#hopefully the formatting wasn’t too dogshit I’m on mobile :[
Long answer asks: 3. What's your favourite memory from school? 4. Whats your least favourite memory frol school? 19. Whats sole life advice everyone should know?
Oh shit ok here we go!
3.) favorite memory from school
Ok so I kind of have 3, before the pandemic my middleschool always did a class trip. So in sixth grade we went to Colorado to learn about archeology and a little bit more about Native American history, it was literally so much fun we hiked probably around 100 miles that entire trip, visiting various abandoned cities. I remember during that trip I was rooming with some of my best friends and we had a teacher supervisor in the room as well. And one night our supervisor, whose pajamas were leopard print, comes into the room later in the night, when we were all supposed to be asleep and distinctly remember asking in my sleepy delirious “Senora (she was our Spanish teacher) are you dressed up in a cat suit?” We all laughed so hard. In seventh grade we went to Catalina Island to “study” marine biology. I say study in quotation marks because it was a basically a week long crashcourse, but it was super fun! All of the rooms were big infested which wasn’t so great but, my friend and I shared a bed so it was cozy :]!!!! Then in eight grade we went to Washington DC and surprisingly this was the most tiring trip out of the three. We stayed in a super pretty hotel and the breakfast was always so good, I still remember the hash browns they served :O. Anyways, the entire trip was us just walking around DC costing various historical sites and learning a bit about the political system. To be honest tho nobody was really paying attention, but we went to the international spy museum, the smithsonian, the Holocaust museum, an art museum, we went into the White House, and a few other important government buildings. I can’t remember which one it was but one of the rules of the building was no sleeping and as you can imagine 30 8th graders who had been walking nonstop for the past 4 days it did not go well, lmao we almost got kicked out. The literal next building we went to was the one building that didn’t allow photos and we all fell asleep. We literally got so much freedom that trip it was so much fun, we ended it with like a party on a boat with other classes from different stars it was pretty crazy!
4.) Least favorite memory from school
Oh Jeez ummmm, to be honest I cannot remember anything too too bad, but just one day, also in middle school, I was sick, not like super sick or anything but like the kind of sick where you just feel super sluggish and kinda done with everything around you, you feel? And this girl who I was frenimies with at the time was also not having a good day and my other friend squeezed her Capri sun effectively spilling it all over the table, well my frenimies flips out blaming me because why not you know, anyway to cut a long story short we got into a big fight and I ended up going home early because I just felt worse and didn’t really feel like staying at school anymore.
19.) life advice that everyone should know
Wowie that’s a biggie, I guess this one really depends on the person I’m talking to but since it’s an everyone should know kind of question imma try to keep it accurate but vague you know?
1. “If it makes you happy it’s never a waste of time” you can do things simply for the sake of doing them there doesn’t have to be an end goal in mind. I really liked this tiktok I found about stress and life in general https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeBTwsJL/
2. Also from a tiktok but this one applies to a lot of things but especially people who identify as women. “Don’t feel so much pressure to date, people live to be 100, live your life before you’re given the title of girlfriend, wife or mother, before all that make sure you figure out what makes YOU.” Hopefully I explained that well enough, but I feel like so many people especially now a days feel This immense pressure to follow a socially acceptable time table of romance. Date in high school, fuck around in college, get serious in your mid twenties and get married around 28-30. Companionship is a beautiful thing and if you find the one you find the one but don’t hinder your own growth! Also my own opinion here but I guess this has been the entire thread thus far, a partner should be someone you constantly grow and learn from, this doesn’t even have to be romantically either, you can take away so much from friendships as well. I think as soon as you stop learning and growing from a relationship you no longer need it, and in many cases it can just lead to frustration on both ends of it continues.
3. Jeez I’m really bad at coming up with these on the spot, I really love thinking and talking about these kinds of things and my ask box and messages will always be open if anyone wants to stop by and just talk stuff out! Or like if you have any more specific asks please don’t hesitate to send them my way!
Thank you for the ask <3
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