#hope you’re doing okay katie <3
a-lexia11 · 2 months
Break a leg.
Leah Williamson x reader
Warning:angst, breaking a bone (tibia fracture,fibula fracture), medical stuff, fluffy, Leah’s ACL mention, hospital.
Summary:You fracture your tibia and fibula while horse riding.
I did my best and I’m sorry but I have NO IDEA how horse riding competition works so I used my 💫imagination💫
Based on this request.Thank you anon for the request.I hope you’ll like it!
Words count : 2.4k
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Horses have always been a part of my life,I’ve always loved them, so much that at the age of 5 my mother registered me at the equestrian center near my home. A few years later and I became a professional horse rider.
Today I was in London, my hometown, to participate in yet another equestrian competition.This was a routine for me, I was used to all these competition and not to brag but I quickly became one of the most talented horse rider in the country.You could say that I’m the Simon Biles of horse riding.
For the occasion, my parents accompanied me there. Unfortunately Leah,my girlfriend, was unable to attend since Arsenal was playing today.
I met Leah about 3 years ago at a sport event,we ran into each other at the bar. She recognized me, send me a smile and introduced herself, once I saw her dimples and heard her accent, I instantly fell in love. We spend the whole evening talking and flirting with each other.
At the end of the night, she asked for my phone number and asked me to go on a date, and the rest, as they say, is history.
“You’re going to be amazing my love,I believe in you,the whole team believe in you” Leah tells me on facetime, whenever we are apart and one of us, or in this case the both of us, can’t attend a game or a competition we facetimed so that we can give each other a pep talk. It’s kinda like a tradition that we share.
Plus, Leah gives the best pep talk, I feel like I’m on top of the world whenever she gives me that type of talk. All this years as a co-Captain for Arsenal and captain for The Lionesses really helped her improve in giving inspirational speeches.
I was currently sitting on a bench outside the stables, wearing my equipment.My horse, Dakota, was already prepared and waiting with Ellie,a member of my team and one of my closest friend as I was keeping an eye on the other contestants while waiting for my turn.
“Thank you baby” I answer her “and you and your girls are going to kill it, you’re going to win this match because you’re amazing and brilliant ” I continue, “I am, aren’t I ?” She replies smugly “SO cocky…” I chuckle, she just smirks and winks at me.
“Leah you’re talking with the missus?” I hear a thick Irish accent asking her,then Katie McCabe face appears on the screen “Well, hello there beautiful” Katie greets me sending me a bright smile “Hi,Mccabe how are -” I’m cut off by Leah screaming in the background “Oi! give me back my phone, and don’t call her that! ” she shouts, snatching her phone from Katie’s hand. “Calm down Williamson, she’s all yours” Katie says blowing me a kiss and wishing me good luck.
After a little while, Ellie comes over to tell me that it was my turn “Baby I gotta go it’s my turn” I tell Leah “okay darling, I’ve got to go too anyways the match is about to start, don’t forget that you’re the most brilliant person I know and you’re gonna kick some asses! GIRLS say good luck to Y/N” Leah screams to the Arsenal girls turning the camera over so I could see them.
I hear a collective “GOOD LUCK Y/N” I chuckle “Thank you girls” and start getting up heading towards Ellie end Dakota “All right break a leg my love, I love you so much” Leah says “thank you Le, I love you more, have a good match!” She smiles at me,blows a kiss and hungs up the phone.
I hand my phone over to Ellie and make my way next to Dakota, caressing her “you’re ready girl? We can do it!” I tell her, I’ve been riding Dakota for 8 years now, together we won numerous competitions, she’s like my best friend at this point. I give her muzzle a kiss, I place my riding helmet on my head and mount her.
As Dakota and I head towards the beginning of the circuit, I see my parents in the audience,they are both standing my mom smiling wildly, waving at me enthusiastically and my dad was filming me with his camera giving me a thumb up.I wave back at my mom and smile at them.
The audience went silent as I take a deep breath, I lean forward to whisper in Dakota ear like I always do “we got this my girl, let’s give them a show,shall we”. I pull on Dakota’s reins and tap her gently with my heel signaling her to start.
And what a show we gave them…
Dakota starts slowly trotting, then once the first obstacle came into view, I pulled gently on her reins signaling her to go faster which she does,I lean forward and get up a little bit,preparing myself for the jump. Dakota jump gracefully over the obstacle and lands perfectly.The audience cheers and claps.
We are almost at the end and so far we’ve been doing amazing but then came the most difficult obstacle, a square oxer. Despite my practice on this type of oxer, which is one of the most challenging seen in competition, I still have a strong aversion to them and so is Dakota...But we’ve been training a lot for that and despite our resilience on this type of obstacle I believe in us.
Taking a deep breath, I pull harder on her reins signaling her to start running faster and just like the other obstacle I lean forward, getting up just a bit, preparing myself for the jump but it never came.
Dakota, just a few steps away from the obstacle, stops abruptly which send me flying over her.For a second time seemed to stop,I did not registered what was happening and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground and experiencing the most atrocious pain in my leg.
I let out a loud scream of agony , members of my team running to me, laying me down on my back and telling me not to move.. the pain in my leg was unbearable, my vision became blurry and my ears starts ringing ”Y/N, can you hear me?” I hear Ellie asking me “hurt” is all I could say to her “I know, I know it’s ok,you’re going to be fine” she reassures.
The pain in my leg prevent me to register what was happening around me right now and to be honest I could not care less, all I wanted was for the pain to go away.
I could not help myself but cry both at the pain and disappointment…I really thought we could do it. Ellie was by my side wiping my tears and reassuring me “it’s okay love,you’re gonna be okay”, “Dakota?” I ask her, she looks at something behind her and then turn back, looking down at me “don’t worry, the team got her,they’re taking her back to the stable, she is fine” I just nod my head.
“We need to take her to the hospital” I hear the physio says and signals to her team to bring out a stretcher as I was in no state to get up let alone to walk.
As I’m stretched back towards the ambulance, I could hear the audience clapping and shouting in encouragement. I wave at them showing my appreciation. I take Ellie’s hand in mine “I want my mom” she smiles gently down at me and squeezes my hand “don’t worry, I send someone to get them, you parents will meet you at the hospital” I smile and thank her.
Once at the hospital the doctor gave me a bunch of medicine for the pain and programmed an X-ray for my leg.Turns out that I fractured my tibia as well as my fibula, I will be undergoing surgery in the morning, wearing a cast for about 4-6 weeks and I’ll also will be going through therapy sessions for at least 5 months.Fun…
After the doctor left, I immediately fell asleep the event of the day as well as the medecine that the doctor gave me catching up on me.
I wake up from my nap a while later, “Mom? ” I whisper to my mom,who was sitting in a chair next to my bed, my dad sitting on the couch in the corner of the room.
“Yes sweetheart,does it hurt? do you need anything? ” She asks running her hand through my hair “my leg hurt a bit but it’s okay.How is Dakota?” I can’t help but ask once again wanting to make sure that my best friend is okay, “she’s fine, Ellie texted me while you were asleep, she is taking good care of her, don’t worry” she rassures me.
“Did you call Leah? ” I ask “yes, but she is not answering, she is still playing, the game is not over yet but I left her a message asking her to call me as soon as possible” I nod at her answer.
“Dad? Can you please put Leah’s match on?” I ask my dad who gets up,takes the TV remote and turn on the game.
The match was almost over with Arsenal leading 2-1 against Manchester City. Although I was still a little tired I fight it and made an effort to stay awake to watch Leah play.
After 10 minutes,the whistles blow indicating the end of the match.Knowing that the first thing that Leah will do once in the changing room will be to check her phone I decide to text her.
Me:Hey baby,I had a little accident and I’m at the hospital, please call me when you get this message. I love you❤️ congratulations to you and the girls for the win btw.
I then take a picture of my bandaged leg and send it to her.
Now feeling very tired and with the match over, I lock my phone and got comfortable wanting to rest a little.
A while later, I wake up to a soft hand stroking my cheek, I open my eyes and see Leah smiling softly at me. “Hello darling” I respond by kissing the palm of her hand on my cheek before taking it and intertwining our fingers.
“You gave me quite the scare” she chuckles a little, squeezing my hand “I’m sorry I did not want to worry you”
“No need to apologize, love. I'm just thankful that you're fine now and it wasn't anything that could have been life threatening.” she says.
“How do you feel ?” she asks , “like someone who just fractured their tibia and fibula” I chuckle , she smiles softly, rolls her eyes and gently pinches my cheek “my cheeky girl”.
I smile softly at her and look around the hospital room “where are my parents ?” I ask her, “they went to the cafeteria to eat something” she responds and I nod at her.
I wince as I try to sit up a little, Leah notices that and helps me “does your leg hurt?” She asks worryingly “yeah…I think the medecine are starting to wear off”
Leah starts to get up “wait here,I’m going to call a doctor to see if they can do anything about it, “no” I grab her hand preventing her to go anywhere “I want to be alone with you just for a little while longer” she smiles and instead of sitting back in the chair next to the bed, she sits on the bed next to my good leg.
She looks at me sympathetically and places her hand on my cheek caressing it softly with the pad of her thumb “I love you so much” she whispers getting closer and kissing me quickly on the lips.
I open my arms, signaling that I wanted a hug, she wraps her arms around my torso and I put my head in the crook of her neck, feeling her fingers softly caressing the back of my head and her other hands softly rubbing my back.
“I’m scared” I admit after a few second, my voice muffled since my face is practically squished in the crook of her neck “of what baby?”
I hesitated for a moment before pulling away but keeping my arms around her “I’ve never had surgery before! What if something goes wrong? What if they mess up the surgery?What if the anesthesia is so strong that I’ll never wake up? What if the doctor makes a mistake and they’ll have to cut off my leg?What if I die? What if- ” Leah’s laughter interrupts me “glad to know that the thought of me dying is funny to you” I bite back at her.
She just looks at me smiling wildly, she got closer and connect her lips with mine, I place my hands on her cheek pulling her impossibly closer, I lose myself in the kiss as she moves her lips slowly against mine, totally forgetting about her laughing at the thought of my possible death.
After what feels like hours she pulls away but not before repeatedly pecking my lips, I can’t help but giggle against her lips as I feel her smiling.
“Baby, everything is going to be fine, you’re not going to lose your leg and you’re not going to die.” she says, I hold my pinky finger to her“You promise?” she enterlaces her pinky with mine “I promise” and we each kiss our pinky finger.
“If I do die though,I want you to know that you’ll be the first person I will be haunting.” she lets out a loud laugh and rest her forehand gently against mine.
I huff “the next 5 months or so are going to be so hard” she looks at me sympathetically and whispers “it probably will be but don’t forget that I will be with you every step of the way from the surgery to the therapy sessions just like you were here for me after I did my ACL and we are going to get through that together like we always do. You and me.” I repeat after her “you and me” and I kiss her passionately, trying to show her the amount of love that my heart hold for her.
“By the way darling, when I tell you to break a leg it does not mean that you have to do it literally it just means good luck”she says matter of factly, I laugh at her and hit her softly on her chest before hugging her.
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Mini Football & Leah
Blurb | Diabetes & Love Series
Let me know if you have any blurb or one-shot requests/ideas for this series. Also hope you are enjoying reading them, as I am enjoying writing them.
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“Less go home, I’ll take y/n to her practice tonight,” Leah told your Mum
“No, but it’s her first one and I don’t want to miss it,” your Mum croaked out.
“I will take lots of photos and videos I promise, and plus, I’ve never had a mini Russo date yet, Lotte has, Beth and Viv, Steph, Lia, Katie and Caitlin-” Leah was interrupted by Alessia breaking out into a coughing fit, which had her running to the bathroom, Lotte going after her. 
“Leah, we’re going home,” Lotte told Leah as they walked back out of the bathroom, “you promise you all good to take her?” Lotte asked
“Yes of course, I promise,” Leah replied.
“Please call if you need anything, even if you are slightly uncertain about something, I don’t-” “I know it’s scary Less, it’s her first time playing a sport and you don’t know how much that affects her, but I promise I will keep an eye on her. I’ve got her, you just make sure you get better,” Leah told your Mum as Lotte packed up all their belongings.
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“Right, that’s you dressed, you’ve got your boots?” Leah asked as she checked she had everything you needed in your bag.
“Yep,” you replied, before taking Leah’s hand she held out for you and walking out the door with her.
You were definitely the most ‘professional’ looking one at training, most likely a consequence of having the Lionesses’ Captain getting you ready, Leah helped you tie your bright pink boots before taking heaps of photos for your Mum.
Before you went onto the mini pitch she pricked your finger to check the reading match your sensor which it did, doing the same thing during your break. Just to give herself the reassurance. She continuously watched your sugar levels whilst making sure to get some photos here and there to show your Mum.
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“Le, I feel funny,” you told her as you sat down in her lap, leaning into her, training having just finished.
“Okay, let me check your sugars,” Leah finger pricked you and mumbled ‘shit’ under her breath, you were sitting at 3, she had been checking your blood sugar consistently.
“Hey, is everything okay?” your coach asked as she approached you both.
“Um, she just has Type 1 Diabetes, and her sensor is saying she is in range but her blood sugar is at a 3, her Mum is going to kill me, I said I would watch her carefully,” Leah rambled.
“Oh, her sensor might’ve fallen loose during training, it might be a good idea to think about taping it for next time,” Leah looked at her in awe, “sorry if I’m overstepping, both my children have TD1 too, if you want I can take you both into the club house and help you change her dexcom, I’m assuming you have a spare one?”
“Um, yeah, it’s in her bag somewhere. Um,” Leah said as she started to pack everything up, she followed your coach into the club house where she sat down at a chair. Your coach did everything so smoothly just like your Mum did, and you were glad she was helping you.
“Thank you so much for helping, you’re a lifesaver,”
“It’s no problem at all, have a good night,” and a good night was not what Leah had at all, well it was a good night until you were asleep, she let you sleep in her bed, however she didn’t sleep much. Too worried about you getting a high or low blood sugar and her not being awake to deal with it, she didn’t think she could ever look Alessia, or anyone else for that matter, in the eye again if something happened to you on her watch.
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“Good Morning,” you said beamingly as you arrived back home, before running into the kitchen to help Lotte with breakfast.
“Are you okay Leah? Did you sleep last night? Did something happen?” “No, no nothing happened during the night, and no incidents other than the sensor, I just couldn’t bring myself to sleep, I was too worried about something happening to her,” Leah admitted.
“Oh, I’m sorry that’s my fault, I was meant to message you, she doesn’t usually go low during the night and she actually thankfully will wake up and wake me up if her levels go high or low,”
“I don’t think I would’ve been able to sleep even if you told me that,” Leah sighed.
“Go up to the spare room. Sleep. I’m not letting you back behind the wheel like this, I’ll wake you in an hour or so,”
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lafleshlumpeater · 9 months
Could you please do a Luke x sunshine reader where Luke asks the reader on a date, and they agreed. Then, when he comes to pick them up at her cabin, their siblings interrogate him and threaten him a little if he hurts their sibling.
I hope you’re okay with child of aphrodite reader<3
Warnings: fem!reader, teasing, very slightly suggestive comment- lmk if there’s anything else<3
luke castellan masterlist
Luke didn’t know whether to be nervous or slightly flattered that he was receiving looks from the window which were impossible to ignore.
Dressed in an unbuttoned blue flannel which he’d borrowed from one of his siblings and a plain white t- shirt underneath, he wonders whether he should have opted for something more formal instead when he sees slightly mocking smirks and giggles from your fashion expert siblings.
Or maybe it was too formal.
He was unsure as to which way round he had it wrong.
And then there were the flowers. What would be more romantic, fancy, cellophane- wrapped roses or something simpler with just a satin bow? After consulting Katie Gardner, his brother’s girlfriend, about his dilemma she had snipped off some lush, crimson roses for him so the stems were short and wrapped around with a thin piece of white ribbon. Only now he realised how stupid he probably looked, a small gift so classy and somewhat luxurious and in an attire so casual.
It wasn’t an everyday occurrence for Luke Castellan to feel hot all over and want the ground to swallow him whole, but there were few and rare occurrences. Like the first time he had been at camp he had been wandering aimlessly to find where everyone was getting their food from (why had no- one thought to tell him that all he had to do was think about the food he wanted?), or when he had somehow managed to singe some of his hair off that one time he was in the Hephaestus cabin since they were in the same team as him for capture the flag (he had told them the flamethrowers were too much for their chariot) and, well, like now.
Just as he was weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of knocking on the cabin and asking for you (he’d be able to escape the taunting laughter sooner, but the overpowering smell of all the cosmetics and perfumes gave him a headache) the door finally swung open and oh if his heart wasn’t beating a thousand miles an hour before it definitely was now.
You were dressed in a sundress of pure white, that was snatched in places and hung loose in others perfectly. Your skin was smooth and glassy, reflecting the glow of the white fabric. Lips curled upwards into an easygoing smile, painted a pretty bubblegum pink colour Luke often associated with your personality. Two tendrils of hair carelessly free from the confines of the simple yet elegant style of your hair framing your face perfectly- the very embodiment of Aphrodite’s kin.
It was only when you giggle a small “Hi,” that Luke realises his jaw is slack, lips slightly parted. He clears his throat, standing up straighter and hand running through his hair.
“Hey,” he stammers. “You look…”
“Oi, loverboy!” His flustered compliment is cut- off with a shout from the open cabin window. His head whips towards the sound, slightly miffed that the moment was interrupted.
Mitchell. One of your brothers.
“Treat her well, alright?”, the smug boy yells, self- satisfaction written all over his face. “And no touchy- touchy business.”
Luke’s half- tempted to grab your hand and run away from the teasing. “Uh, you-”
“Yeah, what he said! Treat her well!” Lacy’s head pops out next to her brother’s, nails half- painted where they grip the window frame. “And be back before eight, okay? We have a girls’ night planned! No forgetting, or I swear I will interrupt whatever frisky business-”
“Okay, okay!” You interrupt, vivacious laughter escaping your throat. “That’s enough, I think we get the message.” You slip your delicate hand into his, looking up at him through long eyelashes. “Right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Luke mutters with an abashed smile, relieved to be saved from the incessant torture and just wanting to get to the destination of your date as soon as possible. Just as shyly, he holds the flowers out to you, awaiting your approval.
You take them. “For me? They’re so lovely.” You inhale them, eyes fluttering closed at the fragrance. “Thanks, so much!” You reach up on tiptoes, even on white heels, and quickly kiss his cheek.
As the two of you walk away, hand in hand, Luke curses at the way his cheeks flush at the titters and hollers of your siblings under his breath.
Not proofread- pls lmk if there's any mistake/it doesn’t make sense
taglist: @quickslvxrr @bibliophile-dendrophile
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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alessiasfreckles · 8 months
Advantage (Leah Williamson x reader)
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After colliding with another player, you have a concussion and have to stay home. Leah volunteers to look after you.
warnings: injury / concussion, sick, very mild angst if you squint
A/N: based off this request! I hope you like it! also any doctors pls don't come for me i've never had a concussion idk what the recovery looks like. part 2 here!
The crowd went silent as your body fell limply to the ground. The game had been going so well up until that point, you were 3-0 up, and you were racing towards the goal with the ball high in the air, your eyes never leaving it as you jumped up to hit it with your head. That was all you could remember. Your teammates rushed towards you, the ball lying forgotten on the grass as the ref ran over. 
“Shit, she’s not moving,” Katie exclaimed, turning around to flag down the medics who were already making their way across the pitch. “Get over here, she needs help, now!”
Leah was knelt down by your side, careful not to touch you in case it was something serious, like a back or neck injury. “It’s going to be okay, y/n,” she said, her voice wavering slightly. She was mostly saying it to calm her own nerves, trying to convince herself you were okay.
“What happened?” Lotte asked Alessia, who was stood anxiously chewing her lip. 
“I’m not sure, I- I was so focused on the ball as well,” she said, feeling guilty for not paying better attention. “She jumped up for the ball and the defender, fuck, what’s her name, the big one, went for it as well, they must have hit heads.” 
Everyone was gathered around you like a protective wall, guarding you from the cameras and the crowd, who were talking quietly amongst themselves, worry rippling through the stadium. The medics carefully moved your limp body onto the stretcher, and the last view most of the girls on the field had of you was your body being carried away. 
Your eyes fluttered open to see the overhead lights of the hallway as the medics carried you towards an ambulance waiting outside. “What’s- what’s going on?” you asked, groaning slightly.
“You’ve had a head injury, y/n,” one of the medics told you gently. “You have to go to the hospital to be checked for a concussion.”
“Oh,” you said weakly, “okay.”
The hospital released you after keeping you in for observation for a few hours, determining that whilst you had a concussion, it was only a mild one. The team doctor drove you home, telling you to rest up and make sure to drink lots of fluids. You were surprised to see the lights on in your house, when you pulled up, but brushed it off thinking that maybe you’d forgotten to turn them off that morning. 
When you opened the door, however, you were surprised to find Leah, Beth, Viv, and Katie sat on your sofa. 
“Y/n!” Leah exclaimed, standing up quickly and rushing over to give you a hug. “How are you feeling? Thank god you’re okay.” 
“Remember, Lee, don’t crowd her,” Katie said with a grin, but she couldn’t hide the concern on her face. 
“How are you feeling?” Beth asked. “Jonas told us that they said it’s a concussion, but not too bad, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said weakly, with a smile. “yeah, I’m okay, mostly. But, um, what are you guys doing here?”
“Oh!” Leah blushed. “Well, we thought someone should be here, so you’re not just home alone, and we all wanted to make sure you were okay- well, the whole team did, obviously, but we thought it’d be better if it was just a few of us so we weren’t crowding you!”
“That’s really thoughtful, thank you,” you said, stomach fluttering at the thought of Leah being so worried about you. “The doctor did say that it’d be better for someone to be here tonight and tomorrow. Sorry, I know it’s our day off, so everyone probably has plans, but-”
“Don’t be silly, y/n!” Leah said quickly, and behind her, Beth and Viv shot each other a knowing look. “We’re all happy to look after you. I can stay, at least tonight.”
“Thank you,” you smiled warmly, before you were hit with a wave of nausea. “Oh, I think I’m going to be sick-” 
You clapped a hand over your mouth as Katie grabbed a bowl they’d put nearby and quickly put it in front of you. Leah held your hair back and rubbed a hand on your back as you threw up, and you grimaced.
“Ugh, ‘m sorry, that was gross,” you said weakly. 
“Here, have some water,” Viv said, holding a glass. You took it gratefully as Katie stood up. 
“I’m sorry, chick, I’m going to have to head out,” she said apologetically, looking slightly queasy herself. “You know I can’t handle sick. But I’ll come round tomorrow to check on ya, with some of the other girls?”
You nodded, feeling your head start to pound. “No worries, thank you for being here. I’m starting to feel pretty tired, actually, and my head is killing me, so I think I might just go to sleep.”
Beth and Viv stood up as well, both hugging you before saying their goodbyes. And then it was just you and Leah. 
“Hey, um, what actually happened, on the pitch?” you asked her. “I don’t really remember much. The doctor said that’s normal, but it’s weird, not being able to remember.”
“Well, it was the 39th minute, I think,” she began, frowning, and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that she even knew the exact minute. “You were running for the ball, and you went to header it, but that big defender from the other team was going for it too and their head hit yours. Then, well, you just… fell to the ground.”
“Oh,” you said quietly. “Was the other player okay?”
“She was bleeding a bit, a cut on their head, but she was fine other than that.”
“That’s good. I’m… sorry,” you told her, and she looked confused.
“Sorry for what?” 
“For not paying more attention. I should have seen the other player-” you started, and she cut you off with a vehement shake of her head.
“Absolutely not, y/n, don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?” she said.
You nodded, still feeling somewhat guilty, but too tired to argue. Leah chuckled as you let out a big yawn. “Bed?” she asked. “For you, I mean. I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
“What? Don’t be silly,” you told her, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. “There’s plenty of space in my bed.”
“Okay,” she smiled. “Right then, sleepy head. Did the doctor say anything about sleeping, or anything we should watch out for?”
“Um, just that it’s important that I rest a lot, I think,” you frowned, suddenly not sure. “I don’t really remember. Oh, I think she gave me some paper with information on it.”
You found the info sheet in your bag and showed it to Leah, who read through it quickly, nodding. “Well, let’s get you to bed.”
It wasn’t the first time you and the captain had shared a bed. After all, the team was like a family, people sharing beds all the time when you went away or slept over at someone’s house. Still, if you weren’t so tired, you probably would have been more nervous about the idea of sleeping so close to Leah, who you’d been harbouring a crush on for a while now. As it was, you fell asleep fairly quickly, exhausted from the day’s excitement. Leah however, still worried about you, laid awake for a while, thoughts racing. She listened to your slow, steady breathing as she scrolled on her phone, first googling ‘recovery from concussion’ and ‘what to do when someone has a concussion’, despite the fact that she knew full well what the recovery for a concussion looked like from having had one herself just a couple years before. Still, she couldn’t stop thinking about you.
“Lee?” you groaned, rolling over in bed as the sun shone through your curtains. “What’re you doing here? Fuck, it’s so bright. Ugh, my head.”
“Oops, yeah,” she said, quickly closing the curtains a little more and dimming the bright morning light. Smiling at you, she sat back down on an armchair in your bedroom, her laptop balanced on the armrest. “Sorry about that, I forgot. Anyway, morning sleepyhead! I slept over, remember? To keep an eye on you.”
“Oh, yeah, right” you mumbled, pressing a hand to the side of your head and wincing in pain. 
“Here,” Leah said, jumping up and picking up a glass of water and some pain medicine she’d put on the bedside table. “Take this, it should help your head.”
You nodded, taking it from her gratefully. 
“How are you feeling?” she asked.
“M’ head hurts. And I feel a bit weird. Head feels fuzzy,” you said, before sitting up. “Wait, what day is it? Do we have training? We’re going to be late!” 
You stood up quickly, grabbing onto the bedpost as your head started swimming. 
“Woah there!” she put her hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you back onto the bed. “Today is Monday, we don’t have training, remember? We played yesterday.”
“Oh, yeah,” you say, frowning. “I forgot.”
“That’s okay,” she told you. “It’s normal to be a bit confused after a concussion. My brain felt so fuzzy after mine.”
You nodded. “Yeah, fuzzy is a good word to describe it. Wait, you were here when I got home, right? How did you get in?” 
“I have a key, remember?” she said with a laugh. You’d given her a copy of your key at some point after you started hanging out more outside of training. It came in handy when you forgot your own key, which happened more often than you’d like to admit. “Speaking of, some of the girls are going to come over later, if that’s okay? Or do you want to rest a bit more?”
“Um, I think I'll rest more for now, but it’d be nice to see them later?” you asked, still feeling tired despite having slept in.
“Of course,” Leah said, smiling warmly. “Do you want me to stay? I don’t mind, but I can come back later too, if you want? Or, I mean, I don’t have to come back at all, if you’re sick of me already.” she teased, her voice confident but a hint of worry behind her voice. 
“Oh, if you have something you have to do, that’s okay, you can leave,” you told her, feeling guilty that she was spending her day off looking after you. 
“I don’t have anything to do!” she quickly said. “But, I might do some shopping? I had a look in the kitchen last night and honestly, y/n, I don’t know how you survive. All you had in was some milk, a half empty jar of pesto, and some bread.”
“Oops,” you smiled lazily, the pain medicine starting to kick in. You couldn’t remember what the doctor said it was exactly, but it was strong. “I’ll be okay whilst you go shopping, Lee. I can handle myself!”
She raised an eyebrow at you and laughed. “Yeah, okay hun. Look, I’ll be back in half an hour, an hour tops, okay?”
True to her word, 45 minutes later the front door opened. You had slowly made your way over to the sofa after she left, planning on putting some TV on but had ended up falling asleep. Your eyes opened to the sound of the key in the lock, and when Leah came through the door carrying multiple shopping bags you smiled widely.
“LeeLee!!” you beamed, rubbing your eyes sleepily. Oh yeah, the pain meds had definitely kicked in. 
“I see the pain meds have kicked in,” she said with a grin, and you gasped.
“OMG, that’s what I just said! Well, in my head. Said in my head. Ha, that rhymes,” you chuckled to yourself, before getting distracted by how many bags Leah was carrying. It was at least three. 
She laughed. “Is that right?”
You nodded seriously, sitting up. “Yep. Anyway, look at all those bags! You must have bought soo much. And you’re carrying it all! You’re so strong,” you swooned, and her cheeks had a slight pink tinge to them.
“Wow, those pain meds must be strong. They’ve turned you into a right little loopy Lou,” she said as she carried the shopping through to the kitchen.
“Loopy Lou, loopy Lou,” you repeated quietly a few times. “Huh. That’s fun to say.”
“How are you feeling?” Leah asked as she came back, sitting down next to you on the sofa.
“Good,” you said, drawing out the word. 
“Any nausea, any pain?” 
“Hmm, nope! Actually, head hurts a bit. Right here,” you said, poking the lump on the side of your head. “Ow.”
“Yeah, that’d be where you knocked heads,” she said, carefully brushing your hand away from the sizeable lump, and you blushed when her fingers touched yours.
“You’re so pretty, Lee,” you sighed, a dopey smile on your face, and Leah let out a surprised laugh. “And your hands are so nice.”
She raised an eyebrow, curious to hear what else you had to say, but not wanting to push it. “Is that right?” she asked, her voice light. 
“Yup,” you nodded, trying to make your face look more serious, but you got the feeling that it wasn’t working. “So pretty.”
“Okay, y/n,” she laughed, but the flush on her cheeks was undeniable. 
“You’re blushing!” you exclaimed gleefully, poking her dimple with an outstretched finger. “You’re so cute!”
She batted your hand away playfully, still blushing. “Yeah, yeah. You’re the cute one,” she said, not looking directly at you, like she was scared of your reaction. 
“Me?” you gasped dramatically. “You think I’m cute?” 
“Sure do,” she looked back at you and smiled, a hint of relief in her eyes. “But I’m guessing you won’t remember any of this by tomorrow.”
“Oh,” you pouted. “But I like that you think I’m cute.” 
“You do?” 
“Yeah!” you nodded emphatically, then stopped quickly, wincing at the throbbing in your head. “Oof, ouch. That was a bad idea. Can I have some more pain meds?”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll get them,” Leah said, standing up. Despite her excitement at learning that apparently you felt the same way she did, she felt a twinge of guilt, a voice in the back of her mind telling her that she was taking advantage of the state that you were in. 
“Thanks, LeeLee!” you beamed when she brought you some meds and a glass of water. “You’re the best.”
“Haha, yeah,” she said, shuffling awkwardly. “Um, look, y/n, I’m going to go, if that’s okay? Katie and some of the others will come over in a bit to check on you.”
“Oh, okay,” you said, frowning, and within a few minutes Leah had packed her things and left. 
A week later you were almost back to normal. Your head still hurt a little occasionally, and you preferred to wear sunglasses when up and about, still a little sensitive to bright lights, but the lump on the side of your head had almost disappeared. You’d spent the week recovering at home, Leah by your side for the first day and girls from the team coming by after training every day since. Leah had pulled back somewhat after that first day, and you weren’t really sure why, though you had the feeling that maybe you’d said something stupid when you were on the particularly strong pain meds you’d been given.  
You’d been instructed to come back to the training grounds so that the team doctor could give you a check up and you were looking forward to being back, even if you weren’t officially back yet. You were also hoping to see Leah. The checkup didn’t take long, the doctor declaring that you could come back and slowly start training again the next day, but to take the rest of the day off. You didn’t see any of your teammates on your way to the doctor’s office, and figured that they were outside on the training pitch, which was fair enough, but you were still a little disappointed. 
You left the doctors office and started to make your way to the car park, when the door to one of the changing rooms opened and someone came out, almost knocking into you. 
“Shit, sorr-,” they said, holding out a hand to steady you, when you both looked up at the same time. “Y/n! Hi!”
“Hey,” you said softly, looking at Leah. You still felt like things were weird, but you didn’t know why. 
“Did you just have your checkup? What did they say?” she asked, and whilst her excitement at seeing you felt genuine, you couldn’t shake the sensation that something was off. 
“Oh, that I’m looking good!” you told her, debating whether or not to say anything. “Yeah, they said I can come back tomorrow. Not, like, full steam ahead, obviously, but I can slowly start training again.”
“That’s great!” she said, and then bit her lip. “Um, I should probably get going.”
“Wait-” you started as she began to turn away, and she looked at you with wide eyes. “I, um, did something happen? Did I do something? I feel like you’re upset with me, or not upset but, I don’t know. Something seems wrong.”
“I’m not upset with you,” she frowned.
“Then what’s going on? Please, talk to me, Leah,” you asked, your stomach tying itself in knots.
She sighed. “Do you remember much from Monday?”
“Not really, I guess. I vaguely remember you being there, and then some of the girls being there, but that’s kind of it,” you said, and knocked on the side of your head, smiling wryly. “A concussion and strong-ass painkillers will do that to you.”
She let out a forced laugh and you felt your stomach churn. Oh god, had you embarrassed yourself by telling her about your crush? “Why, did something happen? Did I say something?”
“Kind of,” she said, not meeting your eyes. She thought about lying but had a feeling that you’d know if she did. “You, uh, called me pretty. A few times. And cute. And, um, said that I had nice hands.”
“Oh,” you said in a whisper, desperately fighting the urge to run and hide. “I’m sorry.”
“No, no!” she interjected. “Shit, sorry, no, that’s not what I, uh. No, please don’t apologise. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
You frowned in confusion. “What do you mean? Why have you been avoiding me then?”
“It’s my fault,” she started, and sighed again. “Look, I said some stuff back, okay? And it wasn’t professional or even just okay of me to do that, whilst you were in the state you were in.”
“What kind of stuff?”
“I, well, I might have said that you were the cute one.”
“Okay…,” you said slowly, waiting for the rest. When nothing came, you let out a laugh. “Wait, that’s it? You’ve been avoiding me because I told you I think you’re cute, and you said it back?”
She shuffled her feet, looking down. “Well, I didn’t want to be taking advantage of you!” she protested, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“I hardly think that counts as taking advantage of me,” you lightly countered, stepping closer to her, emboldened by her confession. “So, you think I’m cute, huh?”
“So, you think I’m pretty, and cute, and have nice hands, huh?” Leah retorted, the guilt and worry she had been feeling fading away.
“Sure do, Williamson,” you smirked, taking another step towards her, figuring that you’d already told her once so you might as well admit to it. Now you were only a few inches away from her, and as you glanced at her lips and back up to her eyes, she reached up a hand to cup your cheek. Leaning forward, she placed a soft kiss against your lips, and you tried very hard to ignore the way your stomach felt like it was flipping, focusing on the way her lips felt against yours, something you’d spent so long imagining. 
“You know,” she said as she broke away, smiling teasingly. “Last week you kept calling me LeeLee, not Williamson.”
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greynatomy · 11 months
luck of the irish
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katie mccabe x reader
i’m having sm trouble writing rn that i feel like i’m just rambling when writing at this point. hope it makes sense for y’all
part 2 part 3
“Come on. Please. For me?” You ask the two people on a video call with you
Your best friends, Selena and Taylor, and you are having a virtual hangout, seeing as you all live in different places.
“What’s in it for us?” Selena asks, taking a sip of her wine.
“Absolutely nothing, but you get to go to England.”
“And what are we gonna do? Sit and watch you ogle your girlfriend for like two hours.”
“Stop teasing me. You can’t hardly blame me though, my girlfriend is hot. And y’all are just bitter that you’re single.”
“Hey! I’m not anymore.”
“Shocker!” You say sarcastically. “You’ve been going to your boyfriend’s games so much and brought us with you, now it’s my turn.”
“Sel, you need to get yourself an athlete.”
“I know.” She whines, extending the ‘o’. “You guys need to set me up with someone.
“You might catch the eyes of some footballers if you come here.”
“We’re gonna be in so many news headlines.”
“Just gotta make sure we don’t look stupid in them.”
The Arsenal Women’s team are all on the pitch, warming up for their match. All of a sudden, the crowd throughout the stadium starts cheering, confusing all the players and staff on the pitch.
Looking all around, the crowd is watching the big screen. There you are, with your two best friends, all completely oblivious to what’s happening. The three of you were too preoccupied doing the marshmallow game to notice all the eyes on you. Well, to be fair, you all grew up with eyes always on you that you all learned to block it out.
“Stop fucking it up Taylor. You’re like the whole music industry, where’s the rhythm?”
“Fuck you! I don’t have to listen to you. You’re not my Mom.”
“Okay! Let’s just try it again okay?”
“I’ll start. One marshmallow.”
“Check it out.”
Down on the field, Katie watches the big screen, not being able to stop the huge grin of amusement on her face.
“Dude! There’s no way that’s actually Y/N Y/LN, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.”
“I mean, if you open your eyes you would see that it actually is.” Caitlin shoves Katie away because of her sarcastic response.
Nothing really happens for the first half, but as soon as the second half starts, Arsenal in playing like they’ve got some fresh pairs of legs on them.
“Now I understand why people watch sports.” Taylor says loudly.
“Dates an athlete and is now obsessed with sports.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“But seriously. I’ve never watched a sport on my life until I met Katie. And it’s a plus she looks hot doing it.”
We’ve got McCabe, Katie McCabe I just don’t think you understand she plays out on the wing, she hits it with a zing we’ve got Katie McCabe
You started chanting with all the fans, encouraging your friends to join in.
“C’mon guys! Just like I taught you!”
Arsenal eventually won from a banger from McCabe, who was now getting interviewed.
“Katie, good game today. You scored the game winning shot, how’d that feel?”
“Oh, em, I was just doing what I usually do. But I’ve actually got my girlfriend here, so I had to put on a bit of a show for her.”
“Oh! Wow! Well, thank you for your time Katie.” The reporter says a bit shocked at the news.
Katie walks into the locker room, everyone is just sat at their cubby, cooking down from the match, when a knock is heard from the door.
“You girls decent?” Jonas’ voice comes through the door.
“Alright, well, we’ve got some guests that would love to meet you all.”
You, Taylor and Selena walk through the door being met by the whole team. The team fan girls for a bit, the team’s social media videographer catching it all on camera.
After greeting everyone, you walk over to where Katie is still sat in her cubby and place yourself on her lap, her arms immediately wrapping around your waist.
Her teammates are too preoccupied with Selena and Taylor to notice the two of you, but both your friends know you like to wander off, instantly noticing you weren’t next to them anymore.
Looking around, she sees you with your girlfriend whispering in her ear that has her biting her lip.
“Oh my god! Stop flirting in front of other people please!” Taylor speaks out, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.
“You’re just mad cause your man who’s not your man is off playing fake football and not with you.”
“Oh, she got you there.” Selena laughs at Taylor’s offended face, giving you a high five.
“We’re no longer friends.” Taylor pouts, crossing her arms across her chest.
“You’ll get over it cause you love me.” You wrap her in a hug, Selena joining in. “Okay, enough of that. Can we all take a group picture?” You ask the Gunners. “I’ve gotta cook dinner.”
After the photo, the three of you bid farewell to the team, you giving Katie a quick kiss and a ‘see you later.’
“Actually, can I go with you? I’ll just shower at home.” Katie asks, packing her things.
“C’mon. Bye guys!” You wave at everyone.
“See you soon!” Katie leaves after you.
The team was silent for a bit after the four of you left, not knowing how to process that their Irish teammate has a girlfriend and who her girlfriend is.
“That was unexpected.”
“How’d Katie get a girl like her?” Beth asks, not quite understanding.
“It’s probably the luck the Irish have.”
“And Y/N is her pot of gold.”
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lo-vearchive · 1 year
Forgive Me (Pt. 2)
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x female reader
Summary: After reconciling in your bedroom, Miguel disappears on you for a week. Giving up on any hopes of romance, your friends plan a night out for you to cheer up. Too bad your boss makes an appearance and catches you with an attractive stranger on a stormy night. Read Part One: here
Word Count: 4463 words
Content: Miguel being a rude bastard, Miguel asking for forgiveness (again), arguments, possessiveness, alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption, 18+ (minors DNI), no p in v but things get spicy at the end, female fingering, finger sucking, misogyny, insecurity, swearing, hurt and comfort, office sex (no p in v), questionable Spanish
Note: ANGST! Got carried away once again. Lowkey not proofread. I love angst and Miguel being vulnerable.  If you are into angst, you will enjoy this. Feel free to correct my Spanish and ask for any other cw to be added. Thank you for the 1K+ notes on Pt. 1. Have fun, horndogs ;)
It has been seven days since you last saw Miguel O’Hara.
After spending a full 48 hours by your side, he had gone back to work. You decided to join him at Alchemax the next day but found his office empty. At first, you thought he was occupied with Spider-Man business, so you kept yourself busy with answering his overflowing email box. Slowly the sun set behind the skyline of Nueva York and the messages ran out, leaving behind a feeling of uneasiness in your stomach.
 You [sent Friday, 6 pm]: Hey, are you coming to work today?
You [sent Friday, 10 pm]: I’m going home for the night. Call me when you are home. I miss you :)
You [sent Saturday, 5 am]: Are you okay?
You [sent Saturday, 1 pm]: I’m getting really worried. Where are you?
You [sent Saturday, 5 pm]: I emailed you in case you lost your phone. Call me asap.
You [sent Sunday, 7 pm]: I’ll see you at work tomorrow.
You [sent Monday, 9 am]: Lyla said you’re okay but won’t tell me what’s going on. Says I don’t have clearance. Please call me.
You [sent Monday 10 am]: Are you actually ignoring me?
You [sent Tuesday, 1 am]: My best friend you’re an asshole and I should never let you near my pussy ever again.
You [sent Tuesday 1:23 am] Are you ghosting me? You know we work together, right?
You [sent Tuesday, 3:30 am]: I hate you Miguel O’Hara.
 Friday rolled around and your best friend had enough of your drunk late-night facetime calls. She gathered a group of your high school girlfriends and decided a night out in the town would be the perfect remedy. “Fuck him, babe,” Katy states, sliding a shot glass across the table. “You should report him to HR for being an ass.”
You laughed and tipped the glass into your mouth. The tequila burnt its way down your throat. “I’m just going to find a new job. I can’t be dealing with this shit right now.”
Your friend Soo let out a burp. “Did you let him hit it?”
You shake your head. “No,” you cough. “We came close to it, like above the pants stuff— do you think that’s why he’s ignoring me? Because I didn’t put out right away?”
“Bitch,” Katy chides, slapping the tabletop, “be fucking for real. You look like a busty, hot secretary from some comic book. He should be lucky you let him touch your tits!”
Your friends nodded along in agreement. Katy grabs the sides of your chair and spins it around, facing you to the restaurant bar. “You see that guy there?” she points at a man with messy blond hair in an open-collar white shirt. “He’s been eyeing you all night. Go talk to him right now.”
The tequila must have heightened your bravery as you found yourself walking across the dimly lit restaurant and to the wall. Stealing a glance at him from the corner of your eye, you ask the bartender for, “a rum and coke please.”
“You can add her drink to my tab,” the man says just like you hoped he would. “I hope you don’t mind. I saw your friends fussing over you earlier and you looked like you needed a drink.”
“Is it that obvious?” You ask, letting out a laugh. “You’re right, I do need a little pick-me-upper tonight.”
“My name is John,” he says.
You introduced yourself and slide in the empty seat next to him. “So, what’s going on with you?” he questions, sipping his beer.
You carefully lift your drink from the bar top and circled the rim with your index finger. “I’m not sure if I wanna’ trauma dump on a stranger.”
“Sometimes talking to strangers helps.”
You contemplate his words and sigh. Your friends would kick you if you said the name Miguel O’Hara again in their general vicinity. You chose to divulge a little to the mystery man. “Things got a bit complicated with someone I really cared about. Everything was going well and then he disappeared suddenly, and I don’t know why.”
John listens to you carefully, nodding to himself. “You know what I do when I’m confused?”
“I take a smoke break to chill out,” he answers, standing up. “Care to join me?”
You downed the contents of your glass and follow him out a door that open to a back alley behind the restaurant. Rain pours down heavily, and you both huddle under a dingy metal shed. The cold air bites your arms sharply as John lights the end of his cigarette and brings it to his mouth. “It can be frustrating when you’re left without answers but a girl like you has nothing to worry about.”
You smile at his words. You take the cigarette off his hand and take a drag. The smoke fills your lungs, making your head spin a little. The light-headedness reminds you of how you felt last time when Miguel was in your arms. Airy, free, and light. No matter what you do, all your thoughts lead back to him. You shake away the memories and pass the cigarette back to John.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” a stern voice asks.
A man melts out of the shadows in the alley and into the light shining from a streetlamp above. You recognize him. “Miguel?”
He doesn’t look at you and keeps his eyes focused on John. “Who is he?” he asks with a deep frown.
“Listen, I’m off work right now,” you clear your throat, sticking your nose up in the air. “I don’t have to explain—”
“Look, man,” John interrupts, “no need to get all worked about this. We are just talking.”
Miguel lets out a harsh laugh. “Yeah, right,” he spits and gets in his face. “You could have done that at the bar. Why the fuck are you out here alone with her? What were you planning on doing?”
“Mr. O’Hara!” you exclaim, stepping in between them. “You are out of line!”
He raises his eyebrows at your formality but keeps his attention on John over your shoulder.  “Buddy,” John says, wrapping an arm around your waist and moving you to the side. “She is allowed to talk to whoever she wants. I suggest you leave us alone now.”
The touch doesn’t go unnoticed by Miguel. His nostrils flare and his eyes turned red with anger. He steps closer to John until he is looming over the poor man. You often forget how big your boss is compared to everyone around him. The scene looks almost comical with how John tries to puff out his chest. “Te calmas o te calmo,” (Calm yourself, or I’ll calm you down) Miguel snarls.
Whatever John sees in his face is enough to make him reconsider. He holds his hands up in surrender and backs away slowly. Stopping in front of you he pushes the half-burnt cigarette into your hand and whispers, “If this is the guy you were talking about, then maybe it’s a good thing he disappears. I’ll be inside if you still want to talk.”
He walks away from the alley and into the restaurant, leaving you with Miguel alone in the alley. You watch in silence as his body trembles, and you can’t tell if it’s from anger or the rain hammering away at his back.
He breaks the silence. “So, you’re letting strangers into our private business?”
You snort loudly. “You don’t get to speak to me like that,” you tell him, taking another drag. “Especially after disappearing on me. You can’t just strut back into my life and tell me who I can confide in.”
“I was tending to some urgent matters,” he says, brushing his wet hair away from his forehead. “So I took the time to handle them. I can’t be around you every second of the day acting as your lap dog.”
The heat from the cigarette burns your skin. “What the hell is wrong with you?” you raise your voice, throwing your hands in the air. “You’re acting like I want you on a leash! I just wanted to know you were okay.”
“Clearly I’m okay,” he replies, rolling his eyes.
Your lips tug into a deep scowl at his tone. “Did you ever stop to consider how your actions affected me? How lost and confused I felt waiting by the phone every day?”
“It wasn’t intentional,” Miguel matches your tone. “You know I am a busy man, and that I have responsibilities. But you’d rather live in some fantasy land where I’m just some monster out to hurt you! You can’t begin to understand the weight I carry on my shoulders.”
Anger surges through your body. “How am I supposed to understand when you don’t tell me anything? Hell, your AI knows more about you than I do. It’s like you only care about missions or work and nothing else—”
“Sometimes in life, personal matters have to take a backseat,” he cuts you off, harshly. “Not everyone can put on a short skirt and high heels, waltz into work, type a few memos and then call it a night.”
“You misogynist fuck!” You scream back at him, resisting the urge to slap him silly. “I hate you!”
“I hate you too!” he yells back in your face with bloodshot eyes.
You spin on your heels and begin walking towards the main road. Rage begins to bubble inside you and reaches your throat. You turn around just as you reach the sidewalk and call out, “You know what? It doesn’t matter if you disappear again because I have hated you since the moment I met you. I hated you when everyone at work warned me about you. I hated you all those times you dismissed me like an afterthought. And I hated you when you came to my room that night begging for a second chance. So, I don’t care if you hate me, or think I’m useless or unimportant cause have hated you longer and harder and for better fucking reasons!”
You take another drag from the cigarette and then crush it underneath your pretty high heels. You make a right at the end of the alley and begin walking up the street. Warm tears spill down your face as you shiver in the rain. Katy was right, he was an asshole. An asshole that made you feel dumb for having a normal job or human emotions. But maybe you were just an idiot for falling in love with a man who didn’t respect you. Love wasn’t supposed to be this hard, but here you were feeling small and crying at the side of the road.
The sound of screeching tires brings you out of your self-pity. A sleek black car pulls up on the other side of the road and the passenger window rolls down. Miguel’s face emerges from behind the glass. “Ven aquí!” (come here) he calls out.
You ignore him and keep walking ahead. You have no idea where you are going, but you would rather eat rocks than speak to him.
From the corner of your eyes, you see Miguel make a sharp left, almost hitting oncoming traffic and pulling up beside you. “Get in the car!”
Your feet don’t stop moving so he slowly inches his car to match your speed. “Estoy harto. (I’m sick of this) Let’s talk!”
Honks and yells filled the night as people grew frustrated with his speed. “Stop,” you hiss, bending down to the window. “You are embarrassing me!”
“Get in the car then,” he says, with a clenched jaw. “You’re gonna’ catch a cold in the rain.”
“Stop pretending like you care,” you snarl, kicking the side of his car.
“A-YO LADY!” a man yells out of his yellow cab. “Get in the damn car! Your boyfriend is holding up traffic!”
A pleased smirk spread across Miguel’s face at the man’s remarks. You let out a frustrated grunt and yanked the door open, slipping into the passenger seat. “Put your seatbelt on,” he says, picking up speed.
You begrudgingly obey but wished that his car would get rear-ended so hard that his fat head would go through the windshield. “You look like you want me dead, babe,” he commented with a nervous laugh.
“Don’t call me that,” you snap, adjusting the belt over your soaking dress. “Where are we going?”
“Back to Alchemax,” he points at the GPS screen. “The freeway flooded, and it will be a while until it clears up. I have a spare set of clothes I keep in the office for overnighters. You can change while we wait for the storm to blow over.”
“I don’t want your charity,” you grumble, crossing my hand over my chest.
“I know,” he says. “I just want to take care of you.”
You disliked how your stomach felt at his words. “I left my bag behind at the restaurant.”
“I picked it up, it’s in the back seat.”
“I didn’t pay my tab.”
“It’s taken care of. Your friends know you’re fine, too. Just relax.”
Miguel leans over to turn your seat warmer on and warmth spreads across your chest and down your limbs. He drives in silence with only the soft white noise of radio static playing in the background. Occasionally you tear your gaze away from the furiously working windshield wipers and steal glances at his face. The headlights from other cars make the slopes of his cheek and the plumpness of his lips visible even on a stormy night. His warm complexion has turned pale, and you ponder if it was because of your interaction earlier.
You both pull up into the Alchemax parking lot and get out of the car. The security team must be watching through the cameras, wondering why one of their lead engineers was coming into work late at night with his drenched secretary. You quickly follow him into the elevator and up to the floor with his office. He opens the office door, and you slide inside into the dark space.
“Lyla,” he calls out and the room illuminates on command. “Lights.”
Miguel walks up to a storage cupboard and retrieves a towel in one hand and fresh clothes in the other. He passes them to you, and you quietly enter the adjacent washroom to change. You peel your damp dress off your skin and shiver as the chilly air hits you all over. Rubbing the towel quickly over your cold skin, you slip into an oversized t-shirt and shorts. It takes two knots of the drawstring, but you manage to keep the waistband tied around your naval.
You find Miguel waiting for you outside. He had changed into a shirt that hugged his slender waist and pants that hung dangerously low under his taut stomach. He pulls the towel out of your hand and drapes it over your head. His hands gently rub the threads against your wet hair in soft, circular motions. You lean into his touch involuntarily. “I can do it myself,” you complain but made no move to reach for the fabric.
“I know,” he replies. “I want to do it for you.”
“Please don’t.”
“You’re doing that thing again,” you said, “and it’s messing with my head.”
“What thing?”
“The thing where you start acting kind after being mean,” you explain in a small voice. “I don’t like it. It’s confusing”
He tugs the towel back so you can look into each other’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” he speaks, gently. “I just lost my shit when I saw you with him.”
“You cut off all contact when all I wanted was to know if you were okay,” your voice shakes as you stare at your feet. “You left me all alone, what was I supposed to do? Wait for you to change your mind?”
“I know I messed up, baby. I was wrong” he sighs, inching down his forehead to meet yours. “I should have communicated with you, but sometimes on missions, things get complicated. I don’t always like the things I have to do, and recently I’m having a difficult time making peace with it. It’s like the harder I try to do the right thing, the more damage I do. So sometimes, it’s just better to be alone rather than pretend I’m okay around other people.”
His words hurt your heart. You knew that his missions take a toll on him. In the past whenever you tried to inquire about its contents he wouldn’t answer. You wouldn’t push, afraid that he’d pull away, but it seems that he was pulling away regardless.
“When you’re gone,” you clear your throat, trying to speak through your narrowing trachea, “I worry that you might be laying dead in some universe, and I’d be none the wiser. I know that being Spider-Man is a sacrifice, but I don’t care about the world. I only care about you. So, when you treat me this way, it’s like I can’t breathe.”
He cups your face and places a soft kiss right on your cheekbone “Forgive me.”
“You say that a lot,” you remind him with a frown.
“I know,” he nods, “and I still mean it. I’m just an idiot who doesn’t know how to find the balance in life. I love that you care about me, and I want you to continue caring about me.”
“I don’t know, Mr. O’Hara,” you said. “I can’t ignore the way you speak to me at times. It feels as if you think we’re not equals. I am not some idiot. I am not beneath you just because I work under you.”
He groaned at the sound of his last name. Every time you called him that, it made the space between feel bigger. “I have seen a million universes, nena, (babe) and you are not beneath me in any of them,” he curls a damp strand behind your ear, “Unless we are in bed, then you’re definitely under me.”
“Miguel!” you chide, punching him in the stomach. “No es broma! (It’s not a joke) I’m being serious!”
He lets out an oof and backs away. His fangs poke out from underneath his curled lips and in that moment, he looks as carefree. He wraps his large hands around your arms and holds your attention. “I know broken trust isn’t easily mendable, but I’m going to try my hardest. I won’t leave you out in the dark or make you feel small. I’ll think twice before I open my stupid mouth. I’ll even ask Lyla to give you full access to my missions. Wh-when you see what I have to do- what I must do, please don’t hate me.”
“Miggy,” you pout, reaching for his face. “I was really, really angry when I said those things to you. I can never hate you. My heart won’t let me.”
His toothy grin appears again, and Miguel draws you into him. His smooth lips find yours and he cranes your head back to find the angle that leaves you breathless. You run the pads of your thumb gently across the slopes of his cheeks. It never ceased to surprise you that his skin was so soft under his stubble. Without breaking your kiss, your shuffle back and walk him to his desk chair. You smile into his lips as he shakes his head when you move him back and down to sit. His hands wrap around your wrists. “D-don’t leave,” he cries out.
You shake your head and take a seat on his lap with your legs dangling off the side. Miguel’s hands find your jaw and he turns your mouth to his. You wrap your fingers in his hair and tug him closer. You let out a content hum as his fangs softly dig into your lips, breaking the skin. The taste of metal fills your mouth, and you pull away to look at him. He sits in your embrace, with red-stained lips and is just as breathless. “Sorry,” he sheepishly says. “I usually have them under control. It’s just you’re in my office and in my clothes. It’s making my head spin a little.”
You laugh at his words and gently pull his hair back. Pressing a wet kiss to his exposed throat you ask, “Miggy, how come we haven’t had sex yet?”
“Honestly?” he lets out a choked moan.
“Honestly,” you hum, licking his jaw.
His hands suddenly grab you by the elbows and spin you around on his lap, so his chest is facing your back. His warm breath hits the nape of your neck. A shiver runs down your spine. “I haven’t fucked you yet because once I’m inside you,” he whispers into your ear, “I’ll never want to be anywhere else. I wouldn’t want to eat, sleep, work, or be Spider-Man. I think I’ll just want to stay buried in you all the time.”
“Miguel,” you moan, clutching your thighs together.
“Tsk-tsk,” he clicks his tongue. “Don’t hide from me.”
His large hand slips between your thighs and pushes your legs apart. He turns the chair around until you’re both facing his work desk. “Up,” he commands, slapping the side of your thighs.
You gingerly obey and place your bare feet on the edge of his desk. His hands slip under your shirt, and he fumbles with the knot. Impatient with the knots, he uses a sharp claw to cut through the drawstring. Your breath hitches as he pushes the loose shorts down your legs and off your feet. He wraps his fingers behind your knees and draws your legs apart. He puts his chin over your shoulder and bunches your shirt up to get a good look at your pink underwear. “Baby,” he coos. “You gotta’ let me have this once we are done. A little souvenir for when I’m away.”
Your stomach tightens at his suggestion. You glance at him and then the office door,. “Someone will see us,” you nervously gulp.
“You let me worry about that,” he says and presses a kiss to the side of your forehead, “and just relax. I’m not gonna’ let anyone else see my girl spread out like this.”
He runs his knuckles down your bare stomach and across the clothed cunt. Electricity shoots up your body and you almost curl up in his arms. Miguel’s fingertips find a quickly dampening spot on the fabric. “Huh,” he huffs. “Is this me or rainwater?”
You cry, arching into his touch.
“I guess it’s just me,” he grins against your shoulder.
He slides your underwear off your legs and tosses it on the table. It lands on a pile of paperwork you had put aside from him earlier in the week. Miguel stops breathing at the sight of your glistening, swollen pussy. A loud moan escapes your throat as his fingers part your folds and glide back and forth. You were sure that the security guards patrolling this floor would have heard you down the hallway. You almost miss his question over the sensations of pleasure spreading through your body.
“Do you want my finger inside you?”
You nod against his cheek and reach behind to clutch a fistful of his hair to brace for impact. He lowers his down until his thick, middle digit is nudging your opening. You must have been soaking his thighs with how easily his digit sinks inside. You bit your lip harshly to contain the sounds threatening to escape your mouth. It’s your turn to hold your breath when Miguel’s other hand begins to stroke your clit. Once, twice, thrice.
When he speaks, his voice is hoarse. “You clench around my finger every time I flick your clit.”
Not that you needed proof, but Miguel does it again and you shake with pleasure. “See?” he gasps, and captures your lips in a sloppy kiss.
He he pulls back to hold your eyes and you breathe his shaky breaths in. You close your eyes and imagine how it would look to hold his hard cock in your hands while he played with your pussy. He tears you away from your fantasy by hooking his fingers inside on an angle. You almost arch completely off his lap. He moves his free hand away from your clit and presses you back into him. His hard bulge pressed into your ass.
“Here?” Miguel moans and licks your lips. “Tell me where? Right here? Ah, here.”
His fingers find that spot again and he massages his fingers against it. You nod furiously and my hands move to claw forearms. He softly bites your shoulder in retaliation and his free hand resumes working against your clit, picking up rhythm. “Can I put another finger inside?” he asks, breathing hard. “I promise it will feel good.”
“Oh-kay,” you gasp, rocking your hips on his hand.
His index finger slithers into your pussy, and you forget how to speak. You begin to twist and turn in his lap. He pulls away from your clit to press down hard against your stomach so he can keep you in place. You slide your ass over his crotch with every movement of his fingers.
“Mig-Mig-Mig,” you pant, moving your hips to his set rhythm.
“Good? I bet that feels so good.”
He presses soft kisses onto your cheek as you sink into his arms. You begin to tighten further around him. You realize that this is exactly how you always want to be—full of Miguel’s fingers, touch, and love. His tongue slips into your mouth as his fingers begin curling into you faster. Your moans and groans echo through the office. His left hand leaves your stomach and reaches for your clit again. It takes seven swipes, one for each day he left you alone, for you to seize around his finger. His mouth never leaves yours as he drinks all of your pleasurable cries.
Slowly, the current leaves your body and you’re able to take in your surround. Your cheeks burn with realization. Miguel had just fingered you open on his desk at your workplace. The very same desk you set up for him every morning. Your fingers slide up to his hair and you hide your face in the crook of his neck. “Don’t be shy now,” he chuckles, “One day I’ll fuck you all over this office, nena.”
You shriek and lightly slap his arm. Miguel gently slides his fingers out of your cunt, eliciting a soft groan, and brings his to his mouth.
He hums with eyes closed at the taste. “You taste so good,” he mumbles around his fingers.
“Ugh,” Lyla gags at a distance. “Be glad I activated noise cancellation.”
A/N: Thoughts?
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serqphites · 10 months
hiii i saw u needed requests to blurbs/ headcanons so here i am 🤭 could u write julien x reader where julien has a crush on a random youtuber (that like talks about books and stuff) and phoebe and lucy makes fun of julien bc she wasn’t this type of person before and then one day this bookworm youtuber says that she’s going to a boygenius show and julien tries everything to meet reader?
pls and thank u
i hope this isn’t too long
julien baker x yt!crush ღ
format: blurb
warnings: none!
a/n: i literally fell in love with this the second i saw it omg it’s so cute<3 been working on some anxiety comfort ideas but can’t choose a member of muna or boygenius to do first so if there’s one anyone would like to be first please do request it!! thank you so much for all the likes on my stuff it means the world 💞
okay so, the boys are on tour but tonight is a very special night for them becauseeeee… they have a night off!! they go out, have some nice dinner then decide to just chill in the tour bus for the rest of the night because they don’t need to wake up extra early to go to their next tour destination
so julien is in her lil bunk (pls i can just imagine how snuggled up she is) and she is so beyond bored
so what do you do when you’re bored? you browse tiktok until you fry your brain!!
she’s scrolling on her fyp not really bothering to actually watch through any of the tiktoks she's starting, that is until she sees…you
she mutters a barely audible “woah”
within a minute she’s followed you and is now stalking your whole account
cut to around 20 minutes later and she’s holding her phone sideways (pretty close to her face but not that close that she can’t see) watching one of your youtube videos.
this spiral continues until she is that exhausted she physically can’t keep her eyes open anymore
for the next few weeks this is her new routine: getting ready for shows watching your videos, buying your favourite books online and reading them on her phone when she gets the chance. she never falls asleep without watching at least one of your videos & a few tiktoks
one time she’s watching your newest video after having to wait a whole excruciatingly long day, she’s got headphones in, she’s never been so relaxed until…
you say you HATE people who read books online
“just buy the real book? why can’t people put down their screens anymore” and you’re clearly not being serious as you laugh and continue to joke about how all millennials are just taller ipad kids
but julien? it is no joke to her. in an instant she has removed her online books and has planned to go to the nearest bookstore when she’s next free and buy them all ‘for real’
i feel like the moment phoebe and lucy find out is SO FUNNY like i can picture them all sat together before a show, lucy just talking about the most recent book she’s been reading when julien chimes in with “oh yeah i just finished reading that, so good”
silence fills the entire room… phoebe and lucy share a look of horror
“where’s julien and what have you done with her??” phoebe would joke absolutely cackling with lucy about it
this is where the ‘bullying’ starts and never ends!
somehow they manage to convince julien to give them your name so now all of boygenius + katie gavin follow you on tiktok AND instagram
after seeing this you obviously have to make a tiktok about it. your favourite band members of all time just followed you back! you continue to rant and rave about it in your tiktok, also choosing to mention that you are seeing boygenius the following week and how crazyyy it is that they have followed you for a reason unbeknownst to you
this causes julien to go into panic mode. she was going to be performing to you NEXT WEEK
jump forward a week to the show, it’s going great! julien spent the whole day checking your instagram to see where you were at and when you’d be arriving. there’s barely and service in the venue, so unfortunately, her last update was a photo of you in the queue (she definitely took a screenshot because you look amazing)
so, they’re around 5 songs into the show, then she spots you. you’re standing only one row back from the barrier. julien can’t help but stare because you look beautiful
phoebe and lucy take notice of this but play it off cool. they share a menacing look before phoebe leans into the mic and says, “so, anyone got a crush right now?”
julien swears she nearly puked the second she heard that.
the conversation drags on for what feels like hours to julien when in reality it was only really around 5 minutes, majority of it being taken up by the crowd screaming in response to their several questions about crushes
it goes quiet for a second
“jb has a crush… she’s actually here tonight” the crowd starts SCREAMINGGG. people literally praying it’s them (so real)
julien has now sat on the floor of the stage with her face completely buried in her knees, lucy is still standing in front of her microphone dying with laughter over how embarrassed julien is getting.
little did she know though, it was about to get so much worse!!
lucy had dmed you the night before and basically just told you that julien had like changed her whole personality because of her crush on you. she also very sneakily organised for you to come backstage after the show and meet for the first time ever!
PLEASEEE imagine LUCY DACUS messaging you randomly and telling you that JULIEN MF BAKER HAS A CRUSH ON YOU.
lil time skip to that but imagine julien stood there fiddling with her fingers while she waits for you because she’s so nervous
you asking her the best books she’s read because of you<33
i can perfectly picture lucy and phoebe just stood there like ‘😁’ before having an “oh shit” moment and realising they’re intruding LMAO
your first date is to your favourite bookstore btw
I LOVE SOFT MASCS. (i am one)
a/n: this is my first blurb ever 😮 i’m so sorry i didn’t see this until now! hope you liked it :) again please feel free to send any other requests you have i love munagenius 🫶
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maybe-moonchild · 2 months
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summary: in which there is a sleepover and you learn that adrenaline really clouds your judgment. WC: 4.4k
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚
Neither of you move for a really long time. Maybe it isn’t all that long, you can’t really tell as you stand on the corner in silence until Fisk’s limo is long gone. Neither of you can figure out the right thing to say at a time like this. 
Peter finally settles on, “Are you alright?” 
You can’t quite tell what you are feeling right now. 
No. Really. You really have no idea. 
Are you mad? Okay, a little bit. It wasn’t like you had a blast, but, you’re also not dead. Then you remember that there was a gun pressed to your temple so maybe you are actually mad. Is it at him? Not quite. Peter hadn’t been the one to do it but it was his fault that it all happened. Except… he didn’t know this was going to happen the one night in eight years that you’re around. You know that you both haven’t been friends in a long time but your mouth still tastes sour at the thought of why he would get involved in the first place. And now, a crime lord knows your face and you name-
“Fine,” you breathe out once you manage to snap yourself out of your spiraling thoughts. You study the shallow puddles of rain that have congregated between the cracks in the sidewalk. Tension and the recent rain makes the air thick, filling your lungs and both alleviating and suffocating you. 
“Are you sure?”
He’s doing it again, stepping closer, tilting his head to try and catch your eye. He just wants to see you. He just wants you to look at him so he stops holding his breath.
You comply, peeking up at him through the corner of your eye. “I’m sure.” To emphasize your point, you try to give him a smile. It is pathetically awful, but he finally inhales. “I’m okay. A bit shaken up, but…”
Terrified? Frustrated? Livid? Hurt?
“Fine,” you shrug, finding that the word accurately describes how you are feeling. Not good, not bad; not injured, not… not shaken up. Just… fine.
He hums as he considers your answer, eyes flicking around your face and deciding if he believes you ornot. His proximity makes you want to step back if it means that he’ll stop scrutinizing you. 
At least you weren’t the only one unsure of what to say; choking on words that so desperately wanted to claw their way out of your throat. You swallow, forcing them back down where they will hopefully remain for another eight years. He seems to be considering something as you both stare at his shoe, scuffing the cement. 
“You can stay here tonight,” he offers quietly. Peter’s hands are shoved so deep in his pockets that it makes his shoulders hover by his ears. You shake your head even if it does sound like an inviting option. The alternative was trekking all the way back to your apartment at 2 in the morning and praying that Katie wasn’t still up, or god forbid, hosting an after party with Flash. 
“I really ought to head back.” Peter deflates even more when you step back. Space is good. Space between you two was good. It was normal. Having an unspoken distance wedged between Peter and you was your normal for the past eight years. 
Do not look at him. If you have to see his kicked puppy look, you’ll cave. You always fucking caved when he pulled that out, intentional or not. It wasn’t like you were turning him down because you were mad- or maybe you were; you didn’t know anymore. 
“I should get going.” You attempt another pathetic excuse of a smile in the hopes to reassure him that you are perfectly fine. “I think I just really need to shower and sleep…” When the first rain drop pelts against your forehead, you trail off. You reach up, swipe at it and frown at the moisture on your fingertips. Within a matter of moments, it’s down pouring. Fat drops of water exploding on both of your heads and clothes, threatening to soak through your shoes and drenching your hair. 
“Oh come the fuck on,” you curse under your breath, throwing up a hand to shield your eyes. You glare up at the sky and think profanities at the universe for, somehow, making this worse.
Peter stays quiet as he watches you, squinting and ducking his head even though you are both getting drenched. He wants you to come to your senses and agree to at least come inside so you can call a cab from there. 
When it becomes clear you have no intention of being reasonable, he decides to give in. “Let’s go,” he sighs incredulously, hand wrapping around the crook of your elbow to gently tug you along. You don’t put up a fight and the both of you pick up the pace until you’re running to the front doors. 
Neither of you really says anything as you follow him through his apartment complex. Water drips from your hair and clothes, shoes squeaking against the old, cracked tile. There is a musty smell in the hallway that just intensifies the old age of the building. 
At least his actual unit has been renovated in the past 5 decades. 
Peter and Ned’s shared apartment is one of the better ‘guy’ apartments you have been in. It’s relatively clean; floors and surfaces devoid of garbage and a few dishes in the sink that are likely from only earlier today. There's a few posters on the walls, protected by cheap, simple frames but are actually quite cool looking overall. The plants clearly belong to Ned because Peter had been a notorious plant killer as a child; always forgetting about their existence until the leaves were long brown. 
You stand awkwardly by the front door as he ushers you in, his wet hightops landing on the doormat. Your fingers twist and pull at the hem of your dress in the attempt to give yourself something to do as you look around. It’s easier to see more details after he flips on a lamp, dim light stretching the shadows peaking around furniture. 
You should be crying, you think. You should be freaking out, panicking because you’d had a gun to your head and Wilson Fisk knows your name. 
Instead, you’re too busy wondering if there is a single photo of you hung up in this apartment amongst the others. 
Probably not. 
“I just uh… couldn’t leave you out there,” Peter sighs, “Do you need anything? Something to drink? Eat?”. He runs his hands through his damp hair once he’s discarded his wet jacket on the dining room chair. At least he’s no longer watching you. Instead, he gracefully slips into the kitchen and reaches for two glasses hidden in the cabinet. His back is towards you, muscles tight under his shirt-
You clear your throat and look away when your face burns. “Uh, no. I'm good.”
Peter glances over his shoulder at where you are still tensely standing in his entry way. You’re too distracted by his apartment to do anything more than try and look for glimpses of the boy you once knew. 
When you don’t move any closer, he slowly comes to you. Each hand is adorned with a glass of tap water. You do look up at him this time, fingers still twisting nervously in the bottom of your dress which easily gives away how uncomfortable you feel. Both of you are too worried about the other not wanting to be here. 
“Are you warm enough?” Somehow, his voice is even softer, tentative and gentle like he’s expecting you to suddenly freak out. Hell, you still might. “You should change. I can grab you something?”
Peter raises an eyebrow at you and extends the glass. It’s so stupidly cliche that you nearly flinch when your cold fingers brush his and you want to beat yourself up. You take it in your hands but don’t actually think you can drink it because of how unsettled your stomach feels. 
It’s funny how similar and different he manages to look at the same time. Same messy brown hair that he never cared to brush, same big brown doe eyes, and same awkward but witty demeanor. 
How much do you really know about Peter Parker?
Shaking the thought from your head, you finally find the ability to speak. “Yeah. That’d be great. Thanks.” Your smile is still half hearted but it's what you can manage at the moment.
By the time you step out of his bathroom, donning a pair of his sweatpants that bunch up around your ankles and an old Midtown High School T-Shirt, you feel a little better. Not much, but it’s a start. Anything is better than your damp dress and jacket. Plus, his clothes smell like him-
Not like that matters. 
You find Peter sitting on the couch. He’s wearing his own dry clothes, elbows resting on his knees while his leg bounces anxiously. The second he hears you approach, his head snaps up and his eyes find yours. 
“Thanks,” you murmur. You decide to slowly lower yourself onto the opposite of the couch before glancing at him. He gives you a timid smile that seems more hopeful than forced. Peter just can’t stop shifting in his spot like he can’t make himself comfortable. It’s probably because of the eight years of history hanging over your heads. 
He breaks the silence first. “It’s almost three in the morning. We should both probably get some rest-”
“Why did you steal the files?”
If the question surprises him, he doesn’t show it. In fact, he looks more disappointed than anything, like he’d been hoping that you would have let it go until at least the morning. But no, because here you are, staring down at the floor and chewing on the inside of your cheek in the hopes that you don’t fill the silence. Your eyes remain on the floor, boring holes into the faded wood like you’d somehow find the answers you were looking for in the cracks
The Peter Parker you knew didn’t steal. Didn’t steal candy bars from bodegas or lunch money from weaker kids. 
The one sitting beside you, so close that you could touch him if you raised your hand. That Peter Parker, stole files from Manhattan crime lords and didn’t flinch when someone waved a gun around or forced him into a limo. 
Hanging his head is a good way to hide his guilty expression. He mirrors you in looking for an answer hidden in the floor. Jokes on him, it’s not there.
“Because it was the right thing to do. People would benefit from that information being out in the open rather than in the hands of a criminal.”
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” you snap back. This time you actually do turn to face him but he won’t look up. Not when he can barely handle the feel of your stare.
You continue after running a hand through your damp hair. “I mean why? What on earth were you doing that put you in the position in the first place to take it? And why did Fisk talk to you like he knew you? And why were you not freaking out?” “I was too freaking out-” “Oh please, you barely even flinched the entire time there was a gun being pointed at you.”
Peter wants to protest but quickly snaps his mouth closed. You’re right. Having a gun trained on him was pretty much a weekly (probably more) occurrence. Having a gun trained on you? Oh, yeah. That easily makes the top five worst moments of his life. 
His leg hasn’t stopped bouncing up and down, teeth chewing at his lip like he's chewing on what to say. What kind of lie can he come up with when you have to be the hardest person to lie to. Part because he feels bad but also because you can always know when he does. 
“I was just being nosy… and I wanted to see what he had.” Peter shrugs dismissively. The second he manages to look up, the glare you're fixing him with makes him immediately jerk his head away. 
Right there. 
Right there, you have your answer. 
That he is never going to give you one. Not something that is the truth. Nothing that gives you any insight into why anything that happened tonight happened. 
Disappointment slams into you so hard that you want to choke on it. You can’t even bring yourself to look at him. The same way you felt at the age of fourteen, back when you’d try and approach him in the hall between classes. How he’d blow off your attempts at making conversation with one word answers before hurrying away. 
Blowing you off, again. Yeah, this felt a lot like that. 
You drop your head into your hands which catches his attention. As the adrenaline continues to wear off, you can't tell if you want to cry, scream, or all the above. 
“Peter,” you say slowly, the drawn out words quiet and strained. “I had a gun to my head.”
That reminder is enough to make him wince. The last thing he wants to do is brush over the severity of what happened. He leans forward, staring at you when he hears the pleading in your voice. All he wants to do is lean forward and grab your hand but he doesn’t. 
It feels wrong at this point. He’d hurt you enough tonight.
“I know.”  Another apology almost falls from his mouth until he decides to suck in a shaky breath instead. “I know that and I’m so… I am so sorry.”
What do you really know about Peter Parker?
“I know that,” you sigh in defeat and sit up. You know how sorry he is. That he’s only begun to beat himself up over it. Whether or not he was sorry about the whole thing was never a question.
You and Peter were clearly exhausted and tensions were running high. Even if he was used to the whole Spider-Man thing where he swung around New York, saving the day and finding himself in copious amounts of dangerous situations, he wasn’t used to you. Having your presence back in his life would take some getting used to. 
If you even were back in his life after how tonight went. 
“You have always been the guy that stands up for what’s right.” There’s only a few inches between your fingertips and his. While you stare at the floor, he’s staring at your hand. “And no matter how hard you got knocked down, you always got back up. It was something I've always loved about you but… stealing from a guy like Fisk? Putting yourself in harm's way like that?”
You can’t even think about it. 
“I’ve gotten a lot of knocks,” he says with a solemn chuckle that he doesn’t feel. “A lot.” It was an attempt to lighten the mood but it just makes you suck in a breath. The smile falls right off Peter’s face, not like he would even call it a smile. 
After a long moment, he tries again. “I’m still the same. I promise.” He’s not sure if he really believes it himself. His thumb brushes your knuckle and you pull your hand away to shove your damp head off your forehead. 
“You are but you aren’t.” There’s too  much exhaustion coursing through your veins for you to be angry any longer. Now that the adrenaline is gone, it's impossible to be mad but that doesn’t mean you won’t be in a matter of hours. 
It’s at this moment that you realize that he didn’t even consider calling the cops tonight. Worse, neither have you, until now. Why did calling the cops not cross your mind until now? That should've been the first thing- That’s a stupid bullshit problem for tomorrow because your head might explode.
“Look, it’s late and- can we just go to sleep? I still have to meet my parents in the morning.” Peter nods at your request and pushes up from his seat. “I’ll just sleep here on the couch. I can just head out in the morning.”
Peter shakes his head vehemently. “No. I’ll sleep on the couch. I took you away from that party and put you in danger. Just let me have this.”
Normally, you would have at least argued to prolong the inevitability of giving in and letting him take his own couch. You just can’t tonight. An exhausted sound falls from your mouth, knuckles digging into your eye sockets as you stand. 
Both of you are relieved when you follow him to his room. 
Once he flips on the little lamp, you're able to take in the space. The bedroom screams Peter Parker. You can pretty much take inventory of all of the things you’d seen in his room at May’s. Your eyes find the collections of photos on the walls and, again, you wonder if your face is hidden up there. 
“Are you sure?” you ask from the doorway. He glances back at you, his face brightening ever so slightly. 
“Yes.” He replieds quietly, sitting on the edge of his bed so he can pull back a corner for you to climb in. It takes you another long shared look before you give in for good. You take his spot as he stands, climbing onto the sheets before he tugs the blankets over your legs. 
Neither of you can think of something more to say. The rain is still coming down hard, rattling the window pane in his old apartment. He reaches over to the bedside table and presses a button and the light turns off. In the dark, he feels a bit more secure. 
“Try and sleep.” Peter whispers, though it feels too much like a plea for him to feel good about. He didn’t deserve you.
He’s going to leave. You don’t actually want him to go.
You grab his forearm before you even realize what you're doing, his muscles solid under your palm. For a long moment, it’s painfully quiet. So painfully quiet and you know you have to say something. He’s waiting for you to say something. 
“Can you just-” you start, hesitating and letting out a huff. The words feel stuck in your throat. Once you say them, you can never take them back. “Can you just stay? Like when we were kids.”
Peter blinks. It’s the most simple thing you could ask. You’re not asking him to tell you what he’s been up to. 
You’re not asking for answers.
You’re just asking him to stay. 
All he wants to do is to stay. He doesn’t need any more prompts than that. 
“Yes,” he whispers softly, a faint smile tugging at his lips, “I can do that.” Your head hangs in relief before you scoot over to make room for him. The bed dips under his weight as you both settle onto your sides, covers tucked up under your chins. Flashes of lightning illuminate his face and you half expect him to suddenly be nine years old again, soaking wet, and missing a tooth. 
Just like as kids, when you’d sneak in each other's windows when you couldn’t sleep. 
“Thank you.” 
A soft breeze blows in the window in the dead of night, and Peter doesn’t stop you as you shift closer and he smells you. You smell like that shampoo you used to use on his hair when you were twelve. When he showed up at your window with a pout, streaked with dirt, and burrs tangled in his hair because he fell out of tree. 
Your head is facing his way, and the soft exhale of thanks you murmur catches his breath in his throat. He didn’t realize just how much he missed the feeling of laying next to you. 
A flash of lightning makes him blink, as if to convince himself that he’s really here and not dreaming. 
“Like we were kids?” he asks hesitantly, laying on his back and lifting up his arm. You nod and decide that nothing needs to be worried about until tomorrow morning. Clearly, you’re traumatized from tonight and cannot be held accountable for your actions. Scooting closer, you tuck yourself against his side. Your head finds his chest and he doesn’t hesitate to pull you closer. 
Peter knows you belong there. 
Just him and you. 
For the first time tonight, you finally feel warm after being caught in the downpour. There’s only a few inches of bare skin shared between you two from where his arm is wrapped around you. Your hair tickles his cheek and he rests his chin on the top of your head. It’s the most comfortable either of you have felt in a very long time. 
“Can I ask you a question?” 
You nod, his heartbeat palpable under your head. It’s you that moves first, reaching up to trace the seam of the collar of his shirt. That seems to give him the courage to let his hand trail up to the back of your head. His other hand rests limply on his stomach, fingers resting so close to your own that he was itching to close the distance.
His thumb traces the nape of your neck, his heart rate picking up with each second. 
This was always how it went with you. So subtle, so quick, but you always noticed it. 
And now, as he thinks back on your shared life in those quiet few moments, he regrets every moment he’s spent away from you in the last eight years. 
But you’re different now; the years apart have changed you. Just like they’d changed him too. 
“Do you remember when-” Peter pauses, his fingers still playing with your hair in the dark. He’s never been so thankful for invisibility than this moment. “When we were seniors… In Flash’s yard at that party he had for graduation-”
“Why are you asking this,” you breath out so sharply that it cuts through his words. When he goes quiet, you can feel him still from where you’re still tucked against his side. Your head lifts up off his chest to look at him, unflinching when you're both nose to nose. 
You can’t, for the life of you, figure out why he would want to bring this up. Why would either one of you want to relive that moment?
You hate this moment.
You hate this moment so much that just the mention of it is like a slap to the face. 
Peter was a teenager. So were you. Neither of you had spoken- really spoken, since freshman year. You shoving through Midtown High’s senior class, all crammed in Flash’s house, trying to catch up as he slipped outside. You were trying and he was shutting you down. Things just kept escalating. The solo cup spilling strawberry vodka and sprite on the grass because your hands are occupied with clinging onto his shoulders. Your back pressing into the siding, legs looped around his waist and his tongue swiping against your bottom lip-
“Because I…” he pauses, unsure of the words that need to come out. They’re on his tongue, but he’s not sure he can actually speak them. “I just…”
Because I want to kiss you right now.
It’s too dark for you to make out much of his expression even that close up. Yours is hurt, you can feel the emotion settling on your face like a stupid, fucking billboard with your thoughts. Even in the dark, he can read you better than anyone else. 
“You just…”
A flash of lightning illuminates the room  momentarily, leaving you to wonder if this moment is just a figment of your imagination. It can’t be; you just might die if this wasn’t really happening. You don’t pull away from the intensity of it like you should before he can catch up to the moment. 
He could probably lean down right now, and you’d pull him in.
So, he does just that.
This is the third time you’ve kissed Peter. 
It’s nothing like the first time, when you were both eleven and didn’t even know what kissing even was.. All chaste and sudden, nervous giggles and never spoken about again. 
Or when you were thirteen. Awkward and in front of too many of your classmates at the hands of spin the bottle on a dirty hotel floor. 
This? This is just the two of you. You and him and the dark. The rain drumming against the window muffles the world around you to the point that you aren’t quite sure that anything else exists. It doesn’t need to.
One of Peter’s hands tangles in your hair, tipping your head back to deepen the kiss. The other makes a home on your waist. You cup his jaw, pulling him closer and kissing him harder. If you think, you’ll stop. God. You really don’t want to stop. 
He kisses you with every ounce or emotion he can manage to pack into him. He kisses you like he’s known you his whole life, but never actually touched you before. He kisses you with all the missed years, the tears and the loneliness, the guilt, the regret, and the love. 
And as he kisses you, his hand snakes down your body and he pulls you closer. 
Everything is silent, save for the rain tapping on the windows and your ragged breaths together.
You and Peter fall asleep that way, pressed together and tangled in the sheets. At some point, your kisses turn slow and tired, eyes closed from exhaustion even if you really didn’t care about seeing. Neither of you attempted to move away as you happily accepted unconsciousness with your limbs intertwined. 
Peter had always been a heavy sleeper. 
It’s what makes it so easy to sneak out of his apartment the next morning without waking him. But… maybe, you  also did it because then you would have to acknowledge... You didn’t know what you should have been acknowledging. 
So you slip out the door, leaving nothing behind but his folded clothes, a note thanking him for not letting you get killed, and the smell of your shampoo on his pillows.
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frenziedfireworks · 1 year
hii! i was wondering if you could write a fred x reader fic that has a bit of angst and fluff? after an argument with fred, the reader gets drunk at a random houses party and ends up a sad drunk mess & he ends up finding her and they speak for a bit and everything turns out to be alright.
doesn’t have to be exact, but i hope this made some sense<3
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Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary : Fred snaps at you when he gets home and you leave. You drink yourself into a stupor and still hear his words replaying in your head.
CW : Hurt/Comfort, drinking/smoking, cussing
A/N : I hope this is what you had in mind! This idea was cute!
You were in a terrible mood. Fred had got home early, complaining about how work was bad and how a kid broke half of their products. You had listened and gave him a small hug but it seemed that wasn’t what he had wanted. 
“Get off. I’m not in the mood.” Fred pushed you away and began walking to your bedroom. Your eyes widened at the rude attitude and you felt tears well in your eyes. You grabbed at your coat and glared at his retreating form before opening the house door. If he wanted to be a bitch then he could do it alone. 
Your feet fell against the cobbled streets as you made your way to Angelina’s. You knew that she was planning a huge get together and had originally turned her down in hopes of spending the night with Fred but now that was out of the question. Your hand knocked against the door and it swung open to a half-drunk Angie.
“Y/N! I thought you weren’t coming! Get in here!” She pulled you into the house and you noticed some of your old friends circled around the table. Beers lined the counters and the room reeked of smoke.
“You all having a fun night?” You smiled as you approached them, glad to have an excuse to get shitfaced.
“Y/N!” Katie screamed and jumped up to hug you. “It’s been so long! I’m so glad you came!” The girl was interrupted as a hand tugged you away. Much to your surprise it was Lee. “Hey you. Thought you could use one of these if you truly want to get the party started.” He passed you your first beer and you sat down. 
Before you knew it you were four beers in and already feeling the repercussions. Much to your dismay though, the alcohol was not working in your favor. Instead of living it up and ignoring your issues, you were sitting in Angie’s bathroom sobbing your eyes out. Your friends had asked if you were okay but you just shooed them away saying that it wasn’t your night. You weren’t lying after all, it really wasn’t.. Your mind continued to play Fred’s words in your head, feeling as if it was a knife stabbing you over and over again.
A knock at the bathroom door shook you from your groggy state and you groaned. “Please leave me alone guys! I’m not feeling good.” You said between sobs. 
“Let me in Y/N.” Fred’s voice filled the void and your body froze. Why in the world was he here? In your drunken state you tried to piece it together, eventually coming to the conclusion that Lee had called him.
“Y/N! Please darling.” Fred slammed his fist against the door again and you begrudgingly pulled him in. Your face was lined with tears and you wobbled as you tried to stay standing. 
“What do you need?” You sneered at him and looked away. First he ruins your night and then follows you! The audacity.
“I came to fetch you love. Lee said you were sick and I think we need to talk.” Fred’s hand wiped at your cheeks and you shrugged out of his touch. 
“Oh so now you’re fine with comfort and affection?” You chastised and rolled your eyes. Fred sighed and his hand found yours.
“Y/N, I am so truly sorry. I was overwhelmed when I got home and everything was too much. I snapped when you were only trying to make me feel better. I really do love your hugs and want nothing more than your affection every day for the rest of my life. Please forgive me.” He squeezed at your hand and awaited your response. You looked at him for a few seconds before you started to cry again. Your arms wound around his form and he just held you in place. The two of you basked in eachothers presence for a while before you pulled back.
“Please don’t do that again. I don’t think I can take it.” You whispered and Fred bobbed his head.
“Never again love. I didn’t mean it and I am so sorry.” He reached out to place a soft kiss on your forehead. His arm wrapped around your back and he began to push you forward. 
“As much as I love sitting in Angelina’s bathroom I would much prefer the comfort of our own bed.” Fred teased and you let out a little laugh.
“I guess that’s fine.” You respond and the ginger gives you a grin.
“Thank you for your confirmation, my liege. I was worried you would say no.” He faked a curtsey as the two of you made your way out. You only rolled your eyes and smacked his shoulder.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You love it though.”
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sheabutterbitch · 6 months
hiii idk if this is okay to ask but is being a clinical mental health therapist worth it? i got my B.S in psychology and i’m leaning towards a masters but would you say the pay is worth it, i know your just starting out so somethings may not be high yet. i don’t need to be a millionaire or anything i just want to have a live able wage because i’ve always wanted to be a therapist.
also i’m proud of you, i’ve been following you for as long as i remember <3 you kinda inspire me in some aspects! 💛
Hi there, this is totally fine to ask!
One piece of advice I will give you is to look deeply into different paths for your masters degree. Even though you got a BS in psychology, it doesn’t mean you have to go this route to become a therapist. This video from Katie Morton on YouTube really helped me when I was in school.
I also like this video: What’s it like being a therapist, are you rich?
To answer your question, though: I love being a therapist so it is worth it for me. So often, where you work is what impacts your perception on this field. It is so easy to become exploited in this profession, especially as a social worker which is what my license is in.
As of now, you can expect to make 50k to 80k as a new therapist give or take. My salary is in this range and I work in one of the lowest paid states in the country so I think that’s still pretty good. If I were to live in a less rural state such as New York or California I’d likely make much more. Once I elevate my license next year, I’ll be making much more as an LCSW and will be able to open a private practice to generate more income potentially. There’s room for growth in this field as long as you do not become complacent or stagnant.
It is also important to consider the population and setting you plan to work with. For example, I work in addictions (chemical, sexual and romantic, shopping, eating disorders, etc.) and the setting is residential treatment. You’ll figure this out (and likely change your mind a couple times) during grad school or even afterwards so it’s okay if you’re unsure now. I still think it’s a good idea to ponder this as it may serve as motivation.
Also, try your hardest to land a graduate assistantship to pay for your studies.
Hope this helps!
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wosoamazing · 7 months
Nursery & Sickness
Summary: You don't want to go to nursery. You also get sick from Nursery, making your Mum sick too. Based off this request.
Warnings: Sickness (Vomiting)
A/N: I was kind of stumped on what to write so of course I turned it into a sickfic - I hope that is okay. I promise I am trying to write things other than sickfics, some of your requests are definitely helping with that.
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You didn't want to go to Nursery, you wanted to go to training as you always did, but you didn't understand why you couldn’t. Once you realised your Mum was leading you in the direction of your nursery you planted your feet firmly on the ground, refusing to walk, she just picked you up, not budging at your actions.
As she placed you down in your room, you started to cry, you didn't want to leave her side. “I’ve got to go to training Bubba, so you’re going to spend the day here, and I’ll be back to pick you up as soon as training is over”
“No, I come training with you”
“But Bubba you can’t, it's better for you to go to Nursery, and you can still come to games, I promise I will be back to pick you up.”
“No go,” you sobbed.
“I have to, what if we read a book together before I go?” You sadly nodded your head and went over to pick a book, while you Mum sat crossed legged on the floor. You chose a book and walked over to her, before walking backwards into her lap and sitting down, she read you the book and you calmed down, enough so that she didn’t feel guilty to leave you. 
When she came back to pick you up, you had a huge grin on your face and you were in the middle of a painting activity, you didn't want to leave. So she helped you finish your painting before you both went home, in the car you told her about your amazing day. She was relieved that you had enjoyed, so much so that you asked when you were getting to go back
Leah expected you to be sad and upset the first time she took you to Nursery, but what she didn’t expect was that you would have a new illness every week, the experienced nursery parents told her that this was normal, and would happen for roughly 2 or 3 months than you would just get like the seasonal flu, and if you moved Nurseries it would happen all over again, Leah took a mental note of that and promised herself she would not move you to a different Nursery. Heaps of the more experienced parents told her that this would happen for the first 2 or 3 months than you would be fine, so she just had to get through it.
Today was game day, which you were excited for, it meant you didn’t have to go to Nursery, however you felt funny, your head kind of hurt and your tummy felt icky, but you didn’t tell your Mum, you didn’t want her to make you stay home.
You slept in the car on the way to the game, which wasn’t a rare occurrence, considering it was a late game. When you were offered your snacks to eat before the game started you shook your head, which your Mum found odd as it was an offer you would always jump at. You fell asleep very quickly into the first half and slept the whole way through the game. Only waking up when Katie turned on the TV to see the men play as she waited for Caitlin to finish getting ready. The loud noise of the fans cheering through the TV radiated through your head and you started crying.
“What’s wrong Bubba?” Your Mum asked, snapping her fingers in Katie’s direction, who quickly turned down the volume.
“Icky,” you cried out.
“Oh Bubba, do you feel sick?” she asked as she felt your forehead, which was quite warm. You nodded in reply.
“Okay, well I’ll just get our stuff all packed up and then we can go okay, I love you,” she said, placing a kiss on your forehead. She was walking around the locker room, gathering all your things when the sound of liquid spilling onto the floor echoed around the locker room. She quickly spun around to see you covered in vomit, with a puddle of vomit in front of you. She quickly moved over to you and moved you out of the way of your puddle of vomit, tears started to roll down your cheeks, as she went to look over to Katie to ask something, but Katie had already left the room and there is no one else in the room, they all have already left or the ones that remain are in the showers.
Your Mum takes off your Shirt and Shorts, and uses a wet wipe to wipe your hands and face, before she starts getting you changed into your spare clothes. As she is smoothing down your hair that was messed up by your shirt, you gag, she looks around the room panicked trying to figure out what she can grab, when she sees Katie walk in who quickly chucks her a sick bowl. She places the sick bowl under your chin just in time as you start throwing up again. Caitlin, Steph, Lia and Kim have all now finished their showers and walk into the room, to see the absolute scene in front of them. Your Mum is kneeling beside you rubbing your back as you throw up into the sick bowl she is holding for you, there is a puddle of vomit nearby and a bag with your vomit cover clothes in it, sitting near you, that has yet to be tied up. 
“Do you need any help Leah?” Kim asks.
“No, no it’s all good, you guys just go, have a good night,” Leah responds, they all quickly gather their things and head out, except for one, who is rushing around behind your Mum, gathering all your belongings. She has finished packing all three of your bags and walks over to where the bag with your dirty clothes sits, your Mum jumps slightly not realising there was still someone in the room with her, she looks up to find it is Lia, her heart melting slightly at the kindness of her best friend.
“Lia, you really didn't need to stay behind,” she looks behind her, “Or pack up any of our stuff.”
“Don’t be silly Leah, I’ll just take these things out to the car and then I’ll come back for you and Y/N/N, and before you say you are fine to drive home, we drove here together.” Your Mum’s face cringed, she had totally forgotten that.
When Lia came back in you were sitting in your Mum’s lap, as she held you close, rocking you backwards and forwards.
“Le,” Lia said softly, your Mum looked up, “I’m ready when you are.” Your Mum got up and headed to the car, you threw up a lot more that night. The worst being when you had just gotten home, you were in your Mum’s arms, meaning it was all over you and her.
It had been a day since you last threw up, but you still felt icky so you were sleeping in your Mum’s bed, between her and Lia. Lia had insisted she stayed to help look after you.
“Fuck, Lia, can you hand me a sick bowl?” Your Mum asked.
“Yeah, but why, Y/N/N is asleep. Or have your Mum senses started tingling,” Lia joked as she handed the sick bowl to your Mum, who lent her head back against the headboard and closed her eyes, taking some deep breaths, Lia quickly clicked on to what was happening. She carefully and gently picked you up and quickly walked to your room, knowing Leah would be more comfortable if you weren’t there, she placed you on your bed before returning to the room. She climbed into the bed and sat next to your Mum, placing her hand on your Mum’s thigh, gently reassuring her, knowing that your Mum wouldn't want much physical touch currently. They remained like that for a few minutes before your Mum’s upper body jerked forward and she lost the contents of her stomach into the sick bowl, Lia rubbed her back whilst she softly spoke reassuring words to her.
You awoke in your bed feeling much better, but you wanted your Mum so you decided to toddle off down the hall and into her room, you saw her with Lia in the bathroom, hunched over the toilet as Lia rubbed her back, you walked into the bathroom.
“Mummy?” You questioned, slightly worried.
“Mummy is sick, I think she got your sick. Are you feeling better?" you nodded your head, "Thats good," Lia said before she moved her free hand to your Mums shoulder and gently squeezed it, your Mum shook her head slightly and Lia murmured a quiet 'okay' before she turned her gaze back to you. "Why don’t you go out to the living room and I’ll join you in a sec,” you nodded and toddled off.
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gingerjolover · 1 year
Don't Let Go - Katie Gavin x fem!reader (MUNA)
Sypnosis: Katie teaches their sweet (and scared) gf how to rollerbade!
G's notes: i am so sorry i can't find the request but if you requested this i hope you like it <3
WC: somewhere around 800 words (short king)
Warnings: RPF, tooth-rotting fluff, cheesy silk chiffon reference, kissin'
You’re gonna break your face; you just know it. And then your pretty partner will have to scrape you off the concrete. Suddenly, the rollerblades in your hands feel heavier than ever, and you wish nothing more than to leave this empty parking lot. Actually, you’d do almost anything to go back to practicing on the rug in your makeshift office in your and your partner’s home rather than the blazing hot asphalt under the California sun. 
“You can put them down, you know?” Katie giggles, kneeling before you, taking the rollerblades from your hand, and placing them in the open trunk. Katie kneels back down, kissing your knee sweetly before sliding the kneepads up your legs.
“Katie, I look…stupid,” you whine softly, they giggle loudly, throw ing their head back. “No, you don’t, baby… besides, you wanted to wear the–” they start to speak before you cut them off, “Because I’m going to hit the concrete and skin my knees and elbows an–and knock out all of my teeth and–” you stammer, nerves rising in your body. 
“Woah woah, hey…baby…we don’t have to do this today if you don’t want…or ever,” Katie says softly, empathy and compassion in their eyes. Your eyes find Katie's, finding humor in them as the love of your life tries to talk you down. “Don’t laugh!”
“I wasn't laughing,” Katie says with a snort. 
Your pout is immediate; Katie stands up and pulls you into their chest as you sit on the edge of the trunk. Katie kisses your hair, smooching your head and face, “You don’t have to do this for me, you know?” is mumbled against your hair. 
“I want to do this, I do, I wanna be able to go on rides with you and dance around, I’m just–” you huff out. 
“Okay, take a deep breath, and let’s get the skates on, and then we can work on it slowly, okay?” Katie says softly, a humorous smirk on their face, kneeling back down to help work the blades on your feet, tightening the laces.
Katie helps pull you up, their hands locked in yours as you stand. Your sweet partner places a helmet on your head and clicks it together under your chin, grinning as they kiss your nose. “Don’t even,” you grumble, noticing Katie is enjoying this too much. “You’re so cute, I can’t help it; look at my baby,” Katie laughs, squeezing your hips.
Pulling you gently, Katie holds your hands tightly, steadying you. “Remember what I taught you, bend your knees slightly, lean forward a little…” they say encouragingly, watching your body get into position. “Okay, good girl, now just take steps…like you’re walking,” Katie says, a proud look in their eyes. 
You’re wobbly, so anxious about falling, but you do as Katie says, putting your complete trust in your partner. “Life is so fun,” you grit, making Katie let out a belly laugh.
“Soon enough, you’ll be in a mini skirt, and you'll be a pro, sweet girl,” the words come out between laughs, but they are encouraging. 
“Ready to add a longer stride to your walking?” Katie murmurs, watching you focus. “I can’t just do this?” you ask, almost pleading. 
“I mean, you can. You just look like Bambi,” Katie laughs.
“You’re all wobbly; you’re not meant to walk in these forever, my love,” Katie responds, sassy but supportive.
“Ughhh, fine…how do I–um?” 
“Okay, so, push off with this back leg here—” Katie instructs, pulling their hand out of yours, tapping your thigh before you squeal. “Don’t let go!” in a panicked tone, Katie quickly grabbed your hand again. 
“You’re okay… I got you,” Katie murmurs, seeing your obvious panic. “Just use that leg and push off a little, try to glide between steps, increase your stride but not too fast.”
Listening diligently, as they say, you increase the time between steps and gliding on the skates. After a few minutes, you look up at your partner, smiling widely as they hold your hands and glide backward in front of you. 
“Good job, baby; you remember how to stop?” Katie asks, smiling. 
You give a slight smirk before pushing your toe forward so the nose of the skate stops you on the ground. 
“Good girl,” Katie cheers, kissing your cheek, your face instantly flushing. 
You spend the next hour gliding and skating around, Katie teaching you how to make turns on the pavement. 
When you’re finally back in the car, Katie leans over and kisses you gently, “I’m proud of you, my love,” they say softly. 
“Thank you for teaching me, honey,” you say, kissing her again. “Can we come again tomorrow?” you ask; the prospect of skating with your partner makes you giddy. 
Katie laughs loudly, holding your thigh as they blast the AC, “Of course, babe,” before kissing you again and driving you home.
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staywskz143 · 1 month
I honestly think Lucifer’s sacrifice would be like Sir Pentious’s.
Like he kisses Adam, tells him he loves him, and flies off before he can get out of his flood of emotions
i agree, it would be so sweet 💕
idk how to start these?
Narration in Lucifer’s voice : A long time ago, a kingdom lived in peace. They believed they had nothing to fear.. but lurking in the darkness was a great and terrible evil. The monster attacked without warning! Laying waste to everything and everyone in its path.
But in the darkest hour, a hero rose up. His name was Michael.
Michael : Go back to the shadows from whence you came!
Narration : He protected them from the evil and vowed that his people would never be vulnerable again, he trained an elite force of knights, declaring that they and their descendants shall protect the kingdom for the future generations.
But if you want a ‘happily ever after’ you can never let your guard down, because the monsters are always out there..
- 1000 year time skip -
a broadcast is shown on a TV,
??? : coming at you live from the Michael-dome, I’m Tom Trench
??? : I’m Katie Killjoy
Tom : And tonight is the night we knight the knights! Isn’t that right, Katie?
Katie : That’s right, Tom! But this is the most controversial knighting ceremony in a thousand years, you can feel the excitement and tension!
Tom : Tonight, tradition will be cast aside and the kingdom will be forever changed by one man, Adam.
Katie : The street kid with the impossible dream of being a knight,
A clip of a young boy breaking into a knight practice area and attacking one of the monster dummies
Young Adam : I’m here to slay monsters and protect our kingdom!
the broadcast switches back to Katie and Tom,
Katie : Until the Queen herself made a shocking decision!
Tom : No, he doesn’t come from a noble bloodline, but he might just have the heart of a hero.
Katie : And Adam made the most of this once in a lifetime chance, graduating top of his class!
Tom : A class that includes.. Eve! direct descendant of Michael himself, and most anticipated knight of this generation!
Katie : With Adam joining the ranks, for the first time in history, our safety will be in the hands of a commoner.
the broadcast swaps to interviews on the streets, showing 3 different people being interviewed at different times
??? : I don’t feel safe..
??? : it’s not what Michael wanted.
??? : I really hope the Queen knows what she’s doing.
the broadcast again flips back to Katie and Tom.
Tom : So one question remains tonight, will this kingdom accept this knight who might not be right?
we see a young man sitting on the edge of a roof watching the broadcast, frowning. A young lady walks up and sits herself beside him.
Eve, in an announcer voice : Will Adam be broody and depressed on the biggest day of his life?
Adam chuckles for a moment before frowning again : I’m not brooding, this is my thinking face, I’m thinking..
Eve : Well Mr. Thinky-Face, look at me,
Adam peeks at Eve from the corner of his eye.
Eve : You’ve done better and worked harder than any of us. You’re gonna be a knight Addie!
Adam once again laughs before frowning : Okay, okay, okay, but what if they still hate me?
Eve : No one hates a hero of the realm, They’re gonna love you, like i do.
Adam smiles and looks back to the screen on the building across from them : I hope so..
{{how’s this?}}
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imaginespazzi · 9 days
- NIVI BBY i’ve missed you so so so much! i hope your vacation was fabtastic 💛
- DAMN KK SIDED WITH DAD. i don’t like conflict this is making me sad
- “I wouldn’t have cared,” Paige shrugs, “running suicides would have been worth it for an extra hour with you.” bitch, it’s suicide awareness month aren’t you supposed to be nice to me?
- AHHH SHE TOLD HER SHES GETTING THE DIVORCE!!?!!! Why are these freaks not confessing love rn
- “She’s confused when Azzi flinches, like a memory has just pinched her nerves.” THE PHONE CALL???? PAIGE RLLY DOESNT REMEMBER
- OKAY BACJ TO THE NOW EEEEKK!!! don’t be shy paige go join azzi 🤗
- paige is a little freak with her short response… bitch say what u rlly want 😛😁
- S
- L
- U
- T
- S
- took them long enough
- “She’s always known exactly how to get Paige to shut the fuck up.” i laughed out loud
- “But there’s a part of Paige that had thought that there was no way Azzi could have missed her as much as she missed Azzi. Because missing Azzi had felt all consuming, like there was a constant noose around her neck that got tighter and tighter with every day that passed by” only you would turn them fucking into me being all sad
- stop azzi 🥹☹️ you’re gorgeous girl
- why the fuck am i crying rn.
- paige possessive little shit
- stop the left but you came back for the book joking around is actually making me cry because it’s literally them.
- The party,” Stephie cries out, “first you went to a party without me and then you had a sleepover without me. I can’t bel-ieve you guys would do that to me. Don’t you guys love me at all?” BYE IM CACKLING WHY IS STEPHIE ME… saying, oh so you hate me is my life motto😭😭 poor girl just wants a sleepover with her paige
- stephie really has paige wrapped around her finger azzi is gonna have to wrap her mouth in tape
- SLEEPOVER PT. 2?!?! where is paige sleeping is the question
- i am actually dying to find out more abt there actual break up
- ig my main question is abt like kk being upset with azzi was that her just being defensive of paige or has azzi not been talking to the others much?
-hey i finally stayed away from my cliff 🤞🤞
- sorry to say i don’t have rlly have questions and the short reactions today im so exhausted lol, HOWEVER im sorry happy you’re back and as always you’re my favorite evil genius
- Lmao hopefully I've satisfied all the horniness now
- I am being nice to you....later in the chapter
- Ah you're the only person who caught that so far I think or at least who's told me they caught it. But no she does not in fact remember.
- LMAO the s l u t s killed me but yeah just a little bit. I mean can you blame them?
- Listen I couldn't make it all hot and sexy because I fear that's just not me so instead we got sappy emotional sex because you know it's me and that's all I know how to write
- Stephie's so valid for being upset like they really had a whole night without her and she's supposed to be their baby. #FreeHer
- There's been a couple of references but Azzi has actively avoided a lot of reunions and such so KK's anger is mainly from a place of missing her, not necessarily siding with Paige.
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lilblueprint · 2 years
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Oh no, I’m falling in love again
Oh, I’m falling in love
I thought the plane was going down
How’d you turn it right around?
The big day approaches. You feel bitter and Jason makes you feel better.
This one is just me projecting my day </3 Idk why Labyrinth makes me picture the labyrinth from Katy Perry's 'Wide Awake' mv every time, but hey I'm not complaining. It's beautiful <3
The pitter-patter of rain on your window fell into rhythm with the steady beats of your heart. Your laptop was open and your eyelids were drooping. The last few late nights were starting to catch up to you. It was only 12 and you were already about ready to throw in the towel. 
After you had taken over as head of your office department, work had been rougher on you. Especially with your ex-boss doing his best to ruin things for you after he was forced to leave by HR. For the first time since starting your job, you felt incapable. 
You could do the work. But your mind distracted from your sense of duty, redirecting your focus to mindless little things like the rain. The false lull fooled you into thinking that you would wake up tomorrow and greet a Saturday morning. Unfortunately, that was far from the truth. The clock ticked steadily towards 1, you were sluggish and you had a strong desire to just ignore your responsibilities. 
Come on, you think. Focus. Find motivators. Like the wedding. Okay, good. You’re marrying the love of your life in a few days. 
“And I’m working like some chump,” you groan, leaning back and bumping into the headboard. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping to clear away the heavy feeling tugging at your lids, but instead you slip away into sleep.
When you wake up, your head is on Jason’s fresh, slightly damp thigh. You laugh mirthlessly, tears springing to your eyes as you realize you’d overslept. The slightest turn of your head, and you see the red clock numbers spelling out 4:30.
Jason must sense that you’re about to cry, because his hands move out of your hair–where he’s been gently hand-brushing it–to cradle your cheeks.
“Hey, doll,” he breathes softly. “How are you feeling?” 
You answer with a broken moan. 
“That bad?” 
His voice is filled with concern. You slowly lift your hands to cover your eyes as a tear slips down your face. It’s traitorous. You think you’ve been crying too much lately, and although you know that you’re not an emotional person, you can’t help but feel like one. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, voice hitching from the growing lump in your throat. “It’s not going great.”
Jason slips out from underneath you, gently placing your head on the pillows and putting your laptop away. 
“You shouldn’t stay up so late,” he chides. You scoff. 
“You’re one to talk.” 
“Touché,” he chuckles. You can’t help the little smirk that breaks out on your face, and Jason visibly brightens at the sight. The bed squeaks quietly as he bobs to place your sleeping device on the bedside table. You find a scrap of comfort in the sound as it pulls your focus away from the incessant ticking of the clock.
“How was patrol?” You whisper. You’re still not confident that your voice won’t waver when you speak to him. 
“It was wet,” Jason admitted. “Not too great for us either, but nothing we can’t handle.”
“Dick must’ve looked a sight,” you snickered, picturing his skin-tight suit plastering even closer to his body and soaking through. You could almost hear his whining complaints, and Jason telling him to shut up. 
“He wasn’t the only one who sacrificed his suit,” Jason pouted. “If I didn’t run the cycle early, you’d be complaining about the washing machine stinking up the place.”
“You’re right. Thank you,” you cooed, reaching for him so that you could kiss his nose. 
“You’re welcome.” He grins, turning off the lamp on your side of the bed. He tucks himself in, slotting his body against yours. His large, warm limbs fold you into his embrace, and you sigh contentedly.
“How are you so good at making me feel better?” You wonder, snuggling deeper into his strong arms. You figure you’ve earned a few moments of weakness. 
“Because I know you, princess. You were probably overthinking your project before I got home, yeah?”
How’d he know?
“That’s exactly what I was doing,” you admit. “My workload hasn’t been too lenient, no thanks to the jerk who messed up as much stuff as he possibly could for me.”
You feel Jason’s grip tighten around you, and you just know he’s thinking about shooting the guy’s kneecaps out. You’re inclined to agree, but it’s pointless picking fights with someone who’s already left your orbit. 
“Don’t pay attention to him,” you yawn. “It could just be my brain making up excuses. Actually, that’s probably what I’m doing.”
“No, doll. I know how hard you work, and you’re never one to give up easily. If you feeling tired isn’t a sign of burnout, then I don’t know what is,” Jason insists, and your heart swells with gratitude. 
“Thanks, Jay,” you murmur, rubbing your cold nose on his bicep. 
“Anytime. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you should probably take a few days off. Even working this close to the wedding is weird enough–well, it’s you. My little workaholic,” Jason says fondly. 
“I don’t know how much my new uppers are willing to let me go for the wedding prep,” you sigh. “It’s a delicate situation right now, what with the recent shift in admin.”
Thunder rumbles outside, and you can sense the flash of light that follows, even as your eyes are sliding shut for the hundredth time. 
“Just go to sleep, sweetheart. Don’t want my fiance falling asleep on me at our wedding,” Jason teases. You smile against his chest. 
“Ha… ha… real funny…” A yawn cuts you off, and you struggle to stay awake for a few moments more. Jason begins to hum quietly, and it blocks out the rest of the room’s noises while soothing you to sleep. “Wake me… up?”
“We’ll see,” Jason sighed, or so you think. You can’t tell as your senses shut down one by one. But the last thing he says, you hear distinctly: “I love you.”
“Love… you too.”
The faintest of smiles is etched on your face as you slip away.
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
hi katie <33
i know we talked about this last night, but i just want you to know how incredibly loved you are on this app. every single one of the hotch girls that i’ve talked to think the same about you:
1. you’re one of the sweetest people we have met
2. your writing is to die for (excuse me the characterization??? 100/10)
3. you would do anything for any one of us that asked
4. you’re so incredibly welcoming in this fandom even when a lot of people aren’t
i could go on forever. what people say about you is never a reflection of you. it’s always a reflection of who they are and what they see in themselves. they’re almost always insecure and jealous. please know that you shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to know how people perceive your fics, for wanting to know what people like and what they don’t like about them, for wanting constructive criticism. all writers want that. those anons saying you’re asking too much and being too needy are out of their minds. and they’re dead wrong.
it’s so hard and incredibly scary to publish fics that you write — that alone is intimidating as hell. you’re going out of your way to put your art out here on the internet for us to read and enjoy. stories that you’re already scared isn’t enough for us. absolutely that calls for feedback, especially if you’re asking for it!
you write whatever you want to and we will always be here in the comments and your dms talking about it. and you know what? if other people read it and don’t like it, they can MOVE ON and keep scrolling. it costs $0 to be nice and just ignore things you don’t like. taking multiple minutes out of your day to send someone a long message (longer than any feedback on fanfic would take) just to tell them what they’re asking for isn’t valid and making them feel like shit for wanting support is not okay and will not be tolerated.
morgan!!!! 😭💞 i'm so incredibly grateful for you you have no no no idea <3333333 you always manage to change my perspective to something positive and thank you so so so much for helping me through last night 😭 i hope you know how important you are to me, and to soooo many others here in the aaron community <333, because omg what would we all do without you 😭 i really don't know <333333 thank you for being you and for always being suchhh a light!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!
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