#hope this answered your question😆💓
myokk · 3 months
question about eloise! i would LOVE to know what her reaction to imelda getting with poppy would be? would she be surprised by it or see it coming a million miles off before imelda or poppy even make a move haha
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First a super fast sketch of the three of them that I did before sitting down to answer this question bc I LOVE THEM😭🙏
My headcanons about Imelda that I think will explain everything (but tldr: Eloise TOTALLY knew and suspected and helped push them together😙) :
Growing up, Imelda was incredibly social and would spend her time in her little village being coddled by the old village women, running around like crazy with all of her friends, and spending so much time with her parents who were incredibly proud of everything she did💓
She moved to Scotland when she was five and didn’t have any problems fitting in or learning English, just jumping headfirst into it like any other challenge she had faced in her life. Things were fine until she was 10: her mother became sick and it consumed the whole family.
Imelda was REALLY reserved her first year at Hogwarts, and her mom passed away January of that year. It DEVASTATED her and her father, and it caused Imelda to turn to her studies/quidditch and became pretty obsessive.
(Side note: she ISNT competitive with other people in my mind, she is competitive with HERSELF😤 if she loses she is happy for the other person, but looks at her own performance to figure out what she did wrong and how she can change and learn from the experience)
The other students were pretty put-off by Imelda’s brash behavior but she was OK WITH IT😤 she had to study and not be a burden to her dad and it was FINE that she didn’t fit in with any of the other kids in her year (ok…)
When Eloise arrived and was sorted into Slytherin, Imelda saw her chance!!! They became immediate best friends and just clicked. Imelda LOVES doing her hair, and they gossip/talk about EVERYTHING every night before bed🥹💓
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Even though they were both EXTREMELY busy that year (Eloise with all of her bs, Imelda with getting after Sebastian for being STUPID😤, whipping her TERRIBLE team into shape, and studying for OWLs to get an O in every subject), they always found time to study together and hang out.
Sometimes Poppy studied with them and she and Imelda REALLY CLICKED. Imelda liked listening to Poppy ramble about whatever interested her in the moment, and Poppy knows how to calm down Imelda when she stresses herself out too much.
Eloise is like: 👀 HMMMMM I have to leave early to….send a letter before it’s too dark🥹 but you two stay in the library…it’s ok, I can go alone😙
Over winter break Imelda REGRESSES seeing how devastated her father still is over the loss of his wife, and with the anniversary of her death coming closer Imelda completely withdraws into herself and TRIES to go back to how things were before fifth-year.
Eloise doesn’t let her😤 and talks to Poppy a lot more to figure out what they can do to get Imelda back.
The rest is history😇😇😇😇
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but YES Eloise totally suspected SOMETHING was up, and worked to make sure it happened and that Imelda didn’t sabotage herself😇😇😇
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agendabymooner · 10 months
Pookie bear how are yaaaa 😭 hope your research is going well, mine is... *side eyes empty doc* well.
Ours is supposed to be a product development of some sort of food that doesn't exist yet, so my group is exploring the use of pinipig as oatmeal replacement in food bars. Revolutionary ✨
Anyway HOW ARE YOU that is my first question
My second one is: why are you so amazing??
And my last one: which among the Dad Drivers do you see would be the dad that would eat whatever their kids set in front of them, even if it looks inedible 😭
Love you so much ❤️✨
it's 1 am here and i have no intention of going to sleep~
imma answer the last question first: which dad!f1 driver would eat whatever food their kids would set in front of them?
now i have like a thought in mind: which dad!f1 driver would eat whatever food because of a reason? just hear me out~
daniel ricciardo's kid (say beau ricciardo) would think that he's so clever when it comes to pranking his dad (mind you, he would be as young as six - but he's a fucking menace bc he's literally danny's copy). beau would say that, "daddy i made food with mummy!" then daniel would get excited, but beau would hand him a plate of those plastic food and veggies you get from those sets of grocery store toys. beau would be laughing and would say, "hah! i got you!" then daniel would fuck around a little bit and actually put a plastic carrot in his mouth with a nonchalant shrug. beau would look at daniel like, "oh my god my dad is batshit 😟"
charles leclerc's eldest twins, hervé and jules, would attempt to bake chocolate cookies from scratch - uncle estie is so freaking good at baking cookies - and charles was their guinea pig. they'd proudly present it to him and he would be so freaking hungry that he just put a chunk of it in his mouth. the cookie he ate was salty but he wanted to appease his kids so bad that he just smiled and nodded as if it was good (he eventually spat it out and jules and hervé pretty much accepted that their cookies were shit because it was their first try).
sebastian vettel would genuinely eat the food his kids made for him and would even critique it. he did that with his foster daughter barbie when she first cooked the cuisine that she was taught before and he actually loved it- though he did ask if barbie could add more chicken into the adobo.
yuki tsunoda and his daughter hana would make a bento together so she can have some for her lunch in school. well, yuki would of course make her food because her lunch needs to be edible but hana, who was just preschool age, would be messing around with the rice and the meat for the rice and even mix in some sauce into it and would tell yuki, "papa, eat breakfast!" with the proudest grin on her face. yuki would eat it and would actually love the food- though he was kind of worried what she had put into it because he wasn't looking.
note: to answer your first questions 1) i am ✨on my seasonal depression shit and i actually am going to a clinic for a check up tomorrow✨ and 2) if i was amazing i would not be sad and frustrated rn 😆
i do hope that your research goes well! why is product development a big thing in filipino curriculums tho- i coulda sworn that i've heard at least some of my filo peers (friends) talk to me about product development. but i hope you're doing alright bb! 💓
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
hey love ur blog! i hope ur having a fantastic fantabulous day <3
as a new tz stan, i was wondering about why some tz 0.1 truthers seem to believe that Z was the one who asked T out back in 2016/17? I've just seen it on a lot of tz blogs and was wondering where this idea came from. idk if you've answered a similar question before but i was just wondering??
thanks for all ur content! appreciate it (^o^)
Thanks Anon for your sweet msg! 🥰💓
And no worries! In answer to your question, I don't think Z really "asked Tom out", I think she just kinda just put it out there that she liked him. 🤷🏾‍♀️
YEARS ago, Z used to have this app and website where she would answer fan questions (usually with Darnell lol), and give her pov on various topics. One day, she answered a fan's question that dealt with the fan having a crush on a guy but being afraid to admit it or whatever (I forget the fan's exact question), and Z shared her own experience.
She admitted that she too has been kinda nervous in the past to really admit that she likes a guy, and she usually ends up accidentally friend-zoning guys in the process lol 😆.... But, she added that she recently worked up the nerve to say smthg.
She said something like:
“I just recently got courage enough to be like’ listen, I like you, are we doing this?’”
She also mentioned how she hates the "in between" stage, where two ppl don't really know how the other one feels.... it gives her anxiety lol.
I personally think what probably happened was that Tom and Zendaya were obviously vibing with each since day one of working with each other for HOCO filming.... But, like MOST guys, he was probably intimidated by her and wasn't quite sure if she liked him as just a friend and costar, or as smthg more. 🤷🏾‍♀️
(We women can be a little complicated and difficult to read for a guy at times lol 🤭..... Plus, it's ZENDAYA....I think ANY guy would be a bit nervous tbh 👀)
I think Z could obviously sense though that he probably kinda liked her, and she was feeling their energy together, and just came out with it and told him that hey, I like you! Are we gonna stop pretending and just do this or what?? 😅
I personally don't think she would have even said that to him in the first place if she wasn't getting some pretty obvious hints and vibes from him that he was attracted to her. Idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
That's just my theory lol 😆
But yea, that's where it came from Anon. Z basically admitted it herself!
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Hi Sleepy! Love you and your arts! 💓
Been wanting to ask because you produce arts at a godly speed, how long does it took you to draw an art? I wish I could draw as fast as you! 😆
Hello Anon! Thank you so much! (*≧ω≦*)
So, I am actually pretty aware of my working speed. I tend to finish my works faster than my friends at college (*˘︶˘*) BUT I think I became a fast artist because my eyes tend to get blurry really quickly when staring at a screen, so I want to finish things as soon as possible.
(I'm a one artwork one sitting type of artist. If I stop and I can lose motivation to finish ☆o(><;)○ )
But uhh for how long an artwork takes, it depends of the artwork, whether it's just a sketch, a B/W (comic style), or a full colored one. > For just a sketch it's like probably 15 minutes? I just draw the lines of actions and stuff, then erase the messy part to create "lineart" > Lineart/BW takes around 1 hour, if detailed then it can go to 4 hours and stuff (and I take my line arts very seriously) > Coloring takes at most 3-5 hours.
One important factor is probably the fact that I've found my artstyle? I can draw proportions and gestures just fine with ease (because I practice a thousand times aight I don't get this shit magically), and I... kinda know what to draw? so yeah!
Also I think my HEAVILY modified shortcut keys on my CSP (my software) also plays a big part of it. Believe it or not, I call it the Gamer Shortcut (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ (basically I move ALL my most used tools to the left side of the keyboards, like WASD so it's less travel time for my fingers)
Anyway, hope that answers your question! (*≧ω≦*)
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monratarot · 4 months
Hi Moni! Hope you are doing well :) I would love to participate in your free readings if possible!
Recently I have been really interested in Vedic astrology and have been trying to decipher my D9 chart for marriage (albeit very amateurishly) . There are a few good placements but also quite challenging ones too which got me so confused!
Can I ask what my life after marriage might be like?
Initials: S.Q
I am also a libra rising too!! 😆 with a scorpio sun and sagittarius moon :))
Thank you so much for your help! ❤️🫶
Ps. I absolutely love all your GIFs, they are so freaking cute! Never fails to make me laugh lmao
Hello, dear! Thank you for your request. Hope that my reading will help you and bring clearance to your situation. 
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi.
Count of questions/requests and answers 15/15.
Without wasting any time, let's get into your reading!🎀💌💓
Heaven will be down on earth and your dreams will become reality, dear. Before you think or make any decision about your marriage life you should take a step back and assess your emotional situation, what you put forth will be received. Your relationship will flourish or fail based on how it is cared for and nourished. You are both attracted one to another and of course, you will start a family together. Just be careful to focus on the common things that you have rather than the attraction you have based on appearances. Try to give a deeper meaning to your relationship and work together for a proper evolution. It will be an important and passionate partnership and will bring a lot of energy into your life.  
You will need to talk with your partner and look forward to the new possibilities that will excite both of you. You have the personal power to make it all happen. If there will be any case of arguments, or discussions you will see that there will be an immediate change to your circumstances for the better(triumph over past obstacles). Heaven will clear your way when it comes to relationships, but don't expect everything to happen without your intervention(you must make decisions or a decision will be made for you). Be cautious, not too zealous, but also don't make all the decisions when it comes to your relationship, work on everything together. If you find an equilibrium in everything in your love life, then your marriage will be sweet like honey. Just be careful not to be focused too much on visual aspects(and here we can include everything from the way your partner looks to aspects when it comes to your house, your car, everything). 
Angel message: Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated to you. This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea, or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light, or hope. It may herald a total change. Do not be afraid to let off of the familiar, for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn have departed. Your angel guidance is to accept the news for it will be welcome when it arrives. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.
Affirmation: I welcome and nurture the new in my life. 
Wish you only the best!🍀
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transparentheartz · 2 years
hello love!!💞 my day was alright, i spent most of it trying to convince myself to revise what i studied and the other half of it actually doing what i was supposed to do wkdjd i’m happy my exam is on tuesday!!! cannot wait to be done with it ^^ i’ll still need to start studying for another exam but oh well😭
how was YOUR day? ^^ and omg that’s so fun!!🥺 i loove sushi, rlly hope u enjoyed ur time with ur friends <3 and i’m sorry u couldn’t get ur nails done but i’m excited for u to get them on tuesday omg!!!!😆 they look so pretty, i rlly hope u’ll get what u’re asking for🥺🫶🏻
regarding my question about the comfort item, that’s so cute!!🥺 i totally understand bc when i was a kid my comfort item used to be my first ever plushy <3 now i think that my comfort items are my rings and my grandma’s pearl necklace! i don’t wear them around the house but i can’t get out if i’m not wearing them ^^
sending u sm love!! hope u had the nicest day💓
today’s question: is there something u’d really like to receive this christmas? <3
today’s quote: “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time”
— ur secret santa🎄🎅🏻
hii sorry for not answering this earlier, i woke up this morning and my head was hurting really bad so i slept until i had to go to work, worked until 10:30ish got food, came home and now it hurts again. i think it’s the cold weather :/
i hope you had a better day! how’d studying go??
i’m hoping for christmas is some new vans i asked for, i wear my current ones to work so i need new ones for when i just go out.
and to answer your question from the other ask, my fav thing in my life rn is my new friend i made at work, i love hanging out with them sm! hby??
hope you had an amazing day!!
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likeahorribledream · 3 years
Heyy, congratulations for your milestone!!! 👏🎉💞 I was wondering, will you make a sleepover? I saw your post and that would be really nice - to have a sleepover with you and ask about you, your works, your future ideas 😊 Hope you're okay 💓 I love your fics, still reading your masterlist, just wait for the spam reblog lol 😆😅
Hello lovely ❤️
I'd love to "have" a sleepover if it's something you're interested in but honestly feel free to send questions my way at any time. I love answering asks ❤️
I've been seeing a lot of you in my notifications lately, thank you so much for all the love. It means a lot to me ❤️
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jodybouchard9 · 4 years
5 Trending Entryway Looks From Instagram To Get Your Foyer Summer-Ready
KatarzynaBialasiewicz/Getty Images
As cities nationwide begin the fraught process of reopening, your home is also starting to come out of its season of hibernation. That means putting all the pillow forts back in their places, starting to wear real clothes again, and getting ready to host friends and family for the warm summer months ahead.
If your entryway suffered the brunt of quarantine the way ours did (hint: hand-sanitizing stations and stacks of lysol wipes), then it’s probably in need of a little refurbishment, too.
As we always do, we scoured Instagram for some inspiration—and we found five trending foyer looks that will have your home feeling summer-ready, just in time for when your vacationing guests start to arrive.
1. Retro serving trays
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Lovely entryway arrangement via @danielle.donohue
A post shared by Hofdeco (@hofdeco) on May 12, 2020 at 11:20am PDT
Serving trays aren’t just for small cakes and iced tea—they also look pretty great as wall decor. We mean, just look at this post from @danielle.donohue.
“This universal trend adds a soft texture and shape with a subtle natural approach,” says designer Michelle Harrison-McAllister. “This affordable look is easy to install and can lend style to any size or color wall.”
Get the look: Shop these chunky seagrass woven serving trays from Target.
2. Alluring oversize lamp
The right lamp can do wonders for a stale entryway, but an oversize one will make the whole space come together, just like we see in this post from @stephaniecrusso.
“An oversize lamp at an entry provides some fun and unexpected contrast for a great first impression,” says designer and architect Paul Gleicher. “It’s always nice to have more than one light source in a space, and a table lamp complements overhead fixtures, softening the light and exuding warmth.”
Get the look: Snag your very own oversize statement lamp by shopping this Beekman 1 light standard table lamp from Perigold.
3. Elegant rattan sideboard
If your entryway table is looking a little worse for the wear, consider upgrading to a rattan sideboard like this one featured by @dinashuz.
“What makes this a standout sideboard is the casual elegance of its lines and the warmth of the rattan,” says Gleicher. “The clean lines provide an uncluttered and tranquil feeling, and selecting a sideboard over a console table has the added benefit of providing storage, which is always welcome.”
Get the look: Check out this Wallace cane and oak sideboard from Anthopologie to bring some of that understated elegance into your entryway.
4. Woven fiber runners
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Happy Wednesday evening friends☺️! We are about to eat dinner and then spend time together watching the @ym360 Youth Group at Home online. Ever since our church closed for quarantine, I look forward to this time of “virtual” worship each week🙌🏻. Today I spent time deep cleaning our home, and it feels so much better😆😆. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite cleaning products tomorrow in stories, many of you have asked. Especially about wood floor cleaners. Stay tuned👏🏻! I did answer some other questions in my stories today, but always feel free to DM with any questions! I hope you each have a wonderful evening friends. So very grateful for each of you💓!! 👉🏻Sign is linked in my profile. 👉🏻Shop the rest of this space at: http://liketk.it/2LAY6 #LTKsalealert #LTKhome #LTKunder50 #liketkit @liketoknow.it.home @liketoknow.it #entryway #farmhouse #homedecor #spring #modernfarmhouse #homedecor #entryway #diy #farmhouse #farmhousedecor #foyer #homedesign #modernfarmhouse #plants #home #homesweethome #diyhomedecor #fixerupper #fixerupperstyle #joannagaines #seasonaldecor #instagood #instahome #shabbychic #cottage #cottagestyle #bhghome #countrylivingmag #cottagesandbungalows #stayhome
A post shared by shegaveitago (@shegaveitago) on May 13, 2020 at 4:24pm PDT
Nothing ties together an entryway quite like the perfect runner, especially one of these trending woven ones featured by @shegaveitago.
“Woven fiber runners are another trend we see very often now,” says designer Natasha Nicolaou. “They add a natural element and texture to any entryway and work well in almost any decor.”
When shopping for a natural fiber runner, consider the amount of traffic your space will be receiving, Nicolaou says. A tighter weave rug will hold up to use better than a chunky weave.
Get the look: Snag one of these tight-weave Serena rugs from Target.
5. DIY minimalist bench
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I’m still not 100% into this entryway space, it still needs something, but I realized that I never shared the finished bench I made! I decided to not stain the wood for now but I love the way it turned out! It was a super quick and easy project, I didn’t go through it great but you can check out my “projects” highlights to get a pretty good idea of how it’s made!
A post shared by Shawna Schoenfeld | Interiors (@arrowsandapricots) on May 16, 2020 at 12:18pm PDT
Looking to update your entryway on a budget? Look no further than this simple yet stunning DIY bench featured by @arrowsandapricots.
“Anytime we complete a DIY project, we’re filled with pride and satisfaction,” Harrison-McAllister says. “A DIY minimalist bench is such a perfect addition to any home with its clean lines and style. Pair it with accent pillows, stacked books, that favorite plant, or even a fresh bouquet of flowers.”
Get the look: Check out this DIY tutorial to get started on your new entryway addition.
The post 5 Trending Entryway Looks From Instagram To Get Your Foyer Summer-Ready appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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