#hopefully the fia will learn from their mistakes and improve for next year
silentreigns · 10 months
I think it's very naive and disingenuous to say things like "people are just finding things to complain about" or "maybe we should wait until the grand prix actually happens before we pass judgement". The negatives outweigh the positives. F1 is promoting this like it will be the best grand prix ever to try and sell a product, and we all know that's not true. The grand prix was poorly planned and the amount of uncertainties makes me very concerned.
It's crazy that F1 decided to make a majority of the Las Vegas race activities happen at 12 am - 1 am local time. I guess the race happening at 10 pm local time is... nice but considering how bad the GP has made traffic, it will probably take hours for people to get back their hotels / travel for the jobs. Nobody likes to be inconvenienced. I feel bad for the thousands of employees who have to be up at such late hours having to entertain this nonsense. I feel bad for the locals whose way of live got drastically disturbed, and didn't even have a say on whether or not the event should happen
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