tagzpite · 1 day
I have a question
the Drawing is really cool , but I want Undestand how!
what Happend inside this AU and why Odysseus is become...the Poseidon Horse??
there is a story about this? I'm Really curious to know this!!
The story is in my Brain and I try to terribly explain it in my tags but this is like the third at most time I am posting about this one I believe?
Alright so explanation, I have a habit of making aus where Odysseus is either, blinded in one/both eyes, turned into something or just already is something…
There might be more to that but I can’t remember atm oop.
Oh yeah angst.
Okay so, basic story is, Odysseus gets turned into a horse just as he’s nearly finally near the lands close to Ithaca, just as he’s about to reach dry ground. Poseidon desires death is a too kind fate, and binds him eternally to the sea as a wild stallion unable to cross to dry land. Cursed to run across the waves. To never step foot upon his home again.
Of course, he isn’t just an ordinary sea faring horse, no no. He’s FAST. And Basically Poseidon wishes to make the punishment even worse by having him take him on his back across the seas whenever he pleases, he manages to jump on his back and Odysseus runs around wildly through waves and storms for three months straight, with Poseidon never once faltering and managing to stay on no matter how much Odysseus attempts to buck him off, once he’s tired out, Poseidon requests Hephaestus to make him a bronze bridle and reigns that wouldn’t break no matter what. Since Odysseus could dearly a normal rope or chain. This Bridle actually also keeps his eyes covered, so he doesn’t know where he is going without Poseidon leading him.
I like to call it “The Trojan Horse”
There is of course a whole lot more to the story!—
And of course Prompted Worssmith (Smitty beloved)….knows all of it and contributed a great deal in our dms
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tagzpite · 23 hours
oh I understand
It's definitely an unusual but interesting AU.
But one question... Is Odysseus still... sentient? I mean does he remember who he was or something or is he totally an animal now? (well totally a horse)
also does he need to eat?
honestly I feel really sorry for him poor guy, he was so close to Ithaca..
He is! He very much remembers who he is. He acts like an animal however, going along with the new instincts with the intelligence of well, himself. So that’s one hell of a smart horse. And he very much still gives sass to Poseidon. Purposefully being more “horse like”when it’s inconvenient.
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tagzpite · 1 day
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magnificent beast...
definitely not a cursed hero, mhm
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