#horse girl bjorn agenda
chickensauras · 3 months
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Bjorn if I was writing vinland saga
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Completely Harmless Ch. 37
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Thirty-Seven Vandalism and The Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur
Rainbow Week it appeared had invigorated Baroness Silverglade. For the very next morning she called an employee meeting over breakfast. Everyone from her children, to the people who worked the shops and restaurants, and the stable help were all in attendance.
Over waffles with vanilla ice cream and piled high with mixed berries and served with duck egg omelets, the Baroness sipped her coffee before she said without any preamble. “We have several projects that need to be handled in the upcoming weeks before Midsummer. While most of our house has been put in order, and we have received high marks on our recent inspection.” The Baroness’ lips tightened since it had been anonymous and she’d only received the results after it’d been completed. “There are still things left to finish and the rest of our domain hasn’t been so lucky.”
No one quite dared to say anything.
“As for the Winterwell family, I have sent a strongly worded admonishment to Baron Winterwell about paying more attention outside of that mockery of what he calls a town and to the rest of his part of the county. If I have to step in, I will be informing Count Marchenghast.” The baroness swiftly buttered her toast. “Fortunately, you ladies are a credit to your various upbringings and are an asset to this county.”
Not even Linda knew what to say to that. A simple thank you didn’t seem sufficient. Not that the Baroness seemed to require any responses. This was her meeting and interruptions weren’t on the agenda.
The Baroness’ knife went on the side of her plate. “Ms. Lily, please arrange for me to meet with Ms. Melissa of the Valedale Running Bulls? Anytime today will be preferable.”
“Yes, Baroness,” Lily made a mental note to text Melissa after the meal was over.
“The contractors will be starting our permanent event pavilion over the next week. Something about having to build the proper molds to have a level floor. It involves a big pipe and honestly, as long as they get it done and its level, I don’t care how they manage it. After the pavilion has been finished, we will be moving onto to the race track.”
Godfrey appeared with several boards filled with pictures and architectural sketches. He placed them on easels so everyone could see them properly.
“The racetrack will reflect the pride of the Silverglade family and honor the prior Moon Riders and Aideen,” the Baroness said. “Those who come to compete and to watch the races will see the care and grandeur of the place, and give our family the respect it deserves.”
There was a very large entrance arch over what would be the main entrance and it was perpendicular to the rest of the building. To either side of it were banks of columns and then each side had a porch with statues of women dressed in Greek clothes. Those must be the former Moon Riders of the Silverglade family and Aideen.
The inside stands had more columns holding up the roofs. The roofs curved inwards where there were stairs. The stands curved around both ends of the track.
“Antonia, the Silver Glade will be providing food for an outdoor café at the entrance,” the Baroness said. “There will be stables for the competitors on the first floor of the stands, while the atrium will be the ticketing area. I won’t expect you ladies to take care of the stables at the race track as well. We will be hiring specifically for the times the race track is in use. I won’t ask you to put up with a rival club so nearby. Nor will I stand for another club near my manor.”
“Thank you, Baroness,” Lily murmured. It was the only appropriate thing to say.
“While the contractors are working on that, we shall be dealing with the shameful prospect that is Valedale,” the Baroness took a bite and wiped at her lips. “And for that we’re going to have to find out how bad things are and how far this has spread.”
Linda cleared her throat. “There’s a scientist in Crescent Moon Village that knows who to test soil and water samples, Dr. Hayden.”
“He’s a bit of a grouch,” Lily warned.
“I can deal with grouches as long as they can do the work,” the Baroness nodded.
“He’s an entomologist,” Linda added tentatively.
“Then he would have to keep an eye on the water and the soil to see if it is effecting the bugs,” the Baroness’ lips twitched. “Or at least, he should be instead of capturing them and pinning them to boards.”
“I don’t know if that’s his type of entomology,” Lily murmured. “I don’t think Ginny and Susan have much to do with him.”
“Or want to,” Pauline added.
“Lily,” the Baroness turned her attention to her. “I want you and Melissa to go to the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur and check the source of the water there. The Great Tank drains off into the lake under the ice and from there it trickles down through springs and the Silversong River throughout the Valedale, Firgove, and Mistfall areas. Dress warmly.”
“What about Firfall?” Lily asked.
“What about Firfall?” the Baroness voice turned tart.
“They’ve been cut off through an avalanche of rocks and brambles,” Lily said.
The Baroness closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “And what were the rangers going to do, shovel them out?” She asked, voice vicious. “Well, I guess we’re borrowing the bulldozer again. Though we might need the excavators as well and several skips from Jorvik City. Aaron, get the permits and papers ready to clear the road to Firfall. Hire some skips. Lily, you managed to get G.E.D. to bend last time.”
“Cookies and shillings,” Lily said.
“Have Harold bake them a month’s worth of cookies and I’ll pay them. We can get to it as soon as the papers and permits are ready.”
“I’ll get that started today, mother,” Aaron said quickly.
“It’s probably former Councilman Skoll who didn’t say anything. He was working with G.E.D. to get money to the town. Maybe he thought he could get them to clear the road for him.” Lily explained. “I don’t know if Rania’s mother knows about it yet. She’s got a large mess to sort out with the town as it is. They really need a ferry.”
“Aaron, add that to the list.”
“New Hillcrest needs a ferry,” Tyra murmured.
“That’s up to Baron Winterwell,” the Baroness shook her head. “Now, who is the new leader of Dundull?”
“Sigry Varanger,” Linda said. “Rania Varanger is her daughter.”
“Good woman. I like her,” the Baroness nodded. “We all know what we need to be doing,” she said and applied to her food.
They all finished breakfast and scattered to do chores and take up their posts at their jobs. Aaron was muttering about getting back to Jorvik City right away. Anastasia had designers to check on in order for all the other girls to have their own new outfits.
Linn came back to the stable, riding fast. “Lily! Linda! Judy! Someone’s spray painted rude messages on the riding hall, and there’s trash all over, and egg on the windows!”
“What?” Linda gaped at her.
They mounted their horses and rode down to the stables to assess the damage.
“Who would do this?” Linn waved her arms. “We worked so hard to clean it.”
“It’s a good thing that marble is protected.” Linda sucked her cheeks in.
“We’ll get it cleaned up,” Lily promised Linda.
“You shouldn’t have to do stuff like this. Take pictures. Document everything before you clean it.” Linda said. “And I’m not unlocking it until it’s clean.”
“It’s lucky you locked it then.”
Linda shook her head. “Not luck, precaution. I don’t want people to sneak in the arena at night to try the course and hurt themselves.”
They went back to the stable for cleaning supplies and returned.
Sabine stood outside the door with a nasty smile on her face, but she was also checking her watch. “What’s the hold up? The arena should be open by now.” Her timer stood behind her wringing her hands.
“If you used your eyes, you’d see why it isn’t open yet,” Lily told her. “The Arena will be open once it’s ready.”
“If you want it open sooner, you can help,” Linn smirked. “There are plenty of supplies.”
Sabine glared at them and marched off with her horse.
Linn shuddered. “Her and her horse give me the creeps.”
“Then why did you time for her so long?”
“My job?”
Lily shrugged. Point.
All the girls hurried up their chores to help out as soon as possible as they had to scrub off paint and eggs, and pick up trash.
By the time they were done, the contractors had arrived and were locking together molds to make the floor of the pavilion. It was a kit so it should go up fairly quickly once they had the floor poured and they could set the walls onto it.
They saw what the Baroness meant by a big pipe. They had a big pipe it looked like that they were going to use to roll across the top of the molds to make the floor level.
But it looked like the contractors were digging some of the dirt out. Bjorn and Agnetha were taking it away in wheelbarrows. They knew better than to ask.
Lily texted Melissa about seeing the Baroness.
Melissa texted back she’d be down right away.
Lily headed back up to the Manor as Agnetha drafted a couple of the girls to help them shift the dirt.
Melissa had a new outfit on with a stylized charging bull in green and deep maroon.
“Nice,” Lily said.
“Anastasia came through. I’m so happy not to be wearing druid symbols anymore. Elizabeth kept giving us the stink eye.” Melissa rubbed her hands on her breeches.
The Baroness was in her office. “Someone vandalized my arena,” was the first thing out of her mouth.
Lily passed her phone over with the pictures.
“Send these to Aaron,” the Baroness said after she looked through them. “If we can catch them, we’ll press charges.”
Lily took her phone back and did just that. Poor Aaron was going to have a busy day.
“Tell me what you have,” the Baroness ordered Melissa.
Melissa got out her own phone. “We’ve taken as many pictures as we could. One of my members is an amateur photographer. So, we rented a zoom lens to take pictures of what they’re doing above the mountains. We can’t see much since they’ve penetrated the mountain now. There’s one way in and one way out. The path curls around the mountain from the lake to over the village. Both waterfalls are being affected. But they’ve posted no bills. We think there isn’t any more than three or four of them.”
The Baroness looked through it. “Can you send these to my son? We can see what we can do about trespassing and not having the proper permits.”
Melissa took her phone back and Lily showed her Aaron’s information. Lily sent him an email to expect Melissa’s email.
“Has Elizabeth been giving you any trouble?”
“Not Elizabeth.”
“Someone is?”
“Rhiannon has gone through our horses and insists that several of them are Starbreeds. We paid for those horses fairly. We have papers,” Melissa turned red in anger. “We aren’t giving them up.”
“Nor should you,” the Baroness said. “The druids have long overstepped in trying to acquire what they call starbreeds. Whether or not Starbreeds exist is none of my concern. My concern is the welfare of the horses that are under my care and that I sell. And I don’t know what the druids do with my horses, thus I refuse to sell to them.” In her mind, it was as simple as that.
“Baroness Silverglade,” Lily said it tentatively. “You, don’t seem to have a good relationship with the Keepers of Aideen.”
“I have my faults. One of them is the firm belief that the Keepers of Aideen do very little for Jorvik and instead lure young women in with false promises of sisterhood and then refuse to impart anything useful to them before putting them into danger.” The Baroness laced her fingers together and appraised them. “Keeping their secrets hasn’t rid Jorvik of John Sands and his like. Have they ever won against them? Or are we in an eternal stalemate.”
Lily inhaled sharply.
The Baroness changed the subject. “As I told Lily earlier, I would like the two of you to go to the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur. Dress warmly and do whatever you need to do to get into it. Linda may have some information for you about it.”
Lily stood. “Then we better get going so we can return quickly.”
Melissa stood as well. “Thank you, Baroness Silverglade.”
They left her and went to the library.
“Anything we should know about the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur?”
Linda chewed her lip and gestured for them to sit. “The Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur is an ecological anomaly. It’s believed that is where a meteor crashed and hit Jorvik before Aideen came. The meteor’s magical and scientific properties such as having its own magnetic field, have created an area of eternal winter. The meteor crater originally completely filled with water. The water drained out and created an ice cap over it. Researchers were able to explore under the ice cap until it collapsed in 1912. No one has been there since.”
“So, dress warm? Have lots of rope?”
“Your horses might not move as fast in the Valley. There are references to the pack animals being slow until they brought in the Icelandic Horses. Those horses got left behind when they left and that’s why there is most likely a herd of them there today. Assuming they survived.”
“Take a shovel,” Melissa said.
“Sunglasses,” Lily murmured.
“The notes say there was an elevator down into the crater. I have no idea if it works or not.”
“After a hundred years of abandonment?” Lily raised her brows. “There is this thing called entropy.”
Linda smiled. “I don’t know, thus, I say so.”
“All right. We’ll check that first.” Lily said. “Good thing, Anastasia included a winter coat in all of this. And New Hillcrest had mittens.”
The two agreed to meet at the base of the mountain in Valedale with supplies. Not sure how cold, cold, really was, Lily grabbed a purple sweater she’d bought and put it in her saddlebag along with her winter coat. There wasn’t any reason not to layer. She put on wool pants instead of cotton and tugged on the winter boots.
She raided the tack room for a shovel and a bunch of rope. Then asked Antonia for food. She didn’t know how long she was going to be gone. How big was this area anyways?
Satisfied she was as ready as she was going to be, Lily put on a beanie and took the transport to Valedale.
Melissa waited on her horse at the base of the mountain as agreed, also wearing warm clothes on the bottom. She and Elizabeth were exchanging glares. Lily inserted herself between them.
They urged their horses up the mountain towards the snow covered pass. At the top, they were able to look over across the waterfall and see Dark Core’s camp. Black smoke streamed out of the machines as green water flowed out of their cave and into the waterfall.
“What a mess,” Lily murmured.
Wind hit the snow and them making them shiver.
They pulled on sweaters and shrugged into winter coats buttoning them up and tugged on mittens.
“The pass must have opened recently. I’ve been checking it since we got here,” Melissa said. “We sent some lemmings up this way.”
“Can anything really live there if it’s been covered in snow?” Lily asked.
“I hope we don’t find a pile of horse bones,” Melissa whispered. “That’d be sad.”
“We might find horse bones and living horses,” Lily said and urged her horse forward.
Her stallion’s nostrils flared in distaste but he went.
The pass turned and opened out to a cliff on the edge of the mountain. Right in front of them was a huge wooden structure with a snow covered wooden walkway; the elevator.
They walked up the ramp and got off to look at the elevator. There weren’t any boxes, only thick chains hanging down. Lily knelt by the edge and looked down.
“Oh, that makes me dizzy, Lily. Stop.” Melissa groaned.
Lily took several pictures using the zoom function on her phone. “The cars are both down there, but I don’t see any of the mechanics up top, do you?”
Melissa looked around. “Not at all.”
“So, the controls are down there,” Lily backed up and stood.
Leading the horses, they searched the cliff area.
Melissa pointed. “That could be a way down.” She said gesturing at the cliffs.
“But I’m not going to call it a way back up, and I’m not going down unless we can get out,” Lily bit her lip. She pulled out her phone and sent a president wide group text. They needed a mechanic.
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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