#how can we possibly know when they’ll move their cars!? it’s none of our business!m
missriyochuchi · 3 months
Ableism isn’t just using designated handicapped spaces while able-bodied, it’s ignoring disabled people’s requests for space and assuming that if it’s not a problem now for an able-bodied person, then it won’t be a problem later for a disabled person. If a disabled person speaks up to ask for accommodations that aren’t immediately available, it’s because they absolutely fucking need it now and in the future! Ableism is assuming that providing space only when it’s immediately needed is fair and not alienating and derogatory and dismissive. Disability justice requires equity, not equality, at all times, not just when it’s convenient for able-bodied people.
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isabellitah · 4 years
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Title : Our Wife
Pairing : Sakusa Kiyoomi x Female!Reader x Miya Atsumu
Warning : blood ig, curse words, attempted rape, torture, and mentions of death
Credits : to the artists regarding the drawings of Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu found on the banner- i saved them from pinterest I think.
Note : do not copy or repost this anywhere else. I do not write Haikyuu!! fics anywhere else.
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Y/n Miya-Sakusa was scared. No- scratch that- you were terrified.
You wouldn’t show it to your captors though- your husbands taught you to never show fear- but Jesus Christ- you were terrified not only for yourself but more so for your unborn child- a child you didn’t even know existed until half an hour before you got kidnapped from your own room. For the past hour that you’ve been tied to a chair in the middle of the room, they haven’t touched your body. The same couldn’t be said for your face. Half of your face was covered in slightly dried blood; blood that came a wound you got when they slammed your head against the edge of your beside drawer to knock you unconscious, and a spilt lip that was still bleeding slightly from when they punched you when you spat at the face of the person who demanded your husbands’ locations and the locations of all your warehouses. The thought alone made you scoff- you’re no rat. Unlike whoever the hell gave your home’s location away. Your husbands were going to be so pissed when they find you gone and your shared room thrashed about.
Sitting on the wooden chair was become a pain in the ass. Literally. You couldn’t even escape because of the metal cuffs attached to your wrists, forearms, and ankles and they took your daggers away. You’re stuck and all you can do it wait. Wait for either your husbands to burst through the door or wait for your promised torture session and possible death.
Minutes- hours- who knows how long later, two men in black barged into the room, startling you from your daydream carrying knives with guns in their holsters. Well... looks like your Omi and Tsumu are too late huh...
“Ready, Princess?” thing 1 with an eyepatch said with a smile, showing his yellow teeth, “Boss said we gots to kill ye before yer husbands get here. Ye know, so they barge in ‘ere only to see yer bleeding body. Even better if they get to see yer naked corpse, doncha think?”
“Boss said not to rape her tho-” thing 1 interrupted thing 2, “what boss doesn’t know won’t hurt ‘im. And besides- I wanna leave Miya a surprise for stabbing my eye.”
And just as thing 1 started moving towards you, a scream was heard from outside the door and echoed into the room, sending shivers down things 1 and 2’s spines. You, on the hand, smiled. They’re here... fucking finally.
“What was that?” Thing 2 looked around nervously. Huh- he must be new to the business. Poor guy he won’t make it far at this point. Thing 1 shrugged, “eh who cares? There’s no one we can’t kill.” he boasted. Dumb overconfident pig.
Another scream rang through followed by a shout of terror, “THEY’RE HERE!” that was cut off as a loud gunshot echoed through the walls followed by a series of bangs and clangs. The familiar sound brought you off guard- they brought everyone? You were sure that that clang was from Michinari’s favorite weapon- his metal bat. Where were you and who took you that they felt it necessary to have everyone here? You were brought out of your train of thoughts when you realized that all of a sudden everything and everyone was silent. All you can hear was your own heartbeat.
“Ah fuck it-” thing 1 looked at your form with a crazed look in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine.
“Dude what are you-”
“Well it’s obvious we won’t make it out alive-”
“Wait what?”
“-might as well have fun before we die, ey?”
With that said he closed the gap between you two. You felt your mind blank as tears started forming in your eyes. The moment he ripped Atsumu’s shirt from your person, the tears fell along with the loudest scream you could muster, “OMI! ATS-” you were cut off as thing 1 smacked your cheek with the butt of his gun, “shut up ye lil bitch. Yer not leavin til I get my f-”
Thing 2 was suddenly down- a hole on the side of his head. None of you even heard the door open so that meant Shinsuke was here- well him or Rintarou since they’re the stealthiest in your family.
Thing 1 suddenly stood up straight and placed his hands up with his palms up and blocking your view from whoever was with you two in the room, “hey uhhh I was forced to do this, mates- it- it wasn’t anything personal, yea?” Sat on a wooden chair in just your undergarments and the remnants of one of your husbands’ shirt, you let a small smile appear on your face. They’re here. You and your little bean are safe now.
Rintarou stepped out of the shadows and from his voice you could tell he looked bored, “so... where is she?”
Thing 1 shook his head, having lost his voice the moment his eyes met the bored yet malicious ones of one Suna Rintarou- one of the deadliest assassins of the Inarizaki family, and prayed that the fox wouldn’t notice your bleeding form behind him.
The moment you let out a sob, he pushed thing 1 away and squatted in front of you. And he was not happy with what he saw was done to you-
He saw your bloody and bruised face. He saw your shaking hands and the tears you let flow from your eyes. But what angered him the most was the fact that someone he viewed as his little sister lost the brightness is her eyes.
Any chance the idiot had with reasoning with him was gone.
“Congratulations, idiot. You’ve secured a spot in our personal dungeon.” Rintarou smiled as he heard a sharp thump before the telltale sound of a body hitting the ground, “you didn’t hit him too hard, did you, Shinsuke-san?”
“Not hard enough.”
“Ok- let’s get these off of you before your hubbies come in here,” with that said both men started unlocking the cuffs trapping you onto the chair. After freeing you, you were immediately hit with the feeling of fatigue and let your body fall onto the person closest to you. Shinsuke caught your semi-limp body and immediately became worried but calmed down as he felt your breaths. He arranged your position so that you were laying across his lap, facing the roof of the cell. Rintarou settled himself beside Shinsuke after texting Kiyoomi your location- receiving an immediate reply that they’ll be there as soon as Atsumu is out of his blood haze. Shinsuke brushed his hand through your hair but immediately stopped when you whimpered, “hit- t-table- home.”
The two men exchanged worried glances when you stared up at them with your eyelids slowly closing. Rintarou tapped your cheek, “Y/n-chan, stay awake- how do you feel right now?”
“Aish of all the questions Rin-”
“Kiyoomi-san and Tsumu will be he-”
“M-my baby...” their eyes widened as you shakily placed your hand onto your tummy before falling limp in Shinsuke’s arms. He refrained from panicking when he saw your chest still rising and falling in patterns- you probably fainted from exhaustion.
“Holy shi-”
The moment the two saw your limp body they assumed the worst- but as Atsumu was about to yell out his rage and sorrow, Osamu appeared from the shadows and hit the back of his head, “she’s breathing, you moron.”
“I knew that, shitface.”
“Who ya callin’ shitface, ya pig?”
“Who ya callin’ a pi-”
“Aran,” Kiyoomi calmly spoke as he turned to face the hitman- ignoring his husband and brother-in-law, “lead the way out- make sure that there will be no delays. We must take Y/n to Motoya immediately- we don’t know the extent of her wounds- however they look... less than favorable as of the moment.”
At the reminder of your current condition, the twins shutted up, “Osamu,”
“Yeah, Omi-san?”
“Bring that thing with us.” was muttered with great disdain while his finger was pointed towards the unconscious thing 1.
And so they left the building covered in blood with neutral faces.
They may not show it but they were livid.
They didn’t miss your tear and blood stained face nor the the fact that your shirt was ripped right down the middle.
They knew what was going to happen to you had they been a second late.
“Hitoshi and Heisuke are already tracking the rats- we’ll have them in the basement by tonight,” informed Kiyoomi’s trustworthy gunsmith, Tsukasa Iizuna.
“They better- only question now is who gets first dibs on the assholes.”
As they settled into the car, Shinsuke told them the news of your latest surprise. He knew that they’d go even more ballistic were they to find out during the check-up from Motoya. But since they were in a closed and moving car with you on their laps, they couldn’t really do much except stiffen and let their rage grow stronger- and he looks forward to seeing what they’ll do to the bastards tonight. Shinsuke, above all things, is a man of honor- and what he hates above all things, are traitors.
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“PLEASE! I’M SORRY! PLEA- AHHH” Thing 1 screamed as Kiyoomi dug his dagger deeper into the man’s shoulder- forming a hollow hole of sort.
“Just a little more... I want to see if your bones are clean or if they need to cleansed as well-”
“Omi-omi~ I want my turn !” whined Atsumu as he crossed his arms and pouted at his husband.
Kiyoomi rolled his eyes, “you had your turn five minutes ago when you spilled acid onto his legs- it’s my turn now.” with that said, Kiyoomi ripped his dagger from the man’s flesh without a warning and grabbing a bowl from the prisoner’s ‘meal’, poured the bowl of scalding hot soup into the hollow flesh.
And as the man wailed, the two traitors squirmed in fear as they awaited their turns.
“We don’t usually go to this extent but what can we say...”
“No one messes with our wife.”
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please reblog if you liked it hehe 🥺🥰
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dayseternal-blog · 4 years
A summer job at the Dole pineapple cannery, graveyard shift 10 PM to 6 AM. A long bus ride into and out of town. Two teens, shy beside each other.
Written for NaruHina 2020 August - Cultures/Around the World
Rated G
Inspired by “Torch Song” by @mmmbuttery (emmykay)
Here we go, a story I've worked on since November of last year. Despite the months of creation, this story is simply boy meets girl. This one is close to my heart, and I've second-guessed posting it.
It's loosely based on my parents' high school stories and how they met, and the experiences from many recorded accounts of people from that generation, the 1970s. I wrote this mostly with the intention of diving into and imagining their time period.
Finally completed, of course it’s late for August, in true spirit, I stay on island time.  This story is titled after “About You” by Cecilio & Kapono, a 1975 Hawaiian pop classic.  
One Shot - About You
The bus bumps and lurches on the potholes.
She notes when they pass by a friend’s house, lit only by the dim orange street lamps over dark driveways.  There are so few cars out on the road that every time the bus pulls over and the door opens, she can hear the high-pitched hum of crickets in the grass.  It’s all a familiar rhythm that might have put her to sleep on any other night.  But she already took a long nap, readying her internal clock for the new schedule.
She’ll be taking this route for the rest of the summer, heading from the bus stop next to the local library straight to the cannery.
It feels alright, better than she was expecting.  She was worried it would feel lonely--her friends are all working the cannery, too, but in the daytime.  She wanted the extra nickel the night shift earns, bringing her up to $1.40 per hour.  
She’s always thinking ahead--the more money she manages to save now for business college, the less she will need to work later.
The bus slows down to a stop, picking up probably the last passenger before it gets on the freeway straight to town.
She relaxes into her seat, settling in for the drive out of the suburbs.
That’s weird that someone would know her at this hour.
She turns her face away from the window and sees him standing in the aisle, as if he was about to sit down in the row in front of her.  “N-Naruto?”  She regrets her stutter.  She just wasn’t expecting to see him.  At all.  
“Hey!  Howzit?”  He looks genuinely surprised to see her, too.
“Good...”  She returns his bright grin with a shy smile of her own.  She tucks a lock of loose hair behind her ear.  “I’m heading to the cannery.”
“You working cannery, too?”
“Yeah...are you?”
“Yup.  Gotta make dat extra nickel, yeah?”  He smiles disarmingly as she nods, and he takes a seat.  
She wants to relax.  But she can’t.
Because it’s him.
All 5 feet 9 inches of beautiful boy sitting in front of her on a relatively empty bus.  He’s taller than the average local Japanese, due to his hapa blood.  And as if height wasn’t enough to make him attractive to all the girls, he’s funny.  And clever.  Athletic and nice.  A little rascal, but that only increases his charm.  She has so much adrenaline pumping through her from that one tiny conversation, she knows she’ll be exhausted before they even get to Honolulu Harbor.
The forewoman, a middle-aged Portuguese lady, takes her and another girl named Tenten to the lockers.  “Wear dis.”  She passes them a white apron and hairnet.  “You girls get gloves?”
They both nod, pulling out their plastic gloves, required in the job description.
The lady glances at the gloves, bored expression unchanging.  “Follow.”
Hinata tucks all of her hair up into the net, and she knows she probably looks like an enoki mushroom, dressed now all in white.
They follow the forewoman to the assembly floor.
“Here.”  She hands them knives with the same carelessness of someone who’s been doing this for ages.  “Take all da extra skin off cuz da machine no get ‘m all, look, but gotta do ‘m fas’ kine ah.  No let da pines go down widdout cleaning ‘m,” she explains, pointing and waving at the conveyor belt.  
Hinata nods.  Four girls stand silently before a machine that’s spitting out bright yellow, skinned pineapples.  They grab at them quickly, and then with practiced flicks of their wrist, they nick off the remaining bits into slots for the rubbish.  They put the pineapples back down on the belt, where the fruit runs along to another set of girls, who give them another checkover.  Further down, the fruit runs into a machine with circling blades that chop them into slices.  
Rows and rows of young women dressed in white aprons with mushroom-netted heads stand around conveyors and machines.  
Young men cross over the upper ladders and walkways carrying pineapples to dump into the machines and sticks to poke at the fruit in the chutes to prevent jamming.  
The smell of pineapples is pervasive, sickly in its sweetness.
Not too much later, a bell shrills throughout the warehouse, and she’s taking over for a girl who’s now off-duty.  She grabs at the pineapples, turning the weighty fruit over in her palm and cutting brown spots of skin off with the knife as quickly as she can.  Droplets of pineapple juice stick to her gloves, and soon enough, the juice is dripping down the latex.
She’s not thankful for the gloves for long.
The juice runs down, and every stretch of her arm to grab at the fruit or place it back down feels sticky in the crook of her elbow.
Minutes turn into hours of watching pineapples.
She has no idea how the world eats so many pineapples.  
How is it possible that people love pineapples this much?  That the machinery is rarely turned off?  That all of the state’s teenagers are employed every summer to work the fields and machines practically 24/7?  
As unfathomable as it is, she finds a strange awe for the tropical fruit that she never had before.  To pass the time as she trims the skin, she imagines where these pineapples are going.  Who’s going to buy these pineapples.  What country they’ll end up in and what language the people speak there.  And whether they have ever seen a whole pineapple before.
But then again, maybe they’re all just going to the Mainland.  Women who look like the movie stars with perfectly curled, blonde hair will open the cans for their families.
The bell rings, the machines stop.
They have 30 minutes.
The more veteran workers zip off to the lunchroom, not waiting for anyone.
Hinata smiles tiredly at Tenten.  
“Whew,” the Chinese girl sighs.
Hinata nods in agreement.  “I never seen so many pineapples before, I think.”
“Yeah, me, neither.”  Her brows raise to emphasize the point.
By the time they get off at 6 in the morning, dawn is breaking, traffic is slowly building along Nimitz Highway, and she knows she must absolutely stink of pineapples.
But Naruto waves and stands beside her as they wait for the bus, as if he doesn’t care.  Maybe he can’t smell her, desensitized now after so long in the warehouse.  “Morning, Hinata,” he laughs, and the joke is not lost on her.  
She smiles weakly, only his good attitude motivating her.  “Good morning,” she manages to reply.  She’s too exhausted to feel shy about standing beside her crush.  After all, she was standing for the last several hours.  All she wants is to sit down.
“How wuz it?” he asks conversationally.
She pinches her lips into a tight frown.  “I had to trim the pines at the ginaca.”  She gestures halfheartedly with her hands, showing him the flick of an imaginary knife she used.  All night.  She’s almost certain that she’s the machine now.  “What did you do?”
“Oh, wuz pretty neat!  I jus’ had to keep da cans moving on da belt an’ stick da lids inside da kine, machine, and then the cans pop out.  I did da tops.”
She blinks at him.  Forces a weak smile out that she barely feels in her heart.  Sounds easy…  But that’s to be expected, after all, women usually handle food anyway.
“No can wait fo’ sit down, yeah!” he laughs.  He doesn’t sound tired, but it occurs to her that maybe he never does.  His natural excitement is what makes him popular in the first place.
She nods.
When the bus pulls up to the curb, Naruto lets her get on in front of him.
The bus driver pulls a face as she pays.
She frowns, a hot blush spreading over her cheeks.  She tried to clean up as best she could after her shift, but apparently, it really was all for naught.
“Go in da back!” the driver directs, none too friendly.
She does so, even though the front seats aren’t full.
Naruto laughs outright as he pays, unashamed at his own stink.  “What, uncle, wen try fo’ wash off, still stay pilau?”
“Eesh,” the driver utters in response to the teen’s cheekiness.
She doesn’t know how he’s not embarrassed, nor how he’s able to talk back to strangers like it’s nothing.  It’s just another case in point of her admiration and curiosity of him.  She picks an aisle-facing seat, and, to her surprise, Naruto sits right next to her, his knees spreading open.
She’s not as tired as she thought.
Nerves race up her legs.  She stares at her hands, which she carefully places on her knees, which are closely pressed together as ladylike as possible.  Not a single part of her touches him.  She thinks she might die if their legs touch.
And that’s how she doesn’t doze off on the long ride back home.
He meant to brag to his friends about working graveyard shift when he saw them that first weekend.  Sure, the hours are junk, but, Ho, should see da chicks!
Particularly the one he rides the bus with.  Hinata Hyuuga.  A small, Japanese girl.  Brains and looks.  Not to mention her unusual, light eyes, making you question her race.  But, nah, no real question about it, she’s Japanese through and through with her shy, quiet manner.  She’s someone he imagines could win the Cherry Blossom Festival pageant with her smooth skin and round eyes.  He and the guys always steal a poster of the new year’s contestants from the supermarket window.  Pictures of pretty Japanese girls’ profiles all lined up, free to admire.  She could definitely win.  If she ever tried.  But she’s not very personable.
Not that that ever stopped him from talking to whoever he wants to talk to.
Yet he ended up not mentioning anything about Hinata to his friends.  Not the next week, either.
Somehow, she just comes off as out-of-his-league.  At least, he’s certain that’s what his friends would say.  Just mentioning her would probably earn him jokes.  He’s pretty sure she’s in all the high, smart classes.  But he doesn’t know much about that--and she’s a year younger than him.  He only knows her because his social club had a gathering with hers last year, invited by Sakura.  There’re lots of pretty girls in that social club, and, unusually, it has girls over two grade levels.  Just the younger girls didn’t catch his attention last year.
Needless to say, he’s thinking about her now.
Not much else to think about while he drops lids into the machine.  It’s monotonous work, but he knows now that his job is way, way better than Hinata’s.
-Two weeks ago-
His jaw dropped when he saw her on the bus the second night.
She had covered her arms self-consciously with her hands when he got on.
Of course, that action was what drew his attention.
Bright.  Red.  Streaks and bumps.  A rash.  Mottling her fair skin in the crook of her elbows to the middle of her forearms.  Both sides.
“From da pines?” he asked incredulously.
She nodded, her eyes turning down, as if somehow the rash was a personal fault.  
He looked away, realizing his staring was only making her feel worse.  “You have da kine..sensitive skin?”  He wondered belatedly if talking about it would only make her feel worse worse.
“Umm...yeah…”  Her voice sounded even quieter than her usual.
He frowned awkwardly, though she didn’t see it.  He sat down beside her, still looking away.  “Jeez.  Das real junk.”  He swallowed back his strange feeling of guilt.  Her pain wasn’t his fault.  Her job placement wasn’t his fault.  So why did he feel like he was partially responsible...?  “Uh, dere anyting fo’ do about it?”  He suddenly felt like cringing at the sound of his own pidgin.  His heavy speech just further emphasized his upbringing compared to hers.  Someone classy like her shouldn’t be doing a job like that, right?  “‘Cuz like, can only get worse, yeah?  You get medicine fo’ put on or someting?”  He couldn’t help jabbering on and on.  When he starts feeling uncomfortable, that’s just what happens.
Thankfully, she continued the conversation.  “Mhm.  I saw yesterday some of th’ other workers wuz wearing two gloves.”  She opened her purse and pulled out a pair.  The hands were cut off.  “Like this, see?”  She pulled the glove on over her elbow like a sleeve, then pulled another, uncut one on so that they overlapped on her forearm.  
“Ho, neat idea, yeah?”  He nodded in approval.
She smiled in response.  “The juice no can get inside, I think, yeah?”
“Yeah!” he emphasized.
She smiled a little more, obviously not embarrassed anymore by her arms.
And he felt proud of himself for getting them out of that uncomfortable start to the bus ride.  Felt oddly self-satisfied that he got her to smile.  Decided right then and there that he was pretty interested in her.
But he hasn’t really made a move, yet.  The thought that she might turn him down is there.  He’s been turned down enough times that rejection isn’t really what’s bugging him.  It’s that she never seems to be in a good mood after their shift is done.  That, and he doesn’t want it to be uncomfortable for the rest of the summer in case she does reject him.  He would still have to catch the bus with her every night and morning.  Too bad his dad doesn’t let him take the car to work.  He gets it, though.  His dad needs the car to go to work.
Well, he’ll figure it out later.
The bell screams, signaling the start of their lunch break.
He joins a group of Farrington guys he befriended over the course of the two weeks.  There’re a lot of them working at the cannery, being that the high school is only a neighborhood away from the warehouse district.
“Eh, Naruto, you surf?” Omoi, a dark-skinned Filipino boy with sun-bleached ehu hair, asks.
“Yeah,” he answers, excitement bubbling.  But only on the weekends with Shikamaru and Choji.  He lives central, not at all close to the ocean, making beach trips longer than ideal.  “Why, whatchu thinking?”
A guy they call “C,” Naruto has no idea what it’s short for, leans forward.  “We go dawn patrol, Kewalo’s.”
Right after their shift, at the surf break at Kewalo Basin.  Sounds solid.  “Eh, shoots, we go!  Tomorrow den?”
“Yeah,” Omoi affirms.  “Prolly gon wash da pine stink off, yeah?”
C’s eyes widen at Omoi’s shoes, shaking his head.  “Eh, brah, I no tink so, you dripping pines ova hea, bet yo feet kill, phew!”
“You faka, you no can talk, da flies stay all buzzin’ ‘round you!” Omoi shoots back.
Naruto frowns, considering that Hinata has the same job as Omoi, one of the few guys assigned to a woman’s job.  Over the course of the job, Omoi’s shoes had soaked in pineapple juice that dripped from the cutting.  This didn’t seem to be as big a problem for Hinata, who, for some girly reason, wore sandals despite the long hours of standing.  “How come you no jus’ wea rubbah slippahs?”
Omoi shook his head with a serious expression.  “No can fo’ do dat brah.  I only get one good pair!  Already wen ruin deez shoes, no sense ruin my slippahs too.”
“Dis broke faka ova hea, he no get money fo’ buy one noddah pair from Long’s das why!” C laughs.
Naruto shakes his head, laughing out loud.  “No way you dat broke!”
Omoi turns to C, faux annoyance twisting his face.  “Eh dis haole ri’ hea like get lickins?”
Instead of looking threatened, C just humorously shoots back, “You like go, we go!”
“Go den, shoots we go,” Omoi answers, squaring up.
“Yeah den go cuz, shoots,” C threatens back.
But neither of them stand.
Naruto rolls his eyes at their idiotic banter.  Rarely is he the voice of reasoning, but he supposes it would be a different story if his school friends were here.  “Eh we go Kewalo’s shoots.”
They turn back to him, huge grins on.  “Yeah, we go!” Omoi says enthusiastically.
“Bring your board yeah?” C reminds him as the bell rings again.
He tells Hinata that he can’t go back with her the next day, and she just nods and smiles.  Tells him to have fun.
And it’s a slight relief to not worry about the ride back home with her.  He’s starting to feel like maybe she’s expecting him to ask her out since they spend so much time together.  Well, really, he’s expecting that of himself, but he just can’t right now.
She’s just not any other girl at school in these current circumstances.
Hinata never meant to be one of those girls.
One of those girls, picked up on a stretcher and taken to the medical room to recuperate.
But on the first day of her period, she was exactly one of those girls.
She was feeling so tired.  Legs like jelly.  Sore up her thighs.  Aches digging around her lower back.  A weighty twisting in her core.  A heavy day.  It made her feel lightheaded.
The pineapples, one after another, going by, making her feel a little dizzy, like maybe she needed to close her eyes.
Shutting her eyes for a second didn’t help.
A breath, two breaths, intentional breaths.
She felt like maybe she was going to make herself start hyperventilating, the opposite of what she wanted.  She wanted to breathe normally.
Focus on the pineapple.
It felt too heavy in her hand.
Her focus sliding off the pineapple, to the sticky yellow glint of the knife.  Back to the pineapple.
She looked up, dazed, her eyes taking too long to adjust to a point on the far wall.
“Hinata, you alright?” Tenten asked.
She tried to refocus on the girl on the opposite side of her.  She nodded, blinking, trying to concentrate on their job.
“You don’t look alright.”  Her voice was too loud, like everything else going on.
Too loud, pounding.
She closed her eyes, heat searing her temples.
“-nata?  Hinata?”
She slowly gains consciousness, to find Naruto looking down at her.
“You okay?  You wen faint dey said.”
“Oh,” she manages to utter, trying to get her bearings as the room and bed take shape in her mind, blinking away the dazed vestiges of sleep.  “W-what time is it?”
“Our shift only pau now.”
“You feeling okay?”
She slowly sits up, nodding.  “Yeah.”  She must not have been out for that long.  She really thought she would make it to the end of the night.  “Were you waiting for me?” she asks, suddenly panicked at the realization that he is here with her.
“Ah, nah, nah.  I come in jus’ now.”  He gestures at the door.  “You weren’ out dere, so I jus’ wen ask somebahdy.  Dey said you wuz in hea.”
“Oh.”  That’s good that he wasn’t waiting for her to wake up, but, still, she never expected him to do something like this.  “You didn’t have to.”
He shrugs.  “No problem.  Ready fo’ go?  Can walk or..?”
She nods, scooching off the bed-like table.
And he walks with her to check-out with one of the heads, and then back to the bus stop.  Waits with her there.  And when it’s obvious that he’s going back with her despite the longboard he’s been holding this whole time, she haltingly brings it up.  “You not...going surfing?”
He shakes his head carelessly.  “Nah, I go tomorrow.”
She ducks her head, biting her lips.  “I’m sorry.”
“Nah, nah, waves not hitting today, so.”  He shrugs, looking past her for the bus.
Obviously an outright lie, but she accepts it over drawing out such an uncomfortable situation.
“You no feel good today?”  He sounds honestly concerned.
“Um, I felt fine earlier.”  Well, in truth, she felt okay.  The normal period cramps.  As okay as a heavy day can be.
“You not sick?”
She shakes her head.  She wants to sit down.  The bench has the older workers sitting down, so she never gets to sit until the bus comes.  She shifts her weight from foot to foot, trying to relieve the weight from her hips and pelvis.
It’s such a relief when the bus comes.  She ignores the bus driver’s daily grimace and makes for the back row as quickly as she can.
He watches her sit down, audibly sigh, and her whole body kind of just melts into the stiff chair.  It’s obvious that out of all the days so far, she’s the most tired today.
Or has she been like this?  He just didn’t know because he’s been avoiding her in the mornings?
Ten minutes into the long ride, he’s thinking that it’s a good thing he’s going home with her today because…he thinks she’s falling asleep.  Her head keeps jerking in his peripheral vision, so he decides to stop being considerate and turn to look straight at her.
Her eyes are drooping heavily, she’s blinking really hard...she is falling asleep.  Or, trying really hard not to.
“Huh?”  Her eyes fly wide open, obviously forcing herself.
“Sleep, I go wake you up later.”
Her cheeks redden.  “Oh, no, I’m fine.”
She doesn’t trust him, or…what?  She’s embarrassed?
“You sure?”
She nods.  “Yeah.”  Her voice sounds too breathy to be fine, but if she says so...
It’s no surprise to him when her body starts slumping over, her head weighing the rest of her body down and toward the seats in front of them.
She’d be even more embarrassed about this position, right?  So he reaches over to grab both her shoulders and kind of push her back upright.
Well, that’s what he meant to do.
Her eyes open as if spooked, and she straightens out of his hands.  “Sorry!” she gasps.  Expression all pinched, she looks like she feels really ashamed.
About what, though?  If anything, he feels bad about how tired she is.  “No,” he reassures.  “No worry ‘bout me.”  He’s trying his best to sound comforting…  “Should get some rest, s’okay, I go wake you up befo’ my stop.  Trus’ me.”
Her eyes squint, like she’s straining to focus.  “...maybe.  But I don’t like sleep..on da bus.”
He can’t help a laugh.  “Ha, you look like you goin’ give yourself da kine whiplash back-an-for'-li’ dat, jus’ relax.”
“Mm…”  A noncommittal answer, but one that doesn’t argue, so he can’t push the issue any further, either.
They settle back into the sound of the engine roaring along the highway, and pretty soon, her body’s starting to lean over again.  He refrains from helping her, even though she looks uncomfortable.
She looks like she’s going to wake up with a sore neck.  Her blood’s probably rushing to her head in that position.  That’s not good, right?  She literally just had a fainting spell not too long ago.  So having her head lean against the rattling window pane wouldn’t be ideal, either.  Since they’re sitting at the back, she might really conk her head hard if the bus has to stop.
With more care than the first time, he tries to guide her to lean against him.
For a moment, her eyelids and brows wiggle and bunch up, but swiftly return to their placid state.
It’s nice.
She’s nice.
He should ask her out.  She doesn’t ignore him or outwardly show any disinterest, so…sometime he’ll do it.  Just of course not today.
When he sees that he’s getting close to his stop, he calls her name, “Hinata.  Hinata.”
“Mm.”  She sits up and blinks, a hand hurriedly wiping her mouth.
Drool?  He’s trying not to smile like a goofball, but kind of failing at hiding his selfish amusement.  “I gotta get off now.  You gon’ be okay?”
She nods, making eye contact for a second, only for her gaze to immediately skitter away to some unknown point on the bus floor.
“‘Kay, you take care, yeah?”
She nods again, still refusing to look at him, her hands busy everywhere touching her face and then her hair, fixing who-knows-what.  She murmurs something.
“Huh?” he asks in a knee-jerk reaction before his brain pieces together that it sounded like an apology.  “Oh, no need say dat.”  He reaches over to pull the cord for his stop and grins.  “Maybe I see you tomorrow, yeah?”
She nods, glances up at him for a second, and looks down once more.
He gets off the bus feeling pretty good about himself in the bright morning sun.
Only to realize--
Maybe he should have made sure she got home all the way.
Maybe he should have gotten off at her stop with her.
The library isn’t really that far a walk back to his own home.
She’s probably fine, right?
She wouldn’t have fallen asleep again, right?
Why did she faint anyway?
Should he have asked more?
His consciousness won’t let up.  He could call, but if he calls, then he really probably will need to ask her out eventually.  Well, he plans on it anyway, but if he calls, then that would really solidify things, and she’d expect something from him by, like, tomorrow.  
Well, that’s all hypothetical.  If he can even find her name in the phonebook...
...He finds it.
“Who you calling?” his mom asks, teasing him, as she pops up beside him in the kitchen.  “Noddah one of your girlfriends?”
“Ohh, you asking a girl out?  Why you no jus’ call her?  She goin’ turn you down, ah!” she laughs, all by herself.  “Who like go out wit you, ah?”  Her laughter rings throughout the house.
He wishes he could yell at her to shut up, but then she’d go get the slipper and give him some serious dirty lickins.
So he keeps his eyes on the phonebook, and with his mom’s derision motivating him, picks up the receiver and hooks his finger into the first digit, gaining self-confidence with each pull, release, and spin of the dial.
If it’s the parents, then that’s fine.  He’ll make a good impression.  Maybe.  He doesn’t need to talk to Hinata, he just wants the family to know that she fainted.  He gets the feeling Hinata’s not the type to talk about things like that to her family.
But then...maybe the cannery already called them about it.
The dial tone ends.
He takes a readying breath.  “...Hello?”
“Hello?”  It’s a young girl’s voice.
“Is this Hinata’s house?” he continues, desperately trying to imitate a school valedictorian or maybe a teacher...
“...Yeah...Who’s this?”
“This is Naruto...I, uh, work same place, at da cannery.”
“...She’s not home, yet.  And she’s not supposed to talk to boys.”
What?  I tought she in dat social club?  “Well, I no need talk to her.  I jus’ like you guys know that, uh, she wen fainted at work, yeah.”
“...So, she should be home soon, I get off da bus a little befo’ her, I jus’ like try check she gets home okay..yeah..”
“...Okay.”  In the background, he hears a faint voice talking before the girl on the line continues, “It’s a boy.”
“He’s saying Hinata fainted at work.  And that she should be home soon.”
He realizes she’s talking to someone else, so he awkwardly waits.
“Okay, ...uhhmm...”  Her voice trails out for a solid second.
She talking to me now?  “Oh, yeah?”
“Thank you, I’m gonna go meet her.  Bye.”
“Oh-”  The line cuts, his own goodbye stuck in his throat.  He places the receiver back down, uncertain what to make of that whole exchange, wondering what about it left him dissatisfied.  He did what he meant to do, after all...  That must have been a younger sister.
“Hinata?  You neva talk about her befo’,” his mom observes as she gathers her things for work.  “You met her at da cannery?”
“No, she one year youngah dan me at sku’.”
“She wen faint?  Why you neva walk her back home, ah?!”
“I no tink dat until aftah!” he defends.  “Das why I wen call!”
“You no can get one decent girlfriend acting li’dat, ah!, dis stupid son of mine, ahh, ah, if you jus’ focus on sku’ mo’, get bettah grades, get mo’ smartah, ah,” his mom tuts and laments off on a tangent, and he ignores her.
He sees her off for work at the door, his mind turning back to whether he needs to ask Hinata out tomorrow.  Especially since, “She’s not supposed to talk to boys.”  What’s that about?
He never does find out.  There’s no way he could ask such a question, and the summer passes too fast for him to face her plainly.  He’s not sure why, but whenever he imagines her turning him down, the idea hurts a lot more than it should.
Logically, he knows itʻs just a yes or no answer.  He’s been turned down here and there.  He’s gone on numerous dates, danced with girls, and played silly social games with the opposite sex at parties.  And concerning Hinata, she’s a year younger than him, so the chances of seeing her on campus are a lot smaller, so he wouldn’t have to face her that often if she does turn him down.
So why can’t he just ask her out?
She held out hope.
She thanked him profusely the day after, and he was extremely nice to her.  He went back on the bus with her for that entire following week's shifts, making sure she was okay, before he determined that she was safe enough without him.
He went back to surfing in the mornings.
The day of their last shift, she held out so much hope.
He didn’t ask her out.
So she tries to shrug it off.
The disappointment.
The deep, far too deep, disappointment.  She’s probably just not his type.
But to her surprise, that’s not the last time she sees him before school starts.
Their social clubs host a joint car wash to raise money.
She pushes down her shy feelings, knowing that if he has absolutely no interest in dating her, then there’s really no reason for her to act strangely around him.  It would simply be rude of her to ignore him after spending all summer the way they did on the bus together.  Gathering her courage, she walks up to him and calls out his name, “Naruto!  Hi!”  She smiles, hoping to appear as cheerful as possible.
“Oh!”  He turns from his friends, already knowing whose voice it was, but still caught off-guard.
She’s dressed really casually--in shorts, a shirt, and rubber slippers, obviously appropriate for the day’s work, but still strange to see on her.  He somehow thought maybe she didn’t own casual clothes like that.
“Hinata!  Hi!” he responds, a little belatedly.  He feels really stupid, somehow his grin feels unnatural, too tense.  He watches her smile again and then turn back to her friends.
Something gnaws at his consciousness, like he missed out on saying or doing something he should have done in that moment.  Ask her how she’s been in the past week?  He just saw her not too long ago, so that would be dumb to ask.
“Whose dat again?”
He blinks out of his stare and turns to Sasuke.
“Hinata.  Hinata Hyuuga.  We bo’ worked night shift at da cannery.”
“You ask her out?”
“...No, nah yet…” he admits, nerves crawling around, making him feel guilty out of nowhere.
Sasuke raises a brow.  “You like her?”
He shrugs his shoulders, frowning, trying to play off the intrusive question as nothing to him.  “...Yeah…”
Now both of Sasuke’s brows are raised.
Naruto shifts uncomfortably.  Every single second here is making him realize he should’ve gotten the deed done and over with already.  Now she’s around all of his fellow club members.  Any one of the other guys could ask her out by the end of the day.
She could take a liking to one of his friends.  He realizes that his chances were so much higher when it was just the two of them.
She and Sakura walk around helping to pass out sponges and buckets.  They introduce themselves to several boys, all of them very friendly.
Hinata herself feels very friendly.  After her act of courage in facing Naruto, after getting that difficult exchange done with, she feels pretty bold.
She’s in this social club to have fun!  She won’t let a little one-sided crush damper her day!
True that none of the other guys are as naturally magnetic as Naruto, but she knows that first impressions aren’t everything.  All of these guys in his social club seem perfectly nice, helping to fill and carry the heavy buckets of water for the girls.
She sets to work on a car, excitedly engaging in discussions about the new school year with whoever works beside her.  And with an observant eye, she manages to not work on the same side of a car as Naruto.
Two hours pass in laughter and good spirits, even with how the noonday sun beats down, pouring heat over the asphalt lot.
The once cool water comes out hot from the hose, and the buckets are just puddles of liquid sun she has to dunk her hand and sponge into as infrequently as possible.
The constant bending is nothing to her, though.  After a whole summer of cannery work on her feet, she’s pretty sure she’s more fit than last year.  She’s not even sweating as much as she thought she would.
Until she gets up too fast.
Her head sears hot, her vision darkening into pinpoints of bright light.
She tries to squint, to see through the sudden tunnels of black, but her eyes burn, and just as quickly, she feels off-balance, her head too heavy to hold up.
She crouches down, face in her hands, confused and pained.
“Hinata, you okay?”  Sakura, most likely.
“I can’t see.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t see,” she repeats, trying to stay calm despite the painful splotches of color beneath her eye lids.  “It hurts.”  And she feels like she’s going to pass out, but she refuses to embarrass herself like that in front of everyone.
“Oh my gosh… Water.  Water!” Sakura says louder.
“Wut’s wrong!”  Another voice.
Oh no, not that voice.
“She’s dehydrated I think!”
“Oh shit,” he curses.
Hinata sits as still as possible, focusing on not tipping over into a ball and fainting right there on the dirty, poky ground.  Not again.
“Here, water,” Sakura says, her voice stressed and concerned.  “Can you raise your head?”
“Mm.”  She slowly lifts her face and opens her mouth.
A plastic water bottle is placed at her lips, lukewarm liquid flowing onto her tongue.  She drinks it dutifully, the pain in her head clearing rather quickly.
She eventually pushes the water bottle away and wipes her lips on the back of her hand.  “Thank you,” she breathes out, relieved that her head’s weight is starting to feel normal again.  But she keeps her eyes closed, too afraid to strain her vision.  Or to see if she attracted everyone’s attention...or to find out if Naruto is still there.
“Do you feel better?” Sakura asks, still sounding way more worried than necessary.
“Yeah, thank you, Sakura.”
“Can you see?”
“I don’t know…”  She doesn’t want to test herself too soon, but she cracks her eyes open, if only to assure Sakura that she’s okay.
The world is a bright fog through the slight cracks of her eyelids.
But it doesn’t hurt.
“I’ll be able to see fine in a minute, I think.”
Sakura sighs in relief.  “Good.”
A random boy whose deep voice she doesn’t recognize asks what happened.
“She dehydrated,” Naruto answers.
Hinata doesn’t know whether to feel flattered or dreadfully embarrassed that he’s still there.
“Oh, das not good,” the other boy assesses.
“Yeah…” Naruto agrees.
“I’ll be fine in a moment!” Hinata pipes up, her personality automatically choosing to feel embarrassed.
The unknown guy makes a sound of uncertainty.
“Yeah, Hinata,” Sakura adds on.  “I don’t think you should help out right away.  You could’ve gotten heatstroke.”
“Heatstroke?” she asks.
“Dere’s no shade ‘round hea,” Naruto comments.
Hinata slowly forces her eyes to adjust, hoping to prove them all wrong.  “I can see.  I’m fine.”  She starts to get up carefully.
More sounds of uncertainty resound behind her, and she hates how all three of them are treating her like she could collapse at any moment.
Like, even if she could collapse at any moment, even if that is what just happened, she doesn’t want this to be how everyone sees her from now on.  Like some weak, stupid girl who forgets to drink water on a hot day.
Even if that is what she is.
“I can take her home.”  Naruto’s invitation has her finally turning around to face her audience.
To her relief, it’s just the three of them, Sakura, Naruto, and a pretty, black-haired Japanese boy she’s seen him hanging out with.
“Yeah, take her home,” the pretty boy says.  He claps Naruto’s arm.
Naruto gives some kind of smile that’s really cute, and Hinata has to force herself to try not to examine anything he’s said or done in the past five minutes.
He made her over-examine his behavior all summer, only for it to amount to nothing.  He’s just really nice and treats her like a good friend.  That’s all.
Sakura helps her walk to his car.
And all too soon, she’s sitting right next to him.
Naruto starts up the engine, blasting the AC so that cool air roars onto their heated faces.
“I’m sorry.”  She gulps down a knot of discomfort in her throat, already regretting so much.
“Nah, no need say dat.”  His stomach feels sore, his legs antsy.  He was trying to nonchalantly work on the cars by her, but somehow, he wonders if she was avoiding him.
She’s too nice to do that, right?  She never tried to avoid him at their summer job…
He needs to gauge her interest in him.  So after he backs out of the parking space and safely makes it into traffic, he ventures conversation.  “How you feeling now?”
She nods.  “I feel better.  I could’ve stayed, I think…”
“...Oh…”  He’s already on Moanalua Home Road, and turning around now would be humbug.  “Are you sure?”
“Mm…”  She’s not sure.  She just doesn’t want to seem so frail.
“‘S'okay, ya know?  Already get plenny help, das why, no need chance 'm.”
“Mm...okay… Thank you...I’m sorry…”
With conversation finding its natural, quick end, he finds himself wracking his brain for ideas.  He has about five more minutes with her before they get to her house.  I should ask her out...I should just ask her...just ask her…
“Oh, I like this song.”
“Hm?”  He turns the radio up, glad to focus on something outside of his brain.  “Oh, yeah!”
It’s a newish one by Cecilio and Kapono, one he imagines will be really popular at social club dances, the slow tempo is perfect.
Not knowing what else to do to fill the silence, she starts singing softly.  She can tell he’s glancing at her, but she keeps her eyes fixed determinedly forward, her gut turning to jelly as the romantic meaning registers in her mind.  “...Our small moment that we shared, Is only yours and mine, No one else is really going to know, That I care about you…”
His cheeks flush.  This song really is perfect for a social club dance.  He never paid that much attention to the lyrics, but with her soft voice singing them, the words are suddenly resonating, hitting a little too close-to-home.
“And all the questions that I asked myself about you…”
He's made up his mind.  He’s going to ask her out.
“Won’t you come and be with me…”
Right after this song.
“That if you come and stay you’re going to see, That I care about you.”
He relaxes into his seat, his grasp, unintentionally tight on the wheel, relaxes, too.  If she's comfortable enough to sing in his presence, then there's nothing stopping him from feeling comfortable, too.  It's actually really nice to know that she's willing to do something like this with him.  He's stressed out for nothing.  He's hesitating for nothing.  And maybe, if things work out, this feeling...this moment...would be normal...
She peeks at him, and...he’s smiling.  He’s not teasing, laughing, or grimacing at her.  So she continues singing, relieved.
When the song finishes, he lowers the volume, reassured, readier than ever.  “Hinata…”
She blinks, realizing they’re really close to her house, and Naruto doesn't know where to go.  “Oh!  You turn left at the intersection after this light.”
Jarred to the present, he suddenly notices his heart racing, despite how calm he felt not even ten seconds ago.  The words get lost on his tongue, and he simply follows her instructions, the opportune moment evaporating into nothing.
“It’s that house,” she points, and he slows, pulling over against the curb.
She turns to him to give her appreciation properly.
But he’s facing directly toward her, his usually cheerful expression one of uncharacteristic focus.
Her heart leaps into her throat.
“Hinata," he repeats.  "You like, go movies with me, sometime?”
She nods, speechless, because yes, yes, yes.
And he visibly relaxes.  He can breathe again.  Her agreement was so much easier than he thought it would be.  “I go check da listings den, okay?  And I’ll call you?”
She nods, eyes growing wide as everything starts to sink in.
He nods, too, an embarrassed smile working at his mouth.  “Talk to you later den, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she breathes, a smile forming in reaction.  In a fog of happiness, she steps out of the car, nearly forgetting.  “Oh, thank you for taking me home!”
He nods, thinking that this won't be the last time he makes sure she gets home.  He notices how her happy smile lights up her eyes like earlier at the carwash, but now, it’s directed at him, him only.  And once she disappears into her house, more than anything, he feels incredible relief.
And excitement.
He gets the feeling…
She gets the feeling…
This is going to last.
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 4
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3   Part 5   Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Note: If anyone tags this as r/mr/m I will hunt them for sport
Words: 4853
6 years ago
Remus looked out of the car window. He felt like he wasn't supposed to be here. This was the wrong place. The wrong time. Maybe he should make the car turn around.
"You still here bro?"
A hand landed on Remus' shoulder making him jump in his seat. He looked over to the driver. To Roman.
His brother sent him a smile before looking back at the road "Seriously you good? You looked like you were going to mars"
"Just kinda zoning out" Remus replied.
"You took your meds right? I don't want you nearly getting us killed because you were too busy daydreaming about Beetlejuice again"
"He's the man of my dreams Ro-bro!!!.....and yes I have taken them"
"Re-Re I gotta get you a date once we get back. I can Not let Beetlejuice be your standard of men!"  Roman playfully poked his elbow into his ribs "Hey that new Q assistant has been staring at us even since they read our files. I'm sure all it'll take is asking them out and they'll fall head over heels for you"
"They would probably only be interested 'cause of dad" Remus muttered out while crossing his arms "It's always like that. Either that or 'cause of mom"
"At least It's definitely not because of your horribly ugly monster you call a mustache" Roman got a bonk on the head for that.
"Whatever. You go and get yet anotha fling once we get home why dont you. One day you're either gonna get cannibalised or get syphilis. Or both!!!"
Roman let out a gasp "I am far too clean and princely to get syphilis you dirty heathen!!!" He smacked his brother with one arm while driving with the other.
Remus smacked him back "No-oh. Syphilis and gonorre and some weird blue stuff!!"
The smacking got more intense and the prince's gasps and shrieks of defence even louder and nasalier with every sex joke. Until he finally stood on the brakes. The car stopped so suddenly Remus had to hold himself back from flying out the windshield.
"We're here" He simply stated.
Remus let out an overly extra breathe of relief "Finally! Thought my skin was gonna rot off my bones before we got here!"
Roman leaned back and took out his usual weapons from the box sitting in the backseat while continuing to talk.
"Remember: this is a serious mission! Not just some ol' dragon we gotta arrest. Army of fire breathing dragon witches levels of serious. No unnecessary fighting and absolutely no inspecting dead bodies!!"
"You know I can't promise that" Remus replied while stuffing the biggest handgun he'd been able to get his hands (heh) on into the holster stuck onto the side of his waist.
"I know far too frick fracking well"
"PLEase just say fuck!"
"No. Fuck you!!"
They got out of the car. Their feet sank down into the sand the moment they stepped off the gravel road. For dozens of miles around them there was nothing but them, sand and a few even sandier hills.
And of course the statue. That goshdarn statue.
Enfuel, a company with ties to both energy and oil distrubution, had recently bought this random piece of land in the middle of the desert. A statue was placed in the middle of it a year or so later. It looked similar to one of the old egyptic statues and when they looked up information about it all sites said it had been around for hundreds of years. Of course MI6 had satellite pictures to show otherwise.
MI6 had been keeping check on Enfuel for a while. An anonymous worker had been selling them information for months. Even without the leaked information the vast buying of land and spikes of Enfuel employees dying in 'accidents' was enough to rise suspicion.
The agents made their way towards the statue. Guns ready in their hands. No one was around. It was a large one. Over 20 feet wide and at least 15 feet high.
Roman hunched down in the shade from the statue and took out a mechanical gadget he'd gotten from Q. It was a scanner. He placed it on the ground and activated it.
"And now we wait"
"Time to rant and or infodump?" Remus asked.
"Yes but not from you. You got to infodump the last time. It is my time to rant to kill time on a mission!"
He rolled his eyes "Yeah sure go ahead"
His brother instantly went on a long rant about the local theater production he'd landed a role in. It was the first time he'd ever acted. Aside from exercising and his special interest (disney) the theater was the first time he'd ever had a real hobby. His (now ex) boyfriend had been the one to take him to audition after introducing him to (and accidentally making him instantly hyperfixate on) musicals.
"And I just can't wait to-"
He stopped midsentence when the machine made a sound. He was still happy stimming as he checked it.
"Holy zeus" He gasped out.
He showed it to Remus. The scanner had created a blueprint of everything within a 10 feet radius. It clearly showed that there was something built under the ground. There was also an entrance built into the statue.
Remus went over and clicked on a specific point on the statue like the blueprint showed. A keypad appeared. They sent a photo of it to Q. Within minutes he'd somehow been able to come up with the correct code.
He put in the code and a hidden door nearly obscured between two pillars opened up. The brother sent each other excited smiles before entering.
There was a short staircase that led down into a corridor. The walls looked like something they'd find in a mourge and the dim lights shone a cold blue. Roman buttoned up the shirt he had on that was supposed to look like the uniform many Enfuel employees wore.
"Sure doesn't look ancient" Remus muttered.
It was practically a maze of corridors and rooms. Everywhere that cold blue light was the same. None of the rooms they passed seemed to have any important information in them. Having a secret facility wasn't enough for an investigation! It was just aesthetic as fuck!
They aimleesly stumbled around for at least half an hour as they got to the parts the blueprints hadn't showed. They probably walked in circles a few times too. Roman was about to suggest they call up Q when he saw guards, armed guards, out of the corner of his eyes.
He threw out his arm to stop Remus and dragged him back to hide behind a wall. He peeked out and saw how the 2 guards were staying outside a door.
"Bingo" He whispered. He turned to his twin "Wherever there are guards are the important things"
"The juicy secrets!" Remus agreed.
The brothers got out from their hidingspot at the same time. They tried to look casual while walking up to the guards. Right when one of the guards moved to stop them, to ask who they were, Roman took out his gun and shot them in the knee.
Remus elbowed the other guard right between his ribs before pulling his arm around the guard's neck. It didn't take long before he let the guard collapse onto the ground after choking him to unconsciousness.
The other guard feeble sat on the ground with their hands pressed to the wound on their knee. Roman held his gun to their head "Give us the key to the room"
They didn't even hesitate to throw the key over to Remus. They looked up at Roman with pleading eyes. With one swift kick they too laid on the ground knocked out.
The brothers pushed the guards to a good hiding spot in silence. The door opened reveleaing a quite small room but it was filled with computers, databases and of course at least 10 people working on those computers.
All it took was Roman holding up his gun to one of them to make the others freeze in fear. It was very clear that they were just doing their job so Remus tried to go as nice on them as possible when he knocked them out.
"Remind me to request instant sleeping pills from Q" He said after the last one laid still on the ground.
"Noted" Roman replied while barricading the door so no one could get in.
Remus glared at the computer with the biggest screen. He tried to read what was on it but only got a headache and some scattered words. Roman gently pushed him aside.
"It's probably better if I try to find what these guys are up to and you stand guard. Please try to not let me get shot"
"I'll do my worst! Maybe I'll even shoot you myself!" Remus joked.
He looked through the room while hearing Roman mumbling to Q about decoding and taking down firewalls. It didn't take long to realize there was actually a second door in the room. He wasn't sure where it lead but decided to barricade it as well.
"You're still free on Saturday right?" Roman suddenly asked while waiting for Q to hack into the database for him.
Remus rolled his eyes "Nah dude I suddenly got loads of friends and we're all gonna go raid a cemetery and create a zombie army. Supa busy that day sorry"
"Ha Ha" He let out druly "Well the new mission impossible movie is coming out so I kinda thought we could go see it. Y'know cinema caturday like we used to do"
"Oh yeah using our free time away from our spy work to watch a spy movie. Real smart decision Ro-bro"
"It can some other movie! I just wanted to do something" Roman slumped back against the desk so he was leaning on it "I know I've been kinda busy like whenever we're not on missions with the whole theater work-"
"Kinda?!" Remus let out a scratchy laugh "Bro you've been going to that theater like you'll turn to dust if you're not there all the time"
Roman plucked at the green bead bracelet on his wrist "Well it's exciting! I never really thought I could wokr with anything that didn't involve fighting or smugling. It's...nice..getting to do something else. I can't wait until it's time for the premiere and I'll actually get to hear the audience"
"Let's just hope no villain decides to try and take over the world during your perfomance nights" Remus joked. Roman's expression went from excitement to worry "Ro-bro I was kidding. I'm sure if anything happens I can just go with 0012 or something- or I mean like I'll come see you of course I just- It'll be chill!"
There came a silence. There always came a silence after talking about the theater thing. Spending an entire childhood learning about jewel smuggling, self defense and the innerworks of crime made any kind of work that didn't involve any of those shocking enough to warrant silence. Especially after it was Roman's idea to start working at the MI6 as soon as they moved away from their mom and the floating palace at 18.
He'd wanted to be a hero. Remus had just wanted to stay close with his brother.
"But yeah I guess I'm free on Saturday if you wanna go see that movie or whatever" Remus muttered while glancing over to his brother "More surprised that you're not busy honestly"
"Oh I was! Some friends from the theater heard I would get back from 'work' soon and wanted to hang out and I still got that guy who wants to go on a date with me as soon as possible and some guys from the Q branch asked me to test some gadgets for them. But I made sure to clear time in case you said yes" Roman replied with a smile.
"That's....That's....Ro-bro you're a sappy dork you know that right?"
"Of course! That's part of my everlasting and undying charm!"
The conversation was forcibly stopped as Q announced that the code was cracked. Roman flapped his hands in excitement to see the movie, Remus flapped back. They both turned back to what they were doing.
The duke to his surprise noticed a small crack in the wall right next to the door. He couldn't stop his curiosity from taking the better of him and looking through.
On the other side was a big room. There was a long dinner table in the middle with excessive amounts of expensive food on it. There were crystal candelabras hanging from the ceiling. The walls were white just like the floor but there were old paintings decorating the walls.
Most importantly there were 4 people in it. 3 men who looked to be at least 40. All of them were wearing suits but one of them was sitting in a chair by the luxurious table in a glistening dark purple suit. The other two were standing by the table with briefcases gripped in their shaking hands. Remus could see the sweat from nervousness dripping down their neck all the way from where he stood.
Last and least was the fourth person. A young boy, he was at the most 9 years old, sat on another chair by the table. He was holding the hand of the older man. His eyes were hidden by his hair and he had a large hoodie on.
"-So even though there has been someone selling important information about my company you two are 100% certaint that neither of you have destroyed my trust?" The man clad in purple asked.
The two men quickly shook their head. The purple clad man, who happened to be the leader of the Enfuel company, shone up into a wide grin. It was too wide. Too eerie. Not happy. Just sinister.
"How wonderful! I knew I could trust you both!" The leader took out a gun and shot one of the men in the leg.
He fell down on the ground and writhed in pain. The young boy let out a scream and flinched away. The other man bolted for the closest door which instantly made Remus take out a knife and get ready to defend Roman. But before he could get anywhere the leader had pressed a button on his chair which made all doors lock.
"I heard that the MI6 were on to us because of you fools running your mouths" The leader said while standing up. Remus nearly chuckled at how right he was.
The shot man simply cried while the other got down on his knees and begged "Please please I'll do anything. I have a family. I have 2 kids. I can- please don't kill me"
"How funny, I have a kid too" The leader held out his hand "Son come here"
The young boy quickly ran over and took his dad's hand. He was already crying. When the gun was reloaded he turned his head to look away. It resulted in the leader grabbing onto his son's head and dragging in it so he was forced to look at the helpless men, soon to be corpses. Remus could hear the boy whimper from pain.
"Do I-I h-have to see ev-every time?" He cried out.
"Until you learn to stop crying over some insect's death, Yes. These people are traitors. They're beneath us because they have hurt us. You have to see what we do to people who hurt us"
A bullet went off. One of the men collapsed dead on the floor. The other desperately crawled away until he hit the wall. The young boy's crying turned into sobs.
"You should be used to it by now" His dad said in a calm tone.
The leader forced the gun into his son's shaking hands. He held onto his hands so he couldn't let go. He moved his hands for him, reloaded the gun for him, held the gun to the living man's forehead for him. The young boy's entire body was shaking from fear. He closed his eyes. Pretended like the cold metal wasn't in his hands. Pretended like he wasn't one move of his finger away from taking a life.
"Open your eyes son" The leader commanded "You have to see. See the fear in his eyes. That is the look of a dead man. We could ask anything of him"
"I-I want him t-to live. P-Please dad w-we can send-d him to the b-bad room instead"
"The bad rooms are for those who are of use to us. This man has nothing for us"
A hand landed on Remus' shoulder. He turned around and pointed the knife at the person's neck. Thankfully it was just Roman.
"The files are all here" Ro informed while holding up an USB drive. He had on a strained expression "It's sick. Q told you they made it so Enfuel was the only company avaible for like an entire part of Latvia right?"
"I wasn't listening but probably yeah"
"They're planning to make all electricy and fuel unaviable for those cities for months. And they're going to make it look like an accident so they won't even have to take accountability. They're planning to try and completely cut them off from the rest of the world"
"People are gonna die" Remus concluded.
"Why the fuck would someone even do that?"
Roman shrugged "Said nothing about that. At least we can stop it if we know it will happen. All we have to do is get out of here and get it to M"
Remus was about to nod but then he heard muffled sounds from the other room. He closed his hands into fists. There was a cold lump stuck in his throat.
"There's a kid here. Like 8? 9 maybe? Being made to hold a gun" He whispered.
"Mom teached us how to use pistols at 12" Roman replied with a shrug.
"She made us shoot at targets" Their mom is a very powerful lady so they had to know how to defend themself since so many people wanted to hurt them to get to their mom "This is-"
A gunshot went off. Gutwrenching screaming followed. It sounded like it came from the boy. Soon sobbing took over.
"Don't cry like that. You weren't even the one pulling the trigger" His dad snarled out.
The brothers at looked each other. They both knew that the mission was hundreds of times more important than one kid but....with that one look they both knew they had to do something.
"Okay new mission" Remus said "Protect the kid"
They searched the room and found an entrance to the vents in the roof. They climbed in and crawled as quietly as possible until they could see down into the other room. The leader had gone back to sitting by the table, he was drinking some wine. The son was still sitting by one of the corpses. His sobs was racking his whole body as he held onto the dead body. Quiet beggings to wake up could be heard.
The brothers took out their guns in anticipation. Remus slammed his foot down into the vent panel and jumped down onto the ground. He jumped back up on his feet and held the gun to the leader's head.
Roman was just as quick with getting down. He went over to the kid and hunched down in front of him, half to comfort him and half to be a human shield.
"It's okay now kid. We won't hurt you. We'll get you out of here. I promise" He whispered to him while sending him a warm smile.
He was full on hyperventilating "No. No. Please. Get out. I don't- dad will- I don't want to have to see anyone else die- I don't want to hurt anyone- please- NoNoNoNo"
"Shhh. No one will be hurt. Just focus on my breathing okay. In and out. Deep breathes. You'll be safe soon" Roman assured. He kept one hand on the young boy's shoulder and the other hand on his gun.
Remus held the gun as still as possible against the leader's forehead. The older man didn't look away even for a second. His cold blue eyes stared at him until it felt like he was digging into him. The agent tried to glance around for a clear exit. At best he saw another entrance to the vents close to the wall on the side of the room.
"I've buried people like you before" The leader let out in a dry emotionless tone. "Even if you do get anyway it won't do much. All of the evidence will be gone except for a meek little plan I can easily manipulate away in court. You're really just delaying the inevitable"
"Not letting people die isn't doing nothing" Remus snarled back.
A smile crept up on his face "Letting people die does just a little"
He pressed down on a hidden panel on his chair. All Remus could see was that it was some sort of controller before hearing a muffled shout. He spun around in time to see Roman sitting with his arms around the kid. Blood was seeping out of his shoulder.
By the press of a button a panel on the wall had turned around and a mechanic gun had become visible, useable too via the panel. The gun head moved again, readjusting it's line of sight.
Logically Remus should have moved his gun back towards the leader's head. Logically he should have shot his brains out. Logically he shouldn't have made a single sound. Logically he shouldn't have shown any ounce of care or emotion (weakness), it'd been drilled into them during training after all.
But Remus wasn't thinking logically. His brother was hurt. His brother was in danger. He had to protect him.
A guttural sound of terror left his throat. It sounded like something close to his brother's name. He wasn't fast enough. There was nothing he could. He watched as the bullet went into Roman's chest.
Remus didn't reach him. There was a hit to the back of his head. The hit was hard enough to make it feel like his brain split apart. He was already unconscious as he fell down on the ground. He was just close enough so the blood from his brother reached him.
The moment Remus awakened again his heart immediately began to beat fast enough so he could hear it. He wanted to yell out for his brother before he'd even had time to open his eyes.
The fear calmed won just a bit when he did look up and saw Roman, thank god he saw Roman, laying next to him. He didn't calm down completely because his brother was visibly hurt. Hurt badly.
There were swelling on his cheeks from soon to be bruises and his right eye had closed completely from a black eye. Blood had dried around the wound on his shoulder and the one on his chest was still bleeding. Thankfully it hadn't hit his heart but it was still heavily bleeding. The kid's hoodie had been pressed against the wound. His left leg from the knee down had been mangled and turned the wrong way.
Remus had rope tied around his wrists and ankles. They hadn't even bothered to tie Roman's ankles. Even with all the injuries his twin tried to send him a weak smile.
"don't speak too loudly" He whispered out. His breathing was uneven and raspy.
Normally Remus would have screeched in defiance. Now he glanced around the room while making his every move as quiet as possible.
The leader and his son were still in the room. The leader was polishing a knife. There were multiple knives and other gratuitous tools laid out across the table. Oh god he'd only kept them alive to make them suffer until death as much as possible.
When he turned back to Roman there were tears in his brother's eyes. His smile was strained.
"I was going to resign"
Roman let out a sob as his smile disappeared. It only left an expression filled with pain.
"I-I never really wanted t-this! I just- I didn't know what else I would be. Re I was planning to make this my last mission. I don't know if I want to be an actor. But fuck at least I-I want to be an actor ten times more than I want to be an agent"
Remus tried to move closer. He wanted to reach out and hold his brother. Comfort him. Tell him half the things he said didn't make sense.
"You- What-" He let out a nervous chuckle "Ro-bro what are you talking about?"
At first there was no reply. Just a choked back sob. Roman moved closer and stared at the ropes around Remus' wrists. Anything was better than looking at his face. He moved his hands to try and untangle the ropes.
"You have to hug mom for me. And tell her I love her. And hug Lucy a-and Macey and Amita-" Roman closed his eyes, tried to force back another wave of tears "-And Everyone on the island. All of them. And the people at the theater. A-And everyone in Q branch a-and Oh god Q. Please hug Q- Logan. Hug Logan for me. Please. And Patton and M even though he will hate it. Please. I wish I'd known. I just want to be able to say goodbye at least. I just-"
"Shut up you dork. We're getting out of here. I'll just carry you. What's some old weak boned guy and some kid gonna do against us"
Roman glanced up at him, just for a moment, before going back to the ropes.
"Remus I-"
He coughed. His entire body shook and writhed in pain. He ignored it and continued with the ropes. Blood was coming down his lips. He was coughing up blood.
Roman met his eyes this time. He didn't have to say anything more. They both knew it. Even if one of them didn't want to accept it. It'd taken at least an hour to drive here. He wasn't going to make it unless he got medical help within the next minutes. He wasn't going to- He wasn't-
Roman wasn't going to make it.
"You can't- I- I'm sure- I can-" Remus stuttered out.
"You need to take the information and get back to M alive" He pulled the ropes away from Remus' wrists "There's a vent right above us. The bitchass dragon witch is too busy with torture devices to look at us. If you go now you can-"
"You will-"
"Remus I'm already dead! The kid isn't being saved either! He's stuck here! We failed! The least you can do is try to stop more death!"
"But you will-"
"Please I need you to survive" Roman pressed the USB drive into his hands. His hands were shaking "I-I'm trying to stay strong to make this easier for you b-but-" He let out a shakey sob "I just want to hug mom again. I want us to-to- I- I need you to survive. I need you to stay alive. Please. If I know you survive I can attempt to die in peace. I can't- I can't-" It continued into incoherent sobbing.
They couldn't hug each other, the leader would realize they were awake if they did. All they could do was press their hands together. They held onto each other's hands so tightly it hurt. Neither wanted to let go.
"....I love you...I wish- I don't- I just want you to- I love you" Remus choked out through tears.
Somehow Roman mustered a smile "I love you too" He wiped a tear away from his twin's cheek "I'm sorry. I wish I could stay with you. Please go. Please survive"
Remus tightened his grip on his hand for one last second. He wished he could drag it out. Even Continuing to exists in this moment of misery sounded better than spending the rest of his life without him.
He forced his hands away and sat up. Heuntied the ropes around his ancles in one rushed pull. He heard a yell from behind him. He jumped up and grabbed onto the vent. A bullet went past him as he climbed in.
He continued to cry as he hurried away. He kept the USB drive in his mouth. It felt like a part of him had been ripped out. A big part. A part he needed to live.
(He wished he'd never noticed the crack in the wall. He wished he'd just left the kid to be abused. He was horrible. He just wanted his brother to be okay)
It should have been him who was left for dead. Roman had so many more people who would mourn him. He had had a future. Goals. Dreams. Relationships. Remus was replacable.
Remus pushed himself out of the vent. His lungs were burning. He was numb. There were so many emotions he'd overloaded. He couldn't even feel the cold against his skin. Only the tears against his cheeks.
He escaped the facility and ran. In the distance he could see the car. He wanted to die. He couldn't imagine a life without his brother. Roman was the one who was supposed to come back with the information to save people. Roman was the hero! It wasn't fair!
Remus wanted to stop and let the guards catch up to him. Wanted to let himself scream and sob and be killed. Wanted to hug his brother again even if the only way to hug him was if they were both dead.
Instead he forced himself survive but only because it'd been Roman's wish.
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i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
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