#hoping we'll get new episodes on the 18th
notfreetoday · 2 years
Justice in the Dark BTS Stunt Work Video
Released on the official Weixin Video account of the stunt team, Rainbow Arrow Aerophotography, on the 25th of March 2022, without the name of the show. It appears to have been taken down as of now.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
Alright luvs. This recaps gonna be bloody short and interesting because I'm drunk as a fish. Seriously, doing the accents and everything while writing this. Just warning you! Please forgive me for minor issues in grammar. I am not going to be able to cover everything because my brain just doesn't have the capacity, so I promise tomorrow will catch up on Saturday's news as well. I will try to catch the highlights though.
== #ThankYouOFMD ==
The big event today was the #ThankYouOFMD event going on on Twitter, hosted by @OFMDFanCrew. Everyone shared so much love for Cast & Crew as well as fellow fan crews. @OFMDFanCrew asked for us to use #ThankYouOFMD.
Here are some of the prompts:
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By the time I logged off after Midnight MST, we were at:
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== Cast & Crew SIghtings ==
== Samba Schutte ==
The Roach's Rascal's have commissioned a Cameo from our beloved Samba Schutte!
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Samba Cameo
= Erroll Shand =
Our friend @errollshand popped in during our #ThankYouOFMD Event and said some very kind words.
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= Lindsey Cantrell =
@linds_cantrell sent so much love back at us and our dear friend @smurfsm00.
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== Taika ==
Just a random peak of Taika and Rita
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
Mar 10: Yes Man Watch Party
Celebrate our Captain in his first movie!
Time/Date: March 10, 2024, 12 Noon PT / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT
Watch Party Hashtags:
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Graphic by @ICouldBeFamily
== Wrecked ==
There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th. 
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Sorry that this is all I can give you tonight. I'll try to catch up on everything tomorrow. I took my own advise and took a break tonight, which meant not getting to everything I should of. I hope it's not too disappointing. You did amazing today showing just how much love we have out there for each other, and for our cast and crew. The amount of love swarming the internet is stifling. This isn't the end. We're all still here. We'll still be annoyingly optimistic, and loving, and full of meta, and art and words. Go and enjoy yourself loves. Take a break, give yourself the hugest hug, you deserve it.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I'm drunk, this is whatcha get. Sorry loves. I dont think it's too bad. Makes me wanna have a drink with Taika.. and... whatever stick Rhys is into there.
Rhys Courtesy of @ofmd-ann
Taika Courtesy of @caribbean1989
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spnfanficpond · 2 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
We are into August, and those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are just hot hot hot hot hot! We're tired of complaining about the heat and would like to complain about some cold, again. 🤣
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Old Business:
Angel Fish Awards - The deadline to submit nominations and earn entries for July's raffle has been extended to tonight at midnight, EDT! (Honestly, Admin Michelle probably won't get to it until later than that, so there is some grace if you're still late.) It's a whole new list of prizes, so be sure to get your nominations in!
Giveaway in the Discord server - This weekend, we're giving away a copy of Self-Publishing Websites For Authors Who Want to Conquer the World by Will O'Shire. It's a funny and easy-to-read book on how to set up an author website and more! Drop a link in the giveaway channel to a fic featuring one of the main characters as a writer of any sort to earn an entry into the drawing! Deadline is midnight tonight EDT!
Fishing For Treasures - This weekend is FFT over at the @fanficocean! August's theme is Original Characters. Head over there to read fics with new characters and see how they interact with your old favorites! We will be celebrating FFT the 17th and 18th. The deadline to submit SPN fics with OC's to us will be midnight EDT on Friday the 16th. Submit links to the blog here or drop links in the #fishing-for-treasures channel in the Discord server!
Monthly Prompt for August - The prompt is up and it's Cat vs Dog!! Click here to see all the adorable fuzzies and get inspired!
New Member Spotlight - We got a ton of new members in July! So many, we needed to add a Keep Reading cut to the post! Click here to see the post and hopefully meet a new friend!
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompts -
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New Business:
Manta Ray chat in the Discord server - Admin Marie will be hanging out to chat with everyone on Friday evening, 8pm EDT. Having trouble controlling your plot bunnies? Marie has a spray bottle for that! 🤣 Let her encourage you to finish your WIPs or distract you both from writing altogether by asking her what she's baking!
SPN Rewatch: FanFic Edition - On Saturday, we will chat at noon EDT about the next two episodes in our rewatch: 2.19 Folsom Prison Blues and 2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be. Why does Dean fit into prison life so well? Is it the same as how he became such a good PA in Hollywood Babylon or something else? In Dean's perfect life fantasy, why does his lawnmower have no blades? We'll ask these questions and more during our chat, so be sure to join us!
Competitive Writing Sprints - On Sunday next weekend, Manta Ray Arthur will be hosting a session of writing sprints at 2pm EDT in our Discord server. Add words to your WIP and win fabulous prizes!!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! Click here for a static view in Eastern US/Canada time (desktop only, no mobile app access, sadly), and click here to add our calendar to your own Google calendar! We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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spoilertv · 9 months
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
(link to my usual pinned faq post)
We are excited to announce our first annual listener appreciation week for the week of valentines day 2022! Because we love you!
We will have extra main pods with special guests, TONS of bonus pods with special guests, a family movie day, a giveaway, and so much infinite love for you guys!
Here is the schedule for the week:
Sunday, February 13th - a new confessions bonus pod that will be available free to the public on the Patreon; a screening of But I'm a Cheerleader at 2:30 pm Central time will take place that all are welcome to (we will put links on the blog and discord when it's time)
Monday, February 14th - I'm super excited to announce my collab episode with Shannon from Fluently Forward will be airing this day. It's going to be called Intro to Swiftgron on the main pod and I think you guys are gonna love it! PLUS we'll have a bonus pod on the Demi/Miley/Selena/Taylor drama of the late aughts with Cara available to all patrons
Tuesday, February 15th - an extra main pod entitled The Best of Kaylor featuring Emps of empsmd-blog
Wednesday, February 16th - a bonus pod with Cara where we discuss criticisms of Taylor available to all patrons
Thursday, February 17th - a bonus pod with @tilynation where we discuss tiny Tily details you may have missed and go over our meta reactions to what it was like to get the Tily tea available to all patrons
Friday, February 18th - a very special bonus pod featuring a conversation with Shannon from Fluently Foward available to Claire Winter patrons and up; we will also announce the winner of a $100 Amazon gift card to a lucky listener (everyone in the discord is eligible to win we will do a random drawing)
Saturday, February 19th - an EXTRA main pod episode entitled Jail Taylor Part 2 featuring Mia aka @diickvandyke on TikTok
I am so grateful to all of you for interacting in this space and allowing me to be your source for Gaylor entertainment. I hope you guys will really feel the love from everyone here at What I Will Say industries this Feb 14th and I hope you all consider me your Valentine!
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rumor-imbris · 3 years
To keep your mind busy while you're in a train.
Besides Connor (your sweetheart) do you like another assassin?
Any future fic of Mary and Connor?
Which part you find it difficult: the writing of the novel or the research on how it was the New World in the 18th Century?
~From the fatina 😊 ✨
Giulietta, my sweet fairy! Here I am, I'm sooo late, sorry! Connection was really bad on board the train because of the many tunnels, then I was tired to death and fell asleep! UoU zzZ So, thank you so much for your ask. Wow, how many questions! Let's start...
1. Ezio was the one who started it all for me, he was my mentor ^-^ righ before I found my soulmate in the Mowhak Valley (▰˘◡˘▰) So, yes, I can say a very affectioned one is Ezio; like for anyone else, I guess, he enters your heart, makes you a novice and never leaves you. I also had a big crush on him in the beginning, (again like everybody!) but you know I'm very jelous by nature, so it couldn't work between us xD!!! And then you came and he fell for you! Oh, and his sister Claudia! i think she's amazing and I'm one of those poeple who think she deserved a spin-off game! Claudia inspired me a lot to create Mary's path in my AC3 FF novel!
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Adewhale is also an assassin I really loved, very well written, tenacious and amazing, very underrated. I really liked that in "Freedom Cry" you're not motivated by money or resources, but in terms of freed slaves; it represents very well Ade's purpose, I think.
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And then, of course Grandpa Edward! I'm not a big fan of AC IV Black Flag, but grandpa is grandpa! In my headcanon AU Grandpy Eddy is still alive and so proud of his grandson captain of the Aquila ★~(◡‿◡✿) 2. Mmhh... I have something on my mind. The main story is concluded, but I was thinking of writing some separate episodes, little adventures, maybe one where they sail to England, a new OC and fragments of their life before and after the journey North. We'll see. Some things are well shaped already on my mind, other less, but as always, I think I'll start writing only when I think it's the right moment ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
3. This is a good and interesting question. As I wrote here many times, writing the whole novel was a super hard thing on its own, it took a lot of motivation. I had to force myself thinking that this was something I wanted to do for myself, no matter the purpose or gaining nothing useful out of all of the work it could have taken, it was all about me and my passion. Also it took almost three years and during that time many things evolved and changed, in between which I had one of the worst moments of my life and the writing process was completely ceased, until things started to align in a more positive way and I felt like going on writing again and concluding the story. It happens, I guess. The most difficult part, however, for me was the naval language. Historical research for a period writing is never easy, I've been there before, for other stuff I wrote in the past, and this time most of that part was in the main game already. The naval technical language though is... tough! Also I had to search terms both in Italian and then in English, as they are very different! It was hard, but I learnt a lot. The world of the ships, vessels, frigates, brigantines and so on is extremely fascinating, but it's a real maze! You could easily end up losing yourself and making mistakes, especially when it comes to describe battles in open sea and list the cannon types, the shots, the directions and all the sailors' terms the case requires! Furthermore, about Mary, I always tried to keep in mind that she is a young lady in the 18th century. A very difficult time for women, mainly ruled by men, when people thought that a girl's only purpose in life (even a wealthy one) was to get married well and give birth. I don't want to spoil too much, but I mentioned an important figure of Feminism and progressive thinking back then, I hope you might want to read until the end to find out who she is!
Sorry for the very long answers, I hope everything is clear and exhaustive! Thanks again for the ask, come visit me again whenever your curiosity wishes to!
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
(Gary anon) Journeys as a premise felt too big, period. So unfortunately that was going to mean some things get sacrificed or rushed. (I'm sure they'll handle Chloe okay, but she definitely could have did more. Maybe a bit more non-Eevee stuff in between or with poor, neglected Yamper) Plus, it doesn't sound like the type of Pokemon most people could handle, which he likely would gravitate to. At least to find out why.
(Part 2) (Heh, funnily enough, I had been wondering if they'd give Gary some wildcard to offset what he's usually seen with. Be it in Project Mew or battling Ash. Regardless of it being a legend, Regidrago still looks like it'd fit next to Blastoise and Tyranitar. I just hope Hatty doesn't suffer the same fate as the rest of team here except Electivire. IF he has it)
(Part 3) They also mention that Tokio was always planned to come back after his debut episode, but they didn't know how initially. So Project Mew might not have been the original concept for both ends. (Not gonna lie, it does makes me worried for that possible Ash vs Gary rematch; granted some of this sounds like stuff that was tossed around during the planning stages of Journeys. At least predating his announced comeback via the 3rd OP. Him having T-tar is still suspicious to me)
(Part 4) (I can buy giving him Hatterene to get through more of the Galar Pokedex) So Scarlet/Violet is November 18th, 20-23 episodes left it is! (It seems the time themes were true. Love how Lechonk is the new Wooloo. The legends looking like giant lizard bikes. The new professors and rival has certainly 'resonated' well with the fans. xD We might be in a school theme, and apparently there's no linear story. We can go about things at our pace how we want.)
Yeah, true.
Yeah, things should be fine there, though it's a real shame Chloe (and Yamper) got shafted for so long.
Yeah! That natural scientific curiosity (and also pride in being able to handle what many cannot).
Hatterene sure does fit the bill for being a wildcard, if the reactions I saw on Twitter are any indication of how unexpected it was for him. Hopefully it gets done justice (if it's true that's the Pokemon he has; guess we'll find out tomorrow).
Interesting! I do wonder about the process for the Pokeani writers, to what extent they might have an outline for a season's plot and what's like... come up with as they go.
I will hold out hope, if only because it'd be such a missed opportunity if it didn't happen, bringing things full circle.
Heck yeah! That should give Journeys a decent amount of time to wrap up.
So much great stuff! The legendaries are cool, Lechonk is a delight, the professors are gorgeous (Pokemon said bi rights revealing them on the first day of Pride Month) and it's interesting that after all these years we've finally diverged from the tree/plant theme for professors' names (apparently their names are derived from pasada and futuro, Spanish words for past and future, which fits their respective vibes). And open exploration! I never minded Pokemon's linearity but I'm sure that'll be really fun too.
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