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We are your local partner in designing and managing leisure and entertainment clubs in the Philippines.
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City Lights and Cocktails
Unwind in style as you soak in the city's dazzling lights and savor our signature drinks. Let the night's magic unfold before you. Dao by Dorsett AMTD Singapore
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A Unique Bowling Experience with Jeu de Boules in Amsterdam
Discover a unique bowling experience in Amsterdam with Boulesbitesbar. Here, you can enjoy drinks, dinner, and a Jeu de Boules track. Make a reservation to ensure a track is available. It's a fun and entertaining activity to add to your Amsterdam bucket list. Book your spot today!
#amsterdam restaurant#hotelbar amsterdam#restaurant amsterdam#Jeudeboules#amsterdam#Boulesbitesbar#boules en bites eindhoven#boules amsterdam
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Tasting Silent Pool Gin Negronis with a twist
Celebrating Negroni Week with Silent Pool Gin at The Aubrey in Mandarin Oriental London 🥃
Tasting the classic negroni with a twist:-
Avocado & Tomato Negroni - Avocado infused Silent Pool Gin, tomato infused Campari and Red Vermouth. A savoury taste, would definitely have again!
Coffee Negroni - Silent Pool Gin, Campari, Coffee Mezcal, Red Vermouth and a chocolate garnish. A taste of chocolate at first and then a coffee kick
Sakura Negroni - Silent Pool Gin, Campari, Sakura Vermouth. 20 botanical flowers make up this vermouth, and thus making it my favourite negroni by far! 🌸
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Hallo liebe Leute,
da der Sommer nicht so richtig in die Gänge kommt, hatte ich viel Zeit, um an der Stalker FF zu schreiben. (Bin fast fertig!) In einer Version hatte ich als Prolog H&Ms Kennenlerngeschichte verarbeitet, habe diese Idee allerdings aus diversen Gründen wieder verworfen und den Prolog gestrichen. Ich möchte Euch die kleine Story aber nicht vorenthalten, daher werde ich sie hier posten. Bin gespannt, ob ihr sie als plausibel erachtet...🤔
Wie alles begann....
Malediven, 2014
Hanna winkte dem Shuttleboot hinterher und seufzte. Sie hatte sich gerade schweren Herzens von ihrem Freund Achim verabschiedet. Seit einem halben Jahr waren sie ein Paar, allerdings lebte und arbeitete sie auf den Malediven und er in Deutschland. Er hatte in dem Hotel, welches sie leitete, Urlaub gemacht und sie hatten sich Hals über Kopf ineinander verliebt. Seitdem versuchten sie, eine Beziehung auf Distanz zu führen. Achim war sehr engagiert und in den sechs Monaten schon das dritte Mal auf den Malediven gewesen. Jetzt stand ihnen eine längere Durststrecke bevor, denn Hanna konnte erst in vier Monaten Urlaub nehmen und würde dann nach Deutschland fliegen.
Hanna versuchte die Gedanken an Achim abzuschütteln und stürzte sich in die Arbeit. Sie ging an die Rezeption zurück und sah die kommenden Reservierungen durch. Zwei Paare, die zum Flittern herkamen und zwei Crewmitglieder des Kreuzfahrtschiffs MS Amera. Kapitän Schuster kam regelmäßig, den anderen Namen kannte sie nicht. Schien ein neuer Kollege zu sein. Die Zimmer waren soweit hergerichtet, sie sah auf die Uhr. Jeden Moment müsste der Shuttle eintreffen. Kaum hatte sie den Gedanken zu Ende geführt, öffnete sich die Tür und die neuen Gäste betraten das Hotel.
"Herzlich Willkommen auf den Malediven Kapitän Schuster! Auch mal wieder im Lande?”, begrüßte Hanna den Kapitän der MS Amera freundlich. Ich sehe, Sie haben einen neuen Kollegen dabei?”
Sie musterte neugierig Schusters Begleiter. Er hatte braune Augen, die sie freundlich und interessiert anschauten, grau-braun-melierte Haare und einen ebenso farbigen Bart. War er ein Offizier oder auch ein Kapitän? Sie kannte sich mit den Rängen in der Seefahrt nicht aus, er hatte jedenfalls dreieinhalb Streifen auf seinen Epauletten.
“Darf ich bekannt machen? Das ist mein neuer Staff-Kapitän Martin Grimm”, stellte Kapitän Schuster seinen Kollegen vor. “Herr Grimm, das ist Hanna Liebhold, sie leitet das Hotel hier. Immer wenn wir auf den Malediven halt machen, steigen wir hier ab. Die Betreuung ist exzellent und äußerst charmant”, sagte Schuster mit einem Augenzwinkern.
Hanna errötete kurz. “Danke für das Kompliment und herzlich Willkommen, Herr Grimm”. Sie lächelte Martin an und gab ihm die Hand.
“Vielen Dank, Frau Liebhold”, antwortete Martin freundlich, “es freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen.” Er ergriff Ihre Hand und erwiderte den Händedruck.
“Waren Sie schon einmal auf den Malediven?”, erkundigte sich Hanna.
“Nein, das ist mein erstes Mal, ich freue mich schon darauf, die Gegend zu erkunden, auch wenn wir nur einen Tag bleiben”, antwortete Martin gut gelaunt. "Können Sie mir später sagen, wo ich ein Segelboot mieten kann?”
“Natürlich, kommen Sie einfach gleich nochmal zu mir. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt." Sie übergab Martin und Kapitän Schuster lächelnd die Zimmerkarten.
“Zimmer 301 und 305, dritter Stock. Herr Schuster, Sie kennen sich ja aus und können Herrn Grimm den Weg zeigen.”
Die beiden Männer bedankten sich, nahmen ihre Taschen und gingen zum Aufzug. Hanna sah ihnen noch nach. Ein netter Mann, dieser Martin Grimm, befand sie und begrüßte die nächsten Hotelgäste.
Am späten Abend beschloss Hanna, sich noch ein Glas Wein an der Hotelbar zu gönnen. Sie hatte gerade noch mit Achim telefoniert, danach war ihre Sehnsucht immer besonders stark und ihre Laune entsprechend im Keller. Sie traf auf Kapitän Schuster und Martin, die die letzten beiden Gäste an der Bar waren. “Guten Abend, die Herren”, begrüßte sie die beiden mit einem aufgesetzten Lächeln. “Ich hoffe, Sie hatten einen angenehmen Tag!”
“Guten Abend Frau Liebhold!”, erwiderte der Kapitän den Gruß. “Ich war gerade dabei, mich von Herrn Grimm zu verabschieden, ich gehe jetzt nämlich ins Bett. Ich wünsche eine gute Nacht!” Schuster zog sich zurück.
"Vielleicht mögen Sie mit mir noch etwas trinken?”, fragte Martin. “Ich bin noch nicht müde und ohne Ihnen zu Nahe treten zu wollen, Sie sehen so aus, als könnten Sie noch etwas Gesellschaft vertragen.”
Hanna schmunzelte. Der Seemann hatte ihre Gefühlslage genau erfasst. “Gerne”, antwortete sie.
“John, Sie können Feierabend machen, ich erledige das hier schon”, sagte sie zum Barkeeper und nickte ihm freundlich zu. “Was darf ich Ihnen denn anbieten, Herr Grimm. Ein Bier?” “Nein danke, lieber einen Orangensaft.”
Hanna wunderte sich über die außergewöhnliche Getränkewahl, goss aber kommentarlos ein Glas ein und stellte es vor Martin auf den Tresen.
“Ich habe das Bedürfnis nach etwas stärkerem. Ich hoffe es ist OK für Sie, wenn ich ein Glas Wein trinke.”
“Aber natürlich.”
Hanna servierte sich selbst ein Glas Rotwein und nahm neben Martin Platz. “Zum Wohl”, sagte sie und stieß mit Martin an. “Schlechten Tag gehabt?”, erkundigte sich Martin vorsichtig.
Hanna betrachtete Martins Gesicht. Sie konnte nicht sagen warum, aber sie hatte sofort Vertrauen zu diesem Mann gefasst.
“Ich musste heute meinen Freund, der in Deutschland lebt, verabschieden. Er war kurz zu Besuch und jetzt sehen wir uns eine ganze Zeit lang nicht”, sprudelte es aus Hanna heraus.
Martin nickte verständnisvoll. “Das Dilemma, wenn man in der Reisebranche tätig ist. Auf Kreuzfahrtschiffen haben wir das gleiche Problem. Heute hier, morgen dort und monatelang auf See unterwegs. Das macht es schwierig, Beziehungen zu führen. Wer möchte schon ein halbes Jahr zu Hause auf seinen Partner warten?”
“Ja, es ist nicht leicht. Dafür hat man aber einen tollen Job”, sagte Hanna. “Haben Sie denn jemanden, der auf Sie wartet?”
Martin zögerte mit der Antwort. Er kannte sie schließlich selbst nicht genau. Sophia auf den Bahamas war zwar irgendwie seine Freundin, aber letztendlich war es viel zu unverbindlich und er konnte sich nicht vorstellen, wegen ihr seine Karriere aufzugeben. So plätscherte ihre sogenannte Beziehung vor sich hin und würde vermutlich bald im Sande verlaufen.
“Entschuldigung, ich wollte nicht neugierig sein”, beeilte sich Hanna zu sagen. “Das geht mich schließlich auch nichts an.”
“Nein, schon in Ordnung”, antwortete Martin. Er hatte das Gefühl, mit ihr über alles reden zu können, obwohl er sie erst seit ein paar Stunden kannte.
“Ja, es gibt jemanden, aber ob sie ewig auf mich wartet, kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. Es ist einfach nicht ernst genug zwischen uns”, ließ er Hanna an seinen Gedanken teilhaben. Außerdem bin ich zu sehr mit dem Meer verheiratet, das hat wohl seinen Preis.”
Hanna nippte an ihrem Wein. “Das hört sich ja schrecklich deprimierend an. Vielleicht ist sie einfach nicht die Richtige? Ich wette, Sie finden eines Tages jemanden, der Ihnen die Welt bedeutet.” Sie lachte. “Entschuldigen Sie, aber ich bin eine hoffnungslose Romantikerin.”
Martin musste schmunzeln. “Darauf würde ich nicht wetten, aber ich trinke trotzdem gerne auf die Romantik und auf die Welt mit Ihnen.” Er hob sein Glas. “Prost!”
Sie stießen lachend an.
“Wollen wir nicht “du” sagen?”, fragte Hanna. “Ich hab das Gefühl, als würden wir uns schon ewig kennen.”
“Das geht mir genauso”, antwortete Martin. “Verrückt, oder? Ich heiße Martin.”
Sie lächelten sich an und prosteten sich erneut zu.
“OK Martin, dann erkläre mir doch bitte mal den Unterschied zwischen Kapitän und Staff-Kapitän. Da kenne ich mich überhaupt nicht aus.”
Martin erklärte ihr die unterschiedlichen Ränge und seine Aufgaben. Sie kamen von einen Thema zum anderen und unterhielten sich lange Zeit angeregt. Martin schaute irgendwann auf die Uhr und erschrak. Zwei Uhr morgens!
“Hanna, es tut mir leid, aber ich muss jetzt ins Bett, ich brauche dringend noch etwas Schlaf. Morgen reisen wir ja schon wieder ab!”
“Oh ja, ich habe gar nicht bemerkt, wie die Zeit verflogen ist. Es war ein schöner Abend!” Hanna lächelte ihn an.
Martin erwiderte das Lächeln. “Ja, das war es.”
In den folgenden Jahren hielten Hanna und Martin Kontakt. Sie telefonierten gelegentlich und immer wenn Martin auf den Malediven war, stieg er in ihrem Hotel ab. Das abendliche Getränk an der Bar war zu einer Art Ritual geworden. Dort erzählten sie sich alles, was sie bewegte. Hanna erfuhr von Martins Alkoholproblem. Sie schüttete ihm ihr Herz aus, wenn sie mal wieder vor Liebeskummer verging und verkündete ihm dort schließlich freudestrahlend ihre Verlobung mit Achim. Eine innige Freundschaft war zwischen ihnen entstanden.
Martin war seit langem mal wieder auf den Malediven und auf dem Weg zum Hotel. Er freute sich darauf, Hanna wiederzusehen. Sie hatten schon länger nicht mehr miteinander gesprochen.
Er betrat das Hotel und traf allerdings nicht Hanna an der Rezeption an, sondern ihre Kollegin Mary.
“Hallo Herr Grimm, herzlich willkommen!”, wurde er freundlich begrüßt.
"Hallo Mary”, erwiderte Martin den Gruß. “Ist Hanna nicht da?”
Mary schaute ihn betreten an. “Haben Sie es nicht gehört?” Martin guckte verständnislos. "Was gehört?”
“Na das mit dem Unfall!”
“Was für ein Unfall? Ist Hanna etwas zugestoßen?", fragte Martin besorgt
“Ihr nicht, aber Achim, ihrem Verlobten. Er ist mit dem Flugzeug abgestürzt und gestorben. Hanna hat daraufhin einen Nervenzusammenbruch erlitten und ist seitdem in einer Klinik.
“Oh mein Gott, das ist ja schrecklich!”, entfuhr es Martin. "Deshalb habe ich wohl so lange nichts mehr von ihr gehört. Sie ist in letzter Zeit nie ans Telefon gegangen, wenn ich sie angerufen habe. Haben Sie Kontakt zu ihr?”, fragte er Mary.
“Selten. Das letzte was ich weiß ist, dass sie bald aus der Klinik entlassen wird.”
“Falls Sie mit ihr sprechen, richten Sie ihr bitte Grüße von mir aus. Sie soll mich anrufen, wenn ihr danach ist.”
Martin ging schockiert auf sein Zimmer. Was für eine Katastrophe! Hanna tat ihm furchtbar leid, er wusste, wie sehr sie Achim geliebt hatte. Er konnte sich gar nicht vorstellen wie schrecklich sich ein derartiger Verlust anfühlen musste. Er hoffte, dass sie bald miteinander sprechen würden.
Ein paar Wochen später klingelte sein Telefon. Ohne auf das Display zu schauen meldete er sich:
Hallo Martin, hier ist Hanna.
Hanna! Endlich höre ich was von dir. Ich habe gehört, was passiert ist, ich kann dir gar nicht sagen, wie leid es mir tut. Wie es dir geht, brauche ich wohl nicht zu fragen, hm?
Hannas Stimme zitterte. Nicht gut, aber besser. Ich war eine Zeit lang in einer Klinik, das hat mir auf jeden Fall geholfen. Wie geht es dir?
Alles wie gewohnt, danke. Heute hier, morgen dort, du weißt ja…
Ich habe Neuigkeiten. Ich werde die Malediven verlassen. Alles erinnert mich an Achim, das ertrage ich einfach nicht. Ich brauche eine neue Herausforderung.
Das kann ich verstehen. Weißt du schon, was du machen wirst?
Ja, stell’ dir vor, ich heuere auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff an!
Nicht dein Ernst!
Doch! In zwei Monaten werde ich die neue Hoteldirektorin auf der MS Amadea. Kennst du das Schiff?
Martin fing an zu lachen. Das ist unser Schwesterschiff, dann sind wir ja bald Kollegen!
Hanna stimmte in das Lachen ein. Zum ersten Mal seit vielen Wochen war sie dazu wieder in der Lage.
Ich bin jetzt für vier Wochen in Hamburg bei der Reederei und bekomme eine Einführung in die Welt der Seefahrt. Dann kehre ich auf die Malediven zurück, um alles mit meiner Nachfolge zu regeln. Von dort startet dann mein Abenteuer.
Ich bin nächste Woche auch für ein paar Tage in Hamburg, lass uns treffen, Frau Kollegin! Ich bin mir sicher, dass dir das Leben auf dem Schiff gefallen wird. Gut, dass du wieder nach vorne schaust.
Danke Martin. Melde dich, wenn du hier bist. Ich freue mich, dich dann zu sehen!
Ich mich auch. Mach's gut Hanna, wir sehen uns!
Sambia war das neue Ziel der MS Amadea. Kapitän Burger hatte den Dienst quittiert und von seinem unbekannten Nachfolger gab es bisher keine Spur. Hanna, Doc Sander und Kreuzfahrtdirektor Oskar Schifferle standen nervös auf der Brücke.
Hanna sah auf die Uhr. “In dreißig Minuten müssen wir uns fertig machen zum Ablegen."
“Sonst kostet uns jede Minute ein kleines Vermögen!”, fiel Schifferle panisch ein.
“Wie soll das gehen ohne Kapitän?”, fragte Sander aufgeregt.
In der Aufregung hatten sie nicht bemerkt, dass jemand hinter ihnen die Brücke betreten hatte.
“Als Staff-Kapitän bin ich dafür qualifiziert, das Schiff zu übernehmen," ertönte eine dunkle Stimme.
Die Crew-Mitglieder drehten sich um. Hannas Gesicht erstrahlte, als sie den ihr bekannten Mann erblickte.
“Martin! Dich schickt der Himmel!”
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I heard you are the bartender of a cozy hotelbar.
Do you serve Absinth by any chance?
I am and we do. Got the real stuff here, stuff that makes you see things. Not a lot of people want it down here. They ain’t interested in hallucinatin’ down in Hell. Can be even more dangerous than topside.
#hazbin hotel roleplay#hazbin hotel husk#hazbin rp#husker#hazbin hotel rp#ask-husker#ask husk#hazbin hotel#husk
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Auszeit nehmen… oder doch nicht? Teil2
Sollte ich jetzt schon? Ja, ich sollte und holte aus Tasche die Badeschlappen und bediente mich an dem bereitgelegtem Saunatuch und Bademantel. Ich zog mich aus und schlüpfte in den Bademantel, zog die Schlappen an. So ging ich auf den Flur zu dem Aufzug der offen stand und drückte den Knopf zum Wellnessbereich. Gerade als sich die Tür schloss hörte ich zwei weiblich Stimmen die riefen das sie noch mit wollten. Ich stand so das sie mich nicht sehen konnten und drückte die Tür schnell wieder auf. Mit klackenden Absätzen kamen die beiden Damen von vorhin in den Aufzug. „Oh.. Entschuldigung…“ sagte die Frau Namens Silvie, „...wir wussten nicht das… wir nehmen besser den nächsten Aufzug…“ und sie wollten gerade den Aufzug verlassen. Jana musterte mich in meinem Bademantel und war dieses mal etwas schlagfertiger, sagte lachend „Das ist aber nicht das passende Outfit für die Hotelbar…“ Ich reagierte da erst mal nicht drauf und sprach zu Silvie „So ein Blödsinn, ich habe doch schon vom weiten gehört das nicht der Papst mitfahren wollte. Ich habe doch schließlich selber die Tür aufgedrückt. Wo soll es denn hingehen?“ Bevor Silvie antworten konnte blickte ich zu Jana und ich deutete ein leises knurren an. Ihre Augen weiteten sich und ich sah das ihr Dekolleté etwas Farbe bekam. Auch ihre Nippel sprachen zu mir indem sie sich durch das Mieder bohrten was ich gut sehen konnte weil ihr Bolero etwas offen stand. Zu gerne hätte ich jetzt ihren Kopf gepackt, sie einfach geküsst, gegen die Wand gepresst und meine Hand in ihren Schritt gleiten lassen. Denn ich hatte den Eindruck das auf einmal ein ganz besonderer brunftiger Geruch in der Luft lag und ich war mir absolut sicher das hier jemand am auslaufen war… „Wir möchten in der Hotelbar einen Drink nehmen und dann gleich in die Stadt in ein Museum. Am Abend dann ins Spa...“ beantwortete Silvie meine Frage und ich drückte ohne hinzuschauen auf „E“. Der Aufzug setzte sich in Bewegung und unten ließ ich den Damen galant den Vortritt.
„Dann wünsche ich den Damen noch einen schönen Nachmittag und viel Spaß im Museum.“
„Vielen Dank..“ lachten beide wie aus einem Munde und Jana rief noch zurück „...vielleicht sehen wir uns ja noch mal!“
Ich musste grinsen und sagte leise für mich „Da bin ich mich ganz sicher… das werden wir…“
Bevor ich zum Spa ging schaute ich noch kurz bei der Consierge Caro vorbei die mich schmunzelnd musterte. „Darf ich fragen ob es für heute Abend im Restaurant eine Sitzordnung gibt?“
„Die gibt es in der tat, Herr S.“
„Nun, dann bitte ich sie doch mal zu schauen für wann die beiden Damen von vorhin zum Essen auf dem Plan stehen und ich würde gerne mit den beiden zu Abend speisen.“
„Natürlich Herr S. Einen Moment bitte..“ und sie tippte auf ihrem Laptop, „… die Damen haben für 19.00 Uhr reserviert und Sie habe ich dazu gesetzt. Bitte melden sie sich dann beim Ober der sie dann zum Tisch führen wird.“
„Vielen Dank für die Mühe und bis später“ sagte ich lächelnd und verließ die Empfangshalle.
Im Spa verschaffte ich mir dann erst mal einen Überblick und ich ging, nachdem ich mich geduscht hatte, für eine Sitzung in die finnische Sauna. Die Bademeisterin kam für einen Aufguss vorbei und heizte mir gehörig ein. Nicht ohne mich mit ihren Blicken zu taxieren. Wo sollte das nur hinführen… ein ganz normaler Mann wie ich und solch eine Aufmerksamkeit…
Anschließend buchte ich mir für den Abend eine Ganzkörpermassage und ging aufs Zimmer um mich etwas auszuruhen. Ich war nackt auf dem Bett eingedöst und wurde durch ein klopfen geweckt. Ein Blick auf die Uhr sagte mir das es schon nach 17 Uhr war. Ich band mir ein Handtuch um und öffnete meine Türe. Nur war da niemand, aber ich hörte wie jemand etwas schneller durch den Flur ging. Anhand des Klangs der klackenden Absätze hatte ich aber eine Vermutung. Dafür lag ein gefaltetes Blatt Papier auf dem Fußboden und ich hob es auf. Beim bücken löste sich mein Handtuch und viel zu Boden. Hoffentlich kommt jetzt niemand dachte ich noch… und schon kam die Concierge Caro um die Ecke, sah mich und schnalzte mit der Zunge als sie mich sah. Ich erhob mich langsam wieder und sah sie an. In ihren Augen loderte ein Feuer und sie zwinkerte mir zu. Da hat es aber jemand nötig, ich grinste sie an und schaute ihr hinter her. Ihr Po wackelte etwas mehr als nötig und mein Lupus fand diese ganze Situation auch mehr als anregend, erhob sich langsam. Ob alle Hotelgäste solch eine Aufmerksamkeit genießen durften? Ich entfaltete das Blatt, bemerkte aber aus den Augenwinkel das Caro sich vor der Ecke noch mal umschaute und stehen blieb, meinen Schwanz im Blick hatte. Langsam drehte ich mich wieder in Richtung Tür und verharrte, ich las:
Hallo schöner Fremder!
Ich weiß nicht was passiert ist, aber Du hast mich irgendwie… verzaubert? Ich denke ja und Du gehst mir nicht aus dem Kopf. Du hast was animalisches, unerklärliches an Dir. Fast schon was wölfisches. Heute Abend gehe ich mit meiner Freundin ins Spa. Vielleicht kreuzen sich dort unsere Wege….
Kuss, Wildkatze Jana
Auszeit nehmen… ich machte da mal einen Haken dran und grinste mir einen. Die Aussicht darauf die beiden heute Abend im Spa zu sehen war einfach zu verlockend. Und was sie nicht wusste, beim Essen saßen wir gemeinsam. Wer weiß was da noch passiert. In der Zeit wo ich den Brief las war Caro unbemerkt zurück gekommen und stand hinter mir. Ich spürte erst ihren Atem an meinem Nacken, dann ihre Hände wie sie meine Hüften umfassten, mich zurück ins Zimmer schoben. Sie schloss mit ihren Hacken die Türe und kam um mich herum. Schon spürte ich ihre Hände an meinem Schwanz. „Ich sehe das hier Hilfe von Nöten ist Herr S. Darf ich?“ Ohne eine Antwort von mir abzuwarten ging sie in die Hocke und nahm meine Eichel zwischen ihre roten Lippen, spielte mit ihrer Zunge an meinem Pissschlitz und am Eichelkranz. Wenn Caro wüsste das meine Blase zum bersten voll war… aber ich riss mich zusammen. Ich konnte und wollte sie damit nicht überfallen. Durch ihr Lippenspiel wurde mein Schwanz immer praller und sie schaute mich von unten an. Ich sah etwas devotes in ihrem Blick, aber auch eine Herausforderung. So nahm ich ihre Herausforderung an, packte ihren Kopf in beide Hände und fing an ihren Schlund zu ficken. Caro hielt tapfer dagegen und musste stöhnen und schlucken. Ich zog ihr meinen Schwanz aus ihrem Mund und schaute sie an. Ihr blick war gierig und lüstern. Ihre Augen funkelten und schon hatte sie meinen Schwanz wieder in ihrem Hals, so tief das sie mit ihrer Zunge meine Hoden lecken konnte. Lange hielt ich das auch nicht mehr aus und ich sagte ihr das sie jetzt meine Wolfsmilch bekommt. Sie saugte nun heftiger und ich kam grunzend tief in ihrem Hals. Von Gefühl her hatte ich direkt in ihren Magen gespritzt obwohl mein Schwanz nicht so lang ist. Brav zeigte Caro mir ihren offenen Mund mit dem Rest meiner Milch und schluckte grinsend herunter, leckte mich dann schön sauber und stand auf. „Ich hoffe das es zu ihrer Zufriedenheit war Herr S.“ sagte Caro während sie sich ihre Lippen sauber wischte und leckte. „Auf jeden Fall war es das. Und ich werde später definitiv eine befriedigende Bewertung schreiben! Vielen Dank für den hervorragenden und entspannenden Service.“ Ich packte ihren Nacken und zog sie zu mir. Küsste sie und griff gleichzeitig an ihre Brust und knetete diese. Caro stöhnte leise und ich lies sie wieder los. „Stets zu Diensten…“ und schon verschwand sie aus meiner Suite. Nun musste ich mich aber sputen und ging schnell unter die Dusche. Während das Wasser auf mich herab prasselte entleerte ich dabei meine Blase und pisste mich an. Man muss es mögen, diese Natursektspielchen. Und ich liebte sie… Natürlich rasierte ich mich noch gründlich und machte mich fertig fürs Abendessen.
Da noch etwas Zeit war, beschloss ich an der Bar noch einen Drink zu nehmen und machte mich auf den Weg. Sie mal einer an dachte ich bei mir als ich Silvie und Jana an der Bar sitzen sah. Ich ging zu den beiden und Silvie bemerkte mich, ich legte mir aber einen Zeigefinger auf den Mund und deute ihr an das sie sich nichts anmerken lassen sollte. Ich stand nun ganz dicht hinter Jana die gespannt ihrer Freundin zuhörte. Ich sog ihren weiblichen Duft in meine Nüstern und kam ihr noch näher, sie bemerkte noch nichts. Dann fing ich leise an zu knurren wie ein Wolf und prompt stellten sich ihren Nackenhaare auf. Sie richtete sich auf und berührte mit ihrem Rücken meine Brust, es war als würde Strom zwischen uns fließen. Mit meiner rechten Hand berührte ich ihren Hals und streichelte über ihr Collar. Meine linke lag auf ihrer Hüfte.
Ende Teil 2
Written bei frueaufsteher69©
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Okay I know that the Torchwood: the story continues stuff is seen kinda critical. And I've only listened to the first volume this far, but I just have to say that I love it!!
Minor spoilers about some non so important scenes but I don't wanna spoil anyone who wants to blind into the series:
First: Tyler trying to write a new Article while using Grindr and Hooking up with Jack and on the literal same day Jack dies and Tyler is like... fuck I kinda killed my one night stand.
Then Tyler trying to figure out why Mr. Colechester doesn't like him und says things like "oh yeah you're old and hate the gays and probably the refugees as well" and Mr. Colechester is like "I'm going home now to my muslim husband" I LOVE IT
Aaaand then Mr. Cholechester trying to phone Jack who is "running" and out of breath. And then immediatly after he tries and phone Tyler who is also out of breath but is indeed saying that he's on a date night and then in the end Mr. Colechester is like "say hi to Jack"
Oooh and also when Jack is a barkeeper in that Hotelbar and hast this special cocktail named "Harkness on the rocks" and says fucking "Everything is better with a Harkness inside"
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#tokyo #japan #travel #traveltok #hotelbar #luxuryhotel #japantravel #japantrip #travelbucketlist #traveltheworld #explore #fyp
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Gestern Abend hielt ich eine flammende Rede für den Dortmunder Tatort in der Hotelbar und ich bereue nichts! 8DDDDD
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How tall are you?
169, wenn du mich das erste mal im Restaurant an der Seite meines Ehemanns bemerkst. 179, wenn du mich am nächsten Abend mit ihm an der Hotelbar entdeckst. 110, wenn du dominant, charmant und unwiderstehlich genug bist, um mich ihm für die Nacht zu entreißen.
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We do design and management consultation for casino, hotels, and leisure and entertainment clubs.
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"Tod einer Journalistin" hat einfach so gute Adam Szenen
Adam flirting
die Szene mit dem Vater des Opfers in der Hotelbar
mit Wiktor und dem Verdächtigen im Hotelflur
der Ausraster und wie Olga ihn beruhigt
wie Adam sich über Wolles Reaktion auf den Spruch mit den Radmuttern ärgert
"und am Ende wars doch nur eine eifersüchtige Ehefrau?" "mit Schuhgröße 46"
Wiktors und Adams Unterhaltung im Büro wechselnd auf Deutsch und Polnisch
der Blick am Ende, als er zugibt, dass er umgezogen ist
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Explore our Specialty Beers, Fine Wines, and Exotic Cocktails at Boules Bites Bar in Amsterdam
Bulesbitesbar offers a unique and sophisticated experience, with a range of drinks from locally crafted beers to spirit and international wines. Whether you're looking for a casual drinking experience or a more upscale atmosphere, there's something for everyone on this list. Take a look and visit our website for more information.
#amsterdam restaurant#hotelbar amsterdam#restaurant amsterdam#boules en bites eindhoven#boules amsterdam
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Transformation story: Hotelbar
Elmar sat down at the hotel bar, where he and his colleagues were accommodated for the shoot. It was already late and the day was long and exhausting, but he still wanted to end the day with an after-work beer. He had the next two weeks off, unlike his colleagues, so he couldn't persuade anyone to drink with him. Lost in thought, he looked at himself in the mirror that covered the wall behind the bar. He had grown old. In the past, long days of filming didn't bother him so much, but today he felt every single bone. Bushy eyebrows trotted over his tired eyes. The thick 3-day beard was predominantly gray and his thinning hair struggled to hide the scalp underneath. Even though he was never athletic, he himself had to admit that he always had a stocky figure. He had broad shoulders that were now covered with more hair than they had been a few years ago. In general, his body hair has increased in recent years and age spots now cover his entire body. He had never had a special relationship with his body, but he was still particularly proud of his forearms and hands. They were strong and thick compared to the rest of his body. Even though he didn't do anything for them, they gave the impression that he didn't do anything else all day except work with them and carry heavy things. They were much hairier and even the backs of his hands and knuckles were covered with hair. On his left wrist he wore a watch in most cases. He wasn't much of a collector, but he always thought that watches accentuated his arms and they just looked good on him. While he looked at himself in the mirror and recapitulated the day of shooting, a young man sat down two chairs away. He also ordered a beer, which tore Elmar out of his thoughts, as it felt like the first sound he had heard since arriving at the hotel bar. He looked at the young man, who at first glance was the exact opposite of Elmar: slim figure, early 20s, thick, dark hair on his head, but no beginnings of hair were visible on his face or on his thin forearms. He didn't look unhealthy, but he still looked like he was going to fall over at the slightest gust. Elmar glanced briefly at his wedding ring and decided to at least give it a try: It was his big secret that he was strongly attracted to younger men. He was particularly attracted to age differences and contrasts. However, since he didn't want to ruin his marriage, he never dared to do it, but when he saw the young man next to him, alone in the hotel bar, it was difficult to resist the temptation. He gathered all his courage and spoke to him.
"Had a long day too? I'm Elmar, by the way." Through his acting, he was always able to conceal his nervousness well.
"Yes, but a beer before bed is necessary. I'm Johannes, nice to meet you." Johannes' voice was still clear compared to Elmar's raspy raspy voice. "What are you doing here in the city? Are you traveling?"
Elmar took his beer and sat down on the bar stool next to Johannes. "Unfortunately, no. I'm here on business. I'm an actor and we're shooting a little feature film right now."
"Actor? Cool! I'm not an actor, but I'm still involved in film. Have you had any roles in films that I may know?”
Elmar listed a few, but there wasn't a film that Johannes knew. He also never had a leading role, which is why he probably wouldn't have been noticed anyway. Elmar liked the young man immediately, he really liked the way they talked and it made him relax more and more. They ordered more beers and talked about everything, about films, about private matters. There was no awkward silence. Johannes also enjoyed the conversation with the older gentleman. They sat next to each other at the bar, their arms on the counter. Even Johannes had to keep looking at Elmar's forearms, which were much hairier than his own. Their forearms were almost touching, so Johannes could already feel the hair on his skin. In direct comparison, his own forearm and hand were like those of a child: thinner, narrower, hairless.
“You like my watch?” Johannes had apparently stared at Elmar’s forearm for too long. He didn't pay much attention to the watch. He had nothing against watches, but he found his arms far too thin to wear one. But he couldn't admit that he was so fascinated by the forearms, so he went for it.
"Yes, I'm sorry. It's a really nice watch. What kind of model is it?”
“To be honest, I don’t know much about it, but you’re welcome to take a closer look at it.” Elmar opened the clasp of the watch, pulled it over his hand and handed it to Johannes. Johannes took it in his hand and was amazed at how heavy it was. Steel watch, black display, analogue. He continued to pretend he was looking at it more closely, but in reality he had no idea or much interest in it. "It's nice," was all he could think of at that moment and handed it back to Elmar. He put her clothes back on and said: “I have another model in my room if you want to look at it?” Johannes felt that the conversation had taken a turn that he didn’t particularly like. He wasn't interested in watches, but he couldn't get out of it. He wondered if it was normal for someone to invite you to their hotel room just to look at a collection of watches? “If you wouldn’t mind…?” Johannes said in an uncertain tone. “Not at all, on the contrary!” said Elmar in a confident, deep voice and waved to the barman to pay. When Johannes wanted to pull out his wallet, Elmar just said he would take care of it. When he said that, he touched Johannes' forearm. He felt the strong, rough hand on his thin arms. He was too distracted by the feeling to react to Elmar's statement. They walked together to the elevator, Elmar leading the way. Then Johannes noticed again how broad shoulders and generally strong stature Elmar had. The walk to the room was the only one during the evening where they didn't talk. Both were tense and nervous.
Elmar opened the door to his room and led her inside. Johannes’ heart began to race. He just had to tell the truth now, otherwise it would only get weirder and more unpleasant. "I'm sorry, Elmar… I… don't want to see your watch collection…" Elmar stopped halfway to the bathroom and turned around." Oh, okay. I thought you were interested because you were looking at my-" "I know… I know… to be honest, I wasn't even looking at your watch, I was looking at your arms. I’m sorry, but I was so embarrased, so I answered your question.”
Johannes could have sunk into the ground at that moment. He wanted to run outside. But Elmar’s reaction was different. He walked towards Johannes and stood very close to him. His little beer belly, which was inevitable as he got older, touched Johannes' flat stomach. Elmar took Johannes’ head with his two hands, each of which took up the entire side of his face. “Well, all the better…” he said in a quiet voice before sticking his tongue into Johannes’ mouth. Johannes was paralyzed, but as soon as he felt the scratchy stubble on his lips and Elmar's tongue exploring his entire mouth, he could no longer hold back. He responded to Elmar’s wish and knotted his tongue with his. Johannes put his arms around Elmar’s strong body and explored every inch of his broad back.
They both moaned with passion and their mouths were inseparable. Elmar’s hands also moved from his face to the rest of his body. They pressed each other hard to feel as much of the other man's body as possible. Johannes began to unbutton Elmar's shirt. With each additional button he revealed more and more of the hairy chest. The little beer belly was also hairy. Johannes ran his hands over it and almost had to cum because of the feeling and sound the fingers made, but he was still able to control himself because he didn't want it to end so quickly. Elmar had also almost cum. Making out with a young man was hotter than he imagined. He pulled Johannes’s shirt over his head and felt his entire upper body with his large hands. Hairless, not an ounce of fat and young. Exactly as he had wanted and imagined. They continued to undress, without their tongues ever leaving each other's mouths, until they were naked in each other's arms and entwined with each other.
They moaned loudly with passion, pleasure and also pain caused by their extremely stiff penises. They slowly moved towards the bed and layed down . Elmar lay on top of Johannes and rubbed his stiff penis against Johannes’ stomach. They stayed like that for a long time, both in a trance, forgetting the world around them, their different bodies as one on the bed. After a while, Elmar sat up, briefly scratched his chin, which sounded like sandpaper on wood, and put his penis in Johannes' mouth. Johannes wasn't actually a big fan of giving blowjobs, but he was so attracted to this man that he couldn't resist. He felt his mouth fill with precum. His thrusts became faster and harder as he moaned louder and louder. Even then, Elmar didn't want it to be over, which is why after a while he took his penis out of Johannes' mouth again.
He leaned down again to lick the mouth dry with his own precum. They lay on top of each other and their stiff penises rubbed against each other. After some time in this position, both of them couldn't control it anymore and screamed loudly at the same time and came on each other. For both of them it was the biggest load they had had in a long time. Completely exhausted, we continued to lie on top of each other. Johannes, exhausted and fascinated, ran his hand over Elmar’s hairy back while he felt his scratchy cheek against his. They lay there for a while, bathed in sweat, until their breathing returned to normal and they fell asleep arm in arm.
When Elmar woke up, Johannes was lying with his back to him. He didn't want to wake him, so he quietly sneaked into the bathroom. In the shower he thought about the previous evening again and almost couldn't believe that it actually happened and, above all, that it was so amazin! Johannes also seemed trustworthy, so he didn't have to worry about anyone finding out. HE ran back into the room and looked at the young man in his bed. However, he didn't see much except his head, and only from behind, but since yesterday he knew exactly what the body looked like, so he could imagine exactly what it looked like under the blanket. He dressed slowly and as he closed the last button of his shirt, Johannes also woke up.
“What time is it?” he asked sleepily as he slowly sat up. “Just 8 o’clock,” replied Elmar, looking at his watch. When he looked at John, he saw that something was different. He couldn't really interpret it, but the young man from yesterday has somehow changed. He's probably hungover and overslept, that's why he looks different, thought Elmar. “Go take a shower, it feels really good after last night. Towels are in the bathroom.” “Probably not such a bad idea,” answered Johannes as he struggled to get up and staggered towards the bathroom. While Johannes was in the shower, Elmar looked at himself in the large mirror that was attached to the wardrobe door. Is this deceptive or has the shirt shrunk a bit? Elmar had this thought when he saw himself. The shirt was noticeably more tense in the stomach area. That's not how he remembered it, but maybe the shirt is just a little older.
“Did you sleep well?” came from the bathroom. Johannes has already dried himself and combed his hair. “Like a stone!” said Elmar. The bathroom door opened and Johannes came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. “Would you like to go to-?” Johannes interrupted his question because he saw Elmar staring at him. “Is everything okay?” asked Johannes. Elmar didn't know what to say at that moment. Johannes stood in front of him, definitely, but he must have aged a lot overnight. Partly. His body was still slim, but some chest hair was visible on his chest. His eyebrows were bushy and grayish and his stubble was just as noticeable. The hairstyle was also different, yes, significantly less hair. The hair color was also different. At first Elmar couldn't understand it, but the eyebrows and hairstyle were clearly his own! But why didn't Johannes see this when he was in the bathroom? “No no, everything’s fine…how did you sleep? Are you okay?” Elmar asked cautiously. Maybe this way he can find out whether Johannes really doesn't notice the changes. “I slept like a stone! The shower felt really good now, I'm just too lazy to shave. Maybe another time!” he said happily as he ran towards Elmar. So he really doesn't notice any of the changes, thought Elmar. Johannes kissed him passionately on the mouth.
Suddenly Elmar’s stomach growled loudly, breaking the kiss. “Someone must be hungry!” laughed Johannes. “Apparently, yes!” Elmar replied while stroking his stomach. “I’ll quickly put something on, then we can go have breakfast if you want,” said Johannes. “I think it would be better if -.”, Elmar couldn't finish the sentence because another loud rumbling went through his stomach. He grimaced in pain and had to hold on to the cupboard. He laughed nervously and said that his hunger seemed to be greater than he first thought. But when the rumbling and pain didn't stop, he slowly moved towards the bed. "Maybe I'll just lie down for a bit." Shortly after he said that, he wanted to scream out in pain, but the voice stayed in the way. Johannes saw Elmar standing in front of him, contorted in pain, the veins on his neck clearly visible. He stood there motionless, not knowing what to do.
Suddenly he saw Elmar’s stomach expand a little. He heard skin stretching and tendons expanding. His shirt had to fight not to be torn. The buttons were about to fly away. Elmar moved his arms up and hugged himself. The pain moved from the stomach to the chest and shoulder region. He felt the skin stretch and the muscles grow. His whole body began to burn and he tore his shirt off. He felt his chest expand and his shoulders gain mass. The pain continued to spread. His upper arms started to pack on muscle and he felt his back and neck join in. As suddenly as the pain came, it stopped again. Exhausted, Elmar leaned against the cupboard. “What the hell was that?” Elmar asked, not expecting an answer. Johannes didn't know how to answer that anyway.
The older man in front of him gained some muscle mass in front of his eyes in just a few minutes. His hairy belly has grown and his already strong figure has expanded even further. His stature was now more reminiscent of a powerlifter than an older man who played no sport. When Elmar ran to the mirror to take a closer look at the change, you could clearly see how much muscle he had gained. His thicker arms stuck out at a small angle from his body because his back muscles formed a wide V. The neck also became significantly stronger, as there was no longer a straight line between the neck and the shoulder. Elmar stood in front of the mirror and admired his “new” body. He felt his new stomach, his strong chest and arms. He couldn't help but grin as he pumped his chest muscles. He felt the muscle move under the layer of fat and make his little man tit bounce. As he flexed his biceps, he groaned in admiration. “Can you believe what just happened?” he asked Johannes. “Of course not, but the muscles look really good on you, I have to say.” “Thank you. I quite like them too, to be honest,” Elmar replied with a grin. “The pain was one of the strongest I have ever experienced, but the feeling was still indescribable. “This growth, noticing that your body is changing…amazing!!!”
Suddenly the phone in the room rang and both of them were pulled out of their admiration of Elmar’s new body. While Elmar answered the telephone and spoke to the person on the other end of the line, he couldn't resist and let his chest muscles bounce the whole time and rubbed his new beer belly. “I have to work spontaneously today. A scene we shot was apparently out of focus. “Unfortunately, I have to go immediately,” said Elmar after he hung up. “I have no idea how my new body will work out, but we’ll see. I still have to think of some excuse.” Johannes was a little disappointed that Elmar had to leave now because he was incredibly turned on and horny for him during and even after Elmar's transformation. He would have preferred to continue with him straight away. “Will we see each other this evening then?” he asked cautiously. “Definitely!” replied Elmar. "I'll let you know when I get back." Elmar naturally wanted to repeat the night from yesterday, but deep down he hoped that maybe he could repeat this change. This feeling of the growing muscles was just too awesome not to experience it again. He forced himself into the loosest shirt he could find, and even that had to struggle with his new stature. Johannes and Elmar kissed and hugged each other goodbye, with Johannes really noticing Elmar's broad back during the hug. As they kissed, Elmar saw again the changes that Johannes had gone through but apparently didn't notice. Let's see how this develops, he thought to himself as he closed the door behind him.
They met again in the evening in the hotel bar. When Johannes ran into the bar, he recognized Elmar from afar. A broad-backed man sat at the bar sipping his beer. “I have to get used to your new sight,” said Johannes as he sat down and ordered a beer. “But we are the only ones who notice apparently. No one during the entire day said anything or was surprised. As if it had never been any different!” replied Elmar. He flexed his new muscles again, making them both laugh. While Johannes talked about his day, Elmar examined his face, which looked older not only because of the stubble and bushy eyebrows, but also because of some age spots and wrinkles.
Although the facial features and facial structure were different, Elmar could still recognize himself in Johannes's face. The bushy eyebrows, the thin hair on the head and the odd age spot on the forehead. His forearms have also become significantly hairier and are very similar to Elmar's except for their size and thickness. When Johannes suddenly stopped talking, he realized that he was staring at the arms. “So you noticed it?” asked Johannes. What do you think?” Elmar replied, as he didn’t know exactly what Johannes was getting at. “I thought you didn't notice because you didn't say anything. And you were also very focused on your own transformation, that's why I didn't say anything myself… but you see it too, right? I look older. Most of my hair has fallen out and I can also tell in my bones that I have aged a lot.” He rubbed his left hand over his hairy right forearm.
“I even think that I look quite similar to you now,” he said lost in thought, grinning. “Definitely.”, was all Elmar could think of at that moment. They were silent for a while until Elmar asked Johannes: “I’m sorry that it turned out that way for you…” Johannes was torn from his thoughts: “No, no, everything’s fine! Really… honestly I think that's pretty hot. So it's not just the transformation itself. I've never really been happy with my body and if I could look even remotely like you, that would be awesome…really." Elmar couldn't really believe what he had just heard. But he wouldn't have thought yesterday that he would like himself with so much more mass.
“Do you think we could push it a little further if we did it again like yesterday?” asked Elmar cautiously. The idea that he was gaining even more mass and Johannes was also pushing ahead with his transformation made his penis immediately become stiff. “I just wanted to ask you that,” replied Johannes, laughing. They didn't want to waste any time and paid without emptying their glasses. On the way, Johannes asked whether Elmar even thinks that he can gain more mass. Elmar simply replied: “I have no idea. “Probably not, but either way you’re going to be hot.” When they got to the hotel room, they both couldn't wait. Elmar put the key on the dresser and walked towards Johannes. When their bellies touched, they noticed that their faces were further apart than yesterday, which was due to Elmar's new belly. Johannes liked the feeling of the strong, round beer belly touching his flat stomach. They leaned in for a kiss and continued where they left off yesterday. Their tongues knotted together and explored each other's mouths in great detail.
Elmar enjoyed the scratchy stubble that now framed Johannes’ mouth. He pulled the T-shirt over his head and paused. Standing in front of him was a slim, younger version of himself. “I've gotten pretty hairy,” Johannes joked as he ran his hands through his chest hair and looked at his hairy shoulders. “You can say that out loud!” replied Elmar. Even though Elmar usually liked hairless guys, he was extremely turned on by the fact that Johannes was slowly transforming. He embraced Johannes with his strong arms and hugged him tightly. He pushed his tongue as deep as he could into his mouth. Johannes felt how Elmar's chest muscles moved against his flat chest and how his strong arms and hands felt his half-new, hairy body. Johannes began to unbutton Elmar's shirt. He couldn't wait any longer to get a closer look at that powerlifter's body.
Elmar leaned back and closed his eyes. He enjoyed how Johannes slowly stroked his broad chest, which he tensed from time to time. He lifted his arms up and flexed his biceps so they were easier to admire. He moaned often. Johannes could hardly contain his enthusiasm either. He tried to take in, absorb every inch of the massive body in front of him. He inquired with his hands and with his mouth. Elmar grabbed Johannes by his butt and lifted him up. With his new power, that was no longer a problem. Their tongues knotted again and Elmar carried Johannes towards the bed, where he threw himself down and lay on top of him. Johannes found it difficult to breathe as the man on top of him weighed several kilos more than yesterday, but he enjoyed how he was almost crushed by the force and mass. Johannes ran his hands over Elmar's broad, hairy back, whose hairy beer belly rubbed against Johannes' penis. Elmar stood up and pulled Johannes’ legs up.
"Today I'm going to really fuck you." With this announcement, Elmar rammed his extremely hard penis into Johannes' ass, who groaned in pain and lust. With fast, hard and powerful movements, Elmar rammed his penis into the ass again and again while Johannes started to jerk off. It didn't take long until they both ejaculated. They would have liked to drag it out longer, but they were both too horny to concentrate. Elmar left his penis in his ass and leaned down. He licked the sperm from Johannes' upper body and kissed him gently on the mouth. “It was shorter than yesterday, but just as hot,” said Elmar, completely sweaty and out of breath, as he rolled over to the side and hugged Johannes. “Do you feel anything yet?” Johannes asked, breathing heavily. “No,” Elmar replied. When their breathing calmed down, they fell asleep soundly. Their hairy and different bodies next to each other.
Elmar woke up earlier than Johannes again. Since he didn't want to wake him up again, he sneaked into the bathroom. He was still tired, but really wanted to find out if anything had happened overnight. He turned on the light in the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He was almost a little disappointed when he realized that he looked exactly the same as he did the night before. At least I haven't become thinner again, he thought to himself and flexed his muscles again. He loved his new body and was more than happy with it. He told himself that much more mass probably wouldn't have been possible anyway. He showered and shaved, taking his time. When he heard Johannes slowly waking up, he went back into the bedroom. Johannes sat upright in bed and beamed at Elmar. “Look at that!” Johannes shouted enthusiastically and showed him his arms. While the right arm became even hairier overnight, the left arm not only gained hair but also increased in size. “It looks just like yours now!” Johannes shouted and turned his forearm in all directions so that he could look at it from all sides. He stood and turned in a circle.
“So, how do I look? Has anything else changed?” he asked Elmar. In fact, he grew a lot more body hair overnight. His shoulders, chest and back were now covered in thick body hair. The skin also generally looked older. Age spots now covered the entire body. “Looks like you have all of my skin now,” said Elmar with a big grin. “And your left forearm and hand,” Johannes added with a wink. “Has anything happened to you?” Johannes asked after taking a closer look at his new arm. "Unfortunately no. But maybe it's a good thing. I’m already pretty massive!” They both laughed and slowly got dressed. They told each other what they had planned to do that day and agreed to meet again that evening. Shortly before Johannes went to the door, he stopped and turned around. “Say, would it be okay if I borrowed a watch from you? Now I can wear yours.” “Of course.” Elmar loosened the clasp and pulled the watch over his hand. It forged itself perfectly to his wrist and could feel the cool steel on his hairy wrist. “I thought you didn’t like watches at all?” asked Elmar.
“I thought so too, but people change,” replied Johannes. “See you this evening!” Johannes closed the door behind him and Elmar remained in the room for a while. It was hard for him not to be disappointed that he couldn't go through another transformation. But he decided not to wallow in self-pity and just be happy with his new body. He went out of the room to get something to eat. His big beer belly was screaming for food.
When Johannes came to the hotel bar that evening, Elmar was nowhere to be seen. He briefly wondered if he'd gotten the time wrong, but when he went to order a beer, the bartender told him that the burly old man had left a message for him. “Please come directly to me. Greetings, Elmar” was all the message said. Johannes took the elevator and knocked on Elmar’s door. He heard someone moving in the room. But slow and ponderous, accompanied by very deep moans. The door opened. John couldn't believe his eyes. Elmar stood in front of him. But if he hadn't known, he probably wouldn't have recognized him. Elmar didn't gain any height, but he did gain a lot of volume. A massive beer belly tried to make enough room in his shirt. The buttons on the shirt were about to pop. His arms stood out at a strong angle from his upper body. The back and chest have doubled in width and volume.
Elmar didn't even bother to fasten the top two buttons on the shirt. His neck was just too wide. His freshly shaved face was covered with an even thicker stubble that now spread across most of his cheek and partially blended with his chest hair. Body hair in general has doubled. Hair fought its way through every opening: on the collar, on the arms and hands, even sprouting between the buttons. Elmar’s face has become rounder. His entire body has not only gained muscle mass but has also added a good layer of fat on top. He now looked like a grizzly powerlifter. Just massive! Johannes' words stuck in his throat. “I honestly had the same reaction…” Elmar said in a deeper, bassy voice. “Come in first.” Elmar walked ahead because his new body didn’t allow another person in the hallway. Johannes closed the door behind him. “This is pretty crazy!” he exclaimed enthusiastically as he touched and admired Elmar’s arms. "How does it feel? When did it happen?” Johannes wanted to know everything.
“It feels fantastic, of course!” replied Elmar. “I never thought it would grow to such proportions. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed this morning that it didn’t happen.” He took a short break and sat down. You could tell he was still getting used to his new weight, the way he moved and breathed was clumsy. “When I came back from breakfast, I was so horny that I couldn't wait any longer and so I jerked off. When I came, the pain suddenly started again. Since I knew what it was this time, I didn't fight it, I just enjoyed it and let myself go. I felt it start again in my stomach and spread to the rest of my body. I leaned back to give my stomach and chest enough room to grow.
When they were finished I leaned forward because I noticed that the back was now on. I felt my shirt tearing and no longer supporting my growing back muscles. The same then applied to the arms. I screamed out loud as my upper arms burst through the sleeves! It also tore my pants as my legs started to swell. After that the pain was over, or so I thought, but then it continued. And that was something new. My hands suddenly started to grow!” Elmar lifted his hands up and twisted them. Johannes ran up to him and placed his new hand on Elmar’s new one. And indeed: both the palm and fingers have increased in thickness and size.
“It’s crazy… and there’s more hair too,” said Johannes. “That’s where it stopped, yes. The pain was gone, then suddenly my whole body started itching. I noticed how hair was growing all over my body. But when it was over, I knew it was over.” Elmar stood up, which was visibly difficult for him, and kissed Johannes. He had to lie far forward because his new belly only made him stand quite far away. “How have you been. Is there anything new with you?” Elmar asked. “I haven’t noticed anything new since this morning, no,” answered Johannes, a little disappointed. “I also thought it was a shame that I didn’t notice the transformation of my arm. I would have liked to have seen it -“ Johannes suddenly fell silent. The pain didn't allow me to continue talking.
He staggered back and clutched his chest. “Aaaaahhhh” Johannes screamed in a scratchy voice. Elmar heard loud cracking and moving bones moving in Johannes' body. He heard the entire body structure restructure and reshape itself. Johannes arched backwards and his chest cracked and rumbled. Elmar watched as the T-shirt slowly filled. A broader chest and a small beer belly formed underneath. Johannes writhed on the floor in pain. Elmar knew the feeling and never thought it would be so hot to watch. Johannes noticed how the pain shot into his head and how his skull began to deform. His jaw became wider and his eye sockets grew wider apart. His nose swelled slightly and his teeth shifted and became discolored. His ears also started to grow. The pain shot into his right arm, where he watched his arm swell and increase in strength and size. The wrist cracked and shifted, as did the hand, which slowly adjusted to the size of his left one. When the pain was over, Johannes was lying on the floor, bathed in sweat. He couldn't wait to look in the mirror, even though he knew what he would see there. But he first had to recover from the strain. His entire physique was restructured and it hurt like hell! It felt pretty damn great too, but the pain was undeniable.
A large, hairy, powerful hand appeared in his field of vision. “Come on, I’ll help you up. Then you can take a closer look,” said Elmar in his new, deep voice. Johannes grabbed the hand with his new, larger and hairy hand and let himself be pulled upwards. He found it difficult to stand up straight, not only because of the new feeling in his body, but also because his bones had aged in a matter of minutes over the decades. “Don’t worry, you’re still getting used to my body,” said Elmar as he patted him on the shoulder. “I think so too,” replied Johannes and looked in the mirror. What he saw gave him an immediate erection: in the mirror he saw an exact copy of Elmar, the way he looked before his transformation. The strong, hairy forearms, the broad back, the angular face. Hair sprouts from the collar. “So it actually worked,” Johannes said in Elmar’s voice. Elmar also had a strong erection, although this couldn't be seen because of his big beer belly. He never dreamed that the sight of his own old body would make him so horny. What would it be like to have sex with yourself, he wondered as he pulled his old body against him and stuck his tongue in his mouth.
#transformation#muscle#musclegrowth#ageprogression#weight gain#fat belly#hairy#hair growth#daddy#transformation story
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Nach der Zimmerbesichtigung wollten wir uns eigentlich nur nochmal kurz auf ein Bier runter in unsere Hotelbar setzen und uns dann Richtung Meer aufmachen und natürlich noch ein wenig Pams Geburtstag feiern. Flo wollte sich dann aber doch noch die .... ähm, "Sandwichauslage" (mit Dank an HIMYM) 😏 des Shops ansehen und kam mit einem fertigen "Sandwich" zurück, das er dann gleich probieren wollte. Obwohl wir eigentlich schon wussten, dass das sicher keine gute Idee sein wird, teilten wir uns das "Sandwich" und schwups, merkten wir es auch schon. Jaaaa, machen wir es nicht zu lang, mit Geburtstag feiern war dann nicht mehr viel, den restlichen Abend verbrachten wir im Zimmer und Flo kam eigentlich gar nicht mehr so recht hoch (das war aber auch krasses Zeug, haute ganz anders rein)... Später wanderte Pam für Getränke und Snacks noch zum 7-Eleven, sah so zumindest noch ein paar Meter abseits der Unterkunft bei Nacht, und konnte dann auch noch ein bisschen mit Anja per Videocall Geburtstag feiern - danke liebste Anja dafür 😘😉
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