#hourglass oblitus casa
jami-purple · 2 years
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ey mamas
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elliottswaterlilies · 2 months
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I hope in your final moments, you could find peace Mama.
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agusart2blue · 1 year
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abandonedc · 9 months
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I should post here more lol :( but heres my very first render of Hourglass made in Eevee!
Hourglass model by @/Eggnite on twitter!
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the-good-ol-art-corner · 10 months
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We were meant to be one. Don't give up on me now. Finish what we've begun.
I. am so sorry for flooding the fnati tags gang but these are my babygirls and they're the only thing I know how to draw anymore /lh
So with that please take the horror that is Hourglass <3
Reblogs > Likes, Thank You!
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de4thcr0wey666 · 8 days
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anddd his ears
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justgoji · 10 months
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Hourglass doodles. I wonder what they’ll look like in the remake of treasure island 2020...
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@chaosverse-mainblog @misterah13 @agusart2blue Part 3 of the Oblitus Casa Self Insert AU! This time, it focuses on my Self Insert’s first of many nightmares of Mother and Hourglass burning in the Canon Timeline.
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cutesyarts · 1 year
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Hourglass From 5 Night's At Treasure Island 2020
Really proud of this one
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rojomarker · 2 years
My dog looks weird
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Ongod the Tunnels section in Oblitus Casa is taking years off my lifespan it’s SO scary and for what
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klunsgod · 4 months
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blood, gore, giant meatball, organs...
freeform Five Nights at Treasure Island designs, with the bottom image being Nightmare Before Disney ones. sky's the limit when you're dealing with corrupted projections of 2D characters, and the limit goes even higher when they're from someone's nightmare.
i think they're pretty cute. i didn't design Hourglass, Undying, and the Oblitus Casa characters because i already like them very much...
............did you know i help work on FNaTI?
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it's in development, but it looks pret-ty good.~ here's the game page
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elliottswaterlilies · 6 months
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come closer.
look at them, they're beautiful
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agusart2blue · 1 year
the pain of a mother...🖤
El dolor de una madre ...🖤
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64use · 1 year
Sooo yeah... , becoming Hourglass for halloween because really, I just love his design from Oblitus Casa. Maybe I will show the full costume some time soon however I did put some major twists on the costume just because there are some things I couldn't make for my own fortune to make the character more accurate for its design from the game.
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misscloudiedays · 2 years
Well if you can i would ask for both, but if you can't i would ask for Treasure island ones for sure!! (I just reallyyy like the island toons)
I’ll try! Some toons I haven’t really thought to much of? Or some toons who don’t really think or do much
So yeah this for my interpretation so some characters are different from canon lol
Photo negative Mickey -
Photo is one of Mothers favorite, mostly due to how well behaved he is.. he’s a “blank slate” compared to toons like Oswald and the Face, her view on him is.. tainted by the whole “hourglass” incident
Oswald -
Mother pity’s Oswald, his calls for “God” are saddening, she doesn’t try and baby him since he values his independence. But she’s WILL take action when Oswald is pushing himself too hard
Disembodied (Donald) -
Mother reasonably can find his Presence annoying, but when he’s not screaming his head off, he’s just a polite lil guy who um- sometimes claws around on the walls
The Face (Mickey) -
Mother tries to be nice to him, but the mouse makes it very hard. he has said hateful things to mother, mother brushes them off.
Impurity (Minnie) -
Mother likes impurity! She’s a sweet girl- has a odd obsession with teeth but it’s no real concern to mother. Mother comforts impurity when she’s questions her beauty
acephalous (Goofy) -
Ace is.. a simple guy, follows other toons around and doesn’t cause much of a fuss. It’s hard to read him due to the lack of a head, but he’s well behaved
Pluto -
he’s a dog, he’s a bit slow but it’s still Pluto, Mother appreciates his company, other toons seem to aswell
Willy -
Mother also finds Willy endearing, he’s very child like and doesn’t let his “past life” hold him down, he’s happy it happened. And happy where he is now
Mortimer -
Mortimer is a sorrowful mouse, a fuzzy mind filled with horrid thoughts. Mother does her best to aid mortimer but he tends to retreat to a place mother cannot reach.
The Forgotton one -
He’s irresponsible and reckless, he has uncontained power and uses it for party tricks! Hides his heart with a big smile. He’s letting himself be Forgotten.
[ Oblitus Casa ]
(Any character who have already been spoken about won’t be recapped)
In this canon Willy and “Willie” are the same
Belial -
Belial is a odd toon, she is unseen unless given a physical form through a drawing on a note book, mother will carry around Belial and keep track of her note book, Belial cannot speak words but her happy chirps are enough Reassessment to mother that she is Happy.
Daisy -
Daisy is around the same lines of Disembodied, she’s better at being quiet, and is much faster then Disembodied.
Photo negative Minnie -
PN Minnie is also a bit of a blank slate, she remembers some things and cares for PN Mickey. she has horrible anxiety around her self image despite her beauty, her face and her heart are beautiful.
Pete -
Pete tends to Antagonize other toons epically Willy (who now, tends to combat Pete’s words in his own goofy way.) Pete is a old soul due to his source. Mother can have decent conversation with him but he’s has some odd views.
Dippy -
Dippy is also a older soul, his constant wheezing while speaking is proof enough, but he’s much kinder compared to Pete
MickMick (who is a separate being from mother) -
MickMick is to be kept on the island, she deserves better then what the SSA had planned, she is mine
The Corruptus -
The Corruptus is new, and unpredictable, mother tries to her best to guide him in the right direction. His mind is not truly his own… yet
Purple ( Forgottens brother in the au) -
Purple seemingly came out of no where, but his purpose is very clear, she will care for this child
Dezz & Nutz (yes, there here too) -
How did they get here, I don’t know, they keep using slang terms
( if there’s anyone I didn’t mention that your curious about just ask 👍)
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