#hope they stick their landings cause that’s kind of what bumped Bad Buddy from top 5 to honorable mention (for now at least)
anthrotmnt · 2 years
Tagged by @piningbisexuals  (which was a sweet surprise - sorry it’s late!)
1. your all time favorite bl and why
Until We Meet Again. 
UWMA was like the third drama I watched after SOTUS and Love By Chance when I was first falling down the rabbit hole of Thai dramas. It’s one of the ones I can re-watch again and again. Even though it’s not the happiest, given certain circumstances (InKorn), I love the fictional idea of soulmates and love transcending time. I adore Pharm as one of my all-time favorite characters, with his actor being one of my favorites.  
Seriously the “aesthetic”, and idea of the red string of fate is one of my favorites, as well as it’s just overall more serious tone, while also containing humor, thoughtfulness, and love/warmth.
The friend group is also pretty great - though I wish we had seen more of it; honestly I think most friend groups, especially ones that come together when a pairing does, deserve more attention.
2. that one bl that scarred you for life
I haven’t really watched anything that has outright scarred me; the ones that probably would have, I went in knowing they were gonna be A Lot (fortunately).
Maybe History3: Make Our Days Count cause they really took such a sweet (highschool) enemies to lovers story with great chemistry and ended it that way. I know that’s the point - hence the title - and I def did not watch the last 10 minutes as per recommendation, but still. Rough
Also unrelated - because I don’t think I got it from this drama - but Dean’s upset crying while driving in UWMA got me nervous and now I fret when boys are distracted drivers in BL.
Maybe it’s all connected.
3. is there any bl that made you feel single?
I feel like a large part of BL’s appeal is the romance aspect and the comfort of reoccurring/familiar tropes you keep coming back to.
While many BLs have made me feel single, I want to give Oxygen some love here because while it’s not a perfect show, the main couple are just so soft and I love their softness and I think that kind of fluff makes me feel even more single then the average BL.
4. if you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be?
TonHon Chonlatee - I would have given the surrogacy plot actual weight, or just straight up changed it so that the dad’s hospital trip and “forgiving” of his son didn’t feel so sudden and undeserving. Honestly, TonHon himself i think needed a few episodes less of being a jerk, if we weren’t even going to have Chonlatee and him as a happy couple for very long. So maybe the overall episode length because it had charm, and I enjoyed what I enjoyed, but it’s just a bit disappointing for what could have been.
5. that one bl you detest
I watched TharnType right before the boom we are currently seeing, because everyone talked about it, mostly because the chemistry between the actors being amazing. While at the time, right after, I did rate it high (for what it was - as it wasn’t trying to be anything clean and neat), I’m just kind of indifferent now. In the sequel, they took that acting chemistry and tried to present the couple as more loving and committed, while hiding most of the actual intensity behind paywalls haha.
For one I straight up detested though, I don’t know that I’ve watched any because if I started to detest it I would probably just not finish it/drop it. My attention isn’t all that great sometimes.
Maybe Together with Me: The Next Chapter (despite never having watched it) because while the original show dealt with the main couple cheating to be together you would think that means they really wanted to be together and it was a complicated emotional mess of internalized homophobia…but then I hear that more cheating happens after all they went through, and even more so! It was def an automatic “not interested” in MyDramaList.
6. your top 5
1) Until We Meet Again
2) Why R U
3) He’s Coming To Me
4) My Engineer
5) Oxygen
I would say these are my top 5 cause I’ve actually rewatched these haha.
Honorable Mentions: A Tale of Thousand Stars (very close I just need to rewatch it again I think), Bad Buddy, and Not Me (I’m still absorbing both of their freshness/thoughts and feelings).
7. that trashy bl you lowkey like
Cause You’re My Boy - Drake and Frank’s chemistry just keeps you hooked on the show and while production wise it is a bit choppy, I can see the charm of the show they wanted underneath.
Tonhon Chonlatee - like I said earlier it has charm, and a fun queer found family, but the pacing drags the series as a whole down.
8. your favorite korean bl
Color Rush
9. but also your top 3 for kbls
1) Color Rush
2) Where Your Eyes Linger
3) Mr. Heart
Honorable Mention: Long Time No See
I’m behind on some of the newer ones but based on the webcomic, I think Semantic Error could end up in the top 3.
10. season 2? which one?
I think I’ve watched only 3 dramas with a season 2: Still 2Gether, I Promised You the Moon, and Lovesick Season 2. 
IPYTM was disappointing, and I know of way more season 2s that sound disappointing/not my thing, that I have not watched.
I started, but didn’t finish, Color Rush season 2.
I plan to watch A Man Defies the World of BL season 2!
Lastly, I do still kind of want My Engineer season 2….
11. a bunch of dramas will air soon. which ones are you the most excited for?
KinnPorsche (this weekend?!)
But also The Eclipse and Never Let Me Go
12. tag them
@laowen n​ @ablazenqueen
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c-atm · 5 years
Convember:Crossover SU X Multi series
Steven Universe life has never been normal. Being a gem hybrid, a diamond…..A child of a rebel leader who played both sides in an attempt to bring peace, and having to clean up said parent mistakes...Had ran it course..He took it with as much stride as he could and in the end succeed in bringing relative peace throughout his galaxy.
Of course he couldn't have done it alone. He had help from his family, the Crystal Gems. Pearl, the closest thing he had to a mother. She cooked,cleaned,schooled him and was a bit smothering. Always worried about him and hardly enough about herself.  He hoped she was taking care of herself back home.
        Amethyst; his smaller-older sister, shorty squad member, fellow 'worst gem’ and ‘most mature Crystal gem', and the most human. Always there for a prank or a talk, always ready to lounge around.  
Garnet; the leader and heart of the crystal gems. Respected and respectful, wise, forthright, and loving. Always around for advice, to guide, and to guard her fellow man and gem. To stand up against any who would dare hurt her family or friends. She was his hero. one of them.
    Bismuth; Friend to all who needed it. Always ready with a pun or a new project in her forge. Strong in body and heart. He wondered what new armament she’ll have when they stop for a visit.
   Peridot; Lovable, excitable,  and quirky. Always ready to share her new meep morphs, technological  project or her thoughts on pop culture..Mostly Camp Pining Hearts. He wonders if she's enjoying the reboot.
Lapis Lazuli: His beach summer fun buddy, arguably the most powerful of them,  in the right circumstance. Once a sad gem filled with self-loathing for her past actions and a sarcastic  cold demeanor due to her past captivity, now a calmer, happier person. Someone who you can see flying freely over Little Homeworld with a nymph  like giggle.
He missed them so much. Being away from the gems did make him worry. As he walked out of the bedroom he shared and began to transverse the ship, he being to wonder if they were  getting to any fights or arguments..Wonder if his father,Greg was keeping the peace all right. He missed him even more than the gems.He missed Beach City and Little Homeworld. He missed Homeworld and earth...He missed their Dimension.
The nineteen year old missed them dearly..was he nineteen or twenty? The calendar in this world was hard to understand and all the 'verse' hopping didn't help either. Regardless, he wasn't lonely at all. It was hard to be with the group they had gathered.
As he walked by an open room he eye caught sight of a man and woman sharing a bed. Sleeping with a cloak over them was the bounty hunter named Sol Badguy and his lover Aria, formally known as Jack-o . While Sol wasn't the nicest guy around he more than proved to be loyal and a good guy at least. He was blunt with his advice and a bit lazy at times..but when you have the power and strength that he has, he could afford to be.
Resting cozy in Sol's arm and lap was Aria,and despite her looks she was just as powerful as the man she leaned against. She was the nicer of the two and very intuitive. She had the aura of a mature older sister, always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder when needed.
Leaving them be and closing the door to their room,  Steven continued his walk. he came into one of the living areas; a spacious room very fantastically  and futuristically furnished. Across from entranced the laid Yuri lowell on crimson recliner a book between his chest and hand, slightly snoring.  Steven spared him a glance before looking around the room. He sighed as his search turned up empty.
    As he was about to continue on his search, he was accidentally bumped into by the pink hair and blue eyes of a nobility; Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Estelle for short. After apologize with a giggle, Steven  indicated where a certain vagabond sleeping with left nod of the head. She peered in and sighed slightly annoyed, slightly adoringly as she walked to the sleeping man and playfully poked his face. Only for him poke her back and pull her down with him.
  He allowed himself to smile at the antics, before  moving on...No need to watch a couple at play. He made his way along the corridor walking pass  empty and unused bedrooms and soon found himself going down the elevator to the first level of the ship.
As soon as he walked out he caught a whiff of something sweet in the air, like fried cookie cat sweet. He followed in a trance like state, his sweet tooth and stomach urging him to find the source of this aroma.. . It led him to the kitchen and as soon as he entered, He walked right back out and ran away.
    He was not going to taste any of Noel Vermillion cooking. He did feel bad but.. he ate her food once and saw his life flash before his eyes, not in the pleasant way either.He felt bad cause Noel along with Estelle was one of the sweetest people you could ever meet.  Helpful and kind to a fault, even able to get the sarcastic and cool Yuri and Mr.Badguy himself to smile or smirk genuinely.
He turned the corner to see one Ragna the bloodedge..Looking quite sick, green as his right eye. It didn't  take long for Steven to put two and two together. He looked at the older man quizzically, he knew better not to eat Noel food, hell he warned  them not to eat his sisters cooking.
Ragna looked up at the hybrid and held a cup of water shaking it. Steven smirked   before sticking his finger in his mouth getting a good amount of healing essence and sticking it into Ragna's cup, swirling  it around. Ragna looked slightly disgusted but he drowned the water with gusto. he shivered over how disgusting it was to drink someone saliva, but  couldn't deny the quick and powerful results.
With a stretch the rebel patted the younger man on the shoulder giving him an appreciative  nod before heading back to the kitchen in hope of getting the blonde girl out of there before she kill anyone else.
Steven shrugged wishing him luck, before continuing  his way. Past the control room..He doubt who he was looking for would be there at this time..Especially since the ship A.I was in control. As his travel continued something caught his ear, the sounds of battle.
With a smile, Steven upped his pace towards the sounds of clashing weapons and grunts. It took him all but 30 seconds for him to reach the giant sliding doors.with a press of a glowing red button to the left of the doors, he was allowed entry.
Inside was a modest balcony with a protective  window pane, a control module and a door on the left. Sitting by said module was a young man of similar age, one of the first people that they recruited on this journey, Jude mathis. The man took a quick glance at the hybrid before turning his head back forward, back to what was going on beyond the balcony. Steven was quick to join him the sparkle in his eyes and grin on his face said it all.
Beyond the balcony was unprecedented and always awestucking.  Below was land, air, water or whatever someone wished it to be as long as they've been there.. At the moment it was a place Steven knew very well..It been months since he saw it.. The ruins.
In the ruins two warriors were sparring, clashing sword to sword, fist to fist, foot to foot; each with shallow cuts and slight bruising on various parts of their bodies.  One was a tall, beautiful young woman with pink eyes and long, blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. Dressed in a high thigh, form fitting blue and white dress, with long thigh high boots and matching gauntlets., Mila Maxwell; The lord of Spirits from Reize Maxia
The other was slightly younger.. but was just as beautiful (If you asked Steven, moreso). With skin of brown and eyes of black pearls, full lips and curly  deep brown hair that stopped at her mid back was held in a top bun-braid combo, thanks to the star bralette in her hair. Her body: full figured shapley, and built for battle; was adorned in a cobalt Kalaripayattu outfit with a crimson sash, cobalt shoes and mid-finger gauntlets that matched her sash. Connie Maheswaran..Crystal gem..and partially awaken Lord of the Universe.
Something they have been working to ratify since the start of their journey, and bring to full fruition.Something they need to succeed in unless existence itself ceases to well.. Exist. One of the ways through exercise and battle like this, attempting to force it out.
The two clashed and pushed their blades against each, eyes locked in determination and excitement on their face. The sound of the blondes rapier scraping against the brunettes shortsword as they struggled for supremacy, only added to their fun. A share of taunting chuckles came from each other as they try to figure out how to take advantage of this deadlock.
Connie was the first to make a move as she slightly loosened her grip on her blade, allowing Mila full momentum to throw the lord of spirits of balanced as, as Connie shifted her body and step to the left side of her friend momentarily out of her sight. Using the momentum and the opening, Connie swung her right foot to the back of blonds knee, sweeping her feet from under her.
Mila landed hard on her back with a groan, but recovered quickly; rolling back to her feet in a crouch, holding her hand out, a green circle of mana around her.
“Pierce through! Wind Lance!” .
A green arc of wind  based mana flew from her hand, straight towards Connie. The indian woman grimace as she blocked with her sword being pushed back a little, feeling the wind still knick her stomach slightly.
Earth, cry out! Rock Trine! "
Connie eyes widen when she saw a yellowish triangular glyph appear below her. Letting her instinct take over The woman leapt up just out of the way of the rock pillars rising up to stab her. Quite higher than a normal human would.
Flames come forth! Fireball!
Connie swore as she saw and felt the flame sphere head toward her. She took a chance tossing her blade at milia, causing to  the sphere to explode as it flew through; unfortunately Connie was still close enough to feel a bit of the shockwave, being blown back a bit more.
She did hear the clang of Swords and the grimace of her opponent..
‘Guess where both disarmed now...Though she still have access to her worlds workings and mana' Connie thoughts were interrupted when she saw a blue sphere of water above her.
“Oh Fu--”
She didn’t get the chance to finish as a torrent of water collided with her, throwing her down to the earth below, pounding and beating her body harsly.  She breath haggardly as she climbed to her feet drenched, coughing up some water left from that attack. She growled in irritation and determination. Not at Mila, but at herself.  She took a deep breath before calming herself, placing her hands in the meditative symbol garnet taught her and Steven as Stevonnie.
Her eyes changed slightly but gaining what look like a four point star and each of her pupils the size of a pin.
“ Shadowing”
Her voice seemed to have a bit of an echo as she spoke. While it seemed as if nothing happened that was far from the truth. Seeing that Mila was not running but gliding towards her, sword in hand caused her to smirk.
“ Splash!”
Seeing the water bubble over her head again,  kickstart her mind and in a low almost whisper, Connie spoke.
  “Lapis lazuli.”
Wings similar to her fellow crystal temp appeared on her back, the only difference they were black as shadows. As the water, Connie raised her hands, shakingly stopping the waters fall before tossing it towards Milia who dodge the stream .Connie leapt back before flying towards Milia, no where near the speed of Lapis, but still faster than Mila expected.
With a twist the Lord-to-be, substituted the wings, for warhammers hands, slamming them towards the left side of the spirit lord, who despite blocking the blow still tossed towards a nearby pillar. Mila through stinging pain righted herself and landed on the pilar before bounding of it, towards her opponent.
Mila slammed her blade against Connie hammers with her whole weight behind it. The force pushed the young woman back and slightly off balance. Mila landed on bended knees before she followed through with a horizontal slash towards  Connie face. She successfully laid a shallow cut upon the bridge of the Maheswarans nose as Connie fell back.
Using the momentum of the fall and the hammers as a balance, Connie backed flipped away from Mil, kicking her chin in the process. The Maheswaran leapt  back as the hammers vanished in a wisp of smoke. She clenched her hands thrice, getting a feeling for them.
'Ten seconds still for 'Bismuth'...Not ideal but better than five.'
" Peridot."
Connie leapt over Mila attempt  to stab her abdominal, countering three kicks towards the spirit  lords head, which were blocked by their blade. On the third kick she used mila as spring board jumped back and high into the air.
Hmm!"  Mila stood before kneeling down.
She leapt diagonally upward towards Connie with her sword pointing forward, spinning clockwise, the thrust emitting blue energy.
As she watched her come Connie held her left hand in a gripping fashion she pulled it back towards her.
The sounds of weapons clashing resounded as Connie sword back in to her hands, clashed against Mila attack. Try as she might though she couldn't keep the defense up as Mila was able to breakthrough. The blue energy hit her on the side, shaving and burning her outfit and skin, while tossing her back towards the ground, with a dust gathering crash.
"Amethyst ."
Just as mila was finishing her attack a shadow colored imitation of the gems whip, snapped around her waist and swung her into the ground hard, releasing  before impact. Mila coughed as she felt her back slammed into the ring. Mila groaned for a moment getting her bearings before seeing Connie bruised, battered, but smirking; run out of the cloud. Sword in her left, whip in her right.
Connie snapped the whip towards the spirit lord, putting her on the defensive. She wasn't  as efficient as the namesake, but she at least has mila on her toes and kept the lord from moving closer. With one lucky snap, she was able to knock  the weapon out of her hands roughly and closer to a smug Connie . With a running leap and a elegant twist, Connie swung the whip down ward. A trail of grayish flanes ran across the stone covered whip as it nearly collided with the lord of spirits blocking hand...only for it to dissipate before contact, leaving Connie a bit drained..and very open as she landed in front of Mila in a crouch.
Mila stretched out her hand towards connie as a sphere of fire appeared in her palm..only to be accompanied by two more each  to a side of the Maheswaran. She smirked at the look of defiance on her protege. She leapt back to escape blast range.
"Flare Bomb!"
Connie voice was smothered by the blinding explosion of spheres. Smoke stood where Connie was but Mila stood ready. Connie, if anything proved to be resilient, vigilant, and at times relentless in her pursuits. Time has taught her that. Mila eyes widen and her instinct screamed to dodge as Connie shot of the smoke, worse than wear,  shadow version of Garnet's gauntlets on her hands.
Connie swung with a mighty right hook, that would have  took of the lord of Spirits head, if she didn't duck, did take of some strands of  hair though and caused a bit of a shockwave. Connie raised her left and try to bring it down on her opponent only to have her miss again cratering the place once stood.
She coughed as she felt a fist to the left side and swung towards the source, meeting air and receiving  another fist to her midsection. Connie growled as she a round house towards the source this time hitting the forearm of mila, a block. Connie  was thrown off by the Spirit lord for a moment before using the momentum to land into a handstand. Splitting her legs, she spun her body around attempting to break Mila guard, with a flurry  of helicopter kicks.
Mila grunted against assault. Each kick feeling like a steel rod beating against her arms  continuously. After the sixth hit Mila dropped her guard for a moment.
at the same time,  Connie dropped to her feet and drove her gauntlet to milia guarded stomach. It was enough to send the blonde flying back  many yards.
Mila righted herself in skid it back near a  broken pillar seeing her sword nearby. The spirit lord watched as the brunette charge, slower because of the gauntlets. She  lifted her beaten arms up and began to speak
"O spurring wind, scatter like flowers! Arriverderci!"
Connie stopped her charge as she saw the light green glyph appear below her. From it she felt the gust of wind and petals, knocking her upward and giving her a bevy of shallow cuts all over , grunting  all the while. She twisted herself right before disengaging the gauntlets.
From Garnet gauntlets to Pearl's  spear, a weapon Connie knew very well. She pointed shadow imitation at milia and launched a volley of energy bullets at the blond, putting Mila on the evasive as she fell.
Mila charged dodging shot after shot picking up her blade, she met Connie  with a horizontal slash from above as she landed, clashing weapon to weapon before leaping back just bit.
The two women swung, clashed  and evaded each others blows neither giving the other an inch of space. For every step back met with a step forward. Every party an attack..It was a beautiful  dance of blades.Connie did get the first clean hit by partying a stab to the left and kicking her straight to the gut knocking her back in a tumble.
Connie breathed tiredly as the spear disappeared..She could feel her time running short as she blinked her eyes. she could feel the power waning. she smirked, she lasted longer than usual. That's a plus especially when utilizing ' shadowing' .. It does eat up a lot of her time and energy, more so when it dissipates by itself..She figured she had at least three to four minutes left...Better make it count.
Mila shook her head and got up with a grunt. She rotated shoulders and with pride she saw Connie charging toward her..Sword in hand. Conjuring the mana needed in a purple glyph circle surrounding her. With a reach towards her connie, spirit lord  commanded
“Bolt Strike!”
A giant shadow and the sound of crackling caused connie looked up...and her eyes widened in shock. A sphere of dark purple energy above the ground, and after several seconds of waiting, several lightning bolts struck down from it  at random directions, in her general area.
Connie jumped, duck, and dodged the deadly making attack the best she could.. Only to find herself in the middle of four lighting bolts aiming straight at her..
Instantly familiar 'shing' of the pink diamond  shield was heard..except it was a darker pink.. A shadow but much more solid than the others, make sense, this is the weapon,the power she knows just as well as her own.
Using the shield, she reflected the lighting at the caster, who dodged  by cartwheeling to the left. Sh charged tossing not one but three shields at Mila, who dodged two and  knocked the third into the air only to catch back in her hand and slamming it back down onto her blade, pushing her back.
Mila couldn't escape Connie ferocity. Any where she went Connie  was on her Shield and sword in hand, elegant and deadly. She ducked under a swing losing some  hair from Connie's sword, responding with an uppercut that met her shield Mila pressed her palm on it .
"Flare bomb!"
The explosion gave Mila the seconds she need to jump away and prepare her attack.
"Shining Prism!"
Milla conjured a white hexagon under the smoke where Connie stood, with four shining hexagons around the edges of the ground hexagon. The hexagons then rotate counterclockwise as a series of white rays bounces several times from the walls. They tore through the smoke revealing  a dark pink bubble; with Connie in the middle. The light couldn't penetrate it.
Connie started to charge after mila bubble still activated Muscling through spell after spell  to drag her into close combat. Once close enough Connie deactivated the bubble Swinging her blade diagonally  towards Milan's throwing her off balance.She followed though with a smack of her Shield throwing mila back.
Mila watched as she came yet again and smiled.. The pride in her protege and friend was immense. She felt a bit sad for what  she was about to do. Milla crouched low drawing her left hand behind her, summoning a ball of red energy in it. She charged at her opponent with an open palm.
The met in a destructive clash, the reflexive  force of the shield versus the overwhelming power of the orb, godly beings struggling against each other ,neither willing to give the other an inch.
Connie could only look in  a mixture of defeat and satisfaction as the shield. and orb  canceled our each other causing an implosion between the two.. The last thing Connie remembered  is her shield getting shattered, And both her and Mila flying back.
When Connie opened her eyes she nearly cried..She was at beach house..In Steven's room. She walked over to the balcony  and her heart exploded in joy..Steven, the gems, Her parents, Greg and lion..They were at the beach..She was home. She looked further down the beach and saw the group they gathered on their multiverse adventure.. She laughed as she raced to join them  only to turn around and see a white nearly demonic version of herself.. She didn't get to scream as the wraith god jumped on her.
Connie scream woke up the person next to her, Steven as he grabbed her by the shoulders, rubbing them gently. She looked around and realize they were on the ship in the room sh..She sighed as she turned to Steven  who looked worried. She grabbed his hand seething a bit at her own movements.
She felt lingers of the battle  Steven, of course seeing this, did what he always did. He gripped her chin and kissed her tenderly..Healing and exciting her as she moaned both thank you and a hunger for more.
Connie grabbed him and pulled him down with her, cuddling close with his legs between her thighs  instinctively rubbing against him. arms around his big torso head by his heart taking in his still beach city scent. She felt at home here In his arms.The fact that he held her similarly made it even better.
It was late though..too late to talk about their moment of homesickness..or the nightmares or training..or theirs ragtag team.or the fate of the goddamn multiverse..All they wanted right now was to hold and he held by the piece of their home within their grasp...Each other.
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dukevividwriting · 5 years
Convember:Crossover SU X Multi series
Steven Universe life has never been normal. Being a gem hybrid, a diamond…..A child of a rebel leader who played both sides in an attempt to bring peace, and having to clean up said parent mistakes...Had ran it course..He took it with as much stride as he could and in the end succeed in bringing relative peace throughout his galaxy.
Of course he couldn't have done it alone. He had help from his family, the Crystal Gems. Pearl, the closest thing he had to a mother. She cooked,cleaned,schooled him and was a bit smothering. Always worried about him and hardly enough about herself.  He hoped she was taking care of herself back home.
        Amethyst; his smaller-older sister, shorty squad member, fellow 'worst gem’ and ‘most mature Crystal gem', and the most human. Always there for a prank or a talk, always ready to lounge around.  
Garnet; the leader and heart of the crystal gems. Respected and respectful, wise, forthright, and loving. Always around for advice, to guide, and to guard her fellow man and gem. To stand up against any who would dare hurt her family or friends. She was his hero. one of them.
    Bismuth; Friend to all who needed it. Always ready with a pun or a new project in her forge. Strong in body and heart. He wondered what new armament she’ll have when they stop for a visit.
   Peridot; Lovable, excitable,  and quirky. Always ready to share her new meep morphs, technological  project or her thoughts on pop culture..Mostly Camp Pining Hearts. He wonders if she's enjoying the reboot.
Lapis Lazuli: His beach summer fun buddy, arguably the most powerful of them,  in the right circumstance. Once a sad gem filled with self-loathing for her past actions and a sarcastic  cold demeanor due to her past captivity, now a calmer, happier person. Someone who you can see flying freely over Little Homeworld with a nymph  like giggle.
He missed them so much. Being away from the gems did make him worry. As he walked out of the bedroom he shared and began to transverse the ship, he being to wonder if they were  getting to any fights or arguments..Wonder if his father,Greg was keeping the peace all right. He missed him even more than the gems.He missed Beach City and Little Homeworld. He missed Homeworld and earth...He missed their Dimension.
The nineteen year old missed them dearly..was he nineteen or twenty? The calendar in this world was hard to understand and all the 'verse' hopping didn't help either. Regardless, he wasn't lonely at all. It was hard to be with the group they had gathered.
As he walked by an open room he eye caught sight of a man and woman sharing a bed. Sleeping with a cloak over them was the bounty hunter named Sol Badguy and his lover Aria, formally known as Jack-o . While Sol wasn't the nicest guy around he more than proved to be loyal and a good guy at least. He was blunt with his advice and a bit lazy at times..but when you have the power and strength that he has, he could afford to be.
Resting cozy in Sol's arm and lap was Aria,and despite her looks she was just as powerful as the man she leaned against. She was the nicer of the two and very intuitive. She had the aura of a mature older sister, always willing to lend an ear or a shoulder when needed.
Leaving them be and closing the door to their room,  Steven continued his walk. he came into one of the living areas; a spacious room very fantastically  and futuristically furnished. Across from entranced the laid Yuri lowell on crimson recliner a book between his chest and hand, slightly snoring.  Steven spared him a glance before looking around the room. He sighed as his search turned up empty.
    As he was about to continue on his search, he was accidentally bumped into by the pink hair and blue eyes of a nobility; Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Estelle for short. After apologize with a giggle, Steven  indicated where a certain vagabond sleeping with left nod of the head. She peered in and sighed slightly annoyed, slightly adoringly as she walked to the sleeping man and playfully poked his face. Only for him poke her back and pull her down with him.
  He allowed himself to smile at the antics, before  moving on...No need to watch a couple at play. He made his way along the corridor walking pass  empty and unused bedrooms and soon found himself going down the elevator to the first level of the ship.
As soon as he walked out he caught a whiff of something sweet in the air, like fried cookie cat sweet. He followed in a trance like state, his sweet tooth and stomach urging him to find the source of this aroma.. . It led him to the kitchen and as soon as he entered, He walked right back out and ran away.
    He was not going to taste any of Noel Vermillion cooking. He did feel bad but.. he ate her food once and saw his life flash before his eyes, not in the pleasant way either.He felt bad cause Noel along with Estelle was one of the sweetest people you could ever meet.  Helpful and kind to a fault, even able to get the sarcastic and cool Yuri and Mr.Badguy himself to smile or smirk genuinely.
He turned the corner to see one Ragna the bloodedge..Looking quite sick, green as his right eye. It didn't  take long for Steven to put two and two together. He looked at the older man quizzically, he knew better not to eat Noel food, hell he warned  them not to eat his sisters cooking.
Ragna looked up at the hybrid and held a cup of water shaking it. Steven smirked   before sticking his finger in his mouth getting a good amount of healing essence and sticking it into Ragna's cup, swirling  it around. Ragna looked slightly disgusted but he drowned the water with gusto. he shivered over how disgusting it was to drink someone saliva, but  couldn't deny the quick and powerful results.
With a stretch the rebel patted the younger man on the shoulder giving him an appreciative  nod before heading back to the kitchen in hope of getting the blonde girl out of there before she kill anyone else.
Steven shrugged wishing him luck, before continuing  his way. Past the control room..He doubt who he was looking for would be there at this time..Especially since the ship A.I was in control. As his travel continued something caught his ear, the sounds of battle.
With a smile, Steven upped his pace towards the sounds of clashing weapons and grunts. It took him all but 30 seconds for him to reach the giant sliding doors.with a press of a glowing red button to the left of the doors, he was allowed entry.
Inside was a modest balcony with a protective  window pane, a control module and a door on the left. Sitting by said module was a young man of similar age, one of the first people that they recruited on this journey, Jude mathis. The man took a quick glance at the hybrid before turning his head back forward, back to what was going on beyond the balcony. Steven was quick to join him the sparkle in his eyes and grin on his face said it all.
Beyond the balcony was unprecedented and always awestucking.  Below was land, air, water or whatever someone wished it to be as long as they've been there.. At the moment it was a place Steven knew very well..It been months since he saw it.. The ruins.
In the ruins two warriors were sparring, clashing sword to sword, fist to fist, foot to foot; each with shallow cuts and slight bruising on various parts of their bodies.  One was a tall, beautiful young woman with pink eyes and long, blonde hair that reaches down to her waist. Dressed in a high thigh, form fitting blue and white dress, with long thigh high boots and matching gauntlets., Mila Maxwell; The lord of Spirits from Reize Maxia
The other was slightly younger.. but was just as beautiful (If you asked Steven, moreso). With skin of brown and eyes of black pearls, full lips and curly  deep brown hair that stopped at her mid back was held in a top bun-braid combo, thanks to the star bralette in her hair. Her body: full figured shapley, and built for battle; was adorned in a cobalt Kalaripayattu outfit with a crimson sash, cobalt shoes and mid-finger gauntlets that matched her sash. Connie Maheswaran..Crystal gem..and partially awaken Lord of the Universe.
Something they have been working to ratify since the start of their journey, and bring to full fruition.Something they need to succeed in unless existence itself ceases to well.. Exist. One of the ways through exercise and battle like this, attempting to force it out.
The two clashed and pushed their blades against each, eyes locked in determination and excitement on their face. The sound of the blondes rapier scraping against the brunettes shortsword as they struggled for supremacy, only added to their fun. A share of taunting chuckles came from each other as they try to figure out how to take advantage of this deadlock.
Connie was the first to make a move as she slightly loosened her grip on her blade, allowing Mila full momentum to throw the lord of spirits of balanced as, as Connie shifted her body and step to the left side of her friend momentarily out of her sight. Using the momentum and the opening, Connie swung her right foot to the back of blonds knee, sweeping her feet from under her.
Mila landed hard on her back with a groan, but recovered quickly; rolling back to her feet in a crouch, holding her hand out, a green circle of mana around her.
“Pierce through! Wind Lance!” .
A green arc of wind  based mana flew from her hand, straight towards Connie. The indian woman grimace as she blocked with her sword being pushed back a little, feeling the wind still knick her stomach slightly.
Earth, cry out! Rock Trine! "
Connie eyes widen when she saw a yellowish triangular glyph appear below her. Letting her instinct take over The woman leapt up just out of the way of the rock pillars rising up to stab her. Quite higher than a normal human would.
Flames come forth! Fireball!
Connie swore as she saw and felt the flame sphere head toward her. She took a chance tossing her blade at milia, causing to  the sphere to explode as it flew through; unfortunately Connie was still close enough to feel a bit of the shockwave, being blown back a bit more.
She did hear the clang of Swords and the grimace of her opponent..
‘Guess where both disarmed now...Though she still have access to her worlds workings and mana' Connie thoughts were interrupted when she saw a blue sphere of water above her.
“Oh Fu--”
She didn’t get the chance to finish as a torrent of water collided with her, throwing her down to the earth below, pounding and beating her body harsly.  She breath haggardly as she climbed to her feet drenched, coughing up some water left from that attack. She growled in irritation and determination. Not at Mila, but at herself.  She took a deep breath before calming herself, placing her hands in the meditative symbol garnet taught her and Steven as Stevonnie.
Her eyes changed slightly but gaining what look like a four point star and each of her pupils the size of a pin.
“ Shadowing”
Her voice seemed to have a bit of an echo as she spoke. While it seemed as if nothing happened that was far from the truth. Seeing that Mila was not running but gliding towards her, sword in hand caused her to smirk.
“ Splash!”
Seeing the water bubble over her head again,  kickstart her mind and in a low almost whisper, Connie spoke.
  “Lapis lazuli.”
Wings similar to her fellow crystal temp appeared on her back, the only difference they were black as shadows. As the water, Connie raised her hands, shakingly stopping the waters fall before tossing it towards Milia who dodge the stream .Connie leapt back before flying towards Milia, no where near the speed of Lapis, but still faster than Mila expected.
With a twist the Lord-to-be, substituted the wings, for warhammers hands, slamming them towards the left side of the spirit lord, who despite blocking the blow still tossed towards a nearby pillar. Mila through stinging pain righted herself and landed on the pilar before bounding of it, towards her opponent.
Mila slammed her blade against Connie hammers with her whole weight behind it. The force pushed the young woman back and slightly off balance. Mila landed on bended knees before she followed through with a horizontal slash towards  Connie face. She successfully laid a shallow cut upon the bridge of the Maheswarans nose as Connie fell back.
Using the momentum of the fall and the hammers as a balance, Connie backed flipped away from Mil, kicking her chin in the process. The Maheswaran leapt  back as the hammers vanished in a wisp of smoke. She clenched her hands thrice, getting a feeling for them.
'Ten seconds still for 'Bismuth'...Not ideal but better than five.'
" Peridot."
Connie leapt over Mila attempt  to stab her abdominal, countering three kicks towards the spirit  lords head, which were blocked by their blade. On the third kick she used mila as spring board jumped back and high into the air.
Hmm!"  Mila stood before kneeling down.
She leapt diagonally upward towards Connie with her sword pointing forward, spinning clockwise, the thrust emitting blue energy.
As she watched her come Connie held her left hand in a gripping fashion she pulled it back towards her.
The sounds of weapons clashing resounded as Connie sword back in to her hands, clashed against Mila attack. Try as she might though she couldn't keep the defense up as Mila was able to breakthrough. The blue energy hit her on the side, shaving and burning her outfit and skin, while tossing her back towards the ground, with a dust gathering crash.
"Amethyst ."
Just as mila was finishing her attack a shadow colored imitation of the gems whip, snapped around her waist and swung her into the ground hard, releasing  before impact. Mila coughed as she felt her back slammed into the ring. Mila groaned for a moment getting her bearings before seeing Connie bruised, battered, but smirking; run out of the cloud. Sword in her left, whip in her right.
Connie snapped the whip towards the spirit lord, putting her on the defensive. She wasn't  as efficient as the namesake, but she at least has mila on her toes and kept the lord from moving closer. With one lucky snap, she was able to knock  the weapon out of her hands roughly and closer to a smug Connie . With a running leap and a elegant twist, Connie swung the whip down ward. A trail of grayish flanes ran across the stone covered whip as it nearly collided with the lord of spirits blocking hand...only for it to dissipate before contact, leaving Connie a bit drained..and very open as she landed in front of Mila in a crouch.
Mila stretched out her hand towards connie as a sphere of fire appeared in her palm..only to be accompanied by two more each  to a side of the Maheswaran. She smirked at the look of defiance on her protege. She leapt back to escape blast range.
"Flare Bomb!"
Connie voice was smothered by the blinding explosion of spheres. Smoke stood where Connie was but Mila stood ready. Connie, if anything proved to be resilient, vigilant, and at times relentless in her pursuits. Time has taught her that. Mila eyes widen and her instinct screamed to dodge as Connie shot of the smoke, worse than wear,  shadow version of Garnet's gauntlets on her hands.
Connie swung with a mighty right hook, that would have  took of the lord of Spirits head, if she didn't duck, did take of some strands of  hair though and caused a bit of a shockwave. Connie raised her left and try to bring it down on her opponent only to have her miss again cratering the place once stood.
She coughed as she felt a fist to the left side and swung towards the source, meeting air and receiving  another fist to her midsection. Connie growled as she a round house towards the source this time hitting the forearm of mila, a block. Connie  was thrown off by the Spirit lord for a moment before using the momentum to land into a handstand. Splitting her legs, she spun her body around attempting to break Mila guard, with a flurry  of helicopter kicks.
Mila grunted against assault. Each kick feeling like a steel rod beating against her arms  continuously. After the sixth hit Mila dropped her guard for a moment.
at the same time,  Connie dropped to her feet and drove her gauntlet to milia guarded stomach. It was enough to send the blonde flying back  many yards.
Mila righted herself in skid it back near a  broken pillar seeing her sword nearby. The spirit lord watched as the brunette charge, slower because of the gauntlets. She  lifted her beaten arms up and began to speak
"O spurring wind, scatter like flowers! Arriverderci!"
Connie stopped her charge as she saw the light green glyph appear below her. From it she felt the gust of wind and petals, knocking her upward and giving her a bevy of shallow cuts all over , grunting  all the while. She twisted herself right before disengaging the gauntlets.
From Garnet gauntlets to Pearl's  spear, a weapon Connie knew very well. She pointed shadow imitation at milia and launched a volley of energy bullets at the blond, putting Mila on the evasive as she fell.
Mila charged dodging shot after shot picking up her blade, she met Connie  with a horizontal slash from above as she landed, clashing weapon to weapon before leaping back just bit.
The two women swung, clashed  and evaded each others blows neither giving the other an inch of space. For every step back met with a step forward. Every party an attack..It was a beautiful  dance of blades.Connie did get the first clean hit by partying a stab to the left and kicking her straight to the gut knocking her back in a tumble.
Connie breathed tiredly as the spear disappeared..She could feel her time running short as she blinked her eyes. she could feel the power waning. she smirked, she lasted longer than usual. That's a plus especially when utilizing ' shadowing' .. It does eat up a lot of her time and energy, more so when it dissipates by itself..She figured she had at least three to four minutes left...Better make it count.
Mila shook her head and got up with a grunt. She rotated shoulders and with pride she saw Connie charging toward her..Sword in hand. Conjuring the mana needed in a purple glyph circle surrounding her. With a reach towards her connie, spirit lord  commanded
“Bolt Strike!”
A giant shadow and the sound of crackling caused connie looked up...and her eyes widened in shock. A sphere of dark purple energy above the ground, and after several seconds of waiting, several lightning bolts struck down from it  at random directions, in her general area.
Connie jumped, duck, and dodged the deadly making attack the best she could.. Only to find herself in the middle of four lighting bolts aiming straight at her..
Instantly familiar 'shing' of the pink diamond  shield was heard..except it was a darker pink.. A shadow but much more solid than the others, make sense, this is the weapon,the power she knows just as well as her own.
Using the shield, she reflected the lighting at the caster, who dodged  by cartwheeling to the left. Sh charged tossing not one but three shields at Mila, who dodged two and  knocked the third into the air only to catch back in her hand and slamming it back down onto her blade, pushing her back.
Mila couldn't escape Connie ferocity. Any where she went Connie  was on her Shield and sword in hand, elegant and deadly. She ducked under a swing losing some  hair from Connie's sword, responding with an uppercut that met her shield Mila pressed her palm on it .
"Flare bomb!"
The explosion gave Mila the seconds she need to jump away and prepare her attack.
"Shining Prism!"
Milla conjured a white hexagon under the smoke where Connie stood, with four shining hexagons around the edges of the ground hexagon. The hexagons then rotate counterclockwise as a series of white rays bounces several times from the walls. They tore through the smoke revealing  a dark pink bubble; with Connie in the middle. The light couldn't penetrate it.
Connie started to charge after mila bubble still activated Muscling through spell after spell  to drag her into close combat. Once close enough Connie deactivated the bubble Swinging her blade diagonally  towards Milan's throwing her off balance.She followed though with a smack of her Shield throwing mila back.
Mila watched as she came yet again and smiled.. The pride in her protege and friend was immense. She felt a bit sad for what  she was about to do. Milla crouched low drawing her left hand behind her, summoning a ball of red energy in it. She charged at her opponent with an open palm.
The met in a destructive clash, the reflexive  force of the shield versus the overwhelming power of the orb, godly beings struggling against each other ,neither willing to give the other an inch.
Connie could only look in  a mixture of defeat and satisfaction as the shield. and orb  canceled our each other causing an implosion between the two.. The last thing Connie remembered  is her shield getting shattered, And both her and Mila flying back.
When Connie opened her eyes she nearly cried..She was at beach house..In Steven's room. She walked over to the balcony  and her heart exploded in joy..Steven, the gems, Her parents, Greg and lion..They were at the beach..She was home. She looked further down the beach and saw the group they gathered on their multiverse adventure.. She laughed as she raced to join them  only to turn around and see a white nearly demonic version of herself.. She didn't get to scream as the wraith god jumped on her.
Connie scream woke up the person next to her, Steven as he grabbed her by the shoulders, rubbing them gently. She looked around and realize they were on the ship in the room sh..She sighed as she turned to Steven  who looked worried. She grabbed his hand seething a bit at her own movements.
She felt lingers of the battle  Steven, of course seeing this, did what he always did. He gripped her chin and kissed her tenderly..Healing and exciting her as she moaned both thank you and a hunger for more.
Connie grabbed him and pulled him down with her, cuddling close with his legs between her thighs  instinctively rubbing against him. arms around his big torso head by his heart taking in his still beach city scent. She felt at home here In his arms.The fact that he held her similarly made it even better.
It was late though..too late to talk about their moment of homesickness..or the nightmares or training..or theirs ragtag team.or the fate of the goddamn multiverse..All they wanted right now was to hold and he held by the piece of their home within their grasp...Each other.
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