#housemates nominated for eviction
mysimsbigbrother · 3 months
Week 1 Veto Ceremony
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As the winner of the power of veto, Quinn had to make a decision. Either leave her original nominees the same, or, save either Cindy or Henry. That would mean, since she is the HOH, she would also name the replacement nominee.
To find out her decision, I checked her relationships. One of our nominees managed to no longer be one of Quinn's bottom 2 relationships.
Quinn uses the power of veto to save.....
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Congratulations to Henry!
In Henry's place, Quinn has decided to nominate...
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Final Nominees are Aaliyah and Cindy!
Officially, one of these two sims will be the first sim evicted from the Sims Big Brother house. Their housemates will be casting their votes to evict in a little over 24 sim hours. Who will be voted out and who will win the next HOH? Stay tuned!
Honestly, I'm not sure what will happen here, both seemed to be building themselves a group around them so I'm expecting a close vote. (I avoid looking at the relationships as much as I can so I can be surprised) #TeamAaliyah or #TeamCindy ? I think I'm rooting for Aaliyah personally
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terastalungrad · 11 months
BB20: Friday 13 October
Live Eviction 1: Farida V Kerry
The biggest change so far to the ITV flavour of Big Brother is that no episode so far has ended with "who goes? you decide".
The housemates nominated on Thursday 12 October, meaninging the nominations aren't shown until eviction night. This feels so strange!
The housemates facing eviction were revealed in companion show Big Brother: Late & Live. I will not be watching that show, no matter how often my mother asks me to.
Nominations are my favourite part of the show, so I'm not going to talk about who's up for eviction yet. I'm going to live in the moment, and enjoy the unfolding story.
OH! One nomination each!! That's new. It's always been two each, hasn't it?
Channelle nominates Kerry, for being blunt and rude towards Farida.
Non-alphabetical order to nominate too. I don't approve. My charts will be alphabetical for certain.
Hallie nominates Farida because she talks over people, and hasn't put in the effort to get to know others.
This really highlights the difference between what's broadcast and the vibe in the house. Footage really makes it look like Farida's bonded nicely with Hallie. But then, the main occasion where we saw Farida ask Hallie questions, it was "is it gay for men to fancy trans women" innit. Not ideal.
Henry nominates Farida because, when Zak asked Henry what boarding school was like, Farida interrupted to explain boarding schools (incorrectly, to Henry's experience).
Matty nominates Kerry because her loud voice goes through him, and also because she moaned about her meal. "It annoys me when people aren't grateful" - here, grateful to Big Brother!
Trish nominates Paul! She doesn't find him deep.
Horrifying thought - these housemates ARE in alphabetical order. Are we skipping housemates?? We've skipped Dylan, Farida, Jenkin, Jordan, Kerry, Noky, Olivia, Paul and Tom so far. Yinrun and Zak left to go too. Am I missing some Nominations Uncut show or something? Dear dear. How very disturbing.
Okay, Marcus Bentley claims only five nominations have been cast so far. Maybe it is just a weird order.
Zak nominates Henry! For not speaking to everyone in the house, and for giving up immediately in the staying-in-bed task. Teamwork, and a positive attitude to tasks, are really important to Zak.
Yinrun becomes the first housemate to nominate out of alphabetical order. This is a relief to me, since it suggests we WILL see everyone's nominations. As if Yinrun didn't already bring me enough joy.
Yinrun nominates Kerry, because she's hurt by Kerry seeming uninterested in her.
Hallie powerfully representing the trans experience of talking with great pride about the vagina and breasts she'll have in the future. I love her.
Jordan nominates Paul because of his bodily fluid-based humour.
"I know they have this phrase, Big Brother, 'gives me the ick'. And that phrase itself gives me the ick."
Dylan nominates Farida, since she still doesn't know people's names after nearly a week. She gets his, Kerry's and Chanelle's names wrong.
Paul nominates Farida for being inconsistent in her aims from the show! Does she want to spread the word of Islam, or does she want other outcomes [presumably promoting her makeup tutorial YouTube]? Paul is here to "have a good time" and "be meself", and nominates Farida for being "fake".
How consciously is Paul casting himself as foundational winner Craig from BB1 here? Ever since that first series, Big Brother has struggled to move past the idea that good winners are direct, consistent salt-of-the-earth types, and villains are inconsistent and manipulative.
This bothers me, since I don't think directness IS a fundamental moral good at all times. I think it's FINE to have a moan about someone, while still being able to be friendly to the person in question. Where is the line between being two-faced and being tactful?
Olivia nominates Farida for helping herself to Olivia's salmon.
Noky nominates Kerry for negativity, both to people's faces and behind their backs.
Tom nominates Farida for talking AT him rather than conversing WITH him. He feels spoken over because of his age.
Jordan talks to Trish about sex and emotional connection, and I WISH we had a longer, less edited version of this conversation. We've only been left with Jordan's punchlines. Which are very funny, but I'd love to know what point he was making.
Tom speaks to Chanelle and Jenkin when he returns from the diary room, claiming that the process is "'eavy".
Fariday nominates Kerry for gossiping and having tantrums.
Jenkin is wearing a shirt with a pattern of birds, because his mam likes birds.
Jenkin nominates Farida because he thinks she's only here for money and fame, and is therefore taking the place of someone who wants to enjoy themselves and learn about themselves.
Kerry nominates Farida, for being hard work, selfish, and hard to like.
Kerry goes to have a lil cry after nominating.
I suspect Farida will go tonight. Both she and Kerry have done stuff the pulblic would find annoying, but we've also seen loads of Kerry's vulnerability.
Voting is free this year. Maybe that's why ITV is less bothered about getting nominations out early. Or maybe it's so the housemates spend less time tortured by the knowledge they face eviction? Bet it's that one, actually.
Since this version of the show is a lot nicer, it's really striking how intense the lights and music are when nominations are announced. Noky shakes with adrenaline.
Jenkin expected to be nominated because of his snoring.
Farida reckons youngsters have turned turned against the older members of the house. A bit rich given she nominated Kerry herself.
Interesting seeing Farida and Kerry bond over facing eviction, given that they nominated each other.
Farida tells Olivia off for smirking. Olivia is offended, because "I wasn't laughing at YOU!" But ... yes she was. Olivia's surprised to be told off not because she wasn't smirking at Farida, but because she didn't intend for Farida to notice. She was just smirking across the room at Paul.
She complains about this later to Paul, Jordan and Henry. And she comes so close to noticing that Farida was right - but she can't move past, "I didn't deserve to be criticised".
Just noticed there's a non-binary person in the sponsorship ads. Marcus Bentley using the word "themself", woo!
Ahh, you can vote for free, but only 5 times each.
Kerry speaks to Olivia about the issue with Farida. Kerry's basically on Olivia's side here. Hallie's attention is drawn, and she comes over to agree with Olivia. They're joined by Trish and Chanelle (neither of whom actually nominated Fariday), and we have the largest-scale bitching session we've seen so far.
This isn't really about Olivia. This is an excuse to vent. Maybe the nomination results have given people permission to talk openly about being annoyed by Farida.
Yinrun teaches Hallie some Chinese. She's shocked by Hallie's excellent pronunciation.
"We've got it on our profile we've been in the Big Brother house", says Farida. This show is primarily about boosting the profiles of influencers.
Kerry tries having a bonding conversation with Farida, and it ends up being a bit of an argument. Farida says, "I'm still the same person I came in here as" - an identity statement.
But Kerry takes it as an implied criticism. That Farida's saying "I'm the same UNLIKE YOU KERRY". But Farida's doing nothing of the sort. She's just making a statement about herself.
This is a common problem in conversation. You're talking to a friend, your partner, and they say something about themselves. This causes you to say something about YOURself - and now it sounds like you're claiming they're the opposite.
"I'm terrible at making new friends at parties," they might say.
And this inspires you to reflect on your own experience in parties.
"I love parties," you say, as you think of parties you've attended. "I always go expecting to have a good time, and end up talking to random people in the kitchen."
"I'm not saying I don't expect to have a good time," they say defensively.
Because in context, it sounds like you offered your personal experience as advice. Not merely, "this is what I do, "but "this is what YOU should do."
Farida tells Zak she doesn't blame him for protecting his friends. The implication here is that Zak nominated her or Kerry because they're older. In fact, Zak nominated Henry.
In any case, Kerry disagrees with the idea that it's young vs old in the house. "Callie's my mate, and she's the youngest!"
Farida's annoyed that Kerry isn't hearing her. "You're like, 'Callies my friend, Callie's my friend'."
"Her name's Hallie, and she is my friend."
Just a bit of fun here. Farida gets people's names wrong all the time. That's a thing. But Kerry did accidentally call her Callie first. An honest mistake, of course.
Argh, Farida brings up stories from her day job, where parents just want to be their children's friends, forgetting that they're the child.
Kerry's offended here, and - well, she's right to be! I don't think Farida realises how offensive that is to say, but it's clear she DOES see 18-year-old Hallie as a child, and 40-year-old Kerry as a sad case that wants to be friends with her.
Kerry: She's just said to me that the reason you lot like me is because you think I'm your mum! I'm shaking. I'm angry.
Olivia: I don't think of you as my mum. You just tell me when I'm out of order.
Kerry: Which is often.
Kerry thinks she's fated to go because Farida has her social media followers.
"No, cause just because someone follows you on social media doesn't mean they actually like you," says Olivia. Horrifying thought.
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
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@eternitas Of course you can! I'm sorry for not being more clear! hat I had meant by me 'playing fictional Big Brother' on here was basically just me putting a series of posts of a giant crossover, as often as I can. I do it for myself, so it would be me making public I do for fun privately. In the crossover, the characters will all be contestants on the competition show/social experiment Big Brother.
So for those who don’t know, Big Brother is a reality game show in which a group of 12-18 contestants, called HouseGuests, live together in a custom built, usually themed house. They’re under 24-7 video and audio surveillance, completely isolated from the outside world. The social experiment part of it is really seeing these complete strangers, most of whom have majorly differing ideals, beliefs, sexual orientations, gender expressions, and such interacting with each other. The contest part of it? The winner of Big Brother wins a half million dollars in most seasons of the US show and in the Canadian version the winner gets $100, 000 dollars, a trip, some swag. The runner up gets a much smaller cash prize. In the Canadian version, there’s also ‘Canada’s favourite contestant’ who wins a $10, 000 prize and some competitions allow the winner to earn a trip, some swag, or $5000 cash, even if they get evicted.
Now how is a winner decided? Each week the contestants compete to win Head of Household. The person who wins Head of Household must nominate two HouseGuests to potentially be evicted (to decide who is evicted, all HouseGuests besides the nominees and the Head of Household secretly, one by one, vote on who they want out of the house). Before the eviction happens, the nominees and a small group of chosen HouseGuests compete for the Power of Veto. Whoever has the Power of Veto gets the opportunity to take a nominee off the eviction block and the Head of Household has to choose someone else to take their spot. Guests can choose to self-evict…it’s always interesting to see that happen, where someone gets so mentally done with the game that they just can’t do it anymore and they nope out. And in some rare cases, where a HouseGuest breaks the rules badly, Big Brother can forcibly evict them and kick them out of the game (BBCAN 8 had that happen to two HouseGuests who apparently got into a confrontation where they ended up threatening each other).
Now, on here, for the fictional character Big Brother, I’d stay with the rules I know for Big Brother, the North American rules. So, those would be:
Housemates shall have no contact with the outside world.
All housemates must wear microphone lapels at all times, except when swimming or sleeping. Whispering (speaking so low the microphone won’t pick it up) is strictly prohibited.  Covering or tampering with microphones or cameras, writing secret messages, and talking under hidden places are all forbidden.
Conversations in the Diary Room should always stay confidential. No one should ever share those conversations with other houseguests unless told to. (This doesn't extend to votes - you can talk about who you voted for though that is a majorly stupid game strategy, just saying.) Also, unless directed to do otherwise, all votes are cast in the Diary Room.
Housemates should never intimidate, threaten, or act violently towards any other housemate. They should also never deliberately break anything inside the house.
The Head of Household must nominate two people for eviction.
Evicted houseguests, after brief goodbyes, must immediately leave the house and be interviewed by the show’s Host.
The winner of the Power of Veto may elect to remove one nominee from the block, including themselves. If the Power of Veto is golden, the HOH must immediately select a replacement nominee. If it’s anything other than golden, the winner of the Power must immediately select a replacement nominee.
There will be ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. For those unfamiliar, haves get foods and their comfortable beds and have no restrictions placed on them. Have nots get put on slop (a disgusting tasting oatmeal like substance designed to provide all needed nutrients) and must sleep in the ‘Have-Not’ room, either on the floor or on really hard rooms. Have-nots are put at an immediate disadvantage for any competitions.
The following isn’t allowed to be brought inside the house:
Money and credit/debit cards
Mobile phones, tablets, gaming devices, computers, television in any form
Journals/diaries/paper in any form along with pens/pencils/etc.
Magazines and books that aren’t religious texts
Musical instruments
Board games/cards
Anything requiring battery or electrical power
The way I figure I’ll do it is I’m going to pick 13 fandoms (KHR, K, Nanbaka, Bungou Stray Dogs, Servamp, Saiyuki, Eyeshield 21, Mystic Messenger, Ikemen Revolution, Class of the Titans, Bleach, The Outsiders, and Iruma-kun) and I’m going to post polls for you lovely readers. They’ll be formatted as ‘Which character would you like to see compete from this fandom?’ with the options being either a character or a character group (ie: someone from the Varia, someone from HOMRA). If it’s a character group, I’m letting a random spin of an online wheel pick for me. Those picked will be our 13 contestants.
From there, I’ll post what’s going on in the week inside the house leading up to the Head of Household competition. Then I’ll write the Head of Household competition, including our haves/have nots. Another post will be the Power of Veto competition, the immediate follow up and campaigning. Then we’ll have a nomination post…some weeks, I’ll be entirely leaving it up to the character themselves to pick with no twists but I’ll post polls here and there before writing the nomination which give you lovely readers, the ‘audience’ the opportunity to grant the power of protection, where you’ll get to choose one character you can prevent from being nominated or sometimes even where you guys can pick one character to get a special gift or secret power. The last post of that ‘week’ will be the eviction post, where I’ll show the voting and the eviction! And I firmly believe there are some guests who will blow things up after they get evicted, spilling the tea on allllll of someone else’s game right before leaving or doing something else showy and flashing. I'd talk about who the comp beasts are (people who consistently win or come close to winning competitions), who the floaters (players who make sure they're underestimated, making it through the game by having everyone like them and just staying under the radar, sometimes even throwing competitions) are, who forms alliances to work together, who gets into showmances, who plays honestly and stays true to what they say and who lies and manipulates and plays villain to try to win, etc.
And yeahhh…that’s about the best explanation I can give, I guess?
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johnathanguvt727 · 1 year
4 Dirty Little Secrets About the fast Industry
Saskia Howard-Clarke is really a “promotions girl” from London. She was the fifth evictee from the Large Brother household on July one 2005 when she participated during the sixth series of the popular television programme.
In the 1st number of weeks, Saskia proved for being popular with housemates and viewers alike. This was evident in week two when most of the housemates were set up for eviction through a general public vote on account of rule breaking mainly because when Saskia’s title was introduced, the Dwell studio audience cheered her.
Having said that, functions took a turn for the worse points took a Incorrect flip every time a divide in the home happened and two associates of her group, Anthony and Maxwell have been banned from nominations – leaving Saskia in the vulnerable situation of remaining nominated by the opposite team who sided with Makosi Musambasi following a heated confrontation involving the pair.
Several of the comments Saskia produced in her argument with Makosi sparked a discussion about racism getting a Consider your home and the two Maxwell and Saskia were being place up for the public vote. Saskia was evicted by a the vast majority 71% in the vote and greeted the crowd into a combined reception on Day 36. She obtained the best proportion of any eviction vote over the full collection.
In her submit-eviction interview, she afterwards denied the make a difference by stating she was a quarter-Sri Lankan, an announcement that didn't justify or change the opinions of many viewers.
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This was Saskias nomination record during her remain in the Big Brother home:
1st (Working day five) – Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.
2nd (Day 11) – Saskia was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.
3rd (Working day eighteen) – Saskia was nominated by Science only.
4th (Day twenty five) – Saskia received no nominations.
5th (Day 32) Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted via the general public vote.
During her time in the large Brother dwelling Saskia coined phrases such as “stop of” and “it’s Puppy consume Pet” Though she didn’t final way too prolonged and was evicted fifth when she plus the fast oafish Maxwell ended up each nominated.
Even ahead of her stint on Large Brother, Saskia liked courting “well-known” folks and past boyfriends have included an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and she also dropped down several divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.
Saskia promises to Visit the gym five times each week, she gets her nails accomplished every month and is obsessed by faux tans.
Since leaving your house Saskia has become fast paced touring grotty nightclubs inside of a double act with Maxwell although also posing for glamour pictures in lads mags to be certain she continues to be in the general public eye.
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franciscozcyd046 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to fast
Saskia Howard-Clarke is a “promotions Lady” from London. She was the fifth evictee through the Big Brother household on July one 2005 when she participated while in the sixth number Helpful resources of the favored tv programme.
In the very first couple of months, Saskia proved to get popular with housemates and viewers alike. This was evident in week two when the entire housemates ended up set up for eviction by way of a community vote resulting from rule breaking mainly because when Saskia’s name was introduced, the Are living studio audience cheered her.
Having said that, situations took a turn for the worse points took a Mistaken change when a divide in the home occurred and two associates of her team, Anthony and Maxwell were being banned from nominations – leaving Saskia from the vulnerable situation of getting nominated by another group who sided with Makosi Musambasi after a heated confrontation involving the pair.
Many of the comments Saskia built in her argument with Makosi sparked a discussion about racism currently being a Consider your house and both equally Maxwell and Saskia were being put up for the general public vote. Saskia was evicted by a majority seventy one% with the vote and greeted the group to some blended reception on Working day 36. She been given the very best share of any eviction vote during the full sequence.
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In her write-up-eviction job interview, she afterwards denied the subject by stating she was a quarter-Sri Lankan, a press release that did not justify or alter the thoughts of many viewers.
This was Saskias nomination history all through her stay in the large Brother home:
1st (Day 5) – Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.
2nd (Day 11) – Saskia was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.
third (Working day eighteen) – Saskia was nominated by Science only.
4th (Working day twenty five) – Saskia acquired no nominations.
fifth (Working day 32) Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted through the general public vote.
In the course of her time in the massive Brother property Saskia coined phrases like “conclude of” and “it’s dog eat Puppy” Even though she didn’t very last too lengthy and was evicted fifth when she and also the oafish Maxwell ended up both of those nominated.
Even in advance of her stint on Massive Brother, Saskia enjoyed courting “well known” men and women and past boyfriends have provided an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and she or he also dropped down a few divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.
Saskia promises to Visit the gymnasium 5 times every week, she gets her nails performed each month and is particularly obsessed by phony tans.
Considering that leaving your house Saskia has become active touring grotty nightclubs inside a double act with Maxwell when also posing for glamour shots in lads mags to be sure she remains in the general public eye.
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7 Horrible Mistakes You're Making With fast
Saskia Howard-Clarke is really a “promotions Woman” from London. She was the fifth evictee with the Major Brother home on July one 2005 when she participated while in the sixth number of the favored tv programme.
In the very first handful of months, Saskia proved to get popular with housemates and viewers alike. This was obvious in 7 days two when the entire housemates were being put up for eviction via a community vote as a result of rule breaking for the reason that when Saskia’s name was introduced, the live studio audience cheered her.
Nevertheless, events took a turn for the even worse items took a Incorrect flip each time a divide in your house occurred and two users of her team, Anthony and Maxwell were banned from nominations – leaving Saskia from the susceptible position of remaining nominated by another team who sided with Makosi Musambasi following a heated confrontation between the pair.
A lot of the comments Saskia made in her argument with Makosi sparked a debate about racism being a Think about the house and both of those Maxwell and Saskia have been set up for the general public vote. Saskia was evicted by a bulk seventy one% of your vote and greeted the gang to some mixed reception on Day 36. She obtained the best percentage of any eviction vote over the total series.
In her submit-eviction job interview, she afterwards denied the make any difference by stating she was 1 / 4-Sri Lankan, an announcement that did not justify or change the opinions of many viewers.
This was Saskias nomination fast history during her stay in the large Brother residence:
1st (Day 5) – Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.
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2nd (Working day 11) – Saskia was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.
3rd (Day 18) – Saskia was nominated by Science only.
4th (Day twenty five) – Saskia gained no nominations.
fifth (Working day 32) Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted via the public vote.
During her time in the massive Brother house Saskia coined phrases like “end of” and “it’s Pet dog eat dog” Even though she didn’t last as well very long and was evicted fifth when she and the oafish Maxwell had been equally nominated.
Even in advance of her stint on Major Brother, Saskia loved courting “popular” people and earlier boyfriends have provided an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and he or she also dropped down several divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.
Saskia promises to go to the health club 5 times each week, she will get her nails finished every month and is obsessed by phony tans.
Since leaving your home Saskia has been fast paced touring grotty nightclubs inside a double act with Maxwell whilst also posing for glamour photographs in lads mags to be sure she continues to be in the general public eye.
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archeraemb003 · 1 year
Meet the Steve Jobs of the fast Industry
Saskia Howard-Clarke is a “promotions girl” from London. She was the fifth evictee with the Significant Brother residence on July 1 2005 when she participated in the sixth number of the popular tv programme.
In the main few weeks, Saskia proved being well known with housemates and viewers alike. This was obvious in week two when most of the housemates were being set up for eviction by means of a general public vote as a result of rule breaking simply because when Saskia’s title was declared, the Stay studio viewers cheered her.
Even so, functions took a switch to the even worse items took a Improper change whenever a divide in your house occurred and two members of her group, Anthony and Maxwell have been banned from nominations – leaving Saskia inside the vulnerable situation of becoming nominated by the opposite group who sided with Makosi Musambasi after a heated confrontation amongst the pair.
A lot of the feedback Saskia made in her argument with Makosi sparked a debate about racism getting a factor in your house and the two Maxwell and Saskia have been set up for the general public vote. Saskia was evicted by a majority 71% on the vote and greeted the crowd into a combined reception on Working day 36. She obtained the very best proportion of any eviction vote through the complete collection.
In her submit-eviction interview, she later on denied the make a difference by stating she was 1 / 4-Sri Lankan, a statement that did not justify or alter the views of many viewers.
This was Saskias nomination heritage throughout her stay in the Big Brother house:
1st (Day 5) – Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.
2nd (Working day 11) – Saskia was fast nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.
third (Day 18) – Saskia was nominated by Science only.
4th (Day twenty five) – Saskia received no nominations.
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5th (Working day 32) Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted via the general public vote.
During her time in the massive Brother property Saskia coined phrases for example “finish of” and “it’s Doggy eat Doggy” While she didn’t past as well very long and was evicted fifth when she and the oafish Maxwell ended up both nominated.
Even before her stint on Major Brother, Saskia loved dating “popular” people and earlier boyfriends have involved an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and she or he also dropped down a few divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.
Saskia statements to go to the gymnasium 5 times every week, she will get her nails finished every month and is also obsessed by fake tans.
Since leaving your home Saskia has been active touring grotty nightclubs in a very double act with Maxwell although also posing for glamour photographs in lads mags to ensure she remains in the general public eye.
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freegoateeshark · 1 year
From Around the Web: 20 Awesome Photos of fast
Saskia Howard-Clarke is really a “promotions girl” from London. She was the fifth evictee through the Major Brother house on July 1 2005 when she participated during the sixth series of the popular tv programme.
In the first handful of weeks, Saskia proved for being preferred with housemates and viewers alike. This was obvious in week two when each of the housemates had been put up for eviction by using a general public vote due to rule breaking due to the fact when Saskia’s name was announced, the Are living studio viewers cheered her.
Nevertheless, activities took a turn with the worse items took a wrong flip any time a divide in your home happened and two customers of her team, Anthony and Maxwell were banned from nominations – leaving Saskia within the susceptible place of remaining nominated by the opposite team who sided with Makosi Musambasi following a heated confrontation in between the pair.
A few of the comments Saskia created in her argument with Makosi sparked a debate about racism remaining a factor in the house and both of those Maxwell and Saskia ended up set up for the public vote. Saskia was evicted by a majority 71% of your vote and greeted the group to a combined reception on Working day 36. She acquired the very best share of any eviction vote through the total collection.
In her publish-eviction job interview, she afterwards denied the issue by stating she was a quarter-Sri Lankan, a statement that didn't justify or alter the opinions of many viewers.
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This was Saskias nomination history all through her stay in the Big Brother residence:
1st (Working day 5) – Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.
2nd (Working day eleven) – Saskia was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.
third (Day eighteen) – Saskia was nominated by Science only.
4th (Day 25) – Saskia received no nominations.
5th (Day 32) Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted by using the public vote.
During her time in the large Brother dwelling Saskia coined phrases for example fast “conclusion of” and “it’s Doggy consume Pet” Despite the fact that she didn’t very last also extended and was evicted fifth when she as well as oafish Maxwell were both nominated.
Even right before her stint on Massive Brother, Saskia savored dating “renowned” men and women and previous boyfriends have bundled an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and he or she also dropped down some divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.
Saskia statements to Visit the gymnasium five instances per week, she receives her nails accomplished every month and is obsessed by faux tans.
Since leaving the home Saskia has actually been hectic touring grotty nightclubs in a double act with Maxwell whilst also posing for glamour pictures in lads mags to make sure she stays in the public eye.
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jayessentialsblog · 10 days
BBNaija housemates publicly proposed one another for eviction
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Big Brother changed the nomination procedure for the 'No Loose Guard' house, causing drama. Housemates were given paper and pens to covertly write down the names of two housemates who should be evicted after announcing Tjay as the new Head of House. Later, each housemate was required to read out the names to the entire house. The process of nominating each housemate is as follows:  Kassia – Topher and Sooj, Anita – Ozee and Shaun, Shaun – Chizoba and Kellyrae, Ozee – Ben and Kassia, Victoria – Sooj and Chizoba, Wanni – Kellyrae and Sooj, Onyeka – Kellyrae and Victoria, Sooj – Kassia and Kellyrae, Handi – Sooj and Kellyrae, Kellyrae – Onyeka and Shaun, Chizoba – Victoria and Kellyrae, Topher – Victoria, Nelly – Victoria and Ozee, Ben – Vicyoria and Kassia, Ocee – Ben and Nelly, Tjay – Kassia and Sooj Kelly, Victoria, Sooj, Kassia, Chizoba, Shaun, Topher, Ben, and Ozee were all nominated for eviction at the end of the process. Read the full article
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onenettvchannel · 13 days
#OneNETnewsInvestigates: Reality Show Turns Dark - Mandaluyong and Dumagueteña contestants of 'Pinoy Big Brother: Gen 11' suffer Cyberbullying on Social Media and Interactive Shopping E-Commerce's online broadcasting scandal [EXCLUSIVE]
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Reporter, Online Media Editor and Presenter of OneNETnews)
QUEZON, MANILA -- Two female housemates at 'Pinoy Big Brother: Gen 11' were named 'Fyang Smith', an 18 y/o from Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, and 'Jasmine Helen Dudley-Scales', a 24 y/o from Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, have both being inundated with aggressive attacks online on social media, during LIVE shopping e-commerce broadcaster Lazada's LazLive in the Philippines, and aired as highlights per episode on ABS-CBN's Kapamilya Channel.
The competitive social experiment reality game show, turned absolute woke disaster on social media, where it was filled and flodded with cesspool of toxicity, hatred, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, trolling, body shaming, mass reporting incidents on LazLive's live streaming on boycotts, and even asked to have forced eviction on both female housemates. OneNETnews is the first to investigate on how does these female housemate contestants to be attacked online without moderation, together with legal expertees with Anti-Cybercrime Divisions in Mandaluyong and Dumaguete City.
The controversy kicked off with taped episodes, and a series of mobile-only LIVE streams between the 1st and 2nd week of September 2024. These are not clearly defined, specific events that led to the backlash, as it appears that Ms. Fyang and Ms. Jas were being silently bullied, along with other in-real-life cases by their fellow housemates on the show. These comments both online and on-demand, have subjected the two (2) housemates to an unprecedented level of cyberbullying.
Filipinos started an online propaganda, serving between the antis of 'Fyang' and 'Jas'. Pro housemate contestants will not be affected, including our Cebuano teams like 'Kai Montinola' and 'Rain Celmar', despite committing hurtful comments on social media, facing nationwide violation of the Republic Act #10175, or also known as, the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, and other related cases like defamation, murderous death threats, and destroying the image of the producers at 'PBB Gen 11'. This feels like you are in a highway road rage as your role of virtual suspect online, or triggering the worst of your heated emotion of opinions in free speech.
Corporate social media giants between Facebook and the X Network (formerly Twitter, and owned separately by Meta Platforms Inc. and X Corp.) carefully moderating comments that violates its community guidelines, except for the uncensored LIVE chat session at Lazada's LazLive, leaving all of them are unmoderated.
On Saturday night (September 7th, 2024), shortly after the closed voting at 9pm sharp, the hosts of 'Pinoy Big Brother: Gen 11', Mr. Robi Eusebio Domingo and Ms. Melai Bunayog Cantiveros-Francisco, addresses the nation of bullying and among others by reminded viewers in their televised statement to be respectful and mindful of these female contestants. Forced eviction on both female housemate contestants won't help, which either being nominated, safe or both.
"Nais po sana naming paalahanan ng ilang netizens na dila-overacting (OA) na po, sa pagbibigay ng mga hurtful offensive and even life-threating comments sa ating housemates. Gusto po sana naming e-remind ng lahat to be mindful of your comments on sosyal medya, and that, there are so many ways to show your support for your favorite housemate na hindi po kailangang humantong sa pagbabato ng mga negatibo o nakakasakit ng mga salita. These are real people, with real lives. Sila po ay totoong tao na may totoong damdamin po", Robi said in the televised statement in Tagalog dialect.
The aggressive online dumpster-fire behavior has brought in legal teams and anti-cybercrime divisions from both regionalities in the Luzon and Visayas areas. Incidents have been investigated, and actions are being considered against people responsible for these cyber-criminals online, which to be potentially implemented locally on Monday (September 10th). They are having the rights to suspend or block users after one or more comments from their online perpetrator(s).
As such, we call upon all parties involved to be responsible, and open to one another to amicably end this situation. We further call on ABS-CBN's DWWX-TV 2: Kapamilya Channel in Manila, the producers of 'Pinoy Big Brother: Gen 11', and the authorities of Mandaluyong and Dumaguete City -- to conduct an appropriate investigation of these allegations of cyberbullying and undertake the necessary legal action against those proven to be guilty.
It is the dark side of social media, where anonymity emboldens still others to do harm. The show producers and hosts are calling on viewers to voice opinions in a respectful and responsible manner, aside from possible legal steps to further protect these two house contestants from more harm and to punish all the perpetrators involved. They need to input a full disclaimer per taped or LIVE episodes of 'PBB Gen 11'.
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/61563869414775/posts/122112640526462313/ *https://www.facebook.com/100084200101081/posts/504498452366821/ and *https://www.facebook.com/100063890912927/posts/986840683455620/
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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deadlinecom · 1 month
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terastalungrad · 11 months
BB20: Wednesday 1 November
The day starts with some classic BB20 conflict resolution, with Dylan apologising to Trish and Noky for shouting at them.
Olivia really has shown growth in the house. She faced eviction, and her supposed friend Noky was involved in that decision - but Olivia's stoic and calm. Very different from when she was nominated by Jenkin on day 1.
Poor Jordan. He really needs space from Matty - this isn't a flirtation that's bringing him long-term joy. But stuck in the Big Brother house with nothing to do, it's really hard to stay away.
Henry nominates Dylan for being divisive and snappy, and Paul for being inconsiderate at bedtime.
Olivia nominates Trish for causing Olivia to face eviction yesterday, and Noky for being involved in the decision. Heartbreaking! Olivia and Noky were friends!
Noky nominates Paul - he accused her of being fake - and Dylan. She found his behaviour unacceptable, regardless of later apology.
Chanelle nominates Dylan and Trish for creating an unpleasant situation that made the house feel divided.
Matty nominates Olivia for being annoying and loud, and Dylan for accusing Trish and Noky of black-on-black crime.
Jenkin nominates Dylan for shouting at Trish, and Noky for being a game-player.
Yinrun nominates Dylan for losing his temper, and Paul for OTT and offensive jokes and pranks.
Dylan nominates Trish and Noky for having a problem with him that they won't be open about.
Paul nominates Trish for being a gameplayer, and Noky for talking about his personal life behind his back (and not being her Authentic Genuine Self).
Jordan nominates Jenkin for being curt with him, and Noky whom he thinks is insincere.
Tom nominates Noky for being two-faced, and Trish for being controlling.
Trish nominates Dylan since she feels like his emotional punching bag, and Paul for hypocrisy; in the past, he's kicked off about people taking things too seriously, but then took Noky's and Trish's nomination task very seriously himself.
Omg, double eviction this week! Dylan, Paul, Trish and Noky all face the vote. All three black housemates! Really curious to see who's saved.
The shopping task this week, each housemate was given £5 to spend on their own personal choices. When the shopping comes, Yinrun feels like there's tremendous scrutiny of her things - people checking to make absolutely sure she's not taking anything that isn't hers.
Meanwhile, Tom and Paul hoard an absolute mountain of snacks that aren't theirs.
Henry reckons the Jordan-Matty dynamic is becoming all-consuming. He feels caught in the middle, and selfishly feels like he's losing Jordan. He's never felt this way before, and is worried he's being cringe.
Jordan and Matty have their thousandth conversation about their relationship. Jordan is Martha Jones, that's the problem. There's no way for these two to have a healthy relationship until they go their separate ways, and Jordan can find happiness elsewhere.
Jordan reckons his friendship with Henry is platonic. I think this is probably broadly true. Henry's jealousy isn't romantic - rather, Jordan's his best friend, and Henry feels abandoned when Jordan goes off with Matty.
Incredibly strange interaction next.
Chanelle talks with Yinrun and Noky on one side of the bedroom.
On the other side of the bedroom, Jenkin, Tom, Paul and Olivia bitch - half-jokingly? - about Chanelle being on the cool side of the room. Olivia mocks the "cool side" by saying "it's so hard being an outsider".
They plan a Mean Girls move against Chanelle. They will call her over, do a little arm-slapping manoeuvre, and say "iced out!"
When they do this, Chanelle doesn't understand what "iced out" means. They tell her it means they're not her friend anymore. Chanelle rolls her eyes and goes to wash her face - unphased, unhurt.
It is notable that the "cool side" (presumably Yinrun, Trish, Henry, Jordan - maybe Noky and Matty?) haven't lost a single housemate to eviction. The non-outsiders' gang lost Zak - and Olivia specifically lost Hallie and Kerry. And now Paul faces eviction (admittedly alongside Trish, Noky and Dylan).
So it's interesting seeing insecurity from the group that might, in the real world, enjoy the most privileged status.
Jenkin comes to talk to Chanelle, and yep, the callout hurt her more than she let on. She's particularly upset by Jenkin. She won't talk to him for now. Jenkin says "I love you" about a thousand times, but Chanelle says nothing back.
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beingbigbrother · 11 months
Week 1 Writeup: Big Brother feels like Big Brother again
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▲ Dark days are over
Nearly five years since Big Brother UK's second "last ever" episode, the all-seeing eye returned to our screens on Sunday.
I loved - loved - Big Brother back in the Channel 4 days. Even in its darkest days (Big Brothers 8 thru 10), a properly good season was never far away (Big Brother Celebrity Hijack, Celebrity Big Brother 6, Big Brother 11).
And then Channel 5 happened to Big Brother.
The only two Channel 5 seasons I managed to get through were Big Brother 15 and Celebrity Big Brother 15, both of which were pure poison. The other ones I tried just bored me.
I've been watching Big Brother 19 - Channel 5's final season - in the run-up to ITV's reboot, and I have to admit it's a diamond in the rough. So it bodes well for this year's revival that much of the BB19 creative team is also working on BB20.
The good
There's a lot I like about this year's season.
The outdoor set is - well, it's a bit of silver MDF and a fog machine really, isn't it - but it still trumps pretty much all of Channel 4's efforts. And the House itself still blows my mind - considering this is ostensibly "just" ITV dipping its toes into the BB pool, with a six-week run on a free-to-air digital channel.
The casting is great, somehow managing to push the feelgood wokeness of BB19 even further with one of our most diverse groups of Housemates ever. Speaking of casting, one of the new hosts is great, too (AJ).
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But the absolute greatest change is that the Live Stream is back for the first time in a decade! It's not on 24/7 - you'd have to go back to the Channel 4 days for that - but 23 hours a week is a big step in the right direction, and shows ITV at least has the right idea about Big Brother.
It feels so good unwinding with the Live Stream every evening, and I feel like I'm getting to know these Housemates so much better because of it. Big Brother finally feels like Big Brother again!
And, as I said before: this is ITV's inaugural toe-dipping season, so who knows what will happen in the future.
The bad
It's not all sunshine and rainbows, mind you.
What the fuck was up with those nominations, Big Brother?! They took place on Thursday, so we had to wait till Thursday's Big Brother Late & Live to find out who was up.
That gave viewers one measly day to cast their votes. For casual viewers, who aren't interested in BBLL, it would've meant finding out who was nominated, who nominated who, and who was evicted - all in the same, roughly one-hour episode.
It's quite frankly broken, and I really hope it changes in Big Brother 21. I didn't love each Housemate only giving one nomination, either - it means the obvious troublemakers will be up every week (which is exactly what happened this time) and we may well end up with bland Housemates in the final.
Presumably they've done it to try to speed things up in the highlights show - but they should probably have just copied BB11's editing, which made nominations the best they've ever been on BBUK.
Oh, and, to follow up on my earlier point: one of the new hosts is, um, not great (not AJ).
The ugly
Let me just finish off by saying the new opening titles, theme tune, and motion graphics are - frankly - rancid. There's the ghost of a good idea in there somewhere, but unfortunately it's almost impossible to make out behind multiple layers of inexplicable film grain(???) and "Free Glitch Effect Premiere Pro Beginner" google searches. 🤢
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gossipchachi-blog · 2 months
Bigg Boss OTT 3: Time for Vada Pav Girl to go home, say insiders
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The season of Bigg Boss OTT 3 is making waves on social media with its intense drama, controversies, and unexpected twists. The show has already seen four contestants evicted, and with the “Weekend Ka Vaar” episode approaching, the fear of a fifth elimination is palpable among the remaining housemates and fans.
Table of Contents
Contestants on the Hot Seat
Voting Trends
Leading Contestants
Bottom Contestants
Potential Elimination
Contestants on the Hot Seat
This week, five contestants are nominated and are facing the possibility of eviction. They include:
Chandrika Dixit (Vada Pav girl)
Armaan Malik
Vishal Pandey
Lovekesh Kataria
Shivani Kumar
Fans are eagerly voting and speculating about who will be the next to leave the Bigg Boss house.
Voting Trends
According to the latest voting trends, Lovekesh Kataria is leading with the highest number of votes. He is followed by Vishal Pandey and Shivani Kumar. At the bottom of the list are Armaan Malik and Chandrika Dixit.
Leading Contestants
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Lovekesh Kataria: His popularity is soaring, and he has managed to secure the top spot in the voting trends. His strong fan base and positive portrayal on the show have contributed to his high vote count.
Vishal Pandey: Following closely behind Lovekesh, Vishal has also garnered significant support from viewers.
Shivani Kumar: She holds the third position in the voting trends, indicating a solid fan base and considerable viewer support.
Bottom Contestants
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Armaan Malik: Despite his efforts, Armaan is struggling with votes, placing him in the bottom two.
Chandrika Dixit: Known as the Vada Pav girl, Chandrika has also found herself in the bottom two. Her journey in the Bigg Boss house seems uncertain as she faces the threat of eviction.
Potential Elimination
Insiders and fans alike are speculating that Chandrika Dixit might be the next contestant to be evicted. Many viewers have expressed their dissatisfaction with her presence on the show, labeling her as boring and irritating. They believe she doesn’t contribute much to the entertainment factor of Bigg Boss OTT 3.
There is also talk among fans and insiders that the show’s producers are considering eliminating Chandrika to introduce a new wildcard contestant. This move could potentially bring fresh dynamics and more excitement to the show.
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14 Common Misconceptions About fast
Saskia Howard-Clarke is usually a “promotions Female” from London. She was the fifth evictee from the Big Brother house on July one 2005 when she participated during the sixth number of the favored tv programme.
In the 1st couple of months, Saskia proved to become preferred with housemates and viewers alike. This was evident in week two when every one of the housemates have been place up for eviction by way of a general public vote as a result of rule breaking for the reason that when Saskia’s title was declared, the Are living studio audience cheered her.
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Nevertheless, occasions took a flip for that even worse issues took a Erroneous convert when a divide in the house happened and two users of her group, Anthony and Maxwell have been banned from nominations – leaving Saskia within the susceptible place of being nominated by one other group who sided with Makosi Musambasi following a heated confrontation between the pair.
Many of the responses Saskia produced in her argument with Makosi sparked a discussion about racism staying a Think about the home and each Maxwell and Saskia have been put up for the general public vote. Saskia was evicted by a greater part seventy one% with the vote and greeted the group to a mixed reception on Day 36. She acquired the highest percentage of any eviction vote during the total sequence.
In her publish-eviction job interview, she later on denied the issue by stating she was 1 / 4-Sri Lankan, a statement that did not justify or change the thoughts of many viewers.
This was Saskias nomination background for the duration of her stay in the large Brother residence:
1st (Working day 5) – Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.
2nd (Working day eleven) – Saskia was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.
third (Day eighteen) – Saskia was nominated by Science only.
4th (Working day 25) – Saskia obtained no nominations.
5th (Day 32) Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted through the general public vote.
All through her time in the massive Brother household Saskia coined phrases which include “conclude of” and “it’s Canine eat Puppy” although she didn’t very last as well extensive and was evicted fifth when she plus the oafish Maxwell had been equally nominated.
Even just before her stint on Big Brother, Saskia savored courting “famed” persons and previous boyfriends have incorporated an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and he or she also dropped down a handful of divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.
Saskia claims to Visit the health and fitness center five times every week, she gets her nails performed every month and is also obsessed by fake tans.
Considering that leaving your home Saskia has actually been active touring grotty nightclubs within a double act with Maxwell although also Get more information posing for glamour shots in lads mags to ensure she stays in the public eye.
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swimmingfacechaos · 5 months
7 Horrible Mistakes You're Making With fast
Saskia Howard-Clarke is usually a “promotions Female” from London. She was the fifth evictee from your Large Brother home on July one 2005 when she participated in the sixth number of the popular tv programme.
In the initial few months, Saskia proved to become well-known with housemates and viewers alike. This was obvious in week two when each of the housemates were place up for eviction via a community vote due to rule breaking for the reason that when Saskia’s title was Article source declared, the Reside studio audience cheered her.
Nonetheless, activities took a convert with the worse things took a Erroneous convert whenever a divide in your house happened and two members of her team, Anthony and Maxwell have been banned from nominations – leaving Saskia inside the vulnerable placement of being nominated by the other team who sided with Makosi Musambasi after a heated confrontation amongst the pair.
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A few of the responses Saskia made in her argument with Makosi sparked a discussion about racism remaining a Consider your house and the two Maxwell and Saskia ended up place up for the general public vote. Saskia was evicted by a majority 71% with the vote and greeted the crowd into a combined reception on Working day 36. She acquired the very best proportion of any eviction vote in the course of the total series.
In her submit-eviction job interview, she later denied the subject by stating she was a quarter-Sri Lankan, an announcement that didn't justify or change the opinions of numerous viewers.
This was Saskias nomination history during her remain in the Big Brother home:
1st (Day five) – Saskia was nominated by Derek and Mary.
2nd (Working day 11) – Saskia was nominated by Craig, Derek, Lesley and Vanessa.
3rd (Day eighteen) – Saskia was nominated by Science only.
4th (Day twenty five) – Saskia been given no nominations.
5th (Working day 32) Saskia was nominated by Derek, Kemal, Makosi and Vanessa and was evicted through the public vote.
In the course of her time in the Big Brother property Saskia coined phrases which include “end of” and “it’s Puppy eat Puppy” although she didn’t last too very long and was evicted fifth when she and the oafish Maxwell were being each nominated.
Even ahead of her stint on Large Brother, Saskia savored dating “renowned” people and previous boyfriends have incorporated an Olympic swimmer, a Premiership footballer and he or she also dropped down several divisions to hook up with Nottingham Forest striker Adam Nowland.
Saskia statements to Visit the health club five periods per week, she receives her nails done every month which is obsessed by bogus tans.
Considering that leaving the house Saskia has actually been chaotic touring grotty nightclubs inside of a double act with Maxwell though also posing for glamour photographs in lads mags to guarantee she remains in the public eye.
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