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purplerocketlavalamp · 7 months ago
Episode One
This is obviously the first one of these so let me know how this goes but currently, this is just a straight down list of my brains chaos as it tumbles out. Might even add some fun little bits here and there.
Ahh the old DVD Piracy Warning... Oh, how I missed you.
This Intro Music has a hold on my childhood that I can't explain, it's this, P&F, D&J, and Scooby doo and suddenly I'm a child sitting cross-legged in front of glass on tv with a tube of jaffa cakes.
no widescreen but I am watching this on a DVD, on a giant PC screen so I can't be mad at that.
The American Arrives, at a mildly familiar-looking station
Ah yes visual storytelling, American flag on the suitcase, red phonebox in the shot, we aren't in Kansas anymore.
Black cab, ahh yes getting more British by the minute,
Ohh Nina… this was kinda rough exposition even for this Nickelodeon 2010 show,
Weird to see such a good actor… and another actor
Ooohh the school, did we ever get a name for this school? Until it gets mentioned I will be referring to the school as Brittainia Boarding school for spooky shit. I even made them a logo.
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Robert Pattinson... my my shows how old this is
Damn! The house... i wanna live here so badly
Damn it's Victor! man has arrived which means its our first...
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Ooohh tis spooky
I legit that that rabbit plush… it came from ikea
Damn… I forgot how mean these guys where to her earlier on
This schools uniform is such chaos what are the rules here? what is this schools uniform code... cause it is madness
Huuu burning them… bum bum bum
I love these rooms they feel so realistic for teens everyones is unique and yet the same its so well done, the rooms are probaby where I’m gonna geek alot
Photos everywhere so cute
Ooohh I never realised how early they set the whole amber, mick, mara thing up
Damn alfie and Jerome really are like one character this episode they are so in sync they almost feel like one guy
Ooooh spooky sara!
Oh damn rotty from artful dodger! Hello!
Oooh initiation ceremony
The windows to his office are open… how is he not hearing this conspiracy
Okay I held back on the uniform but legit its time...
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Jerome… are you… wearing three shirts. Man has a button down a long sleeve jumper, and then a vest, what kind of 2010 fashion crimes are you committing Mr Clarke. Detention!
I love the 'if only there was a glove made of rubber to protect your hands'
Oh shit he’s arrived. Mr Winkler… which was never a good name
Girls be swooning… for… reasons I don’t understand
Weird locket that I may grab on ebay later
AHh love on the walls… stubble
Eric and Daphne the couple we all slept on
I swear I had the exact multistrand watch jerome has in this scene… if not I had one very very similar I swear
This is some cult level organization, to get all of this set up I know their teens and I know its tv but.. like... do you guys not have homework to do... or sleeping to do... or video games... or was I just a weird teen.
I also love some torches are blue and some are white, its a tiny detail but I feel like it legit makes it feel so much more real that they aren't the same,
Oh for god sake Patrica... it'll take her legit a whole season to let this go won't it.
Is this a good episode, well it sets up a lot of stuff and has the job of explaining this mad premise to us all, meeting a whole dorm worth of characters plus the adults, its not good but I can't be mad at it. for when this came out, the budget it likely had from nick, and lets be honest the age of most of these actors during this, I can't be mad at it. it was the begining of it all and really we can only go up.
shall i do Ep2?
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purplerocketlavalamp · 7 months ago
Random thing I'm gonna do...
Forward -
For anyone who follows my other account, they will know I am having a bit of a nostalgia time for some of the old shows and movies of my childhood. Why... No idea I assume it just kinda happens. But in my general Nostalgia digging I managed to track down, an original complete S1 DVD of House Of Anubis. And yes I do plan on tracking down the rest of the series as well, and as I got... maybe ten minutes into EP1 I had a thought, why not share my chaotic opinions and thoughts. So that my plan as I watch I will be making notes of the random chaos that comes into my brain and sharing it with you guys! Just for funzies really,
Context -
On me : For anyone who doesn't know... which I assume is most of you given I am not sure I've ever said it before, but I am a media and TV and film graduate. I legit have a degree in this stuff does that mean my opinion is better than anyone else's? No. But I do know the fancy usually French words for it.
I was also, A Kid when this show came out. and watched the episodes when the first aired (In the Uk), for a time House of Anubis was my favourite show (Yes if you look up the airing dates you'll be able to see how old I am which is why I'm not saying how old I was when it aired), and I legit haven't watched this show apart from a few random episodes within the last year since when it first aired, so this show is my childhood. That does mean I may be a bit more kind and nostalgic for some of the... worse bits of it cause this was my childhood and I will give it more credit because of that. Some... characters for example I may view a little more favourably, because of childhood attachment... I'll let anyone from my main account guess which character I'm talking about here.
Also as the last point mentioned, I am from the UK. So I watched the UK show version of the show and have the UK DVD. So if the US got a slightly different edit... I don't know, never saw it. And because I am from the UK I am watching this with a UK mind, stuff like language, trends of the time, and even just that the show is based in a UK school means I'm gonna have some opinions in those areas.
I actually outgrew the show around S3 ish just cause I was older and moving on to other shows and such, the hyper fixation had changed as it were. But if I even get that far it will be interesting to see what I think of some of the episodes I never saw.
Lil disclaimer,
This is my opinion, if you have a different one feel free to share but... guys this is a kid's show from 2011. None of us should be thinking this hard about it.
I will be watching them in the order they are on the S1 DVD and I will be classing one Episode Theme song to the end credits. I know this show was split up strangely with the double episode kinds of things but as it goes on the DVD, the Theme song to the End credits.
So Anyone who wants to come along with me and read my chaos welcome!
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