#house painting triforce
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triforcepaintingsolution · 1 year ago
You're Just a Step Away! of your home's transformation.
You're Just a Step Away!
Welcome to House Painting Triforce, where our mission is to provide you with an exceptional painting experience. From selecting the perfect color and style to ensuring your satisfaction, our team is dedicated to making your project a seamless process.
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we'll provide you with a detailed project schedule to keep you updated on the estimated completion date. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we're committed to delivering an outstanding experience from start to finish.
In case you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We are always here to assist you with any issues that may arise. Our hassle-free approach ensures that you have peace of mind throughout the entire process.
Thank you for choosing House Painting Triforce, and we look forward to being a part of your home's transformation.
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triforcesolutions · 2 years ago
High Ceilings and Holey Walls
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luimagines · 6 months ago
Can I request a thing for Kid!Hero Reader where, before their journey starts, they meet the chain in the marketplace while walking around with the ghost!chain? Kinda like the thing i sent where the chain catch a glimpse of the triforce on their hand?
Imma have to dig deep to remember all of this mushroom. But let's see what I can do. :D
Content under the cut!
You weren't entirely what to expect but the uncles and grandpa's that followed you around today where a little more quiet than usual. More tense. Which is strange because that's never happened before.
They were always talking. If not one, then another.
But they all seemed to be waiting on baited breath for something to happen.
You tried to ignore the feeling that they were intensely watching everything you did. You wanted to go back to bed and forget the feeling of uneasy but you needed more eggs. And you need more butter.
Deciding that it's better to get it over with, you hike up your big kid pants and go to the market to go get the groceries.
"...Do you remember who they met first?"
"Not a clue. Stop talking."
"Please talk to me." You whisper to the voices beside your ear. "Where did you all go?"
"We're here." The oldest of them speaks calmly, a whisp of a touch over your head. "But today is important. We can't change what's about to happen."
"Will it hurt?" You ask to the wind.
Another whisp of a breath over your cheek. "No. We will protect you as we always have."
"Ok, Grandpa. I'm trusting you." You gulp and continue to walk. With the feeling of the heroes behind you, you take a deep breath and continue on with what you head planned to do.
"Over here!!" A voice calls out.
It almost gives you whiplash. You know that voice.
But it wasn't distorted or faint. You heard it.
A group of boys crosses in front of you. They were all of various ages but recognized a few of them.
"Captain." You say without thinking. He was always wearing that ridiculous scarf.
The young man in question stops and turns to you with such startling speed that you gasp and take a step back. He's so... young.
"Great work, Captain Obvious. You scared them."
"That's not how I remember it."
"Shut up all of you."
You somehow find it in yourself to wave.
He smiles and waves back, getting down on his knee to meet your eyes better. "Hello there. What's your name?"
You tell him your name, staring at him non-to-subtly.
"Where are your parents?" He asks you, catching the attention of the other boys in the group.
You gasp, seeing the bigger guy. He has a scar and paint on his face. You know him too. He's less grumpy. "Grandpa?"
The younger Captain raises and eyebrow and turns to look at those whos attention you've caught.
Oh... You think you can see it now. These are your uncles and grandpas. But they're... here... and Alive? And young. So young. One of them can't be that much older than you but you know him too. He was a pirate when he was a boy. He told you that.
"Relax." The wolf man whispers to your ear. Fur brushes past your other cheek. "We've always protected you. Always have, Always will."
A golden glow shines on your hand.
With a gasp you try to try to hide the calling card for trouble.
Their eyes narrow at once. Of course, they'd recognize it.
Feeling awkward from all their stares, you waves again- with your other not glowing hand. "...I was shopping for lunch. You can come to my house. We can all eat?"
"Oh poor thing. I'm so sorry we scared you so much."
"They're tough. We made sure of it."
"Don't worry Little Buddy. You're doing great."
"We'll be honored." The young captain smiles and it's warm. You smile back. He was always charming but it's different this time.
You don't know how to explain it to them. To tell them just how much they all mean to you... But you don't have to.
They already know.
"We're still here. Right beside you. Every step of the way."
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failedpotato · 1 year ago
Completely random Ravio headcanons (to heal the soul)
—Ravio and Mural are born in the same year, but their birthdays are on the opposite of each other (exactly six months apart). This means that Mural’s birthday is in May while Ravio’s is in November. (If my math isn’t totally shit)
—Rav isn’t very keen on sharing too many details about his past; Mural still isn’t entirely sure if he really was a traveling merchant before he came to Hyrule, or if that’s just something he made up as a disguise.
—The real answer? Yes and no. He has always been creative and handy, with a knack for making things. Particularly weapons and inventive new gadgets. At a point, he was forced to start selling them to make a living; and though it was never his intentions, he turned out to be a pretty good salesperson. He may not seem like it, but he is indeed very analytical and observant, and uses these skills to persuade customers.
—Sometime before the events of ALBW, he was appointed by princess Hilda to design and create weapons for the royal guard. He eventually became a sort of advisor for the princess, and they formed a rather close bond before Yuga interfered.
—He considers himself a pacifist, though he does carry several weapons on his person at all times… just in case.
—He can be quite paranoid, in several ways… the most obvious one can be traced back to his upbringing in the slums of Lorule, and it speaks for itself. He’s had enough experiences with thugs and other malicious people to always be a little bit on edge whenever he meets a newcomer.
—Whenever Mural goes on a quest or adventure, he makes sure to bring home souvenirs if he can. He knows Rav is fond of exotic jewelry, pottery and all sorts of other artifacts
—I like to think that Hyrule’s cultural traditions are predominantly centered around music, while Lorule’s is focused on paintings and visual art. Hyrulean holidays and rituals are often based on music, song and dance — music is a highly appreciated and common skill, but it is also considered sacred. Meanwhile, Lorule has a rich artistic history, though painting is an activity that few people can afford to do anymore. If anything, it has become an important symbol of status — Lorule Castle is littered with impressive paintings and ornaments.
—All this to explain why Ravio values art as deeply as he does, and why he enjoys painting despite everything Yuga did.
—I know I have written about this before; but Ravio is the one who designed the magical rod that Yuga uses during ALBW — as well as his magical bracelet. It was never intended to be used on humans, though. The intention was to use it on inanimate objects, to store them safely (you can retrieve them at will) and alternatively, to create murals in a far more effective way.
—After ALBW, Lorule’s triforce is restored, but there is still a lot of work left to do to heal the kingdom. While Ravio spends a lot of time in Hyrule, setting up a permanent shop in Mural’s house, he is also dedicated to helping princess Hilda and doing charity work in Lorule.
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tashacee · 1 year ago
Aspects of a Sport
“This is my house!” Sky explained as he pushed open the garden gate. “I think Sun’s home, I can't wait for you to meet her! And then I can introduce you to Crimson and show you Skyloft and-”
He never got to tell Spirit what else he was going to show him, as at that precise moment the yellow painted front door slammed open and a very agitated Groose stormed outside.
Wild felt a bolt of panic shoot through his body and could tell that Sky felt the same, drawing the Master Sword in alarm. Spirit, adorably, had drawn his sword too, and Wild might have joined them had Sun not at that moment poked her head out the door and smiled at them all.
“Hi boys!” she said.
Wild blinked. Ahhh, so this wasn’t a problem-problem. This was a Groose-problem. Right. Okay. That was different. Panic over.
Sky sheathed his sword again with a lopsided grin. “Hi Sun! Uh, hi, Groose. What seems to be the problem?”
Groose rolled his eyes back in his head and smacked a hand to his forehead, making his ridiculous quiff jiggle. “Oh Link it’s terrible! Awful! It’s-”
“It’s his sports team.” Sun cut in with amusement, daintily picking her way down the garden path and grinning at them all. History would record her as a pure maiden with flowing hair in a pristine white gown, but here and now she was wearing a comfortable, well worn skirt and thick jumper stained on the cuff with what looked like flour. “He’s having sport troubles."
read the rest on AO3!
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jellyfishvibes · 10 months ago
I am very sick, high off cold and flu meds, and have been watching Zelda theory's non stop so have some delirious opinions
A popular theory about the Zonai is the multiple tribe theory to explain the incongruence between how the Zonai were presented in Botw vs Totk which is understandable and I kinda agree, the popular variant is three tribes, a tribe worshiping each golden goddess which is not a huge leap to get to, we have clear evidence that they were worshipped by the people who built all of the Zonai ruins with the evidence of the 3 statues (Boar, Owl and Dragon) which creating a champion says represent the three virtues, and most people connect the barbarian armour from Botw into this theory and have the 'ancient warlike tribe' from faron as the boar/power tribe which I understand how we get from a to b but it just rubs me the wrong way
From the ruins we can see (based on Totk cause that's the game I have on hand) none of the Zonai who built the ruins worshipped Ganon/Power/The Boar/Din, from what I can find there are only 2 boar statues (the only game I have on hand is Totk and I scoured the map and couldn't find any, of the pictures ive seen there are 2, idk if they were removed in Totk or i'm just looking in the wrong places but here's your pinch of salt with that statement, please if you know where they are rb with a map or coordinates please I feel like I'm going crazy) and of those statues they are the most overgrown/aged of the Zonai ruins, which implies that if they were worshipped, they were worshipped before dragons and owls, and at some point that worship was suppressed or stopped, I would think they may have destroyed statues if they did exist or it was an antagonistic god they worshipped against or even it was treated as a minor god compared to the owl and dragon
For the barbarian armour i can see how at a glance you could get boar vibes from the skull but it really isn't a boar skull
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"A helmet once worn by the warriors of an ancient warlike tribe from the Faron region. Wearing it draws out your inner animal, increasing your strength and battle prowess."
"Armor once favored by an ancient warlike tribe from the Faron region. The war paint bolsters your fighting spirit and raises your attack power."
"These leg wraps were favored by a warlike tribe from the Faron region long ago. They're adorned with traditional markings that bolster your fighting spirit to raise your attack power."
I don't know anything about skulls and really don't know what it is, but nothing about this connects to boars or Ganon, the only connection you can draw is that the paint boosts attack power, I assume people hear 'barbarian' 'warlike' and 'inner animal' and just hear Ganon? Idk
From what we can see in modern day the ruins builders were dragon worshipers, of whatever form of the Triforce they worshipped, the aspect of courage was held above the others, the spring of courage is the only spring that was clearly a sacred site for the ruin builders and they connected it to dragon symbolism, from what we know of the labyrinths in both games and ruin placement the faron region probably wasn't their home base, it's a religious site with most evidence pointing to a pilgrimage path like the lanaryu promenade
The labyrinths are stated in game to be castles (or just the portions in the sky?) and each housed a ruler only known now as the Ruler of Dragons (the island labyrinth to the north east) the Ruler of Owls (the snow labyrinth to the north west) and the Ruler of Boars (the desert labyrinth to the south west) there are no castles in the south east in Faron and each castle has some fragment of evil underneath it (literally in game the phantom ganon armour but I don't think it is literally that in lore, alot of the reference armour and weapons I tend to not take literally but off vibes, like the goddess sword isn't literally in the forgotten temple but those vibes are there to push us into the idea that the forgotten temple is a successor to the temple of hylia in skyward sword, however literally you believe those theory's run)
So we know they had atleast 3 rulers I want to say concurrently and the position of ruler came with it the expectation of protecting/sealing away evil, also that the religious symbolism either was tied with the ruling class, making the rulers both some form of king and high priest, or that boars, owls and dragons had multiple meanings within their culture, like how hylians may worship the golden goddesses but see the triforce symbol as a symbol of the royal family rather then a religious symbol first and foremost
I squint alot about the exact time periods ruins are from, alot of dragon symbolism that clearly matches the three dragons we know of (dinraal, farosh and naydra) only comes from totk from my knowledge, the armour sets and statues are all totk/fell during the upheaval
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So I theorize they come from a later period of zonai history, the oldest imagery of dragons like the statues and the rings depicted dragons without identifiable horns or elements like this, I speculate that the dragons the most ancient zonai worship might be connected to the 3 dark skeletons you can find in the depths but there's not a lot of concrete evidence there beyond dragon shaped skeleton
From my best guess, the ruin builders of the faron region probably lived with/among the various races that existed at the time, we know of their knowledge/buildings within Gerudo, Goron, Zora and Rito history, assuming the Water temple, Lightning temple, Fire temple and Wind temple were built by them and repurposed into temples by later eras of Zonai, you could even argue they were originally where the Zonai did reside, of the temples none look to be built originally as temples, the only one I could see as an exception is the Lightning temple, but each has a purpose outside of it, the fire temple is noted in goron myth as a city named Gordonia, the wind temple is a battle ship named the Stormwind Ark, the water temple is a spring and a connected water works to supply Zora with endless water, the lightning temple is a energy storage site (I have seen scattered mention that the water temple is upside down? Please if anyone has a full theory or explanation for that I would love it)
My own theory of Zonai history is that the layers are;
The Ancient Zonai; builders of the botw ruins, the original forms of the temples, and worshippers of three ancient dragons, most lived above the cloud barrier or below in the depths with few staying on the surface amongst the ancient Gerudo/Goron/Rito/Zora to facilitate trade and to build constructs to help those people, the only real land they own and use is the Faron region, a sacred site to them (possibly where they first came down from the surface?) used to worship the dragons and as a pilgrimage site
The 3 Rulers; The three ancient dragons fly into the depths and die, their corpses are so big they cannot be moved and in time they will fossilize, but in their body's 3 sacred relics are found, secret stones, the three who claim them use their power to establish themselves as rulers, building great castles for themselves that spanned from the bottom of the depths to the heights of the sky, high above the cloud barrier, placed specifically to be seals on-top of an evil shattered into three (possibly something that escaped the dragons when they died?) These three rulers or people close to them are the most likely for gummy swallowing candidates, this is most likely the reason why draconification is made forbidden
The Age of Sages; Dragon worship seems to wain, although dragon imagery is used in architecture it seems to have become just a symbol of the Zonai, 7 more secret stones are found, probably after a hunt for them after they lost the power the 3 gave them and used to advance, wherever the 3 beings that became the ancient dragons found them in the first place, I'd speculate up very high or down very far below, possibly in the bottomless chasm below Hyrule Castle. The 7 who get them become the 7 sages, new leaders for the Zonai people, they are probably the people who convert the 4 temples into temples, with one in the depths and one in the sky (Water, Thunder, Wind, Fire, Spirit, Time, wheres the 7th? where is the temple of light? did the temples of spirit, light and time exist before Rauru, Mineru and Sonia? were they the first of their powers?), these are probably the people who started the green/white architectural style from Totk and probably the people who went all in on technological advancement and zonite based constructs, and if the mines weren't down there already they were probably the ones to establish them, I think they were probably also an inspiration for the Gerudo's 7 Heroine's
The Zonai's disappearance; We don't know how or why the Zonai disappeared, we don't even know if they quickly fled to a place beyond the surface dwellers reach or if they all died out, all we know is that the Zonai rapidly disappeared from the world, leaving only two behind, and with these two they held the 7 secret stones with them, Rauru and his sister Mineru are the last Zonai, they make contact with the fledgling Hylian kingdom and either found or built the chamber behind the Hylia statue in the forgotten temple, using it as a place to hide the other 5 stones they weren't using
Rauru falls in love with and marries the leader of the Hylian's, Sonia, giving her a secret stone, uses his knowledge/experience to help the Hylian's technologically advance, either builds the Hylian castle near an already existing temple of time (probably the reason why Sonia was the Hylian leader, some form of religious significance with her rewind powers) on the great plateau or built the temple along with the castle (Mans built a whole temple for Sonia), got hit on the head by his distant granddaughter, accidentally shows Ganon a cool maguffin getting his wife killed, gives the four remaining stones to leaders? Of the other four races (important people? Just people with powers? Maybe they were ambassadors for their people sent to make bonds with a new kingdom who become the king and queens close confidants?) and dis-arms Ganons world takeover plan, grand daughter sets up a lineage of sages in each race and sends majority of the remaining Zonai structures up into the sky before she skedaddles from the timeline before she can become a paradox
Shiekah era; weather the shiekah are literal descendants of the Zonai or just spiritual/technological descendants, they pick up where the Zonai's research leaves off, probably building the purification unit above the gannycorpse first and foremost, then urging the Hylian's to or just building Hyrule Castle ontop of it themselves, expanding the hidden chamber to include a map of all the glyphs for the hero and as their architectural style began to diverge from the Zonai before them, the rest of the ancient shiekah tech, powered by the purified Ganon gunk
The Calamity of 10,000 years ago
To insert one of my wilder theories in here, I believe the Zonai hero shown in the tapestry and the ancient heroes aspect isn't a Zonai, but a construct created by the Shiekah and the reason why the king forcefully removed all their tech isn't because of the divine beasts but because the Shiekah 'blasphemed', they built a hero instead of trusting the goddesses, the king could even believe they brought on the calamity early because they constructed a hero and forced the cycle around again during his reign
The Split Clans: The hyrulian king orders the decommissioning of all shiekah tech fearing it's power, splitting the clans into the shiekah who obey and the yiga who disagree, this also results in a mass loss of records and knowledge that later shiekah researchers are desperate to restore
"Modern" Day, from 100 years ago to Botw and Totk current canon
Bonus Time
I've had this sitting in my drafts for like weeks after writing it at 3am and miserable, i am much less sick (still fucking sick though) and have been fed a steady diet of the khml beta, kh as a special interest/hyperfix coming crashing back into my life to ruin it and the totk art book, so here are some extra thoughts and theorys i wanna tack on
The Zonai's Disappearance/Sky island and the Depths: Mostly cause i watched a theory vid on something adjacent, but i have really started to like the idea that if the sky islands and the depths are the Sacred realm/Dark realm that the reason why all the zonai are gone is because they forcefully dragged portions of the Sacred/Dark realms into the physical realm, either the act took so much from them it destroyed them in the process or they got like, so hella smited for it I really do like the idea of pushing the depths and the sky islands to some more otherworldly/alien, with the sky islands doing that weird land infection thing on the pieces on the surface and the depths going full spooky mushroom, also the yin yang of items from the sky islands healing the gloom from the depths, i would love some sky island status ailment that you can only heal with items from the depths to complete the loop, also maybe them both being wealths of zonaite? zonaite as an ore being so versatile because its literally from the sacred realm
The Zonai and the Minish: Pretty done to death theory but there's gotta be some connection there, the four sword and elemental sanctuary look so very zonai
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Maybe theres some connection between the four elements and the four sages in totk? i think between them the only one that's different is lightning-earth The four sword also seems like something the zonai would make bonus points to throw in the wind tribe and the oocca, there are so many fellas up in that there sky huh
The Labyrinths: Accordion to people looking at the Japanese translation they aren't called castles? tbf i have started leaning more towards the three rulers being less three kings/queens and more 3 sages, along the lines of windwakers sages with a temple they reside in to keep the evil within sealed away, which feels like more of a passing on the torch if the ancient dragons became dragons to also keep that evil sealed, might also be a connection to how the dark skeletons of the ancient dragons are underneath the leviathan skeletons, perhaps the evils are some form of the nightmare from la and bellum from ph, evils that the levithans originally kept sealed and three mortals stepped up to become immortal dragons to take over when those leviathans died, also brings in that connection with infected levias and the infected naydra
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facesofevilzine · 4 months ago
Linktober Day 26: Hands
Link never dreamed of being a hero or all the terrors that came with it. After all, he was just a boy.
[Written by @sincerelyxserotonin ]
When Aryll had first been whisked away by the Helmaroc King, Link had no clue just what he was getting himself into. How could he? He was just an island boy, with no experience outside of what his friends and family on Outset had taught him.
Orca had trained him briefly in the way of the sword. His dear old Granny gave him the shield their family passed down for generations as an heirloom to keep her dear grandson safe.
With those two things and the aid of Tetra’s pirates, Link was sure he could take on the world. At the very least, he should have been able to get Aryll back no problem.
What had started as a mere rescue mission had grown wildly past anything the boy had ever imagined.
The living, talking boat The King of Red Lions that saved him actually housed the spirit of an ancient Hyrulean king from a sunken kingdom.
The courageous pirate Tetra was actually the beautiful Princess Zelda in disguise.
Even Link played a larger role than he ever thought possible. He was actually the reincarnation of a heroic swordsman as old as myth itself. It was up to him to stop the evil Gerudo king Ganondorf from getting his hands on the princess and Triforce, and destroying life as the boy knew it in pursuit of his dark intentions.
But, despite all this pressure hanging heavy on his shoulders, Link was still just a boy. Saving the world was exhausting work that had him up at all hours, even the middle of the night when the situation called for it.
He grew tired, so much so that there were times he struggled to keep his eyes open, especially as he steered his magic boat through the Great Sea.
“Easy there, Link,” came the King’s gentle, fatherly voice. “You’ll steer me into an island if you’re not careful.”
The boy opened his mouth wide in a yawn. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m just so sleepy.”
“Then lay back and rest your eyes. I’ll tell you if we come across danger.”
The King of Red Lion’s long neck turned to get a proper look at Link even as he kept sailing onwards. There was a stern look in his painted blue eyes.
“Swordplay grows careless if a swordsman is exhausted. Mistakes are made. Lives may be forfeit.”
Link swallowed hard, well aware of the gravity of his situation without the Hyrulean king reminding him of it.
Still, the King continued on, “We cannot afford to fail. Princess Zelda waits for our return.”
First, though, Link had to awaken the Sage of Wind, return the Master Sword to its former glory, and collect the scattered shards of the Triforce of Courage. That would take far more than a single night to accomplish.
“Fine, but promise me you’ll wake me up if anything happens.”
The King gave a hearty laugh. “Yes, yes. You have my word.”
That was good enough for Link. He made himself as comfortable as he could on the boat’s small, wooden deck, his pointed hat folded and tucked under his head to serve as a makeshift pillow.
All it took was Link closing his eyes before he found himself fast asleep.
A moment more, and the dreaming boy was back in the Earth Temple he just purged evil from.
The groans of the damned echoed through the foggy, maze-like rooms.
The boy looked around for the exit, or at least a door to somewhere else. As if to spite him, the room seemed to shrink, the coffin against walls looming ever closer.
“No, please no!”
Link banged on the walls for an escape until he felt something tug at his ankle.
He looked down, but there was nothing there.
Link ran his palms over the walls, looking for some sort of mechanism to return the room to its former size. He found nothing.
Again, something tugged at his ankle, harder this time. The boy looked down but couldn’t see past the mist, even when something with a bruising grip pulled him to the floor.
“Hey, no fair!”
The hero reached for his sword and shield, but found both were missing. He checked his pockets, but all his other belongings seemed to have vanished too. Link had no way to defend himself.
He saw it then, something dark moving through the fog, crackling with malice and static.
“What is that?”
It took the boy only a second more to realize, but it was a second too late.
“A floormaster!”
A black arm accented by violet light shot up from the ground, electricity crackling around its base.
Link tried to run, to scream, to do something, anything - but it was too late. The hand’s long, spindly fingers grabbed his neck and squeezed. Link tried to pry the monster off of him, but it was no good. The floormaster was just too strong.
Link couldn’t move. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe.
But he could feel the hand drag him towards the shadowy portal it
The hero’s body felt like lead. It didn’t matter what he tried, he couldn’t kick or scream or fight. He couldn’t do anything but accept his fate.
Link’s body was dragged into the shadowy portal. He opened his mouth to scream and the world went black.
The boy woke up with a start. His small hands felt his body and neck for injuries, but only found the dampness of sweat. His chest heaved with each labored breath.
Somehow, he was alive. That terror had been nothing more than a dream.
Thank goodness…
The King of Red Lions watched over him like a worried father. “Bad dream?”
The boy nodded as he fought back tears. “I hate floormasters.”
The King barked out a mirthless laugh. “You’re not the first hero to say that.”
“The Hero of Time hated them too. He said he hated the way they split into three when he cut them down. Then he’d have to cut them down again.”
Link shuddered. “I’d hate that too.”
The boat nodded in agreement, before asking, “Do you want me to tell you more about the past heroes until you can sleep again?”
The boy nodded. “I’d like that a lot.”
Link sat back as the old King told him stories of heroes long since passed until he felt safe enough to sleep again.
This time, he prayed he’d have nicer dreams. And he did.
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who are ur links??? names and games and gun facts maybe???
First, we got First, aka Link from the sksw manga. Sad pathetic wet cat. Wants to go back home to his husband, but is STUCK HERE. He's the tallest Link (by an inch)!
Then Feather (sksw)! His fun fact is that he has the full Triforce, but no one knows that for, uh, plot reasons ig. He also regularly practices the harp, because Fi taught him and well- she's not there anymore. My dearest friend here, Godslayer Fulltriforce, does not understand why the others think he's one of the strongest. Anyway, hey, look at this cool sword he uses! It's a double helix blade, isn't that neat?
Then we have my personal little combo Link- MC/FS/FSA. His fun fact is he never used the four sword to put the colors back together (permanently), and they're all just. Y'know. There. (and Shadow. Freeloader.) The FSA comes in with this cool and fun thing I call CONVENIENT TIME TRAVEL
Then oot, aka Mask, because I am incredibly attached to the name and also that's just how the Links named each other. First notable unique trait. His was the masks, which just chill on his belt and offer mostly unhelpful advice. AMAP (assigned male at princess). Physically the youngest, but oh boy. Who even fucking knows what his mental age is (it's why he doesn't talk).
Then we have TP, who, like most of them, still doesn't have a name. His fun fact is that he's trans, but only because I wanted to make a really bad joke. He's friends with Zelda, but only because he uses her magic fountain to talk to Midna, and after a while it got kinda awkward to just walk into her house without knowing her
Wind Waker, aka Patch! Yes, his name is that for exactly the reason you would expect (he doesn't need an eyepatch, he just has a conveniently placed scar)! He's one of the three Triforce Links (Triforce heroes, one could say-), with both Courage and Power. He doesn't know about Power, and could care less about Courage
Spirit Tracks! Idk. He may or may not be in, depends on if I can find a good playthrough to watch
alttp/oos/ooa/la Link, aka Apple! Hermit apple farmer guy after he (willingly) left Hyrule once and got his heart broken (thanks, Marin). He and his Zelda are good friends (or maybe more idk). Doesn't talk, just stares piercingly into your eyes until you start getting uncomfortable because he looks about one bad thing away from breaking down sobbing
albw/th, Paint- he's a little guy :) half of the storage in his house is Ravio's stuff, and the other half is his wardrobe from Hytopia. I also need to find a playthrough for him.
loz 1 & 2, Wanderer, named thus because he doesn't stay in one place, much to his Zeldas' annoyance! The oldest Link (thats a coincidence, I promise). Everyone is like, wow, [botw], your Hyrule is horrible and filled with monsters, meanwhile he's just fucking crying because it's so nice here, look, the water isn't poisonous and the grass isn't trying to kill us and I can see the sky
HW! My most specialest guy :) I gave him Issues. Your token pyromaniac Link, fell in love with Sheik a la OoT- now both he and Zelda have things they need to think about for a good long while!
Lastly, botw! Truly does not understand what a gender is, even among the many other "has lived in the forest half their lives" Links. Whether or not he's experienced totk depends on whether I like it lol. Takes the advice of his own personal peanut gallery (the Champions' spirits) seriously, even when it's just Revali telling him to do something really fucking stupid. Talks a whole lot, especially to the master sword (he heard about Fi and figured hey why not). His glorious purpose in life is to cook, and if he wasn't so distracted sauteing vegetables he'd be one of the most powerful
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luckybyrdrobyn · 2 years ago
So uhm the thing you were chatting with Legend about
Is this a reference to something? I haven’t played a decent chunk of the game (I’ve watched my father play most of them) so I dunno if I’m being an idiot or what
I skimmed through like the entire inventories for Triforce Heroes and Links Awakening, did I miss something?
It’s from a link between worlds, Ravio gives Link a bracelet when they first meet as a type of rent for staying in his house. It’s the same bracelet that then allows Link to turn into a painting which is one of the main mechanisms for the game.
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minart-was-taken · 5 years ago
Sort of continuation of this, but it also does stand on it’s own!
Title: A small problem Characters: Ravio, Wind, Minish and Legend Includes threats of violence “Tags:” First meetings - No-one is sure what they’re doing but that’s ok - Zelda shows up!
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Ravio was speechless, a little scared, but most powerfully: mesmerized. Two kids, clearly younger than him and both with bright blond locks that rivaled the sun, were engaged in combat.
Although fists were flying, neither had landed a single hit. When the older one, who he had dubbed Mr. Sailor, threw a hit, the younger one, Mr. Small, would live up to his nickname and shrink to a very small size.
He’d then unshrink, throw a hit himself, and miss as the other pulled quite the leap to get away.
Ravio was simply waiting for one of them to land a hit, and for the situation to escalate badly, as he was too afraid to intervene.
Another crack followed then, they were starting to give Ravio a headache.
From it appeared a pink haired boy, tallest of the people present. He blinked in surprise, glancing around.
His appearance seemed to distract the coat wearing boy, who ended up getting decked in the face and fell over shouting “SHIT!” very loudly.
“Oh my.” Signed the newest arrival, looking at the situation before him with wide eyes. “Am I interrupting something?”
“I’m glad you are.” Ravio responded, walking over to the seemingly sane one, although staying from stabbing range just in case. “I’ve been trying to get these two to stop fighting for ages!”
“No you haven’t!” Grumbled the kid slowly getting himself back from the ground, while the smaller one stood smugly nearby.
“Do I look like someone who could stop a fist fight with force?” Ravio pointed out. “Neither of you listened to reason, so I simply was waiting for an opening.”
“An opening for what?”
He hadn’t had a proper plan. “Why would I tell that? You might fight again and I don’t want you to know what to expect.” However they did not have to know about that.
“Why were they fighting?” the pink one asked.
“He started it.” Coat boy complained.
“Ah. Uhm.” Ravio scratched the back of his head: “From what I could tell, I was simply talking to Mr. Sailor here, then the small one appeared from the bushes and kicked him in the back of the knee.”
“But why?”
“I’m not quite sure.” Ravio confessed.
The stranger tilted his head, confused, before turning to look at the small smug one. “Could you tell us now?”
The very small one scoffed, but signaled for them to follow.
They were in the yard of a small house, and near the window was a little patch of what looked more like weeds than anything else. The kid pointed at one of the weeds that had been very slightly stood upon.
The pink haired one understood, his fist meeting his palm in understanding. “It’s not nice to trample on other people’s plants, Mr. Sailor.”
Coat boy crossed his arms. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I just appeared right there! I would’ve moved if I knew I was standing on a plant.”
“It’s just a big misunderstanding then.” The pink one nodded, kneeling down to be the smallest one’s height. “Next time try to tell him to move before kicking him, okay?”
Mr. Small looked unimpressed, but nodded.
Ravio was just confused as to why anyone would care about such an useless patch of plants. The only valuable thing lost here was a possible alliance between the two small ones.
Kids, oh so dumb. Ravio smiled to himself.
“When you said you appeared-” the Pink one spoke again, standing up and turning to the sailor. “Was it like how I did?”
Mr. Sailor nodded. “Yeah. One moment I was just hammering some nails and suddenly I’m here. Being kicked in the back of my knee. By the smallest bokoblin I’ve ever seen.”
The small one raised a fist, but the pink one grabbed it mid air, and held it still. The small one seemed shocked that someone could- Or more likely- Would try and stop him.
“Oh sorry, I meant rat.” Said the sailor, sticking his tongue out.
“Please stop antagonizing the small child with a sword.” Ravio said in a hushed voice.
The small one was too entranced by having been stopped to care, simply staring at the pink one with wide eyes.
“Huh. What a strange situation.” The pink one continued, ignoring the general chaos. “Well, I suppose if we’re all in it, we should get to know one another. My name is Link. Spelt L-I-N-K”
The smallest one pointed at himself, all the while Mr. Sailor gasped: “Wait- That’s my name too.”
Ravio felt himself tense up a bit, what he had been suspecting was indeed going on, wasn’t it?
The house that looked eerily like the one Link lived in, then there was the clear fact he was in Hyrule, and that there were people who looked eerily like Link but weren’t him…
Oh great goddess of lorule, take him back home please. This is not ideal.
“Hm…” The pink one pondered. “This seems like it’d mean something significant.”
You think? Ravio raised a brow, before shaking off the questioning look to smile politely like a good salesman. “Link isn’t the most common name, so I have to agree.”
He walked closer to the pink one, mostly certain he wouldn’t stab him. With a hand on his back, he continued. “The only Link I know of is the legendary hero of hyrule! It’d be ridiculous for him to be here, though, wouldn’t it?”
“I am he.” Mr. Sailor said.
The tall one blinked at that. “But.. So am I?”
The smallest one dug through his pockets, and pulled out a small note, handing it to Ravio.
Ravio read it out loud to everyone: “Link is the hero of Hyrule, and is allowed to do what he sees fit in order to keep the country safe. Signed, Princess Zelda.”
“...We can’t all be heroes of Hyrule.” Mr. Sailor complained. “And I know for one that I’m not lying, so.”
“There isn’t just one, though.” Ravio spoke up. “Legends speak of a hero in green who appeared centuries ago, perhaps he too had someone before him, and there was someone after.”
“Centuries, though.” Mr. Sailor pointed out, “Do I look a hundred years old to you?”
The smallest one nodded, but Ravio shook his head.
“I’ve heard of stranger things than time travel, in these lands.” Ravio stated.
“I suppose it is a plausible theory.” The pink one pondered, hand on chin. “I know I’m not lying either.”
“And the small one has a letter from the princess.”
“It could be forged.” The sailor pointed out.
Ravio wanted to point out he could tell a forgery from the real thing pretty easily, and had seen enough of Hilda’s writing to know how the royal family conducts it’s deeds. However, that’d make him seem kind of suspicious. “We could go and find out?” Ravio decided to ask instead.
“This is clearly the small one’s home, if these are his plants. So this is his Hyrule.” Ravio explained. “Let’s go to the castle, and if the kid is allowed in, it means it’s not forged.”
“I suppose that’s a fair plan.” The pink replied. “And since neither of us are apparently lying, if the letter is real, then- Er, what’s your name?”
“I’m Ravio.” He responded, “The greatest merchant around.”
“Okay- It’s nice to meet you.” The pink one smiled. “Then if all of us are Link like we claim, Ravio’s theory was right.”
“Or some form of it.” Ravio specified.
The pink one nodded. “Very well, little one, could you take us to the castle?”
The smallest one pouted, but began leading the way.
“Holy fuck!” The sailor gasped, looking at the castle once it appeared in the horizon, standing tall yet- A little smaller than Ravio had expected.
The smallest one grinned smugly, walking at a pace more akin to jogging to stay in front of the taller people.
“It’s quite small.” The pink one commented.
“I do agree.” Ravio nodded. “The one I’ve seen is certainly larger.”
“It looks funny.” The pink one smiled, maybe even a little smug.
Ravio took note of it, but did not comment on it.
“So.” The pink one continued. “Your name is Ravio?”
“Like I said, yes.” He nodded. “Are you interested in my wares? I don’t have much on me due to the sudden departure but-”
“Not Link.” He stopped Ravio. “Yet you look a tad like us.”
Ravio blinked, breathing hitched. He missed his hood, but he had been in lorule- He doesn’t need that in Lorule! In Lorule he’s one of a kind!
“I suppose destiny can have a bit of a slip up here and there?” Ravio suggested. Sorry Link, he’d have to steal your identity for a bit here. “I assure you, however, just because I cannot wield a blade does not make me completely useless.”
The pink one simply kept smiling. “Very well, then.”
He hadn’t bought it, had he? Ravio yelled internally, but tried to keep the relaxed facade up.
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The castle town was very cute, the sailor looking around with wide eyes, looking like he was taking many internal notes.
What caught Ravio’s eye however, happened a bit later. The smallest showed the letter to a guard by the castle gates, the guard simply sighed, said: “Follow me,” and started walking further into the castle grounds.
“That’s a lot to process.” The pink one spoke again. Ravio had to agree.
They were led to a room to wait- A waiting room, you could say- For the princess to get ready for guests. It matched all the Hyrule castles Ravio had seen, that being one. Stone brick all about, a polished but a little cold interior, with the triforce ever present in all decor.
There were paintings present as well. They seemed to capture the curiosity of all visitors, much to the delight of the smallest one’s ego.
Ravio focused at first on one depicting the princess, she looked similar to the Zelda of the Hyrule he knew, but clearly another person entirely.
He then chose to take a look at the others in their impromptu party, and found the pink one standing under a portrait of  what was likely another hero of courage, this one standing tall with a flowing white cape, and a small red bird on his shoulder.
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The sight awakened a memory in Ravio, and he found himself suddenly plunged into a mystery.
There was a mural in his Link’s hyrule castle, one depicting the hero prior to him. Zelda had joked to him and Hilda about how she had read the hero actually had pink hair, but the artists took creative liberties and made it dark blond instead.
This couldn’t be the man who sealed Ganon away, was it? Certainly there had been more than one pink haired Link.
Then again, they seemed to be in a situation which included traveling through space and time. Guess that might as well be a detail.
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A guard soon showed up, expressing that the princess was ready.
They headed to the throne room. It was bold, large and voices echoed within it. The large windows made it feel slightly less like a scary space, but it did still make him grow a bit uneasy.
In Front of the aforementioned throne, stood the princess, with a bright but curious smile.
“Link, I didn’t know you had made friends!”
The small one tried to hide in his cape, but was unsuccessful.
“It’s very nice to meet you all.” Zelda smiled brightly, as the boys bowed. Ravio hadn’t been sure if that was to be expected, but the smallest one did have a blade and seemed to be satisfied with them bowing, so perhaps it was a good choice.
The pink one took charge soon after, explaining the predicament they found themselves in. Or at least, theorized they did.
“Oh my.” Zelda gasped. “The hero’s spirit will reincarnate this much?! That’s quite saddening.”
“Has the legend of the hero not existed for long here?” The pink one asked.
“We only know of one before Link here.” Zelda explained. “The hero who arrived from the skies to seal away the great evil, so that humanity could return to the lands below.” She said, clearly quoting something.
“...I guess the seal didn’t last.” Zelda added sadly.
The small one rushed over to her, and offered his hand to her. She took hold of it, and smiled with thankfulness in her eyes at the kid.
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“Well, if any of you are like Link here, Hyrule is in good hands.” She smiled again. “I wish I could help more though. I’m not sure at all what could be going on, or what to do about it.”
“Do you have time travel items, or something? Getting home would be nice.” The sailor asked.
“I can ask for research on the topic to be conducted.” Zelda nodded. “Until then, you may stay at the castle, if you’d like.”
“Thank you very much, your highness.” The pink- Okay, he needed a nickname, Ravio decided. Whether he was the legendary hero or not, calling him Mr. Legend should help butter the guy up for possible sales, anyway.
With that, they were led to a guest room. Ravio was both deeply glad they hadn’t been paired up, as every pairing seemed like a bad idea, but was also absolutely terrified of sharing a room with three swordsmen he barely knew. They were also given instructions on how to get to both the castle library and the town’s library. Information which Ravio decided to make use of the next day.
It was fine really, and the beds were very comfortable! It seemed the spirit of the hero made them all sleepy as hell, as well. So getting stabbed seemed unlikely. However one thing still kept Ravio up that night.
“Bunnies, dark hair…” Mr. Legend had signed to him, when it was just the two of them, the sun having started to settle for the night “It reminds me of a place.”
“Oh, heh. A place, huh?” Ravio chuckled nervously. He didn’t like being put on the spot without a plan.
“It was a dreadful place.” Mr. Legend stated. “I hope you’re not related to it in some way.”
“I sure hope so too?” Ravio stumbled to find the words:“It sounds much worse than Hyrule. Love this place, the grass is very green. Smells great.”
“I hope so too.” Mr. Legend smiled, a strange dead look in his eyes. “I don’t want to take another life.”
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Then he just started talking about how he liked apples.
So, it would’ve been stranger if Ravio wasn’t having trouble sleeping!
Oh, goddesses above, help him.
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triforcepaintingsolution · 6 months ago
Freshen Up Your Home’s Interior with Professional Painting Services! 🎨 At House Painting Triforce, we provide top-quality interior painting for homes in Dallas, Texas. Whether you're looking to refresh your walls, repaint cabinets, or need detailed trim work, we have you covered.
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weepingwitch · 4 years ago
my pedal board signal chain, explained
aka how i make those weird guitar sounds
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1. saturnworks kill switch (momentary)
stepping on this mutes the input from the guitar until it is released.
2. boss dd-3 (siegmeyer sticker)
set in hold mode so it will just repeat a short burst of sound over and over again as long as it's held down, useful for drones or writing harmonies.
3. tuner
cuts signal when engaged, acting as a latching kill switch, useful for tuning or changing guitars.
4. expression overdrive
lets me sweep back and forth between completely clean and boosted/overdriven, useful for beefing up distortions after it or gradually building gain.
5. weird combo pedal (mushroom sticker)
I'm like at least the third owner of it, don't know the original components but it's an analog delay pedal set to like slapjack almost reverb and a shitty distortion pedal housed together in one enclosure. each side can be turned on and off separately, and originally they had independent inputs and outputs but I wired them together so it's always delay into distortion. I love this pedal bc it's basically my big sound but in one box. distortion is almost a fuzz.
6. boss sd-1 (hyrule shield sticker)
first pedal I ever got, basic overdrive sound that's lighter than distortion, you can still play chords without getting too muddy.
7. rainbow machine
if you know what this is, you know what this is. weird pitch shifting delay that I use for both a barely-detuned lush chorus and intense acid trip sounds. pitch detune controlled by expression pedal A.
8. boss phaser (moon sticker)
slow rate for a gradual sweep. useful for sounding like pink floyd. good for clean parts.
9. joyo vision modulation (triforce sticker)
dual modulation, I use it for a lot of things, but mainly bitcrusher, octave up/down, and really fast rate chorus.
10. joyo us dream distortion
my favorite regular distortion / main pre-delay distortion. used for power chords or solos. I think the circuit is based off of suhr riot? idk it just sounds like what distortion should sound like. for alt rock or pop punk.
11. rubberneck delay
analog delay with rate adjust, good warm delay but also fun time stretchy pitch shifty sounds as you half or double the delay tempo. tap tempo set by pedal B, synced with dd-7 later in the chain.
12. boss bass overdrive (sparkly purple)
this is the heaviest shit you'll ever hear. fuzzy bass distortion that you feel in your bones. the downstairs neighbors probably hate this one.
13. joyo british sound
technically an amp sim, I use it for something kinda on the verge of drive and light distortion. different eq/tone than the sd-1 and the expression overdrive, but these three are the basics of my low-gain sound.
14. boss chorus
basic chorus set at a slow rate. I use this as my subtlest modulation pedal, just kinda thickening things out.
15. boss flanger
slow rate flange for that jet engine sound. layer over the phaser for ultimate modulation for underwater or spacey sounds.
16. joyo tremolo (painted lines, hamcat? sticker)
choppy trem. I'll adjust rate as needed but usually keep it choppy.
17. keeley realizer
set to soft focus mode. pretty intense mono reverb with modulation and delay. the reverb half of the keeley loomer pedal. when run after bitcrusher, makes for some fun synth sounds.
18. boss dd-7 (dark sun gwyndolin sticker)
main delay, second pedal I ever got. tap tempo set by pedal B and synced with the rubberneck but at a different tempo subdivision. mono signal splits into stereo here, with delays ping-ponging back and forth between left and right channel.
19. digitech polara
big shimmer stereo reverb that sounds like you are going to heaven. the opposite of subtle. massive on it's own, wall of sound when run into the distortions after it.
20. la lady stereo distortion
two distortions run in parallel, one for left channel and one for right channel. still messing around with the exact distortion mode I like best for each amp. for big distortion after delay/reverb sound.
21. boss looper
stereo loop pedal with two channels, lets me loop random shit over each other and save to play back later. mostly used for recording ideas as I'm practicing that I can revisit later, or building loops. controlled by foot switch C.
22. stereo volume pedal
can be used to completely cut off volume to amps, full volume, or anywhere in-between. for when I feel self conscious about bothering the neighbors. after this, stereo signal splits out to separate distortions and amps.
23. final end-chain distortion
23A takes the left channel from the stereo pedals, is a boss ds1 that goes to my vox amp. good classic distortion, had it for years.
23B toggles distortion channel on my fender amp, which is where the right channel from the stereo pedals goes.
I always turn these on or off together, big messy distortion after all the loops and delays for pure shoegaze wall of noise. love how the slightly different distortion sounds really emphasize the stereo field.
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if you wanna hear it in action, listen to my sounds at
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tentimesthecourage · 4 years ago
My Links
Okay, so while I use Rhythm for LU, I also use him to just be my version of CoH Link
In turn with that, I’ve also made Links for the other games too
There’s only a little bit of info for each of them, but I wanted to share anyway
Game: Breath of the Wild Nickname: Luminous - All about stealth and quiet - Favorite gear is Sheikah Armor - Best at making stealth potions - Prefers the Great Plateau over all other settlements in game - Actually doesn't mind company, just minds noise
Game: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask Nickname: History/Mystery (biological twins) - Both can answer any question about either journey - Both can use the weapons from either journey - The only ones who can tell them apart are the Kokiri - Mystery is older by five minutes but neither of them know that
Game: Four Swords Nickname: Bundle (shortened to Bun) - Not much into adventures - Only went on his adventure to save Zelda (Ribbon) - Working with his color brothers to make his adventure into a story - Prefers writing and painting to sword fighting - Is five people (Link, Blue, Red, Green, Vio) - Red came up with their/his nickname
Game: Twilight Princess Nickname: Nocte - Loves books - Still a ranch hand - Strong as fuck but no one knows why - Favorite books are Mystery and Horror but has a secret love for sappy slice of life romance - Cook of the group
Game: Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass Nickname: Tide - Likes sailing but prefers deep sea diving - Friendly with Tetra and her crew after adventure - Not really into the pirate life - Constantly accidentally jump scared by Rhythm because he’s quiet
Game: Skyward Sword Nickname: Soaring (shortened to Soar) - Afraid of harming tiny birds (seems like he's afraid of the birds) - Fascinated by everything on the surface, documenting it - Loftwing’s name is Crim - Plays the lyre during down time
Game: Oracle of Ages/Seasons Nickname: Daybreak/Winter (Time Twins) - Got split into two during OoA (this is why we don't fuck with time!) - Daybreak is passive, Winter is aggressive - Winter is considered older - Both are extremely protective over each other - Winter is more emotionally sensitive, easily hurt - If Winter gets hurt (physically or emotionally) Daybreak can and will rage, it's scary
Game: Cadence of Hyrule Nickname: Rhythm - We know this precious boy already - Stims with his apple necklace and happy flaps - Signs when overwhelmed - Has to constantly move - Anxious and shy - Can still fight, no one is allowed to underestimate him except his enemies, then they regret it
Game: Link's Awakening Nickname: Nightlight (teasingly called 'Nightmare', allows it) - Insomniac - Cuddler, anyone who lets him, he'll cling to them - Abandonment issues - Soft boy - History and Mystery are particularly attached to him
Game: Minish Cap Nickname: Mico (combo of Minish and Picori) - Spends most of his time in Minish form, it's a comfort to him - Utterly petrified of cats, even at Hylian size - Loves dogs, finds them very helpful (nod to the manga) - Understands and can talk to animals (another nod to manga)
Game: Zelda 1 & 2 Nickname: Mystic - Part fae, mother was a fairy, doesn't know his father - Partial to water magic - Not ashamed of his heritage, but only shares it with those he trusts - Does his best to warn those he cares about of the rules - Hates when his friends are in debt to him
Game: TriForce Heroes Nickname: Meadow, Ember, Mist (Triplets) - Mist is oldest, Ember is the middle, Meadow's the youngest - Their nicknames don't match their colors (Mist is green, Ember is blue, Meadow is red) - Ember's favorite outfit is the Legendary Dress, Mist's favorite is Torrent Robe, Meadow's favorite is the Kokiri Clothes
Game: A Link to the Past Nickname: Mel - Quiet, seems standoff-ish - Very lonely but doesn't want to bother others for company - Afraid of Bun (see Palace of the Four Sword /Note: That's not the Bun he's around, different timelines/) tries not to show it - Nightmares about his Uncle's death - Give him a hug please - A huge form of trust is letting people hold him when he’s in Dark World form - Currently the people allowed to do so are Steam, Rhythm, Bun, Mico, and Mystic
Game: Spirit Tracks Nickname: Steam - Local tired engineer - Will sucker punch anyone who talks badly of his friends - Super protective over Mel - Can solve a rubix cube in under 20 seconds
Game: A Link Between Worlds Nickname: Starlight - Twinsies with Zelda - Loves baking - Will never acknowledge his royal status (it embarrasses him) - First time he ran into Ravio in his house, he decked him on accident, ended up bawling apologies thus flustering the rabbit man into calming him down
Game: Hyrule Warriors Nickname: Orion - Retired from captaincy after the war - Doesn't trust anyone touching him unless they have a strong bond - Doesn't trust love/afraid of love - Place is on fire "This is fine"
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violet975 · 4 years ago
Random thoughts.
So i replayed BOTW a while ago for the first time and decided to write down some of the random thoughts that i get while exploring Hyrule, here they are.
… A lot of these things gave me some fanfic ideas and I hope that they will do the same for someone more competent.
It's realty in character that the response to being asked why you took the man's torch is either to bludgeon things to death with it or to be a pyromaniac.
When the tower pedestal shines, Link instinctively leans back for a second before diving right back in because curiosity kills the cat.
The message from the slate/tower is to watch out for falling rocks which either means that 
1: zelda is writing them (and has a fair bit of free reign still).
2: the ancient Sheikah could see the future.
3: Ai to the likes of Fi.
Ganon kinda reawakens when the towers are up so maybe he was resting and building a body until he was interrupted here, which could be why his form later is such a hodgepodge of the Blights?.
Link is not too naive since he kinda clamps up in his answers to the totally unimportant old man.
Did Link briefly make eye-contact with the camera when he got the spirit orb!?
Link is a bit freaked out in his "How did you know!?" Response cas now he knows something major is up when the old man directly mentions the spirit orb.
Again, in character that you can choose to be an impatient brat with the "paraglider please?" Or inquisitive when Roam points out the slate.
Either run out of temper with the "that wasn't the deal!" Or be resigned with "so I need more now?" When the old fart sends you off to the other three shrines.
Ohh, another adrenaline junkie option with the "got it!" Over climbing the tower for a good view or a Deadpan "are you joking?".
"Or so i heard quite some time ago.. I do not know if it actually works as such" so they did not get teleporting to work before? or he just didn't learn how it was done.
So the monks, according to how the Triforce signs they held, apparently associate Power with Magnesis, Wisdom with bombs, Stability with stasis and Courage with cryonis?
The monks dissipate into green specks like Ganon’s soul does under the castle!
I'm not into men but damn if Link doesn't look good in the Warm Doublet.
Oh. My. God, he was King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule!!!!!
Link is such a dumbass, you get to ask Kass "are you a ...bird?" As if the man isn't standing right in front of you. No shit Sherlock! What next, is that a recorder?.
OhhohoHO! You either say "no(, i have not heard of them)" or "Ancient songs?" As if you do not initially realize why they are thought to be ancient which either is old memories warring with the now world or Link not realizing what impact The Calamity had on culture.
Another flat-faced sarcastic remark everyone!
When Manny mentions that his job is checking for beauties/sus people you can either be a dumb dunce and ask about the said beauties or a little menace with "sounds though".
Manny is an Incel, talks a big game and puts himself on top of a pedestal alongside being demanding and a creep.
Does Hateno not have a goddess shrine? Just the ~Evil~ one?
There is a pair of rusty knights sword and shield by the leftmost part of the walkway of Fort Hateno. Some knight probably died laying there, watching out over the field of guardians having been/being purged by Zelda.
A traveler (Chelessa) is interested in history and wants to question Impa about it, and is on her way to do so in fact. . Describes her personality as very pleasant, that must be wrong.
The Yiga know exactly how Links first waking moments played out so either they have extensive knowledge about his character and the setup of the Shrine Of Resurrection or Ganon was watching in on Zelda's call and relayed it to a minion in the clan.
"Hero boy" - derogatory.
Arrow in the eye of the bridge at the entrance of Kakariko, the Yiga are petty and I love it.
Piano's (the painter) hair bun thing that is styled like a pencil has paint on the tip... this man painted with his hair.
So the great fairy Cotera makes it sound like she will enchant your gear because you rejuvenated her, not because you bring the materials to do the enchanting.
The levels of enchantment seemingly depends on physical closeness to the Fairy (blow< indirect kiss< kiss < sex)
She can not enchant beyond Lv 1 without her sister's help, so they share power?
Paya specifies that they have watched over the Orb since the grandmother of the grandmother of Impa, that's 9 whole generations of long lived Sheikah! roughly 1000 years of recorded history!
Again with Link being a dense Shonen protagonist with "where is it?" Or a sly bastard with "really, though?"... maybe so that she would want to prove it ;) 
…”I'll answer you some day, just not today!”
Either Paya is just not ready for that or she is so nervous that she did not think about the fact that her own grandmother was in the room when she said it!
“Served the royal family in secret” so it's not common knowledge that the royals have a village of Magic ninjas!? No wonder it took a damn demon to topple it instead of rebellion or infighting... probably has been like this since the old old king banished 'em.
"The royal family was destroyed, and the members of our tribe scattered."- okay so it was probably some Sheikah that either thought the royal family was completely extinct and either fled or, according to this next bit- "Sadly, there were some who swore allegiance to Ganon at that time. They joined together as the Yiga Clan, seeking out all who opposed Ganon... cutting them down, one after another." 
So from that we get to know that not all Sheikah deserters became enemies (unless the Sheikah dislike defectors enough to hunt them down) and others who either joined an existing opposing group or simply up and created the Yiga clan that then aligned itself with Ganon... probably under either the belief that Hylia's line was extinct and that it was join or die or because they wished to spite the goddess and her followers.
I actually like this way more because it makes no sense that the Yiga could survive before the Calamity when the Royals would have an entire damn country and anbu black-ops to hunt them down with.
"Master link, now that you are awake, you are surely the most formidable opponent standing against them!" Either hero worship or the Sheikah are freshly out on capable warriors with Ninja magic tricks, probably the latter which would explain why the world isn't infested with Lynels or why hynoxes haven't just trampled every settlement.
"No doubt they will come for you, employing whatever underhanded methods they can device" 
oh come on! Do not tell me that i'm stuck with the goodie two shoe ninja clan!? Underhandedness is your bread and butter! No wonder you served the royals in secret because you and them by proxy would have been a laughingstock otherwise!!!
"The great fairy Cotera... few remain who know that this village was built under her watchful eye." So the village is fairy new and the Yiga came about before Kakariko or it is old and so well protected that they can't get in... at least not easily.
"The mysterious power of Cotera is that of sacred protection..." so the Great fairies are linked to either Hylia or the gods, good to know.
So it’s not that Cotera “-would be happy to help” but, instead “i can't think of any reason why she wouldn't be happy to help you”. so either she only directly helps men or the earlier "you can put your trust in the great fairy" means that she judges more favorably for the chosen hero.
"I heard that the weather is going to be beautifully tomorrow... to bad you won't be alive to enjoy it"
So they have weather accurate~ich prediction? through magic or old time methods?
Again: Hero boy - derogatory... It's a common nickname for Link within the Yiga.
The lush green shrine could tell that a buck was on it, so the platforms are most definitely scanners.
A travelers sword by a campfire at the foot of mount Lanayru, so someone either took a swim and died to the Lizardfo, dramatically quit or got killed in their sleep.
Love the effect when you have metal weapons on the ground and swing a ThunderBlade!
You automatically reflect the Octorock's rocks, goes faster if you do it manually.
There is a hollowed out part of a hill/mountain with a lot of fic potential to the North-West of the Sword by the campfire.
Located where the lines meet if you draw a line to the right from Rabia plain and up from Trotter's Downfall.
Koko of Kakariko has been deceived by my cunning and slight-of-hand. 
Yes, Sagessa (woman by the lake of the Dueling peaks stable), there is, in fact, something "quite romantic" in Link's "endeavor" to save Zelda, thank you for noticing!
The chests inside the shrines can only (non-violently) be opened by use of the Sheikah slate so why not steal a few? prefect safe-keeping for more stuff to keep in Links house.
Dunce moment everyone! 
The Yiga traveler tries to seduce Link and you either go with "OK..." so he either has no damn idea about what is going on or is just not good with women? 
Orrrrr you go with a straight "I refuse!" cas you see through their ruse and want to rub their face in the dirt!
According to Mina the Hylian, taking out two Bokoblins is considered as great martial caliber which both she and her traveling companion could not do while decently armed.
Best way to deal with a guardian scout when you have weak weapons: hit with electricity, switch weapon, hit 2-5 times, switch to electric, repeat.
When you first enter the area around Hyrule Castle, smoke Ganon throws a fit until Zelda slaps him away. 
This either means that Zelda canonically gets a larger workload from there on and out or that the both of them push harder against each other every time you get close.
According to Zelda's diary, Link was assigned as her guard after the champions had been appointed.
How Link was focused on her yet did not voice his thoughts apparently "makes my imagination run wild!". Either romantic or dense.
Link admits to staying quiet because of the pressure of being the boy chosen by the sword. 
King Rhoam mentions that he decided to honor THE royal family's traditions by naming his daughter Zelda, and that he is "not a man accustomed to frivolous musings". 
Basically confirming that he is not the parent of royal blood.
They probably knew about The Calamity for a good while cas the page after zelda's naming speaks of the fortune teller, probs 3-8 years since Zelda was described to already have vast interest in the relics.
Pikango gets up at 10 past 5, I spent the night watching him and Beetle sleep.
According to all known laws of aerodynamics, Rito should not be able to fly, is Revali's gale then just an absurdly strong variation of some kind of sky Arcanum that all Rito possess? Do all the races possess one as Well?
Slimes ate the Bokoblins in the tree base at the center of the west Hyrule fields.
Savelle is a helpful guy without a pension for violence.
Munk Shae Loya is just flexing on all the other Munks, those old farts need to sit down while he's been squatting on one leg the last 10'000 years.
Chork of the Tabantha Bridge Stable is drunk.
Toren is either naive or a simp for the Faireys.
If you have the Hylian hood equipped with no weapon while riding at max speed then your cape will flap.
"Sweet boy..." "...I see now that my first impression of you was correct. You most definitely are pleasant to look at." 
So link has some kind of presence/soul-thingy that appears pleasant to mystical creatures? Might be the spirit of the hero or this link in particular.
The Fairy Kaysar makes Link blush! No player input needed! We’ve found one of his types!... either that or he's just shy.
The fairies almost never use normal materials to enchant, it's always either monster parts that don't dissipate or things that grow in magical arias.
The Sheikah towers are sturdy as all hell, the Tabantha tower did not even get a scratch from a giant fucking pillar falling on it.
Okay, am I just crazy or is a Lizardfo and a Moblin holding a class for 5 bokoblins just to the left of the Tabanta fairy fountain!?
Lester, the wise curry rice guy at Rito Stable, describes Link as sunny boy, another point to the soul/aura theory thingy.
Phontos laughs to hide the pain.
According to the story that Kass sings. 
Calamity Ganon was the result of sealing the enemy at its source.
It fought not only the spawn of the Goddess and the bearer of the Spirit Of The Hero but also the army of Guardians and the Champions that piloted the Divine Beasts for quite some time, as implied in the "and the guardians protected them throughout every hour".
So what i get from this is that the attack 10 000 years ago was the first sighting of what we know as calamity Ganon. 
It was also far stronger than the one that attacked 100 years ago which implies that that one was either a rush job or that Ganon bounds had been tightened, both of which would drive him to seek out other methods like corrupting the Guardians.
...And the Guardians are apparently powered by the ancient blue energy which was, time-line wise, first shown when the Golden Goddesses created the world.
No wonder that Ganon was capable of doing this since he most likely is running on fumes, spite and the power of the Triforce which likely is made of/channels said energy.
According to the rumor mill, you need the blood of the Hero in your veins to wield the Master Sword, if this is accurate then that means that Fi is sentimental or that Link has magic blood.
Wildberrys are fucking massive.
Genli (the salmon child) is a cunt, one kid was crying about someone Vah Medoh killed and then Genli is all like "no don't stop it, if you do then i have to go to class again!", She would fit right in with today's youth.
Monk Akh Va'quot has the best position so far, he is just done with your shit.
"You adventurers are Crazy" -> "you're right"
You get nothing if you melt all the ice by the Tabantha tower! You lose! Good day sir!
Monk Daka Tuss got bored during his self-inflicted quarantine and started stacking his arm bands.
Tula (the bathing Zora) said "wow either you are a Hylian or hideously deformed"
Phura has vandalized and mounted one of the spirit frog statues above her door.
Okay but the fucking noice that comes out of Bolson when you buy everything!! It's as if you just walked up and twisted his nuts with the power fit to shield block a Lynel’s charge.
Is the flower by Link's bed a Korok version of a Silent Princess?
The monsters of Hyrule are show to have interest in consumption based on three accounts. 
1: the Bocoblins and the Moblins by Hateno bay steal cattle. 
2: Hynoxes carry around warriors foodstuffs. 
3: Moblins (or at least the ones by the camp near the Serenne stable/forgotten temple) have a resting animation where they dig through the dirt and stuff something down their goblet.
...not to mention that nearly every camp has a bit of meat roasting by the fire.
Koyin has joined the fan-club!
God, the Naydra snowfield is fucking loaded in chill-shromes!
Stasis is perfect for looking for ingredients in forests, just open it, look around and bam! No more hidey hoe.
Why no shiny text for hylia's statue!?
I really do not like that they changed Naydra's colors when the malice was removed, they were so cool and then bam! White! White is not the color for ice and cold!
When praying by the spring of wisdom you are facing Hyrule castle, the same with courage and power if my memory serves me right.
...The master Torch
The Katona Aug shrine is just fucking mini-golf, how is that meant to prepare the hero?! Imagine how that Monk goes to the afterlife and has to look his fellows straight in the eye and admit that he was so lazy that not only did he make the hero play golf, not only was he so lazy that he made the Hero play mini-golf, but that he was so lazy that he did not even make a course! It is literally just a straight line!
Robie wants to see Links scars to verify that he is who he says that he is, Robie was likely one of the ninja that took Link to the shrine of resurrection.
Oh and Robin has two interesting sketches in his lab, the first is a detailed graph of a Sheikah tower so those were likely known about long before Link activated one (the one closest to Robin would be the one covered in malice and guardians so he could not have gotten enough detail from that one).
And the other is a sketch of what I believe is either a tier 2 or tier 3 guardian scout. Now, how can Robin know how that looks if only Link can/could enter shrines?
The Sheikah shrine that has the Barbarian helm is located at the end of the Sinai maze, did they just plop the shrine down there and steal the treasure of the ruin to later present to the hero?
There is one usable room in the citadel.
There is no compendium slot for the malice eyes that litter Naydra, Hyrule Castle and the Divine Beasts.
You can change the element of already elemental slime, not just the neutral kind.
Those head-spitting fuckers inside the divine beasts! They are partially reanimating mobs! So it's not that the Blood Moon is the time where Ganon is at his strongest, it's just where he chooses to revive everything.
The edge of duality can also be found in the shrine at the top of the dueling peaks.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years ago
Ashes and Daisies
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Category: General Fluff, Slight Angst
Fandom: Legend of Zelda- Breath of the Wild
Characters: Link
The wind whistled as it blustered through the tall fronds of the pale green grass that framed the paved roads beneath Link’s feet. His eyes traced the meandering paths weaving through the shells of destroyed buildings and crumbling walls. Sharp corners hugged by fresh green, concentric circles looping around canals that had long since run dry, grimy stone that hadn’t seen the spines of a street broom for well on a century— they were painfully nostalgic to Link as he silently tracked their course towards the heart of the town. In this desolate place, only his footfalls and the songbirds’ twitters sounded in the ash-choked air. 
Even after a century, life was still hesitant to encroach this close to Calamity Ganon’s lair. 
Link coughed quietly as the gray-black flecks invaded his nose and throat. Even after all this time, it clouded in dense mists around the burned remnants of barracks and houses. The clouds of darkness remained as a testament to the sheer malice that had invaded this once peaceful community. Link felt a bitter sorrow creep up from his belly as if summoned by the ash flakes. After awakening from his century-long slumber, he had resigned himself to the fact that his world had changed.
Still, seeing Castle Town reduced to cinders and ashes, a lifeless husk of its former glory, was painfully sobering. 
He came to the ruins of the fountain at the heart of the settlement. Its hand-carved cistern had crumbled in several places, large chunks of rock and cracked foundation making for an ugly silhouette against the clouded sky. The sparse sunlight filtered down to gleam against the shattered statue in the middle. One wing of the Triforce emblem stoically extended into the air, like a fist raised in defiance and solidarity. 
Link’s eyes were lidded as he gazed upon the sorry sight. He summoned forth the memory of crystal-clear water cascading from the emblem and splashing down into the pool— of bronze and silver and gold coins glittering at the bottom, relics whispering townspeople’s wishes. The image brought a smile to his lips, though it was tainted with regret. 
His eyebrows cinched as a rather distinct memory bubbled forth from the recesses of his mind. 
~One Hundred Years Ago~
The water trickled pleasantly in the fountain. Its arcing streams glistened silver in the bright sunlight streaming down from the azure sky above. The congenial tinkling accented the hum of polite conversation reverberating in the circular plaza. The sunlight refracting off the liquid painted shifting, kaleidoscopic patterns over the silver plating of his armor; the lights danced over the sigil of Hyrule adorning the metal, crowning it in ephemeral light. Link stood resolutely beside the fountain as Zelda perched on its edge, dipping her slim fingers into the rippling water. 
A tiny smile tugged at his lips as the princess hummed a tune under her breath. She had a beautiful voice, his princess. 
Link could not allow himself to be distracted. Even Castle Town had its dark alleys and seedy underbelly. He craned his neck to peer over the heads of the people meandering through the plaza. Most were civilians, busily going about their daily comings and goings, though a few Hyrule soldiers lounged under the awnings ringing the plaza. A handful of them was absorbed in a card game in the corner. Another two were inspecting a blacksmith’s wares instead of attending to their guard duties. 
Link glowered, having half a mind to have them scolded. 
“Link,” Zelda laughed beside him. When he glanced at her, she was smiling amusedly. “It’s all right. There’s no need to be so tense, you know.” 
Link’s scowl deepened slightly. Sometimes, Zelda could be so naïve. Even now, the Yiga could be lurking in the town, disguised as an everyday citizen. The thought made Link’s eyes sweep once more across the plaza; all he saw were pleasant smiles and content expressions— no hints of malice or ill intent. 
Begrudgingly, he allowed the tension to ease from his muscles, just a bit. 
“See? Doesn’t it feel good to relax?” Zelda hummed with a raised eyebrow. 
Link just screwed up his face at her in a clear look of distaste. Zelda laughed again, filling the air with a sound like the castle’s ringing bells calling the soldiers home. A sweet sound. A beautiful sound. A sound of home. 
Link tensed again at the pitter-patter of rapid footsteps approaching. His hand flew to the hilt of his Master Sword, the metal scraping against the scabbard as he began to pull it out, but Zelda hurriedly jumped up and slapped her palm against his breastplate with a loud “No!” Link looked at her in shock, then followed her gaze to where a little girl weaved through the crowd.
The child’s breaths came in little pants as she skittered to a stop in front of the knight and his charge. She gazed up at Zelda with gleaming emerald eyes flooded with admiration. Clumsily, she extended her hand, which grasped a ragged daisy she’d likely plucked from the patches of wildflowers blooming in the grasses nearby. 
“For you, Princess!” 
“Oh, why, thank you,” Zelda smiled graciously as she kneeled before the little girl. She gently took the flower and turned it between her thumb and forefinger, acclaiming it as if it were a gorgeous rose instead of a bedraggled daisy. After humming approvingly, Zelda swept her tresses of golden hair behind her shoulder so that she could tuck the daisy behind her ear. “How do I look?” 
“You the most beautifulest princess ever!” the little girl giggled and clapped her hands. When she noticed Link standing beside the kneeling Zelda, she gasped. “Wait! I’ll be right back, okay?” she said before dashing off between a pair of elderly women conversing about the fruit prices for the day. They both exclaimed as the child charged past them, then chortled joyously at her seemingly boundless energy. 
Zelda tossed Link a teasing grin. 
“One heck of a Yiga spy, huh?” 
Link made another face at her. 
They both turned as the little girl’s footsteps echoed through the plaza once more. She sprinted right up to Link, beaming ecstatically. Her smile outshone the burning sun above as she presented Link another daisy, this one more pathetic than the last— flopping over with a bent stem, with several petals missing. 
Link couldn’t help but smirk in amusement. 
Following Zelda’s suit, he knelt down before the child and went to take the flower from her. His eyes widened when she shook her head and retracted the bloom. 
“Please, allow me, Mr. Knight!” she insisted. Link could only stare blankly as the child tottered up to loop the stem of the flower around his ear. Its sweet scent wafted up his nose as she brought it past his face. The blossom bobbed against the locks of his golden-brown hair, the petals weaving into the fine strands. “There. A good-luck charm!” 
Link raised a hand to brush his fingertips across the white petals of the daisy. They were soft, like silk, so delicate against his calloused hands. He dropped his hand with a smile at the little girl and an acknowledging nod for good measure. The child grinned with a self-satisfied hum. 
A woman’s voice cut across the plaza. 
“Oops. My mom is calling me. Bye, Princess! Bye, Mr. Knight!” 
Zelda and Link both watched fondly as the little girl disappeared into the crowd and into a bright future. 
~Present Day~
Link’s hand slowly ascended to brush his fingers over the shell of his ear. He could imagine it, the stem tucked against his skin, the soft petals nestled against his hair. He stared forlornly into the plaza. There were no happy civilians, now old ladies contentedly conversing underneath the warm sun, no little girls bounding around their mothers’ legs begging for a treat. 
No, there was just ash, and dust, and desolation. 
Link stared hollowly toward the edge of the plaza, where the girl had once disappeared with her kindly mother. Did they survive, he wondered? Did they escape the fires and flames and destruction? Did that little girl get to grow up, and have her own little girl, and watch her grow, and die peacefully in her bed as she deserved to? 
Link clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles glared white in the gloom. That was the worst part… Not knowing. 
He forced his gaze away from the ash and dilapidated buildings, upward to the castle shelled with pulsating black magic. He set his jaw and gripped his Master Sword tight, steeling his nerve and preparing himself for the trial ahead. Then, he started walking, up the path that was so familiar to him but was so foreign too now that it had been disfigured by evil. 
Link didn’t know what happened to the little girl. He doubted that he ever would. She was just a figment of a forgotten past, an unknown in a great sea of unknowns. Yet he did know this— he was going to climb that castle and smote Calamity Ganon upon the wreckage of this once great kingdom. He was going to reclaim the future for the country he’d sworn to protect, to the people he’d sworn to protect— 
To the princess that he’d sworn to protect, so she could smile among her people in peace once more. 
As he walked his lonely road up to the castle, he spotted daisies blooming in the grasses lining the pathway. 
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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miss-sternennacht · 5 years ago
ACNH Creator ID: MA-2130-9793-5005
Master list of my Animal Crossing Designs! Please note some designs may contain spoilers!
Updated: 12/05/21
(see Video Game for Kingdom Hearts)
Star vs the Forces of Evil
St. Olga’s Disguise Dress
Princess Marco Dress
Heart Gown Dress
Mewnipendence Gown Dress
Mewberty Dress
Teal Dress
Star’s Nightgown Dress
Warrior Outfit Dress
Bear Dress 
Star’s Heart Cheeks Face Paint
Big Hero 6
Baymax Shirt
Atlantis: the Lost Empire
Kida Dress
Monsters, Inc.
Mike Wazowski Phone Case
Kim Possible
The Kimmunicator Phone Case
The Lion King
Simba Design
Simba Sand Art Design
The Owl House
Luz Grom Dress
Amity Grom Dress
Eda Clawthorne Dress
Lilith Clawthorne Dress
Light Spell Sand Art
Wreck-It Ralph
Ralph Sand Art
Video Game
Sonic the Hedgehog (includes anime/cartoon)
Amy Rose Dress
Rosy the Rascal Dress
Amy Rose Dress Sonic X
Amy Rose Sonic Boom Dress
Sonia Dress Sonic Underground
Sonic Phone Case
Kirby Series
Kirby Design
Kirby Sand Art Design
Super Mario Series
Boo Design
Boo Sand Art Design
Power Moon Sand Art Design
Super Star Sand Art Design
? Sand Art
Annoying Dog Design
Annoying Dog Sand Art Design
Gen 1 Badges pt. 1/2 Design
Gen 1 Badges pt. 2/2 Design
Legend of Zelda
Triforce Sand Art
Professor Layton Series
Professor Layton and Luke Triton Sand Art
Tetris Sand Art
Kingdom Hearts Series 
Kingdom Key Sand Art
Crown Sand Art
Steven Universe
Garnet Shirt
Danny Phantom
Danny Fenton Shirt
Danny Phantom Logo Shirt
Samurai Jack
Jack’s Rave Outfit (Hat and Shirt)
Magic School Bus
Miss Frizzle Space Dress
Blue’s Clues
Steve’s Shirt
Miraculous Ladybug
Miraculous Ladybug Symbols Sand Art
Princess Adrien Dress
Bee and Puppycat
Bee’s Lazy in Space Dream Dress
The All-New Super Friends Hour
Wonder Twins Shirt
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Soul Gem Poster
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura & Syaoran Design
Yellow Sweater
Wings Sweater
Basic Items Sweater
Princess Syaoran Dress
Blue Daisy Dress
Pink and Blue Dress
Grey Star Dress
Pink Flower Dress
Space Cadet Dress
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
HanaNene Vol. 8 Design
HanaNene Vol. 12 Design
AoiNene Vol. 13 Design
Scary Aoi Design
Not Going Anywhere Design
Mitsuba’s Smile Design
Mokke Design
Mokke #2 Design
Mokke #3 Design
Amane & Nene Design
HanaNene Smiles Design
HanaNene Rain Design
HanaNene Date Design
Tsukasa Design
No.7 Album Cover Design
Hanako with Camellias Design
Hanako Heart Design
Nene Heart Design
Kou Heart Design
Tea Party Nene Dress
Tea Party Sakura Dress
Nene’s Yukata 
Nene’s Phone Case
Cafe Nene Dress
Witch Sakura Dress
Witch Aoi Dress
Witch Nene Dress
@anubis-005​ Nene’s Inferno AU
Nene’s Dress
Hanako’s Shirt
Hinata Hyuga Shippuden Jacket
Digimon Series
Digimon Adventure Tai Shirt
Digimon Adventure Sora Shirt
Digimon Adventure Mimi Dress
Boku no Hero Academia
Bakugo Design 
IzuOcha Saving You Design
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Luchia & Hanon Shell Design
Rina & Coco Shell Design
Karen & Noel Shell Design
Sara/Siera Shell Design
Tokyo Mew Mew
Mew Mew Ichigo Design
NASA Design
Original Designs
Neopolitan Shirt
Tank Tie
Purple Love Sweater
Reflection Bay Dress
Watermelon Dress
Gameboy Color Dress
Monochrome Sparks Dress
Pink Dots Dress
Lavendear Dress
Space Phone Case
Planets Phone Case
Math Sand Art
Shell Sand Art
Galaxy Design
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