#hope this is okay. :')
I'm frustrated enough with the criticism I'm getting, and I'm feeling petty enough right now, that I think I'm going to be mean to you all.
Whoever you are. I will be mean to you specifically, right now. Let's do this.
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strangersxxworld · 3 months
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liv had only looked up briefly when she felt something witchy affect her, but then she sighed. she tried to shake it off because she knew recognized the other person nearby. to further try and shake it off liv began to organize more things behind the bar. seeing someone from her past, especially one of the doppelgangers, certainly wasn't on her bingo card for the day.
@hiddenpxpercuts for katherine
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myriadxofxmuses · 4 months
@ruinedsoulsrp semi-plotted starter based off X
Bitter Silence was deep into their show at some hole-in-the-wall bar. The boys had been on the road for God knew how long. Silas lost track three cities back. It was a neverending whirlwind of gigs, after parties, meetings, and interviews. But this was his dream. And, as Gage reminded them time and time again, if they wanted to make it big they had to go hard. Which meant no days off.
The crowd erupted once the last song ended and Gage gave his thanks for coming out before the guys headed for the makeshift backstage area. Silas handed off his bass to Adam as he and Liam took started packing up the instruments, making his way to the bar next for some very deserved drinks and some fishing for their dates for the evening.
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"Round of beers and a vodka rocks," he told the bartender, his attention quickly pulled to scan the crowd for potential ladies. His eyes quickly caught site of a pretty blonde headed his way, watching her until she ended up standing next to him at the bar. "I've got her covered," he told the bartender when she ordered her drink. "Enjoy the show?" he asked, giving her a charming, flirtatious smirk.
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kyglow · 6 months
for @falscgcds muse: denver plot based on this the second point
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" so what was the point of going through the trouble of slipping past my security and somehow breaking into my garage only to still my pride and joy. " the older male's tone steeped in seriousness while narrowed eyes remained purely fixated on her with his arms folded on his flannel green shirt as he stood next to his stolen car in her garage. having paid her an unexpected visit in the middle of the night suspecting she wanted to be caught but why? denver was involved in crime even running a small organisation that loaned cash and owned a lot of businesses that would pay them half every week for collection. denver was something of a mob boss.
" so you stole it congratulations but you didn't sell it or perhaps you couldn't sell it since most people know my reputation. couldn't find a buyer or did you want to talk? " trying to wrap his head around the whole ordeal yet his aggressive frustration seemed to diminish and subside knowing that it was ' her ' a friend of his son but still he had no idea why. was it revenge for something his son did as he never knew the value of appreciating what he had and always been the reckless type. removing his arms off his chest with his hands now moving down to slip into the pockets of his denim jeans. a sigh left his lips as he wanted to get out of here despite knowing he needed to punish her. " so where are the keys? you gonna give them to me? " hoping she would make this easy and dreading she was interested in playing games not having the patience.
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offrikter · 13 days
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he doesn't like to call it a job because it feels more like a duty; watching over his people. while he is unable to be in multiple places at once providing assistance in said multiples, he is able to focus his attention on one at a time--- making it a habit to have as much one on one time with his raiders as possible. they may function and brand as a lawless society, but it is of human nature to gravitate towards even a bit of structure. something he aims to provide each one of them, cater to their needs. he's been watching @vilebodys for a good half of the afternoon, how she favors one arm over the other. he's concerned not only for the safety of the many, but for hers. while he should've noticed it in prior opportunities, he is only one man and he's been preoccupied as of late. but he's seeing it now, and it has to count for something, “hey.” rikter calls from his current perch of the many littered throughout the marina, “nisa is it? c'mere.”
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perekrestiye · 11 months
trick!!!!!!!!!!!!...... or treat?
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Treat, always! Happy Halloween, sweetheart <3
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duttonremington · 2 years
where: piggley wiggley
open: @cheyennemartinez
Contrary to popular belief Remington did watch the news. He knew all about these painful prices. People would buy food regardless. Well, unless you had other tactics which would bring the scene in front of him. This random woman was putting two filets of steak in what he assumed was her bra. She definitely wasn't going to pay for those. The man immediately looked in the other direction. Not his circus not his monkeys. He certainly wasn't going to rat her out. But he would end up muttering to himself. "Well, that's one way to go about it."
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brightblessed-aa · 2 years
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"This is nothing..." He pants. He was still adjusting to fighting at close range. He didn't want Fray to decide he wasn't worth the effort. "I just need to... Catch my breath." He was hurt, but it wasn't so bad.
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storiesofthenight · 1 year
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@mxrvelouscreations​ liked for a starter.
Zombie boy. How many times had he not heard those words? How many times had he not turned a blind eye, pretended that it didn’t touch him? Day after day ... week after week. But one day it was about to get too much. And today it had been that day. He had lashed out, had gotten into a fight. With of course him losing because what experience did he have fighting? Sure, he’d survived the Upside Down, and he’d seen all kinds of things, but fist fights like this?  It wasn’t something he’d really done before. 
And thus, he sat on one of the walls of the parking lot of the school in silence, his lip busted and the bruises starting to show around his eyes. 
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symbioteburnout · 2 years
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Back in Karakura, not sure why the Hellmark kept bringing her back here. It was convenient, spared her a 14 hour flight and the cost of a plane ticket, but she was having a hard time coming up with excuses for Mitch. Least she knew she’d have a place to crash with either Urahara or Tatsuki. She was learning a lot from the Shinigami when Soifon wasn’t trying to stab her.
Since she was here, might as well check in with someone, and Urahara’s shop was close by. The purple haired girl wandered the streets, seeing the sketchy looking store and making her way towards it. Either she’d be expected to buy some kind of knick-knack, or maybe she’d take Ururu shopping again. Andi stops just short of the store, seeing someone else approaching, a girl in what appeared to be a red tracksuit. Guess she wasn’t the only customer this place got.
It was either that or the kid was very very lost, there seemed to be an air of gloom about her.
“Hey kid, you lost?”
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ofxbloomed · 2 years
@mastcrmiind​ --> freya && rebekah
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freya hadn’t put herself on duty to serve the drinks tonight, but she had merely been waiting for someone else to show up. she’d left a message stating she had found a lost item and had described it in detail. of course she wished she had seen it sooner the night before, but it had been a busy night. to pass the time she began to set up the chairs for the tables. 
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awalkoflife-arc · 2 years
a closed starter for @deeplyflxwed​​ / alaska’s favourite bad boy.
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She’s experiencing a moment of quiet reflection, sitting by the lake with no one around, but nature. Alaska exhales and a breath of smoke departs from her lips, as though it’s almost grateful to have escaped. Here, she can smoke in peace, away from the prying eyes and the judgement, free from the authoritative gaze that she hated so much. There’s a bonfire party that’s currently underway. It’s on the other side of the reservoir, but from this distance, she can’t even hear it. There’s live music - some corny, country band - an abundance of s’mores and when it gets dark, there’ll be a firework display, yet she’s not interested in any of it. Her social battery is drained, she’s tired and right now, there’s only one other place she would rather be. Her thoughts travel to him; to the comfort he can provide without even having to try. Nate Jacobs is her anchor --- he brings her back to the surface when it feels like she’s drowning, he helps ground her when life gets overwhelming and sometimes, he helps her simply just to breathe. He’s the one person who she suspects might be able to see right through her, a thought which is both terrifying and thrilling. At Culver Creek, he’s the guy every girl wants to be with and she’s the girl everyone wants to be. It’s a fucking cliche, really. Alaska knows this. But their friendship isn’t. He’s her safe space, the person that’s outgrown the jock status and privileged rich kid persona that was immediately attached to him. Without Nate, she’s not so sure she would be sitting here right now. Greener pastures were calling to her, but what could possibly be greener than the boy who silenced all of her troubles with a single smile?
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strangersxxworld · 3 months
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"i'd give it a couple more minutes if i were you," emma spoke up as she finished cleaning another table. the wet floor sign was just a couple feet away from her and the floor still needed to dry a bit. "though, if you need something i'd be happy to try and help. i just don't want to see you slip."
@coreofgold for wen ning
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christadeguchi · 12 days
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(✿◕‿◕) die (ꈍ ꒳ ꈍ✿)
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thundcrstruck · 1 month
@reiignonme Liked for a Starter
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IT WASN'T NEWS TO THOR, that other Gods existed outside of Asgard. Color The God of Thunder curious to the other Gods & Goddesses that existed. To there ways of protecting Humans, or if they even cared about any of those that took times out of there day to sacrifice unto them, to worship there existence. Rumors had been whispered that some of them didn't care. That they used those who worshipped them for a power boost. Something that The Aesir didn't understand. Thor was the protector of Midgard, and the one who heals those who call upon him for.
There had been times where Thor has been in a bad place, and ignored the cries of MAN. His anger, and resentment could get the better of him. Besides that if he wasn't drinking heavily, then he was itching for a fight. But the GOD OF THUNDER tried to make it his mission to hear the cries of his people. Especially when they needed him the most. The desire to become a spy for Asgard, and go to Mount Olympus was great. Tempting the God to visit Greece, which was the closest other realm of Gods to the 9 realms. Odin, didn't need to be told of what His Eldest Son was up too.
He knew if THE ALL FATHER learned of this, he would demand that he stay away. Odin thought getting mixed up in another realm of Gods & Goddesses. Was a bad idea and could bring danger and war to them, A arrogant snort rumbled through the God's chest, and erupted through his nostrils. If the Mighty Zeus couldn't stand a Norse God in his neck of the woods. Then he needed to be taught that with other gods, they could have allies for wars. Or, Thor can just beat it into him if needed, Either way, Zeus would learn a thing or two from The Blonde Titan.
Traversing to Greece took barely anytime at all, and getting there was as east as one, two, Mjolnir. A few good swings of the old girl and it lifted him in the air. And it did the rest, moving through the city and then out toward Greece, Flying above the city, he could see Mount Olympus. Big stone and that was it. No massive beauty, no real anything. He had thought being the city of Greece it would be a beautiful place to look upon. Gliding toward the ground, he already caught sight of some of the Goddesses. Of course where this area lacked on site seeing it made up for in physical beauty.
❝ Hello Ladies, care to show another God around. ❞
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mintytrifecta · 1 year
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[image description: the bugs bunny in a tuxedo "I wish all (blank) a very pleasant (blank)" meme edited to say "I wish all of my Jewish followers a very pleasant rosh hashanah". In front of Bugs there is a jar of honey, a stack of apples and pomegranates. In front of bug's mouth there is a shofar.]
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