#hopefully both me and my car get fixed uwu
toytulini · 11 months
i did do the things i was avoiding yesterday, for those keeping track
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
note from denise: To be added to the taglist please send an ask. Comments and dms will be unintentionally ignored/forgotten. Also if you have sent an ask to be on the taglist. I am not ignoring you I add people onto the taglist when I update a new chapter! <3 love youuu
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter six
Suna was completely in shock and he was overwhelmed. He just froze. What can a man do when his ex tells him he is a father, let alone the father of two toddlers.
He immediately thought about the trauma you must have faced, being pregnant and alone. He also thought about how much he’s missed already, he wasn’t there for their day of birth, their first steps, first words, he’s already missed so many birthdays.
All he ever wanted was to be a father, especially to be the father of the children he made with the woman he was in love with. Was it truly a blessing or a curse?
Surely you don’t want to get back together and live like a perfect family behind a white picket fence. He’d have to learn how to push his feelings aside for these kids and share custody of them somehow. Before he could even speak you were walking away and he quickly turned.
Why aren’t his legs moving? What’s pulling him back? Is he afraid of this responsibility and commitment? Of course he is. He doesn’t want to be a shitty dad, will he be able to raise them correctly? How if he’s always busy training and practicing. All his free time is dedicated to napping.
His heart truly broke the second time ever when he saw those grayish eyes looking back at him with such hurt and betrayal. They screamed that they needed him. He didn’t know how but he felt it. He decided that he was going to take a step and work things out with you. Maybe not romantically but he really wants to be in his kids life.
“After all this time and trouble I went through. You’re gonna let her walk away again?” Atsumu’s annoying voice filled the silent hallway. “Fucking bastard.” Suna seethed and turned with a glare. Osamu knew his brother fucked up and decided to be cautious in case Suna decided to land a few punches on his brother like the last time Atsumu has pissed off Suna.
But as Atsumu braced himself for a comeback or for a fist to meet his face he was met with Suna’s back as he ran to catch up with you. When Suna turned the corner he saw the staff parking lot and he began to run even faster.
If you leave it’ll be too late.
When he made it in the parking lot he stopped and used his height to his advantage and he looked around. He couldn’t see you anywhere. “Y/N!” He called outloud and his voice echoed. “Y/N!” He repeated. He was about to continue walking through when a car backed up and quickly breaked so that they wouldn’t run over the man. You looked through your mirror and saw Suna standing there and looking around like an idiot.
Your heart clenched yet you felt butterflies at the same time. He came, not for you but for the kids. You really hoped and prayed that he would come, and he did. You parked your car and you got out. He sighed in relief and neared you. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I want to be in their lives I really do.” He exclaimed.
“It’s fine, Rin. I’m glad you want that.” You smiled softly.
For a moment he got lost in your eyes, and yours in his. It probably lasted less than a minute yet it felt like a eternity. Neither of you could turn away or say something else. It was comfortable and warm.
All of a sudden your phone rang and your finally blinked and turned away to answer your phone. “Did suna find you?” Jamie immediately asked. “Uh we were talking just now....” you said awkwardly and he stood awkwardly as well. “Ok good if not I was going to give him your number.” She sighed in relief and you rolled your eyes. “Alright I got to go, the kids have school in the morning.” You said and you both hung up.
“So I would love to stay and chat..ya know about the kids but they’re asleep already and they have school.” You mumbled. “No it’s fine I completely get it. School is important...are you available tomorrow? It’s off season for me so I don’t have any rough practices, only gym. I want to talk with you before meeting the kids.” He said and you nodded. “I’ll text you when to come over when I get home.” You told him and he nodded. You both exchanged numbers but Suna didn’t really seem that satisfied.
“Be safe. Text me when you guys get home safe.” He said and his eyes widened. “Okay, I will.” You smiled softly and he saw as you entered your car. You slowly pulled out and you drove away.
“Tsumu has her social media in case you’re curious.” Osamu spoke up causing Suna to jump. “What the hell dude, don’t just scare me like that.” He placed his hand over his chest and Osamu laughed.
“Come on, let’s go.” Osamu said and Suna nodded and walked away.
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“Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.” You muttered and slapped yourself as you drove. Your kids were already asleep so they couldn’t hear you having a mental breakdown on your way home. “Mommy you said a bad word.” Akira pointed out and you glanced at the mirror. “Sorry about that. Don’t repeat it okay?” You asked and she nodded. “I know I know.” She mumbled and look at her signed volleyball with a bored expression. “Is daddy going to be in our lives, now?” She asked and you sighed softly.
“Well we talked and it sounds like he wants to be there for you and nii-chan..he’s going to come over tomorrow while you’re at school so we can talk like adults. Then when you come home he’ll be there to hang out with you guys and you guys can get to know eachother.” You said hopefully.“I don’t like him. Why couldn’t Sakusa or Atsumu be our dad. Even that guy you were with earlier with the suit is fine. But dad is a jerk. He made you cry.” Rini huffed and your eyes widened, were they awake the whole time?
“Hey, I know you don’t know him but your shouldn’t disrespect your father like that. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have had you guys. You two are the best things that has ever happened to me. You’re a Suna, once you get to know your dad I know you’ll be proud that I put your last name as Suna not Kageyama.” You told him and he scowled.
“Can you tell us more about dad?” Akira asked and you nodded. “What do you wanna know?” You asked. “Why did you fall in love with him.” Rini immediately asked, “Well he was sweet and funny, he loved anime and we were in the same class. He also taught me how to love volleyball again after my grandpa died.” You said smoothly. “What position did he play? Did he go pro?” They asked. “He was a middle blocker and he was really good. He still is a middle blocker and yes he is pro.” You said and Rini gasped. He’s more of a middle blocker type of fan. And Akira prefers setters. Even when you or Tobio teach them volleyball. They choose those positions.
The whole drive they asked about him and you answered the best you could, you can’t tell them everything but they were satisfied and they had a better understanding. They did get upset with you for not telling Rin that he was a father since the beginning but they understood that he broke your heart and you didn’t really want to see him.
When you got home you texted Rin that you arrived. You quickly bathed your kids. Dressed them in their pajamas and read them a script from the new anime you’re going to be on. (They liked listening to the scripts rather than bedtime stories)
After reading three pages they were already knocked out and you gave them a kiss. You fixed Akira’s fox plush in her arms and made you way to Rini’s bed. He was hugging a green piggy with a crown from the angry birds game and the moon made his face glow. You stood there in shock and you imagined second year Rin sleeping like that with the pig plush with the crown that reminded him of you.
You quickly rubbed your eyes to see second year rin turn back into five year old Rini. “I need some wine.” You muttered and kissed his cheek and fixed his blanket. You took out the phone from your pocket as you made your way to the bathroom to take off your makeup and start your nightly routine.
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You chuckled but quickly slapped your hand over your mouth. Why was it so easy to text Rin again after all this time. Isn’t it supposed to be awkward? Why are you so comfortable?
You quickly typed an awkward goodbye and he scratched his head confused but replied goodbye as well. He really wanted to continue talking to you more.
After you changed into your pajamas and finished your nighttime routine you made your way to the kitchen and you grabbed the half full wine bottle.
You held it to your chest as you made your way to your office/studio and began reading the script and answering some emails involving the character you’ll be portraying for the new anime. You celebrated a few weeks back when you got the offer and sighed thinking about this certain character.
You’ve read the manga already but it wouldn’t hurt to re read it to get a better feel of the characater right? You took a sip from the wine bottle as you found the first book of the manga. In your endless shelves of books.
“Alright Emma let’s go on an adventure.” You sighed and began to read The Promised Neverland.
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Also don’t forget that I love you and you’re worth it <3 Idk who needed to hear this today :)
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
Save the Last Dance for Me
It was my intention to write this before Christmas and even before the year ended but oh heck. So, sorry this took so long. I even rewrote this thing twice and attempted to make it shorter, which kind of worked...this is long
There was somebody else who I was going to write into this, but I think I may make a side fic for that uwu I also was going to add something else at the end, but I think I’ll also make a separate fic for that considering how it’s a little important. Hopefully these two things come after the next story part that I’m gonna work on asap ^^’
Technically, we have some introductions~
Anyways, tagging @grotesquegabby and @post-itpenny because some of yours are in this 
He wondered to himself how it was he had been convinced to attend the so called “Snowball Dance”.
He never did like those kind of events, or any events really. He wasn’t a people’s-person. He preferred to be alone.
Unfortunately, Schrader was starting to learn that life could not always be that way.
“It’s better when things are a surprise, right?”
“A surprise?”
“Sure, you’ll surprise her with some nice dance moves. People usually like that in a partner.”
One day long ago, Schrader had met a pair of kids. Siblings specifically, but not his. None of his siblings cared about him, with the strange exception that was his brother Walter.
“Dancing is a form of expression, just like music. That’s why you play your guitar, right?”
“I guess.” Schrader replied to the girl he learned was named ‘Hazel’; she had insisted that she and her brother had to help Schrader. “But...does she even like to dance?”
“Of course she does.” ‘Hazel’ gave a sigh that sounded nearly defeated. “Ula loves all that kind of stuff. In fact, she’d love it if she was serenaded one day.”
“She...she would?” Schrader perked up before he looked down at his guitar. “What kind of music does she like?”
“That doesn’t matter right now, what matters is that you get off your butt so we can continue with our dance lessons.” the girl took hold of Schrader’s hands after her brother took his guitar and carefully placed it somewhere else. “At school dances, you can just go crazy and dance whatever the heck you want, but we don’t want that. You want to impress Ula.”
“What are we gonna do this time then?” Schrader turned and felt as he was pulled up by Hazel who fixed him so that they were in a dancing position. 
“Today I’ll teach you one of the most important kinds of dances.” Hazel lifted her chin in attempt of matching up to Schrader’s height. “Slow dancing.~”
“Slow dancing? Like…” Schrader blinked a few times before a red tinted his fair cheeks. “Like...something romantic?”
“Exactly!” Hazel exclaimed with a grin and bright eyes. “Ula loves that corny stuff, just how she loves all those gifts you give her all the time.”
“But...she thinks those are from…” Schrader glanced over at Basil who leaned against a tree near the pair. “Him.”
“That’s why you’re going to the dance.” 
“I don’t really wanna go to the dance though.” Schrader sighed. “It’s...not my thing...why not just bring her to the park? You guys are good friends with her.”
 “You’re going to the dance,” Hazel huffed out before giving a sweet smile.. “So she can know it’s you who gives her those gifts, so she can finally meet her secret admirer. So she can finally notice you, and nobody else.~”
Schrader’s mind was soon filled with images of a certain boy, one he did not particularly feel very fond of. The thoughts made him bite the inside of his cheek as he resisted clenching his hands that were held by the girl in front of him; so he looked down at her with a face of determination.
“When is this, dance?”
The boy shook his head for a moment before turning it to the left; there he was able to see the sight that was what most would have considered a young man driving a vintage car.
Both of his hands were on the steering wheel of his car, yet every single one of his fingers tapped along to the music that played from his radio. A smile adorned his face that was only brightened with the sight of his eyes, these taking glances every now and then to his left where the passenger seat of his car was.
“Want me to change the song?”
The other passenger slowly turned to look at him with a blink of his sad eyes, and he gave a shake of his head before sighing as he leaned it into his palm.
“Come on, sing with me then!”
“I felt a rush like a rolling ball of thunder! Spinning my head around and taking my body under, oh what a night!” the driver sang along to the song, laughing as an instrumental portion came so he brought a hand to nudge the boy beside him. “Come on, come on! Sing Valli’s part, you always do!”
“No I don’t.” the younger of the two turned to the driver with furrowed eyebrows. “You’re crazy.”
“Come on.”
“Oh I, got a funny feeling when she walked into the room!~”
“Walter, stop.”
“Oh Schrader, come on.” the older brother gave a sigh. “What’s the matter? Something is up.”
“Nothing is up.”
“You haven’t talked to...them lately, have you?”
“Then what’s up?”
“I thought you would be happy about going to the dance.”
“Well I’m not.” Schrader turned to look out the window again. “I don’t want to be surrounded by a bunch of kids I don’t know.”
“You know some of them.”
“No I don’t.”
“You know,” Walter leaned to his side with a chuckle, whispering the last word to his brother. “Dolly.~”
Schrader’s eyes widening at the sound of that word, his head lifting again from his palm before he frowned and shook his head that was yet again in his palm, this making his brother’s smile slightly falter.
“No I don’t.”
“Well, if you want I can turn around and we can just go back to my place to watch Jersey Boys or somethin.” Walter shrugged as he plainly stared at the road. “Too bad you’re gonna miss your favorite song. I personally asked the DJ to find a slow version of it. Guess Dolly’s gonna have to dance with somebody else or, I dunno. Sit alone on the benches.”
“They’re gonna play-!” Schrader turned to his brother with wide eyes again. “Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“Wanted to surprise you.” Walter shrugged as Schrader looked down at his lap. “It’s better when things are a surprise, right?”
Schrader tilted his head a bit at the sound of that phrase, but he shook his head before looking outside the window yet again which made his eyes widen again.
“We’re here.”
“Here? A-Already?” Schrader now looked out the window, his eyes seeing a plethora of balloons and a large sign reading the name of the dance being held in the auditorium of the school Walter’s car was now in front of. “I-I don’t think I can do this.”
“Why not?” Walter blinked in surprise. “Hey, look at me.”
Walter saw his brother turn to him, no longer with a serious expression but instead one of fear and worry.
“Schrader. There’s no need to be worried.” Walter grazed his knuckles against his brother’s jaw in a comforting manner. “You’re looking great. Fantastic. Like a million bucks.”
“No I’m not.”
“Heck yeah you are. You’re gonna slay all those kids in there!” Walter chuckled despite his brother’s shaky nod. “Gonna slay them all dead. You just go in there and have fun, got it?”
“Got it.”
“Want me to go in there with you?”
“No, no.” Schrader held his breath for a moment, finally releasing it before turning to his brother. “I can go in by myself.”
“Great, I’m proud of you. I’ll be parked here the entire time, so you just come whenever you you want.” Walter nodded before patting Schrader’s shoulder. “Good luck in there. Slay Dolly.”
With another deep breath, Schrader opened the car door before stepping out and turning one more time to look at his brother. Walter gave him one last thumb’s up before Schrader finally made his way into the auditorium.
“Are you sure this is going to work?” 
With a single nod, the brother of the pair that now walked into the auditorium brought a hand up to slick his hair back before the black locks went back to their original state. His eyes scanned the area as he noticed that those who caught sight of him were no doubt intimidated by his gaze, but there were very few who felt other emotions.
“These guys aren’t ready for me yet.” his sister gave her own scan of the students as they looked her up and down, or more specifically her outfit. “But their kids are gonna love me.”
Basil rolled his eyes until he peered back at the kids, his and his sister’s names being called out by the one who was the most thrilled to see them.
“Where even is he?” Flora turned to look at each side of the auditorium before taking a sniff of the air before the scent of freshly made popcorn hit her nose, making her point to the other doors of the auditorium. “Found him.”
The siblings both stared as the past version of their father made his way after having presented his ticket, bringing a hand up to slick his hair back before the black locks went back to their original state.
Basil nudged his sister which she understood as it was time to go with the other boy, so the pair walked their way until reaching Schrader who was slightly startled once he felt Basil’s tapping on his shoulder from behind.
“Oh, it’s you guys. Hi.” he breathed out before clearing his throat, finally fixing his shirt before facing the siblings. “Um...I’m...I’m not sure what to do now.”
“I’m glad you said that.” Flora gave a bit of a curtsy before motioning to the crowd of dancing kids. “How about a dance first?”
“Oh, I dunno.” Schrader slightly shrugged at such a sight. “That’s a little too much for me, especially because I don’t even go to this school so nobody knows me.”
“Oooh! Then how about we introduce you to Lily then?” Flora suggested with a flutter of her eyelashes, then leaning in towards Schrader before pointing to a section near the DJ’s station. “She’s right over there.~”
“Sh-she is?” Schrader stuttered before his eyes glanced over to the location Flora pointed to, his eyes widening once he spotted a smiling Ula who gleefully danced with her friends. “I-I-I don’t think-”
“I’ll go get her right now!” Flora soon disappeared after having spoken her last words. “Basil make sure he stays there!”
“I don’t want to meet her!” Schrader walked back before bumping into Basil who somehow appeared right behind him, the taller boy’s hands clasped onto his shoulders before the two looked up and down at each other. “At least n-not yet!”
With his never changing expression, Basil quietly sighed when he realized that Schrader’s “cool” had disappeared and replaced with a sense of panic. So, before his sister could return, he decided to release Schrader and take a step away from him. He knew how badly he wanted to be noticed, but he also wasn’t going to force the poor kid.
With a quiet ‘thank you’, Schrader fled from the scene right before Flora came running back with Ula and others right behind her.
“Ula, I want you to meet- where’d he go?” Flora blinked in confusion before her eyes landed on Basil. “Where is he?”
Basil replied with a shrug before he kneeled down, allowing Ula to immediately embrace him as he returned the hug.
“I’m so glad you guys came.” Ula told the siblings after she and Basil parted away, her grin remaining on her features as she eyed the area around the two. “So! Who’d you want us to meet?”
“It was a joke.” Basil signed to Ula before patting himself. “Flora was referring to me.”
Flora frowned up at her brother who ignored her reaction, but the girl then looked behind Ula where she spotted an upset best friend.
“Hi again Atlas.” Flora smirked at the boy who sent a frown of his own towards her. “Having fun?”
“Yeah.” he plainly replied before turning to Ama who was next to him. “Are we gonna go dance again?”
“Oh yeah!” Ama nodded before approaching Flora and taking her hand. “Come on, that’s what we came to do! Dance and have fun!”
“Come on Atlas, let’s dance.” Flora grabbed Atlas with her other hand to pull him away from Ula who was too focused on Basil. “You know how to dance, right?”
“Of course I know how to dance! Hey, let me go!” Atlas pulled his hand away from Flora’s before he glared at her. “I’m not going anywhere with you, esp-”
“Hey Ama! Atlas!” sounded two more voices before the three saw Jeff and Bubbles go towards them.
“Where did you guys go?” questioned Jeff as he noticed Flora.
“We went over to say hi to Basil and Flora, but she’s with us as you can see.” Atlas eyed Flora a bit before she gave him a smug look.
“And Ula’s over there dancing with Basil.” Ama pointed to where the group now turned to look, Ula holding Basil’s arms which he allowed her to swing around and whatever else she wanted. “They’re having fun.”
“We should have fun too!” the twins exclaimed as they both grabbed Flora’s hands, pulling her deeper into the sea of students before Ama and Atlas were left ‘alone’.
“I thought we were going to dance.” Atlas huffed with his arms crossed, a glare directed towards Basil who gave Ula a spin which made her laugh and her dress twirl beautifully.
“Why aren’t you dancing then?” Ama nudged Atlas’ elbow which made look at her, his glare gone as he blinked a few times. 
“What do you mean?”
“You said we were going to dance, so let’s go.~” Ama wiggled her eyebrows which further confused Atlas, she however only giggled before making her way towards the twins and Flora.
“Ama, wait. Ama what do you mean!?”
Time proved to go rather quickly after so much dancing, for the Snowball Dance was now halfway to its end. It was clear to see that some kids were already exhausted from all the dancing while others continued to sweat on the dancefloor.
One of these was no doubt Ama who was in between Jeff and Bubbles, all three having the time of their lives. Meanwhile, right beside them was Atlas who’s movements had now slowed, especially as he looked around the area due to the also slowed down music.
On the opposite side of the auditorium was the figure that was Ula, a Ula that was now slightly saddened as she walked towards one of the tables that had been set up for food and drinks. She made her towards one with drinks, a familiar face sitting right behind it.
“Hey there Ula.”
“Hi uncle Vespers.” Ula softly waved at the man who noticed her new mood. “Have you seen my dad?”
“I think he’s helping serve some more food at the moment. Might be out since we’re all rotating positions now that we’re halfway into the dance.” Vespers informed his niece before she placed her hands on the table between them.“You okay?”
“Oh yeah, it’s just that.” Ula closed her mouth for a bit, letting Vespers focus on the song that had started playing a bit earlier, this one being meant for a slow dance. “I dunno. I guess I’m thirsty. What do you have?”
“There’s water, lemonade, fruit punch, soda cans, hot chocolate, and capri suns. What do you feel like drinking?”
“Huh?”Ula turned to look back at her uncle who had been showing the variety of beverages available. “Oh, can I have some lemonade please?”
“Sure thing.” Vespers grabbed a cup to serve up some lemonade.. “Are you going to dance?”
“Slow dance.” Vespers motioned to the dance floor that he and Ula looked at, nearly every kid paired up with another as they swayed to the music. At least the portion that didn’t feel awkward.
“No, I don’t think so.” Ula shook her head as she accepted her cup. “I don’t have a partner.”
“What about that boy you like?~”
“Pfft, what?” Ula gave an embarrassed scoff before looking down at her lemonade to hide her blush. “I don’t...like him. And his name is Basil. And...he said he wanted a small break, so he’s dancing with his sister.”
“Ah.” Vespers nodded before snapping his fingers. “How about you dance with Jeff?”
“Nah, he’s dancing with Bubbles.”
“Hm, maybe.”
“I don’t think this is Atlas’ kind of thing.” Ula shook her head before finishing the last of her lemonade. “You know he doesn’t like romance and I think a lot of people consider this that, so I don’t think he’d do it.”
“Are you sure?” Vespers chuckled as his eyes looked behind Ula which made her turn to see as Atlas stood behind her as he held his breath.
“Atlas?” Ula made sure to completely face her friend who finally released his breath.
“Ula,” Atlas started before clearing his throat, one of his hands now held out as he bit the inside of his cheek. “Do you...wanna dance?”
“You really want to?” Ula blinked in surprise before Atlas nodded.
“Well, you’re my b-best friend, and I figured you wanted to dance...and you don’t have a partner…” Atlas slightly shrugged. “So...I’ll do it if you want to.”
A smile crept up onto Ula’s features before she placed one of her hands onto the one Atlas offered, making his eyes widen before he was lead onto the dance floor.
“Then, yes.” Ula grinned before she placed her hands on Atlas’ shoulders. “Ready?”
“Uh, yeah.” Atlas shakily nodded before he carefully placed his hands on Ula’s waist.
The pair of friends moved to the music that continued to play, never realizing that from certain locations, they were being watched. However, they remained unbothered for a long remainder of the song, until Ula gave a giggle upon noticing something.
“What is it?” Atlas looked at her strangely. “Is there something on my face?”
“Pfft, no.” Ula shook her head as she bit her lip. “I think there’s something behind you though.~”
Atlas gave a puzzled look at the sky before he turned his head to then give a yelp and jump away from Ula who giggled along with Ama.
“Ama don’t do that.” Atlas pouted as his friends still laughed to themselves. “Gee, the song ended.”
“But another slow one is starting.~” Ama wiggled her eyebrows at Atlas who looked over at Ula.
“You guys dance it.” Ula insisted. “I’m gonna go and sit down.”
“Okay!” Ama then turned Atlas so that he could face her, placing her hands on his shoulders which made him blink in surprise. “Come on Atlas, you can dance all you want with Ula in her house.~”
“It’s not that, I, uh- it’s not that I want to dance with her.” Atlas coughed as he placed his hands on Ama’s waist. “I’m just being polite because she’s my best friend and I know she wanted to slow dance.”
“Uh huh.” Ama snickered to herself while Atlas turned to the side, eventually looking back at her. “I’m sure Ula’s just tired.”
“I-I know.” Atlas scoffed before turning back to Ama. “Like I said, I’m being polite, so that’s why I’ll dance with you too.”
As Ama and Atlas continued to dance to the song that currently played, Ula made her way to the benches that were nearly empty save for a couple of students who were too shy to dance with anybody. She sat down on the lowest bench before leaning her chin into her palms as her elbows were propped up on her knees, a sigh escaping her lips.
It was no doubt that she had been having fun at the dance, but something felt off. Perhaps it was because she still hadn't made any new friends, unlike Ama who had gotten an amount of names already and many who were happy to dance with her. Or perhaps it was because there was a slow song playing, and Ula was sitting on the benches while the one she really wanted to dance with was instead dancing with his sister. Maybe if Ula hadn’t hogged him for most of the first half of the dance, then maybe Basil would have been dancing with her right now.
Ula sighed to herself again before she shook her head. She should just ask Atlas if he was willing to dance with her again, because it felt really nice when she danced with him, and he was willing to dance with her too, which was awesome.
But then, she felt herself perk up once she saw that Basil looked over at her, giving her a bit of a nod before he turned back to his sister. This made Ula’s eyes go down to her shoes, her feet moving around a bit to the sound of the music before something made her raise an eyebrow. In front of her feet were another pair of feet pointing towards her, and her eyes trailed up the legs and body they were connected to until her eyes landed on a face belonging to a boy.
Ula lifted her head from her hands to get a better look at this new person; she felt the need to blink a few more times once she looked into blue eyes that no doubt were trying their best to remain on her.
“Can...do you mind if I sit here?” the boy asked with a thick accent.
“N-no.” Ula shook her head with a whisper after somewhat regaining her composure, watching as the surprised boy gave a soft nod before sitting next to Ula. She had somehow forgotten about Basil and Flora, even failing to notice that her best friends watched her from afar nor that one was not quite fond with the way Ula looked at this new boy.
“I’ve heard this song.” Ula whispered as she stared at the boy who glanced over at her, this making her hold her breath for a brief moment. “My uncle really likes the 80’s…”
“It’s a nice song.” 
“It is.” Ula nodded as she looked into the boy’s eyes. “I like your eyes...a lot.”
“You...you do?”
“Uh huh.” she nodded once the boy’s eyes were on her again. “They remind me of...blueberries.”
“Blueberries…” the boy breathed out. “Your eyes are pretty. They remind me of...green grapes. Not the normal one, the ones that taste like cotton candy.”
Ula gave a shy giggle which made her turn away for a bit, then looking back at the boy who gave her a small smile of relief.
“Well, you smell like cotton candy. Like something straight from a carnival.” Ula commented before scooting a bit closer towards the boy. “Do you have a cotton candy heart?”
“I...I dunno.” he shrugged with a bit of blush. “Um...you, uh...Your hair’s also pretty.”
“Thanks. My mother helped me make it wavy like hers.”
“Why did you wave it?”
“Because my mom’s beautiful, so I feel beautiful when I look like her.”
“I think you’re pretty looking like yourself.” the boy quietly coughed as a blush coated his cheeks, then seeing as Ula blushed as well.
“Hey, I didn’t catch your name.” Ula giggled. “My name’s Lily.”
“Oh, ha, right…” the boy felt his eyes move away as he attempted to muster out his name, but it didn’t work quite as he wanted it to. “It’s, uh...F-Frankie…?”
“Frankie.” Ula repeated, then feeling her smile grow. “So, Frankie...what kind of accent is it that you have?”
“A-Australian.” he replied. “My brother also has it, since we’re from there.”
“Is it really crazy like people always say it is?”
“Oh, oh yeah.”he nodded with a small laugh. “One time I woke up with a snake hanging from my ceiling fan.”
“That’s so cool!” Ula surprised the boy with her cheer, but she then shrunk back down after clearing her throat. “I mean...have you ever seen any sharks?”
“Sh-sharks? Oh, sure. Sometimes when you stand on the sidewalk in front of the sand, so far from the w-water, you might see a shark or a crocodile surfing a wave.”
“And have you ever been in the water with them?” Ula beamed enough to not realize the boy’s new state of panic, but she then scoffed at herself. “Who am I kidding? That, that would be dangerous; you can’t go swimming with such animals.”
“Yeah, yeah. No swimming...with those.” ‘Frankie’ nodded before he turned to the side but immediately turning back to Ula once he felt her fingers graze his. “I figure you like sharks…?”
“Oh yeah, threshers are my favorite.” Ula nodded before scooting closer towards the boy. “Do you have a favorite kind of shark?”
“Hm...great hammerhead.”he gave a bit of a shrug, looking down at his feet as he gave the smallest, goofy smile. “ ‘Cause they really nail it.”
“You sound just like my dad.” Ula quietly laughed. “He has the best kinds of jokes for any situation. And-”
“I say my favorites are whale sharks.~” a voice interrupted, making Ula and her new friend to look behind their seat where they were met up with eyes that were below wiggling eyebrows. These eyes then glanced down to the space between the pair sitting down, Ula bringing her hand towards herself as the boy gave an embarrassed cough.
“I also like manta rays and anglerfish though. They have such a nice smile.”
“Ama? What are you doing here?” Ula blinked at her friend who smiled mischievously. “Where’s-”
“Right here.” Atlas was heard behind Ula alone, so she turned to see him give a shrug. “Ama wanted to take a break from dancing.”
“So, Lily, who’s your new friend?” Ama innocently fluttered her eyelashes before a smile was brought back onto Ula’s features. “You look kind of familiar...have I me-”
“No!” the boy shook his head which slightly startled the other three kids. “I mean...no, we’ve never met before...my name is...Frankie.”
“My name is Amaranthus, but you can call me Ama.~”
“I’m Atlas…”
“Frankie’s from Australia.” Ula added on before she once again scoot closer towards the boy, he and her friends taking notice of this, especially with her smitten expression. “Anyways, I’m gonna go get a snack. You coming, Frankie?”
At the sound of that, Atlas and ‘Frankie’ both had their eyes widen before eventually blinking in unison.
“Yeah.” Ula nodded before finally placing her hand on top of the boy’s, before securely holding it, but she then turned to Ama and Atlas. “Do you guys want anything?”
“I’m fine.” Atlas muttered to himself, sitting down on a bench right after Ula and her new friend both stood up.
“You can bring me whatever you want.” Ama gave a small smirk at the pair.
“We’ll be right back then.” Ula told her friends before turning to the other boy who softly smiled at her, following right next to her as his grasp on her hand now matched hers.
“He’s hopeless.”
In yet another part of the auditorium, Flora sat near a table as she brought her palm to her face.
“He’s completely hopeless.” she repeated before looking back at Ula and the ever mysterious boy she now danced with. “Stars, it’s a miracle we were even born.”
Basil glanced down at his sister to stare at her for a moment, then rolling his eyes that eventually lead him to see his mother’s best friends sitting on the benches. He squinted his eyes at the sight of Atlas that was surprisingly more confused than upset; it made sense in Basil’s eyes just as it was a relief that Ula’s attention was completely on the younger version of his and Flora’s father. A relief but Basil did feel...who knew.
“Frankie, stars please...he’s so obsessed with that name!” Flora continued to ramble on which made her brother face her. “Why did he lie!? Now she’s-”
Flora felt as Basil placed a hand on her shoulder, making her now face him.
“What is it?”
She saw as Basil motioned over to the young pair that included their parents; Flora’s eyes widening when she saw that Ula was still holding Schrader’s hand even as they stood before one of the food tables
“Wait, wait, wait. This isn’t some movie with a rushed romance, she can’t already have a crush on him!” Flora shook her head in disbelief.
“Not a crush.” Basil signed which resulted in a now perplexed sister.
“Then what?” she questioned, receiving no response from Basil who instead crossed his arms, almost in a smug manner, before he made his way away from his sister.”Basil. Basil, explain! Basil!”
“Um, not that I don’t want to,” Schrader glanced down at his and Ula’s clasped hands. “But...can we let go? So we can get the snacks?”
“Oh! Sure.” Ula blushed before retrieving her hand and turning to look at the food table, eyes widening at the sight of familiar green eyes. “Dad!”
“Dad?” the boy also turned to look, panic coursing through him once again as he now locked eyes with Lennie.
“Hey there Ula, and,” Lennie examined the boy for a moment. “Ula’s friend?”
“Yeah.” Ula answered with a nod in an instant. “His name’s Frankie.”
“Oh, well nice to meet you Frankie.” Lennie greeted the boy who was clearly nervous, except to Ula who was too captivated in the moment. “I’m Lily’s dad.”
“Hi, um...M-Mr…”
“Blueblood.” Ula whispered.
“Mr. Blueblood.” Schrader finally mustered out.
“So, what will you kiddos be having?” Lennie chuckled as he looked down at the food in between him and the kids.
“Can you give me some cotton candy?” Ula pointed to the stick that had cotton candy sticking into its various holes. “Blue, please.”
After Lennie took one of the treats down he went over to hand it to Ula, but his eyes widened when he saw that she was busy looking into her new friend’s blue eyes. He recognized this look, he had seen it before not only in Ula with her other friend but her mother as well. To put it simply...it was adorable, but Lennie shook himself out of his thoughts as he remembered the reality. So, Lennie quietly cleared his throat before both of the kids finally turned to him, Ula blushing once again.
“Sorry.” Ula apologized before taking her cotton candy, turning to the boy again. “What do you want, Frankie?”
“Is that,” he looked over at a fancy plate containing bread. “Banana bread?”
“It sure is. No nuts thought because of allergies.” Lennie nodded before grabbing some tongs. “Want some?”
“Yes please.”
“And when you’re done with that, can I also have some cake pops with the snowflake sprinkles?” Ula asked before tapping her chin in thought. 
“What about for your friends?” ‘Frankie’ asked before Ula turned to him with a smile.
“Our, friends.” she giggled for a bit, then being cut off when she heard Lennie clear his throat again. “Heheh, sorry dad.”
“It’s okay. You have a new friend, I understand.” Lennie gave his daughter a warm smile before peering over at the boy beside her. “I trust you and that he’s somebody with good intentions.”
“Well, I sense that he is.” Ula nodded before she took the boy’s free hand again, no doubt surprising him just as much as the first time.
Lennie felt his smile widen just a bit more, even playfully rolling his eyes without the kids’ knowledge. It was adorable, but he just didn’t want his little one to hurt.”
“We’re back.” Ula announced before sitting next to Ama, oblivious to Atlas look of shock that turned into disappointment once the space in between him and Ula was filled with the newest friend. “We brought hot chocolate for everybody besides snacks and these chocolate spoons my uncle Roger made.~”
“Oooh, yes!” Ama silently clapped her hands before being handed a cup as well as a plate with a doughnut.”
“And we brought Atlas a snowman cookie!” Ula motioned to Schrader who turned to Atlas, noticing the latter’s slight scowl before he handed over the plate and cup meant for him.
“Thanks.” Atlas grumbled out before glancing down at his cookie that had white icing and a marshmallow that were meant to look like a melting snowman. His snowman had a sad face. Nice.
“What did you guys get for yourselves?” Ama asked after taking a bite out of her doughnut.
“Frankie got some banana bread for himself, and I got some cake pops and also cotton candy that’s blue like his eyes.” Ula responded, not even realizing the significance of the last thing she said. “Hey, why’d the music stop?”
The four kids made sure to look towards the DJ station, the person working it making some adjustments before there was the sound of a record scratch followed by singing that made Schrader gulp down his bread rather harshly.
“ I personally asked the DJ to find a slow version of it. Guess Dolly’s gonna have to dance with somebody else or, I dunno. Sit alone on the benches.”
“Lily.” the boy stood up before setting his plate down on the spot he had been previously sitting on.
“Yes?” Ula turned to him before repeating his actions, then blinking when the boy held a hand out towards her, a slight bow following right after but before he spoke.
“Shall we?”
“Uh huh.” Ula placed her hand onto the boy’s before he lifted his head to look up at her in surprise. He however cleared his throat before leading Ula to the dancefloor where they each fixed themselves so that they were in a dancing position.
“I’ve...I’ve heard this song once.” Ula whispered as she stared at the boy who looked down at her shorter figure. “My bestie Ama sang it to me once.”
“Oh. Well, this happens to be...my favorite song.” Schrader told Ula with a small smile before his eyes trailed down her face and too his shoulder after having felt something get stuck on his shirt.
“Oh, sorry about that.” Ula apologized before carefully removing her right hand to remove the left from Schrader’s shoulder. “My ring got stuck.”
“Yeah, I got it as a gift.”Ula showed off the ring on her finger, then bringing it close to her face so she could admire it herself with a bit of a sigh. “I just don’t know who gave it to me. I had an idea but...maybe it wasn’t him.”
“One of my other friends. He’s actually here too.” Ula shrugged before lifting her arms to place them on Schrader’s shoulders again, but he grabbed her left hand to examine the ring on her finger. “It’s pretty, right?”
“Yeah, I guess it is.” he slightly shrugged before letting go of Ula’s hand to instead place both of his back on her waist. “That person must have worked to get you that.”
Ula bit her lip at Schrader’s words, then giggling to herself before shrugging.
“I don’t know...somebody working to get something, for me? I don’t know…”
“I mean, if it’s a s-secret a-a-admirer we’re talking about...then I guess, they maybe wanna b-be noticed…?”
“But I don’t even know who it is!” Ula gave a bit of a laugh. “And I’m not sure I’ll find out anytime soon…”
“Oh...well, m-maybe someday you’ll know who it is.” the boy’s eyes glanced to the side as he felt his nervousness creep back up. “In fact-”
“Hey lovebirds.~” the pair heard next to them, then turning and seeing Ama who wiggled her eyebrows while she danced with Atlas. “How is your-”
“Ama not now! I’m dancing with Frankie!” Ula exclaimed in a whisper as her cheeks flushes, Ama giggling out an apology before dancing away with a bugged out Atlas.
“You know, I have another name you could call me...that’s not Frankie.” Ula’s partner cleared his throat, not realizing that he slightly squeezed Ula’s waist in his anxiety.   “In fact, Frankie’s more of a n-nickname.”
“Oh! Just like me! Lily’s also kind of like a nickname.” Ula explained before she also cleared her throat. “W-what’s your real name though?”
“Well...I can’t tell you...yet.”
“But...why not?” Ula blinked a few times before hearing an uneasy stutter from her friend.
“There’s something I need to tell you before my name.”
“What is it?”
“I-I-I know we just met but...I need to t-tell you that, uh…I know who your secret a-admirer is.”
“No way.” Ula’s mouth dropped before she stepped closer towards Schrader, a strong heat growing on his face. “Who is it?”
“Um, well.” Schrader started, also starting to regret his life choices. “He...he-”
“It’s a boy…” Ula breathed out before Schrader nodded. “What’s his name?”
“It...it starts with a-an S.”
“But what’s his name?”
“I’ll tell you that...after I sh-show you, him.” the boy bit the inside of his cheek. “But...I need you to close your eyes first.”
“How will I see him?” Ula tilted her head.
“Just...t-t-trust me.”
“Close your eyes.”
Ula made sure to close her eyes right before she unconsciously twitched her nose, then feeling as her hands were held by her partner’s.
“Yes.” Ula nodded before making sure to remain still before she tasted something, right as a series of gasps were heard.
She felt as her hands were gently squeezed in the boy’s own, and she felt a warmth course through her. This warmth was strange and new, and it started from the ‘tip’ of her lips and traveled through her entire body. The feeling was enough to make Ula’s leg lift itself, something she would have easily described as a ‘pop’ had she been aware that the action was being performed.
After a while, Ula finally decided to act by herself and her eyes fluttered open to a grand surprise.
Her friend was still right in front of her with his eyes slowly opening as well, just as their faces were practically glued onto each other. No, not their faces. Their lips!
“Lily-” the boy pulled himself away, his face somehow becoming even paler than it already was as his eyes widened. “I can-”
“Circus animal cookies.” Ula whispered in bliss as she closed her eyes with a dreamy expression. “That’s the flavor of-”
“Smooch!” exclaimed Ama from behind Ula, startling both Ula and Schrader as Atlas stood by with an expression of disbelief.
“Lily.” Schrader rapidly grabbed Ula’s hands to turn her to him one last time. “I have to go.”
“I, um...well, ok-”
Before Ula could actually muster anything up, she was engulfed in a hug that lasted a few seconds before Schrader fled and disappeared into the crowd of party-goers.
Ula was left standing ‘alone’ before she was immediately approached by her best friends and eventually Lennie, the latter grabbing her to make sure she was alright.
“Ula?” Lennie slightly shook Ula who giggled to herself, right before a literal glow emitted from her cheeks. “Ula!?”
“I wanna do that again.”
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