#hooo boy this was a lot -- but fun nonetheless!!!!
manate-a · 4 years
——   @hellishmoth​​​   devoured:  K,  E,  I,  O
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KISS.  is  your  muse  a  good  kisser  ?
i’d like to say yes, just based on experience alone and how focused she is in securing her victims through sheer sex appeal, but her kisses are all TEETH. she intends to bite, pull, draw blood which can be unattractive to some (she gets away with it though, always does, all a cut needs is some salve and pretty words work wonders). they’re fast-paced, suffocating, and rough. if she’s kissing someone slow it’s usually because she has some motive behind it (every form of intimacy has a motive, it’s never unconditional), and often times when a person wants to be.... romantic? she’ll pull away and focus elsewhere. it serves a cold discomfort for her, anything less than sexually charged or without some physicality to it and she’s put off immediately; it’s uncomfortable, vile, and irritating (reminds her too vividly of her teen crushes). TLDR; yeah she gud if ur a masochist.
EMBRACE.  does  your  muse  like  hugs  /  what  are  hugs  like  ?
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her hugs are as fake as the softness of her body and the gentility of her smile. she doesn’t hug people, she’s not a hugger, she was once upon a time but she rarely hugs people unless it’s a precursor for something she wants. it’s a form of manipulation for her, if she has to hug or hold someone’s hand to get to her end goal then she absolutely will, she has no qualms lying about who she is and what she likes just for that end. but ultimately she really isn’t into hugs or affection that way, if anyone is able to get close enough to see her as she actually is and not whatever mask she’s throwing on then she’ll say it outright. if there is ever a chance that she DOES hug someone as herself it’ll be brief and sharp, she won’t make an effort to angle her elbows, won’t stop her chin from digging into shoulder or chest, and she’ll probably dig her claws in just to be a bitch. she just can’t stomach soft stuff y’know !
I  LOVE  YOU.  does  your  muse  find  ‘i  love  you’  easy  or  hard  to  say  ?
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HOOO boy now this is an interesting one. so, keiko is very much the kind of character that i doubt would ever get into any form of meaningful romantic relationship ? like i doubt she will be getting into one on this, or any blog, any time soon just because she is very..... emotionally and romantically detached. like, she’s someone i want to encourage ships with but they’ll never be anything more than carnality and mind games as far as her current disposition is. 
with all that being said, she’s traumatized to put it bluntly. she can’t say ‘i love you’, she refuses, and if she ever says it it’s probably a lie! because she’ll never tell someone she actually cares about that she loves them, she’ll have her ways of showing it, but it won’t ever be said that way. if someone who she cares about romantically tells her that they ‘loved her’ and persisted (because she will give off warnings of differing varieties), she’d violently freak out. the words cause emotional hives basically lmao, they cause a massive disconnect from who she is and who she’s become and trigger incredibly vivid and traumatic memories that hadn’t been accessible to her until way after the trauma had occurred and needless to say she still hasn’t recovered.
but yeah she doesn’t say ‘i love you’, those words don’t exist in her vocabulary. like they’re not even ‘hard to say’ because she won’t ever say them OXBSHNJSN it’s just principle for her.
ODE.  does  your  muse  have  a  way  with  words  ?
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she does to a degree ! she’s very, very good at talking prettily and knows her way around hearts, she’s also pretty well versed in swaying people. not to go around in constant loops lmao but yeah she’s a liar, everything she says is empty. very convincing sweet talking, but sweet talking nonetheless. i do think though it’d be pretty fun to see her actually sweet talking someone she’s romantically engaged with ! i think she could if she was backed up with the thought of sex, but anything serious and emotional is when she’d stumble. she’s a lot quieter than she comes off honestly, she definitely tries to aim for social butterfly to best befit the whims and desires of those she’s preying on but pay attention enough and you’ll notice how introverted she is, and silence suits her very well. she picks and chooses her words accordingly and any ‘slip up’ she makes was planned, so yeah !
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hiiraethus · 8 years
Meet the Muse: Character Sheet Edition.
have fun, develop your character, and let the world know who you are!
name/s: Elvóthien. nickname/s: El, Ellie, little star. gender: Female. faceclaim: Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell in Game of Thrones.
genealogy ( race ) : Hylian / Thorellian. alignment: Lawful Good. original character or canon character?: Original.  date of birth and age: October 27th && 19 years old. place of birth: Nysa, Thorell. current living place:  Castle Town, Hyrule.
height: 157 cm  ||  5′2″ ft. weight: 50 kg  ||  112 lbs. eye color: Green. hair color: Brown. special traits: Freckles, petite build, long hair, pointed ears.
parent names && race: Taenyc && Raessa, Thorellian / Hylian. grandparent names && race: Aldris and Elara ( maternal ) && Seren and Caelia ( paternal ), Hylian / Thorellian sibling names && race: Aelric, Thorellian / Hylian. children names && race: Will have Emrys, Hylian / Thorellian. emotional status: Stable && mature.  partner name and race: Verse dependent. are they still alive?: N/A. do you live with them?:  N/A. pets?: She counts Telma’s cat, Louise, as a pet of her own.
light armor or heavy armor?: Light. favourite weapon: Bow and arrow. name of your weapon: Astraeus. fight with shield?: No.
skills with edged weapons: ★★☆☆☆ skills with crushing weapons ( maces, clubs, etc ): ★☆☆☆☆ skills with two-handed weapons: ★★☆☆☆ skills with thrown weapons ( knives, axes, javelins ): ★☆☆☆☆ skills in archery: ★★★★★ skills with polearms: ★☆☆☆☆
climbing: ★★★☆☆ riding: ★★★★★ swimming: ★★★★★ tracking: ★★☆☆☆ cooking: ★★★★★ foraging: ★★☆☆☆ first aid: ★★★★☆
ambush: ★☆☆☆☆ stalk / hide: ★★☆☆☆ pick locks: ★☆☆☆☆ set / disable traps: ★☆☆☆☆ disguise: ★☆☆☆☆ streetwise: ★★★☆☆
acrobatics: ★★★☆☆ brawling: ★☆☆☆☆ wrestling: ★☆☆☆☆
animal handling: ★★★★★ boat / ship handling: ★☆☆☆☆ navigation: ★★★☆☆ signaling: ★☆☆☆☆ sky watch: ★★☆☆☆
apothecary: ★★☆☆☆ midwifery: ★☆☆☆☆ surgery: ★☆☆☆☆ 
dance: ★★☆☆☆ poetry: ★★★☆☆ singing: ★★★★★ tale telling: ★★★★☆
acting: ★★★☆☆ appraisal: ★☆☆☆☆ bribery: ★☆☆☆☆ diplomacy: ★★☆☆☆ gambling: ★☆☆☆☆ interrogation: ★☆☆☆☆ leadership: ★★★★☆ public speaking: ★★★☆☆ seduction: ★★★★☆ trading: ★★☆☆☆ trickery: ★★☆☆☆
animal lore: ★★★☆☆ astrology: ★★★★★ herb lore: ★★★★☆ history: ★★★★★ mathematics: ★★☆☆☆ philosophy: ★★☆☆☆ poison lore: ★☆☆☆☆ religion: ★★★★★
enchanting: ★☆☆☆☆ sorcery: ★☆☆☆☆ read runes: ★★★★☆ attunement: ★☆☆☆☆ magic rituals: ★☆☆☆☆ spell mastery: ★★☆☆☆
perception: ★★★★☆ body develop: ★★☆☆☆ read / write: ★★★★★ languages: ★★★★☆
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gaerli · 6 years
Ok so I thought of something when I went and brought some food and I cannot get it off my head so aayyy here I am, gonna write some stuff for y’all that nobody asked for, BTW MY ASKBLOG IS OPEN TO HMU OR REQUEST SCENARIOS SINCE IM ON ARTBLOCK BUT I HAVE A HUGE WRITER INSPO SO HMU PLS This scenario is fluff hehehehehe also sorry for the length and the stupidity of this post sdlkfgllfjkdhj
Katsuki Bakugo x European!Hero Student!S/O
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• You two met in the funniest weirdest way possible but Katsuki couldn’t care less- you two are around the same age at the time • When he was 13, his family decided to go to Europe as a summer vacation and since his parent’s knows English, it was easier for them to communicate while Katsuki doesn't give less of a fuck about that • Well Katsuki being Katsuki, he ended up fighting bunch of other 13 year old European kids- however just about the fight was to get worse, a young kid stopped the fight by kicking both parties ass • Since the European kids knows the kiddo, they feared the kiddo and ran away • However, Katsuki didn’t- and since he isn’t in Japan and he doens’t speak English well, he doesn't know how to tell them fuck off • [“Jeez- why do guys always fight like bunch of hormonal idiots”] and you turn to look at him [“Oi, do you speak English?”] • Katsuki only glares at you and you immediately sigh as you understand that he doesn’t and you sigh “I assume you’re a foreigner...Japanese right” • That caught him off guard • “Oi if you spoke Japanese why the fuck didn’t you speak it to begin with you European bastard?????” • And you stick your tongue out at him and smirk “Because it is fun to tease people like you” “HAAAH????!?!?!”
• That wasn’t the last encounter...and also Katsuki found himself keep thinking about you • From the way you fought to your smirk to- WAIT HE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO FEEL SUCH FEELINGS FOR A PERSON HE BARELY KNOWS LET ALONE WILL MEET AGAIN • He tries to forget but ooooh bOY DO FATE HAVE SOMETHING STORED FOR HIM • AAand he meets you once again and this time his heart screams to not let you go off this time- this time when he and his family was about to be attacked by a villain • However your brother being a pro hero, he saved the day hooo boy you happened to be in the same place and Katsuki immediately recognised you • “OI YOU EUROPEAN BASTARD WAIT” • You turn around only to see Katsuki “Oh!! it is the Japanese explosion kiddo!!” “DON’T CALL ME THAT YOU ANNOYING SHIT” • He ends up glaring at you, however, you immediately understood and smirked • “Oi don’t smi--” “[Y/N]. My name is [Y/N] [Y/L]” • ...oh he did not expect you to lowkey read his mind- is your quirk mind reading?????? • “Bakugou Katsuki” “Ohh~ nice name for nice angry fireball” “OI SHUT UP” • However, your big brother calls on you and before you leave you get close to Katsuki who now glares at you with anger and is ready to fight however he would ONCE AGAIN be caught off guard when you wink at him and slide a paper with your number in his pocket before leaving fast so he won��t run after you • Whats with this person??? Why is he like this around you?? • Nonetheless, later that night- he decided to message you
• It has been years since you two have become very close friends and a little bit less than a year after you two were close friends that you two started to date • You hanged a lot when he was in Europe but you two never broke off contact when he went back home and that is odd from Bakugou’s side however something with you makes him never wanting to let go • So at first, you two have a long distance relationship, despite you both said it is the stupidest thing ever and that you both had no hope that it will work buT LOOKEY NOW YOU TWO HAVE BEEN DATING FOR YEARS • Just like Katsuki, you love spicy food and climbing mountain and you are an aspiring pro hero. Besides the fact that he acknowledged you to begin with means he sees you as equal and he is already impressed by you. It seems like you are similar to him in some ways • He calls you European Dork and you call him Lord of Explosions • He will never admit it but fuck man- he has fallen deeply deeply in love with you and with more time going by, he sees himself falling for- and trusting you more and more • You both get enrolled to hero academies. Him to Yuuei and you to the best European hero academy- and he is not even surprised.
• Though you didn’t tell him by calls or messages but your school and his school decided to exchange students and fortunately for you, they picked you out • “Katchi...what if I one day transfer to your school?” “Then I guess I will fucking kick your ass” “Aww Katchi why so mean to your s/o?” “Shut it European Dork” • But when Aizawa announced that a new transfer student from Europe has transferred to their class, Katsuki found himself thinking what if it is [Y/N] • AND OH MY GOD HE WOULD BE CAUGHT OFF GUARD WHEN HE SEES YOU COME IN • You introduce yourself and everybody welcomes you happily • Once the break starts you find yourself surrounded by class 1-A asking bunch of questions about your home country and how you learned Japanese yadda yadda and Katsuki couldn’t help but feel very angry and jealous • “Are you taken [Y/N]” “Y-yeah...my boyfriend is over there” and you point where Katsuki is and everybody gets dead silent before you walk towards Katsuki and smirk “Long time no see, Lord of Explosions~" • Cue the whole class screaming • Tho now Katsuki smirks and wraps his arm around you with a cocky attitude and be like “Yea, this European shitface is my s/o, get over it you extras” • You are now caught off guard but also smirking through your red face “Heh can’t get your hands off me eh~?” “Shut it dork” • You end up explaining to the whole class about how you two met and they are like holy shit this is fate • “So...when is the wedding” “SHUT UP PINKY SHIT” Katsuki is blushing a tiny little bit but he hides it away
• After you two are alone, Katsuki just immediately attacks you with rough kisses and hugs you so close as if he is scared of losing you (which he isn’t he just simply misses you but he will never admit it shh) • You tell him that your school choose the very best hero student from the school and only one student which happened to be you to be transferred to U.A and Katsuki would huff and smirk • “Well what can I say, I wouldn’t have dated or fallen for a sissy little bitch ya know...~” “So you imply you fall in love with strong people” “You idiot I meant I fell for you because you are strong and determined and stubborn little shit which I like as traits” • Let’s say you two were known as the dynamic power couple of U.A after that since both of you seemed to have almost the same mindset • The fact that Katsuki fell for you means that he already saw so much strength and traits he loves in you- ya lucky ho
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fiery-ifrit · 7 years
ultimate lambrose tag
since there were so many questions, I removed some of the boring ones/the ones I didn’t have answers for. this contains nsfw so if that makes you uncomfortable then skip reading those parts. consider most of these set post-marriage. [x]
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Lilly. she never gets too loud, but there’s still a distinct difference in the volume of her voice compared to when she’s calm
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? + Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
neither of them ever “threaten” to leave, but Mr Ambrose is the kind of person that needs some alone time after a fight, so he might leave the house for a few hours until he’s cooled down, then returns back home
Who trashes the house?
no one. but Mr Ambrose is way more neat than Lilly, so no matter how well she organizes their things, he’ll always find something that isn’t neat enough
Do either of them get physical?
you know that thing Mr Ambrose does where he pushes Lilly to a wall when he gets mad at her for doing something unsafe or reckless? yeah. that happens sometimes. but they NEVER touch eachother in an abusive or threatening way
How often do they argue/disagree?
i’d like to say they don’t argue much, but literally all married people have disagreements pretty often. but no matter how big it gets, they always resolve it in the end
Who is the first to apologise?
the one that knows they’re the one at fault.
(please don’t expect much from this, I know next to nothing when it comes to writing nsfw;;)
Who is on top? + Who is on the bottom?
they switch a lot
Any kinks?
light bondage, blindfolds, telling eachother they can’t come just yet (i think that’s called edging but i’m not sure), biting
Who’s dominant in bed?
it usually (but not always) starts out with Mr Ambrose being the dominant one, but he can go from dominant to submissive in SECONDS because Lilly is so good at making him weak
Is head ever in the equation?
hooo boy it doesn’t happen very often but when it does, you bet they get really into it
If so, who is better at performing it?
they’re both surprisingly really good at sucking eachother off. they’ll get the most intense orgasms from it, sometimes even more than just one orgasm
Ever had sex in public?
Who moans the most?
Lilly. but her moans are usually the soft and quiet kind, and Mr Ambrose loves hearing them so much. he doesn’t moan though, his breathing just gets heavier and Lilly finds it really hot
Who leaves the most marks?
Lilly. aside from the bite marks they both leave on eachother, she sometimes unconsciously leaves scratch marks all over Mr Ambrose’s back
Who screams the loudest?
neither of them really scream, but Lilly’s the nosiest of the two
Who is the more experienced of the two?
they’re both as unexperienced as the other because they’re eachother’s firsts
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
they always make love. even if they start by ““fucking”” it always end up with them making love not even halfway through because they just love eachother so much
Rough or soft?
they do both depending on their mood!
How long do they usually last?
if it’s rough sex, they don’t really last that long but they’ll totally go several rounds, but if it’s soft and gentle sex, they take their time to enjoy every feeling, so they’ll last for quite some time
Is protection used?
i guess? i mean if there were actual effective methods back then, then of course they use it
Does it ever get boring?
no. literally never
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
in the backyard. I don’t really think it’s a “strange” place but it was quite out of the ordinary for them. they were just laying down on the ground really late at night because they were having a hard time going to sleep. they eventually started making out and one thing led to another until they were having sex right there. (this doesn’t count as public sex, no one can see them in their backyard)
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?
they would definitely want children, but only after a few years
If so, how many children do your muses want/have?
at first Lilly only wanted one child, but later Mr Ambrose started to worry about the child feeling lonely (Mr Ambrose is really sensitive about loneliness for reasons you can guess) so he talks to Lilly about it and convinces her that it’s important to have one more child for the sake of their first one
Who is the favorite parent?
probably Lilly because she lets them do all the fun and risky stuff. Mr Ambrose is very protective of them and more of a responsible parent
Who is the authoritative parent?
Mr Ambrose. nothing like that commanding voice of his that gets the kids everytime
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?
Lilly OF COURSE. Mr Ambrose just wants them to be healthy but nope not on Lilly’s watch. she cares about their health too but still gives them food Mr Ambrose wouldn’t normally allow
Who goes to parent teacher interviews?
they both go. twice the intimidation factor
Who changes the diapers?
both of them! they were both very new to it so it took them some time to get the hang of changing them, but they eventually learned how to do it well
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?
Lilly, but sometimes if she’s sleeping really heavily and doesn’t wake up on her own, Mr Ambrose wakes her up because he’s a light sleeper and tells her the baby needs to be fed
Who spends the most time with the children?
they both do. and surprisingly, the children really enjoy spending time with Mr Ambrose even if they’re not talking. his presence just makes them calm in a way
Who packs their lunch boxes?
Lilly because she knows exactly what each kid prefers to eat, and sometimes she’ll sneak in a snack for them too
Who gives their children ‘the talk’?
Lilly, but she’d also make jokes while doing it, so the talk doesn’t end up awkward as much as it is interesting. Cue Mr Ambrose shaking his head from another room
Who cleans up after the kids?
while the kids are still babies, whoever happens to see the mess first cleans it up right away. as they grow older, Mr Ambrose and Lilly raise them to clean up their own mess, but if the mess is too big for them to clean up on their own, Lilly would be the one to help them out because Mr Ambrose would be too busy telling them off if they made the mess on purpose
Who worries the most?
Mr Ambrose. he doesn’t always let it show, but he loses his shit whenever he thinks something might have happened to any of the kids or Lilly
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
Lilly. I bet even Mr Ambrose would start learning new words he’d never even known before from her
Who likes to cuddle?
THEY BOTH DO. it’s one of their favorite forms of affection
Who is the little spoon?
usually it’s Lilly, Mr Ambrose just loves holding her and it makes him (and Lilly) feel very safe and content. sometimes Lilly spoons him too but because she’s much smaller than him, it’s basically just her having her arms and legs around him. Mr Ambrose secretly loves being spooned so it still makes him feel really good nonetheless
Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?
both of them, but only if they’re somewhere private. If they’re sitting on the couch or something, they have to be touching in some way. when they’re kissing or having sex their hands can’t seem to stay still somewhere, they have to feel eachother all the time. they can’t even sleep without touching or hugging eachother
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
outside of bed, they never really get to cuddle long enough for one of them to get uncomfortable, but the only thing that will part them once they’re cuddling is if the weather is too hot
Who gives the most kisses?
Mr Ambrose will often surprise Lilly with quick pecks on the lips, and Lilly peppers Mr Ambrose’s face with kisses whenever she feels like it (which is quite often as well) so they both give a lot of kisses to eachother
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
they usually only have time to cuddle at night so, in their bed
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?
Lilly. honestly i would never have thought this but after reading chapter 43 of Silence is Golden I can confirm that she loves that booty
How often do they get time to themselves?
not very often, they usually come home from work pretty exhausted so really all the time they have is like an hour before bed or something. but they definitely make the most out of it
Who snores? + If both do, who snores the loudest?
Lilly snores, but not always. her snores are usually just light or quiet. Mr Ambrose only breathes a bit more heavily in his sleep but that’s all
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
*while sobbing* yes of couRSE they share a bed they love eachother too much to spend their nights apart
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
*while sobbing even more* THEY COZY UP TOGETHER but sometimes during the night they end up parting because Lilly just can’t keep still in her sleep smh
Who talks in their sleep?
neither of them do, but only once did Lilly hear Mr Ambrose mumbling something incoherent in his sleep and thought it was very cute. she tried asking him about it the next day but he didn’t remember at all
What do they wear to bed?
Mr Ambrose sleeps in a nightshirt and pants, but sometimes when it’s too hot, he sleeps shirtless
Lilly almost always sleeps in her nightdress, but sometimes she likes to sleep in one of Mr Ambrose’s nightshirts without wearing any pants
Are either of your muses insomniacs?
nope! but Mr Ambrose is a light sleeper so he wakes up easily during the night
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Mr Ambrose wraps his arms around Lilly while she just blatantly throws all 4 of her limbs around him because she’s way smaller in relation to him but she tries to get as much bodily contact with him as possible
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Lilly. even though her hair isn’t that long it’s a complete MESS in the morning (but of course Mr Ambrose finds it super cute sknsjbdhj). Mr Ambrose only wakes up with messy hair if Lilly’s been playing with it before they slept or during the night if she was awake at some point
Who wakes up first?
most of the time Mr Ambrose does. sometimes he wakes up on his own, other times he ends up waking up when he feels Lilly shift beside him. when that happens, he just watches Lilly wake up slowly because nothing beats her beautiful messy self in the morning
Who hogs the sheets?
Lilly and no one can tell me otherwise. she unconsciously wraps the whole blanket around herself during the night so often that Mr Ambrose started leaving an extra blanket on the floor next to him for when he’s got nothing to cover himself with. but he never tells Lilly the real reason he keeps a spare blanket.
“why do you have a spare blanket” “because sometimes I get cold during the night” “but we already have one here” “i get… extra cold”
sometimes she ends up hogging his spare blanket too. save the poor man
Who has nightmares?
Mr Ambrose rarely ever gets nightmares but when he does, they’re pretty intense and he wakes up terrified. he tries to ignore it everytime, and he never means to wake Lilly up but his strong involuntary grip on her wakes her up and she gets really worried about him. she doesn’t ask him about it, she just holds him tightly and runs her fingers through his hair (because that calms him down) until she feels his grip on her loosen and he’s drifted back to sleep
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Who makes the bed?
whoever gets up last
What time is bed time?
typically around 10 pm, but once they have kids they sleep way later than that
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
(sorry it just gets really boring from here onwards)
Are any of your muses unemployed?
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
What are their jobs?
…….actually, what are their jobs?
Who stresses the most?
Mr Ambrose
Are your muses financially stable?
yes (very stable)
Who does the washing?
they take turns
Who takes out the trash?
whoever sees that it needs to be taken out
Who does the cooking?
both of them, but Lilly cooks more often (even though Mr Ambrose might be a liiiittle better at it)
Who is messier?
Lilly isn’t messy but she sure isn’t as neat and tidy as Mr Ambrose
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
they never leave their clothes on the floor unless they’re really exhausted after work and just want to go to sleep right away or if they’re doing the frickle frackle they just throw their clothes on the floor
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
neither of them
Who does the groceries?
Lilly, because if Mr Ambrose does it he insists on buying the cheapest options, but Lilly likes choosing something just a little bit better in quality
Who takes the longest to shower?
Lilly. i mean who the fuck showers in 3 and a half minutes not her at least
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Lilly, but only in the mornings because she’s still a bit drowsy at that time, doing everything slower than usual
Is money a problem?
Do they own their home or do they rent?
they own it
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
i don’t know what they do but what i know is that i cry just thinking about it
Where did they first meet? + How did they first meet?
at the voting station, when Lilly saved Mr Ambrose’s ass from getting ripped off
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
that depends on what it is exactly?? but i’m imaging clothes right now and Lilly she would totally do that
Any mental issues?
nothing too big, but I think Mr Ambrose might have,,, anxiety
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Mr Ambrose, more so than Lilly
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Lilly, definitely
Who pays the bills?
they… both do?
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
i’d say Lilly
Who uses up all of the hot water?
Lilly. the only time Mr Ambrose finished the hot water was the day they moved in together. he hadn’t showered in hot water in years and he forgot how good it could feel. Lilly couldn’t even shame him for finishing the hot water, she was just glad he enjoyed it. that was also the only time he showered in over 3 and a half minutes.
Who’s the tallest?
Mr Ambrose. i mean he’s a solid 6'6 what more do you want
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
actually, both. Lilly would casually just get in, but Mr Ambrose would do it with the excuse of “saving water”
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Lilly doesn’t always do it but when she does you can bet your ass she does it intentionally to tease Mr Ambrose
Who crushed first?
i think the answer to this would have to be Mr Ambrose. he was a bit more accepting of his romantic feelings for Lilly before she was sure herself. also, Mr Ambrose initiating the first kiss was a BIG step for him, considering he always keeps his feelings hidden
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
they almost never get drunk outside of their home, but one time Mr Ambrose had to attend some sort of business meeting. anyway so he was offered a drink and he accepted it, thinking it was just something light. but oh boy. he ended up getting accidentally really drunk. he was very confused at first and thought he was just getting sick or something but when he got back home to Lilly, she told him he’s obviously very drunk but he just wouldn’t have it. GIVE ME LILLY TAKING CARE OF DRUNK AMBROSE PLEAS E
Who swears the most?
aaaand that is it :^)
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