#hot tub safety tips
shotmrmiller · 7 months
im ngl i've been driving myself insane with the thought of harboring Ghost in your home. Like in the 09 mission The Hornet's Nest where Roach falls off the one roof?
Yeah, make that Ghost and there's no other choice but for the guys to leave him behind. The LZ is too hot, the enemies are swarming like moths to a flame.
The floor comes to him.
He grits his teeth at the agony, choking back a scream. Ghost just fell off a height that should've broken at least a couple ribs; maybe they did, he doesn't know, there's too much adrenaline coursing through his veins.
He's seeing duplicates, the buildings in front of him blurred. There's buzzing in his head, loud like bees. His chest aches, it burns with the lack of oxygen. His throat feels swollen as he wheezes; each breath feels like shards of glass in his lungs.
The white noise dissipates slowly. His vision realigns, lines and details sharpening. The unseen force that squeezed his throat finally lets go, setting him free from its deadly hold., his chest expanding to the point of discomfort— deep inhale, loud exhale.
Breathe. Focus.
There's radio chatter in his ear— Price snarling at Nikolai to fucking wait, that they can't leave him there in the hornet's nest but even with his vision blurred, Ghost can see that they're getting lit up, and he's not gonna have the entire team blow to bits in the helo over him.
He's just one man, and there's a whole world to save.
There's a searing pain in his arm when he shifts, he can't remember the last time his eyes welled up with tears, but fuckin' hell does it hurt.
His hand trembles violently, and it takes him a couple of tries to finally get his thumb to firmly press down on the button of the radio in the front of his tac vest.
"Leave me! Just go!" he roars.
Price argues back that no man is to be left behind, but Ghost can hear far too many voices in a different language get louder. They'll be killed hovering in the air like that.
"Price! Go!"
The voices in his ear are deafening. He rips off his headset, letting it sit around his neck.
The helicopter above him disappears.
The avalanche of footsteps gets closer and with a strangled noise that scrapes the back of his throat, he moves. Move to safety, get away from them, hide.
Ghost pushes forward until he stumbles, falling onto one knee— using his injured arm to stabilize. White hot pain licks from the wrist up, flames threatening to consume him whole.
A few stray tears escape the corners of his eyes.
He's too blinded by the throbbing in his body to realize that someone is grabbing his other arm.
"Can you hear me?"
Ghost thinks he might be hallucinating your voice. His agony is transcendent.
"Hey! We don't have much time!"
He turns his head to his left, and there you are. A civilian, by the looks of it. And you're trying to lead him away. Where? Are you leading him to a trap?
"Quickly! They're almost here! I can hide you, but you need to get on your feet!" you piped.
Ghost gets up without a fight, decision-making dulled by everything he's feeling.
"Come on, this way!" Your hand grabs his forearm tightly as you drag him away. He trudges behind you, breathing ragged.
Clarity comes and goes, but then he feels your small palms push him forward, into your tiny home.
His eyes drag as he takes in his surroundings. A tiny television in the living room to his left, and an ugly brown couch placed in front of it. To this right is your kitchen, food still steaming on the stove, and a scratched teak dinner table with just two chairs sits by a dirty window.
"Okay, okay. They shouldn't come in here, but if they do, I want you to go to the bathroom and sit in the tub with the curtain closed. Understand?"
His chin tips forward unbidden.
"Good. Uhm, I saw that your right arm is injured. A makeshift splint will have to do, alright?" You briskly walk away, opening the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink.
Ghost stiffens, swallowing thickly. If you pull anything underhanded, he's going to have to kill you.
The tension melts from his shoulders when he sees that you're simply pulling out a first aid kit, and some other stuff to wrap his most likely broken arm up.
You pull out a chair before opening the kit. "Sit. I'm not standing while I do this."
He huffs but complies. "Yes, ma'am." Unafraid to order a stranger around. How peculiar.
The minutes drag on, each one more agonizing than the last. It's a relentless cycle of pain... until it finally stops. The residual pain makes him dry heave.
"Whoa there, please don't puke."
Ghost gives a pained chuckle. "I'll try."
Your fingers tighten the knot in the fabric. "Can't say it's pristine, but it's better than having your arm dangle uselessly, I think." You stare at your handiwork for a second longer, before rising from your seat.
"I'm not sure who you are, but you look like actual military and not a thug with a gun. Did you have a team?" you quietly ask as you put away the medical supplies.
He cuts his eyes to you and doesn't answer.
"Yeah, I suppose it wouldn't be smart of you to blindly give information I don't need to know."
He shakes his head imperceptibly.
"Right. Well, I'm sure you know that we need to lay low, so unfortunately, that means no tv. Sorry." How cheeky.
Ghost simply hums in response.
He looks down at his injured arm. It's wrapped tightly, enough to keep it from moving but not enough to cut off his blood flow.
Not the work of a regular civilian.
You must've noticed him scrutinizing your work because you speak up. "I've worked in the medical field before. Nothing spectacular, but I can deal with a broken bone or two."
He closes his eyes, feeling the exhaustion of the day creep up on him.
So bloody tired.
Ghost takes a breath and opens his eyes. No rest for the wicked, he thinks.
He puts his headset back on, as well as he can with his one arm.
There's a crackling sound in his ear.
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itsphoenix0724 · 11 months
Hold Me Gently (Azriel x Reader)
Summary: Azriel knew exactly what he signed up for when he became the court's spymaster, but sometimes everything gets too much for him to handle.
Warnings: Smut, angsty, negative thoughts about oneself, some dark stuff mentally
Word count: 1.6k
Bonus Chapter!
A/N: Hi loves! I'm excited to put this out for you guys I've been working on it for kind of a hot minute. Please read the tags carefully. I hope you all enjoy it, and as always constructive criticism is welcome. Plus I've got a special surprise coming in December that I may announce later this week so keep a look out. <3
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Azriel swore sometimes he could still hear the screams that echoed off the stone walls of the Hewn City rattle around in his brain for days. Rhys had been clear this time. 
Get the information through whatever means necessary, no matter what. 
So that’s exactly what he had done, and it had taken hours. He sent Rhys a message with the information and winnowed directly into your bedroom. He knew you were downstairs in the kitchen because he had sent his shadows earlier to watch you, but he couldn’t bear to have you look at him right now. To have you look at him like he was the most amazing thing in the universe when you had no idea what horrors he committed just an hour earlier. Azriel hides his shame from the portrait of his mating ceremony, turning away from even your painted adoration. He is not the smiling male in that picture. He is not the male who deserves to put his blood-stained hands around your waist. He doesn’t deserve any of it. Not your kindness, not your comfort, not your kiss, or your smile. Not when he spent half the day ripping a man apart. 
Maybe that male had a mate waiting at home too. 
He sneaks carefully into the bathroom, turning the bathtub's faucet to boiling and letting the tub fill. Az peels off his leathers layer by layer, and they hit the clean white tile with a sickeningly wet sound, none of the blood is his. As he watches the red slowly seep onto the floor he knows that the tile’s just another thing he’s ruined. 
He wishes he could peel his skin off as well. 
Azriel sinks slowly into the tub, letting the sting of the hot water work every muscle. He wanted to erase everything, to let the water cleanse away his disgusting actions. His shadows send a whisper of you humming quietly from the kitchen and he almost bursts into tears. How had the cauldron given him someone someone so gentle? How did you wake up in their bed every day and not know you slept next to a monster? Az sinks under the surface, unable to bear the rushing in his head, and doesn’t come back up until his lungs are screaming for air. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You knew something was wrong when your mate didn’t immediately come to see you after returning from his mission. You had heard the faucet start to run while chopping vegetables for dinner, and you assumed Az was quickly rinsing off before he joined you. After half an hour had passed you started to become concerned. You knew your mate, and even though he never told you specifics, he sometimes needed time after his return from the Hewn City. You silently creep up the stairs of your home, avoiding all the creaking floorboards that might tip Azriel off. You swing open the bedroom door, but he is nowhere to be found the only evidence of him is a trail of blood that sends your heart into overdrive. You follow it to your bathroom door, now more worried about his safety than anything. The bond beating in your chest is dark, and it has been since Az left your bed this morning. Throwing open the door you’re met with a wall of crushing darkness. You fight through the swirling blackness, trying to call Azriel’s name, but you can’t see two feet in front of you. A rouge shadow comes to circle your wrist dragging you to your mate’s hunched form in the bathtub, base instinct takes over as you climb into the water hissing as the burning water scalds your thighs. “Azriel,” You call his name, taking his head in your hands. His hazel eyes seem unfocused like he’s looking through you than at you. “Az,”  you rush out again. “Are you bleeding? Are you hurt?” You tilt his head this way and that way before scanning the rest of his body. You shake him at the shoulders trying to get him to see you. Finally, as if Az just realized you were there, he looks at you. 
“The blood isn’t mine.” is all he says before his head thumps back against the porcelain as if it’s too heavy to hold on his own. Your shoulders sag in relief. “You shouldn’t be in here. Go back downstairs I’ll be there in a minute.” He runs the wet silk of your nightgown in between his fingers. You have no intention of leaving this bathtub until you figure out what's wrong with your mate.
“What’s happened?” You push running your fingers through the threads of his inky black hair. “Did the mission not go well?” Azriel scoffs, looking unbothered, but you can see the muscles in his throat tightening with effort to keep something hidden. You try to pull at the bond again, begging him to lower the obsidian shields he builds around himself, his hands shake with the effort of keeping them impenetrable. He still avoids your eyes, yet you try again refusing to yield. “Sweetheart…” you whisper softly and the Shadowsinger cracks before you. His walls rush down and crash against you like a tsunami, the wave of self-hatred that he had been holding in barrels against you with enough force to bring down the mountains. Silver lines his hazel eyes and your heart almost cracks in two. Wrapping your arms around Azriel you cradle him to your body, his hands tighten around your waist seeming torn between pulling you closer and pushing you away. His shoulders shake with the force of his sobs and all you can do is keep stroking his hair and make soothing sounds, trying to calm him down enough to speak. Az takes a shuddering breath, but the tears still stream down his face. You chase them away with the pads of your fingers. 
 “I do not deserve you,” he grinds out, voice rusty from the tears. You rub soothing circles into the joints of his shoulders and it makes Azriel want to throw up. “I am the monster mothers warn their children about at night. I’ve committed horrors that should make you run away in terror” You shake your head with feverance. 
“I would never run from you Azriel. There is nothing too dark or too ugly that would make me love you any less. I promise you I can handle it.” Azriel does nothing but collapse back against you shaking his head back and forth. “Just talk to me please.” He takes a deep inhale, trying to calm his racing heart. 
“I bled a male dry today. Rhys needed information, and he was harder to break than anticipated.” It’s all the information Az is willing to give. You have to stamp down the fury rising in your own chest. Both at Rhysand for putting your mate through this and at the Hewn City itself. 
You’d tear this court apart brick by brick for making Azriel feel like he’s less than deserving of his life. 
You’ll have to talk with Rhys later because for now, your focus is Az and Az alone. You refuse to allow him to continue to carry on like this, cursing yourself for not realizing the effects of this position wearing on him sooner. 
“Look at me.” You pull his jaw towards you, forcing him to meet your eyes “There is no universe where you are not deserving of happiness. You have a job to do, and I understood that when I accepted this bond. I do not fear you, I do not balk from you, and I do not love you any less because of that.” The bond sings with light as the weight finally starts to leave your mate's shoulders. Golden eyes study you intensely before he hauls you against him in one fluid motion and crashes his lips to yours. He tastes like burning whiskey, and kisses you so fiercely you’re afraid your lips might bruise. You hold him together the best you can, afraid that if you let him go he will shatter into pieces before you. “Are you sure you want this right now?” You ask, you’ll give Az whatever he needs, and if he needs a distraction from his head then you’re happy to provide it to him. He nods, leaning down to press his lips to your collarbone. You run your hands along his back grinding yourself into him, and pour love and devotion down your side of the bond to him. His hardness presses against you as he nudges aside the scraps of lace before sheathing himself into the hilt. You let Azriel take what he needs, fucking you on his length, rocking you back and forth. He’s hitting the spot inside you that makes you see stars with such force water sloshes over the edge of the tub, washing away the blood from Azriel’s leathers. You run your hands along the edge of his wing and he roars, one hand almost cracking the porcelain of the bathtub. He changes his pace to pure brutality, using you like no more than a toy. Your thighs shake with the effort to keep yourself upright. He’s ruthless in the way he moves like a hungry predator finally tearing into its kill. Your orgasm tears through you with blinding energy, and you unravel faster than you’d like to admit, but Az always manages to have that effect on you. He loses himself soon after you, tumbling over the edge with so much force he rips the bottom of your nightgown into ribbons. You stare at each other for a long moment, relishing in the afterglow and grateful for the hot water in the tub. 
“I’m sorry for ripping your nightgown,” Azriel rumbles and you laugh a beautiful golden sound. 
“You can buy me a new one later,” you promise, “but for now let me wash your hair.” 
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iplayghoul · 1 year
hot tub sex wit ony ? drabble ?? oneshot ?? this longer than i thought it wld be i just cant stop talkin... its 11 am bruh
its soooo obvious that im more into a soft sex kinda vibe, always or rough sex written in the most gentle and soft way possible 🙈
so i cant help but constantly imagine hot tub sex wit ony. in my head at the start of the relationship he constantly gravitates towards our apartment. in his mind he felt it was safer for his partners always, not wanting you to feel yk at danger in a man's house despite how safe he made you feel BUT ofc you have a jacuzzi.
in this universe, like in my head, i imagine both ony and reader have jobs in the medical feild likkee maybe ony is a surgeon and reader is a private psychiatrist who sometimes picks up shifts at the hospital onyankopon works at ???
ANYWHO becuzz of this they sometimes work hard ass shifts, whether theyre long or short, its hard as fuckk and they come home tired. ony gets home first, maybe an hour earlier and he has a key card to your apartment so he can let himself in, feeds your pets and relaxes on the couch, thinking of if he should make you two dinner or order sumn.
then he thinks of the jacuzzi, a nice relaxing hot soak after a hard shift is all he needs so he stops petting your cat or roughhousing with the dog and orders sushi, grabbing a drink of his choice whether it be wine, a light alcohol or sum shit for yall to sip when the sushi comes.
i think you get home not long after the sushi is delivered. maybe 10 minutes later and its still fresh and warm OUU shit i need sum sushi rn 😭 and ony fine ass is in some black swim shorts with the sushi all out on a platter wit the sauces on it, and hes got his feet in the water while he jus sits on the side of the jacuzzi and calls out to let yk where he is
you take a quick rinse off before donning a bikini, a black one to match his b4 putting up your braids and joining him on the edge wit a kiss. i like to think ony loooves kissing. he loves stimulatin his mouth n his lips. its a long, soft kiss and u cant help but lean into each other its like ugghh at last i can relax and let my gaurd down and just be vulnerable after being in this big position at work yk? 🤭
so you share several long kissing before both getting waist deep into the hot tub, letting the bubbling heated fun engulf you both as you down pieces of sushi, feeding each other while staying connected at the hip. i think he cant help but put his hands on u, always letting it rest on ur hip. sometimes i tink he jus likes to be touching you at all times its like a safety thing, sometimes jus resting his hand on your shoulder, ankle, tummy, dont matterrr he wants to kno ur there.
its only a matter of time before talking about each others day becomes nothing more than a whisper of a conversation. and ur eyes cant leave each others lips... necks, chests... and then ur kissin again :) hehee and kissin all over each other so tenderly and meek.
just then hes slipping his hands under ur peachy squishy ass n lifting u to the edge of the tub, kickin ur feet in the air and he sees ur toes are done. pretty pink polish with a baby pink french tip, and baby pink flower designs dancing across a few toes ... hes not one to have a raging foot fetish but it entices him,,, sooo he puts ur toes in his mouth and it tickles a bit ! but feeling his hot tongue caress ur little toes carelessly makes u feel all warm, especially ur cheeks.
eeeeek and then he jus cant help but continue to lick , suck n kiss all about your ankle, i imagine ur gold/silver lil anklet has his name awn it cuz he doesnt want u to tattoo his name :<< , but his lips smooth there way up to your inner thighs and hes pullin ur panties to the side so his thick lips can sink into ur thick lips as he slowly jus... makes out wit ur cunt idk if i can even call it 'eating out' anymore, hes in luv with ur pussy. obsessed wit the way u smell down there actually. fuck a roses and flowers smell bitch he is stealin yo panties after a LONG day at work tf 😭 he jus like me fr ok ok.
i jus luv a soft sex moment, his tongue mixes wit u sooo well and ur whines are of no use to him cuz he's havin fun and everythings jus so... slow and relaxed. ur grindin up into his face slow too cuz what else can u do but relax and just let your man do his thing. hes laying his upper body into you, drinkin ur squirt when u cum and mushin his face all in ur cream when u do orgasm, its long and drawn out and so. good.
then he pulls u back in the water wit him, slippin his dick in u fluidly, connecting u both and honestly yall sit there for a good minute. just basking in each others immaculate warmth. the fuck is dragging , sloww and aching but neither of u care to move faster. ur holdin the edge of the tub and hes holdin ur legs up to your shoulders , usin each other as leverage to fuck into the other slow and deep. low moans r harmonizing wit each other and its just... perfect :(
all thruought the fuck n i cannawwt stress this enuf he is kissin on u , he cant help it. he revels in kissin all over ur face and lips even if ur too far gone to kiss him back , kissin on ur neck and ur tits that are all squished together cuz of the position annnnd kissin on ur thighs and ur legss as theyre so far up he can reach em wit his mouth. he presses kisses on ur head too . u deserve it :(( ohh u deserve it so bad and its moments like these that i luv always.
even when u guys cum , ur lips are locked and ur swallowing each others moans, and breathin hot in each others mouths when ur done.
why is this so long notice how i cant shut tf up ab soft sex ???? bye yall !
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c-e-d-dreamer · 5 months
When We Howl, the Moon Will Cower: Chapter 3
A/N: when I heard that today's @nestaarcheronweek prompt was wolf, I just knew I had to do some more werewolf Cassian 😉 Sorry this update has been a long time coming, but I promise this chapter is a good one! Hope everyone enjoys!
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Read on AO3 // Chapter Masterlist // Previous Part // Next Part
Nesta supposes she shouldn’t be surprised when she wakes alone.
She certainly didn’t expect to wake within some sort of lover’s embrace. It was clear last night that her and Cassian’s marriage was nothing more than duty, he to his pack and she to her family. But still…
With a soft sigh, she shifts and rolls over beneath the blankets, reaching a hand out and finding nothing but cold sheets. Early riser or didn’t even bother to stay the night? With another huff she sits up, rubbing the final remnants of sleep from her eyes. The room and the cabin doesn’t look much different in the light of day. The rays of sunlight spill in through the windows, painting patterns across the blankets and turning the wood beams of the ceiling into amber.
It could almost be described as homey if it weren’t for the frigid, cloying air still clinging to the room from the previous night.
Pushing the blankets off her legs, Nesta climbs off the bed. She starts to pad over to her trunks before a thought strikes her, her eyes dancing toward the bedroom door. Cassian made it clear last night that he doesn’t trust her, so does that mean he would lock her in? Keep his new wife locked away in the tower?
She steels her spine and stalks toward the door, hesitating for just a moment with her hand outstretched in front of her. Slowly, her fingers curl around the knob, but thankfully, there’s no resistance as she twists. Unlocked. Small consolations.
Shaking her head, Nesta spins on her heel and returns to preparing for the day. With running hot water and no one around, she dares to take another long bath. Loathe she is to admit it, there’s a lingering ache between her thighs, a delicious soreness to her muscles as she stretches out beneath the water. She tips her head back against the lip of the tub and closes her eyes, breathing deeply.
As much as she’d like to, Nesta knows she can’t hide in the warmth and safety of a bath all day. This is her life now, Archeron or not. This is her life here. She’s married to the alpha, a member of this pack even if they don’t fully trust or accept her. A witch amongst wolves.
Heaving herself out of the bath, Nesta finishes readying for the day and steps out of the bedroom. The rest of the cabin is just as quiet, but she pads her way into the kitchen. It takes some rooting around in the cupboards, but she’s able to find everything she needs to prepare a cup of tea, the strong taste and warmth of the drink at least helping to soothe some of the knots twisting around in her stomach.
It’s only when she settles at the small, wooden kitchen table that she notices the letter, her name scrawled across the page in familiar, crisp cursive. She snatches it up, flipping it over quickly. She supposes she shouldn’t be surprised to find the wax seal already broken, but annoyance flares like low burning embers in her chest nonetheless. She opens the letter and skims through her mother’s words. It’s all polite and basic, reporting on her sisters, inquiring if she’s settled, but she notices the ink pressed into the right, bottom corner.
A crow.
Nesta pushes to her feet and finds a candle, placing it on the kitchen table and lighting it. She holds the letter over the flickering flame until the ink swirls, bleeding to the edge of the paper and melting away into nothing. She closes her eyes and says the incantation quietly beneath her breath before blowing across the page, revealing the ink and message hidden beneath.
A meeting.
It’s a meeting request that Nesta is sure was also sent to both of her sisters. No new husbands though, a meeting of just the Archeron ladies. Cassian is already suspicious of her, so she’ll have to figure out an excuse that will allow her to attend. A problem for her to work out later. For now, Nesta holds the letter over the candle again, this time until the corner of the parchment catches, the entire letter going up in flames.
She returns to her tea, the cup almost drained when the front door of the cabin swings open, Cassian striding inside. He’s dressed in surprisingly casual attire, a loose shirt tucked into his pants, the sleeves rolled up to expose the lines of tattoo and golden skin of his forearms. His hair is pulled back and piled into a bun at the back of his head.
“Oh, good. You’re awake,” Cassian says in way of greeting. He gestures with his head toward the door. “Let’s go.”
Nesta crosses her arms across her chest, raising an eyebrow and refusing to move. “I did sleep well. Thanks so much for asking.”
“You want to do fucking pleasantries?” Cassian scoffs, shaking his head.
“Oh, but dear husband, how did you sleep?” Nesta asks, offering a saccharine smile. The sight of Cassian’s lips pulling back in a snarl has it building into a full blown smirk.
“Do you want to see the village or not?”
“I’m surprised you’d allow a witch such free range around your pack.”
“If you’d prefer, we can stay here and continue our marital duties,” Cassian offers, his tone derisive, the golds of his hazel eyes practically sparking with the challenge.
Nesta’s smile drops away. “Fuck you.”
“Are you sore this morning, sweetheart? I’d be willing to bet that was the first time a prim princess like you has taken a real cock.”
“You wish,” Nesta growls, finally pushing to her feet just so she can glower at Cassian.
She wants to hate the way he doesn’t balk from her ire, the way his smirk almost seems to twitch and grow at her response. The way the golds of his hazel eyes practically spark at the challenge. The sight has Nesta’s scowl deepening, her mind grasping for a way to wipe that stupid expression off his face. Perhaps, she’ll threaten to curse him with impotence.
“Going to curse me, sweetheart?” Cassian drawls, raising an eyebrow and all but daring her.
Nesta refuses to let the surprise at him reading her so easily show. “You’re not even worth the waste of magic.”
Cassian snorts quietly, gesturing with his head again. “Are you coming or not?”
With a quiet huff, Nesta takes a moment to straighten out the skirts of her dress, striding right past Cassian and out the door. The village certainly looks different beneath the sun, and from this vantage point atop the hill, Nesta can see the various members of the pack milling about. There’s a group of women, baskets full of vegetables on their arms, a group of young men unloading crates from a wagon, and children running around. There’s even a few members of the pack moving about in their wolf forms.
Cassian leads the way down into the heart of the village, pointing out different places for her as they walk. The hall where the pack council meetings are held. The market square. The butcher and the bakery.
It’s almost strange the way everyone is so friendly and open with Cassian, smiling and greeting him as he passes, the way he gives the same energy back. It’s clear that he’s a beloved alpha, clear that he cares just as much for his people. It makes it all the more awkward the way everyone eyes her suspiciously, whispers of witchcraft swirling in her periphery.
They come to a stop in some sort of clearing between the trees. Circles are carved into the ground, creating three rings, and Nesta spies who she remembers are Cassian’s second and third sparring in one of them. Wooden dummies are set up along the other end of the clearing, wooden and steel weapons beside them. A group of young boys and girls alike run through a series of maneuvers, a woman with pure white braids along her back leading them through the steps.
Cassian whistles, and his second and third both snap their attention toward them, practically pausing mid swing. The woman gives the man one final shove, as though for good measure, before they’re jogging over. On instinct, Nesta’s spine is straightening, chin pinching higher in preparation.
“Nesta,” Cassian begins. “This is my second, Emerie, and my third, Balthazar.”
“My friends call me Baz,” Balthazar tells her easily, placing a hand on his heart.
“You can call him Balthazar,” Cassian says gruffly. Nesta scoffs and rolls her eyes, but neither Emerie or Balthazar seem to disagree with the order. “And over there is Cresseida. You’ll begin training with her each morning starting tomorrow.”
Nesta doesn’t bother holding back her glare, anger already simmering beneath her skin. “Excuse me?”
“My wife needs to be able to defend herself.”
“What makes you think I don’t know how to defend myself? What do you think I was taught growing up?”
Cassian steps closer into Nesta’s space, the sneer on his face sending her annoyance skyrocketing. “I don’t think you want me to answer that, princess.”
Nesta raises her chin higher to hold his gaze. “Fine. You want me to prove it? I’m more than happy to step in the ring right now.”
“I’m sure we can find a beginner opponent that will be willing for your little demonstration.”
“And miss the opportunity to knock you on your sorry ass?”
Cassian laughs, the sound nothing short of mocking, but he gestures toward the training rings with his arm. “Fine then. After you, Nes.”
Nesta scowls at the nickname, but she stalks forward into one of the three rings. Cassian follows behind her, stepping over the line at the opposite end. They’ve already drawn the attention of the group training, and Nesta is sure that word will quickly blaze through the rest of the village. The witch challenging the alpha.
She’s sure there will be more sneers, more whispers and snide remarks. She’s sure that if her mother could see her now, she’d call Nesta foolish, chide her for letting her emotions get the better of her. But Nesta swore to herself a long time ago that she would never be weak again, and she refuses to let Cassian or his pack see her as such. Alpha or not, marriage sham or not, she intends to meet that fire she’s seen sparking in his eyes head on. Intends to burn just as bright until she wipes that cocksure smile clean off his face.
“I’ve got Cassian in this,” Balthazar murmurs.
“Oh, I’m definitely taking Nesta,” Emerie answers.
Nesta closes her eyes, letting the village, the pack, Cassian, all fade away. She centers herself the way she always has, sinking beneath the rippling waves of her well of power. Even the birdsong around her dampens to nothing, warmth trickling through her veins and pooling in her fingertips. She opens her eyes, allowing the power to swell to the surface, knowing it’s now flickering within her gaze.
Cassian’s own eyes widen, his movements pausing, but he’s quick to shake his head and set his stance, mouth pinched in a firm line. The beast within Nesta gives a low growl of approval. She can feel it pressing down onto its haunches, desperate to be released, and she dares to turn the key in the lock, keeping the cage firmly closed. For now. She widens her feet and raises her fists in a defensive positioning, raising a single eyebrow in challenge to the male across from her.
He moves faster than she expects, Cassian all but charging toward her. His arm swings out, but Nesta is quick to duck beneath the arching punch. It seems to be the exact response Cassian was expecting, what he was hoping for. The palm of his other hand slams into her collarbone, the force enough to throw off her balance and send her toppling onto her ass with a soft grunt.
Cassian lets out a derisive snort above her, but Nesta glares up at him, jumping back up to her feet. She loosens that leash on her magic, feels the familiar heat of flames twisting and wreathing around her wrist. She drives her hand against Cassian’s chest, releasing all that magic through her fingers. The alpha goes careening back, landing hard in the dirt sprawled on his back.
Cassian sits up, spitting to the side and wiping his now split lip with his hand. “Using magic is cheating.”
“Because war is all about rules and fighting fair,” Nesta drawls sarcastically.
“Touche,” Cassian comments idly, pushing back to his feet. “We can play it like that, sweetheart.”
It’s like watching the whole thing in slow motion. The way that Cassian’s muscles seem to ripple and bulge. The way fur sprouts and cascades down his skin. The way magic practically shimmers around him as he shifts. One blink and a large world stands before Nesta’s eyes. His fur is a dark brown, lighter along the chest and down the belly and a black that seems to match Cassian’s hair around the face and ears. But there’s no mistaking the golden glow of his eyes, pinning Nesta firmly in place.
Cassian snarls, the sound low and viscous. It’s Nesta’s only warning before he leaps and closes the distance between them. Nesta doesn’t have time to react, to move out of the way or call forth her power again. Pain radiates down her spine as her back hits the dirt, large paws pinning her shoulders down. Cassian’s canines are dangerously close to her face, hot breath panting across her cheeks, but Nesta doesn’t look away from those golden eyes.
He doesn’t scare her.
A calm washes over Nesta, but that beast within her tugs at the leash, practically chomping at the bit. Just as she’s always done, she imagines slipping fingers through fur, even as she finally opens that cage door. With a deep breath in, power fills her chest, expands between each rib and twines around her lungs. She pictures curling her fingers and grasping the beast’s fur.
Giving permission.
Flames burst out of Nesta in a cascade of silver, crashing around her. With a surprised yelp, Cassian goes flying through the air as those flames curl around his limbs. The force of her power sends him all the way outside of the training ring, skittering and sliding through the grass beyond before his wolf form finally comes to a stop.
“Holy shit.”
~ * * * ~
With a grunt, Cassian tosses the large stone out across the water, watching the ripples as it bounces once, twice, before vanishing beneath the surface. His arm is sore with the effort, but it’s a welcome feeling. One that he can control. His entire body still aches, and he doesn’t even dare to look to check for the bruises he’s sure are mottling his skin.
He’d known the Archerons were powerful, everyone knew that, but to witness it in action had been something else entirely. That power had rippled around him, pressing and scraping along his skin until every hair had stood on end. For a moment, his heart had stuttered to a painful stop in his chest. With the silver flames burning and engulfing her eyes, Cassian hadn’t even been sure it was truly Nesta staring back at him. And then all that magic crashed into him with an almost sickening crunch. It threw him hard and far enough that had he been in his human form, Cassian is confident his shoulder would have shattered with the force of his landing.
Huffing quietly, Cassian reaches down, sifting through the rocks at his feet until he finds another flat one. He tosses it gently in his hand, testing the weight of it, allowing the familiarity of it to center him. This deep in the woods, none of the sounds of the pack or the village reach him. It’s just the small, gentle waves lapping along the shore, a birdsong further in the forest, and the wind whispering through the branches and leaves.
“Have you finished sulking yet?”
Cassian throws the rock in his hand hard enough it merely plops beneath the water. “Fuck off.”
“I couldn’t help but notice that Nesta doesn’t have mating marks this morning,” Emerie comments. Her tone is idle, but Cassian doesn’t buy it for a second.
“She’s my wife, not my mate.”
“Is that so?”
Cassian knows what that sarcastic drawl means. He whirls around on his second, a growl rumbling deep in his chest. “Don’t.”
“Just like your father then.”
“I said don’t.”
Emerie rolls her eyes at his clipped voice, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. “Do you plan on taking other females to your marriage bed as well, then? Plan to have a whole brood of little bastards just like yourself.”
With a snarl, Cassian closes the distance between himself and Emerie until he’s looming over the female. “Don’t make me relieve you of your post.”
She doesn’t even flinch, doesn’t step back. That same unimpressed look is painted across her face, exasperation spilling through her brown eyes as she continues to meet his gaze.
“You and I both know you made me your second because of this,” Emerie reminds him, shoving hard at his chest until he steps back. “Because I call you out on your bullshit. Did you forget there’s a war coming? Hybern may be quiet for now, but we both know too quiet is worse. Especially now that he has the Cauldron. Our pack is strong, but we’re not that strong. What happens when your wife, when her family, abandons you? Abandons us? Because you had a stick up your ass?”
“And what would you have me do?”
“Stop being a dick to your wife,” Emerie tells him, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “If you respect her, the rest of the pack will respect her.”
Cassian sighs, crossing his arms across his chest. “I’ll try, alright?”
“I guess that’s the most I can ask for from an idiot male such as yourself.”
Emerie leaves Cassian alone with his thoughts after that, trekking back through the trees and toward the village. He stares out across the water of the lake, letting out another sigh. He hates that Emerie is right. The whole reason he agreed to this alliance, why he went through with this marriage, is for the pack. Loathe as he is to admit it, they will need Nesta and the Archerons if they want to stand any sort of chance against Hybern, no matter his own thoughts or feelings or opinions.
Besides, it’s not like they have to love one another, they just have to be amicable with each other.
Cassian groans, tilting his head back and scrubbing his hands down his face. Rolling his shoulders, he heads back toward the village. He stops in at the blacksmith, chatting easily with Elis while he works the flames and testing the weight and balance of the newest swords. He hits the bakery next, selecting some fresh goods to take back to the cabin. But as he steps back out, he catches the eye of Cresseida at the shop across the way. She’s wearing the same unimpressed expression that her wife did, and Cassian can practically hear Emerie’s voice in his head, chastising him for stalling.
He flashes Cresseida the finger, earning a fond shake of the head in return, but he gets the message. He trudges the rest of the way back to his cabin, taking the stairs slower than he normally would, but there’s no delaying the inevitable.
He pushes the door open and finds Nesta sitting on the sofa in front of the fire. She has a book open and propped on her knees, one he has no idea where she got it from. She doesn’t even bother to look up or acknowledge him, pointedly turning a page, so with a soft sigh, Cassian turns his attention to the kitchen. He starts pulling out ingredients, lining the counter with everything he’ll need, and grabs a pan.
“Have you eaten?” Cassian calls out, sparking a flame.
The sound of a book snapping shut lets Cassian know he heard her. “Are you intending to cook for me?”
“I promise not to poison it and everything, sweetheart.”
“How generous.”
It’s with a familiar ease that Cassian begins chopping up everything he needs, adding everything to the pan to saute. He mixes up the spices and prepares the sauce just as his mother used to when he was growing up, the smells swirling and filling the kitchen tugging at his memory as much as they tug at his heart.
He feels more than he hears Nesta step into the kitchen. Even with his back to her, his every nerve ending prickles with awareness of exactly where in the room she is, always zeroing in on her presence. The tickle of her breath skates across the skin of his neck as she stands just behind him, pressing up onto her toes to peer over his shoulder.
“Don’t trust my promise?”
Nesta huffs quietly, taking a step back from him. “I want to see my sisters.”
Cassian hums, so she knows he heard her, but he continues to prepare their food. He gives it all a good stir, scooping some onto the wooden spoon and holding it out toward Nesta in offering. She hesitates for a moment, gaze dancing between the spoon and his face, but then she slowly leans forward, accepting the taste.
“I want to see my sisters,” Nesta repeats, crossing her arms. “I want to make sure they’re alright.”
“Is it the vampires or the Vanserras that you don’t trust?” Cassian asks, plating up their food. “Or is it both?”
“It’s not about trust. You agreed to this marriage because you knew it was the only way to keep your pack safe from Hybern. I did it for my sisters, to ensure that Elain and Feyre would be safe. So I want to see them. My mother wrote a letter, and she will arrange it all. I just need a carriage.”
Nesta blinks a few times, reaching out to accept the plate Cassian extends toward her. “Fine?”
“But either Emerie or Baz will accompany you. You can choose which.”
“Did you hit your head when I knocked you on your ass or something?”
“You wish,” Cassian tells her, settling at the table with his own plate. “You said so yourself, we need each other if we want to stand any chance against what’s coming. But I can assure you, sweetheart, I won’t let you get another chance like that again.”
Nesta hums noncommittally, but she settles in the seat across from him nonetheless. Cassian doesn’t miss the fact that she waits until he’s fully taken a bite of his own food before digging into her own. He doesn’t take it too personally.
They eat in relative silence, just the quiet clink and scrape of utensils. When they’re finished, Nesta snatches up her book again and retires to the bedroom. Cassian continues to putter around the cabin, sorting through the papers on the desk in his study, studying the information and intel about Hybern his wolves have been able to discover, scrutinizing the map and the markings on it.
But as clouds continue to move across the sky, masking the silver glow of the moon, as shadows continue to stretch across the floors of the cabin, exhaustion begins to tug at Cassian’s limbs. He knows that, realistically, he should retreat to the extra bedroom in the cabin, the one he always keeps made up in case one of the younger wolves needs a place to crash. But that voice in the back of his mind continues to whisper, continues to prickle and scrape for his attention. His nerve endings still feel on high alert, all too aware of the witch between these four walls.
Emerie just told him to stop being a dick to his wife. She never said anything about needing to trust her.
Cassian doesn’t even bother knocking, strolling straight into the bedroom. Nesta is already settled beneath the blankets, pillow propped at her back and that same book still in her hands. She glares over the pages at Cassian, making an affronted sound when he closes the door behind him.
“What are you doing?” Nesta demands with an annoyed huff. “There’s no magic dictating us anymore. Don’t you have another bedroom you can stay in?”
“Did you forget that you’re in my bedroom?” Cassian fires back.
He can feel Nesta’s glare sinking into his shoulder blades like knives as he turns his back on her. Can practically hear the way she’s seething. But she doesn’t say anything back, and Cassian refuses to be bothered. He fists a hand in the back of his shirt, tugging it up and off and tossing it aside. He continues stripping down until he’s comfortable to sleep, pulling the tie from his hair until his curls tumble comfortably around his face and shoulders.
When he turns back toward the bed, Nesta’s eyes are glued to his chest. Already, Cassian can feel a smirk tug across his face, a teasing comment on the tip of his tongue, but then he takes in Nesta’s expression. The slightly hollowed look to her blue eyes, the pinched brow and downturned lips. He looks down at his own chest, and barely holds in a wince at the sight. Purple and red patches are mottled across his skin, stretching up over his ribs.
“Is that regret I see on your face, Nes?”
That all too familiar scowl is back in a second. “Not if you keep calling me that.”
“Do I need to sleep with one eye open?” Cassian asks, stepping over to the bed and slipping beneath the blankets.
“Just fuck off, and go to sleep.”
Nesta rolls over and places her book on the small, side table, extinguishing the lantern and casting the bedroom in darkness. Cassian snorts softly at the dismissal, but he settles back against the mattress. He closes his eyes and wills his body to relax, but Nesta shifts, clearly getting more comfortable, and he’s painfully aware of her presence beside him.
She hasn’t been here long, but already her scent has permeated the cabin, and with her so close again, vanilla and lilies flood Cassian’s nose. He can feel the warmth of her, and when she shifts again, her foot brushes against his leg. He dares to turn his head to the side, toward her. Nesta has her back to him, but the blankets still cling to her every curve, rising and falling with each slow, steady breath. Her hair is fanned out across the pillow behind her, the strands practically glistening under the moonlight spilling through the window.
Cassian can still remember the way those strands of golden brown hair felt twisted between his fingers. He can still remember her body pressed against his, the sweet sounds of her moans echoing in his ears. He can still remember the tight heat wrapped around his cock. He squeezes his eyes shut against the onslaught of memories, suddenly feeling like a livewire. It would be too easy to turn to her fully, to press his body against hers. To latch his lips to the skin of her neck. To slide his hand across her waist, down her stomach, lower still.
Nesta’s name weighs heavy on his tongue, but Cassian is quick to swallow it back down. He rolls over onto his side, away from Nesta, giving his pillow a hard punch. These are the last type of thoughts he needs. Sighing softly, Cassian forces his mind to empty, to quiet, forces himself to give in to sleep’s embrace.
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog @lifeisntafantasy @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld @lady-nestas @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust @a-trifling-matter @blueunoias @kookskoocie @wolfnesta @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @ofduskanddreams @rarephloxes @thelovelymadone @books-books-books4ever @tenaciousdiplomatloverprune @that-little-red-head @readergalaxy @thesnugglingduck @kale-theteaqueen @tarquindaddy @superflurry @bri-loves-sunflowers @lady-winter-sunrise @witch-and-her-witcher @fieldofdaisiies
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evilhagspage · 9 months
honey moon suite
very random, slightly horny sam thought that came to me the other day. featuring the sweet, precious, innocent castiel. as usual, first person pov, lol. enjoy!
"hey, so sam and i were wanting to get our own room this time," i tell dean from my place in the back seat as we near the motel.
sam clears his throat and shifts in his seat, dean fails to stifle a knowing smirk at his brother, and cass tilts his head to me in confusion.
"why?" he asks, simply. dean lets out a chuckle at this, furthering cass's confusion.
"well...we just want some...alone time," i explain, feeling oddly like i'm speaking to a toddler.
sam shifts again uncomfortably, a blush creeping across his cheeks as dean nudges his shoulder.
"i don't understand, you are alone together often. i know dean leaves to get food occasionally. he also often does investigations separately," he continues, genuine and naïeve.
"yes, but that's like being alone while working. we need some time off the clock, you know?" i'm trying to stay patient, but i'm getting closer to being annoyed. mostly at dean's near cackles as castiel's questions continue.
cass nods as he considers this. dean boyishly giggles again.
"dude, seriously. grow up." sam scolds before turning over his shoulder to lock eyes with me. i wink  back at him, enjoying the sight of his blush slightly intesnifying. i love flustering him.
after a small pause, cass' voice cuts through the silence again. "well, you two go on walks together often. that counts as off the clock time, as you put it."
dean sputters out a laugh, sam scrunches his eyes together, and i let out a sigh as i tip my head back. "cass. drop it. focus on the fact you and dean will be able to watch your westerns in peace."
"i just don't understand. you all have always shared a motel room, and i have never heard you ask for 'alone time' before?"
"CASTIEL. sam and i want our own room so we can have sex. now drop it!" i exclaim, beyond ready for this conversation to be over. dean finally parks at the motel, throwing the gear and practically howling with laughter, wiping tears from his eyes and clutching his side. sam mumbles something about grabbing our room keys, his blush reaching his ears, and cass sits next to me, seemingly stunned.
"uh, my apologies. i seem to have pried too far," he finally says to me. i turn to him, chuckling along with dean at him.
"no, cass. it's okay. i know subtleties aren't your strong suit. sam just likes to be...private," i respond. it's impossible not to find him endearing. "and you, sir," turning my attention to dean. "you have got to cool it. you're acting like your biology teacher just said 'orgasm' instead of 'organism' during a lecture. you're an adult," i half heartedly scold.
"i'm sorry-i'm sorry," he giggles, high pitched and breathy. "it's just so classic." he turns around to look at us. "cass. never change."
castiel gives him a tight lipped nod, finally feeling as uncomfortable as the rest of us.
as sam comes back into view, dean and cass move to grab our things from the trunk. sam and i remain closer to the front of the car, a familiar glimmer in his eye. "sorry, baby. that was awkward," i apologize giggling girlishly up at him. he smiles and shake his head, before replying, "ah, it's fine. dean's just never gonna let us live it down."
"hey, love birds! you book the honey moon suite?" dean hollers at us, motioning for his room key.
"yeah, sammy was just telling me about the heart shaped hot tub and complimentary condoms, " i riff back, sam shaking his head and hiding his smile by looking at his feet.
"hey, safety first. wrap it before you tap it, bro," dean seals his final words of wisdom with a pat to sam's shoulder. cass squints his eyes in thought and confusion, before ultimately deciding to leave it alone and follow dean to his room.
sam and i share a final laugh as i wrap myself around his arm, walking together towards our very own, private motel room.
"wait, you do have condoms, right?" i ask as he opens the door, and tosses our bags inside.
"yeah, babe. of course i have condoms. now come here," he commands, fed up with just talking about our off the clock activities and not actively particitpating. i smile as he kisses me, kicking the door closed behind us.
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apoptoses · 5 months
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Venice in winter is nothing compared to his homeland, but it’s still damp, oppressive. Outside the sky is a pale shade of grey and the wind must be blowing something fierce, as the little roundels of glass rattle in their iron panes.
But Bianca’s chambers are a hot house. Heat crackles in the fireplace, from the candelabras that dot the walls and tables. Steam curls from the surface of her bath and Amadeo watches the way the wisps of blond hair that surround her face curl with it. She tips her head back against the rim of the tub to look at him. Her cheeks are flushed as rose petals when she smiles, gone pink from the steam.
“You’ve made a terrible mess of my bed,” she says.
And so he has. Having no spare clothing here he’s had no choice but to yank the velvet covers free and wrap himself in them. He’s lying the wrong way, his feet peeking out near the head of the bed. He pushes them into a pillow and grins behind the auburn curtain of his hair.
“And what of it?” he asks.
“Does your master let you get away with such things?”
“No. He beats me terribly. I’m a victim of his punishments almost nightly.”
Bianca rolls her pretty blue eyes. “And you enjoy it, don’t you?”
He does. But she needn’t know that.
This room with all of its delicate things- perfume bottles, silk ribbons draped across her vanity table, Bianca’s little shoes and her combs for her hair and her vases of flowers- it’s not the place for that sort of talk. It’s like being inside a jewelry box. Like being beneath the sea, with the way the steam has collected on the windows and left them shimmering and wet.
Bianca toys with the golden end of her braid, searching it for split hairs. The pearl strands woven into it click softly as she twists and turns her hair.
Amadeo lives in a beautiful palazzo of unruly boys. He sleeps in his master’s strong, imposing bed. He’s been to brothels of all sorts, enjoyed their lurid sort of appeal but this place, this woman’s chamber- it holds such fascination. He watches her in awe as she lifts her feet from beneath the water, rests them on the opposite end of the tub, and he feels as though he’s under a spell.
“You look like a mermaid,” he mumbles.
Water runs down her legs. They’re pale, slender, and Amadeo wonders if he grasped her by the ankle if his fingers would touch where they encircle it. Pressed together as they are, water and soap bubbles clinging to her skin, they look like the appendage of a sea creature. If he blurs his vision the fine golden hair on her legs becomes scales.
“Oh?” Bianca flicks a bit of water at him. It lands on the tip of his nose. “And were I a mermaid what would you be? Some fisherman come to capture me? A prince lost at sea, desperate for saving like Odysseus? Come, wash my back and tell me.”
Amadeo rises from the bed. He leaves the safety of the blankets behind and drags her carved wooden stool over to the side of the tub.
Funny how they’re both naked and yet he feels all the more vulnerable for it. Bianca is otherworldly with her hair swept aside, her head tilted to expose the line of her throat, her shoulder. He takes the wet cloth, rubs the perfumed water into her skin, and wonders what a crude being he must be in comparison.
“Perhaps I would capture you and travel about with you, keeping you on display. I could charge a gold coin just to look upon your beauty,” he says. “You’d make me a rich man.”
He drags the cloth over the delicate ball of her shoulder. It’s white as a porcelain doll, soft in a way none of the other boy’s flesh is. Amadeo massages at her skin and takes in the musicality of her little groan.
“Mm, and would you keep me in a cage? Would you be a very strict master, one who never lets his little captive out?” she teases.
Amadeo nods. “A golden one, so that I might hand feed you through the bars. I could charge another coin for that, I think. Plenty of men would pay for the pleasure of passing you a little bite of fish.”
He washes her scapula when she leans forward, the ball joint at the base of her neck. Her breasts bob in the water, slick with soap, flushed pink with the heat,  and Amadeo can’t resist running the cloth over her clavicle. Down and down until his finger slides into the valley between them where her sternum rests. Her laugh vibrates beneath the bone as she slaps at his wrist.
It’s a half-hearted protest. Splashing just for the sake of getting him wet, and as Amadeo dodges her hand he pretends to accidentally grope her. The entirety of her breast nestles perfectly into his hand.
“You’re such a predictable boy. Would you have them pay to do this as well?” Bianca asks. Her voice rises into a gasp when he catches her nipple between his finger and thumb. “How many gold coins to molest your captive mermaid?”
She’s soft. Not like his master, who’s like caressing one of the marble statues that lines their courtyard. Bianca has warm breasts to squeeze, a roll of flesh that appears above her stomach when she sits hunched and naked like this. Amadeo rubs his palm over the swell of her stomach, his fingertips brushing the gold curls that cover her mound, and curls his other arm around her shoulders to clasp her wet back to his chest.
“None,” he says. “I wouldn’t charge them any, because this I would keep all for my own.”
The wind rattles the shutters of the palazzo. Rain lashes at the windows. It’s freezing outside but in here Amadeo is sweating. It trickles down his back as he grazes her thighs with his fingers. He’s damp under the arms, too warm from the fireplace, from his desire. Just like with his master, he feels monstrous from it. Lesser for the needy thing between his legs. An animal driven by lust.
Bianca struggles in his grasp. Not to get free, to rise up toward his wandering hand. But the position is awkward. Her ankles, perched as they are on the edge of the tub, they don’t give her enough leverage to lift her hips and so she’s trapped there; wiggling like a fish. Amadeo teases at the crease where her thighs meet. He traces it from knee to pubis and back again and listens to the quickening of her breath.
The cleft of her must be slick. She’s probably flushed pink down there as well but he can’t see it through the water, the way her thighs are clenched together.  But that’s alright. He’s submitted to his master, to the workers of the brothels. Amadeo’s not had anyone squirm for him and he’s finding he likes this game. Her shiver when he rakes his nails through her curls sets his blood alight.
He works his finger into the tight crevice where her thighs meet. He seeks out the sensitive nub between her legs and he knows he’s found it by the way Bianca tips her head back and inhales a sharp breath.
Amadeo tries to picture her as a sea creature. What folds she might have here, in this secret part of her. Whether she’d be warm inside or cold, slimy like the belly of a fish. He forces his finger further down through the squeeze of her thighs and teases at her entrance.
It’s torment, being outside of this bath, unable to plunge into her. In the excitement of the previous night he’d finished all too quickly, and it’s embarrassing, really. He’s dying inside to repeat his performance, to do better this time. But he owes her. Pleasure is the only way he can pay her.
Bianca’s hands grip his forearm like a vice. They’re slender, like a doll’s, and he likes to feel small but she’s the first to make him feel powerful. He rubs tiny circles at her and her nails dig into his skin. Glides his finger up and down and watches through the distortion of the water the needy thrust of her hips.
“Amadeo-“ she gasps.
Her knees fall apart. He clucks his tongue at her, stills his hand.
“You’re a mermaid, remember? Your legs should stay together, yes, like that.”
She lets out a whine, clenches her legs back into place. Amadeo touches her again, slow, teasing, and bites back a hiss when she claws at his wrist.
This is new, having someone fall apart in his arms. Taking her apart little by little with his fingertip alone is a rush that goes straight to his head. Like being drunk only better, because instead of a headache there’s a reward at the end. Falling upon her in her great golden bed. Or perhaps just the satisfaction of seeing her shake with pleasure. That alone might be enough.
The pearls in Bianca’s braid click when she tosses her head. Amadeo strokes her, up and down, again and again. Runs his finger along her folds and watches her toes curl at the edge of the bath. He presses at her entrance. Makes as if he’ll let his fingertip in and her toes point with anticipation. Then go lax again when he takes his fingertip away and seeks out the sensitive nub of her again.
“You’re a horrible tease,” she complains.
Amadeo laughs. “I’m your captor, aren’t I? It’s my right to tease. I trapped you for my own pleasure, after all.”
He traces a little circle over her clit. Bianca presses his cheek into the crook of his elbow, as though she means to hide her face.
“Most men would take their pleasure in other ways.”
There’s no hiding herself, though. Amadeo tilts his head, ignores the pain that comes with straining into such an awkward position, and takes in the way she’s panting. The rush of color to her cheeks, how she bites her lip when he touches just the right way. He keeps on that spot, repeats the motion, and he can tell by the way she squeezes her thighs that she’s squeezing tight on the inside too.
“I’m unlike most men,” he says, and kisses at her throat.
Her skin tastes like the perfumed water. Like salt because she too has begun to sweat. He rubs over and over, feels the rush of her pulse, and wonders if this is what his master feels with him. Whether making him squirm, helpless in his arms, makes him feel indomitable as well, and for a second he wishes he could rend her throat with his teeth. Amadeo wants to feel the stitch of her heart the way his master feels his whenever he bites into his flesh and takes his blood.
Slow circles. Over and over he spirals his fingertip. No change in the motion, no teasing now. There’s only one end to this and he means to achieve it as he drops kisses along her neck. Amadeo picks up his speed bit by bit until she gasps. There, there- the words are muttered out over the slosh of the bath, and he listens. Takes her advice even though his forearm is screaming at him, and-
Bianca kicks at the edge of the tub. Her cry sounds surprised, like she didn’t expect to be wracked with this much sensation, and she shakes with it. Her thighs squeeze so tight around Amadeo’s finger he couldn’t slip it inside her even if he wanted to.
And that’s fine. Good, in fact. This pleasure is for her sake and even if his cock is throbbing its need between his legs it can wait. Must wait, he decides. His master would scold him for taking her like a street ruffian not once but twice.
She’s lovely when she goes slack. Bianca’s hair is mussed from rubbing her face against his arm, a gold curl come free near her temple. Amadeo goes to tuck it back for her but she shakes her head.
“My hair will have to be redone entirely.” She plunges her wet fingers into his auburn hair and drags him down for a kiss. Her body is uncomfortably hot, sticky against his. “You’re right, you know.”
“About what?”
She nips at his lip, hard enough to leave it smarting. While Amadeo is busy rubbing at his mouth she rises from the tub like Venus from her shell. Arm covering her breasts, she reaches with the other hand and gestures for him to hand her a dry sheet.
“You’re like your master,” she says.
Amadeo cocks his head. He hands her the sheet without getting up from the stool, suddenly embarrassed of the thing throbbing between his own legs. He aches to throw her to the floor and take her.
“How so?” he asks.
Bianca enshrouds herself in white fabric. One neat movement, so well practiced that she hardly drips water onto the floor, and she’s perched on the edge of the bath rubbing herself dry. Arms first, then legs. She brings her ankle up to rest upon her knee and Amadeo can’t help but stare at the bone white jut of it. She’s pale as his master there. Her ankles never see the sunlight and so he can see the blue veins through her skin, and he wonders how they’d taste.
“Both of you are entirely unlike other men,” Bianca murmurs. Her foot with its pale sole, white as the belly of a fish, lands suddenly in Amadeo’s lap. She grinds her heel down and draws a gasp from him. “Now come to bed, Amadeo. I believe it’s time your captive takes her revenge. You’ll allow me some fun, won’t you? Before I release you back into the waters to swim home to your master?”
The pearls in her braid are loose. He ruts up against her foot and hears them rattle when she tosses her head back and smirks.
Amadeo is hooked. How easily he swings between such extremes. Misery and ecstasy. Dominance and submission. Shame and desire. He’s a being made of contradictions, and as he follows her to her golden bed he thinks he’ll do anything she wants so long as it keeps him here a moment longer. Safe from reality in her jewelry box room.
Safe from his sadness so long as he remains trapped in the net of want.
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redhothingz · 7 months
!!!Mafia Boss HC!!!
This is for COD MW2, requested by mindscape123
They said -
Hey, how do you the 141 would collectively react to a reader who’s a mafia boss and like, just buys them stuff all the time? Like guns? Done. Hot tub? No problem! Hideout which is just a penthouse in the Bahamas? Whatever makes you smile.
I love this so much! Imma assume that they already know that they are a Mafia Boss, so here is the back story, then onto the HC!!!
Y/N pays off political members around the world so they can sell guns and things of that nature. Y/N was in the military for years before they left, and became something like Shadow Comp. Contracted arms if you will, they will go on missions if needed but not a lot. They normally send help, so they can run their shit. Y/N is a contact of Price and Laswell. Y/N also doesn't see any buyer in person, Y/N wants to be safe in public and hides who they are from most people.
John Price - 
He trusts you, I mean, he met Y/N through Nikolai after all. 
John always feels kinda bad when you make bigger purchases, but gets over it. If it’s for a mission, he won’t care about the Price (wink wink). But when it’s you with the mates and you buy all the drinks and food, he tries to keep it to water and a cheaper food at first.
He gives in and gets what he wants after the boys order whatever they want and slam all the drinks they want. 
Price definitely thinks that there is a plant at one of your safehouses, and worries for your life and safety, and has talked to you about it many times before.
Information is Need-To-Know, meaning y’all don’t just spill the beans about what you do. Just if you need something from the other person.
You mostly provide passages and equipment for Price and his squad in “off the books” missions, and Price will take care of anyone getting in your way of money or products. Fair trade after all. 
After he returns, you make sure he is given at least five packs of his favorite cigars. You normally can’t wait for 141 to get back from a mission so this is something you do as a tip for a job well done.
Once asked for a private bar for him and his mates, you opened a ton of them all over the UK. Yes, it is also a smoke shop. They all have VIP ofc.
When you told him, he smiled. :>
Kate Laswell -
You and her have worked together for years, when y’all both had boots on the ground. You two are still close, but not really when it comes to work. 
She tries to follow the books, but will contact you if she has no other choice.
You two never really work together because of this, but you’ll still buy her drinks or send her wife gifts like a new wardrobe or diamonds. On Kate’s request, of course.
You went to her wedding and paid for it, it was a dream wedding for them. Kate still thanks you time and time again. 
Kate and her wife asked you to leave the Mafia life and live normally. A safe life. You declined, but still consider what a normal life would be after the Mafia. But there is no leaving after all.
Soap - 
He doesn’t really know what you do, he just likes to have a good time.
Deff will take any gift from you, and will try to get you something in return. It’s normally something from Scotland like a little flag. 
He loves doing your jobs because he knows that there will be a huge dinner with the mates.
You love getting him drunk, because he starts to pick on Ghost. His accent really spikes, then he's only speaking Scottish. 
Trust you to buy him great food, he doesn’t really think about trust past that when it comes to you.
Soap is 100% the first person to order drinks and food. No shame here.
He is also the first to thank you for dinner. It always makes the rest of the guys mad because it sounds forced from them. 
Ghost - 
He just listens to Price. Ghost doesn’t trust you per say, but trusts Price.
He just looks at you.
When having dinner, you saw that he had his food in a to-go box. The next time you took 141 out for food you gave Ghost a loose mask, kinda like a blanket. Just so he can eat with everyone. 
Make sure y’all are in a VIP room, just for him.
He brings it with him everywhere so he can eat with his mates.
Ghost will order food and a few drinks, but doesn’t like spending other people's money.
Ghost deff babysits Soap the whole time.
He has only asked for one thing, and that was for Lady GaGa tickets for soap.
Gaz - 
Respectful. He is in the same boat with Ghost about ordering anything.
He will ask for stuff for his family. You always do more than he asked.
You get his family passes for Disney World, and pay for the whole trip. I mean, flight there and back, hotel, everything.
Gaz will feel bad, but Price explains to him that that's just how you are and  to not feel bad about any gifts.
He was sad that the Lady GaGa tickets are expensive (Wink Wink).
Alejandro - 
He LOVES it, I mean, you sell out anyone causing trouble in or near Mexico, and he keeps quiet about anything you do. You keep sales out of Mexico, he keeps his operations out of your sales. Best duo, really.
Loves a good party, at any time. You don’t really have to pay for it, but you do. 
He also asks for stuff for his family, but he will be the one to bring any gifts to them. He wants to keep them safe, after all.
Also asked for Lady GaGa tickets…..for……family……yeah……
Konig - 
He doesn’t know how to react. I mean, he’s grateful but feels bad. Like Gaz.
He loves his shirt-mask and bike helmet combo too much to get anything new. 
Will take a new sniper anyday, you even bought him displays for his collection.
He also asked for Lady GaGa tickets. 
You folded and bought VIP tickets for everyone.
I really loved this topic! I tried to keep it GN, sorry if I messed up anywhere! Please tell me what to write next!
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obsessive-fixations · 11 months
Today, I got my snake bite piercings done. Here's some things to consider. I am not a professional. I have experience with tattoo parlors, though!
TW/CW: body modification, open wounds, aftercare, piercing safety tips
- PAIN: tolerance is different for every body. Mine was a 7/10 cause I'm a smol bean! I even have 6 tattoos and other piercings and it STILL sucked
- AFTERCARE: bactine/saline solution, q-tips, non-alcoholic mouthwash, no spicy food, avoid dairy, avoid sour foods, & things like no swimming or hot tubs
- HEALING: 6-8 months to properly heal. Don't change the studs to rings too early! Please be careful. Only you really know your own body. Listen to it. If there's trouble, go back to the parlor and they'll help you! Use non-alcoholic mouthwash after you eat to keep your new wounds clean!!
- EAT BEFORE YOU GO so you don't pass out. I mean, a MEAL. Nutrition is going to help your body heal up nicely.
- ice packs! 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off
- I typically go for a peircer who has at LEAST 10 years experience. Call the parlor beforehand. Maybe visit them and communicate with who they are ! Get to know them and become community (I'm a social butterfly though!!)
- swelling and bruises are normal ! If there are signs of infection, ask your artist about steps to care for it or if you need to retire it (to retire a piercing is to take it out !)
- be kind to yourself! Take good care of them, and they can last a long time !! :)
If I missed anything, share it in the comments! Again, I am not a professional, I'm actually a custodian.
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May 16, 2024
There’s really nothing like the feeling of someplace that is home away from home. Last night we got through immigration in record time, despite the fact that there is an immigration/customs go-slow (worker strike) going on, resulting in minimal service lanes. While we got through quickly, the downside for us is that we missed our one opportunity to meet Mike, our Toronto-based Africa guy and the mastermind of this adventure.
Zem met us at the gate (gotta love seeing our names on a sign!), escorted us through immigration and customs where we met our driver. The two of them led us to a money exchange counter and then off we went to The Residence. In 2018, on our first trip to Africa, we overnighted in this lovely, gracious, wonderful, small hotel in the Houghton neighborhood of Johannesburg. We loved it so much that we wanted to come back and what a wonderful place to spend our first two nights in Africa, recovering from jet lag and settling into vacation mode. The staff is so so welcoming and we were upgraded to an amazing suite with jacuzzi, overlooking one of multiple swimming pools. Mike had a bottle of wine and cheese platter waiting in the room for us – wonderful. We did not indulge on arrival but rather took showers and settled into the wonderful beds after our very long journey.
In the morning, an excellent night’s sleep for Seb and a decent night’s sleep for Jill, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast in the restaurant, sitting at the same table where we enjoyed a dinner six years ago! Cappuccino and coffee with soy milk, respectively, such as civilized start to the day. We decided to have a low-key get-over-jet lag day, and headed out to an arts district. It wasn’t a total bust, but not as interesting or extensive as we expected. That said, at a gallery down the street (with a wonderful exhibit), they recommended another arts area called Victoria Yards. So with a little bit of electronic finagling, we caught an Uber there. (So crazy to go half way around the world and use the Uber app we can use from our front doors!) From our hotel to guards at the galleries, we were given some level of security cautions. Even knowing that there must be safety issues in town, it was lovely knowing that people were watching out for us and giving us tips on how to make sure we stay safe. Victoria Yards was a compound of old warehouse type buildings with working artists. It turned out to be nice to be there on a low-key weekday, when various artists were quite happy to chat and explain their techniques. A jewelry maker, book binder and silkscreen artist were some of the highlights.
After we were through, we contacted our hotel driver (through WhatsApp, as you do); he collected us and we headed “home.” There, the hot tub beckoned. Neither of us typically frequents hot tubs, but WOW - it was ever so relaxing, with a glass of wine from Mike’s gift. After turning into prunes, we set to work, blogging and preparing (tip) money in local currency (Rands) for our next stop, Namibia. As we know from our last trip to Africa, tipping (and tipping well, but not extravagantly) is simply part of the planned cost of the trip, and very much a part of how the African hospitality economy works. It’s certainly a way to show our appreciation for the wonderful service we experience and anticipate.
Dinner was in the hotel. We were intercepted on the way through the bar and ended up ordering a bottle of wine to share in front of a roaring fire. Wonderful! Piano music in the background, attentive staff and just chilling. They even brought over the menus so we could order. When our meals were just about ready, we were escorted to our table and seated. We each put our small bag on the table, at which point, small side tables appeared next to each of us for our bags. LOL. Holy moly, the service. Dinner of ostrich (yes, the bird) and kingklip (a fish) was fabulous. We ordered two things to share and they arrived already split and plated. Did we mention that we love this place? The restaurant was near empty so we enjoyed all the attention and graciousness. At the end of the meal, four chocolate truffles arrived with over a dish of smoking, overflowing coldness of the dry ice. Presentation is, after all, so important. Indeed, The Residence was everything we hoped for and more than what we expected. We asked for more water for the room, and (of course) it had already been delivered to by the time we asked for it. We did some pre-departure packing and settled again into our cushy beds for a wonderful - if too short - night’s sleep. 0430 pick-up by our driver will come, oh, too soon. Our only wish - to someday have the opportunity to again experience this hospitality.
P.S. Now that kingklip has been identified as eel (not fish), it’s a shock to the system, and we may not admit to it having been so tasty.
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uday16malpani · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Baby Bathtubs:
Safety, Comfort, and Convenience Welcoming a new addition to the family is a joyous occasion, and ensuring their safety and comfort is of utmost importance. Bathing your baby is one of those essential tasks that requires careful consideration. A dedicated baby bathtub can make this experience safer, more comfortable, and enjoyable for both you and your little one. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about baby bathtubs, from types and features to safety tips and recommendations.
Why Use a Baby Bathtub? Using a dedicated baby bathtub offers several advantages over using a regular adult-sized tub or sink. Here are some key benefits:
Safety: Baby bathtubs are designed to provide a secure and stable environment for your infant. They often come with features like non-slip surfaces and contoured designs to keep your baby in place during the bath.
Comfort: Baby bathtubs are ergonomically designed to support your baby's delicate body. They provide proper neck and back support, ensuring a comfortable bathing experience.
Convenience: Baby bathtubs are compact and portable, making them easy to set up in various locations, from the kitchen sink to a dedicated bathing area. They also save water compared to filling a full-sized tub.
Temperature Control: Some baby bathtubs come with built-in thermometers or color-changing plugs that indicate if the water is too hot, helping you maintain a safe water temperature.
Transitioning to Independence: As your baby grows, a bathtub provides a familiar and safe space for them to start exploring and enjoying bath time on their own.
Types of Baby Bathtubs When it comes to baby bathtubs, there are various types to choose from, each catering to different needs and preferences:
Traditional Plastic Tubs: Features: These are basic, lightweight, and affordable tubs made from durable plastic. They often have a contoured design to support your baby. Pros: Easy to clean, affordable, and widely available. Cons: May lack additional features like temperature indicators or additional support.
Foldable or Inflatable Tubs: Features: These tubs are designed to be portable and space-saving. They can be folded or inflated for use and then easily stored away. Pros: Great for travel or small living spaces, easy to store, and often come with additional features. Cons: May not provide as much support as rigid tubs.
Convertible Tubs: Features: These versatile tubs grow with your child, offering different positions or inserts to accommodate newborns, infants, and toddlers. Pros: Long-lasting, adjustable, and adaptable to your baby's changing needs. Cons: Can be more expensive compared to other types.
Sink Inserts: Features: These are soft inserts that fit into your kitchen or bathroom sink, allowing you to use the sink as a makeshift baby bathtub. Pros: Convenient, cost-effective, and utilize existing resources. Cons: May not provide as much support or safety features as dedicated tubs. Key Features to Consider When choosing a baby bathtub, consider the following features to ensure it meets your specific needs:
Non-Slip Surface: Look for a bathtub with a non-slip surface to prevent your baby from sliding around during the bath.
Built-In Thermometer: Some tubs come with a built-in thermometer or a color-changing plug to indicate the water temperature, ensuring it's safe for your baby.
Drain Plug: A drain plug makes emptying the tub quick and hassle-free.
Portability and Storage: If space is a concern, opt for a tub that is easy to fold or store away when not in use.
Support and Comfort: Choose a tub with an ergonomic design that provides proper neck and back support for your baby.
Ease of Cleaning: Look for a tub with smooth surfaces and minimal crevices to make cleaning a breeze.
Additional Accessories: Some baby bathtubs come with extra features like a removable sling for newborns, a showerhead attachment, or a toy attachment to make bath time more enjoyable.
Safety Tips for Baby Bath Time Regardless of the type of baby bathtub you choose, it's essential to follow these safety tips:
Never Leave Your Baby Unattended: Always keep a hand on your baby during bath time to prevent accidents.
Check Water Temperature: Ensure the water is comfortably warm, around 37°C (98.6°F). Use a thermometer if your tub doesn't have a temperature indicator.
Gather Supplies Beforehand: Have everything you need (soap, towel, diaper, etc.) within arm's reach to avoid leaving your baby unattended.
Maintain a Secure Grip: Always hold your baby securely and support their head and neck.
Use Gentle Products: Opt for baby-friendly soap and shampoo to avoid skin irritation.
Keep a Firm Grip on Your Baby: Wet babies can be slippery. Ensure you have a secure hold on your baby at all times.
Follow Manufacturer's Instructions: Always adhere to the specific guidelines provided by the manufacturer for setting up and using the baby bathtub.
Conclusion: Investing in the right baby bathtub is an essential step in creating a safe and enjoyable bathing experience for your little one. Consider your specific needs, preferences, and available space when choosing the right type and features for your family. With the right bathtub, bath time can become a cherished bonding moment for both you and your baby.
Remember, every baby is unique, so pay attention to their cues and preferences to make bath time a positive and enjoyable routine for everyone involved. Happy bathing!
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steamshowerdepot · 3 hours
Using Non-Chlorine Potassium Monopersulfate (MPS) Shock Treatments, for Spa Hot Tub Sanitation
 Potassium monopersulfate (MPS) offers hot tub spa owners a convenient and effective alternative to chlorine shock treatments for maintaining clean and clear water. Its gentle nature and quick oxidation of organic contaminants make it a popular choice among those seeking a more natural and comfortable hot tub spa experience. By incorporating MPS into your hot tub spa maintenance routine and following proper application guidelines, you can enjoy clean, clear, and inviting water without the use of harsh chlorine-based chemicals sanitizers.   Here’s how potassium monopersulfate works and its benefits:
How Potassium Monopersulfate (MPS) Works
Oxidation: MPS is a powerful oxidizer that breaks down organic contaminants in hot tub water. It effectively oxidizes oils, lotions, sweat, and other organic matter that can cloud the water and create unpleasant odors.
No Chlorine Residue: Unlike chlorine shock treatments, MPS does not leave behind chlorine residue in the water. This makes it suitable for hot tub users who prefer to minimize exposure to chlorine or have sensitivities to chlorine-based chemicals.
Compatibility: MPS is compatible with various sanitization systems, including chlorine, bromine, ozone, and mineral sanitizers. It can be used in conjunction with these systems to enhance water quality without affecting their effectiveness.
Benefits of Using Potassium Monopersulfate (MPS)
Gentle on Skin: MPS is gentle on the skin and eyes, making it a preferred choice for hot tub owners who prioritize comfort and safety during soaking sessions.  The absence of residual chlorine in MPS-treated water contributes to a more comfortable soaking experience, reducing the likelihood of skin and eye irritation (Journal of Water and Health, 2019).
Quick Oxidation: It quickly oxidizes contaminants, which helps maintain water clarity and prevents the buildup of organic residues that can lead to cloudy water and unpleasant odors.
Convenient Application: MPS typically comes in granular form or as pre-measured tablets, making it easy to apply directly to the hot tub spa water. It dissolves quickly and starts working immediately upon application.
No Waiting Period: Unlike chlorine shock treatments that require a waiting period before entering the hot tub, MPS allows users to resume soaking almost immediately after application, once the water is adequately circulated.
Application Tips for Potassium Monopersulfate (MPS)
Regular Use: Use MPS as part of a regular maintenance routine, typically every 1-2 weeks or as needed based on water testing results and usage frequency.
Ease of Application: MPS is available in granular form or pre-measured tablets, facilitating straightforward application directly into hot tub water. Its rapid dissolution ensures immediate oxidation of contaminants, promoting water clarity and hygiene effectively (Journal of Aquatic Toxicology, 2020).
Dosage Instructions: Follow manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dosage based on your hot tub’s water capacity and current water conditions. Overdosing can lead to unnecessary chemical usage and potential irritation.
Water Testing: Regularly test the hot tub water for pH balance, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels to ensure optimal water quality and effectiveness of MPS treatment.
Efficacy of Potassium Monopersulfate (MPS) in Hot Tub Treatment
Oxidation of Contaminants: Research published in the Journal of the Swimming Pool and Spa Industry (2019) highlights MPS as a potent oxidizer effective in breaking down organic contaminants like body oils and lotions in hot tub water. It emphasizes MPS's role in maintaining water clarity without generating harmful by-products.Compatibility with Sanitizers: Studies, including those referenced in the International Journal of Spa and Wellness (2020), confirm MPS's compatibility with various water sanitization systems commonly used in hot tubs, such as chlorine, bromine, ozone, and mineral sanitizers. This flexibility allows for integrated maintenance routines without compromising sanitation effectiveness.Skin Sensitivity: According to research from the Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering (2018), MPS-treated water tends to be less irritating to sensitive skin compared to chlorine-treated water. This finding supports MPS as a preferable choice for individuals with skin sensitivities.Environmental Impact: Environmental assessments, detailed in the Journal of Environmental Management (2021), indicate that MPS is biodegradable and poses fewer risks to aquatic ecosystems compared to chlorine-based chemicals when used as directed.
The body of research spanning recent years validates potassium monopersulfate (MPS) as a reliable alternative to chlorine for hot tub spa water treatment. Its strong oxidizing properties, compatibility with diverse sanitization methods, and minimal environmental impact underscore MPS's appeal among hot tub owners aiming for a natural and comfortable soaking environment.
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literarygoon · 21 days
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I was getting changed when I heard the shout.
At first I thought maybe it was a swim coach leading a chant in a booming hyper-masculine yodel. But then there was no follow up, so I ignored it.
A few minutes later, as I was climbing into the hot tub around lunchtime, I noticed a looming Adonis with long black hair and tinted glasses. He looked like a professional body builder, with a full back tattoo of a flaming skull.
As I watched, this guy rage-stomped and gestured threateningly at a stone-faced lifeguard trying not to look afraid. My own lifeguard and bouncer instincts kicked in, and I scanned the room for his back up if this got violent.
The standoff was strange. For minutes at a time the man would be calm, then suddenly he would explode into paroxysms of Viking-style posturing, almost like he was performing a religious ritual. He flexed his shoulder muscles and flailed and gestured.
He kind of looked like a younger version of Stephen King. He was wearing camo yoga pants that only reached his calves, and the hot tubbers informed me he’d been chasing some other guy around the deck.
Then he charged the supervisor, jutting out his elbows and swinging his arms. She retreated a few feet before shouting in his face like she was taming a bear.
“Back off! Back off!” she shouted repeatedly, grabbing ahold of a metal sign.
“She’s gonna hit him with that sign,” one of my hot tub companions commented.
Then the alarms started going off.
Throughout this experience, as seven RCMP officers arrived, I reflected on the fact I’d been on every side of situations like this in the past. I’ve been the lifeguard, been the crazy person, been the onlooker. The only difference is time and circumstance.
When I was covering mental health crises in Nelson, I ended up taking a photo of a suicidal man about to jump out of a fourth storey window. Some criticized me for bringing sensationalism into this guy’s darkest moments.
He later jumped, and was saved by his finger tips grabbing the windowsill long enough for the cops to haul him to safety.
Three years later cops showed up in my living room, following a string of social media posts that made it clear I was losing touch with reality. I wasn’t a menace, but people thought I was as I rambled manic in a hospital room.
All this to say, I recognized myself in the guy as he struck superhero poses and flexed his muscles like Hulk Hogan. One part of me viewed him simply as a threat to the safe space where I bring my children, but the other part of me recognized our shared humanity.
One part wanted to punch him, the other wanted to give him a crushing hug.
As I left the pool, the guy was facedown and handcuffed while yelling out prayers and pleas. He was facing a ring of cop cars, an ambulance and a crowd of high school students filming with their iPhones.
“Grant me salvation!” he screamed.
The Literary Goon
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10 Creative Ways to Use Your 10 Ft Stock Tank Pool All Year Round
A 10 ft stock tank pool offers versatility beyond just a refreshing summer dip. With a few creative tweaks, you can transform your pool into a multi-use feature that serves your outdoor space all year long. Here are 10 ways to keep your stock tank pool in action throughout every season:
1. Hot Tub Conversion (Fall/Winter)
Turn your stock tank pool into a cozy outdoor hot tub during cooler months by installing a heating system. A propane tank heater or wood-burning stove setup can be added to maintain warm temperatures, transforming your stock tank into a relaxing spot even during chilly nights.
Tip: Use a pool cover to trap heat and prevent debris from falling in when not in use.
2. Backyard Ice Bath for Recovery (All Year)
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can use the stock tank pool as an ice bath to aid muscle recovery. Fill the tank with cold water and add ice after an intense workout to soothe sore muscles and reduce inflammation. This is perfect for year-round fitness enthusiasts.
Tip: Keep the water clean and rotate fresh water frequently for best results.
3. Fish Pond (Spring/Fall)
Convert your stock tank pool into a decorative fish pond. Add aquatic plants, a small fountain, and some colorful fish to create a tranquil water feature in your backyard. This adds visual interest and can help promote a relaxing outdoor environment during milder seasons.
Tip: Install a simple filtration system to keep the water clean and ensure the health of the fish.
4. DIY Aquaponics System (All Year)
Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water). You can turn your stock tank into an aquaponics system by adding fish and using their waste to fertilize the plants that grow in the water. This sustainable system can be used year-round with proper maintenance.
Tip: Opt for hardy plants and fish species that can thrive in your climate.
5. Outdoor Ice Rink (Winter)
In colder climates, you can convert your stock tank into a mini ice skating rink. Once temperatures drop, fill the tank with water and let it freeze over. It’s a fun way to enjoy winter without leaving your backyard.
Tip: Ensure the water is shallow enough to freeze solidly and safely.
6. Child’s Ball Pit (Spring/Fall)
For an off-season, dry-use option, turn your stock tank into a fun ball pit for kids. Fill it with colorful plastic balls and watch as your children enjoy hours of entertainment. This makes for an excellent outdoor activity during cooler months when the water is too cold.
Tip: Use a soft mat underneath to cushion the bottom and prevent injuries.
7. Outdoor Fire Pit (Fall/Winter)
When you’re not using the stock tank as a pool, consider transforming it into a fire pit. Clean and empty the tank, add some gravel and fire-resistant materials inside, and you’ve got yourself a cozy fire pit for roasting marshmallows and gathering around in the cooler months.
Tip: Always monitor the fire and use proper safety precautions to prevent accidents.
8. Koi Pond for Zen Garden (Spring/Summer)
Instead of traditional fish, you can create a beautiful koi pond with your stock tank. Add floating plants, rocks, and small waterfalls to create a zen-like atmosphere. A koi pond can be a peaceful and aesthetic addition to your backyard throughout most of the year.
Tip: Ensure the koi have proper filtration and oxygen levels to thrive.
9. Stock Tank Pool Bar (Summer/Fall)
Turn your stock tank into a creative bar by draining the water and adding a solid tabletop across the top. Use the inside of the tank for storing drinks or ice, and the outside as a bar area for entertaining guests at outdoor events, BBQs, or parties.
Tip: Add LED lights around the rim for evening events and ambiance.
10. Greenhouse for Plants (Winter/Early Spring)
In the off-season, repurpose your stock tank pool into a greenhouse for growing plants. You can cover the pool with a clear plastic dome or a DIY frame to create a miniature greenhouse where plants can thrive in cooler months.
Tip: Grow cold-resistant plants, herbs, or seedlings that can be transplanted in the spring.
Your 10 ft stock tank pool is much more than just a summer accessory. With a bit of creativity, you can use it throughout the year in multiple ways—from a heated hot tub in winter to a koi pond in the spring or even a poolside bar in the fall. This versatility maximizes your investment and adds unique functionality to your outdoor space.
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appalachianoutpost · 1 month
Escape to Nature: Discovering the Hidden Gems of Hatfield McCoy Trails Cabin
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Hatfield McCoy Trails Cabins: Your Gateway to Adventure
Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of West Virginia, Hatfield Mccoy Trails Cabins offer the ultimate retreat for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Named after the infamous Hatfield McCoy feud, these cabins provide a perfect blend of history, adventure, and comfort, making them an ideal choice for your next getaway.
Exploring the Hatfield McCoy Trails
The Hatfield McCoy Trail System is renowned for its extensive network of ATV trails that wind through the rugged terrain of the Appalachian Mountains. Spanning over 800 miles, these trails cater to riders of all skill levels, offering thrilling experiences and stunning views along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a beginner, exploring the Hatfield McCoy Trails is an adventure you won’t soon forget.
Location and Accessibility
Situated in close proximity to the Hatfield McCoy Trail System, these cabins provide easy access to the trails, allowing you to quickly embark on your ATV adventure. Located in scenic areas of West Virginia, the cabins offer a peaceful retreat surrounded by nature, making them the perfect place to relax and unwind after a day of exploring the trails.
Types of Cabins Available
Standard Cabins
Ideal for couples or small families, standard cabins offer cozy accommodations with all the essential amenities. From fully equipped kitchens to comfortable living areas, these cabins provide a home away from home in the heart of the mountains.
Deluxe Cabins
For those seeking a more luxurious experience, deluxe cabins offer upgraded amenities and spacious layouts. Featuring private hot tubs, fireplaces, and scenic views, these cabins provide the perfect setting for a romantic getaway or a special occasion.
Pet-Friendly Cabins
Don’t leave your furry friends behind! Many Hatfield McCoy Trails Cabins are pet-friendly, allowing you to bring your four-legged companions along for the adventure. With plenty of outdoor space to explore, your pets will love the opportunity to join you on your vacation.
Amenities Offered
From cozy fireplaces and outdoor grills to spacious decks and scenic views, these cabins are equipped with everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Whether you’re relaxing with a glass of wine by the fire or grilling up a delicious meal after a day of adventure, these cabins provide the perfect backdrop for making memories with family and friends.
Activities and Attractions
In addition to ATV riding on the Hatfield McCoy Trails, guests staying in these cabins can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities and attractions. From hiking and fishing to exploring historic sites and scenic overlooks, there’s something for everyone to enjoy amidst the natural beauty of West Virginia’s mountains and valleys.
Planning Your Stay
Booking Process
Booking your stay at Hatfield McCoy Trails Cabins is easy and convenient. Simply visit our website, select your desired dates and cabin type, and complete the reservation process. Our friendly staff are available to assist you with any questions or special requests to ensure that your stay is unforgettable.
Packing Essentials
When preparing for your stay, be sure to pack essentials such as outdoor clothing, sturdy footwear, and any personal items you may need. Don’t forget to bring along recreational gear for ATV riding, hiking, and other outdoor activities, as well as any supplies for cooking and dining.
Safety Tips
While exploring the trails and attractions near the cabins, it’s important to prioritize safety at all times. Be sure to familiarize yourself with trail maps, adhere to all safety guidelines and regulations, and take precautions against inclement weather and wildlife encounters. By staying alert and prepared, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and your fellow travelers.
In conclusion, Hatfield McCoy Trails Cabins offer the perfect combination of adventure, relaxation, and comfort for your West Virginia vacation. Whether you’re seeking thrills on the trails, relaxation in nature, or a bit of both, these cabins provide the ideal base for exploring the beauty and excitement of the Appalachian Mountains. Book your stay today and embark on an unforgettable adventure in the wild and rugged landscapes of Appalachia!
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ypgoz9939s · 1 month
Big Bear Cabin Rentals for a Romantic Retreat in the Mountains
Big Bear Lake, nestled in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California, is a prime destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. The serene beauty of the lake, combined with the lush forests and majestic mountains, makes it an ideal location for a relaxing getaway. One of the best ways to experience this stunning environment is by staying in one of the many Big Bear cabin rentals available.These cabins offer a unique blend of rustic charm and modern amenities, providing the perfect home base for your mountain adventures. Whether you're looking for a cozy one-bedroom cabin for a romantic escape or a spacious multi-room lodge for a family vacation, Big Bear has a wide variety of options to suit every need and budget.
How to Choose the Perfect Big Bear Cabin Rental for Your Family?
Choosing the perfect Big Bear cabin rental for your family can transform your vacation from good to great. Begin by considering the size of the cabin. Ensure it has enough bedrooms and bathrooms to accommodate everyone comfortably. Look for properties that offer amenities tailored to family needs, such as a fully equipped kitchen, a spacious living area, and a game room. Proximity to attractions like Big Bear Lake or ski resorts can enhance your experience, allowing for easy access to fun activities. Additionally, check for safety features, such as childproof locks and stair gates, to ensure a worry-free stay. Reading reviews from other families can also provide valuable insights into the cabin's suitability. By keeping these factors in mind, you can find a Big Bear cabin rental that meets all your family’s needs and ensures a memorable vacation.
Top Features to Look for in Big Bear Cabin Rentals
When selecting a Big Bear cabin rental, certain features can significantly enhance your stay. Look for cabins that offer modern conveniences such as high-speed internet and smart TVs, which can make your downtime enjoyable. A well-stocked kitchen is essential for those who prefer to cook their meals. Outdoor features like a deck, BBQ grill, or fire pit can add to the cabin's charm and provide a space for relaxation. Additionally, check if the cabin has amenities such as a washer and dryer, which can be especially useful for extended stays. Other desirable features might include a hot tub, a game room, or access to nearby hiking trails. By focusing on these top features, you can find a Big Bear cabin rental that provides both comfort and convenience.
The Best Seasons to Book Big Bear Cabin Rentals for a Memorable Stay
The timing of your Big Bear cabin rental can greatly impact your experience. Winter is ideal for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts, with the area's slopes offering some of the best winter sports in Southern California. Spring and summer are perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and lake swimming, providing a different yet equally enjoyable experience. Fall, with its vibrant foliage and cooler temperatures, is a great time for a peaceful retreat and enjoying the beauty of nature. Each season brings its own unique charm to Big Bear, so consider what activities you’re interested in and book your cabin rental accordingly. Planning your stay for the season that aligns with your interests will help you make the most of your Big Bear getaway.
Affordable Big Bear Cabin Rentals Tips for Finding Great Deals
Finding affordable Big Bear cabin rentals doesn’t mean sacrificing quality or comfort. Start by booking well in advance or during the off-peak seasons to secure better rates. Use rental comparison websites to compare prices and find the best deals. Look for cabins that offer promotions or discounts for extended stays or early bookings. Additionally, consider cabins that are a bit further from the main attractions, as they may offer lower rates while still providing easy access to the area. Be flexible with your travel dates if possible, as rates can vary significantly based on the time of year. By following these tips, you can enjoy a budget-friendly stay in Big Bear without compromising on your vacation experience.
Luxury Big Bear Cabin Rentals Indulge in Comfort and Style
For those seeking a high-end vacation experience, luxury Big Bear cabin rentals offer a blend of elegance and comfort. These cabins often feature upscale amenities such as gourmet kitchens, designer furnishings, and spacious living areas. Many luxury rentals also include private hot tubs, home theaters, and game rooms, adding an extra layer of indulgence to your stay. The locations of these cabins are typically in prime spots, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains or lake. Some even provide concierge services to cater to your every need. Choosing a luxury Big Bear cabin rental allows you to enjoy a lavish retreat with all the comforts and extras that make for a truly memorable vacation.
Pet-Friendly Big Bear Cabin Rentals Bringing Your Furry Friends Along
Finding pet-friendly Big Bear cabin rentals ensures that your furry friends can join in on the fun. Look for cabins that offer pet-friendly amenities such as fenced yards, pet beds, and bowls. Check the rental policies to confirm any restrictions or additional fees associated with bringing pets. Some cabins might provide nearby walking trails or access to pet-friendly parks, which can make your stay more enjoyable for both you and your pets. Ensuring that the rental is comfortable for your pets and offers convenient amenities will help make your vacation enjoyable and stress-free for the whole family, including your four-legged companions.
Big Bear Cabin Rentals with Hot Tubs Relaxation at Its Best
Big Bear cabin rentals with hot tubs offer a perfect way to unwind after a day of outdoor activities. Imagine soaking in a bubbling hot tub while taking in the stunning mountain views and crisp air. Many cabins feature private hot tubs on their decks or patios, allowing for a serene and relaxing experience. Hot tubs can provide relief after skiing or hiking, offering soothing warmth and relaxation. Look for cabins that offer well-maintained hot tubs and check reviews to ensure that previous guests have had a positive experience. Renting a cabin with a hot tub can enhance your stay and provide a luxurious touch to your Big Bear vacation.
Big Bear cabin rentals offer a diverse range of options to suit any vacation preference, from luxurious escapes to affordable family-friendly stays. By considering factors such as features, seasons, and special amenities, you can find the ideal cabin that meets your needs and enhances your experience. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, a family adventure, or a secluded retreat, Big Bear has the perfect rental for you. Booking the right cabin ensures a memorable and enjoyable stay, allowing you to fully experience the beauty and charm of Big Bear.
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pooldoctorxandspa2 · 2 months
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How Often Should I Drain and Fill My Hot Tub?
Owning a hot tub can be a wonderful way to relax and unwind, but maintaining its cleanliness and functionality is key to ensuring a pleasant experience. One important aspect of hot tub maintenance is knowing how often to drain and fill your hot tub. At Pool DoctoRX and Spa, we understand that this can be a bit confusing, so let’s break it down to help you keep your hot tub in top shape.
1. Why Draining and Filling is Necessary
Draining and filling your hot tub is essential for several reasons:
Remove Contaminants: Over time, even with proper filtration and chemical treatment, contaminants such as oils, lotions, and other residues can build up. Draining and refilling helps remove these impurities.
Maintain Water Quality: The water in your hot tub can become imbalanced due to high levels of dissolved solids. Regularly changing the water helps maintain optimal chemical balance and water quality.
Prevent Equipment Damage: Old water can lead to scaling and other issues that may damage your hot tub’s components. Draining and refilling helps prevent these problems and extends the life of your equipment.
2. Recommended Frequency
The frequency with which you should drain and fill your hot tub depends on several factors, including usage, water quality, and the type of water treatment you use. As a general guideline:
Light Usage: If you use your hot tub infrequently, it’s typically recommended to drain and refill it every 3 to 4 months.
Moderate Usage: For regular use, consider draining and refilling every 2 to 3 months.
Heavy Usage: If your hot tub is used frequently or by multiple people, draining and refilling every 1 to 2 months may be necessary.
3. Signs It’s Time to Drain and Fill
In addition to following the recommended schedule, keep an eye out for these signs that indicate it’s time to drain and refill your hot tub:
Cloudy or Discolored Water: If the water becomes cloudy or changes color despite proper chemical treatment, it’s time for a change.
Unpleasant Odor: Persistent odors can indicate that the water is no longer clean and fresh.
Foam and Residue: Excessive foam or residue on the water’s surface can be a sign that the water is saturated with contaminants.
4. How to Drain and Fill Your Hot Tub
Draining and refilling your hot tub is a straightforward process:
Turn Off Power: Always turn off the power to your hot tub before draining to ensure safety.
Drain the Water: Use the drain valve or pump to remove the water. If your hot tub doesn’t have a drain valve, you may need to use a submersible pump.
Clean the Interior: After draining, clean the interior of the hot tub to remove any residues or buildup.
Refill with Fresh Water: Once cleaned, refill the hot tub with fresh water. Ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for water levels.
Add Chemicals: After filling, add the necessary chemicals to balance the water and ensure it’s safe for use. Test the water and adjust chemical levels as needed.
5. Professional Assistance
If you’re unsure about the process or need help maintaining your hot tub, consider reaching out to the experts at Pool DoctoRX and Spa. Our team can provide professional advice and services to keep your hot tub in excellent condition.
What Our Customers Are Saying
Alice K. "Draining and refilling our hot tub used to be a hassle, but following the guidelines from Pool DoctoRX and Spa has made it so much easier. Our hot tub always feels fresh and clean!"
John R. "We use our hot tub frequently, so we follow the recommended schedule for draining and filling. It’s made a big difference in water quality and overall maintenance."
Nancy L. "Pool DoctoRX and Spa’s tips have been invaluable. Our hot tub is in great shape, and the water quality is always top-notch. Highly recommend their advice!"
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Knowing how often to drain and fill your hot tub is crucial for maintaining clean and comfortable water. Regularly following the recommended schedule and being aware of signs that it’s time for a change will help you enjoy your hot tub to the fullest. For more information and expert advice on hot tub maintenance, visit Pool DoctoRX and Spa. Our team is here to help you keep your hot tub in perfect condition.
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