#hoshina: i’ll kill you
narugen · 21 days
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au where mina is a fucking baddie and hoshina is the nerd librarian who falls in love with the girl who’s way out of his league constantly visiting his library asking for book recommendations and
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yue-chan077 · 4 months
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( #KaijuNo8 )
“I’ll hold about 1% hope for you.”
and-- it's my first Kaiju no.8 fanart ! and it's Hoshina 💙 Everyone- looks like I'm getting married to a certain man-- (chokes) 🏃✨
anyway-! the last episode was totally a banger !😭✨ I really am on the edge of my seat for the next batch of jumpacked actions in this anime ! ya all better check it out too ! ✨💙
I've always wanted to draw their combat suit so I'm happy to finally get my hands on it 😭😌✨ next time I'll do better! but dang hoshina's built totally killed me on this one 🤸🤸🤸
what do you think- guess who's releasing an oc soon 🏃🏃🏃
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justwinginglife · 11 days
Hello!! Hope you are doing well and are having a good day ❤️ Can you maybe do a fic with Narumi (Preferably if you do write for him) or Hoshina where he is together with a reader who faints quite a lot of times and still neglects her health. Hoshina or Narumi is like very very overprotective not yandere type but too sweet boyfriend type. Really want to read a long fic with oh so sweet kaiju no 8 boyfriend . Please do delete this if you don't like it..
Also thanks so much for being so kind and sweet. I love your fics so muchh. The way you write is so wonderful and super enjoyable to read. Do make sure to take care of yourself and not overwork:D
Hello again! @totallybakedcake I hope all your school things turned out well! If not, it'll get better <3 Also thanks so much for the compliments omg! I'm a happy woman :) Hope you have the BEST of days, I will 100% write this for you, Narumi and all. I hope this was a long enough fic, it felt very long writing it lol. There is also mentions of a mature scene but no explicit detail.
Falling For You
The day you met Gen Narumi, you quite literally fell for him. 
The familiar, dizzying pull of gravity had suddenly taken hold of you, and -accepting your fate, as you had all the times before- you aimed your fall towards a nearby bench. When you pleasantly landed in his arms instead, your senses snapped to attention. You were suddenly very aware of his warmth, of his scent, of your lack of breath in the face of his allure. 
When he finally spoke, you thought you might bottle up the sound of his voice and save it for a rainy day. “Woah there. Maybe let’s not take a spill in the middle of the sidewalk, yeah?” 
You simply nodded. You hadn’t yet figured out how to conjure up your thanks, your words seemingly frozen in your throat. 
He searched your face for a moment, his gorgeous eyes unraveling you with every second that passed. “Are you feeling sick or something? Need anything?”
You shook your head.
“Okay… well, I need to get to work. Can I trust you to not bash your head open on the concrete if I leave?”
You nodded again. Apparently head movements were all you were capable of at the moment. 
He looked you over once more and then sighed before reluctantly walking away. Your heart pounded in your chest when he looked back at you, not once but twice, before disappearing into the distance. 
Then your phone beeped and you realized you had to get to work too. It was your first day and you couldn’t be late. You took off in the direction he went in and you wondered if maybe you’d see him on the way. You wondered if maybe you’d have the strength to actually thank him if you saw him again. You wondered if you’d ever see him again, or if that one moment was all you had to cling to. 
You may have underestimated fate because the moment you reported to your superior for your first day of work, you realized it was him and you nearly swallowed your own tongue. 
He looked up from his computer and his eyes almost bulged out of his head when he realized who you were. He looked from the report on his desk to you, then back to the report. “This is you? You’re my new officer??” 
You nodded meekly. “Yes, sir. I am.”
He sighed heavily, rubbing his temples like you were giving him a headache. “This fainting spell of yours. One time thing?”
You swallowed. It was more than enough of an answer for him. 
He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Great. So I’ve got a walking catastrophe at my door.”
You winced. His demeanor was completely different than it had been mere moments ago. You wondered if he had an evil twin or something. “I-I promise, I’ll be useful.”
His eyes narrowed. “You’ll be useful? Do you mean useful in getting my squadron killed trying to look after you? I don’t have the time or the patience for weaklings and I certainly don’t want them in my division.”
Suddenly your earlier timidity dissipated, now replaced with a raging fire. “With all due respect, Captain, I’m not a weakling in the slightest. And I’ve never had trouble with fainting on the battlefield before. I’ve never had trouble with anything on the battlefield before. You can look at my report again, as many times as you want, you can ask any division I’ve worked with, watch drone coverage of any battle I’ve won, as many times as it takes to convince you, but at the end of the day, I’m a valuable asset and you need me.” You met his gaze with steel of your own, daring his eyes to look away from you, daring him to underestimate your skill again. 
He stared at you for a moment. His fingers drummed over the report on his desk, the report that he’d already gone over extensively, the report that confirmed every one of your bold statements. Gen Narumi was infamous for slacking off, for running away from meetings, for dodging his mound of paperwork, but he would never let anyone onto his team without doing his research. There was too much to lose if he let an amateur run wild on his turf. Everyone in the Defense Force knew that if you wanted into the First Division, you went through Narumi. There was no chance in hell you’d be allowed in if he didn’t think you belonged there. After examining the resolve on your face, he spoke, “We’ll see about that. I’m putting you at the back for now, and if I think for even a second that you’re not cut out for this, that you’re wasting my time, I will bench you. I’ll more than bench you- I’ll end your career so fast, you won’t have time to blink let alone beg.”
You stood up straighter, saluting him. “Yes, sir. I won’t let you down, I swear. You’ll be nothing short of impressed.”
He nodded. “Good. I’m expecting nothing but the best from you after all that big talk of yours.” Then he cleared his throat. “And maybe let’s keep this fainting thing between the two of us, yeah? I don’t want anyone to know I let someone so feeble into my division.”
You bit your lip to keep from sassing your superior again. “Yes, sir.”
And with that, your second meeting with Gen Narumi came to its conclusion. 
It only took a couple weeks for the Captain to finally acknowledge you, having kept your promise to be of tremendous use to him. When you first followed the First Division into battle, even knowing your track record, he’d thought your skills a fluke. But over the next several weeks, you’d shown time and time again that your power was a result of vigorous training and combat experience, and he couldn’t ignore what an asset you were any longer.
He called you to his side on your next mission. You somehow had the nerve to tease him about giving you a promotion, but he’d snorted and said you were lucky to be on the front lines at all. When you completely obliterated the Honju before he could even pull out his bayonet, he almost considered making you Platoon Leader right then and there. But he was concerned about your… issue.
The next day, you’d woken up earlier than usual to enjoy some peace and quiet and Narumi hounded you while you were pouring yourself a cup of coffee. “So is it like a carsickness kinda thing? Only not in a car?”
You didn’t even turn to look at him. “Wow, not even a ‘good morning’ from you, Captain?”
He shrugged and snagged the pitcher from your hands, pouring himself a cup as well. “Just tryna narrow down the cause of your spells, that’s all. Can’t help being curious.”
You sighed as you stirred your cream into your coffee. “It’s not an issue, Captain. You should know by now it’s not an issue.”
He examined you as he took a sip of his drink. “Not out there, no. But in here? In here, I have to be careful you don’t drown yourself in the bath cuz you passed out, or conk out on the counter cuz you felt ill,” He moved to place a hand over the pointed edge, half teasing and half serious. 
You bit your lip to keep from smiling as you took a seat at a nearby table. “So what I’m hearing is, you think about me in the bath?”
He snorted. “Hardly. I’d just hate to have my favorite errand girl six feet under.” He slid into the chair next to you, slurping his coffee loudly.
“Ahh, so you admit I’m your favorite.” You teased, nudging him with your arm. 
He pouted. “But you’re not my favorite. You’re just… I don’t know what you are. You’re something. Real pain in my ass.” 
“Yeah, well, it’d help if you stopped worrying about me so much.”
He crossed his arms and huffed. “I’m not worried, I just don’t want this to reflect badly on me, that’s all.” 
You peered at him thoughtfully, trying to read his expression. “Okay. So let’s make a deal then. I’ll come to you anytime I feel poorly, and you stop harassing me about it. We’ll just let what happens happen.”
His eyes searched yours, trying to find some semblance of insincerity. Then, deciding he was satisfied with this arrangement, he stuck his hand out for you to shake. “Fine. Deal.”
You shook it and went back to enjoying your coffee beside him in silence. 
Both of you made the decision to form this pact together, but you weren’t sure Narumi fully understood just how frequently you’d be calling on him after this.
Your next episode was the very same day you’d made this deal. Just a couple hours after you’d finished having your coffee together, you were out running laps when you started to feel lightheaded. You called for him and by the time he made it out to you, you had collapsed on the track. Luckily, everyone was still inside eating breakfast, and no one had seen your fall. 
You woke up to him hovering over you, hand on your forehead, as he repeatedly called your name. 
When he saw you blink awake, he sighed with relief. “Fucking hell, you’re a mess, you know that?” He gave you shit but you could tell he was worried about you. He looked like he’d just run a marathon the way beads of sweat had collected down his face and neck and his breaths heaved heavily in his chest. 
You had to laugh at that. Captain of Japan’s strongest division, and he was more worried than you were. 
He glared at you. “Why are you laughing, what’s so funny about this?”
You shrugged. “Happens all the time. It’s no big deal.”
He groaned and collapsed on the ground beside you. “You’re telling me, I’m gonna be running myself ragged looking after you? What am I, your babysitter?”
You poked him in the arm, smirking. “Hey, you signed up for this.”
He sighed. “Yeah, yeah. You’re right, you don’t have to look so fucking smug about it.” Then he was quiet for a moment. “Hey… I think maybe I should… be around you more. So I’m not too far away if something happens.” He swallowed as though the sudden intimacy of his request was too shameful to bear speaking aloud. But he knew he had to. He couldn’t keep running all over base to find you, what if you didn’t call him in time and collapsed in front of a moving truck? 
You thought about it for a moment. You’d never had someone actively caring for you like this before. It was a nice change of pace. Even if that someone was your annoying Captain. And even then, he wasn’t all bad. He seemed to you like he was only rough on the outside, but you felt you were one step away from breaking down those walls of his. You wondered what the view on the other side of those walls would look like. So you agreed. 
Soon, you were doing everything together. You were taking walks together, training together, going to movies together, having meals together. It was hard for people not to think you were dating. Though, Narumi was frequently putting down any rumors of the sort, saying he was just trying to make sure his investment in you wasn’t a waste. And he did end up promoting you to Platoon Leader so he could keep a closer eye on you. He had no qualms about it considering you had more than proven yourself capable and worthy of the position. 
And he was more attentive than you thought he’d be. He’d noticed you never drank water enough and when he’d encouraged -practically forced- you to start drinking more, you fainted slightly less. He’d started cooking you home cooked meals in case your diet of junk food and frozen meals were the culprit for your spells. He’d even started sending you to bed early so he could be sure you were well rested. Of course, he never took credit for being so kind. He’d simply say he couldn’t stand to see you looking so shriveled up so you had to take a sip of his water. Or he’d say the junk food was making you sloppy, so you had to try his food instead. Or he’d say the bags under your eyes were too pitiful a sight to see, so you just had to retire for the night. And when you’d say to him every time, “It’s okay Narumi, I know you secretly care. Thanks, Narumi,” with the sweetest smile he’d ever seen, he thought he felt his heart soften a little more each time. 
Eventually, things changed between the two of you, when you did, in fact, almost drown in the bath. 
“Didn’t I fucking call it? Didn’t I say you might do this one day? You need to be more careful, damnit.” Narumi muttered, sitting on the bathroom floor and averting his eyes while he held out a towel for you. 
“Gen…” You cooed.
He blushed when you called him by his first name for the first time. “Yeah, what is it?” He grumbled. 
“You can look, you know. It’s just me.”
The shade of red dug even deeper into his cheeks. “I’m not… I’m not gonna look. Just hurry up and get dressed.”
“And what if I wanted you to look?” You pulled yourself up from the water and kneeled in front of him. 
He met your gaze for the first time all night. “And why… why would you want that?”
“Because I like you, Gen.”
He couldn’t stand the way you purred his name like it was meant to sit pretty on your lips. He couldn’t stand the sight of you naked, dripping wet, waiting for his response, waiting for him to like you back. He couldn’t stand the way he felt every time he was around you, the way his heart felt like it might burst, the way he worried when you had another spell, the way he relaxed when you were okay, when you were beside him, when you were nobody’s but his. And he couldn’t stand that he hadn’t kissed you yet.
So he took you on the bathroom floor and you discovered there were other reasons to be breathless, other reasons to be dizzy, other reasons to be lightheaded, that were significantly more pleasurable. And you decided that you’d sacrifice your breath to him every time, with no hesitation, just to get a taste of his lips again and again. 
When you finally started dating, it was to no one’s surprise. The entire First Division had already thought you were dating; they were more shocked that you were only now making it official. 
When you finally started dating, everything and nothing changed all at once. You still talked with him, still walked with him, but now you talked late into the night, huddled under the sheets with him naked, now you walked with his arm around your waist, pulling you closer whenever you’d stray too far for his comfort. You still ate with him, still drank with him, but now you were sharing meals, sharing drinks. You did everything together that you’d always done, but now his love made itself known to you in every second of every day, in every breath he inhaled, in every breath he exhaled, in every word he uttered, in every touch he savored, in every moment in your presence. 
He loved you so immensely, so emphatically, so infinitely, that you thought the only way one could ever be truly loved was to be loved by Gen Narumi. 
When you’d stay late and overwork yourself again -completely by accident, you knew he’d scold you otherwise- he’d throw you over his shoulder and carry you to bed. When you’d forget to eat, he’d force feed you food until he was satisfied. He’d care for you even when you forgot to care for yourself. Especially when you forgot to take care of yourself.
And when he’d examine you thoroughly after battles to make sure you weren’t hiding any injuries from him, when he’d admonish you for being reckless even though he himself was reckless, when he’d check your pulse, check your temperature, check your oxygen levels, when he thought you might be even the least bit under the weather, you knew his overbearance was nothing more than love at its purest. 
Eventually, you had less and less fainting spells with each and every day that passed, after being so thoroughly and wonderfully cared for by him, and when you did feel the occasional dizziness consume you again, he was always right there beside you, waiting for you to come back to him. 
You’d always wondered what the view would be like once his walls came crumbling down, and the sight of his heart laid bare for you made the wait worth it. And it was all yours, he never let you forget that.
And when he finally proposed to you, murmuring, “So I can care for you always,” you simply smiled at him, accepted the ring, and said “You already do, baby, you already do.”
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biolumien · 3 months
Hi omg your writing is amazing. Thank you for serving us some good food. Was wondering if you could do a prompt with Vice Captain Hoshina and a reader with glasses?
I've recently been diagnosed with really bad eyesight. Enough for me to get a disability card. And suddenly it makes sense why I always struggle to find people in crowds or from a distance. Was wondering if you could do write something related to it? Like maybe reader lost Hoshina in a crowd. And because their vision is super blurry even with glasses, its hard to make out where he is and stuff.
I recently read your Samurai Hoshina fic and it was divine. 🙏 Keep it up you are a godsend.
notes: hihi, thank you for your request and your kind words ;-;; i hope this is okay; i wrote a little drabble so i hope it's okay🙏...!
found you!
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader mentions of a constricting, tight crowd that might be uncomfortable if you have claustrophobia and the like ;-; word count: 708
you wish you hadn’t lost hoshina in the crowd after all. when the kaiju attack was called, he’d leaped into action, even off-duty, pulling off his button-down shirt to reveal the izumo tech suit still underneath. 
“stay here. i’ll come back for you later. i promise.” he’d kissed you on the head, despite your growing protests that it wasn’t safe, and quickly before pulling out his twin katanas and pushing deep into the scattered crowd to confront the kaiju threat. it’d been hard to see the fight in the distance, but you thought you saw a gigantic plume of smoke forming a hazy mirage over the horizon, and the faint flickering of orange and yellow of a possible fire. it’d terrified you, but hoshina could handle himself. you knew that much. 
but now that the kaiju had been dispersed, you still saw no sign of him. you’d been corralled away along with the rest of the civilians towards a shelter, but when the defense force officer in charge of overseeing your shelter came back with the announcement that civilians were free to return back outside, hoshina was still nowhere to be found. when you’d asked the defense force officer if there was any sign of hoshina, he’d simply shrugged.
“i thought he was off duty for today.”
decidedly unhelpful, but what made it worse was that you couldn’t really parse through the crowd at all. you were surrounded by a horde of strangers, each of their features as blurry and indistinct as the next, trying to ignore the pounding in your heart. hoshina’s red eyes, the warmth of his smile. he’d said he’d come back, and there was no way he’d let just any old kaiju kill him. that was utterly impossible, right? you swallow, trying to ignore the rising panic in your chest. 
and somehow, the crowd, seeming to respond to your panic, only seemed to thicken, pressing up against you. 
“sorry, sorry,” you murmur weakly as you bump into a stranger. “sorry. i’m–i’m just trying to–”
the words soon die on your throat as someone from the back of the crowd continues to push you forward. you look around, cursing the fact that you couldn’t see where anything was too distinctly–you don’t even think you remember the signposts that were close to you when hoshina told you to stay put. your pace falters for a moment, as you try to gather your bearings–but before you can, you get slammed so hard from behind that your glasses fall off your face, skittering to the ground. 
you drop down, trying to feel for them, because suddenly your head hurts and you don’t know what to do. you think something like a strangled sob leaves your lips.
“found you.”
you look up towards the source of the voice, even your peripheral vision blurry enough that you could only make out a vague dark shape on your shoulder, and another dark shape wrapping around your wrist–a hand, thankfully–pulling you to your feet. 
“hoshina,” you say, relief creeping into your voice. 
“hey,” hoshina says softly, tender fondness in his voice. your hands fumble, not quite sure what to do, and you can feel the soft subtle breath of hoshina’s shaking laugh. “lean forward for me?”
you do, and hoshina places your glasses back on your face, his fingers gentle.
he seems thankfully unharmed as he comes back into focus, but your hands reach up to touch his face, to map the way his cheekbones feel against your thumbs.
“why the hell did you run off like that?” you ask, slapping your hands on his face with a little more force. he winces, laughing–you feel the corners of his lips quirk up, the way his cheeks press up as he smiles. “and you left me, too!”
“i’m sorry,” hoshina says, only sincerity in his voice. “i didn’t mean to leave.”
“i know you didn’t–you couldn’t have predicted the kaiju attack–but don’t just rush off without giving a more concrete plan of where you’ll be,” you scold. “i don’t think my heart could take if if i couldn’t find you again.”
hoshina nods, leaning forward to press his forehead to yours.
“i’m sorry,” he murmurs quietly. “i’ll always find you, okay? i promise.”
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brookghaib-blog · 3 months
Whispers of the past pt.10
Pairing: Hoshina Sohiro x reader
Summary: 10 years ago, Y/N went missing after being attacked by a kaiju, now working by Gen Narumi's side as his secret weapon, she hides herself in hopes that one day she reconnects with her first love, Hoshino Soshiro.
pt.9 - pt.11
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Y/N's pov:
I sat in Narumi’s office, the sterile environment contrasting sharply with the whirlwind of emotions inside me. I had been officially released from confinement, cleared of any immediate threat, and now I was to become an official officer of the First Division. Narumi had arranged everything, but as I sat there, I felt nothing but a hollow emptiness.
Narumi watched me from behind his desk, his brow furrowed with concern. He had always been a figure of strength and authority, but now, his worry was palpable.
“How are you holding up, Y/N?” he asked gently, his voice breaking the silence.
I looked up at him, my expression blank. “I’m fine, Captain Narumi. I’ll focus on my duty and only that.”
Narumi’s concern deepened. “You don’t have to do this alone. If you need to talk, I’m here.”
I nodded mechanically, not trusting myself to speak further. The past few days had drained me of any energy to feel or express emotions. The betrayal by Soshiro, the public humiliation, and the crushing weight of my reality had left me numb.
After a few moments of silence, Narumi sighed and handed me my new identification badge. “Welcome to the First Division, Officer Y/N. I know you’ll do great things here.”
I took the badge, my fingers brushing against the cold metal. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate the opportunity.”
Narumi stood up, walking around the desk to stand beside me. “Remember, Y/N, you’re more than just your duty. Don’t lose yourself in this.”
I managed a small, tight smile. “I’ll do my best.”
Leaving his office, I made my way to the bar where I had worked for years. The familiar neon sign flickered above the entrance, casting a dim light on the street. As I pushed the door open, the smell of smoke and alcohol enveloped me, a stark reminder of my past.
Mr. Orochi was behind the bar, wiping down the counter. He looked up as I entered, his eyes momentarily brightening before a strange, almost robotic expression settled on his face. I ignored the unease that crept up my spine and approached him.
“Mr. Orochi,” I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. “I’m here to tell you that I’m quitting. I’ve been given a new job, and I’ll be working with the First Division from now on.”
Mr. Orochi’s movements were stiff, almost unnatural. “That’s… good news, Y/N. Congratulations.”
I hesitated, noting the odd way he spoke, as if he were struggling to find the right words. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” I said softly. “This place has been a refuge for me, and I’ll miss it. I’ll visit whenever I can.”
A strange, mechanical smile crossed Mr. Orochi’s face. “You’re always welcome here, Y/N.”
The concern in me grew, but I pushed it aside, attributing his odd behavior to the shock of my sudden departure. “Take care of yourself, Mr. Orochi. I’ll see you around.”
As I turned to leave, his voice stopped me. “Y/N, wait.”
I looked back, my heart tightening. “Yes?”
“You will kill kaijus now ah?” he said, his eyes empty of emotions. “Just be careful.”
I nodded slowly, a sense of foreboding settling over me. “I will. You too.”
Leaving the bar, I walked down the darkened streets, my thoughts swirling. Mr. Orochi’s behavior was strange, but I had too much on my plate to dwell on it. I had a new job, a new purpose, and I had to focus on that.
The weight of my new role as an officer in the First Division pressed heavily on my shoulders, but it also gave me a sense of direction. I would pour everything I had into this new chapter of my life, hoping that somehow, I could rebuild what had been shattered.
But deep down, I knew that the scars of the past would not fade easily. The betrayal, the pain, and the loneliness would haunt me for a long time. Yet, in the midst of it all, I clung to the faint hope that maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to heal.
As I walked away from the bar, the night air cool against my skin, I felt a small glimmer of determination. I would face whatever came next with strength and resolve. I had survived this far, and I would continue to fight, not just for myself, but for the people who believed in me.
No matter how difficult the road ahead, I was ready to walk it, one step at a time.
I walked into my apartment, the familiar scent of home wrapping around me like a comforting blanket. It had been a long, draining day, and I felt the weight of it pressing down on me. The conversation with Narumi, quitting the bar, and Mr. Orochi’s strange behavior had all taken their toll. All I wanted now was a moment of peace.
As I wandered into the living room, my eyes fell on the photo frame sitting on the shelf. It was a picture of Soshiro and me from happier times, when everything seemed simpler and our future together seemed certain. My heart tightened at the sight, the ache of betrayal and loss resurfacing.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I picked up the frame, my fingers tracing the edges of the photo. Memories flooded back, each one sharper and more painful than the last. I knew I had to move on, to let go of the past if I was ever going to find peace. But the thought of discarding this piece of my history felt impossible.
I walked into the kitchen, the photo frame clutched tightly in my hand. Standing over the trash can, I hesitated, my emotions warring within me. The logical part of me knew that I needed to let go, to throw away this reminder of what once was. But my heart couldn’t bear to part with it entirely.
With a shaky breath, I turned away from the trash can and opened a drawer. Carefully, I placed the photo inside, out of sight but not completely gone. It was a small step, but it was all I could manage. The drawer closed with a quiet thud, and I leaned against the counter, trying to steady my breathing.
The tears came then, silently streaming down my cheeks. I let them fall, the release of emotion a necessary catharsis. After a few moments, I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn’t let myself fall apart now. I had to keep moving forward, one step at a time.
Deciding that a hot bath might help soothe my troubled mind, I made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet, letting the water run until it was steaming. As the tub filled, I stripped off my clothes and stepped in, the heat enveloping me and easing the tension in my muscles.
I leaned back, closing my eyes and allowing the water to wash away the day’s stresses. The warmth seeped into my bones, providing a temporary respite from the turmoil inside me. For a while, I just soaked, my mind drifting in the soothing silence.
After what felt like an eternity, I finally climbed out of the tub, feeling a little lighter but still burdened by the weight of my emotions. I wrapped myself in a towel and padded to my bedroom, the cool air of the apartment a stark contrast to the warmth of the bath.
Slipping into bed, I pulled the covers up to my chin and closed my eyes. Tomorrow, I would start my new role at the First Division base. I had to be ready, both physically and mentally. There was no room for doubt or hesitation.
The atmosphere buzzed with energy as everyone went through their drills, the vice-captain Eiji barking out orders with military precision. I moved through the exercises, my body remembering the training from my past, each movement sharp and controlled.
Narumi, true to his reputation, lounged nearby, engrossed in his video game. He seemed almost disinterested, but I knew better. His seemingly casual demeanor belied a keen awareness of everything happening around him. His eyes occasionally flickered up to assess the team, ensuring we met his high standards even without his direct intervention.
As I completed another round of sparring, the vice-captain approached me. "Y/N, you're being summoned to the lab. Your suit is ready."
I nodded, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves. This was the moment I had been waiting for. My suit, adapted specifically for my unique abilities, would finally be put to the test. The eyes of my teammates followed me as I made my way to the lab, curiosity and skepticism evident in their gazes.
The lab was a stark contrast to the outdoor training grounds. Sterile and filled with advanced technology, it was a place of innovation and discovery. As I entered, the head scientist greeted me with a nod. "Y/N, we've completed the adjustments to your suit. It's time to see what you can do."
I stepped into the suit, feeling the familiar sensation of the material conforming to my body. It was lightweight but incredibly durable, designed to channel and enhance my abilities. The scientists worked quickly, securing the final pieces and connecting the suit to the monitoring equipment.
"Alright, Y/N," the head scientist said, "let's begin with a basic power test. Release your energy gradually, and we'll measure the output."
I took a deep breath, focusing on the power within me. Ever since my transformation into a kaiju, my human abilities had been uncertain. I feared that I might disappoint, that the expectations would be too high. But I couldn't let that hold me back.
Slowly, I began to channel my energy into the suit. The monitors beeped softly, the readings appearing on the screens. I felt the suit resonate with my power, amplifying it, directing it. The energy flowed through me, a familiar sensation but now heightened by the suit's enhancements.
The scientists murmured amongst themselves, their expressions growing more animated. I pushed a little harder, increasing the output. The monitors beeped more urgently, the numbers climbing. I felt a surge of adrenaline, my determination intensifying.
"Keep going, Y/N," the head scientist urged. "Let's see your full potential."
I closed my eyes, drawing on every ounce of strength and willpower. The power within me surged, the suit glowing with energy. I heard gasps of astonishment, but I kept my focus, pushing myself to the limit. The energy peaked, the monitors flashing with the final reading.
"83% power release," the head scientist announced, his voice tinged with disbelief and awe. "Incredible."
I opened my eyes, panting slightly from the effort. The room was silent, everyone staring at the monitors, then at me. The skepticism had vanished, replaced by a mix of admiration and shock.
"Y/N," the head scientist said, "this is unprecedented. Your control and the power you can release… it's extraordinary."
I felt a swell of pride, but also a deep sense of responsibility. I had proven myself, but I knew this was only the beginning. There was so much more to learn, so much more to achieve.
As I stepped out of the suit, the head scientist patted my shoulder. "Well done, Y/N. You've exceeded all expectations."
I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and determination. This was my new path, my new purpose. I would embrace it fully, using my abilities to protect and serve. The doubts and fears that had plagued me were still there, but now they were overshadowed by a newfound sense of confidence.
Returning to the training grounds, I noticed the shift in my teammates' attitudes. Their skepticism had turned to respect, and I felt a sense of belonging. I was no longer just an outsider trying to prove herself; I was a valued member of the team.
Narumi glanced up from his video game, a rare smile playing on his lips. "Not bad, Y/N. Not bad at all."
I smiled back, feeling the weight of his words.
Third person pov:
Narumi leaned back in his chair, the soft hum of the conference room's air conditioning blending with the murmur of voices. The room was filled with high-ranking officers and key members of the Defense Force, their faces marked with a mixture of curiosity and concern. The topic of discussion was their newest officer, Y/N, and the extraordinary potential she had demonstrated.
"Her power release score is 83%," one of the scientists began, adjusting his glasses as he addressed the room. "This is an unprecedented level for someone who has not had any previous combat experience within the Defense Force. Typically, it takes months, sometimes years, for an officer to reach such a level of power output."
General Shinomiya, a stern figure with a reputation for being particularly cautious, furrowed his brow. "How is this possible? How could she achieve such a high score without prior field experience? Is there something we're missing?"
Narumi tapped his fingers on the table, drawing their attention. "Y/N's abilities are indeed remarkable," he said, his tone calm and measured. "But we must remember that her transformation into a kaiju and subsequent training have given her unique advantages. Her control over her power is unparalleled, and the suit has only amplified what she already possesses."
"Still," Shinomiya interjected, "we must consider the risks. A power output of 83% is not just impressive; it's dangerous if not properly managed. How can we be certain that she won't become a liability or, worse, a threat?"
Narumi's gaze hardened slightly. "Y/N has already proven her trustworthiness. She chose to reveal her true nature to us, knowing full well the risks involved. If she had any intention of causing harm, she wouldn't have come forward. She's committed to the Defense Force and to protecting humanity."
Another officer, Captain Fujiwara, leaned forward. "But can we really afford to take that chance? We have to consider all possibilities. What if her kaiju nature becomes dominant?"
Narumi shook his head. "Her humanity is what drives her. I've seen it firsthand. She has no desire to let her kaiju side take over. If anything, she's fighting it every step of the way. And that's precisely why we need to support her, not push her away."
The room fell silent for a moment as the officers exchanged glances. The weight of their decisions was palpable, each one understanding the gravity of the situation.
Finally, General Shinomiya spoke again, his tone more measured. "Very well, Narumi. You've made your point. But we need a safeguard. Someone who can closely monitor her progress and ensure that she remains on the right path."
Narumi didn't hesitate. "I'll be her supervisor. I've already seen what she's capable of, and I believe in her potential. With the right guidance, she can become one of our most powerful assets."
There was a murmur of agreement around the table. Captain Fujiwara nodded. "Having someone with your experience and insight overseeing her development is the best course of action. If you vouch for her, Narumi, then we trust your judgment."
General Shinomiya gave a final nod. "Very well. Narumi, you will be responsible for Y/N's training and supervision. Ensure that she receives the support and guidance she needs. And keep us updated on her progress."
Narumi stood, a sense of resolve settling over him. "Thank you, General. I won't let you down. And neither will Y/N."
As the meeting adjourned, Narumi felt a mix of anticipation and responsibility. Y/N's potential was immense, but so were the challenges ahead. He knew that guiding her would require patience, understanding, and unwavering support. But he was ready to take on that challenge, convinced that together, they could unlock her true potential and ensure that she became the powerful, trustworthy officer the Defense Force needed.
Leaving the conference room, Narumi felt a mix of anticipation and responsibility. The decision to oversee Y/N’s training was a significant one, but he was confident in her potential and determined to support her through the challenges ahead. Just as he was about to head to his office, he saw Y/N running towards him, her face streaked with tears.
"N-Narumi!" she cried out, her voice trembling. Panic surged through him as he rushed to meet her, his mind racing with possibilities.
"Y/N, what happened?" he asked urgently, placing his hands on her shoulders to steady her. Her whole body was shaking, her eyes wide with distress.
"It's Mr. Orochi," she managed to choke out between sobs. "He was found dead… his head was… his head was cut off. They just left his body on the street."
Narumi's heart sank. Mr. Orochi had been a mentor and a friend to Y/N, the person who had provided her with some semblance of normalcy and support during her darkest times. He felt a surge of protective anger mix with the sorrow in his chest.
"Come with me," he said gently, guiding her to a quieter corner of the hallway. He needed to calm her down and get more details. "Tell me everything you know."
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I went to the bar to quit my job because I'm joining the Defense Force officially. Mr. Orochi was there, but he was acting strange. I thanked him for everything, and he seemed… off. But I thought maybe he was just tired. Then, I found out, one of the girls called me… they found his body this morning."
Narumi's mind raced. There was no way this was a random act of violence. Someone had targeted Orochi, and it likely had something to do with Y/N’s transformation or her new position in the Defense Force.
"I’m so sorry, Y/N," Narumi said softly, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "We'll find out who did this. I promise you."
She nodded against his chest, her sobs subsiding but the pain in her eyes still raw. "Why would someone do this? He didn't deserve this."
"I don’t know yet," Narumi replied, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions inside him. "But we’ll get to the bottom of it. For now, let's get you somewhere safe."
He led her to his office, signaling to one of his officers to bring them some water. As they sat down, he kept a close eye on Y/N, who was still visibly shaken. Narumi knew he had to stay strong for her, to be the anchor she needed right now.
"Do you have any idea who might have done this?" he asked gently once she had calmed down a bit.
She shook her head. "No. Mr. Orochi… he didn't have any enemies, at least none that I knew of. He was just a kind man."
Narumi nodded, deep in thought. This situation was more complicated than it appeared. "We'll need to investigate this thoroughly. But for now, you need to rest and recover. I’ll have someone over at the police to look into Mr. Orochi’s death immediately, and investigate, they'll informe us as soon as they know something."
Y/N wiped her tears away, a determined look slowly replacing the sadness. "I want to help. I owe it to him."
Narumi admired her resolve but was also worried about her state of mind. "We'll discuss it once you've had some time to rest. You’ve been through a lot, and I need you at your best if we’re going to figure this out together."
She nodded reluctantly, knowing he was right. "Thank you, Narumi. For everything."
"Everything for you, Y/N." he said softly.
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Imagine A Quiet Moment With Soshiro Hoshina
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(A/N:) I am a complete and total Kaiju No. 8 nerd!!! This series is so freaking good and I don’t think enough people know about it nor have read it! I love the artwork and all the characters! I really hope they make it into an Anime sometime cause I would love to see several scenes animated. So I had to write a little something something for my top fave character (which I really have several favorites). So this is the end result happy reading! ~Countess
Soshiro Hoshina X FemReader
Warnings: Suggestive themes
Dating THE Soshiro Hoshina was difficult, it didn’t help that he wanted to keep the relationship a secret. He claimed that it wasn’t very professional and while you could agree with him the biggest reason for him to keep such things from his fellow soldiers was he could be very jealous. He wanted to keep you to himself and had the odd imagination of someone wanting to steal you from him. All you could do was pat him on the head and assure him that you wouldn’t leave him for anyone else. Except maybe Kafka, though you were teasing when you told him that. Hoshina took it literally and was on his way to kill his subordinate when you stopped him and kissed him passionately. For teasing him you were trapped into spending hours cuddling on the couch in his apartment while watching movies.
After a particularly hard and deadly battle you limped into Hoshina’s office to see him bandaged and tired writing out paperwork. You locked the door behind yourself and scooted a chair by his side. He knew you had entered but he had yet to acknowledge you. While he preferred playing this work needed to be done because one it was important (the higher ups said so anyway) and two he didn’t feel like messing with it later. He rather mess around with you anyway. Filing the last piece he finally swiveled around and leaned forward pressing his forehead to yours.
“I thought I lost you today,” he mumbled.
“I thought I lost you,” you replied burying your hand in his black hair.
“I don’t ever want to feel that helpless ever again.”
“Soshiro you can’t be perfect all the time. There’s going to be moments where we can’t control things and things will go wrong. Especially in our fields. I mean we fight and kill monsters a hundred times bigger than we are. We are soldiers first and foremost this is what we do,” you kissed his cheek trying to comfort him.
“I just don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you,” he sighed cupping your face in a large calloused hand.
“You would continue on for my sake and you would make it. It would hurt at first but I know you could make it through.”
“What about if you lost me?”
“I’d think finally! What took him so long to kick the bucket,” you laughed at his glare. “I’m kidding I’d be a mess.”
“And what makes you think I wouldn’t be.”
“Because I know how strong you are. I said that you would hurt at first but time does heal wounds or rather they scab over and you get used to dealing with them,” you cooed.
“Are you sure you aren’t a therapist wearing a Defense Force uniform,” Hoshina questioned getting up from his seat and tugging you upwards. You stretched your arms across his shoulders nibbling at his jawline. “A blind dog finds a stick every now and again babe.”
“Oh yeah,” he grinned.
“Shut up I’m too tired for your cheekiness.”
“I thought that was my whole charm that reeled you in.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Okay then was it my dashing good looks?”
“More like oh crap I feel so sorry for him I’ll date him to make him feel better,” you said dramatically.
“Now I know that’s a lie, c’mon don’t be shy you can tell me the truth,” Hoshina continued with wondering hands.
“Keep traveling downward and this conversation ends now and you’ll know nothing.”
“Yes ma’am,” he obeyed hands now resting on your hips.
“Truthfully I’ve had a crush on you forever. I had your poster on my wall in college, I didn’t wait to volunteer long after I saw you in action,” you blushed.
“Oh a groupie then. Never knew I had one of them.”
“I want to punch you so bad in the face right now,” your blush deepened.
“Apologies,” he held you tighter. “You know what will make me shut up.”
“I’m listening,” you cocked an eyebrow.
“Lot’s of kisses.”
“I think I’ll oblige you just this once.”
Hoshina leaned down capturing your mouth with his and that’s how you both spent the evening until it was time to go home.
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headinthe-fridge · 4 years
My Grandfather’s Lawyer (pt.8)
⁂ – Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader –  ⁂
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warning: nsfw, swearing
Summary: Your grandfather, Washijo Tanji, disowned your mother when she was pregnant with you and her hatred towards him was passed on to you. Now, your estranged grandfather wants you to leave your life in Tokyo and come live with him in his estate in the Miyagi Prefecture.
You took a day off and a 6-hour trip, intending to give him a piece of your mind before disappearing from their lives forever. You didn’t expect to see an ailing and fragile old man. Your day trip stretched into weeks and soon, you patched things up with your estranged family and warmed up to everyone -except to one: Ushijima Wakatoshi -your grandfather’s lawyer.
He thinks you have ulterior motives in reuniting with your grandfather.
You weren’t suppose to care what he thinks of you. His opinion didn’t matter.
But it did.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
AN: Ahhh, it’s ending soon, you guys. But don’t worry, I already have a new story in my drafts, I am just not sure if I should write another Ushijima fic or with another character. Who should I do next?
‘a familiar voice spoke beside you that nearly made you fall off your seat.’
"Oya, y/n-chan! There you are hiding!"
To say you were startled was an understatement but that's Bokuto Kotaro for you. The man never seem to run out of energy every time you see him.
He sat beside you, his enthusiastic smile never leaving his face. “You look amazing.”
You blushed at his words. “Thank you, though my shoes are killing me.”
“Here,” He unceremoniously reached for your ankle and placed your feet on his lap.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Relax, gorgeous, I’m gonna make your feet a little better.” He winked at you before pulling out a small, circular container from his pocket. “I love the smell of eucalyptus so I always bring this little buddy here,” He showed you the topical balm before applying some on your blistered feet.
The minty scent filled your nose while the cool salve soothed your reddening skin. Kotaro took hold of your other leg and did the same with your left foot.
“Oh, what’s this?”
You and Kotaro simultaneously turned to Kuroo who just came, carrying a pack of bandage plaster. Beside him stood the stone-faced lawyer, looking as dashing as ever that it made your head hurt.
He looks so damn good all the time, it’s not even fair.
“Just helped Miss gorgeous a little.”
“Put this over the blisters, since you’re already holding your feet.”
Kuroo was about to give the pack to Kotaro when Ushijima butted it, hand stretched out towards your cousin.
“I’ll do it.”
Your heart skipped a beat, a protest formed in your mind but before you could voice it out, Kuroo gave Ushijima the pack while Kotaro vacated his seat beside yours.
“Take care of her, alright. We’re gonna go grab some drink.” Kuroo advised.
“Man, I’m hungry. Let’s go, Kuroo-san.”
With that, you were once again alone with Ushijima in a secluded area at night. Your last encounter with him flashed inside your mind, his lips sucking on your, his body pressed against yours, and his hands on your-
You dispelled the sinful thoughts away as he took the seat next to you. You will not submit yourself to him again. No, this time you’re gonna be unmovable.
You gulped as you tried to calm your racing heart.
Shit, why does he have to smell so damn good to?
He sat there staring at you, making you squirm. You couldn’t fathom what he was thinking for his face did not give anything away.
“Stop staring! You’re making me uncomfortable!” You hissed.
A small smile ghosted his lips but it was gone the next second, you thought you imagined it.
“Sorry, it’s just that you’re so beautiful tonight. You look dazzling as always, I feel like kissing you again.”
Your heart did a somersault while your stomach fluttered. Did you hear that right? Ushijima Wakatoshi just complimented you. You felt your insides melt. 
“May I?” He asked and the only thing you could do was nod.
His hand reached for your leg, sending tingles all over your body at the contact. He examined your blisters before opening the pack of plasters.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, forcing the words to come out of your mouth to escape the awkward silence that lingered between the two of you.
He looked at you briefly before continuing with his task. “Why? Am I not invited?”
“You were m.i.a. for a week, I’m surprised you knew about this party.”
“So, you missed me?”
You stilled. “W-why would I miss you?” 
Ushijima chuckled at your flustered reaction. He then reached for your other leg and started to peel open another plaster. “I know there’s a party, I know where the venue is, I know what time it will start, and I also know that the main course for tonight is your favorite baked barbecue back ribs, simply because I was the one who organized this.”
“Did you like the table’s centerpiece? I heard you loved lilies when you were in high school but I wasn’t sure if you still do so I tasked Atsumu in confirming it for me.”
So that was why Atsumu, some time last week, asked him you out of the blue if you prefer roses or lilies. Then asked again between peony and lily, and orchids, and daisies, and a whole other flowers whose names you can’t remember now. You always chose lily because Ushijima was right, it was your favorite.
“I don’t know what to say,” You breathed, warmth seeped into your chest at the thoughtful gesture. “Thank you.” You finally added.
Ushijima gingerly placed your feet down before crouching before you. “Here let me put these on for you.” He reached for the heels on the stone floor and carefully slipped it back to your feet.
“You don’t have to thank me, Tanji-san really wanted to surprise you so I had to be meticulous about every detail, or I’ll lose my job. So he says.”
“Oh, I see.”
Your heart broke. You thought he did it wholeheartedly but it was clear he only did it for the sake of his job. And here you were, getting all giddy over nothing. Turning soft over nothing. You swore you were not gonna submit to him but you just did it again. Now, look what happened.
“What’s wrong?” He asked when you abruptly stood up. 
“I’m gonna go back inside.” You took a step but Ushijima held your arm, stopping you in place.
“You’re mad, I can tell. What is it? Was it something I said?” 
You turned back to him, his face once again back to his usual scowl. There it is, that’s the Ushijima you know, not the soft boy that he was earlier.
“I’m not, why would I be mad? Please let go of my arm.”
“I don’t believe you. Tell me, what is it?”
“I told you it’s nothing! Let me go.” You tried to yank your arm free from his grasp but he did not budge.
“Why do you always run away from me? Tell me, who are you afraid me, really, me or yourself?”
Afraid that he would see the truth in your eyes, you looked away. “I don’t know what you mean, please let me go.”
And he did. He did it without any other resistance that it caught you off-guard. You did not linger any second longer and bolted out of his sight, walking as fast as your blistered feet in heels could carry you.
The past week that you haven’t seen him made you restless. Every time the door chimed, you unconsciously expected that it would be him. The next thing you knew, you were yearning for his brooding presence and scowling face. Your day didn’t felt complete without seeing his handsome face shooting daggers at you.
You were afraid, yes, but not of him but of yourself. You knew why, you like him. His kiss lingered at the forefront of your mind, his body ignited a prairie fire within you.
You were standing before the buffet table, torn between the chocolate mousse and mango tiramisu when Kotaro appeared beside you again and picked a dessert for you.
“This is heaven.” He smiled.
You beamed at him in return and took the sweets from his hand. “Thanks, you’re a life saver.”
“Are you enjoying your party?”
“Yeah, everyone’s really nice.” You replied, but your smile dulled at the memory of your exchange with Ushijima earlier. Unconsciously, your eyes scanned the crowd until it fell on the said lawyer, animatedly chatting with your cousin, Hoshina. It was the first time you saw smiling like that, eyes wrinkling in mirth, full set of teeth showing. You felt a painful prick at your heart.
“Are you okay?” Kotaro asked, but you didn’t reply. His eyes followed your gaze and saw what you saw.
“It’s Toshi, isn’t it?” You turned back to him, eyes wide and was about to deny when he beat you it. “Don’t deny it, I can see it in your face.”
“What about you? You think you’re hiding it well but I can see it too.”
It was his time to get flustered. “W-what do you mean by that?”
You chuckled softly at his reaction. “Come on. Ko, you’re in love with Hoshina, and I can tell you have been for a long time. Why are you not shooting your shot?”
He shook his head, both you gazes falling back to the people that held both your affections. “She’s a Washijo, heaven never came down just to be with the earth.
“Oh, please, believe me, that cousin of my has a soft spot for you.” You lightly pat his cheeks twice in endearment and encouragement.
“Thanks for the boost but I’d rather not let my hopes get too high.”
“So, how does it feel to be so important?” You just got out of a cubicle after taking care of your business when Hoshina greeted you. Leaning on the comfort room counter. “I bet you’re rejoicing now that you have everyone’s attention including Wakatoshi and Kotaro’s.”
You brushed past her and approached the sink to wash your hands. She turned and looked at you through the mirror and you met glare.
“It’s as you say -I am rejoicing, I feel great.” You shook your hands to whisk away excess water then finally faced your cousin. “Why, do you have a problem with that?”
Her smirk vanished. “When are you leaving? As far as I remember you wanted to go back to Tokyo as soon as possible, how come you’re still here?”
“Ah, didn’t you know? I’m staying here for good. I’m a Washijo too, and I also have the right to live here.”
“What made you change your mind? Does it have something to do with Kotaro?”
Your mind blanked for a few moments at her questions. Then it finally dawned on you, all thesse weeks of Hoshina being hostile towards you was because she was insecure -and all for the wrong reasons. You were relieved but thought of teaching her a lesson.
“Do I hear jealousy here? And if I say yes, what are you gonna do about it?”
Her ears fumed at your words. “I’m warning you, if you want to have a peaceful life here, leave Kotaro alone.”
“Last I checked, you’re not his girlfriend so you don’t have any right to threaten me like that. And no, I will not leave him alone just because you told me to.” You challenged and you expected for her to fight back but instead, her face fell.
“But...” Tears welled in her eyes and you felt guilty for going overboard.
“Don’t worry, Ko and I are just friends.”
“What did you say?”
“You heard me, we’re just friends.”
“You don’t have feelings for him?” Her voice sounded hopeful, her menacing tone gone.
“Why would I? He’s not really my type so he’s all yours.”
You did a double take when Hoshina blushed.
“I-I’m sorry.”
“What for?” You asked, now more than surprised.
“For my behavior since you arrived. I haven’t really been very welcoming.”
“You don’t say. I could still feel you shooting daggers at the of my mind but don’t worry about that. I understand that you were just being spiteful, and probably a little biased because of the things you might have heard about my mother, like how biased I was about ji-ji.”
Hoshina gasped. “You finally called him ji-ji.”
You smiled softly. “Yeah, I just did.”
“He’s gonna be so happy when he hears it. He would always whine about you not calling him that for weeks.” She groaned.
You were happy, you bounced in your steps as you and Hoshina exited the comfort room together, chatting, and laughing together. You never gave up the hope that you will get along with your cousin soon, and that’s what’s happening now.
You were deprived of the feeling of having relatives all your life and that was the reason why you easily forgave Hoshina for her shortcomings. It’s all in the past, and now you want to focus on the future. But even if you told her that you would be staying for good, deep in your heart you still weren’t sure.
Taglist: @thegrumpyhag​ @sushij1ma​ @valoryess​ @yakus-yakult​ @ly-nia​ @ushi-please​ @plutoglass @kokofirebangbomb​ @strawberryy-milkk @melanieacademy​ @defunkitatedmess​ @lunarknox​ @wtoshii​ @kyomihann​ @multishippers-trash-blog​ @monviemoo​ 
Part 9
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orangesays · 4 years
Kafka on the Shore
Disclaimer: It’s going to be a long review as Haruki Murakami is my unsurpassed favorite writer.
I have read Men without women followed by Norwegian wood and Wild Sheep Chase. Kafka on the shore is my latest read by the author and I don’t think I have ever experienced anything like this before. The characters, plot, philosophies and metaphors in every Murakami’s book, everything is outlandish.
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Genre:  Novel, Magical Realism, Fantasy Fiction
Author: Haruki Murakami
Kafka Tamura runs away from home at fifteen, under the shadow of his father’s dark prophecy. The ageing Nakata, tracker of loss cats, who never recovered from a bizarre childhood affliction, finds his pleasantly simplified life suddenly turned upside down. As their parallel odysseys unravel, cats converse with people, fish tumble from the sky, a ghost-like pimp deploys a Hegel-spouting girl of the night; a forest harbors soldiers apparently un-aged since WW II. There is a savage killing, but the identity of both victim and killer is a riddle – one of many which combine to create an elegant and dreamlike masterpiece.
When I started reading this book I had no idea what a joyous and mysterious ride it would be. I was already aware of the marvelous storytelling by Murakami. It is such a joy to read story alternatively narrating Kafka’s life in odd chapters and Nakata’s life in even chapter. Kafka trying to escape while Nakata being a dimwit  (might be relatable to so many of you, including me) provides an edgy story ahead.   Not just Kafka and Nakata, but every character has enthralling existence in the story. Murakami personifying Johnnie Walker and Captain Sanders is queer yet so arousing (I never imagined someone characterizing them). There are many absurd incidents like conversing with cat or fishes raining from the above, makes the plot more dreamlike.
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The whole experience of reading Murakami is mesmerizing. The way he describes every set up is magical. Kafka residing in library is my best-loved thing in the book (goals for me, yay!). In the end, spoilers, the place where Kafka meets his mother is an abstract concept. The place is so effortlessly narrated by him, it keeps building in your mind with each line. There are lot many things he highlights. I loved how Oshima led his/her life, not getting caught in gender role or Hoshina giving up his job in a go to follow his heart. I was spellbound when Miss Saeki and Kafka converse in the end, it felt like a necessity for Kafka and us.
“ If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.”  - Miss Saeki, Kafka on the Shore
When I finished reading, I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions, about the book, myself, life. Murakami offers you much to think about and much more to take with you. He has an impact on you which stays longer and hopefully lifetime. There is no moving on from Murakami. As soon as you finish one, you will be yearning for more, just like pani puri (I’ll be here to recommend you more, don’t worry!). I have said so much still it feels so unjustified to what a far out experience it is, definitely I cannot contain it in words!
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If you haven’t read him yet, (please do, you’re surely missing out on something), let me tell you, he’s a master of open ending. I positively hope that someday I could get to read Kafka on the Shore part 2 (I know it’s next to impossible but let me be little optimistic). PS: I have read English translation, but if you could, go for original version, original is always better. But if you’re language bound like me, then English definitely works.
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minatsuki-on-main · 6 years
BTB background info masterpost #2 (RIS-related characters)
As a followup to this post about general lore, I’ll deal with info and trivia on characters from the non-supernatural side of the story here. Note that, again, 1) I’m not making a summary of the plot 2) this is mostly random notes and trivia, there might be more information on the wiki (which, however, I can’t verify, so I won’t mix it in with mine). There are a few characters that we don’t know much about other than a general idea of their personality through their participation in the plot, so some notes here aren’t detailed but I’m open to suggestions if backed up.
Info about RIS members and people (more) related to them
Keith Kazama Flick
Investigator at RIS
Nicknamed ‘Genie’ (=genius in German)
Takes on the role of Canopus in regards to the prophecy (a position previously occupied by Heath Kazama Flick)
Deciphered the Jetblack Epitaph at age 12
Well-versed in mathematics, physics, cryptography and biology (more specifically genetics)
Son of Heath Kazama Flick
Has spent a portion of his childhood at Jaula Blanca living with his father
Had an adoptive sister named Erika
Went to university with her and Gilbert
Was already working at RIS when Erika got assassinated (see: post #1)
Abducted Dead Kyle (Erika’s supposed killer) from the hospital and tortured him
Was exiled to the Archives Division of RIS for 7-8 years as punishment for the Dead Kyle incident
Returned to the Coastal Branch afterwards (at the beginning of the anime, on the anniversary of Erika’s death)
Age unspecified but should be around his forties (is inflexible, has bad stamina
Owns a notebook inherited from his father that contains notes about the resurrected gods, some pages of which are in Koku’s possession
Knows basic survival skills like fishing
His hobby is cooking, especially Gumbo with shrimp, which seems to be his favourite dish
Drives dangerously
His favourite singer in university was Kate Bush
Sometimes inattentive to his surroundings (his documents are expired, doesn’t hesitate to ruin a digital blackboard by drawing schemes for the current murder case)
Doesn’t understand the mindset that leads to murder and considers it an illogical act
Has been suspecting Gilbert ever since Erika was killed but didn’t come forward about it to anyone without solid proof (perhaps out of residue affection towards him)
Could have had a pseudo-incestuous relationship with Erika; however, this is only strongly hinted and never explicitly stated
Lily Hoshina
Investigator at RIS
Around 25
Shorter than 160cm (5′3)
Holds resemblance physically and in character with Erika Flick
Lives with her father, brother and adoptive brother, Koku
Equal intellectual capabilities to Keith’s but more on the intuitive side
Enjoys food a lot, especially pastries and Zeppole di San Giuseppe in particular
Likes techno music (in which she differs from Erika)
Lively and tends to be snappish when indignated
Extremely persistent
Has some knowledge of astronomy (from a high school ‘sweetheart’)
Kaela Yoshinaga
In charge of informatics, programming and security systems at RIS
Very aggressive when angry
Excellent hacker
Likes drinking
Has a taste for cars (especially Hummers)
Wears an earring in one ear
Dislikes people who complain about society
Has a bit of a morbid fascination for RIS’s murder cases and actually likes being involved in them
Mario Luis Zurita
Work is more centered around direct action than brainwork
Holds the police in high regard
Strong sense of justice
Thinks solving cases one at a time is more productive than focusing too much on the big picture
Brian Brandon
Seen doing online research for the cases
Has a bit of an anxious personality (which also makes him perceptive to the RIS being spied)
Well-versed in cryptography (communicated a message to Keith through the watch)
Boris Meyer
Branch leader at RIS
Oldest member
Knows most things about Keith’s past and sometimes tends to spill them (especially to Lily)
Guards Keith’s gun that can shoot blue steel bullets (Keith asks him to bring it before the Heian-Jin fight)
Struggles with technology and texting
Jean Henri Richard
Long-time RIS member since before Erika’s murder
Undercover Market Maker agent
Has been brainwashed by Minatsuki
Generally well-liked among the team
Likely of French origin (uses his name with the French pronunciation)
Eric Toga
Higher position in RIS comparing to the younger ones, also a long-time member
Has a lot of respect for Keith and claims to have learned everything from him
Tends to be strict but has a habit of snapping when particularly angry or drunk
He was the one who had to arrest Keith for the Dead Kyle incident
Had a plan of his own of kidnapping Dead Kyle but Keith anticipated him due to lack of communication; this event made him value teamwork in the future
Seems to have both connections and good knowledge of informatics (he can get satellites moved on request within a few seconds)
Has a nail-biting habit
Gilbert Ross
Forensic doctor at RIS
Has the prophecy role and codename ‘Regulus’
Keith’s close friend since boarding school who he also went to university with
Has Impulse Control Disorder and a possible additional Dissociative Personality Disorder that functions as a coping mechanism for the former (later post on this to be expected)
Serial murderer due to an innate necessity to kill and a lack of control over it
Son of Alberto Puzo, Jaula Blanca CEO, who was his first victim (Gilbert claims his motivation was his father’s ‘softened attitude towards research’)
Used to have romantic feelings for Erika Flick (whether they’ve been in a relationship at one point is unspecified)
Murdered Erika because she ‘fell in love with the wrong man’ in his words
Has always known about the existence of reggies (possibly through his father)
Proposed and led the attack on Jaula Blanca to retrieve Minatsuki
In close cooperation with Market Maker and reggies, coordinating the organization along with Minatsuki whom he has kept under psychological manipulation since childhood
Covered up his murders by swapping places with reggies before being discovered
Has an underground facility where he commits his crimes underneath the RIS’s building which costs around tens of millions to maintain
Preserves his victims’ corpses through embalming
Most of his actions had the goal of setting up a puzzle for Keith and getting him to commit murder by killing him
Utilized Minatsuki’s brainwashing ability for various ends, among which communicating his messages to Keith and conditioning reggies to confess to his murders in his stead (which he also did with Dead Kyle)
Often hallucinates Erika
He considers murder to be the core of his personality to the point where he gets emotionally hurt upon Keith telling him he doesn’t understand it
Most of his victims are young women similar to Erika (which brings him to target Lily)
Enjoys making video recordings of significant events of his life and rewatching them
Has a strict daily routine which makes him an undetectable criminal
His separate personalities were created to cope and erase the guilt after each murder
Heavy smoker and coffee-drinker (possible reference to the comorbidity between ICD and substance abuse)
Tends to have breakdowns and temper tantrums when things don’t go his way
He’s reminded of Erika by the snow
His favourite band was Blue Öyster Cult
Erika Flick
Keith’s adoptive sister
Physically similar to Lily, the main differences being her taste in music, two star-shaped birthmarks on her shoulder, and wearing glasses
Gilbert was in love with her and they might have been in a relationship for a certain period
Insinuated to have had an affair with Keith (which Gilbert references by saying she ‘fell in love with the wrong man’ and ‘couldn’t keep her emotions under control’)
Murdered by Gilbert, probably out of jealousy
Heath Kazama Flick
Keith’s father
Had the role of Canopus before Keith
Of Japanese origin, has lived in Japan
Cellular biologist (also researching genetics)
Was among the scientists who successfully resurrected the 13 winged gods in the new restoration program at Jaula Blanca
Humanitarian approach to research
Liked being around children at JB, is often seen talking to them or bringing them on excursions
Murdered by a young Minatsuki on Gilbert’s command during the Jaula Blanca attack
Might undergo updates. The next post will be about reggies and resurrected gods individually. For corrections and further questions, send me an ask. Again, I’d point you all towards the wiki, where there are plot-related descriptions as well. 
Part one | Part three (soon)
22 notes · View notes
Appearing before The Dramacourt: You Always Haunt My Heart Eps 1 and 2
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether it was reasonable for Kojiro Yoshizaki to criticize Ogawa Kyoko during a gokon
Whether it was reasonable for Kojiro to avoid Kyoko at first
Whether Ren is pretty messed up
The Rule(s):
Yes. So messed up.
Jubiemon J: I came across this Japanese drama randomly and decided to give it a shot. I started from the second episode and was a bit annoyed by the female lead, Ogawa Kyoko, at first, but then someone mentioned in the comments that this drama had been adapted from a manga. I decided to read the first volume of the manga and was disturbed, but nevertheless intrigued. I decided to give this drama another go and luckily, it is just as interesting as the manga thanks to the decent actresses and actors (esp Mukai Osamu who plays Hoshina Ren here).
I think what’s really interesting about this drama is that you can’t really tell who the male lead is, in this case. Kyoko is still obviously attached to Ren, in a psychological sense, yet she also wants to break free from him, making her become attracted to Kojiro. Ren acts as her security blanket–the only one that was able to accept her flaws and see her in positive light back when she was all alone in university. It’s natural for her to still be drawn to that dependency. However, she has experienced a very negative and scary experience with Ren and after that, she has realized how important it is to break free from Ren.
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Look at that scary scene from the past . . . Kyoko lying there..
Truth be told, she probably sees through who Ren really is but still has a bit of trouble accepting it. Here we have her in this drama, struggling to follow her mind, which is telling her to move on and change into a stronger person, versus her heart, which is wanting her to stay the same and be glued to Ren.
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Kyoko believing in him . . . thinking that he’s an angel
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Ren: You don’t have anyone to talk to but me…
Usually I don’t give summaries about a drama, but in this case, I think it’s important to give some background to understand where Kyoko is coming from and why she acts in certain ways. (Of course, the drama doesn’t show Kyoko’s past so linearly, but I’m going to do that so it’s easier to follow along.) Kyoko has always had low self-esteem and self-confidence due to her stuttering and weaker social skills. It doesn’t help that her classmates in elementary school, high school, and college have all made fun of her. They switch one part of her name so that it turns into something that means being petrified/shocked. That name is like a dog tag and follows her around throughout her life; she’s pretty much branded and believes that she’s like that. It’s even worse that her mother is so negative towards her and favours her younger sister far more. Her mother sees no talent in Kyoko and is very ashamed of Kyoko’s stuttering. As a result, Kyoko has never felt loved or accepted and becomes very vulnerable to exploitation.
This exploitation comes from Ren who acts like the perfect Prince. He is everything you’d expect in a gentleman–kind, accepting, smart, gentle, and handsome. He is the only one that tells her that she can be herself and stay as herself. Because it’s the first time that anyone has said that to her, Kyoko feels very loved and secure. She becomes very dependent on Ren and goes to him whenever she has problems at home or at school. Ren teaches her how to be more comfortable with herself by wearing a braided scarf. Before, Kyoko would wear braids and braid her hair to feel secure. After Ren’s teaching, she begins to wear braided scarves. (This is also a symbol of her dependency towards Ren. It’s sort of like how her heart is knotted and she can’t get out of this entanglement. To Ren, her braided scarf is like a dog leash. It means that he is hers.)
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Ren braiding that scarf to replace her braids
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Ren: You just have to stay as is.
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Ren: Stay how you are.
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Kyoko: Stay as is?
One day, Ren is crying in a classroom and Kyoko asks if there’s anything that she could do for him. Ren tells her to live only for him and she agrees. The next scene we see is Kyoko on the ground with her long hair cut by Ren’s scissors. Ren is on top of her and probably has tried to kill her. (Severe trigger warning (Do not read this part if you feel uncomfortable with disturbing sexual content: In the drama, we see that Kyoko once performed a strip show to comfort Ren’s guy friend. In the manga, however, this part is darker. Instead of a strip show, Kyoko slept with the guy friend/classmate. Ren tried to test Kyoko’s loyalty by asking her to sleep with guy friend of his. If she did, then Ren would break up with his many girlfriends and only give his attention to Kyoko. Kyoko didn’t want to at first, but then Ren pointed to her that she had agreed that she’d do anything for Ren. Kyoko naively slept with the guy friend of his in a classroom while Ren waited outside. When she and the guy finished, you could see that her underwear had been stained red, meaning that she gave her virginity to that stranger. She then told Ren that she listened to him, which would mean that he’d only date her. Ren pushed her away, saying that she was filthy and gross. He said that she was like a whore and would open her legs up for anyone. Then he left her crying in that classroom.)
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Ren: You said you’d do anything for me right?
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Kyoko: I did . . .
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Ren: Then let me see your genuineness. If you do then I’ll break up with all the other girls and only be with you.
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Kyoko: . . .
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Kyoko: Really? You’d do that?
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Outside of this university club and inside are men waiting for Kyoko to strip…
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Naive girl listens to Ren
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Takes off her clothes
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Noooo, Kyoko! Don’t do it. Don’t do it.
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Loses her soul here . . .
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Stop girl . . . seriously broke my heart seeing her do this.
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😥 😥 
(Trigger warning: Ren, in the manga, is shown to have been abused by a parent who would strangle him until he peed his pants. The abuse likely caused him to have this messed up personality.)
After that event where Ren tried to kill her, the two separated and Kyoko now is working at a lingerie store. She is in charge of determining the fabric for the lingerie and works with designers. She goes on a gokon where she meets Kojiro, who is an editor for a mangaka. Kojiro is the opposite of Ren. Kojiro is very blunt, honest, and good hearted. Unlike Ren who seems like a perfect prince at first glance, Kojiro gives off an intimidating vibe that makes him seem mean/unapproachable. Ironically, Kojiro has a very kind heart, which Kyoko sees and becomes attracted to. Just when Kyoko thinks that she is finally moving on, however, Ren comes back into her life . . . as one of her managers.
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Look at the bright and happy Kojiro!!
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Calling her to thank her about writing her thoughts about the manga he’s editing
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Look at how happy she is being with Kojiro!
I’d say that this drama is not for the lighthearted and is not the typical rom com with all that fluff. This drama carries a lot of dark emotions and deep, psychological subjects. It’s that type of drama where you think is really . . . off-putting at some points, but then you can’t help but keep watching it. You want to know whether Kyoko will change. That’s what’s making me watch it.
Actually, Kojiro and Kyoko are more similar than at first glance. Kojiro also likes to say “a person like me” and feels inferior to this woman who he seems to like/have some attachment to. He keeps avoiding this woman’s texts and calls like how Kyoko is avoiding Ren’s constant unknown number calls. I think they’re both trying to move on with their lives, but some other figures are pulling them back. I hope Kyoko and Kojiro will mature together.
  Issue 1: Whether it was reasonable for Kojiro Yoshizaki to criticize Ogawa Kyoko during a gokon
Jubiemon J: Yes! It was totally reasonable for him to criticize Kyoko. Kyoko needed someone harsh to tell her that she was being stagnant and somewhat arrogant for thinking that she could just stay the way she was and expect anyone to love her. Kyoko made this huge outburst (she often does b/c she’s not very good at communicating and hence bottles up her thoughts for too long until she can’t contain them) during the gokon. She was trying to clarify to the people at the table that she wasn’t in love with Ren. Ren was the one that caused her to be unable to be in normal relationships and that anyone that could accept her flaws would be good enough for a normal romance. Kojiro gave her more perspective by challenging what she said.
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Changing her order to please her friend
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Judging her weak behaviour…
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Bursting out with some explanation about how anyone will do
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Criticizing her
Kojiro points out that she’s a pushover. Though she wanted tequila, she ended up with the Chicago after her friend told her that she should order that. She also loves her job, yet she ended up agreeing with one of the guys at the table that she’d rather be a housewife, for the sake of being scared of voicing her opinion. However, Kojiro does end his speech with a “just kidding”, to make the atmosphere not so awkward. We all know that he’s being serious though. He finishes his speech by saying that he said all those things because that was what the book that she had said to do. (A self-help book that was supposed to help her improve her communication skills fell out of her purse during the dinner.) The book happens to be one that the publishing company that Kojiro works at published.
Overall, I think Kojiro is a good influence on Kyoko and I’m excited to see their relationship develop more.
Issue 2: Whether it was reasonable for Kojiro to avoid Kyoko at first
Jubiemon J: Definitely! After Kojiro scolded her at the gokon, she ended up confessing to him. She barely even knows the guy! Plus, she was asking him for his address while clinging onto him. That was pretty freaky.
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Kyoko confessing that she wants to be like him who is able to order Oolong tea.
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She wants to exchange emails.
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She says no, I want your address. I like you. Please date me.
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Kojiro running off – basic instincts. Fight or flight.
I’m glad that he didn’t immediately accept her because I think in the real world, you wouldn’t do that unless you’re really interested in just sleeping with her. He can sense that there’s something off about her, so it’d be best to run away and try not to see her again. I’m also glad that he didn’t accept her because that way it’d push Kyoko to try to improve herself so that he will not be scared of her. If he had, it’d be a repeat of Kyoko x Ren.
Issue 3: Whether Ren is pretty messed up
Jubiemon J: Ren is totally messed up. His traumatic childhood has led him to become a manipulative, insecure mastermind. We see in ep 2 that he was abused as a kid where his dad would threaten to stab him. Subsequently, he acts that out in real life when he’s “trying” to protect this female co-worker from this ex-lover of hers. He is happy when he sees people at their worst, whether it be in fear, upset, or frustration. Ren honestly preys on the weak and needs to have control over everything, from his work to his personal relationships.
The main reason for this need for control is, again, from his childhood. He didn’t have any control; like I said, in the manga, he was choked until he peed his own pants. It’s only when he has control does he feel secure; it’s sort of like how Kyoko needs that braided scarf to calm her down and ground her. Instead of a scarf to chain him, Ren needs to chain others/situations.
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Kyoko: I never said that I’d go meet you tonight . . .
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Ren: You never forgot about me right?
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Kyoko: I’ve forgotten about you.
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Ren: Then what’s that scarf? 
Moreover, his childhood has made him insecure, in the sense that he doesn’t believe that anyone will actually fully love and accept him. That’s likely why he made Kyoko do something so extreme like strip in front of a crowd or in the manga, sleep with his guy friend. He wants to test her boundaries, yet when she does agree to his request, he can’t stand that she is “tainted” and is also afraid that someone will completely accept him. If someone does wholeheartedly love him, then he’d likely fall for her. If that’s the case, then he’d lose control over the situation; his feelings won’t be in control. He can’t stand that.
He can’t take losing control and that’s also why he keeps stressing to Kyoko that she doesn’t need to change. She just needs to remain as is. It’s like that classic story of someone caging a golden bird, not allowing the bird to fly free. Thus, when Kyoko is looking to improve herself, Ren keeps putting her down and creating situations where Kyoko will “have to” rely on him. We’ve seen how he purposely put her to work with a challenging designer because he knows that Kyoko wouldn’t be able to take the designer’s constant backlash. She’d have to rely on him. She surprises him by succeeding and though he does praise her, he later creates a situation where Kyoko is vulnerable again.
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Ren: People never change.
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Kyoko crying . . .
Props to Mukai Osamu for taking on this challenging role as Ren. I didn’t think Mukai Osamu did great as George in the movie adaption of Paradise Kiss, but in this drama, wow . . . he really has outdone himself! I’m talking about his micro expressions and subtle actions that totally show Ren’s darker side. Watch his eyes and his sly smile when you watch this drama. You’ll totally get the creeps and Muaki Osamu is really like the Ren in the manga.
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Look at that creepy stare.
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King of sinister smiles
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Scary look again
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The real Ren in action
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Disgusting friend . . . he’s terrible (even worse in the manga)
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Friend’s comment about Ren’s nose job makes Ren super mad. (Friend said he should get a nose job himself to become as popular as Ren with the ladies. This also implies Ren’s nose was broken due to abuse.)
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Seriously . . . a very evil, enraged stare. This is the real Ren, people.
Props to Yoshioka Riho for doing her best as Kyoko. Though she’s not 100% like the Kyoko in the manga, she still does a great job with portraying awkwardness. She has also been good at being someone with low self-confidence; you see her with her back always slouched and head down.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 5 = KYAH!! (I know this drama has dark/potentially disturbing content that’s not for the faint-hearted, but I think the way the cast has dealt with the characters and the way that the drama has tried to be true to the manga have been great. This drama just keeps you wondering what’s going to happen next and whether Kyoko will really escape Ren.)
File No: You-Always-Haunt-My-Heart-Eps-1-&-2 Appearing before The Dramacourt: You Always Haunt My Heart Eps 1 and 2 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read 
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recentanimenews · 4 years
J-Novel Club Licenses Slayers, Holmes of Kyoto, and More
  Light novel and manga distributor J-Novel Club were on hand today for Anime Expo Lite, the West Coast convention's answer to the current social distancing measures in place. During their industry panel, they rolled out an exciting slate of 13 light novel and manga titles, some of which are available to start right now on their website if you're a JNC member!
  Here's the full list of new titles:
  The Bloodline
publishing first on J-Novel Club
  After the fall of civilization, a hierarchical society was born where blood determines everything. The rich steal both the blood and lifespans of the poor, rejoicing in their now-eternal lives.
Nagi is a commoner fated to die, while Saya is royalty, gifted with eternal youth. When fate brings their unlikely paths together, their innocent love set the gears in motion to tear down the walls of a society built upon tremendous inequality and racial discrimination.
Beautiful and brilliant sorcerer girls just can't have nice things, huh? All I wanted to do was swipe a little bit of bandit treasure. Now suddenly I'm being chased around by icky trolls, nasty demons, mean mummies, and brooding golem bad boys. And for what? A tiny little artifact that can bring about the end of the world? Hah! I'll show them there's a reason you don't cross Lina Inverse…
  Start reading now
I Love Yuri and I Got Bodyswapped with a Fujoshi! (manga adaptation)
Meet Reiji Yoshida: a yuri otaku that loves yuri more than anything else in the world. All he wants is to enjoy his hobby in peace, but trouble ensues when he crosses paths with Mitsuru Hoshina, a fujoshi who is obsessed with boys’ love. Hijinks ensue, and a vengeful ghost residing in their school’s manga club swaps their bodies!
Polar opposites in both personalities and hobbies clash in this exciting first volume—follow the adventures of their comedic body swap experiences!
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My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me!
Awaking to absolute chaos and carnage while on a school trip, Yogiri Takatou discovers that everyone in his class has been transported to another world! He had somehow managed to sleep through the entire ordeal himself, missing out on the Gift — powers bestowed upon the others by a mysterious Sage who appeared to transport them. Even worse, he and another classmate were ruthlessly abandoned by their friends, left as bait to distract a nearby dragon.
  Although not terribly bothered by the thought of dying, he reluctantly decides to protect his lone companion. After all, a lowly Level 1000 monster doesn't stand a chance against his secret power to invoke Instant Death with a single thought! If he can stay awake long enough to bother using it, that is…
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WATARU!!! The Hot-Blooded Fighting Teen & His Epic Adventures in a Fantasy World After Stopping a Truck with His Bare Hands!!
It's a wonderful day for Wataru Ito, high school student, master martial artist, honorable and humble teenager, and all-around awesome guy. During his daily run to school he happened to get hit by a large truck barreling around a corner.
Not that this is the kind of event that would be the end of the likes of Wataru, of course, but when a truck runs into you, you get sent to another world. That's just the way things are sometimes. Still, Wataru's not about to take this kind of thing lying down! The first thing he sets out to do is find who's the toughest hombre in this land and go up against the greatest challenges this new world has to offer!
Oh, and the greatest fighter in this place also happens to be the Demon Lord who is kidnapping people all across the kingdom in an attempt to wipe out humanity? Even better! Wataru's main interest is in facing a tough battle; saving the world in the process is just icing on the cake!
Start reading now
Record of Wortenia War (manga)
Ryoma Mikoshiba, an ordinary high-schooler adept at martial arts, one day finds himself summoned to another world. The ones who summoned him, the O’ltormea Empire, cite the fact that 'when those summoned kill another living being, they can absorb a fraction of their strength and make it their own' as their reason. But upon learning the empire uses those they summon to strengthen themselves by foul means, Ryoma is consumed by hatred and slays an important member of the O’ltormean court.
Attempting to escape the Empire's borders while keeping his identity a secret, he is accosted by two twin sisters— one golden-haired, the other silver-haired— in a meeting that sets the gears of fate in motion. The curtain rises on a record of the wars of a young supreme ruler in this other world fantasy!
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A Lily Blooms in Another World
a J-Novel Heart title
Miyako Florence isn’t sad when her fiancée breaks off their engagement after two years. It’s all according to plan! Whisked to the world of her favorite otome game, Miyako frees herself from a dull noble to pursue her true soulmate: the game’s villainess Fuuka Hamilton. Proud Fuuka only has eyes for their mutual ex-fiancée! Miyako confesses her love to Fuuka and proposes that they run away together.
Fuuka agrees on one condition: Miyako must make her say “I’m happy” in 14 days. With conniving nobles, strange diseases, and magical rituals pulling them apart, can Miyako win the villainess’s heart? A tentative bud blossoms in this twisting romance from the author of Sexiled: My Sexist Party Leader Kicked Me Out, So I Teamed Up With a Mythical Sorceress!
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Mapping: The Trash-Tier Skill That Got Me into a Top-Tier Party
  Note Athlon was really looking forward to becoming an adventurer with his best friend (and crush) Miya. That is, until he drew Mapping—a rare skill with practically no purpose. In other words, it’s trash. This kicks off a vicious spiral for Note, who plummets further and further into the depths of self-loathing despair when Miya leaves him. He now spends his days drinking away his earnings, wondering how things might have been different if only he’d pulled a better skill...
But little does he know his trash-tier skill is about to score him an invite to a top-tier adventuring party! Note’s now determined to find his way through life—and a dungeon!—in order to make something of himself.
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Mapping: The Trash-Tier Skill That Got Me into a Top-Tier Party (manga adaptation)
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The Sorcerer's Receptionist
a J-Novel Heart title
  In a world of everyday magic, Nanalie has always dreamed of becoming a receptionist at the prestigious Sorcerer's Guild. To achieve her goal, she needs to attend a magic school full of princes and the daughters of nobles. Determined to prove that a commoner can be the number one student, she must compete with Rockmann, the son of a duke. When she graduates, she lands her dream job and they go their separate ways.
Nanalie enjoys spending each day alongside her familiar Lala and her kind co-workers, but it seems that fate won’t let her escape her entanglement with Rockmann that easily...
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Black Summoner
Waking up in a strange new place with no memory of his past life, Kelvin learns that he’s bartered away those very memories in exchange for powerful new abilities during his recent transmigration. Heading out into a whole new world as a Summoner — with his first Follower being the very goddess who brought him over! — Kelvin begins his new life as an adventurer, and it isn’t long before he discovers his hidden disposition as a battle junkie.
From the Black Knight of the Ancient Castle of Evil Spirits to the demon within the Hidden Cave of the Sage, he revels in the fight against one formidable foe after another. Join this OP adventurer in an exhilarating and epic saga as he and his allies carve their way into the annals of history!
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Black Summoner (manga)
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Holmes of Kyoto
a J-Novel Heart title
    Half a year after moving to Kyoto, high school girl Aoi Mashiro brings her late grandfather’s old scrolls to Kura, an antique store nestled in Kyoto’s Teramachi-Sanjo shopping arcade, for an appraisal. One thing leads to another, and she winds up working there part-time. The manager’s son, Kiyotaka Yagashira—nicknamed the “Holmes of Kyoto”—is uncannily perceptive, and together, they solve strange cases relating to the antiques brought to them by clients.
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    >> J-Novel Club Website
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brookghaib-blog · 2 months
Whispers of the past pt.12
Pairing: Hoshina Sohiro x reader
Summary: 10 years ago, Y/N went missing after being attacked by a kaiju, now working by Gen Narumi's side as his secret weapon, she hides herself in hopes that one day she reconnects with her first love, Hoshino Soshiro.
warning: you will either hate me or love me for this :)
p.11 - pt.13
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Hoshina's pov:
The warmth of Y/N's touch lingered on my skin as I pulled away from her embrace. But as I lay, my phone began to buzz insistently against my back pocket. I glanced at Y/N, who was blissfully unaware, lost in her dreams, looking at me.
“I need to make a phone call” I said.
Y/N looked at me, confused by the sudden need. “What? Who are you calling?”
“I’ll explain later,” I replied.
I slipped out of the couch and padded to the kitchen, where the glow of the phone screen illuminated the darkness. The name "Captain Ashiru" flashed repeatedly, accompanied by a string of missed messages.
Call me when you're alone.
Where are you?
Urgent. Call me ASAP.
A sense of foreboding settled in my chest as I dialed her number. Ashiru answered on the first ring.
"Where are you?" she asked, her voice sharp with worry.
"I'm out with a friend," I replied, keeping my voice low. I didn't want to wake Y/N. "Why? What's going on?"
Ashiru hesitated, then asked, "Is this 'friend' a girl?"
I felt a flush of embarrassment but answered honestly. "Yes, she is."
There was a pause on the other end of the line, then Ashiru's tone turned grave. "Hoshina, I received an anonymous call, here, at the base. They reported a humanoid kaiju disguised as a girl. Supposedly, this kaiju has been participating in killings during kaiju attacks. The caller said they saw you with her and that you might be in danger."
My heart skipped a beat. "Ashiru, that's absurd. Y/N is the girl I'm with, I mentioned her to you, it's a long story, I'll tell you later, but she the one who been working for the First Division under the name Chisuka. I know her, and I know she's still human and on our side."
"Hoshina, you can't be sure of that," Ashiru insisted. "The caller provided specific details. They mentioned seeing the girl killing during kaiju attacks. If Y/N is this girl, you might be in serious danger. We never heard of this before, if this kaiju is disguised it may be using her body, Hoshina it's not her."
I clenched my fist, anger and disbelief roiling inside me. "No, Ashiru. You don't understand. Y/N and I have a history. I know her. She's not a killer, I don't understand it either, but they are investigating her, we will have an answer."
"Hoshina, listen to me," Ashiru said, her voice urgent. "I want to believe you, but the evidence is troubling. You need to be careful. If there's even a slight chance that she's a kaiju, we have to take it seriously."
I leaned against the kitchen counter, my mind racing. Y/N had been through so much, and now this accusation threatened to tear apart the fragile happiness we'd found. "Ashiru, I'm telling you, she's not a threat. I won't let you or anyone else hurt her."
There was a long silence on the other end. Finally, Ashiru spoke, her voice softer. "Hoshina, promise me you'll be careful. If anything seems off, you need to call for backup immediately."
"I will," I said, my resolve firm. "But I'm not turning my back on her. Not now, not ever."
As I ended the call, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I couldn't let this accusation cloud my judgment. I knew Y/N. I trusted her. And I would protect her, no matter what.
The first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains as I woke to find Y/N still asleep beside me. I carefully slipped out of bed, not wanting to disturb her. I was exhausted from the emotional turmoil of the previous night, but I knew I needed to face the situation head-on.
Just as I reached the kitchen, my phone buzzed again, its insistent vibration a harsh reminder of the night's events. It was Ashiru calling, and I knew I couldn't avoid the conversation any longer. I answered, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Ashiru, what's going on?"
"Hoshina. I'm outside your door," she said, her voice tense. "Let me in."
"Did you just track my phone without my knowledge?"
My heart pounded as I hung up and headed to the door. Opening it, I found Ashiru standing there, six officers behind her, her expression grim.
"You went against me, Ashiru," I said, my voice laced with anger. "I told you Y/N can be trusted."
Ashiru stepped inside, closing the door behind her. "Hoshina, I have a job to do. The anonymous call we received is serious and cannot be ignored, you are letting your feelings get in the away, and you don't even know if she has any part of your Y/N inside that body. We have to follow our protocol. If you want to keep your job and position, and not be punished for being complicit with a kaiju, you need to cooperate."
I clenched my fists, feeling a surge of frustration. "She's not a kaiju, Ashiru. You don't know her like I do, I aknowledge that it's all sudden, I have only found her again yesterday after so long, but captain please. She told me everything, since when does a monster have any emotional inteligence?"
Ashiru's expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. "I understand that you care about her, but if she isn't officially recognized as an officer for the First Division,therefore she coulb be lying and even she's telling the truth about being Chisuka, this call could be enough to get her killed on the spot. If you want her to live, you'll do as I say. She has nothing protecting her or proving her word."
I felt a pang of helplessness as her words sank in. I knew she was right, even if it tore me apart to admit it. "She's not a threat. I won't let you hurt her."
As Ashiru moved towards the bedroom, grabing her arm, I stopped her, my mind racing with questions. "Wait. How did the person who called know about her? How could they have seen her attacks and not reported it before if they could recognized her? Do you know who the person was?"
Ashiru shook her head, her expression unreadable. "I told you all the information I was given. We have to follow through with the investigation."
I watched as Ashiru entered the bedroom, my heart heavy with dread. I knew Y/N would be devastated, but I had no choice. I had to protect her, even if it meant cooperating with Ashiru.
I found the love of my life after 10 years only for them to strip every confidence and love she just declared for me hours ago.
10 years.
I couldn't even be given 24 hours.
Y/N, prove them for me, hate me till then. Show them. That something as beautiful as you could never hurt even the tinniest creature.
Just don't run back to him while I can't save you. I love you too much.
-end of flashback-
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headinthe-fridge · 4 years
My Grandfather’s Lawyer (pt.6)
⁂ – Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader –  ⁂
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warning: nsfw, swearing
Summary: Your grandfather, Washijo Tanji, disowned your mother when she was pregnant with you and her hatred towards him was passed on to you. Now, your estranged grandfather wants you to leave your life in Tokyo and come live with him in his estate in the Miyagi Prefecture.
You took a day off and a 6-hour trip, intending to give him a piece of your mind before disappearing from their lives forever. You didn’t expect to see an ailing and fragile old man. Your day trip stretched into weeks and soon, you patched things up with your estranged family and warmed up to everyone -except to one: Ushijima Wakatoshi -your grandfather’s lawyer.
He thinks you have ulterior motives in reuniting with your grandfather.
You weren’t suppose to care what he thinks of you. His opinion didn’t matter.
But it did.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
AN: As promised, here’s part 6! This was a double udpate so if you haven’t read part 5, link is above this! :))
“Well, here’s something you should be afraid of.”
It’s been two weeks since your episode with Ushijima at the hospital garden. Because of your conversation with him, the moment you slipped back inside your grandfather’s ward, you immediately told him that you would stay, for a time. 
Of course, your grandfather was ecstatic and his happiness made you momentarily forget you major irritation for Ushijima Wakatoshi -who, in your opinion is the greatest villain of all villains in the ‘The Story of My Life.’ 
How dare he? How dare he use emotional blackmail against me? You fumed.
Your cousins were elated and excited to have you as well, except for Hoshina. Not news, you were kinda expecting that. Your first problem was clothes. You didn’t bring any when you boarded the train that day but the twins were quick to help you with that. So you spent three days running around the mall, going on a shopping spree -you tried to avoid ridiculously expensive branded clothing but the twins just kept on deviating towards it.
You mentioned your financial concerns to Kuroo but he shrugged it off, saying you had 22 years worth of money to splurged -care of your grandfather. That didn’t help much with your guilt but nothing you can really do about it.
Next was your job back in Tokyo. You gave Kiyoko the heads up that you won’t be returning home, indefinitely, and the cafe manager, despite his disappointment, had no other choice but to find a replacement -which he found in Hinata Shoyou, a friend’s friend.
So far, your stay was pleasant and you were steadily building your relationship between your cousins (save Hoshina) and your grandfather. Hoshina was complicated, there were many time when you thought she was going to approach you, in a peaceful manner, but then proceeds to glare and scowl at your at the last second. It bummed you, honestly. You never had a sister (and so did she) so you wanted to reallyyyy bond with her. But, she was as stubborn and hard-headed as you are. 
You asked the twins one time where their parents are and they said Kuroo’s parents are on a business trip in Singapore, their father (your uncle, second eldest) is in Sendai, managing his own business -a publication- their parents were divorced and they rarely see their mother who has her own family in Southern part of Japan. Hoshina’s are in Tokyo, securing a deal for the family business.
While your grandfather remains the company president, Hoshina’s father is the CEO and her mother the COO. Despite being the youngest son, it seems her father was the most reliable when it came to business.
So all in all, these two weeks sped by unceremoniously. Your aunts and uncles were quite excited to meet you as well. And you were relieved that Hoshina’s attitude wasn’t from her parents. 
Your train of thoughts came to a halt when your phone rang. You placed down the glass of water on the countertop to reach for it in your pocket. Your cousins were all busy -of what, you didn’t know, but they all had lives before you came so accepted that fact that you’re gonna be alone for the rest of the day, while your grandfather is having his rest -you just came back from his room. As for Ushijima -well, you don’t give a damn about his whereabout. You haven’t spoken to him since the hospital incident.
“Kiyoko?” You asked upon answering but a different voice spoke over the speaker.
“y/n-chaaan, are you not coming back?” Cried the person at the other end of the line.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips. “Hey, Tooru-chan, I miss you too.”
Oikawa Toruu was your senior in high school. He was the one who got you interested in the medical field so you always looked up to him as your mentor. He is currently completing his residency at a hospital in Tokyo.
“I was about to comeback home but my grandfather got sick. I decided to stay to take care of him.”
“Please tell grandfather-chan to get well soon. Iwa-chan misses you too.”
You smiled fondly at the mention of his boyfriend. These two are quite inseparable. You talked for a while, catching up and hearing stories from back in Tokyo. You felt homesick all of a sudden, you missed your friends.
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon. Call me anytime!”
“Byebye, y/n-chan. Love yah!”
“Love you too, Tooru-chan.” You replied affectionately and ended the call. You were about to reach for the glass of water again when someone spoke.
“So, Tooru-chan, I gather, is someone special to you?” 
You whipped your head around, facing the lawyer with a scowl. The man had a deep frown on his face, shooting daggers at you -well, what’s new with that?
“So the real reason why you wanted to go back to Tokyo immediately was because someone was waiting for you?”
“A respectable lawyer wouldn’t eavesdrop on personal phone calls.”
“I heard you mention your grandfather’s condition so I got curious.”
“And why would it make you curious?”
He clicked his tongue. “Well, let’s just say I was beyond surprised when you decided to stay when the last time we talked, you were vehement on going back to Tokyo. I can’t help but wonder what your grandfather promised you to make you stay. More so, he put me into work after the two of you talked privately.”
“Promised? What do you mean? And so what if he made you work, don’t you work for him?” You asked though you already have a hunch on what the lawyer meant.
It made your blood boil to say the least.
“I’m his lawyer and I am the first to know everything that he wants to do with his properties and wealth and to whom he will bequeath them.” He said nonchalantly but you knew there’s an underlying meaning. “I always remind him to work on his last will and testament but he always put it off. Then all of a sudden, right after he talked to you, he called for me to arrange the documents.”
“Look, I don’t know why you’re telling me this but I do know that the nature of your work doesn’t involve betraying your client’s confidentiality.”
“I’m certainly aware of that but that is if the client wants it to be confidential. In the case of you grandfather, he hides nothing from his family, and with you as his grandchild I know that one of these days, he will talk to you about it -that is if he hasn’t told you yet.” He explained then smirked. “Or am I right that in one way or another, you influenced him in his decisions?”
Your jaw clenched at what Ushijima was insinuating. “You keep talking in circles. If you want to say something, spit it out! Get straight to the fucking point.” You spat but it didn’t affect the man a tiny bit.
He scoffed before advancing towards you. “Why are you so angry? We’re just talking, why be so defensive?” He took another step but you held your ground. “Guilty? Tell me, is that your condition with your grandfather, to give you almost everything and in return, you will stay here?”
Anger welled up within you, churning your insides, red filled your vision and the next thing you knew, your palm collided with Ushijima’s cheek with full force. A loud slap reverberated around the hall while your palm felt numb.
You didn’t give a damn, not even when Ushijima’s eyes burned in fury as he cupped the reddening cheek.
“So after knowing that you’re a Washijo heir you think you have the right to do that?”
If looks could kill, you would be laying dead by now
But you can’t lose to him. You don’t want to lose to Ushijima Wakatoshi. “You think you can scare me? Think again. I’m not sorry I slapped you and I’ll do it again -wholeheartedly if I must, the next time you accuse me of something that never crossed my mind!”
“You’re really brave, huh.” He dropped his hand and took a step even close, staring you down. “Well, here’s something you should be afraid of.”
In one swift, his hands caught your head and whatever you wanted to say got stuck in your throat when Ushijima sealed your mouth with his in a searing kiss.
Part 7
Taglist: @thegrumpyhag​ @sushij1ma​ @valoryess​ @yakus-yakult​ @ly-nia​ @ushi-please​ @plutoglass @kokofirebangbomb​ @strawberryy-milkk @melanieacademy​ @defunkitatedmess​ @lunarknox​ @wtoshii​ @kyomihann​ @multishippers-trash-blog​ 
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headinthe-fridge · 4 years
My Grandfather’s Lawyer (Pt. 10)
⁂ – Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader –  ⁂
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warning: nsfw, swearing
Summary: Your grandfather, Washijo Tanji, disowned your mother when she was pregnant with you and her hatred towards him was passed on to you. Now, your estranged grandfather wants you to leave your life in Tokyo and come live with him in his estate in the Miyagi Prefecture.
You took a day off and a 6-hour trip, intending to give him a piece of your mind before disappearing from their lives forever. You didn’t expect to see an ailing and fragile old man. Your day trip stretched into weeks and soon, you patched things up with your estranged family and warmed up to everyone -except to one: Ushijima Wakatoshi -your grandfather’s lawyer.
He thinks you have ulterior motives in reuniting with your grandfather.
You weren’t suppose to care what he thinks of you. His opinion didn’t matter.
But it did.
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
AN: AHHHHHHH it’s ending, just one last part after this. Once again, thank you guys, like reaaaaally thank you for reading My Grandfather’s Lawyer. I really appreciate it. I hope you also support my next fics. :)))
"Listen, babes," Tooru stood akimbo with a brow raised as he looked at you.
 "After everything you told me -his actions, him acting up whenever you're with that Kotaro guy, those are indications that he likes you too. He's acting up cos' he's jealous."
You groaned. "But that's impossible, how can he be jealous when it's Hoshina she likes?"
"Oh god, I knew you are hard-headed but I didn't know you also have a thick skull."
You grimaced at him and was about to reply when the doorbell rang. Your grimace turned into a glare, directed at none other than Tooru. "Who the hell did you invite this time?"
The said man looked at you innocently. "No one! It's just Haji and me, plus Shoyo who knows about your farewell party," He reasoned out.
Your eyes roamed the house, Kiyoko was on her way to the door while Shoyo and Hajime lounged on the couch -a forgotten movie playing on the television. It had been two weeks since you got back in Tokyo and today, your clique decided to throw you a farewell party since you will be staying in Miyagi for good starting tomorrow.
Your bags are packed and you're ready to go -or not. At least not until after you've wasted yourself with your friends on your last day in Tokyo. You promised to stay in touch with them and schedule get-togethers in the future, you've also planned on having them stay over in Miyagi for a vacation and they were thrilled with the idea.
"Who could that be?" You mused.
You almost fell on your feet when the Kiyoko pulled the door open and revealed the person behind the door. It was none other than Ushijima Wakatoshi -wearing a shirt and dark jeans, his hair swept back in a boy-next-door style that made you drool.
You swiftly turned your back from the door and Tooru met your gaze, his eyebrows wiggling in curiosity. "Ooh, is that him?" He teased.
"Shut up."
"He's making his way towards us and babes, I was right. He's one big ball of jealousy. If looks could kill I'd be lying dead by your feet."
"Y/n," His sultry voice called, the sound sending tingles down your middle.
You gulped before turning around to face him, your senses once again bombarded with his palpable presence. You were about to reply when you felt Tooru lean towards you and place his head on your shoulder, nuzzling his temple against your neck.
"Who's he, babes?" He drawled out, intending for the lawyer to hear it clearly.
Behind Ushijima, you could see Kiyoko, Shoyo, and Hajime (smirking) peeking to see the exchange.
"Babes?" Ushijima spat, his face unreadable.
"Got a problem with that?" Tooru challenged.
Ushijima's jaw visibly clenched and you feared for a second that he would punch Tooru right then and there. You flinched when he lifted his hand, you thought he was really gonna do it, but instead, he reached out for your wrist and whisked you away from Tooru and pulled you towards him.
You did not appreciate being manhandled like that so you yanked your wrist free from his grasp. "What are you doing here?"
"I'll deal with you later." Was the only thing he said to you before he turned his attention back to Tooru. "You must be Tooru, I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi, their family's lawyer and yes, I have a problem with your calling y/n babes." He wrinkled his nose in disgust.
Tooru's eyes gleamed and you already know what went on in his mind.
"Oh, that's fine, I call y/n a lot of names. Would love suffice?" Then he turned to you. "Is that okay, love?"
"I would appreciate it if you would drop the endearments, Tooru-san. Y/n's grandfather wouldn't want you as his grandchild's significant other."
"And who would y/n's ji-ji want? You?"
"Yes, in fact, I already asked for his permission to date his grandchild and he approved of it."
You whipped your head to face him, eyes wide. "W-what?"
"I said I'd deal with you later."
You felt a vein pop in your head, annoyed at his dismissal. You grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled the towering man down to your face. "What the hell did you do?" You growled.
He sighed, his hot breath reached your face. "I asked your grandfather if I could date you because I like you, y/n."
Your grip on his shirt loosened. "Huh? B-but didn't you like Hoshina? You were ranting on about not wanting her to get hurt the last time we talked."
"Like I said, thick-skulled," Tooru commented.
"Shut up, Tooru." You barked then craned your neck in search of Hajime. "Get your boyfriend out of here Haj, before I strangle him to death."
It was Ushijima who went wide-eyed this time -which was a first since all this time, the only facial expression he could do was glower at you. It's nice to know that he could appear surprised and confused at times.
"Yes, boyfriend. Tooru has a boyfriend, what even is your problem?"
His eyes darted between Tooru and you. "I thought-"
"Hah! You thought I was y/n's boyfriend? Eww!"
You chuckled, remembering the incident in the kitchen. "That's what you get for eavesdropping, and for always drawing baseless assumptions."
"I-I didn't..."
"What? Cat got your tongue?" You jeered when the lawyer was obviously at a loss for words -which was also the first time it happened because back in Miyagi he always -always- had something to say back to you.
"Rest easy, I'm just y/n's friend -Oikawa Tooru," He stretched out his hand and Ushijima warily met his in a brief handshake. "That's Iwaizumi Hajime -my boyfriend, Hinata Shoyo, and Shimizu Kiyoko." He proceeded to introduce everyone.
The three mumbled out 'nice to meet you' in a chorus before Tooru shooed them all away from the kitchen -including himself- to give you and Ushijima time to talk and "sort out your mess."
"Seriously, can't you wait til' I'm back before telling me that?"
Ushijima furrowed his brows and looked at you intently. His deep gaze pierced your soul. "I couldn't wait any longer, not when I don't know when you'd come back. Tanji-san did everything to make you stay but here you are, back in Tokyo."
You flashed him an incredulous look. "Wait, did ji-ji not tell you?" You laughed when his face answered your question. Yes, it seems your grandfather did not tell him anything. "I was gonna go back tomorrow, I just had to settle some things here before I stay in Miyagi for good. Did he not tell you that?"
He looked indignant. "No, he didn't."
"Well, now you know. I was enjoying my last night here in Tokyo before you barged in and almost picked a fight with my friend."
"I'm sorry, y/n," He said sincerely which made you do a double-take. "It's just that, I didn't like it one bit when he called you that and got all affectionate with you. Imagine, I came all this way from Miyagi to settle things with you, and then I see you not even the least affected by my absence, all while with a man. I couldn't sleep knowing that you're miles away from me."
Your heart skipped a beat at his speech. You wanted to believe him, you really do but you also didn't want to get your hopes too high and find out in the end that it wasn't what you thought it was again. You've learned your lesson the first time.
"I find that hard to believe, Ushijima-san."
"How so? I told you I want you, I wouldn't just kiss anyone like that."
You flushed at the memory of his lips ravaging yours. "How can you say that when you even accused me of being after my grandfather's money?"
"That was me being an asshole, I admit, but that was just because I wanted to rile you up so you would notice me."
"Notice you?"
"Look, y/n, I liked you the first time I saw you when you arrived in Miyagi that day. The fire in your eyes had me smitten with you. You are strong-willed and stubborn, but that's what I like best about you, y/n. You know what you want and you'd stop at nothing to get it. You don't take shit from anyone, hell, you don't take shit from me no matter what I do. You're a fighter, you're brave but damn, your kiss was something else.
He took a step towards you, hands cupping either side of your cheeks.
"It frustrated me to no end that you've warmed up to everyone but me. It's like every time I see you, you were always glaring at me. Tell me, sweetheart, what have I done wrong and what can I do to make it right?"
Your heart raced in your chest at his litany. Shit, you didn't know that Ushijima Wakatoshi could spew hopeless romantic declarations, and that made your knees jelly. His piercing eyes melt your insides and there was nothing else you could say except,
"Just shut up and kiss me, Ushijima."
Taglist: @thegrumpyhag​ @sushij1ma​ @valoryess​ @yakus-yakult​ @ly-nia​ @ushi-please​ @plutoglass @kokofirebangbomb​ @strawberryy-milkk @melanieacademy​ @defunkitatedmess​ @lunarknox​ @wtoshii​ @kyomihann​ @multishippers-trash-blog​ @monviemoo​ @sarahvvictoria​
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