luvrklarc · 4 years
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hikaru hoshina [Star Twinkle Precure] icons.
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frillsofjustice · 5 years
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Help, this children's anime has me feeling so many feelings ;_: <3
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pokechicadel · 5 years
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Local astronaut meets her alien girlfriend after many years
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cocorodiamond · 4 years
My respond to certain criticism about Star Twinkle PreCure, both from Azenzone and from his followers and other fans:
Hikaru has no character: Hikaru is a very unique and imaginative person. She is fascinated and obsessed with many unusual things like astronomy, astrology, UFOs, cryptids, occult, etc. She cares more about her interests instead of human interaction, which makes her friendless. She is very free minded and doesn't care about following social norms, outside of her interactions with her grandfather and her school life. When making choices, she depends on her own intuition and imagination instead of established norms. Despite of her energetic personality she is pretty smart and good at school, but tends to be not studious and lazy when she is not interested in subject. In my opinion, she is the most non-conformist PreCure ever.
There is nothing that makes her different from other pink cures: She is actually pretty smart and intuitive and informed about stars and many other things and decent at academics, which is a rare thing for pink cures. And despite of that, she is also the "weirdest" and the most energetic pink cure ever. She is also, despite of how energic and extrovertic she seems, actually an introvert with no friends and cares more about her hobbies instead of human interaction. This is very different from how usually friendly was past pink cures.
Hikaru had no character development: First problem with this is that you see character development as only a change in personality. That implies that there is something wrong with her and she needs to change herself, which actually contradicts one of this show's messages. Sometimes character development is about sticking to your beliefs and staying the "same person" despite of challenges thrown at you. Haruka didn't give up on her dreams despite of how unrealistic it sounds, Hana didn't give up on her hope of future and person she wants to be, Miyuki didn't give up on be ultra happy, etc. After being bullied by those kids for reading her mother's comic, she's advised by her mother to be true to yourself and not giving up into conforming with what others think. Ever since that she's trying to be herself, despite of all those challenges: being pressured into being "normal" by her grandfather, being away from her father, facing problems arising from not being good at interacting with other people, blaming herself for her team's first and biggest failure, her insecurities about not being good enough, her fears of being alone again, losing Fuwa, being away from Lala...she challenged all that and stay true to herself till the very end.
Second problem with this is that you ignored a very important part of her character arc. Hikaru at the beginning, as a side effect of her non-conformist personality, was a very self-absorbed character, doesn't care much about what other persons think (of her, and of other things) and wouldn't care about interacting with them. She was basically a happy loner, living in her own little world without any care. As the villains often said, "she couldn't imagine" how others feel, she can't imagine what others being through, can't understand others. This changed after she became a PreCure: She met new people, new lives, new ways of thinking. She began to understand that universe is bigger than she could ever imagine and she needs to care and know more about others to actually understand them. She also found friends, people she can interact and share her thoughts, for the first time in her life. Before, she has nothing to lose (or so she thought), now she had everything to lose. She was cursed with caring about other people and what they think of her. For the first time in her life, Hikaru faced the fear of being alone, losing the precious friends she gained. First time in her life she began to doubt herself. First time in her life she faced the feeling of losing somebody. In fact this was the true final challenge that Hikaru needs to face, and it ended in a bittersweet tone at best, with her still losing some of her friends. If anything, this was the true tragedy of Star Twinkle.
You also say that "she is the same fool who jumped off into space" to save Fuwa. There is two problems with that: 1. You seemingly forgot that she already flew with Fuwa in space before, and she hoped and trusted Fuwa that same thing could happen again and she even said that "I know I'll be fine with you." 2. She's not fool as she already knew how dangerous it was and Prunce already warned her about the danger. She still do it to save Fuwa, and this selfless act was what turned her into a PreCure. And you want her to change what makes her a PreCure in the first place?
Hikaru didn't deserve to be called a leader: PreCure teams rarely had leaders in a traditional sense. Most "pink leaders" usually "lead" their team-members by giving them moral support: Miyuki as the pep talker, Mana as the role model, Hana as the cheerleader, Hikaru as the star that inspiring hope, Nodoka as the peacemaker, etc. In fact, she's not seeing herself as a leader as well, as they're all equal. Still, as Madoka said, shd would be a good leader if she decide give her all.
Lala was more of a leader: She has more knowledge about the space, which makes her a better choice maker in matters related to space travel. In Earth though Madoka is more likely to lead them.
Lala was better/focused more: It's not that unusual for pink leads to be less interesting or less focused compared to other characters: Ichika, Mirai, Megumi, etc. Not that there is that big of difference between them as you claimed.
Elena and Madoka didn't get enough focus: Even though I agree that they should get more focus, it's important to note that they're fourth and fifth in imortance scala, which basically makes them the Nao and Reika of this series. And, in my opinion, they get better character development in episodes focused on them, despite of gettlng less focus. My expectations and impressions of them as follows:
Elena, despite of her foreign origins, was the most "normal" girl in the group. In many ways she's similar to several previous pink leads: athletic, gives importance to smiles and being positive, being the peacemaker, responsible, etc. She has already solved her problems with being different from others and was in peace with herself, which is why they gave that episode to her brother instead. This was the case for most of the show's run. This changed with the last quarter of the show: Not only we learned of her past problems with fitting in, we also learned that her smiles were not genuine as we believed. Which is actually ended with a much better lesson compared to Miyuki's similar storyline about faking smiles. In my opinion those few episodes makes up for her lack of focus.
Madoka was a different matter: She, her father and their relationship was one of the most interesting storylines of the show, but they suddenly put it on hold after Yuni entered the screen. Much more could be done with them, I agree, but still, I would rate it above Reika's similar storyline about following her own path.
Imagination theme is not used: Imagination is not just about drawing and such, it's "the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful," as in it's linked to our capacity of thinking. If we think this way, imagination is used as theme in many ways:
Series is based on fantasy and sci-fi elements, higly based on imagination.
Hikaru is a very imaginative person.
Both regular and Hikaru's constellations are created by random stars and imagination.
PreCure's outfits, items and powers are created from their imagination.
Monsters and Kappard's weapons are created by victims' imagination.
People can't understand other/different people because they can't imagine what it's being like to be them and living their lives.
Blotting of imagination means lack of thinking and lack of free will.
Twisted imagination is basically despairing and imagining about a bad future.
Main villain's plan stemmed from creative differences between her and Princesses.
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matsuriyobino · 5 years
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mew-cake · 5 years
hoshinahikaru replied to your post: I honestly makes me so mad how the hero aca anime...
horikoshi’s fanservice issues mostly lie with the hero costumes tbh (rip momo)
Honestly, even there the issue is mostly in the anime!!
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(They do close ups of Momo running as she’s thinking to herself to put the viewer into her state of panic, but like....that shot is totally unneeded)
And my most hated example:
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I still understand the criticism with Momo’s costume, but for the most part, it isn’t as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. It’s never really been the main focus in art she’s featured in. Sometimes I do get kinda “hnnn” but for the most part, once again, it’s the anime that’s exaggerating things for the sake of fan service.
Her costume making peeps uncomfortable is completely valid. But what doesn’t help is the anime making those complaints even MORE valid.
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bipinkbunny · 5 years
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So... I tried to reimagine Cure Star from Star Twinkle precure and this is the result i got !
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morinokunikara · 5 years
👉💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 (me shooting a love beam at u...)
thank you...
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maybells · 5 years
i just want to let u kno i love ur art.... its sof... warm.... like mash potatoes..... have a lovely day.,...
i love you julia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  omg mash potatoes....
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princesshalfdemon · 5 years
i NEED to know what you think of gal to kyouryuu... imo it looks super cute and reminds me of you
ooo, haven’t heard of it ‘till now!!! most of the gyaru things i’ve watched amd read are ecchi, but this seems more cute and child-friendly from a glance??? i might give it a watch!
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aqours-remade-again · 5 years
do you have a fave pdp girl?
asdf;klsjf i think i just got asked this a while ago but
1st years: rina or setsuna (probably rina)
2nd years: kasumi
3rd years: ai
i think kasumi is my fave of them all bc from the all stars trailer when it was subbed she seems like a lil shit like nico and i love that
its just hard for me bc i’m mostly an anime fan (i’m waiting on a PDP anime) and i don’t usually play mobile games that aren’t in english rip
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andromedako · 5 years
💗 emoji......
First impression: super cool!! good aesthetic and anime taste...
Your nickname in my head: ace! :-P
Closeness ratings [1-10]: maybe a 5-6!
Do I like you: yeah!!!
You are my: friend/good mutual!!!
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frillsofjustice · 5 years
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I thought I'd try out some of the leafy brushes I recently downloaded for the bg~ when I have the time I want to make a whole bunch of brushes so that they fit a bit more with my style. But for now these are fun to use~
-Emma <3
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nyatoran · 5 years
oh! prichan is basically a successor series to pripara! its a bit different but its also very fun and colorful! (abt the gif u just reblogged from me)
oh ok thank you!! i’ll make sure too check it out some time!
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hoshinahikaru replied to your photo “Seeing that the next precure season is about haeling I hope that the...”
wasnt this drawn by @letsudraw​
Ah, thank you for notifying me! I credited them as I actually didn’t know they drew it as I found that picture on Twitter. ^^’
-Mod Kami
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matsuriyobino · 5 years
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