#hope your home countries of origin shame you if you support the occupation
gotta-bail-my-quails · 8 months
some of the zionist accounts on here are fucking sickening because somehow they are posting about queer struggles and being supportive of black history while actively advocating the murder of a whole fucking group of people.
my experiences as a minority made me empathetic to others--what the fuck did they do for you?
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horacelawson · 3 years
The 1.1 update even adds support for the Priority Inbox feature if you have it enabled.
The 1.1 update even adds support for the Priority Inbox feature if you have it enabled.. It didn take long to retrofit the one fixture. He had been the first chained up. Daenerys has dragons, Aegon does not. Distributor: A24.. But why talk about trifles! What’s a child to me? I don’t want one; perhaps just as a comfort . In 2010, the former Alaska governor backed Republican Brian Murphy in his unsuccessful GOP primary bid against former Gov. I was just wishing to see you, and hoping to call on you as soon as possible. This setback comes as the airline has staged a huge Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS comeback after flirting with bankruptcy protection in 2009, when Air Canada's heavy pension deficits threatened to pull the company under. The second trio were from Geelong: 23 year olds Hugh Hanlon, a steel fabricator, his then girlfriend Jessica Vo, a hospitality manager, and Hugh's brother Tom, 22, a civil engineering student. If asked to choose the Airstream's best attributes, they would include the impressive Mercedes Benz diesel powerplant, the narrow chassis that allows SUV like access while on the road haibike e mtb 2020 and the interior's high quality appointments. You are not wanted here, but in Westeros men will flock to your banners by the thousands, great lords and noble knights. There are also generally long periods off, creating the opportunity to pursue other interests during the time off.. I DO BUSINESS WITH CHINA. "No email, no phone," he says firmly. In addition, Donna and John are soon to be great grandparents. "There's a lot of guilt and shame and they blame themselves on some level, and they learn to tolerate very unacceptable behavior from other people because they don't think they deserve better.". Nine of them assembled in the solar: Connington and Strickland, Haldon Halfmaester, Black Balaq, Ser Franklyn Flowers, Malo Jayn, Ser Brendel Byrne, Dick Cole, and Lymond Pease. I grant you, he is not as patient as I’d like, and some of the boys are terrified of him … but that’s not all for the bad. Slashing her face, cutting off an ear … the Imp’s grubby little fingers are all over this.”. 798:. I'd been going hard for six and a half years, travelling 250 days a year. “My dealings with the prince? Understand, I had a complete moral conviction, but not a single positive proof, not a single one, in spite of all my efforts. The rest were crowded around the pit at the far end of the room, where a pair of naked men were slashing at each other with knives whilst the watchers cheered them on.. I read in the real physical form, I read on my device or listen in my car. It might matter some to the wretched ruin of a husband that Euron had inflicted upon her, but Eric Ironmaker did not have coin enough to ransom her. Lawson said he is honoured and delighted to be taking over command of an organization in legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát which I have quite literally grown up. Quei silenzi dei grandi che coprono gli insulti dei pi?piccoli. The slaves of this country are better clothed and fed than the peasantry of some of the most prosperous states of Europe.. Trades should generally be in the 10 to 20 mph through this weekend. McCormack, 41, who began acting with the name Patty, switched to Patricia in 1978 to remind producers that she was grown up and had dropped the nickname she made famous as the lethal Rhoda in the stage and screen versions of The Bad Seed. Participants will get their own CHPL sunglasses when they sign up, coupons for treats and fun activities around town after 10 hours, and a CHPL string bag when they complete the challenge. adidas eqt rose gold One man with whom I labored, however, being desirous to get all the work out of his hands he could, before I left (about fifty in number), bought for them every week, or twice a week, a beef’s head from market. The windows looked into dolce gabanna adidași bărbații the garden. nike air jordan 1 los angeles Tides; York American, Warwick boys stay alive in Little League 8 10 district tournamentSports Peninsula Pilots' barrage on offense leads to victory over Edenton SteamersVirginia Tech Freshman Caleb Farley will play receiver for Virginia Tech when season gets underway. They don't stay little forever, no matter how gotcha karkötő dearly we hold their childhoods in sandalias doradas gioseppo our hearts.. It would drive me nuts if a project took a long time. A longsword in the hand of a ghost. Three teens were denied bail on Sunday, and the fourth was denied bail Monday morning.Charges were filed against Dzevad Avdic, 19, of the 5900 block of South Honore in Chicago; Myles Hughes, 19, of the 4200 block of West 81st Street in Chicago; Jeremy Ly, 19, of the 8100 block of Lowell in Skokie; and Nicholas Smith 19, of the 3800 block of West 84th Street in Chicago.They are accused in the attack that led to the death of Gadau, who prosecutors said was with a 17 year old girl when they were both shot on Sept. Other competitors' covers feature horno teka hc 610 me blanco hard retractable tops, where slats can slide back and forth allowing truck owners to stow or remove articles from the cargo area. The reason for this is because you want to find the very best guitar lessons for beginners you can. She would pace from one corner of the room to the other with her arms folded, pale and gloomy, as though oblivious of everything, even forgetting that I was there beside her. A seal of government approval in some countries will increase trust in a particular product, while in others any mention of the government could lead the reader to throw the piece away in disgust.. Amber pendants, golden torques, jeweled daggers, silver brooches set with gemstones, bracelets, rings, niello cups and golden goblets, warhorns and drinking horns, a green jade comb, a necklace of freshwater pearls … all yielded up and noted down by Bowen Marsh. In the Old-school Presbyterian Church, William and Robert Breckenridge, President Young, and others, have preached in favor of emancipation in Kentucky. Capt. She used to kiss me and say, ‘You’ll know everything, the time will come when you’ll know everything, poor, unhappy child!’ She was always calling me poor and unhappy. As it has always been.”. Smylie, and all those bodies who, among them, had justified not only slavery in the abstract, but some of its worst abuses, by the word of God; yet the New School body thought these opinions no heresy which should be a bar to Christian legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát communion!. They are all added benefits," he said.. I should tear your tongue out with hot pincers and deliver you to the Dreadfort to be flayed. The pair were even tapped this year because of their success using Facebook to be on the social media company's 12 company Small and Medium Business Council. Because in 1960 if you had three drinks you weren an alcoholic. The crew had beaten them off, at the cost of twelve lives. By now it was dark. While we abhor the horrible system and the horrible trade with our whole soul, there is no harm, we suppose, in wishing that such a man had a better occupation. Christ was persecuted for doing what John was persecuted for not doing. Early as possible, is what I was hoping for, Locker said. DSG refers, collectively, to the Lord Taylor, Hudson's Bay and Home Outfitters banners.
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socialconstructwww · 3 years
In our society, human beings are not all treated equally despite all being human. Our world has created a pyramid of those that are seen at the top, to those that are considered to be at the bottom, in perspective to our society. Stereotypes throughout humanity have been existent for ages and our society has unfortunately kept those stereotypes. Due to the fact that stereotypes exist, people are rated and judged based on superficial attributes instead of their true self. People are mistreated in a plethora of different aspects including race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and many more ways. Gender Inequality is a result of social construction that has been around for ages. Females are disadvantaged in society compared to men because society believes it and allows for it based on original beliefs. Women’s roles in society have become increasingly complex which affect their overall way of life. What I have learned throughout this course has been that females are not considered as equals and this disparaging outlook prevents women from receiving equal treatment in religious customs, educational opportunities, wages and political opportunities. 
Religion is a massive practice that humans have been performing since the beginning of time. Religion makes people feel comfortable, have faith, and feel a connection. However, these practices have been performed since the beginning of human time, and times have changed for certain people for the better. In regards to women, they have had such little say in comparison to men in many different religions and practices. For example, in the daily prayers that are chanted in an orthodox temple, women and men have to say different prayers at a point in the service. At the specific point in the service, women recite, “Praised are you Adonai our God, for having made me according to Your will.” On the other hand, men chant, “Praised are you Adonai our God, for not having made me a woman.” This is a clear indication that gender plays a huge part in religion. It is a shame that humans still practice these ideas even though we know that it is wrong and that we as a human race are one, regardless of gender. As a Jewish person, this is heartbreaking that my own religion sees women as less than and change needs to be made in my opinion. Lots of other religions have similar ideas as Orthodox Judaism and it is not just one group of people. What I have learned is that at the beginning of time, women were not given the respect that they deserved, thus leading to the creation of religion that disrespects women. So, those that are extremely religious may feel that they have to stay true to their religion and abide by the original faiths and ideas that were written. Meaning that religion has a direct correlation with women not receiving enough respect. I have learned that humans should have some flexibility when it comes to abiding by the original writing in the Bible, the Torah, etc. Humans should wake up and see that women should not be disrespected and they should be treated just as equally as men. Women have to hear these types of ideas from all different religions and these ideas are unfortunately embedded into lots of people’s brains which unfairly hurts women.
For a plethora of years, women have been given unfair treatment in regards to their occupation as a whole. Women have been given unequal pay, unequal opportunity, and unequal treatment in regards to the workplace in not only the United States, but the entire world. Humans should give women better environments to be successful due to the fact that if we as a human race give everyone the opportunity to be successful, we yield the best possible person for a specific job. Unfortunately, our world and society do not work that way and there are many different examples of that. One coming from the company Uber and their comparison from men to women Uber drivers. In an article titled What Can Uber Teach Us About the Gender Pay Gap by  Stephen J. Dubner, an American author, men make more than women even though the platform for earning money is equal. Women tend to make less due to the societal constraints placed on women. For example, women tend to be the caretakers of the family and therefore can not drive at peak earning potential hours. This fact is huge in the potential earnings for women in the Uber industry. The stigma of women having to be the caretakers has been around for way too long and it has trickled into our society nowadays. Due to that stereotype, women are often the ones staying at home while men are able to go out and earn money. This unfortunate stereotype not only affects women Uber drivers, it affects all women with whatever job they are doing as they have to make a decision whether to be the caretaker at home, or go out and live an independent life, just like men do. What I have learned throughout all of this is that women do not receive the opportunity in order to go out and make the most possible money. The stereotype that women have to stay home while men go out and work has affected women in their potential earnings. Another example occurs with women leaders, especially in politics. Women have been viewed as unfit to take on a massive leadership role within our society. It is no secret that this is getting better as Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris are forever changing the game. However, we still have seen forty six United States male presidents, and zero women presidents. Women have been viewed as unworthy for the position, which completely ruins their chances, no matter how good they are for the job. Once again reiterating that we as humans are only hurting ourselves by listening and keeping these stereotypes due to the fact that we are essentially cutting our potential candidates in half. The best person should always be put up for the job, regardless of gender and other social stereotypes. Women have been hindered with the potential to go out and provide for themselves due to societal stereotypes and social construct, which gives women an unfair disadvantage.
The last thing that I really learned throughout this course has been the gender pay gap within our world. I have been well aware of this, however I have not known the extent and I have not known why there is such a large pay gap. It is no secret that women have been fighting for rights, freedom, and respect for eternities. Another huge thing that they fight for is the right to get equal pay. Some women are not given the same amount of money for equal work, just due to the fact that they are a woman. Also women are, on average, given less money than men. In a post by Dr. Richard on Tumblr, it shows the gender pay gap across many countries in our world and the results are very telling. Not only does the gender pay gap exist in the United States, but it also exists in other areas of the world, most notably Estonia, Latvia, and Austria. Limiting our society by not allowing women to make the most amount of money that they can is simply cruel and disgusting. Humans need to come together and change this immediately. I know that I keep saying that there are a large amount of huge things that I have learned in this class, but one of the biggest has been the fact that our society is cruel, ruthless, and awful. Humans cannot keep treating each other like this. There are way too many wars within our species. We have wars against nations, wars against genders, and even wars against our own countries. Humans need to start working together to try and beat the real enemy which is time Time is the real enemy due to the fact that climate change is occurring and our Earth will eventually not be liveable. I bring this up to show that humans, regardless of gender, are fighting over something that is a much lesser threat. Women should just be given the rights, freedom, respect, and autonomy that they deserve, or else we will be fighting about the wrong situation when our world nears its death. Meaning that we will die out with it instead of humans just working together, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, etc. Women deserve better pay due to their equal contribution to our world in comparison to men.
Women have been mistreated for way too long and throughout this course, I have learned how special women can be. What I mean by that is women have been motivational speakers, authors, and much more. Women clearly have the potential to be creative thinkers in our society. One of the biggest things that we have been doing in this course is looking at inspirational women. Women that have accomplished so much. I have never really focused solely on women in any course throughout my lifetime. Learning about the amazing accomplishments by women has really opened up my mind that people, including myself, should support women and their fight for rights. What I mean by that is donating to charities, going on the women’s walk, and just being an active member to help women instead of just agreeing with their fight, but not doing anything about it. I have learned that women need my active contribution because they are sick and tired of being unfairly mistreated. Standing up for something that I believe in is something that I truly take to heart, and now I need to move this to the top of my list and start contributing through social media and through donations. Social construct is only hurting humans as a whole and we need to start working together and respecting everyone. I have learned that this world is a cruel place and I will hope to live to the day that real change happens on our globe in regards to gender inequality.
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red-mafia-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Gregor ValiguraVolkov || Brotherhood  || The Tempest
Face-claim: Jon Bernthal Age: 39 Occupation: N/A Nationality/Ethnicity: Russian
Enneagram: The Challenger Alignment: Neutral Evil MBTI: ENTP
+ Incorruptable, Principled, Venturesome
- Callous, Caustic, Pugnacious
From a young age, Gregor has always been somewhat of a rebellious, reckless child that enjoyed provoking fights and stirring up trouble. This behaviour reached its peak once he was taken in by the military and trained among his new comrades, topping in what others might call self-destructive tendencies. Along with that, he has always been carrying somewhat of a cynical and bitter attitude towards society and life in general, but paired with a sense of humour — possibly rather bizarre — it made for a person that acted much like a jerk but could be tolerated once you got to know him.His first actual love and later wife was the one to slow Gregor down for a while and heal him from what he has endured. Still, he would not let go of his reckless demeanour completely, but slowly turned into a considerate parent who cared about his wife and son more than his own life. The events of the war and of the aftermath, however, especially with the consequences of the Secret Police trying to recruit him, seemingly destroyed the glimpse of hope and happiness his wife had sown and cherished so carefully.Now, Gregor has turned into somewhat of an irascible person that only ever seems to come to life when in a fight with fists to his nose or stomach. He does not do emotions except for anger, wrath and rage, making his core identity. Underneath it all, however, he never quite let go of his parental instincts and is subconsciously always looking for a family he seeks to protect. Even though he refuses to acknowledge that to himself, this is mostly the reason why he ranked up so quickly in the Brotherhood and makes such a strong commander of support. He subconsciously sees all of his trainees, the people who belong to his syndicate in general, as family and whoever threatens to harm them… well, better think twice if it is worth the trouble.
Not even born yet, the mention of Gregor only brought up resentment. His father being no less a man than Pyotr Valigura, third Pakhan of the Valigura Bratva, an infamous, old and strong brotherhood, there wasn’t a place in the world for a mistake made by one of Moscow’s most powerful men: a bastard son; a problem originating in a random one-night-stand with a random barista after a random amount of alcohol. So a plan was counted up to clean Pyotr off his mistake before his fellow Valigura could find out. However, as his confidant arrived at the barista’s house to get the job done, nice and quickly, they found it abandoned, the expectant mother having disappeared off the face of the earth, or so it seemed. Her sister-in-law had taken her in while her husband was fighting at the front in the First World War, but knowing that she couldn’t hide from the brotherhood forever, she gave Gregor up for adoption.
The baby boy was taken in by the Volkovs, a family name well-known with his adoptive father a man close to Stalin. His parents never kept it a secret to Gregor that they’d adopted him — even though unaware of his true origins —, but this knowledge didn’t make a change about their family bonds. A few years into his childhood, he was promised to live a comfortable life, enjoying the family’s money and respect. These visions were rapidly shattered, however, when soldiers broke into their home one night, dragging their father away and sending them to Gulag, claiming he’s betrayed the Soviet Union. While Konstantin was eaten up by the shame and hatred for his father, Gregor distanced himself from the latest events.
He wasn’t my father anyway.
However, he couldn’t close his eyes from the truth that the family was left with no money or power, no future for the two boys. His mother, in her despair, sold herself to the men her husband had interacted with, only worsening the life they were forced to lead. Gregor and his younger brother were left to their own demise, somehow had to weave their way through life, until one day they saw the soldiers again.
This time, they were coming for the boys. With tensions rising in Europe and a new war seeming possible only few years after the massive failures in the Russian Empire’s participation in the First World War, the military hungered for new recruits. In memory of the family’s past, the Volkov brothers were to be moulded into perfect little soldiers, cleaning their name under the Soviet flag.
Konstantin had always been more of a reclusive boy who works hard a quiet and stayed out of the trouble for the better part. He had a mission, an aim to achieve: wash himself off of his father’s shame. Gregor, on the other hand, wasn’t driven by anything resembling that honourable motivation. In fact, he didn’t have a clue what to do with his life, was bored to death by everything, and just gasping for a little thrill. He ended up throwing himself head first into conflicts at every chance, more often than not needing his brother to bail him out of the fights again. Early into the training at the military, it was obvious that Gregor didn’t excel at hand-to-hand combat or short ranged weapons. But oh boy, when he first laid hand onto a sniper rifle. Sharpshooting quickly became his speciality. Finally, he was able to define himself over something, distance himself from the others, and so he’d spend hours and hours of practicing until there wasn’t a target he couldn’t hit, no matter the distance, his positioning, its movements or the wind. He also developed quite a fascination for explosives of all sorts — bombs, grenades, mines, missiles — but the rifle would always stay his weapon of choice.
Only two years before the outbreak of the Second World War, Gregor met the love of his life, Ana Matkin. A quick wit embedded into a stunning dark-haired and blue-eyed beauty, she completely threw his world upside-down, and in a head-over-heel decision somewhat mirroring his way of life, they got married and moved in together. By the time, Gregor almost broke contact with his brother. He was finally having it all: a loving wife, an adorable son, a life everyone was striving for. There simply wasn’t a place for Konstantin and the constant reminders of their past.
However, as war broke out, Gregor saw it coming and only waited for the day he and his brother were sent to the front. They fought side by side, had each other’s back, made sure to, one way or another, drag their sibling along and get them to safety. They made quite a team to be reckoned with. Until a mission in Germany went wrong, a trap, perhaps, Gregor doesn’t remember, but they got separated.
Gregor barely made it out alive and back to the camp where he was greeted with a simple “No” to his yet unspoken request. He tried to reason with the officer in charge, screamed at him, shouted, threatened him even, but all he was offered was a trip back to Moscow. Not just once, they told him that Konstantin as probably dead by now and if he wasn’t, God may have mercy on his soul. Gregor refused to let it end this way, and single-handedly slipped back behind enemy lines, only accompanied by a few comrades that couldn’t stand him so much but did it for his brother.
On a mission that should’ve meant certain death for each and every one of the soldiers, they infiltrated the Germans, found out where they were keeping Konstantin and delivered him from captivity. They never talked about what they did to him in those weeks, but he’s never been the same afterwards. Neither was Gregor, though, and when he finally returned to his wife and his son, eight years of age by then, he and Konstantin lost sight of each other and wouldn’t keep up any form on contact in a long while.
Processing the war, Gregor became quieter, calmer, but also more aggressive when provoked. Unable to talk about his emotions and claiming that no one could ever understand him anyway, he bottled up his anger, feeding that swelling hatred inside his stomach over the officer who had let down Konstantin just like that. After all that he’s done for his country. More and more frequently, Gregor would disappear down the basement for a couple hours, punching rough, solid stone walls until his knuckles broke and bled. Now that he’s witnessed it once, he couldn’t make the injustice unseen that loyal Russians like Konstantin and him, who had bled for their country, had to suffer.
Even though he desperately tried to ignore everything politics, the regular reports of how Stalin treated his people, the ones he should actually protect and care for, burnt a mark into Gregor’s heart. Ana was quick to realise the change of mind her husband was going through, trying to silence his rebellious, traitorous remarks about their government, but with no success.
Hardly a year back in Moscow, the secret police, hiding their true identity from him, of course, contacted him with an offer: either join them and go on mission for the Soviet Union in order to stabilise the country and preserve peace, or have them slaughter his wife and his son and all of his beloved ones. If only he knew who he was dealing with, maybe he would have decided differently. But then again, he’s always been somewhat of a bullethead, clinging onto his own principles way too strictly. And perhaps, too, he wanted to dare them to act on their thread.
Well, they did. A couple weeks later after he almost forgot about the strange encounter that had made him laugh for the first time in a long period, Gregor returned home from a run late in the evening and found the remains of his wife spread in their living room; crimson red had soaked into the furniture, covered all of the walls and read a barbaric note on the wall: Save your son.
He’s seen a lot while at the front; comrades carrying their own guts as they stumbled in shock, and others having their skin melting off their faces from the heat of an explosion. It was fair to say he had become inured to horrifying sights, but that scene that was presented to him in his very living room, made him double over and empty his stomach onto the carpeted floor. It was a moment of weakness, bare seconds, but a warrior doesn’t mourn the dead until the war is over. And so he pushed himself onto his feet, went for the sniper rifle he was carefully stowing beneath his bed, and climbed onto his home’s roof. They couldn’t be far, he hoped.
Yet he was surprised when he made out two silhouettes in the dark; a dark figure dressed all in black and his little Tad with his unmistakeable blonde locks being dragged to a car. Having a rough idea just which organisation he was dealing with, Gregor knew what awaited the boy; pain and torture and the fact that he was only nine years old wouldn’t make a difference to his capturers. So he raised the rifle, aimed and felt his finger sliding onto the trigger like it had countless times before. He wasn’t shaking, he wasn’t trembling, he was as calm as he’s trained to be. Gregor exhaled and a shot echoed from Moscow’s walls.
Completely numb, zoned out even, he watched as Tad went down, but much more interesting was the reaction of his capturer. He knelt down, almost as if in despair, hands clenched tightly onto the kid, holding him as he shook, fighting for his last breaths. The man raised his head, staring directly to Gregor’s spot on the roof. And even though he keeps telling himself that his mind must’ve fooled him, Gregor still believes to have seen all too familiar blue orbs reflecting his own pain.
After the events of the night, Gregor ended up where his story had started way back; joining the Bratva for good. He had grown numb to pain and emotions. Only hatred and wrath, bottled up deep inside, kept him going, made him get up the morning. He proved his loyalty and value to the brotherhood not only once or twice, but over and over again until he was promoted to rank 3, training officer. The trainees that had been assigned to work with him, utterly hated every second of it, but he taught them everything he learned from the military, war and his years in the tunnels. If they survived his training, they’d survive anything.
Only a few weeks back, their Pakhan found a special interest in Gregor and shortly after, he was promoted to the position of commander of support. Even though he told him it was the reward for his exemplary qualifications and achievements, Gregor can’t shake off the feeling that there’s more to it.
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