nightclawduke · 1 month
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Template originally from Twitter: [Link] These digital paintings took A LOT to complete but I like how it turned out overall, ChaosDukemon being my favorite hehe. Original drawings without text under the cut n.n
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emeraldtart · 3 months
Do you think the Digital World has urban legends? Like La Llorona or stories that aren't that scary to adults but are to children and are used to keep young Digis in line.
The most common one being if you're being bad a Demon Digimon would come and take you to the Dark Area.
At the seas there are legends of a giant beast that sink down ships. What kind of Digimon this 'beast' is depends on the region, but the most common one being Splashmon Darkness Mode or a gargantuan Whamon.
Another story of kidnapping is that Hookmon or Captain Hookmon will come take away young Digimon that stayed up late at night, forcing them to either join his crew or make them walk the plank. This is debunked so many times.
Demon or Nightmare Soldiers Digimon has their own stories too, they warn the young Digimon in their community to stay in the shadows, fearing that a Holy Digimon would saw and harm them.
Dragon Digimons has stories about Zanbamon, and how it's sword makes a screaming sound when swung as it contains souls of Dragon Digimons it had killed.
There's legends about a Dark Trailmon, that is said to have a rail connecting to a station located in the Dark Area. While existence of this Dark Trailmon is a mystery, many Demon Digimon said that the station and this specific Trailmon does exists.
There's even urban legends about the Royal Knights, about the existence of Dark Magnamon. The rumour is debunked, as the Digimental of Miracles is impossible to be tainted. Although some says that Dark Magnamon harnessed it's power from the Dark Ocean instead.
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digi-lov · 2 years
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Octomon BT6-023 by Kazumasa Yasukuni from BT-06 Booster Double Diamond
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Hookmon BT8-025 by Kazumasa Yasukuni from BT-08 Booster New Awakening
The BT6 card of Octomon depicts it stealing treasure. In the background, you can see Hookmon walking in on the scene. Then, in Hookmon's own card from BT8, you can see it trying to find Octomon before it escapes from the ship with the stolen treasure.
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digimonirl · 9 months
My hookmon and tinkermon are trying to beat the shit out of eachother. I do not know what to do at this point because I’ve tried to talk to them about it separately about it and together, but they just give an ‘I don’t like them’ answer.
I recently tried just viewing them to see what they do…
Please, do you know how to get them to stop? I can’t afford another doctors visit 😭
Hey friend, this is going to be difficult to hear but I need you to listen alright? Please let one, if not both, of them go. It's very clear that Hookmon and Tinkermon don't want to be around each other, and if you continue to insist that they spend time together someone is going to end up hurt really badly. Tinkermon is at a massive disadvantage, so it's probably going to be them who gets hurt the worst.
I know it's difficult letting go of a partner, I've had to do it too, but the health and safety of everyone involved is more important than an informal partnership. I hope it turns out in a way where you can still be friends with both of them, albeit separately. Think about what I said, and good luck friend
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jthedrake2 · 4 months
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ckuhickenj · 1 year
Unintelligible Digimon art!
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antrusimbol · 2 years
Koemon evo line from digimon world 3
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lopmonappreciation · 2 years
Steven universe Digimon au: the off colors and their evo lines
Lars and hookmon
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Rookie: otamamon
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Champion: hookmon
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Ultimate: Captain hookmon
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Mega: boltboutamon
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star-vessel1237 · 2 years
You do aware that Hookmon and Octmon hates each other, right?
I don't think they mention Hookmon and Octmon hating each other in either of their reference book listings. If that is true, then maybe the two of them could just be rivals for some arbitrary reason. I'll admit I took some libraties with THIS post because I saw that going around on a few other blogs but now I think I need to dive deeper into digimon lore if this is the case.
Hope this satisfies your question.
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sabedilemon · 9 months
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Happy Holidays Santamon Level: Perfect (Ultimate) Attribute: Vaccine
A jolly Beast Man Digimon who brings happiness wherever it goes. Surrounded in a mysterious air of wonder, it has taken up residence somewhere in the secluded land of permafrost, but no researcher has ever been able to locate it. It remains mostly out of sight, making only rare appearances flying through the sky on its sleigh. Its Special Moves are obliterating the enemy's fighting spirit with a very hearty laugh ("Happy Ho-Ho-Holidays!") and giving away gift boxes with  varying effects ("Gift Gamble"). Good Digimon who receive one find a revitalizing present inside, but naughty Digimon can only expect a swift and powerful explosion. 
Suggested pre-evolved forms: Mojyamon, Nastymon, Ikkakumon, Yukidarumon, Nanimon, Icemon, Chackmon, Hookmon
Suggested evolved forms: Jijimon, Vikemon, KingFrostmon, Hexeblaumon, AncientMegatheriumon, Olegmon, ShinMonzaemon, KingChessmon
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justagaywad · 4 months
Captain hookmon
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Flame wizardmon
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
Original aquatic Digimon
I've been making fakemon (Pokemon oc) for a bit including my own very bad drawings, so why not do Digimon too. I have several Digimon OCs in mind so I tried drawing one evolution line. Since I'm a big marine biology fan, I went with the aquatic line first. All of them are Data-attribute.
Starting at the Child/Rookie level is Yadokarimon. Yadokari is Japanese for hermit crab and that's exactly what Yadokarimon is. Its pincers are powerful, but its exoskeleton is weak, leaving it defenseless. To survive, it stole the shell of a ShellNumemon and uses it as armor. The shell slows it down, but it can roll around at high speeds for short periods of time. Yadokarimon lives in the intertidal zone of the Net Ocean and is comfortable on land or in water. Its attacks are Shell Roller, where it retracts into its shell and rolls into the enemy and Little Pincer, where it attacks with its claws.
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Yadokarimon evolves to CannonCrabmon. This is the only name of the group I'm not super fond of, so let me know if you have a better idea. CannonCrabmon is a mercenary that works for any force in the Net Ocean that will pay it. It wears the shell of a Shellmon that it defeated in battle. One of its claws was lost in battle, but it attached a cannon salvaged from a sunken ship to the stump. With one powerful claw and one cannon, CannonCrabmon can fight at both short and long range and its shell gives it great defenses, making it a powerful underwater combatant. The only downside is that the shell is so heavy it cannon swim. Its attacks are Crustacean Cannon, where it fires cannonball at the foe and Crushing Claw, where it attacks with its claw.
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CannonCrabmon evolves to Frigatemon. It grew so large that it had to steal a Hookmon's ship to use as a shell. Thanks to the ship, it can now sail both above and below the waves, in contrast to its previous forms who couldn't swim. The ship is bristling with powerful cannons and its claws can crush diamonds, making Frigatemon a feared fighter whose only weakness is attacks from above. Frigatemon acts as a pirate and mercenary and its ship proudly waves the Jolly Roger. Its attacks are Full Broadside, where it produces cannons from the ship and fires them at its enemies and Ocean Crusher, where it grabs its enemy with its claws and crushes them. In the picture the mast couldn't fit in frame so I had to split it off, but the two parts pictured are supposed to be connected.
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The final form of Yadokarimon is Dreadnoughtmon. Its ship shell has been upgraded into a powerful battleship to make it the ultimate naval combatant. With a combination of powerful cannons, anti-air guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and claws that can crack Chrome Digizoid, Dreadnoughtmon can attack foes at any angle in a hail of military-grade firepower. The hull of its shell is as hard as Chrome Digizoid, making it impervious to normal attacks. An arrogant pirate sure of its power, the only being Frigatemon respects is Neptunemon and Leviamon is the only thing it fears. Its attacks are Naval Destroyer, where it fires off the weapons on its shell ship in a barrage of destruction and Hull Cracker, where it crushes its foes to death with its mighty claws.
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Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my OC Digimon. I have more ideas in mind to draw sometime.
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randomthefox · 1 year
What do you think of some of my choices on the Digimon partners? I made sure to pick Digimon based on character personality and their main motivations/characteristics instead of 'which one is popular? I think this one...' like some people do. Arcadimon was the hardest, because I knew it was gonna be the one I wouldn't have been sure about the most...
Sonic: Veemon/V-mon
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This is definitely the most no brainer one, I also independently thought of this and I think it's a perfect fit. Magnamon is definitely also the most Super Sonic of all megas lol
Tails: Jazamon
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Hadn't heard of this one! I like him though. He combines Tails main things which is flying and being mechanically inclined. I was having a hard time thinking of a good partner pick for Tails personally. I think this is a good pick.
Amy: Shortmon
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CUUUUUUTE! 💯 absolutely perfect choice holy fuck. I also like how it's a champion level (although apparently that was just made up by a reference book but whatever).
Knuckles: Vorvomon
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Lava dragon. For some reason that fits really really well? Also apparently this boyo is a co-partner with Jazamon in their debut, so that fits pretty well for Tails and Knuckles being Sonic's right and left hand buddies. So yeah, good pick.
Big: Frogmon
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Nuff said
Cream: Terriermon and Lopmon Version X
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Not sure if you meant both of them would be X Antibodies or if Terriermon would be normal and only Lopmon is the X ver, but either way I think this is a delightful pick. Also for some reason I really enjoy Cream having two partners.
Shadow: Arcadimon (Perfect/Ultimate)
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Yup that one's spot on. Fits his aesthetic perfectly. Also love Shadow having an Ultimate as his default partner.
Rouge: Witchmon
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Pfft, perfect. Just oozes femme fatale energy. And love her having a champion as well.
Vector: Deckerdramon
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Fucking rad. Maybe Vector's would have boom boxes instead of missile launchers.
Espio: Igamon
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lol literally just fucking ninjamon. I mean yeah, what else would it be?
Charmy: Fanbeemon
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ALSO one I decided upon myself, the instant I learned about Fanbeemon's existence.
E-123 Omega: Guardomon
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Checks out. Though personally I might have gone with Gargomon for the sake of the Barret gunhands, but if Cream is gonna have Terriermon we wouldn't want to double up like that.
Blaze: Leomon
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Dead cat walking. But for real, think this is a good fit. He could have a bodyguard type vibe for the princess too. Personally I might have gone with Gatomon or Black Gatomon, but then I guess their evolutions would diverge from the theme whereas Leomon stays a cat all the way up to mega.
Marine: Captain Hookmon
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10/10 moving on
Silver: Exermon
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Unusual choice I think but I love it, really fits Silver's aesthetic.
Infinite: Negamon -> Abbadomon
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Fucking A that's perfect. Be careful who you bully in highschool indeed. Also not sure if it's meant to imply a warp evolution or if he'd digivolve up through the stages naturally, but personally I like the idea of it being Negamon when he's just the mercenary, and warp evolving all the way up once he gets phantom ruby infused.
Eggman: ??? (May possibly be his own creation)
My personal choice would be Machinedramon. Especially if we're talking the Digimon World version, specifically. Because in that case, yeah. Definitely fits as a "frankensteins monster" digimon choice.
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This is why I wanted to ask you cuz you know about way more digimon than I do, I was either struggling with picks or going with really basic bitch choices lol. Definitely would accept all of these partnerships as canon in any kind of cross over.
The only ones missing are the Babylon Rogues and maybe the classic characters like Fang Mighty Ray Bean and Bark.
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thebl00dmaster · 8 months
Limbus tamer 3: Le retour de la vengeance
Back by unpopular demand : This !/jk
This time around will be for Canto 5 characters and some extras I felt inspired to do. I tried to make the lines more "coherent" than last time though still the constrait of having digimon that actually digivolve into another.
So grab your harpoons 'cause we're going under the sea !
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Team Rocket Muffin and Sablé Effie and Saude get the honor of being the first Jogress evolution line of this series as they were always present as a pair ... until Outis mercy killed Effie that is. I chose this line out of the other 02 fusion as it was the first thing to come to mind while I was putting this lines together ... also because I don't feel Imperialdramon suits them and I don't vibe with Shakkoumon.
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Wall Might Siegfried gets the Justimon line for his "heroic" persona. Not much to say aside that I did consider putting Starmon and SuperStarmon in there.
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Smee is pretty straightforward as the pirate get pirate themed digimon, I preferred Mermaimon to CaptainHookmon because well she ain't captain Hook plus it links back to the mermaid trade that the Twinhook pirate dabble into when not ransoming people. Red Hookmon is best Hookmon.
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The filter Big Brother got himself a BanchoLeomon . Let's be real, he'd probably go the Marcus/Masaru route and just punch digimon in the face and win, possibly de-digivolve them back to In-training/Baby level like he punched the ID out of Ishmael. Now I'm imagining that cutscene with Ricardo bitchslapping Ishmael's partner digimon and throwing it back at her forcing them both out of their power up.
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I gave the indigo Elder the Vikemon line, minus Gomamon (The fault lies with you, Ishmael!), though admittedly he'd just ballista/harpoon digimon like he did to Ricardo if push come to shove.
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The Pequod trio are a package deal, quite literally with Gaslight harpoon Ahab, so I focus their lines to have digimons that are part of Chimairamon :
Gasharpoon Ahab got Chimairamon since she absorbed her crew into her EGO, this matches with Chimairamon being a mishmash of several digimon plus you could infer she fed the data of her crew to her partner when manifesting her EGO.
Normal Ahab had to have whamon due to her obsession and to mirror Ishmael, who I also gave a Whamon, and the fact that she's compare to the great lake whales.
Queequeg has Monochromon since she's really tanky and the rest of her line reflect her harpooner role.
Starbuck got the Gabumon line mostly because he's loyal with CresGarurumon reflecting that he hit like a goddamned truck in the trio boss fight !!!!
And that's all folks ! Now to wait for Canto 6 to drop or when inspiration strikes again.
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digimonirl · 9 months
Hey, it’s the Monzaemon Tamer again. Long time no see. I heard about the Hookmon and Tinkermon problem. Recommend them to me and I’ll be able to help. Ever since that Gulusgammamon met my Partner and I, he became more naturally docile as time went on. I’m sure Monzaemon X can do the same for those two.
If that one anon is reading this, hit them up. I suggest meeting at a Tamer's Union or one of the shopping plazas near the bases. If Hookmon and Tinkermon consent, Lovely Gel exposure has been shown to reduce aggression long-term. If they don't, my previous advice stands. Thanks for helping out, friend!
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