#hoosac tunnel
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sagechan · 1 year ago
what if we kissed in the hoosac tunnel at 2am and it reinvigorated life in us. and we were both boys?
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officialparknerawards · 7 months ago
Parkner Awards 2024 Nomations
I did have one fic that I couldn't find that was nominated and no link was provided. Make sure to always provide links as it makes our job easier. These are the nominations though. Voting starts September 3rd.
Few reminders: a fic can only win once per year (but can be nominated for more than one category), all winners will be announced the first week of October or second week (as that is our heads break from work). Any fic with two or less nominations will be open for nominations and will possible be taken off next year to be replaced with a new category. All ties will be determined by the staff.
Fluff Fics: Coffee and Chamomile by bee bark, Canned Corn by impravidus, All's Fair in Love and Potatoes by peterparkersbff, scrapyard tinkering and bisexual awakenings by ChaosIsOrder
Hurt/Comfort: kicked out, taken in, loved for who you are by ChaosIsOrder, BuzzFeed Unsolved: Supernatural - The Hoosac Tunnel by EmmaElsa0000, it's always who is spider-man, never how is spider-man by i_regret_thatpersonalityquiz
Angst: Desperate Situations Call For Desperate Measures by bee bark, You Asked Me for a Flower, I Brought You a Bouquet by voyagerthirteen, The Right Thing by m4xw3ll
Field Trip Fics: touring towers and italian restaurants by thompsborn and Field trip disaster by MissCellophane
Social Media AU: A Spider on the Web by bee bark, Unread Messages by WaywardKeener, The Blue Check Mark Won't Dry Your Tears by the_oncoming_stormageddon
Post-NWH: two steps forward, one step back by ChaosIsOrder and Did I Bury the Best Parts of Me in that Coffin by WaywardKeener
Non-Canon Compliant: Well, this is awkward by Saturning and that time a wizard was so scared of thanos coming back to life that he forced me to get a boyfriend by ChaosIsOrder
College/University: two steps forward, one step back by ChaosIsOrder, the velocity of a cheerio by MagicaLyss, Some Days I'm Lonely (And Some Days I'm Not) by wittepain
Superhero Harley Keener: two steps forward, one step back by ChaosIsOrder, Hell or High Water by PeachyKeener, you can wear my sweatshirt by impravidus
Identity Reveal: Seconds from a Secret by shipskicksandgiggles and these little moments by impravidus
Future Fics: Family Cares No Matter What by WaywardKeener and teaching is an art of passion by ChaosIsOrder
Proposal/Marriage: playground wedding (a marriage that lasts) by ChaosIsOrder and we are wild, we are like young volcanoes by LilacsAndLilies
Tony Stark: scrapyard tinkering and bisexual awakenings by ChaosIsOrder, The Eye of the Beholder by saladbabie, When The Coffee Grounds Align by itsallAvengers
Soulmate: promises, promises, promises by MayWilder and Skin-Deep by m4xw3ll
Art: Parkner Sketches by miauwa and The Iconic Spider-Man Kiss Parkner Edition by rrcenic
Newbie Writers: nazu
OG Writers: bee bark, Sarah_Sandwich, ChaosIsOrder
Artist: waechterin-der-nacht and miauwa
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guerrerense · 2 years ago
OCS To Worcester por David Blazejewski Por Flickr: I shared this shot recently: flic.kr/p/2oTS2Vr which made me think back to another ridiculously cool catch at this exact same spot just shy of five years prior. Until the road was bought out by CSXT, Pan Am Railway's little vest pocket OCS was seen out on the road regularly, though trips other than on the mainline to Mechanicville or down to Boston were exceedingly rare. This was the only time in many years that it traveled down the Worcester main. After an amazing chase all day from the Hoosac Tunnel 100 miles east on the freight main they turned south (railroad west) for 23 miles down the Worcester Main to Barbers. They are seen passing the old freight house still dressed in tattered peeling standard B&M colors as they approach the Center Bridge Road grade crossing at MP X19.1. PAR 1 and PAR 2 are ex Canadian National FP9s 6505 and 6516 built in 1954 and 1957 respectively by GMDD. They passed from CN to VIA Rail in 1978 before being picked up by the Conway Scenic in 1995 when they expanded into Crawford Notch. After 15 years spent hauling tourists in the White Mountains 6505 & 6516 would become PAR 1 & 2 when traded to Pan Am Railways in March 2010 for GP38 252 and GP35 216. They are pulling the three car train consisting of dome car 102, lounge car 101, and observation/business car 100. ST100 was originally Norfolk and Western business car 102 that was rebuilt and streamlined in 1957 from diner 1011 that was originally built by ACF in 1934. It was purchased by the D&H in 1976 and then passed to Guilford in 1984 and was retained after the 1988 bankruptcy and divestiture of the D&H. ST101 also came from the D&H but was one of four originally built by Budd for the D&RGW in 1950 for use on the Denver-Salt Lake Prospector and was numbered 1290 named the Castle Gate. After that train was discontinued in 1967 the D&H acquired it and named it Champlain. And ST102 was also built by Budd in 1950 for Wabash's Chicago to St. Louis "Blue Bird" and originally wore #201. It later became N&W 1611 until stored at Roanoke in 1966. In 1971 it went to Amtrak where it stayed for 22 years before ending up in private hands for 20 more years until PAR bought it in 2013. Lancaster, Massachusetts Thursday August 16, 2018
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whitepolaris · 1 month ago
More Ghosts?
Our walk back to the east portal was cold and wet. A while after passing the central shaft again, we could see the spark of daylight from the east portal. We also noticed a red light, which we kept an eye on as we found another recess. It was a good thing, as a freight train slowly approached at about 10 or 15 miles per hour. The entire tunnel began to vibrate hideously long before the train got to us, and when it did arrive, even the rock was shaking. I wondered why the bricks didn't all fall as I pressed up against the wall.
After the engine went by, it was completely dark, and quite a sensation to hear car after car slam and rattle by so close. But we had a new development: We could no longer see the light from the east portal. It was like something was blocking the end of the tunnel. It soon cleared, and we realized that black diesel exhaust fumes from the train had completely blocked the light.
We walked out of the tunnel about an hour later, grimed from head to toe. It was a gritty, dirty, cold, and muddy place, and it is no lie that freight trains come through on a regular basis. If you enjoy adventurers, it's one heck of a trip, but it's not for the timid or casual hiker.
Some things remain mysterious. While the little room off the side of the tracks is the Hoosac Hotel, I'm not convinced that the cavern at the base of the central tunnel shaft is the Hidden Room. The true room remains hidden, and i's unspeakable horror sleeps brooding and undisturbed under the mountain. And I was disappointed in the spooks. Even our walking most of the tunnel with no light whatsoever was not enough to entice them out. Still, I hope the Hoosac Tunnel will keep its secrets for years to come. -Daniel V. Boudillion
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sepiadays · 1 year ago
Dragging a Berkshire through the Berkshires. Literally.
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Freight motors on duty
Boston & Maine Railroad electric freight motors Nos. 5002 and 5003 have tied onto a 2-8-4 Berkshire-type locomotive to drag it and its westbound train over the Hoosac Tunnel electric district in Massachusetts in 1940. J.P. Ahrens
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emma-elsa-0000 · 3 years ago
Currently freaking out over the fact that someone nominated my fic for the @officialparknerawards akbslbdldbfkfj
Also here's the one that was nominated if you wanna read it 😗✌🏻
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avoyagetoarcturus · 5 years ago
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Massachusetts landscapes I drew/painted this winter, and one attempt at woodblock printing.
1. Sudbury, MA abandoned Mass Central RR station (for the Mystic Seaport art contest)
2. Stony Brook Reservoir dam, Weston, MA (owned by the City of Cambridge)
3/4. Waltham Highlands Mass Central RR station, Winter 2019 and Summer 2018
5/6. Newton Centre and Newton Highlands Stations (MBTA Green Line)
7/8. Hoosac Tunnel West Portal, North Adams MA
9. South Weymouth Naval Air Station (abandoned) from above, for Worcester Art Museum’s art challenge
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hauntsofmissouri · 5 years ago
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The tunnel was one of the greatest undertakings of the region and work was started on it in 1851 and took 25 years to complete. During that period, hundreds of miners, using mostly black powder, shovels, picks and their own hands, fought against the unyielding rock of Hoosac Mountain. By the time the tunnel was finally finished, more than 200 men had died in what came to be known as…
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nextstopmaetel · 5 years ago
Oh no the Hoosac Tunnel caved in :’(
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nobodysfalls · 6 years ago
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Hoosac Tunnel, Florida, Massachusetts
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loretranscripts · 6 years ago
Lore Episode 2: The Bloody Pit (Transcript) - 23rd March 2015
tw: death, claustrophobia, racism (H. P. Lovecraft), ghosts
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
Most people are afraid of the dark, and while this is something that we expect from our children, adults hold onto that fear just as tightly; we simply don’t talk about it anymore. But it’s there, lurking in the back of our minds. Science calls it nyctophobia, the fear of the dark, and since the dawn of humanity our ancestors have stared into the blackness of caves, tunnels and basements with a feeling of rot and panic in their bellies. H. P. Lovecraft, the patriarch of the horror genre, published an essay in 1927, entitled “Supernatural Horror in Literature”, and it opens with this profoundly simple statement. “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”. You see, people fear the unknown, the what-if, and the things they cannot see. We humans are afraid of the dark. We’re afraid that our frailness and weakness might become laid bare in the presence of… whatever it is that lurks in the shadows. We’re afraid of opening up places that should remain closed. We fear what we can’t see, and sometimes, for good reason. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and this is Lore.
The Berkshire Mountain Range in Western Massachusetts sits in the very top left corner of the state. It’s not the Rockies by any stretch of the imagination, but in 1851, those hills were in someone’s way. The Troy and Greenfield Railroad Company wanted to lay some track that would cut through the mountains, and so they begun work on a tunnel. On the western end sat the town of Florida, with North Adams holding up the eastern end. Between those towns was about 5 miles of solid rock. This building project was no small undertaking, no matter how unimpressive the mountains might be. It ultimately took the crew 24 years to wrap things up, and came at the cost of $21.2 million. In 2015 money, that’s $406, 493, 207. See? It was a big deal. Monetary costs aside however, construction of the tunnel came with an even heavier price tag. At least 200 men lost their lives cutting that hole through the bones of the earth.
One of the first major tragedies occurred on March 20th , 1865. A team of explosive “experts”, and I use that term loosely because nitro-glycerine had just been introduced to America about a year before, entered the tunnel to plant the charge. The three men, Brinkman, Nash and Kelley (who, by the way, his first name was Ringo, which I think is just awesome) did their work and then ran back down the tunnel to their safety bunker. Only Kelley made it to safety. It turns out that he set off the explosion just a bit too early, burying the other two men alive. Naturally, Kelley felt horrible about it, but no one expected him to go missing, which he did, just a short while later. But the accidents? They didn’t end there.
Building a railway tunnel through a mountain is complex, and one of the features most tunnels have is a vent shaft. Constant coal-powered train traffic could result in a lot of smoke and fumes, so engineers thought it would be a good idea to have a ventilation shaft that extended from the surface above and allowed fumes and water to be pumped out. This shaft for the Hoosac Tunnel, as it became known, would be roughly 30ft in diameter, and eventually would stretch over 1000ft down and connect with the train tunnel below. By October of 1867 it was only 500ft deep. Essentially it was a really, really deep hole in the ground. To dig this hole they built a small building at the top which was used to raise and lower hoists to get the debris out, as well as a pump system to remove ground water. Then, each day, they would lower a dozen or more crazy, Cornish miners (not underaged kids, by the way, the other kind of miner) into the hole, and set them to work. You see where this is going, right? Please tell me that you see where this is going.
On October 17th, a leaky lantern filled the hoist house with natural gas, a naphtha, an explosive gas found in nature, and the place blew sky-high. As a result, things started to fall down the shaft. What things? Well, for starters, 300 freshly sharpened drill bits. Then, the hoist mechanism itself, and finally, the burning wreckage of the building. All of it fell five stories down the tunnel and on top of the 13 men working away at the bottom. Oh, and because the water pump was destroyed in the explosion, the shaft also began to flood. The workers on the surface tried to reach the men at the bottom, but they failed. One man was even lowered into the shaft in a basket, but he had to be pulled back up when the fumes became unbearable. He managed to gasp the words “no hope” to the workers around him, before slipping into unconsciousness. In the end they gave up, called it a loss, and actually covered the shaft. But in the weeks that followed, the workers in the mine frequently reported hearing the anguishing voice of men crying out in pain. They said they saw lost miners carrying picks and shovels, only to watch them vanish, moments later. Even the people in the village nearby told the tales of odd shapes and muffled cries near the covered pit. Highly educated people, upon visiting the construction site, reported similar experiences. Glenn Drohan, a correspondent for the local newspaper wrote that “the ghastly apparitions would appear briefly, then vanish, leaving no footprints in the snow, giving no answers to the miners’ calls”. Voices, lights, visions, and odd shapes in the darkness, all the sorts of experiences that we fear might happen to us when we step into a dark bedroom or a basement.
A full year after accident, they reopened the shaft, drained out all 500ft of water. They wanted to get back to work, but when they did, they discovered something horrific. Bodies… in a raft. You see, apparently some of the men survived the falling drill bits and debris long enough that they managed to build a raft. No one knows how long they stayed alive, but it’s pretty clear they died because they had been abandoned in a flooding hole in the ground. After that the workers began to call the tunnel by another name: the “Bloody Pit”. Catchy, right?
About 4 years after the gas explosion, two men visited the tunnel. One was James McKinstrey, the drilling operations superintendent for the project, and the other was Dr. Clifford Owens. While in the tunnel, the two men, both educated and respected among their peers, had an encounter that was beyond unusual. Owens wrote: “On the night of June 25th, 1872, James McKinstrey and I entered the great excavation at precisely 11:30pm. We had travelled about 2 miles into the shaft when we finally halted to rest. Except for the dim smoky light from our lamps, the place was as cold and dark as a tomb. James and I stood there talking for a minute or two and were just about to turn back when I suddenly heard a strange, mournful sound. It was as if someone, or something, was suffering great pain. The next thing I saw was a dim light coming along the tunnel from a westerly direction. At first I believed it was probably a workman with a lantern; yet, as the light grew closer, it took on strange, blue colour, and appeared to change shape, almost into the form of a human being without a head. The light seemed to be floating along, about a foot or two above the tunnel floor. In the next instant it felt as if the temperature had suddenly dropped and a cold, icy chill ripped up and down my spine. The headless from came so close that I could have reached out and touched it, but I was too terrified to move. For what seemed like an eternity, McKinstrey and I stood their gaping at the headless thing like two wooden Indians. The blue light remained motionless for a few seconds, as if it was actually looking us over, then floated off towards the east end of the shaft, and vanished into thin air. I am, above all, a realist. Nor am I prone to repeating gossip and wild tales that defy a reasonable explanation. However, in all truth, I cannot deny what James McKinstrey and I witnessed with our own eyes”.
The Hoosac tunnel played host to countless other spooky stories in the years that followed. In 1874, a local hunter named Frank Webster simply vanished, and when he finally stumbled up the banks of the Deerfield River three days later, he was found by a search party without his rifle and appearing to have been beaten bloody. He claimed he’d been ordered into the tunnel by voices and lights, and once he was inside, he saw ghostly figures that floated and wandered about in the dark. His experience ended when something unseen reached out, took his rifle from him, and clubbed him with it. He had no memory of walking out of the tunnel. In 1936 a railroad employee named James Impoco, claims that he was warned of danger in the tunnel by a mysterious voice, not once, but twice. I’m thinking it was Ringo, trying to make up for being an idiot. In 1973, for some unknown and god-awful reason, a man decided to walk through the full length of the tunnel. This brilliant man, Bernard Hastaba, was never seen again. One man, who walked through and did make it out though, claims that when he was in the tunnel, he saw the figure of a man dressed in old clothing of a 19th century miner. Again, not a kid. He left in a hurry, from what I’ve read.
Stories about the tunnel persist to this day. It’s common for teams of paranormal investigators to walk the length of the tunnel, although it’s still active with a dozen or so freight trains that pass through each day. There are rumours of a secret room, or many rooms, deep inside the tunnel. There’s even an old monitoring station built into the rock about half way through, though few have been brave enough to venture all the way there and see it. Those that have report more of the same: unexplained sounds and lights. Oh, and remember Ringo Kelley, our sloppy demolition expert who got his co-workers killed in 1865? Well, he showed up again. In March of 1866, one full year after the explosion, his body was found 2 miles inside the tunnel, in the exact same spot where Brinkman and Nash had died. He had been strangled to death.
Lore was produced by me, Aaron Mahnke. You can find a transcript of this show, including links to source materials, at lorepodcast.com. Lore is a biweekly podcast, so be sure to check back in for a new episode every two weeks. If you enjoy scary stories, I happen to write them. You can find a full list of my supernatural novels, available in paperback and ebook formats, at aaronmahnke.com/novels. Thanks for listening.
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adz · 6 years ago
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deep dream generated haunted tunnel
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aryburn-trains · 7 years ago
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Train 57
Boston–Troy, N.Y., train 57 at Hoosac Tunnel, June 1949.
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chubachus · 7 years ago
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Stereoview of the western entrance of the Hoosac Tunnel taken from the interior of the tunnel during its construction near North Adams, Massachusetts, c. 1860-1875. By Hurd and Smith.
Source: New York Public Library.
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whitepolaris · 1 month ago
A Walk Through the Bloody Pit
My friend Andrew and I explored the length of the Hoosac Tunnel in October 2002. We'd heard it was one of the most haunted places in New England, and with all the deaths associated with its construction, we were sure we'd find a spook or two in the darkness. Locals claim to have felt strange winds, seen ghostly apparitions, and heard eerie voices in and around the tunnel. Tape recorders left in the tunnel by paranormal researchers have picked up what sounds like muffled voices-perhaps the long-forgotten, anguished cries from workers crushed, burned, or otherwise extinguished during the many accidents and minor cave-ins. Balls of bluish light and ghost lanterns have been seen, and legends abound of "ghost hands" pushing people in front of oncoming trains, as well as pulling them back to safety.
We entered the tunnel from the east portal, and due to the sunny conditions outside, we found we didn't really need our flashlights to see. There was still a lot to stumble on. Electrical cables were everywhere and often lay in pools of water. The railroad tracks were buried on our feet, but we walked on them because they were relatively dry and stable compared to the slippery and muddy berms on either side of the tracks. The crumbling brick sections of the tunnel were particularly dangerous. Individuals bricks have fallen from the ceiling, and sheets of them have collapsed from the walls.
The Web site of the extreme adventure group IRONFIST points out another danger: "Large freight trains pass through at random hours, leaving behind them a potentially lethal amount of diesel fuel."
Despite these dangers, we pressed on. We were looking for the Hoosac Hilton, an area where a large section of the tunnel collapsed, and killed dozens of workers. It was supposed to be easy to find because the tunnel opened out a cavernous chamber there. We also kept our eyes peeled for the rumored Hidden Room of Hoosac, a legendary room that was supposedly bricked up to keep an unspeakable horror within.
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emma-elsa-0000 · 3 years ago
I posted a new fic!!
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