#hope beths all good tho looked nasty
vicstenius · 2 years
not that someone getting headbutted in the cheek is something we want to see but to see caitlin leah and Co all on the front lines to fight for meado was so heartwarming
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balancedforcez · 6 years
Real talk tho
I’m happy as hell that Rio and Beth finally did the nasty. It was satisfying as fuck.
But I have some major issues with the plots going on.
Let’s start with the fact Beth was literally about to burn the money. Like the fuck bitch?? Annie was right about how stupid that is. Why would you burn money like that ?? You can literally sit on it for years if you want and periodically use it as you need, which I’m sure will happen. Especially if she plans to send any of those kids to college.
Then onto the topic of good old Deansey. What the fuck is she thinking?? She was on the verge of divorcing his ass before he got shot. Yeah it was nice of her to take care of him but why, for the love of all things good, is she still with that useless sack of shit?? He lied about cancer that’s literally never been addressed. Like good on her for cheating on him but why isn’t she is she still with him??? Be like ‘fuck you I got myself a real man’ and drop the zero already, damn Bethy 😒
I really want Beth to be the Queen of Crime with Rio as King but it doesn’t look like she’ll be getting there anytime soon. What looks like will happen is that she will continue to be passive in her marriage and take on the role of Big Bad Guilty Cheater. It’s gonna be the stupidest shit and I really hope she wakes up real quick.
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