i-want-cheese · 4 months
What is this place
This is a social media website where users can see the posts made by other users and repost them to their own "blog" or even create their own posts for others to repost. Hope this helps
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qzse-rtv · 3 months
i want to overdose with pills not drugs dumb and full of shit ass
Ure thz dumb one full of shit how amni supposed to know do i look like i do this every week
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bigeardu · 5 months
Space Cadet Draped in Cosmic Karma Rays
Face to Face Wit
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itsrythm · 3 months
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hotrale · 2 months
Hello. embarrassing. i was. @hotrail . but i died. i am back and even though u killed me i would be willing to participate once more.
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tussive · 3 months
Tagged by: @labcorp3
Are you named after anyone?
Nope, my mom said I needed a powerful name for when I was a big businessman lol.
When was the last time you cried?:
Like just a few tears or like full blown crying? Few tears I've cried a couple of times today, full blown crying probably like a week?
Do you have kids?
What sports do you play?
None really. I'd like to get into boxing and there is a boxing gym in town now but I'm in such poor shape I feel like going would probably be a waste? I wanna drop some weight and build some muscle first and then I can start doing that I guess.
Do you use sarcasm?
I mean, doesn't everyone to an extent? I don't like sarcasm when it's obviously sarcasm though. The funniest joke is told completely straight imo.
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
I don't know that there's anyone one particular thing, aside from how bad or not bad they make my anxiety, ease of conversation, etc.
Eye colour?
Like mostly green. Looking at that eye chart, like a D20 or D30 most likely.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I like scary movies, but I like sad endings more than both.
Any talents?
I'm good at teaching myself things, when I'm really dedicated to them. I'm good at researching things and accumulating information. I'm not sure if you'd call this a talent as much as personality trait, but I'm very adaptable. I think if I had to I could acclimate to most situations.
Where were you born?
Norwich, CT
The last like probably 4 years I've spent doing pretty much nothing but laying in bed and watching the same TV shows on repeat. I'm working on pulling myself out of that hole and engaging in activities and hobbies I like, but it's hard. But I like baking. I like, I don't know what you'd call it. I like making things myself with regard to food? I like sprouting, I like making yogurt and stuff. I was really into coffee for a bit. I like fountain pens and penpaling and cute stationary. I'm a big fan of music. I want to start getting into carnivorous plants more.
Any pets?
None, but if you've been following me for a while you've met The Girls. They were three rats and they were the sweetest girls in the world and I miss them every day. I don't think I'm well suited for pets because despite loving animals, I can't handle when they die very well.
Favourite school subject?
My least favorite was math, but I don't know that I really had a favorite. I liked school well enough, but idk. They wanted me to skip a grade, but my grandparents thought I'd get bullied for it. I wish they had let me. School was way too easy for me basically the entire time and by the time I reached a point where I really could've taken harder classes, I was totally checked out. So I liked going to school, I liked learning things, but I wish I had had a more engaging experience with it. I guess I liked English or science best.
Dream job?
I mean, real dream job? Something easy and bullshit-y that pays me like $1M a year. Real job that I'd like to do though? I don't know. I wanted to be a translator for a while. I wanted to go into pharmaceutical research for a while. I wanted to be a social worker for a while. I think I'm one of those people who no matter what isn't going to enjoy their job though. Like some people their job is their passion, for me my job is just a means to get money to pursue my passions. So I don't know.
Tagging: I'm going to try and tag different people this time, but if I tagged you in the other one then you're tagged here too lol. @420--wrld @hotrail @immigrant @penglue @birdsinthetrap666 @real-doozy anyone else who wants to do it also =3
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a-dope-fiend · 1 year
"toki watches cartoons and is mentally a toddler forever he's so sweet cute baby angel ❤️'' toki is hotrailing meth and threatening to off police officers
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envymourn · 1 year
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metoidionasty · 2 years
Sometimes my t levels peak while my blood sugar is low and I feel like I just did hotrail
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hotrailproductions · 5 days
HOTRAIL Productions
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vastperhaps · 7 months
Hotrails - Learn modern Ruby on Rails with Hotwire
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itsrythm · 3 months
#hellbound #crank #ice #drugs #life #hurt #meth #hotrail #donttell
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hotrale · 2 months
make a post that says “was @hotrail please reblog to help me find my mutuals”
Sigh. i was just going to kill my self but fine i guess so
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methncocksogood · 1 year
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25 posts!
I wanna meet some new friends to smoke slam and hotrail with and then naughty stuff too girls women only milfs cougars teens whoever wants to hang get high and then just fuck and play inhave a ten inch cock and thick DM me you will have a blast with me
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Important Details around the Project:
What is the Drug Porn Research Project? The Drug Porn Research Project is a research project which looks at online porn centered around drug use, for example, porn involving the injecting, smoking, snorting or hotrailing of meth. It uses performance theory which means that it looks at this through the lens of how people act and perform identities. You can find more detail about the project here.
Why? We are interested in understanding the different types of performance that takes place so that we can help build better health services and health promotion initiatives as this relates to the online drug use porn community.
How? We will be reviewing online drug porn on publically available websites. We won’t be collecting personal information about performers or commentators or individual identities.
What we will be doing is collecting information about the most common activities, slang, phrases, hashtags. We are also interested in collecting information on what people find positive or negative, what they enjoy, what they don’t enjoy and the general feelings around drug porn. This information will allow us to build a general framework about the themes related to drug porn and we will use this to then explore how to develop effective health promotion initiatives. To make sure we are on the right track we will pose a number of questions using commonly used hashtags and phrases through this Tumblr page and ask people to leave messages in relation to the questions.
Commenting on questions posed We want to ensure your privacy and anonymity as much as possible so PLEASE DO NOTCOMMENT DIRECTLY ON POSTS rather send us a direct message using the “Ask Me Anything” function and ticking the “ask anonymously” box. We will make notes based on these comments to better inform our understanding of the subject. The messages will then be deleted.
Who is conducting this research? Florian Scheibein is the primary researcher for this project and he is based at the School of Health Sciences, South East Technological University, Ireland.
Will I be reported? This project conforms with Irish law. Under Section 9 of the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 it is an offence not to report material information relating to any offence as defined by Section 8 (b), i.e. an offence “that involves loss of human life, serious personal injury (other than injury that constitutes an offence of a sexual nature), false imprisonment or serious loss of or damage to property or a serious risk of any such loss, injury, imprisonment or damage, and includes an act or omission done or made outside the State that would be a serious offence if done or made in the State”. As a result, such offences will need to be reported by us to the Irish police service. We therefore ask you to be mindful of this when you send us a message.
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stoner-queens-world · 3 years
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