#hook me up to one of those period cramp simulators and dial it up to 10 and if what i regularly experience is worse then yeah
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Gotta love googling a symptom you’re experiencing and the top result being like “ways of coping with endometriosis”
#the thing is i don’t even think i Have endometriosis#like how would i know if the pain i experience is extreme? i have no idea how to measure that because idk what other people#are going through#hook me up to one of those period cramp simulators and dial it up to 10 and if what i regularly experience is worse then yeah#i’ll get concerned#but it’s just like.. i hear about people throwing up from the pain and that’s not me? sometimes i get super nauseated but i don’t throw up#that being said i never throw up anyway. since i was 12 i’ve thrown up literally thrice. food poisoning; alcohol poisoning & covid#i will say the pain is often so bad i can’t do anything. can’t even think. but idk if that’s because i’m wimpy#the specific symptom i googled is stabbing pains in my ovaries because i don’t think that’s normal lmao#but most of the other stuff just doesn’t happen to me. i have a pretty light period now#i’ve known 3 people with endometriosis and none of them had a light period#i just don’t know what to do. when i had irregular periods (which i’ll admit have been fixed by the iron tablets and being a little more#active) my doctor was just kind of like ‘what do you want me to do about it’ 🤪#so i really doubt they’d care about my pains#i also suspect rocking up saying ‘can you check me for endometriosis’ and then not having half of the symptoms of endometriosis is not#the way to get taken seriously#i’m just going to have to continue to live like this i guess#personal
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Who's Tougher?
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Guardians find out that Reader maybe isn't Terran while playing with one of those labor pain/period cramp simulators. Inspired by that one episode of Lucifer where Lucifer got tased.
Author’s Note: Based off this dumb post I wrote earlier, because sometimes my dumber ideas are the funniest.
Part 2 here.
Word Count: 2,376 It had started with a bet.
Who was tougher? You or Peter?
Tired of hearing your bickering one day, and after having come across a video on the internet where a couple of guys were using a period cramp simulator, Rocket decided to whip one up with some spare parts he had lying around. Took him about 10 minutes, 15 if you count the time it took him to sort through his spare parts drawer.
You and Peter where sitting at the table with Kraglin when Rocket hopped up and slapped it on the table, interrupting your bickering.
"What's that?" Peter asked, his face one of confusion.
It looked almost like Peter's Zune, only bigger and instead of headphones it had four long wires coming out of it that were attached to thin disk-shaped objects.
"This is gonna settle your argument on who's tougher once and for all so I don't gotta hear your constant whining anymore." Rocket said.
"Hey! It's not constant!" you say, a bit offended, but also not looking forward to doing whatever Rocket was suggesting. "What is that even supposed to do?"
"Saw a video online where a couple of Terran-types were using electric pulses to simulate period cramps. It does that, more or less."
"More or less??" You cry uncertainly, "You want to electrocute us? Because that's what I'm hearing."
Peter laughs, "If you're scared you can just admit that I'm tougher." He leans back in his chair with a smug look that makes you want to smack him.
You glare at him. "I'm not scared. I'm just being cautious of accepting offers to let Rocket stick electrodes on us!"
Kraglin snickers from his side of the table. "Sound scared to me. If Yondu could trust him to wire his fin into his skull, I'm sure ya can trust him not to fry ya with that little thingy-ma-bob."
Yondu, having heard his name while walking by, stops by the table. "What's going on here?"
"Rocket wants to electrocute us!"
"Do not!" Rocket defends. "Well, not much... I just want to settle which one of them is really tougher so they'll quit whining about it."
Yondu shakes his head, chuckling. He looks at you. "So you're really gonna give in and tell Peter he's tougher cuz yer scared of a little shock?"
You glare at him. You knew he was only trying to razz you up, but you couldn't help it. "I'm not scared, I-"
Peter cuts you off. "Then prove it." He was bluffing, he didn't really want to try either. Who in their right mind would willingly let Rocket hook them up to an electric shock machine?? But his poker-face was good. Too good.
"Ugh. Fine. If to only wipe that smug grin off your dumb face." you say, rolling your eyes. "How's it work?"
Rocket grinned, as did the other two. "Ok, so you each get two of these electrodes," He held up the white disk, "and you stick them to your stomach, and then I'll take this," he held up the Zune-looking thing, "and turn it up until one of you taps out."
You begrudgingly took the electrodes from Rocket and he clarified his instructions by telling you both to place them below your belly-button. You retake your seats at Rocket's behest, him cockily saying that you 'might want to sit down for this'.
"Ready?" he smirked.
You looked at Peter's cocky grin and rolled your eyes. "Sure."
Rocket turned the dial. Nothing happened, so you assumed it had only just switched the device on, but you did see Peter give a little jolt.
You turned your head to him and laughed. "What you jumpy for, Mister Cocky? He hasn't started yet."
"Yes I did."
You looked back at Rocket, confused. "What?"
"I did start it. It's on level 1 now."
You look at Peter. He confirms it's on. "You don't feel anything?" he asks. You shake your head.
Rocket give you an odd look and says he's turning it up to 2.
Peter jerks again, softly grunting. "Hey, how high does this go?"
Rocket answers that it goes up to 10, and Peter makes a face that makes it obvious he's regretting his life choices.
"Oh, I can feel it now," you say, your mouth twitching upward in a grin. "It kinda tickles."
"That doesn't seem right?" Rocket switches it off. "Switch your leads, I want to make sure there's not a short in the wires."
You and Peter do what's asked. As soon as Rocket sees all the leads are stuck down properly he cranks it up to 2 without warning.
Peter jerks forward and grabs the table with a grunt. "Dude! What the fuck! A warning would be nice!"
You, however, only start softly giggling with a, "Hey!"
Rocket scratches his head, and turns the knob to 2.5.
Peter squeezes his eyes shut and tries, but fails, to sit back up straight. You also close your eyes, but it's because you've brought a hand to press on your forehead as you lean back in your chair, still giggling.
As soon as Rocket turns the knob to 3, Peter taps out.
Rocket turns the device off and looks at you suspiciously before glancing at Yondu and Kraglin who only shrug in response. "I don't get it? That's not supposed to happen?" Rocket says looking his new device over.
"I'll have a go." says Kraglin. "I bet Pete's just being a baby."
This earns a chuckle from Yondu and an annoyed outburst from Peter, who challenges Yondu to do it with Kraglin if they're both so tough.
Smirking, Yondu actually agrees. You and Peter hand over your leads and Yondu and Kraglin put them on.
Rocket repeats the same process. He starts them out at 1, and neither react. He goes up to 2, and Kraglin winces like Peter had. Up to 3, and Kraglin grunts and starts to grip the table while Yondu only acknowledges he can feel it pinching, but from the look on his face you can tell he's just putting on a tough act.
Rocket turns it up to 4 and Yondu exhales out his nose while looking up at the ceiling. At 6 Kraglin taps out and Rocket turns the device off.
Yondu laughs and tells Peter, "Guess everyone here is tougher than you, boy." to which Peter calls bullshit, says he wasn't ready, and demands to go again, this time against Yondu.
Peter doesn't make it past 4, and you laugh at him, prompting him to glare at you and say, "You wouldn't make it past 4 either!"
You call his bet, laughing, "Guess I'd need to go up against Yondu or Krags then, because we know you sure can't."
Before Peter can retort the rest of the team has come over to see what the fuss is about.
Rocket explains that you're seeing who's the toughest, and this promptly makes Mantis and Groot, in their innocence, want to try. However, this is immediately shot down by Gamora, who says that any game, or whatever it was that you were doing, where you willfully electrocute yourself, was stupid.
Drax, however, says he'll have a go, and Peter jumps on this, telling you, "There you go! Go up against Drax. If you can outlast him I'll finally say you're tougher than me."
"Quill." Yondu says in a warning tone, the implication clear that he didn't think anyone could beat the behemoth and that he knew that Peter egging you on like that would only result in you pushing yourself too hard to prove him wrong and getting hurt.
"Relax, old man!" Peter turned to you with a smug grin. "You can take it, right?" Peter is really pushing his luck, but you agree, taking back your leads from Yondu, and Rocket instructing Drax what to do as he takes Peter's chair.
Once you were both settled Rocket made sure you were ready before turning the device up to 1, then after a moment 2, and after another moment 3, where you had left off before.
Drax was just sitting there unfazed, but you were giggling again like before, prompting Drax to ask you what was so funny.
"It tickles!" you say, covering your face again and giggling harder once Rocket announced he was turning it up to 4.
"I bet you're faking it just to mess with us." Peter grumbled at you as Gamora gave him a strange look.
They heard Mantis giggling and looked over to see Mantis pulling her hand away from your arm, her antennae glowing. "Nope. Not lying. I don't sense any feelings of deception."
"Well, that doesn't make any sense, but here's 5." Rocket said, turning the dial.
You jerked in your seat, drawing one foot up into your chair as you tilted your head back laughing, still covering your face with your hands. "Ok! Ok! Wait a minute!" you squeak.
"Are you saying you give up?" Peter said with a smirk. "Guess that means you can't say you're tougher than me."
You flip him off. "No! I didn't say that!" This makes Yondu chuckle. Like most of the rest of the team he had started grinning at your reactions. You may be being stubborn, but he supposed you being tickled was better than you being in pain, though by all accounts it didn't make sense. He had done it himself, and it most definitely didn't tickle.
"Well it's up to 5, you couldn't get past 4, Pete." Kraglin corrected, letting Peter know that you technically had just proved you were tougher by being able to go to a higher setting than him.
"That's not the deal we made. Besides, how can it count if it only tickles? The higher settings are bound to hurt." He knew his logic was flawed, but he was stubborn too, he wasn't just going to hand you a victory.
Seeing as you weren't giving up yet, Rocket went ahead and dialed it up to 6.
"How you doing Drax?" Kraglin asked.
Drax just shrugged. "Fine. It's not the most pleasant feeling, but it's completely bearable."
They didn't ask how you were doing. It was pretty clear how you were doing. You hadn't quit giggling this whole time, much to Rocket's frustration because it just didn't make sense. It was, however, the only thing keeping Gamora from making Rocket stop. She knew Drax could take almost anything, so he'd be fine. You didn't seem to be in pain at all, so she assumed you must be safe.
Rocket dialed up to 7.
Drax nodded his head. "There it is. I can feel it more now." However, there wasn't an ounce of pain etched into his face. Dude obviously had one hell of a pain tolerance.
You were still curled in your chair. One hand covered your mouth while you giggled, the other rested on your knee. You tried to psyche yourself up. It was only a tickle. You weren't a baby. You got this, right?
The foot that had been in your chair then slammed to the floor as you lurched forward with a shriek of laughter, gripping the metal armrest of your chair as your other hand wrapped around your middle.
"How can that still tickle!? It's turned up to 8!" Rocket questioned in disbelief, holding up the device to Yondu as if to prove it.
"Eight!?" you cry, "You were supposed to tell us, you rabid raccoon!"
Drax began to laugh as well and in disbelief Peter said, "Drax? Seriously?!"
"It doesn't tickle," Drax clarified, his laughter dying into a light chuckle. "It's just very funny to watch the smaller Terran react."
You attempted to glare at Drax for referring to you as the "smaller Terran," but failed at it. You stomped your foot on the ground as you felt the tickle get somehow worse, and knew Rocket had turned it up again. "Rocket! Please!" you whined, making a few of the others laugh. Maybe you don't got this.
"That one was for calling me a raccoon, asshat." Rocket said with a grin, his previous frustration seemingly gone in favor of mischief.
You quickly reach for the little shit, but you recoil as he jumped out of reach, a smug grin on his face as he turned the dial to the last setting.
"And that one was 'cause I can."
Drax barely reacted, but you were suffering.
Shit. Shit. Nothing had ever tickled like this before. You don't got this. You still had a death grip on the arm of the chair and you were laughing so hard you couldn't sit up straight. Screw the bet, time for begging. "Ok! Ok!" you squeal. "Rock-Rocket! Ahaha! Ok! I'm sorry! Please! I can't- I give up!"
Rocket and Peter laughed triumphantly as you continued to plead for mercy. Yondu had pity on you and chuckled saying, "Alright, Rat. That's enou-"
He was cut off by a metallic squeal and a snap that made everyone jump. The sound was only followed by the sounds of your dying laughter as you caught your breath.
You threw your leads up on the table, having had ripped them off when you couldn't take it anymore (and after having finally realized that was an option.) You finally look up at Rocket, still giggly and gasping for breath as you say, "Youhoo suck! Eheheh... you- you little brat... haha... Jeez..." Your eyes were glowing a bright blue that slowly faded as you raised an eyebrow, noting how your companions expressions have changed to something resembling "WTF??"
"What's with the faces?" you ask, only to follow Mantis's eyes down to the arm of your chair, or rather, what used to be the arm of your chair.
You had snapped it, but that wasn't all. It was now twisted both outward & downward and the place you had been gripping it had been crushed to form to the inside of your fist as if it had been made of foam board.
You hear someone hesitantly say, "Ya ain't Terran... are ya?"
You look back up at your friends' expectant faces with a nervous grin, squinting and blushing as you rub the back of your head. "Well, aha... This is awkward..."
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