thecringemachine · 2 years
Okay, so I know it's been a LONG time since I updated this fic and you want to get into it, but please read this:
This fic, plus a couple of my mom's cookies, saved me from going into a depression. For the past two weeks, I have had nothing in my brain, I have been tired, antisocial, sad, and unable to know what to do with myself.
I have been losing my mind, but then I continued this fic, and I'm getting myself back,
(I know I said that i would post a picture, but because of what has been happening I have not been able to make it)
“NO!” Bee cried as he jerked awake. He sat there panting, wondering what had just happened. He had these frightening images in his head and he suddenly felt lonely. He closed his eyes and clutched his head in an attempt to rid his mind of the horrific things that had just happened. He could feel tears starting to prick his eyes as they came flooding back. Just then, Jack walked in. His hair was ruffled and he had his phone light out, but stopped short at seeing Bumblebee. Bee heard him and looked up. He quickly tried to hide the tears that had just about started flowing down his face.
“S-sorry, did I wake you up?” Bee asked. Jack shook his head and went to sit on the couch beside him.
“No, I was. . . uh, never mind.,” he said quickly. In truth, Bee had woken him up, but Bee didn’t need to know that. He nodded and Jack put a hand on his knees.
“So, what’s wrong?” Jack asked. Bee looked up to see his worried face and the tears which he had been holding back came forth. Jack leaned over and quickly pulled Bee to his side.
“I. . . I had a nightmare.” Bee whimpered quietly. Jack was horrified. Why did Bee have to suffer like this? First he was thrown into the worst part of human aging, now this? He was experiencing the worst parts of being human! Jack rubbed his shoulder comfortingly.
“Hey, hey, it was only a dream. It wasn’t real.” He said soothingly. Bee looked up at him and wiped his face.
“B-but it felt so real!” He replied. Jack nodded.
“What was it about?” He asked quietly, keeping Bee in a tight hug.
“I was stuck as a human, and all of the others got destroyed because I couldn't help them.” Bee said hesitantly. Jack closed his eyes and opened them again.
“You know that won’t happen. Ratchet will find a way to bring you back to normal, and you should know that Optimus and the others are too good.” He said reassuringly, poking Bee in the side. Bee barely managed not to curl away and nodded. Jack didn’t seem to notice.
“Nightmares suck, I know, but they aren’t real, no matter how vivid they are. The only reason they would be real is if they were prophecies, or something. And you're no prophet.” Jack told him, gently squeezing his shoulder, but when he saw Bee wince he instantly got concerned. 
“Are you alright Bee?” He asked worriedly. Bee shook his head reassuringly.
“No,no, it’s just. . . when you squeezed my shoulder it felt weird.” He replied. Jack cocked his head.
“What do you mean, weird?” He asked, a puzzle expression on his face.
“I don’t know, it just felt funny, almost like I wanted to laugh.” He said. It clicked. Jack chuckled and smirked at Bee, making him uneasy.
“W-what? What is it?” He asked. Jack just continued smirking as he tested his silent theory. He poked Bee’s ribs on the side opposite him and was pleased to see him giggle and lean into him.
“I knew it,”Jack finally said. Bee looked up at him confused, and a little nervous.
“What?” Bee asked. Jack smirked.
“You’re ticklish, Bee.” He replied. Bee cocked his head in puzzlement. Jack continued smirking.
“What does that mean?” He asked. He suddenly yelped as Jack pulled him into his lap. Bee tried to get up, but Jack already had his arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
“Tickling is when someone does something, like poke you or scribble on a certain place, making you laugh, like so.” Jack said it so casually, that Bee was completely taken by surprise when he started raking his fingers gently over his neck. Bee scrunched his shoulders and giggled. Jack instantly switched to wiggling his fingers into Bee’s ribs. Bee leaned into him in an attempt to escape, his laughter growing louder.
“Don’t get too loud, Bee. We don’t want to wake mom.” Jack said in Bee’s ear. Bee nodded and tried his best to keep his laughter down. He squirmed, trying to escape. Jack chucked at this adorable display. Bee blushed harder than he already was and pulled at Jack’s wrists.
“Jahack. Stohohop!” Bee giggled. Jack shook his head.
“But we are still trying to find out where you’re ticklish!” Jack teased, gently wrestling Bee onto the couch and sitting on his legs. Bee tried to pull out from under him, but Jack stayed on easily. He rolled his eyes and dug his hands into Bee’s hips. Bee squealed and broke down into hysterical giggles.
“AHAHA! JACK! STAHAP!” Bee gasped. Jack immediately stopped and covered Bee’s mouth, waiting. Fortunately, June had been sleeping deeply that night and nothing was going to rouse her. Bee’s muffled giggles could be heard and Jack finally took his hand off. He helped Bee up and sighed.
“Sorry about that, Bee. I know you’re still new to this.” Jack said. “Now, let’s see about this.” He started scribbling his fingers over Bee’s stomach, making him giggle. Jack smiled and slipped his hands under Bee’s shirt. Bee squealed and pushed at Jack’s hands. He slipped them out and got off of Bee. Bumblebee lay there panting, only to be picked up by Jack. Jack pulled him over and cuddled him. He wasn’t sure how to respond, so he just let himself relax.
“Are you feeling better?” Jack asked. Bee nodded and Jack rubbed his shoulder affectionately. Bee wasn’t his guardian, but he was still a good friend. Bee’s exhaustion hit him like a wave. He yawned and soon fell asleep. Jack gently laid Bee down on the couch and pulled the blankets over him. He yawned and went back to his own bed, still thinking about how lucky they were that his mom hadn’t woken up.
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