#horrible ghost train trauma pals
crimeronan · 1 year
simon being like "why are you MAD at me??? i was just following the rules of the cult that YOU fully created that we've been building together for like a decade!!!! i didn't do anything wrong!! give me approval!!" and grace like "HOWWWWW COULD YOU NOT SOMEHOW PSYCHICALLY INTUIT THAT I'M STARTING TO FEEL BAD ABOUT BEING A CULT LEADER WHO MURDERS EVERYONE I COME IN CONTACT WITH!! YOU SHOULDVE KNOWN!!" waow. autism2autism communication breakdowns of all time.
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emile-hides · 5 years
I’ve talked previously and vaguely about my everyone lives together and is pals but there’s still a war going on Overwatch AU before. And I said before that everything still happened the same as in game, they just all got together in the end.
And I’ve decided I don’t like that anymore, so here’s a better, more well written, full explanation of the Everyone Lives Together Overwatch AU: (Under the cut because I’m going into how every character ended up in Overwatch)
First of all, the fall of the original Overwatch didn’t happen. It got close, up until the Overwatch comic, Retribution, everything had played out about the same. There were two major differences though:
Jack was in the works of passing his position down to Gabe.
Jack didn’t allow Blackwatch to go after Antonio
As his last call as commander was to officially shut down Blackwatch activity, and announced the Overwatch Special Heroes unit, officially run by Winston, which he immediately joined as the first Hero.
McCree, with no where else to really go, and Angela, who always wanted to be a first lines support medic rather than a stay in base doctor, both joined the Special Heroes unit as well.
Tracer was scouted and questioned before the dissolve of Blackwatch for the Special Heroes Unit as well. It was specifically Winston who asked her if she’d like to join, and she said yes immediately.
Jack planned to leave Gabriel with the Commander position for Overwatch, as he deserved. But before he could, Gabe took matters with Antonio into his own hands.
And by that I mean he walked directly into a trap, all by himself. He managed to, somehow, get out alive, but barely. He returned horribly injured, near death. With Angela out in the field, the only doctor there to treat him was Moira, who, without Angela, may be without any impulse control.
Gabe gained his Reaper-like abilities, Moira claimed it was the only way to save him, and somehow got away with it. With his new found abilities, Gabe figured what’s the point in being a Commander, working at an office, pushing papers all day, when he could ghost into front lines on a second life. He joined the Special Heroes Unit.
Overwatch; Special Heroes Unit became the face of peace among Humans and Omnics. They scouted for new Heroes, and invited any who wished for a better future to step forward and join them. 
After the dissolve of Blackwatch, Genji chose to leave Overwatch entirely, and look for answers about his new body. Finding Zenyatta and learning his teachings, Genji came to peace with himself. When Zenyatta grew tired of Mondatta’s dogmatic teaching, he chose to leave the monastery, with Genji in tow, and eventually join Overwatch, in the hopes to achieve a better future for all.
Ana was still injured in the confrontation with Widowmaker, but she did not fake her death. Instead, she joined Gabe and Jack in the new Overwatch, as a medic. She hasn’t stepped foot on a battle field sense.
Because of this, Fareeha was fully raised in the heart of Overwatch. Because her mother was a medic now, she saw a lot more injuries than she heard stories of victory. Even still, as soon as she was old enough, Fareeha joined the Heroes Unit, and focuses her energy on keeping her fellow soldiers safe.
Both Reinhardt and Torbjorn were offered positioned in the Heroes Unit as soon as it was announced, though only Reinhardt joined. Torbjorn complained about being too old for this and returned home.
His youngest, Brigitte, chose to stay with Reinhardt and train under Ana as a medic for now. In secret she worked on her own armor molded after Reinhardt’s, and took combat training classes. When she was old enough, she dawned her armor, quit her Medic training, and joined Reinhardt on the front lines.
Torbjorn, meanwhile, had returned home, expecting and easy retirement. However, news of an active Bastion unit wandering Northern Sweden forced his hand. He volunteered to take down the bot and return peace to the country. After observing the machine, tracking it, and attempting to catch it in all sorts of traps, Torb eventually declared it harmless.
Unfortunately, the rest of the country didn’t see it that way. They sent troops out to destroy the Bastion. Torb, cursing his soft heart, took the bot to his own home to hide. But the darn thing wouldn’t sit still! Mrs. Lindholm compared it to having toddlers in the house again. With no other option, Torbjorn decided to take his new bot-son to Overwatch, and join the fight once again.
Bastion is not an official soldier, he just lives there, like Fareeha and Brigitte did when they were little.
After a run in with Genji at the Shimada estate, Hanzo did everything he could to track his brother down. Eventually he found footage of Genji fighting for Overwatch’s Special Heroes Unit. Hanzo immediately signed up, and upon being accepted, he immediately begged forgivness from his brother. Genji, however, had already forgiven him.
Ashe eventually found out about McCree being in Overwatch the same was Hanzo found Genji, and she also joined up. Though, her original plan was to get revenge on McCree for leaving, she found quickly she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Everyone was so nice. Like a family. She ended up staying permanently.
Lucio, after fighting Vishkar out of his neighborhood, and becoming a world wide symbol for change, was scouted by Overwatch to join their Special Heroes Unit. In the hope for better change, and the chance to help people, he joined.
D.Va, like Lucio, was scouted by Overwatch, though she turned them down at first, believing defending Korea to be a bigger issue. However, after a one-on-one fight with the Colossal Omnic, Hana realized she maybe able to offer more to the world by fighting for the bigger picture, rather than just the bigger bot.
Deep in Antarctica, Overwatch sent a rescue team to retrieve global climet researchers left stranded in an ice storm. However, once at the facility, it was found the team had entered cryostasis in anticipation of rescue. When the team arrived, there was only one survivor. Both lucky and unlucky, Mei was the person the team had come for in the first place. She was scouted into Overwatch’s Special Hero Unit.
The final person planned to be scouted for Overwatch was Efi Oladele, an 11 year old girl already making huge waves in the advancement of robotics and artificial intelligence. The main problem came from her age, Efi was too young to be scouted by Overwatch, she couldn’t join the army, even as a scientist. However, Efi wanted to go, so she offered them a loophole. She may not be old enough, but Orisa was an Omnic, so her age didn’t matter. While Orisa is the only one official licensed to Overwatch, Efi came along as well, and works hard for them every day.
Soon after learning the Vishkar Corporation may not be leading to the most perfect world as Symmetra once thought, she began to secretly look into other options. Eventually, she learned of Overwatch, and their mission to make the world a brilliant place for all. Satya decided this was the best cause, stole Vishkar’s hard light technology, and signed up for the Special Heroes Unit.
Like Blackwatch, the Overwatch Heroes Unit also looked into prisoners and offered to give them an out. Doomfist, without the fall of Overwatch, was stuck in prison, until Winston approached him with an offer. Doomfist refused, for years he said Talon would come for him. But they never did, and when Winston came with the new of Talon’s destruction, Akande didn’t have many other options.
The fall of Talon also left a certain Spider without affiliation. She was brought into custody, and the severe brainwashing Talon had put her though was brought to light. Zenyatta worked with her for many years though the trauma of what Talon had put her though, and she began to rebuild herself bit by bit, while still working as a sniper for Overwatch.
Other prisoners given a second chance though Overwatch where Roadhog and Junkrat. Roadhog did most of the negotiating before they joined, as he wanted to be completely positive all of their crimes would be wiped away before signing anything. Junkrat was ready to go the second Winston approached him.
Sombra was never imprisoned, she showed up on her own free will. She found the Heroes Unit interesting, and believed her services were needed. She’s mostly there to climb her way to control, but until then at least the bunch is entertaining.
Without Sombra blackmailing the Chairmen Volskaya, Zarya remained on the Russian Defense force, and was eventually scouted to Overwatch for her amazing feats. While she originally wanted to turn them down so she could stay close to home, her family and friends all encouraged her to fight the real fight.
After leaving Talon, Baptiste lived hiding from other Talon operatives, offering medical help wherever he was. However, one day, the assassins stopped. Baptiste soon learned Talon was taken down by Overwatch, and soon after, saw an advertisement for the Special Heroes Unit, and how they strive for a better future. He grabbed a flight to the Heroes compound that same day.
Upon searching though Talon activity logs, Winston eventually discovered their attempt to break into a psych ward. Curious, Winston paid a visit to the facility to see what Talon could have possibly wanted. There he found Siebren, or Sigma, a man he and Doctor Harold had both been told passed on before making it back to Earth.
Sigma had suffered sever memory loss from the incident and isolation. Not only did he not recognize Winston, he had no idea who Harold was. Still, Winston couldn’t stand to see the man rot in a cell alone. He scouted Sigma into Overwatch, mostly to keep the doctor close by, and began working with him though Zenyatta to recover his past.
The entirety of the Overwatch Special Heroes Unit live in one base together. They are sent into the field as needed, and take on missions to protect peace on their own. No job is too big or small for Overwatch’s Heroes. Their mission is and always will be to strive to a better future for all; Humans, Omnics, Genetically advanced animals. For a better world they fight.
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Ghosts of the Shadow Market Review!
My first book of the Read to Roll challenge is Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Kelly Link, and Robin Wasserman. 
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Look at Jem! I love my son!
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Here we are at the pond! Fun fact: Cassandra Clare allegedly lives in the town next to mine. I kinda really hate it. 
I actually finished reading this a while ago, but I got caught up with school and the library book is due tomorrow, so I guess we’re doing this review tonight, bitches! 
First: I LOVED this book!! I have my issues with CC and it took me literally took me like 9 months to finish reading QOAAD (which I also enjoyed, I just couldn’t get through) but I FLEW through this book! I think maybe the short story format just fits my brain a bit better. I’m gonna break this down by story:
Cast Long Shadows
Matthew!! My child!! I want to hug you so much!! 
This story stood out to me as particularly hopeless, especially compared to the rest of the stories. It ended in total despair, and I understand Matthew did something VERY VERY BAD but he is a dumb child and dumb 15 year olds do a lot of dumb things so 
I really hope he gets some sort of resolution in TLH
This bitch deserves happiness 
Also he’s defo not straight?? like no straight boi is THAT into oscar wilde
i kinda ship him with thomas
Every Exquisite Thing
This story was like a breath of fresh air compared to the last
It doesn’t really connect to the overarching plot at ALL (every other story does, correct me if I’m wrong) but i’m okay with it because anna lightwood is incredible and deserves all of the respect 
the only bit that kinda not really relates is the talk about tessa’s demon parent? which is lowkey implied to be like... actually satan?? ahhhh????
That last bit with Cecily was just so beautiful. again. 
I’m just imagining them just in bed one night and one of them was like ‘our daughter hecka gay’ ‘what should we do’ ‘well we gotta buy her a suit that actually fits her obv. she can’t keep walking around in clothes that don’t fit, also they’re gross’ ‘i actually already went to the tailor down the block and made a list of the ones i think she would look best in’ 
I know ariadne broke annas heart but also i feel really bad for her. being a brown lesbian in 2019 is hard enough. she lost her parents and she doesn’t want to lose what she has left. i hope she also gets some sort of closure in TLH. i would be content with her and charlie having a charlotte and henry thing going minus the pining and falling in love. they’re married but it’s just business and they can pursue whomever on the side
also isabelle do you realize that necklace you’re wearing was once owned by queer QUEEN anna lightwood?????
Learn About Loss
this story was a little slow, but very necessary for introducing the lost herondale plot
emilia is so fucking badass 
the last scene with will and jem was so pure and wholesome. i’m so mad that they were robbed of so much time together. 
A Deeper Love
this story was just anxiety
like obv i knew jem wasn’t going to die but the CLIMAX 
can kit pls have some heart to heart with catarina in twp! like she deserves some closure! like she can just tell him some stories and he can understand a bit more of where he comes from
jem deserves all of the hugs 
The Wicked Ones
this story was,, uh,, something
i’d say it ties with cast long shadows as the most depressing 
so basically, celine was horribly abused her entire life by the people who should have taken care of her, her trauma was exploited by another abuser so that she too became incredibly manipulative and potentially abusive, and then she killed herself (was murdered?) and her child was ripped from her corpse to be abused throughout his entire childhood as well
it was cute seeing kit’s parents! they were so cute! what happened. 
Son of the Dawn
baby alec! baby izzy! baby jace! baby baby max! 
i’m not a big jace fan, but ugh i just wanted him to get the love that every child deserves! 
i can’t believe raphael santiago was alec lightwood’s sexual awakening
“brother let him see my rack-ariah” 
lily chen deserves the whole goddamn world
The Land I Lost
gotta admit that i wasn’t too hype about this one bc i’m kinda tired of all of the malec narratives, but it was cute
“JEM I’D-LOVE-TO-CLIMB-’EM-CARSTAIRS” (this has to be my favorite) 
once again i love lily chen with all my heart and she deserves all of the happiness and none of the shit that the world has given her 
also??? lily breathed, “cortana.” this girl was GAY for CORDELIA CARSTAIRS
i love how this small child who hates everyone just physically attached himself to alec and would not let go 
cordelia carstairs was lily’s sexual awakening and you can’t change my mind
SLEEP LILY I’LL WATCH THE DOORS alec lightwood being the PAL lily deserves
THAT BITCH! poor matthew. he was still dumb but he was played by some bitch who couldn’t separate her person grudges and an entire race of people
i love how magnus saw this child run into his home with alec nowhere in sight and was like “guess he’s my son now” 
Through Blood, Through Fire
rosemary ;_;
that’s so fucking depressing like you abandoned your family and it bought them like 3 days max 
i think it’s a little weird that tessa now has some of kit’s mother’s memories and is adopting him but also i guess it’s kinda nice? 
both jem and tessa have actually almost died searching for you, kit, and i don’t think either regret a single thing they did to lead themselves to you
jem and tessa are in LOVE and they’re having a BABY
The Lost World
ty u really did fuck up didn’t u
but he’s got a pet now so that’s nice
livvy ;_; 
i really hope they find a way to release her in twp 
i don’t think ty wants it, but things will come to a head. she’s not happy as a ghost. 
kit and ty are so fucking dumb just talk to each other!!
it’s so fitting that kit gave them the heron pendant
both in a sense of continuity and in the complexities of his feelings - on one hand it belonged to his mother, someone cared very much about him but on the other, it failed to save her
Forever Fallen
i ship kit with a family that loves him
jem just talks to him and is just internally like ‘wtf has everyone in your life done wrong’ 
jem and tessa: you are WORTHY and DESERVING of LOVE, BITCH! 
i want all of the domestic herondale-carstairs family 
i think i read the scene where jem and tessa put all of their stuff in kit’s room like 10 times it had me so shook 
WE STAN SUPPORTIVE PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janus is as annoying as real jace 
lily be safe bby ily this is gonna end baaaaad 
the scene at the end where jem tells kit that where there is love there is no need for gratitude also has me shook bc we’ve been talking about this a lot in my spanish class, about how so many of us are trained to be complacent and to show gratitude for things that should be a given
Overall, I really enjoyed the book even though some parts bored me and I kinda skimmed through. I’m reading Girls of Paper and Fire now, so we’ll see when I finish that! 
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crimeronan · 1 year
me, watching s3 e4 of infinity train: i like that the designers made hazel look like the lovechild of simon and grace. she looks so much like both of them
me: the writers said "here. this would be your baby if you had a baby together. also you two would be the most godawful parents who ever lived. have fun"
rafi: DDDD: ❗️❗️❗️
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