#how am i supposed to keep up ?? i barely do my romanian .
angeltism · 9 months
. . . i think i want to learn too many languages .
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redotter · 7 months
Feeling really demoralized ngl. About writing, but it extends to other aspects of life. I am perpetually, chronically, tired and overwhelmed (zacalibita for the moldovans). I can barely keep up with the baseline existence of an adult human in capitalism. Going to work, doing chores, cooking, cleaning, brushing teeth etc all feel like SO MUCH and I am constantly behind on them. And then besides this I'm supposed to also have an exercise routine and social life? And some people out there have children too?!
Which brings me to writing. It took me. Over a literal decade to publish Soarers. Now it's out and i can't be bothered to run my social media to promote it. I made a spread sheet about what it would actually take to maintain all my platforms such that the algorithm picks up on me (i.e. post daily, edit everything neatly, do it in both romanian and english) and it's a minimum of 4 hours of work a week, and more realistically 8. And this is simply not maintainable for me. And now I have to make the choice: write without ever finding an audience, or just stop writing. Because anyway I average around 1k words a month, so instead of bending over backwards trying to find the time and energy for it, I could... clean the kitchen for once. And write "for myself" once a year when the moment naturally strikes.
(There's a secret third option of giving up my job and trying to "make it" as an author but I financially can't unless I'm selling the apartment which I would never push my partner to do because it's insanely reckless. There's also a super secret forth option of focusing on my writing AND my job and instead ignore everything else - tried that, caused major ripples in my relationships and I also got a fungal infection from not showering.)
This is exhausting. Is it supposed to be exhausting? Is everybody exhausted? Is life supposed to feel difficult no matter how easy it really is? Because by all objective standards, I'm living a VERY chill life, so why can't I just enjoy it and actually feel grateful and serene and all that? Why can't I go grocery shopping without the urge to bang my head on aisle doors? Why can't I change bed sheets without mentally psyching myself up? Why can't I be excited about going out on a date instead of feeling like I have to? And why can't I just post a stupid insta story about my book now and then?
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visenyavires · 3 years
Bleed Not For Death, But For Love
Chapter 2: My First Day
I had spent the remainder of my day after my interaction with Lady Dimitrescu exploring the castle grounds, making an internal map of all the rooms including the Lady’s. I came across the kitchen and found other maids cleaning up for the end of the shift. I met a beautiful Parlour Maid by the name of Elena, who helped me finish my tour after she finished her remaining tasks. After learning the layout of my new home, I returned to my room to turn in for the night when I noticed an envelope sitting below the Lady’s lipstick-stained wine glass I had “forgotten” to take to the kitchen. My breath catches as I see the house sigil pressed into the wax seal. It’s from Lady Dimitrescu.
I wondered if I had done something wrong… already. But other than not returning her wine glass just yet, I couldn’t think of anything. I lift the wine glass off the letter, pick up the aged parchment envelope, and set the glass down, my eyes glued to the deep red seal. I sit down on my chair in front of the fireplace and turn it over to see my name written in beautiful, angled cursive that seemed almost ancient. I carefully peel the wax seal off the body of the envelope, leaving it on the flap, and with a shaky hand, I pull the letter out. I take a deep breath and read the ancient cursive writing slowly:
“Dearest Y/N,
I have some tasks to train you on when dusk falls. Come to my chambers then and we shall get started with your first day. I am very precise about how I wish to have things done.
P.s. You can keep the wine glass if it pains you to part with it.
-Lady Alcina Dimitrescu”
I let out a deep sigh of relief that I’m not in trouble, but I’m also extremely anxious about meeting her first thing tonight. Could she tell I was already feeling some type of infatuation? Did she leave the glass on purpose? Maybe I will be able to tell tomorrow evening during our meeting, but as of right now, I really need to rest. I only have about 6 hours till dusk. I slip into a nightgown I bought myself on the way here. I found it in Italy, it’s made of dark red silk and black ribbon. Something drew me to it, and I could not refuse. I settle down in my bed and fall asleep to the crackling of the dim fire.
I wake up a few hours before dusk to an embroidered canopy, a heavy down comforter, and soft, silk sheets, something I’ve never experienced. The fire has dimmed to embers and there’s a slight chill in the room. I don’t figure I’ll be able to fall back to sleep, so I climb out of bed, stoke the fire, and find my clothes for the day. I find my gown easily, but notice that my apron is a deep red instead of white like the other maids. I wonder if that is due to my position as the Grand Chambermaid. All my uniforms are graciously provided by the Lady of the castle, so I only had to bring a small bag of personal items. I only had a few material possessions from back home, so being in a castle with a maximalist style was very overwhelming.
I go to the kitchen quickly to find something to eat before I begin my shift and notice an older maid in her 70s or so is already preparing food. I notice she, too, is wearing a dark red apron.
“Another early riser,” she says joyfully. “It’s nice to finally have some company at this time of day.”
I give her the friendliest smile I possibly can and introduce myself. “It smells wonderful in here. My name is Y/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Doina. I’m one of the head kitchen maids. If you ever need something to eat, just come see me,” she says with a sweet grin. She seems to love it here, I expect Lady Dimitrescu treats her well.
“I would actually love something to eat. I’ve got to meet our Lady in a couple of hours and I’m so nervous that I’m a bit nauseated,” I say sheepishly. Doina nods her head and walks to the stove and brings me a bowl of porridge back, and it smells lovely.
“This should settle your stomach, dear,” she says with a smile and a pat on my back. I take a few bites and instantly feel my nerves settle. I take a deep breath and smile.
“This is delicious, Doina. Just what I needed. Thank you.”
“You’re more than welcome, dear. The first day is stressful for everyone,” she says with a tone of experience. I wonder if she feeds all the newcomers like this.
Curiosity begins to stir in my mind and I swallow a bite of warm porridge before I ask, “Doina, may I ask what the red aprons are for, you’re the only other one I’ve seen wearing one. I thought maybe it was just for chambermaids but I suppose not.” She sets her spatula down, turns to me, and lowers her voice.
“It’s so that they do not stain when we help her clean up.”
And with that, I knew exactly what she meant. Her role as a cook, mine as her handmaiden, it all makes sense. People told me what the Lady of the castle is when I signed up for the job, but I honestly didn’t believe them at the time. But after seeing her daughters and their ability when I arrived, I’m starting to believe it’s true.
I nodded my understanding and Doina turned back to the stove, her spatula in hand. I finished my breakfast, cleaned my dishes, and went back to my room to straighten up. I decided to pass my remaining time by walking around the castle one more time to really familiarize myself with everything so that whenever I was needed, I could provide. When I finished, I opened a door to the courtyard and noticed it was almost dusk. It’s time to meet the Lady of the castle for my first day of training, and I suddenly wish I had more of that porridge again.
I’m a few minutes early when I open the door to the building where Lady Dimitrescu’s chambers are and walk up the stairs. I hear her voice and my heart begins to race. It sounds like she’s on the phone so I wait till I hear her put it down to knock on the door. I don’t even get to touch the door before I hear her say, “Come in. It’s open.” Her heightened senses impressed me, as I am not a heavy walker.
I open my palm from a knocking fist to push the cracked door open only to reveal her sitting at her vanity. She is applying a fresh coat of crimson lipstick, paying no mind that I’m even here. I lower my head in respect but glance up to watch her finish applying her lipstick. When she returns the cap to her lipstick and rubs her lips together to smooth everything out, I look back down at my feet, waiting for her to finish. I know that she is one to give commands, at least starting out. Then she would expect you to know what to do without a word coming from her mouth.
She turns towards me on her stool, a cigarette now in her hand. She flicks her lighter and the end begins to burn, so she closes the lighter, puts it to the side, closes her eyes, and takes a long drag. She holds it for a moment, then lets it out. She slowly opens her eyes and we make eye contact before she speaks.
“Did you rest well?” she asks softly, tilting her chin up slightly. I nod.
“Yes, my lady, thank you for asking,” I say with a soft smile and a head bow, only breaking away from her pools of gold for a moment. She tilts her head to the side just barely, as if figuring me out. While she’s sitting on her stool, we are at the same eye level.
“Your manners are pleasing. I’ve had many maids who wouldn’t even speak. Tell me, Y/N. Have you ever drawn a bath for someone before?” She asks with a hint of attitude as she arches a brow.
“Yes, my lady, for my parents frequently. How do you prefer your water?” I ask, maybe too boldly.
“I’m glad you asked. Follow me” she says with a grin. She puts out her cigarette and I follow her out of the chamber and down the hall. I figured she would lead me to this room at some point. We enter the Hall of Ablution, where four statues stand around a large bath of blood. Elena showed me that there are towels under a sink that is in the wall, so I figured this was part of her routine.
The Lady only wore a black robe, her raven curls put up with pins. She takes a long inhale and sighs with a smile. With her back turned to me, she looks over her shoulder and lets the robe fall. No warning. I avoid a gasp as I see her… all of her from behind. She smirks and lets out a quiet laugh as she looks away from me and walks straight into the ruby bath. She sits and is covered from the tops of her breasts down in the deep red liquid, leaving her arms to rest on the edge of the bath, and sighs with contentment. I pick up her silk robe from the ground and hold it patiently as she soaks. I expect that she wants silence and I gave her such so she can enjoy herself, but the hall soon echoes with her deep voice.
“Tell me, Draga mea,” she says in an intoxicatingly sweet Romanian accent, “why did you come all this way to be here?” I struggled to find an answer, as all I could wonder was why she was even interested.
“To get away from my family, my Lady. I always promised myself I would leave as soon as I turned 21 when my little sister turned 18 and she could leave. I didn’t want to leave her there by herself,” I stop myself as soon as I realize I’m beginning to overshare.
“And where did she go?” Lady Dimitrescu asks, seemingly interested in new stories and gossip.
“She stayed in Italy after we passed through. She found a good place to stay and was offered a job. I really hope she’s happy there,” I say with a worried smile. She nods as if it’s in approval. She looks to her side and asks, “What do you expect out of your time here?” And turns her head to look back at me, her eyes entrancing. I do my very best to give her a vague answer.
“I want a place to call home, somewhere I belong, a place I can care for, and someone I can devote my loyalty to. That’s all I’ve wanted for a very long time,” I say, attempting to add a sultry hint to my voice, but keeping a serious face. Her crimson lips spread into a small grin and she flicks her wrist towards the cabinet with the very large, red towels. I grab one and hold it out as she stands and walks to the ramp in the tub. I have to force myself not to stare as the ruby liquid drips from her ivory skin, down her hips and legs. For modesty’s sake, I cover the portion of my gaze that would be able to see her, but it seems as if she wouldn’t mind if I hadn’t. I help her wrap up, and she walks me to her bathroom in her chambers where I then run a warm bath for her.
I stand at the head of the tub after she gets in and I remove the pins from her hair. I take a golden brush off the table next to me and brush through her hair. I move slowly, and she seems to prefer that as I hear a soft sigh escape every now and then. I notice dusk is fading, so I wrap up her bath by washing her hair, back, arms, and legs. I leave her to finish while I fetch a warm, white towel.
I meet her back at her vanity where I brush through her hair again and strategically place the curlers while she talks about a meeting she has with the other Lords of the village later in the night and what she expects to be done in the meantime. I lay out her dress, necklace, hat, and gloves for the day.
“Thank you, Y/N. This was the most pleasurable “morning” I’ve had in quite some time.
“Of course, my Lady. I’m glad I was able to meet your standards. Enjoy your meeting, everything shall be prepared for you when you return.” I give a little curtsey and close the doors behind me after locking in on those enchanting, golden eyes and her scarlet grin one last time.
I go about the duties Lady Dimitrescu gave me for the remainder of the night, cleaning her chambers, preparing her nightwear, cleaning her bathroom, making sure everything is in its home. After all my tasks are done, I go back into the kitchen to see Doina wrapping up for the night.
“I left you a plate, dear,” she says kindly and points to a plate of potatoes, squash, and a few pieces of chicken on the side.
“Thank you again, Doina. You’re so kind,” I say, my hungry belly already full of gratitude. Doina hangs a towel up and sits across from me and we converse about the day. I thank her again for the food, clean my dishes, and head towards my chambers to turn in for the night.
Once I close the doors to my room, I kick my shoes off and take my hair down. I sit at my own vanity and brush my hair out before I walk towards the fireplace to stoke it again. Before I reach the fireplace, I see another note with a wax Dimitrescu sigil sitting under the wine glass on my table. I didn’t notice the Lady return home, I hope everything was done to her liking.
I sit and peel the letter open once more, a repeat of last night. Once again, I read the beautiful cursive slowly:
“Draga Mea,
Come to my chambers at 7 am, don’t be late.
-Lady Alcina Dimitrescu”
It’s another chamber summons, but this time, it doesn’t sound like it’s for business… and I only have half an hour to prepare.
Next: Chapter 3: Devotion, You Shall Have
Previous: Chapter 1: Welcome to Castle Dimitrescu
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rextasywrites · 3 years
Little Darling 4 - a Lady Dimitrescu x Mia Winters fanfiction
"The walls of the basement were still as cold and slick as the day Lady Dimitrescu turned into what she was today. Some mold was still growing in corners here and there, but mostly it was contained to sealed boxes. “You turned because of the mold too?”"
what awaits Mia in the basement of Lady Dimitrescu's castle? how is the mold connected to both survivour, even if their trauma was 500 years apart?
ohhh boy i am SO happy with this fic yall have no idea. big thanks to everyone who has commeted on my fics so far, you make writing a fun process. i hope you enjoy the new chapter! !!!flashbacks are written in cursive!!! <3 <3 <3
Warnings: mention of child death, various mental illnesses
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
During the night, the snowfall in the valley had increased, snowing most of the village in. Lady Dimitrescu stood on the balcony, taking a drag from her smoke, blowing out smoke that nearly froze in the cold air. Mia was still fast asleep, the exhaustion caught up on her once the nightmares vanished. Lady Dimiterescu didn’t get any sleep during this very night - sleep was barely needed for her anyways, but she had ignored her own tiredness in favour of making sure Mia was okay. Guess the ‘human’ touch worked wonders on the traumatized.
“Lady Dimitrescu?”, Mia’s tired voice ripped her out of her thoughts and she turned around to face the young woman, standing in the doorway to the balcony, rubbing her sleepy eyes. “Can you close the door? I am freezing.”
“Oh right, you humans and your temperature problems.”, Lady Dimitrescu chuckled as she stepped back into the bedroom, “and please, call me Alcina.”
“Alright, Alcina.”, Mia chuckled, sitting back on the bed she had just emerged from, stretching her body from this good night’s sleep. “What is the plan for today? Will you show me where Rosy is?”
“Not yet. Before, you have to understand a few things. A few things about us. You worked with bio weapons before, so you will understand quickly enough…”
The walls of the basement were still as cold and slick as the day Lady Dimitrescu turned into what she was today. Some mold was still growing in corners here and there, but mostly it was contained to sealed boxes. “You turned because of the mold too?”
“Exactly. I spent hundreds of years dissecting my own blood to find out what was the trigger in this very mold, turning me into...this.”, Lady Dimitrescu said as she took a seat in the very same place the plague doctor had been on. “What I have come to realize - the plague doctors and fuck knows who else worked on the mold...they created an early version of the mold you were infected with. Of course, early and very simple, but you can see what it did to me.”
Mia nodded as she listened to Alcina talk, taking in the surrounding. It all reminded her so much of the basement she was locked in for three years, she could even feel the hard mattress under her spine. Something she never told Ethan was that she spent most of these years either trying to escape or sleep her injuries off. Eveline didn’t let her go. “How did they manage this back in...1500-something?”
“You are asking good questions, dear. I suppose the mold had a spontaneous mutation which caused its effects on me. I saw the dead bodies of previous victims. They died of mold poisoning or its effects on their lungs. Was lucky there, ‘suppose. And now I am immortal and could take over the world if I wanted to. Do I want to? Fuck no.”
“Why not?”, Mia chuckled at the thought of a vampire lady ruling over the world. What would the aliens say that watch us all day long? “Nothing could stop you. Not even any kind of bio weapons so far.”
“That’s the thing! Redfield and his team are developing a cure to the mold as we speak, with Rosy’s blood. The mold we were infected with is dangerously similar. Since no D-series exists anymore, they had to work with what they get. Ever since I got word of the D-series and the mold, I kept my eyes on your team and you. Because you would be the key to our deaths.”
“But why are they after you and your daughters? You haven’t caused any significant troubles, like turning a whole city into zombies…”
“Because we are mutants in the end. We shouldn’t exist in a perfect world with all sunshines and rainbow pooping unicorns. Too bad the world is a cruel place. Helping Redfield with the resurrection of Jill Valentine was the worst mistake I have made in over 500 years of living.”, Lady Dimitrescu explained, trailing over her exposed arm. Her veins were visible, but it was clear the mold had taken over her bloodstream judging by the colour alone. “The mold feeds off human blood. Once my blood was out, I started to thirst for whatever blood I could find. Most of the time I settled for homeless or old people - you know, the kind of people no one would miss.”
“...that makes sense, and that’s something rare to say in a situation like this.”, Mia said, earning a smile from Lady Dim- Alcina. “And why...don’t you just surrender and die? You have lived for over 500 years?”
“Oh Mia.”, Lady Dimitrescu chuckled as she stood up, cupping Mia’s cheeks, “Death is something so personal, trust me. It’s about the choice. If I want to kill myself, I’d just turn the mold into a vaccine. But being killed by a big mouthed assface who thinks the world belongs to him? I won’t give up without a fight. My daughters won’t give up without a fight. Suicide is something so personal.”
“Here.”, Carlos placed the newspaper article in front of Chris. Several homeless people had been found dead, drained of their blood. Chris read it with great interest, even though his Romanian was rusty. “Drained of their blood in Romania? This is either some sick dracula cosplayer or we have our eyes on vampires. Maybe they are the key to life!”
Chris raised an eyebrow at Carlos, “You really are into the thought of bringing her back to life, aren’t you?”
“Chris, look”, Carlos sighed, frustration and anger present in his mimic, “This is not the death Jill deserves. She deserves a second chance! Without the blood and pain and bio weapons. Fuck, let her adopt five cats and a llama if it makes her happy. But this is not the death she deserves”, and he pointed towards the cold camber her lifeless body was resting in. She looked so peaceful, as if she was just sleeping. Her blonde hair had fallen over her face, as if she was a fallen angel, ready to spread her wings at any given second. Chris might have given up on her, but not Carlos.
“Send out Kennedy then. He knows how to deal with the dirty work.”
The reports from Leon were clear. Mutants had infested the castle, but they weren’t much of a threat while Leon had been in there. It actually seemed as if they were avoiding him. But the key was a moment he accidentally witnessed.
“Lady Dimitrescu!”, a cry broke through the quietness of the castle. Leon had heard this sort of cry before - a mother who had just lost her child. A cry he never wanted to hear again. “Please help me! My daughter, my little baby…!”, she wailed as the three daughters surrounded her, taking the dead body of the toddler from her. The blonde daughter ran to where Lady Dimitrescu was staying while the two others comforted the hysteric mother. The child was pale and stiff, and must have been dead for quite a while. Leon swallowed dry at the view. He could deal with zombies and mutants in the weirdest ways, but dead children...he could never get used to this.
About an hour later, Lady Dimitrescu walked out of her study with the little girl, who was looking at least more alive. The colour had returned to her face and her chest was moving a little bit. “Here.”, she smiled as she handed the lady her daughter, “She needs rest for a few more days. Keep her warm and secure, bedrest is the best idea there. Also, she will be very thirsty once she wakes up. Let her drink all the water she needs, her body is severely dehydrated.”
Because of this, Leon decided to stay a few days more. He followed the mother to her home and stayed hidded. About a week later, he knocked on the door of the woman, asking for her help, if she had seen his dog ‘Rex’.
“Sadly, I have not.”, the woman said, and from the corner of his eyes, Leon was able to spot the once dead daughter, playing with some barbies. “But if I see him, I will let you know.” This was all the confirmation he needed. Leon headed back to the USA the following day to report from what he witnessed, and how they could be the key to saving Jill.
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If You Just Realize
Part Fourteen: Turning of the Tide
Summary: More changes come for Sebastian and his girls. Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader Word Count: 1915 Series Warnings: Death, angst, sadness. Lots of creative licensing, I’m sure. Chapter Warnings: Child custody issues, feels.    Square Filled: This entire series will fill my realized feelings square for @marvelfluffbingo​. A/N: I’ve much enjoyed writing this series, and I hope all of you enjoy reading it! The tag list is open; requests to be added can be done so here. There are bits and pieces of Romanian throughout the series, mostly from Google Translate and the few things I’ve picked up as I learn the language.
Also, I don’t know why I’ve never mentioned it before, but a huge song inspiration for the title of this fic (and some chapter titles) is Realize by Colbie Caillat.
Series Masterlist
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Sebastian deeply regretted sending Y/N to Los Angeles when the kind lady from the court came to get Milena to take her to Conor’s house. She wasn’t allowed to tell Sebastian much, but anything he needed to know, he figured he could learn from Alice and Tim anyway. 
Letting Milena go was torturous. She was trying her best not to cry, even as tears were rolling down her chubby cheeks. Sebastian squeezed her tight and made promises in Romanian so that the court lady couldn’t be held responsible for reporting back what he had said, and, honestly, to have that privacy with his niece. 
He went back into the house, immediately cursing the silence and wishing they would have seen this coming before they bought the place. If things didn’t work out with Y/N and Milena was taken away, what was the point of having all that space to himself?
Realizing Georgeta and Anthony had no idea what was going on, Sebastian called and explained as best he could. Georgeta was upset, and Anthony seemed to be too, but was holding it together for his wife. Sebastian promised to keep them updated, then disconnected the call. 
But only another thirty minutes passed before he was packing a weekend bag and driving over to his parents’ house. He knocked on the door when he arrived, his chin already quivering. Like a little boy, when his mother answered the door, he broke down in tears. The weight of the world was once again upon his shoulders but Sebastian didn’t know if he could hold it together this time. 
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Y/N’s assistant met her in the lobby of the hotel that would be her home for the weekend. Once she was checked in, the two girls went up to the room and checked off a few boxes for business purposes before Y/N snapped her fingers. 
“I’ve got to tell Kennedy I’m in town. I’ll call her here soon. Do I need to take care of anything with the apartment?”
The younger girl shook her head. “It’s all done and taken care of; I turned your key in a couple of weeks ago. Oh, I have one more envelope of mail for you to go through — there’s some important looking stuff on the top. I don’t know if it’s maybe the final of the pre-nup or anything.”
Y/N shook her head. “No, those went to Seb’s place in New York. I’ll look at that mail soon — what time am I supposed to be ready for the interview tomorrow?”
“The car will pick you up around three, hair and makeup will be there for you. Just have to bring what you want to wear. I’ll be here by two-thirty, if not before.”
“Great, thanks, so much.”
They hugged before the assistant was on her way and Y/N was left to her own devices for the day. She called Sebastian, who informed her that Milena had been picked up to go to Conor’s, and he was staying with his parents until Y/N returned. 
“I should have stayed. I know it’s important for privacy purposes for me to be here, but I miss you already. Thank goodness your parents are close so you’re not alone.”
“Not the same as having you here,” Sebastian sighed. “I thought about coming out to Los Angeles, but I want to be close by in case something changes — even if that’s unlikely.”
Y/N shrugged. “I get it. I’ll be on the first flight out, day after tomorrow. I can take a cab home.”
“I’ll come get you. I want to come get you.” 
She smiled, despite the circumstances. “Let me know what happens, okay? If anything. I can’t wait to come home to you.”
“Can’t wait to have you home, Bright Eyes. I love you.”
“I love you more,” she returned. 
They talked for a while longer before disconnecting the call. Kennedy was Y/N’s next call, but that girl was filming on location, so meeting up wasn’t going to be an option. Shrugging and figuring she wouldn’t be too fun to hang out with at the moment anyway, Y/N crawled under the covers of the hotel bed and fell into a restless sleep. 
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After hearing that the interview had been pleasant — and that she could honestly and enthusiastically speak to how in love with Sebastian she was and how happy their marriage had been so far — Sebastian became even more anxious to have her home. Her assistant had finagled a red-eye flight home after the taping, which meant that Y/N was coming home at four in the morning, but Sebastian didn’t much care. His wife was home and he felt so much less alone. 
She was still in her outfit from the taping when he met her on the arrivals sidewalk at LaGuardia. She raced into his arms, kissed him fiercely, then begged him to get her home. 
“I only want us to be together, in our home, waiting for Milena to come back.”
Sebastian took her hand and her rolling carry-on, leading both of them back to the car. The ride was silent, and she pulled her own suitcase up to the house when they arrived, then immediately got in the shower. She had been so excited to see him at first, but had quickly distanced. Sebastian wasn’t sure what had happened, but he wasn’t about to wait to ask her about it. 
He stripped down to nothing, tossed his clothes in the hamper, and went to join her in the shower. She smiled at his presence but then turned her face back toward the water. 
Sebastian leaned against her, using his hand on the wall to balance himself. He pushed the hair away from her neck, kissing the bare skin. 
“Talk to me,” he prompted. 
She turned a little so her face was out of the water. “About what?”
He gave her a look. “Y/N. I know you — remember that we were friends a long time before we were married. Before I realized that I love you.”
“Are you sure you love me?”
Sebastian frowned and gripped her upper arms gently, turning her to face him. “Yes, I love you. I’m in love with you. What could make you unsure?”
“It’s just — I know you needed me back here to support you with everything going on, but I was suddenly worried that with Milena not around, you would realize you only needed me as a friend. That you’re not truly in love with me.”
He let out a breath. “Let’s finish this shower, and then we’ll talk, okay?”
She nodded and reached for her shampoo; Sebastian took it from her, lathering up her locks before rinsing it out for her. He reached for the conditioner next. She soaped up her own body and rinsed off, then excused herself while he finished the shower on his own. 
When he came out from the bathroom, she was on her side of the bed in the same sweatshirt she had been wearing the day she told him she loved him for the first time. Her wet hair was swept to one side, and she was leaned against the headboard, waiting for him to come out. He pulled on clean boxers and sweats, then climbed onto the bed next to her. 
“Your hands are cold,” he whispered, taking them to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. “Y/N, listen to me. My love for you is not conditional on Milena being in our lives or even us being married or anything else. I should have seen it a long time ago — maybe one of all of those times that my mother was telling me I should marry you.” He smiled when that actually drew a giggle from her lips. “I want you as my wife. I want you to be the mother figure Milena needs, and I want to have a million more kids with you.”
“A million?” 
He laughed. “Okay, maybe two or three more. I want to grow old with you growing old with me. There’s nothing in this life that I will do or want to do that I don’t want you there for. I love you, Y/N, unconditionally.”
“I want all of that, too,” she whispered, wiping happy tears away. “I know that was the last discussion we never really got to have, but I was so afraid that my feelings were deeper than yours, and then this … it’s been an intense few months.”
Sebastian nodded. “That it has. No more pulling away from me, okay? And I promise not to pull away from you. We’re in this, together. Forever.”
“Forever,” Y/N repeated, pulling him towards her so she could plant a sweet kiss on his lips — although the interaction didn’t stop at a simple kiss. 
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The packet of mail her assistant had given her in Los Angeles was spread out on the kitchen island, and Y/N was singing along softly to music as she went through all of it. Some of it could be thrown out, some she still wanted to look at, so she decided it was better to eliminate what she didn’t need to open before starting the review process. 
“What about a Boston Terrier?” Sebastian suggested, scrolling through the internet on his laptop across from her. 
Y/N wrinkled her nose. “They’re so cute but my sister-in-law has one and the smells that come of out of that thing’s butt — I’m gonna have to vote no on that one.”
He chuckled and ceded to her denial. As she started opening envelopes, he called out a few other breeds. 
“There’s not a whole lot of options for dogs that travel well and are good with toddlers and have puppies that will be ready by her birthday,” Sebastian said. “You may have to reconsider the retriever options. Oh, wait — miniature dachshund?”
“A little weenie dog?” Y/N giggled. She pictured Milena with the tiny little thing and nodded emphatically. “Yes, that's perfect!” 
While Sebastian did the necessary research and contacted a breeder, Y/N opened a particularly thick envelope and withdrew a stack of papers. They were obviously some kind of court papers, but the cover letter told her a personal letter would follow and she should open that first. 
Surely that wasn't something she would have thrown away. She searched frantically through the remaining envelopes, until she found one addressed to her in a neat, slanted handwriting. She looked to the return address and slapped a hand over her mouth in surprise. 
Irina Fruhauf. 
This must be what it’s like to see a ghost, she thought to herself as she tore into the letter. She spent the next ten minutes reading through Irina’s letter twice, then started in on the court documents. 
“Oh my …” She could hear Sebastian still in the other room on the phone with the breeder, but he was going to need to stop that conversation now. “Seb! Come in here!”
It took him a minute to get off the phone, and when he joined her in the kitchen, she handed him the letter first. His facial expression first was that of surprise, then further shock, and then the bittersweet feeling of reading the last communication of his beloved sister. 
“Is this real?” he asked, voice hoarse with tears.
Y/N pointed to the court documents. “I think it is. Maybe you should call Philip.”
Sebastian nodded, retrieving his phone again. “Yeah, I think I should.”
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AllOfTheThings: @captain-s-rogers​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @hurricanerin​ @horsesandbandsforlife​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​ @shynara51​ @sea040561​ @pinknerdpanda​ @xtina2191​ @jackryanplz​ @beakami​ @heartsaved​ @fullprunerebelstatesman​ @blackwidowismyhomegirl​ @averyrogers83​ @jennmurawski13​ @connie326​
IYJR: @elsatxx​ @tanelle83​ @amanda-teaches​ @etherealwaifgoddess​ @kmuir1​ @ntlmundy​ @jayankles​ @rebekahdawkins​ @denise1605​ @rhadigen​ @peace-love-hobbitness​ @itsallyscorner​ @mizzzpink​ @auspiciousharriet​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @learisa​ @tellmewhatyouwill​ @katherinereid​ @lokilokilokilokilokiloki​ @auriandthepussicats​ @tellmewhatyouwill​ @itsmycorneroftheinternet​ @andreagf956​ @voltage-my2dlove​
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Hate Me, Love Me
Woah, another one? The next day too! Let’s gooooo! I’m happy to present a new fanfic to you guys. I’m glad you enjoyed my last one too! It means so much to me to get responses from you guys. Let’s get on to the smut.
WC: 2.7k
Warnings: Sex, lots of it. Rough sex. Swearing. Severely NSFW. 18+ only please. Unprotected sex. Wrap it before you tap it.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
“It’s your fucking fault!” Bucky screamed at you.
“How is it my fault? Had you paid any attention to our actual mission instead of eyefucking the blonde across the goddamn room, we wouldn’t have lost our target!” You pushed his chest even though you knew it would barely move him.
All the mission was supposed to be is follow your proposed target that Fury gave you and see what room he was staying in. You and Bucky were supposed to be a couple. At first, he was completely attentive to you. He always had his arm around your waist, holding onto you, albeit a bit tighter than any normal boyfriend would. But, you weren’t together. Not even close.
“What, are you fucking jealous? There’s nothing between us but sex! Even then, I don’t know if I want that anymore.” With a roll of his eyes, he sat down in the chair against the wall in your hotel room.
“Why the hell would I be jealous? I was focused on the mission given to us. I didn’t want to get my ass beat by Fury but because you can’t keep your dick in your pants, we’re both going to get some sort of punishment. You’re not even that good of a fuck!” 
Bucky’s eyes began scanning the room for your target but before he could continue, his eyes landed on a tall blonde with long curls flowing down her shoulders. The diamond earrings she was wearing sparkled in the bright lights in the room. Her red dress showed off her body perfectly, making you feel insecure as you saw the way Bucky looked at her. His eyes were completely glued to her and you could feel his hand loosen on your waist.
“James, what are you doing?” You whispered to him but he wouldn’t stay put.
He strode across the room, approaching the woman with a smile. He was supposed to be with you, what the fuck was he doing?
“Not that good, huh? Then why am I the only one you sleep with? You could probably bang any other guy on this team but you picked me. I’m obviously able to please you.”
“Oh, fuck off, Bucky. Your ego is bigger than your cock. But, that’s not saying a lot.” 
Before you could even sit down on the bed, Bucky had caged you against the wall, his eyes boring deep into yours.
“Wanna say that again?”
“You’re. Not. Fuckable.” You snapped at him, pushing his buttons.
“Don’t fucking test me, you know better.”
“Or what, James?”
You were about to move from your position in the room until you saw your target walking swiftly, his phone to his ear. You needed the intel but Bucky wouldn’t even pay attention to you. He was completely focused on the random blonde bitch who took up space by the bar. You couldn’t just stand there and let your target get away. 
“Bucky, I saw him. We need to move.” You got no response through your comm. Looking over, you saw that he had taken his out. You were going to fucking kill him after this.
Grabbing your clutch and slipping the wristband of it around your hand, you slowly made your way through the crowd, nonchalantly following your target. Lifting your maroon dress slightly, you walked up the stairs with your head down. A women’s bathroom was right in front of you and your target was off to the side, still talking on the phone. But, it was in Romanian. You didn’t understand a lick of Romanian. Bucky did. What the fuck would you do now? 
You could see the man’s security guard out of your eye as you sped to the bathroom. Hopefully, they would just think you needed to pee. Did they? No. Even before you made it to the door, the target’s guard stood in front of the door, his eyes darting down then back up to yours. Following his gaze, you could see a pistol held in his tanned hand. He could easily choke you if you tried anything.
“If you try anything, you’re dead.”
All you could do was turn around and find Bucky, and pulling him out of the gala.
“What happened?” 
“You screwed it.” You mumbled.
Bucky picked you up by your ass, dropping you onto the shitty motel bed, covering your body with his. He crashed his chapped lips to yours, the kiss being all tongue and teeth. It would be like every other time you had fucked him. No emotion. Just pure anger. 
“Get this fucking dress off.” He growled at you.
“I beg your pardon?” His eyebrows raised warningly. 
“I said, no.”
Soon enough, your dress was off but only because he had ripped it in half.
“Natasha bought me that!” You yelled at him.
“Shut up.” 
You huffed but refused to submit to him. You loved riling him up. It made all of this so much sweeter even though it would only be temporary.
“Fuck off, Barnes.”
His eyes narrowed at you, pupils enlarged to the point that his normally ocean coloured eyes that they’re completely black now. Your body was dragged to the edge of the bed by Bucky’s strong hands, only for you to be placed in his lap, with your back to his chest.
“You think this is funny?” His breath was hot as it fanned over your neck.
“It’s hilarious.”
He hooked his feet around your ankles, forcing your legs apart and locking them in place. Your body almost completely stiffened at Bucky’s actions as you felt his metal hand travel down your torso and stop above your most sensitive area.
“If I’m not a good fuck, why are you so wet right now?”
You had no answer for him. The only thing you knew would come out of your mouth would be the word “please”. But, you weren’t gonna give into him so easily. So, you kept your mouth shut.
“Nothing? At all?”
Suddenly, you felt two fingers plunged into your pussy. The familiar feeling of metal made you moan loudly, back arching.
“That’s what I thought.” You could feel his smirk on your neck, which made you angry. He was winning right now but you couldn’t let him do that.
In between bated breaths, you spat at him.
“Fuck you.”
Bucky slapped the inside of your thigh harshly, biting your neck.
“Either say my name or shut the fuck up. One or the other.”
His metal hand moved to rubbing your clit at a nearly inhuman rate, his flesh hand coming up to your chest to pinch your nipples. 
“James!” You screamed, trying to close your legs at the overstimulation, but he had hooked you in place.
Your ass bucked into his bulge, making him groan in your ear. The warmth in your stomach began to build up as he pushed his fingers back inside you but he did it painfully slowly this time. Your orgasm faded away quickly, pissing you off.
“No, no!” 
“Too bad.” He flipped you over, beginning to attack your body with his lips and teeth.
“Why are you still dressed?”
Bucky pulled back to look you in the eyes, his lips quirking up into a smirk. He wasn’t done with you at all so he was going to indulge you just this once. Slowly stripping down in front of you, his thick cock bounced after he removed his pants and boxers. So much for his ego being bigger than his cock.
“Do I even have to tell you what to do?”
You very nearly caved and just got on your knees for him but you weren’t going down without more of a fight.
“I don’t know. Can you use your words or are you incapable of using actual intelligence to do something?”
If his eyes could get any darker, they did. He grabbed you by your arm, putting you on the floor and having you kneel before him.
“You’re gonna put those pretty little lips around my cock and let me fuck your mouth. You got it, babe?” 
He knew exactly how to play with you; using pet names even though you knew he didn’t mean them. You lowered your mouth onto his cock, your eyes meeting his as you looked up at him. His hands went directly to your hair, pulling on it. A moan slipped out of you, making Bucky grin and tug harder. He pushed your head further down onto his shaft, nearly hitting the back of your throat. 
“That’s right, baby girl. Hold still for me, yeah?”
You gave him a little nod as he started thrusting his hips up into your face, his cock going deeper into your mouth each time. Sliding your hands up his thighs, you began softly squeezing his balls, causing him to jump and hit the back of your throat. You’ve had this experience with Bucky so many times that you no longer have a gag reflex and you’re willing to take him as deep as you can. Twirling your tongue around his shaft, you tightened your lips around him, pulling a loud moan from him and an especially harsh tug on your hair. 
Before he could cum in your mouth, he pulled you back from his cock and up to him, giving you a bruising kiss. Grabbing your hips, he tossed you onto the bed and kept you on your stomach. At this point, you had already submitted to what he wanted but that doesn’t mean you weren’t still gonna be a bitch to him during this. You always were.
“All fours or you get nothing.”
“You’d be lucky to get anything tonight, James. You don’t eve-.”
You stopped mid sentence as Bucky delivered a hard smack to your ass. 
“Shut it.”
A whine was about to escape your mouth but you knew if you didn’t comply, you would get nothing from him. You probably couldn’t take being left here with no release. Slowly rising off of your stomach, you planted your hands and feet onto the bed with your ass on display.
“Good girl.” He had whispered, running his metal hand over your sensitive pussy and up your back.
“Tell me what you want.” Bucky demanded, keeping an eye on your pussy, which is clenching around nothing.
“I want you to fuck me so hard, I can’t even think. I want to feel your cock in me until I can’t take it.” You looked back at him, with raised eyebrows.
“Think you can do that, Barnes?”
With one swift movement, he entered you, making you cry out in pleasure. He knew that no matter how many times you two would fuck, you would still need a little time to get used to him. And he obliged. 
“Move, Barnes.”
One of his hands settled on your hip and the other was fisted into your hair, pulling you back onto his cock harshly. As much as you wanted to hate him, he gave you so much pleasure. It was the only good thing to come out of this. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re so tight around me. Feels so fucking good.” He praised you, jerking you up from your hands and pressing you against him.
“James, harder! Harder, baby.” 
He wrapped his metal hand around your throat, squeezing lightly as he rammed up into you, searching for what you desperately needed from him. You needed release and you needed it from him. Taking his hand that was holding your hip, he snuck it down your stomach, and began to tease your pussy.
“P-Please, James. Your cock feels so-.” You could barely finish a sentence, as his fingers ran over your sensitive clit.
Forming cohesive thoughts was impossible at this point as he spread your legs with his knee, thrusting into your pussy deeper, the tip of his cock finally hitting your g-spot. Your thighs began to wobble as the heat in your stomach radiated through your entire body. Bucky’s cock pulsed inside you as your pussy squeezed around him. His head dropped onto your shoulders, your name falling from his lips. That never happens. It sent a shiver down your spine.
His metal hand clamped down on your neck slightly tighter, which was what made you turn into jelly. You pushed back onto him, screaming his name as you came around him.
“Fuck, James!”
“I’m right there, sugar.” 
With a loud moan from his chest, you felt hot spurts of his cum shoot into your wet, hot cunt. Your knees gave out on you as he released inside you. Instead of falling on your stomach, Bucky caught you and laid you down lightly. He rolled down beside you, breathing heavily. All he could do was watch you turn over and close your eyes, trying to calm down. He chewed at his lip before getting up from the bed and grabbing a bottle of water for you.
“Here.” Bucky held out the bottle to you, shaking it a bit to make you take it.
“Thank you, Bucky.” 
It came out as a whisper, your voice trying to take a rest. You took turns between drinking from the bottle, eventually going to get a washcloth and clean yourself up. Looking through your backpack after you finished, you couldn’t find a pajama shirt. Even though you and Bucky just fucked, it’d be too intimate to stay naked. Too vulnerable.
“Why do we do this?” Bucky murmured, refusing to look at you.
“Do what?”
“Just...fuck. That’s all we do. Nothing else.”
“That’s just what we do, Buck. You know that. You can’t do much else when I have you hating me.” You chuckled to yourself, but it had a lot of hurt behind it.
“I don��t...I don’t hate you, okay? I thought it was the other way around.”
Your heart started to break when you saw his eyes water. You never thought to ask him what he felt. You just assumed he hated you for no reason. 
“Me too.” Sitting down beside him on the bed, you began fiddling with your fingers. 
“How do you feel about having sex instead? With actual emotions. None of this, I hate you but love you shit? Please?” Bucky’s voice wavered, pleading.
A small smile spread across your face, while your heart lightened.
“Yeah, yeah. I’d love that.”
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charlieweasleyxmc · 5 years
The Horntail
(Y/N) reached forward, petting the puppy crup along its fuzzy spine, soft hairs peeking up between her fingers as she rubbed her hand along its back. The crup yipped, panting.
She glanced back at Professor Kettleburn and just saw him give her a thumbs up before she rushed off to the next challenge.
Rushing straight forward, she reached the next black veil, hanging above her in the forest.
The veil dropped and she breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the kneazle sitting there. Moving forward, she allowed it to sniff her hand, and slide down to rub its own back along her hand. It then continued on to slide behind her and she jumped to her feet, wiping off her hands and glancing back for the okay at Professor Kettleburn to move on, but saw a strange looking witch in dark robes talking to him at the start of the obstacle course. There was more commotion. The students who had not yet done the course were shoving between each other to look at the other wizards and witches passing through.
(Y/N) glanced back at the remaining veils, but decided against continuing on while Professor Kettleburn was so distracted. She jogged back to the front of the course, Kettleburn not even registering she was there as he stared in concern at the witch speaking to him.
“Who is she,” (Y/N) asked Liz, who was next up to take the obstacle course, the black veil that (Y/N) had moved around in front of Liz blocking the other girl from seeing any of (Y/N)’s strategies with the creatures.
Not that Liz needed any help with her Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L.
Liz grimaced, “I don’t know what’s going on, but that woman is from the magical creatures office at the ministry. I heard her say something about dangerous to Professor Kettleburn before he got her to quiet down.”
(Y/N) frowned.
Finally the witch stopped talking to rejoin two other wizards who had remained to wait for her. Professor Kettleburn turned back to the group of students waiting to take their O.W.L.
“Professor,” Rowan called first, “what is going on?”
Kettleburn smiled in what (Y/N) thought was a reassuring way, but which succeeded in only looking dejected, “These witches and wizards are just coming to collect a creature at Hogwarts. Nothing to be concerned about.”
“But Professor!” Penny called, “I heard her say dangerous.”
At this, the witch stopped and turned around to glance at the students. She came back a few steps and smiled at Penny and then all of them in what (Y/N) once again thought was meant to be reassuring, but wasn’t.
“It’s nothing to worry about, children,” she said, her tight bun giving an air of authority, “we are just coming to collect The Hungarian Horntail found in the Cursed Vault a few days ago.”
“The Horntail?” Charlie asked, his voice edged, “why are you collecting the Horntail?”
“Oh, no need to be scared,” the witch smiled at Charlie, “The thing will be exterminated soon enough and won’t be able to hurt anyone. We were just discussing with your Professor where to keep it till then.”
Charlie gaped, his eyes unseeing, his face horrified.
The rest of the class stared shocked as well, but the woman just nodded resolutely and moved to walk away.
Before she could reach her co-workers, a ravaged voice hollered towards her.
(Y/N) knew immediately it was Charlie.
“No!” He cried, taking a few steps and reaching towards the witch, “You can’t! He didn’t hurt anyone! He’s not dangerous!”
The woman raised a quizzical eyebrow, “not dangerous. Son, you may not know, but he nearly killed a whole group of students. We would be irresponsible if we left him alive.” She pivoted away.
“No!” Charlie screamed, trying to run after her, but being caught almost immediately by Jae and Diego. “No! Please! Please don’t hurt him! Please!”
She heard the wracking sobs before she saw them, as she was watching the ministry official walk away, but the sound crashed into her heart and she stumbled at a jog towards Charlie a moment later.
He had clattered to the ground, Diego and Jae on the ground a foot from him, clearly having let him go once he fell.
She didn’t know what else to do. So, she fell beside him.
He didn’t even register her presence, which scared her more than anything else.
So, she did the only thing she knew how to do, she wrapped her arms around him the way he had for her all those weeks ago, pulling him back against her. He cried into her as she held him, hoping that some way she could piece him back together the way he had her.
“And then I’m sure I failed my Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L., and I’m sure I made a few mistakes in Care of Magical Creatures—”
“Rowan!” Jae finally exclaimed, “we don’t need to hear the play by play! We get it! You passed!”
“Speaking of the Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L.,” Penny turned to Bill, “has anyone seen Charlie since then?”
Bill nodded slightly, “he wants to be alone.”
“Is Professor Kettleburn going to let him retake his Care of Magical Creatures exam?” Rowan asked, concerned.
Bill nodded, “he’ll take it in a week…once he’s more up to it.”
Rowan nodded, turning back to the group to discuss O.W.L.s. (Y/N) used the opportunity to whisper to Bill.
“Where is he?”
“Astronomy Tower.”
The tower was just cool enough on a spring day like this. It wasn’t so warm that it heated up the metal, nor so cold that you needed a jacket.
She was glad. She didn’t think that Charlie would have left to get a jacket even if he needed one.
But she had brought him a sweater all the same. Andre had taken it off for his friend when (Y/N) had said where she was going.
“Hey, seeker,” she said, sidling up to him and putting her hands on the railing.
He peeked at her from where he leaned on it, chin on his crossed arms.
“What are you doing up here?”
The question wasn’t uninviting or angry, just interested.
“Bill told me where to find you.”
He sighed in understanding.
“I won’t ask how you are,” she said quietly, “because I can pretty much guess. I just want to let you know that your friends are here for you.”
He nodded against his arms.
“Just so you know, I got you a signed copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It was supposed to be for after we finished our O.W.L.s, but maybe I should give it to you now. I know Newt Scamander is your favorite. I can go get it for you now, if you want.”
She looked up and found him gaping at her.
“(Y/N)! You’re a genius!”
He took off across the tower.
“I am...?” But he was already gone and with no more hesitation, she raced after him.
She saw him turn a corner down the corridor as she raced out of the tower, barely keeping up with him as he stormed through the castle.
Finally he stopped right outside of Professor Dumbledore’s office. She suppressed her surprise as the griffin opened up for him. Charlie turned to her, his open mouth showing he was surprised as well.
Hesitantly, he took a step, then another step, then he was out of her sight.
She rushed forward, clattering up the stairs before they disappeared.
When she stumbled into Professor Dumbledore’s office, she saw Charlie immediately, standing just a few feet from her.
Professor Dumbledore was standing by his desk, watching them both.
“Sorry, Professor,” She said, “the door just opened up for us.”
Professor Dumbledore smiled, stepping down from the rise where his desk was.
“Yes, I know. I let you in.”
Charlie and (Y/N) stared at Professor Dumbledore, but the old professor seemed content to make them wait in suspense.
Finally it was Charlie who couldn’t wait any longer, “Please, Professor,” he said, the first words polite. “Please. You can’t let them hurt the Horntail.”
“And why not?” Charlie looked taken aback, but Dumbledore continued, “You of all people know what harm he could have done to you and your fellow students, Mr. Weasley.”
Charlie opened his mouth and closed it again.
“Please, Professor,” She said, piping up, “The Horntail is a dragon. He was just acting as dragons do. He shouldn’t be killed for what he is.”
Dumbledore gave her an appraising look.
“Please!” Charlie said, his voice earnest again, “He’s just what he was made to be. He isn’t dangerous. He just needs to be with his own kind.”
Dumbledore looked between them, “and what do you suggest I do?”
Charlie perked up, “well,” he looked a little abashed, “we could write to Newt Scamander. He has a great deal of experience with dragons. I read that he even worked with Ukrainian Ironbellies during the Second World War. We could contact him for his expertise.”
Professor Dumbledore continued to observe Charlie, “I agree, Mr. Weasley and as such, I have done that very thing.”
Charlie blinked, “you…have?”
“He has.”
She watched as the new addition to their gathering exited the back area of Dumbledore’s office and into the area they were now occupying. When she saw the downright awe that filled Charlie’s face when he saw the man, she knew immediately who the elderly gentleman was.
Newt Scamander smiled kindly at them both.
“Mr.…Scamander?” She breathed. Charlie had not yet closed his mouth. “Will you help us take care of the Horntail?”
Newt’s smiled deepened, “indeed. The Hungarian Horntail will not be hurt. She is to be taken to the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary for her own safety, and I strongly believe, her own bliss.”
Charlie blinked and she watched him stare at Newt in disbelief.
“Really?” he asked.
Mr. Scamander smiled even deeper, “really, Mr. Weasley.”
She glanced at Professor Dumbledore.
He turned his eyes from Charlie to her and, as he looked at her from above his half-moon spectacles, his eyes twinkled.
While the astronomy tower had been the perfect temperature earlier in the day, on a spring night like this, it was almost frigid.
(Y/N) shivered as they climbed through the door, but she practically felt her stomach drop out of her body when she saw what laid at the top of the stairs.
It was her.
The Hungarian Horntail.
Charlie practically rammed past her to scurry up the steps, but she hesitated, remembering the last time she had faced that creature. Instead, she slowly took one step at a time, breathing a sigh of relief at the top when she saw that the Horntail was asleep.
She stared in awe though when she saw who was keeping him asleep.
Newt Scamander stood just to the right of the Horntail, talking to Professor Dumbledore. His wand was out, a steady stream of what looked like blue liquid gliding from the tip of his wand to the Horntail.
Newt gave Charlie another one of his kind smiles as Charlie walked up beaming, his eyes flicking between his hero and the dragon beside him as if he couldn’t take in enough of them.
“Right on time, Mr. Weasley,” Newt said, pointing across the sky, “we have company.”
Charlie and (Y/N) both gazed across the night sky, the moon barely giving enough light to see a speck blocking out some of the stars.
“What is that, Professor?” she asked, sidling up to Professor Dumbledore.
“You’ll see.”
She gave him a skeptical look at this comment, but Professor Dumbledore didn’t answer, only kept staring across the sky in what she could have sworn was a giddy way.
(Y/N) turned her face back towards what was coming at them in the distance. She couldn’t be sure…but she could swear…
A roar rang out, almost melodious in nature, but she knew only one creature that could sound a roar like that.
A dragon.
She gaped at it as it came closer, glancing at Charlie once to see that he was visibly shaking with excitement. The tower began to quake, the air getting warmer as the dragon came in closer, finally stopping to flap and hover in the air next to the tower.
She glanced at the giant Hungarian Horntail, taking up almost all the space in the tower.
“Wotcher!” They all snapped their heads up to three people perched on the dragon’s back. Taking a closer look at the flapping dragon, (Y/N) could tell it was a Common Welsh Green. One of the wizards on his back jumped down onto the plating of the tower and (Y/N) could tell it was a woman.
The witch walked over to Newt and Professor Dumbledore, which gave (Y/N) the time to observe her.
She wore leathers from head to foot, even a leather headband holding back the ends of her brown hair that weren’t firmly in her ponytail. The light leather was a beautiful contrast with her tan skin.
She nodded respectfully at Newt as she came to stand before him.
“Do you need her to fly or hover?” Newt asked, looking at the Horntail.
“No need,” the woman said glancing at the other witch and wizard still mounted on the Welsh Green. “She’ll follow him easily enough.”
Newt nodded. With one flick of his wand, the stream of blue light from the tip went out.
“You might want to take a step behind me, Miss (Y/LN), Mr. Weasley,” Dumbledore said with a funny smile.
She didn’t need to be told twice. She slid behind Professor Dumbledore with no hesitation, Charlie beside her a second or two later.
And only just in time. For the next moment, the Hungarian Horntail rustled a little, and then lifted her head, getting up onto her legs a moment after that.
(Y/N) stumbled back, getting to edge of the back of the tower.
But no one else seemed worried, the Dragon Tamer, for that was what she had to be, simply stepped out of the Horntail’s way as she shook herself, a roar whistling out of the Horntail’s mouth.
“Brace yourselves,” was all she heard from Newt before what felt like an earthquake shook the tower as the Horntail lifted into the air, the Welsh Green maneuvering out of her way so she could take flight into the sky above the tower, flapping beside him.
The Welsh Green moved away from the tower, the Horntail following after him.
Newt smiled after them for a moment before turning to the Dragon Tamer.
“We should go,” she said with a grin, “someone would have heard those roars. You’ll be asked after the missing Horntail in the morning,” she said, turning to address this to Dumbledore.
He nodded, “and I, of course, know nothing about it.”
The witch grinned wickedly and then Disapparated.
(Y/N) turned to Professor Dumbledore, but he answered her before she could speak.
“Don’t you worry, Miss (Y/LN). I cannot punish you for a rule I’ve broken myself. This time,” he said, a gleam in his eye.
“But what about the Horntail, Professor?”
It was Newt’s voice who answered her.
“She will be taken good care of in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary,” he said moving to stand beside Charlie. “Are you curious to know about the sanctuary, Mr. Weasley?” Newt asked.
(Y/N) looked at Charlie for the first time since the Horntail left.
His eyes were wide, his expression awed, as he continued to stare at the sky, while answering Mr. Scamander with a nod without looking at him.
“Very good,” Dumbledore stated, “I suggest we all leave the tower rather quickly before anyone decides to investigate the source of those two roars.”
She nodded, bustling after Professor Dumbledore as he made his way to the stairs, Newt directing Charlie close behind them.
“I think,” Newt said, “that I should like a spot of sunrise Butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks. Would you like to accompany me, Mr. Weasley?”
Charlie nodded vigorously, the spell of the sky having left him so that he gazed at Newt with all his attention.
“Very good,” he said, nodding to Dumbledore, “I shall speak with you later, Dumbledore.”
Dumbledore smiled, nodding to Newt, “good morning, Newt,” he said, before watching Newt and Charlie depart down the hallway.
“Professor Dumbledore?” She asked.
“Yes, Miss (Y/LN)?”
“If you don’t mind me asking, how do you know Mr. Scamander?”
Dumbledore smiled, looking down the corridor, “he was a student of mine, one of the most talented wizards I have ever had the pleasure to teach.”
(Y/N) watched after them, though they had long turned the corner.
“He does seem like a very good kind of wizard, like he does something because he believes it to be right.”
Dumbledore smiled, “yes, I believe he does, as does Mr. Weasley. He is also a very good kind of wizard;” he gazed down at her, looking at her above his half-moon spectacles, a twinkle in his eye.
“Yes,” she said, a smile coming to her lips now, “I believe he is.”
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Dan Torrance x Fem! Reader: Intro
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A/N: Hello lovelies! This is the beginning of the fic I posted about earlier during the week that is going to be revolved alot around Rose. How many parts It'll turn out being, I don't know. Most of this fic, I'm doing in pretty big detail and I've never written anything like this before.
I am going on a date on Valentine's Day to most likely see Birds of Prey and from what I've heard about it, my sappy Bisexual heart already has a soft spot for Harley Quinn and Roman Sionis so I probably will begin accepting request for them as well as the Dr. Sleep characters I already write for. (Doctor Sleep Request are still open) I do have 2 Rose the Hat request am I working on rn. Anyways, Criticism is welcome on this one. I hope you enjoy and all is well.
Warnings: Child abuse, sexual tension, mentioned violence against children, gore, kidnapping, the usual.
Key: Dragă is the equivalent to sweetheart in Romanian
SNAP! Rose the Hat removed the top from one of their many full cannisters. "Eat well, live long," She whispered amorously before members of The True pushed her out of the way to get a whiff of their freshest thing of steam.
She stepped back, crossing her arms as she watched The True feast. This one's name was Anthony and she could remember juiceness in the taste of his steam. Yet, she didn't want him.
She missed the feel of the hunt and seeing the steamheads squirm underneath her. Rose felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and she smiled at Crow, kissing the crook of his neck. "Aren't we quite frisky?"
"Just in love with you." He kissed her cheek and rubbed up and down her sides. "Crow.." Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "I want you Rosie..only if you're okay with it, of course."
"You idiot, you already know the answer to that question." She smashed her lips against his and the two of them stepped into her trailers.
The noises coming from her RV were not unfamiliar to anyone who belonged to The Knot. When all was said and done, the two laid in each other's arms. Having their typically late night talks.
"There's not as much steam." Rose rolled her eyes into the back of her head. "Oh please don't be daft." She rolled over and buried her head in his bare chest. "We have three empty cannisters, not a big deal."
"It is a big deal. That's all time low for us and the kids now are being taught the whole stranger danger things. It's not as easy to lure them in."
"Well then what do you suppose we do about it? Without turning anyone." Rose looked him in the eye.
"Well, I've been thinking about it for a while...I have an idea but I don't know if you're going to want to hear it. It's a little..unorthodox." Rose raised a brow and chuckled. "Oh? Do tell because now I'm curious.
"You're going to think I'm insane, Rosie." She rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you of all people know I've seen it all. Just be honest and tell me."
"What if we got a baby or a kid?" He fiddled around with his hat. Rose had to fight the urge to laugh. "A baby? What the fuck would we both do with a baby?"
"Well not exactly a baby but look, I was thinking most rube children typically tend to relate to other rube children better than adults."
"And what if we got a child, a particularly steamy one, to help us get what we need?" Rose thought about it for a moment. "That beats the whole point of not turning anyone though. Because I know you well enough to know that eventually you will get attached to it and you'll end up wanting to turn it."
"Rosie, they wouldn't be an it. They would be family. By the time they would be old enough to be turned the cannisters would be full and she-"
"She?" Rose questioned. "Assuming it's a girl. They don't have be a girl but anyways, by that point all the cannisters would be full because we'd have them to help us find the steamheads and it wouldn't be an issue turning them because we'd have such an easier time finding steam."
Rose sighed rubbed her face. "I don't know..it's just- Crow, I'm not fit, no- we're not fit to raise children. We kill them, Crow!"
"I know but we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Worse case we wipe the kid's mind and everything goes back to normal or we kill 'em."
Rose stared deeply into Crow's eyes and pulled his face close to her's. "I'll think about it." She kissed the top of his head and looked up at the clock on the wall. "The rubes are probably wondering when they'll hear from you. Time you get ready to get on the road, big man."
"I know," He groaned and stood up, kissing the top of her. "Just think about it?" Rose made a humming noise and kissed his hand before watching him walk away.
Rose actually did think about it for a while before bringing up the matter with the Grampa Flick while Crow was away on business and the others were asleep.
"Well..it could be worth a shot. It's really up to you though, Rosie." She took a sip of her tea. "I'm not asking for pros and cons. I want to know what you think I should do."
He gripped his cane in his hand and sighed. "I think it's worth a shot. Even if it doesn't work out, we still do end up with extra steam and it's not like we hurt for money, Rosie."
"You're sure?" Rose held her hands in his. "I'm positive." She looked him up and down as if she was analyzing him. "Okay." She stood up from the lawn chair and kissed the top of Flick's head. "You won't mention anything to Crow when he comes back and make sure the rest of the family doesn't either?"
"Not a word," He coughed. "Not a word." She nodded and smirked as she walked away.
About two days after that conversation, Rose began her search for the perfect fit for The Knot. The first two weeks she hit nothing but finally she found something.
Just outside of a resort area in Colorado, Rose discovered a small row of cookie cutter homes located on the beginnings of a mountain. While she thought the houses were very rube like, she paid them no mind. What interested her more was what laid beyond those homes.
Farther up the road if you made a left, there was a long dirt driveway that after about a mile or two, lead up to a large cabin.
At first the house seemed like nothing but ordinary at first glance but to people who shined the way The True Knot did, it was a light shining to the moths searching meaninglessly in the dark.
Hardly anyone ever came in and out of the house and took Rose over a week to actually pin you as the steamhead in the house since you did have an older brother.
You were different from the rest of your family. "Special," Rose heard your mother mutter to you one night as she tucked you though she didn't have to be in her head to know special was not the word she was actually thinking of.
She was scared of you. Your whole family was scared of you and Rose couldn't understand why. You never were particularly domineering with your gifts and you always obeyed everything they asked of you. Even staying out of there heads when they felt their minds going adrift yet, they were terrified of you.
Rose watched you for weeks, constantly consulting back and forth with Grampa Flick about whether you'd be a good fit for a group. You didn't seem to notice though, as you were preoccupied with other things in your home life and wanted nothing but to hear from at least either of your parents that they loved you.
The one night in particular, Rose got to have a front row seat on your pain. She sat up on a tree branch, swinging her legs back and forth as she stared intensely at your bedroom window. The rest of the house was dark but your room was lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Now do you see why we're so stressed out?!" Your silhouette came into view from the light colored curtains shrouding your window and Rose could make out the outline of a male much taller than standing across from you.
"I-i'm sorry, daddy!" You screamed, terror brimming from everything to your voice to your posture. "I-i can't help...I wanna be normal!" You sobbed hysterically. "Come on, dad. She can't help she is, the way she is."
"Quiet, son!" Rose shook her head, still keeping her eyes fixed you. "Fucking rubes," She muttered under her breath.
Your father's fiery gaze turned back to you. "Then why can't you be normal?!!" Rose could see him gripping your wrist and closed her eyes as she heard the sound of a hand smacking against flesh followed by a scream. "Dad!" She heard your brother yell followed by another hit, except this time a male cry radiated through the house.
Rose could take no more and began her way back to the jeep as she seen your mother's figure enter view. "What the hell is going on in here?" She could hear from the distance, the further Rose went the more she blocked out the noise.
She got in the car and watched your house for a few moments. The light went out in your room and Rose could hear no more screams. She admitted a sigh of relief and covered her face. She knew it was unhealthy to feel so attached to you. She didn't even know you but that insecurness in your voice reminded her so much of yourself and how lonely she felt when she was younger. Rose had to have you. There was no option.
When Rose shared the news with the rest of The Knot, there was hesitance at first but eventually they gave in. Knowing that she was their leader and they'd do as she intended anyways.
The next couple of days were spent carefully meditating in her RV away from the rest of The Knot and planting little worms your head. While Rose didn't think you would give her much trouble leaving home once she got in your head, she was taking no chances.
The night before she planned on taking you, Crow finally came back from business and Rose still had no intentions of telling him what she was doing. Besides an extra add on steam, she figured she could also use you as sort of a gift to Crow. An 'I'm sorry I don't listen to you and here's me making up for it.'
He knew something up when she refused to speak anyone in The Knot but didn't question it. He figured she was going through one of her moods and decided it was probably best not to say anything to her at all.
The next morning when you woke up, you felt an almost magnetic pull on your body like something or someone wanted your attention from outside. It wasn't a scary pull like the ones from whatever stray lost souls were around. This pull felt warm and safe.
You unbraided your long, Y/c/h and threw on the first dress you seen in your closet before skipping downstairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Your mother called out from the kitchen. "Just to pick some flowers." You made up.
"Don't wander to far, please." You slipped on a pair of sneakers. "I won't. I promise. I'll see you soon, mama." You blew her kiss, hoping she'd return the gesture but the older woman refused to even look at you and you stepped onto your porch dejectedly.
You closed your eyes and focused your attention to the direction of the pull. It came from the woods and you hesitated, thinking of all the ghostie people you seen come from there yet something kept telling you to just go for it.
You walked off towards the edge of the woods, letting your shine be your guide. Even though it was still day, everything was so dark and desolate around you. You felt chills on your arms the further you went and just as you were about to turn around you felt the pull grow stronger, horribly strong.
"Well, hi there!" You jumped at the unexpected voice and spun around to look at Rose. You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting her to morph into one of the ghostie people but she didn't. Rose chuckled and you blushed. "..Hi." You toddled over to the much the taller woman, staring deeply into her gray eyes before she pulled you into a small hug.
The gesture was surprising but it didn't bother you. It was her aura that bothered you. Something was off about her. "I was wondering when you were going to get here." She smiled and held out a flower in her left hand. "Do you want one?"
"Yes please," You hummed in the cutest little voice, getting the feeling that this was a person you didn't want to mess with yet you thought the top hat lady in front of you had to be probably the prettiest person you'd ever seen in your short existence.
Rose smiled and slipped the flower in your hand, but not before taking it gently in her own for a second. "There you are, Y/n." Your eyes widened and Rose chuckled. "What's the matter?"
"You know my name?" Rose smirked self assuredly and ran an empty hand through your hair. "Of course I do! I know everything about you. How else did you think I was able to get you here?" Her tone was questioning but hinted on a doting nature.
You pulled away from her, still a little frightened but Rose gently gripped your wrist. "There's no need to be scared, honey. I'm special, like you." You shook your head, thinking back to what your dad said the other week and looked down a little ashamed. "Oh...I-I'm not special." You tried to deny. "Oh yes, you are. You are a very talented little girl."
(You can hear me can't you, sweetie?)
At first a feeling of panic arose inside you but it sooned bubbled over with excitement.
(I thought I was the only one!)
Rose thought about scolding you over how loud your thought came out but let it go because she too knew how happy she felt the first she knew she wasn't alone.
(You are far from the only one, Y/n. There are alot of other special people out there.)
"My friends..my very, very best friends, they're all special like us. I bet you must have friends who are so magical like you." You shook your head. "No?"
"I don't have alot of friends and my family doesn't think I'm special," You pouted. "That's because they're jealous because not all people can be special like us. Besides, I wouldn't worry about them."
"Why?" You asked sweetly. "Because I'm here to take you away from all that. I'm here to give you a family. Don't you want a family, Y/n?"
"I-i already have a family." The look in Rose's eyes scared you. It was possessive and determined. "But they're not really family though. Tell me dear, when the last time you've heard either of your parents say they love you?" You felt a pang of sadness ringing through you. "I-i should get back to my mom." Rose gripped at your wrist again, this time enough to hurt. "No, no..stay a while. See more magic."
You shook your head and struggled. "Just a fresh new start with your real family. You don't remember me and your daddy?" She held your tiny hand in her's. "No.." You said softly but now you started to question yourself. Maybe you did. Pictures of a man with black hair flashed infront of your eyes. "He loves you so much. We love you so much and we want you to come home with us. You want to come home with." For a moment you found yourself taken back by the warmth and you thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go with her.
"N-no! I can't. I won't-" Rose shushed you, sending you calming waves that started to make you feel tired and sluggish. "Or maybe I-i do wanna go home." You mumbled hesitantly, still trying to keep some grip on reality. "You do want to go home. You're happy to come home."
Every piece of control you had began to fade and your mind went blank. "I-I'm happy." Your mind finally caved and Rose held her arms open to you and you stepped into them. "Good girl. Sleep well, Y/n.." You went limp in her arms and everything went black around you.
By the next hour, any memories you had of your family would be gone and everything you ever knew would be fabrications Rose made up in your head.
Part 1: The True Knot
The fire at The Knot's campground burned bright in the mix of the setting sun when Rose arrived back at home. She stepped out of the Jeep, slinging your stirring form over her shoulder. "Mhh..wha-what's happening?" Rose shushed you and walked down hill with you. "Nothing. We just got home." There was a pause. "Do you know who I am?"
You had to think about it for a moment. "M-mama?" You asked hesitantly. "Yes," Rose hummed and pressed a kiss to your temple.
You heard the crunching of leaves and turned to see people walking towards you. "Mommy?" You whispered nervously and held onto Rose's floral patterned shirt tightly, still feeling some of the residual emptiness from your true upbringing.
"Shh..it's okay, my sweet. They're family and they're just going to watch you for a few minutes. Mommy has someone she has to address in conversation and then I'll come get you. Okay?"
"O-okay." You nodded and let her hand you off to Silent Sarey as she walked off not to far in the distance to one of the larger size trailers, knocking on it before stepping inside.
"Crow?" He looked up from his copy of 'A Clockwork Orange' with a smile. "Yes, Rosie?" She plopped down in his lap. "I missed you." She kissed his ear, nipping at the cartilage. "How the business deal?"
"A waste of my time." He kissed her forehead. "Well, you were out I didn't waste my time." He raised a brow. "What are you playing at?" She smirked and turned her gaze in the opposite direction. "You can let her in now," She called out loudly.
The door to his trailer swung open and shut and you stepped inside. Crow's face went blank and he put a hand up to his chin. "Rosie, what the hell did you-"
Rose grinned and knelt down to your level. "Come here, Y/n. There's someone important I want you to meet."
You obeyed and approached Rose, letting her scoop you up in her arms. The two lovers exchanged glances but nothing was spoken out loud. "This is your daddy, Y/n."
"Hi." You smiled sweetly and Crow cracked a large grin. "Hi honey...Rosie, can I-" Rose nodded and shifted you over to Crow.
At first you tensed up but the closer you snuggled up to him, the more you relaxed. "My little darling." Rose smiled softly as he kissed the top of your head and rocked you in his arms. "I love you so much."
"I love you too daddy." Crow held you in silence for a few more minutes until he attempted to hand you off to Rose. You gripped onto his shirt tightly and buried your head in his chest. "Don't let me go," You begged. You were still so touch starved and he just felt so warm and kind.
Rose was slightly taken aback. You knew her more than Crow yet you were already attached to him. "I won't, I promise." He maneuvered you that way he was cradling you and he rocked you back and forth.
She felt a pang of jealousy growing inside her, feeling slightly threatened that you seemed to like Crow more than her but she didn't let it bother her too much. She had a feeling you were going to be a mommy's and daddy's girl.
It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, feeling soothed by Crow's presence. "So..are you happy?" Rose asked lowly.
"Very...Rosie?" She made a slight humming noise. "Where'd you find her?" He asked hesitantly. "A little outside the more touristy area of Colorado. The rubes she belonged to are nothing worth writing home about if you catch my drift."
He nodded solemnly. "How-what did you to her to make her-" Her warm grey eyes interlocked with his. "Do you care?" He decided he didn't. Sometimes it was best to not know anything at all.
Part 2: Danny
Your presence in The True Knot did not bring in that much of an increase in steam but you made it much easier to find steamheads which was extremely helpful to Crow in the long run.
No longer did he have to take an extra cannister for himself to find far away steamheads because all he'd have to do is ask you if you felt someone 'special like you,' close by and without knowing any better, you'd always say yes and immediately pointed him in the right direction.
Neither him or Rose let you near the rubes anymore, though. Not that long after Rose brought you home she had you try to lure a little girl over to her but the girl's parents, both big steamheads, knew better.
For you to be gone for a half an hour was normal, maybe even forty five minutes since you were a child after all and barely ever got to see kids your age, let alone like you but an hour was way too long.
What the rubes said or did to you neither Rose or Crow could figure out but the both of them agreed they didn't like the mortified expression on your face or the tears that stained your cheeks afterwards.
The two of them took turns securing their food, that way you wouldn't ever see what exactly it was that they did to your newly made friend but if Crow was being honest with himself, he probably would of admitted somewhere deep down he knew you probably knew the truth of what they did way before he would of liked you to know.
While Rose secured their meal he tried asking you alot of different ways what it was that they said or did to you but you wouldn't say. He let it slide for a while and settled on just comforting you for a while but made sure to bring up again later on when everything was all said and done with their hunt.
"You got to talk to me, Y/n," He tried his hardest to not sound like he was begging as he pulled the covers over your tiny. Rose stood in the corner of the RV and stared as if she was examining everything you said and did.
You shook your head avidly and nuzzled closely to his form. "I can't." He ran his fingers through your hair. "Why not? Honey, you know we're not mad and you're not in trouble."
"Because it would make you and mommy sad and I don't want to make either of you sad." Rose bit down on her lip as Crow thought of a reply. "Baby, you could never-"
"Leave her be, Crow," Rose interrupted. "She's had a long enough of a day and she doesn't need either of us interrogating her. When she's ready to talk about it, she will."
Crow let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay." He shut the light off above your bed and kissed both your cheeks. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Night daddy." He ran fingers through your hair one last time before stepping away.
The next morning when you woke up Rose sat across from you on your bed, lazily sipping on her tea. "Good morning, my sweet."
"Morning mommy." She plopped a kiss sloppily into your hair and handed you a cup of tea. "Can I have a little talk with you?" You nodded and set your cup of tea down on the ledge of the window.
You looked Rose deeply in the eyes and she took your tiny hands in her's. "I know you don't want to talk about what happened yesterday but I want you to know that not everything everyone says is necessarily true. You're understanding what I'm getting at?"
You nodded and Rose smiled. "Just know that no matter what, none of us would ever hurt you and we love you. Alright?"
"Okay." Rose reached inside the pocket of her jeans and pulled a necklace with a little crystal obelisk hanging from it. "This was given to me by someone very special a long time ago. You probably wouldn't know, but at one point I felt lonely like you. Maybe a little scared so they gave me this, along with my hat. My hat will always stay with me I think you need this more than I do."
She placed the necklace in your hand. "Whenever you feel, lost, scared, whatever. You squeeze that stone, and that stone will keep you safe. Got it?" You placed the necklace around your neck and nodded. "Thanks mommy." You hugged Rose tightly. "You're welcome, my dearest..I love you so much." She kissed your cheek. "I love you too, mama."
In that moment, Rose didn't care whether you even brought in steam or not. She truly just enjoyed you. It was the first time she could truly say she loved you. The whole Knot really did love you. They would do it all over again with raising you if they could and not change a thing about you or that entire duration of time. Except when they brought you to Florida.
December, 1980:
"Y/n, my love. It's morning." Rose gently shook your shoulders and you groaned. "Why are you all up so early?" You sat up and stretched. "We're going to move camp today." You raised a brow. "This early? I feel like we just got here," You whined sleepily.
"I know but daddy and I have some business to attend to." She ran her fingers through your hair. "You'll like the next place better. It has a pretty lake overlooking it and trees. There's lots of flowers there too." She paused and ran a thumb across your cheek. "We can pick some later if you want." You smiled softly. "I like flowers."
"I know you do, my sweet girl." Rose pulled you into her arms and held you for a few moments, kissing the top of your head. "Go get dressed and say good morning to daddy. He'll get aggravated if I keep asking him if we're ready to move."
You giggled and slid out of her lap. "Okay mama." You placed a tiny kiss on her cheek and picked out a bohemian dress from your dresser that Apron Annie sowed you once Rose gave her word you were the one.
"I don't think daddy could ever get mad at you." You mumbled as you slid the dress over your head. "He loves you alot. He doesn't even have to say it. I can see it in his mind." Rose smiled softly. "Daddy is a very loving man. He loves you alot too." You could tell she was trying to hide something from you and you attempted to get inside her head to figure out what she was thinking but she immediately shut you out.
"Mommy!" You whined. "Sorry sweetie. You're just not old enough yet." Rose ran a quick brush through your hair. "And then when you're old enough, you're not going to want to know." She plopped a kiss on the top of your head. "Now go on."
"Okay," You pouted and stepped outside. You seen Grampa Flick sitting outside on his lawn chair and waved. "Good morning, Grampa."
"Morning, dragă." He held his arms out to give you a hug which you immediately gave him. "Have you seen, papa?"
"His trailer." He pointed to the left. "Thanks Grampa." You kissed his cheeks and walked off in the other direction. You watched Crow fiddle a few of the bottom conpartments on his trailer before saying anything.
"Hi daddy!" Crow turned to look at you and smiled, stopping whatever he was doin. "Hey babe." He scooped you up in his arms and kissed your cheeks, his mustache tickling you slightly. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good. Mama and I cuddled last night so she kept me warm." You smiled happily. "She gives good cuddles, right?"
"The best!" You smiled and nuzzled closely to him. "Daddy, what's that for?" He turned his head to the side. "What's what for, sweetie?"
"That." You pointed to the rope by his feet and he kicked it aside quickly. "Oh..nothing you have to worry about." You furrowed your little brows curiously and he smiled gamely.
Was he trying to trick you or something? Crow chuckled and kissed your cheeks. "I don't have to be in your mind to know what you're thinking." He gently set you down on your feet and knelt down to your level. "We'll tell you when you're older, okay?"
"Okay, daddy." He placed a kiss on your forehead. "Good girl. Anyways-" He ran his fingers through your hair. "What do you need?"
"Mommy wanted to know if we were ready to go. She sent me because she was afraid to ask you. I don't know why though." Crow chuckled and shook his head. "You can tell mommy, I'll be ready in about thirty minutes. Got it?"
"Got it." You skipped away and Crow let out sigh, wondering just how much longer they could hide all this from you til you got too curious for your own good.
The ride to Florida was long and didn't have that much interesting scenery. The roads were long and straight and it didn't take you long to fall asleep in the passenger seat of Rose's colossal RV.
That whole time while she knew you were fast asleep, Rose used her radio system to formulate a plan on how they were going to trap Violet. Normally one of them would stay with you while other went with the rest of the group but this time they couldn't afford to have one of them stay. From what Rose could tell at the time, this kid was big steam all though it wouldn't be til years later it was in fact the wrong child she chose to take within just a few mile radius of each other.
Once you reached the campsite Rose quickly woke you up and informed you she had some business to attend to with Crow. "Y/n, stay inside while I'm out." You let out a groan. "But mama-"
"No buts." Rose knelt down to your level and ran her fingers through your hair. "It won't be that long."
"I don't like being by myself in here though. It's scary," You whined and nuzzled into her. You pointed to the cabinet she kept all the cannisters in. "I hear things in there and it makes me feel small and it's scary."
'And see things too.' You thought but wouldn't dare say outloud. You curled into Rose and she kissed the top of your head. "Hey, it's okay..Nothing can make you feel small unless you really feel small and tell me, what are you Y/n?"
"Tiny but mighty." Rose grinned proudly. "Exactly, so no. You are not afraid. Because I know whatever you hear coming from that cabinet, you can deal with. Right?" You nodded and she ran a hand through your hair. "You still have the necklace I gave you?"
"Yes mama." You squeezed the pendant hanging from your neck. "Good, that'll keep you nice and safe." You nodded and she pressed a kiss against your head, handing you her TV remote. "I'll be back, my flower."
She gave you a slight wave before slamming the door shut behind her. You quickly ran over to her bed and buried yourself under the covers as you turned the TV on.
'Snow White' was playing on one of those channels you were scrolling through and you settled down, snuggling into the blankets. You didn't know how long the movie was on when you felt a cold hand lace their hand on top of yours.
Your blood ran cold and you squeezed your eyes as your open hand squeezed the necklace your mother gave you. "You know, this movie used to be my favorite too when I was a little girl."
You seen the face of a bloodied and clearly beaten woman infront of you and you fell backwards off of Rose's bed. "When I was alive, I thought you were a freak but now I know you're special and I never got the chance to appreciate you, my special girl."
"Please..please, go away." You squeezed the necklace as hard as you could. If you weren't in Rose's possession, you would of known who the woman standing infront of you was automatically but now you hadn't a clue. "Stay safe, my little one." Your real mother bent down to kiss your head and you let out a scream before running as far as you could. "MAMA!!" You shrieked.
Not even 15 minutes later you were farther from Rose than you even were before and The True arrived back to where a majority of their trailers were parked with a hysterical Violet in tow.
"Please let me go! My mommy will be so worried about me. Please, please, please!" She begged. None of them paid her any mind though as they began to bound her. They were so used to the screams and begs by now, it didn't bother them.
"So where are we going after this?" Crow asked, as he threw a couple of items that they would need later to various unoccupied members of The True.
"I don't know. I was thinking maybe Massachusetts, because you know how Y/n loves the snow.." Rose continued to talk as Crow zoned out, putting the left over rope in the storage compartment of his RV. "..She is in your trailer, right?" Rose closed the door to her RV.
Crow furrowed his brows. "Who?" Rose sighed inwardly. "Y/n, Crow Daddy. She is in your trailer, I hope. Because she's not in mine." He closed the compartment and unlocked the door to the trailer. "Let me see."
He walked inside and shut the door behind him, examining the space for you. "Crow, she's there right?" You weren't. A spike of panic rised in him and he ran his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner, unlocking an almost unconfident reserve on his face. "Uh, yeah..she's in there," He lied through his teeth, desperate to save him and you from Rose's wrath. "Rosie, is it okay if I stop with her really quick to get some fresh air?" He asked. "I don't care what you do. You'll be able to find your way back?"
"Sure." He smiled through gritted teeth even though Rose couldn't see him and silently cursed you underneath his breath. "Okay..tell Y/n, I love her." Rose began to walk off to her RV after making sure Barry had everything with Violet handled.
"I will.." He watched the rest of the caravan leave before getting behind the wheel and closing his eye. "Alright Y/n, let's hope my instincts are good enough."
Meanwhile a few minutes away in driving distance, as you passed the lakeside view Rose told you about, you heard noise coming from the distance and jumped back.
The more you listened though, the more you realized there was mostly children there. You walked up the small hill and watched them for a second. "So many rubes.' You thought to yourself. 'None of them like well..or not?'
You began to feel that same magnetic pull you felt from Rose the first time you encountered her and you found your eyes fixated on a boy sitting by himself.
You felt attached to your family but never did you feel such a connection strangers and you didn't know why. It wouldn't be until years later, you would put two and two together and realize the person infront of you was in fact your soulmate.
Despite your fear of all the rubes around you carefully approached the stranger sitting on the bench, not daring to put your guard down.
"You mind if I sit next to you?" The little boy shook his head and you sat down next to him. "What's your name?"
"..Danny." You smiled. "That's a nice name. I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you." He didn't say anything back but you didn't mind. Your parents were both mostly laid back but if there was a thing they were big on, it was respect.
"..nice to meet you too. Sorry, I'm just having an off day." You shrugged. "I'm okay. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No..you wouldn't understand." The more you looked at him the more, the more you could tell he wasn't exactly so rube like.
(Is it because of this?)
The boy sitting next to you looked at you blankly. "Danny, I know you can hear me," You said softly. "No..not because of that. Well..maybe a little. She'll just keep coming until she gets me. I don't care what Dick says."
"Who will come and get you?" You asked then blushed. "Sorry, I shouldn't of pried." Dan shrugged dismissively and looked up towards his apartment building and pointed to the bathroom. "The lady in the bathroom."
A decaying woman flashed infront of your eyes and your posture stiffened. "You can see her, right?"
"Yeah, I see her..If it makes you feel better, I see scary things too sometimes." You took his hand in your equally tiny ones. Dan felt the urge to pull away from you but there was this warm element to you that made him feel comforted by you.
"Really?" You nodded solemnly and moved your hand away from his to take a necklace of your neck. It had a little crystal obelisk hanging from the bottom if it. "My mommy gave this to me for when I get scared. If you squeeze the crystal, it's supposed to make you feel safe." He said nothing and you put the obelisk in his hand. "I think you need it more than I do."
"You're sure?" You nodded and for the first time in a while, Danny Torrance actually gave a hint of a smile.
(Thanks, Y/n.)
(You're welcome.)
"Y/n?" You could hear someone calling your name and you turned around. "Y/n, honey?" You looked at Dan. "That's my daddy. I have to go before I get in trouble. Bye Danny."
"Bye." He was a person of very few words but it didn't bother you in the slightest. All you knew was you didn't want your dad to see him. You didn't know what was going on but you knew something wasn't right.
"Y/n?" You sprinted towards him. "Daddy!" You exclaimed. Crow's eyes went wide with relief. "Y/n." Your father pulled you close to him. "Don't you run off like that EVER again. You understand me?" You could see his infrequent temper in his eyes and you were quick to nod. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"I-i-" Crow didn't bother to wait for a response from you before he continued speaking.
"People out here are bad, Y/n. They'd hurt you in a heartbeat." He cupped the sides of your face. "Do you know or did you even think about how upset your mother and I would be if you just disappeared?"
You felt your heart sink and your lips trembled. You knew there was a possibility they might do bad things but that didn't mean you didn't love them because of it. You felt so selfish and cruel. "I-i didn't think about it. I'm sorry daddy.." Your eyes watered as you looked down at the ground and he sighed. "Just don't do it again, got it?" He wiped one of your tears away. "Yes daddy. Y-you're not going to tell mommy, are you?"
Crow kissed your cheeks gently. "No, I won't tell her. I think this can be our little secret. What do you think?" You let out a giggle and Crow smiled. "That's my girl. Come on, let's get you back to the caravan before mom notices we're gone because you know how she gets."
You nodded and held your arms out to Crow who immediately scooped you up. You wrapped your tiny arms around his neck and nuzzled closely to him as he carried you away.
You smiled softly as you felt that little ping in your head.
(Yeah, Danny?)
(Am I ever going to see you again?)
You paused before responding.
(Maybe. I hope so because I like you Danny.)
(Me too, Y/n.)
You felt one of Crow's finger poking your shoulder and you pulled yourself out of your thoughts. "Yes, daddy?" You asked. "Did you feel someone steamy?" He whispered in your ear.
You thought about telling the truth but thought of Danny. You only just met him but something deep down told you, you couldn't let him get hurt. Maybe..just maybe, all rubes weren't so bad after all. "No, daddy," You lied.
"You're sure?" He pressed. "I'm sure." Crow sighed and patted your back. It would of been nice to have double the amount of steamheads but he supposed Violet would be enough to sustain them for a while. Besides, beggars couldn't be choosers and he trusted you enough to think you wouldn't lie to him. "Okay, honey.."
The next time you would see Danny Torrance after that fateful December day, would be 26 years later and by that time any bridge you had built with The True Knot would be burned.
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Special Friend (Alec Volturi x Reader)
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"Carlisle tells us you're very close with Alec, closer than originally said." Vladimir said pointedly, arms crossed and leaning in the door way. You looked up from the laptop you were currently borrowing from Carlisle. "I didn't think it was any of your business to know how close we are. Besides, he's just a really good friend of mine. Don't make it sound weird." You huffed. "You have poor taste in friends." "As opposed to you?" You shot back with a sneer. "I don't have to explain why he is scum. I pity you for being so naive as to think he cares about you." "I don't want your pity. You're wrong if you think I'll listen to you say awful things about my friend." You said flatly. "Don't be fooled into thinking he'd ever offer you the same kindness you offer him." You looked up at him sharply. "You don't know that. You just hope he won't." "Oh? And if he had to pick your life over the rest of the Volturi, do you think he would give it much thought?" You didn't answer him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction though he seemed to get it knowing that you knew he was right. "On the other hand perhaps it may cross his mind, he seems to have very blatant feelings towards you." "Now you're just messing with me." You gawked. "All I'll say is this, I was a boy once too." Surprise hit you and you watched Vladimir walk away. 
Ever since, you refused to admit that Vladimir had gotten into your head but you had distanced yourself from Alec. A lot. To the extent the Volturi contacted Carlisle on Alec's behalf, asking if you were alright. You had come home from work some time at Bella's house that evening. Ready to get some dinner and tackle the nights homework. You opened the door to your bedroom to reel back in fright. Alec looked annoyed more than anything else, sending a piercing glare to you. “You scared me! Alec!” “Yes, me.” He said through a clenched jaw before scowling. It would have been a comical sight if Alec wasn’t quite possibly the deadliest being in existence. You looked at him for a moment, specifically his scowl. "What's up with you?" You asked. "I should be asking you that." Alec huffed. "You've been ignoring me." You sighed. "Drop it." "No." "Please?" "No. Now tell me why." "Ain't nothing but a heartache." "What?" Alec looked confused. “Ain't nothing but a mistake." "(Y/N), I will dangle you out of your own bedroom window if you don't answer me." Alec was used to your games. You sighed again. "Vladimir was visiting Carlisle, don't know why but he knows that we're friends. He gave me some friendly advice? Told me I should stay away from you. He also implied you like me a little too much which means I should run even farther." You paused. "Speaking of Carlisle, does he know your in here? His house?" "Stop changing the subject." Alec snapped, continuing to consider Vladimir's words. You shook your head. "No, no. See that look is why I didn't want to tell you. You're already plotting." "I don't appreciate him trying to take my friend away." "Think of him being a petty old man instead! I didn't want to tell you because you'd react like this. I don't even think I want to know what you're thinking right now." Alec ignored you. "Tell me, did he bother you?" The answer was yes, he creeped you out more than Aro did and that was saying something. You didn't answer but Alec could see it in your facial expression, you were like an open book to him. Nothing got past him. "I see." "No, no, seriously. It's not a big deal." Alec hummed unconvinced. "Well, my apologies, this was only a brief visit. I'll be in contact soon." "Wait, Alec please don't do anything crazy. Please? Don't think I don't know you by now." "Right now, I'm only concerned of our friendship." "It's fine and I'm sorry. Hug?" You held your arms out. Alec sighed, rolling his eyes. That meant yes. You stepped forward, wrapping your arms around him, squeezing slightly. 
 You should have known better. Of course Alec wouldn’t leave it alone. You found out when the Cullen’s visited the Volturi in order to ‘keep the peace’ as well as update them on Renesmee. The lower guards were whispering to one another, asking if you were the human Alec threatened the Romanians about. From what you heard it wasn’t a pretty sight. Alec was seemingly livid to an extreme, screaming at Aro about how Vladimir was stealing his friend and wanting justice. The guards had seen the twins angry before, but never had they seen Alec this angry. He found the Romanians and the two barely got out alive from the encounter. So of course you had to confront Alec about this. 
However, Alec seemed less than willing to speak to you about it. “What did you do?” “Nothing you didn’t ask me to.” Alec said simply. “That’s not answering my question, that’s evading it.” You shot back. “It’s done. There’s nothing else to it.” “Alec, I told you not to do anything about it. Multiple times! I don’t want you fighting my battles and I certainly don’t want you starting one because of me.” “Whether you like it or not…” Alec said a little louder. “I am just looking out for you.” He made his words final, you knew you couldn’t say anything else about it.
“Just tell me one thing, did you hurt him?” Alec’s face twisted, he seemed angry. “Why? Do you really care so much about him?”  “It’s not like that!” You defended. “I don’t want you to cause trouble because of me.” “He caused the trouble when he spoke to you!” Alec argued. “Don’t defend him when he is the one who did this! He got what he deserved! If I had it my way he wouldn’t be alive right now!” “Alec! You’re saying you’re doing it for me but your actions say you’re doing it for yourself!” “I won’t lose what’s mine to him! Anyone but him!” Your eyes widened slightly. “What?” Alec didn’t miss a beat. “You’re my friend. My human and you’re mine.” You were silenced for a moment unable to believe how quickly Alec changed his tune. You slowly shook your head, unable to find your voice to protest. “You are! You’re mine!” He stepped forward. “I’m not an object!” “I never said you were!” Alec yelled. You began thinking about Vladimir’s words and just how accurate they were at this time. Then his words hit you. “Alec…what Vladimir said before, was he right?” “What are you asking me?” Alec’s eyes were wide, looking slightly worried. “Vladimir said you liked me more than a friend would. Was he right?” Alec exhaled. He slowly shook his head. “He ruined everything.” Alec turned his back to you. “What?” “You weren’t supposed to find out like this!” He spun back around. “I was going to tell you in the right way! He ruined it!” Alec yelled. “Why couldn’t you just tell me?” “Because you’re my only friend, I don’t want to lose you!” Alec continued to rant about how Vladimir ruined everything and how Aro should have let him kill Vladimir, to hell with making a statement. 
Silently you walked up to Alec pulling him into a hug, stunning him into silence. “Everything is fine, Alec. You don’t need to worry.” You pulled away to kiss his cheek. “Let’s just drop this, hm? You promised me you’d go out with me tonight.” Alec smiled slightly. “I’m sorry you found out like this.” You shrugged. “I’d rather know this was than never know. Let’s just see where this goes? I’ll take this route if you will.” Alec wore a small smirk. “I suppose I could tolerate it.” You laughed.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Name Calling (45)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
Vernichtung - Destruction, Annhialation.
It was what you were named and what you were supposed to be but the only thing you wanted to destroy was Bucky Barnes.
The ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on enjoying it quite so much.
But when your past catches up to you in the form of the mad scientist who made you, Bucky might be one of the only things that can save you from yourself. You can’t run from what you are but with his help, you can fight back.
Current Word Count -  124,205
MASTERLIST  or   Read on Ao3
Moodboard by @talesofakindredspirit
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Chapter Forty-Five - Soldier Of Death
Daddypool: You exploded Wolverine without inviting me to watch?!? HOW COULD YOU???
Daddypool: Did you at least save me a piece?
You: Who told you???
Daddypool: So you did save me a piece?
You: No you fucking overripe watermelon, who told you I exploded him?
Daddypool: Rude. Jubilee text me.
You: If you want some of Logan’s DNA apparently I have 50%....
Daddypool: What did you do?????? Collect the goo in Tupperware containers? No judgement.
You: Jesus Fucking Christ Wade
You: He’s my biological father.
Daddypool: .....................................
Daddypool: ASDFGHJKL!!!!!
You: You alright sweetie?
Daddypool: I’m fine. I’m ok. So Logan’s your dad? On a completely unrelated note, wanna come to Vegas with me?
You: No need, I just spoke to Logan and he said he would LOVE it if you called him Daddy from now on :D
Daddypool: I am choosing to believe you.
“Who you texting sweetheart?” Bucky whispered in your ear, flinging his arm across your waist.
You tilted the phone to show him just as a text came through and Bucky’s snort of laughter made you look down at the screen.
“You certainly are.” He snickered.
“I can’t believe I forgot to tell Darcy!” You said guiltily.
“Hmm, you’ve been busy though.” He reasoned, nipping the skin at your throat.
Darcy: FYI, the internet have dubbed you ‘Soldier of Death’ as your couple name and I 100% approve. I expect details, lots of them before I forgive you.
You: Uhhhhhh. Couple name? Internet?
Darcy: Winter Soldier/Deathwave aka Soldier of Death. Someone posted a picture of you two kissing on the balcony on your birthday on Instagram with the caption ‘The truth will set you free’.
“MOTHERFUCKER! I’m going to kill Natasha!”
“Well it was only a matter of time before people found out doll, you can’t keep your hands of me.” Bucky said reasonably.
You twisted round to arch a brow at him, glancing down at his hands pointedly.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You tapped your foot against the floor in agitation as you watched him flip a knife in the air and catch it easily, chopping a tomato with the blade skilfully. Your eyes narrowed at him, the bastard. You had quickly devolved into an argument about who couldn’t keep their hands of who and now were apparently in a competition.
Well if he wanted to play dirty...
You yawned loudly, stretching your arms above you and arching your back. You smirked a little when you heard the chopping sounds falter for a second before Bucky cleared his throat and started up again. Well that was easy and you’d only been testing the waters.
Let the games begin.
As soon as you bit into the omelette you moaned sinfully at the taste, ignoring Bucky and his suspicious glare. He responded by scooting his chair closer and lifting your legs up to drape them across his lap, running his fingers across your bare skin.
When he went for a shower he ‘forgot’ a towel and shouted for you to bring one to him. When you walked in the bathroom and saw him in all his naked glory, water spilling down his body you nearly tripped over. You threw the towel onto the vanity and fled.
When he came out of the bathroom he was treated to a view of you doing yoga on the front deck, currently doing a handstand as you parted your legs and did the splits without wavering. You heard the bedroom door slam shut and giggled.
You finished up your yoga just as he came waltzing outside, shirtless with an axe slung over his shoulder.
“Um, whatcha doing?” You enquired.
“That chair we broke isn’t going to last long so I’m going to chop some wood.” He explained, smirking at your wandering gaze.
“Oh ok. Cool. Ok. I’m gonna go for a run.” You stammered.
No way were you sticking around to watch him act out the first ten minutes of a wild mountain man  porno.
“Oh? Have some pent up energy you need to burn off?” He asked.
“Fuck off Barnes.” You snapped.
His bark of laughter made you jump, you’d been so focused on the way his back muscles were rippling as he lifted a log up. You huffed in annoyance and turned your back on him.
You eyed up the woods and released a breath. You’d been busy with Bucky but you’d been itching to run through the trees since you’d seen them. You were so excited you didn’t pay attention to him watching you.
You sunk to the ground in a starting position as you narrowed your eyes and a feral grin spread across your face. Without any warning you leapt forward, propelling yourself into the trees.
You flew over a low hanging branch and landed lithely on the ground, digging your heels into the dirt and sprinting forwards. You ducked, leant and moved out of the way of branches as you raced through the trees fluidly.
You had missed this, nature. You never got to spend enough time in the woods unless you were in danger so you never realised just how at home you felt here. Your instincts and sensed kicked in automatically as your mind cleared and it was like you were one with the forest, never missing a beat as you ran.
You didn’t think, you didn’t have to. Your feet landed where they needed to and it was like the forest was working in sync with you, parting like water to let you run. Anything that could have tripped you up or tangled around your ankles was sidestepped without conscious thought or effort.
You ran for miles, leaping over streams, hurtling over logs, climbing up trees and flinging yourself down them and not once did you slow down or lose your pace.
It was wondrously, rapturously freeing and you felt so alive. The further you ran the clearer your mind became and you it wasn’t a surprise to you that you could hear and smell everything for miles. You could hear the birds around you singing to each other, their wings flapping as they flew amongst the trees. There was a shuffling sound a few miles east and you sniffed the air, the heady scent of fur telling you it was a deer grazing.
Miles behind you you heard the thunk of wood as the only other human for miles chopped wood and you circled back, pushing yourself towards him.
He heard your footsteps before he saw you and when he realised you weren’t slowing down he dropped the axe and turned around, catching you in mid air as you leapt into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist and laughed joyfully.
You pressed yourself against his bare torso and ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands roughly to pull his face down to yours.
Running through the woods couldn’t compare to how alive you felt when you were kissing James Buchanan Barnes. His lips parted against yours as you ran your tongue across his bottom lip and his chest rumbled. You kissed him breathless before you pulled away and jumped down, leaving his panting and looking a bit dazed.
“I guess you’re right, I just can’t keep my hands off you.” You joked, jogging away towards the door.
You heard him growl lowly at you and you broke into a run, laughing as you raced up the stairs, his heavy footsteps chasing you.
As soon as you opened the bedroom door you were sent flying, landing on all fours on the bed. Before you could turn around his hands were tugging the material of your workout leggings down your hips.
“Think you can get away with teasing me doll?” He snarled as he ripped them down your legs and flipped you over.
You grinned smugly at him as he finally got the leggings off you after pulling your shoes off. You grabbed your ankles and yanked you down the bed, your bared pussy exposed to him.
He arched a questioning brow at you and you nodded.
He dove forwards and licked one solid stripe along your slit, pulling away before he came into contact with your clit. His hands grabbed your sports bra and ripped it. You were running out of clothes what with his tendency to rip them off of you.
You ran your hands across his biceps, equally as affectionate with the metal one as you were with the flesh one until he grabbed your wrists and pushed them above your head.
“I don’t think so doll. You lost, couldn’t keep your hands off me so you don’t get to touch me until I say so.” He told you with a wicked grin.
You bit your lip and obediently kept your hands above your head when he released you. He stood above you, watching you with a calculated gaze.
With your legs splayed and your arms above your head, you were completely bare and at his mercy.
"Mica mea leoaică, așa de înfricoșătoare pentru mine.” He murmured heatedly as he ran his fingers down the inside of your thigh.
You gulped at the unfamiliar language, you were wagering it was Romanian. It was one of the few languages he knew that you didn’t and hearing him speak it, knowing he knew you couldn’t understand him made you even wetter. He chuckled darkly at your reaction and gripped your ankle as he slowly kissed his way up your leg.
When he reached the apex of your thighs you braced yourself for him to ignore your soaking wet pussy but he didn’t. He gently kissed you where you wanted him, flicking his tongue across your swollen clit for good measure before kissing his way down your other leg.
“Keep your hands above your head sweetheart.” He warned as he stood up again and flipped you back onto your stomach.
You did as you were told as you heard the sound of his jeans hitting the floor before he crawled onto the bed behind you and pressed a light kiss at the small of your back, in the dip of your spine and worked his way upwards.
His weight settled above you and you felt his cock push against your ass as he kissed your shoulder, biting down on it a little harder than gently before kissing the sting away.
“You might wanna grip onto those sheets sweetheart.” He warned as he sat up on his knees behind you.
His hands lifted your hips into the air as you twisted your hands into the bedsheets. With your arms stretched out above you, your torso pressed into the mattress and your ass in the air you were presented to him in such a lewd and filthy way that it had you moaning out loud even before he buried his face in your cunt.
As Bucky, sucked, licked and kissed you your moans became louder and the sheets tore under your grip. Over the sounds of your moans you could hear him fisting himself and you bit your lip so hard you tasted blood.
Just the though of him eating you out while he wanked himself off would have been enough to make you come, never mind the sheer fucking bliss he was causing by actually doing it and it didn’t take long at all for your orgasm to build up inside you. Before you fell over the edge he pulled back and you whimpered at the loss.
You felt the cold sensation of metal at your hole and he suddenly had two fingers knuckle deep in your pussy and you gasped at the very welcome intrusion. You were so wet they made an obscene squelching sound as he rapidly thrust them in and out of you, his thumb dropping to massage your clit.
“Fuck, fuck fuck, James!” You moaned loudly as you came on his hand, his fingers inside you rubbing at your G-Spot as you clenched around them.
White noise filled your ears as he finger fucked you into oblivion and you were too lost in the sheer mind blowing pleasure to register his groans as he came, his cum painting stripes across the back of your thighs.
You settled back onto planet earth about the same time he gently rolled you onto your back and leaned next to you on his side, licking his metal fingers clean.
“Fuck.” You whimpered.
“I intend to, thought you may need a minute first.” He said smugly.
Super Soldier serum was a godsend because you could feel him hardening against your hip.
“Can I touch you yet?” You asked breathily.
“Maybe if if you ask me real sweetly.” He told you, a brooklyn accent breaking through.
You growled and tried to touch him anyway but the second you moved your hands an inch away from the bed he grabbed them, both of your wrists easily ensconced in his much larger hand.
“I said ask me sweetly.” He chastised as he rolled on top of you, nudging your legs apart with his knee.
“Please James, I need to feel you.” You begged.
“Oh do you doll? Do you need to feel me?”He taunted evilly as he lined his now fully hard cock up with your entrance.
You pushed against his hand, struggling to free yourself but it was in vain. The head of his cock slowly pushed past your folds and you abandoned the struggle.
“You don’t need your hands to feel me doll, you can feel me now can’t you?” He whispered in your ear as he pushed inside you, tortuously slow.
You turned your head to the side, seeking him out and he met your lips with his own. He wasn’t even a full inch inside you before he pulled out and you made a noise of discontent.
“You didn’t answer me.” He reprimanded.
“I can feel you, I don’t need my hands.” You said in a rush.
“Split your legs like you did when you were being such a little fucking tease outside.” He instructed and you obeyed, parting your legs as wide as you could for him.
“Good girl.” He praised and languidly pushed his cock inside you.
With your legs splayed for him like this he went deeper inside you as he slowly thrust all the way in until he was pressed against you. He stayed like that for a moment, keeping you pinned down as he passionately kissed you. His lips moved across your jaw and down to your throat as he pulled out just as slowly.
“Promise you’ll keep your hands right there and I’ll fuck you the way you want to be fucked.” He negotiated, whispering the words into your skin.
“I promise.”
He released your hands and moved to grip your thighs, holding you wide open before he pulled his hips back and slammed them into you again. The force of it would have propelled you up the bed if he hadn’t have been holding you steady and you screamed in ecstasy.
He held you still and you kept your hands where you were supposed to as he fucked you hard, almost pummelling you into the mattress. You were slick and wet and he slid into you easily, going so deep you could feel his cock drag against your still sensitive G-spot.
You were reduced to a quivering mess in seconds and the sounds of his skin slapping against yours joined the symphony of your moans as the soldier repeatedly thrust his cock into you.
You were tight and wet, your walls fluttering around him and it felt so good that the two of you came together as the wooden bed frame creaked dangerously underneath you before it splintered. You were too caught up in each others bodies to notice the bed crashing to the floor.
It wasn’t until you came down from your respective highs that you realised you’d broken yet another piece of furniture.
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This is hands down the absolute filthiest thing I have written yet so if you need me, I'll be bathing in Holy Water.....
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first @thejourneyneverendsx @thelostallycat @inquisitor-selvala @the-corruptor @iovher @kendrawr-kitkat @phoenix-whiskey-tears @the–real-wombat @buckitybarnes @fairislesheets @angieptt @meganjonezzzz @dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty @memanda17 @krystallynx @theonelittleone @piscesbarnes @free-as-fishes @tarastudiesalot @captainamericasbeard @dropthepizza346@jaynnanadrews@likes-to-smell-books@drdorkus @life-wanderer@metalarmlover @animegirlgeeky@jsmith509
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j-j-ehlby-writes · 6 years
Păpuşă (s.s.)
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word Count: ~6.3k
Summary: You and Sebastian just finished a movie together. This is your first promo interview. What happens when an unknown truth is revealed?
Italicized = flashback
My Masterlist
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“My first guest tonight is starring in her very first movie, a hilarious romantic comedy with Sebastian Stan that’s coming out in theaters this Friday. It’s her first time on the show- her first interview even. Please welcome to the show, Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
I come from behind the curtain and am greeted by Jimmy Fallon. He shakes my hand before giving me a light hug as I step up onto the stage in the 5 inch heels I immediately regret choosing for this interview. I wave at the crowd before taking a seat.
“Welcome to the show, Y/N.” He greets.
“Thank you! I’m excited to be here.” I cross my legs at the knee to get more comfortable in the outfit my stylist picked for me. This was my first promo interview for my very first movie. It’s expected to do fantastic at the box office. I know it’s going to be a great film.
“So this is your first movie. How cool is that?”
“Oh it’s beyond cool. I can’t even explain how excited I am for it to finally come out.” I smile, thinking about the last year of my life and how much it has changed.
“And your co-star and love interest is the amazing Sebastian Stan. Tell me how that was and how that came to be.”
“That’s a funny story actually. I insulted him during the first round of auditions.”
“Can you believe you’re headed to your first audition?” My friend shrieks in my ear through my headphones. I walk down the sidewalk from the bus station, trying to re-read the script we were all sent to make sure I memorized my lines.
 “No, I can’t. Don’t get your hopes up. You know how rare it is for someone to book their first ever audition? Practically unheard of.” I finally find the building after hanging up and go inside. I follow the signs until I reach a large room with dozens of people waiting their turn. People left and right all reading from the same script I have. I feel like the complete amateur I am in this crowd. Everyone looks so professional and not at all nervous, like I am. I find a quiet corner where there aren’t very many people.
 “Hey.” I hear someone one say over my soft music. I pull out my earphone to see a gorgeous girl standing in front of me. “Do you need help running lines?” She asks offering a kind smile.
 “Sure.” I unplug and put away my phone.
 We go over some small talk before turning to the script. I feel foolish doing this in front of her, but at least it’s some practice that I definitely need. I feel like I know this script front-wards and backwards by now, but I still feel like I will mess it up somehow.
 After we rehearse the necessary scenes, we continue to chat. She tells me that this is her tenth audition this week and I instantly want to drop out. There’s no way I will get picked over her. She looks like she belongs in this world. I don’t. The best that I could probably get would be someone in the back with no lines. I know it’d be something. Getting even a small part in a movie is something. But I want to go big. I wanted to go for the female lead. Go big or go home, right?
 We’re standing around, waiting for the process to start.
 And then he walks in.
 “Who,” I drag out, “is that?” I try not to stare too much, but it’s hard not to. He is one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen. His shorter dark brown hair is covered with a dark blue baseball cap and his steel blue eyes are shaded by a pair of tortoise sunglasses, but he’s not fooling anyone. His beard is perfectly trimmed, trying to hide the sharp jawline but failing miserably. No one seems to have noticed his entrance, or if they did no one wanted to react.
 She turns around to see who I’m gawking at. “You seriously don’t know who that is?”
 “Oh no, I know exactly who that is. I just wanted to have that ‘movie moment’.” She laughed at my silly behavior, before looking behind me again.
 “Well get ready to have another because here he comes.”
 By the time I turned around, he was a few feet away from us. He greets the girl next to me. “Who’s your friend?” He asks, looking at me.
 “Y/N.” I introduce myself. I see out of my peripheral vision him hold his hand out to me. I shake it, trying my hardest to keep my fangirling at bay.
 “Nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Sebastian.”
 I chuckled at how humble he is. He’s an A-list actor. He needs no introductions anymore. “I know. You played one of my least favorite characters on Gossip Girl.”
 “One of?” He asks, feigning offense. He crosses his arms over his broad chest, trying to act like a tough guy. “Who’s worse than me?”
 “Georgina,” I don’t hesitate to say, “and then Louis and Marcus tie for a close second. Blair didn’t have the best dating history.” I just finished re-watching all six seasons of the show for like the fifth time, so everything is fresh. I never thought my knowledge of a teen soap-drama would actually come in handy one day. “A history that briefly included Carter, even if it was to just piss off Chuck.”
 “In your eyes, what made Carter so bad?”
 “What he did to Beth was inexcusable. He deserved to work off his debt to the Buckley’s. And then lying to Serena about how long he’s known about where her dad is? That was sketchy and unnecessary. He didn’t deserve Serena. I was happy she left him on the side of the road.”
 He smirks at me, “You seem to have a strong opinion.”
 “Well I did just finish watching it again so you could say I’m pretty well-versed on what happened with Manhattan’s Upper East Side elite.”
 “I’d love to hear what other opinions you have.” His smirk turned into a smile that lit up the room.
 The first name was called into the audition room, bringing us back to the reason we are all here.
 “What part are you auditioning for?” He asks after the conversations continued around the room.
 “Noelle.” I name the main female character and ask the same question in return.
“Forrest.” He answers with the name of the main male character a.k.a. Noelle’s love interest. “Do you want to run lines together real quick before we get called in there? It’d be nice to go through it with someone who actually knows the dialogue.”
“We ran lines together and found out we just fit. When we made it to the chemistry read round, they told us to pair up. You can imagine everyone wanted to be his partner.”
“Everyone wanted to be Bucky’s partner.” Jimmy filled in.
“Everyone!” I emphasized. “I mean, how could they not? He’s a phenomenal actor and an even better human being.” I had to stop myself from gushing about him. I didn’t want to give everyone the wrong idea about us… “And much to everyone else’s dismay, he chose me because of how well we had gotten along the last time and we remained a pair for the rest of the process.”
“That’s awesome. And since this is your first movie, it must have been helpful to be surrounded by so many veterans.”
“Oh gosh, was it ever! I had no idea what I was doing the entire time. I felt like a fish out of water. Thank God I had someone like Sebastian to help whenever I needed something, which was a lot.”
I slam the door of my trailer and immediately fall apart. Today was bad. No, worse than bad. It was a trainwreck. I wouldn’t be surprised if they fired me after that awful performance.
I don’t know what was wrong with me today. I kept forgetting my lines, constantly messing up the take and having to do it over and over again. I know the director and everyone else involved must be frustrated with me with wasting everyone’s money and time. I also kept missing my marks. Somehow my feet and my eyes couldn’t register where I was supposed to stand and stop in the camera shot.
But worst of all, I couldn’t get into character. Getting into another head space right now didn’t seem possible no matter how many times I read the scene, I just couldn’t do it. It was frustrating as an actress because that’s what I’m being paid to do and I can’t do my job.
Knocks on my door nearly scares the crap out of me. I don’t get up from my spot on the floor. I don’t want to talk to anyone or have anyone seeing me like this.
Unfortunately I forgot to lock the door, so whoever knocked opens it and comes in. “Hey.” Sebastian’s voice fills my trailer with no trace of frustration. I run my fingers through my hair and wipe the tears away. He sits next to me, not saying anything else.
“I’m so sorry.” A new wave of tears threatens to fall, but I push them back. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothing is wrong with you.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders. “You’re just having an off day. Everyone has them. That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.” He coos. “Frankly, I think we’d all be surprised if you didn’t have one. Then we may think you’re a Russian spy coming to infiltrate.”
A very unattractive snort came from my nose as I tried not to burst out laughing. I finally look at him to see him smiling. Even if my dark trailer, his grin lights up the entire room like it always does. “You should know! You’re the Romanian vampire who never ages.”
“‘Romanian vampire’ is kind of redundant.” He pursed his lips, nodding. “All vampires are from Romania.”
“Oh shut up!” I use all of my strength to push him over but because his arm is secured around me, he barely moved more than a few inches and brought me with him. He keeps going though, lying on the floor, pulling me to his chest. We lie in the new calm silence.
Over the last few weeks, Sebastian has become more than just my co-star. He’s someone I would call a good friend. I can go to him if I need help knowing he would never judge me. I can bounce ideas off of him for our upcoming scenes. I can talk to him so easily about anything that’s on my mind and he will engage in the most meaningless conversations with me. I truly enjoy his company more than I ever thought I would… which definitely didn’t help with the slight crush on him before I even met him.
I tried to bury it as soon as we were both cast in this film. I didn’t want to ruin this job because of it by making things awkward on set when I couldn’t get a grip on reality. I managed pretty well until we had to do our kissing scene… When I found out there was going to be one, I instantly dreaded it. My only hope was it was done right away. I wanted to get it out of the way so I could then get over it and look at him as just a friend and co-star for the rest of the movie.
Luck was not on my side though. It took two months before we got to that scene. Two whole months of hanging out with him on and off set, running lines behind the scenes, him bringing me Starbucks every morning, and me slowly falling for him before finally getting to that scene. And to say it made things worse would have been an understatement. Every scene we’ve had to do together after that, I messed up at least twice getting lost in the things he said and the way he looked at me. I’d try and explain it away by blaming the lack of sleep for clouding my mind, but that can only go so far and can be used so many times before people start getting concerned about my health and work ethic.
“Are you going to be okay, păpuşă?” He asks breaking the silence with his Romanian that sounds like the most natural thing in the world. I wish he would tell me what that word means. I asked him the first time he used it, but he said, “Now păpuşă, if I told you that, then I’d have to kill you.” So now I just deal with it and hope for the day he finally tells me.
“Did you two get close during filming? I ask because when he was here earlier in the week, he said he told the casting people when they offered him the part that he wouldn’t do the movie if you weren’t cast as Noelle. And there are plenty of rumors about the two of you being an item.”
My heart dropped. “Did he really say that?” I hadn’t had a chance to watch his interview from last week. I had been so busy with preparing all of mine in the coming weeks that I haven’t had much down time. And he didn’t say a word about it to me. Jimmy played the clip where he indeed said that. “Wow. Um...” I manage to squeak out before snapping out of it. “Yeah, we did get pretty close. I’m lucky enough to be able to consider him my best guy friend now. He’s someone I trust wholeheartedly.”
“So those rumors about you two dating are…?”
“Untrue. I am single and he is, too.” At one point during filming, I wasn’t sure that was true…
“Cut!” The director yells. “Alright, that’s a wrap today! Good job everyone. Be back here at 9 am tomorrow.”
I turn to one of my co-stars. “Thank God this day is over! I’m so tired. All I want to do this weekend is go back to my hotel room and stay there until Monday.”
“So you and Sebastian don’t have plans this weekend?” She asks as we walk back to our trailers.
“No? Why would we?” We do hang out a lot after we’re done filming for the day and sometimes spend the weekend hanging out in one of our hotel rooms, but we’re not always together like she is making it seem.
“So he’s free this Friday?” She tried to hide the smile on her face by biting her lip.
I shrugged, “As far as I know, yes? Why don’t you go ask him yourself? I’m not his keeper.”
That Friday, as we finish filming for the day, I see him leaving with her and I don’t hear from him again until I see him Monday morning. She was grinning ear-to-ear the entire day and he acted odd around me for the week following. He didn’t look at me unless we were filming, he disappeared during our lunch break, he would give short answers to my questions but then run away as soon as he saw an opening, and he’d be gone before I finished changing in my trailer. By the next weekend, I had had enough of it.
I bang on his hotel door and wait. It took a few minutes before I heard the lock on click and the door open to reveal a shirtless Sebastian and a pair of low-hanging sweatpants around his waist. His hair was also a mess, hanging in front of his eye. “Y/N, this isn’t a good time. I-”
“Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something? I thought we were-”
“Is that the room service, Sebby?” I hear someone call from inside the room.
And suddenly, I realize what an idiot I was. He wasn’t avoiding me. He was just occupied with someone else now.
He turns back to me with the guiltiest look on his beautiful face. I swallow the lump in my throat. “I’m sorry, I, uh, I’ll see you Monday.”
That weekend was probably the worst I had had in a very long time. I locked myself in my hotel room and ignored everyone except for the delivery guys when they brought me food. Sebastian came to my door a few times, knocking and begging for me to open up for twenty minutes the first time but then got shorter every time he came back.
By Monday, I plastered a smile on my face and planned on giving the performance of a lifetime, but fell incredibly short. I could barely look at him without feeling betrayed. But why did I feel like that? We weren’t together. He can hang out with whomever he wants. He’s a gorgeous single man who could have his choice of any girl and he’s choosing someone that isn’t me.
“Cut! That’s lunch.” Everyone scatters after the announcement. I make a bee-line for my trailer to eat in peace. I picked up something before coming in this morning for this very reason.
“Y/N, wait!” I hear Sebastian shout. As much as I want to ignore him right now, I have to get along with him for the sake of filming. But if he wants to talk about anything other than the movie, I’m out. He appears in front of me, halting my steps. “Now who’s avoiding who?”
“I’m not avoiding you. I just want to get to my lunch. I’ve been looking forward to it all day and I’m starving.” I step around him to continue my journey.
“Subway again?” He guesses correctly walking along with me. I don’t answer. I just kept going finally seeing my trailer in sight. “Can I please explain myself?”
“You don’t need to. You don’t owe me anything.” I yank open the door and step inside. He follows.
“I know I don’t need to, but it’s obvious you’re upset-”
“Upset? What gave you that impression?” My sarcasm bit. “Was it ignoring your constant knocking on my door? Or was it the fact that I didn’t return any of your phone calls and texts? Oh no, it must have been my blatant disregard for your repeated efforts to talk about it. I’m just giving back what you gave me all of last week.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes, “I know I should have talked to you.”
“Why? Like I said, you don’t owe me anything.”
He steps closer. “But I do. We’re friends, Y/N. I should have told you what was going on.”
Friends. The worst F word a person can hear from someone they like.
So he explains. She had asked him out on a date last week. He said yes. They had a good time, but ultimately decided they were better off as friends. He was weird around me last week because he didn’t know if he could talk to me about it. He didn’t know if we were at that level of friendship yet, but I assured him that he could talk to me about anything, even girls no matter how much that would hurt. Of course I didn’t say that last part.
“Are we okay now?” He asks from his seat across the table. “Can I have my best friend back?”
“I’m your best friend? I thought that was reserved for Evans or Mackie.” I cross my arms on the table, smirking outwardly at his statement. My heart hurt a little to hear it. I don’t want to be his best friend… I want to be more.
“I think they’ll understand.” He smiles at me only confirming my stupid feelings.
“Well in that case, we have to be okay. If I’m going to face their wrath, I’m going to need some Winter Soldier protection.” My smirk turned into a smile as I imagine what their reactions are going to be.
“I gotchu, păpuşă.”
“Well if you’re both single then why not make it true? I saw the movie. Your chemistry is fire.”
I tried to hide my being uncomfortable with laughter. “I mean,” I shrugged, “I’m never going to say ‘never,’ because you really don’t know what can happen in the future, especially in Hollywood. But as for right at this moment, I am single.”
“And are you ready to mingle?”
“I am so ready to mingle!” I exclaim. “You have the connections, set a girl up!”
The rest of the interview went smoothly after that. I was escorted back to the dressing room, where I met up with my agent. She confirmed I had two phone interviews later, but I wasn’t listening very much. All I wanted to do was talk to Sebastian.
When I called him, I got his voicemail. “Bună iubito,” I use the greeting he taught me that meant “hey dude,” or something along the lines of that, “can you give me a call back as soon as you’re not busy? I need to talk to you about something.” I leave my hotel information before hanging up.
I just hang up with room service later that evening when there’s a knock on my door.
“I come bearing food!” He greets as he steps into my room.
“I just ordered room service.” I whine before taking a look at what he brought. Subway. Of course. I shake my head at how well he knows me before joining him at the table.
“Thank God because I’m starving. I only got this for you because you said you wanted to talk. I figured I needed to apologize for something, so I brought your favorite to soften the blow.”
“You know I had my Fallon interview today, right?” I ask getting straight to the point.
“Oh yeah, how’d that go?” He started unpacking my food, not looking at me.
“Good…” when he didn’t say anything, I add, “He told me what you said.”
His head dropped and his shoulders slumped. A sharp breath of air came out like a weight just lifted. “I was waiting for this.” He mumbles as he turns around to face me. “Look, if it sounded like an insult, I didn’t mean like that. I just meant that I believed in you so much and we got along so well during the audition process that if they didn’t choose you to play my opposite, then I didn’t want to be a part of the movie.”
“Why would you do that though? I’m sure there were more well-established actresses that auditioned that you would have gotten along with just as well. You took a huge risk betting on me.” I can’t imagine what this would do to his career if this fails because of me. “Not to mention, you could have lost the movie completely because of your foolishness.”
“I know, I know. There was just…” He paused, gaining a half smile at the image in his head, “there was just something about you that I wanted to know. I couldn’t let the opportunity go; I couldn’t let the possibility of being around you more slip through my fingers.”
Even in the poorly lit room, I could see the emotions in his eyes. The emotions I’ve seen multiple times while filming this movie with him… The way I imagine I look at him when he’s not looking. My heart races at the possibility of what he could be saying. I’ve had a crush on this man for years before I met him. Even the mention of his name made me smile and seeing videos of him interacting with fans always ended with me giggling because he was just so adorable. Then I actually met him and he has exceeded all of my expectations since then. He is the sweetest, most down to earth, hard-working, kind-hearted, passionate human being I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And by some miracle, he might feel the same way about me that I do him.
I had to sit down. If we were going to have this conversation, I wanted to be sitting. I curled up on the couch. He followed, sitting facing me resting his arm on the back of the couch. “When?” was the only question I could ask. My mind was spinning. Was this really happening right now?
His big, mesmerizing blue eyes locked on mine. They were filled with nostalgia as he remembered the moment. “It was the first time we hung out off set.”
After a long first week of filming, it was finally the weekend. One of the other actors suggested we all go out to celebrate surviving. I immediately turned to Y/N, waiting for her answer. All week I have been wanting to hang out with her off set. She is hilarious while just the two of us are between takes but shy when around everyone else, I wanted to know what she would be like in a more casual environment and not surrounded by dozens of people.
During lunch we all agreed to meet at this “cool” club downtown. Even as she said yes, I could tell she didn’t really want to. She’s an introvert. She doesn’t like crowds of people she doesn’t know. When we got back on set, I promised her I wouldn’t leave her side. She seemed reassured by it and that made me happy.
She makes me happy. Being around her has made me feel truly happy for the first time in a very long time. From the first moment I met her, she wasn’t afraid to tell me how she felt about my portrayal of an Upper East Side elite dick. Her conviction about a simple show showed me a side that interested me. What else made her blood boil? What other kinds of things is she passionate about? I had to know.
So when I was offered the part of Forrest, I asked who they were going to cast as Noelle. I panicked when they were leaning more towards someone else. I wanted to spend more time with her. Filming nearly every day with her for three to four months and then promoting the movie afterwards will give me that time. I knew I was risking everything by saying I wouldn’t do it unless she was Noelle. My agent definitely wasn’t happy with me about it when she found out. Thankfully it all worked in both of our favors.
She wasn’t like anyone I’d met in this industry and I wanted to see what else there was to her. I vowed not to waste any opportunity to do so.
I told her I would pick her up at her hotel and then we could go to the club together. But when she opened the door, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Do you just want to order pizza instead?”
No matter how badly I wanted to say yes and completely forget the plans we had made, I knew the two leads had to participate in a cast get-together even if it was only for a short bit. I did manage to convince her to go at least for a little while and then we could get pizza. I even added ice cream to the deal to persuade her.
When we got to the club, she instantly clammed up. I did all I could to make her feel comfortable for the time being by upholding my earlier promise. I never left her side. We ordered one drink, toasted with the cast, chatted for about ten minutes, and then we left.
The second she stepped out of the club, she was back to being her confident self. She complained about how stuffy it was in there, how loud and obnoxious the music was and how all she wanted to do was go back to her hotel and eat pizza and ice cream. Her wish was my command…
After we finally got our food, we went back to my hotel room. I was right about her having a whole different side to her outside of work. She is laid back, incredibly funny, and outgoing once she gets comfortable with you. I learned she has many different laughs for different situations, all of them equally as adorable as the last. She snorts when she laughs so hard that she can’t breathe. She squeaks when she likes something, her nose crinkles and her upper lip kinks up when she doesn’t. Each and every time she laughs, her smile lights up the room. She does have very strong opinions on more things than TV shows she knows well. I got to know her more than I ever expected.
“You know I didn’t initially want to be an actress?” She says lying on the couch with her feet on my lap. “It was more like a last resort thing. I never thought I could do it.”
“Why didn’t you think you could do it?” I ask flabbergasted by her inability to see how talented she is. Throughout the audition process, if I didn’t already know she was a newbie, I would never have guessed it. She acted like a pro. She nailed just about everything that was asked of her.
“Well,” She finishes her last piece of pizza, impressing the hell out of me. This girl isn’t afraid to eat. She consumed the entirety of her own pizza. I love it. “It’s not that I thought I couldn’t act. It’s that I knew it would a long shot that anything would ever come of it. All you ever hear about are people struggling to make it in LA. I’m one of those people that doesn’t like failing. If I didn’t get this movie, I probably would have given up on acting completely and tried something else.
Plus, it was drilled into my mind during my formative years that being an actor or a singer ‘weren’t real jobs’ so I just kind of swept it under the rug, never to be thought about again… until a few months ago that is.”
“Just goes to show, păpuşă, that you shouldn’t listen to the doubters.”
“Pap-what?” Her brows furrowed and her mouth hung open in confusion.
“Păpuşă.” I repeated fully knowing she has no clue what I’m saying. I’d been calling her that in my head ever since I met her, guess it just kind of slipped out.
She sat up and scooted closer to me. “I know you fluently speak Romanian, no need to show off to the rest of us that are inept and uneducated at languages. What does it mean?”
I tucked some of her hair behind her ear, taking in her natural beauty. When I met her, she wasn’t wearing much make-up, and she looked stunning. She’s complained to me many times this week that she has to wear more than she’s used to for filming. She thoroughly enjoys when she can take it off at the end of the day. She goes into her trailer as a beautiful woman, but she comes out the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen when she is without any. Not only is she naturally beautiful, her hair smells heavenly I literally want to bury my face in it constantly, she’s smarter than she thinks she is, she’s kind to everyone on set, she’s caring towards all she meets, she’s creative on and off set, she’s extremely passionate about many different things, she’s… everything I had thought she would be and so much more.
I like her. A lot more than I ever thought I would. I see that now.
“Now păpuşă, if I told you that, then I’d have to kill you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I ask after going down memory lane of that night. We went to McDonalds later because we were both still hungry and were craving their fries. We walked a few blocks to do so, singing Disney songs to each other down the empty streets to pass the time. It was an adventure that I never expected but am extremely grateful for. It showed me a side of him I had always wanted to see… and it only worsened my feelings for him.
“I didn’t want to make things awkward on set if you didn’t feel the same way.”
“And that date you went on with-?” It was only a month after our first hang out that he went out with our co-star. If he liked me then, it doesn’t make sense why he would go through with it.
“I did agree to go on a date with her, but only because I couldn’t go out with the person I really wanted to take out. And as soon as we got to the restaurant, she told me she only asked me out because she knew you wouldn’t. She was hoping that her even mentioning asking me out would spark something in you. That gave me hope.” Even the small smile that appeared beamed causing my insides to feel all melty.
“If you had hope then why did you ignore me after that?” All of the pieces are coming together now; it’s all starting to make sense.
“I only ignored you because every time I looked at you, all I wanted to do was tell you how I felt. But I didn’t want to tell you unless I knew for certain that you liked me back. I didn’t know how to handle it correctly. The night you came to my hotel room, she was only there to try and convince me to tell you. I had just gotten out of the shower when she arrived, so she had ordered room service while I was getting dressed. That’s when you knocked on the door. Nothing was going on between us.” He reached over, taking my hand in his. “It shattered me to see how hurt you were.”
I shook my head at the memory of that night. “Did you even suspect why I was so hurt?” I know at times I wasn’t subtle about my feelings for him. I always had a stupidly big smile on my face when I was around him, finding every opportunity to bring him up in a conversation… but that night, I was sure he would find out. When he didn’t ask me about it specifically, I thought he didn’t notice or care.
“Believe me, I had hoped that the reason you were so upset was because you cared about me the way I did you. But when I explained everything and you didn’t say anything, I assumed…”
“When you called me your best friend, it kind of slammed the door on that talk. One of the reasons why one day I literally could not do anything right was because of how I felt about you.” I admit, “I think I just got so overwhelmed with everything going on with the movie and how quickly life had flipped upside-down, trying to make sense of my feelings for you and maintaining a façade that my mind just could not do what everyone asked of it.”
He titters, “The day we laid on the floor in your trailer for so long that we fell asleep.” I nod. As we both reminisce about that day, his thumb rubs circles on the back of my hand. We fell asleep for quite some time too. It was the best nap I had had in a very long time. No one had any idea where we were and why we weren’t back on set when called. It was slightly embarrassing to be found in that position but since we were both clothed, no one suspected anything happened.
“I tried to bury my feelings for you when we were cast, but every day we’ve spent together has just-”
“made them stronger?” He finishes, locking eyes with me.
“How freaking cliché is that? Falling for your co-star?” Everything is telling me that this wouldn’t work. The track record of celebrities starting relationships on set and staying together is staggeringly low. I don’t want to become another statistic, but with the way Sebastian is looking at me right now, it makes me feel hopeful that we’d be one of the success stories.
“I mean, I liked you before we were even cast. Doing the movie together just helped those feelings grow exponentially.” He smiles at me again, caressing my cheek.
“You made sure of that,” I chuckled.
“And I think I made the right choice in trusting my heart.” He grabs both of my hands and pulls me up off of the couch. “If we’re going to do this, I want to do it right.” He takes a deep breath, letting his smile take over his handsome features. “Will you, Y/F/N Y/L/N, go out on a date with me?”
“It would be my humblest honor, Sebastian Stan.”
“Great, how does now sound?” He asks eagerly.
“Now? But Subway and room service…” I whine, eyeing the long white plastic bag on the table.
“You know as well as I do that you can have it later or tomorrow.” He gave me a pointed look, daring me to argue with him. He knows that’s what I’ve done multiple times; he knows I can’t argue with him. Bastard.
“Ugh, fine!” I whine some more. “Let me just take off my make-up and then we can go.” I still hadn’t taken off the stage make-up from my interview earlier. I felt disgusting and in need of a good face wash.
“Păpuşă, you look perfect.” He pulls me to him after I exit the bathroom, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Are you ever going to tell me what that means?” I giggle as he buries his bearded face in my neck.
He laughs, pulling back. “Doll.”
“Păpuşă means ‘doll’.”
Permanent taglist: @elusive-beauty @drakesfiance @im-a-slut-for-an-accent @fantasy-is-my-reality @naniky
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crashdevlin · 6 years
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Author’s Note: Written to fulfill my Free Space for @spnkinkbingo, I chose Pain Kink and threw in some nice Dom/sub dynamics and the rare pair of Debriel x Reader. It’s also a take on this thing I shared two weeks ago about getting my newest tattoo. I blame the Debriel on @thewhiterabbit42. They welcomed me to this trashcan with open arms...
Pairing(s): Dean x Gabriel x Reader
Summary: Y/n’s boyfriends take her to get her anti-possession tattoo.
Word Count: 2526
Story Warnings: Dom!Gabriel, Switch!Dean, Sub!Reader, pain kink, established poly relationship, possessiveness, handsy tattoo artist... no sex, just kink 
The parlor was well-lit and smelled of cleaning solvent. You'd insisted upon it. You didn't want the neons and black-lights of the parlor down the street. You didn't want the place to smell like incense. You were getting a medical procedure done, that's how you saw it. A tattoo was art, but it was also more disruptive to your epidermis than most laparoscopic surgeries these days and you wanted it done somewhere clean, somewhere that smelled like a hospital.
You filled out your paperwork and sat in the waiting area while the tattoo artist set up his area. Gabriel took the opportunity to flip through the sample books, a popsicle in his hand despite the cold weather outside. “I'm thinking a badass dragon across my shoulders. What do ya think, babe?”
“I think you could do it yourself with a snap,” Dean responded, not looking up from his phone where he was losing Words With Friends to both Mary and Sam.
“Not the babe I was talkin’ to, but you're right. I could do hers the same way if you wa-”
“No. She's gotta get it done right, Gabe.”
Gabriel turned to him, eyebrow cocked over his perfect honey eyes. “You think I'd fuck it up? I could have that thing done perfectly and completely healed in a fraction of a second and she wouldn't have to worry about-”
Dean dragged his eyes up and green met gold. “The pain is half the point. You don't heal her when we tan her hide in the bedroom, why would you deprive her of what she likes, here?”
The archangel blinked slowly and nodded. “Got me there, Winchester.”
Dean turned his attention to you, nudging you with his elbow. “You nervous, baby girl?” You shook your head. ‘Nervous’ wasn't the right word. ‘Anxious’ was closer. “You sure? I mean, you're about to have a big Romanian dude with ⅞ gauges in his ears seeing the glory you usually reserve for me and a damn archangel.”
You smiled. “Not all my glory, Dean. Besides, Gabe’ll be able to tell if he’s thinking impure thoughts and he can give him his just desserts if he acts unprofessionally.”
“Don’t give him that permission, y/n. He’ll kill the guy. Dude’s gonna be full of impure thoughts once your shirt comes off.”
“Come on. He doesn’t need permission, Dean.” Gabriel’s eyes sparkled at that. “And the shirt’s not coming off. It’s why I wore a camisole instead of a t-shirt. Just gonna pull the left side down. He shouldn’t even get to see any nipple.”
“Shame,” Dean rumbled. “Definitely love it when other guys get hard for you, coveting what’s ours.”
“Don’t worry, Dean-o. He already wants her.” Gabe tossed the stick from his popsicle at the trash can by the door and flopped down next to you on the black leather couch. “He keeps wondering which of us is her boyfriend. Thinks he’s more attractive than me, but if she’s your girl, he doesn’t have a shot.”
You scoffed out a chuckle. “You guys should put on a show. See how he acts when he thinks you’re my gay best friends and I’m fair game.”
“You hear this girl? She’s trying to get this guy killed,” Gabriel said, an almost proud tinge to his words.
“Am not, but come on. It should come as no surprise that I like games, Gabe. Why else would I have fallen for you?”
“I’m adorable?”
Dean smiled and leaned across in front of you to wrap his fingers in Gabriel’s hair and pull him in for a kiss. It was a rare thing for you to be caught between, in public at least. The hunter usually kept his PDA with the archangel to a bare minimum. If he was going to neck with someone on a park bench or something, he wanted to know people were staring because they were enjoying the show not because they were judging him.
Each man put a hand on your thigh, digging their fingertips into your flesh as their tongues danced across each other in front of your face. You immediately flooded with heat, your cheeks warming under the stimulus.
“I’m ready for you, sweetheart,” the tattoo artist, Kevin, said, walking into the waiting area. The look on his face was a mix of disgust at the display of man-love on his couch and excitement at the thought that those guys were obviously together and not with you.
Your boyfriends separated once Gabe gave Dean’s bottom lip a nibble and all three of you stood to follow Kevin back to his work area. He sat you down on a seat that reminded you of a weight bench without the bar and lifted the stencil he’d made of the anti-possession sigil. “Where we puttin’ it, darlin’?”
You placed your hand over your heart. “Right about here.” His lips twitched at the corners but he held back his smile.
“Okay, just lean on back and look straight ahead.” You did as you were told, looking straight ahead as he pulled the straps of your bra and camisole down your left arm. Based on the cold air on your skin, you could tell he’d pulled the fabric down almost to the edge of your areola. His gloved fingers carefully placed the stencil and he had you stand and check the placement, which was perfect. You sat down again, getting comfortable. Dean sat in the chair in the corner and Gabe leaned against the wall.
“Play a ‘D’ on Sam’s ‘SOPHISTICATE’. You’ll get the triple,” you coached from your chair as Kevin retrieved his tattoo gun. Dean’s eyebrows raised and he pursed his lips as his phone buzzed.
“Thanks. He's probably just been waiting for a ‘D’.”
“No prob.”
“Keep looking at him. It stretches your skin just right,” Kevin said.
You took a deep breath, scene starting as the gun touched your skin. The pain was instant, and a throbbing pulse of need took up in your core because of it. You focused on Dean. Not the pain or what it was doing to you, just Dean and breathing. Dean and breathing. Not the wetness slowly seeping onto your underwear. Just Dean and breathing.
“Wow. Is this thing even working?” Kevin commented after a few minutes. Dean's eyes jumped from his phone to your chest, where the outline of the symbol was definitely starting to be etched into your skin. “You haven't even flinched, sweetheart.” Dean smirked and looked back down at his phone. You didn't respond as Kevin started in again, his pinkie finger dipping under the edge of your shirt in a way that could have been an accident but totally wasn't.
“I could tattoo you forever, y/n. You're, like, the perfect client,” Kevin praised a few minutes later.
Dean nodded without looking at you. “Thank you,” you answered, now that you'd gotten permission.
The gun started its trek across your collarbone and the sharper pain forced your eyes closed, but no sound escaped you, still. “I mean, I have had grown-ass men, like big burly guys like me in this chair and not a single one has been as tough as you. I could tattoo you ‘til I was blue in the face.”
“I'd be worried if you went blue in the face, Kev,” Gabriel spoke up.
“I'm just saying, she’s a fuckin’ rock. She barely moves. She's got a pain tolerance to die for. I mean, I'm stabbing prime fuckin’ real estate here and you're barely even acknowledging it's happening.” He turned his attention back to you as he finished speaking.
Dean's smirk made you bite your lip. “Yeah.” He looked up and caught your eyes. “She's well-trained, aren't you, baby girl?”
“Yes, sir.” Kevin's hand twitched at the words and he seemed to catch the tone. Of course he didn't understand that he was just a tool in your scene, that he was no more relevant to the game than a flogger or cock cage. But he would come to understand.
His fingers dipped under your camisole again, this time far enough to brush your nipple. Dean caught it this time. “Hey, Gabe,” Dean said, quietly, a deep rumble in his voice.
“I saw. That's two.”
“And we're going to give an opportunity for a third?”
“Well, we don't want the job left unfinished. If I explode him now, she'll only have an outline… and not even a full one.” Kevin snatched his hand away from your body and looked up at the other two men, trying to ascertain what Gabriel meant by ‘explode him’.
You still didn't move. As Kevin determined there were no explosives for Gabriel to explode him with, you stayed looking off at Dean, whose green eyes had taken a darkness. “What's wrong, guys?” Kevin asked, trying to sell the idea that he didn't know why they were upset.
“You think we're blind?” Dean leaned forward. “You've got more than enough access to her ‘prime real estate’, Kev. You don't need to be tryin’ to get more.”
“I… I mean, if she's uncomfortable with anything I've done, she should-”
“Y/n?” Gabriel called out.
“Yes, sir?”
“How you feel about this fucking disgrace sticking his fingers where they don't belong?”
“I don't like it, sir. He's not supposed to do that.”
“What do you think Dean and I should do about it, lollipop?”
“Whatever makes you happy, sir, but I'm partial to the head-splosion.”
You couldn't see Kevin's eyes go wide with fear, but you could see Dean lick his lips and Gabriel raise his hand. “I wanna make you happy, sweet stuff, but head-splody is such a Lucifer move. And it's a bitch to clean up.”
Dean stood up, phone going into his pocket as he walked around you to stand next to Kevin. “How about Kevin keeps his hands off'a our real estate, he doesn't make our girl feel any more uncomfortable than he already has, and maybe, just maybe, we don't kill him and wreck his shop?”
There was a moment of silence as Kevin debated with himself what to do and were they serious. “If you call the cops, they will arrive to blood and body parts viciously strewn around your shop. I don't usually go for the direct explosion death, I like a little more flair, but I'm more than capable of it.”
Kevin cleared his throat and nodded. “Yeah, I'll… I'm sorry. I'm gonna finish the, uh, the thing.”
“Good call.” Dean stepped back and looked down at you. “You need to move, baby girl?”
“May I, sir? This chair is very uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, why don't you get up and stretch, huh? Kev ain't comin’ near you again ‘til he stops pissin’ his pants.”
You stood, smiling, scene effectively paused as you stretched your arms across your chest. You turned to the mirror, ignoring the terror still on Kevin's face as you examined the start of the tattoo in the mirror. “Well, you're a terrifying guy, Dean,” Gabriel teased. “You shouldn't have been so hard on the man.”
“Me? You're the one talking about exploding the guy, name-dropping your brother ‘cause who's gonna be frightened of Gabriel: the trumpeter?”
“A lot of people!” Gabe defended.
“Maybe you as Loki, but not you as-”
“Guys!” you called out, before nodding your head toward Kevin, whose eyes were huge with shock. “Don't think he's quite ready for all that.” You turned to the mirror and smiled. “You're doing a wonderful job, Kevin. With the tattoo and the scene. Don't worry about my boys. They won't hurt you.”
“Speak for yourself, y/n. He touches that tit again and I'm gonna fuck him up.”
You rolled your eyes at Dean and shook your head. “He kinda has to if we want the tattoo finished. I mean, unless you want me to get possessed by demons.”
“What are you people?” Kevin asked.
“Well, one of us isn't even a people,” Dean joked, slapping his hand across Gabriel's ass.
“The short answer, Kev? Dangerous. Those two much more than me, and you had the bright idea to touch what belongs to them. So, ya know… you should refrain from that shit in the future.”
“Or you won't have a future,” Dean finished.
When you sat back down, Kevin started to tattoo you again, your head stayed turned to the corner where Dean was sitting. He moved quickly, without the inappropriate touching and without the praising remarks. Just Dean and breathing, Dean and breathing… pain and dizziness, pain and dizziness. Your breaths went heavy to compensate the flushing heat assaulting your skin.
“There she goes,” Gabe whispered to Dean as your eyes crossed, going unfocused as endorphins rushed through your system and all there was in your world was Dean. “She’s so cute in subspace.”
“Is she gonna pass out?” Kevin asked, but you didn’t hear him. All you could see was Dean. All you could hear was Gabe.
“Nah, she ain’t gonna pass out. Just finish the tat, man,” Dean demanded.
“She did pass out that one time, didn’t you, tootsie roll?”
“I awayaoh,” came out of your mouth but Gabe just nodded in complete understanding of your drugged-out mumbling.
“She only passed out because you didn't put the whip down when I said to.”
“I’m sorry, Dean, but what part of ‘archangel’ do you think puts you in charge, huh?” Gabriel gestured to himself, then Dean.
“Well, if you had listened, she wouldn't have passed out. Too much pain puts her over.”
“I know that, now, don't I?” Gabriel took your hand, kneeling next to you. “You good to go for her aftercare, Deanie Baby, or do you want me to handle it?”
Dean stood. “Huh, here I was thinking we were both her doms and we'd take care of her together.”
“Ya silly switch, you. Of course we can do it together. I thought you might wanna lose Words with your family some more, that's all.”
“The day I pick games on my phone over you and y/n, explode me.”
“Gonna hold you to that.” Gabriel popped to his feet, looking down at you as Kevin finished your tattoo, sliding petroleum jelly over the new symbol. “Great job, Kev. I'll take it from here,” he said, snapping his fingers.
“Gabe…” Dean's voice was full of warning.
“I didn't kill him. Just thought he should know what it feels like to be pawed at against his will.”
“Where is he?”
“Currently performing a striptease for a dozen ladies in their eighties.”
Dean chuckled as he reached down and picked you up. You nuzzled into his neck, still riding out your high. “Come on, let's get her home. She's gonna need to get her sugars back up after she's done in subspace.”
“And after that, we can see if I can get you there,” Gabriel said, quirking an eyebrow.
“Told you, man, I can't get there. Just can't let go enough.” Dean leaned down and pressed his lips to the archangel’s. “But I'm happy to let you try.” He winked as Gabriel reached out to take his hand. “Sir.”
KITCHEN SINK TAGS @heyitscam99 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mrs-meghan-winchester @henrymorganme @lonely-skys @allykat2108 @mogaruke @flamencodiva @team-free-will-you-idjits-67
SUPERNATURAL TAGS @letsby @mrswhozeewhatsis @adoptdontshoppets @spnskinnyballs @deansenwackles @gayspacenerd
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hunterartemis · 6 years
The Assistant: Chapter 5: Travelogues and Other Matters
word count: 5771 (that might be equal to some short stories out there)
Summary: the assistant manages to land herself in an impossibly exciting task. And it requires extra level of skills.
Chapter theme: Ernst' s Grand Caprice, by Hilary Hahn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWNCbpwC-PQ
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The next day, Maxine didn’t feel the need to walk in disguise anymore. She was exposed and Newt was okay with it. Any other man would have flipped, but Newt was different: he didn’t care for the petty things, as long one does what he is supposed to do with efficiency, it was okay for him. He liked Audrey and her efficiency, and if Maxine was Audrey then by default she will do everything that Audrey did without any exception.
As she walked in that Yellow brick tiny London flat of Newt’s she saw something very unusual. Newt was fully dressed and was sitting on his table with a strange looking paper in his hand. He briefly glanced at Maxine, who was ogling at Newt’s way. He smiled in an embarrassed manner and answered, “You must be wondering why in the world I am dressed so early?”
“Sorry for my impudence Mr. Scamander, but it doesn’t look very right” Maxine answered while placing her bag on a chair.
“I was rechecking your papers... obviously I was too hasty looking at it back then. And the more I looked the more I was puzzled...”
“I completely understand your bafflement, but giving to our circumstances you must--”
“Seven NEWTs, all outstanding, S-class diploma in French Ministry of Magic internship, and Grade 3 Magical Beast Handler Degree from Mahoutokoro Madoushi Gakuin? All in age 17...” Newt read through the papers and put it aside and gathered his palms under his chin.
“Miss Valois, this is no ordinary profile... with this kind of qualification you can work anywhere you like, and you are stuck here? With me? why?”
Maxine looked at the floor, her sharp black eyes troubled. And after a moment she spoke.
“Because I wanted to... anything wrong with that?” Maxine plopped on the side, “why does everything have to be according to or for a purpose...?  Can’t it be because I found that I get to bungle about wild, exotic, magical beasts under the supervision of the most admired and favourite author?” Maxine said coolly, “besides, you just said... with that kind of qualification I can work anywhere I wanted... so here I am.”
“That’s what I needed to hear Maxine.” Newt stood up, “because I cannot leave them just with any other person...”
“You’re leaving...” Maxine followed Newt and saw an opened envelope on the table that somehow escaped her notice before. Her eyes obviously veered towards it, and it caught Newt’s eye.
“Read it if you like... I am already finished with that...” Newt went inside his flat as Maxine opened the letter. In a thick greyish paper, someone hastily scrawled a few sentences.
Dear Newt,
We are in a bit of a pinch down here. The lizards are giving us grief, and after the big G everything is at chaos here. If that slick fellow stirs things up anymore, things will complicate. Won’t keep you longer than a week; come as quickly as you can.
J. W.
Things weren’t very clear in the letter. By her brief four years at Auror department, she could tell that someone in a great secrecy and a sense of urgency wrote that. Maxine read that letter a couple of times more, and then slowly put it down. Newt entered the room with a suitcase in his hand, and buttoning his mackintosh.
“You are going to Romania aren’t you, Newt?” Maxine turned towards him, her lower back supported on the rim of the table. Newt on the other hand, didn’t look surprised or baffled, but he looked like he was expecting her to get this.
“How did you know?” Newt asked,
“First of all, the paper is not from here. It’s rough, thick and greyish. People in the West do not use paper this thick anymore, and if you pull it in the light you can see three letters ghosting in the shadows, M, a small D and a large H. Indeed it is mark of the maker. Fortunately, I am familiar with the name, it is the company Moara de Hartie.* It’s a muggle company that supplies paper in the southern counties of Romania, and its headquarters are in Comana*. And why would a wizard use a muggle paper to write something so hastily from southern Romania? The answer is simple: Newt Scamander in needed in the Dragon Reservation in a matter of urgency.” Maxine deduced, “am I right?”
“On all accounts...” Newt said calmly, “and as you can see, that is why I am about to leave--”
“With all due respect Mr. Scamander... I can’t let you do that...” Maxine said with a determination “you see, you shouldn’t have told me that you are leaving for Romania... because it makes me desperate to come with you.” Maxine’s smug smile vanished and an imploring expression took over her face, “please Newt, all my life I have been waiting for a job where I could see magical beasts and now when I am this close to an opportunity where I can see the dragons, I can’t miss it!”
“It’s too dangerous... besides you just started working with me, and it is not a job for the novices.” Newt crossed her and started to grab his notebooks and papers from the table and shoving in his suitcase. Maxine on the other hand was not a woman who gives up easily.
“Please Mr. Scamander, I know you are angry with me for initially lying to you, but I promise whatever I am saying now is absolutely sincere. I want to step things up here in my job, and I can—I can’t do this by staying behind... ” Maxine exclaimed impatiently. Newt grabbed her shoulder and made her stand still
“Look Maxine, Dragon reservation is not something anyone can go to, it requires years of knowledge and excellent magical prowess to handle the dragons and yet it is highly dangerous. You are a brilliant witch and have so many bright paths ahead of you, so I cannot jeopardise your life right now...” Newt let go of her and placed the suitcase on his tabletop to open it again.
“So it was a lie then--?” Maxine faced Newt again, folding her arms. In reply Newt simply lifted his face; as if in inquisition what was she actually talking about.
“You praising my academic prowess... You were simply flattering me Mr Scamander, patronising me, demeaning me? Is that it then?” Maxine questioned.
“Maxine, please do not make me say all these--” Newt snapped his case close.
“Then why let me know how impressed you were, why lay around a letter that obviously screams out “Romanian Dragon Reservation” in front of me, and let me read it...why not check my files yesterday after dinner instead of this morning, allegedly after the arrival of the letter?” Maxine cross fired so viciously that Newt felt clamminess under his collar.
“Admit it Newt, you want me there...”
“Maxine... this isn’t Wizengamot, and there is no way I am risking your life like this--”
“Tell me how you managed to come with me?” Newt asked Maxine as they stood on the mountain that ended as a cliff near the Dover Strait, struggling to stand still with the cold December wind from the Atlantic with their heavy luggage.
“Je peux être très persuasif”* Maxine drawled mysteriously.
“You could get hurt...” Newt said worriedly, “there’s still time to go back.”
“Mr. Scamander, I would rather die by dragon flames rather than dragon pox...” Maxine answered while they walked towards the cliff to a burly looking man with a stick and a bucket.
“We could end up in azkaban” Newt said nervously as the man stared at them with abnormally round eyes.
“Not if you let me do the talking... How you’re doing fella?” Maxine asked the man with cheerful tone.
“Five galleons for each...” his voice wiped the smile off Maxine’s face.
“Of course, how silly of me...” Maxine reached for the purse and pulled out ten galleons and winked at Newt, “here you go...” and then holding Newt’s hand stepped inside the bucket portkey. The blue light whirled them into the middle of Rue de Rivoli in Paris.
“Um Newt, there has been some mistake here...” Maxine looked around, “seems like instead of Romania, that dimwit just whirled us in Paris... serves that oaf right, the leprechaun gold will be vanished in a few hours.” Newt looked at her in a surprised manner.
“You gave him leprechaun gold?”
Maxine looked at Newt nervously and impatiently “who cares about a fiddler getting cheated, we should worry about this” she flailed her arms around “I know what Paris looks like, I have been here countless of times... if we are to travel like muggles why use a portkey then--”
“With your excellent mind, I thought you would understand better?” there was a not-so-subtle jab in Newt’s calm voice; obviously he wasn’t impressed with the cheating part. Newt startled to walk and Maxine inevitably had to follow, “after Grindlewald’s raid at the Pere Lachaise, travelling across the Europe is regulated strictly. Every portkey from the West leads straight to Paris, and the East ones lead to St. Petersburg. Then there are pit stops all across Europe,” Newt and Maxine had to be squeezed against a Baroque door near the sidewalk for a parade of Cugnots* rushed; “the portkeys are strictly regulated and only can be accessed from a specific time and day from specific places. As for us, our portkey is... ” Newt checked his battered wristwatch, “precisely in 2 minutes” they were already near the strange female statue and this time Maxine performed the confundus charm on the guard.
“Shame we didn’t get to stay... ” Maxine shrugged and whirled again with Newt with a strange looking shoe at the back of a restaurant. Suddenly a much colder gust of wind blown at their way, which was nothing like crisp air in Paris or the musty cold one from London.
“Welcome to Village Carta* Miss Maxine.” Newt spoke softly as they stood on a broad clean but bare looking street, on either side of which small houses, bars, pubs, schools spread across haphazardly. “We have come a long way from Paris. We are standing in the Southern Transylvanian County named Sibiu, and our destination will eventually get harder now...”
“Why... can’t we just apparate there?” Maxine asked as they started to walk through the village, “to a certain point...” Newt cornered Maxine by hand and disapparated and now they were standing near a broken Cistercian monastery that was standing like a ghost of a past monument. Newt went inside the chapel, taking Maxine’s hand and upon winding stairs and path; Newt tapped the wall with his wand a few times. The walls of the chapel moved into a passage and at the end of that passage they found themselves standing at the foot of a mountain, upon which stood a castle which looked older and grimmer than Hogwarts.
“We have finally arrived at our destination...” Newt said, and held Maxine’s hand which climbing the hill, “this is the real Abbey of St. Carta.* The one we left behind is a muggle artifice...” Newt now held both of Maxine’s hands as she struggled to climb with her small heeled shoes, “this was built by the Duke of St. Carta in 1100’s, and he was a muggle obsessed with witchcraft. However, all those were hoaxes, summoning demons and all that... however, Wizards made through before the Vatican stormed in and convicted the Duke. They sealed a pact with the Church so that they could have a facade of the Chapel of St. Carta, while the real one would be used for us.” Newt, after reaching the top of the mountain pointed south, and Maxine’s eyes glittered with wonder.
“This, Miss Maxine, is the Romanian Dragon Reservation... ” Newt stood behind Maxine as she marveled at her new scenery with a mesmerised look. Newt wanted to speak more, but he didn’t want to stray his eyes from this newfound marvel. Maxine was smiling, but it was not the scheming crooked one from her time with Theseus, or not the one she smiled as Audrey when she saw the bowtruckle. It was of pure joy and wonder, and it surprised Newt how it transformed her entire face. It wasn’t Maxine Valois, the Devil’s attorney, sneaky and cunning woman. She was someone entirely different.
“C’mon, let’s go inside and check in...” Newt half-heartedly led her inside the courtyard.
In the courtyard, three men were already waiting for Newt, and they came towards them with immense enthusiasm, but Maxine did not miss the confusion in their eyes when they saw her.
“Gentlemen, this is my assistant Maxine Valois,” Newt introduced her to the men, “and Maxine, they are few of the most talented wizards in all Europe: Ernst Bongartz” a tall wizard with sleek black hair, thin moustache and kind face bowed, “Luca Almaviva” a brunet man came forward and took Maxine’s hand to shake, “and James Wade...” a blond wizard with hard weather beaten face smiled from the side.
“So you are J.W... who wrote to Newt?” Maxine pointed at him and he smiled,
“Yes Ma’am... if we know we have a lady on board, we’d have dressed better...” everyone laughed with Wade, “now fella, I need to talk with you alone...” Wade led Newt aside.
“Come Miss Valois; let us take you to the living quarters...” Bongartz beckoned Maxine to come with them and waving Newt briefly, she followed the tall man.
“So where are you from Mr. Bongartz?” Maxine asked curiously as they crossed a hall and took a long and winding stair, Bongartz smiled and replied, “My family is from Praha, Madam, mais je suis de Vienne...”* he added with humour. Although he spoke quite fluently, but with his German accent it required a while to understand him.
“Vous parlez française...?* Maxine asked with amusement.
“Un peu Mademoiselle... This fellow is a muggleborn, so Durmstrang refused to admit me... so my family moved to Vienna, where they came across Nicholas Flamel, actually he was the one to find us and made us shift in Vienna, later we knew. He advised that they should admit me to Beauxbatons... I was thirteen when my formal education in magic started.” He replied with good humour, although his situation didn’t sound too nice. Suddenly they stopped, and Bongartz clicked the lock and the door opened to a specious room.
“We didn’t know you were coming, but this is the room Newt always stays.” He went inside and opened a door at the right that opened to an annex room, “shouldn’t be a problem because there are separate living quarters.” He came back and smiled “This is not very comfortable around this time of the year, but we make it do. However” he added with a change of tone “do not wander off... Dragons are sneaky creatures... one wrong move, even in the fortress can get you killed.” Bongartz warned, “And meet us downstairs in thirty minutes.”
They were all sitting near a fireplace after dinner. There was very few furniture in the fort that was not rotten and out of usable condition, so they decided to sit on the floor. From time to time the cold Siberian wind howled and thrashed against the centuries old glasses on the long narrow window, and with the dimly lit pallor of the living room, it seemed like they were convicts on exile.
“Can’t believe we almost sorted the blighters out in one day... cheers to our friend Newt, whose wits saved all of our bacons...” Wade raised a glass of firewhiskey, and everyone else joined in.
“And to Miss Maxine, our new friend, whose exceptional skills made the task possible” Luca Almaviva added and bowed his head at Maxine’s direction, and she replied it with a smile. Along with Almaviva, Wade and Bongartz, four other wizards were sitting with them, smiling and enjoying their new company.
“Enough with the chitchats... let’s do something fun” Wade came in, “how about some music?”
“I know where this is going, and I would not like it in...” Bongartz warned, but Wade wasn’t having it, “c’mon Ernst, play something for us... it’s been ages... Miss Maxine, Newt... you won’t believe how wicked he is with strings”
“Is it really?” Maxine perked up,
“Yes... It is a marvel to be seen” Almaviva agreed and patted on Bongartz’s back, “c’mon Ernst, give us a go...”
“Please, Ernst” Maxine requested and Newt smiled at first at Maxine and then at Bongartz, who was finally warm enough to give it a go. From the corner of the room, he pulled out an old violin, and tuned it.
“Gentlemen, this may be different than any other music you have heard...” Bongartz claimed while putting the violin on his left shoulder, as people around him ‘woo-ed’. “It is story my mother used to tell me when I was little...” he skimmed his eyes through his audience and with his wand enlivened the fire. And then his bow glided through the strings. It took Maxine and Newt a while that Bongartz was only accompanying, the real story was happened in the fireplace.
“What’s happening?” Newt looked at the fire taking shapes of two horses, and Bongartz smiled at him and soon the fire turned into a ghostly blue and isolated itself in the air and showed a young and one stout man riding through deep forest. Soon a ghostly voice burst into melody:
Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind?
Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind;*
(Here’s the song with subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS91p-vmSf0 )
The ghostly melody, the intricate violin and the spectral show captivated the audience to a hypnotic space. The people came closer to see the fiery figures dancing in the dark, and transmuting into different shapes. The cinematic play of light was so articulate that even though most of them didn’t understood German, the story displayed before them was clearly understood and enjoyed. Bongartz’s skilled hands played the violin in a manner that sometimes Maxine thought if she turned her head towards Bongartz, she might see a phantom second violinist, standing behind him like a great shadow, and staring at them with his cold glowing blue eyes. Maxine knew from the very first moment that it was no story from the Beedle the Bard or any other Wizarding European fairy tale. She marvelled at the muggle narrative and the haunting music of the entire spectacle.
But there was something sinister in that spectacle, in that trailing figure of the Elf King, which evoked a fear in her heart that she knew to bury long ago as childish stupidity. With the howling of the demonic Siberian wind outside, conjoined with the slumberous breathing of the dragons the atmosphere became even more spectral. For a fraction of second Newt’s eyes looked at the side at Maxine’s profile, and her face startled him.
“Maxine...” he whispered and led his palm towards hers. But before he could grab her hand, her thin fingers snaked his wrist. A sensation passed through Newt’s whole being, that made him to be concerned even more.
She was trembling.
Newt forced himself to draw from his concerned and worried state, because he sensed that it wouldn’t help Maxine at all. He knew that her fear ran more deeply than what it seems, it is not a reaction of a spectral show; this is the surfacing of a deep rooted phobia.
He rotated him hand to meet her palm, and slowly but firmly he held her hand within his, and his thumb stroked steadily from her wrist to her knuckle. Even then, the trembling didn’t stop. Eventually the spectacle was over, and somehow everyone in the room forgot to breath for several seconds. But suddenly, Maxine wriggled free of Newt’s hand and started to clap with a smile in her face. Only Newt noticed the faltering lines of her lips, and understood that she was forcing herself to laugh.
“Let’s act like we are all surprised...” Wade added with sarcasm and whistled on the top of his tone. Rest of them started to pat Bongartz so hard that it looked like they were trying to pummel him to the ground. Maxine, after doing her best to praise the violinist, got up on her feet and started to climb upstairs. Newt hastily followed afterwards.
“Maxine... Max” she stopped when she was called by the diminutive of her name, and looked back Newt. The ‘lumos’ her hand casted a ghostly light on her pale face.
“Are you okay...?” Newt asked, while taking two steps up.
“Yes... yes I am fine.” She tore her face from Newt and continued to climb upstairs. Newt hurried upstairs, and grabbed her arm abruptly. Maxine looked at his oddity with widened eyes, and whispered alarmingly, “Mr. Scamander... what are you doing?”
“You are still trembling... ” Newt let go of her arm, “I am simply asking if you are okay...”
“I am fine Newt, nothing to worry about...” Maxine forced a smile and clicked the lock to enter the master bedroom, and as soon as she heard Newt being in the bedroom, she walked towards the annex room at the right side. As soon Newt came, she slammed the door shut, but she was unaware that it was Newt Scamander who was concerned about her. He won’t give up until he is convinced that she is fine.
“Max, talk to me... what is going on...?” Newt kept slamming the door while Maxine, was slowly sinking herself on the floor, with her head on the knee, breathing heavily and trembling. Nothing was registering into her mind, except the seizure awaking flashes of the livid flames. She didn’t even hear when Newt said-
“If you don’t answer me I will come into your room...” and with a crack Newt apparated inside Maxine’s room and found her in a curled up state.
“Max...” he flickered the lights of the candles and bowed to her level. She was still trembling and breathing heavily. Newt at first didn’t know what to do or where to start. He was contemplating whether to put hands on both of her shoulders and pull her up, or hug her. But suddenly a hoarse voice spoke, shaking.
“Point your wand at my temple...” Maxine raised her face and looked at Newt with ghostly eyes, as Newt did what she told him to do, “Occlumenta horribillis”*
Newt did what he was told. As soon as the spell was applied, Maxine’s terrified expression started to change and she started to normalise. Her breathing pattern mellowed and as soon as Newt sat back Maxine straightened up and looked at Newt with gratitude.
“Thank you...” Maxine huffed and leaned on the door. Newt’s head was bowed and he looked slantly at Maxine, the way he looks at his beasts, without making an eye contact. It might sound impolite, but Newt instinctively understood that direct attention might make Maxine slip into discomfort.
“Want to tell me now what is going on?” Newt asked softly.
For some moments she didn’t speak at all, and then slowly she spoke, as if she was very tired “when I was young, there was a huge fire... I can’t remember much of it, but it was tidal waves of blue flames, like Grindlewald’s cursed fire, and all I remember that I was standing in the middle... Next thing, I was admitted to L’Hôpital de Jean-Baptiste Déboire.”* She stopped, and smiled her usual smug crooked smile, “we all have our ghosts Newt, some less terrifying than the other.”
Newt sensed that Maxine was telling the truth, but not the entire truth, however he didn’t gave her the impression, instead, he grabbed her hand softly, “why didn’t they obliviate you?”
“They tried; apparently the Memory Charm would have caused a lasting damage, because the memory itself became so deeply embedded into my mind... ” Maxine stopped, “so from very young age, I started practicing Occlumency, helped a lot with the memory; it never really bothered me...” Maxine frowned as if to think what was different between the tiny flames of the Erlkonig show, the cursed fire of Pere Lachaise and her own memory of blue fire.
“So why now?” Newt helped her as she attempted to stand up, her legs were still wobbling.
“Maybe I am letting my guards down in some way...” she mused on her own, and smiled a grim smile, “maybe I need to be cautious...” she sat on the cold bed and tucked herself in. Newt helped her and his calloused hand caressed his assistant’s head for a moment, and instinctively, he bent his head to kiss hers.
“Take care, call me if you need anything...” he shut the door behind him and went on his bed.
Neither of them could sleep in the night. Newt, propping his head on his forearms spent his night about thinking of Maxine, and the memory of livid flames made Maxine’s night a waking nightmare. Obviously she knew why her occlumency faltered and it scared her to death. But on the other hand, she was concerned about Newt... his behaviours were affectionate and kind and it made her guilty for no reason.
As the black night ashened into cold gray morning, Newt straightened himself up, and took out a quill and a paper. His intention was clear, he was writing for Maxine, but not just to anyone. At first he thought of Theseus, but something in him told him that he wouldn’t be the one to answer his questions. So, after a lot of hesitation and discomfort, he decided to write to Dumbledore. He drafted his and Maxine’s narrative out after three pages were scrapped, and he added...
“...I know it is impudent of me to ask this of you, but giving to my assistant’s secretive and perpetually unpredictable nature, I could not think of anyone better than you who could confide me with the facts I need to know about her. No one understands the students of Hogwarts better than you, Albus and I implore you to look into it.
Yours inquisitively
Newt Scamander.”
Suddenly he heard rumbles in the next room. With a flick of wand, he cleaned the floor of crumpled papers, and hid his letter under the pillow. It was Maxine, standing on the door pane, fully dressed and hair tied in a short-bob and secured in fireproof tulle, ready to go. There was no trace of yesterday’s moment’s weakness or bone-chilling fear.
“Morning Newt...”
“You’re early...”
“Yes... ” Maxine answered, “I am starving... now c’mon...” she came near the bed, and pulled Newt by the hand with her easily and almost dragged him downstairs, “I can’t wait to get the dragons... Almaviva says, if we do well then we’ll be able to return home before Noel...”
“Pardon, what?” Newt broke from his stupefied voice.
“Noe... oh, you’re British... before Christmas.” Maxine ran towards the dining hall, where Bongartz and another wizard was setting the table, “oh Bonjour... thought you might not be sleeping quite well in a new place, so I woke myself early and glad that I did...” Bongartz greeted them, and noticed Newt’s unkempt self, draped in a thick dressing gown, and crinkled his brows, “no matter, no matter... food before dress.”
The beauty of living with wizards all across Europe is having variety of foods presented on the table as a regular basis. Soon other wizards started to sit down, and with a wave of wand, a range of familiar and unfamiliar food was brought before them. From bread to ham, salami to cheese, tea to coffee, juice to omelette, milk to cereals, porridges to muesli all of them was in front of them.
“We don’t have house-elves around here...” Wade answered, “so we cook what we wanna eat, and if you heard breakfast as the most important meal of the day, you heard it right... because someday, with the workload with all them blighters, it’s what you gonna eat the whole damn day.” Then he started to chew on some dark looking bread. “Ernie, pass me some salami will ya...”
“Here...” Bongartz threw him a piece of one and he caught them mid air.
“Whoa... that’s impressive...” Maxine exclaimed.
“Quidditch captain of Team Pukwudgie, class of 1917.” James proudly answered, and everyone laughed. “Ya play Miss Valois?” Wade asked, chewing the salami.
“No... I prefer watching...” Maxine added mysteriously, and Newt smiled at her way.
The men ate pretty quickly, soon the table, which was filled with all types of food vanished. Maxine, along with them ate till her heart’s content. Being a Frenchwoman she was quite snobbish about her food, but tasting all the Spanish omelette, Italian Parma ham, German bread and Romanian cold cuts she was overwhelmed, impressed and content. Newt on the other hand neatly ate one roll of rye bread and some sunny side eggs, with milk tea.
“Let’s go people...” Wade slammed the table and with others walked out the door in the open field toward the Dragon Valley. Maxine was dressed in tweed pantsuit with high boots and dragonhide gauntlet gloves. Today they were treating a dragon by excising a tumour out from its throat that was causing problem in its fire breathing and food eating. It was especially a problem because the dragon laid eggs which needed to be breathed with fire, and with malnourishment the skin, flesh and heart would not be at optimal condition when it dies and the things are harvested. They got half the tumour out, but the critical part was not yet excised. It was ensnaring the ignis-glandulis, or the fire glands.
“Open wide Rosie...” Wade screamed and tossed a whole pig in the air with a flick of wand. As the dragon, (by Newt’s expert eye, Maxine was informed it was an Ukrainian Ironbelly), opened wide to grab the food, Wade transformed the pig into an Iron stick, thick enough to withstand the hydraulic pressure of the dragon’s jaws and tall enough to keep the jaw wide open. As soon it was stuck, the wizards performed full body bind curse through the cavity of the mouth. Wade was stationed on the head of the dragon, grabbing one of the horned spokes. Newt went near the mouth as Almaviva and Bongartz kept him levitated, and with him was Maxine.
“Remember; be as gentle and delicate as possible... because if it hurts then the first people she will burn are us... lumos...” a flicker of silver light flew and stopped at the targeted place. Newt and Maxine, with great precision started to excise the tumour. The task was even tedious because each spell needed to be twice or thrice applied before it could actually work. Maxine was inside the oral cavity and was using severing charm to scrape out the tumours and the tissues ensnaring the fire glands.
“Um... fellas, I think Rosie’s coming back...” Wade screamed from the top, and Newt and Maxine started to scamper. Newt held his wand in his mouth, and started to pull Maxine by her leg. With Newt yanking her, Maxine had to yank the slight unsevered tissue as well. Being made of dragon flesh, it was extremely hard. And it was the pain that brought the Ukrainian Ironbelly to life.
With the pain, the dragon tossed its head and all three of them went in the air flying. But the other wizards were quick enough to perform the inertia spell and by the time they landed, Maxine cast a flame freezing charm so powerful that it protected all of them efficiently. And when they thought everything was over, came in the excised tumour, flying and splattering all over Maxine. Soon she was covered in green pus and dragon blood and it was hard to make out the real colour of her suit.
“Merde...*” she hissed under her breath, and then broke out into a violent laugh. Although the men were surprised at her antics, they joined in as well. There was a unique infectiousness in that husky, loud laughter that made everything light. Newt on the other hand, rolled his eyes and murmured “Scourgify” pointing at her. Then Newt came near her and tucked a stray lock behind her ear. 
“Really... you need to get your priorities sorted...” and the laugh redoubled.
Suddenly, they saw an owl landing towards them. It was surprising even more that the owl was not intended for any of those wizards, but it flew towards Newt. It was a shiny golden letter which he opened with slight discomfort and disregard because he was invited in the Yule Party in the Ministry of Magic. He obviously avoided public gatherings like this, and he was sure that if he avoids it, Theseus will surely lecture him.
While he was reading his invitation, the owl dropped another letter to Maxine before flying away. Unlike Newt’s gorgeous envelope it was plain and austere. Without even opening the letter, she knew whom it was from. Maxine perhaps thanked Merlin for the arrival of ministry’s Yule invitation, because if Newt realised what state she was in, she will never see an end of it.
“Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me...” she hid the letter at her hip pocket, “I need to splash my face...” she casually walked towards the courtyard, and then she slowly accelerated her pace. By the time she was on the towers, she was running.
Duratus Clavem
Leaning back on the door, she started to strip off her duster coat, the tweed blazer and waistcoat. She was perspirating even in the cold of Romanian mountains. After loosening her collar, she reached for her hip pocket, where she had hid her letter. Her hand trembled as her red lacquered left index finger slid under the blue seal and flicked in open. Slowly, as if to avoid reading it, Maxine opened the letter, and a whimper escaped her lips. She sunk on the floor with her head between the knees, and the piece of paper slid away through her fingers. In spidery black script it was written:
Ma chère
It’s been long since I have corresponded. I hope everything is well. There is no day when I don’t think about you. When I think about you, I think about our old days together. I assume the feeling is mutual. I cannot believe I have finally found you; there is a joy in me that I haven’t experienced in a long time. I cannot wait to meet you again.
Yours truly...
Tags: @my-current-fandom-is
OOh... suspense!! whose the letter from? who is the mysterious person? why Maxine is sad/scared to read it? curious? Me too... XD
Cugnots: most popular model of cars in Paris 1920
Moara de Hartie : It is a non-profit paper mill located in Comana in Southern Romania. It dates back to some time in the late 19th century. I was reading Conan Doyle’s A Scandal in Bohemia, and got the idea of revealing location through the paper. If you have time (or you already did... good for you), try taking a break from BBC Sherlock and read the original book, it is brilliant... 
Comana: A region in Southern Romania, famous for paper and its own Natural Park and Monastery. I don’t know exactly where the Dragon reservation would be, but it made sense placing it in the South because of the geographical advantages: transylvanian forests and Carpathian mountain ranges are perfect for hiding dragons.
Je peux être très persuasif” : French for “I can be really persuasive“
Carta: A village in Sibiu county in Southern Transylvania. Sibiu is 7 hour drive away from Comana, where the paper of J.W’s letter is from.
St. Carta Monastary: Took the idea from the movie The Nun. The monastery depicted in the film (the dark looking castle) is the lodging station of the wizards. The real St Carta monastery, I have placed as the muggle artifice that conceals the real Carta monastery, the headquarters of the Dragon Reservation 
mais je suis de Vienne...” : French for  “but I am from Vienna“, Bongartz, hearing the French surname, spoke in whatever French he knew, as a gesture of gratitude to the French Magic School who took him in at a late age when his own Magic school (North West and Eastern Europeans consider Durmstrang their school) wouldn’t take him
“Vous Parlez Francais“: Maxine was surprised and asked “you speak French?“ to a German man. To her experience she never heard one speaking French, and he was good at it.
“Un peu mademoiselle“: “a little, miss“.
Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind? /Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind: “Who rides so fast in the night and wind? It is the father and his dear son” the opening lines of Schubert’s aria “Erlkonig”. The words were from Goethe’s poem with the same name. It is really popular in Germany.
Occlumenta horribillis : Not an original HP spell. I have tweaked it as an occulumency spell, that suppresses only the bad or traumatic memories. I have heard that therapists sometimes teach their patients some key words to cope with anxiety and triggered situation, this spell is something like that. I have always thought Occumency could be used as a Psychotherapy alternative in the Wizarding World.
L’Hôpital de Jean-Baptiste Déboire: “The Hospital of John Deboir, the Baptist“ a French equivalent of “St. Mungo’s Hospital” 
Merde: French slang for “shit”.
Bongartz: I took the surname from one of my favourite violinist’s original name : David Garrett aka David Christian Bongartz
Almaviva: the only Spanish surname I know, from Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro”
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ezm-imagines · 6 years
A Business Deal: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Mafia Boss!Bucky kidnaps reader for help…
Word Count: 2k
Chapter: 1/? 
Masterlist :: Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four- Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten: Epilogue
Warnings: idk some cussing
“Hey!” You called into the dark, damp room, “I don’t know who you are or what the fuck you want with me, but just get it over with please!”
No response. Only the distant sound of dripping- probably roof damage in this shitty house.
You rolled your neck around annoyed as you screamed again, “Hey! Heeeey!!” You started rocking your chair to create noise, “HEY!”
You’d been chloroformed by some beefy creeps in an alleyway on your way home. You figured it was the Romanian mafia- your father, Tony Stark, had been in and out with different mafia circles (let’s just say as a business man), and you were never surprised when you were dragged in as bait for him.
So, when you woke up, tied up to a chair before two men, you simply wanted to know who you were here for. They gruffly replied with a short “you’ll see” before retreating and leaving you alone.
That was about half an hour ago.
“Hey! Come on! Hey! Just get your ass-“
You froze as a door unlocked.
You saw a man completely masked in shadow as he carefully rolled the knob in his hand and stepped in the door.
You could barely see him, but you could almost hear him raise an eyebrow and smirk as he asked, “What was that about my ass?”
“I said to get it in here,” you stood your ground, refusing to let him embarrass you.
“Well, here I am, baby. What’d you want with me?”
Even in the darkness, you could tell he was wearing a suit. That, paired with his insurmountable confidence, you assumed he had to be at least incredibly high up in the ranks.
“I’d like you to tell me who you are and what I’m here for.”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
“Then could you just get it over with?”
He chuckled darkly, “Most people beg for us to leave them alone. Normally, one should regret calling me in here early.”
“Then I’ll regret it. One step at a time.”
“So be it.”
He took two measured steps forward, calculatingly situating himself in front of the fading light of a window. You squinted at his face but still didn’t know who he was.
“Am I supposed to recognize you?”
He chuckled again, “Perhaps I am getting too cocky. I used to be feared at the mere sight of my eyes. Maybe this will help.”
He slipped his gloves off slowly, first his right, and then his-
You didn’t bother to hide as your eyes widened at the glinting metal underneath the left glove.
Your eyes floated up to his prideful ones, “You’re- the Winter Soldier- I thought you were a myth!”
“Oh, no, sweetheart, I’m very very real. And please, only my enemies call me that. ‘Barnes’ will do.”
Your shock was quickly replaced with your previous snark, “Considering I’m tied up, I can’t see how we aren’t enemies.”
He laughed and swung another chair in front of you, sitting down on it backwards, “You don’t even know what we are. You don’t know why you’re here.”
“I can guess.”
He quirked an eyebrow, “I’m dying to hear it.”
Just in case your father wasn’t the reason, you leaned forward and breathed seductively, “Because you saw me and thought I was hot. And you wanted me.”
He leaned in slightly more, his eyes flitting from your lips to your eyes, challengingly, “That is entirely besides the point.”
He leaned back and you hid the surprise that your lie had been at least slightly confirmed.
“No, you’re here to help me with Stark,” he looked away, “I want to strike a deal with him. Nothing bad, pure business.”
“It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to kidnap me, then. He won’t be on good terms with you when he finds me.”
“That’s why you can convince him otherwise. Besides, Stark would never listen to me normally. Sometimes you need to use someone else as a… loudspeaker.”
His eyes flickered to your lips again.
“Seems to me that that’s not the only thing you wanna use me as…” you replied suggestively.
He licked his lips, “Allow me to explain my plan,” he pressed on nonetheless, “You’re going to walk with me and lead me right to your father. I’ll strike a deal with him, and then I’ll leave. Simple as that.”
“Sounds simple enough. I get to be escorted home and then I get to watch your face after Dad rejects you. Sounds like a win-win to me…”
“We’ll see,” he stood up, “Now, I’m going to untie you. Try anything, and this,” he flexed his metal hand to intimidate you, “will be around your neck within seconds.”
“Promise?” You encourgaed, darkly.
He glared down at you as you smirked up at him, but you could tell beneath his glare he was certainly considering it.
He untied you and helped you stand, before sliding his jacket off and putting it around you.
“What’s this for?” You grumbled, drowning in the large fabric.
“Your men are all out searching for Tony Stark’s Kidnapped Daughter. If anyone recognizes you, I’ll be shot on sight.”
“Promise?” You repeated, this time brightly.
“Just keep it on,” he pulled the collar up to hide your face more and took your arm to begin leading you. He walked you down the stairs and out to the street, where there men appeared around you silently, two behind and one in front.
You all began heading down the road, and you squinted around, trying to recognize anything.
“You seriously don’t expect me to walk you straight into my house, do you?”
“Oh, no, your father isn’t home. But I’m sure you already know where we’re headed anyway…”
You knew exactly where you were. You’d just hoped they hadn’t.
But of course they knew his location before they brought you out. They just wanted you as an escort.
“I don’t appreciate being used as a little pawn in your game, Barnes.”
“Then stay in the game and wait a few turns until you can climb the ranks.”
“Do your dirty work for fifteen years to become a rook? No thanks.”
“Or a queen,” he teased.
“Oh, don’t you worry, I’m already a queen,” you whispered in his ear, before pushing past him and jogging up the steps to massive office building.
“Dismiss your men,” you ordered Barnes straightforwardly.
“Excuse me?”
“I said dismiss them. Dad refuses anyone with arms. It’s not his style. He’ll only talk with you if you come in alone.”
“That’s suicide.”
“That’s business,” you corrected, “Besides, I’ll be there. Nothing will go down with me in the room, I promise.”
“Ah, baby, that’s cute that you think we’re keeping you in there.”
You crossed your arms, standing before the keypad at the door and glaring between Barnes and his nearby guards.
He finally rolled his eyes, “Fine.” He motioned for the men to step away, and you gave him half a smile as you punched in the code and opened the door.
You entered the front room, immediately shrugging Barnes’ jacket off and tossing it to land perfectly on one of the waiting area couches. You strutted to the front desk as the receptionist gasped.
“Miss Stark,” she stuttered, “You’re- you’re-“
“Yes, I’m back. It’s a miracle! Dad’s in the meeting right now, correct? Can you inform them that we have a visitor?”
She only nodded as you strutted towards the elevator and threw a “thanks” back in her direction.
Barnes followed at your heels and entered as the doors dinged.
You pressed the second highest floor’s button and waited as the door closed, tapping your fingers.
The doors shut and your eyes slid over to Barnes.
You looked him up and down for a moment. He was pretty hot. You would admit it. You’d been saying that stuff earlier to mess with him, but you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t easily one of the sexiest men you’d ever laid eyes upon. Let alone one of the most powerful in the city.
And hopefully you’d be done with him by the end of tonight. Which meant this might be your last opportunity with him. Ah, fuck it.
You grabbed his collar and yanked his lips to yours.
He was shocked, but immediately grinned into it, taking control and slamming you into the wall behind you.
You laughed, before pushing him backwards until he was against the wall instead.
He chuckled against your lips, amused, as he lifted your legs up around his waist, kissing you harder.
You wrapped your legs tighter and let him flip you around so you were against the wall again. You carded your hands through his smooth hair and tugged slightly as you tried to kiss him harder.
You were breathless but refusing to give up, as he began sliding his hands down-
You pulled away for a moment and swallowed, before sliding out of his grip and to the floor, toward the door about to open.
He caught your wrist and pressed another hard kiss against your lips before the elevator doors opened.
You only laughed and let him, before pulling away and walking out of the elevator.
You looked at yourself in the windows as you walked along the long hallway, allowing yourself to fix any wild hairs from the elevator.
Barnes only chuckled as he walked behind you, his hands in his pockets as he radiated confidence and ease.
He must’ve felt like he had some kind of chip in the game now, assuming that if you liked him, you wouldn’t allow your father to reject him.
You could almost laugh at his idiocy as you reached the end of the hall.
You put your hand on the doorknob, but he hurried up and leaned a hand on the door by your head, preventing you from opening it.
You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Just wanted to say that it was really nice to meet ya, sweetheart,” he charmed.
You only chuckled and knocked his arm away, yanking the door open and motioning him in.
He cleared his throat and stepped in, his eyes widening slightly as he saw the entire board of the company was sitting there before him.
“Sit down,” you motioned toward the end of the table, where guests just like him came to make appeals all the time, as you began slowly walking around the perimeter of the large conference room.
He covered his uneasiness with fake confidence and pulled out his chair.
You reveled in the way his eyebrows drew together as he noticed the opposite chair at the very head of the table was completely empty.
“Is Stark not…?”
You watched as his eyes raked across all the board members in search of the man he was looking for.
“Oh, no, he’s right here,” you placed a hand on your father’s shoulder, sitting in the chair to the very right of the empty chair. In return, your dad put his hand over yours and squeezed, his silent way of saying how grateful he was that you were back and safe.
You looked back at Barnes, but he still wore a confused expression. Well, maybe you could put the final puzzle piece in place for him…
You slowly pulled the empty rolling chair away from the table and sunk down into it, crossing your legs under the table to settle in. Your eyes slid up toward his rapidly widening ones and you allowed a small, smug smile to slip across your features, “So, Mr. Barnes,” you laced your fingers together on top of the files in front of you and reveled in how every muscle in his face dropped with shock, “How may I help you with this business deal you spoke of?”
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Stone Cold - S.S.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
My first request!
Anon: "Hi! :') I loved "friend don't treat me like you do" so much and was wondering if I can request an angsty fic based on the song stone cold by demi lovato, but with maybe a happy ending? Thank you so much!!"
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3,482
Warnings: -
A/N: You didn't explicitly said who you want it with, but I assumed Sebastian. Hope you like it! xx
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Your Friendship with Sebastian has been the best thing that happened to you. You got to know each other through your job since you were one of the people responsible for the props in some movies, Marvel ones as well. The both of you instantly had a connection, and you knew you weren't the only one who felt it when Sebastian visited you to talk to you during filming breaks, as you normally sat alone in one of corner of the set, just like he did that day.
"If Anthony makes me laugh one more time, I swear I'll punch him. He's responsible for me looking unprofessional." He chuckled, sipping on his coffee. You nodded, smiling. You've caught Anthony making faces at Sebastian a couple times already. "But you gotta admit, you did the same to him." - "Sure but that's different." - "How is it different?" - "Because it's him then!"
You rolled your eyes and grinned at his childish behavior. "I want to see one day on set where you don't try to manipulate each other." He just shook his head no at your remark. "Can't do. He started it." You laughed at that. Now he really sounded like a straight up child. "By the way, do you wanna go somewhere to eat this evening?" You looked at him, a little startled. He never invited you to go out before, and your friendship had been going on for about 4 month already. "Uhm, I guess." You answered, not 100% sure about his intentions. "As friends or are you asking me out?" He chuckled at your question, finishing his coffee. "As friends, obviously." You nodded. Of course. "So you in?" He asked again, his hopeful gaze lingering on your face. "Yeah." A smile crept it's way onto his way as he nodded. "Is 8 okay?" You nodded, just before a crew guy came around. "Stan, we need you on Set." Sebastian nodded, smiling at you before leaving. You watched as he made his way to his position.
You hated to admit it, but you were developing just the tiniest crush on the romanian actor. Since the first day you've met he has always been a gentleman towards you. He was the only one on set who actually wanted to spend time with you. Of course you had a couple of other friends along your co workers, but when they talked you often felt left out. It wasn't like that with Sebastian. He was sweet, always asking how you're holding up and trying to light up your mood when you felt down. Since you both stayed in the same hotel, you met there a couple times as well to hang out at the hotel bar with the other workers. You cared about each other, and the way he showed that to you had you wrapped around his finger. And you mentally cursed yourself for it. He was a well payed, famous actor while you were some backround person who carries fake weapons around the set. He wouldn't be interested in you. And he just confirmed that.
As the evening arrived you stood infront of your bed in your underwear, different pieces of clothing scattered over the sheets. You had no idea where Sebastian wanted to go since he didn't spend his last break with you (which was fine, he obviously had other friends on set who wanted to talk to him). So you didn't know how to dress. You didn't want to look too fancy nor too casual. You decided on a lacy tank top with a black skirt with some matchig black heels and a jeans jacket. You put on some basic make up and took in your appearance, satisfied with how you looked.
The knock on your door came just in time. You grabbed your back and opened it to find Sebastian smiling down at you. He was wearing a white shirt under a leather jacket and some black jeans. 'Casual.' You thought to yourself. "Hello there." He smiled, pulling you in for a hug. "You look great." He added, his eyes shamelessly flying over your figure, making you blush. "Thanks! You don't look too bad yourself." You chuckled, making him grin.
You two left the hotel to get into a cab outside. Sebastian told the driver the address and he started driving. "Wanna tell me where you're taking me?" You asked, turning to Sebastian. "It's a small Diner Chris and I found the other day." He answered, smiling. You soon arrived at your destination and you followed him into a small booth in a corner. He had good taste, you thought. The diner was nice indeed, it had a nice atmosphere, the soft background music calming you. You ordered food and drinks and started chatting, telling each other about stuff you didn't know yet.
"There's actually a reason I brought you here today." Sebastian suddenly said, making your heart stop for a second. "And what would that be?" You asked as you put another fry in your mouth. He took a breath. "So, you're a woman." You raised your eyebrows at his comment, making him chuckle. "You have amazing observation skills." You joked, smiling as he laughed. "I know, I know. I just...I need your advice." Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Advice with what?" - "There's this girl, she's one of the make up artists and I really don't know how to approach her." You pressed your lips in a tight line as your throat went dry. You took a sip of your Milkshake, trying to calm your nerves. You had no right to be jealous, you were friends, he said it himself.
"Don't tell me you've never approached a woman before." You joked, hiding how uncomfortable you were with the whole situation. He rolled your eyes at your remark, smiling. "Of course not. But I don't know, it's something about her that makes me all nervous, it's weird." He admitted, hitting your arm playfully as you shot him an amused look. "And how am I supposed to help?" - "Tell me how you'd like a guy to ask you out." You turned your gaze away from him, pretending to think. "He should be a real gentleman, show me that he's interested in me rather than saying it. After a while I'd just want him to ask me on a date. That's it." You hated how it sounded almost like your friendship with Seb. Apart from the him liking you part. Sebastian nodded at your description. "It's kinda basic, isn't it?" He asked, making you narrow your eyes. "Oh, you think I'm basic?" - "No not you, but your expectations for men." He grinned. You just shrugged. "No high hopes means less possible disappointment."
The rest of the evening went well. Sebastian seemed to accept your advice since he didn't pick up the topic again. You secretly thanked him for that. About two hours later you decided to leave. You payed and made your way back to hotel, hugging Sebastian goodbye as you arrived at your floor. You didn't know it yet, but working eith him would become a lot harder than it was.
It already started the next day. You haven't seen Sebastian at all, even though he had two breaks already. You tried to tell yourself that it wasn't important, that he probably spend his breaks with his co-workers. But when he finally came to you, a bright smile on his face, you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter. "Y/N, I have great news!" Oh no. "I did it! I talked to Amanda!" So that's her name. "She's really nice, i spend my breaks with her and we're really getting along." Your jaw clenched on it's own accord. The last time you've seen him this happy was when you suprised him with donuts. You forced a smile. "That's great news! I'm happy for you." He grinned, thanking you. He opened his mouth again to continue speaking as his phone vibrated. He took it out, smiling as his screen lit up. "That's her, I gotta go. But still thanks for your help!" He smiled at you before leaving, giving you no time to answer. You sighed, turning back to your coffee. So this was how it'll be.
The next days Sebastian never joined you during his breaks. You got a quick hug when you briefly met each other, and a smile here and there when you brought a prop on set. You forced yourself to hang out with your co-workers to not sit alone during breaks. But you regretted that decision as the topic changed to what's going on between Sebastian and the Make up lady. You rolled your eyes as you tried to keep your full attention to your phone in your hands. God you hated this. You really missed Sebastian.
When work day was over and you made your way off set, you heard someone calling your name. You stopped and turned around, nearly tumbling over as someone basically ran into you to hug you. "Y/N she said yes!" Sebastian almost screamed in your ear before pulling away, a bright smile on his face. "I asked her out and she said yes!" You could practically feel your heart breaking at his words, but smiled anyway. "That's great!" He nodded excitedly. "Thank you, really. Without you I probably wouldn't have spoken to her." You mentally slapped yourself. "No problem, bud." You smiled, padding his shoulder. "Good luck with her!" He thanked you once more before leaving. You let out a deep sigh, turning around to catch a cab to go to your hotel.
You spend the rest of your day in your hotel bed, watching TV with some chinese take-out. Suddenly your phone vibrated, Sebastian name appearing on it. You furrowed your brows, he barely texted you. You picked up your phone to read his message.
'Just wanted to inform you that the date was great! She's so sweet and even has good taste in food!'
You let the phone fell back on the bed as you stared at the ceiling. You hated to admit it but god did you want to be that girl. But it was his choice. And his choice was her.
You tried to avoid Sebastian the following days. You didn't want to hear about him and Amanda, so it was actually a good thing that he didn't visit you during his breaks anymore.
"Hey Y/N, you coming to that party everyone got invited to this Friday?" One of your co-workers, Marc, asked. You shrugged. "Maybe, i don't know. I'm not really a party person." - "Oh come on, you have to come." Jessica pouted. From all your co-workers, you were closest with her. You sighed, you could never turn her down. So you agreed, causing her to smile. You turned your attention back to your phone, checking your mails. A new email made yur jaw slack a little, an offering to work at another movie. You let your gaze drift across the set, debating whether to accept it or not. It would help to get away from Sebastian, and the payment would be better. You sighed, locking your phone again.
As Friday arrived, you forced yourself into a simple, but fancy black dress and some heels. You still haven't accepted the offer from the other movie, but the thought of it still lingered in your mind. Sebastian texted you yesterday that he and Amanda officially started dating, and you felt numb ever since. You've definitely fallen for him, and you hated to see him with someone who wasn't you. So accepting the job wouldn't be so bad.
You walked out of the hotel, taking a cab to the restaurant the managers booked for the whole crew. You sat at the table with some of the prop people, your eyes immediately scanning the room for Sebastian. You spotted him on the dance floor, Amanda in his arms as they talked to each other while swaying to the soft music. You frowned at the scene, taking your phone out. You opened the email about the job offering, taking a breath before typing an answer, accepting it.
As the evening went on, you tried to concentrate on the conversation between the people around you. When you got hungry you slowly made your way to the buffet, grabbing a plate to get yourself some shrimp. "There she is." An all to familiar voice suddenly called, making you jump in suprise. "God Sebastian, warn a girl." You mumbled, putting shrimps onto your plate. "I haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been?" He smiled, a little confused why you didn't react as happy as you normally would. You took a breath, turning to him. "I've been great, you?" - "Amazing! Amanda is a pure angel, I'm so glad to be with her." His eyes shined in pure Happiness and you had a hard time not getting lost in them. "Sounds nice, I'm happy for you." 'Happy to see you so cheerful, not that she's the reason' you mentally corrected yourself. Then you remembered your new job.
"Oh, by the way, I have some news." You added, a forced smile on your face. "I've got a job at a different movie. Their payment is better than here. So, I won't be on set anymore." His face fell at your words. "You're leaving?" You bit your lip nervously, nodding. He just sighed. "So this is goodbye i guess?" You nodded again, showing a sad smile as he hugged you once more. He wished you luck before going back to his girlfriend. You watched as he left, waiting for your eyes to get teary but there was nothing. You body felt numb, your heart stone cold. You took a breath before turning back to your shrimps, secretly wishing this evening would end soon.
When it did finally end you informed everyone that you were leaving and officially quitting your job. You packed your things and left the hotel the same night, taking a cab to the subway to your new job.
*About 2 month later*
The new job was great. The people around you were nice, you never had to spend a break alone. But everything couldn't keep Sebastian off your mind. You did miss him. You barely spoke to each other, a text here and there but nothing more. You wanted to talk to him so badly, but you assumed he was busy with Amanda. When the set of the movie you currently helped on was close to where Sebastian was currently, you actually considered to visit him, but your doubts made that impossible.
It was a late Saturday evening when he texted you again. You were in your current hotel room, watching some lame drama on TV.
Sebastian: 'Where are you right now?'
You got confused by this. He'd never asked that before.
You: 'In a hotel. Why?'
Sebastian: 'Can I come?'
You swore your heartbeat stopped for a second. Why did he want to visit you?
You: 'Of course, is there a specific reason?'
Sebastian: 'We'll talk then, just tell me'
He sounded kind of harsh, which left you even more suspicious. You told him where you were, which he didn't reply to. You turned the TV off, your fingers drumming nervously against the leather couch as you waited for him to arrive, your mind flooding with questions.
A knock at your door forced you out of trance. You walked up to it, noticing how your hands were shaking slightly as you unlocked it before opening it. You were met with a tired looking Sebastian, his hair a mess and beard full grown. Before you could say anything his arms where around you, pulling you into a tight hug. You were startled for a second before you hugged him back, taking in the scent of his cologne. Yes, you really had missed him. "Hi." He finally murmured, pulling back slowly. "Hey." You replied, stepping aside to let him enter your hotel room. He sat down at the couch, you joining him after closing the door.
You sat there in silence for a couple moments, waiting for him to start as he was the one who wanted to come. "I have news." He suddenly said, making you turn your gaze to him while he kept his on his hands. "Amanda and I broke up." Your face fell at his statement while your heart jumped a little. It hasn't gotten over the crush you had on him, even after month of not seeing him. "Sorry to hear that." You said sincere and he nodded. "What happened, if I may ask?" He took a deep breath before answering. "It was a mutual break up, so everythings fine. We kind of rushed into the relationship, it was a bad idea since both of us wanted someone else but kind of settled for each other. It was a dumb, I know that now." You bit your lip nervously as his words hit you. He wanted someone else.
"Weird situation." You remarked. "Who would that someone else be?" Sebastian chuckled lightly at that, making you smile. God you had missed him so much. "Well, in her case it was a camera guy. I've never talked to him so I don't know about him." You nodded, waiting for him to continue. "In my case...she's a close friend of mine. We talked a lot in the past but she never dropped any clues that she felt just as I did, so I looked for other possibilities and found Amanda." You felt your heart racing at his words, his eyes finally meeting yours. He couldn't be talking about you, could he? "But all the time i've spend with Amanda, I couldn't stop thinking of her. And Amanda couldn't stop thinking about that other guy, so both of us forced the other one to confess." He took another deep breath, his gaze still boring into yours. "That's why I'm here." You stopped breathing for a second. No way.
"You want me to help you again cause you don't know how to tell her?" You asked, half joking half serious. He chuckled at that, shaking his head. "No, that's not the reason." He got serious again, taking your hand in his. "I hope I'm not going to regret this, but I like you. You're amazing and beautiful and you understand me more than anyone ever could. And I'm so sorry that we didn't have much contact the last months, I really tried to forget you and be happy with Amanda but I couldn't. You're stuck in my head and it seems like there's no way to get you out." You couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief.
"You like me?" Sebastian furrowed his brows, but smiled. "That's all you heard?" - "God no, no i just-I didn't expect you to like me." His face suddenly fell at your words. "Does that mean you don't feel the same?" He asked carefully. Your eyes widened. "God, no, i mean, yes, I-ugh." You took a breath, slightly amused by Sebastian confused face. "I like you too. Always have." He let out a relieved sigh at that, smiling widely. "Thank god. I was actually scared I was gonna regret coming here." You chuckled before mirroring his smile. You watched as he slowly scooted closer, bringing the hand that wasn't still intertwined with yours to your face, setting it on your cheek. "I've been dreaming to do this." He smiled before he carefully covered your lips with his. The kiss started slow as you got addicted to his taste, a mixture of mint and just him. Your heart nearly busted out your chest, your mind going dizzy at the feeling of his lips against yours. The kiss got more passionate pretty quick as his hand moved to the back of neck while you ran yours through his short strands.
A couple minutes went by before Sebastian pulled away, panting lightly with the bright smile back on his lips. "Definitely should have done that earlier." He noted, making you grin. "Definitely." Your eyes find his as you just smile at each other, happy to finally be together. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He suddenly said, smiling sadly. You just shook your head. "No, don't worry. I could've said something myself, instead i left the job at Marvel to avoid you and Amanda." - "You left because of that?" he asked, amused by your confession. "Were you jealous?" - "Of course I was. I wanted to be in her spot." You pouted, making him chuckle. "Don't worry, you are now." He pecked your lips, making you giggle. "I'm gladly accepting." You captured his mouth into another kiss, feeling him smile against your lips. You were finally in your happy place, with the person you loved the most.
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wildroseofarran · 6 years
Three Stories || Lawrina, RoJ, Quintane, & Luke
MJ: MJ placed his head in Rohan's lap. His long, exaggerated yawn said more than a whine possibly could.
Rohan: Hands immediately went to MJ's hair. "My, my, my, what did the gods place on my lap this day?" he asked with a grin. "A tired vampire?"
MJ: "I'm bored. Teach me a new spell, beautiful witch."
Rohan: "Ah, a bored vampire! What would you like to learn? Something useful or something fun?"
MJ: "Teach me...how to turn water into wine," he grinned.
Rohan: Rohan chuckled. "Red or white?"
MJ: "What's your favorite?"
Rohan: "White."
MJ: "What kinda white? That uh...chardonnay?"
Rohan: "I do enjoy chardonnay, but I prefer pinot grigio. It's smoother."
MJ: "I don't really know any of that. So, let's try em all."
Rohan: "In that case, we're going to the nearest vineyard. Going to need to pick up some grapes."
MJ: "What. You're supposed t'be the vineyard!" he laughed.
Rohan: "I'm not as good at poofing up things as Xavier is!"
MJ: "I got a trick for ya. I gotta practice on someone anyway."
Rohan: "Oh?" Rohan ducked his head to kiss his vampire. "What trick?"
MJ: "Yeah, it-" MJ smiled into the kiss, seemed dazed for a heartbeat. "Uh, yeah. Do we have wine any - of course we have wine."
Time to get up.
Rohan: "We're lousy with wine. We just can't steal Christine's, she'll hang us by our thumbs in the garden."
One more kiss and he would let MJ get up.
MJ: "Xavier has a shit ton. I know he does!"
Rohan: "And you're right. He has the most ridiculously huge wine cellar in North America."
MJ: "Well let's go down there n'steal some."
Rohan: "Borrow, puiule, borrow." He took MJ's hand and led him down to the basement.
MJ: "Yeah, sure. That word." His hand was given attention during their descent. Each pad of his fingers given their own little kiss.
Rohan: Rohan smiled at all the affection, taking the first opportunity to pull MJ into another kiss.
"Any particular kind of wine you want to borrow?"
MJ: "Nah. I don't care. Hey, c'mere." Those lips required more of his attention.
Rohan: He was only too happy to oblige, wrapping his arms around MJ's waist to keep him close. "You come here," he whispered against his vampire's lips, wine temporarily forgotten as he let himself get lost in this beautiful man.
MJ: Arms were made comfortable around Ronan's neck. The wine also forgotten by the man sighing into their kiss.
"You're so beautiful," he purred.
Rohan: Rohan hummed in response, kisses migrating to MJ's neck. "I'm no match for you, puiule."
MJ: "Don't be ridiculous." Oh, his neck. He was still sensitive enough to shiver, massaging the back of his neck.
Rohan: He smiled against his vampire's skin, nipping and kissing and nuzzling more, hoping to elicit more shivers. Maybe even one of those soft moans he loved so much.
MJ: Moans which were given freely. Both hands grasped softly at his hair, tugging and combing as a means to keep himself busy.
Rohan: There it is, Rohan thought to himself. He loved those sounds. Those gorgeous, sweet little sounds.
"Beautiful," he murmured, tugging MJ's shirt aside to feast on that lovely spot where MJ's neck met his shoulder. "I have half a mind to take you back to the bedroom."
MJ: "What if I take you in my mouth right here and now?" One hand to the back of his neck, the other reached to cup him. "Lemme have this."
Rohan: Rohan's answering chuckle tapered a soft, barely-there growl at the touch. "Is that what my vampire wants?" he asked, pressing into MJ's hand. "Because there's a very comfortable looking chair right over there we could make use of."
MJ: The growl would have caught his breath in his chest had he been able. What an unexpected sound from the witch. He felt compelled to fall to his knees, but he was right; there was a chair better suited for their activities. Rohan would be carried to it.
"What now, sir?"
Rohan: It was rare, but every time MJ called him 'sir', a special kind of warmth pooled in Rohan's belly. It was almost enough to make him growl again. Almost.
He kissed MJ again as he was taken to the chair, settling in comfortably and taking that beautiful face in his hands, holding him in place for more kisses. "Now, my vampire can take what he wants," he whispered.
MJ: "I gotta undress ya." He kissed him again. "Ya gonna let me, sir?" It hadn't taken long to figure out what that word did to the witch. He used it at every appropriate opportunity for their mutual pleasure. Never around company, of course. It was their own private fetish.
Rohan: This time he couldn't quite manage to keep in the growl, quiet as it was. It, too, would be something kept private between them, something they only indulged when they were in their little bubble.
"Of course I am, puiule." Another kiss, two. "Go as quickly or as slowly as you want."
MJ: "Tell me why ya call me that." Tell me while I undo your belt, your button and zipper. Let me hear your voice while I expose you to the cellar air, kiss and swallow you whole.
Rohan: "It's a Romanian term of endearment." Though Rohan's voice was soft and laced with affection as he watched MJ, his eyes were a different story. They were no less affectionate, no less soft, but they were alight with lust and anticipation. At least until the feeling of MJ's mouth around him closed them.
"It means baby, but simply calling you baby just wouldn't feel the same." His voice was breathier now. "Puiule holds more meaning." Puiule felt closer to his heart.
MJ: Puiule. He'd have to memorize other words for Rohan as a gift. Just thoughts while he sucked down and tickled scrotum. He worshipped this man as he believed he deserved. It was all just spontaneous lust...but something more. He knew Rohan loved him. He knew Victoria would never allow their romance to flourish.
His movements began to slow.
"D'ya wanna fuck me?"
Rohan: MJ's ministrations were rewarded with soft moans and jerky little movements of Rohan's hips as he slipped deeper and deeper into his blissful state. His vampire felt so good around him, so perfect. Rohan could spend hours with him like this and be completely content.
He was thinking about saying as much when he felt something...shift. It was subtle, but it was there.
He opened his eyes, instinctively caressing MJ's cheek with his thumb. "Only if it's what you want as well."
MJ: "I just want ya t'take me."
Rohan: Rohan sat up, bringing MJ in for a lingering kiss. "Let's go back up to the bedroom."
MJ: "Kay. One sec." He was still going to grab one of Rohan's favorites before they returned where they had began.
Rohan: He smiled as MJ grabbed the wine. Even in the heat of the moment, his vampire still thought of him.
Once he'd gotten himself at least halfway decent, he took MJ's hand and led him back up to the room and into their private little bubble, pulling MJ back into his arms the first chance he got.
Q: Q Traxler turned once again to check on the man behind him. His blazer was undone and draped over Luke Graham's shoulders.
"You alright?"
Luke: Luke smiled, Q's gesture seeming to pull him out of his reverie. His mind felt like it was a thousand miles away.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just distracted."
Q: "We don't have to do this tonight if you don't want, babe."
Luke: "No, I do. I need a distraction from my distractions. They're all work related."
Q: "Which work? You're running yourself thin, you know. You sure you want a house party?"
Luke: "Law firm. Been mentally calculating how much of Ryder's workload I'm going to get once he goes on his honeymoon in a couple months." He stopped long enough to tug Q down for a kiss. "I'm sure. It's exactly what I need."
Q: Down he went, plenty content to give as many kisses as Luke required. "Then I'll give you what you need and then some when we get home," he winked. "Just keep Stacey at arm's length. She's a chatty Kathy."
Luke: That earned Q another smile, and another kiss. "Looking forward to it like you wouldn't believe."
"Pfft, don't have to tell me twice. Her two favorite questions to ask me are 'are you rich yet?' and 'are you sure you're gay?'."
Q: "She has an agenda against anything not straight. Hides it behind a sweet smile and "I swear I don't care" attitude."
Luke: "Makes her the worst kind of person. You know she's scared of Stella?" he added with a grin.
Q: "Is she really?" he laughed. "And you don't mind meeting my friend Tane?"
Luke: Luke nodded. "Yep. Stella can and has beaten people up in the past for giving me and Pete shit for liking men. It's a treat to watch."
"No, not at all. June said he's really tall and nice."
Q: "And handsome, and gay, and mature, and can hold his own, and his hugs are the best you'll ever get. Next to mine."
Luke: "He's gay and he has to work near Stacey? I should send the poor guy a condolence card." He chuckled. "They'd have to be pretty amazing to beat yours. You're my sexy teddy bear, remember?"
Q: That word won't belong to me after you meet him. I promise."
Luke: Another stop, another kiss. "We'll see about that, sugar."
Lawrence: Lawrence Atlas checked his watch for the third time in less than five minutes. He paced towards the tea kettle and back to his account book on the dining table. A page flipped. Back to the kettle. Watch, book, kettle, repeat.
"How long is it until we see the results?" He already knew the answer, but he just wanted to hear it again.
Gina: Lawrence's pacing was making her nervous, but she knew she'd be even more nervous if she got up to pace with him. Better to just stay put and jiggle her leg.
"Just a couple minutes," said Gina. "Are you sure you don't want tea? You keep looking at the kettle."
Lawrence: "I do but I don't know if I want - I prefer coffee. Can you even drink that if you're - probably not. Right?"
Gina: Yes, good, something to do with her hands. "I'll make you coffee." She was already getting up before she'd finished the sentence.
"I can, just very small amounts." 200 milligrams if she remembered correctly. "So herbal tea for me. Chamomile I think."
Lawrence: "Gina." He took her hands and squeezed them. "Is this what you want? If the test comes out positive, are you ready for that?"
Gina: She took a deep breath. She'd been asking herself that very question since she realized she'd missed her period and there were two facts she knew for certain.
"I'm terrified, but...yes." Her voice softened to a whisper. "I think I am. What about you?"
Lawrence: "I...If you - if you're willing to be with me, despite what I am and how I - I came to be... Of course I'm ready."
Gina: Gina brought a hand to his cheek. "Who you are is Lawrence. My Lawrence, who I love. That's what matters to me. I couldn't even imagine being here right now or doing this without you."
Lawrence: "So..." After nearly an hour without, his smile returned. "We're gonna have a baby? Wait - Are we having a baby?" he laughed. "Check the stick-thing."
Gina: Seeing Lawrence smile made Gina relax enough to smile back. Hearing him say that just...
"Oh, lordy. Let's check the pee stick." She walked back over to the table and picked it up, taking a deep breath before looking down at the little screen.
Lawrence: Well, that was that. "What shall we name him or her? What if we have twins or triplets? Gotta think of multiple names. Colors for the -" the room. "What are...we gonna do with...the room?"
Gina: His questions just washed over her for a moment. She stared at the little window, vision going blurry with tears as she read the word 'pregnant' over and over. It was right there, written in plain English.
"It's going to be our baby's room," she whispered, finally looking up. Her eyes were swimming and her smile was as radiant as the sun. "Our baby. We're having a baby. Lawrence, we're having a baby!"
Lawrence: The more she said it, the brighter Lawrence's expression became. Each equaled a hundred kisses. His heart had flown to the heavens.
"A baby!" he laughed. "Oh my god!" His sweet fiancée was lifted into his arms, brought into his lap as he sat. "Can I do that? Will that - I should get into the habit of not picking you up."
Gina: Although she was now openly weeping, Gina's laugh as she was picked up was pure joy. She hugged her arms tight around Lawrence's neck, still reading the word on the test over and over just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. This was real. They were going to have a baby.
"We'll be okay on it for a while," she sniffled, smiling wide as she kissed him. "When I start showing it might not be a good idea but for now..." She took one of his hands and placed it on her abdomen, holding it there as she twined their fingers. Their baby was in there, probably no bigger than a grain of rice.
Lawrence: "That's ours," he whispered, fascinated by what he couldn't see and yet to feel. "Is that...alright to say and feel right now? I know this is your ordeal and...I don't want to overstep by - I don't know what I'm trying to say."
Gina: She nodded immediately, not feeling or showing an ounce of hesitation. "Ours. Always ours, never just mine, okay? Always ours. Our ordeal, our weird cravings, our pregnancy, our baby grain of rice."
Lawrence: "You already have names in mind, don't you? We need to - I'd like for us to be married before the baby is born. Do you want the baby in the photo? You showing, I mean."
Gina: "A few might've popped into my head," she chuckled, resting her forehead against his.
"I'd like that, too." She'd imagined it more times than she could even count. "And I'd love for the baby to be in the photo. It could be something simple and lovely. Down at the beach maybe, or at the inn."
Lawrence: "So, a beach wedding six months from now, and we also reveal the sex at the reception?" he grinned.
Gina: "To everyone else. I want us to know as soon as possible." She grinned back. "Our little secret."
Lawrence: "Really? You don't want it to be a surprise until then?"
Gina: Gina shook her head. "I want to know right away. Too impatient to wait."
Lawrence: "Then we gotta think of names quick!" he laughed.
Gina: "What are you thinking? Tell me the first names that pop into your head."
Lawrence: "I like...the name Brogan...Brenna...Loreto. I've always liked the name Juna." However long was "always". "What about you?"
Gina: "Brenna," she repeated softly. "I like that. It's very sweet. I've always liked Camilla. Kelly, for a boy. Noelle. Sam."
Lawrence: "Kelly for a boy? That's one of those names like Ashley or Lindsay?"
Gina: "Yep," she said with a nod. "My dad's brother's name is Kelly. He's my favorite uncle."
Lawrence: "Kelly Lawson? Has a nice ring to it, like a lawyer." As did Mason Atlas in his opinion, but he wouldn't say that. "What are we going to do with...her room?"
Gina: "Close, he's an investment banker," she chuckled. "His favorite thing is to meet people who think he's a woman when they hear his name and see their faces when they realize he's a man."
Gina leaned against him. "I want it to be the baby's room. But I don't want the baby to feel like he or she is living in her shadow, but I also don't want to just...push her aside."
Lawrence: "I think we can honor both children. I don't see anything wrong with our baby playing with her toys, or wearing old shoes. It doesn't - it'll be fine, as long as you're alright with it."
Gina: "I don't see anything wrong with it either. Those things should be used. Maybe if the baby uses them, they'll feel less sad." Not that the things themselves would feel sad, although this was the same woman who named (and bonded with) all her kitchen appliances and her car.
Lawrence: Gentle kisses were peppered from ear to ear and to her lips. He wanted her to feel loved and appreciated more now than ever with such a delicate subject.
"Our baby will know about her."
Gina: Gina smiled softly, letting his love wash over her. There would be some sadness and fear and maybe some grief as her pregnancy progressed, but right now there was only joy. Joy and love.
"Thank you," she whispered, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him tight. "I love you so much."
Q: Q balanced three cocktails with ease as he waded through the familiar faces towards where he had left Tane Lukela and Luke Graham. He knew Stacey would be on the hunt; he knew she would find a way to learn who was dating or fucking or trying to fuck whom.
Two couples passed agonizingly slow, women versus men, forced him to wait. He took the moment to tilt his head up to the setting sun and quietly bake.
Tane/Luke: Luke liked to think he was perfectly equipped to handle Stacey. His poker face was second to none, his suspicion of her general person was always at its peak, and he was just cold and hostile enough to deter her and still somehow manage to be polite. She wouldn't get so much as the damn time from him.
But Tane Lukela? Yeah, Luke was in no way equipped to handle him.
He'd been flustered from the moment Q had introduced them and it only got worse when his pretend boyfriend had gone to fetch them drinks. He felt like he was bright red and radiating heat as he explained what he did for a living.
"Ah, so you're one of the good guys," Tane was saying.
"Yea-yep." Luke nodded. "One of the good guys. Only represent the good people. No bad ones."
Q: Q smiled at the mere sight of them. He loved their natural contrast. Already he wanted to see more...so much more. A friendship was all he hoped for, but given the tint of Luke's cheeks, pleasantries only scratched the surface here.
"Are you that intuitive to know which are honest and which are playing you?"
Drinks were passed around, and a wide flirtatious smile was given to both. Step one into easing them into his scheme.
Tane/Luke: Oh, thank god. Alcohol and Q. Maybe now he could make himself calm down.
Luke took the drink gratefully, forcing himself to sip slowly. Being drunk wouldn't do him any favors right now. "With some people, but others require some looking into." Fuck, don't smile at him like that. There was nowhere they could sneak to for a kiss which, unbeknownst to him, was Tane's exact thought.
Tane returned Q's smile before turning to shifting his attention to Luke again. He was so cute with his blush he was trying to pretend wasn't there. "Looking into?"
"Yeah, we um..." Luke cleared his throat. "We have a P.I. on retainer."
"Seriously? How often do you use them?"
"A couple times a month at least, when there's a case that gets ugly."
Q: "More than the usual scandal, I hope? Can't be the same old same old in Raleigh. Too much military around." He was just going to play off their exchanged glances and that obvious look in Tane's eyes. Best he could do for both of them, he believed, was to play as casually as possible.
"So, we're going back to Hawaii for Tane's birthday. Yours being in September, you know, you should come with us."
Tane/Luke: "Never is." He took another sip. He was already starting to feel a little more composed. "People always find new ways to screw each other over, which would be impressive if it weren't such a pain to deal with."
Luke's face lit. "Hawaii?"
Tane nodded. "Yep, Honolulu. Ever been?"
"Never. I've always wanted to though."
"Then you should absolutely come with us. We're taking Logan, too, hopefully."
The offer got more tempting. "When's your birthday?"
"July 30th."
Q: "If I had it my way, we'd be there until your birthday, but as it is, it'll be for four days. What I /really/ want to do is hop around. Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand. I want a whole month dedicated to it, and then a whole month dedicated to the best places on Earth to snowboard."
Tane/Luke: "A month and a half would be nice, but four days in Hawaii is better than four days pretty much anywhere else."
Tane smiled at that, which made Luke's blush just a little darker. He was definitely flustered. "Exactly. Knew we'd get along."
Just drink, Luke told himself. Drink and try to act like a person. "If you want to snowboard, definitely go to Colorado," he said to Q. "And Canada."
The thought of all that snow and cold made Tane shudder. "You go to Canada, I'll stick to showing you around my homeland and adopted homeland."
Luke blinked. "You're Australian?"
Q: "I'll take Colorado. I was thinking more like Sweden, but you know, I should have something to compare it to. Oh and, you are coming with. No excuses."
Tane/Luke: Tane nodded at Luke and shook his head at Q. "I'll freeze to death and go broke buying dad sweaters!"
Q: "You'll be fine! You'll have us to warm you up." He winked at Luke.
Tane/Luke: Luke? Oh Luke wasn't here anymore. A tomato with blond hair had taken his place. "I take it you're not a fan of the cold?" he asked, voice sounding squeaky and nervous to his own ears.
"Not one bit. I grew up in Hawaii and Australia, dealing with snow is not in my wheelhouse. If I go, I'm going to spend the entire trip inside by a fire with a mug of hot chocolate."
Q: "You'd hate Chicago. Especially in winter. It's just an excuse to wear your best clothes and an even better excuse to strip the one you're with."
Tane/Luke: Tane tried not to smile too much when Luke choked on his drink and coughed at Q's little comment. "My step-dad worked in Chicago when he was younger and he told me his eyelashes got frost on them when he was waiting for the bus in the winter. Fuck that. I'll stick to the warmth."
Q: "I going to have to show you Chicago. If you wanna hide that's fine. Maybe you'd prefer March. Everything becomes green."
Tane: "I'll go anywhere in the spring and summer. Colorado, Canada, Chicago, anywhere. The sun is my friend."
Q: "Then it stinks and you can feel the pollution aging your skin."
Tane: "You can go to the beach and swim and have barbecues and bonfires."
Q: "Getting half-naked and sweaty, dropping wet after a swim."
Q looked Luke over and grinned from ear-to-ear. "Am I being too much, baby?"
Tane/Luke: Tane couldn't help but chuckle when, rather than answer, Luke returned to his lovely crimson shade and downed some more of his drink.
"That looks like a yes," he said, taking a drink himself.
Luke cleared his throat, trying to save face a little. But there were two handsome men smiling at him and flustering him and god, he couldn't get it together. "I'm fine. Totally fine."
Q: Q just smiled on patiently. "Would you be totally fine if I kissed you right here and now?"
Luke: "Not with our current audience." And he didn't mean Tane. There were four judgy people just in his line of sight.
Q: "What if weeee were to excuse ourselves from the party in a few minutes?"
Tane/Luke: Luke blinked. Glanced to Tane. Tane put two and two together. Luke blinked again.
"Seriously?" he asked, feeling the sudden need to look around for Stacey and make sure she couldn't hear. So much for his poker face.
Q: Q's tone remained as calm as ever, though with flecks of lighthearted libidinous still present. "Only if you want to, if everyone is comfortable. We don't have to do anything you don't want, baby."
Tane/Luke: There was a certain deer-in-headlights look in Luke's eyes that tugged at Tane. Something was making him nervous, and it wasn't the notion of taking a private moment with Q.
"She won't bother you," he heard himself say as he caught Stacey's voice somewhere in the crowd. His own had gone reassuring and gentle. "Her attention can be focused elsewhere."
Q: "We all arrived as friends, and we're all leaving as friends. That's all she has to know." She had made mountains out of less material, but that wasn't something Q cared about in the least.
Tane/Luke: "And if he tries to say something or stick her nose where it doesn't belong, we'll have Charmaine's little sister Mira say something mean to her." He pointed toward the other side of the room. "She's right over there flirting with that Jason Bourne look-a-like."
That got a smile out of Luke.
Q: The escort laughed. "Yeah. We'll use Mira. Super effective and devastating attack." He wanted to touch Luke, to give him the usual assurance as he would in private.
Tane/Luke: Tane smiled. He could see Luke start to relax, even if it was only a little. "She takes after her Uncle Glenn. She's a third his size but she's just as scary in that really quiet way." The perfect deterrent against Stacey and her big mouth.
"She is scary," Luke said, chuckling softly. It was one of the things he liked best about her. "I'm okay, really."
Q: Stacey, at least in this moment, seemed harmless as she chased her child around the yard yelling, "I'm going to get you!" She wasn't all bad, just a gossip. A really fucking annoying gossip, but her faults were few.
"Smells like the crab boil is almost done. Ever had that before? You know, grab and potato and corn on the cob in one pot?" He grinned at both. "Maybe Tane, but not you."
Luke: Luke grinned back. "I did grow up here, remember? If it has a shell and it came out of the ocean, I've had it cooked a thousand different ways."
Q: "But you're my posh lawyer. There's not a dirty bone in you."
Luke: Now there was a laugh. "Before I was a posh lawyer I was a squeamish kid who used to hide in his brother's lap when fishing with our dad so I wouldn't see the fish guts."
Q: "That's so adorable and also makes my point," he laughed.
Luke: "There are no fish guts today though," Luke chuckled. "I'm fine as long as I can't see or smell them."
Q: "But you're cracking into their hand! They needed those for eating! You're a monster," he teased. He figured Luke was one squeamish moment away from being one of those vegan people.
Tane/Luke: Hearing Tane chuckle made Luke smile even more. "They're chilling out in crab heaven, they're totally fine!"
Q: "You can justify your eating their insides. You're more devious than I imagined!"
Luke: "Oh, yeah. The most devious, posh family lawyer in all North Carolina."
Q: "And you're mine."
Luke: And there went that blush again, this time accompanied by a ridiculous smile that Luke tried to hide by ducking his head.
Q: "What's that? You're hiding from me?"
He stepped closer, but not to touch him with his mouth. That would be too much for their setting. Instead, he whispered in his ear how much he wanted him, how much he wanted to kiss every inch of blush.
He looked into Tane's eyes and winked.
Tane/Luke: "Not from you," he managed, smile obvious even in his voice. He was hiding from everyone else, not wanting to draw any attention to their little corner of the party.
Of course, there was no telling how Luke was going to be able to avoid that with all the lovely, swoon-worthy things Q was whispering to him. He wished with every fiber of his being that they were in an invisibility bubble so he could snuggle into his pretend boyfriend's arms and kiss him.
Tane chuckled silently over Luke's shoulder. "You're flustering him," he mouthed to Q.
Q: Oh, I know, Q thought. I bet you could fluster him just as easily.
Ignorance was bliss, thanks to an elegant past lover, no idea that he possessed an innate preternatural talent. The very same power which could have inflicted Tane Lukela since night one.
"Do you really want to stick around for under seasoned food, or do you want to feign a headache and have us walk you home?"
Tane/Luke: "I thought there was no such thing as under-seasoned in the south," Tane mused, eying the food table suspiciously.
"You'd be surprised." Luke cleared his throat, finally lifting his face. It was very much red. "It's tempting. I could feed us properly seasoned food. Got some mahi at the market I was planning to grill."
Q: "Now that sounds like a party I want to be a part of." An extrovert though he was, time spent with Luke was spent as though paid. His happiness and satisfaction were still very much a priority. He wanted Tane to be a part of Luke's life.
"You do that, and maybe...maybe I'll put on a show for you...both."
Tane/Luke: Tane quickly nodded in agreement. "You had me at mahi. Not enough places around here serve it." Plus, he was curious to see what Luke was like when he was in an environment he felt confident and secure in.
Luke's brows shot up in surprise. "Is that code for a strip tease in my living room?"
Q: "Is that something Mr. Graham would like from me?"
Luke: Ordinarily yes, but Q had said 'both' so...
"....Perhaps. Perhaps."
Q: "What are the conditions required for a yes?"
Luke: "No conditions, just...mulling."
Q: "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, baby."
Luke: Luke nodded. "I know," he said, smiling softly.
Q: "Tane has been a surprise I've been debating for you for a while now." He smiled to Big T, gentle and, as the bouncer would probably recognize, loving. His attention returned to the lawyer, fingers brushed over his hand as he took his glass from him.
"I'll get refills."
Tane/Luke: Of course Tane recognized that smile. It was one of the many, many things he loved about Q, and he would always give one back in kind when he was gifted with it.
Meanwhile, the look of flustered embarrassment on Luke's face had been replaced by one of, well, surprise.
Tane was a surprise? For him? Did Tane know he was a surprise? Even if he didn't, he seemed perfectly fine with it. He was still smiling and friendly. That was probably a good sign, right?
He nodded at Q while the conga line of questions danced through his head. "Okay. Thank you." He turned to Tane. "So...you're...."
"Your surprise," Tane said softly, smiling at Luke in his gentle, soothing way. He hadn't known beforehand but as Luke surmised, he was perfectly fine with it. "Is that okay?"
You're giant and gorgeous. Of course it's okay. "I--yes."
Q: Q took his sweet time in the kitchen, watching them every once in a while from the open window. They were unique. The contrasts between them didn't negate either man. He wouldn't always be what Luke Graham needed. Someday he would have to move on. Tane Lukela was the only man he could think of worthy of his company. He knew he would treat him preciously, like the gift he was. Watching them, it was already apparent that his assumption had been accurate.
Small talk redirected his attention. He allowed it, and allowed himself to relax.
Tane/Luke: Even though he was starting to relax, what remained of Luke's nerves still made Tane smile. He'd never met a lawyer this soft and cute before, and yet he couldn't help but think that not everyone got to see this side of Luke, or even knew it existed. He struck Tane as a very private person and that just tugged at him in some kind of way.
"What Q said still holds up, you know. Surprise or not. You don't have to do anything you don't want to or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable."
Luke nodded again. He hadn't needed it, but the reassurance was still nice. And appreciated. "Thanks for that."
"No need to thank me. It's a given, always will be. For me and for Q." Another smile. "He cares about you a lot, and I can tell you care for him."
A warm tingle settled in Luke's chest. "I do."
Q: Q slowly began to make his way back. Every sectioned crowd was given a greeting and his input. Those outside by the giant pot were assisted in cutting up a new batch of potatoes with his pocket knife. A beer was chugged with the most heavy drinking competitive. Finally, he made his way over.
"What did I miss?"
Tane/Luke: This time around, Luke wasn't nearly as anxious for Q to return as he had been the last time. Which wasn't to say he wasn't keeping an eye out for him, waiting for his warm, comforting presence to make itself known again. Still, it was a good testament to Tane's powers of distraction and innate ability to set people at ease.
He even managed to make Luke laugh. He was still patting himself on the back for it when Q came back to them. "Not much. I was just telling Luke about how my brother Derek scarred me for life literally and metaphorically with the frisbee."
Q: "Oh, that story. You're going to have to get over it, Big T. I'm going to throw one at you every day until you chill. That's what's going to happen."
Tane: "I already did!" he chuckled. "When I played with you and Logan. I even caught it a couple times."
Q: "You still flinched."
Tane/Luke: "But I still caught it!"
Luke couldn't help but smile. He just couldn't imagine this giant man flinching,
Q: "I'll show you later, Luke. It's fucking adorable and yet you want to make it worse and do it again."
Tane/Luke: Tane gasped in sheer, dramatic betrayal and Luke lost his battle with his giggle.
"It is not!" said Tane. "I am not adorable when I'm ducking from rogue frisbees."
Q: "Luke will be the judge of that later," he nodded.
Tane: "Luke is gonna be Logan today because I will hide behind him if you throw the frisbee hard on purpose just to make me flinch."
Q: "Luke will know that getting out of the way is good for you."
Luke: "Luke also has a healthy fear of getting hit in the face," Luke chuckled. "But I will simultaneously protect and help provide exposure therapy."
Q: "You're going to protect him? Tell me how. I want it all."
Luke: "I may be a ref now but once upon a time on my college team I played goal keeper. I'm very good at blocking foreign objects coming at me."
Q: "Are you going to reach the top of his head? Maybe if he ducked. He does that often." Oh, he was grinning from ear-to-ear.
Tane: Tane was squinting at Q. "You're enjoying this far too much." He was definitely going to have to do something about that later.
Q: "What are you going to do about it?" Tell me in front of Luke.
Tane/Luke: A smiled tugged at the corner of Tane's mouth. "Not entirely sure buuuuut…..that ass of yours is very bite-able."
Luke inhaled sharply.
Q: Q smiled knowingly, breathed slowly. "What do you think, Luke? Any truth to that?"
Luke: You would think by now Luke would've relaxed and gotten his blushes under control, but that wasn't the case.
His face was still very much red as he gave a jerky nod. "Mhmm." He didn't trust himself to speak.
Q: "What's the matter, baby?" Q tilted his head, completely innocent.
Luke: He just smiled and shook his head. "Nothin'." Ah ha, he found his voice! "Nothin' at all."
Q: "What's good, then?"
Luke: "Ah, well...Tane's suggestion has merit. A lot of merit."
Q: "Want a demonstration?"
Luke: He gave a slow nod. Not hesitant, just slow.
Q: "Want to go home?" A question asked to both men.
Tane/Luke: Another nod from Luke, along with a smile from Tane. "Let's go have ourselves some seasoned food."
Q: "You know the way to my house." His keys were given to Luke. "Going to say goodbye to our host and explain how so very ill you are, and we need to take care of you."
Luke: "I do," Luke said as he took the keys. If his smile got any bigger his face was going to start to hurt. If anyone believed he was really feeling sick, it would be a miracle. "Just gonna have to stop by my house to grab the food so I can feed you both."
Q: "Take Tane with you. I'll meet you there."
Tane: "You sure?" Tane asked.
Q: "He won't bite unless you want him to."
Tane: He laughed. "I meant about walking all the way back."
Q: "I'll be fine. Promise."
Tane: "All right." Since he couldn't give Q the kiss he wanted to give him in their current setting, he simply gave him a smile that promised one soon. "Come on, Luke, let's go get the food."
MJ: The expensive bottle of wine had almost fallen to the floor, rescued in the last possible second. The vampire exhaled and set it safely aside.
"Are ya sure ya wanna?" The idea had been planted by no other, but it had been a heat of the moment suggestion.
Rohan: Rohan inhaled sharply the moment the bottle slipped out of MJ's hands, exhaling in the same fashion and chuckling as it was caught. They'd narrowly escaped a lecture from Xavier about the carpet.
He smiled at his vampire. "I'm sure. Are you?"
MJ: "I...It's - I'm dead, Ro. I don't...understand. Xavier tried t'explain that I - I dunno what m'sayin'."
Rohan: "You are but you're not." MJ was given a gentle kiss. "It's all right if you change your mind, either now or during. We'll start slow and if you want to stop, we'll stop."
MJ: That sounded reasonable. Of course. Solutions were quicker from the witch than with himself. Answers which saved everyone. And those kisses.
"I wanna be...naked with ya."
Rohan: You like the kisses? Have another, beautiful vampire. "As you wish, puiule," he whispered, locking the door and leading MJ over to the bed.
"Want me to do the honors?"
MJ: "So long as I get t'undress ya." So satisfying it was to peel away his clothes like an ugly second skin for something so appealing.
Rohan: His smile radiated with affection for the man before him. "I would never dream of refusing you."
Rohan stepped within his vampire's reach, taking the liberty of removing his shoes before allowing those lovely cool hands to roam everywhere they wished.
MJ: This was a favorite ritual of his. To slide his hands underneath Rohan's shirt, allowing him to siphon his chill before removing the barrier altogether.
Rohan: Rohan hummed softly at that initial difference in temperate, smile slowly growing as MJ's evened out with his own. He lifted his arms obligingly so his vampire could remove his shirt and stole another kiss before asking, "Yes?"
MJ: "Do you ever think 'bout anyone else?"
Rohan: "In the same way I think about you?" Rohan shook his head as he kissed MJ's shoulder. "No."
MJ: "Not...ever?" He cupped his face and leaned away enough to study his expression.
Rohan: MJ would find nothing but sincerity, and perhaps a bit of curiosity. "Not since the day I met you."
MJ: "The day I came in here all bloody n'crazy?"
Rohan: He nodded. "That day."
MJ: "But..." I was a catastrophe. "Are we... What are we?"
Rohan: A thumb caressed MJ's jaw. "I suppose you could say we're dating or simply....together. Together has a nice ring to it. But what do you want us to be?"
MJ: He leaned into his hand and quietly debated. He knew his instinct.
"Like...a... Ya know like...when ya smoke, or drink, orgasm or pop a pill. That high like... it's not all perfect, but, life ain't shit anymore? S'what it's like with ya. I wanna keep it, but I know the high goes away."
Rohan: "Eventually, perhaps." The perhaps was very important in this scenario. Even if MJ wasn't ready for something permanent or didn't want to label whatever was between them, Rohan wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon.
"But not now. Not for a long time," he whispered, nuzzling his beautiful vampire's cheek.
MJ: "N'ya still wanna..." Those kisses were distracting, simple though they were. "...Ya still wanna...have sex with me? Real sex?"
Rohan: Rohan nodded. "I do, but still only if that's what you want too."
MJ: "N'ya don't see it as...as..."
Rohan: He shook his head. "I don't."
MJ: "Then...finish undressin' me. Please."
Rohan: MJ was given a soft smile and one of those kisses he loved so much as Rohan pulled him close. He wanted every bit of his vampire in reach while he eased his shirt off, while he undid his jeans, while he lavished every inch of exposed skin with affection.
Rohan was going to take his time and take great care with the precious man in his arms. He wanted tonight to be as pleasurable for MJ as possible.
MJ: Bare skin, pale, dusted with the occasional dark freckle. A mole over his rib.
He wanted to give Rohan similar treatment, but he wanted to wait. He wanted to be completely nude before offering the same to his witch. It felt... submissive.
Rohan: Every one of those freckles was given loving, lingering attention, as was that sweet little mole. As was all of MJ.
Rohan's lips followed MJ's jeans as he slid them down the vampire's legs, and once they had been tossed away, the process was repeated with MJ's boxers until at last there was nothing between him and all that lovely skin. He would slowly work his way back up MJ's body, pausing briefly at his groin to press a soft kiss just above the base of his shaft.
MJ: No one had ever made him feel so feminine. No one had been given the opportunity. Not even Peter Graham, the man he believed to be his and his alone.
What an inappropriate time to think about the man that had broken his heart.
Rohan was suddenly held around his shoulders, face nuzzled into his neck.
Rohan: The sudden movement took Rohan by surprise. For half a second he expected and prepared for MJ to tell him to stop, that it was too much and that he'd changed his mind. But then his vampire was simply holding him.
"It's all right, puiule," he murmured, arms immediately coming up to hold MJ close, to offer reassurance and comfort and affection. "I've got you. It's just you and me. I've got you."
MJ: "M'alright," he muttered. "Don't need t'talk t'me like that. M'not gonna break." Not yet, anyway. Not by this.
Rohan: Rohan nodded and kissed MJ's shoulder, hands rubbing over his back for both the pleasure of feeling his skin and to reassure.
MJ: "Ya feel so warm," he marveled at the differences in their skin. "Aren't ya hot all the time?"
Rohan: He chuckled softly. "Only in the summer. All other times I'm comfortable, even when it's cold. I have that thick Romanian blood."
MJ: "Show off." What would Rohan do with fangs teased against his throat, with the obvious arousal against his thigh? How would he feel to the deliberate breaths against his skin...
Rohan: How would he feel in the face of so many signs of MJ's attraction and arousal?
Absolutely divine.
Rohan gave an appreciative little hum, hold tightening around MJ so he could feel more of him. That beautiful face required kisses, as did that shoulder. And that perfectly sculpted ass? Well that needed a loving squeeze.
MJ: Rohan must have known that such a hold made him feel secure, protected from that which was within. It would do nothing against Victoria, he assumed. He was mistaken. The stronger he felt, the less control she could wield.
Rohan: If MJ wanted to be held tighter then Rohan would practically fuse them together. He'd lower him to the bed and all but wrap around him as he covered him with kisses.
MJ: No one. Not one man or woman had ever - he must have repeated that thought a hundred times.
He hadn't given Peter a chance to.
"Just...um... If we, uh, do this...are ya gonna be rough, or...?"
Rohan: Rohan shook his head. "No, puiule. If we do, it's going to be nice and easy. I want you to be comfortable."
MJ: "How do you want me. Like this on my back?"
Rohan: "For now, yes." They could change positions later if MJ preferred or needed it. They had all the time in the world and Rohan intended to use it all. MJ deserved for his first time being with someone like this to be special, for the person he chose to be gentle and thorough and put his pleasure and comfort above all else and Rohan was immensely honored to be that person.
"I'm going to prep you first. We'll go slow, I promise."
MJ: "Ya -Ya don't gotta - Ya ain't gotta be gentle. I mean...m'not gonna cry. Not much can hurt me, so..." A tough front, unwarranted bravery in the face of sex. He wondered...if Peter would be this caring. He wondered if Fletcher Goodman had been careful with him.
Rohan deserved better.
"Are ya sure ya want me? Are ya sure - Why me? I'm trash."
Rohan: "I'm sure, puiule," Rohan murmured, pulling MJ into a kiss and pouring himself into it. It was far more eloquent than anything he could ever say.
You're the farthest thing from trash there is. You're good. You're beautiful. You mean the world to me and I want you so much.
MJ: Naked and vulnerable, MJ involuntarily mewled into their kiss. Safe, he chanted. He was safe here. This man loved him. This man...
He kissed his jaw and fiddled with the witch's hair.
"If we're a thing, are - Ya won't...ever...cheat, will ya? Just be honest. I can take it." He couldn't.
Rohan: That was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard his vampire make and it made every single fiber of Rohan's being clench with feeling.
He nuzzled MJ's cheek, kissed it. "Never. I'm yours, MJ. Only yours."
MJ: He'd told Peter to move on, so it hadn't been cheating.
No, he'd come back. Peter had every opportunity to tell him. He hadn't. He lied.
He deserved it for having Victoria inside him.
When had his eyes glazed pink with tears he couldn't say. He didn't realize.
Rohan: More kisses were placed on MJ's lips, his face, his hair. It broke Rohan's heart to see him cry.
"On my life."
MJ: MJ covered his face when he realized what had happened. A soft growl of frustration followed.
"Sorry." Man the fuck up.
Rohan: "Don't apologize." So many more kisses, for distraction and affection and everything in between.
MJ: "You're too sweet," he grumbled.
Rohan: He smiled against MJ's skin. "No such thing when it comes to you."
MJ: "See! There ya go again!"
Rohan: Rohan would simply continue to smile and lavish affection on MJ every which way he possibly could.
MJ: "Stooooop," he whined, laughing a moment later.
Rohan: Ah, there it was! That lovely laugh he didn't get to hear nearly enough of.
He finally lifted his head, smile triumphant. "Stop? As you wish! My kisses will be locked away!"
MJ: "Good." No, no not good at all. Now it was his turn to lovingly assault his beautiful witch with kisses from his face to his neck to his shoulder.
Rohan: MJ would be immediately rewarded with soft, appreciative hums as Rohan melted into the affection. He'd never get his fill of those lips and those kisses. They were just too perfect, and the only way he could think to communicate that was sneaking in some more affection of his own. MJ's chest was right there, after all. It would be positively criminal not to love on it.
MJ/Lawrence: MJ held his arms around Rohan's head and breathed him in. His shampoo, his natural scent, the subtlety of the wine cellar.
Lawrence looked over the list for what felt like the hundredth time. Things they would need. Things they would want. When they would need to see the doctor, and the pros and cons of leaving his home with Mason Atlas.
Rohan/Gina: Whatever MJ did, if he was within easy reach he was going to be held tight and lavished with all the love Rohan could possibly give him.
Gina watched Lawrence stare at his paper, imagining she could see the wheels turning in his head. It was a good long time before she said, "If you look at that list any harder you're going to burn a hole in it."
Lawrence: "Hmm?" He managed to tear his eyes away to look at her.
Gina: She smiled. "Where are you?"
Lawrence: "Finances, months ahead of us." He tapped his pen over the last of his tasks. Possibly moving out of Cameron.
"I don't want you to have to see him."
Gina: "I haven't in months." She didn't have to ask who Lawrence meant. "Something tells me I'm a subject he avoids like the plague. Maybe even more so now."
Lawrence: "Mason doesn't hate you."
Gina: Gina gave him a disbelieving look.
Lawrence: "He has no reason to. You didn't influence Callum. With you or not that man doesn't care about me."
Gina: She reached for Lawrence's hand and held it to her cheek. "That's his loss. You're wonderful. Possibly the most wonderful human being ever."
Lawrence: Her fiancé smiled. "You're just putting a daisy chain on the truth."
Gina: "No daisy chains. Just the truth." She kissed his palm. "What else is on your list?"
Lawrence: "I need to rethink and...or...expand my career. I want to be on the right foot for this."
Gina: Gina smiled. He really was the most wonderful man she'd ever met.
"You already are. Tell me what you're thinking. Your career has to be a source of happiness. Or it should be anyway."
Lawrence: "Notary is Mason's job, his life, a source of satisfaction. It's not difficult to maintain, but I'm not also a contract demon. I love...domestic work."
Gina: She considered for a moment. "Could I run something by you? If it's too weird you can absolutely say no."
Lawrence: He gestured for her to continue, sitting back in his chair.
Gina: "What if you worked at the inn? Supervising the cleaning staff?"
Lawrence: "Is that - Is that something you actually want?"
Gina: "I've been thinking about it for a while. I just didn't know if you would like the idea or think it was too weird but....I would love it if we ran the inn together. It's going to be our inn now. Not just mine."
Lawrence: "I don't want you to feel obligated or compelled to share with me. I don't want to take away your independence. This is yours and I don't want you to write me in any documentation."
Gina: "I don't and you aren't. I own a business and a home and a car, my independence is well established." She leaned over to kiss him. "I'm offering because I want to."
Lawrence: "So... you want me to be the housekeeping manager? And who is right now?"
Gina: "Would you be interested? Mary-Beth Carter is right now, but she gave notice nearly two weeks ago since she got a new job in Kitty Hawk."
Lawrence: "She moved? Where has my mind been..."
Gina: "Not properly. She's been moving slowly over the past few weeks instead of doing it all at once."
Lawrence: He resisted the urge to ask if she needed assistance. With a child on the way, such good will would have to take a backseat. To an extent.
"...Alright. Yes, then. But if and when you're done with me, say so."
Gina: "Yay!" Gina gave him another kiss and squeezed him tight. "I could never be done with a man who attacks a dirty oven with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns."
Lawrence: To that he actually laughed. "To think I found a woman with as much passion for cleaning as I have."
Gina: "It's so satisfying!" she chuckled. "And dinner's more fun when we have dance parties with the kitchen clean up afterward."
Lawrence: "We're an 80’s movie about coming of age."
Gina: "We are. All we need is ridiculous hair and denim jackets."
Lawrence: "I'll have you know denim jackets are cool."
Gina: She chuckled again. "Sweetie, you might be the only person who can pull one off."
Lawrence: "And men with long hair, with tassels on the sleeves."
Gina: "You could pull of those too. And aviator sunglasses and saying 'bitchin' every other sentence."
Lawrence: "What kind of image have you made of me?"
Gina: "It's forming as we speak," she laughed. "We should have 80's themed costumes for Halloween."
Lawrence: "What will you be?"
Gina: "Madonna."
Lawrence: "Pointy breasts and everything?"
Gina: She laughed. "Yep! Although by that point it'll be a little difficult to pull it off."
Lawrence: "A pregnant Madonna. You'll be fine!"
Gina: "That's one word for it," she said with another laugh. "You know, I bet there really is a maternity size Madonna costume that exists."
Lawrence: "You could be a victim from the Alien films, too."
Gina: "Ooh, I could! Or Ripley!"
Lawrence: "The best part of being pregnant is going to be Halloween, isn't it?" he laughed.
Gina: Gina grinned. "Absolutely. I get to eat all the chocolate I want!"
Lawrence: "How..." He shouldn't be shy about the subject, but he was. "...How many complications did you experience the first time?"
Gina: It was understandable, considering her history. She squeezed his hand. "None with my actual pregnancy. I had anemia but so did my mama when she was pregnant with me."
Lawrence: "Anemia. What - What does that entail while pregnant?"
Gina: "It basically means I'm not producing enough healthy red blood cells for me and the baby, so my doctor had me take iron tablets and vitamin B12."
Lawrence: Nodding, the pad and pen were take once more to write what she said.
Gina: "Oh, also folic acid and ginger since I had pretty severe morning sickness which was partially what caused the anemia."
Lawrence: "I'll look into pregnant friendly foods with the highest iron content. Probably dark leafy greens."
Gina: She smiled. "Yep, that's what I ate. All I wanted was spinach salad with strawberries. And lobster rolls."
Lawrence: "You can have lobster?"
Gina: "Yep, in moderation."
Lawrence: "I feel...like being alive for a lifetime could have come in handy at this time."
Gina: "Pregnancy is a weird and complicated topic. Even people who have been alive for a lifetime have plenty to learn."
Lawrence: "Is that...Does that bother you any?"
Gina: Gina shook her head. "Not one bit. There was a lot I didn't learn before that I'm excited to learn with you. Not just about pregnancy but raising a baby, too."
Lawrence: "And...what about other things? Things like what I am and behind the veil?"
Gina: She shook her head again. "What you are has never bothered me, the things beyond the veil don't bother me. All that matters to me is that we're together and we love each other and that we communicate. I always want us to be able to communicate."
Lawrence: "I understand that you were taken aback by my big reveal, but you don't miss what I was? Is this," his face to which he gestured, "actually alright?"
Gina: Her face softened as she smiled. "This," she said, lifting a hand to his face, "is absolutely beautiful. You look different but you're still you. You still /feel/ like you. My Lawrence."
Lawrence: Lawrence softly blinked, stunned by her positivity and acceptance. This woman gave more than his own - no. He didn't want that thought like a plague rotting his future. If he did, he knew he'd also think of her own, wherever her soulmate was.
"I'm robbing someone of you."
Gina: "I really don't think you are. Call it a gut feeling."
Lawrence: "You're just saying that, Ginnie."
Gina: "If I didn't believe it, maybe. But I do believe it. I don't think I have a supposed soulmate out there. I believe you're it for me. You're the love of my life, the father of our child, and soon my husband."
Lawrence: "I wish I had your kind of belief. It's beautiful, like faith."
Gina: She smiled, kissing his knuckles. "Maybe one day you'll have it, too. Babies bring faith and belief."
Lawrence: "I'm going to be a father," he mused. Smile slowly returned to light his features. "I want to forget - forget why I exist and give myself a new reason. You."
Gina: "Yeah, you are." More kisses were given to his hand and then his face. She was so very grateful he existed. "Not just me anymore, sweetheart." She placed his hand over her belly again. "Don't forget little name-to-come."
Q: Q felt his pocket for the second time as he wound the sidewalk leading up to the apartments. He hadn't expected to see his Tracker under his personal carport. They had real chemistry, and his expectations for their budding relationship was high. High enough to offer his own body for their mutual pleasure. Who knew? Maybe Tane would realize he would never find true love with a prostitute. He would have to wait and see.
Tane/Luke: The trip to his house and then to Q's wasn't nearly as awkward as Luke had (briefly) been afraid it was going to be. They made small talk, Luke gave Tane a tour of the first floor of Pete's house, he introduced him to Midas. All with only a couple of moments of silence. Definitely something to be proud of.
When Q entered his apartment, he'd find Tane dutifully playing sous chef while Luke prepped their meal. Luke was blushing something fierce and Tane had a distinctly amused look on his face that Q was sure to recognize as the one he wore when saying random and scandalous things to make someone laugh.
Q: Q had quietly shut the door behind himself. Not wanting to surprise, but wanting to have a better study of the two without their notice. This was Tane and Luke without his influence, and he liked what he saw.
"Whatever he said, it's probably true."
Tane: Tane looked over when he heard Q's voice, grin still in place. "It is. I'm telling him about that really really drunk lady at that bachelorette party who hit on both of us, Stacey, some random girl, and then the boss. Remember, she was yelling everything she wanted us to do and thought she was whispering?"
Q: "Ah, yeah. I've never seen her since. I think she's too embarrassed to ever show her face again."
Luke: "I would be too," Luke muttered, trying to compose himself. "I'd probably never leave my house again."
Q: "Don't say shit like that. I will come up with horrific ways to embarrass you in public. I'll fall to my knees and kiss your ass."
Luke: "I'll spontaneously combust. You wouldn't make me spontaneously combust."
Q: "I will if the spirit grabs me," he grinned.
Luke: Have a puppy dog look.
Q: He would have it, and he would dare kiss those lips in front of Tane. Soft, slow, deliberate. What would Tane think? feel?
"Just like that," he purred. "The spirit grabbed me."
Tane/Luke: The spirit had made Luke's entire face and probably his body go bright red and immediately burrow into the crook of Q's neck to hide. From the embarrassment? From Tane? Who knew.
But if Luke was worried about Tane, he needn't have been. The reaction to that kiss had to be one of the sweetest, most intimate things he'd ever witnessed, and he felt strangely...moved by it.
Q: Arms wound their way around Luke's shoulders, swaying him in an effort to coax a laugh or smile. He turned them just so to lay eyes on the bouncer, locking eyes with an interest in his thoughts and compulsions.
Tane/Luke: Q succeeded. It wasn't a laugh, but Q would definitely be able to feel a smile against his skin.
Tane was looking on with a soft smile, one that just got softer when he met Q's gaze. What he was seeing there was a lot of trust from Luke. Trust that he would be able to hide against Q, that Q would hold him and make him feel safe. It was beautiful to see. So much so that a part of him wondered what it would be like to experience it for himself.
But he and Luke weren't there yet. Developing that trust took time and they'd only just met.
Q: Trust was part of his job. It had been since his first hundred dollars. Trust to be clean, appropriate, skilled, the perfect pseudo boyfriend. But Luke was more than a client. He had been since before the checks stopped flowing. He didn't know what to call them.
"So," he whispered, "dinner, yeah? You're teaching him how to be a proper chef?"
Luke: Luke nodded. It was so tempting to just stay snuggled against Q; it was by far his favorite place to be.
"Yeah. He's a decent chef already."
Q: "Is he now?" he chuckled. "He sure fooled me."
Tane: "Hey," said Tane. "I'm an excellent sous chef and part time chef."
Q: "What have you ever made me besides breakfast?"
Tane: "Shrimp, in many ways. Sometimes with rice."
Q: "Your Hawaiian is showing."
Luke: Ah, what was that? A giggle from a certain lawyer who had yet to emerge from hiding?
Q: Oh, that noise. He wanted more of it. He would take it by loving force, tickling at his ribs without mercy.
"What was that noise? Did that come outta here?"
Tane/Luke: Luke was helpless to stop the flood of giggles caused by such a loving assault, or to keep from squirming in a half-hearted effort to get away.
Just like Tane was helpless to stop the smile from splitting his face in half. It was official. Luke Graham was the most adorable lawyer in the world.
Q: Once Luke seemed too exhausted to resist, he was lifted into his arms by his ass. He loved hearing this man laugh. He loved being the cause just as much.
"No room on the counter for you. Guess you're trapped in my arms."
Tane/Luke: Luke all but wrapped himself around Q, nuzzling in even further as Tane's expression went all soft and melty again.
It wasn't just trust that Luke had with Q; it was complete trust. Luke could relax and be vulnerable and maybe even forget Tane was there because he knew Q wouldn't drop him.
"Guess I am," Luke said happily.
Q: Luke would hear a soft chuckle in his ear, followed by a trail of kisses down his neck. Precious man. He needed to be protected for when he'd no longer be around. Hence Tane Lukela.
Time to give the neglected Tane some attention.
"What stage are you guys on? Need help, Big T?"
Tane: Tane tore his mind away from the sweetness that was Luke and smiled at Q.
"We're nearing the end. Need to get a grill pan going and marinate the fish."
Q: "You'll be the first to use any of that stuff. You know what I eat on the daily."
Tane: "Yes I do. You and Logan are on the same level cooking wise."
The grill pan was placed on the stove before he went to grab the fish from the fridge.
Q: "I beg to differ. She can actually bake. I make smoothies."
Tane: "That's still amazing to me. We both watched her make a full fledged baked Alaska and burn pasta in the same day."
Q: "She's quite the catch." Just like the man in his arms. He deserved another kiss and sweet nothings whispered in his ear.
Tane/Luke: "Yes she is." He looked over in time to see the affectionate exchange and it made him smile once more.
Luke had braved enough to return Q's kisses, albeit in a much more demure way than he usually would. There was a big part of him that wanted to say screw food and just stay right where he was, but that would be rude.
Q: "So, before...you agreed with something Big T said. Do you remember what that was?"
Luke: Luke's blush returned as he nodded.
Q: "Why don't you tell me."
Luke: He would, but he'd whisper it very softly, so only Q would be able to hear.
"That your ass is biteable."
Q: "Do you want to see that?"
Luke: A moment. A pause. And another nod.
Q: Eyes never left the man in his arms. "T, you want to show Luke what it's like to bite my ass?"
Tane: Tane could practically sense Luke burrowing again without even having to turn around.
"You know," he began, tone light and gentle, "I really think I would."
Q: "Might want to turn the stove down, then."
Luke was gently tossed onto the touch, and the man he enjoyed calling boyfriend turned back to the kitchen and placed his hands on the fridge.
"All yours," he purred.
Tane/Luke: The sudden absence of Q's warmth left Luke feeling cold enough to want to protest, and had it not been for the anticipation of what he was about to see, he would have. As it was, he'd keep himself warm and give himself a hiding place using one of the couch pillows, because apparently Tane's presence was enough to make him as shy as when he...nope. He'd never been this shy. Ever. This was a first for him, one of many he suspected would come today.
Tane chuckled and turned the pan all the way to low. "Just like that, huh? No ceremony or anything. Right to the point." Have a chaste kiss to your shoulder.
Q: Q knew what Tane was going to do. At least he assumed, going off of every other time he'd played the same game with him before. What he knew for certain was Tane's lips against him, clothed or unclothed, was both soothing and arousing. He could calm his mind and divert his thoughts, but instead allowed himself to bask in the attention and his own selfish erection. This was what Luke wanted to see, after all.
"Slow," was his command. "Give baby a show." Much like his own, trailing his hands to the top of the fridge, allowing full access to his ass.
Tane: Oh, Tane could do slow. Tane loved slow. It gave him time to lavish and explore at his leisure, and now it would also offer Luke a very special show.
Starting at the back of his neck, Tane kissed his way down Q's body, letting his hands trail ahead of his lips and stopping when he hit the small of his bartender's back. Only then did Tane lift up Q's shirt, finally kissing bare skin as he slooooowly inched his pants just far down enough to expose that beautiful ass of his.
Q: His ass so exposed for Luke's viewing pleasure was exactly what he had expected. This had to be a positive experience for his favorite lawyer. He wanted him to enjoy every moan of pleasure and approval. Bare skin needed to be admired by both men. His shirt was tossed aside, offering a better view of his lithe willing body. Sun kissed skin warm and inviting. Almost everywhere. The subject matter at heart was still very much pale.
Tane/Luke: Luke wasn't sure how he was feeling about all this--there was a lot going on in his head at the moment--but so far...this was a very positive experience. He didn't feel weird or jealous seeing Tane with Q, like he was afraid he would, but there was still a lot of shyness and vulnerability he had to work through. No matter how enjoyable it was to experience, he simply wasn't used to being in an intimate situation like with anyone other than Q. Sure he'd had his share of boyfriends but Q was different.
A fact that was obvious to Tane, who was making sure not to move too suddenly or look at Luke directly for fear of embarrassing him further or making him feel uncomfortable. He wasn't only being gentle with Q; he was being gentle with Luke now, too. This would be a show, but it would be a gentle, loving show.
As gentle and loving as the series of open-mouthed kisses and teasing nips he placed all over that beautiful pale skin, watching Luke's reaction out of the corner of his eye.
Q: Q remained as still as he could, allowing his approval to show with soft hums and dips and turns of his head. If he focused, he wouldn't have to submit to arousal.
"What do you want to see now, Luke?"
Tane/Luke: Ah, but they hadn't gotten to their main event yet. The thing that had piqued Luke's curiosity and landed them here.
Before Luke could try to respond, Tane gave him a wink and gave a playful little bite to Q's ass.
Q: "Ahn!" Nails lightly scraped over the stainless steel fridge. A laugh quickly followed. "Goddammit. Ya got me."
Tane: "Oh yes I did," Tane chuckled warmly, pressing a kiss to the same spot to soothe. "Lulled you and your ass into a false sense of security."
Q: "Neither of you will gain access to this temple." Another little something for Luke.
Tane: "Promises, promises." Another playful bite and Q's pants were set to rights.
Q: And it was back to their cooking, playing it smooth for Luke's sake.
"How was that?" he asked the man on the couch.
Tane/Luke: Luke would've responded, but he was busy blushing and trying to gather himself.
Surely the look in his eyes would answer for him; it had been a very pleasant sight.
Q: "I think we broke him," he whispered.
Tane: Tane smiled to himself. "Maybe just a little. Better go kiss him back to life."
Q: Then his spoon was set aside. He joined him on the couch and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Luke: Luke immediately leaned into Q. "Hi," he murmured softly.
Q: "Are you alright, baby?"
Luke: He nodded, offered Q a shy little smile. "Better than."
Q: "Good." A kiss to his cheek, his temple, and his hand.
Luke: The smile got brighter. "We should go to the beach. Get some sun."
Q: "Today? Tomorrow?"
Luke: "Soon. I know all the good beaches without any tourists. Completely private."
Q: "So you're saying a nude beach," he grinned.
Luke: "Not officially but yes," Luke chuckled.
Q: "Is...Tane invited?"
Luke: He glanced over to where Tane had resumed dinner prep and nodded. "Yes. He is."
Q: "So you're alright with Tane?" he quietly asked.
Luke: Another nod. "Yeah, I think I am," he said just as softly. He's a lot like you."
Q: "Twice the fun," he smiled.
Luke: "And twice the handsome. I might swoon."
Q: "Swoon, will you?" He kissed his neck again. "What a romantic notion."
Luke: "Yep, maybe more than once." He hummed softly at the kiss, nuzzling him. His blush had started to fade in the face of such lovely affection.
"What can I say, you bring out the romantic in me."
Q: "You understand why I want Tane here?" The apartment was small. He expected the bouncer to hear every word. That was somewhat the point. What was more critical was Luke's understanding.
Tane/Luke: Tane did, but he didn't plan to interrupt unless he was spoken to directly. This was a moment Luke needed to have with Q.
And to that end, Luke tried to speak as softly as possible. "Kind of?"
Q: "I won't always be in Edenton," he continued on just as gently. "I want you to have another friend. And...maybe more."
Luke: "What do you mean you won't always be in Edenton?" Was Q leaving?
Q: "Someday I am going to move. I love this place," and he paused, allowing Luke to fill in the blank, "but it's not my forever home."
Luke: His gaze fell to his lap. That sounded too much like he was never going to see Q again and Luke didn't like it. He didn't even live in Edenton full time himself but something about 'it's not my forever home' sounded too much like....
Q: "Baby? Talk to me." That silence was much too long.
Luke: Luke shook his head. "It's nothing." He didn't want to think about Dana. That was for nights at his condo when he was alone and couldn't sleep.
Q: The very thought which had Q pressing his forehead against his neck, breathing him in.
"Why are you here?"
Luke: He reached for Q's hand, suddenly in need of the comfort it provided. "To spend time with you," he whispered. "To get to know Tane. To have dinner."
Q: Q took his hand and kissed each finger.
"Is knowing Tane like you do me going to make you happy?"
Luke: He smiled and leaned against Q. "Time will tell, but I hope so."
Q: "Good. Mind if I kiss you?"
Luke: "I don't mind one bit."
Q:  Now for another question.
"Will you mind?" he asked the man in the kitchen.
Tane: The man in the kitchen simply smiled and shook his head. "Not one bit," he echoed.
Q: A temptation crept into his chest like every sexual inkling. Would he mind kissing Luke? He bit his lip and considered, but thought better of it. Instead turning back to his favorite lawyer for his lips.
Tane/Luke: Tane wouldn't mind at all, but it was probably too soon. They'd have to ease Luke into it, help him feel comfortable and safe.
And nothing could do that better than Q's kisses.
Luke hummed softly, melting against his pretend boyfriend, aware of Tane's presence but feeling at ease.
Q: Easing Luke probably didn't mean placing his hand between his legs. It probably didn't mean squeezing, gently biting his throat, humming against his skin knowing what it would do to him.
Luke: It probably didn't, but that didn't mean Luke wouldn't react to the touch.
His breath caught in his throat as his thighs closed around Q's hand. He wouldn't let the moan building in his chest escape.
Q: "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered.
Luke: Luke shook his head.
Q: Then he would continue to squeeze.
"Tell me when to stop." He would unzip him if allowed, though his hand would not dip on the other side just yet. He wanted to gauge his reaction. Luke's security was his number one concern.
Tane/Luke: Tane had stopped mid-chop to watch the scene unfolding on the couch, eyes alight with quiet but very focused interest. He could tell Luke was holding back some, which wasn't a surprise at all, but what he wasn't holding back? Now that was a beautiful sight to behold.
Luke was clinging to Q, hiding his face against the bartender's neck. His lower half was starting to give jerky little movements, clearly aching for more but again, holding himself back.
Q: Squeeze after squeeze without relief. He wanted to torture, just enough to coax a beautiful sound from his companion. Give me something more, his fingers commanded, his lips plead, nuzzling in order to capture that perfect mouth.
Tane/Luke: It was the kiss that did him in. He never could resist those wonderful lips, much less control his reaction to them. Especially not when they were paired with those fingers.
The softest, sweetest little whimper finally managed to escape him, making him hide more at the same moment Tane felt a shock of lust go straight to his groin.
Q: Q's smile would have hurt had he allowed it in full. He had suspected such gentle and submissive noises from this man. Opposite of his brawny and hirsute body. Now there was a witness, a willing audience. Despite his assumption, it had not prepared his body for its reaction.
That cock belonged in his mouth. He asked permission in his ear, and kissed it.
Tane/Luke: Permission was given with another soft whimper. His body's need was successfully trumping his shyness, although not entirely. Absent Q's neck, Luke would be hiding his face in the couch pillow again.
Meanwhile, Tane had given up on cooking entirely in favor of watching the two men on the couch. His hands were itching to touch but he didn't dare approach. This situation was still so new and fragile.
Q: Slowly, with the same attentiveness as Tane, Q dropped to his knees. No sudden movements. His shirt was raised. Open mouth kisses and tongue across and around his navel.
Luke: Luke clung to the pillow like a man clinging to a life preserver. Behind it, his face was bright red and his breathing was quickening. It was just now hitting him that Q wouldn't be the only person seeing...well. A tiny part of his brain wondered what Tane would think. Of him, of this situation, of his reactions. What if he didn't like--
The potential litany of 'what if's' was cut off by Q's wandering mouth.
Luke's breath hitched, hips moving in an attempt to follow the affection. More. He wanted more.
Q: His gaze quickly turned to Tane, questioning his appeal. His crotch was studied and admired.
Flesh was softly bitten. Nudity was the logic in which to follow. But first, "Luke. Look at me. Tell me if this is okay."
Tane/Luke: The appeal and Tane's response to it was written all over his face and reflected in his eyes and his stance. All of his attention was on Luke and on the erection nestled against the soft looking blond hair on his abdomen. He wanted to touch so badly. Would Q be able to tell? Would Luke?
It took a few long seconds, but eventually the pillow lowered just enough for Luke to be able to peer over the top. He could feel Tane's gaze even without meeting it.
He nodded. "It's okay," he whispered.
Q: Wasn't he just beautiful, Tane? That golden hair and sun kissed skin from his weekends of soccer. His shyness, his masculinity, his femininity. He was just so fuckable.
The approval given, he smiled, kissed his stomach one more. "I'm going to undress you now. Want to undress me? Take my shirt off."
Tane/Luke: Absolutely beautiful, and all the more so because he strongly suspected Luke had no idea.
Luke whimpered softly again, burrowing his face against the pillow once more. Just for a little while though. The thought of being able to feel Q's bare skin against his was too appealing to pass up.
Very carefully, the pillow was set aside and the hem of Q's shirt grabbed. Up and over his head it went.
Q: Good. That's exactly what he wanted to see. He raised his arms and chuckled, allowing Luke to keep the garment if he wanted to.
"You're so fucking edible," he teased, nipping softly at his stomach (again) before giving the same treatment.
Luke: Oh, he was keeping it. It was soft and smelled like Q and that was even more comforting than having a pillow to hide his face with.
Ah ha, Q finally managed to get a teeny little smile from Luke! "Edible?" he asked quietly, feeling all warm and glowy and squirmy inside when Q gave more affection to his stomach.
Q: "Mhm. I'm gonna just eat you up, Mr. Graham." Starting with those lips. His tongue offered only a heartbeat into their touch.
Luke: There was a soft chuckle that turned into a soft, dreamy sigh at the kiss. If Q's shirt was a comfort, then his kisses were where Luke felt most at ease, most relaxed, most free to be himself and enjoy.
He let go of Q's shirt in favor of clinging to the man himself, wrapping his arms around his pretend boyfriend's neck to bring him closer.
"Promise?" Luke whispered.
Q: Those needy arms did things to him. This man had been one of his favorite clients. He would become a fond memory when the time came.
Those warm arms were kissed, followed again by his lips.
"I promise I'll eat you nice and slow."
Luke: Shy, embarrassed Luke seemed to be dissipating with every new kiss, allowing more and more of smiley, loving, needy Luke to shine through who hummed into every kiss and made a tiny noise of protest if Q's lips moved away for any reason.
"And you'll give me all the kisses?"
Q: "Every single kiss you want from me."
It was time to remove every article of clothing between them. His pacing was no longer slow and mindful. He felt confident in himself and Luke to move forward, to relax and trust Luke's response to Tane's gaze.
Tane/Luke: "I want a million," he said, smiling so brightly Tane felt his heart clench across the room.
He felt like he was walking a fine line between appreciating the sight of Q rapidly undressing Luke and making him uncomfortable, but from the looks of things he was successfully staying on the appreciation side. He might've even taken a step or two closer.
It was all he could do to keep himself from heading directly to the couch to see if that chest hair was as soft as it looked.
For Luke's part, he was helping Q undress him and returning the favor, resuming his clinging the moment they were both completely bare. And that lovely neck? Well it had gone far too long without some affection. As had those shoulders. And that chest.
Q: Q closed his eyes and allowed Luke to seduce him. His body was warm with life and appropriately turgid. He leaned closer to whisper his proposal.
"Do you want to make love to me? Do you want to watch Tane's hands on me?"
Tane/Luke: The proposal may have been whispered, but Luke's reaction was more akin to it having been shouted. They'd only switched roles once or twice before, and it had never been in a situation quite like this.
Still, the idea of loving on Q and watching someone else do the same.....it had an appeal that made his heart race.
He looked from Q to Tane's stunned face and nodded very slowly.
Q: Q didn't want to put Luke in a position so vulnerable as to be the submissive in Tane's presence. It was a choice he made, but one Luke could refuse if he wanted, which was why it had been a question. He was mindful of those wide eyes and what they were truly saying.
"Yes to both?" He wanted his answer clear.
Luke: It was a consideration Luke would be immensely grateful for later on. The fact that Q gave his comfort such priority and took such care with his trust made Luke treasure him that much more. No one had ever had a better boyfriend, real or pretend.
Another nod. "Yes to both."
Q: One more kiss, one more gentle, loving, slow kiss before turning around, exposed, to Tane Lukela.
"He wants your hands on me."
Tane/Luke: That one kiss was all it took to have Luke practically melting in Q's arms, and have Tane's heart melting along with him.
He gave a single nod before shutting off the stove and washing his hands. When he approached, he did so slowly, waiting for Luke's go ahead before closing the rest of the distance.
Q: Q watched his approach and wanted to laugh. He was so damn cautious. As cute as it was, he could bet it was appreciated by the beautiful nude man beside him.
"I think you're too clothed, but that's my opinion," he grinned.
Tane/Luke: It absolutely was; as was Q's opinion on Tane's current state. Appreciated and shared.
Tane chuckled softly. "Is it now? Then I better do something about that." Starting with his shirt. It was pulled up and over his head, tossed onto the coffee table. "Naked enough yet, gorgeous?"
Q: "You tell him when to stop, Luke. I sure enjoy the fucking view." Goddamn eye candy is what Big T was.
Tane/Luke: Eye candy was right. Luke didn't think people who looked like Tane existed in real life, yet here they were.
All it took was a glance to Tane's belt and off it came.
Tane was hyper-focused on this tiny blond lawyer, you see. Everywhere those eyes went was exposed to his view.
Shoes and socks followed the belt, then his jeans....and then his boxer briefs.
Q: Q leaned back and watched their silent exchange, marveled at their living Adonis and proceeded to touch himself with gusto. In that moment, life was completely and utterly perfect.
Rohan: To an onlooker, it would be astounding that Rohan managed to move so much while moving so little. MJ was being explored to both their hearts' content all without being denied the safety and comfort of Rohan's embrace.
He wanted his vampire to be delirious with pleasure, to feel nothing but a warm glow as Rohan made love to him. And this was most certainly making love.
While his lips delivered an onslaught of kisses, his hands eased and explored. Rohan wanted MJ to get accustomed to not only his touch, but being touched in all those lovely intimate places he had yet to explore and learn. The length of him was traced with feather light strokes, his sac cupped with the gentlest pressure.
MJ: The warmth of those hands was almost too much for his pale cold skin. The intimate fondling caused shivers up his spine and into his lungs. Another first.
"You're wearin' too much," he purred.
Rohan: "By all means," he whispered, peppering kisses along MJ's chest. "Feel free to rid me of all this cumbersome fabric."
MJ: With pleasure, he thought. Sitting up, he began with the belt, ripping one of the belt loops and sending it flying across the room. His short trimmed nails lightly raked over his hip. He continued with the jeans, wishing he could breathe life and celebrate being with this man the way he deserved.
"D'ya...love me?"
Rohan: Rohan laughed softly as his belt went flying, watching to make sure it didn't hit (and break) anything valuable.
The laugh was short-lived, however, soon replaced with a fond smile and appreciative hum. He adored those cool hands and the man they belonged to. Surely MJ would be able to see it in his eyes. And if he couldn't, Rohan's kisses and murmured endearments should show him.
"Yes, puiule," he whispered against his vampire's lips. "I love you." If his declaration halted things in their tracks so be it. MJ needed to hear the words.
MJ: His vampire - his? - stared up at the witch with blank expression. The expectation had been succeeded by truth. Had he breath to lose it would have vacated.
"I... You..."
Rohan: He smiled, kissed him again. "I love you, MJ." Another kiss. "I love you."
MJ: "Thanks." The realization of his reply caused a headache like cringe. "Not that. The fuck would I say that - I...I...love ya, too."
Rohan: That just made his smile grow more. It was such an MJ response, and that made his heart just as happy as the 'I love you, too'.
Rohan held MJ close, hands briefly abandoned his vampire's groin to hold him properly and drown him in kisses. This was a beautiful moment; it had to be savored. "I love you so much," he whispered.
MJ: "Alright, alright," he laughed. "Don't make it all mushy. We...We got love. So, back t'sex, right?" Oh no. Sex with...romance? Love? More emotional and tender than any night before.
"I shoulda asked after ya fucked me."
Rohan: Rohan gave him one more kiss, just to make really sure his vampire knew how much he was loved.
"Whether I said it aloud first or not, the sex would've been emotional. You would've been able to feel my love even if you didn't hear it."
MJ: "S'why I asked," he said softly. "Just had a feelin'. You're too sweet t'me, old man."
Rohan: "I'm exactly as sweet as I'm meant to be. And you, are very intuitive." Maybe just one more kiss.
"Do you still want to...?" It was fine if he didn't. There had been a lot of emotional intensity today.
MJ: One more? They would have many. "Yeah. Yeah, of course." Of course he said. What the fuck are you doing, his mind exclaimed.
Rohan: If MJ wanted many, there would be many, along with all the loving touches Rohan's two hands were capable of.
"Are you sure? We don't have to. I know it's a lot."
MJ: "If ya keep sayin' that I'll never go through with it," he laughed.
Rohan: "Nothing wrong with that, puiule," he said with a soft smile, letting his hands roam below MJ's waist again. "Promise me you'll tell me if you want me to stop or slow down." He kissed his vampire's shoulder. "Your comfort is the most important thing." A kiss to his chest as his hand gently cupped MJ's sac. "Your comfort and your pleasure."
MJ: MJ swallowed and licked his lips. Somehow he'd forgotten what that felt like. He placed his hand over Rohan's wrist. Closer. Harder.
"I'm fine. Keep doin' that."
Rohan: Rohan obligingly increased the pressure, massaging more firmly, occasionally stroking MJ's length from base to tip and back down to his scrotum.
MJ: Blood had to be willed between his legs. The act nearly took him from the scene, but the witch's lips fueled him. Softly, he hummed.
Rohan: Rohan smiled against his vampire's lips, giving him an approving and gentle squeeze.
"That's it, puiule. You're doing so well." His lips began to migrate lower. "So beautiful."
MJ: That feminine sensation again. He shivered, brought his hands to Rohan's hair and squeezed. So lucky, he thought. So unworthy. Tonight, this moment, this was for Rohan. Giving in to his nature was an indulgence.
"What d'ya wanna do t'me?"
Rohan: "Love you," Rohan said simply, kissing just below MJ's navel. Tonight his vampire was going to be positively worshipped and thoroughly pleasured.
A soft, open-mouthed kiss was placed on the tip of MJ's cock. "All of you."
MJ: Oh. More familiar. Not quite sensational, but the mere idea of Rohan's mouth against him was enough for the butterflies to flap their wings.
"Love ya, too. I wanna taste ya. Let me taste ya."
Rohan: "Of course you can," he purred, nuzzling and kissing MJ's scrotum. "Where do you want to taste, puiule?"
MJ: "Sit on my face, Ro. We can have each other."
Rohan: "Mmm, I like the sound of that." He liked it very much.
He leaned up to give MJ a proper kiss before straddling him and adjusting positions, making sure MJ was comfortable before continuing his exploration and letting his vampire explore.
MJ: His mind wandered to the first time he had ever kissed someone. To the warmth of their lips. The sloppy urgency. The fumbling hands which followed. None of which felt present tonight. Every move Rohan ever made was deliberate. He was beautiful and mature. Even now, with his body for the taking. He was brought into his mouth, tasted and played with, with two uncertain hands.
Rohan: MJ was immediately rewarded with a soft moan. It didn't matter how uncertain his hands were; Rohan loved their touch, loved his vampire's mouth's attention. And he wasn't shy about making his pleasure or his approval known, and he definitely wasn't shy about lavishing every single inch of MJ's groin with affection.
He kissed and tasted his cock and his sac and his thighs, lips gentle and thorough. "Beautiful," Rohan murmured to himself, pressing a kiss to MJ's abdomen as he petted over his entrance.
MJ: Fuck. This was Rohan Delca. He might as well be a prince, or an angel. The man was meant to be worshipped. He was so elegant and intelligent and yet somehow tolerant and patient - didn't he grow tired of being so wholesome? Somehow this man loved him. He would never deserve him.
Which was motivation in his attempt to offer himself as one of the druid's best experiences. He kissed every available inch of perfect skin and massaged firm muscle.
Oh. His legs spread submissively. More touches, please. Invade me at your will. Love me with your fingers and mouth.
Rohan: That was precisely what Rohan intended to do. The word 'beautiful' played on a loop over and over in his head as he reached for the lube and generously coated one finger, never ceasing his lavish kisses and warm little nuzzles against MJ's cock.
He petted over his vampire's entrance again with his now prepped finger, circling it slowly, getting it nice and wet before he even thought of breaching it, however slightly. At first, of course. He wanted MJ to get used to the touch and the feeling of being penetrated before he took things further. He'd work slowly and carefully, letting MJ control the pace while making sure every moment of the process was as pleasurable as possible.
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