#hopefully the prof didnt notice
degenderates · 1 year
i've stayed up late so many nights in a row this past week (work, burlesque show, breaking bad bingewatching) that i fell asleep today in the class i'm supposed to be a TA of LMAOOOO
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voidcat · 4 years
“the Hot Library Guy” –  Kuroo Tetsurou 
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It’s your second year at uni and you’re taking biochemistry class.
Your prof is nice n very good but her exams are v hard, plus she’s so stern and it’s always her class in the morning (haha true story can u tell.)  You are late by 10 minutes or more? good bye 2 hours worth of class. Your gaze leaves her for a moment? better not b on the phone or good bye remaining of the class (STILL tru story, rip me)
So one day, you’re at the library studying, trying to memorize everything bc there’s just too much info to remember, so many details, clinic info, technical info and all that. At one point you huff out in exhaustion and throw your hands into the air in a “i give up” way. That’s when the guy sitting across you raises his head and asks if you need any help.
tbh you didnt even notice him until he spoke out but once you get a look at him, you’re done for! So all you can do is silently nod, bc what else can you do when a hot guy offers you the help you desperately need. you kinda wanna laugh at his ridicilous hair tho, but the rest of him? hallelujah!
He gets up to stand right beside you, leaning over you to get a look at your notes and asks you which parts you’re having trouble with. His way of explaining is very good, to your surprise. Any chem/biochem teacher you’ve had in the past? bye y’all i’ve just found someone better, hot, around my age and hopefully available.
He even comes up with few lame puns, jokes and outdated pop culture references to keep complicated stuff in mind. Once in a while you two brush hands, usually when he reaches out to turn the page or point at something. Since you’re at a library he speaks in a low tone and to make sure you hear him, he usually whispers speaks right besides your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. your brain? short circuited y/n.exe has stopped working
before you two can start a new topic, your phone vibrates; your roommate saying they got take out for the both of you, telling you to hurry or they’ll eat yours. Knowing that’s no joke, you pack your stuff hurriedly and go, thanking him in a rush. You’re about to enter your room, you realize you didnt ask for his name.
this results in going to the library more often, actually putting on nice clothes that compliments your figure and just a tint of make up once in a while…. secretly hoping he shows up again… so you sit at the same spot every time you go. Luck seems to be on your side sometimes because you see him few more times! He guesses who your prof is from the way you took your notes and gives you some tips for the upcoming exams.
You always get too caught up admiring him that you!! keep!! forgetting!! to ask!! for his name!!!! or number!!! and so ends your year without getting the name, number or at least the major of the hot library guy…… which sucks big time because the tips he gave you worked well, you got a very high grade and wanted to celebrate this with him on a night out 
Summer passes and third year!!! Hello again morning bio chem classes :/// Your prof announces she has a new assitant for that year. Literally no one cares bc the prev one was uptight af to please her. She informs you the new one will have an active part in your lab classes just like the last one and you all should go to them for any question that’s about exams or assignmens instead of “bothering” her.
And so ends that class and days go, without seeing the hot library guy… With each passing minute, you have less and less hope of seeing him again,, F
It’s time for first bio chem lab of the year! You arrive one minute before the class start, or so you though. You arrive in a hurry, only to see everyone else waiting outside the lab… the new assistant must’ve been late, you think. You use the extra heads up to put on your lab coat and suddenly hear an awfully familiar voice right besides your ear, you swear there’s a purr hidden between the words: “Hello stranger, fancy seeing you here~”
You don’t even need to turn your head to see him. But you do bc there’s no way you’ll pass up the opportunity to admire the wonder of nature that is him. But you must have calculated the distance between the two of you wrong; bc here you are, almost nose-to-nose with the hot library guy. He’s practically leaning over you, to be on your eye level obv, im short let me have this There’s a smirk dancing on his kissable lips and you can feel his breathing on yours.
Suddenly the future bio chem labs seem a lot more promising.
this one goes to @wordswithinmoments bc i was supposedly studying biochem and we got distracted lmao...
I’m not exactly content with this so there’s a high chance I’ll write it in the form of a fic too
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space-kitten-606 · 4 years
Ooh yay!! Super happy to hear how ur haircut turned out! (´ ∀ ` *) I remember when i first cut my hair short after contemplating it for a couple of years. It felt so perfect hehe
As for that ask, im glad i was relatable at least lolol, but ye go ahead and discard it
I actually have a meet with the prof on thursday -3- aaaand i gotta spend at least 4 hours in the morning tomorrow (we have the day off) working on spanish (and a couple other academic-related things, but mostly spanish). But yeah im relieved at leadt that i didnt have to do it today.
Hhhhh i havent been able to do any of my hw for the last 1 to 1.5 hours (_ _|||) I'm about to take a short walk. Hopefully that will help haha
Lmao yes! I'm happy about it too. It certainly gave me a much needed confidence boost. That being said, I'm omw to work and forgot my medication at home so I'm a bit ((((((((: right now hhhhhhh keeping my fingers crossed that I won't notice it too much.
Ah, well. But at least it won't be quite as much as usual? I'm sure you'll manage those things just fine! I believe in you ~
I'm the worst example for this but I literally never did my homework when I was still in school so I can't give you any advice on that unfortunately akfbkshd but I hope you still got it done eventually, or at least a part of it.
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bloopoopp · 5 years
journal entry
8/28/19 11:28am
this is my first week of classes. its been filled with many highs and many lows. boy its been a week already and its just Wednesday. i almost dropped my dance class because the timing of it is just terrible. however, i tried it out today and oh my god. what an experience. i was so so so out of my comfort zone. oh my god. what a challenge that was. the most out of my comfort zone ive been in a long time. full of anxiety. but throughout the class, i worked hard to get comfortable and let go. and it became easier as we did a lot of funky stuff in which you had to be vulnerable and let go. it was so cool. unlike any dance class ive ever done. it was so hippy and just full of good vibes and good people. im pretty closed off right now, as this transition is so so hard and anxiety provoking. but im still open to making friends and putting in effort towards that. its hard though, because theres so many opportunities right now to meet people, and i feel its the best time because everyone is in tht space of trying to get to know people since its the beginning of classes. but im trying my best to honor myself and be patient. to know that the opportunities will still be there, because i fear that they wont. as thats kind of been my experience in the past. but ive also experienced otherwise too. but here it doesnt seem cliquey and everyone is extremely friendly and open. its strange, and AWESOME. very different from socal. i can tell this is my place. that i belong here. i can see the light shining through. right now its just hard and there is a lot of self doubt and negative thoughts. i easily slip into self criticism and cynicism. like for instance, this really cute hippy lookin dude in my dance class danced with me for just a minute and we said our names and he told me i remind him of his friend and i just kind of said oh really? i didnt make much eye contact, in face loooked down most of the time, as i felt so uncomfortable in class. but then the dance part ended and we had to go dance somewhere else and i sa id bye and he said maybe we can hangout sometime and i said yeah! and walked away LOL. i was supposed to walk away bc thats what the prof directions were but i was so anxious ahaha. so i wish i couldve gotten his number so we could link this weekend. i really do, because i wont see him until next wednesday. and hopefully he doesnt think im not interested because of my distance. yikes. so i wish i couldve been more open and friendly. but imtrying to honor my feelings and just look at it in a more realistic and positive light like yay some cute dude was so open and wants to hangout sometime! to know that the chance is still there. im most definitely going to talk to him on wednesday in dance. itll be hard to talk and it probably wont be for long bc anxiety, but i want to make him know that i want to hang n be friends bc i can tell hes a cool dude. over the summer he just packed a backpack and lived in hawaii?? like thats cool. (we shared abt our summers during class, although my partner didnt know what i did and i didnt know what he did so it was awks and we basically didnt say much). but yeah. i can also tell im seeking fulfillment though, because im thinking a lot about this dude. like how he must think im cute and hes cute and a relationship and all that. im not going to judge myself. im just noticing it. like ah, okay. its a hard time right now,  and it makes sense id seek fulfillment in dating since thats happened in the past but its also a distraction as well. eh, let me be dreamy. or maybe i shouldnt. dont wanna hype him up too much in my mind bc then ill be TOO nervous lol. oh my god i almost had an anxiety attack in class right before i was supposed to speak in front of everyone. that shit was fucking SCARYYYYYYYY AGHHHHHHHHH. but i did just fine and felt stronger after yeehaw. i have more to say but i need to nap. see ya
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liinos · 5 years
#hmmm people like... know me#im so sorry to those people man#in the mood to idk live somewhere no one knows me#but i guess its impossible to be truely unknown huh even if you never speak to people they notice you#or usually i guess idk if that applies to everyone hopefully it doesn't the dream is literally just not leaving an impression#like in hs i wanna say like half my grade didnt even know who i was which was sexy thinking back 😛#not even in the 'dont know her but know of her way' they legit didnt know who i was and it was honestly kind of great#i for sure wasnt one of the people that got talked about cuz i didnt do anything ever i just kept to myself and my circle of friends#honestly the fact that my history professor actually knew my name shook me to my core like ?? he payed attention?? he pronounced it right ??#hes the only prof aside from my chinese prof who knew my name#and aside from like a few kids in my Chinese class (cuz it was small and we had it both semesters) i dont think anyone even knew i existed#and like yeah that kinda makes me sad but i also get it and ive just learned to accept it so im embracing it#also letting people know me is like 😬😬😬#anytime someone points out something about me that i havent explicitly mentioned im the mr krabs meme#like you actually pay attention to the things i do and say? fuck that shit kinda hurts#but yeah just like being completely unknown#with a lack of impact of anyone... kind of sounds like the dream#if im gonna be alone i may as well embrace it! do whatever i want without fear of judgement!#god and like the fact that everyone knows a different version of you... none of you will ever know the real me not even i know the real me#tumblr me is probably the closest but even then theres stuff i dont carry over on here and its still different ?#but also do i really *want* to know me? ive got grievances with the me i do know#anyway not that any of this makes sense or that anyone will read it its just a stream of consciousness#it just be like that sometimes you know
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