#hope ur having a lovely day/night!! thanks for checking in ‹33
seelestia · 1 month
hi lia!!! i just wanted to check on you :>
hi hi, vi!!! struggling a little with getting my license (send help uwuauwu) but i've been good so far ‹3 hru??? has college let u off its shackles for a bit /lh
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hi hi !! sorry if this is weird but i just saw the tags you left on my poly!sashisu drabble and when i tell you i was giggling and kicking my feet reading through them?? i genuinely got so giddy going through your tags and seeing your reactions 🥹
i can’t tell you how much better you’ve made my day so thank you so so much for being so sweet !! your words made me smile like an idiot and i’m so glad you enjoyed reading my silly lil drabble (bonus points that you’re a fellow sashisu enthusiasts bc i swear there aren’t enough of us hehe)
anyways thank you so so much for all the love !! hugging you so tight rn <333
u are so sooooo welcome, that drabble made my whole night!! tysm for writing it in the first place <333 FELLOW SASHISU ENJOYER WE MUST STICK TOGETHER….. 🫂🫂🫂 i’m hugging u soo tightly too 🫂🫂🫂🫂 no but i’m so glad my tags could make u happy, u deserve all the praise and more!! i know i alr said it but i seriously adore how u wrote their dynamics and care for each other :’3 u understand sashisu like no one else… i love them so dearly…..
ANYWAY just know ily <3 + that drabble will stay in my heart forever n ever!! tysm again!! <33
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leeneir · 7 months
hiii ^_^!!! I hope ur having a wonderful day. Rlly love ur iso hcs (i’m srry i’m saying it again but their so good 😭.)
I was wondering could you do a pt.2 of the relationship hcs? Like how Iso would act once the relationship has rlly set in and he’s completely comfortable with us?
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thank you!
I hope that this is to your liking!!<33
Relationship 2.0; Iso x GN!Reader
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Im ngl yall, I'm the thpe of person to write a 100k slowburn romance buildup but when it comes to actually writing the relationship itself... mind is wont to blank...
Your relationship is hidden from the others. Even with the no frat rule being tsken out of procotol policy, Iso is keen about keeping your relationship private. The only one that knows are Sage and whoever you're close/best friends with.
Don't get me wrong, he's not ashamed of you or your relationship or anything like that. Behind closed doors, Iso is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. I mentioned it in the last post, but he's really just a big softie.
Iso turns in for the night at a designated time without fail, but you know that he doesn't actually sleep. You'll make up some excuse to the others to check up on him in his room.
Some nights, he'll let you in and you both talk about your day and it's relatively peaceful, some nights, he wont even let you knock, using his sixth sense to sense if your near his door and instantly pull you in without a word, holding you close to him and burying his face in your neck. That's his way of saying that he missed you very much💜
Very cuddly, he likes having the reassurance that you're alive and breathing by keeping you close to him.
He calls you by your name, and he'll ask you to do the same. Sure, he likes his new name "Iso", but Zhao Yu much rather preferred the intimate connection to you have when you call each other by gov names which was something he didn't get often. Names are a not so fun thing for him. (He's a lil traumatized, but that's for another post🤭)
When it gets cold, Iso also runs cold. If you run warm, you can put your hands on his face and he'll lean into the touch or you can grab his hands and just hold them. It's enough for him. If you run cold, it's the only time he's fine with PDA, aka snuggling on the couch.... joined by the other agents.
When it comes to jealousy, ik I mentioned it in the other post too, but he has another reaction. If Iso see's you with another agent that's flirting with you, he'll come up and offer you to listen to music with him. As you listen and are distracted, he stares at the other agent with his 'assassin' glare per se.
One day at a sleep over with the other agents, you guys play a classic game of truth or dare. It's your turn, you say truth. Jett goes in for the classic "Do you have a crush on anyone here?" And you deny it. You can feel someone staring at you, and once the others are distracted, you turn to Iso who has subtle smirk on his face, nodding his head back to signal that he wants you guys to leave. You playfully roll your eyes.
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shadesslut · 10 months
Could u do a Ethen Landry × fem reader
Where reader and Ethan have been dating for a few months, and like reader and him have a fight (about whatever that's ur choice) while they were studying at his house.
And in anger reader leaved the house and goes to her house and like he attacks her as Ghostface but it was like just to prank her, and she gets shit scared and gets an asthma attack and like doesn't have her inhaler with her and like she had to get more inhalers so he panic and like runs to a pharmacy and gets her an inhaler, but when he's back she's past out.
You can choose what happens next
Thank you <33
Hope you like it:)
i love you
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Pairing: Mean!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Content Includes: Asthma attack, angst, fluff
Summary: Ethan decided to scare Y/N after a fight, it doesn’t end well.
It had been two hours. Two fucking hours of Ethan studying. Y/N had been laying on his bed, randomly scrolling on her phone. She came over after her classes to work on an assignment for a class they shared, but after finishing, Ethan wanted to study for his Econ final the following day. Every thirty minutes, she would try to get him to spend time with her, rubbing at his shoulders and gently kissing his neck, and every time, he dismissed her.
“Ethan,” she whined, drawing out his name.
“What?” he mocked. His pen frantically moved across the paper as his head turned to his textbook and back to his notes.
She took a puff from her inhaler, which caused Ethan to turn around. His eyes looked tired, and his shoulders looked tense. Y/N knows how much Ethan hadn’t slept lately, the nights where she felt him slip out, presumably to work on school. What she didn’t know though, is that her perfect, shy boyfriend, was out killing.
“Can you take a break?” She asked as she sat up. He sighed and put pressure on his temples. “Do you need advil?”
He shook his head as he looked back up to her. He stood up and walked over to grab the water bottle on his night stand, taking a quick swig. “I think you need a break.” She suggested.
He groaned at her. “I need you to stop being so clingy.”
She was taken aback by his words, he had never snapped at her before.
“I’m..I’m not? I’m just worried about you.”
“Bullshit, you’ve been trying to get me to pay attention to you for the past hour.” Ethan argued as he sat back at his desk. His back was turned to her, but he could feel her gaze on him.
“Don’t be an asshole,” she muttered, getting up.
He let out a half tired half annoyed laugh. He rubbed his palms over his face. He genuinely wasn’t pissed with her; he had been stressed from his dad getting into his ass and his poor grades in classes. He did want to spend time with her, he was just…frustrated, in certain ways. He needed to let out his stress with some form of relief.
“I’m not being an asshole, I just have a shit ton of work.” Ethan grumbled.
She nodded and grabbed her purse. “Then I’ll just leave you to your work.” She spat before leaving, slamming the door.
On her way home, she clutched the strap of her purse. She felt her anxiety peaking, checking her phone for any messages.
Ethan kept behind her carefully, watching her intensely. He watched her turn a corner, and he checked around him to make sure they were alone. He slid his mask on and quickened his pace.
Y/N started looking through her purse for her inhaler, feeling each breath getting heavier and heavier.
“Shit.” She cursed once she realized she probably left it on Ethan’s bed.
Her eyes started to water from the overwhelming weight on her lungs.
She heard quick footsteps grow louder and louder behind her, and she pulled her pepper spray out. Ethan caught up to her, grabbing her by the shoulders and yelling “Boo!”
She screamed bloody murder and turned around, spraying towards him. He inhaled some of the spray, instantly coughing.
“What,” cough. “The.” cough. “Fuck?”
He took off his mask and coughed more. Y/N gradually fell to the ground and started to wheeze. She held her hand over her chest, gasping for air. Ethan looked at her after his coughing fit, and his eyes immediately widened. “Shit. Shit.”
He leaned down and went through her purse, desperately trying to find her inhaler. She gasped and wheezed as Ethan ransacked her purse. She felt tears spill from her eyes as she began to panic. Could this night go any worse?
“Fuck, there was a pharmacy near by. I’ll go, I’ll go get an inhaler.” He said quickly before getting up and running back around the corner. Her eyes followed him as his form disappeared, and her vision started to blur.
When Ethan came back, she was laid on the floor, eyes closed.
His eyes widened and he dropped down on his knees next to her. He shook her limp body and called out her name.
“No, no, fuck fuck no,” he cursed as he picked up her motionless body.
She woke up to a bright light shining in her eyes as she softly groaned. She moved her hand up to her eyes and gently rubbed them. She saw someone jerk their head up out of the corner of her eye, and she saw Ethan enter her peripheral vision.
“H-Hey! Are you okay? Do you need water?” He immediately asked, grabbing her hand.
She looked at him and blinked. “What happened?”
He gulped and looked down shamefully. “I- Uh,”
She thought for a moment, and she sighed as she remembered. He looked at her and knew she knew, and he waited anxiously for her response.
“I remember you scared me.” She said.
“Y-Yeah, I did. I’m so sorry. You started to panic, and I-I went to go get an inhaler for you, but I came back and you were-“ he stuttered, face heating up with embarrassment.
She grabbed his other hand and squeezed. “H-Hey it’s okay,” she said, softly smiling.
He shook his head at her. “It’s not, I was an asshole. I’m sorry, my dad has been such an ass, and I’ve been so stressed lately. It’s not an excuse, b-but I-“ he was cut off by her lips gently meeting his.
He sighed and relaxed his shoulders, kissing her back. She pulled away slightly and smiled.
“They said you were lucky I got you here when I did.”
“My hero,” she softly praised, making his ears turn red. She caressed his warm cheek with her palm, and she leaned forward and kissed his nose.
“Good.” He said smirking, tugging her towards him, kissing her harshly. She breathed heavily at a quicker pace, and she pushed him off of her, looking around the room.
“Here,” he said, offering her inhaler. She grabbed it and took a puff, slowing her breathing.
She thanked him and he nodded at her.
“I’m gonna have twenty of those on me everywhere we go now.” He joked, causing her to softly chuckle. She rested her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.
“I really am sorry. I love you.” He whispered.
“I love you too.”
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h0ney-mochi · 1 year
okay so first off, your stories are so great?? LIKE SUB SCARA TOO. *tucks hair behind ear and blinks cutely* I love your blog sm?? diehard submissive genshin boys right here ✌️
But if you want smthn other than smut, thennn... how about a really touchy reader going away for a good month for some sort of work related occasion and how the genshin guys would feel about being away from the reader's touch for so long?
if you can, mind if you include Xiao, too? 🥺 any other guy is fine too
That's all, have a good one, you cool person on tumblr ✨️
So used to your touch, but you've got work!
Characters: Scaramouche, Xiao x reader (separate)
Summary: they're so used to your touches — hugs, kisses, hand holding — all of it. How would they feel if you're gone to do work and it's been a month without your loving touch?
A/n: THANK U SMM FOR UR KIND WORDS AAHHH— I just think putting a brat mf into his place is nice *smile* Anyways, thank u for ur ask <33 This was nice to write :] I'm sorry if it sort of sucks aahh I haven't written anything sfw for so long lol- I wanted to put in another character, but I got a little busy
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Upon hearing that you'll be gone for a month, he allowed you to give him a long hug. Just so it could be burned into his memory for a while. Xiao's a busy man as well, needs to protect the citizens at dead of night. Yet he doesn't hesitate to come when you call him for a cuddle session. Spitting words of 'no respect for my work' as he doesn't let go of you while you play with his hair.
He's still busy when you're gone. But his mind is elsewhere when he fights. He knows you won't call for him since you're gone for work. Yet he hopes he'll hear you.
When he gets a little free time, Xiao goes to the room you were staying at while you were here. He remembers how whenever you called for him, you were always in the same spot, ready to give him your love! As much as he wants to say you're getting in the way of his work, you really aren't. You're a breath of fresh air and you're there to care for him.
Xiao wasn't the one for a lot of physical contact, but when you came along, he looks forward to it all the time. And now he's waiting for you to come back.
It's been a month. He's still fighting and checking in on your room. Sometimes he holds his own hands, even if it's embarrassing for him, just so he could remember how yours felt in his. How you peppered his face with kisses once you had finished cleaning up some wounds he got from some fights. Xiao knows you're busy. Is that how you feel when he's gone? Oh how he couldn't wait to go in your room and see the lights on.
First few weeks he's relieved to be free of your constant intruding. Relieved, he says. In fact, he's getting more upset, worried? Scara wouldn't admit that he misses you. He misses you a lot
Yeah, you did inform him that you'll be gone for a month with a nervous smile and he had just shook his head, saying a simple okay. He didn't expect it to be so boring and lonely.
Whenever Scaramouche comes home, you're already running around the corner to greet him with kisses. When he's just making something in the kitchen, you appear, setting your head on his shoulder, hands around his waist. Or those random touches whenever he's just sitting on the couch, watching boring news while working.
Yeah, he missed it alright. That's why he spends more time at work, just so he wouldn't have to go to an empty house. At some point he's wondering if you just left him, not thinking of coming back. Just a few days and it'll be a month without you.
Even if it felt like more than a month. Scaramouche can only imagine your touch now. He's deep in his thoughts and waits for you to return. He just wants you back. See your stupid smile whenever he speaks about his dumb coworkers. He would never admit he misses you or your touch. He often sits in silence and wonders, will the door open and your cheery voice come through?
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blue-jisungs · 10 months
Hi! Love your works! I had an idea if you have time to write it. How would the xdh members act/treat you when you're sick? Thank you!
you’re sick ♡
author's note. thank u sm cutie <33 thank u for requesting, i love me some xdh reqs hehe sorry for such a long wait and i hope you enjoy it!! ^_^
warnings. obv mention of being sick, meds
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┆彡 GUNIL [ 건일 ]
i feel like he’d panic internally but he would make a top tier nurse
obv hates seeing you in pain so would do everything to help you recover soon
all the time by your side :(
and if he can’t bc leader duties, he’d be sure to facetime you and leave needed meds on your nightstand
but because he cares abt your health sm he can get a bit… serious about it
taking u to the doctor, making sure you eat and take ur meds on time (even if it doesn’t matter), making sure the temperature of the room is right and probably will make sure u don’t tire yourself by watching tv 🧍‍♀️
may or may not sleep on the couch while you’re sick bc he doesn’t want to get sick too :((
┆彡 GAON [ 가온 ]
confused chick.exe
poor bby doesn’t really know what to do :(
you’ll probably end up taking care of urself lmao but he’s there to help
like,, will go to the doctor with you or hand you the meds
or buy them but only when you specifically tell him the name and all the info, even the color of the pills
he’s just scared he’ll buy some kind of wrong meds and you’ll end up getting worse :(
makes the best warm tea tho like <3
but! he’s not scared to sleep n cuddle with you, even when you’re all sniffly 🥹
┆彡 JUNGSU [ 정수 ]
sigh i love him
so so tender and soft and just :((
brushes your hair out of your face when it sticks to your forehead bc of the sweat :((
puts up w all ur moody moments, from cuddles bc you’re cold to listening patiently when you’re whining bc your nose is stuffed
calls him mom to ask for help what to doooo <\\3
brings u her soup (believes it will heal you)
sits w u all day, even if it means getting sick too eventually
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
will approach you in a mask and gloves type of guy LMAOO
no but he’s very cautious
however, you’ll get well in no time
knows exactly what’s up and exactly which meds he needs to buy for u
knows all those granny tricks for speedy recovery
and they work too??
will urge u to sleep a lot
now and then will sneak a kiss on your forehead “to check if your body temperature is right”
┆彡 JUNHAN [ 준한 ]
he panics sm gosh but eventually calms down and googles everything
btw he found out that apparently you’ll die in two days bc it’s a heart attack symptoms (a regular cold)
makes sure u take all the meds needed and prepares warm soups n teas
but also if there’s an option to buy a flavoured cough syrup or medicine in general, he’ll pick those in ur fav flavours or those who he thinks won’t taste as bitter :(
will be your personal heater if u get cold
hated seeing u in pain so sneakily will make everything to make u fall asleep,, scratching your back gently, playing with your hair, cuddling…
will not hesitate to throw out used tissues after u blew ur nose and missed the bin
well probably end up sick immediately after u get well so….. how the turn tables,, pls take care of him ^_^
┆彡 JOOYEON [ 주연 ]
madness. chaos. disorder.
probably gets sick like day after you
totally not bc he drink from ur water bottle on accident n such
you just call gunil.
he brings u all the necessities while u cuddle with joo and watch tv or nap
sometimes he’ll make a soup or a warm dish but bc of his stuffed nose majority of the dish is burnt
(he swears he didn’t smell it burning…)
checks ur temperature often tho, wants to make sure it’s not dangerous
good luck sleeping w him tho like,, if u get hot at night he doesn’t care….. he will stick to u as if he was attached by glue
you complain it’s sweaty and gross but he doesn’t really care >:T
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang ,, @nfrgirl ,, @crxzs
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
hii hope ure doing well <3 i recently thought of a potential fic idea that u might like HEHE... considering there's many fics about like bau!reader wearing like skirts in efforts to tempt aaron. i was like.. Hm. what if No skirts???
so instead: reader who typically wears suits! and one day reader decides to upgrade their wardrobe after finding a good tailor n getting a bonus pay check 😋😋 MAYBEEE reader doesn't necessarily mean to tempt aaron in any way but aaron is AFFECTED . (this could be like pre-relationship or after they get together)
poor man is literally trying so hard not to let his eyes linger n keep his wandering thoughts at bay but it's tough considering he thinks reader is So Damn Fine
bonus: one day it gets unbelievably humid so reader takes off the jacket n rolls their sleeves up... and ofc we all know rolled up shirt sleeves = sluttiest look Ever . hence, aaron's mind Just. Malfunctions. bc i feel, even god's strongest men, will crumble at the sight of THE slutty whoreish rolled up shirt sleeves look ‼️‼️‼️‼️
- 🤲
AHHH HEY!! i'm doing well thanks, hope you are too!! i was gonna reply to this last night when you first sent it but i couldn't open the ask on my phone bc the formatting fucked up and i couldn't read it </33 but im on my computer now hehe
also i LOVE this idea omg it's so good
aaron would be so flustered bless him, he just can't look away from you and how your new suits somehow look even BETTER on you than the ones you used to wear. it just fits you so well and makes you look soooo good and the poor man thinks he might lose his mind tbh :') he feels bad n unprofessional bc of the way he's looking at you and he thinks you might think he's being creepy but tbh you're LOVING the attention hehe bc you can tell it's getting to him 🤭🤭 it's even better if you're not dating at the time bc you finally realise that he might fr be into you and you're in that fun lil stage of dancing around each other while making it super obvious that you're into each other hehe
n YESSS his mind would Crumble at the sight omgg!! he'd be unable to look away from your arms and hands and he'd be thinking about all the places they could (and should 🤭) be hehehe. and he loves the way your shirt fits you soooooo much and he's losing himself in the thoughts of what you look like beneath HEHE. but then obviously that makes him feel WORSE bc he's thinking stuff he knows he shouldn't about you but he can't help it because you just look SO GOOD and all he wants to do is kiss you hehe :3 he'd have to excuse himself because he's just so flustered bless
it'd also be fun if you followed him to the bathroom and asked if he was okay and teased him a lil bit by standing close as you wash your hands and he's just staring at you with NO CLUE WHAT TO DO because holy shit he wasn't expecting a) you to be into it and b) YOU TO BE MAYBE DOING IT ALL ON PURPOSE??? he just knows that once the day is over, you and he are gonna have a talk hehe and it's up to you if it ends up with going on a date or you end up fucking in his office <3
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loveandmurders · 2 years
I fucking love your Ambrose sister Hc<33
but I’m in the mood for something sad because I’ve been down a bit
Bo Sinclair who had a horrible, atrocious, fight with his sister to a point he said “I Wish you Were Never Born”
And the reader just leaves the house crying and doesn’t return for weeks and everyone in the Ambrose house is worried because she isn’t home. Then some fluff in the end<33
I had i fight like this with my own brother I didn’t come back home for 2 months, but now we’re all good <3
If you feel uncomfortable doing this request ignore it!!
Love ur content sm have a great day 🫶🏽🫶🏽💕
Hello love, I'm really happy you are enjoying this AU <3 I also hope you'll feel better soon <3 Honestly I got carried away with that request because it was something I already wanted to write (thank you for having given me the right excuse to do so). So it'll be in 2 parts, and the fluff will only be at the end of the second part.
I really hope you'll enjoy this very angsty writing <3
And if you want to check more of this AU or my other fics, my masterlist is here. To understand better this fic, you should go check the Sinclair sister headcanons!
Warnings: Bo being really angry and toxic to Vincent and you, pure angst, some strong words, morally grey reader.
You knew it wasn’t going to be a very nice day when you woke up and Bo and Vincent were already arguing in the kitchen. Bo would usually calm down once you would sit down at the table to take your own breakfast, but he didn’t even acknowledge you this morning. You didn’t try to understand what was going on; you could tell Bo was just feeling a lot worse than usual and therefore he needed to let go of his anger in a way or another. You were used to him bursting in anger like that, but it wasn’t that often that he would yell and be so mad for such a long period of time. In the end, you barely ate and quickly did the dishes before disappearing. It wasn’t nice to leave Vincent alone with Bo, you knew it, but there wasn’t much you could do and the situation was upsetting you. You hoped there would be some tourists today so he could hurt them instead of screaming at his own siblings. The only proof he loved his family was that it never ended in physical abuse, but the insults and all were already too much. You didn’t want to believe he was toxic, even though you knew he was. At the same time, it wasn’t like your brothers had the healthiest way to earn money and you couldn’t even pretend to be disgusted: you didn’t care about the tourists they killed. You just wanted your family to be happy and Bo to feel better.
You couldn’t believe that a few nights ago, when it was only Vincent and you in his basement, you had been talking about living all the time at Ambrose. You had found a new job, not so far from there so it would be alright to do the travel everyday. Vincent had been quite excited about the idea and he had tried very hard to convince you to let go of your flat and to live with them. He was certain things would be so much better that way. He added that you were spending all your weekends there anyways, and most of your evenings. You could always go to your friends' houses if you needed to stay out of town for work or a party. There were also a lot of hotels around. And if something happened with Bo, you could always take possession of one of the abandoned houses lying around Ambrose. Vincent even promised you he would remove the wax statues that might be in the house you picked, so it wouldn’t creep you out. You noticed that if Vincent wasn’t as direct as Bo, the man was also craving to have his whole family under the same roof. You wondered if it was because he thought things would be easier with Bo or if it was because he also was a family man (to a lesser extent than Bo). Anyways you were slowly thinking it might be a good idea to move back in.
The night before you even decided to announce this news the next morning, and Vincent had felt he had been very close to convincing you. But the ambiance and yelling changed your mind right away. And when Vincent saw you leaving the kitchen without a word, he knew it. He silently cursed Bo for having fucked this up. They had been so close to having their favourite baby sister home with them. They could have hoped to have Lester a lot more often there as well. But Bo was too full of rage to notice anything else today. His chest was heavy. He couldn’t really tell what was wrong, maybe too many things, he just felt very bad and he couldn’t quiet down his anger. It was a vicious circle: the angrier he was, the worst he felt, and the angrier he was getting. Plus, his siblings were family, so he didn’t think either of you would turn your back to him, no matter what he could do to you. He was wrong.
You had been very quiet today and when Vincent came to you in order to know if you were still up to stick around, even if he already knew the answer, you simply shook your head. It really saddened him; he understood, of course he did, but he needed you around. He hugged you before leaving to go to work. He didn’t want to make you feel guilty so he promised himself he wouldn’t say anything anymore about it. He just hoped you would change your mind soon again. At the same time, you were indeed quite upset with yourself but you didn’t want to live like that. You even sent a little message to let Lester know that today wasn’t a good day and that it would be a good idea if he could find some tourists to send to Ambrose. Lester instantly replied he was going to do his best and that if you wanted he could come get you and drive you back to your flat. 
You really didn’t think you would have to ask him that; you wanted to be strong for your brothers. You knew that leaving would make things even worse with Bo, but in the end, he really hadn’t given you the choice…
Lester hadn’t found any tourists that day and Bo was really on edge. Vincent and you were trying your best to stay away from him. You were on the couch of the living room, reading and minding your own business. You jumped when the front door violently opened. Bo was in the room in no time, clearly bored and still very upset. He needed someone to abuse or he would go crazier. You weren’t used to him being abusive with you though, so you weren’t afraid of him.
“What’s wrong Bo?” you finally asked because you couldn’t bear the situation any longer. He sent you a dirty look, which was rare. He was always softer when it was about you, because you were his baby sister. But today he wasn’t in a good enough mood to remember to be kinder with you.
“Don’t know, maybe havin’ a lazy stupid sister who ain’t helpin’ with anythin’ in the house” he snapped and you frowned. You would never let him talk to you like that.
“What did ya say?” you asked as you put your book down and stood up. “I cleaned up ‘round! Plus it’s the weekend, if I wanted I could be away from here.”
“Oh thank ya my lady for honourin’ us of your presence” he replied with a tone full of mockery and anger.
“I can fuckin’ leave if that’s what ya want!” you exclaimed
“Don’t give a fuck of what ya’re doin’! Ya’re useless bitch, always has been anyways” he continued.
“Oh yeah? Well sorry for botherin’ ya then!” you were getting angrier as well because his words were hurting you more than you wanted to admit it. It was slicing deep into your heart and own insecurities. You were trying to believe he wasn’t thinking any of what he said. You knew Bo could throw things at your face and barely remembered what he said once he was calming down. Or maybe he did remember and acted as if it was nothing, because he didn’t truly mean it and he had no idea what to do to make things better or to apologise. Either way you knew it would be better once he would feel better. And hopefully it would be sooner rather than later.
“Ya’re a fuckin’ burden, ya know that? Ain’t aroun’ when ya’re needed, ain’t doin’ nothin’ when ya’re finally here. Don’t even know why ‘m tryin’ to get ya here when ya’re not. Would live better without ya!” he wasn’t yelling anymore, his voice was oddly calm while helding pure rage and hatred into it. He never talked to you that way before and it sobered you up from your own anger. You wanted to beg Bo to stop saying that kind of thing. You loved your brothers more than anything, and they were the only people truly able to hurt you. You stayed silent for a few instants, which was never happening when you were arguing with Bo. Usually, the whole house could hear the two of you and you would only stop by storming away from each other. But it was different, you were standing in front of him, tears in the eyes, your heart aching like never before. What would you do if the only people you truly loved didn’t want you anymore ?
“Is that really what ya think of me?” you asked him and you truly hoped he would calm down, and hugged you and told you that of course not, that he didn’t know why he said this when he loved you so much… 
But he didn’t.
“Wish ya were never fuckin’ born” he replied just at the moment of the basement door was cracking open. Vincent had been surprised by how quiet your argument with Bo had become so he was checking on the two of you. He heard his twin’s last words and it broke his heart. It broke it even more when he heard you started to cry. You ran away from Bo, ashamed to cry in front of him, and feeling pathetic and weak. You slammed the front door behind you as you continued to run away from the house now. You grabbed your phone and you dialled Lester’s number. You needed to be away from Ambrose.
Hey, darl, what’s up? Even hearing Lester’s voice didn’t bring you as much comfort as usual. You were a mess. You were trying very hard to not fully collapse here; you needed to be alone in your flat to cry to your heart's content and then to calm down.
“Come get me, please” you pleaded through a shaky voice.
What’s goin’ on? Lester asked, panicking as he could hear how terrible you were feeling. You heard his truck going faster.
“Just Bo bein’ an asshole” you replied as you sent a glance toward the house. Bo didn’t make you cry a lot in your life, but the few times it happened he was instantly softening up and trying his best to make it up to you. Usually, he couldn’t stand the idea of hurting you… This time, he didn’t even run after you. Maybe he was truly believing his words. Maybe you were a burden to him and he was fed up with seeing you around because you were useless. Maybe he didn’t love you anymore. You didn’t bring him any kind of happiness anymore. You were glad you hadn’t given your flat back, it was the only good thing in this whole story.
‘M sure he’ll come get ya in a few seconds, Lester replied, he knew how much Bo was adoring you.
“He won’t. Told me he wished I never existed ya know.” you told him and your voice broke then. Lester stayed silent because he couldn’t believe Bo would say something like that to you. To him or to Vincent, alright, but to you… You were off limits.
On my way, darl, almost there. He finally said and you whispered a thank you before hanging up.
You waited five minutes, alone. You sent another glance at the house and you saw Vincent and Bo arguing in the living room. It was getting pretty violent, but you didn’t care. You were aching way too much to come back and stop them. You were so relieved when Lester arrived and he jumped off his truck to rush to you. He tightly hugged you and gently rocked you as you cried into his chest. After a little while, he guided you to his truck and helped you climb into it. He was quick to leave Ambrose, his heart aching for you. You were softly sniffing, your eyes on your lap. You couldn’t remember having felt so bad your whole life… because usually, when something was wrong, your brothers were there for you.
“I’ll never come back” you whispered and Lester sent you a worried look.
“Don’t say that, darl.” he whispered back as he placed a hand on your shoulder and gently stroked your skin. “Bo ain’t knowin’ what he’s sayin’. He’s gonna call ya in the middle of the night, beggin’ ya to come back home, like he always does.” he told you and you softly nodded, hoping Lester would be right.
The thing was that Bo didn’t call you. 
You hadn’t been able to sleep that night, staring at your phone with a heavy heart painfully beating inside your chest. Your stomach was a knot and your throat as well. You needed this call more than anything; it was as if your life was depending on it. You needed Bo to ask you to come back home, because if he didn’t, you wouldn’t. And it was breaking you even more to think you wouldn't have a home anymore then. Your flat wasn’t your home, it was just an easy place to go to work and to see friends, that was all. Your life was in Ambrose, by your brothers’ sides. But if they didn’t want you anymore, what would be left of you? You would just be pretending to live, when your soul and heart would be so far away from you. You needed Bo to tell you he still loved you. You weren’t sure you would be able to forgive him, but at least it meant you could come back home, at least to see Vincent.
You finally fell asleep and when you opened your eyes, at 8 o’clock, you had no missing call. You cried even more. Your whole body was bursting in sadness and despair. What were you going to do now? You continued to cry for hours, until you felt empty and that there were no tears left inside of you. You cuddled in your bed and you tried to calm down. Bo was a big part of your life, but if he didn't want you anymore, you could only obey. You could still easily see Lester, but Vincent…
As you thought about the masked twin, you received a message from him.
Sorry for yesterday… I should have been there for you, I should have kept Bo away from you. I promise you it won’t happen again. Bo is calmer today. He asked me how you were doing. I think he feels quite guilty about what happened. Can you come back home today?
You had no idea how many times you read that message over and over again. You knew Vincent could be very manipulative, maybe even more than Bo. You weren’t certain if he was only saying those things so you would come back home, or if Bo truly felt “guilty” about it. But it wasn’t enough for you. You wanted him to be sorry, you wanted him to tell you he loved you, you wanted him to tell you he didn’t mean what he said. He hurt you like he never did before. He didn’t call you. And now it was Vincent who was trying to put the pieces back together?
No. You were heartbroken and hurt and homesick already, but you couldn’t come back and pretend that nothing happened. You needed Bo to do something about it and to make you feel better.
Bo made it pretty clear he didn’t want me at Ambrose, have a good day Vincent.
You never sent such a harsh message to your brothers before but you also had traumas, just like Bo, and yet, you would never hurt them like Bo hurt you. You loved them, and Bo didn’t love you. Vincent didn’t answer you, probably at loss and silently wondering what he could do to make things back to normal.
But there was nothing he could do, and he knew it.
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
omg for ur sweater weather sleepover!! what about a cosy christmas night at the gryffindor common room, eating sweets and playing chess with the marauders. And like (bare with me i haven't thought this through😭) sirius finally decides to FESS UP and confess :D
Peacfully messy evenings
sirius black x gn!reader
wc: 906
warnings: mentions of food, it might not be gender neutral reader but i’m pretty sure it is, not proofread
a/n: i got a little carried away, i’m sorry haha. but i really loved the request, thanks for sending it in🤍 i hope you like this <33
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"Check," James says as he moves his figure, a look of disappointment appearing on Peter's face.
"How do you do this every time?" he whines, his shoulders dropping.
"C'mon, it's not over yet, you can still win," James encourages, giving the last bit of hope to Peter.
You're currently seated between Sirius' legs, your back pressed to his front, your head resting on his shoulder. You're half watching the chess game unfolding before your eyes, half fighting the urge to sleep. The position you're in is very comfortable and the temperature in the room is just perfect. There's a piece of your favourite candy in your hands and you're trying to gather the strength to lift it up and place it in your mouth.
"You know, if you don't want to eat it, I can," Sirius jokes, making you look up at his face.
"No, no, I got it," you laugh, finally taking the last bite of the sweet treat.
"Shame, I would have happily done it," he says, earning a chuckle from you. "I love that sound," he mutters, and you look at him weirdly.
"What sound?" you ask, confused.
"Your laugh," he simply replies. You sweetly smile at him, trying to calm down the butterflies in your stomach that erupted at his statement. You hate that you get this feeling whenever he's with you. He's your best friend and that should be it. No feelings, no longing for more. Yet, there's no denying it, you like him. Maybe more than like, but that's a problem for another day. And sometimes, especially when he says something like this, you think the feelings might be mutual but it could all be in your head. After all, Sirius does flirt with everyone for fun.
"Oh, just get a room already," Remus murmurs out of nowhere, making the both of you look at him like he just said the most unbelievable thing ever. He doesn't even avert his eyes away from the words on the page of a book he's currently reading, just adds a "you heard me" to his previous sentence. Sirius quietly coughs, trying to get rid of the weird atmosphere that suddenly appeared in the common room. Let's just say his attempt wasn't helping.
"I won!" Peter then screams, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I won!" he repeats himself, abruptly standing up. "I won!" he once again exclaims, looking at the two of you for confirmation.
"Good job, Pete!" you smile, giving him a high five. His face is still caught in complete shock when he turns around, being met with a big grin playing on James' lips.
"Congratulations, mate," he genuinely praises, urging Peter to sit down for another game. He does so, putting the figures back in their original place.
"Do you think James let him win?" you question, forgetting about the previous awkwardness momentarily.
"Oh, definitely. Maybe not really, but at least a little bit," Sirius whispers, taking a look at the grinning Peter. When he looks back down, he's met with your shining eyes and for a moment, he just stares deep into them. "You know, you look very beautiful tonight," he confesses and you release a breath you didn't even realise you were holding.
"Please stop. You can't just say something like that and expect me to not feel anything. I know it's something you do, it's your thing. Flirting and making people giggle, it's fun to you. But it's not fun for me, especially when you know - and I know you know - that I'm so into you," you finish, fighting the tears that are bound to escape. You can't believe this peaceful evening just turned into this mess.
"But what if it's genuine with you?" he starts and you close your eyes, preparing yourself for what he's about to say next. "What if I actually mean it when I say stuff like this? Because I do, Y/N. I do think you're beautiful and not just tonight. You're beautiful when you wake up, you're beautiful when you make that face in class when you try to really focus on something, you're beautiful when you smile and you're beautiful when you cry. You're beautiful every minute of every day, and I mean that." he utters, making you look up once again. You somehow still expect to see a joking expression when you do finally look up, but all you see is honesty. He's telling the truth right now. Sirius black actually likes you.
"You- you really mean that," you state. Not a question, a statement. Because you know that now.
"Yes, Merlin, I'm surprised how you haven't figured that out yet," he chuckles, which makes you chuckle.
"You mean it," you laugh, absolutely drunk on happiness.
"Finally!" you hear James cheer and when you look around the room, all eyes are on the two of you. Even Remus looked up from his book.
"You were listening this whole time?" you question, giving them an "are you serious" look.
"Well, you weren't really whispering so it was kind of hard not to," Peter shrugs, returning to the chess game without another word.
"But we are happy for you," Remus finishes, turning his attention back to the book. You just shake your head and smile, because what else could you do? They might be idiots but they're your idiots. And one idiot is especially yours now.
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i hope you enjoyed this! don’t forget to like, reblog and/or comment, it really help writers with motivation <33
tags: @yoongisbiwife @sexysirius @pregnant-piggy @lilylovegood @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @justreadingficsdontmindme @leossmoonn @msfandomfreak @pottahishotasf @velvetcloxds @johnmurphyisqueer @fairydxll @lovelyjj @cauliflowertree (let me know if you want to be on here please) @cupids-crystals @eichenhouseproperty @sheraayasher @liltimmyst @marauders-babe @alexxavicry @uwiuwi @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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jeonqkooks · 2 years
i love all ur works sm!! for the drabble request: things you interrupted me to say + tongue tied couple</33
watermelon gelato | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x f!reader
rating: PG
genre/warnings: friends to lovers, neighbor au, fluff, kissing, swearing
word count: 1.6k
note: a tongue tied drabble. dear anon i'm so sorry that this took so long and i hope you're still here somewhere 😭
series masterpost | taglist
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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Wear something nice.
When Jungkook sent you these texts nine hours ago, he should’ve known that life wouldn’t be this kind to him. As he stands here, in the talk-of-the-town restaurant that just opened a month ago, he should’ve known that there was no way he could reserve a table that easily at 10AM on the day of.
“I’m sorry, sir,” the hostess apologizes in earnest. “I don’t see your reservation for tonight.”
“Can you please check again?” he asks and shuffles on his feet nervously. “It should be under Jeon Jungkook.”
You can tell that she feels bad as she takes in the expression on his face, big doe eyes pleading her to somehow save him from this misery. He looks like he wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole. Still, she puts on a polite smile and tells him to wait so she can run his name through the system again, a task that you know will probably be in vain.
Earlier today, when he disturbed your slumber at the unholiest hour possible, you hadn’t expected him to ask you out. After you went back to bed and woke after a few more hours, it took you a minute to process the short conversation between the two of you at 4AM. You weren’t sure if it really happened until that text came but even then, you had no clue how the date was going to go, and how you were feeling about the whole thing.
Jungkook is cute—you’ve told him as much—and he’s a good kisser. No, scratch that. Jungkook is a wonderful kisser. You’re attracted to him, and you two get along well. It’s nice and easy, with minimal thinking required because you’re just two friends, young and single, ready to mingle but not necessarily looking for something serious.
Well, at least you aren’t looking for something serious. It isn’t like you’re anti love or anything. The last time you were in a relationship was two years ago, and though it didn’t end on bad terms, it was… a lot for you.
People around you have always put heavy emphasis on commitment and you know it’s not a bad thing, but it’s scary. The pressure is too much. You haven’t really thought about if and when you would unpack all of your uneasiness regarding the matter. Right now, you just know that you’re content with being single and having fun. 
And what you have with Jungkook is fun. A dinner couldn’t hurt.
The hostess speaks up after a moment, looking genuinely sympathetic at the two of you. You reckon this kind of occurence isn’t uncommon, and she must have built a tolerance for people looking like kicked puppies whenever this happens; though, even that indifferent and monotonous attitude falls apart before the Bambi eyes of Jeon Jungkook.
“Sir, you made a reservation for this day next year.”
You purse your lips as you glance at him. Color drains from his face as she shows him the screen and the mistake he made while jittery in the middle of the night. “Is there any way you can–”
“Jungkook,” you call and tug on his arm because people in line after you are starting to complain, “let’s just go.”
He looks at your stiff expression and internally winces, his eyes apologetic. He nods solemnly then, thanks the hostess and leads you out the door.
Once you’re outside, he gives you a strained smile. “Well,” he says, an attempt to distill the awkwardness, “this is embarrassing. I guess tonight’s a bust…”
Jungkook flattens his mouth into a thin line and stuffs his hands in his pockets, dropping his gaze to the ground. He really does look so sad, and you know he’s probably beating himself up for his mistake.
You poke at his chest playfully. When his eyes meet yours, you smile.
“We’re already dressed up,” you say, gesturing between the both of you. Although you’re only in a simple dress and he’s wearing a blazer over a button-up, it’s the most formal you’ve ever seen one another, having been accustomed to raggy t-shirts and sweats and casually lounging on each other’s couch. “Might as well make the most of it, yeah?”
Jungkook chuckles humorlessly. He appreciates you trying to salvage this, but he wanted to take you out to a fancy restaurant, be the perfect gentleman, woo you with his charms like they do in the movies. Though right now, he just feels like a dweeb, really living up to the affectionate nickname you gave him.
“Really?” he asks.
“Really,” you confirm.
You look hopeful, so he acquiesces. He takes his hands out of his pockets and steps closer, nudging your shoulder with his. “Wanna go to that diner you like?”
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One hearty burger (and an unholy amount of fries to share) later, you’re walking through an empty park, with Jungkook’s blazer around your body to shield you from the slight chill.
Dinner was nice, although he remained relatively quiet while you were waiting for your food. The kicked puppy look returned. You had to turn to your trusty folder of memes on your phone to coax him out of his mental ditch. By the fifth picture of animals holding knives that you forced him to look at, he was already giggling, regaining some semblance of his usual dorky self. And by the time the waitress placed two cheeseburgers on the table, well, it’s like nothing ever happened. Food—his great love, you suppose.
Food, and Overwatch.
Throughout the meal, you kept forgetting that it was supposed to be a date. Every first date that you’ve been on was awkward, some less than others, but still awkward. Because you’d been conversing with strangers and going through the list of boring questions that everyone asked while trying to get to know someone, and sitting in uncomfortable silence when you realize you have nothing in common.
But you know Jungkook. You know what he likes to do for fun and what pizza toppings he likes. You know that he plays the guitar and that he’s been trying to learn the drums. You know that he’s shitscared of microwaves and that his kisses taste like orange candy.
So yeah, dinner was nice. You didn’t overthink things like you tend to do with romantic interests. You don’t think he knows, but Jungkook—or just his mere presence—has a way of making you not get lost in your own head.
When the wind breezes by, you snuggle further into the warmth of his blazer, too big on your body. He notices, and drapes a tentative arm around your shoulders. He seems shy but you welcome it anyway. As you lean into his side, he gives your arm a gentle squeeze. Ten more minutes pass, and you’re once again greeted with the sight of streets bustling with cars, a contrast to the mostly empty and quiet park.
“Ooh! Let’s get some ice cream.” Pointing toward a gelateria around the corner decorated with pretty neon lights, you grab his hand and tug him in that direction before he can even say anything. It’s dessert, for heaven’s sake. Jungkook would never turn down dessert.
He gets hazelnut chocolate and you get watermelon.
“Woah, I’ve never had watermelon gelato before. I didn’t even know they made this,” you say, eyeing the treat in your hand. When you scoop some onto the small wooden spoon and bring it to your lips, your eyes nearly roll all the way back into your skull. “Oh my God, it’s so good. Here, try it.”
Jungkook looks bashful when you offer him some of your ice cream, but he accepts it anyway.
“Is this the first date you’ve been on, Jeon?” you joke. 
He blushes, the tone of his skin on the way to matching the color of your gelato. You like seeing him flustered. It’s cute; you have to bite your lip to keep from smiling.
“Obviously not,” he mutters, honest and not very playful in response to your efforts. His thumb reaches out to wipe some of the ice cream from the corner of your mouth that you didn’t realize was there, and he puts it directly in his mouth to lick off the sweetness. You gulp, blanking on your teasing jabs as he locks eyes with you. “Just the first one that I wish goes well enough to get me a second date.”
To the outside world, you two must look like a disgustingly sweet couple. Feeding each other gelato and doing whatever the fuck Jungkook just did to you. It’s saccharine in that cheesy romcom way that you normally despise but now? You don’t mind it that much.
When you don’t say anything, he tenses, thinking he might’ve scared you a little. He opts for a lighter conversation, somewhat self-deprecating but hopefully a topic that you two can laugh about.
“I still can’t believe I made a reservation for next year,” he mutters with a cute pout. “I swear I checked the confirmation like ten times and–!”
Your stomach does somersaults all of a sudden, and something possesses you to pull him down by the collar of his shirt for a kiss. A trail of chocolate runs down the side of his ice cream cone. Jungkook thinks love must taste like watermelon gelato and cherry-flavored lip balm.
It’s far from the first time that you’ve kissed him, but somehow it feels like the first time.
When you pull away, he short-circuits, pink tongue unconsciously darting out to lick his lips where you had been just seconds ago. With that dazed look in his eyes, Jungkook swallows, not knowing what to say and if he should even say anything. See? It’s very cute.
“It’s okay, dweebus,” you laugh lightly and pinch his cheek. The words roll off your tongue without much thought. It's easy. “We’ll go next year then.”
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted august 12, 2022]
— permanent taglist: @mi55delulu @fan-ati--c @highly-functioning-mitochondria @bruisedscrewedandtattooed @morauvmi @jeonjcngkook @shownusshoulders @jungkooksseuphoria @yoongukie-ff @curioughts @taegismochi @libra04 @hrts4kook @jeonsorchid @here4btsfics @mytearsriscochet @lvoekook @btsstan12
— series taglist: @moonchild1 @takochelle @bids97 @nadzzzblog @golden-thv @misohime @parkethereal @taestrwbrry​ @yoongimentita7 @jensbttrfly @angelarin @jjkrinvgs @koobsessed @cherishoshi @llashn
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omg hi yumi!! this is @/luv-beam but from my main skfnkdjf i saw ur rb of my rb and i found the hanji serial killer au, it's called young god!! idt i finished reading this when i first found it so i'll def revisit it TT (lmk if the link doesn't work!)
also, my cat's name is cherry :')) she's a calico hehe a total menace tho... she doesn't like me this morning, maybe it's cuz i used the blender in her presence too many times 💀 but here r some pics of her she's adorable even if she's strange 🤧
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and omg i started reading aurora last night and the pacing, the characterization of yunho ... superb mwah i literally was gonna devour the whole thing but i actually need to sleep this week cuz of an exam 😭😭 anyways, i will prob finish it sometime btwn tonight and this weekend !!! hope ur doing well and have a lovely day/night 💖💖
HI, hope you're doing well! the link works fine, thank you for finding and sending it my way <33 i'm def checking this out as soon as i have time hehe
CHERRY IS SO CUTE lemme take a breather- cherry actually looks like one of the cats i had! (i say i had reality is im a cat/animals-in-general magnet. stray cats particularly like me and at one point i had 10 of them at my beck and call haha good ol' times)
lmao with cats its always a love-hate relo (do they really love you? you'll never find out :') ) but omgg your cherry is such an adorable cat.
and omgg thank you so much! i hope you ace your exam and when you finish reading aurora, i really hope you like it 💖💖 good luck!! have a lovely day/night <3
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
hi kaia!! hope you’re doing well! i saw your sticky & sweet event and wanted to give it a whirl, so may i request a parfait, cheesecake bar, cinnamon roll and lemon drop with whipped cream? all for sabo please (:
i’ve requested sabo from you before and i loved reading it a lot… tbh i love all your writing and i’ve reread a few a couple times! <33 your writing truly never disappoints ;;; (also congrats on the 555+ followers!) anyway i hope you have an amazing day/night :D
hiii angel 💕 ty for being patient and thank you for requesting sabo (again!) i love him so so so much. wrote smth cute & sweet for you 🥰️ and thank you, i'm still kind of in awe that so many ppl follow this blog but i'm grateful all the same 😊 also ur too cute, i'm so happy you've reread my work 💗
1.7k words, gn reader (no pronouns), sfw, 18+, mdni; fluffy fluff (surprise, surprise), tiny bit of angst & slightly suggestive, but nothing serious, established relationship (sort of); sabo is terrible with time management & reader needs to let go & live a little.
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a warm breeze wraps itself around your ankles as you walk barefoot through the sand, your sandals tucked safely in your bag, moonlight gradually caressing your exposed shoulders. you look up at the sky and sigh, annoyance sullying your mood as you check your watch again.
two hours late, your lips tug downward as you stand near the water, the tide periodically tickling your feet. you remind yourself to be a little more patient, to have a bit of faith, to just keep waiting.
it’s not unusual for him to run behind, but there’s always a nasty little thought in the back of your mind telling you that this is all for naught, that you’ll be stood up, and that you waited for nothing. when you arrived home from work earlier, there was a note waiting for you on your kitchen table — if you weren’t already so used to finding scrap pieces of parchment tacked onto various surfaces in your home, you’d be concerned.
the scrawl is messy, slightly illegible, but you’d recognize it anywhere.
a small wave of anxiety washes over you, makes your stomach and heart hurt — and you wish you would’ve taken your grandmother’s advice and stayed home. there’s no logical reason for you to continuously place your heart in the hands of a man who comes and goes as he pleases; it’s masochism, it has to be, but you do it anyway — without question, without any hesitation. the hold he has on you is a double-edged sword, except you’re the only one who suffers.
doubt settles in the pit of your chest, wrapping its talons around each individual rib bone, tugging, and tugging until your vision blurs. your teeth sink into your bottom lip when you hear footsteps behind you. there’s no need for you to turn around, not when the ocean has quieted down, leaving you to scrape together your thoughts — the ones that drown underneath the thunderous beating of your heart.
a sigh flits out of your mouth, takes flight, coasts carelessly along the wind and slaps him in the face. because you’re stubborn and annoyed, you don’t look back at him. “you’re late.” you do your best to keep your voice steady, tone even — you don’t need him digging and trying to weasel his way out of accepting responsibility.
not that he’d ever do that, but still.
he rubs a gloved hand against the back of his neck, runs through the various excuses that stack neatly inside of his mind; he truly hadn’t meant to keep you waiting. he explicitly told his team that he had somewhere to be, but the briefing went on longer than expected and, naturally, he lost track of time. in his hand is a small box, and while he knows you’re not exactly happy, he can, at the very least, lift your spirits just a tiny bit with his peace offering.
“time is a man-made construct,” he offers in lieu of a greeting, lips quirking upward as he moves closer to you and extends the box warily. you take it without thinking, casting him a sharp glance before softening your features.
“i’m mad at you,” you say quietly and start walking away from the water; his strides are quick and purposeful, so he keeps up with your gait easily.
“they’re chocolate cream puffs,” he adds, which, unfortunately, brings a small smile to your face. they’re your favorite, and he knows that the best way to get back on your good side, is with a tasty treat.
pressing your lips together you look up at him and sigh again — it seems all you do lately is sigh. “you can’t just bribe me with pastries.” it’s not true, he’s done it plenty of times before. you accept the gift each time, but you know if you don’t put your foot down now, you’ll be stuck in the same situation for the rest of your life.
“if you tell me to meet you at eight, that means you should also be here at eight.” your voice, while stern and full of irritation, is still pleasant to listen to — especially after the day he’s had.
“i’m sorry,” sabo says sheepishly, cheeks flushing lightly; and he does, in fact, have the decency to look apologetic. “you know…how it is.” his reasoning is intentionally vague, and you don’t press him for more; because you do understand. it’s dangerous for him to be out like this in public, but because he doesn’t get to see you that often, he doesn’t mind the risk. you remind yourself of this when you lead him to the large blanket you laid out and sit down unceremoniously.
sabo left his hat and coat behind, not wanting to draw attention as he walked about; at some point he removed his gloves and covertly placed them into your bag for safekeeping. he watches as you lounge comfortably, drop your bag onto the blanket next to you, and place the pastry box on your lap. despite what you said earlier about being mad at him, that all dissipates as soon as you take a bite into one of the cream puffs.
“all is forgiven,” you say happily, licking the cream off of your lips and motioning for him to sit down. you’re not exactly privy to the ongoings of sabo’s profession — you just know that he lives a very dangerous life and can’t stay in one place for too long; so you really are grateful when he finds time to see you, coming for a few days at a time once every few months.
it’s not a lot, but you cherish those moments — tuck them deep in your heart and bring them out when your days are extra-long and difficult to bear.
“yeah? you sure?” he teases as he sits down next to you, long legs brushing against yours; he keeps close, liking the proximity and the way you’ve suddenly turned meek and bashful.
“of course,” you swallow hard and offer him a cream puff, “we’re f-friends after all, right?” you place the box down and look at him, throat suddenly very dry. one thing you’ve learned over the years, is that sabo has an intensity about him that is unrivaled; he sees through a lot of nonsense, tends to get to the nitty-gritty of the matter without trying, and manages to extract the truth out of everyone quickly. you feel your lips move again, words stumbling as they climb out of your mouth, unfiltered.
“and friends forgive friends.” you don’t sound all that convincing, and his subsequent laughter makes your face flush terribly as you stuff another cream puff into your mouth. “don’t laugh.” your words come out garbled and it makes sabo laugh even more. you lick your lips and snatch the pastry out of his hand, since he’s too busy laughing, he clearly doesn’t want to eat with you.
he finds your huffy demeanor cute, likes the way you puff your cheeks out when you get annoyed with him, and before you’re able to take a bite of the stolen pastry, he grabs your hand and leans close. “we’re more than friends, you know that,” he says seriously and you flinch unintentionally — at the contact of his skin on yours, at the frankness of his words — and end up dropping the cream puff onto the blanket, but your mind is spinning terribly fast so you don’t notice.
you open and close your mouth to say something — anything, really — but find that the only thing that dares to come out is a small squeak. it’s probably due to sabo running his tongue along your fingertip, to lick off the bit of cream that was left behind. “we…,” you pause and swallow, eyes wide as you watch him, “you…” your thoughts scatter as soon as you try to speak again and pour into your heart mercilessly. your brain is stuck on his words and the warmth refuses to leave your face, making it nearly impossible to look at him.
while you make several attempts to speak again, he takes the initiative to pull you closer and drops a kiss on the inside of your wrist. a shiver passes through you, makes you feel things that don’t make sense. but, you’ve known that bit of truth for some time, you just ignored it. he repeatedly tried to tell you, but you kept finding ways to avoid the conversation. now that he has you to himself, of course he’s going to make sure you properly listen and process what he says.
“you can’t just say that,” you blurt out and bury your face against his chest, heart lodged somewhere in your throat, his fingers still wrapped around your wrist. “how am i supposed to… what do i even do?” you’re painfully aware of how childish you sound, but you can’t fathom dealing with romantic feelings when you don’t know if he’ll find his way back to you again.
“just accept it,” he says lightly, and falls back onto the blanket, pulling you on top of him. you try to calm your heart because there’s no way he can’t hear it. “life’s too short to comb through what ifs.” it’s something he keeps reminding himself — especially after his brother’s death — besides, what he feels for you isn’t fleeting or temporary, it’s why he said what he said. “oh, look, it’s that weird constellation again,” he nudges you gently so you can look up and see what he sees. you try to keep your eyes closed for as long as you can, but eventually give in and tilt your head up.
“the one that looks like a donut,” you both say at the same time. your laughter is infectious and for the first time in a while, sabo feels completely at ease — all the worries and burdens he carried with him during the week are nonexistent now. there’s something else he wants to tell you, something important, but decides to leave it for another day — he doesn’t want to scare you off when you can barely come to terms with your feelings for him. 
a sigh drifts out of your lips as you look for other odd-looking clusters of stars, pointing them out, nerves getting the best of you, making you ramble for minutes on end. he likes that side of you, though; likes that you’re comfortable enough to be that vulnerable with him, and knows that when morning comes, it will be extremely difficult to leave you behind.
it’s a thought he pushes to the back of his mind as listens to you ramble on about the stars and the moon and about how he should bring two boxes of chocolate cream puffs with him the next time he visits.
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aelove · 4 months
hi hi omg I saw your post like the reply the the follow buttons disappearance ( It obvs wasn't there followed a while ago and completelyforgot) (anyway still thank you for your help omg) main reason for this ask is I got curious and checked your page (YOU HAVE SNOOPY AS UR HEADER OMG WHERE ARE THE SNOOPY GIRLIES FR) the second is I got curious and ofc the busybody I as scrolled down your page till I got to the riki fluff fic (the one w 800notes where y/n listened ti sketchers a billion times YK) (I forgot the title) and like wanted to read turns out I already did long ago I just reunited w ur account once again AAAA what type of coincidence is this why is this so long Im sorry u have to read all this but I wanted to share (plus snoopy🤗‼️) have a good day/night omg is there no word limit for these asks
OMG HI !!! i’m so sorry for answering this so late but i’m glad i could help <33 lol i just changed my theme but yess i love snoopy sm i’ll probably change it back eventually 🤭 i’m glad you found me again & thank you sm for reading ‘light up my world’ lol <33 in my head i refer to it as skechers too so DW you’re not alone 😅 TYSM & i hope you have a great day/night too 🫶🫶
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dykefever · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiii i am a HUGE fan of your work!!!! i recently came across 'seasons in love' and it is absolutely beautiful!!!!
i was hoping if you could plzzzz send some marlene/dorcas recs my way. thank you. have a wonderful day/night <3
HELLO thank you so much!!!! ur lovely!!! as for recs, i actually haven’t read any marlene/dorcas. i remember looking a lil while ago on ao3 but it was just their relationship tagged but they weren’t the main ship so then i gave up! however! there are definitely great fics up SO i’m throwing it to my followers n mutuals to add recs to this please <33 i know some people have curated lists for them
also i haven’t had time to read it yet but the lovely @blurryayse wrote dorlene recently and their stuff is great so you should check it out !!!
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luveline · 2 years
hi jade <3 if ur still taking fic recs, I would love it if you checked out my new steve fic !! kinda self indulgent of me lolzies, but I look up to you and your writing sm so it’d mean the world to me. anyway you don’t have to if you don’t want to lmao, no offence taken <3 love you and have an amazing superb spectacular day/night!! <33
hi!!! i wasn't but i always like your fics and this one was no exception it was so sweet! love you, thank you sm I hope you do too!! ♥
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jayflrt · 2 years
Heyy, I'm back. How are you ? It's been some time since my last ask. This one's going to be a bit long :)
First and foremost, diamond league ??? This smau has me giggling like a school girl. Where do you get unhinged ideas from. Please teach me miss, your humour is just chef's kiss :))
Also, i finished up with my school, yayy !! Got a 94% overall, and a perfect 100/100 in psychology. I also scored a 96/100 in english, which apparently hard to get considering all the writing skills part.
And finally, i took a major decison, which was to take a gap year. It has been amazing till now, and i hope it stays that way :)) During this gap year, I'll be prepping up for the medical exam of my country, it is one of the toughest exams to clear due to the number of people who sit for it. My teachers are very confident that I'll be able to clear it with a top rank, I'm honestly just hoping for the best.
I would really like to sayyy a big thank you, for writing your spiderman jake fic - I'll save you (again). That fic was my major source of comfort during my exam days as well as the time during which i was taking some vv important life decisons. Honestly, that particular story became such a source of happiness and a means of a escape for me during that tough time. I mean people usually think fic writing is for fun. But Honestly, you people and your fics are such a source of comfort and they do have an impact on people's life. So thank you again, for writing story that i now call my safe place </3
Also, I got into svt recently :)) and f1 as well. And i celebrated my birthday in another city !! My parents surprised me with a birthday trip and since we loved the place so much the trip got extended by 7 days ?? we went through 3 different cities in a span of 15 days :))
Also, i would love to know How are you doing, How's your job ?
Have an amazing day/night ahead 🌻
- 🌿
OMG hihi 🌿 anon !!! how have u been?? 🥰💖 it’s been so long HAHAH i hope you’ve been taking care <3
AHHH IM GLAD UR LIKING DIAMOND LEAGUE :’) thank you sm for checking it out! i’m sure you’ve been busy so that means a lot 🤧🤧 ALSO CONGRATS WOOOO 94% is an amazing score great job!!! 💝💝 omg the psychology major in me is BUZZING so proud of u for that 100/100 :’)) and congrats on english as well!! it can be tricky so that’s such an accomplishment <33
a gap year is a great choice !! :o i hope you have a fulfilling one 🥰 sometimes i wish i took a gap year tbh HAHAH but omg med exams are brutal but i wish you all the best !! i’m sure you’ll do golden >:) and oh my gosh i didn’t realize my jake fic helped you out that much 😭😭💖💖 that makes me so happy omg thank you sm for reading it and i’m rlly glad it was able to provide you some comfort !! i rlly loved writing that fic so it makes me so incredibly grateful to see you enjoying it so much :’) THIS MADE MY ENTIRE WEEK PLS im so honored that my writing had that much of an impact :(( it rlly touches my heart and i’m so happy to provide that kind of space for you ♡
AHHH SVT 🥳🥳🥳 i love them omg i’ve been binging gose again lately HAHAH who are your biases?? :o also a bday trip sounds so fun! i hope you had a great time 💗💗 it sounds like you had fun even tho you had to buckle down and study sometimes !! :’) i hope you’re having a great day/night btw 🥰
also i’ve been doing pretty good !! my internship’s wrapping up so i’m just tying up loose ends and putting together the last work i have for this week 🤧 i’ve also been gaming a lot LMFAO (rip my 102 hours on omori) hbu?? :o
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