mccncreatures · 25 days
If Beau could’ve shaken the sense into her the night she’d left, placed him in charge of the pack, he would have. He would have done anything to get her to stay. He was always ready to be her second in command. He was always ready to help her be the alpha. It had all blown up though, everything. The sudden loss of Hayley, the loss of her father and Elijah (a second father really), her world had all but crumbled beneath her feet. And if it meant she’d be better for it, he would take over all over again. As long as it meant she’d come home.
So as he sat on the porch of his place, whittling for the first time in a while, he heard the approach before his eyes glanced up. Giving her the faintest grin, he nodded and looked back down at his work. “Really should give this up.” He started as he set it aside. “Wasn’t ever any good at it except making those stupid little flute things.” Knees came up to his chest and arms folded over them as he looked at her. “You back to… you now or do I have to worry about another bar overflowing with your terrible aim?”
It’s easy, the joke leaving him, but he felt a guard go up. She could change her mind anytime, leave him in the dust again. And he wouldn’t be able to be upset with her, because if there was one thing Beau got, loss left a hole no amount of running or hiding could repair. But it sure could numb it. “If you are, welcome home?” He shrugged and looked down. “Missed you, half-pint.”
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Time to Move On [Hope x Stiles]
Hope was still in her room as she sent Stiles a message to come by and visit her. She could have snuck out but she couldn’t risk that Incase she needed to see her son or Zach. So she just waited for Stiles to come by.
Stiles had gotten the message to come by Hope’s room. That bracelet had been glowing nonstop and each time he tried to reset it the pain was absolutely unbearable. The sooner he took care of the glowing the less the pain affected him so he had grown accustomed to trying to get it out of the bracelet as soon as possible. However, ever since Liam told him that Liam was going to be hanging around with Hope, he had neglected to even notice that the bracelet was glowing until a few days after. Having to deal with the pain was absolutely draining him. He had knocked on the door once he arrived and waited for her to answer the door. “Hey, Hope are you busy?”
She opened her door and shook her head as she moved to let Stiles in. “I wish I was busy. You know I think I’m the only kid that our parents punish it’s not fair.” She sighed closing the door and moving back to her bed. “What have you been doing older brother, I heard you got a job.”
“You have heard correctly. I am a teacher at the school now. I help to educate the children about shifters. I also have been training a lot on the side as well so there is that too.” He responds with a small smile. “How about you? It’s been a while since we last talked. I heard that Zach got kicked out of the castle so how have you been holding up?”
“That’s cool.” She smiled back before shrugging, “As expected I guess. I mean I wish he was here but I can’t do much else so I’m just being patient as father puts it.” She replied.
“That can be rough but I am sure your mother will forgive him soon. She just needs time I guess.” He responds before feeling the bracelet start to glow around his wrist and he immediately used his other hand to cover it as he put both hands behind his back rather nonchalantly.
“You say you want to be apart of the family but you never say our mom, you are quite strange.” She said before seeing his bracelet. “You don’t have to hide it, Zach told me already. He notices everything, even things I don’t want him to see. It’s hard hiding things now.”
“I feel weird saying our mom...I feel like that is insulting Sam. That is like if I were to call Dylan dad and we all know how that would go over, not very well.” Stiles lets out a small laugh. “Zach told you about the bracelet? So then you know about what it does? Can I use your bathroom for a minute…”
“I called Dylan daddy before, I wasn’t impressed with the results.” She said before nodding. “Yeah I do and sure you know where it is.”
“You slept with my step-dad?” Stiles couldn’t help but to make a face and gag a little at the thought. “That is so gross. I need to bleach my brain now. Thank you for that.” He laughed before excusing himself to go to the bathroom.
“I did. Oh that might actually be something Zach does not know, though I guess it doesn’t matter it wasn’t like I want to do it again. And I thought we were sharing things, you would have found out eventually.” She shrugged not seeing the dig deal as she watched him head to the bathroom.
“That is true but still I could have gone my whole life without knowing that you know.” He responds before heading to the bathroom and shutting the door. The bracelet had already sealed itself to his arm. His eyes glowed blue before he could feel the black substance starting to seep into his veins as he tried to absorb the pain from the bracelet.
“Oh get over it, it’s sex and he isn’t your actual father so it again doesn’t really change anything for you.” She yelled out to him as she turned her attention to her phone..
It was always fine, the pain was bearable until it got to his heart. He bit back a groan as he could feel it start to creep to his heart. The male had made it this far without anyone seeing him suffering the side effects and he wasn’t going to let anyone else know because he didn’t need Liam to come and tell him about everything he was doing wrong.
Hope knew what was happening but if Stiles didn’t ask for her she figured it was better to just stay where she was.
There was no way that Stiles was going to mention what was happening to Hope. He didn’t want her to think that he was complaining and being all depressed again. The male was changing himself and he wanted to prove that. If he were to call her in for help, well there wasn’t much she could do to help him anyway. She would tell him to get over it and find someone else.
His eyes flashed in distress as he could feel his grip tightening on the sink as his claws started to grow out. He could hear his heartbeat in his head and it was starting to really bother him. Of course it would be now of all times to feel like the absolute worst thing he had ever felt. His body was overheating and he needed to cool off fast. Stiles turned on the cold water and stripped himself of his clothes before getting into the shower. He had hoped that Hope didn’t mind but part of him told him that she knew what was going on, Zach had probably already told her about it.
She heard the shower running and moved to grab some of Zach’s clothes and a towel and opened the bathroom door to leave them there for Stiles. Closing the door behind her she went back to waiting on her bed.
After a few minutes it finally passed and Stiles had not even noticed that Hope had brought some clothes into the bathroom. He took a few moments to collect himself before shaking himself dry after turning the water off and then getting out of the shower. Seeing the clothes he smiled slightly before putting them on. He held onto his own clothes as he exited the bathroom. “Sorry about that. I just...it’s better to deal with it when it happens instead of putting it off til the last minute. Anyway, what were we talking about?”
“It’s fine just be thankful I had extra clothes for you or that would have been awkward.” She responds before looking at the other. “How long are you going to do this? Why don’t you just go to Pan and ask him to help you break the bond. You are putting yourself through pain Liam specifically asked you not to go through. He asked you to break the bond meaning he didn’t want to be bonded to you, I know that sucks but he isn’t going to change his mind so just stop and ask for some real help.”
“You really think I want to live the rest of my life like this? I already went to Pan. I know what Liam said and believe me I have tried very hard to break it. But I can’t break it. It’s an imprint bond. If I break it...I won’t be able to mate with anyone ever again. I won’t be able to feel the feelings that comes with it the bond that is created between shifters, it will have been taken away from me because I remove my imprint bond. I already know he doesn’t want me Hope believe me I do. I have even ask Pan if there was a way to take away my shifter powers because if I am not a shifter I can’t have an imprint. He said he can’t because then what is he supposed to do with the power he takes out of me? I asked him if he could turn me into a siren instead that way I keep my powers but then I don’t have to worry about the stupid imprint bond. I never thought I could hate having an imprint so much. I thought it would be something that could really help me but...I only have to bare this for a little while longer, then Pan said he will change me. Then I can finally be free from the bond...be free from Liam.”
“So you are changing? You think that’s not insulting your mother? You don’t want to call Misty mom but you are erasing the part of you that your parents gave you and trading it for something else. All because of Liam. That doesn’t bother you? That doesn’t sound completely stupid? I would have killed to give up one of my powers, I would have happily just been a siren or just been a shifter but we don’t get to decide that and you haven’t even told Liam what you are doing just to get over him. I want to support you but I don’t support that. Being a siren is exactly what Liam wants so you are turning into a siren who will be an e and then all your problems are fine? Have you talked to anyone else? Maybe someone else could help.”
“Nibs is still part siren so I would share that part in common with not just him but the rest of you as well. I know that Sam wouldn’t want me suffering like this for the rest of my life. Of course it bothers me Hope. I want to be able to stay who I am but I don’t want to have to go through pain everytime the bond breaks over someone that doesn’t love me or want anything to do with me. I can’t do it anymore. He didn’t tell me that he wanted you to carry his child and I think that is something that we should have talked about but we didn’t because he was helping you with your plan to get Zach back which is fine. I don’t care. He doesn’t care about me Hope and even if I told him it would just scare him even more because he would think I did it so that we could be together and I just...that’s not the reason at all.”
“He won’t understand Hope, he will misinterpret what my intentions are and jump to conclusions before even talking to me and then he will push himself farther away and while I personally don’t give a shit about if he wants to be my mate or not I just want my best friend back so if this will help me to do that and keep me from dying I don’t see why I can’t. I want to live Hope, I want to live a happy life and I can’t do that if this fucking bond is tying me down. I want to be rid of it so that you all can stop telling me to move the fuck on because I will actually be able to once I am changed.”
“I guess if that what will make you happy then that’s fine. I can’t stop you, I can only support you and hopefully TJ will do the same but I truly doubt it. You do know you will still won’t be a pureblood right? Peter can’t just give you that or there would be royals running around everywhere and I know mom...or my mom won’t just heal you. I mean she will eventually but she won’t be happy about it. I just want to prepare you because being an e is no better than that bracelet you are wearing.”
“I have already asked literally everyone and tried every last thing to get rid of this imprint bond but they are unbreakable. Maybe I can talk to her about it. I literally have run out of options Hope and I am exhausted, I have been getting better at hiding it but I don’t want to keep living my life with this bracelet and having to feel that physical pain each time and having to feel the attachment to him because I don’t want it. I want to be free of it. I want my life back so that is why I am doing something about it instead of moping like I used to.”
She nods. “Like I said I will support you through this so I will talk to her about it as well. And hey maybe when I’m not grounded I can take you out and introduce you to some people, get your mind off of Liam. But if you want that friendship back just tell him that. I’m sure he misses his friend too.”
“I don’t know Hope I have tried to bring this up to him before and things never really go well when we talk. There is always miscommunication. And after all the things that we had talked about and all the things he hasn’t said that I have heard through others I don’t think that it would be a good idea to be his friend.”
“I don’t know...I wish I still had Ken as a friend. I miss him, so I’m sure you feel the same. Don’t regret letting people out of your life. It just sucks. If you really want him as a friend then figure out what that means for you and do it.” She replied.
“But don’t you see? That would be selfish of myself to want to still be friends with him because if that was something he wanted he would have made more of an effort when I reached out to him instead of blocking me out completely. You still have the chance to go and talk to my brother you know. He is probably already over it by now anyway.” He responds with a sigh, “First thing I am doing once I change is going to a club. We are both going to go to a club and just yes, I need a club and some fun and drinks.”
“The last time I talked to Ken I kissed him. So...yeah I think it’s best for me to stay away from him. It just gets complicated and Zach has already had to deal with a lot, I’m not going to ask him if I can be friends with Ken.” She replied before nodding, “Yes I agree.”
“I guess so. I think Pan said that I have a week left before all the arrangements are made so maybe I should talk to your mother sooner rather than later. Do you know where she is right now?” He asks.
“No idea, probably in her room? Or...I don’t know I’ve been in here the whole time I have no idea where anyone is.” She admitted.
“Oh okay...well is there anything else that could help you with or is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?”
“No, I was hoping Zach would send me an update on Emmett but I guess I am just going to head to bed. Let me know how all that stuff goes with Pan yeah?” She replied getting comfortable as she watched the other start to leave.
“Yeah I will tell you don’t worry.” He responds before heading out. “Oh and I will bring you back the clothes clean tomorrow morning, thanks again.”
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nibsthebravelostboy · 6 years
After Leaving School [Nibs x Hope]
Hope has stayed relatively quiet as she followed her father. “Dad I don’t actually have to leave school right? It’s the one normal thing I do in my life. Please you were just saying that right?”
“You aren't going back to school with Justin as your teacher. He sleeps with anything that breathes and I really rather never see him again. Those bullies are going to stress you out and you don't need that for you or your child. You can go back once the baby is born if you want but I highly recommend you staying at the castle to learn for now because if something were to happen, I don't want you to have to feel bad about it. Besides Zach is your imprint so you need to be careful now. Even a kiss from someone else might lead to you dying. Your mother and I learned that on many a different occasions.”
Hope sighed. “I’ve been bullied forever I’m used to it, it doesn’t affect me anymore.” She said pushing her hair behind her ear. “I am careful. I don’t want anyone but him….how do you know Teddy? He said somethings that...how do you know him?”
“Just because you know that you can control yourself doesn’t mean you can control what others do. Your mother thought that she knew who Noah and Finn were but yet both of them took advantage of her kindness and kissed her without permission and we both suffered for it.” Hearing her asking him about the mainland, he knew that he had to tell her.
“I will tell you once we get to a more private setting, it’s not a part of my life that I would want to remember.” He leads them to the castle before bringing Hope to her room, knowing that Zach was out training. “How about you take a seat. What do you know of what happened between me and Crystal on the mainland?”
Hope set her book bag on the floor as she sat on her bed. “Not much, I know that I’m named after your daughter with her. That’s all. I’ve never thought about asking you about it because I can see how it affects you when you bring her up.” She replied.
“Well, when I first came to the island, Pan replaced the memories that I used to have for Crystal with more pleasant ones to hide the real memories that I had. The real Crystal was someone who tricked me. We grew up together and eventually started to date. She and I ended up having a kid and I knew that she was struggling from depression but somehow we always made it through. After she found out she was pregnant she changed, drastically changed.She started threatening me and abusing me in the name of our child. Once the baby was born she started threatening to hurt our child, Hope. Hope was the light of my life and I would always take the beatings for her.”
“Each time the beatings got worse and eventually it resorted to her threatening that she would kill herself and tell everyone that I was abusing her and our child in a suicide letter. At one point, Hope found her trying to kill herself in our bathtub just as you did when you were younger. Eventually, she ended up committing suicide and did leave the note saying I was responsible. Hope almost got put into the system but I was able to convince them to let me raise her. I couldn’t get a job so I ended up being an escort for Justin. He paid me so that I could raise my daughter but I made him promise to keep our families out of our business. Yes, I slept with him for money but I did so, so that I could support my family. Hope was killed by Ashton when him and his brother were on a mission to blow something up. She ran inside before I could stop her and it exploded with her inside. I didn’t know what to do with my life anymore because she was the only one that gave me any hope in that life. That was when Pan found me and brought me here. That is one of the main reasons why I broke it off with Ashton, he never told me about all this even when I first told him about it all. He knew it was him but he never told me and there were other factors that led to the break up but that’s a different story.”
She stayed silent as she played with the fabric on her clothes. “I am not someone that can ever judge someone for sleeping around. But it’s nice to know it was back on the mainland. And things are different now, you are happy. And you can provide for your family without doing anything that you don’t want to. I’m sorry though if I’m not like the Hope on the mainland. I know you heard what those kids said so I’m sorry to disappoint you.”
“You are right, I can provide for my family which is why I don’t need Justin around. She never got the chance to grow up Hope, she was only 4 when she was killed. You could never disappoint me Hope, you are growing up and learning through your experiences. That is what becoming an adult consists of and while we might not have agreed on certain things, I am proud to be your father and I am proud of how far you have come.”
She smiled happily at his words. “Thanks dad that means a lot to me.” She said before thinking some more. “You should be careful around Dylan. He just mentioned some things and I just want you to be prepared should something strange happen that he could be behind it.” Hope said. “Also you don’t need to tell Zach about today, I like being able to leave the castle and not needing him to follow me and that will be what happens if you tell him.”
“Dylan? He is still out to get us? Really? Ever since his heart darkened, he has been after your mother and I, especially after Jack died...I will make sure to look into it. I won’t tell Zach so long as you stay away from Justin. He is bad news Hope. I am surprised you snuck away from Zach in the first place. I mean it wouldn’t be bad if you had him around those...you know...just to warn off others.”
“Well he was tired and I left him a note so he could know where I was. And you say that but Zach doesn’t get jealous he gets possessive and kills people that mess me with. Which is sweet and all but everyone already hates me, I don’t want them to hate him.” She replied. “But if I want to go back to school I guess I should talk to my fiancé.” She smiled happy to be able to say it.
“You probably should. If anything you and your brother can go to school here for a bit until things settle down. I know how rude boys in school can be. Some more physical than others.” He responds while looking at her. “You could always bring him with as your bodyguard too.”
“Yeah I’ll talk about tutoring us.” She nods as she plays with her ring. “I really love him you know.” She smiles, “Can he take me shopping? I promise I won’t spend too much. And I will buy appropriate clothes.”
Noticing the ring on her finger, Nibs just smiled. “I know you do. Of course he can.” He smiled before looking at her, “Just keep that promise about buying appropriate clothes please.”
Hope nods. “I promise. Thank you so much.” She smiles hugging her father and kissing his cheek. “I’m going to get Zach out of training. But I’ll be home in time for dinner.”
“Okay be careful please.” He smiles as he hugs her back before letting her go and find Zach.
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