes, and a hat, now ‘s it, Ms. Holte?” he calls back, and I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest. With a sigh, I take a seat on the bottom step and let my chin fall into my palm. 
“Oh, would you stop? All you had to do was spray your hair and spike it, and write some words on your face with eyeliner.” 
“Be nice t’ me,” he remarks from above me, his voice coming closer. Cocking my head, I see a glimpse of him until at last, he comes into view. His grumpy face doesn’t last very long when he sees the dimple fall into my cheek, and soon, so are his. “How do I look, Ms. Green?”
“Great, Mr. Geller. You really nailed the nineties spiked hair,” I say, my words falling into a giggle that he shakes his head at. 
“Why thank you, ‘m rather proud o’ it too.” 
“I still can’t believe who you said we should go as instead.” 
“Keep teasin’ me and maybe we will go onna break,” Harry jokes, arriving at the bottom stair and soon returning to sit beside me with his pair of Old Skool vans in tow. 
“Hush,” I retort, knocking shoulders with him. Smushing the hat back against my head, my head falls onto his shoulder and I wind one of my arms around his. “You did good on the whiskers, I like them,” I note, dragging the back of my finger against his baby-smooth cheek. 
“Thanks, babe,” he mumbles while pulling on his shoes. Turning to me, the fake, black whiskers are obscured by his lovely dimples. “Ya really did do a great job with yer costume too, love, and t’ think we jus’ used what we had. We’re rather nifty, ‘d say,” he says, tapping a finger against my nose. 
“Thanks. I can’t wait to see how cute we look together.” 
“Then let’s go look, shall we, Rachel?” he asks with a raise of his eyebrows, and I nod as he kisses my forehead. 
Taking his hand, I stand up and follow him through the house until we arrive in the main floor’s bathroom, staring into the floor to ceiling mirror. A laugh immediately sputters from my lips and one from his too. 
“God, we look stupid.” 
“I hope that means we did good with our costumes,” he titters, inspecting his hair until I softly swat at his shoulder. “Ya really outdid yerself with tha pigtails, babe. Me black cap looks great on you, as does tha rest o’ yer outfit that’s mine. Ya always blow me away by how sexy ya look in me clothes.” 
“Okay, bud, would you chill out?” I chuckle whilst he sponges kisses down my neck from behind me now. “Harry, we haven’t even left for the party yet and you’re going to mess up your makeup.” 
“‘s okay, ‘s supposed t’ look a li’l messy since Ross was drunk in that episode.” 
“Harry, stop it,” I giggle when his lips wander to below my ear and his hands to my ticklish waist. “Kissy time can wait until later, mister.” 
“Hmmmph, yer no fun.” 
“I’m sure we’ll both be loads more fun when we’re tipsy later,” I note, taking his hands in mine and leaning into him. 
“Oooo, don’t tempt me, babe. Already wanna kiss all over you, yer not helpin’.” 
“Harry, I’m dressed as Rachel from the football episode in nothing but sweats. How in the hell is that sexy?” I wheeze, squirming when his fingers find just the right place on my ribs, because he’s gotten it memorized by now. 
“Told ya that ya look like sumthin’ else when ya wear me clothes. Plus, there’s never a time where ya don’t drive me mad with how beautiful ya are.” 
“Harry,” I sigh happily, opening my closed eyes to watch him litter kisses along my face in the mirror. “You know, I bet we’ll even win best couples costume.” 
“Hmmm, ya think?” he wonders aloud, lifting his head to look back at us, and in my eyes. Gently yanking on my pigtail, I giggle as I turn around and thread my arms around his neck. “Y’know what, reckon we look cute t’gether even as Ross and Rachel, but always as Harry and Becks.” 
His sunshine spreads a wider smile on my face as I hide my blushing face in his neck. The olive green button down of his slips under my fingers from behind his neck, and then again, I see the cat face scribbled on his face and ‘Ross’ written on his forehead from that one episode of FRIENDS. 
“We make a good team, huh?” I ask him, my fingers dancing over his beaming face. 
“Ya, we sure do, babe. And we’ll make a better one if ya don’t mess up me makeup I took far too long t’ put on.” 
“Okay, fine,” I relent, my thumb drifting along his cheekbones before it finds his bottom lip. “How’s this spot?”
“That works just fine.” 
“Oh, you don’t say?” I snicker, pulling down his warm lip only to have it spring back against his teeth. 
He shakes head with red cheeks while humming a response, but it doesn’t go very far until I envelope his lips with mine, sure that I’m screwing up his makeup but neither of us care. The kiss only grows sweeter when I think of the last Halloween that we spent together, and how this one is already starting off miles better.
We really have made it, haven’t we?
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nyarisu · 4 years
St. Paul liveblogging
So they drunk. I too may be a little tipsy so that goes hand in hand let’s start >w<
Spiel mit mir
Oh look a little human. More little humans.
Is that a face?? Oh it was just the fan behind the drums XD
Ooooh it’s the entrance through a drum thing!
I like Till’s boots. Also it’s the first live I’ve seen with the leg brace. I’ve only seen it in that one picture
Interesting jacket with only one arm
Oh god he’s sucking his thumb again did yoU WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS??!? (i swear it’s got nothing to do with the current situation it just bugs me seeing people do that)
Cryptid Ollie<3
This is one creepy song
Yes Till we know you’re horny you don’t need to grab your dick every few minutes XD
Wow something new happened with the instrumentals there
Did I miss that part?
I like the guitar solo so much!
Paul has dark hair??
Lol slut Till at it again XD imagine if he went that hard with Flake during Buck dich XDDD
That was one long "schlief"
The chest hit<3
The Flake jump
"doch nur ein Tiieeeeeerrrr"
Did he just finished the song with a head tilt??? I’VE SEEN THE PICTURE!
Bestrafe mich
<3 way to win my heart so early into the live also Till got shirtless pretty quick so it’s always a plus
When did Ollie got to the other side of the stage? Is he wearing shorts??
Look at this dumb bitch whipping himself again....
"du. darfst. mein. Bes.trafer seeein" the perfect song to headbang on
I love the melodic part so much<3
Ups there goes that bottle I wonder if it hit someone
Oh that back~ I love how Till’s back has clearly some muscles but it’s also most probably very soft too
Schneider is having such interesting moves
I love Till’s headbang while crouching
Weisses Fleisch
Those scratching motions are probably a little more entrancing than ment
He just dropped it XD
Paul and Richard are in synch again going back and forth
Where did Richard go? Ach, yes. He let Schneider do his hypnotic hip thrusts and Flake his spazzing. I don’t think anyone can dance quite like him :)))
Didn’t Till’s voice on this song used to be a little more melodic? Or maybe the audio was better...
The fireworks were nice
Did Richard just vanished?? XD where is he?
Oh he’s back he was just hot (with that coat :D)
Yes, Ollie has indeed shorts
I swear to god Till has such interesting poses/moves, especially while crouching or being bent
I like that 2.5 till hammer during the chorus
They changed places again and IS OLLIE ON BACK VOCALS? ON SEHNSUCHT??
What if Till trips over the mic wire?
Why do you hit yourself bby?
From this angle a part of the drums looked like a sombrero *Wilder Wein flashbacks*
And of course he slams the mic on the ground
Asche zu Asche
I like how Richard and Paul always come to the front for the instrumental
"Heißes Kreuz" and he does a little cross with his fingers
The whole mimic druning this song is fun
„in zehn Tagen” YES he counted 10 days on his fingers I love that!
Ok Richard what was that with the solo? Weird flex but ok (was this the guitar version of sexy motherfucker?)
Shouldn’t something be already on fi- oh no there it is nevermind
Till is one hunk of a man but he has such dainty and delicate poses
If DRSG doesn’t come after this song, I’m rioting
This is such an interesting song to see Till sing because it’s very sad and you can see his suffering with every move and word and voice inflection (expression too if the visual would’ve been higher)
Go Flake go! But be safe!
Wow that was one wierdly short ride I too would’ve wanted to get out as soon as possible
Ugh. Again... no wonder I didn’t recognise it. This song doesn’t even exists to me (same for the english versions)
Will Till be a slut with this tongue again?
That’s the whole song? XD What’s happening?? :))) they changed their minds and went home XD
Ok I won’t be rioting after all but... what happened?
Uuu Reesh is shirtless we’re getting serious now!
I like Paul’s very serious pose
And Till slicked his hair back<3
Till and Paul are doing again that thing that gives me a heart attack and Richard is flirting with someone in the public why is he always going to te side?
Did Till put something on his head?
Lol there it went XD
I like how Richard was strutting around the scene and started slamming his guitar. Then Paul came on the other side of Till and symmetry
Is Richard wearing paltforms? He’s already taller than Paul what more does he want?
Them singing on a side was cute
For a moment I thought Till was stalking Paul :))
What the fuck I lowered my eyes for one fucking second to see what I’m writing and Richard disappear again?? When? Hoooowwwww??
I’m hearing some keyboard thingies I’m not usually hearing on the album version and what just happened?
Is Till baptizing the audience? Wait didn’t they already do the dramatic stop once? Did they do it in another part of the song? I’m so confused do I have to watch it again?
Yeah ok they were definitely on something XD
Du hast
THE FIRE BOW!! I really love some of their effects :D
Richard is on the side again? He even moved his mic stand what??
That laugh<3 It’s a shame they never sung Eifersucht I love that song so much
I really like the drums or whatever those drum like sounds are at the beginning and the keyboards in this song
Oooh so this is where the phone scene came from? Or were there multiple lives with this?
OH MY GOD of course he had to fuCKING YEET IT
Yes, I really like seeing Till pour water on himself next question
What are Paul and Ollie doing? XD disappearing, that’s what they’re doing :))
Buck dich
At first I was ok that’s some explosion and then 2 second in I realised what it is, the who who machine o(≧∀≦)o fire edition ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh now he has a platform~ and of course he stuffs the mic in his pants XD
The guys sure are switching places huh
It’s let’s sodomize Flake time
I like how he always turns after Flake when he runs away and the whole song is like this with little acting scenes
There went another bottle
I like how Flake came on his own
I wonder how it’s to be a fan at a concert seing Buck dich for the first time I’m sure some eyes popped out of the heads
Or how it is to be a fan jizzed on by Till Lindemann’s squirting dildo XD “Welcome to Rammstein“
OH MY GOD OLLIE look who’s the thirsty bitch XD
This song will slap forever and ever
Did they trip over something or...?
Wait what? Is this really how the song goes?
But Schneider was the sparkling drumsticks so I can forgive anything. Literally the only way to sing that part right is using the sparkling drumsticks! Everytime the solo starts I’m lowkey disappointed if no sparkles are involved. And my brain plays the song with those on the background
Do they actually whistle or the just mimic it? This is something I’ve always wondered
Flake solo? are they all having their own initiatives today or....? XD
I like how Richard casually threw the towel over his shoulder
Is Flake wearing something on his head?
YES! The coat! Asdfghjkl the audience is delighted too :D How cool was seeing that for the first time??
You are one crazy motherfucker, Till
Lol @ Ollie and his cryptid moves XD
*insert that “Beyonce??” meme here but instead of Beyonce is Laichzeit*
Oh ok that was cool
Till is dancing again XD
OH MY GOD THE WAY THE MIC STAND WENT XDD IT FLEW SO SMOOTHLY I need a compilation with all the times he’s throwing that stand away
How come he’s not doing his usual slutty moves? This song is peak slut when it comes to moves
Oh, he’s pulling his hair. Oh.
Did the just say pew?
I need to dance while high on this song
The keyboard part before the last verse is strangely elevating? majestic? ascending? Yeah let’s go with that. for the topic of the song but it kind of goes with the last part (nevermind I kinda still haven’t’t figured out what that last verse means)
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen?
I never know how to write „wollt” I always add an “h” instead of the first “l”, it sounds like a word with an “h” in it
Wow the screeches didn't use to be this loud but I like how Till rises his head everytime (open mouth is optional)
OH MY GOD YES the tongue made an apparition. I need to make giffs out of it and add it to my collection
I love those gloves but was Paul simply walking into the sparks?
Oooooh this one is new~ (editing Rena here: I have no idea what I was talking about)
I had to google the spelling of lots of words. My fingers stopped cooperating and I wasn’t even drunk
I don’t know how drunk they were but Richard was definitely at least a little high (the time frame is right too) and there were also some tehnical problems
I need to know if the Engel whistling is genuine or not
Throwing mic stand. Compilation. Now. (the Klavier one will always be first place in my heart)
And I need to get high and dance on Laichzeit
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emma-nation · 5 years
Thinking Of You (Mona x MC Fanfiction) - Chapter 8
Tumblr media
You said move on Where do I go? I guess second best Is all I will know
Summary: Years later, Allison has everything she wants, a brand-new internship as a doctor, a handsome boyfriend… but her first nightshift won’t go as expected…
Genre: Romance, Angst
Tag list: @zoe6111, @simsvetements, @mvrinettes, @whoinvitedalx, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @abunchofbadchoices, @kamilahmademedoit, @janurary, @talkinlikeateen, @eagle-one-1, @andreear17, @tia-bi, @monagf, @monahott, @fal-carrington, @crazzyplays, @honorablebicycle​, @teja-desai​ (let me know if you want to be tagged!)
- English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
“Party, Allison?” Mr. Wheeler questioned. “This is how you intend to catch a serial killer? By taking her to a party?”
“Dad, first we need to get the seller,” she explained. “And what place is better than a party to catch a drug dealer?”
“I did not assigned you to the mission so you could hang out with her. You have a fiancé, don’t you remember? And besides, there will be alcohol, sex and...”
“We’re no longer teenagers, dad. We know what we’re doing, right Mona?”
Mona was not even paying attention. She was sitting on the couch, focused on Allison’s laptop. She wasn’t hearing a single word of the argument, she just kept a concentrated look on the screen, while she typed uninterrupted.
“What?” She finally asked. “In case the two of you haven’t noticed, I have an essay to finish.”
“You don’t have to worry about it,” Mr. Wheeler told. “Bring me more suspects, more evidence. This is what you’re supposed to be doing in college. Once the mission is over, you’re out.”
“Right, I forgot that wasn’t for people like me,” she scowled, closing the laptop. “Thanks for the reminder, Pops.”
Mona left to the bedroom, leaving Allison alone with her father.
“Dad, she has been so engaged with this college thing. Why did you have to ruin it?”
“I didn’t ruin anything, Allison. That’s the truth. They’re only allowing Mona there for the mission.”
“B-But can’t we arrange anything, after this is over? I mean, look at her essay. She’s so incredibly smart. All the teachers are commenting her performance in classes. It’s the first time I really see her finding pleasure in anything, other than... her past habits.”
“I’m sorry, honey. This isn’t my business and neither should be yours. She has made her own choices and there’s nothing we can’t do to change it.”
Allison went to check on Mona, but after the argument with Mr. Wheeler, she was no longer social or even accessible. She followed to the guest room, where she was supposed to have one final conversation with Griffin about their engagement. Though he was online, he took a long time to pick up the call.
“Allison, baby. Hey.”
“Hey Griffin,” she sighed. “Do you finally have a moment so we can speak? It has been days I’ve been trying to...”
“I’m sorry, I’m very busy right now. Yellow Fever epidemics. Too many patients to check.”
Another excuse. Allison rolled her eyes. It was almost like he knew what she was about to tell him.
“It’s only for a few minutes,” she insisted, losing her patience. “Come on, you had time to fly to Spain over the weekend, but you don’t have a minute for me?”
Griffin’s expression suddenly darkened.
“S-Spain? I’ve never been in Spain, Allison. I’m trapped here in this small village, without internet signal most of the time. Trust me, we barely have water to drink!”
“Well, your phone was displaying a different location a few days ago.”
“Oh...” he looked down for a moment, pensive. “I had to sell my old phone. That’s it, the new owner must have forgotten to disable my ID. Thanks for telling me.”
“No problem, now can we...”
A message of lost signal was displayed on her screen. Allison punched the keyboard, frustrated.
“You gotta be kidding me.”
When Mona woke up in the morning, she was still in a bad mood because of the Detective, who was only using her to do the job he was unable to. Things only got worse when she had an accidental meeting with Allison. In the bathroom. When she had just finished. What lead them to be awkward around each other for the next hour.
"My bad," she was getting used to pronounce those words.
"There'd be no problem, Mona," Allison's cheeks went red again, "if you hadn't stared for so long."
"I was only appreciating the view. I hadn't seen it in a while, so..."
"No! Please, can we just forget it?"
"It'll be kinda hard, but I promise I'll try my best."
"Mona!" Allison's face was reaching a new shade of red.
"Consider it unseen," she spoke as Detective Wheeler arrived in the kitchen. "But I liked it," she whispered.
Allison's father interrupted them with another command. The University's basketball team would be hosting a 'Welcome Game', though Mona didn't have the smallest interest in attending, now she'd be forced to.
"Keep an eye on your suspect," he ordered, "and on this guy."
He showed the picture of a slender young male.
"He's the star of the team. Has been reported to be exhibiting abnormal behavior over the last few weeks. Watch who he speaks to, before and after the game."
She didn't have much work, as soon as they arrived in the University, the famous basketball star was casually chatting with Brian, who went back to his dorm carrying a small package.
"It'll be easier than I thought," Mona thought, snapping some pictures.
Later in class, she finished her lab experiment before any other students, so she took the time to search for places to take Allison after the game, as an apology for the morning incident.
"How do you even do that?" Her lab partner whined by her side.
His name was Leon, the leader of the RPG club, and only member too. He bonded with Mona for being rejected by the rest of their classmates as well. Later, they found out they had more in common than they could’ve imagined. He was in love with a med student, who was already committed to another guy.
"Using my brain?"
"I'm using mine, but it just... don't react!"
"Like this," Mona did all the procedure again, triggering the correct chemical reaction.
"B-But..." Leon stared at her in shock. “I followed all the instructions!”
"Now write your report, I'm not doing this for you either."
As they finished writing, they began to chat. She learned Leon had good computer skills, what could be useful at some point, in case they needed to hack Brian's phone to obtain proof.
"And how are things going with Allison?" He wanted to know.
"The same," she told, hopeless. "She hasn’t broke up with the douchebag yet. I guess I’ll just have to force him out of my way.”
"Are you bringing her to the game tonight?"
"Yes, I was kinda planning something special for after the game, but I don't really know what she likes."
"Bowling Alley," he suggested. "They have this fabulous milkshake and I've managed to achieve success with a couple of dates in there."
"Thanks for the tip."
"So let's recap the plan," Allison said before they entered the stadium. "I'll seduce Brian, while you break into his dorm room and get pictures of the drugs."
"He's a bastard, Allison," Mona disagreed. "I couldn't let you do this alone. You're coming with me, I've assigned someone else to keep an eye on him. While he's distracted at the game, both of us will break into his dorm."
"D-Did you told someone else about the investigation? My dad said we should be as secretive as possible."
"We could use a hacker. Besides, Leon is like a fluffy unicorn. Loyal as a puppy."
Before they follow to the basketball game, Mona inhaled deeply, getting courage enough to ask.
"Hey Allison, would you like to do something after the game? Leon suggested we should go to the Bowling Alley, but he has been developing this stupid game, and... I don’t wanna go by myself."
She knew things didn't end well the last time they went out, but this time was different. Allison had clearly expressed she was no longer interested in keeping her engagement.
"No. Way." Allison frowned, scaring her a little. Then, her expression softened again. "You're not allowed to make such an effort yet, remember?"
"Oh, the doc's back," Mona smiled. "Anyways, he said they have a great milkshake. We don't really have to play it."
"So I'm definitely in!"
Leon was sitting in a strategic spot as combined between he and Mona. For her surprise, and displeasure, there was somebody else among the crowd, sitting in the VIP area, her father.
"What on earth is this guy doing here?" She angered. "He's clearly stalking me!"
Soon she got her answer. Before the game started, he was announced as the team's new sponsor. He looked at her and winked.
"I wish I could just go down there and pull this smirk out of his face!"
"Hey," Allison held her steady. "Focus! You said he's no threat. Let's stick to our plan."
Through his laptop, Leon sent her a message. Brian had arrived and was sitting only a few meters away, in the middle of a group of girls.
"We're good to go."
Leaving the stadium, they followed straight to the male dorm. The game was only getting started, what meant they'd have a decent amount of time to search for evidence.
"Do you have his room's number?" Allison asked.
"Yes," Mona answered. "It's right around the corner."
At the corridor, they bumped into another person. Krista. She was just leaving one of the rooms.
"Remember, Doug. Ezekiel 18:21 for our studies this week. See you there!"
"Hide me, please," Mona begged, but it was too late. She had been spotted.
"Mona, hi!" The girl greeted. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at the game."
"I... uh... Leon, my classmate. He forgot his wallet in his dorm room. I came here to get it for him."
"And this is...?" She looked at Allison.
"Allison," Allison introduced herself. "You look strangely familiar, have we met before?"
"Hmmm, I don't think so."
"Yeah, I'm much older than you anyways."
"Hey Krista," Mona decided to mess up with her a little bit, as a payback for the other day. "I've decided to get rid of my sinful car. I'd like to purchase one exactly like yours, how much did you pay for it?"
"Good for you, Mona," she looked a little bit unsettled. "I don't know how much it costed, it was a gift from my godfather. Anyways, I should go now. I have an essay to finish."
With a satisfied look, Mona followed to Brian's room where she started picking the lock.
"Remember, your dad said I could do anything to obtain proof. Right?"
"Yes," Allison confirmed. "I'm your witness."
As the door opened, they both covered their noses.
"Ugh, it smells like rotten cheese," Allison commented.
The room was an extreme mess, it was hard to decide where to start looking for evidence. Mona started by Brian's computer, where Allison opened opened some drawers.
"No way I'm touching that pile of clothes in the corner of the room," she told. "It stinks like something died under it."
"It can't be more disgusting than that," Mona pointed to the computer screen. "He's ranking the freshmen girls and... I've got a 10, for the tough girl attitude?"
"Not even Brian could resist you, huh?"
"No one can, babe. No one."
There was nothing on his e-mail, except for Football Newsletter and party advertising. Mona sighed frustrated.
"If you were hiding your drugs, where would you hide them?"
"Under the mattress?"
"Good one," Mona lifted up the mattress a little bit, to find... romance books. "Really?"
"Come on, he deep down he must be a softie! So, in the closet maybe?" Allison suggested, but before they could even act, the door opened. Brian was back earlier than expected.
“What are you two doing in my room?!” He shouted. “I’m calling campus security, right now!”
“Will you, bad boy?” Mona teased, in a intimidating manner. “Because I’m sure the last thing you want are the cops here, in your room. Am I right?”
“Oh, do you think a little thief like you? I’d like to see you prove, before I get your ass expelled from the university.”
Allison stood frozen, looking at them both. Mona had that look on her face, from when she was ready to get in a physical fight with someone. That would jeopardize the entire investigation, besides getting them both kicked out from university. Without thinking any longer, she made a decision. This is exactly what a brainless moron like Brian would like to see.
“Actually,” she removed her shirt off, revealing a lacy violet bra. “We were preparing you a surprise.”
“Excuse me?!” Brian asked, staring at her features.
“Mona told me about you and how irresistibly hot you are...” she pushed him onto the bed, climbing on top of him. “I’m sorry she isn’t good showing her feelings. I decided to give her a little hand.”
“P-Please, go ahead...”
Brian was smiling broadly. Allison winked to Mona, who was in extreme shock, inviting her to go along with her plan.
“What would you like us to do now, huh?” Allison asked him, in a seductive tone. “Anything you want.”
“M-Make out. The two of you. Please!”
Allison looked at Mona, to see if she consented. She was too dazed make a move or gave her any answer. Instead, she took a step ahead, cupping Allison’s face between her hands carefully, before placing a small kiss on her lips. Allison knew that wouldn’t be enough. Not for Brian, and especially for herself.
She pulled Mona by the waist, bringing her closer as possible and deepening the kiss. For a long time, she hadn’t felt so much pleasure in her life. The softness of Mona’s lips devouring hers, their tongues moving together, it all brought her that burning sensation she had been desiring for years. She wished that moment would never end, prolonging the kiss as much as she could, until they were both out of breath.
“Now, take off your clothes!” Brian ordered, bouncing in excitement.
“Let’s finish this...” Mona grabbed a pair of handcuffs from her pockets and restrained him on the bed post.
“Hell yeah, baby! It’s gonna get kinky here!”
“Where did you get those?” Allison asked curious.
“I stole from your father. I thought they could be useful at some point. Now go, finish searching his desk. I’ll check to the closet.”
“Wait...” Brian was confused. “What’s going on here? Are you guys cops?”
“Sort of,” Allison answered, irritated, “and if you open your mouth again, I’m going to gag you!”
Mona emerged from the closet, with the package she had previously seen Brian carrying in the morning.
“The party is over, bad boy.”
“No, please,” he begged as she unwrapped it. “D-Don’t tell anyone, I-I... I’ll pay you! My dad has a lot of money.”
“Oh shit,” Mona exclaimed, staring at the content. Allison approached, noticing some familiar blue pills.
“Really, Brian?” Allison tried to muffle a laugh. “We thought you were a drug dealer and you...”
“Can’t get it to work properly?” Mona completed, bursting into laughs.
“I have a medical condition, okay?! And if you ever tell this anyone, I’m going to kill you both!”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us.”
“As long as our secret is safe too. And stop harassing girls, I mean it.”
After uncuffing him, the three of them sat down to talk about their task and what had been going on. Brian assured he wasn’t involved in any kids of drug dealing and would warn them in case he noticed anything suspicious, as long as his big secret was safe.
“I felt bad for him in the end,” Allison said as they left the room.
“Yeah, me too. All this jerk act he plays is because he...” Mona started laughing again, “has issues down there.”
Suddenly loud screaming and a big commotion started coming from all places in the University. Mona and Allison’s phones started ringing at the same time. The basketball player had fallen unconscious in the middle of the game. He had been hospitalized in a life-threatening condition.
“Stay where you are,” Mr. Wheeler ordered through the phone. “We need to check his dorm for evidence.”
The police wasn’t able to find anything at the young athlete’s dorm, every evidence had been professionally cleaned. Their only hope were the surveillance cameras footage, that could’ve been caught who last entered his room.
Mr. Wheeler asked them both to go home. There was nothing else for them to do in there. Mona remained silent inside her car, blaming herself for aiming at the wrong suspect. Allison insisted and they stopped at the Bowling Alley as planned.
“It wasn’t your fault,” she told Mona, as they shared a milkshake. “It happens all the time with my dad and he has been a high-skilled detective, for years.”
“I should’ve known better,” Mona shook her head in denial. “We’re dealing with an expert, Allison. A psychopath. They don’t usually show this dark side of them. We need to start aiming for someone more... normal.”
“Any suspects?”
“None yet, but I’ll be thinking about it.”
Allison let out a deep and weary sigh.
“Jeez, I never thought this could be so intense and emotional. Even if we were just faking all the time.”
There was something else that wouldn’t leave Mona’s mind. That kiss. Was it only part of the role or Allison had true intentions when she decided to go deeper into it?
“Were we faking all the time?” Mona asked.
Allison looked down, avoiding her gaze for a moment.
“Not at all,” she finally answered, biting her lower lip.
Mona approached her, lifting up her chin.
“Would you mind doing it again? Only to be sure it was real?”
Mona leaned forward, her lips only one breath away from Allison’s. She hesitated for a moment, then placed a hand on Mona’s chest and slightly pushed her away.
“Would you mind waiting only a little longer? I still need to break off my engagement. I feel bad for doing this to Griffin. While I no longer have feelings for him, we had an entire history together.”
“I’ve waited eight years,” Mona grinned. “What’s only a few more days, right?”
“Yeah,” Allison grabbed her hand, “until the weekend I’ll be free. I promise you.”
As soon as they got home, Detective Wheeler was already waiting for them with a scowl on his face. He advanced in Mona’s direction, pinning her against the wall.
“You! You’ve ruined my investigation!” He yelled. “I’ll assure you’ll get severely punished for that!”
“Dad!” Allison shouted, pushing him aside. “What are you saying? We followed the wrong lead, and so did you, multiple times!”
“Allison, she included a total stranger in the investigation. This kid named Leon. The security cameras’ footage is gone. Considering his computer skills, he’s our main suspect now.”
“L-Leon would never do that,” Mona argued, Allison could tell she was somehow scared. “I-I was in contact with him the whole time... he was sitting at the stadium, watching the game for us!”
“While he hacked into the security system and erased everything! Now, because of your irresponsibility, we’ll need to contact the company in charge of campus’ security and attempt to retrieve footage from their server. It’s going to take weeks! Do you have any idea of how many people will die until then?”
Mona stared at the open tab on the Detective’s laptop, the security company’s website and then she realized...
“Leon didn’t do it. This security system is 99,9% impossible to be hacked. And don’t worry. Until the weekend you’re getting your footage, Detective.”
“And how can you be so sure?”
“My mom developed this security system and trust me, you don’t wanna mess with her tech skills.”
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