#hope everyone did not enjoy this Exciting Deep Dive into my failure to launch
Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that's speaking to you/an au you'd like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
tagged by @supernovasimplicity for this one. i don’t write  anymore, so this is a monument to all my sins (my 50000 drafts in my notes app) instead. consider this the list of things i would have written were i capable of the remotest bit of commitment. fully naming and shaming a whole bunch of past fandoms here too.
kinnporsche - SPH chapters whatever to whatever would have been the end: this counts because it is the biggest casualty in terms of scope. there are at least three more arcs i was planning, including the promised-but-never-delivered murderboner adventures, a revenge/separation arc, and the ending has been planned out for months. it is basically guaranteed never to see the light of day. www sad trombone dot com. - (redacted) vegaspete fantasy AU: this was a me & boots co-production. part of it exists and did get periodically picked at and the outline got revised a thousand times, but what was supposed to be conveyed as a fairytale with a deft touch, it had all the subtlety of the claw end of a hammer. this is the one i’ll drink about years from now and be bummed i never finished it. - i once promised dearly beloved @trueplainhearts i would write her the missing scene vegasmacau episode 2 cleanup after porsche’s bullshit at the koi pond. probably the one I’m most surprised no one has written (to my knowledge, which is minimal). - all the prompts i got for vp one-shots. these keep me up nights. they’re rotting in my askbox in the hopes i’ll get my shit together. have not forgotten them, just never moved the needle one iota. actually, that’s a lie. i have half a one-shot where macau runs his own horrible cooking youtube channel with a very game pete who will eat basically anything. probably the one closest to completion.
the flash - lord HELP me i was so on my bullshit about a show that continually betrayed me at every turn and stopped being good after two seasons despite running for nine. (i did quit after s3, but the rage will be lifelong.) anyway that shit inexplicably ruled my life because hearts and sparkles hearts and sparkles all the love in the world for my beautiful sad gay deaf mallgoth hartley rathaway, most beloved of his horrible stupid name. i dreadfully miss playing in that sandbox. i went old-school crackship and had my own decades-spanning world set up for two characters who never met in canon because i want nothing more than traumatized embittered brilliant characters hated by their own family and the people around them to ultimately create their own homes and happinesses. i wrote perhaps an ungodly amount of twitter DM harry wells/hartley rathaway fic but didn’t explore 95% of the world we created. i had millions of ideas i wanted to write for them — some domestic, some porny, some healing, some of those deep dives into disability and anger and grief -- and boy did i fail to write almost all of it. god, that show did not deserve the amount of time and energy and effort i poured into it but it was so creatively fulfilling and it’ll always be a place i come home to. - i would, of course, be remiss if i just acted like a saintly crackshipper while i stank up that fandom when in reality this was the OG murderboner adventures show for me and in the course of making this post i DID find the actual murderboner adventure fic (which i wrote in second person and do not remember doing at ALL) and not finishing that one for an audience of zero is a regret. harrison/hartley was SUCH an underrated ship in the fandom and no one wanted to make it as disgusting as i did despite the fact that it had SUCH ripe elements for a toxic, codependent, abusive, easily-murderous mess of a relationship. young traumatized alienated genius desperately seeks the withheld approval of an authority figure! COME ON PEOPLE GET IT TOGETHER. a boy who would easily kill for you if it meant you would cast your gaze his way for only a moment and who would be blind to how much of himself he’s lost until it’s too late — it was a certified me fic through and through. there was so much murder. so many boners. RIP :( - tbh i had a lot of fucked-up porn wips for this series. i was really into some disgusting fucking non-con and trying to find like-minded degens to share it with was a fool’s errand. hope no one ever steals my phone and finds them all.
all the other shit - i still get a little prickle of guilt over never finishing a detroit evolution wip about my favorite subject, traumatized and isolated boys wrestling with the concept of being loved and cared for after years of loneliness and fury. i was never a good fit for that fandom (true to form) and this just became one of those sore spots i didn’t have the energy to poke at any longer. i always wrote characters too similar to me and then they got uncomfortably personal and i ended up walking away. - lore olympus fans who hate minthe can a) skip this one and b) get the hell off my blog bc i am and always will be a certified minthe stan. love her. adore her. wanted desperately to write the codependent messy dysfunction of the hades/minthe relationship — the unequal power dynamics, the fear and anger of watching someone else get better while you’re not, the careless hurts to release your own pain. i really wanted to capture that loveless misery and just never could nail the vibe i wanted to. - prapaisky. i’m leaving this one as-is bc everyone i know thinks LITA is dogshit but i feel disproportionately strongly about them and wanted to dig into that post-canon recovery. end transmission.   - a lot of my stuff never made it out of my brain bc i knew it wouldn’t be worth it to watch it sink like a stone, which was the case with evelyn/walter from one lane bridge. i don’t know anyone who was binging dour nz murder mysteries and it isn’t exactly a canon that begs for a rich ao3 presence, but giving me glimpses of these gentle characters doomed by the narrative and forced into making unspeakable choices put me in a fucking chokehold. i scarfed every tiny crumb i got of their story and outright sobbed at the ending. watching the lock fall had me in full-on claire danes mode. it was prime character study material and i rewrote their story 500 times in my head bc i knew there wasn’t a chance in hell that thing would get the slightest bit of traction if i slaved over actually writing it. - flex/rita: fuck hbo max fuck zaslav fuck the WORLD. i know doom patrol will end and i will NOT see flex/rita become canon because devan chandler long is on another show and also DC hates me personally. (they should have at least kissed!!!!!! god!!!!! you give a woman a screaming reality-tearing sex-ghost orgasm and yet i can’t even get a chaste smooch out of it!!!!!!!!! god i’m gonna die mad about it.) anyway this was a fun one to plot out in my head bc it was all about sketching out flex’s backstory and exploring hero worship in the contexts of celebrity vs literal superhero and the idea of meeting your idols in the most doom-patrol-y way, which is to say decades later when you’ve both been victims of horrific medical, scientific, and magical fuckery but still are in the prime of your life. very rita hayworth in terms of ‘men go to bed with gilda and wake up with me’ in the disconnect between a public-facing persona and the vulnerability of being your ugliest, most honest self. also idk there probably would have been literal rat-fucking or something, it’s doom patrol.
not tagging anyone bc i always know i’m gonna leave someone off so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ do it if you’re compelled, don’t if you’re not
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mrevaunit42 · 8 years
Marculous Gentlebug and Chat noistar part 2
Hello everyone, Mr.E here remembering i haven’t put part 2 of my Ladybug au for star vs up so here it is! In case you don’t know what i’m talking about, I wrote a star au in the ladybug au and it was so big, it had to be done in two parts haha i write way too much. Let me know what you think and i hope you enjoy it. have an amazing weekend and i’ll see you soon with another story update.
 part 1 riiiiight here    VVVVVVVV  http://mrevaunit42.tumblr.com/post/156110728637/marulous-gentlebug-and-chat-noistar-part-1
“WOOO!” Star let out a cry of excitement, closing her eyes and basking in the rush she felt as the wind blew through her two braided ponytails, her body resisting the pull of gravity for a moment before freefalling to the street below, grabbing onto a nearby streetlamp at the last second and launching herself skyward with a mighty kick.
“God I love this!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, effortlessly landing on top of a nearby building, stopping for a moment to take in the breathtaking view of a nearly peaceful Paris.
Star let out a comforted sigh. She loved being Chat Noir despite the danger. Aside from the modeling gigs her mother set up for her, her newly acquired classes at the local school and pretty much the millions of things she's been enrolled in which included fencing, Spanish, study of animals, assistant librarian, lady in waiting, Star really didn't have much time to herself.
Or freedom.
Star knew after the loss of her father, her mother became more distant and protective of her, overcompensating her failure to protect him by smothering Star and while it was done with the best of intentions, it made Star crave the outside world even more and caused the young girl to find new and creative ways to undermine her mother's attempts at keeping her safe.
Star felt guilty about that, even more so about hiding the duality of her life for so long but she couldn't help it. Paris was beautiful, each day brought a new experience, she was making a difference and saving lives, she had friends! And she even felt cupid's arrow pierce her heart not once, but twice.
Her alter ego of Chat Noir may have came with a heavy burden but it also came with a precious gift too, one that she would not squander though her attempts at flirting have been met with...interesting results.
Whether by pure instinct or habit, Star couldn't help the reserve nature she possessed when her mask came off. While her true personality managed to loosen itself from the chokehold that was her upbringing, it only occurred in bursts and in the form of smaller gestures such as a hug, a pat or the rarest action to date, holding Marco's hand.
And boy did she love to hold Marco's hand.
But as Chat Noir, mask firmly in place, her suppressed, cheerful nature could not be contain any longer. It was just...liberating though Star should really learn to keep herself in check. Every time Gentlebug was nearby, she couldn't help but shamelessly hit on him, trying her hardest to get him to understand her feelings for him were true (and not at all in conflict with her feelings for Marco). She dreamt of nothing more than discovering what wonderful person lay beneath that mask, the face of her biggest hero.
There was a loud scream that cut through Star's thoughts. Star's exposed arms crawled with goosebumps as she could feel the peaceful, tranquil air shift into a tense, panicked state.
Star narrowed her eyes, focusing them on any small details that could help her find Jackie and her akuma. True that she couldn't actually capture and purify the akuma (while still questioning Gentlebug's whole 'devilize' wordplay), she could slow and weaken her. They were a team and they depended heavily on one another.
Star's false green eyes widened as a powerful gust came from out of nowhere, nearly knocking the superheroine off her feet and the rooftop.
Star crouched low, digging her razor sharp claws into the tiling to steady herself as the violent winds died down.
Star leapt high into the air, easily clearing several buildings and streets in a single bound.
Star landed with a soft thud on a small balcony overlooking the street square. The area appeared to be deserted with the only signs that remained of human life were some over turned snack carts, randomly discarded phones and high end designer bags.
Star shook her head at the rampaging Jackie, the superpowered girl pouting and angrily stomping back and forth, randomly throwing seashells here and there, her body and her skateboard chasing after the tiny objects within a moment She sailed through the air, protected by the swirling, fierce air current and she always smashed into where the shells lay with the full force of the airy barrier.
Star bit her lip, wondering if she should try to weaken her on her own or wait for Gentlebug to show up so they could take her together.
Slipstream felt the light touch of Papillon's mask, their connection reestablished for a brief moment.
“Forget that stupid brat” Papillon spat, voice filled with disgust “I sense a miraculous nearby! Chair Noir's. Bring it to me now!”
Jackie scoffed, rolling her eyes in disapproval “Fine, I'll find Brittney later but for now.”
Star barely managed inch her body out of the way of the approaching seashell that embedded itself where her boot had just been.
“Well, that's not good.” Star muttered to herself as Jackie rocketed her way, leaning forward on her skateboard like she was riding the very wind itself, the air current twisting around her entire being so quickly that the streams made her look like an oversized bullet.
Star leapt sideways, straining to find her balance as Jackie crashed into the roof above the balcony, completely smashing the building into itself as the air current popped, a powerful burst of wind scattering in every direction with hurricane-like force.
Star extended her claws, driving them as deep into the woodwork of the building before the aerial assault overtook her, her arms nearly popping out of her sockets from the strength of Jackie's attack.
“Whoa, hot air much?” Star teased, pulling free in time to narrowly avoid taking Jackie's  skateboard to the skull.
“That doesn't even make sense! I'm not even talking!” Jackie cried, lunging forward to tackle Star but failing to take into account the cat based superheroine's agility.
Star leapt over the akumaized Jackie's head effortlessly, extending her bo staff into fighting position, twirling it expertly and perfectly landing onto the battered rooftop, prepped for combat.
“Sure it does!” Star countered, holding her staff with two hands and striking at Jackie “I mean because there's lots of air? And you caused it?”
Jackie ducked under Star's swipe, countering with one of her own, the three pronged claws narrowly missing Star's cat tail “I thought it mean when a person talked too much! You know because breathing out of the lungs makes it warm?”
Star let out a frustrated growl, sweeping at Jackie's leg in hopes of tripping her foe “Metaphors are so confusing!”
“I think it's an idiom” Jackie shot back, leaping over Star's attack and tossing a seashell over the shoulder of the distracted heroine.
Star scoffed in disbelief “That's a rude thing to say!”
“I said idiom, not idiot you idiot!” Jackie grinned, the air current shield reappearing in a flash.
“Oh boy” Star muttered to herself as Jackie placed her board under herself, feet firmly planted before she rushed at Star at full speed, riding across the roof like it was her birthright.
Star held up her staff to absorbed the blow but Jackie had accelerated far too quickly in too short of a time. The staff held off the skater for a moment before the winds furiously knocked it out of Star's hands, sending it spiraling into the streets below.
Jackie hit Star with an incredible power, causing her to let out a pained grunt before she was shot off the building, tumbling and free falling onto the concrete below.  
Star closed her eyes in hopes somehow the act would lessen the pain from the fall even though she knew it to be childish reasoning.
Marco pulled his weight forward, using the momentum he was gathering to build up enough speed to clear several city blocks within seconds. He disentangle his yo-yo at the apex of his swing, pushing his body as far as he could, soaring across the Paris skyline gracefully before arcing his hand backwards, mustering all the strength he could into his next throw.
He prayed he didn't miss or Chat Noir would be a splat on the ground and as conflicted as he was about her flirting, he did not want to lose his partner.
Marco used his best baseball pitching throw he could mange, letting out a silent cheer while his magical weaponized yo-yo caught the cat by its tail, slowing her down while speeding Marco up.
That was phase one of the plan but Chat Noir was still in danger and now Marco had tossed himself into the fire with her. But luckily Marco wasn't Marco but rather Gentlebug.
Marco twisted his body mid-air, diving straight for a nearby overhead streetlamp. He wanted to run some calculations about speed, velocity but he did not do so for two reason. The first: He forgot the equation for the pull of gravity. Second, it was better if he didn't calculate his odds for survival. Made being a hero easier if you didn't know the odds that were stacked against you.
Star let out a surprised yelp when she found her body slowing as it fell to the earth, letting out a whoop when she began reversing course and hoisted backwards. she nearly burst into tears when she slowed to a stop, hanging upside from a lamppost, the world Topsy turvy as Gentlebug descend upwards from the sky.
“Well hello good sir” Star purred flirtatiously, trying to calm her racing heart and burning cheeks “Would you like to reenact the scene from Spiderman? I'll even let you be Peter Parker.”
Marco shook his head as his feet touched the ground, holding his grip on the wire firmly while covering his eyes “Sorry Mary Jane but we're going to have to put that idea on hold.”
Star pouted, crossing her arms in disappointment but still sending him a smirk “I'm not hearing a no. Wait why are you covering your eyes? Too pretty for you?”
“No, your skirt. It's....umm...well...”
“I...I'm not!” Marco squeaked, shaking his head defensively, hoping there was no one nearby who heard Chat Noir's claim.
“I'm joking. Look.”
Marco shook his head “no, it's a trap.”
“I swear it's not. Look.”
Marco slowly removed his hand from obstructing his view only to find Chat Noir's skirt being pulled down towards the floor but it was okay due to the fact she was wearing bike shorts underneath.
Marco simply stared at her as he let loose his grasp on the yo-yo, Chat Noir gently falling onto and laying across the cobbled road.
“I thought cats always landed on their feet?” Marco teased, trying to stifle a laugh and blush at Chat Noir's intense focus on his face.
“Well I try but we all can't be purfect like you Gentlebug.” Star teased, winking towards her heroing partner.
Externally, Marco's face was impassive but within his tiny chest, his heart beat like a wild drum.
“Nah nah Chat, you used that one before. No repeats.” Marco wagged his finger towards the downed kitty.
“Fiiiiine” Star whined, lifting both arms up and making grabbing motions with her hands “Come on Gentlebug, time to be a gentleman.”
Marco rolled his eyes as he leaned over Chat Noir, allowing the girl to wrap her arms around his neck tightly as he held her waist, lifting her to her feet without a hint of trouble.
Marco let go at once but Chat Noir held a death grip on him, holding him close in a very intimate manner
“Ooooh, you always pick up girls or am I just the lucky one?” Star cooed softly, enjoying the sight of Gentlebug squirming uncomfortably under her embrace.
“Work, remember?” Marco said flatly, ducking under the girl's embrace and taking a step back.
“Psst, you need to relax a little” Star scoffed “But I get it, we're on the clock.”
“Actually more like on duty” Marco replied, offering the staff back to Chat.
“Save my life and a present? you spoil me, you know?” Star chuckled, taking back her weapon and giving it a good twirl “I missed my baton.”
“Actually it's a staff.” Marco corrected, pulling his yo-yo back into his waiting hand “A baton would be much shorter and it has a handle. Usually a grip too.”
Star looked impressed at Gentlebug “Impressive, can you tell me why skater gurl is called Slipstream??”
A seashell sunk into the pavement beneath their feet, the telltale roar of Jackie's approach warning them of the incoming danger.
As one, the duo leapt backwards, narrowly dodging being crushed by the momentum of Jackie but still struggling to steady themselves from the violent winds she created.
Marco scrunched his face in thought as he tried to recall the definition of the word “an assisting force regarded as drawing something along behind something else. So she's following the path of her seashell throwing stars causing her to speed up and attack with powerful air currents.”
“Handsome and smart. I'm struggling in school, can we set up a study date? Heavy emphasis on the date part.”
“Seriously” Jackie's voice was indignant “This is not the time to flirt.”
Star shrugged as the two fell into their standard combat forms “This is the only time we hang out. No other time to flirt.”
Jackie grabbed the skateboard by a truck, holding in front of her forearm like a shield as she charged forward, wildly slashing with her claws.
“Whoa, I'm getting wolverine vibes here!” Marco shouted, aiming his yo-yo straight for Jackie's seashell necklace only for Jackie to deflect the attack with her board.
“What are you doing?!” Papillon screamed inside Jackie's head “Do not let them destroy your skateboard or you will lose your powers!”
“Do you always micromanage? That would explain why your minions lose. Too busy being distracted by your shrilly voice!” Jackie snarled, spinning rapidly like a top and lunging towards the heroes in a whirl of spiky board and razor sharp claws.
“It's her seashell necklace!” Star cried out, rolling out of the way the Jackie twister, the sound of the very air being sliced in to filling both heroes ears “It's got to be! She's really making sure we don't get too close to it!”
Marco frowned, not wanting to insult Chat Noir but his instincts were telling him it was her skateboard, that this was some sort of bluff.
Papillon's rage cooled, the brilliance of Jackie's plan began to make sense “I see, I suppose you are not as dimwitted as the others.”
“Thanks!” Jackie shouted, her foot connecting with Gentlebug's stomach and sending him skidding across the ground.
Jackie smirked towards the fallen hero, tossing another seashell directly towards him.
Marco twirled his yo-yo at full speed, deflecting the projectile and rushing forward to prevent Jackie from trailing after it.
Jackie smiled manically towards Marco, the skateboard sliding under her feet as she flew full speed towards the hero.
Marco leapt back, throwing his yo-yo to the closest building and swinging away to avoid Jackie.
Marco let out a sigh of relief when he landed on the roof, taking a moment to catch his breath when he caught sight of a seashell deeply embedded next to him.
“Shi...” Marco muttered as the wall of air slammed him upward, knocking him unconscious as he fell towards the waiting claws of Jackie.
“Yes, YES!” Papillon screamed joyfully “Take his miraculous! It's his badge on his vest. Take it! TAKE IT! NOW!”  
Jackie jumped, startled by the reappearance of Papillon and catching her off guard for a brief moment.
“Damnit Papillon, I'm working!” Jackie yelled angrily at her boss.
“You should quit!” Star cried out, swinging her staff towards the distracted Jackie's side “Find a different line of work. One less jerky.”
Jackie dodged Chat Noir's sudden attack though the staff found its target, separating the seashell necklace from the girl.
“Good bye akuma!” Star said cheerfully, destroying the accessory underfoot.
Star removed her foot only to find no akuma, only bits and shattered pieces of the shell.
“Gentlebug was right!” Star exclaimed, eying Jackie's skateboard carefully “It's your board.”
Jackie grinned evilly “yeah but too bad he won't be around much long.”
Jackie pointed up and Star couldn't help but let out a horrified gasp as Gentlebug fell towards the street.
Star dove after him, digging her claws into the roof tile while she grabbed at his ankle, grunting with effort.
“ugh, you need to lose some weight good sir” Star grimaced through her clenched teeth
Marco moaned, eyes fluttering open and finding himself in a familiar position.
“So....how bad is it?”
“Pretty bad” Star answered, the soft clack, clack, clack of Jackie's footsteps thundering in her ears.
“Right. Lucky charm!” Marco shouted, tossing his yo-yo high into the air, a bright light filling the sky as something fell into his waiting hand. Marco could practically see the spreading hearts and red background that would've came with the power if this was a kids show.
“What is it?” Star asked, straining to keep her grip on the only thing keeping the both of them alive.
“it's a mirror....” Marco answered passively, frowning at the ladybug pattern compact in his hand.
“Seriously?! You don't wear make up, do you? I'm all for progressive gender roles but that's a deal breaker for me.”
“I'll keep that in mind” Marco told her as he glanced around, trying to piece together a battle plan.
The world faded into black and white to help Marco focus. Marco glanced upwards towards the sun, its bright glare blinding him for a moment. Marco turned around and caught sight of Chat Noir's claws and staff. Marco looked upwards and noticed the pouch behind Jackie's waist, no doubt where she kept the seashells that dictated her movement.
Marco nodded to himself “Chat, toss me!”
“What?! Have you lost your mind?!”
“Yes but that's not important! I'm going to borrow your staff, toss me and get ready”
“Yes sir!” Star nodded as Gentlebug took her staff, pressing it against the side of the building and willing it to extend.
Star let go of the roof as the staff pushed the pair of them away from Jackie, building speed before the staff began slipping loose from the wall.
“Time to fly buggy!” Star smiled, throwing Gentlebug as hard as she could.
Marco held the compact close as Chat Noir fell below, holding onto her staff for dear life.
Marco opened the little compact mirror, angling the reflective surface carefully to catch the glint of the sun and sending it in Jackie's direction.
Jackie's visor did nothing to block the glare of the sun, blinding her completely and forcing her to raise her hands to protect herself.
Marco pulled his arm back and threw his yo-yo at Jackie's pouch, wrapping itself tightly around it and with a mighty tug, the pouch ripped loose from her waist and scattering the seashells all over ground.
“Wait...” Jackie cried, panic inching into her voice. “Wait, wait!”
but she couldn't wait, her body automatically responding, placing her feet ontop of her skateboard against her will.
“Oh no” she muttered as the board propelled itself towards the shells, smashing an unprepared Jackie into various obstacles such as carts, trees and the ground repeatedly, causing the girl some discomfort as her stomach began trying to heave itself out of her throat.
“Chat Noir!” Marco shouted, using his yo-yo to safely land on the ground.
“Gotcha handsome!” Star replied cheerfully, raising her claws before calling out “Cataclysm!” dramatically turning this way and that to fully charge the special attack. Star liked to imagine a green splash background behind her when she did this.
Star's right claw became infuse with a blackish, oily hue that covered her entire hand.
Jackie tried to stop herself but she kept wildly being tossed every direction, the board failing to heed her desire to stop.
Star lunged forward as Jackie crossed her path, Star's magically infused claw bypassing the air current shield easily and allowing the heroine to hold onto Jackie's board, the power of destruction flowing into the item and causing it to dissolve into nothing.
“AAAAAAHHHHHHH” Jackie skidded across the road, tiredly groaning in pain as the black butterfly akuma floated from the sludge that remained.
“Time to devilize!” Marco swung his yo-yo, the center of the object sliding opening to reveal a bright white circular container for the akuma “Even though I think purify is a much better word!”
“I know right?” Star agreed, smiling softly at the sign of the akuma disappearing into the white void only to emerge a pure, beautiful white butterfly, Gentlebug waving goodbye and calling out to the disappearing animal “Bye bye little butterfly.”  
“Miraculous Gentlebug!” Marco shouted, tossing the compact high only for it to come sailing back onto his head, causing him to frown, annoyed.
“Sorry handsome” Star told him with a wink “You know the words.”
Marco let out a sigh before retossing the magical item once more “Miraculous Ladybug.”
The compact dissolved into a flurry of red and black magic, quickly spreading over and fixing everything that was damaged from the battle, even Jackie's skateboard.
The magic swirled around the fallen Jackie, disappearing as she sat up, completely back to normal, clutching her head dizzily “Wha? Wait, Where am I?”
Papillon stared out the window, righteous fury bubbling and coursing through their veins.
“You have won this round Chat Noir and Gentlebug but hear me, the winds of victory will not always remain in your favor and when the breeze shifts, I will be the one that shall bring the end of your halcyon summer.”
Papillon paused as the window began to close, silhouetting the villain in darkness “That was cool sounding right? Related to the akuma that was just defeated? Poetic? This is really hard to do day to day.”
Chat Noir and Gentlebug stared contently at the normalized Jackie.
“Pound it!” The duo called to one another, sharing a congratulatory fist bump.
Marco was reveling in the glory of victory when there was a loud beep that caught his attention, his ladybug patterned badge loosing one of its spots.
“Oh no, our miraculouses. We're going to turn back to normal soon” Marco told Chat Noir, waving goodbye before turning to leave.
Marco felt his heart stop as he felt Chat Noir's hand wrap around his, despite the gloves, he could feel a familiarity in her touch.
Marco faced Chat, unsure what she was trying to do.
“Would it be so bad?” Star asked, her voice soft “Would it really so bad to know who the other is?”
Marco said nothing as Chat stared him, her green eyes bright and wide but feeling off to Marco. Like that wasn't her proper eye color.
“I care about you.” Star told him, holding onto his hand like her life depended on it “A lot. You are so incredible. So amazing. A real hero, inspiring. I....”
Another beep, the badge lost another dot and the ring lost another claw, slowly counting down the time before the point of no return was crossed.
“Gentlebug” Star whispered
Marco shook his head “No...I'm not who you think I am. I am not cool. I'm not awesome. I'm not anything special. I'm just a guy who happened to get the ladybug miraculous. I do what I can because only we can. I'm sure there's a better person for this than me.”
The silence overtook the duo, conflict of interest pulling at their resolve.
Star let out a sigh, deciding this wasn't the time to take her chances, they both had some growing to do.
Marco said nothing as Chat Noir came closer, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before throwing him a wink “Stay handsome. Till next time sir.”
And like that, she was gone, leaping far away from him into the distance.
Marco retreated, ducking into a nearby alley just before the power of the miraculous ran out, transforming him into nothing special Diaz once more.
Marco lightly touched the cheek that Chat kissed, unsure what to do about the girl's apparent feelings.
He held the weaken Tikki, slipping the kwami into his pocket before disappearing into the crowded streets of Paris, just another face in the crowd.
Star sat against her bed after the school took an 'akuma attack' day, sighing as Plagg viciously ate a piece of cheese.
“What's wrong?” Plagg asked curiously, tossing the last bit of Camembert and chomping down on it eagerly “Ymou sume dowmh”
Star sighed once more “I think I came on too strong today.”
“Yes you did. Kissing his cheek? Pretty bold of you.”
“What else am I supposed to do?!” Star cried “I just.....I just want him to know how I feel! Is that so wrong of me?”
“Yes, you're too emotional.”
Star glared at Plagg “No more Camembert for you.”
Plagg let out an anguished shriek, openly sobbing at the loss of his beloved cheese.
“and you say I'm too emotional. Why does a cat eat cheese anyway?”
“I'm French.”
Star wasn't buying it “You're French?”
“Le Meow” Plagg replied with a sly grin.
Star couldn't help but burst out in giggles, the sheer ridiculousness of Plagg just too funny to ignore.
Star's phone beeped, catching Star's attention
Star hurriedly unlocked the phone only to find a new message waiting for her.
“Who is it Star?” Plagg asked, secretly reaching for an unguarded piece of cheese the model forgot to hide.
“It's Pony Head, she's said there's going to be a play in the park and...EEP! Marco's going to be there!”
Star pumped her fist in victory, rushing over to her closet in order to pick out an especially cute dress.
“Well at least you know Marco likes you” Plagg called to Star, scarfing down the cheesy treat with no restraint.
“Marco doesn't like me” Star called back “he just really clumsy....and cute...and adorable...and so sweet.”
Plagg shook his head, unable to believe how dense Star could be.
Marco stared at the window of his two story home, lost and confused.
“Marco?” Tikki asked shyly “are you okay?”
Marco let out a tired yawn, fatigue slipping into every inch of his body “Yeah....I just....”
“How could she like me?” Marco went on “I...I'm nothing special. I'm just a kid who can't even handle life. I'm not much of a hero.”
“You are a hero!” Tikki stamped her cute little foot on his desk “You wouldn't have been chosen if you weren't! And you did great today and with every fight, you just get better and better.”
Marco was still unsure “....Tikki”
“Mind your strengths Marco and beware of your weakness. But to do that, you must be honest with yourself.”
Marco opened his mouth to response when his phone buzzed quietly.
Marco flipped it open to find a text from Jackie waiting for him.
“You saved Jackie's life. You are a hero.”
Marco gave the cute little kwami a gentle grin as he read Jackie's message.
“What's it say?” Tikki asked curiously.
“She's telling there's a play in the park. Awesome, I hope it's some good William Shakespeare.....she says....”
Marco let out a gasp, racing for his closet and began violently shoving out various clothes and jackets from within.
“Marco?” Tikki questioned.
“She said Star's going to be there! I get to hang out with Star!” Marco cheered, quickly picking his best hoodie, gray shirt and black slacks at once.
Tikki shook her head, wondering if Star or Marco would ever figure out that their love square was just a two way street.
“I'd give it 2 or 3 more seasons” Tikki told herself softly.
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