#hoping things get better soon so i can stop whining and focus on more positive
Medwhump May 2024
Day 15 - Warmed blankets / Internal injuries
Continuation of Day 14 - Seizures / Vehicle accident
TW: minor whumpee (17), blood, vomiting, character death (implied)
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So to recap, Fetch crashed his van through no fault of his own. Which wasn't too much of a disaster, accidents can happen after all, though it would've been a little bit easier to deal with if they hadn't crashed in the middle of nowhere. Even when neither of them are too severely injured, it's a long trek to the nearest gas station, but they decided to make the hike anyway, as each step would bring them closer to salvation and it would be a better bet than to stay by the wreck and pray that someone would drive by eventually and also stop to help them.
Erick was usually pretty good with the heat, he'd grown up in Arizona after all, but even he reached his limit sometimes. He'd already been toeing the line while they were still driving, but now that they were walking next to the hot asphalt in direct sunlight with an extra piece of cloth tied around his neck to support his arm he was positively miserable.
He didn't complain about it though. Fetch was in a bad enough mood as it was, and his fuse was shorter than usual. He was probably in pain and uncomfortable too, and Erick just knew he would lash out if he started whining about how much the situation sucked.
For that same reason, he also stayed quiet when he started feeling nauseous. It was proably the heat and lack of hydration, the exhaustion from walking for hours without rest... Thankfully Fetch called for a break then, and the nausea subsided when Erick was allowed to sit down.
"How you doing?" Fetch asked, lighting a cigarette for himself.
"I'm fine, kinda," Erick said, after flopping down in the sand, "all things considered."
"When we get back to civilisation I'll get you some after-sun, you're looking a lil red," Fetch said.
"Like you're one to talk, you're covered in blood," Erick pointed out.
"It's bleeding through the gauze, isn't it?" Fetch said, wiping some blood from the side of his face, "it's fine. Nothing that can't be fixed as soon as we're out of this fucking sandbox."
"I hope someone passes us soon," Erick said.
"I hope they also stop and pull over," Fetch said, "we'll continue when I finish this cigarette, okay?"
"But you smoke so fast," Erick groaned slightly.
Fetch responded by kicking some sand at him. Erick coughed and sputtered as some got into his mouth, while Fetch continued to smoke unbothered.
"I already said, if we keep moving there's a good chance we'll regain a signal and be able to call for help," he said, "so we'll continue as soon as I finish this cigarette."
"Y-yes, sir...sorry," Erick said.
He spat out some more sand, before reluctantly getting back to his feet so he was ready to go as soon as Fetch buried his cigarette butt in the sand to extinguish it.
They didn't get very far or Erick's feet were already dragging again. Fetch didn't seem to notice, though, or he didn't care, as he simply walked ahead. He wanted to focus on just getting to their destination, and he just didn't have the energy to coddle the teen right now.
"Unless you tell me you see a car coming I don't wanna hear it," Fetch said.
Erick stayed quiet after that, so it couldn't have been that important after all. Fetch proceeded to ignore him, not even realising the distance between them was beginning to grow, until he suddenly heard the distinctive sound of someone retching.
Fetch stopped walking and turned back, finding Erick several paces behind him, leaning on his knee with his good arm and dry-heaving. Fetch rolled his eyes and walked back.
"You need another break already?" he asked.
Erick slowly looked up, looking a lot paler than he did half an hour ago. He didn't get a chance to reply, retching again and coughing up a handful of blood. Fetch could only watch as the teen sank to his knees, clutching his stomach as he vomited up more blood, before collapsing onto his side, gasping for air.
"Hey, stop that!" Fetch said.
He knew it didn't make sense to say, but even he could let go of rationality if he was shocked enough. He knelt down next to the teen, trying to get him to sit back up. Erick was shaking, deteriorating fast.
"No, no, no, not like this,"he said while cradling the teen, "why the hell didn't you say anything?!"
"Y-you said... cough!"
"And since when do you listen to me?" Fetch said, "just hold on, I got you."
He pulled the boy closer, trying to ignore his pained whining and ragged breathing as he pulled out his phone to check if they had a signal yet.
"W-what's happening?"
Erick's voice sounded so weak. Fetch checked him over, having to pry his arms away to palpate properly. He didn't like what he found, but there was literally nothing he could do.
"You're bleeding internally," Fetch said, letting the teen get comfortable...or as comfortable as was possible in his state.
"You probably ruptured something in the crash," he continued, "you're bleeding into your abdominal cavity...the low blood pressure can't get enough oxygen to your brain, you'll pass out soon and then it won't hurt anymore."
"A-and then?"
Fetch couldn't answer.
"Don't worry," he said, shrugging off his jacket and wrapping it around the boy, "don't worry about that now, kid. I got you..."
Erick settled down a bit, probably on the brink of passing out. Fetch tried to wipe the blood off of his face a bit. That was roughly all he could do, other than stay with him and wait for the inevitable...
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WOW That took long. Sorry for the wait, things just. kept. coming up. RIP Erick, you'll be good as new in the next one uwu.
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Taglist for the dynamic duo: @lavndvrr
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dis-easedfairy · 1 year
Noxious Pt.6
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Chapter 6: The Bonds We’ve Built
Warnings!: 18+ | Swearing/Strong Language | Suggestive/Dirty Jokes | Tae Moves FAST | Jimin Feels |
Pairings: Park Jimin x  Female Reader | Kim Taehyung x Female Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Best Friend!au, College!au, Eventual Poly!au, Eventual Smut
Word Count: 7,921 (roughly 29 minutes of average reading time)
Summary: Jimin, Taehyung and F/n are all childhood friends. Taehyung moved away some years ago and left Jimin to take care of F/n. F/n falls for Jimin as they get older and gives up everything to fit into his life, until one night Jimin gets drunk and tells her what he really thinks of her.
A/N: SOoooo I got a new computer and my laptop is a little janky so I haven't been able to transfer everything (impulsive decision, holiday specials and other works) including my taglists so sorry about that. Sorry for the wait. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy. 
Wanna catch up or read more?
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Once I climbed onto the fluffy comforter Taehyung leaned forward, wrapped his arms around my frame, and pulled us both back into the pillows. I could see the city lights through the large-ish windows and it with Taehyung's heartbeat was all I could manage to focus on despite the large TV playing a movie. It was just serving as white noise at this point. The lights in the hotel room were shut off to set the nighttime ambiance.
He wouldn't tell me how much the hotel cost when we arrived. I knew it was one of the fancier ones in Seoul. No matter how many times I tried to apologize for Hoseok making him come, he would shut me down.
He did end up reassuring me about Yeontan. He left him with his mom for the night. I had no doubt in my mind that Mrs. Kim would spoil Yeontan.
I was so worried about boundaries that I was hesitant to show any affection to Taehyung, but as I laid in his arms, his chin resting on my head as the side of my face was pressed to his chest it was clear that it wasn't an issue.
"You seem less aggressive than Hoseok warned me you'd be." His voice was just above a whisper.
"Aggressive?" I tried to replay my actions in my head from the past few weeks.
"He said you and Jimin argued a lot recently. He warned me about picking a fight with Jimin or you. He just wanted us all to meet but didn't want it to blow up." Taehyung explained.
And it blew up anyway, "Poor Hobi." I sighed.
Taehyung let out a sigh of his own. He then reached over and grabbed the remote, pausing the movie and shifting so he could look a little more at my face.
"...Can I ask what happened with you and Jimin? I know it might be too soon to butt into your life and be this touchy, but it's been bothering me all night. What's happening?"
"Jimin and I are just disagreeing on our friendship." I tried to dance the question, but he seemed to be the better dancer.
"What is there to disagree about? I know you're hiding something from me."
I let out a groan, kicking my feet in frustration, "Tae!" I whined.
It all seemed stupid now. Not only that but the way Taehyung's eyes would darken when something affected me negatively made me think Taehyung would confront him. The last thing I wanted to have then was confrontation.
Taehyung let out a giggle and began to hold onto me tighter, "I'm hurt, I thought I was your dragon?" He began to tease.
I tried to squirm out of his grip, a decision that caused him to sit up and push me into the bed by my shoulders. I reflexively put my hands on his chest, ready to push him off, but stopped when I realized he was now straddling me. As he hovered above me, the world froze.
The dim lights from the city lights danced along his face while the light from the TV highlighted his form. His hands warmed my shoulders and sent tingles down my back and up my neck. His eyes widened like I bet mine were. Both surprised that we found ourselves in this position. I could feel his hammering heart under my palms, a sensation I don't think my own heart was ready for.
I was unsure if it was me making him nervous, or if it was from his efforts of getting me to sit still. To test the waters my hands began to slide down from his chest. I could feel him hold his breath, his eyes still locked with mine. His eyes weren't frozen in surprise though, they began to waver like he was searching for something in my gaze.
My hands slid down to his stomach. No abs, just soft warmth that somehow made my fondness grow. Taehyung's hands moved from my shoulders to brace himself, his hands now on the bed beside each side of my head. He began to slowly lower himself, it was slow enough that made me feel at ease like I had all the time in the world to move if I wanted to. Once his forehead rested on mine, he closed his eyes as I moved my hands up and to the side of his ribcage then glided to his back.
"I just want to protect you." His voice was soft and full of sincerity.
"...You don't have to. You don't need to, Tae." I assured, beginning to rub his back.
Taehyung shook his head, "I'm the dragon. I protect the princess."
“Ew, cringe.” I giggled, not missing the soft puff of amusement from him in return.
I tried to fight back the warmth that began to blossom in my cheeks as I tried to make myself think clearly. Just like at dinner, the warm fog began to roll in. It made the world seem sugary sweet. It made everything seem light and like everything was going to be good forever.
A feeling that I was starting to fear. A feeling that was too foreign for me to understand.
As my own eyes fluttered closed a question needed to be asked, "Tae...? Is this okay?" My words managed to break through as the fog began to consume my thoughts.
"What's okay? You being here with me? You under me? Or are you asking if it's okay to tell me?" I could feel his forehead lift off of mine, I almost wanted to chase the heat his forehead gave.
"All of it." I could feel his weight shift on top of me and my hands slid off of him onto the bed beside me, I could feel the bed lift around my head.
"Does it feel right?" I didn't know.
Did it feel right? Why did it feel amazing yet feel like impending doom? Why did I want to get lost in it, yet have a map to guide me back and make sure I was at least going in the right direction?
I could feel his hand find mine and intertwine our fingers, I refused to open my eyes. I feared that if I opened my eyes I would fall for the sight I would see. The man in front of me.
Once it took too long for me to respond, Taehyung let out a sigh, "Just tell me what's wrong. I can fix it. I can help."
"It's not something you can really fix. It's just a petty argument that will go away in a few hours."
"Tell me anyway, just in case it doesn't." I could feel fingers lightly caress my cheek, begging me to give in to the temptation.
Telling him wouldn't hurt. Would it?
"I fell in love with Jimin." The words rushed out of my mouth before I could second-guess them.
Taehyung's body stiffened, I was afraid I may have done something wrong but decided to tell anyway, "I didn't really confess properly... One night he just... He got so drunk and called me to pick him up. When I did he basically told me he didn't love me but kept leading me on anyway." I had no idea why I was sugar-coating it.
Maybe it was because I could feel Taehyung tremble above me or maybe it was because I didn't want him to fight Jimin.
I felt his warm hands cup my face, making my resolve quake, "This doesn't sound like an argument that will go away in a few hours." He murmured.
I wanted to snap at him that I was aware of that, but as my eyes opened and I was met with a heavenly sight, the words died in my throat.
His eyes were hooded, looking at me with a soft yet predatory gaze that made me feel like I was now getting too much attention.
"We're working on it." I endured.
Taehyung began to lean forward again. This time our eyes locked. He placed one hand beside my head as the other stayed on my cheek. Once his eyes flicked down to my lips, I knew my fate was sealed.
I could feel the flood of adoration rush into my blood. The feeling from the restaurant came flooding back. The one that lost reason, the one that didn't know boundaries.
I didn't know if Taehyung was feeling the same, but one thing that made the feeling intensify was how Taehyung froze mere inches away from his face. His eyes wavered, then quickly averted my gaze, his lips pressing together to avoid smiling.
"...Do you know why I gave you the nickname Yakgwa?" He asked, seeming like he was changing the subject.
I tried not to show my disappointment as I responded, "Uh, was it because the lady at the stand gave me free ones because I shared them with you and Jimin?"
Taehyung shook his head, he looked back over to me, his eyes weren't meeting mine, they were purely on my lips as he spoke, "A few weeks after that. We were in the park close to my house. You wanted to be pretty. So I put flowers in your hair, my mom dressed you up in a princess dress, you insisted on a tea party, and you made me dress up too. Jimin usually would be the one to dress up with you but he was at his brother's game at the beach. After cookies and tea, you dragged me up to the tallest part of the park swing set and told me to pretend we were getting married."
Oh god no.
"Yah! You don't need to finish!" I quickly stated, feeling the burning embarrassment as I moved my hands to cover my face.
Taehyung began to move my hands away and continued his story, "My mom ran as fast as she could to get my dad and the camera from the car. I thought you were going to do the same thing you did with Jimin. You would get a kiss on the cheek and then hug him. But you didn't want that with me. You pulled me in and kissed me. On the lips."
My face was blazing hot as I only shook my head at his retelling of events. I refused to believe I stole his first kiss. All for a mock wedding because Jimin wasn't there to give me one.
"I don't call you Yakgwa because of some lady at a market. I call you that because when you kissed me, at our fake wedding," Taehyung's lips pulled into a small smile as he began to close the gap between our lips, "your lips tasted exactly like yakgwa."
Unlike when we were children, I let him close the space. His lips molded to mine making searing heat rush to my neck and face. I felt overwhelmingly warm and affectionate, my hands quickly moving to grip his shirt to keep him from moving away. Taehyung moved back slightly so he could fit between my legs instead of straddling them. I was more than willing to open my legs to accommodate him, my lips even parting when his tongue brushed against my bottom lip.
It was a burning blur of events that led to my hands in his hair, he was pressed dangerously against me. He was so close I could feel his racing heartbeat and the heat coming from his flushed skin. His hand traveled from my face down. I never expected him to slowly begin to play with the buttons of my shirt.
I knew this was too fast. It was all emotion and not any rational thought. The sound of a buzzing phone in the distance did nothing to break the focus we had on each other's mouths. With each movement of our tongues or lips, I began to feel more confident. I soon made us roll over so I was now on top of Taehyung, using my newfound leverage to set the pace. I unknowingly gave Taehyung the advantage of being able to slide his hands up the back of my shirt. His hot palms caused shivers to dance along my skin.
Once Taehyung bucked his hips up against me it caused an even bigger issue. I swallowed down the groan that arose from him, my core now feeling tingling heat that caused me to rock my hips against him. I pulled away from his lips to attack his neck.
A moan tore from his throat which drove me absolutely insane.
"There, please there," His breathless voice floated to me through the haze once I kissed a certain part of his neck, slightly under the ear, along his jawline.
Taehyung's hands went from my back to my ass to knead the soft flesh and help me keep my pace. Once a moan escaped me, Taehyung flipped us back over. Instead of kissing my neck, he went straight to unbuttoning my shirt.
This was enough time for the haze to slightly lift enough for my rational mind to wrap around the situation. I quickly grabbed Taehyung's hands, making him freeze in place, the fog lifting for him too.
Our panting breaths filled the room as we were both scared to move. Our flushed faces and disheveled looks gave a clear indication that we lost control.
Before he could speak I wanted to clarify, "I'm sorry! I was trying to keep my head in check but I just--" Taehyung cut me off with an adorable peck to the lips.
"Don't apologize, we both liked it, right?" He cupped my face with one hand again, eyes looking into mine full of hope.
"Yes. I did, but don't you think this is a little too fast?"
Taehyung seemed to deflate, "I haven't actually thought about it..."
"EH!?" Was the only noise that came out, causing Taehyung to press his lips together in an effort not to laugh.
What does he mean he hasn't thought about it?? Was he just going with the flow? Was he just acting on pure emotion or urge??
"I was just excited to see you again if I'm being honest. We had a really nice time last time and I got to meet your friends and see Jimin again. I had a really pleasant night and being here with you just..." He looked up at the ceiling like he was trying to gather his thoughts.
The suspense was killing me. I wasn't sure what I was expecting him to say, my whole body froze in anticipation.
A big smile began to form on his face, he hid his face against my shoulder as he quietly muttered, "You make me so happy."
Taehyung lowered himself so he was laying on top of me, his arms wrapped around me as he nuzzled into my shoulder, as my hands found his hair my body relaxed.
"I'll take it a lot slower," Taehyung promised, "We'll know each other all over again."
He let out a sigh, and all the tension in his body dissipated. It was like he melted over me, I expected him to be heavy but it was somehow a comfortable weight. I never knew a person could be a security blanket.
"You're so warm," Taehyung whispered, I could even hear the smile in his voice.
"You're so safe," I whispered back before turning my head to kiss his temple and the top of his head.
Taehyung let out a hum that vibrated into my bones before he spoke, "Let's sleep. I'll take you to school in the morning. You need to show me around anyway."
It was now becoming a theme that I couldn't say no to this man.
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Taehyung was keeping to his word.
I think.
As soon as we woke up he dragged me to a café. He was practically bouncing in his seat as we waited for me to decide.
"How do you have this much energy right now?" I yawned, I was tired and drowsiness hugged me like a heavy blanket.
"Maybe we should've gotten you a couple of espresso shots." Taehyung grinned.
"Or maybe I should've slept more," I grumbled while rubbing my eyes.
It was 6 am. Every bone in my body seemed to pop and creak with resistance. The warm and cozy café filled with smells of coffee and baked goods did little to nothing to wake my senses. If anything it had the opposite effect. Hints of vanilla and lavender wafting under the stronger coffee smell.
"I wanted to have breakfast with you before you went to school. I've been imagining how nice it would be to eat breakfast, drop you off, and come back to have lunch with you." His dreamy telling made it hard to be mad at him.
But not impossible.
I yawned, leaning back in my chair, "Well, we should have you learn my schedule because you are two hours ahead, TaeTae."  
Taehyung flashed me an apologetic smile, "That would be good. I'm on high school hours I guess."
"I do think lunch would be good though. The guys seemed to like you well enough. I think Jeongguk needs another photographer or camera person in his life because Yoongi locks himself in his dorm or the recording studio booths."
"Jeongguk is a photographer?"
"He's more into video, but he's a jack of all trades. I think you'll like him. I used to play games with him at parties Jimin would drag me to, but my grades started to tank. You two would get along." I elaborated, trying to focus my eyes on the menu.
My fuzzy, half-asleep brain refused to multitask. My brain unable to register that I was looking at words. I must've squinted at the words like they were ancient scratching because the menu was taken out of my hands.
"Are you feeling a hot drink or a cold one?" Taehyung questioned, his eyes scanning the menu.
"Are you a strong brew or blonde brew kinda person?"
"Strong brew," I muttered, my eyes wandering to look around the coffee shop.
"Are you like a hazelnut toffee, or like a peppermint mocha?"
"...These are a lot of questions for coffee." Taehyung smiled, not looking up from the menu.
I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion, "The coffee shop isn't asking this, is it?"
Taehyung placed the menu down and let his eyes wander to the ceiling like he was thinking over his answer.
"I just want to get to know you better." He admitted.
I had no idea why I was so guarded in some aspects but I was willing to fully make out with him. Why I felt like telling him things would only be a nuisance to him and annoying?
How did I expect us to get closer with no communication though?
I sucked it up, noting that I was being unreasonable and unfair.
"Salted Caramel Mocha is usually my go-to if they have it. I'm a sucker for seasonal flavors. I avoid hazelnut because my mom is allergic and I forget it's an option." I informed.
Taehyung's smile grew, "They have salted caramel as syrup and you can add it to a mocha!"
"That sounds fine," I assured.
He then proceeded to do a subtle little dance in his seat that devastated me before raising to go place our order.
I couldn't help but look over every so often at him. Each time I wasn't disappointed, he was undeniably adorable no matter the circumstances it seemed.
I scolded myself mentally, feeling a least a little creepy for staring, so I turned my attention out the window to see the sun turning the sky in various soft tones, watching people pulling up to get their caffeine fixes.
We had come pretty early. So early that the sun was barely rising, and the air was cool and crisp. The cool air outside contrasted the warm air in the coffee shop enough to make fog against the corners of the shop windows. It set a very particular feeling I knew I would only experience in this very specific scenario.
I heard a semi-loud giggle that turned my attention over to the counter that Taehyung was standing at.
It was obvious the barista was flirting with him, but what really caught my attention was the mountain of goodies on the wooden tray provided by the shop. I at first, thought the barista gave him these goodies as a way of flirting, but as I looked on a little longer, Taehyung asked a question I couldn't quite hear. Before he could even get an answer he was reaching over to the display case to get another wrapped goodie. This caused the barista to let out another giggle.
Another barista, a male who seemed unamused, placed the two coffees on the tray, moved his coworker over, and began to ring up the items. He read out the total to which Taehyung gave over his card with a heart-wrenching smile. His card was rung up and given back. The female coworker was lightly pushed towards the back of the counters facing the wall.
Taehyung took the tray and as soon as he turned to face our table his excited smile blossomed butterflies in my stomach. He nearly skipped to the table, putting down the tray and unloading my drink first.
"I didn't know if you wanted breakfast but I thought these looked good!" He began, unloading the different treats off the tray and separating them into sweet ones and savory ones.
"I didn't know if you were more into bread in the morning or light things," He explained as he took his seat and began to shuffle through them himself.
"Uhhh, I've actually never thought about it. I'm either early to class or incredibly late. There is no in-between so I just grab whatever or nothing at all. I never asked what coffee you liked by the way." I prodded.
Taehyung looked over to his drink then back to me with a bit of a sheepish look, "I actually don't like most coffees. They're too bitter."
This man couldn't get any cuter even if he tried.
"So you got a hot chocolate? Or a latte?" I questioned, sitting a bit forward to look at the treats on the table.
"Yeah, I got a raspberry white hot chocolate. They had a caramel chocolate one too but I haven't tried the raspberry one."
"At least you're adventurous. My roommate gets a strawberry latte everywhere she goes. Chooses nothing else but that and dalgona."
"I knew a few people like that. Especially strawberry latte ones." He trailed off.
I picked out one of the sandwiches from the pile and looked for a bread bun. I usually went for more savory things since the coffee was already pretty sweet. Sandwiches were alright but nothing beat the bread buns. Once I found a chicken curry bun I happily snatched it in delight. As I began to open it I caught sight of Taehyung in my peripheral vision. I looked up to see him fully and was greeted by his slight smile. His eyes held warmth in them as the rising sun began to shine rays to dance in his irises.
His eyes were naturally dark in color. Yet when the sun hit them just right they turned into molten dark chocolate. The unevenness of his eyes held so much charm that was only elevated by the adorable beauty mark right under one of his eyes.
"You're doing it again." Taehyung chuckled, obviously flustered.
I ripped my eyes away from him to look down at my bun, "Sorry, you're just really beautiful." I admitted.  
Taehyung let out a flustered groan, "How can you say that so easily?"
I began to flush myself as I shrugged, "Artist brain maybe?" I theorized.
Taehyung shook his head as he was failing to hide a smile, “Well, Artist Brain, I have to take you to campus soon. Eat up.”
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Arriving on campus before 8 am was a surreal feeling. Most of my classes started at 9 am or later. However, this gave me the perfect opportunity to visit Jeongguk about jobs since he was probably getting ready to go to his sometime soon.
After shooting him a text I made my way to his dorm room. Once I knocked on the door it swung open theatrically to reveal a semi-surprising sight.
“I don’t hear you counting!” Hoseok’s signature drill-sergeant-like tone drew out to the figure below him as he twirled a black-stick-like object in his hand.
Below Hoseok was sadly Jimin. Doing pushups but his arms were shaking and grunts of effort left his lips leading me to believe this had been going on for a while.
Jeongguk’s bright face, wet hair, and bunny smile greeted me as he held the door open.
“Morning, Noona!” He chirped like the scene behind him wasn't taking place.
“Uh… Am I interrupting somethi– Is that a selfie stick??” As I spotted the object in Hoseok’s hand, a phone now visibly attached it it, Jeongguk shrugged.
“Sometimes I have to use my phone to film. Need those angles.” He replied nonchalantly.
“…Please don't tell me the phone is actually recording…”
“Good Morning, F/n! What brings you here?” Hobi’s sunshine smile beamed so brightly that it gave me whiplash, forgetting the phone completely.
“I was going to ask Jeongguk when he was free to job hunt; Jimin are you okay?” I questioned.
“NO!” Jimin puffed which earned him a light kick from Hoseok.
“I didn’t say to stop counting.” Hoseok nearly barked.
“I’m free around five this afternoon. We could get food and hunt. There is also a new machine in the arcade not too far from here, we could check that out.” Jeongguk proposed.
“She… said ‘job hunt’… not… a date!” Jimin muttered between pants.
“Less talking more counting!”
“Okay, what the fuck is happening!? Jimin please get up I'm so uncomfortable.” I stepped into the room to close the door behind me like I had to hide the scene from passersby.
Jimin let out a groan of relief as he dropped flat on the floor, a sweaty and flushed mess.
“Why is this happening?” I interrogated, crossing my arms in hopes it showed I meant business.
Jeongguk and Hoseok exchanged looks before Hoseok spoke up, “Last night shouldn't have happened so we’re rectifying it.”
“What!? That’s what this is? He apologized!” I defended in disbelief.
“You were upset!” Jeongguk countered.
“At myself, not him!” I groaned.
“…Jimin, why didn’t you say anything?” Hoseok asked like that would be a possibility.
“Now, I’m going to take Jimin to his dorm to clean up and take him to a nice breakfast. I want you BOTH to be in the same state he is in or I’ll tell Seokjin it was you two who ruined his game save files!” I threatened as I moved to peel my childhood crush off the floor.
“You wouldn’t!” Jeongguk gasped.
“He was so mad that his farm in Stardew Valley was just GONE. He loved his fucking ducks, Jeongguk, you monster!” I called out dramatically as Jimin tried to hold himself up, throwing his arm around my shoulders for support.
“We wanted to see the creepy-looking farm map! We made so much progress and misclicked!” Hoseok tried to save their future in vain.
“WE’RE LEAVING!” Jimin groaned nearly yanking me to the door.
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“I vow to stop storming out dramatically after arguments.” I sighed as I tried to make myself as comfortable as I could on Jimin’s bed.
“I would appreciate that.” Jimin gave me a playful scoff as he entered the dorm, freshly showered.
I tried not to giggle as he plopped himself next to me with a pout, his hair reminding me faintly of a porcupine.
“I really am sorry. I should’ve let it go as soon as you apologized. It was childish and I won't do it again.” I reiterated in a firm and determined tone that made Jimin let out a breathless giggle.
“It wasn’t childish and you weren't obligated to forgive me. You were angry. Understandably so.” Jimin sighed as he looked down at his hands.
A looming silence filled the air. I could feel it in his tone and the way he was sitting that he had more to say. So I kept quiet, trying not to jump in or rush him as he found his words.
When his words finally came it caught me so off-guard, “I felt jealous.”
I swore he was some kind of mythical creature when he looked up at me finally. The natural light coming from the dorm room window hit the white wall behind us causing his features to illuminate perfectly.
Jimin averted his eyes from me as he began to explain, “I really thought about it last night. On why I acted that way. You and Taehyung seemed to get along so well and I guess I started to compare it to how we are now. I was angry. I couldn’t talk to you like that or touch you like that. I can barely even hug you anymore because it’s so different now and I don't want to push your boundaries. I know it’s my fault it's like this and that it’s my fault we can’t be that way. It was wrong of me to get mad at you if I’m the reason our relationship is so complicated now. I’m sorry. I’ll try to control my emotions.”
I could feel my stomach fill with guilt.
I made out with Taehyung last night.
And now Jimin was pouring his heart out.
And now I wanted Jimin all over again but now Taehyung may have the wrong idea. Did I have the wrong idea? Did I read too much into Taehyung’s attention and throw myself at him? Were my emotions too high and I just fucked up so badly? Did I just make this even messier than it was before?
“What are you thinking about?” Jimin’s voice caused me to nearly jump out of my skin.
I snapped my guilt-filled eyes over to look at Jimin, trying my best to gather my thoughts.
“Why did you feel jealous?” What a stupid fucking question about something he already answered.
To my surprise, he seemed to think over my question.
Jimin’s lips pulled into a frown, “I felt like I was getting replaced. Like someone stole you from me, right in front of me. Like I already lost you. Everyone was warning me at the table to not interfere with what you had with Taehyung… even if it was possible you…” He trailed off his eyes averting once again as he pressed his lips together, his brows creasing.
“Is that what you were talking about when Taehyung and I left the table?”
Jimin nodded, “They noticed I was trying to butt in. They told me to back off. I just couldn’t help it though. What if you actually stopped preferring me and started preferring you spent time with Taehyung? What if you gave up your days just to take a ride to Daegu and left no time for me? What if you transferred schools to be closer to him? What if he hated me too and didn't want you to speak to me anymore? What if you finally realized I wasn't worth your time?”  
The urge to hug Jimin only became stronger as I saw his eyes turn glossy, his eyes shifting to look at his lap and he tried to think more.
“That's why I told you it was stupid and to ignore me for the rest of the night. My complicated feelings shouldn’t stop your own. You watched me have girlfriend after girlfriend. You heard who I hooked up with the next day after it happened. You saw me flirt with others, you saw me kiss others, yet you never pushed yourself in, you never do what I do. I get so mad at myself because every time I act this way I think of that. That I’m being immature. That I’m entitled. That I’m such a stupid fucking hypocrite.”
“Jimin, can I hug you?” I asked softly, trying not to cry like an absolute fool.
Jimin looked up at me in complete surprise, “You want to hug me?”
I only nodded, reaching my hands out was the only confirmation he needed before immediately ducking down to shove his face into my shoulder and wrap his arms around my waist. One of my arms wrapped around his shoulders while the other held his head close to me. He let out a hum that vibrated my collarbone and warmed me from the inside despite his wet hair cooling my fingertips.
“We’re just both big idiots, huh?” I commented softly.
“Yoongi said it's because we share a single brain cell.” Jimin’s voice was muffled against my shoulder.
Before I could defend ourselves from Yoongi’s comment, Jimin unwrapped his arms to place his hands on my stomach and push me back so I was flat against the bed. Once I was flat Jimin used his knees to push open my legs and move to lay on top of me, his face back into my shoulder and his arms beginning to wrap around me once more as he let out a content sign.
“I missed you,” Jimin whispered as he nuzzled his face against the crook of my neck.
I tried to ignore the goosebumps that followed his action and tried to lay out the schedule for the day.
“Don’t get too comfortable, porcupine. I still have to take you to breakfast.” I tried to reach for the discarded towel for this man’s still dripping hair with little success.
Jimin took a deep breath, nuzzling his face into my shoulder with a hum, “Or we can take a nap and have lunch later.”
I let out a huff, accepting my fate of a wet shirt because the stupid towel wasn't in arms reach.
“I have classes in an hour, I can't sleep in.” I frowned.
“…Who gets 9am classes?”
“They were the only ones available on such short notice! It was either 9am or 7am and I don't think I’d function that early.” I whined.
“I’ll miss the breakfasts we had at 10.” Jimin sighed at the loss.
I let out a scoff, “More like your 10am hangover pity party.”
Jimin huffed at the jab, “Well now the pity party will move to lunch.”
“Or you could get up earlier, you know?” Jimin lifted his head to look at me in mock offense at the mere suggestion of something so vile.
“How dare you.” He muttered.
If he had pearls he’d clutch them about now.
I raised my hand to push the hair out of his face, enjoying the bare-faced view on top of me, “Apologies, your majesty, perhaps I could interest you in toast made by the finest lady in front of the university campus to make up for my grievances.”
Jimin’s eyes narrowed but he held no real malice, “I want an extra egg in mine.”
“Pardon, your grace?” I teased.
Jimin’s eye roll was somehow so relieving to see after all that happened last night.
“It would be unbecoming of me to evaluate so severely. I should absolve those I rule over readily for they are my people. I only ask for an additional golden egg to be lain upon said toast to reestablish the trust we have forged.”
I gave out a dramatic gasp, “Such a gracious Prince! To what do I owe to be in such a serendipitous standing to be ruled over by someone as dignified as you, your majesty? Such compassion will not be taken for granted!”
“Okay, you need to shut up now you’re giving me a headache.”
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“Do you think she gets a lot of money for running this?” Jimin asked, mouth slightly full as he looked around at the college students crowding the multiple carts and trucks around us.
It was pretty common for street vendors to come to the university parking lot to sell food in the mornings. They tended to stick around until after lunch, they’d leave then go to open up their shops for the night at the markets on popular streets or districts.
I’m sure I've seen a few nearby clubs and other shopping districts.
Jimin’s usual go-to was this nice older lady who made these sandwiches. Toast, a sauce, egg, cheese, and ham. It was simple but I think Jimin took a liking to her kind demeanor and the fact that she used reminded him of his own grandmother.
“Probably. Most markets are open throughout the day but I’m sure hungry college students surviving off of ramen flood them when they get the money.”
Jimin only let out a hum, clearly too preoccupied with his food to truly give a response. His puffy cheeks and pouted lips made me muster the strength to utter my next words.
“So, I’m just warning you that I was going to invite Taehyung for our group lunch.” I tried to play it off like I wasn’t internally freaking out about the possible reaction to my words.
He swallowed, looking over at me seeming to process my words for a moment.
“You know,” He began.
Oh no, here it comes.
“Maybe I should take you somewhere for dinner. I share you for almost every meal with other friends. I used to do it because it was easier that way and I didn't really want to spend too much time with you, but recently, I can’t help but feel like it's too little. We’ll have lunch with everyone but dinner is my time.” Jimin suggested.
Okay, maybe he didn't hear me.
“I do spend a lot of time with our friends and even more now that Taehyung is back in our lives.” I tried to give him hints that he couldn't avoid.
“Mhm, so we’ll have lunches with them but dinner is with me! My mom was sending me some recipes and I’ve been meaning to try out the hot plate my dad got me. We might have to go to the market for some pots though.” Jimin smiled.
It was so genuine that I had to be clear.
“Yes, lunch with Taehyung and dinner with you!” I tried again.
Jimin frowned.
“Lunches are for the group. See if he’ll take the breakfast slot?”
“You’re talking like I'm a community center that needs a timeslot!”
Jimin shrugged, “I’m just saying I promised Jeonggukie I would always have lunch with him and I know everyone would miss you even if it were for a day. I’m not much of a morning person anyway so I’ll take the evenings but it’s banished to morning time.”
“Its name is Taehyung.”
“It’s annoyingly dense. Keep it away from me.”
“No.” Jimin’s voice was firm.
He took a deep breath before speaking like he was clearing his mind to choose his next words.
“I know I can’t keep you from seeing him as a friend. You’re a person, not an object. I don't mind him at friend gatherings because Jeongguk seems to like him and Yoongi has a soft spot for him. I shouldn’t ruin that with the problems I have for him in the past. All I ask is to not expect me to treat him like he’s my friend and like I have to be around him. Please?”
I only nodded at his reasoning. I really didn't want to force it on Jimin but I felt like it was unavoidable at some point.
“Now eat your sandwich! You have a busy day! Jeonggukie is gonna take you job hunting around 4:30-ish. In the meantime, I’ll look for pots and stuff after classes so we can have dinner together!”
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This is one of the first times I hoped classes were longer. Before I knew it, it was 1pm. The time everyone got a break for lunch.
I was undoubtedly nervous. One dinner with the group and Taehyung was a semi-disaster.
Would lunch be the same? I already confirmed with him that he was able to join us for lunch. What if Jimin changed his mind? What if Taehyung brought up our kiss? I never told Taehyung he couldn't say anything.
As I packed up my things I made sure to do it at a lethargic pace. Maybe I could get hit by a high-speed project from the robotics lab on the way there if I was lucky. I could go to the nurse or something to get out of it.
My slow walk through the campus brought a surprising sense of peace. Though Jimin didn't fully accept Taehyung, he did acknowledge him. It wasn't the best but it was a start.
I’ve felt closer to everyone than I have before. Hoseok, Jeongguk, Yoongi, and even Jimin himself. I felt like maybe him drunkenly telling me those things was a somewhat good thing. It brought a wave of change that I couldn’t help but look at positively. I can and do put myself first now. I don't feel lost or like I'm just existing at Jimin’s side. A soulless husk just wanting a crumb of affection.
As the sun scattered through tree leaves and the afternoon breeze caressed my face I couldn’t help but smile.
I should actually tell Jimin I kissed Taehyung. That was the healthy thing to do, right? I did promise to be more honest. So I would.
“Don't walk into a tree!” A scolding voice made me nearly jump out of my skin.
Letting out a yelp I jumped to the side away from the voice in horror.
“Don’t be loud, Noona. I came to make sure we have a game plan after classes.” Jeongguk looked way too lighthearted for basically making me jump out of my skin.
Of course, it was muscle bunny.
He was casually holding a convenience store spicy pork and black rice lunch box, a few triangle kimbap stacked on top. I never knew how he ate so much.
His doe eyes that nearly sparkled made it hard to be mad at him so I only sighed, walking by his side.
“Right, so do you have any places right off the bat that you’re interested in?” I asked while trying to steady my heart.
“There are a few places in Insadong that we can check out unless you want to stick to Hongdae?”
“We can always check out both, but I feel like Insadong may have more options since Hongdae is student-dense.”
Jeongguk nodded in agreement, “Less competition.”
Once we began to approach the usual spot it was a sight I didn't know I was ready for.
Yoongi’s back to us. Hoseok sitting next to Jimin. Taehyung sitting across from Jimin. No one was arguing, Jimin wasn’t even making a face, just unpacking the food while Hoseok was telling a story to everyone. Once we got into earshot we could hear part of it. A junior in the same class as Hoseok and Jimin was having trouble with memorizing steps.
Yoongi, of course, added his two cents like maybe slowing down for the juniors to which Jimin replied that they tried and he got embarrassed. So they continued brainstorming.
“You could tutor him on an off day, Hyung. I get embarrassed in front of others too. Alone would help more.” Jeongguk nearly dived for the spot across from Hoseok.
I quietly took my spot somewhat between Jimin and Taehyung, right across from Yoongi.
The thing I quickly noticed made me giggle a little. Most of us had convenience store meals. Lunch boxes or kimbap, maybe a bun here or there. All of us but Jimin who had a bowl of tteokbokki. It was stacked too. It had boiled eggs, green onions, fish cake and I swore I saw a dumpling for two in it.
“That is so much.” I giggled at him while opening my tea.
Jimin only smiled at me, “I was hoping to share with you, you usually get sandwiches or kimbap. We can dip them and everything.”
“You can share with me!” Jeongguk teased.
“Like you need more food,” Jimin grumbled deadpan.
I only shook my head at the interaction, “We can share the sandwich is kimchi chicken.” I informed him, moving my sandwich closer to his bowl.
“Did the ajummas bully you into getting something?” Hobi asked before taking a bite of his bun.
“No! I just had breakfast with F/n there this morning and saw this truck when we were there. I wanted some.” Jimin shrugged.
I didn’t remember seeing a tteokbokki truck though. Not even a little. I chose to push that aside for now as I used the toothpick provided to eat a rice cake.
“Well, at least Taehyung didn't betray us by getting actual food.” Jeongguk said dramatically.
“I would never!” Taehyung played along with a boxy smile.
“Hey! I didn’t betray you I was swayed with better benefits.” I defended.
“Which is betrayal.” Yoongi snickered.
“It’s being smart.” Jimin came to my aid, dipping his half of the sandwich in the sauce of the tteokbokki.
“On another note, Seokjin said he may be back sooner than he thought because someone got injured,” Hoseok informed.
“Jin-hyung was the one who got hurt I bet.” Jeongguk smiled.
“He said it wasn't him.” Hoseok chuckled.
“Namjoon didn't go with him so I have no clue,” Yoongi added.
“Leave that poor man alone he’s just trying to live his life peacefully,” I complained in honor of Namjoon.
“I can’t wait to meet them both. You guys talk about them a lot.” Taehyung finally spoke up.
“Yeah, Seokjin is more energetic than Namjoon. He might get along with you more at first, he's pretty blunt though so try not to get offended.” Jimin explained.
I couldn't believe he was actually talking to Taehyung.
“You’ll scare him with that description of Jin!” Yoongi laughed.
“Jin-hyung is goofy don’t worry.” Jeongguk patted Taehyung’s arm in reassurance.
“Jin-oppa would fight you for calling him goofy.” I cringed like he was about to pop out from behind the trees to prove my point.
“Oppa? How old is he?” Taehyung asked curiously.
Jeongguk smirked, “Older than Yoongi-hyung.”
“Why did you say that like I was ancient?” Yoongi took clear offense.
“He was born in ‘92, it’s not a big jump.” Hoseok sighed.
“And Namjoon?”
“Same age as Hope, just a few months apart.” Jimin smiled fondly at the thought of Namjoon.
“He’s more laid-back. Loves nature and poetry. He wants to be a writer and knows multiple languages. He’s pretty dreamy.” I interjected.
Jimin whipped his head to look over at me, “How can you say that in front of me after I got us this?”
“You cannot tell me Namjoon isn't dreamy!” I scoffed.
Jimin seemed to mull over my words, not having an argument. This only caused Hobi to laugh.
“I need to tell him that so he can get shy.” Hobi giggled in mischief as he took out his phone.
“Tell him I said it! I want the brownie points!” I piped up.
“Don’t tell him it was F/n, take all the credit!” Jimin argued.
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- Next Chapter (coming soon)
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Hello!! This is the forsaken princess, aka Wisteria. You reblogged my thing about barbed wire and I saw you take writing prompts, how would you feel about writing something involving barbed wire? I'm using anon because it'll only let me ask as my main blog, which I try to keep separate from my whump stuff.
Ooh of course!!!
Rescuer was expecting to find Whumpee in a bad position, but this… they could never have expected this.
Whumpee is wrapped in barbed wire, from the soles of their feet to the top of their head. There’s some in their mouth, in their ears, in their nose, under their nails, even some bent so that it sits just above their eyes and any movement will risk the barbs blinding them.
Fuck, Rescuer wasn’t expecting this at all. They can’t get Whumpee out of the barbed wire right now, they don’t have time, they need to get Whumpee out of here as soon as possible because Whumper could be back any minute-
Focus. They brought bolt cutters, those will be able to cut the barbed wire, so they can get some off. They prioritize the wire above Whumpee’s eyes so that carrying them to safety won’t accidentally gouge their eyes out, then psych themself up to carry Whumpee.
It’ll hurt both of them, badly, but obviously Whumpee will have it worse. They can’t afford to risk Whumpee screaming, and Whumpee seems far too out of it to be able to hold back a scream, so rescuer rips off a piece of their shirt and stuffs it in Whumpee’s mouth, along with the barbs. Whumpee whines, but it’s muffled by the makeshift gag.
Okay. They can do this. They scoop Whumpee up into a bridal carry.
The barbs immediately dig into Rescuer’s skin, but they push the feeling aside. They just have to get Whumpee out. They sprint out of Whumper’s house and to Caretaker’s car, ignoring Whumpee’s muffled screams the whole time.
They pass Whumpee to Caretaker in the back seat, then jump into the driver’s seat and peel out.
“WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK.” Caretaker brought all sorts of medical supplies, thinking they were prepared for anything, but nothing could’ve prepared them for this.
The nearest hospital is three hours away. They knew that, knew that they couldn’t plan on calling on ambulance if they wanted Whumpee to get treated as fast as possible, but… where do they even start with this? How can they possibly do this without help?
“Stop freaking out.” Rescuer says. “We don’t have time for that. You brought rubber gloves, right? Use those to protect your hands and start getting that shit off them. Oh-“ they hand the bolt cutters back to Caretaker. “You can use this too, if it’s easier.”
“Right, right- oh Whumpee, it’s going to be okay, I’ve got you.” First, they inject some painkillers into Whumpee’s arm. Then they put on the rubber gloves and get to work, using the bolt cutters to cut the various knots of wire that Caretaker wouldn’t be able to untie safely. They remove Rescuer’s makeshift gag and let Whumpee scream before starting with the wire around Whumpee’s head and work their way down.
“Breathe, you’ll be okay, I’ve got you. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out-“
Whumpee barely responds at first, but eventually they start to breathe along with the rhythm Caretaker sets. Good, that’s good. They can’t talk, but they’re at least a little aware of their surroundings and can hear, both very good things.
It’s very slow going. Caretaker could go faster, but they’re worried about doing more damage, so they slowly ease each barb out one at a time. The painkiller seems to be helping, at least. Caretaker only just barely gets the last of the wire off by the time they get to the hospital.
“There we go. That’s the hardest part over. You’ll be okay, I promise.”
The doctors are kind. They clean out every one of Whumpee’s wounds and bandage them up like a mummy. They help Whumpee eat and drink and set several broken bones Caretaker hadn’t even noticed in their panic.
For the first time in years, Whumpee feels some hope that things will get better.
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vngelis · 3 years
You're going to play now - Shigaraki Tomura
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Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x fem!Reader
Summary: Quirkless!AU. Your boyfriend will give you the attention you want but don't you dare lose his progress in his game.
Content warnings: NSFW. Minors DNI. Fingering. Edging. Praise kink. Pet used as a pet name. OOC Shiggy.
A/N: I wanted this to be slight praise kink but no lo logré lol, sorry for the extremely ooc Shiggy that I created. Also my brain stopped working and forgot how English works so the writing is probably trash.
WC: 2.1k+
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You look up from your phone and see the same you’ve been seeing for the past three hours; Your boyfriend sitting in front of the screen of his computer playing that stupid war game. You sigh. You were absolutely bored.
“I’m bored.” You say, with the hope that he will give you attention now.
“Yeah.” Was his only answer. You sigh again.
You let your phone fall in his bed, where you were laying and push yourself up, stretching your back and arms and letting out a satisfied moan, Shigaraki didn’t hear or he just didn’t care, the later was most likely. You started walking in his room, observing the few things he had. A couple of action figures in his shelves, one poster so old that it looked like a blank paper, some clothes in the floor and a mirror. You paused in front of the mirror and looked at yourself. Today you had put a little more effort in your appearance, with the hope that that guy who was ignoring you paid you a little attention.
You brushed your hair with your fingers and huffed, letting your arms fall at your sides.
You looked at him and walked the four steps it took you to stand behind his chair and made eye contact with the back of his head for five second before taking a hold of his hair and pulling it so his head was inclined against the head rest. He locked eyes with you with an annoyed expression on his face.
The both of you opened your mouth to say something but were interrupted by some shooting sounds and a change of colors in the computer screen.
A banner that said “you were killed” appeared in the middle of the screen.
“I was going for a flawless victory, pet.” He said with such a monotonous voice that it made you shudder a little.
“Sorry.” You said. He rolled his eyes and tried to look at the screen again to continue his game, but you pulled at his hair again. He groaned annoyed.
“What?” He asked harshly.
“I’m bored.” You repeated your sentence from minutes ago. He rolled his eyes and sighed, after looking at you for like ten seconds he sighed one more time before pulling his chair back. You smiled, thinking he was going to stand up and finally spend time with you, but he just took your hand that was still on his hair and pulled you until you were standing in front of him but facing the screen. All this while muttering something along the lines of “So fucking annoying.”
“What ar-“ You were interrupted as his hands on your waist pushed you down into his lap.
“Grab this.” He handed you the joystick and started pointing at some buttons. “This one is to aim, this one to shoot. This one right here is to move and this one is to recharge.”
“What do you m–” You tried to say again, but your boyfriend interrupted you once more.
“You’re going to play.” He said, with a firm voice.
“Oh...okay?” You pressed the button to resume the game and slowly and insecurely started moving where you thought you had to.
“You’re going the other way.”
“Shit, sorry”. You chuckled nervously and started to move the other way.
“You better not lose.” He said lowly as his thumbs stroked your waist. “Or I'll be really pissed.” You gulped.
As soon as he finished speaking someone started shooting your way. You clumsily aimed where you thought the shots were coming from, when you spotted an opponent you pressed the bottom without thinking.
“Oh my god, look!” You squealed happily. His hands in your waist gave a short squeezed before descending to your hips, where they squeezed again. He leaned his head against your shoulder to have a better view.
“Good girl.” He praised softly in your ear, making your face heat up. “You better not lose.” He repeated as his hands went even lower, reaching your thighs and going under your skirt.
“Sh–Shiggy.” You muttered nervously, looking down at his hands. He pinched your thigh lightly, just enough to keep you looking up.
“Eyes on the screen.” He said firmly, returning his hand under your skirt. ''You wanted my attention, now you have it. Don’t lose.”
You looked up and continue to roam the area, searching for other opponents. Hard task with his hands slowly approaching your panties tho.
Not long after, you noticed someone looking away from you. You aimed and shot, this time it took you two shots, but you managed to kill them anyway.
“You’re really good at this.” He murmured, kissing your temple at the same time his fingers grazed the edge of your panties. “Maybe I should had let you play sooner.”
“Maybe you should had.” You murmured back. He scoffed pinching your inner thigh again, making you squeal.
“Don’t get cocky.” You let out a little giggle at the same time you killed someone who started to shot your way. This time his fingers grazed softly over your clothed clit. You shuddered and Tomura laughed softly. “Keep playing.” He murmured in your neck before giving a small kiss.
His fingers started to rub against you more firmly now. You let out a choked moan as your legs tried to close but he avoided that putting each one of your legs over one of his, keeping them spread. You tried to kill another one, but you missed and they managed to escape. Tomura let out a discontent groan and his fingers left you and rested on your thighs again. “N-no. Don’t stop.”
“Keep playing then.” Was his only response.
You started searching for more opponents slightly desperate so he could be happy and return his touch, but you couldn’t find anyone. “Where the fuck is everyone?” You muttered lowly. He lightly chuckled behind you.
“Look in the small map in the bottom left, the red dots.” He guided you. You looked at the map and started running to where the nearest dot was. Aim and shot. Another kill.
“Yeah, that’s more like it.” He praised as he moves your hair from the side of your neck so he can start leaving open mouth kisses there. One of his hands went up your shirt and started stroking your navel as he continues kissing your neck, the other one rest over your clothed clit again, without enough pressure to get you off but enough so you know his hand is there.
You killed one more and you started to get more confident in the game, starting to get the hang of it, and without the touch of your boyfriend you could starts to get focused. But without your cute sounds and reactions, he was the one that started to feel neglected.
His hands went to your underthighs and roughly pulled them even more separated, your eyes waver between the screen and what his hands were doing, but some shootings made you keep your focus on the game. You started to shoot back but failed. At least the other person failed too and you manage to escape. When another group of people came near your position your boyfriend pulled your panties to the side and made direct contact with your slit.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet.” He whispered as he dragged his fingers up to your clit.
“Shit, I can’t concentrate like this.” You cried out and blindly shoot around you, surprisingly killing two of them.
“Too bad. Try.” He used your slick to push one finger inside of you and you let your head fall against his shoulder. “Hey, hey, eyes on the screen, you are doing good, don’t stop now.” The hand that was on your navel went up to your jaw, positioning your head straight.
“You say it like it’s easy.” You said in between moans.
“You were the one crying for my attention, now deal with it.” He finished his sentence with a pinch in your clit and a squeeze at the bottom of your neck, making you moan.
He moved his fingers down your slit again and this time pushed two digits inside of you, he groaned as you squeezed around them. “So tight.” He muttered against your neck again.
His fingers started to drag against your walls just like he knew you like it and your eyes fell shut for a couple of seconds, enough seconds for the other players to find you and kill you. Your eyes opened immediately when Tomura stopped the movement of his fingers inside of you.
“You can only die three times per mission before it makes you start from the damn beginning. Don’t you dare lose all my fucking progress.” He says with a low and threatening voice. “You only have one life left.”
“Yes, sorr-Ah!” You’re interrupted with the touch of his other hand’s fingers in your clit. “No! Tomura! Too much! I’m going to lose” You squeaked as one of your hands left the joystick to grab at his wrist,
“Both hands on the controller.” He warned without slowing his movements. You loosened your grip and bring your hand up again while your legs began to shake.
Both of his hands started to move in that complex synchrony that you never manage to do on your own and your moans got louder. Your hips were bucking down into his, your grinding making your boyfriend moan underneath you. “Fuck, don’t- Look, look at the screen. Focus.”
Even though he could easily get lost in just your movements on top of him, his hands never falter, and you began to feel your climax approaching.
“Shiggy, I- I can’t.” You whined trying to keep all your focus away from his fingers inside you.
“Yes, you can, look how far you managed to get. You’re doing. So. Good.” Every word is emphasized with a deep trust of his fingers, aimed at that one spot inside of you that makes you cry in pleasure. “You’ve been doing so good, I know you can manage a couple of minutes more.”
“Yeah.” You cried. “I can.” With that you killed one more person in the game, winning a kiss in the temple from your boyfriend.
“Good girl.” He whispered in your ear, and that caused you to clench around his fingers, making him groan. That sound brought you even closer to your orgasm.
“Fuck, don’t say shit like that.” You whined, making him laugh softly. “I want to cum.”
“Not yet.” You whined once more. “Come on, keep being my good girl and kill one more.”
You half conscious started to search for more players so you can make Tomura happy. You killed one more, and you won one more kiss on your temple, at the same tame his movement sped up, your moans and whines getting louder.
“I’m gonna cum.”
“Look, there’s 30 seconds left, just hold it. You’re always so good for me, I know you can.” His words were not helping you, nor did the fact that his movements sped up even more. “Just don’t die, okay? There’s still 15 seconds.”
“I-I can’t.”
Once the chronometer in the screen got to 10, your boyfriend started to count with it. You were trying so hard not to cum before you were allowed, but his fingers just felt so good.
“Three, two, one. That’s it, you can cum now, pet. It wasn’t that hard, was it?” He murmured in your ear. His word fell in deaf ears as you felt like you fainted once you let it go. You were letting out moan after moan. Your legs were shaking over Tomura’s and your hips couldn’t stop grinding against your boyfriend’s hands. He couldn’t help to slightly buck his hips up into your ass.
“Fuck.” You sighed once you started to get your senses back.
Shigaraki took his fingers out of you slowly and you hissed because of the sensitivity. He started to stroke your still shaking thighs with his still slightly wet fingers. “Did you like the game?”
“I mean- Yeah?” You said unsure, you just killed people after all, didn’t know shit about the game itself. “I did’t catch anything of the story, that if it even has one.” You glared at him accusingly.
He ignored you and tapped you legs, signalizing for you to stand up. You complied and smiled at him when he also stands up. It instantly disappears when he makes you sit again, this time alone.
“What happened?”
“Read what is says in the screen. There’s still four missions lefts.” He starts kneeling in front of you. “Now maybe you’ll understand a little more about the game.” Shigaraki smirks as he pulls your legs over his shoulders. “Remember, don’t lose my progress.”
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
An Unexpected Rival
Characters: Childe, Scaramouche, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 3,556
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: When thinking about fighting for the affections of someone, one normally imagines great declarations of love and promises of loyalty. But sometimes that’s not it. Sometimes it’s simply living with a being that hates you more than anything.
In which the reader’s pet hates their s/o
Author’s Note: I did give the pets names because I felt I couldn’t really refer to them as “your pet” the whole time. I also am not a pet owner. Still I hope you enjoy! 
Going to try non bullet pointed for a bit. We’ll see how it goes!
Honestly you didn’t know what to do.
Here you were, standing in the middle of the living room of your apartment, trying desperately not to laugh at the sight of your dog sitting directly on the chest of your much beleaguered partner.
You hadn’t really considered the consequences of introducing Childe to Lacey. I mean, how badly could the interactions be between the man you were convinced was your soulmate and the nicest golden retriever that had ever existed? If there was going to be issues you’d reasoned it would be on Childe’s side. So when your partner lit up at the mention of your fluffy child, you’d assumed all would be well.
Evidently that was not the case. You knew that Lacey could be clingy on occasion, but she’d really been making an effort these past few weeks. Knocking your partner out of the way when you two walked through the door together, refusing to stop walking when you two met up at a park or on the street, refusing to answer to Childe’s attempts at affection. It was almost impressive, the lengths Lacey was willing to go to establish her position as Number One Childe Hater – especially impressive considered the well-attested competition, including but not limited to a Fatui Harbinger.
Now you sprung into action as best you could, bottling up the giggles that threatened to erupt at any moment.
“Childe!” You exclaimed, walking closer. Lacey still refused to stand up, but her tail thumped excitedly against the floor, and she let out a short whine of appreciation. Unfazed by this cry for praise you sighed. “Lacey! Get up! Honestly, you’re not being a very good testament to your intelligence right now.”
Nudging her slightly you sighed with relief as the golden retriever sprang up, attacking your hands and face with kisses as you dragged Childe up to a sitting position. Childe at least seemed unfazed by the sudden attack, letting out a mere “oof”, and smiling a slightly embarrassed smile.
“I’m really sorry about this Childe.” You said, hands still batting away Lacey’s frantic activity as she attempted to get you to focus on her.
“It’s alright. Just, wow she’s a heavier girl than I expected.”
“Hopefully no squished organs?”
“Archons no! It’ll take more than this girl to fell me, don’t you worry.” Childe attempted to give Lacey a pet, but the dog that had just before been laying all over him now scampered out of the way, instead pawing at your back.
“Lacey! Stop being so rude! Urgh, and here I was hoping that you two would be somewhat settled before I went on my trip.”
You sighed, letting your head drop into the palms of your hand, not wanting to think about what might happen during the week and a half that Childe would be required to take care of Lacey. Would she even let him in the apartment to feed her? What about walks and the like? Were you going to come home to all our warfare? Childe seemed to understand your quickly dropping mood, placing a hand on your shoulder and rubbing small circles with his thumb, even as Lacey whined and began pawing at his arm.
“I promise it’ll be alright my dear. We’ll manage while you’re gone and who knows? Maybe by the time you get back we’ll be thick as thieves, and then you’ll be the one getting sat on.”
“Who knows.” You let out a burst of laughter. But even as you two shared this moment of levity your mind continued to spin its threads, dreading the days to come and what you’d be presented with the day you got back.
 “Alright, what’re we going to do.”
Childe stood in the foyer, hands on his hip, irritation in his heart. Lacey seemed to be mimicking the gesture, chest puffed out proudly as she stared the Harbinger down. They must’ve been standing like that for at least ten minutes, Childe thought to himself, ten minutes of staring and nothing yet done. It was beginning to grate on him, and were it not for the fact that you’d have to pay for damages, he was quite tempted to vault over the nearby furniture, if only so he could get to the kitchen and have this miserable showdown be over.
He didn’t dislike Lacey, no Childe didn’t think he could truly dislike any dog if he tried. He used to dream of owning a wolf pup, of flopping around in the snow with his companion, running as fast as he could and still being chased down with a crash, before being bombarded by affectionate pawing and kisses. These memories seemed quite silly when faced with the reality of caring for a dog however, and now he wanted only to bang his head against the wall, and maybe pass out from the exertion.
“I get that you love your owner.” He spoke again, how long had he been talking to this dog? “But I don’t think this is the way to win their heart.”
Lacey said nothing, simply narrowing her eyes and letting out a slightly hiss. Still Childe continued on.
“And like it or not you are going to have to eat eventually. So I suggest if you’re going to misbehave, that you should at least do it on a day when I’m not your primary caretaker.”
When there was still no movement from Lacey Childe sighed. That evening when he returned to his own apartment it was with the unfortunate knowledge that golden retriever bites hurt a lot more than he’d expected them too.
 It was storming, and the city of Liyue had transformed from a glistening city to one of mud and rusted iron. Childe swore under his breath as he pulled his coat closer around him, desperately trying to keep as dry as possible. Who knew if he’d be able to make it to your bedroom and grab one of his spare shirts with Lacey acting like he was a burglar instead of well known acquaintance? The song and dance between the two of them was grating. Feeding your golden retriever being nearly impossible, not to mention the times when Childe half dragged Lacey through the most half assed of walks. Really how could such a gentle spirit turn so stubborn so quickly? Childe didn’t know, all he knew was that the sooner you came home the sooner he could stop worry about being nipped at the heels.
The sight that met Childe at the entrance to your apartment was jarring. Instead of the usual irritated dog Childe was met with utter silence, and a stillness that betrayed the fact that not only was Lacey not in the hall, but she was also avoiding the kitchen and the living room.
“Lacey?” Childe called out, getting no answer but the whipping of wind and the rumble of thunder. “I swear if you managed to run off – Lacey!”
Going further down the hall Childe finally heard the sound of muffled whimpering. Walking into your bedroom he spied Lacey under the bed, eyes filled not with disdain, but with anxiety.
“Lacey, why in Teyvat are you here?”
There was no reply, until suddenly another clap of thunder shook the walls. Lacey let out a yelp and crawled under the bed a little more, flattening her head against the floor, although there was not much room left in that department. Childe stared at this for a second letting the pieces fall into place. He just couldn’t believe it, couldn’t believe that this was the same Lacey who so fearlessly guarded the apartment against his entrance every day.
This slight smugness was extinguished rather quickly though, instead replaced with a sense of pity, and the need to make this poor girl feel the least bit better.
“Hey, hey it’ll be alright.” Childe spoke softly. For a moment he left the room, but quickly he returned, towels and blankets in hand, praying that you wouldn’t mind that he messed up your closet a little bit.
“Let’s make a fort, shall we?”
Not waiting for any sort of acknowledgment Childe began to pile up the covers on your bed, making sure to lay down towels in case you were worried of shedding. At first Lacey did nothing much than scooch out enough to watch him, but within the next flash of lightning she was up and moving, diving under the makeshift fort and clambering around Childe, as if trying to find out if she could burrow through the Harbinger.
“I know, I know, it’s pretty scary out there, huh?” Childe ruffled Lacey’s head slightly. “But you’ll see, it’ll pass soon enough. And then we can go back to fighting, alright.”
Lacey let out a whine, but nevertheless began to settle down, lying down and once more resting her head on her paws.
“There’s a good girl.” Childe smiled softly. “You aren’t that bad you know. At least you aren’t that bad when you’re not trying to bite my leg off.”
Your surprise at the improvement in Childe-Lacey relations was somewhat immense when you returned. Though Childe refused to say what had managed to form such a bond between your disgruntled pet and him, only that he hoped you didn’t mind dog hair on your bed. Lacey, for her part, no longer tried to sit on your partner.
Even if she still pushed him out of the way when you came home.
Scaramouche could deal with a lot of things. He could deal with the fact that your parrot wouldn’t let the man within three feet of the parrot’s cage without attempting to bite his hands off. He could deal with the obnoxiously loud clicking whenever he got too close to you, and he could deal with fact that your parrot was fond of yelling random phrases at him in the most aggressive tone Scaramouche had ever heard. Scaramouche could deal with all of that. What he couldn’t deal with is what your parrot insisted on calling him, no matter how much time was spent saying: “Scaramouche. I am Scaramouche!”
“Electro boy? Really?”
“I’m sorry Scara,” you let out a giggle, “I didn’t know what your name was when I first saw you.”
Oh Scaramouche was sure of that, but did that really mean that Oliver had to call him solely by that title? It didn’t help that you must’ve referred to Scaramouche an awful lot as “Electro Boy” for it to be the name that stuck in Oliver’s mind. And regardless of how many times you used the title, it was one thing for you to use the nickname. It was quite another thing for Oliver to, since, unlike in your case, Oliver’s use of “Electro Boy” could be nothing but derogatory.
Scaramouche had long given up in wooing the errant parrot over. If they were to be mortal enemies, so be it. He’d dealt with that before.
“Oh Scaramouche, you must be joking!” You’d exclaimed when he’d revealed this train of thought, cupping his face in your hand and pressing affectionate kisses to his face. He’d let you do so, let you imagine that one day there might be a reconciliation. But in his heart he knew. Unless Oliver learned to stop with the name calling, Scaramouche would never forgive him for the insult.
“I wish you would write.” You whispered.
Pain skirted through Scaramouche’s face, but still he refused the promise that you needed. You knew that Scaramouche would never be able to have a normal relationship with you, that these trips were necessary, were a part of him that you’d never be able to wrench away. Still, the least he could do was promise to write. Without his writings, well how could you even be sure he was alive?
“I’m sorry.” Scaramouche whispered. Leaning in so your foreheads were touching he let out a sigh, warming your lips with his breath. “I cannot promise I will write. I wouldn’t like to break a promise to you.”
“I know.” You whispered back, shaking your head as much as you could. “Still, I’d almost rather a broken promise.”
“You wouldn’t. I know it would drive you mad.”
“Perhaps, but better than nothing?”
You two stood there, basking in silence. A familiar cry broke the reverie.
“Electro Boy! Electro Boy!” A series of clicks accompanied the sudden shriek. There was no better way to break the spell. Almost immediately Scaramouche pulled away. Walking towards the door he paused, turning around one more time.
“I’ll miss you.”
Those words washed over you, their owner having been carried away with the wind.
 Scaramouche hurried up the steps, anticipation keep his pace quick and his thoughts a jumble of fragments. The long mission he’d been sent on was finally over, and now he could think not of noisy soldiers, nor of the people who continually disappointed him, but of you. He couldn’t wait, every step on the staircase felt like an obstacle, something he must triumph against to reach you. Finally arriving at your door he barely paused, stepping this way and that as he opened the door before striding into the hallway as fast as he could.
“I’m home.” He called into the afternoon light. Almost immediately two things happened. One was that you leapt off your position on the couch, practically barreling yourself into his arms. The second was that Oliver began to screech, hopping from one foot to the other in an indecipherable dance.
“Scara, you’re home!” You cried, exclamation by the way you buried your face into his shoulder.
“Scara! Scara! Scaramouche!” Oliver echoed. The words made Scaramouche freeze up, taken aback as he was by their usage.
“What was that Oliver?” He called out, not altogether sure if the parrot would even reply to him. Scaramouche had really only referred to Oliver by name the first time he met him. After that you had to settle with “the bird” or “the noisemaker”. This time, however Scaramouche couldn’t help but use it. This was, after all, a matter of great importance.
“Scaramouche, Scaramouche, who’s a pretty bird?” Oliver tittered irreverently.
His tone was still somewhat sharp, Scaramouche never heard Oliver snap at you the way he did him, but nevertheless the words had struck a chord. Finding himself at a loss for words Scaramouche stared at you, trying to figure out what was going on.
“That’s probably my fault,” you laughed hesitantly, “I guess I was talking about you more than I thought. It’s only that, well I missed you an awful lot. And Oliver is my confidante, he always has been. So I guess I’ve just been talking a lot to him about you. I’ve really missed you…”
Scaramouche felt his heart soften. Leaning over he pressed a kiss to your forehead, much to the indignation of Oliver, who twittered away as normal. Still, it was better than it had been before. And, if Scaramouche could admit it to himself, he didn’t mind the idea of you pouring out to Oliver how much you missed him. It made him feel important, feel whole. And if your rude bird had helped at all, then Scaramouche could find it in him to respect Oliver, though only a little.
“I’m glad you thought of me.” He whispered to you. “And I’m glad you still had a confidante to talk to.”
And if the result was a parrot who no longer called him “Electro Boy”, then all the better.
Honestly Xiao couldn’t really see the appeal of pets. Something that was only cemented when he met your cat.
“And this is Honey.” You’d said softly, picking up the orange feline and cradling her in your arms. The cat made no sounds, instead it stared straight at Xiao, eyes narrow, gaze untrusting. Xiao was equally out of depths in this matter. What was he supposed to do? Pet it, presumably. Reaching out with hesitant fingers Xiao almost immediately pulled away, dodging an onslaught of clawing.
Ever since then there seemed to have been an odd hierarchy established, at least in Honey’s mind. She never let Xiao sit next to you, oh no, that would’ve been too generous. Instead Honey squeezed into the space between you two, no matter how small and wow was it small sometimes, meowing angrily as Xiao passed his arm over her head to hold your hand. Sometimes she’d try the tactic of walking all over you, lying on your lap, wrapping herself around your shoulders, and all the time glaring at Xiao as if he’d brought some sort of catastrophe on her for daring to try and get close to you.
“Your cat hates me.”
“She does not!” You exclaimed. “Honey doesn’t hate anyone! She just needs to get used to you.”
“She hates me. She thinks I’m beneath her.”
Xiao glared up at Honey, who was looming over the conversation via the bookshelf in your bedroom. Honey’s eyes narrowed and for a moment Xiao felt as if he’d somehow spilled the cat’s secrets. It wasn’t his fault that he knew what she was thinking. After all, hadn’t Xiao been like that for a time? An ornery soul who found most interactions beneath him? Who knew he’d be on the receiving end of that relationship someday. He certainly didn’t appreciate it now.
“You just need to get used to one another.” You continued to assure Xiao. “Honey’s a little bit possessive. It’s nothing personal. She’ll get over it.”
Well it’d been four weeks since that conversation and unfortunately Honey showed exactly zero signs of “getting over it”. Though perhaps she wasn’t clawing at him anymore, maybe because you’d actually scolded her for it, the gaze never left her eyes. The fact that she meowed loudly whenever Xiao made more contact than hand holding also didn’t help her case.
 Xiao sighed, staring at the sky as the sun began its descent beyond the peaks of Liyue. A cluster of trees ringed the back part of your house – trees apparently planted by your grandparents – and Xiao enjoyed perching in them to watch the sunset.
“At least here the cat will leave me alone.” He muttered.
It’d been a tiring day. Honey had been in a particularly bad mood – probably the result of Xiao staying the night – and the atmosphere in the house had become somehow so tense that Xiao figured taking a hike wouldn’t be a bad idea. Even if he found the whole exercise a bit demeaning.
“I’m losing to a cat.” Xiao called flatly out into the air. There was no reply of course, but he didn’t mind that. Imagine what his fellow adepti would think of him now, flailing around, trying to win the affections of a furball whose favorite pastime was being as irritating as possible.
Now Xiao heard a familiar yowl. Glancing down he spied Honey, hair standing on end, gripping a branch as if her life belonged to it. An old conversation rose to the front of his mind. Something about cats being able to go up trees very easily, but not so much down. What an idiotic creature, he thought to himself.
Still it’d be ill form to leave the poor idiot clutching onto the branch, so fighting his smugness as beset he could Xiao leaned over and attempted to wrench the cat from the branches. Honey let out a series of shrieks, claws digging into the bark, but eventually she relinquished and Xiao pulled her up onto his lap. Almost immediately she began pawing at his chest, meowing her indignancy.
“I know.” Xiao glared at the cat. “But they wouldn’t be very happy if you got stuck.”
As if to reply Honey narrowed her eyes, turning around to look at the skyline, rather than acknowledge the adeptus she was now laying on. Xiao hummed in response.
“You know things would be easier if you weren’t so aggressive.”
A meow in response.
“I don’t understand you. I don’t understand why you’re so territorial.”
Another meow.
“I suppose I’m like that. I also want them to myself. Things would be easier without you clawing at me. But they love you, and that’s what matters. I don’t know why but they do.”
Silence, perhaps Honey was insulted by the way Xiao spoke.
“I can’t say I’ll love you. But I’ll try to like you. As long as you try to like me.”
Silence again, but this time Xiao took it as an assent. Letting out a sigh he turned back towards the horizon, gaze drifting towards the peaks that Honey too was watching with interest. The night was alive with the soft chirps of insects, and a faint breeze ruffled Xiao hair, dancing through Honey’s fur. Xiao let out a sigh and, nemesis on his stomach, allowed himself a little rest.
You stared at the mismatched pair, a smile playing on your lips. How funny they looked, curled up together. Like two cats, one a panther, the other a tabby. And yet somehow the tabby was running the shots.
They look so peaceful, you mused to yourself, who knows what they might be like in the morning.
At the very least, you’d be sure to enquire about the nature of your partner’s conversation with your cat, something which had seemed very important to him.
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minshookie · 3 years
High Ransom.
Pairing |Mafia!BTS x innocent!reader
Genre | smut, angst, dark themed, mafia AU.
Summary | “They all knew your mothers word was good for nothing, she’d never pay it back. So they settled for a painful compromise.”
!warnings! Please read this before reading the fic| 18+ mature language, perverse actions, virginity loss, violent sex, anal sex, oral fem and male receiving, financial struggle, parent death, strict and neglecting mother, cum eating, darcyphilia, urolagnia,slight hate-fuck,reader insert is of age, extremely naive & innocent insert. I do not agree or support any actions depicted in this fictional work,rape. !!NON-CON!! !!non-con!!
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|
(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [open for request] words: 4k.
A/N: 200 Follwers?! Hi, I love y’all sm 🤧. But on a serious note, this is the filthiest thing I’ve ever written, I warned y’all. Also the longest one of written yet. I hope it isn’t too much :’) please excuse any mistakes or grammatical errors.
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Could they be running late? Shivering you sat in the windowsill towel wrapped around you keeping a sharp eye for their large dark SUV you loved so dearly. They were supposed to be here today, right? Getting up you stretch your legs going to look at your heavily decorated calendar,‘Friends Day!!’ In bright pink informed you, yes indeed they were to be here today.
A smile crept on your face, the confirmation made you feel giddy, the thought of seeing them again made you excited beyond belief. “Y/n I just know you’re dressed and not dripping all over the carpet!” Your mother teased from the living room. You swore she had cameras on you, unraveling yourself you chose one of the few outfits she had put together for you for guest appearances. Closing the curtains, making them look as casual as you could. You then sat on the bed waiting for her to come inspect, counting her footsteps along the creaking wood floors. She crept into your room, a stern expression on her face, you could tell she was stressed with nothing positive to say she mumbled “Stop pulling that face you look exactly like your father.”
You stood from the drab mattress choosing not to respond, “wet spot on the floor?! What’d I tell you to do?!” You hung your head, why must she always scold you. “You told me to get dressed Momma.” She sighed, “and you chose to come in here and prance around, flood the floors and dilly dally instead!” You studied the minuscule dark spots on the carpet, “they’ll dry momma.” You whispered under your breath hoping she wouldn’t decipher your response.
“Excuse me?” She griped your cheek in a pinch making you pull your head up to face her. She took a step back releasing your face, she sucked her teeth in disapproval. “Y/n you’ll have stay in here, that dress has gotten too short on you.” She knew her words hurt you, seeing the boys was the only thing you looked forward to every month. Their attention sometimes felt like your only reason to go forward, to avoid conflict with your mother, their presence being a type of reward. She turned to go and your vision began to blur, tears warmly cascade your plumped cheek.
Leaving you alone in the room, you resume your position in the windowsill moving the curtains just enough to peak. Still no sign of them, maybe they’d given up on the money, left you for good and you couldn’t blame them. If you could leave you would too. At that moment all hopes were given up, no longer keeping an eye out you began to daydream... at least Momma would be happier no longer having to worry about the escalating debt.
Sulking in loneliness you barely noticed a white SUV pulling into their usual cut....whose this? You opened the curtains repositioning,hands in the glass knees on the jagged wood of the windowsill bench. Couldn’t be, oh but it was! You bounced like a hyperactive child, Hoseok climbed from the drivers seat handsomely waving directly at you. They all followed offering you waves and air kisses making both your stomach and heart do flips. Tumbling from the bench you run to your door eccentric to get your fix of attention, affection, friendship.
“Get back y/n, what did I say?” She was waiting for you to break her command, she knew you’d forget. “To stay in my ro-” “so why don’t you do as told for once?” You fought the bitter tears as they knocked on the door, You shuffled back into your cage of room like a kicked puppy. Shutting the door you sat on the floor compressing your ear along the hard wood.
“Ah, welcome! Come in take a seat can I get you a drink or a meal? Anything really.” She spoke with a quiver, she had nothing to pay them back with absolute zilch. “Where’s y/n?” You smiled warmly, that voice had to be Taehyung. “She’s in bed sick.” “Sick, she looked alright from the window.” Hoseok you idiot. “I’m sorry... you saw her through the window?”
“Ah Ah, we didn’t come to talk about the build of y/n’s room you know what he want.” Jin was all serous business, the room was silent. “Next month for sure.” She lied right through her teeth and they all knew it. “You said that last month, and the month before, and the month before that.” You held your breath, you hated it when they bickered she honestly didn’t have the money you two only lived in this house because it was your father’s property, and everything you got just by luck and the skin of your teeth. She simply couldn’t afford to borrow anymore, as the boys began to add impossible interest.
“Listen, we’ve let you off the hook because of your circumstances,we had a soft spot, we held you at a respect for your strength...but now the well is drying up on patience and your debt is growing into a monstrosity.” Namjoon gave his spiel
“Your husband may be dead, but honey you’re next if this money doesn’t turn up...and the plans they have for y/n aren’t cute, if you had any decency you’d get your ass off that insurance money and pay up, don’t forget you pay for protection and soon you’re going to start getting what you pay for.” Yoongi was rude whenever he came to collect, almost never staying for the excuses once ‘no’ or ‘later’ was uttered he’d head for the door, but today he decided to do otherwise.
The room fell quiet, and though your mother was cold and not much of a mother at all to you it pained you to hear her sobs and sniffing. You could tell the words being thrown at her stung her deeply. Curious to what was going on behind your door you decided to have a peak, and apparently you weren’t too good at sneaking. Your door cracked ajar, as if he knew it would happen you made direct eye contact with Taehyung.
“Boys I-I don’t know what you want from me you know the money isn’t in my possession right n-” “y/n! Come out from hiding kitten!” Opening the door you stood reading the room, your mothers face glistening, you know better than to disobey on purpose. “It’s ok y/n c’mon we want to see you.” Joon’s smile is so captivating his voice so relaxing, but your mothers gaze killed its power. “C’mon tell her she can come out.” Jin orders and your mother complies by giving you a nod of permission, sniffing over her concealed cries. It ached your but you were too excited to comfort her as you quickly escaped your confines.
“Ohh look at your pretty dress, come sit.” Taehyung pulled you onto his lap, “isn’t it pretty boys?” He pulled the fringes that decorated the bottom, barely reaching you mid thigh. “Everything’s beautiful on our y/n.” Jimin agrees, greeting you with a flirtatious wink. Making you smile into Taehyung’s chest. “Bashful girl.” His large hand rubbed your back soothingly.
“This delicate little thing around all those men with no one to help her, tsk could you imagine.” He glided his hand along your exposed thigh “that tickles.” Whispering into him you feel you face warm up. He hums in response, “want me to stop?” “No, I’ve missed you, I’ve missed all of you!” You turned catching all of their gazes, “same to you princess.” Jin chuckled, giving you a cheek kiss.
“Please let her-r go ba-ck now.” Their smiles faded, and you’d hate to admit it but yours as well. You’d usually never go against your mother but she just didn’t want to see you happy, ever. And you hated it. “Momma...I don’t wanna go back right now, can I be with my friends?” Her eyes stretched in shock and anger, the boys found your rebellion comedic letting a chuckle escape. “Y/n get back to your room now you have no clue what you’re playing with!” Her tone made you wince, no longer feeling bold you were about to comply. Taehyung griped your waist holding you back on top of him.
“And who are you to order someone around when you can’t follow orders yourself?” She sat speechless, “Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin...next month.” Her pleads were pathetic, even you knew it wouldn’t work this time. “No. Pay up today, or we’ll be taking some sweet sweet collateral.”At the moment you didn’t fully understand or care what exactly Taehyung was threatening, the only thing your brain could focus on being his rough palm griping and rubbing your inner thigh. The sensation caused a tingle within you, you couldn’t help but fidget in his lap. “Still tickling baby?” You nodded, a bit too flustered to speak.
“I-I I have a hundred or two I can give.” His hand ceased its motions, making you whine for more of the foreign feeling. He lifted a brow in suspect “You take us as a joke don’t you?” She shook her head frantically. “You just offered us not even a fraction of a year's worth of debt...you think we’re idiots, you think we won’t do what we say we will do you?” The tension made you uncomfortable as everyone glared at your mother for her response, you gripped Taehyung’s dark suit. “Hmph, okay Y/n, show us your pretty room Love.”
A simple request made your mother stand in protests, “going to get the rest of the money?” Yoongi asked knowingly, your mother trembled. Why was she so afraid, they only asked to see your room...maybe she was still upset over the wet spots. “No? Well I suggest you sit the fuck down.” Everyone left from their seat, “go on show us Petal.” He smiled in encouragement. You pulled Taehyung by his hand showing all of them into your seemingly empty room, nothing to embellish the space besides your curtains, calendar and bed.
“Very cute, very cute, right boys?” They hummed nodding while looking at the four bland walls around them. “Jungkook won’t you close the door please.” He demands the youngest, and he does as told, letting your catch a two second glance if your sniveling mother before your fate was sealed. “Lock it will you?” “Uhm it doesn’t lock.” You confessed plopping down on your plush mattress kicking your feet over the edge. “Ahh, Jungkook...make it lock.” He went to work and you watched curiously until your attention was taken by Taehyung climbing in bed next to you. “Very comfy.” He complemented.
“Oh, oh please take your shoes off.” You recited rules that were practically engraved in your memory. He laughed complying, “you heard her, shoes off.” They did as told, making your laugh at their unison actions. You turned to him with a smile still on your face, “want to see my closet?” “No, but I do want you to lay down.” You gave him an inquisitive look, you weren’t sick and you definitely weren’t tired. “It’s ok, I just wanted to play a game, a friends game.”
Oh how excited you were! A game with your friends! You laid down beside him your head rested on your pillow. “Ready?” You nodded eagerly, the rest of them watched closely. “Ok beautiful, I’m going to ask you some things and all you have to do is tell me if you’ve done it before...” he looked around at his men, they looked back with anticipation. “We’ll all play.” You nodded, beyond excited for this new experience.
“We’ll start easy, have you ever kissed someone?” Your face grew a dopey grin, “don’t be shy.” You nodded quickly, “oh? Show me how.” Sitting up a bit, you took his jaw, turning him to the side pecking his warmed cheek quickly. He smiled widely, “innocent little thing, here let’s try this.” He took your jaw in his fingers, coming in and ravishing your lips. Unknowingly you lay motionless as he took over the kiss, maneuvering you as he pleased. Pulling your slack chin he parted your lips, his tongue intruded sharing his taste. A tingle ran through you, you’ve never seen something like this let alone feel it. Taehyung pulled back trailing slobber as he lifted, “m-more more kissing!” He shook his head, laughing at your greed. “No no, there’s more to the game.”
Smirking he snuck his hand under your quaint dress, “ever let Somebody like me see your cute little panties?” You shook your head no, “let us see?” You eagerly pulled your dress up, “pretty in pink...wet your panties hmm?” Sheepishly you shut your legs, “sorry.” He rubbed your exposed tummy, “no don’t be sorry kitten, that’s great, so good.” He dragged his fingers along your pelvic area. “Yoongi, your turn?” Taehyung continued to brush your skin.
Yoongi stood from his seat on the floor in speciation. He brought his finger between your legs using his other hand to push your legs apart. “Ever felt something like this?” He ran his fingers up and down your middle, pausing along the top giving you an oddly familiar feeling that you loved. “Mm.” You moved a bit closer to the pleasure. “Yoongi stop, answer him y/n.” Nodding you yearned for yoongi’s fingers. “Don’t lie...show us.”
Rolling over you pulled a pillow from behind you positioning it between your legs as you lay on your side. “Go on.” Yoongi nudged you and you began to rub yourself, pushing the pillow firmer into your core whimpering as the pressure increased, “it feels so good!” “Naughty naughty y/n.” You continued to pleasure yourself, “mm I know, please don’t tell anybody.” Taehyung took the pillow rubbing his finger along the wet spot you left behind. “You ever cum sweetheart?” You squeeze your legs together hoping for pleasureful friction. “What’s that?”
“You’ve been rubbing yourself raw with no release?” He had a glint of pitty in his tone. “ I-I guess.” Yoongi had began his adventurous handy work once again and you couldn’t get enough. He sat beside you, looking into your eyes intently. “How’s it feel?” “Good, please don’t stop!” Taehyung pulled his partners hand away, “don’t give her too much Hyung.”
You pout squirming, itching with pent up sexual frustrations. “You both play like she’s a doll, she’s a woman, you know what she wants even if she doesn’t.” Jin came from his spot leaned against the corner, he came close stalking over your figure, “take these off.” He pulled your panties roughly you could hear the weak fabric give way as he stripped you.
“Careful.” You felt self conscious as they eyed your nude private area, Jin took over where Yoongi was removed, the direct contact could make you scream in joy, “close your eyes.” Jin ordered, and who are you to say no to the pleasure. A strange warmth took over your core making your hips jump uncontrollably “mhhm please.” “Hold her down Hoseok.” Even that simple second of neglect made you upset. Your hips were restrained and Jin continued his work, “sorry.” You opened your eyes to meet Taehyung’s gaze and a smile was plastered on his features, looking down at Jin who  was kissing your privates, so strange but so amazing.
“Oh please!” You couldn’t control your moans, closing your eyes, “too good princess?” “Mm too good.” Jin removed his lips from you “you're a savage Kim.” Jungkook comments eyes glued to your core, as if he couldn’t resist the view. “Some hair shows she is healthy n’ pure , but you wouldn’t know anything about that, you like your women whorish” He comments lewdly wiping his plump lips. They stood in speculation as you pressed your thighs together desperately. “Oh please! Jin please more!” You earned a hand over your mouth. In attempts to shut your pathetic whines. “Please don’t hurt her!” Your mother beat the door with concern. “Does she sound hurt, don’t make us do something we don’t want to, now go away!” Taehyung growled, before leaving the bed, he undid his pants the respect in you made you look away. “Ever see this before?” He climbed over you, too cowardly to peak, you kept looking into his dark irises. “Your private?” He laughed in your face, “my cock?” He sat on your legs trapping you. He pulled your dress over your head, fully undressing you with ease.
Taken over my temptation, Jimin groped your clothed chest “don’t touch her.” His command was final, Taehyung had been taken by the monster of greed and lust. “Go on look y/n.” Your eyes slowly traveled down, he had himself in his clutches stroking squeezing at the tip collecting the strange ooze on the tips of his fingers. Reaching he glossed your lips with his juices, “never wear makeup, this is all you need pretty girl.” The smell was strong and musky, curious you took a taste, sweaty and sweet. “Greedy girl...you know where this belongs?” He tapped you with his erect cock.
“I don’t think so.” He nodded, reaching below himself without hesitation he penetrated you with his index. “Ouch Tae!” His eyes stretched in surprise, “that hurts? Oh what fun you’ll be.” His finger stretched you slightly as he explored, thrusting softly, curly at the knuckle. Pulling his finger back, and a thick stripe of cloudy grool connects the two of you. “Shit, would you look at that.” They came looking as you lay victim Yoongi had pulled himself from his pants stroking himself shamelessly. Hoseok unbuttoned his top, his fist buried in his pants, while Jimin palmed himself giving you a warm smile, while Jungkook sat timid away from the action and Jin’s face set stoney, seemingly uninterested. Namjoon being the false comfort he was, he stood close, his bulge in your face as he stroked your hair.
Out of breath, the best you could muster being, “I’m sorry if it’s gross.” Lustfully he used your nectar to stroke himself sensually making violent eye contact in the act.
“Stop apologizing, this is the best cunt I’ve ever seen.” Using his foreign vulgar vocabulary he moved back, using his hands to get a better view of your most personal area. “Oh honey, you’ve never had anything in this sweet pussy of yours huh?” You shook your head, “no never.” You whisper. “Let’s change that yeah? Will you be a big girl?” You nodded body full of utter curiosity, what was coming for you the last thing you could have fathomed.
“Mm, you’re the sweetest thing on Earth y/n” he gazed into you, looking your shivering body up and down as if you two were completely alone. He lowered himself distracting you with another one sided kiss, this time though you attempted to participate.
Little did you know his hidden agenda, he gripped his girthy member, massaging it along your slickening core in search of your small entrance. “Ah Ah Taehyungie!” You squealed against his lips. He’d barely pushed into you and the pain was prominent “shh shh wouldn’t want to make momma upset.” He paused and looked down at your slightly connecting bodies. “Hmm Let’s play another game.” He reached for the pillow you were pleasuring yourself on, he placed it over your face constricting your air in the process, muffling your pathetic whimpers and mewls.
In one violent action...“TEAHYUNG!” Your throat felt as if it would collapse,He forced himself into your constructing entrance ripping your walls you felt yourself struggle to become accustomed his size. His pace inhuman. You gasped for air,the pillow blocking any gasp you could get. “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe Tae!” He kept his murderous stroke speed pulling the pillow from your face you heaved, sobbing, screaming begging for freedom. “Shut the fuck up!” It could’ve been the tears, or haze of pain, but this wasn’t your friend anymore.
Taehyung’s face as contorted in sick pleasure inconsiderate of your wellbeing he gripped your hips fucking into you aggression never seen before. “T-Tae please we’re friends don’t hurt me!” You cried out for his mercy. “Hold her fucking mouth Min.” He obliged, his hand slick from his own juices. He stood over you griping and jerking his member, keeping his eyes on yours. “Close your damn eyes, your crying is going to make me soft.” That only made you cry more, the treatment you were getting from Taehyung caused an ache you couldn’t help but sob from. “It i-it fucking hurts!” You let the filth spill from your mouth as you groaned with every thrust, your statement muffed by Yoongi’s palm.
“Close. Them. Now.” Stubbornly you kept staring, you won’t obey them, friends aren’t supposed to to hurt you, ever. “Ahh fuck.” Yoongi began to vandalize your face, removing his hand from your mouth pulling your hair to aim for your mouth. “Ah shit shit.” He continued to stroke grumbling heinous names under his breath. “My eyes please help me momma,it hurts momma!” He’d spurted right in your eye and he knew it. “I told you to close them idiotic bitch, you obey us you’ll be alright.” He took your discarded panties wiping your eye.
You didn’t listen to his angered grumblings...She didn’t respond, she left you to suffer, you were being naughty and she could hear and she left you to suffer. The pain in your eye became dull as you became numb to Taehyung’s assault. “She left you, that bitch left you in here to get fucked, and you’re going to take everything we give thanks to mommy dearest...no one is going to rescue you.” Yoongi growled I’m your ear, you turned from him. His seed still rests on your pained features.
Taehyung pushed his thumbs roughly into your abdomen making you cry out. “Your cunt is still so tight, mm fuck stop clenching like that- I’m gonna fucking- oh shit.” He sent his seed deep into you, the sensation was sickening you began to dry heave having nothing in you to throw up. “Throwing up sweetheart?” You ignored his false concern, he gripped your hair. “Think twice before you do, you’ll be cleaning it with that pretty mouth every drop.”
Your face drenched in tears, snot and slobber, and the seed of another, you lay in defeat. He pulled his member for your stinging and burning feeling settled between your legs. “Nice job, you’ve beat her bloody.” Jin grumbled coming near, your entrance oozed a mixture of his cum and blood from your lost innocents. His finger brushed against your puffy injured vulva, “please no no nooo!” You instinctively backed away from the contact.
“My turn princess.” Your eyes closed, you could tell it was Jimin planning his attack. “Please Jimin, you’re still my friend right?” You Sobbed to weakly to even look into his eyes, Jimin had to put an end to it or it wouldn’t end at all. “I treat all my girlfriends this way, hm don’t worry baby it won’t hurt-” you heard him wander closer, “just open up.” You refused, turning your head away from his voice, “Ah y/n don’t be that way.” He slightly scolded pulling you back his way by your jaw, “open your mouth y/n.” You opened your eyes, glaring at him, your right eye blurring and irritated. He rubbed his member along your pursed lips. “No?” He leaned over, his member in his over hand. “Open. The. Fuck! Up.” He slapped your pussy harshly with every word, already sore you cried out, begging for mercy.
He took the opportunity, plunging his cock down your throat, gagging you choked and cried. “Yah stupid Bitch watch your teeth!” He gripped the back of your head, another agonizing ordeal. Your throat was sore from the screaming and now your throat was being rubbed roughly by Jimin’s third leg. “I’m gonna c-cum, and you’re gonna swallow all of it and you’re gonna keep it down.”
You couldn’t protest, you got used just as before you closed your eyes and prayed for it to be over as quick as it started. Hoseok neared you like a predator, “careful she’s sore.” You opened your eyes quickly, he had his pants completely off, his member erect his shirt open his sculpted body on display. You sobbed around jimins member as he took his time fucking himself into you. “I’m not putting my prick I that mess.” He referred to your battered entrance, he placed his clock between your folds, rubbing himself their. Even the subtle pressure gave you discomfort, “hey! Watch those fucking teeth slut!” Jimin beat the back of your head, picking up his pace.
“She sounds so fucking nasty.” Namjoon pulled himself out of his trousers “choking and gagging, fucking whore I wouldn’t fuck you even if your mom offered all the money she owed.” Namjoon insulted, pulling closer, “what an asshole.” Jimin grunted in retaliation. “This is all you’ll get from me.” Namjoon leaned over you, assaulting you relieving himself on your quaking body. “You sick bastard!” They found Namjoon’s action sickly humorous. He moved to your face, you tried to stop breathing in fear of inhaling it. Warmly it dribbled over you. “I bet you fucking enjoyed it.”
Jimin pushed your damp head down on him as he exploded in your mouth, that scene being all he needed to find his high. His seed was salty and less sweet; he tasted repulsive. You gagged as he removed himself, you leaned over the bed in utter pain heaving. “AHT HEY!” Taehyung cupped your mouth, “swallow be a good girl.” He rolled you back, you tried but your body refused, you gagged against his musty palm. Jimin pinched your nose “take it, take it, take it!” Air became scarce, you gulped ingesting his warm seed, the taste blanketed your throat.
They let you breathe, Hoseok found his release on your tummy, scooping it with his agile fingers he force fed you. “Please...n-no...more.” “Shut up, your breath reeks.” Your stomach flipped, you were going to be sick soon. “Roll her over.” Jin instructed, and of course they followed you let them do as they please, not like you could stop them. “Your pussy is beautiful, but I love a nice ass.” He unbuckled his belt, letting his pants fall. Spitting vulgarly, stroking himself. “Bite the pillow.” He pulled you up by your waist. Using his thumb he rimmed you.
Getting positioned he spit on your hole. The room was quiet. “Bite it hard.” He pushed himself mercilessly barely breaking through, “tight little bitch.” Your screeching earsplitting You’d become unconscious soon the pain was excruciating, you knew you were bleeding. “Please! I’ll do anything!Please not this, no more of this!” Finally he bottomed you out, “this is what love feels like, hmph remember that.” Jin growled fucking into you barely able to keep a pace.
Your vision blurred, slurring was your only form of speaking back, covered in piss and cum, tears and snot. Drooling all over yourself like an imbecile, bleeding. They’ve used you out, good for nothing you fell into the void of unconsciousness, sweet relief.
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A dull jabbing welcomed you back into the real world, no way was this some sort of  twisted dream the disgusting smell registered back into your senses. The smell was you. “Fucking hell Jungkook finish already.” You’d been sick all over the mattress in your sleep, your mouth stale and stiff.
“I’m so sorry y/n I’m so sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!” Blinking you looked over your shoulder, tears streamed his rounded face. “Ugh so sorry.” He gagged looking at your abused figure covered in bodily grime. “P-please turn around so it can be over.” Pitying you he held his head down shamefully thrusting to unwanted orgasm. He too filled you warmly pulling out quickly, scurrying to the corner losing his breakfast. “H-hy-'' he retched again. “Let’s go please, let’s leave.” He begged holding his stomach, Jungkook is still your friend, right? You could see he didn’t want to hurt you...
They put their clothes back on lazily.
“Be a peach and tell your mother we’ll be back next month on the dot, hopefully you won’t have to cover her tab two visits in a row huh sweetheart?”
“I hate you, all of you.”
“Ah, but we love you, and we always will.”
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(Not my photo)
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miyaagis · 4 years
demon lover
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+ pairing. incubus! oikawa / fem reader / incubus! kuroo
+ genre. dark, smut
+ word c. 2,378
+ warnings. snuff, dub/non con, implied somnophilia and stalking, facial, choking, fellatio, creampie
+ author n. part 2 of monster. there are some references from it, but u should be able to understand the story even if u didn’t read that one before :)
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it has been around five weeks since your encounter with oikawa and you’ve felt restless ever since.
it doesn’t matter where you are —on the streets, at uni, even in your own bathroom— there’s always an unsettling feeling of being watched.
but the nights are worse.
as soon as you close your eyes, images of him smirking down at you plague your mind and dreams. he’s repeatedly having his way with you, fucking you and making you come over and over again until you wake up. leaving you sore and wide awake for the rest of the night.
the days go by and it’s as if your energy is being sucked out of you, not even coffee nor energy drinks are able to keep you awake and away from the haunting dreams.
your body feels weak, you are weak. your fragile-looking body, covered in bruises and dull, sunken eyes easily attract looks of concern from your friends and family. but what’s most concerning it’s the fact that even if you’re restless, you keep thinking about that night.
your body and soul ache for him and you wonder if it’ll take another year until you can see him again.
it’s not until you’re at your weakest, delirious, and on the verge of insanity when he shows up. or at least that’s what you hope, being unable to distinguish your dreams from reality anymore.
“you’ve been such a good girl,” he coos in your ear, stroking your hair out of your face and leaning closer, “have you been waiting for me?”
you nod frantically, whimpering when his lips touch your cheek. he shuts you up with his mouth, his thumbs grazing the skin of your cheekbones and making you melt.
the blissful state you’re in vanishes when an unknown pair of hands start removing your clothes.
your eyes widen, trying to get a look at the intruder but oikawa keeps your face fixed on him with a strong grip on your jaw.
“i brought a friend, hope you don’t mind.”
you take a peek over his shoulder, and your eyes meet a pair of menacing ones. you recognize him immediately as oikawa’s friend from the party —another demon.
“hello, kitten. don’t mind me; i just had to see with my own eyes the pretty pussy that he has been bragging about.”
the dark-haired demon’s lips curl up in a smirk when he sees the troubled look on your face. but it’s true, oikawa hasn’t shut up about you so it's reasonable kuroo asked him to share.
his hands roam over your legs, forcing them open and keeping a firm grip on them when you try resisting him. he takes his cock out of his pants with one hand and lines it up with your entrance, marveling at the sight of your folds.
“oh and you can call me master too.”
he slides in without warning nor prepping you, the burn of your walls stretching as they make room for his cock bringing tears to your eyes.
you don’t want him. it should be oikawa, not him.
“s-stop, please,” you whine, looking at oikawa when kuroo refuses to acknowledge your pleas. but his eyes harden, a dark look taking over his features.
“don’t be rude to our guest and shut up.”
his words break your heart, tears now falling freely down your cheeks as you keep being fucked by the other demon.
“shit, kitten. i can barely fit inside your pussy. let me stretch you out, yeah?” kuroo groans as he keeps forcing his way inside your walls, his girth finally sheathing in and causing him to breath out in relief, “that’s it, sweetheart.”
“isn’t she amazing?” oikawa smiles brightly at his friend, craning his neck to the side to observe your pussy being abused by kuroo’s cock, “the neediest cunt i’ve ever had.”
you clench involuntarily at oikawa’s words which make kuroo groan.
his hand slaps your thigh only to grab a handful of it and squeeze it, “i knew you’d love my cock.”
you’re about to protest when kuroo places your legs over his shoulders and leans forward, resting his upper weight on top of you.
“no! wait– please. too much! ‘s too much, please!” you try to push him away, your nails digging into the skin of his forearms but your desperate wails fall on deaf ears.
kuroo’s pace is relentless, every graze of his cock against your snug walls feels like fire.
your eyes lock with oikawa’s, he looks pleased —much to your dismay— and you feel your heart drop when he catches you staring and smiles.
“enjoying yourself?”
a cry escapes from your lips when kuroo picks up his pace, the distinctive sound of his cock thrusting inside your pussy taking over the bedroom.
“fuck, shut up. you’re getting annoying,” kuroo groans but you’re way too preoccupied with the pain to register his words.
you keep sobbing your heart out, your desperate cries getting louder as he continues his assault on you.
his large hand suddenly covers your mouth, concealing your sounds and making your eyes widen.
“i told you to shut the fuck up, stupid whore!”
“can you control yourself and not kill her before i get a turn?” oikawa’s irritated tone reaches your ears, “you always do this.”
the tears refuse to stop, kuroo’s actions plus oikawa’s words wounding you both physically and emotionally.
“i’m close, fuck– so close,” kuroo’s grunts in your ear, the snap of his hips picking up its pace as he draws to his end. 
a few thrusts later and he’s finally reaching his high, emptying himself inside of you. his cock pulses as it pumps his cum inside your raw walls, moaning in relief at the way they wrap around him.
once he lets go of you, you curl up around yourself. your soft cries are the only audible thing in your bedroom, pain tugging at your heartstrings as the weight of what just happened falls on you. you’re so lost in your own suffering that you miss the quiet sound of clothes rustling.
it’s not until oikawa’s familiar scent reaches your nose that you look up —teary-eyed and with your eyelashes wet with tears— and observe as he crawls up his way on top of you.
“will you be good to your master?” he asks while wiping your tears away, pouting at you mockingly.
“please,” you don’t even know what you’re asking for, your mind too hazy and your body too weak to comprehend what's going on around you. 
but he goes in anyway.
his hard cock enters you easily, sliding in thanks to kuroo’s cum still coating your insides and bottoms out almost instantly.
“shit, it feels way better when you’re awake.” 
he starts a slow pace, basking in the feeling. his hands start kneading your breasts, squeezing the soft flesh under his fingers, and then running the pads of his thumbs over your nipples.
the sensation has you involuntarily gushing around his cock, wet sounds starting to echo around the room and prompting kuroo to lazily stroke his hardening cock again.
“naughty kitten, you want more don’t you?” a devious look takes over kuroo’s features, but he instantly dismisses your presence by turning to oikawa instead, “does she give good head?”
“why don’t you–hah, see for yourself,” oikawa struggles through his words, brows furrowing in pleasure as his hips collide against yours.
kuroo wastes no time, making his way next to your head while his hand keeps pumping at his now fully erect cock. the weight of it falls on your parted lips, running the leaking head over them and coating them with pre-cum.
you’re not given a warning, kuroo’s fingers get a tight hold on your jaw and force it open so he can slide in, the head poking at your inner cheek and making it bulge out in an obscene way.
“there you go, kitten. you are way better when you shut up,” he smirks down at you, thrusting up into your mouth, “all you needed was my fat cock.”
drool leaks out of your mouth but at this point, you don’t care anymore. you are drained, basically a corpse for them to fuck and fill with their semen.
you have a hard time trying to focus your vision on the demons before you, your head throbbing at the lack of energy. but it only gets worse when you feel a pair of hands fumbling around your throat.
“if only you could see how fucking gorgeous you look right now,” oikawa praises you as his hands wrap a collar around your neck, almost moaning at the sight underneath him, “my good girl, do you like your master’s cock?”
the leather fabric tightens around your neck, the leash allowing oikawa to jerk your head up and making kuroo’s cock slide out of your mouth in the process.
“oi! don’t hog her!”
your groggy brain barely registers them arguing over who gets to control you.
“shut the fuck up. i found her first,” oikawa tries to get his point across by lifting your legs over his shoulders and pounding even harder, your whimpers turning louder at the new position. 
“but you’re fucking her cunt! at least give me control over her head!”
oikawa’s too busy thrusting his cock inside your plush walls that he eventually gives in. once the leash falls on kuroo’s hands, he wastes no time and pulls your face towards him, making you gag around his cock.
your muscles contract at the intrusion which only heightens the blissful feeling, transmitting waves of pleasure through his body.
“ah fuck, i can feel her trying to suck my cum out of me. such a cum-thirsty whore.”
what both demons miss, it's the way your face starts to turn purple. the tight grip of the collar plus kuroo’s tugging at the leash preventing the air from reaching your lungs.
with the last bits of energy you've left, you try to rip the collar off of you. your hands desperately claw at the material as your eyes widen in realization of what will come next if you’re unable to free yourself from their grip.
but your actions seem to anger kuroo, who growls and drops the leash only to grab you by your head and shove your face all the way down his length.
you start to choke, his thick girth taking so much space in your mouth and when you try to take a deep breath through your nose, he pushes in even more. coughs erupt from your chest, his pre-cum and your saliva reaching your lungs while dark spots start to cloud your vision. their voices sound far away, numbness taking over your body as you start growing dizzy and a violaceous hue tints the skin of your face at the lack of oxygen.
both demons pay no mind, too busy chasing their ends to notice how you’ve stopped fighting them. their moans echo freely all over the room, the lewd sounds of their cocks abusing your holes bringing a sense of hunger to them.
“shit, baby you feel so good. i’m gonna cum in your sweet, needy cunt and fill you with it m’kay?” oikawa announces, his orgasm rapidly approaching and inciting him to thrust harder, getting lost in the way your walls rub against his twitching cock.
kuroo lets out a low groan as he finally cums in your mouth, pulling out just enough to paint your face with it and smear it all over your lips. he sighs in relief, smiling at the sight of your pretty face covered in his sticky cum. the way it sticks to your eyelashes and drips down your face to your parted lips etching itself on his mind.
he can’t remember the last time he had such an erotic sight. 
but when he notices a lack of movement from you after a minute, he couldn't help but curse out loud. thankfully, it goes unnoticed by oikawa since his moans got louder, his own orgasm sending shivers down his body and causing him to lose focus on his surroundings for a while.
“ngh– fuck,” oikawa spills inside your pussy, his cock throbbing as load after load pumps out of him and fills you to the brim.
his eyes are closed, breaths ragged as he basks in the afterglow of his orgasm. it’s not until he opens them to admire your fucked out face when he finally finds out.
he’s confused for a moment before it dawns on him. he slaps your thigh gently, calling out your name in a futile attempt to get you to answer him back.
“sweetheart, this isn’t funny.”
but as he turns to face kuroo in search of an explanation, one look at him is enough to answer his question. 
“i swear i didn’t mean to!”
a nervous-looking kuroo, fully clothed by now, stands awkwardly by the door. he’s well aware he fucked up—big time.
“fucking hell!” oikawa rakes his fingers through his hair in exasperation, “did i not tell you to control yourself?!”
he can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness since he did grow a liking to you thanks to his nocturn visits. but the sentiment quickly fades away when his eyes fall on your form once again. a pleased smile appears on his handsome face as he takes in the sight of your legs spread wide open, his cum seeping out of your pussy.
“she remembered how much i like this,” he coos to himself, plunging one finger between your folds and smearing the fluids.
he’s so lost on you that he doesn’t notice kuroo disappearing from your room and leaving him behind—not like he cares. his hands reach out to smooth out your hair, traveling down the side of your face and stroking the skin of your cheeks with his long fingers. 
you look so peaceful, so pretty, covered in their fluids, and with the choker still adorning your neck.
the nostalgic feeling returns, tugging at his heart and prompting a gentle smile to take over his lips. with a kiss on your forehead and then one on your lips, oikawa finally bids his goodbyes.
“don’t worry, baby girl. i have a spot in hell saved just for you.”
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chasingpj · 4 years
𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬
"I might spread a rumor about you and Percy rendezvousing at midnight. The Aphrodite cabin will have a hoot with that one."
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 4,931
warnings: none
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story, click here
a/n: hi hi! this is part one of a self-insert series I'm working on. in this story, y/n is a child of hecate, and this storyline follows the books. the current timeline here is post sea of monsters and will continue through the Heroes of Olympus books. though it follows the original plot, y/n has her own storyline and quests. i tried to make y/n gender-neutral but as I continued to work on the timeline for this project, i had decided that this fic is for a fem reader. guys, this is really just me projecting my fantasy into fanfiction lol. i feel like this is a slow start?? and there is a lot of info dumped in this so bear with me. it'll get better and I'll be working to improve my writing as the series continues. I was on a writing hiatus for a really long time and I'm out of practice so this is my way to get back and hopefully, exceed the skills I had when I was a consistent writer. anyways, if you have any feedback, let me know! I'd love to hear what you think. as i get deeper into the series, i might ask for some suggestions on what to do with the fic. anyways, i'll stop rambling and i hope you like it!
Part One Part Two
You ignore the aching in your neck as your focus is fixed on the herbology book in front of you. You’ve been seated at your desk for Zeus knows how long reading and taking notes in your Book of Shadows, determined to finish reading it as fast as possible. Your half-brother, Alabaster, insisted that you need to memorize all the herbs and their properties before he can properly teach you how to use them in potions. Even though you understand its importance, you hated introductory work. You are itching to get to the real stuff, resulting in you glued to your chair, studying through the night as your cabin mates were fast asleep in their beds. But as determined as you are, Ambrose, your familiar, wasn’t much help. Ambrose whines as he rubs his head against your legs like a needy kitten, making it difficult to ignore him.
“What is it, Ambrose?” You whisper, sitting back in your chair in defeat. You take a second to massage the back of your sore neck before turning to face the translucent hound sitting attentively at your side. His tail sweeps the floor as it wags excitedly, and a short huff leaves his snout as if he was proud to have finally gotten your attention.
Your eyes meet his, racking your mind to figure out what Ambrose needs to tell you. At first, you thought he wanted to play, but you didn’t have time for that, so you decided to ignore him. Usually, after being ignored for a while, Ambrose will give up, finding something else to occupy him. But tonight, he was particularly persistent, and he’s only like this when he needs to tell you something.
Before you can ask what he wanted again, Ambrose gets up from his seated position, running over to the small table that stands beside your bed. You furrow your eyebrows, the first thing you notice when you walk over are your crystals neatly placed in front of your spell books as usual. Seeing them made you suddenly remember what you had planned to do.
You had told Ambrose to remind you to charge your crystals and collect water from the lake since there is a full moon tonight and of course, Ambrose being your loyal companion, did exactly that. Before looking down at the hound, who now is breathing heavily, his tail somehow wagging faster than before, you smile to yourself.
“I told you to remind me earlier, didn’t I?�� Ambrose snorts and runs around your feet enthusiastically. You couldn’t help but giggle at his excitement as you reached down to pat his head. “Good boy. What would I do without you?” You continue to praise him, grabbing a black pouch and carefully placing the crystals in it. You put your index finger to your lips, signaling Ambrose to be a little quieter despite his excitement. If he accidentally wakes anyone up, then you definitely weren’t going to be able to fulfill your plans.
You bite your bottom lip as you tiptoe out of the aisle between the bunks. You look around the notoriously cramped Hermes Cabin to make sure your assumption that everyone was asleep by now was correct. It wasn’t hard to make out the faces of your cabin mates since seeing clearly in the dark was one of your many gifts, so you carefully walked along the bunks, being as quiet as you could. You are especially cautious as you approach the front where your cabin leaders, the Stoll brothers, slept. You study them for a second, knowing for sure Travis was asleep since he was snoring and loudly at that. Before you can check if Connor is asleep, you hear him shifting in his bed. You stand frozen in your spot, hesitantly looking over and you were expecting to be met with the usual mischievous grin. Instead, his back was towards you now. You have a feeling in your gut that he wasn't asleep, the timing of his moving was much too convenient. You really didn't want to wait any longer though so you decide that you might as well leave before he could stop you.
You turn on your heels, walking over to the window before you push it open. You cringe softly as the hinges creak, and you look back at the cabin to double-check if anyone has woken up from the sound. You sigh in relief when you see no one has moved, and you turn back to the window, carefully crawling out of it. This wasn’t unusual for you. You’ve done this so many times that using windows as a mode of exiting and entering a room was as natural to you as walking in and out of a door, and soon you were hopping down onto the grass. Your back is pressed against the cabin as you walk the side of it. You look up at the trees and the sky, eyes scoping around for any harpies hanging around. After deeming that you were alone, you begin making your way to the lake, Ambrose walking by your side attentively and cautiously to make sure you are safe.
The night was clear; the stars and especially the moon shone brightly in the sky. You sigh softly, taking in the stillness of the night, admiring the glistening lake reflecting the full moon placed above it. You’ve always enjoyed how quiet and cool the nights were, preferring it more than the daytime.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t avoid it as much as you wish to. Most of your siblings can agree with you that they’d prefer to sleep in most days so that they can study and practice their magic at night. However, that wasn’t the schedule of the Hermes Cabin. It was pretty impossible to sleep in since the mornings were always hectic. In fact, the cabin was just hectic, period. There was always something going on, whether it was an elaborate prank or the guys arguing over who gets to shower first after coming back from training which usually resulted in an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. You can’t say that you didn’t like it; at least you were entertained.
You also always had someone to talk to, and because there were often new campers coming in and out of there, you have easily familiarized yourself with a lot of the kids at camp. However, like your mother, you did enjoy and yearn for the occasional periods of solitude. As fun as living with the Hermes kids was, you and your siblings did find yourselves getting a little irritable at their shenanigans. It was at those times, you did wish that your mother, Hecate, had a designated cabin.
You and your siblings had always said if they ever got a cabin of their own, they would make sure everyone had separate rooms and would have designated spaces to socialize and practice their magic so that it was quiet for the most part. Alabaster, especially, was really passionate about this topic. He complained how it didn’t make sense that your mother wasn't recognized since you and your siblings were a powerful little bunch. You all needed a space to practice your magic and practice preferably at night since you were the most powerful at that time of day; you were also less prone to making mistakes in your spell casting at night. You agreed with him and would get upset about it sometimes, but the Hermes Cabin was a place you considered to be a second home. The communal feel of the space was something you enjoyed, it was one of the few places where you felt fully accepted which was rare to find being a demi-god with abilities like yours. In return to the Hermes Cabin welcoming you with open arms, you accept the inconveniently loud environment as an admirable quirk and went on with your days.
Then to compensate for the lack of silence and solitude, you would often stay up late, taking advantage of the quiet to focus on your studies. Even if you had to sacrifice the amount of sleep you got, you felt like it was worth it.
It doesn’t take you long to arrive at the dock, sitting down close to the end with your legs folded under you. You first collect lake water in a jar before carefully taking out the pouch's crystals. Assuming you had only a few left in the pouch after laying most of them on the dock, you tilt it with your hand under it, only for the crystals to come out all at once. You fumble, hands trying to bring them to your chest, but with your luck, one of your crystals falls right into the water with a plop.
“Dammit!” You peer over the edge and groan, Ambrose whining at your misfortune as he stands beside you. You look down at the water, noticing Ambrose’s and your dim reflection in it. There was no way you could get that crystal now because you didn't know how to swim, and you consider that maybe tomorrow you can convince your twin brother, Atticus, to look for it or Alabaster if Atticus refused, which you were expecting him to.
Your breath hitches at the back of your throat, jumping back as a head of dark hair abruptly pops up from right where you were staring. Ambrose barks loudly next to you, equally as startled, and your eyes widen. You stand up hastily at the realization that Ambrose's loud barks in the dead of night will catch the attention of the harpies, and right now, that was more important to you than the mysterious person that just sprouted up in the water like a zombie coming out of a grave.
“Shush! Ambrose, quiet!” Your frantic command was enough to make him stop with a whine, and you sigh shakily, turning towards the camp to check if there were any harpies.
“I think you dropped something.” Ambrose moves in front of you protectively, a low growl coming from his chest as he cautiously studies the person. You look back where the voice came from and to your surprise and your relief, you find that the mysterious person in the lake was no other than Percy Jackson. You never had a conversation with him before, but you definitely knew about him. It was kind of hard not to know who he is since he’s been the talk of the camp since he’s arrived. Your thoughts about him weren’t any different from most of the camp. You’ve seen him fight and use his powers during capture the flag, and you were just as impressed as everyone else. You did have to admit that you found him to be pretty cute too. His eyes were gorgeous, clear, and bright like a shallow, cyanic sea. You also found it adorable how his hair always looked a little disheveled.
Your (e/c) eyes met Percy’s green ones before looking at your rose quartz in his hand. You smile sheepishly, noticing the amused look on his face.
“Ah, yeah, that’s mine.” You walk over to him, but as you get closer, so does Ambrose, and his growls get louder. "Ambrose, heel. It's okay," you say softly, and he stops in his place, but his stance is still at alert, his eyes watching Percy cautiously. You pat Ambrose's head before walking past him and over to Percy. "Thanks," you smile, taking your rose quartz from his hand.
"No problem… I don't think your ghost dog likes me," Percy jokes, moving to look past your legs at Ambrose, who’s standing tall on your left side.
"Yeah, well, you kinda scared the crap out of us," you point out, amused. You take in Percy's goofy smile as he pulls himself up from the water, and you notice that he’s completely dry as he settles on the edge before turning his body to look at you.
“It’s y/n, right?” He asks, and you nod, figuring he’s probably heard about you in passing from Connor and Travis since he was friends with them too. “What are you doing out here so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing," you retort playfully, making him smile. You move to sit down where you were standing. You spread the crystals neatly on the wood, making a mental note to get them before you go to bed.
"I couldn't sleep, so I came out here to hang out, but then a hippocampus swam up. One of its friends got stuck in a fisher's net not too far from here, so I went to help," he explains, and you nod. "I told you my excuse, so what's yours?"
You hum, "It's a full moon out tonight, so I thought I should take my crystals out. I also needed moon water for a potion, so I collected some for that," you point over at the big mason jar full of lake water. "It’s not as cool as your excuse,” you say playfully.
A short laugh comes from Percy, and when you look up from your crystals, you notice he was looking at Ambrose again, who was still in his tense stance. Ambrose was especially protective of you and Atticus, and it wasn’t unusual for him to be cautious of the new people you come across. You assumed that Ambrose was particularly tense with Percy since he had successfully caught you both by surprise.
"Ambrose, relax.” You pat the top of his head to soothe him. "Lay down." Ambrose whines, licking your hand affectionately for a little, and you can tell he was still uneasy about the other. He was hesitant, but he follows your command anyway, laying down with his head on your lap.
"You can touch him?" Percy asks, his eyes wide and curious as he watches you pet Ambrose.
"Yeah, I can touch ghosts in general. My mother is Hecate, goddess of necromancy, along with magic, the night and the moon," you tell him. "This is Ambrose. My mother gifted him to me to be my familiar, kinda like a guardian." You look down at the hound, smiling softly as you scratch behind his ear softly.
Ambrose is a burly Molossian Hound who lived in the time of Alexander The Great. From what your father told you, his breed was well valued in Ancient Greek and Roman times and was often used in war. It is easy to understand why the breed was used in war. Ambrose is huge and muscular, about 6 feet tall when he stands on his hind legs, and he weighs around 200 pounds. At first, Ambrose can come off as a little intimidating. You remember how your siblings had avoided him when you first arrived at camp before they realized that he was the clearest definition of a gentle giant. Even though he was trained to fight when he was alive, he was still as gentle as a well-trained house dog unless he was given a reason not to be.
"When did you get him?" Percy asks, his eyes focusing on Ambrose’s translucent body that looked like it is made up of this gray swirling vapor. He couldn’t exactly wrap his head around how Ambrose’s head was comfortably propped up on your thigh.
"We met on the night I was on my way to Camp so about 2 years ago. Without him, my brother and I probably would have never made it to the borders.” You look up at Percy, meeting his eyes again; you watch as his face softens as he shifts to lean back on his hand.
"Really?" You hum and nod, ready to drop the conversation there, thinking you shouldn’t bore him with the details. You didn’t really like talking about it much, but the way he was looking at you made you feel like he was inviting you to continue talking.
"We got separated from our father at the gas station a couple of miles away from here. He went inside the convenience store to get us snacks, and while he was in there, a cyclops had found us, tried to grab us out of his car. We jumped out and ran into the woods nearby," you explain as you look out at the dark horizon.
You remember the sound of your father yelling after you and Atticus and how it broke your heart hearing, for the first time, such despair in his voice. You knew your dad didn’t want to bring you guys to camp, but he knew it was in Atticus’s and your best interest to come here and be with other people like you guys.
When you and Atticus started developing your powers, your father had simply told you guys that you were special and to refrain from using your telekinesis anywhere else but home. He didn’t say anything more until one night, you and Atticus had gotten in a screaming match about a reason you don’t even remember. However, in your screaming match, the both of you were so angry that a green aura had formed around you both, and books, magazines, even cutlery were being flown across the room because of the sheer energy you were admitting as a unit. It was then your father had decided to take you and Atticus to the camp to control and learn about your powers before you guys destroyed the house over a dumb argument like who’s turn is it to have the TV remote.
"We were more concerned about the monster hurting our dad, so we decided on a whim to run in the forest. My brother and I have telekinesis powers, and I aimed well enough to send a rock right at the cyclops eye. We lost him a little after that, but we didn't know where we were. We made too many twists and turns; we had no idea what direction we came from. And then, this buddy appeared out of nowhere from a distance. I saw him glowing from far away and couldn’t make out what he was, but I felt that I had to follow him. So we did, and he got us to camp with no detours for any other monsters. He's been with me ever since," you say, and a low whine comes from Ambrose’s mouth as he nuzzles the side of his face on your thigh contentedly.
Percy nods, and he huffs softly, "You guys got lucky. How old were you and your brother when you got to camp?"
"12, we're twins. We actually got here a couple of weeks after you did,” you mention. You watch Percy’s mouth curve into a half-smirk.
“Wow," he says, amused, and shakes his head. “So you have a twin and a dead dog, no fair," he jokes. You giggle, rolling your eyes playfully,
"Oh please, and you have crazy water powers. You’re completely dry after swimming! I think that's pretty envy-worthy."
"Hey-,” he shrugs, taking a second as if to form a protest. “I guess you're right,” he admits and laughs. You laugh with him, opening your mouth to say something else but unfortunately, you were interrupted by a screech echoing in the distance.
Both you and Percy stand up quickly, trying to figure out which direction it came from. “The harpies,” you both mutter in unison. You bend down to grab your things, and you look at Ambrose.
"Go distract them, bud," you tell him, and Ambrose jumps up to his feet, and you watch as he runs away, barking to get their attention. Just then, you see the wings of the Harpies coming up from the trees of the forest. You turn to Percy, grabbing his hand quick,
“Incantare: Transpectus!" You exclaim confidently, closing your eyes to envision you and Percy becoming transparent on the dock. You've never tried doing this spell before, but you've gotten better at visualizing and setting intentions, so you had some hope in yourself. You open your eyes, not feeling any different, and you hoped that you just didn't make a fool of yourself in front of Percy. But when you look down at your hand hesitantly and notice it was hard to make out since you were see-through like glass, you sigh in relief. You smile to yourself, more than satisfied that you were able to pull that off.
"Woah, are we invisible?" You look over at Percy, able to see him just fine since he was under the spell with you. Percy looks down at himself, eyes widened as he processes he can’t see his body anymore. You observe him for a second, finding it cute how he looked surprised and obviously entertained at the fact that he was completely see-through. You feel yourself growing a little flustered, trying not to focus too much on the fact that you were holding hands with him.
"Something like that. C'mon, it won’t last too long," you whisper, and your grip around his hand tightens as you guys begin running to his cabin. You hear the harpies screeching in frustration as they swoop down to try and grab Ambrose, only for their claws to go right through him. While the harpies were growing more annoyed, Ambrose, on the other hand, was having way too much fun, running in circles and barking at them as if he’s teasing.
"Man, I wish I had a ghost dog," you hear Percy mutter behind you as you arrive at the steps of his cabin.
"Yeah, Ambrose is pretty great," you admit, watching him play with the harpies before shifting your gaze over to Percy. "Thanks for getting the crystal for me." As much as you wanted to stay talking to him, you knew you couldn't stay too long. You were still eager to finish studying, and Ambrose can only hold off the harpies for so long.
"It was no problem. It was on my way up anyways," he shrugs, and you smile, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in your stomach. You look down, the two of you still holding hands even though the spell wore off already. You awkwardly let go of his hand, shifting on your feet.
"Well, I'll see you around," you say sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers.
"Yeah, I'll see you.” His hand comes up in an awkward wave. You nod, returning the wave. Your eyes meet Percy’s green ones one more time before turning on your heels and walking down the steps of his cabin. You notice that Ambrose is now long gone into the forest, taking the harpies with him to give you time to rush to the other side where your cabin is.
As you hurry back to your cabin, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you replayed the interaction you just had with Percy, and you couldn't help but wonder when would be the next time you could talk to him.
You carefully hoist yourself up, climb back into the cabin through the window, sighing softly once you get in. You slowly close the window, your face scrunching at the creaking sound, but you successfully get it closed before turning around, only to be faced with Connor Stoll standing a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest. You gasp loudly, almost dropping the mason jar in your hand, being startled for the second time tonight.
“Oh, look who’s back,” he says, his lips pulled in his usual mischievous smirk, his right eyebrow raised as if he's suspicious of you. You shift, giggling nervously under his graze,
"Hey, Con.” Shit. You knew he wasn’t asleep, and a part of you wasn’t surprised that he had caught you sneaking out again. You weren’t too worried since Connor wasn’t one to be strict or easily angered, neither was Travis, but you can understand if he did get a little upset with you since the cabin could also get in trouble, and he worried about you getting hurt.
"You leave so often, I'm starting to think you're seeing someone," he teases, and you furrow your eyebrows, not really sure what he was trying to get at.
"I'm not seeing anyone. You know what I do when I sneak out," you tell him, putting your hand out to show him the jar full of water. After being caught the first couple of times, you had explained to Connor why you occasionally needed to head out at night. He was understanding of your reasons, telling you to try and not sneak out as often. When he did catch you, he always kept your outings secret. It came with a price, though. You were sometimes stuck doing extra chores, especially anything that had to do with cleaning, since he hated doing anything that had to do with mopping or sweeping.
"So that wasn't you and Percy on the dock?" Your eyes widen, and you feel your face get hot again. You shake your head, stumbling over your words for a second.
"Uh… n- that was a coincidence!" You hear him snort, laughing quietly as if he didn't believe you. Even though he couldn't see your facial expression very well in this lighting, he can still tell how flustered you were at his sudden question.
"Yeah, sure," he says sarcastically, and he hums, "Anyways, what are you going to do for me so that I don't tell on you?" He asks, and your mouth drops open. Usually, he wasn't so forward, and he never threatened to tell on you. "I might spread a rumor about you and Percy rendezvousing at midnight. The Aphrodite cabin will have a hoot with that one."
You gasp, "Connor, are you blackmailing me right now?" You narrow your eyes at him, and he shrugs,
"I guess you can say I am." You shake your head, walking over to your desk to put down your moon water before turning toward him and crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"... what do you want?" You ask, expecting him to make you take up one of his chores. But from the way he was smiling at you, you can tell that there was something more he wanted, and you were beginning to worry.
"Help me turn the Ares Cabin into bunnies," he says, and you shake your head frantically,
"No way! Clarisse will kill me," you whisper. Connor smiles,
"No, she won't. She can't kill you if she's a bunny," he points out, and your face falls flat,
"They're not gonna stay bunnies forever," you say, and you fiddle with your fingers nervously at the idea of the outrage you'd get from the Ares Cabin after shifting back from being bunnies. "I don't know, Con. I don't even know if I can turn all of them into bunnies at once."
Connor waves his hand at you, dismissing your concern. "I don't care for the logistics now. We can work on that later, but you have to agree to at least help me," he says. "Or I'm telling everyone I saw you smooching Percy on the dock."
"What!? We didn't even kiss. We talked for like 5 minutes!" You whisper-yell, your reactions much too entertaining for him, and he was having a hard time holding in his laugh.
"Your decision, y/n."
You sigh, throwing your head back. You look at the ceiling for a second as you consider your two choices. And you decide that getting your head potentially put on a stick by Clarisse was better than the burning embarrassment of Percy thinking you're spreading rumors about kissing him. "Fine, whatever. I'll help you do the bunny thing," you mumble, your shoulders slouched.
Connor nods with a proud smile on his face for trapping you into helping him. "Good choice. I will be going back to sleep now. Good night… again," he announces, turning on his heels and walking over to his bed. You frown a little as you walk back to your desk to study. Plopping down onto your chair, you decide that you’ll worry about Connor’s little plan later so you can focus on your studying. After a while, Ambrose comes trotting in, joining you by the desk as usual. You smile at him, praising the other for distracting the harpies for you before he lays down, his head laying on your foot.
As you study, you find that you couldn’t help your mind drifting back to Percy once and a while. You deem that there was no way that you could have a crush on him since you guys have only spoken once. In the midst of your internal debate to decide what you felt for him, you suddenly remember the crystal that was retrieved for you. You remember how Percy presented it to you, holding it out for you with his fingertips. It was your rose quartz. What a coincidence. You smile, rolling your eyes as you tell yourself that you’re thinking too much into it. You look over, noticing the dim illuminating light of the beginning sunrise shining through the curtains. You sigh, deciding that you should probably get to sleep and take advantage of the maybe, four hours of sleep you’ll get tonight. You close your herbology book before making your way to your bed, and with a soft sigh, you retreat under the covers, and finally, you surrender to your drowsiness.
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infernalrevenge · 3 years
Kiss The Girl
Fandom: Resident Evil 8: Village
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Rating: G/T
Summary: Reader doesn't know how to handle how beautiful their girlfriend is. One thought in particular has preoccupied their mind as the two of them spend time together.
Notes: The real summary of this is actually "Reader wants to kiss Donna so bad" because hey don't we all HAHAHA. In this house, we love two pining idiots, even in an established relationship setting. Enjoy!
“Y/N, please tell Donna she looks fine!” Angie whined, only to be cradled even closer to the lady’s chest.
“You look fantastic, darling. As always,” they assured her, smiling widely as they laid both hands on her shoulders.
Y/N managed to convince Donna to wear an eyepatch to cover her Cadou scar around them instead of her usual veil. They knew how insecure she felt about having it exposed, so the both of them figured this might be a good compromise. They always assured her that she was beautiful no matter what, but until she was ready to reveal that part of herself to everyone else, then this should do.
The only thing was, after some time, they didn't realize how overwhelming it would be to get to see Donna's face so often.
They had become very familiar and in-tune with her non-verbal mannerisms -- how she twiddled her thumbs when she started to get bored during family meetings, how her hands clenched to fists then loosened when she got frustrated but didn't want to make a scene of it, the soft hum she would let out when she was satisfied with how a project was going. Getting to see all of that as expressions on her face and more have somehow made her even more endearing.
Did she always scrunch her nose like that when she was threading a needle? And how did it never occur to them that there would be a sparkle in her eye whenever she read something she found fascinating on plants? Oh god, she's so cute when she blushes too, this just isn't fair! Their heart can only take so much.
Then there's Donna's lips -- full in shape, with just a tint of pink to contrast her pale skin. She purses them together when she's deep in thought, she bites down on her lower lip when she's nervous or embarrassed -- and her smile? The soft curve of her lips whenever Angie cracks a joke or Y/N compliments her?
It always knocked the wind out of them.
Even just sitting with her right now, they could barely focus on the novel they were supposed to be reading together and just looked at Donna's serene expression. She was snuggled into their side, her feet up on the couch as the book rested on her lap so both of them can see, and Angie mirrored her position against her side. It was clear that they have established a comfortable space between them -- Donna had never felt so at ease to the point that her posture was this relaxed. She felt safe.
They knew what she had been through and what it took for her to get to where she was. Their chest swelled with affection for her, so happy to know that she trusted them enough to be this at ease in their presence, that she was willing to share her interests and insecurities and everything that made her who she was. At that moment, only one thought rang through their mind as their gaze landed on her lips.
God, I wanna kiss her.
"Y/N?" she called out, snapping them out of their trance. "Are you finished with this page, love?"
"I bet they're not even reading," Angie snickered. They could feel the tips of their ears start to heat up in embarrassment.
"I, uh... I was just sort of, um, distracted, I guess."
Despite being together for a while now, Y/N had never actually gotten to kiss Donna. Perhaps it was because the veil used to be an obstacle and they weren't sure if they could cross that threshold just yet while she still wore it frequently. But it was never a problem before when they would plant soft kisses on her forehead and temples through it, and they have gotten away with sneaking a kiss onto her cheek before.
"What's on your mind?” She closed the book though left her index finger between the last page they were on and faced them, looking concerned.
They suddenly grew shy, rubbing on the back of their neck as they averted their gaze down. What a strange role reversal. They didn’t mean to interrupt their reading time by letting their mind wander. Still, they knew they could be honest with her, so they decided to just say it.
“You, actually... You’ve been on my mind.”
It was her turn to be shy now, eyes casting down. Ah, now this scenario felt more familiar.
“Um... what about me?” She was nervous, judging by how she started chewing on her bottom lip. Y/N caught sight of it, and they felt their heart start to beat faster.
They wished they could be the one to bite it.
“I’ve just been thinking about, like, you and how pretty you are and wonderful and sweet and you just trust me so much and I love that and I wanna show that so--”
“You wanna kiss her, don’t ya?” Angie chimed in, jumping and getting all up on Y/N’s face, which was quickly heating up at how plainly the doll saw right through them. She couldn’t make too many expressions but if she could, no doubt she would be smirking.
“I-I, well, I mean, not that I-- it’s not, I mean I do--”
“You’ve been staring at her mouth for almost the entire hour we’ve been here.”
Donna lunged for the doll, letting go of the book in her haste and pulled her away from Y/N.
They blinked, looking up at the lady, “Wait, did you notice too?”
She looked off to the side, shrinking back. “Duh,” Angie supplied. Well if she noticed then surely the lady did as well, seeing as Angie was an extension of her.
“So are you gonna kiss her or what?”
Donna quickly pulled Angie back onto her lap, as if to say that that was enough. She ducked her head behind her, trying to hide her face from their view.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, Donna has had similar thoughts, and likewise had no idea what to do about them. She had thought about maybe hinting to it every now and then and just hoped that they pick up on it -- a subtle look here, a touch there. They very much did not.
(Angie already explained that it was a dumb strategy but what else was she supposed to do? Ask outright? What if they said no? What if they become disgusted by the thought of it? What if they're just not into kissing? What if--)
She scooted farther onto the other end of the couch, hoping to get away before she could embarrass heraelf any further, only for Y/N to reach for her -- not quite touching since they didn't want to startle her, but just enough to catch her attention. "Wait."
She stayed still, one hand on the armrest and a foot planted on the floor. She still seemed ready to flee, so Y/N tried to mitigate the awkwardness. What better way to start than with honesty?
"I do, by the way. I mean, I want to. To kiss you." A pregnant pause passed. "If you want to! O-only if you want to, I don't want to impose anything, I just wanted to--"
Another pause.
That actually came from Donna. It wasn't Angie speaking on her behalf to get it over with, it was her voice. It came from her.
"Yes?" They wanted to be sure.
"Yes. I... do too."
"Oh." They felt their mouth quirk up, relief starting to wash over. "Oh. Then..."
They moved closer to where Donna was now, approaching slowly as she started to relax again. She sat back down on the couch, clutching her doll close but keeping her still in her arms. Y/N settled right next to her and never took their eyes off her face. Their proximity to each other was nothing new at this point, they had cuddled more times than they can count, but suddenly their closeness made them feel those same butterflies in their stomach from the first time. It drew the line of want and anticipation.
Oh my god, this was happening.
They reached up to cup her cheek, thumb brushing against her skin. Their eyes locked with her dark gray ones, moving just a little closer, wanting to give her the opportunity to back away, but she stood (or rather, sat) steady.
"May I?" they whispered.
Donna didn't say anything, only letting her eyes slip closed as soon as she felt their breath ghosting over her lips, granting silent permission. They followed her lead and leaned in, finally closing the distance between them with a soft kiss.
Donna couldn't help the shiver that went down her spine as soon as they made contact, overwhelmed with emotion yet anchored by the feeling of their lips on hers. Everything she had read in those stories and seen on those shows about when two people who love each other finally, finally kiss? The culmination of their feelings and simultaneously the beginning of something new altogether? It was nothing like she imagined -- this felt so much more... magical.
As for Y/N, they never imagined it could be like this. Sure, they had thought about what it might actually feel like, how things might lead up, but those fantasies are now in shambles compared to the real deal. They felt like their senses were alight; the feeling of her warm lips, the scent of flowers on her person, the warmth of her body against theirs -- they were aware of all of it, and wanted nothing more than to commit this moment to memory. When they felt her lips move against theirs, it was a miracle that they hadn't melted into a puddle on the floor.
They felt her smile against their mouth, and at that point they had to pull away because they couldn't stop the laugh bubbling up inside them from escaping. The lady looked up at Y/N, smile widening. "What is it?" she asked softly.
"I'm just... so happy," they replied between giggles, wrapping their arms around her waist to pull her close. "I love you so much, Donna."
It was her turn again to be the bashful one. They only got a glimpse of how quickly her face turned pink before she proceeded to hide it against their shoulder, her hands clinging onto their shirt. “I... love you too, Y/N.”
If they were to name just one great thing that came out of all this, it was that they can’t wait to make her dizzy with kisses whenever they desired and watch her get flustered in real time.
It seemed Donna had the same idea though -- as soon as she lifted her head up again, she immediately lunged forward for a second kiss. She wrapped her arms around their neck and caught their lips in hers. Y/N returned the favor in kind, but the moment didn't last long -- interrupted by a high-pitched yelp. "Ow!"
"Sorry, Angie!" The lady broke off and tried to pick up the doll, only for her to bound back up and move away.
"Ah-ah, no! Keep going! I'll stay out of your hair," she insisted, floating out of the library to who knows where.
Donna looked back up at Y/N, embarrassed, though they didn't let her wallow for long and continued where they left off. They pulled her in for another passionate kiss, guaranteed to leave the both of them breathless and wanting more.
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ghoultramp · 4 years
study buddies [sukuna x reader] {req}
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▷       jjk
↳ pairing: sukuna x f!reader
↳ content: { request fic } - dom!sukuna, subby!reader, curvy&soft!reader, college!au, dubcon, choking, spitting, marking (biting, scratching), dacryphilia, degradation (?), breath play (?),  a sprinkle of praise (as a treat), nicknames for reader (princess, babygirl)
↳ words: 4.7k
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⇢ summary: sukuna’s a little fed up of yuji having you all the fun with you, so when yuji suggests you should take a break from studying, sukuna decides it’s the perfect opportunity to have a taste of yuji’s little princess.
also available on ao3
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⇢ note: request for nemi; i’m so sorry it took so long to get around to this but i hope this makes up for the wait! a huge thank you for being my partner in crime on this and for some of the fantastic ideas you shared.
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Yuji had been grumbling at his textbook for the better part of ten minutes before you peered over the top of yours. While he lay chest down on the floor, your legs were lazily propped over the small of his back. Your own back was supported by a pillow against your bed frame, comfortable enough, but you were starting to ache. Yuji wittered beneath his breath, he looked sweet when he tried to concentrate; his eyebrows furrowed and his nose wrinkled, but it was the way his tongue poked over his top lip that made you giggle.
“Stop,” he groaned, “this is hard.”
You cleared your throat as you closed your book, placing it on your lap.
“Which question is it now?” you asked, lifting your legs off him.
He grumbled incoherently, flipping the same page back and forth. You shook your head and shuffled next to him, straightening out your skirt as you brought your knees together to retain some modicum of decency. You leaned your weight against your left hand and softly patted Yuji’s head with the other.
“Uhm,” he mumbled, “still on the first one…?”
“Yuji-Kun,” you sighed, “have you been listening to a word I’ve said?”
He looked at you through his peripheral vision while his mouth fought against a nervous smirk. You playfully tapped him against the side of the head. Yuji feigned injury, holding his head and rolling onto his back; you were trying so hard not to laugh as he rolled about, wailing dramatically.
“You’re such a baby,” you told him, throwing the textbook to the side.
You watched as he stopped and spread his limbs out like a starfish, he turned his head in your direction.
“Says the little Princess,” he retorted, he flashed a grin when your cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink.
He loved rendering your speechless with the utterance of a single word. To everyone on the outside, you and Yuji were this cute, Hallmark-movie, high-school sweetheart-type couple, barely even kissed, blushing at the sweet whispers you exchanged; how wrong they were.
Those sweet whispers that made you blush wildly were due to Yuji sharing with you his demands for you that evening—because you would always be his good Babygirl, his good little Princess. They would never see him grope you beneath the lecture hall desks, purposefully dragging you to the back. He’d ignore you as you cried into the sleeve of your sweater while his fingers fiddled with your sensitive little bud behind your underwear.
He rolled onto his side to prop his head up with his hand, you brought your hands up to cover your flushed cheeks.
“Hey,” he was trying not to laugh, finding your bashfulness absurdly loveable, “why don’t we take a break?”
A squeak escaped through the fingers of the hand that covered your mouth. Yuji awkwardly shifted onto his hands and knees, crawling toward you. When he sat up next to you, he swung his legs around to place them on either side of you; trapping you between him and the bed frame.
“Now who’s the baby?” he cooed, teasing you more by poking your hands playfully.
He laughed at your attempt to look annoyed, it was wasted. You resigned, watching as he began to lean into you, his hand pressed against the back of your head and his lips brushed against your ear.
“Or should I say,” his whisper was a low growl, “Babygirl?”
 “Yuuuuuji,” you were whining as you squirmed between his legs, “you’re doing this on purpose.”
The warm breath expelled by his chuckle brushed against your neck. You felt the grip he held on the back of your head fall to your wrists, you didn’t fight him as he pulled your hands from your face. You knew he got off on how bashful you always were, and maybe you played into that a little, he felt the hot flush of your cheeks radiate against him.
He could devour you so easily.
You felt a thumb press hard against your chin, pushing your head right back. A pitiful laboured noise escaped your mouth, now pushing his palm against your throat. It wasn’t quite enough pressure to stop you from breathing, but enough to cause you discomfort. Enough to satisfy him. For the moment, at least.
“…ji,” you were fortunate enough to be able to squeeze the last syllable of his name.
Using his free hand, he kneaded at the delicious pudge of skin that poked out above your slightly-too-tight thigh-high socks. They were just a part of one of your many little uniforms reserved only for Yuji, and today was one of his favourites; a just-tight-enough shirt opened enough for your delicate, frilly lingerie—of his choosing, of course—to peek out, paired with a simple, pleated skirt.
You were ever so grateful when he lightened the pressure on your larynx, allowing you to urgently drag in a deep breath. But it was mere seconds before you were gasping and panting, succumbing to his will as his fingers pressed gently against the damp cotton of your panties.
“Finally,” you heard him say, the lowered tone of his voice triggered your flight response.
“Yu-Yuji?” you whimpered.
“Yuji’s not home right now, Princess,” he declared, “it’s not fair that he gets to have all the fun anyway.”
“Su-Sukuna, please,” you whined, tilting your pelvis back in an attempt to escape his roaming fingers, he only pressed against you harder.
“Why don’t you let me take you for a ride, babygirl,” as he said it, he dragged his finger downward, following your sweet, little slit beneath your underwear.
“You p-promised you wouldn’t,” if it wasn’t for the fact that Sukuna was so close to you, he never would have heard your feeble pleas.
“We all promise things we don’t really mean,” he groaned, removing his hand on your throat.
Sukuna smirked all the while you gasped for air—once again—and then whimpered, the focus in your sight made everything soft, your head felt full of cotton wool. Sukuna sniggered, the dumb, heavy-lidded look on your pretty, little face was nothing less than perfection. He pressed his fingers a slightly bit harder against your clit, inhaling sharply when he pulled strangled little mewls from behind your slightly parted lips.
Sukuna was more than a little fond of Yuji’s choice of mate, he’d been waiting far too long for this opportunity and he wasn’t going to squander it.
He was going to savour every moment.
“Let’s see,” Sukuna contemplated, relieving your clit of his fingers. He’d want you to beg for it, prove just how much of a needy little whore you really were; he’d have you screaming his name soon enough.
You whined at him as his hands crept along the outsides of your thighs, under your skirt, grabbing hold of your shapely hips. He ignored your cries while he pulled you toward him, your skirt now ruched above your waist.
“C’mere,” he grunted, jostling you with some force when you didn’t move quick enough for him.
From your position—your head now propped where your back had been, Sukuna suspending your arse with his large hands—you could almost pretend that it was still Yuji. It was still his body after all, right? Your eyes passed over the dark lines that only Sukuna had—you always thought they looked like tattoos—and the closed, second set of eyes. Those eyes unnerved you, scared you. You dropped your gaze.
You didn’t ever think you’d have to face this situation, Yuji had reassured you time and time again that he had control of Sukuna, that he wouldn’t be able to take over when things got hot and heavy between the both of you. Now, you supposed Sukuna had lied about being compliant the entire time.
Sukuna continued, “I demand a taste of this—“ he yanked your underwear down your thighs, pulling a little too hard on the waistband, “—sweet fucking cunny.”
Dumbfounded, you were only able to watch him with curious, wide eyes as he moved your legs to benefit him while he struggled to remove your underwear. He was clearly getting impatient, throwing your soaked underwear over his head and across the other side of the room.
Sukuna let out a long, deep moan, as he shuffled himself back. He brought your legs down, pressing his muscular upper-arms against the back of your thighs; this was his way of stabilising you while having both of his hands free.
With his biceps pushing into your thighs, you yelped as your neck was forced into an uncomfortable position. The top of your head pressed against the base of the bed while your ear squashed into your shoulder; you scrambled to hoist yourself up, pushing your palms against the floor.
“Ah-ah,” he growled, yanking you down by the hips.
Sukuna mumbled something, you may not have been able to hear it, but your widely spread cunt certainly felt him say something. He brought the index finger of his right hand up to hover just out of reach of your presenting hole; raising his gaze to catch you looking at him--your chest heaving with your gulping breaths, your eyes almost entirely closed, with your tongue gently lolled out over your bottom lip--he certainly hadn’t expected you to submit to him like this so easily.
“I can see why Yuji likes you,” Sukuna mused, you gasped loudly when his thick finger penetrated you for the first time, “a needy little bitch in heat, like you?”
He let out a satisfied groan as you convulsed against him, nowhere for you to go as he twisted his finger, left to right and back again, fucking you with little care as his thrusts became almost violent. You cried out when he began to hit his palm quite forcefully against your clit with each thrust of his finger; Sukuna’s dark eyes glared up at you, his thick brows pulling together in the middle of his brow while he snarled at you.
You really were trapped.
“I happen to know you like it rough,” he was smirking, the loud, wet sound that came from between your legs as he removed his finger with a yank make you shrink beneath him.
“But, let’s get one thing straight,” he continued, moaning while he sucked at your sweet juices that soaked his finger, “your little Yuji-Kun won’t ever compare to a demon,” Sukuna watched the panic set in your eyes, felt your thighs shaking against his arms as he angled you up.
“It’ll be so delightful and easy, making you teeter on that edge,” he snarled, “between pain and pleasure until I see fit.”
You yelped uncomfortably when the pad of his heavy thumb pressed into your clit; you heard him chuckle above your cries, pressing against it harder. Sukuna pursed his lips against your inner thigh. You felt his smirk against your skin when his thumb quickly shifted from your clit to your hole; it was without warning, your slick allowing him to pull in and out with ease. But the intrusion made you shudder, followed closely by an uncontainable wail.
“Oh, Princess,” he cooed, talking into your thigh, “you’re going to make over-stimming you so much fucking fun.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” it was a pitiful attempt at finding your voice.
Sukuna either couldn’t hear you or at the very least, he didn’t want to hear you. He dragged his tongue along your delicate skin, playfully nipping at you every few inches.
Oh, how it amused him when you squirmed, afraid of his real bite, perhaps? The thought excited him.
You continued to whimper while Sukuna roamed your thighs, but when he flicked the tip of his tongue across your clit—fucking you with his thumb, his fingernails digging into the flesh of your arsecheeks—you brought your hand to your face, biting down on the flesh of your wrist.
Sukuna ignored you, giving attention to your throbbing clit, using his free hand to spread your lips just a bit more, enough for him to sink his lips down and around you. He loved when you made those whiny, little bleats—so pathetic, so fucking easy.
But, no, this wasn’t enough for Sukuna. He jerked his thumb out—your walls quivered around the empty space—and replaced it with his tongue; he groaned loudly as he sloppily lapped at your dripping, wet cunt.
Crying into your hand, still biting down on your already raw flesh, you felt the pull of your hips, ready to spasm with the release that was building up within your core. Sukuna masterfully worked his way around your insides, tensing the tip of his tongue to satisfy that sweet spot within you.
“Cum for me, Princess,” his deep voice was cast even lower as he growled as he spoke those words, commanding you; you felt a pressure within your pelvis vibrate and coil.
A pretty, choked sob found its way behind your lips as you relaxed your head to the side. The arm you had been using to silence yourself came down on Sukuna’s head so hard he scratched at your outer thigh; that would surely leave a mark. Whether you were willing to admit it or not, the thought excited you, you wanted him to hurt you.
Sukuna seemed frustrated when you didn’t obey his demand.
“I said fucking cum for me, Princess,” he snarled, firmly placing his hands on either side of your arse. You gasped, feeling the sting of him driving the points of his nails into your flesh. “I won’t hesitate to hurt you, y’know,” he continued in between tending to your soft, little cunt, “but I get the feeling you’d—“ he huffed, driving his nails into you, eliciting a strangled, wailing moan from your lips, “—like it.”
A whimpering, twitching mess was all you were beneath Sukuna’s grip. You heard the sloppy, wet noises combining with his hungry moans, tasting as much of you as he possibly could. Leaning back onto his knees, Sukuna noticed the bright flush in your cheeks.
“Sweet, little thing,” he laughed, “look, she’s embarrassed.”
Sukuna delighted in having you as his play-thing, but he wasn’t quite done with you yet. While he stared at you with his impossibly dark eyes, you heard the distinct jostling of a belt being undone; you heard it land with a thud when he discarded it to the side, triggering your body to shudder once more.
He wasn’t impressed with you when you lowered your gaze away.
“No, no, no,” he chuckled, “you will return the favour, Babygirl.”
Your heart beat wildly against your chest, your breathing was nothing but desperate, clamouring gasps as he hoisted you by your hair. Your protesting cries meant nothing to him as he effortlessly pulled you to your knees and the sight of your eyes brimming with tears amused him all the more.
“You’d do it for him, wouldn’t you?” he gave an inflection to his voice, trying to mimic Yuji’s, “It’s still his body, right?”
Sukuna’s grip on your hair tightened while he fiddled with the zip of his trousers, you felt helpless, watching as he relieved his thick, hard cock from its clothed prison. It was Yuji’s body, but like this—when Sukuna felt the need to barge his way in—it was his, not Yuji’s.
“Isn’t it?” he spat, pushing you down toward his crotch, cock in hand.
You may have been too shocked to form words, disjoined syllables tumbling from your lips, but not shocked enough to resist him. You didn’t recoil when your lips pressed against the swollen, wet head of his cock, as he brushed his pre-cum across your lips. In fact, you were eager, Sukuna laughed when you parted your lips, ready to receive him.
“See, it’s not that bad, is it?” he mused as he tugged your head back to look up at him.
You heard him stifle a low growl, looking up at him with your pretty, glassy eyes and your puffy, pink lips.
Whining at him as you placed your hands on either side of his muscular thighs, you were a desperate little pet eager for master’s attention. You didn’t care that he held your weight by your hair, it didn’t matter that it hurt. You didn’t care how aggressive he was; it didn’t matter when it felt this good.
“That’s it,” his smile was devilish, allowing you to lower your head into his lap on your own terms.
When you moved Sukuna’s hand away from his cock, he let out a chortle that made your heart flutter. He was gentle while you teased the aching head of his cock. You were ever so pleased with yourself when you pulled guttural, feral moans from his lips; it was your turn to tease Sukuna. For however long he might allow it, that was.
Which wasn’t long at all, it would seem.
Sukuna was impatient and you were taking far too long, he wanted his dick rammed as far down your throat as he could, and he would. He wasn’t being gentle now, not when he pushed your head down onto him. When you let out a surprised yelp, he took the opportunity to take advantage.
“Fuck,” he hissed while you gagged on the intrusion of his length.
Your throat felt raw, there was no niceness about him now as he held you down. You were sure he would be smirking as you convulsed within his grip, feebly attempting to push against his tensed thighs with very little effect. Yuji might be rough with you, but Sukuna was on a different level, and you quickly understood just how utterly useless any and all attempts to save yourself would be.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and you knew—for certain—that someone was going to be you.
You closed your eyes and held onto his thighs so tight your knuckles turned white; it was the only thing you could do to distract yourself at that moment. The tears he’d forced from your eyes dripped onto your chest with your clumsy movements. You let out a wail of relief when he pulled you away, even just for a moment, it was welcomed.
"There's a good girl," he grunted, admiring the spit that dribbled down your chin, "there's my good little Princess."
Your moan at his words was cut off by a cruel shove of his hand; you gagged under the duress of him ramming into the back of your throat. He didn't care that you choked and spluttered beneath him, in fact, you knew it excited him; the way his cock twitched with each uncomfortable noise you made told you everything.
Every bone in your body screamed at you to submit to him, you would hope it would be less humiliating than this. Sukuna was surprised when you fell limp within his grasp and jerked you back once more.
“I wasn’t sure I’d break you so easily,” he chuckled, raising his free hand to your tear-stricken face.
You shuddered when his thumb stroked away at your wet cheek. You kept your eyes closed as his hand snaked its way across your face and down to your mouth. He tightened his grip on your hair as he held down hard with his other hand.
Your eyes darted open, Sukuna was a God looking down upon a mere mortal.
He hissed, you felt a heavy pressure against your lips as he used his hand to push you back against the pillow still propped against the bed. He was quick, untangling his hand from your hair to rest it on your inner thigh. He was laughing as his fingers tightened around your thigh, claws pinching at your flesh.
“Open wide, Babygirl,” baring his teeth at you, he looked maniacal, his hulking shape looming over you.
You sobbed helplessly as the mouth on his palm opened up, summoning a tongue that successfully infiltrated your mouth with very little effort. He laughed as your pretty, flushed face twisted, breathing frantically through your nose.
You were unable to make out the words he growled while he dragged his claws along the tender flesh of your inner thigh. The games he’d played with your throat, and consequently your oxygen, had dulled your senses—all except the ones that mattered, of course.
The bottom of his palm hit hard against your abused clit and your eyes widened with realisation. Sukuna smirked, both hands pressing so impossibly hard against both sets of your lips as he leaned into you.
“Just a little more,” he growled, “and then you’ll be ready for me.”
There was no time to think before the hand at your mouth pushed your head back, the finger and thumb on either side of your nostrils were dangerously close to completely restricting your airflow. Another tongue infiltrated your aching hole, he laughed at you as you convulsed beneath him. He allowed you to shake your head from side to side but nothing more, he found your efforts at yet another struggle tempting.
Your hips bucked defiantly beneath his hand as he bore against you. You whimpered against the tongue at your mouth as the one inside your twitching hole tickled against your most sensitive spot. Sukuna brought his face down impossibly close to yours, now gently grinding his palm against your clit; the only thing you felt were tight shocks that battered away within your core.
Sukuna gripped your face with his fingers, careless as his claws almost scratched at your face. When your head was brought up to meet him, your noses touched. It was unnerving.
You felt Sukuna’s tongues retreat. You were conflicted when you felt the gnawing ache of emptiness that was left behind. Formulating thoughts seemed impossible, coherency was nowhere to be found. With heavy-lidded eyes, you lazily watched as Sukuna knelt back.
It was cute, the way you opened your legs even wider for him. It wasn’t enough for Sukuna, nothing ever seemed enough for Sukuna. You felt his clawed hands grip the underside of your tender thighs; your breath shuddered, feeling the wet head of his cock bump against your widened hole.
“Good girl,” he breathed, “open wide.”
There was no other warning than his words as he shunted his hips forward, you moaned low in your throat—a strangled, feral noise—as your dripping wet cunt enveloped his throbbing length with very little ease.
“See,” he grunted, tightening his grip on your thighs, “I can be kind—“ he pulled his entire length, your hole quivered at the empty space, “—when I want to be.”
You wailed as he bottomed out against you, digging his claws into your flesh hard enough to draw blood as he frantically thrust. He’d been patient long enough but, while you’d been a good girl and indulged him, playtime was over.
Your head whirled and your limbs were numb. The only nerves that you felt any connection to were the ones in your pussy, the ones that made it possible to feel every protruding vein of his achingly hard cock The nerves that made it possible to feel every twitch it made as Sukuna put all his weight into you. He grunted, pushing back on your thighs, you yelped when he folded them against your stomach.
Sukuna delighted in hearing the moan you gave him after yet another deep, unrelenting thrust, his pelvis grinding roughly against your clit. You found yourself unraveling beneath him, you no longer felt within your own body.
“Yuji,” you mewled.
It was an easy mistake to make, a mistake that Sukuna did not appreciate. He laughed down at you as he picked up his pace. An unrelenting pace that shunted your body with each and every thrust. A pace that made you see stars.
“Silly little bitch,” he growled, spitting on your cheek, he was surprised when you let out a gasp of arousal, “say my name.”
He watched you convulse beneath him, felt you writhe and twist in his arms. It was delicious. The way your cunt clamped on his cock, tighter and tighter, and harder and harder until your cervix felt bruised.
“You’re mine right now, Princess,” he told you breathlessly, “Say it.”
You felt his spit hit your face again and your pelvis tightened. Things like that were supposed to feel this good, and for a brief moment, an internal struggle between arousal and embarrassment took place. Your arousal when Sukuna spoke.
“Say my fucking name,” was his final demand, but you could only cry out nonsense, “Say it!”
“Su-Sukuna!” you cried, obliged to obey him.
You were rewarded with the relief of Sukuna removing one of his hands from your thighs, too fucked-out to move—or care—your leg still rested against your stomach. He bared his teeth and brought his hand back; you were astonished that he never lost his momentum. 
He grunted as he breathed.
“That’s right,” his voice began to waver, close to his own climax, “good girl.”
You could almost believe you weren’t just a piece of meat to him, the way his tongue wrapped around the words he used could make anyone feel special. But you were rudely reminded this was Sukuna, not Yuji, when his swung-back hand collided with your thigh.
The Earth itself could have shattered at that very moment, and all you’d feel would be him; you thought yourself lucky enough to remember your name.
“Good—“ he grunted against your arching hips, begging for more you couldn’t possibly take, “—girl.”
Sukuna juddered on top of you, within you, while his claws made their final assault on your skin, while he buried himself as deep within you as possible. You writhed and mewled beneath him, your hands grasped at the carpet, desperate to hold onto something while the pressure of his hot cum filling your battered cunt overwhelmed you.
There was a faint sting that broke through the pleasure as he continued to roll his hips against you, gently for the time being, now that he was spent.
It astonished you how quickly his breathing returned to normal while you struggled to draw any breaths that felt satisfying, still recoiling and twitching. You could speak only broken gibberish.
Sukuna lowered your legs, you wished he’d more gentle; you winced as your hip joints creaked having been forced into such an uncompromising position. You felt the weight of his chest press against yours and his nose nuzzled gently against the crook of your neck.
There was a tense moment as you lay under him as your senses regained consciousness.
“Yu-Yuji?” you whimpered, tears threatened the edges of your eyes.
The pretty pink man who lay on top of you let out an angered growl, the hands that tightened around your wrists no longer had claws; there was care in the grip.
“I’ll kill him,” you heard him growl, his grip tightening.
“Yuji I’m—“ he didn’t leave you room to finish as he lifted his head, gazing down at you with furrowed eyebrows and bold, dark eyes.
“But first,” he told you, looking down at the mess between where your bodies connected, “it looks like I have to punish you first.”
He looked back to you—was he enjoying this?—and cast a dirty smirk at you.
“Because despite what Sukuna may think or say,” he continued, looming closer to you, his cock twitching with every word, “you haven’t been a good girl, have you, Princess?”
Your lips may have been moving but your voice was inaudible.
“You can thank Sukuna for one thing though, Princess,” he growled, nipping at your neck.
His voice broke when he deliberately moaned in your ear, a sound that made you squirm with delight.
“There’s no more holding back,” was the last thing he said before raising your arms above your head and locking his teeth to your neck.
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can u do more ron stuff 🥺🥺 like anything , you’re fulfilling my ron needs🥺
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word Count: 3.1k Blurb: This is just pure smut with very little plot.  Warnings: Ron calls her a lot of dirty names, mostly slut. Edging and overstimulation, chocking, bit of spanking. Lot’s of teasing and degradation.  A/N: I’m glad I’m fulfilling your Ron needs, it is a big responsibility but I have been working towards this since I first watched/read Harry Potter and realised that I was a slut for Ron Weasley
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“Are you okay, sweetheart?” he looked down at her over the paper in his hands and smiled as she drew her attention up to his face. She hummed in response and looked back down. 
They were sitting in their bed with Ron’s back resting against the backboard. He had one arm around her as she rested her head on his bare chest and the other was holding onto the latest edition of The Daily Prophet. He was relaying to her anything he found humorous and she was listening intently. 
But it had been a while since he had spoken and she couldn’t help but let her thoughts wonder. Her mind began to drift to the way his fingers gripped the paper in his hand and the way he was mindlessly tapping it. Fixated on his fingers she couldn’t help the dull ache which began to form in between her legs and she had tried to focus her attention instead on drawing patterns on his chest. 
She sighed and tried to focus on the way her fingertips were slightly grazing his chest which was rising up and down with his breaths, but she could still feel his stare on her. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she didn’t look up at him and only hummed again in response, “look at me,” she stared up at him through her eyelashes and let her mouth rest slightly agape as he dropped the paper and brought his hand to hold her head in between his fingers. “What’s wrong?” there was a small smirk forming on his face which led her to believe that he knew exactly what was wrong. He always did. He had told her one night that he knew exactly what she wanted by the way that she touched him and she couldn’t help but stare at him in awe as she hadn’t even realised she had done that. 
“I want you to fuck me,” she had tried to look away but his forefinger tapped her cheek to bring her attention back. She had mumbled it, but by the way his grin widened she knew he heard her. 
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” he was trying to act confused, “what did you say?” 
“I want you to fuck me,” she said it louder and he grinned down at her. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” she slightly shook her head as he brought her face closer to his and pressed a soft kiss against her lips which were slightly squished together. “Is that all you want me to do, sweetheart?” he pulled away slightly and she let out a small whimper at the loss of contact. 
“I want you to fuck me like,” she paused and he looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue, “like,” she bit her lips and could feel the heat rising to her chest. 
“Don’t be shy,” he let go of his hold on her face and traced over her lips with his thumb before she continued. 
“I want you to fuck me like a slut,” she mumbled out the last word but he didn’t make her repeat it. He only chuckled before repeating, “like a slut?”  and she hummed in response. 
“How do sluts get fucked?” she looked up at him and gave him a pleading look, not wanting to go into detail of all the dirty things she wanted him to do to her. 
“I don’t know,” she mumbled, finally being able to look away from him and bringing her attention to the way his chest continued to rise and fall. 
“I think you do know,” he scoffed and she could feel another wave of heat flood her chest, “tell me what you want me to do, sweetheart.”
“I want you to choke me,” he brought his hand to her throat. 
“Look at me when you talk to me, baby,” she swallowed and he smirked as he felt it against his palm, “only naughty girls like being choked,” he tutted, “didn’t know you were so filthy,” she whimpered, “what else do you want me to do?”
“I want you to,” she paused again as she made sure to maintain eye contact with him, “I want you to use me however you want,” she furrowed her eyebrows and hoped that was a good enough response for him. 
“Use you like the little slut you are?” his voice was condescending and he pushed down slightly on her throat as she nodded her head quickly. 
“Your little slut,” she repeated, making him grin and let go of his grip on her throat. 
“My little slut,” he nodded as he removed his arm which was previously snaked around her shoulders and gripped her hips so he could position her to be leaning against the backboard of the bed. He hovered over her and began pressing soft kisses to her lips letting his hands find their way to the bottom of her shirt and caressing the skin underneath it. 
He started playing with the ends of her shit before he pulled back and helped her remove it, allowing his hands to find their way to her breasts as he went back to softly kissing her. 
“Is this what you wanted, sweetheart?” he asked in between kisses as his hands began to pinch her nipples. 
She moaned out as he did so and whimpered out a, ‘yes,’ as she felt him smile into the kiss. 
As his hands stopped toying with her nipples he brought them down her hips making her shiver from his soft touch. He immediately helped her out of pyjama shorts leaving her only in her underwear as he brought his hands to caress her hips as he moved his mouth down to her neck. 
“Ron,” she moaned out his name and let her hands tug at his hair as he bit into the sensitive skin just under her jawline. He kissed over it before leaving another mark on the other side of her jaw. “People are going to see that,” he pulled away to see her pout and chuckled before asking, “thought you were my pretty little slut?” her eyes widened, “don’t you want everyone to know what you are?” the pout didn’t leave her lips but she quickly nodded her head and he brought his head back down so that he could leave a trail of kisses along her chest and tummy before moving immediately from her hips to her thighs. 
He continued kissing her thighs and used his hand to gently squeeze the other one causing her to let out a whine. 
“What’s wrong?” his hand was still gripping her thigh. 
“I want you,” she tried to move herself closer to him. 
“Want me to do what?” she wanted to roll her eyes at the way he grinned. 
“I want you to touch me,” she hoped he wouldn’t make her say where. 
“Where?” she let out a whine and wriggled her hips making his grip on her thighs tighten. 
“You know where,” she sighed as she brought her hips back down to the mattress.
“Do you want me to touch your pretty cunt, baby?” he pulled at the waistband of her underwear and she gasped as he let go and let it hit her skin. 
“I want you to touch me on my pretty cunt,” she repeated begrudgingly. 
“That’s all you had to say,” he kept one hand on her thigh but removed the other and brought it to hover over her underwear. “You’re already so wet,” he brought his finger down and began lightly stroking it up and down. 
“Ron,” she bucked her hips up into his touch, “I need you to touch me properly.”
“I can tell,” he chuckled as he continued to torture her with his soft touch, “already soaking through your underwear and I’ve barely even touched you, sweetheart,” the heat continued to build up and she could feel it rising to her neck. 
“Please,” she whined out and Ron let his fingers go under her waistband before bringing them slowly down her legs. 
“Is this what you wanted?” he placed his thumb over her bundle of nerves smirking at the way her thighs tensed as he did so, “wanted me to touch your pretty little cunt?” 
“Yes,” her breathing was uneven, “thank you,” he kept his thumb there but began teasing her entrance with the tip of his finger, “thank you, Ron,” she screamed out his name as he finally let it enter her. 
“Wait,” he brought it back out making her whine at the loss of contact. He held onto her thighs once again and pushed them back so her feet were closer to her head, “there we go,” he smirked, “now I have better access to my little slut.”
He kept his grip on her thighs pushing them as far back as he could and brought his face closer to her heat as she tried to move her hips closer to him under his strong grip. 
“You need to be patient baby,” he pressed a soft kiss to her clit making her whine before he began eating her out. 
“Yes,” she continued moaning out his name as she felt the way his tongue began to move. The room was full of her moans and the soft wet noises which could be heard from the way Ron was devouring her and soon she could feel the heat reaching her tummy. 
“Can I please cum?” she screwed her eyes shut as she felt her breath getting heavy and her legs starting to shake but as soon as she had asked her eyes were wide open and mouth slightly agape. 
“Not yet, sweetheart,” Ron placed another soft kiss on her clit, “now,” he let go of her thighs, “make sure your legs stay there,” he made sure she maintained eye contact with him as he gave his instructions and and she let her legs open wider so she could do as he said, “I want the best access to my little slut.”
She didn’t even have time to complain about her lack of release because soon Ron’s thumb was back to rubbing her clit as the tip of his fingers began to tease her entrance again. She tried to buck her hips towards his touch but couldn’t in her position, making him chuckle and bring a hand to her throat. 
“Does my little slut enjoy that?” he teased as he felt her moan at his actions, “that’s very naughty,” he mocked as he continued teasing her entrance. 
“Please, faster,” her voice was soft due to his grip on her throat but he complied and let his finger enter her making her moan out his name. 
“So wet for me,” he commented as he tauntingly removed his finger and waiting a moment before entering her again, “such a messy little cunt,” he pushed his thumb down on her clit before picking up his pace and adding an extra finger making her scream out his name as he easily found the spongy spot which made her see stars. 
“Look at me, sweetheart,” he pushed down on her throat as she struggled to keep her eyes open, “remember to tell me when you’re close.”
“I’m close!” having already been so sensitive and desperate and from the way that Ron’s fingers were moving skillfully fast it didn’t take long before she could feel the heat in her tummy and she squirmed as Ron pulled his fingers out. He let go of his grip from her throat as he pulled away and put his fingers in his mouth. 
“Taste so good baby,” he put them in her mouth before using his other hand to hold onto her thighs and move them down so she could relax her legs. She sucked on his fingers and he left them there as he struggled to get his pants off with one hand. 
He managed and soon all she could look at was his red and hard dick which he was already positioning to tease her entrance. 
“Gonna fuck you like a little slut, yeah?” she nodded with his fingers still in her mouth as he tapped the tip of his cock teasingly on her entrance. He positioned himself and pushed her legs so they were straight up, holding onto her ankles as he began thrusting into her. 
As she screamed out his name he removed his fingers from her mouth and he gave a small slap to the bit of ass which he had access to. 
“Yes,” her breathing was uneven, “right there Ron,” he again easily found the spongy spot which instantly made her legs shake and he brought his other hand to rub at her clit. Her body shook with each thrust and soon she was yelling, “I’m going to cum,” she let out a breath,”Ron, I need to cum.”
“No,” but his hips were still slamming into her and he was still teasing her clit, “you’re going to wait just a little longer, sweetheart.”
“I can’t,” she whined out. 
“You will,” but his thrusts were only getting faster and soon her hand was trying to push his away and her legs were shaking and she was letting out a chorus of ‘no’s’ and gasping out Ron’s name. 
He immediately pulled out and slapped her clit. 
“Didn’t I tell you not to cum?” he looked at her expectantly as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks and she tried to regain her breath. 
“I’m sorry,” she was pouting, “I couldn’t stop myself, you were fucking me too good.”
“Greedy little slut,” he murmured as he slapped her clit again, “and messy too,” another slap, “squirting like a whore,” she whimpered, “turn around,” she positioned herself on her tummy, “hands and knees,” he pulled on her hips as she brought herself up to bring her closer to him and she couldn’t help but squeal. 
“Your pussy is throbbing,” his voice was condescending and she let out a whimper as his hands tightened around her hips. He removed one hand to tease her entrance and mock at how wet she was before he snapped his hips into her and began kneading the skin on her bottom. 
“I’m too sensitive,” she cried out, but he continued thrusting. 
“Should have thought about that before you came like the little whore you are,” she arched her back and whined as he slapped her ass. 
“I’m going to cum,” she whined out. 
“That didn’t take long did it slut?” he asked as he moaned out her name when she clenched around him, “cum on my cock, baby.”
“Thank you,” her eyes were rolling to the back of her head, “thank you,” she tried to regain her breath but he kept thrusting into her making her scream out his name once more. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” he asked as he continued to let his hand fall down on her ass, “to be fucked like the needy whore you are?”
“Your needy whore,” she murmured out letting her head rest on the mattress in front of her as she felt her legs go weak once more.
“Am I fucking you that good?” his voice was condescending and he brought his hand to her hair and grabbed a fistful of it to lift her head up, “you were the one who came without permission so you’ll take it like a good slut, won’t you?”
“Going to take you like a good slut,” her mouth was slightly agape and all she could focus on was the tingling sensation on her clit as Ron told her to cum again as he continued to hit all the right spots. 
“Are you going to cum again without permission?” he asked as his hips continued slamming into her. 
“I’m too sensitive,” she tried to move away from him but his grip on her hair and his other hand still squeezing her hips prevented any movement. 
“Answer my question,” he slapped her ass again harder than he had before, “are you going to cum again without permission?”
“No,” she couldn’t keep her eyes open and she was glad Ron was holding her up because her body was going weak, “please,” her breath was quickening, “cum?” he chuckled at her inability to form a full sentence and began coaxing her to, “cum on my cock again pretty girl,” and she gasped as she felt her legs shake and scrunched up her eyes, “going to cum with you, yeah?” and soon he was moaning out her name and grunting as she began clenching around him and could feel his warm cum fill her up as she came for the fourth time. 
He released his grip as she let out a whimper and let her body collapse onto the mattress. She let out a whimper as he pressed a gentle kiss to her clit. 
“One more baby,” his hands were back on her hips so he could help her move onto her back, “I know you can do it,” he placed a soft kiss upon her pouted lips, “you’re doing so good for me and I just want to taste you one more time, yeah?” she nodded but there were tears threatening to spill as her legs jolted from the stimulation as his tongue began to tease her.
She tried to move her hips away from him, “I’m too sensitive,” a few small tears fell from the sides of her eyes and Ron moved his hands so that one was resting across her hips to hold her down while the other reached up to hold her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Can feel you’re close baby,” he said against her heat and she moaned as she felt the vibrations of his voice, “cum when you’re ready,” she let out a groan and soon Ron’s grip on her hips were tightening as she squeezed his hand and thrashed her hips, allowing herself to come undone for him once more. As soon as she finished riding out her orgasm Ron pushed himself up so he was hovering over. 
“Did so good for me baby,” he was kissing all over her face and pushing the hair that was sticking to her forehead behind her ears, “so proud of you,” his hand was still intertwined with hers. 
“Thank you,” she murmured in between kisses making him smile. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah sweetheart?” he let go of her hands so he could pick her up and carried her to their bathroom so he could clean her up while he continued to praise her until her mind began to clear up again. 
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
A/N: He’s back bitchessss🤪…and he’s filthy as fuck! And I’m sorry this one is extra extra late with a crappy ending lol...Enjoy🙃
You were finally finally getting your weekend alone with Harry. After almost two weeks of him being away for business, you were finally getting to spend some quality time with him. And it was going to be without any interruption. Since your best friend was was spending a long weekend with her boyfriend, you were going to be able to spend a long weekend with yours. You were so excited to see Harry that you had everything planned out. For starters, you had your bag packed the night before he was due home. It had all of the essentials: a couple outfits for when you two weren’t in bed having sex, two of your skimpiest sets of lingerie that you weren’t going to miss given the fact that Harry had a habit of ripping your lingerie off of you, and some toys. He had few at his house but had the funner ones that you both could play with. Now along with getting your bag packed, you also made a visit to the waxing salon you went to from time to time. Even though Harry could literally care less about whether or not you had any hair down there, you still liked to give him a little treat from time to time. So as a little welcome home present, you endured thirty minuets of someone ripping those coarse hairs away so that you could be nice and smooth upon his arrival. And to make sure that you were ready to spread your legs for him as soon as he landed, you got this done a little over two days before so that you could let your pussy rest a bit because once you were with Harry, you were going to be begging for a break. You also made sure to be right at the airport to pick him up so that you two could get your weekend together started.
Now since his flight landed in the evening and you were positive that he’d be exhausted, you weren’t expecting to do much that night. Once you two arrived home, Harry wasted no time getting himself and his bag upstairs before ridding himself of his clothes and taking a nice hot shower. Again, you knew for a fact that he was exhausted from his flight and the trip itself so you decided to let him unwind and take his shower while you unpacked his bag and got everything nice and ready for him to have a good nights sleep. After spending a good half an hour in the steamy cabin, Harry finally exited the shower and came into the bedroom where you were waiting for him.
“I take it you had a good shower.” You point out, taking in his more relaxed disposition.
“It was so good.” He hums, striding over to where you were sitting on the bed. Once in front of you, his hands go straight to your shoulders and up your neck to the sides of your face where he tilts your head back a bit so that you’re looking up at him. He then lowers his head before bringing his lips to yours. Besides the pecks you gave him in the car when you picked him up from the airport, this was the first real kiss the two of you shared in almost two weeks. You missed the feeling of his warm pillow soft lips moving against yours. Even though you missed the sex, you missed being close to Harry. You knew that you could call him whenever you needed him and he’d always answer, but you weren’t close to him the way you were in this moment.
“I love you baby.” He mumbles lowly against your lips after slightly pulling away from you.
“I love you too.” You mumble back to him before lifting your head up a bit to reconnect your lips with his for one final kiss. “Now get in bed with me!” You whine, pulling him down towards the bed. 
“Have t’get dressed.” He laughs at your eagerness. 
“Who said you needed to wear clothes to bed?” You quickly reply, leaving him no other choice but to dry himself off and hop into bed with you. “Now it’s time for your goodnight kiss.” And with that, you moved your body so that you were between his legs and you used your mouth in the best way possible to send him right to sleep. Just because you weren’t expecting to do much didn’t mean you were expecting to do nothing at all. How could you not take up the opportunity to not only pleasure him but to also help him unwind?! Not to mention the fact that you hadn’t touched him in almost two weeks.
Now even though this was supposed to be a relaxing weekend for you and Harry to spend some quality time together, Harry still managed to get holed up in his office. And even though you were fully aware and understanding of the fact that his job could be demanding at times, you still couldn’t understand why they couldn’t let him have a little bit of an extended weekend since they did have him for a straight week and a half. The one thing you did know in this entire situation is that you had to get him away from the work and into you instead. And you knew just how to do it. You checked in on him the first time right after you woke up and realized that he wasn’t in bed with you. When you did, you gave him a ton of kisses and an incentives for stepping away from the desk but he wouldn’t budge. All you got out of that was a kiss to your lips, a promise to give it to you real good later on, and the task of getting him another cup of coffee. At this point, you realized that you were going to have to make him step away from the work.
 So after you deliver his cup of coffee, you make your way upstairs to put yourself together. After you get out of the shower, you throw on the perfect outfit (or lack there of to be completely honest) to get Harry to focus on you. Pulling from the bag you packed, you went for a cute little pastel thong that barely covered anything and was just there for the appeal, along with a tight fitting crop top that had “Daddy’s Girl” written across the chest. It was prefect. If this didn’t get Harry’s attention, you don’t know what what could. After doing a little once over and twirl in the mirror, you head back downstairs to try your hand once more at getting Harry to put the work to the side. Hopefully he got something done in the hour and a half you spent upstairs because you weren’t going anywhere without getting something from him. When you walk down the hallway leading to his office, you could hear him talking to someone on the phone but that doesn’t stop you from walking right into the doorway of his office. When you first walked in he could see you out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned around to fully face you, Harry was completely dumbfounded at your appearance. There was so much to take in! 
“Daddy I’m bored.” You huff loudly, causing Harry to scramble around behind his desk, hoping that his colleague didn’t hear you through the phone. 
“M‘ gonna have to call you back.” He says abruptly before hanging up the phone, keeping his eyes right on you the entire time. He then slides his phone onto the desk and pushes his chair out a little from the desk before wagging his finger in your direction, beckoning you to come over to him. 
In an instant, you’re following his nonverbal instruction and your making your way over to him. As you’re walking over, Harry takes you in. Aside from the lack of clothing, Harry couldn’t get enough of your body. He couldn’t get enough of your figure. Your hips were perfectly rounded and full and your chest was absolutely abundant with your breasts.  When you round the desk and step in front of him, you don’t even bother to stop and wait for a direction. You just go right in and you straddle Harry before sitting yourself right in his lap. Instead of saying anything right away, you decide to wait until you’re spoken to. That’s the least you could do since you already broke two of his rules. 
“You’re so lucky I could use a good fuck right now.” He sighs, finally breaking the silence while  continuing to look your body over your body. Now that you were sitting down, he could see the string like waistband of your panties digging into you fleshy hips, and he could see your pert nipples pushing right up against the thin material of your t-shirt. 
“What would happen if you weren’t daddy?” You “innocently” inquire, lifting yourself up a bit just to move yourself but higher up on his lap before plopping yourself back down onto him. 
“Well luckily for you, I’m always in need of a good fuck from this beautiful body of yours.” He begins, removing one of his hands from your fleshy hips up to your chest to latch onto one of your ample breast’s through the thin shirt you had on. “But when I do punish you, because all brats deserve punishments, I’m gonna make sure you learn your lesson.” He says simply, continuing to fondle your breast.
“What are you gonna do to me daddy?” You press on, beginning to move yourself back and forth right against his cock. 
“Now what’s the fun in me telling you my plans? All I’m gonna say is that unless our safe word falls from that pretty mouth of yours, m’gonna use you any way I want, and m’gonna do anything I want to you.” He explains. “How does that sound?”
“Sounds amazing.” You moan, continuing to push yourself back and forth against his now completely hard cock.
“I figured you’d like the idea of being my personal fuck toy.” He chuckles smartly as you bring your face down to kiss at his neck. “But I do have to say, even though you’re such a little brat, you definitely make up for it in being the perfect little slut f’me.” 
“Mhm, just for daddy.” You hum, keeping your mouth against his skin. As you continue kissing at his neck, you continue moving your hips against him as well. You also pull his hand that was squeezing at your hip down between your legs. 
“Does my little girl want daddy’s cock?” He asks “surprisedly” when he feels you pull his hand down to touch the puffy mound between your legs.
“Yes daddy.” You moan against him when you feel his fingers poking at you through your panties. 
“I guess I can let you have your way since I’ll be spending the better part of the day teaching you a lesson.” He rations, removing his hand from your breast and using it to grip onto your throat and pull your face from his neck before lifting you up and onto the desk in front of him. He then pushes his seat back some more so that he can stand up and tower above you. He quickly clears the space on the desk behind you before swiftly removing the tight shirt from your body and returning his hand to your throat, pushing you to lay back. Instead of wasting anymore time, Harry brings a hand down to your panties that were extremely close to just snapping and just rips them off your body, leaving you completely naked in front of him. His eyes travel all the way down, from your breasts to the area between your legs, each time taking a moment to touch and feel your soft body in his hands. When he makes it to the area between your legs though, Harry immediately crouches down to be at eye level with your cunt. “Oh sweetheart” He begins, taking in your bare cunt. “Look at you.” He admires, bringing his hand back there to feel how smooth and bare you were. The area was a sticky mess since there were not curly hairs for your arousal to cling onto. Even though he loved when you had your hair down there, he couldn’t get enough of how messy it got and how good it was to really feel the plump lips of your pussy in his mouth. He also liked to lick your arousal from your thighs. After staring and petting the smooth area, Harry finally brings his mouth to your cunt and goes straight into licking up and down your folds.
“Daddy! Feels so good!” You moan incoherently, feeling him eat into you like his life depended on it. Not only would he lick into you, he’d also suck on your swollen and oh so sensitive bud, and slightly sink his teeth into your thick pussy lips.
“Oh my- you are so delicious.” Harry moans from between your legs, savoring how amazing you taste. No matter how many times he licked into you, Harry would never get over how good you tasted on his tongue. “I could eat this pussy of yours for the rest of my life!” He exclaims, continuing to eat and marvel at your cunt. “You even look perfect too.” He says, pulling his head back to stare at your mound. “It just swallows up everything it touches. Your panties, my fingers, my tongue, my cock…” He continues on, taking in how pretty and puffy your pussy was for him. He always knew how meaty and utterly delicious your cunt was, but seeing it bare and as a result being able to get a better view of you made it even better. 
After a bit more oogling at your mound a bit longer, Harry finally goes back to eating you out. He uses his fingers and mouth to drive you wild, fucking you with two fingers while he either bites into your fleshy lips, sucks on your swollen little button, or licks into you. As he continues, you are gripping onto your supple breasts and letting out the biggest moans as Harry pushes you to a release. The way he was raving about your pussy and ravenously eating you was absolutely insane and it pushed you right into your release. Your moans echoed through the room as you let go all over Harry’s tongue to which he made sure to lick up every last drop before standing back up.
“Oh my goodness doll!” He coos, looking down at your now limp body below him. “You look like you’re even more of proper little slut for daddy now.” He admires, properly taking in how loopy you were now and your heaving naked body that was spread across his desk. “Wish there was a dildo in here for you to choke on but your panties will do I guess. I’ll just fuck your mouth myself later on.” He sighs, reaching  for the ripped panties he sat on the desk moments prior before pushing them past your parted lips and stuffing them into your mouth. He then pushes his pants down his legs to reveal his rock hard cock. Without wasting anymore time simply staring at you, Harry gives his shaft a couple tugs before guiding himself into you. “Fuck princess!” He loudly groans, finally feeling your walls engulfing his cock again. “Y’cunt always swallows m’cock perfectly.” He grunts as he watches himself disappear into you. 
While Harry was losing his mind from how good your cunt was, you were a whimpering and quivering mess. He’d made you cum less than five minuets ago and he was already pushing his cock inside to fuck you. Even though you loved feeling his big cock stretch your tight walls to fit, your pussy was incredibly sensitive from his mouth. So you could already knew that you’d not only be sensitive, you’d also be sore. Which was exactly what Harry wanted. Once he was balls deep inside of you, Harry immediately began pounding into you. His eyes were trained on your breasts that were bouncing freely on your chest with every thrust of his cock down into your quivering cunt. He could feel your walls squeezing him with every thrust and he could feel himself hitting the deepest part of you over and over again, slamming himself into the pit of your stomach with every thrust.
“That’s it babydoll.” He growls, releasing one of your hips from his hand to wrap it around your throat. “Take daddy’s cock all the way up into that little tummy of yours.” He continues, keeping his eyes locked on your glassy ones. “M’gonna cum in there too. Want you t’be completely filled up by daddy.” He pants, feeling his already bubbling release begin to intensify. “Feel you squeezin’ m’cock, wanna cum again for daddy?” He questions through a pant. Since he was practically pinning your head to the desk by means of his grip on your throat, you could only give him a faint nod yes and a whimper. “C’mon then baby, cum with daddy.” He grunts, continuing to send more sharp yet staggered thrusts into you as he starts to feel wave of his release begging to overtake him. From the way he was gripping onto your body and shoving his cock deep inside of you, you weren’t able to stop yourself from squirting all over his cock and going numb from the waist down. Your seismic release from earlier doubled in size and just crashed down onto you. The same with Harry, his release crashed down onto him, resulting in rope after rope of his cum pouring into you just like he promised. 
Even though it took a little while for you guys’ weekend to get started, neither of you would have it any other way. Just based off of this round alone, you and Harry immediately knew it was going to be a very long and pleasure filled weekend.
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lovelylusts · 3 years
Entertainment | Kim Namjoon
Pairing: Namjoon x F!Reader
Genre: smut, lmao this is pwp
Warnings: y’all are watching porn together, mentions of anal sex, mention of an anal creampie, anal fingering (f receiving), finger sucking, unprotected vaginal sex (do as i say, not as i write - plz use protection), lil bit of praise, i have a romance kink, squirting but it’s not rlly that descriptive?, vaginal creampie (again, plz be careful), cockwarming?
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: The lovely @tipsydipsydo gave me this idea a while ago, but as a birthday gift, I decided use her own words against her 😈😈 happy belated birthday, my dear!
You and your beloved boyfriend indulge in some adult entertainment together, but quickly get carried away.
Your boyfriend had a tendency to come home with another idea of what you should try in the bedroom - once it was ice play, next it was impact play, and so on. He never seemed to run out of ideas, always making new suggestions every couple of weeks. Today, for your birthday, he let you pick whatever you two did, be it something new or something familiar that you loved; but you wanted to follow his lead and experiment a bit. So you asked him if you two could watch porn together.
If anything, Namjoon was jealous he didn’t think of it first. He managed to hook up your computer to the TV in your bedroom so you could watch whatever you wanted for free, deciding on websites that focused on amateur couples. He sat in the middle of the king-sized bed, with you settled between his legs and your back against his chest, as you browsed the website for something that intrigued the both of you.
“What about that one?” he asked from behind you, his voice reverberating against your back and sending a chill up your spine. You followed the tip of his finger to find that he was pointing at a young couple, around your age from what you could tell, who, according to the title, were going to partake in anal for the first time. Heat started rushing through your body, mainly between your legs, at the premise. The two of you had done anal a couple of times, and it always left you wanting more, though you would never admit it because of how embarrassing it sounded. The video title soon brought back memories of your own first time doing anal, the weeks of preparation to make sure he wouldn’t hurt you, the pleasurable sting as his cock sunk into your tighter hole.
You both intently watched the screen as the young man slid a lubed-up finger into his woman counterpart’s asshole, slowly pushing it in, causing her thighs to shake. Behind you and against your lower back, you could feel Namjoon growing harder at the sight; and you yourself could feel your underwear beginning to dampen from your arousal.
“Baby?” Namjoon asked, his breath hot against your neck. You tried to speak, but could only whine as a sign for him to continue. “Take off your underwear and spread your legs.” You obliged as soon as the soft words left his mouth, lifting your hips to pull the flimsy material down your legs and throwing them on the floor. You resumed your position in front of him, spreading your legs over his thighs and shivering as the cool air hit your wet heat.
You tried to watch what was happening on the screen in front of you, the woman was now taking three fingers in her tighter hole, whining and begging the man to not stop. That’s when Namjoon’s fingers found their way to your wet pussy, spreading your arousal around before rubbing soft circles on your clit. You let out a soft whine, throwing your head back against his shoulder as he stimulated you. You felt so sensitive, you were unsure as to how long you’d manage to last, but all you could do was relish in the stimulation you were receiving as he skillfully played with the sensitive bundle of nerves.
But as soon as the pleasure began, it was being taken away; though it wasn’t for long because shortly thereafter you felt one of his long fingers tracing your asshole before sliding it in. You moaned at the intrusion, the slight burn you loved so much sending a chill up your spine. You tried to keep your eyes open, but they kept faltering as the pleasure coursed through your veins.
“Keep your eyes open, baby,” he commanded as he slid a second finger into your asshole, slowly pumping his fingers as he watched the screen, occasionally turning to you to make sure your eyes were open and focused on the screen.
By now, the man was spreading lube all over his cock - definitely smaller than Namjoon’s, you noted, but you were aware that Namjoon was well above average - and preparing to enter the woman’s ass. As the woman cried out at the intrusion, your boyfriend slid yet another finger in.
He brought his other hand up, holding his fingers in front of your mouth. “Suck,” he commanded. He put two of his fingers in your mouth, groaning as he felt you suck on them in a similar fashion to how you would normally suck his cock. “Fuck, you look so pretty with your lips around my fingers. Almost as pretty as how you look with your lips around my cock.” He removed his fingers from your mouth, must to your disappointment, only to bring them down to your pussy. Three fingers penetrated you while his thumb toyed with your clit.
You let out a cry, the stimulation bringing you closer and closer to the edge, faster than you had hoped. “Namjoon, please fuck me,” you moan, thighs shaking as he continued his actions.
“After you cum, baby,” he said before pressing a kiss to your cheek. He relished in the feeling of your walls tightening around his fingers, a sign that you were about to reach your climax.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Namjoon!” you whined, high-pitched moans filling the room as you came all over his fingers. You felt as if you were floating, unable to focus on anything aside from the electricity flowing through your body as you slowly came down. He pulled away his fingers upon you wincing from overstimulation, starting to take his own clothes off as you peeled your t-shirt off.
By now, the man on the tv had already finished inside the woman, the camera showing a closeup of the cum dripping out of her asshole, before the next video started playing. But neither of you were paying attention to the pornography anymore.
You were always amazed at how Namjoon could maintain composure in the bedroom. His cock was rock hard, the tip bright red and leaking precum - you were kinda amazed he didn’t cum in his pants. He lied back down against the pillows, beckoning you to approach him and ride him. You happily obliged, mounting his lap and aligning his cock with your soaking pussy, your wet walls enveloping his hard member as you lowered yourself onto him, your arms wrapped around his neck as you cried out. You were unsure if you could ever get used to the way he perfectly filled you - it was as if your bodies were two matching puzzle pieces. The same fingers that had filled your tighter hole earlier had found their way back as you bounced on him, once again filling you.
You wanted to cry, so much stimulation at once and you were already sensitive from a new type of buildup - one that was admittedly something you wanted to do again. In hindsight, you probably should have expected that watching porn with your boyfriend would lead here, but you couldn’t complain because you felt intoxicated as he fingered you while his cock perfectly hit the sweet spot inside of you.
“You’re such a good girl for me,” Namjoon groaned, his voice dripping with arousal. “Always so good for me.” He could never get enough of you - the way you felt around him, the way you touched him - you could do no wrong when it came to him. He was hopelessly in love with you, as you were with him. Two halves of the same heart, as they say.
“I’m getting closer, baby,” you whined. He knew your body better than you ever could, always knowing exactly what to say and do to bring you to the edge. So naturally, when you said that, he brought his other hand, the one that was in your mouth earlier, to you clit to quickly stroke it as you continued to ride him. “Fuck, Namjoon.”
“Come on, baby. Make a mess all over me,” he encouraged. He had that damn smirk on his face as he spoke. You felt your release take over, your body shaking as you came and your release covered his thighs. He kept plowing into you, bringing himself to his own release and you felt his warm seed fill your walls.
The two of you were left spent, not moving to clean up, and instead choosing to stay wrapped in each other’s body heat as you ignored the soft moans in the background from the porn that was (apparently) still playing.
“Honey?” you asked.
“Yes, baby?” he answered, his voice deep as if he were drifting off to sleep.
“Can we do this again sometime? Watching porn together?”
He chuckled, the rumble in his chest vibrating in your own, before he placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Insatiable little thing. Of course we can.”
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
The Best {Xiao, Hu Tao, and Venti}
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A/N: i decided to treat myself today hehe but don’t worry, i’m still working on prompts, but i took a short break to write this (and prepare for school which also started today) but i’m already back on them! anyways, I hope everyone enjoys this and has a lovely day~
Summary: Xiao, Hu Tao, and Venti are all meeting up for a picnic. But things quickly get out of hand for Xiao...
Word Count: 1.7k (under the cut)
Xiao fumbled with his thumbs as he waited for his friends to arrive. They had agreed to meet together near Liyue, and he was currently the only one there.
He sat patiently, though he couldn’t help fidgeting. He would never admit it, but he was excited to see his friends, and he had been looking forward to meeting up with them for several days. They had been planning on having a picnic, and Xiao had offered to bring something, but both of them insisted on Xiao just relaxing and enjoying the food.
“Xiao! Hi~!” A voice came, and Xiao turned to see Venti skipping towards him with a basket full of treats. He set them down and quickly threw himself on Xiao, hugging him tightly as he giggled, petting Xiao’s head.
“Hey, just because I wasn’t here yet doesn’t mean you guys can engage in PDA!” Another person said. Venti and Xiao looked up to see Hu Tao standing above them, one hand on her hip as the other held a back, likely filled with more food.
“Ah, hello Hu Tao,” Xiao said softly, then looked at Venti. “Hello to you too, Venti.”
Hu Tao set the bag down and hugged Xiao from behind, sandwiching him between his two friends as he wheezed, tapping their shoulders to show that he needed some air. Hu Tao and Venti giggled as their released their friend, allowing him to breathe as they unpacked their drinks and snacks, setting them down on the ground as they sat in a circle, digging in.
Almond tofu, apple pie, crystal shrimp, golden crab… there was way too much for the three of them, but they still all managed to eat most of it, full and content as the sun started to set in the distance. 
Hu Tao sighed loudly, laying back down in the grass before looking over at Xiao and Venti, giggling.
“I think I ate more than you guys.”
“No, Venti ate that entire apple pie himself,” Xiao pointed out, and Venti sat up, whining.
“Hey! You had like… a bite!”
Hu Tao and Xiao laughed as Venti pouted. He folded his arms across his chest, smirking at Xiao as he spoke.
“Bold words from someone within tickling distance.”
Xiao’s eyes widened and he shook his head, holding his hands up in front of him. “Venti, I was only kidding!”
“Aiya, look at the situation you’ve gotten yourself in!” Hu Tao teased when Xiao backed up against her, Hu Tao grinning at him. He looked at Venti, who was already wiggling his fingers, and ducked behind Hu Tao, making her laugh.
“My my, Xiao, I thought you liked this! And it’s been so long since we really got to tickle you!” Hu Tao teased, and Xiao paled, realizing he wasn’t safe from her either. He went to run, but Hu Tao caught his ankle, pulling him back as he yelped.
“Nooo! Wait, wait! I’m sorry, Venti!”
“Too late~!” Venti cooed, pouncing on Xiao as Hu Tao giggled, Xiao’s own laughter immediately echoing around them as Venti squeezed his hips.
“Nohohoho! Plehehease, I’m sohohorry! Wahahait, no, Hu Tao-!” Xiao squealed as Hu Tao joined in, scribbling her fingers up and down his ribcage, using her nails expertly to get in between the grooves of every rib.
“NAHaha! Hu Tahahahao, not thehehere!”
“But Xiaooo~!” Hu Tao faux whined, smirking as she started to gently squeeze his ribcage, making Xiao shriek as he tried to squirm away, only getting himself more stuck in Venti’s tickles.
“Xiao’s laugh is just as cute as it was last time, wouldn’t you agree, Hu Tao?”
“Definitely! If anything, it’s gotten cuter!”
Xiao whined through his already frantic laughter as Hu Tao and Venti teased him, both with their hands and their words as he could do nothing but wiggle and laugh.
Venti climbed up from his hips, lightly skittering his fingers across the expanse of Xiao’s tummy, making him wail and squirm, trying to curl up. With Venti and Hu Tao on either side of him, curling up was probably his best option.
“Nuh-uh-uh, none of that! Don’t make this worse for yourself, Xiao~” Venti cooed when Xiao started curling up. He went for his hips again, finding the sweet spot right where his hips and thighs met and squeezing it, making Xiao positively squeal.
He started to uncurl slightly, but when he did, Hu Tao instead went for his tummy, using her nails as she fluttered up and down. She focused just a bit on his lower tummy, knowing it was just a tad more sensitive as Xiao shrieked.
He didn’t know which was worse, and he didn’t know where to focus. He tried swatting at Hu Tao’s hands and kicking his legs to try and shake off Venti, but nothing was working and the vicious tickling continued. 
“No mohohohohore, plehehease! I caha - I can’t! Hah-HAhaha!”
Hu Tao and Venti ignored Xiao’s pleas, knowing when he actually wanted them to stop that he would say the word. Venti and Hu Tao exchanged a glance with each other, and the two of them smirked, though Xiao didn’t notice because his eyes were squeezed shut in hopes of ignoring the sensations (spoiler alert: it wasn’t working).
“I wonder which one of us is making Xiao laugh more, don’t you?” Hu Tao pondered aloud, looking at Venti cheekily.
“Oh, I bet I am. After all, I am a better tickler,” Venti said confidently, squeezing Xiao’s upper thigh and making him squeal to prove his point.
“No way! Maybe we should have Xiao tell us who’s better?”
“Nohohoho! Dohon’t you dare!” Xiao exclaimed, already knowing where this was going. But there was hardly anything he could do to stop it as Hu Tao and Venti grinned evilly at him. 
“Dibs on his tummy~!” Venti called out, and Hu Tao whined.
“You know that’s his best spot, cheater!”
Venti only giggled as Hu Tao pouted, pulling her hands away from Xiao’s tummy as she went up behind him instead. She grabbed his arms, making him squeak as she tucked his arms under her knees, making Xiao panic.
“No no no, Hu Tao! Not that, plehease!” He giggled already, even though neither Venti or Hu Tao were currently tickling him. Hu Tao only grinned, wiggling her fingers deviously.
“Not what? I’m not even doing anything!” Hu Tao giggled, lowering her hands as Xiao tried to pull his arms free, giggling even though she hadn’t even touched him yet. He shrieked when she faked him out, bursting into frantic laughter when Venti started his own torture on Xiao’s tummy.
Hu Tao started to lightly scribble her nails under Xiao’s arms, making him squeal as he threw his head back, his laughter doubling over as his face warmed, both from embarrassment and from how hard he was laughing.
“AHAhaharchons, wahahait! Plehehease, no mohohohore!” Xiao yelled, his laughter dipping more into cackling territory as he shook his head, tugging on his arms and kicking his legs as he tried to shake off his attackers. They wouldn’t let up, however, and it somehow managed to get worse.
Hu Tao started lightly raking her nails down the inside of Xiao’s arm, making sure to circle around the hollow of his underarm before scribbling in it, driving Xiao absolutely mad. Meanwhile, Venti had started pinching at the sides of his tummy, giving him quick, occasional raspberries that kept catching Xiao off-guard.
“Who’s better Xiao? It’s me, right?” Venti asked, blowing another raspberry as soon as he finished his sentence, making Xiao shriek.
Xiao couldn’t even formulate a proper sentence since he was so hysterical. Instead, he just shook his head, making Venti boo.
“What, you don’t think I’m the best? I’ll show you!”
“Just admit it, Venti! I’m a better tickler than you!” Hu Tao chuckled, now raking up Xiao’s ribcage as he hiccuped and laughed beneath her. “I’m better, right Xiao?”
In hopes of getting it to stop, he nodded his head, agreeing with Hu Tao as she finally stopped, punching a fist into the air.
“Yes! Take that, Venti!”
Venti grumbled, looking at Xiao evilly as he slowly recovered, glancing at Venti as he panted heavily.
“I think you’ve made a bad decision, Xiao~”
Xiao panicked, already squirming again as Venti started squeezing his hips, digging his thumb lightly into the hipbone as Xiao hollered, squealing when Venti simultaneously blew several raspberries on his tummy.
“VEHEhehenti! Nohohoho, I tahahake it back! I’m sohohorry, you’re behetter!!” Xiao gasped out, and he heard Hu Tao behind him gasp.
“Xiao! You lied to me? You know what happens when you lie, right~?”
“Nohohoho! I didn’t mehehean it!”
“Make up your mind, Xiao! Who’s better?” Venti taunted, still going after his hips in a cruel way before placing one more raspberry directly below his navel. Xiao shrieked.
“I cahahahan’t! I’m sohohorry!”
Hu Tao prodded at Xiao’s ribs, making him whine through his laughter as Venti continued to knead his hips, driving Xiao up the wall with ticklish agony.
“Stop! Stahahap! Plehehease, I cahahan’t!”
Hu Tao and Venti halted, giving Xiao a chance to breathe. Hu Tao released his arms and Venti got off of him, and the two of them sat on either side of Xiao, watching with soft smiles as he collected himself.
“Y-You two… you’re both good. Neither of you are better.”
“Eh, I’ll take it,” Venti said, chuckling as Xiao shot him a dirty look. Hu Tao helped Xiao sit up, giving him a quick hug as she giggled.
“I am better though, right?”
Xiao groaned, pushing Hu Tao away as she laughed. Venti hummed, looking over the horizon of Liyue as the sky turned a light shade of violet, showing that most of the sun had set.
“Well, it looks like we’ve had more than enough fun today. Wouldn’t you agree, Xiao? I’m sure you enjoyed yourself~” Venti teased, watching Xiao go red before standing.
“We should do this again sometime soon! How about tomorrow?” Hu Tao offered, picking up her bag as Venti nodded.
“Only if we get to tickle Xiao again!”
Xiao lightly pushed Venti, making the bard chirp before he jumped on Xiao’s back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and his legs around his waist.
“Bye-bye Hu Tao!” Venti called, waving to the brunette as she waved back, skipping off towards Liyue.
“I’m not bringing you home…” Xiao mumbled, and Venti hummed.
“Are you suuure~?” He cooed, fluttering his fingers on Xiao’s neck as he gasped, scrunching up his shoulders.
“Fine! Just - Just don’t do that again.”
“Alright, but no promises for tomorrow!”
Xiao flushed as he walked Venti home, mind swirling as he smiled softly to himself. Today had been… fun.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Request : okay i thought of this.. pls tell me if this is a lot but.. can i request an iwaoi and bokuaka fic where they make out with each other and reader is outside the room touching herself while watching the four, gets caught and is all flustered but turns out they were actually doing it so that she'll join them?
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Includes : f. masturbation, Oikawa’s a bottom bitch, so is Akaashi, gangbang, bukkake, handjobs, blowjobs, boys making out/fucking, creampie, friends to lovers I guess
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It’s really not your fault, walking in on them. They left the door open! You just.. decided to stay a bit.
Akaashi called you over saying he had something to show you. He knew you liked odd things he found, so that wasn’t unusual. Instead of him opening the door, however, there was a note that simply said “come in”. It was odd, but you followed the piece of paper. You didn’t expect to hear some moaning when you entered the threshold. It only took a few second for your mind to place the voice, his whiny moan of his best friend’s nickname on his lips. What was unusual was why was Oikawa currently getting, ahem, pleased by Iwaizumi? Weren’t they both out of country?
It was a friend group you never expected but one that had strong roots, the five of you. You had transferred from Aoba Johsai to Fukurōdani your third year and ended up introducing your two old best friends to your two new best friends, ironically both set had a setter and an ace. Shortly after that, a relationship bloomed between all five of you, while the boys found interests in each other. You didn’t expect it would go that far, but you weren’t too surprised.
Another call out of Iwaizumi’s nickname had you slowly moving towards the direction of Oikawa’s voice. It was in the bedroom, which wasn’t too weird with Oikawa’s pitched moans. But why Akaashi’s house? Once you got closer, however—“Bokuto-san, not too rough,” apparently Akaashi was also in there. You brought your hand up to your mouth, hoping to not let out a strange noise as you crept closer to the cracked bedroom door. “Bokuto-san, please,”
“Akaashi, you’re not letting me do anything,” Bokuto’s familiar pouty voice came from inside the room. Peeking inside, your eyes widened as you saw a very interesting and very erotic scene on display.
There was Iwaizumi on his knees, with Oikawa’s hand in his dark hair as the former ace’s head moved slightly. A muffled moan erupted from Iwaizumi as Oikawa moaned himself, his teeth sinking into his lower lip. His eyes went to the door, you quickly moving away from the crack. Hopefully, he didn’t see you, but he seemed to either not care or not notice, as he continues to moan with Iwaizumi sucking him off. Akaashi’s no better, with a blush adorning his attractive face as Bokuto’s hand is down in his pants, obviously teasing the editor’s own cock. Bokuto is grinning as his tongue sticks out, occasional sloppy kisses pressed to Akaashi’s lips which turn into a passionate make-out session. It’s not long until Akaashi is whimpering, his cock freely on display with Bokuto’s large hand wrapped around it. Oikawa’s no better, a whining of ‘Iwa-chan!’ and his fist clenching in Iwaizumi’s hair. It’s erotic and sinful, but you can’t tear your eyes away.
When Akaashi’s gaze flickers to the door, you hide behind the wall and focus on the sounds instead of the scene unfolding before you. There’s a small amount of grunting as soft thuds of clothes hitting the floor follow. Knowing what they’re doing, knowing that they’re doing that, it’s just downright porn at this point. You can feel the arousal pooling in your gut, your thighs rubbing together as you try to create friction. Instead of stewing in arousal, one hand stays over your mouth as the other travels down into your panties. A small thanks to deciding on wearing shorts for the day, so you didn’t have to unbutton jeans to stick your hand between your legs. Rubbing your finger along your folds, you’re not surprised to feel the sticky strands of slick from your cunt. Biting your tongue, you listen to the moans from the room as you fuck yourself on your fingers, occasionally rubbing your clit.
Unknown to you, the four men are looking at each other as they listen to your barely audible whimpers. A grin from Bokuto and a gesture with his finger beckons Akaashi to continue, his hand around Bokuto’s cock as he kisses the tip. Bokuto groans as Akaashi takes him into his mouth, easily taking half of the fat cock. Oikawa doesn’t get the same treatment from Iwaizumi, him on his hands and knees as Iwaizumi mounts him from behind - not sticking his cock in Oikawa, but just covering Oikawa’s body while he pumps Oikawa’s cock with his hand. The moans from Oikawa are sinful and erotic, noises for a show or a sex tape, but genuine. “You’re such a fucking whore, Shittykawa,”
“Iwa-chan, you’re just so rough with me,” he moans in response, his eyes rolling as Iwaizumi squeezes the tip just right. A moan from you gives them the signal to put a pause on their fun adventure and focus on the goal of the visit - you.
You’re furoiously rubbing yourself as you bite your lip, moans and whimpers slipping out. Once the moans from the bedroom stop, so do you. The lingering silence has your breath caught, tension heavy until Iwaizumi’s hands open the door and lug you inside. You’re quickly push against the bed, falling on it while the four men look down at you, all sporting smirks. Oikawa, you note, has a heavy blush and a heaving chest. “Hello, boys,”
“Thought you’d just enjoy the show, did you?” Akaashi asks, his long fingers trailing against your legs before sticking his hand between your thighs. “You seem to be able to have fun with yourself, but why not join us? Always room for one more,”
“Can I go first? Pretty please?” Bokuto puts on his best begging eyes, shining so innocently at you. As if his cock isn’t standing hard and proud, begging for attention. Akaashi sighs, looking towards Oikawa.
“Well, I promised Iwa-chan he could go first. He’s been pining after you for some time, after all, [Y/N],” his smile is devious as Iwaizumi has a coating of red across his cheeks. You come to the decision yourself.
“I can take you both at the same time. I don’t mind,”
“Looks like you’re more of a freak than me, [Y/N],” Akaashi smirks, but removes his hand from your folds, licking the sheen of slick coating his fingers.
Once that was decided, Iwaizumi lied down on the bed, guiding your hips down onto him. It was a tight fit, not knowing your old friend would be so thick. He moans himself, trying to not shove you down onto him. It’s a hot sight, watching you take a big cock right in front of the guys as you finally sit on Iwaizumi, his cock filling you up. “You’re so big, Iwa-chan,”
“Don’t forget about us, [Y/N],” Bokuto’s cock was pressing against your cheek, encouraging you to open your mouth. You opened wide, tongue lolling out as he stuck it in, your hand wrapped around the base as you positioned yourself to bounce on Iwaizumi. Well, Oikawa and Akaashi weren’t going to be left alone, their own cocks near your face as precum dribbled from their tips. You continued to drool around Bokuto’s cock as your hands wrapped around your other friends’ cocks, their saliva acting as lube as you pumped. Iwaizumi wasn’t one to be patient, thrusting up as you yelped, tightening your lips on Bokuto’s mushroom tip.
It was an easily set pace, Iwaizumi’s thrusts up as you bobbed your head along Bokuto’s cock, hands pumping Akaashi and Oikawa. Your eyes were mostly closed, savoring the feeling of Bokuto in your mouth and each vein your tongue ran over. When they were open, however, you watched as Oikawa and Akaashi fell apart, panting and moaning, while Bokuto fisted your hair and tried to not face-fuck you too hard, his hips rocking into you. Iwaizumi didn’t want all your attention on them, though, his hand moving to your front to flick your clit, sending a shiver down your spine as you mewl. The moans you make send waves of pleasure coursing through Bokuto’s nerves, his own release coming soon as he forces you to deepthroat him. You gag, your nose pressed into his pubic hair as Iwaizumi’s plants his feet firmly on the bed, forcing you to bounce on him as he chases his high. When he comes close, Bokuto pulls out of your mouth and releases all over your face, Oikawa and Akaashi not far behind him. You hold your mouth open for their cum, lapping at your lips when Iwaizumi forces you down on his cock, as deep as he can go, and spills his own seed into you.
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purpleyellow · 3 years
Random lesson
TXT 6th member
Minji’s masterlist
“Yeonjun and Minji both get lost in the HYBE building and end up meeting a senior. But it’s not the same encounter”
a/n: I’m aware the timing for the events mentioned doesn’t make sense. Do I care? No. Feel free to share your thoughts with me. Requests are open! 💚
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Minji stares into the long hallway and sighs confused. Ever since they moved buildings, she has been kind of lost, merely following along the boys whenever they had to go somewhere other than their "assigned" practice rooms and studios. But now, she's by herself, trying to find Yeonjun in a floor she's not even sure it's the one she's at.
Unlocking her phone, the girl walks lazily while calling the oldest. A whining tone leaves her mouth after he picks up "I have no idea where I am, can you come find me?"
"Yeah, that would be nice, but I'm not too sure where I am either" Yeonjun says, and she notices he's mildly panicking which makes her laugh.
"Which floor are you on? I can hear a song playing and there's a couple of dance rooms here, but I don't think it's the ones we use" Minji mumbles still walking and looking at the doors to find some kind of indication she can use to tell him.
"Funny thing is, I was talking with a staff in the elevator, but they had to get off, so I just followed them out to finish the conversation" The girl hears him groan "Wait, I can hear something too. Maybe we're in the same floor"
Stopping, Minji looks at the door where the song is louder and hums "I found where the music is coming from, meet me here"
"Sure, I'll be there shortly" The boy hangs up quickly.
Minji leans on the door, and almost instantly, the song from inside stops making her groan and hope that Yeonjun will at least keep walking to where she is. She doesn't, however, realize that the silence will most likely mean someone is getting ready to leave the room. So without processing anything, the girl feels the door on her back go missing, and she yelps tumbling back and bumping onto a person.
"Ow, ow, I'm sorry" Someone says hurriedly, holding Minji's shoulders to steady her and the girl turns around still startled. As she recognizes Hoshi from Seventeen, she gives him a small bow and laughs from the chain of events.
"That was so unexpected, it felt like I was going to die" Minji says still chuckling.
"Sorry again, I didn't know there was someone guarding the door" Hoshi giggles and notices her peeking inside the room, looking specifically at the set of push up bars set up for his solo. Grabbing her attention, he adds politely "They're there for a choreography we're practicing"
"Oh, I was wondering if they had turned this room into a gym or something" She smiles and looks back inside. "Push up bars, that's cool. Pretty creative, is it for the whole song or just the intro?"
Taken back by her interest, Hoshi scratches his head looking back inside "For the entire thing, though not every part is around it" He tries not to give too much away, but Minji is still staring around the space trying to figure out the staging of everything.
"Here, come inside" Hoshi waves her in and drops his bag by the door, while pointing around the room "The reference point changes throughout the song, so it starts from here, then it changes to the side, then it comes back. The bars are there to structure the space, but the main point of them is to hang upside down during the introduction"
"Wow" Minji gasps following with her eyes and picturing what he's saying "That's really cool, Sunbaenim. Do you think you could show me?"
"The beginning?" Hoshi widens his eyes and she nods calmly.
"You don't have to. I can wait for everything to be released" Minji giggles, and the boy thinks for a minute before walking to a push-up bar and effortlessly getting on it, so his legs are up and his hands hold the top bar allowing him to a 'sitting' position.
"So like, the theme is spider, right?" Hoshi asks not sure if she's aware of his mixtape. Nodding, the girl steps a little closer as he lets his body hang a little more. "So, think creepy like a spider. Hold the sidebar. One. Two. And let go"
Speaking while he does the first few seconds of his choreography, Hoshi laughs and jumps down while she wows again.
"That's really so smart. The little nuances... wow" Minji pouts and claps.
"Do you want to try it?" Laugh softly, Hoshi points to the bars and much to his surprise she nods. "Okay, just. Focus on your core while doing it"
Doing a little step with his hands, he helps her get a grip and Minji pulls her legs up with some ease.
Coaching her into the starting position, Hoshi nods and starts counting "Hold. One. Two. Let go"
Minji follows the movements he did a few minutes before, though not as naturally as Hoshi considering it was her first time. The only mistake she makes is looking at the floor once she's upside down and getting frightened by the thought of falling from there.
Quickly going back to the starting position, she grabs the top bar and laughs nervously "I thought I was going to die again"
Hoshi laughs at her exaggeration and steps up to help her get down from the equipment "It gets better over time. If you ever want to try it again"
"I'm not sure about that. Heights it's not really my thing" Minji giggles, taking some sweat of her hands "But this is seriously smart, Sunbaenim. Mind-blowing, I can't wait to see the whole thing"
"Ah, thank you" Hoshi bows a little and holds up his hand for a high five which she reciprocated without a second thought "I'm actually quite late for something, so I should be leaving right now. Good luck with your schedules today"
"You too. Thanks for the lesson" Minji follows him to the door and takes her phone out of her pocket, wondering how it didn't feel while she hung upside down. Waving at her, Hoshi picks up his pace and soon disappears into the long hallway.
Minji unlocks her phone to find a bunch of notifications from Weverse, as well as a couple of missed calls from Yeonjun. Before she can contact him back, his name rings on her screen again.
"Hey, you're not going to believe-" Minji starts but gets cut off by his whisper-yelling.
"When you said you were listening to a song it wasn't a piano, was it? Because I just walked inside Minhyun Sunbaenim's room, and he was in the middle of a vlive, so I panicked texted everyone about it"
"What?" Minji laughs shaking her head "Where even are you, right now?"
"I came to the cafeteria floor, to drown my utter embarrassment in energy drinks"
"Wait for me there, that's the only place I know where to get to" The girl starts walking and giggles as he continues complaining about how startled he got.
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