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bunnyjam-imagines · 2 years
✨Love Languages✨
(The first of a few posts I plan to do in the next week, this one was just the closest to being finished, so I got it done first! Sorry if they’re a little inconsistent, I started them 2 months ago and finished them today.)
(Backgrounds/pics from Pesterquest!)
(Edit: Tag yourself I put the wrong pic in Dave’s section)
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-Dave’s giving love language (aka how he expresses his affections) is gifts.
-And what better gift than a sick nasty rap about how great he thinks you are? Or maybe one about how much he loves you?
-He’d be super into those cheesy couple’s shirts, too. Ironically, of course.
-Dave loves to gift you dumb, off-brand or off-the-wall shit he finds online, too. Super ugly, lumpy Garfield? Sign him up. ‘Harry Potter hates Ohio’ t-shirt? Hope they got your size. ‘This Christian Mom HATES Stuart Little’ bumper sticker? Doesn’t matter if you have a car or not, you better find something to put it on.
-If all else fails, he’s at least got some Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff comics as gifts to fall back on.
-Dave’s receiving love language (aka how he prefers to receive affection) is touch.
-Much like most, if not all, of the other Striders, Dave is touch-starved. After the sort of upbringing he had, however, who could really blame him.
-He loves holding your hand in public, and absolutely adores how warm and cozy you feel against him whenever you hug him.
-He would absolutely never admit it, but he lives for stupid, cheesy gestures, like a posh bow and kiss on the hand, or a movie-esque kiss under some sort of spotlight (even if it was just because the bulbs in your kitchen died, and there’s only one functioning atm.)
-His favorite, though, are the soft, early-morning kisses he gets from you, before either of you are fully awake. The tickle of your breath across his face makes him smile more genuinely than he ever thought he could.
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-Dirk’s giving love language is acts of service.
-He’s not usually the most helpful guy, despite how capable he is, so going out of his way to help those he cares about is a pretty big thing for him.
-Even if the person isn’t aware of the act he did, it still does him some good, internally, to do these little acts for them, no matter how small.
-Long day at work? Let him draw you a bath. Too tired to cook? He’ll order take-out.
-The list goes on. He’s not the best at expressing himself through words, or being open about that stuff, but he really tries to express just how much he cares through his actions.
-His receiving love language, on the other hand, is quality time!
-He’d honestly be pretty satisfied with you just sitting across the room from him while he works on something.
-Just knowing you’re nearby is a huge comfort to him. It helps him feel less lonely.
-It’s also the easiest for the both of you, given how he has a lot on his plate, usually.
-It also helps him get a better idea on what things you might need help with (allowing him to utilize his giving love language of acts of service!)
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-Hal’s giving love language is acts of service.
-Being that he was stuck in a pair of goofy anime shades for quite some time, he had a decent chunk of time to hone his skills in various fields. Just give him the word, and he’ll do his absolute best to help you.
-Stuck on a college assignment? He’s got thousands of college books at his disposal, free of charge. Can’t remember the name of a song that’s been stuck in your head for weeks? Hum it for him, and he’ll scan through his database until he finds a match.
-He’s especially good with computers, so if you need help with anything of that sort, he’s your guy. Hell, he’ll even build you one if that’s what you want.
-Hal isn’t very good at cooking, despite the wealth of knowledge at his fingertips, but he is great at finding coupons for take-out places, so he’ll always have your back if you’re ever too tired to cook dinner.
-To no one’s surprise, Hal’s receiving love language is words of affirmation.
-Touch is a close second, but nothing beats hearing you tell him just how much he matters to you, and how much you love him. <3
-He especially likes it when you tell him specific things you like about him, personality or accomplishment-wise. Anything to prove to him that you view him as an individual and not just the “bad parts” of Dirk.
-Even simple stuff like “thank you”s are enough to get him feeling a little puffed up in the chest.
-Every time you say “I love you” his circuits heat up a little.
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Davie (Trickster!Dave):
-Hickies aren’t technically a love language, but-
-Davie’s giving love language is touch! (Not that that surprises anyone)
-It’s pretty well-known that tricksters adore physical expressions of love (kisses, hand holding, snuggling), and Davie is no exception!
-You’re pretty much always touching whenever the two of you are out in public, which is honestly good for the both of you since Davie tends to float absentmindedly, and you two certainly don’t want to get separated or lost from one another.
-At night (or whenever the two of you find time to snuggle), he enjoys wrapping himself around you like a koala, kissing and smushing your cheek, affirming over and over how deeply he adores you.
-Davie’s receiving love language is gifts!
-He adores receiving just about anything from you, since he sees it as inherently special due to coming from someone like you.
-He especially loves receiving something that the two of you can match to one another (like those touch bracelets, or even just a regular matching colorful bracelet!)
-If you give him any kind of edible gift (such as chocolates, candies, etc.) he will love you forever. (His favorite flavor is strawberry, btw!)
-Not that many people would guess on first glance, but Davie’s also really into videogames, so any gaming paraphernalia or related merch would absolutely send him over the moon!
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David (Heinoustuck!Dave):
-David’s giving love language is gifts!
-A little surprising, maybe, until you consider the fact that he’s at least partially bird. A crow, more specifically.
-So when he sees little shiny or pretty things, he automatically thinks of you! Surely, you’ll love getting another slightly dirty coin he found on the sidewalk, won’t you?
-He does go out of his way to pick nicer gifts, sometimes, though.
-If you’ve had a tough week, guess who snagged some of your favorite treats to unwind with? That’s right. This guy.
-David’s receiving love language is acts of service.
-David is a pretty self-sufficient sort, and doesn’t particularly want for much. However, he certainly won’t turn you away if you offer to help with something a little trickier.
-He absolutely adores it when you help him preen his feathers or brush his hair.
-Additionally, helping him to find clothes that can work with his- ahem- unique situation, or even just helping him to fluff up his sleeping area (re: borderline nest of clothes and trinkets) is also greatly appreciated.
-He’s always messing around with something or other, so as long as you’re there to back him up, everything is peachy keen!~
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Davian (Davesprite):
-Davian’s giving love language is quality time.
-Given the crazy darting around and timeline-hopping he’s used to, he finds it nice to just relax with the person he loves, staying around them for as long as he can.
-Even if you’re both doing something else, it’s comforting for him to know that you’re not that far away.
-He especially loves to experience things with you, like dumb movies or stargazing. Anything the two of you can share as a memory together, considering he has so, so few that he can share with anybody else.
-As long as you’re beside him, he’s happy.
-Though it might be a little unexpected, Davian’s receiving love language is touch.
-Generally, Davian isn’t that accustomed to people wanting to be near him, let alone touching any part of him (especially when he still had the sword in his gut.) But you’re different, aren’t you?
-Even gently brushing the hair away from his glasses is enough to make him softly coo with adoration.
-He’ll let you pet his wings or neck feathers, if you want. Purely for your own benefit. It totally doesn’t feel super nice and comforting. Nope. No siree.
-Lovingly cradle his face in your hands and watch this man crumble to dust at your fingertips.
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aeide-thea · 1 year
One of the first voices millions of commuting New Yorkers hear each morning is the measured tone of former traffic reporter Bernie Wagenblast reminding them to stand away from the platform edge. Wagenblast, AKA “the voice of New York”, reminds AirTrain passengers at JFK or Newark that the doors are closing, and hosts a podcast about infrastructure, including episodes on Ohio’s bridges and wildlife crossings in Oregon. But that […] voice, honed by years of practice to impart clarity and authority but not alarm, is changing. Earlier this year, Wagenblast, 66, went on the radio to present herself publicly as a transgender woman, and has this month been participating in US Pride celebrations with gusto, including the march at Asbury Park on the Jersey shore. Wagenblast is still Bernie, but that’s now derived from Bernadette. […] She has had support from the people she knows, even casually. The reception from her friends from Catholic university has been similarly supportive, and she’s working with her high school classmates for their 50th reunion without issue. “It’s wonderful,” she says. “Times have changed.” Hateful comments have only come from people who do not know her, she says. Her relationships with female associates, she says, have also benefited from her public presentation. “They’re comfortable and accept me and it’s been one of the great pleasures.” […] One of the side-effects of a public transition is, she hopes, to give encouragement to those who are still not out. Each time somebody in the subway station hears her voice, she says, they will know that LGBTQ people are part of everyday life. “We’re not just on TV or people you read about that are somewhere else but an intricate part of day-to-day living. I think that can be very powerful.”
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90363462 · 2 years
The Legend Of O.T. Jackson And The Black Ghost Town Of Dearfield, Colorado
This is Black Folklore and our job is to find the story within the story that every great masterpiece encompasses. Welcome to the legendary tale of O.T. Jackson.
Source: creative services / iOne Digital
A name can be so much more than just an identity. Sometimes it can be a calling, or in a way, even a compass guiding you towards the direction of how you will leave your mark in this world.
For Oliver Toussaint Jackson, that mark was to build a lasting legacy for black people in America.
Source: Dearfield, Colorado- black ghost town / Denver Public Library
O.T. Jackson was born in Oxford, Ohio in 1862. His parents Hezekiah and Virginia Caroline Jackson were former slaves from Virginia who managed to escape the clutches of the Jim Crow South. Although not much is known about O.T.’s parents, who they named their son after says everything you need to know about them.
O.T. was named after the great Haitian general François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture.
Louverture was one of the most prominent and important leaders of the Haitian Revolution in 1791. The former slave helped lead the Haitian enslaved majority in rebel victories over the planter class and thousands of invading French troops. He was also able, through diplomacy, to keep Spain and England from invading the already ravished nation. Louverture was eventually able to conquer the Spanish side of Hispaniola, uniting the entire island and naming himself the governor, creating the world’s first sovereign Black state.
Little did O.T.’s parents know, but naming their son after the Haitian general would guide him for his entire being. Like Toussaint, O.T Jackson was a trailblazer and a pioneer who wanted more for his people. He was also so much more. And as he grew into adulthood so did his legend.
In 1882 the 20-year-old Jackson moved to Cleveland where he worked as a waiter and also wrote for the Cleveland Gazette which was at once one of the longest-running Black papers in the United States.
Even though his parents gave him a forever idol who lived within his name, Jackson yearned to find his own–insert one Booker T. Washington. Washington had just founded the famous Tuskegee Institute and his teachings were very intriguing to Jackson but polarizing to some.
In the late 19th century, Black America was at a crossroads intellectually. Some Blacks believed and followed the teachings of W.E.B Du Bois, and others followed Booker T. Washington. Both were two of the most influential Black men in American history. They each wanted and worked for civil rights for Blacks in America, but had two totally different approaches. (Similar to Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.)
Washington promoted self-help and racial solidarity. He believed if Blacks looked to elevate themselves, whites would have no choice but to accept and respect them.
Du Bois on the other hand advocated for political action and social change. He believed Washington’s strategy would only make white oppression worse.
But O.T. Jackson saw things more like Booker T. Washington. He saw true freedom in wealth building and ownership. For Blacks, there was nothing more dangerous than living in a white world. Records show forty-nine Black Americans were known to have been lynched in 1882. (There were probably hundreds more never reported.) Jackson believed Blacks needed their own community away from the despair and racism.
The Tuskegee Institute was a testament to what a motivated Black mind could create and Jackson knew he needed to find a way.
In 1887, the 25 years old Jackson moved to Denver, Colorado, then later Boulder, where he honed in on his instinct for entrepreneurship.
During the time, Colorado was a promising land for Blacks escaping bondage after the Civil War. Whites were afraid of the Native Americans and Asians who occupied the lands, which gave Blacks a unique opportunity to seek refuge and build communities.
Sadly it’s almost impossible to know exactly how O.T. Jackson lived. But it’s fascinating piecing his life together through the many newspaper articles that mention his name. In the 19th century, newspapers were the holy grail for local and national information and Jackson always seemed to be in the mix. While diving through his life I was able to find over 19 different articles in more than 5 different newspapers all praising his accolades–some of which he even wrote himself. The man was a true legend. He bought his first restaurant before he was 30 called the Stillman Cafe, which once boastfully promoted one thousand gallons of ice cream a day for the 4th of July weekend. Some would argue that it was the best ice cream in the state.
A newspaper clipping from the Boulder Daily Camera writes of Jackson buying his first hotel in 1894 called the Brainard Hotel. Despite still being Boulder’s #1 caterer and running the Stillman Cafe, Jackson was now a hotel owner. His name began to ring among the Black communities of Colorado. Who was this slick Black businessman who could never lose?–not even in a footrace.
A fascinating Boulder Daily Camera newspaper clipping from 1896 tells the story of a footracebetween O.T. Jackson and another businessman named W.H. Allgeyer. The two wagered a hand full of cigars for the first man to cross the finish line down Pearl street. Legend has it that Jackson, who lost a shoe in the middle of the race, beat Allgeyer so bad that he quit halfway through the race so he could sit on the sidewalk to watch Jackson’s ‘fast-flying soles.’
This race would add to Jackson’s allure.
Not only did his name begin to hold serious weight in the state of Colorado, but so did his boozy parties. The Brainard Hotel frequently had live entertainment and hosted events, making it a popular destination for folks seeking entertainment in the western frontier during the time. In 1907 Boulder banned liquor which devastated the Brainard Hotel. Jackson was forced to sell the hotel, but like losing his shoe during his infamous footrace, he was determined to win regardless of the circumstances.
Even though he had lost his hotel, he understood business and how to maneuver next to the white man. With Booker T. Washington’s ideology pumping through his veins, Jackson set his sights on creating an agricultural settlement for Black folks in America. If he was going to find the resources to make this happen, he needed some political support. In 1908 he worked as a caterer and campaigned for Democratic candidates. Shortly after he was given a messenger’s post in the Colorado governor’s office.
With the dream of a better world for Black Americans as his guide, Jackson convinced the governor, to help him file a claim through the Homestead Act of 1909, on 320 acres of desert land in Weld County, Colorado.
Source: Dearfield, Colorado- black ghost town / Denver Public Library
When Jackson founded Dearfield in 1910, the land was far from an ideal place to start a community. The desert environment provided little resources needed to support a town, but that didn’t stop Black families from moving to Dearfield and finding a way.
Seven families moved to the newly established Black town in 1910. They built houses out of mud, farmed the land, and survived the brutal winters sheltering in abandoned caves. But the families stuck it out and eventually, the tides began to shift for Dearfield. The world had just begun its second World War, and U.S. involvement would drive up the demand for crops like corn, barley, and potatoes. Dearfield’s agricultural roots would benefit them greatly and money began to pour into the town.
Jackson was also a master promoter. He advertised his Black town in almost every newspaper in Colorado. His advertising helped make Dearfield a destination hub for Black entertainment. Black folks from all over Denver would travel by train to Dearfield for their famous dance hall which had live entertainment almost every weekend. The tourist destination also boasted amazing fishing and hunting, as well as a rodeo.
Source: Dearfield, Colorado- black ghost town / Denver Public Library
But hard times would fall on O.T. Jackson and his beloved Black town. World War II would end and the profits farmers were making from the war would dry up along with the weather. Since Dearfield lacked a proper irrigation system, crops could not grow consistently. The Great Depression also played a huge role in the demise of Dearfield and by 1940 only 12 people were left. Jackson died in 1948, but he never stopped fighting for his community.
The town went virtually untouched for years, leaving the remaining structures decayed and ghostly. Even though there are no ghost stories attached to the town, some call it the creepiest ghost town in Colorado.
Source: Dearfield, Colorado- black ghost town / Denver Public Library
The Black Town Of Nicodemus And The Enslaved African Prince Who Inspired A ‘Promised Land’
The Black Town Under Lake Martin: A Father & Son’s Dream Of Greatness
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niteshratnakar91 · 10 days
Nitesh Ratnakar: A Distinguished Leader in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Nitesh Ratnakar, M.D., FACG, is a highly respected and experienced gastroenterologist and hepatologist, known for his expertise in the field and his dedication to patient care. With an impressive medical career that spans over two decades, Dr. Ratnakar has become a trusted name in gastrointestinal and liver health across several hospitals in West Virginia and Ohio.
A Rich Educational Background: The Foundation of Excellence
Nitesh Ratnakar’s journey to becoming a distinguished gastroenterologist began with his pursuit of extensive medical training. His dedication to mastering his field is evident from the array of fellowships and residencies he completed.
Dr. Ratnakar’s education is rooted in diverse medical disciplines, showcasing his commitment to building a comprehensive understanding of healthcare. He began his training with a Residency in Psychiatry at the University of Delhi’s Maulana Azad Medical College. This early experience in mental health gave him a holistic perspective on patient care, recognizing the importance of addressing both physical and emotional well-being.
Following this, Dr. Nitesh Ratnakar moved to the United States, where he furthered his medical education. He completed his Residency in Internal Medicine at the prestigious Chicago Medical School / Rosalind Franklin University of Health Sciences. During his time here, he honed his clinical skills and developed a keen interest in gastroenterology.
Seeking further specialization, Dr. Ratnakar pursued a Fellowship in Geriatrics and Palliative Care Medicine at the University Of South Florida College Of Medicine. This fellowship equipped him with the tools to provide compassionate care to elderly patients and those with life-limiting illnesses, emphasizing the importance of quality of life.
However, it was his Fellowship in Gastroenterology & Hepatology at the University of Wisconsin Medical School/Aurora Healthcare in Milwaukee that solidified his focus and passion for gastroenterology. From 2003 to 2006, Nitesh Ratnakar dedicated himself to understanding the complexities of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, preparing him to become a leading specialist in the field.
Nitesh Ratnakar: A Dedicated Consultant and Leader in Healthcare
Since completing his fellowships, Dr. Nitesh Ratnakar has been in private practice as a Consultant in Gastroenterology, Endoscopy, and Hepatology, serving patients across multiple hospitals in West Virginia and Ohio. His commitment to patient-centered care is reflected in his long-standing relationships with various esteemed medical institutions, including Wheeling Hospital, WVU Reynolds Memorial Hospital, Davis Medical Center, and East Ohio Regional Hospital.
Beyond his work as a consultant, Dr. Ratnakar has also taken on significant leadership roles within the healthcare community. From 2010 to 2012, he served as Chief of Staff at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins, WV, where he led a team of medical professionals in delivering high-quality care. During the same period, Dr. Ratnakar also contributed to the strategic direction of Davis Health System Inc. as a Board Member, helping to shape healthcare policies and improve medical services in the region.
The Expertise of Nitesh Ratnakar in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Dr. Nitesh Ratnakar’s areas of expertise lie in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of gastrointestinal and liver conditions. His proficiency in endoscopic procedures allows him to provide minimally invasive treatments that can significantly improve patient outcomes. As a fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology (FACG), Dr. Ratnakar stays at the forefront of advancements in his field, continually improving his skills and knowledge to provide the best care possible to his patients.
His focus on the management of complex conditions such as hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and cirrhosis has earned him a reputation as a trusted expert in these areas. Dr. Ratnakar is particularly known for his empathetic approach, ensuring that his patients feel supported throughout their treatment journeys.
A Commitment to Improving Healthcare
Dr. Nitesh Ratnakar’s dedication to the field of gastroenterology and hepatology goes beyond his clinical practice. He is passionate about contributing to advancements in healthcare and improving patient outcomes through continued education, research, and collaboration with his peers. His leadership roles within hospitals and healthcare systems reflect his commitment to driving positive change in the medical community.
Conclusion: Nitesh Ratnakar’s Legacy of Excellence
Dr. Nitesh Ratnakar’s extensive training, clinical expertise, and leadership roles have established him as a highly respected figure in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology. His compassionate approach to patient care, combined with his deep knowledge of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, has made him a trusted healthcare provider for patients in West Virginia and Ohio. Whether through his hands-on work with patients or his leadership in hospital administration, Dr. Ratnakar continues to positively impact the lives of those he serves.
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oliviaphleb · 20 days
Master the Art of Phlebotomy: Top Classes in Cleveland, Ohio
In the healthcare industry, phlebotomy plays a crucial role in collecting blood samples for medical ‍testing, transfusions, research, ​and donations.⁤ If you’re ⁢looking to master the‍ art‍ of phlebotomy in Cleveland,‌ Ohio, then you’ve‌ come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top​ classes in Cleveland ‌where you can hone your phlebotomy skills and kickstart ‍your⁢ career in the‍ medical field.
Phlebotomy​ Classes in Cleveland, Ohio:
1. Cleveland Clinic Phlebotomy Training Program: – The Cleveland Clinic ‌offers ⁤a comprehensive phlebotomy training⁤ program⁣ for individuals interested in pursuing a⁢ career as a phlebotomist. – ‌The ⁤program‍ covers essential topics such as anatomy and physiology, venipuncture techniques, infection control, and ⁣patient care. – Students ⁣will gain hands-on experience through clinical rotations at the Cleveland Clinic and other affiliated healthcare‍ facilities.
2. Cuyahoga Community⁣ College Phlebotomy Certificate‍ Program: – Cuyahoga Community College ​(Tri-C) ‍offers a Phlebotomy Certificate Program that is designed to equip students with the knowledge and​ skills ‌needed ⁣to excel in the field of phlebotomy. – The​ program includes classroom‌ instruction, laboratory​ practice, and a clinical ​externship to provide‍ students with real-world ⁣experience. – Graduates of ⁤the program ​are eligible to sit for ⁣national certification exams ‍such as the ASCP Phlebotomy‍ Technician (PBT) exam.
3. Phlebotomy Learning Center‌ of Ohio: -​ The Phlebotomy Learning Center of Ohio offers⁤ a 4-week phlebotomy training program that is designed to prepare students for​ a career in phlebotomy. -⁤ The program covers topics such as anatomy⁣ and ⁢physiology, medical terminology,⁤ venipuncture techniques, and infection⁤ control. – Students will have the opportunity to practice their skills in a simulated⁤ clinical environment before completing a clinical externship at a local healthcare facility.
Benefits ‍of‌ Pursuing Phlebotomy Classes in Cleveland, Ohio:
– High Demand: Phlebotomy is a growing field with ⁢a high demand‌ for skilled phlebotomists⁤ in healthcare settings such as hospitals, clinics, and blood⁣ donation centers. – ‌Competitive Salary: Certified‌ phlebotomists can earn a‍ competitive salary ‌with opportunities for career advancement and specialization. – Job Stability: Phlebotomy ‍is an essential healthcare‍ service ⁤that will always be in demand, providing‍ job stability and security for those entering the field.
Tips for⁢ Success in Phlebotomy Classes:
– Practice Makes Perfect: Take advantage of any opportunities to practice venipuncture techniques to‌ build your confidence⁣ and skill level. – ‍Stay Updated: Stay informed about the latest trends and‌ developments in​ phlebotomy through ​professional organizations, workshops,⁤ and ⁤continuing⁣ education programs. – Build Relationships: Network with your instructors, classmates, and⁢ healthcare professionals to expand your professional network and learn​ from others in the field.
mastering the ‌art of phlebotomy requires dedication, perseverance, and a ⁢solid educational‍ foundation. By enrolling⁣ in‌ top phlebotomy classes in Cleveland, Ohio,⁣ you⁢ can‍ acquire the knowledge and ‌skills needed to ‍succeed in this rewarding healthcare field. Whether ‌you choose ‌to pursue a career as a phlebotomist in ‌a hospital, clinic, or blood donation center, your training and certification will​ set you on the path⁢ to‌ a successful ‍and fulfilling‌ career in ‍phlebotomy.
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jeremynevins · 10 months
Jeremy Nevins is a seasoned business development professional with a wealth of knowledge and experience. With a solid academic background in business management and marketing, Jeremy has honed his skills across various industries, working with startups and established enterprises. He is well-versed in developing and implementing innovative growth strategies, drawing upon his extensive understanding of market dynamics, consumer behavior, and technological trends.
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thxnews · 10 months
AmeriCorps: Transformative Service Impacting Communities
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  AmeriCorps Recognizes Outstanding Service Excellence
In a ceremony that echoes with the spirit of service and dedication, AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism, proudly acknowledges the remarkable contributions of individuals and programs receiving the Excellence in AmeriCorps Awards. These accolades highlight outstanding efforts that align with AmeriCorps' mission, spanning Impactful Service, Inclusive Service, Innovative Service, and Lifetime of Service.   Excellence in AmeriCorps: Grace Glasgow's Visionary Impact Grace Glasgow, an AmeriCorps alumna, stands out for her exceptional service with AmeriCorps State and National's program, Impact America’s Focus First Initiative. Glasgow's mission took her across Alabama, conducting vital vision screenings for children aged 6 months to 5 years. Screening over 5,000 children in 22 counties, Glasgow's impact is tangible, with 495 children identified for subsidized follow-up care. This initiative ensures children enter school with the essential ability to understand instructions, recognize facial reactions, and engage fully in their educational journey.   Innovative Service: Joanna Urive’s Extra Mile In Anchorage, Alaska, AmeriCorps member Joanna Urive is making waves at the Public Defender Agency. Going beyond expectations, Urive assists clients in criminal matters and Children in Need of Assistance cases. Leveraging a second job's promotion, Urive enhances the well-being of clients, showcasing the innovative spirit AmeriCorps embodies.   Inclusive Service: iFoster's Empowering Initiative The iFoster for Transition-Age Youth program, a national AmeriCorps initiative, focuses on recruiting young people from foster youth communities. Operating in California, Kentucky, Nevada, New York, Ohio, and Washington, iFoster inherently champions inclusivity by engaging underserved and minority communities. This program empowers former foster youth, providing them with skills and tools for a resilient transition from foster care to an independent life.   Lifetime of Service: Sondra Samuels' Enduring Commitment Sondra Samuels' lifetime dedication to service is a testament to AmeriCorps' enduring impact. From the Peace Corps in Botswana to AmeriCorps' Weed-n-Seed initiative in Philadelphia, Samuels exemplifies commitment. As the president and CEO of the Northside Achievement Zone, she continues to lead a cultural shift in North Minneapolis, focusing on ending multigenerational poverty through education.   Excellence in Disaster Services Leadership: Michael Rojas' Resilience Michael Rojas, a standout AmeriCorps member with the Iowa Habitat for Humanity Mobile Response Team, demonstrates exemplary leadership. Responding to tornadoes, floods, and the Iowa COVID-19 pandemic, Rojas showcases resilience and commitment. Now serving as the disaster program officer at Volunteer Iowa, he utilizes his AmeriCorps-honed leadership skills at the state and national levels.   Outstanding AmeriCorps Response Team: AmeriCorps St. Louis Founded in 1994, AmeriCorps St. Louis is a beacon of community service. Their Emergency Response Team, a rapid deployment group, aids nationally in floods, tornadoes, wildfires, and even the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond disaster response, AmeriCorps St. Louis operates a resource center for the homeless, embodying their commitment to community welfare.  
AmeriCorps: An Ongoing Legacy of Service
Michael D. Smith, CEO of AmeriCorps, expresses pride in the awardees' dedication: "AmeriCorps members and grantees, like those awarded, dedicate their time and skills to improve their communities, and we are thrilled to highlight and honor the impressive work they have done." With a legacy spanning nearly 30 years, AmeriCorps continues to inspire generations, answering America's call for positive change. Since its inception, AmeriCorps has seen over 1.25 million Americans pledging to "get things done for America." This annual recognition through the Excellence in AmeriCorps Awards underscores the ongoing commitment of members and alumni to address the nation's most pressing challenges. AmeriCorps, truly embodying its ethos, ensures America is a better place for generations to come.   Sources: THX News & AmeriCorps. Read the full article
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bellachristopher · 1 year
Parma Armory - The armory training center
Are you interested in becoming the best version of yourself? Do you want to improve your mental and physical health while learning self-defence techniques? If so, a visit to the Parma Armory could be just what you need. Located in Ohio, this armoury training centre has been providing quality service for over 80 years and can offer everything from shooting classes to martial arts instruction. Whether it's an introduction to firearms or an advanced course on blank-firing weapons, there is something for everyone at Parma Armory. Regardless of your experience level, the instructors will tailor each session specifically to accommodate your needs hence allowing you to maximize every opportunity with safety and assurance that comes along with certified personnel guiding you all throughout! Read on as we uncover details about Parma Armory and why training here could very well be one of the best decisions of your life!
Overview of Parma Armory and its mission
The Parma Armory is a renowned institution that serves the law enforcement and civilian communities in Parma, Ohio, with top-notch firearms, ammunition, and tactical gear. Its mission is to provide state-of-the-art equipment that meets high standards of quality and reliability. The Armory sources its products carefully, putting them through rigorous testing and adhering to strict regulations to ensure that they measure up to the needsTestimonials from Satisfied Customers Who Trained at the Parma Armory
If you're in the market for a top-notch training facility, look no further than the Parma Armory. But don't just take our word for it – hear what satisfied customers have to say about their experience! One customer raves about the knowledgeable and patient instructors, who helped her improve her shooting skills in just a few sessions. Another customer sings the praises of the state-of-the-art equipment and range, which provided a safe and comfortable environment for his training. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced shooter, the Parma Armory is the place to go for expert training and top-notch equipment.
of the communities they serve. From handguns to rifles, the Parma Armory has it all. Whether you are a law enforcement officer or a civilian gun enthusiast, the Armory is the go-to destination for all your firearms requirements. Their knowledgeable and friendly staff is always on hand to assist you with your choices and purchases. The Parma Armory remains committed to providing its customers with the best products and services, positioning itself as a leader in the firearms industry.
Benefits of Training at the Parma Armory
Looking to improve your shooting skills and gain confidence with firearms? Look no further than the Parma Armory. This state-of-the-art training facility offers a variety of courses designed to meet the needs of shooters of all levels. Whether you're a beginner seeking safety tips or an advanced shooter looking to hone your accuracy, the Armory has something to offer. Expert instructors provide personalized attention to help you achieve your goals, while top-of-the-line equipment ensures that you're training with the best. And with a friendly, welcoming atmosphere, you'll feel right at home as you learn valuable skills that will last a lifetime. So why wait? Sign up for a course at the Parma Armory and take your shooting game to the next level.
Different Training Programs Offered
Are you looking to improve your skills or add a new element to your career? There are a variety of training programs available to help you achieve your goals. From leadership and management to technical skills such as programming or graphic design, these programs offer something for everyone. With online options, you can complete a course on your own schedule and from the comfort of your own home. On-site programs provide a more immersive experience with hands-on learning and the opportunity to network with other professionals. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your current skill set, training programs can help you take your career to the next level.
Equipment Needed to Train at the Armory
If you're looking to get serious about strength training, there's no better place to go than the armoury. But before you dive in, you'll need to make sure you have the right equipment. The armoury is home to all the heavy-duty gear you'll need to build muscle and get in shape. From barbells and dumbbells to squat racks and benches, they have everything you need to get started on your fitness journey. And the best part? You don't have to worry about purchasing expensive equipment on your own. Save yourself the headache and head to the armoury for a comprehensive workout experience that will give you the results you're after.
Tips for a Successful Experience at the Armory
The Armory can be an exciting place to visit, but it's important to be prepared for a successful experience. One tip is to plan ahead by researching the event or activity you'll be attending. This will help you know what to expect and be better equipped to navigate the venue. Another important tip is to arrive early, especially if it's your first time. This will give you time to find parking, check in, and get oriented. Once inside, be sure to familiarize yourself with any rules, regulations, or safety procedures. And finally, embrace the experience! The Armory offers unique opportunities for entertainment, sports, and other activities. Take advantage of all that it has to offer and have fun!
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Unleashing the Power of Honing in the Automobile Industry
Mechanical Finishers Inc emerges as the trusted partner, offering honing services in Ohio, top-tier metal parts cleaning services, and impeccable mechanical finishing services.
For inquiries and consultations, reach out to Mechanical Finishers Inc at +1-513-641-5419. Our team of experts is ready to understand your specific requirements and provide tailored solutions that exceed expectations.
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springteeonline · 1 year
Travis Kelce The Eras Tour Shirt
In the world of professional football, there are players who come and go, leaving their mark on the sport's history. And then there are those rare individuals who not only leave a mark but etch their names into the annals of greatness. Travis Kelce, the Kansas City Chiefs' star tight end, undoubtedly belongs to the latter category. With a career that has spanned multiple eras of the NFL, he has become an iconic figure in the sport. To celebrate his incredible journey, the "Travis Kelce The Eras Tour" shirt is here.
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The Early Years: A Rising Star
Travis Kelce's journey to NFL stardom began long before he donned the red and gold of the Chiefs. Growing up in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, he honed his skills on the gridiron, eventually earning a scholarship to play college football at the University of Cincinnati. It was during his college years that he started making a name for himself as a versatile and dynamic player.
The shirt's design pays homage to Kelce's early years, featuring images of him during his college days. It reminds us of the youthful determination and raw talent that would soon transform him into an NFL superstar.
The Kansas City Era: A Tight End Like No Other
In 2013, Travis Kelce was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs in the third round of the NFL Draft. Little did Chiefs fans know that they were witnessing the rise of one of the greatest tight ends in the history of the game. Kelce quickly made an impact, becoming a key part of the Chiefs' offense.
As we move further along "The Eras Tour" shirt, it depicts Kelce in his iconic Chiefs uniform, surrounded by symbols of Kansas City, such as Arrowhead Stadium and the BBQ that the city is renowned for. This era saw Kelce not only redefine the position of tight end but also become a beloved figure in the Chiefs Kingdom.
The Super Bowl Triumphs: Glory and Greatness
The shirt's journey continues to the Super Bowl victories in which Kelce played an instrumental role. In the 2019 season, the Chiefs secured their first Super Bowl win in 50 years, with Kelce catching a touchdown pass that helped seal the victory. The design showcases this moment of triumph, reminding fans of the exhilaration of that historic night.
The Community Impact: Off the Field Excellence
Travis Kelce's impact extends far beyond the football field. Through his Eighty-Seven & Running Foundation, he has made a significant difference in the Kansas City community, supporting underprivileged children and families. The shirt also highlights this aspect of his legacy, featuring images of Kelce engaging in community service.
The Legacy: A Champion, Both On and Off the Field
As "The Eras Tour" shirt reaches its conclusion, it brings us to the present day. Travis Kelce, now an NFL veteran, remains one of the league's top players. His exceptional skills, work ethic, and commitment to his team continue to inspire fans and aspiring athletes alike.
This shirt is not just a piece of clothing; it's a tribute to a remarkable journey. It encapsulates the various eras of Travis Kelce's career, from his college days to his Super Bowl triumphs, and it showcases his impact on and off the field.
Wearing the "Travis Kelce The Eras Tour" shirt is more than just showing support for a football player; it's a symbol of admiration for an athlete who has transcended generations of football and left an indelible mark on the sport. It's a reminder that greatness knows no boundaries and that Travis Kelce's legacy will continue to shine for years to come.
grab now and visit https://teehexstore.wixsite.com/springshop/post/travis-kelce-the-eras-tour-t-shirt
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Tips for Finding the Right Plumber in Cheat Lake: Your Ultimate Guide
Finding the right plumber for your plumbing needs can be a daunting task, especially with the multitude of options available. As a Cheat Lake resident, you want a plumber who is not only skilled and experienced but also reliable and trustworthy. Your plumbing system is a critical aspect of your home, and choosing the right plumber ensures that it remains in excellent working condition for years to come.
In this ultimate guide, Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Ohio Valley will walk you through essential tips for finding the perfect plumber in Cheat Lake. Whether you need assistance with a simple repair, a major installation, or regular maintenance, these guidelines will help you make an informed decision. From checking credentials to evaluating customer reviews, we've got you covered with everything you need to know to find the best plumber.
Let's dive in and discover how to find the ideal plumbing professional who meets your unique requirements and provides top-notch service for your Cheat Lake home.
Tips for Finding the Right Plumber in Cheat Lake: Your Ultimate Guide
1. Verify Credentials and Licensing: When searching for a plumber in Wheeling, the first step is to ensure that they have the necessary credentials and licensing. A reputable plumber should be properly licensed, which indicates that they have met the required standards and regulations. Additionally, check for certifications from relevant industry bodies, as it demonstrates the plumber's commitment to ongoing education and professional development.
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2. Experience Matters: Experience is a key factor when it comes to plumbing services. Look for plumbers with a solid track record and years of experience in the industry. An experienced plumber is more likely to handle complex issues efficiently and provide high-quality workmanship. They have encountered a wide range of plumbing problems and have honed their skills to deliver reliable solutions.
3. Insurance and Bonding: Ensure that the plumber you choose has adequate insurance coverage. This protects you and your property in case of any accidents or damages that may occur during the plumbing service. Bonding is also essential as it provides financial protection if the plumber fails to complete the job as agreed upon.
4. Ask for References and Check Reviews: Ask the plumber for references from previous clients. Speaking with past customers can give you valuable insights into the plumber's professionalism, punctuality, and the quality of their work. Additionally, read online reviews and testimonials on their website or review platforms to gather more feedback from other residents who have used their services.
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5. Transparent Pricing and Estimates: A reliable plumber should provide transparent pricing and detailed estimates for the work they will perform. Avoid plumbers who give vague or verbal estimates without a written breakdown. A clear and itemized estimate helps you understand the costs involved and ensures there are no surprises later on.
6. Emergency Services Availability: Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time. Look for a plumber in Cheat Lake who offers emergency services and is available 24/7. Knowing that you have a trusted plumber to call during urgent situations provides peace of mind.
By following these essential tips, you can confidently choose the right plumber in Cheat Lake who meets your needs and delivers top-notch service. Take the time to research and assess potential plumbers to ensure a positive and stress-free experience with your plumbing projects. Remember, investing in the right plumber is an investment in the longevity and efficiency of your Cheat Lake home's plumbing system.
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dmn8partners · 1 year
Elevate the Appeal of Your Property with Above All Power Washing
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When it comes to enhancing the beauty and longevity of your property, one of the most effective ways is through pressure washing. With the ability to remove dirt, grime, and stains from various surfaces, pressure washing can revitalize your home or business like never before. If you're in Bellefontaine, Ohio, and seeking professional power washing services, look no further than Above All Power Washing. With their expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction, they are the go-to team for all your pressure washing needs.
Unleash the Power of Pressure Washing:
Over time, buildings, driveways, decks, and other exterior surfaces can accumulate dirt, algae, mold, and other unsightly substances. These not only diminish the overall appearance of your property but can also cause damage if left unattended. Pressure washing, also known as power washing, is an efficient and eco-friendly method that utilizes high-pressure water to deep clean and restore surfaces. Here's how Above All Power Washing can transform your property:
Residential Power Washing: Above All Power Washing specializes in residential pressure washing, providing homeowners with exceptional services to boost curb appeal. From siding and fences to patios and driveways, their team utilizes advanced equipment and techniques to eliminate dirt, grime, and stains. By removing built-up contaminants, they can breathe new life into your property, making it look fresh and inviting.
Commercial Power Washing: For businesses in Bellefontaine, Ohio, maintaining a clean and professional appearance is crucial. Above All Power Washing understands the unique needs of commercial properties and offers specialized services to suit them. Whether you own a storefront, restaurant, office building, or any other commercial space, their skilled team can handle the power washing job efficiently, leaving your property looking spotless and welcoming to customers.
Deck and Fence Restoration: Decks and fences are subject to constant exposure to the elements, making them prone to dirt, grime, and even mildew. Above All Power Washing specializes in deck and fence restoration, utilizing the right pressure and cleaning agents to rejuvenate these structures. By removing accumulated debris, they can help extend the life of your deck or fence, while also enhancing its beauty and ensuring a safer environment for your family or customers.
Why Choose Above All Power Washing?
Above All Power Washing sets themselves apart with their commitment to quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Here's why they should be your top choice:
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the power washing industry, Above All Power Washing has honed their skills and knowledge. Their team is trained to handle various surfaces and understands the appropriate pressure and techniques required for optimal cleaning.
State-of-the-Art Equipment: To deliver outstanding results, Above All Power Washing utilizes cutting-edge equipment and technology. Their advanced tools ensure efficient and thorough cleaning while minimizing any potential damage to the surfaces being treated.
Eco-Friendly Approach: Above All Power Washing prioritizes environmental sustainability. They use environmentally friendly cleaning solutions that are safe for your property, your family, and the planet.
Competitive Pricing: Above All Power Washing believes that quality services should be accessible to everyone. They offer competitive pricing options without compromising on the quality of their work, ensuring exceptional value for their customers.
Contact Above All Power Washing Today:
Ready to give your property a fresh start? Contact Above All Power Washing in Bellefontaine, Ohio, today to schedule an appointment. You can reach them at 937-905-5253, or visit their website at https://aboveallpowerwashing.com/ to learn more about their services and request a free estimate.
Transforming the appearance and appeal of your property is just a phone call away. Above All Power Washing brings their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to Bellefontaine, Ohio, providing exceptional power washing services for residential and commercial clients alike. With their attention to detail, commitment to customer satisfaction, and eco-friendly approach, Above All Power Washing is the trusted choice for all your pressure washing needs. Don't wait any longer; give them a call today and experience the remarkable difference that pressure washing can make.
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Holland Movers: Professional moving company in Toledo, OH. Skilled, reliable, & committed to providing a satisfying moving experience.
Holland Movers, founded by Dutch McNamara and Zach Kusmierek in 2017 and officially opened in October 2020, is a professional moving company based in Holland, Ohio. With over 19 years of combined moving experience, Dutch and Zach are dedicated to bringing affordable and quality moving services to the market. They have honed their skills while working for a moving company and now strive to simplify the moving process for their clients. Holland Movers serves various areas in Northwest Ohio, including Toledo, Perrysburg, Sylvania, Maumee, and more. Their skilled and knowledgeable movers prioritize professionalism and ensure that your belongings are treated with care and respect. With a commitment to exceeding expectations, Holland Movers aims to deliver a moving service that goes beyond what you anticipate.
Name: Holland Movers Address: 1539 Holloway Rd, Holland, OH 43528, United States Phone: (419) 452-2017 Website: https://hollandmovers.com/
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maximumsunshine · 3 years
Ok. Real talk. In late 2019 and early 2020 right after I graduated with my Bachelors I was trying to find myself in a profession I was not cut out for. I was working for an eye doctor at the front desk and they wanted me to do 2 people's worth of work by myself. In a world where retail and office jobs intersect this is fairly normal. Hell, it's normal for a lot of jobs period.
And I had good days where I could keep up. My adhd let my hyperfocus and I was great at my job those days. But I couldn't maintain it. Who can?
I wasn't really that upset when I was laid off due to covid. I went on unemployment and for the first time in a long time I focused on myself and my family, mostly worry free from money.
When it was time to find a job again at the end of summer 2020 I asked myself what I really wanted in a career. The answer was simple. Every job I've had what I've valued most is feeling useful. If I went hone at the end if the day feeling like I'd made someone's life I little better that day, then it was a good day. Especially if there weren't major stressors counter balancing my wellbeing.
My best friend is a (paid) at home caregiver for her disabled brother in law. This idea of caring for others in need really appealed to me, as I chased the high of being useful to someone.
I wasn't armed with a lot of experience, so I had a little trouble finding a company that would take a chance on me. But my limited experience of helping my wife after some major surgeries and stuff was able to get me in the door with a decent company and they agreed to train me from there.
I've been here for 8 or 9 months now and most days I go home feeling like I provide a valuable service to someone in need. Most the people I help are the elderly who just want to grow old and die in their own home, though I have and do help a couple middle aged adults who are disabled in various ways. I'm not a nurse and don't have the responsibilities of a nurse, but I'm able to allow these people the comforts of home as they go about life.
Some days the job is hard. And it's certainly not glamorous. If you are squeamish about wiping shit off an adult's back side, stay away from this career path.
But if like me you enjoy spending your working hours feeling like you've improved someone's quality of life, look i to this field. YouTube can teach you how to do many of the things I do. I've found asking my coworkers to show me how they do things so I can improve my own techniques also goes a long way. It can be hard work. But when working with someone who is 100 years old and who sleeps a lot, there is also a lot of down time where you can play on your phone or read or whatever.
I don't know what standard pay in this field is. I know in my position with my company in Ohio I make more than minimum wage at 12$ an hour. I know I'm worth more but I know this field doesn't have the best pay. But it should still be above minimum wage at least.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I love my job and what I do. I have bad days but most of them are good
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blackkudos · 4 years
Meshach Taylor
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Meshach Taylor (April 11, 1947 – June 28, 2014) was an American actor. He was Emmy-nominated for his role as Anthony Bouvier on the CBS sitcom Designing Women (1986–93). He was also known for his portrayal of Hollywood Montrose, a flamboyant window dresser in Mannequin. He played Sheldon Baylor on the CBS sitcom Dave's World (1993–97), appeared as Tony on the short-lived NBC sitcom Buffalo Bill opposite Dabney Coleman, and appeared as the recurring character Alastair Wright, the social studies teacher and later school principal, on Nickelodeon's sitcom, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide.
Early life
Taylor was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Hertha Mae (née Ward) and Joseph T. Taylor, former dean of students at Dillard University in New Orleans, who was also the first dean of arts and sciences at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis.
After the family moved from New Orleans to Indianapolis, Taylor graduated from Crispus Attucks High School in 1964, where he took an interest in acting, and went on to study in the dramatic arts programs at Wilmington College (Ohio) and Florida A&M University. Leaving Florida A&M a few credits shy of graduation, he worked in Indianapolis as a State House reporter for AM radio station WIFE (now WTLC), where he used the on-air name Bruce Thomas, and as the host of a community-affairs program on television station WLWI (now WTHR), as Bruce Taylor. Many years later, in May 1993, he received his bachelor's degree in theatre arts from Florida A&M.
Theater and teleplays
Taylor's first professional acting gig was in a national tour of Hair. He honed his craft in repertory theater as a member of Chicago's Goodman Theatre, and the Organic Theater Company alongside Joe Mantegna, André DeShields, Dennis Franz, Keith Szarabajka, Jack Wallace, and director Stuart Gordon. While in Chicago, he appeared in David Rabe's Streamers, Native Son (1979 Joseph Jefferson Award Nomination for Actor in a Principal Role in a Play), The Island and Athol Fugard’s Sizwe Banzi Is Dead, for which he garnered the 1977 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actor in a Principal Role in a Play. He received an Emmy Award for his role as Jim in the WTTW production of Huckleberry Finn and hosted the Chicago television show Black Life. In 1998, Taylor made his Broadway debut as Lumiere in Beauty and the Beast, where he starred alongside Toni Braxton. In September, 2012, he appeared in Year of the Rabbit at Ensemble Studio Theater-LA as Vietnam veteran JC Bridges.
Television and film
In 1977, Taylor moved to Los Angeles, where he crafted a gallery of memorable characters in film and on television, including his Emmy nominated turn in the CBS sitcom Designing Women. Taylor played Anthony Bouvier, the assistant at the fictitious Sugarbaker interior design firm in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1989, he received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. In May 1981, the ninth season of M*A*S*H, he was seen as a corpsman in the final episode, "The Life You Save".
From 1993-97, he was a series regular as plastic surgeon Sheldon Baylor on Dave's World (CBS), and had a recurring role as Alastair Wright, the history teacher turned school principal, on Nickelodeon's sitcom, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2004–07) and Buffalo Bill on NBC with Dabney Coleman.
Other appearances include: The Unit, Jessie, Hannah Montana as a fashion designer, All of Us as Neesee's father, The Drew Carey Show, Static Shock, Caroline in the City, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, Women of the House, In the Heat of the Night, Punky Brewster, What's Happening Now!!, Hill Street Blues, ALF, Melba, The Golden Girls, Cagney & Lacey, Barney Miller, Lou Grant, The White Shadow, The Incredible Hulk, The Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue and Barnaby Jones.
In 1996, Taylor hosted his own series on HGTV, The Urban Gardener with Meshach Taylor, and in 1998, he hosted Meshach Taylor's Hidden Caribbean on The Travel Channel. He was a regular panelist on the 2000 revival of the television game show To Tell the Truth. He co-hosted Living Live! with Florence Henderson on Retirement Living TV; in 2008 until the program was revamped as The Florence Henderson Show.
Taylor had been friends with actor Joe Mantegna since they appeared together in 1969 in the musical Hair. Taylor guest-starred in 2012 on Criminal Minds' eighth season in the episode "The Fallen", opposite Mantegna as Harrison Scott, Rossi's former Marine sergeant with whom he served in Vietnam . In January 2014, he reprised this role in "The Road Home" which aired January 22, 2014, just five months before his death. Mantegna led a Criminal Minds tenth season episode "Anonymous", to honor Taylor on January 21, 2015.
Taylor appeared in such feature films as Mannequin, Mannequin Two: On the Move, and Damien: Omen II.
Personal life
Taylor married actress Bianca Ferguson in 1983. He had four children, three with Bianca and one from a previous marriage. His children include daughters Tamar Taylor, Esme Taylor, Yasmine Taylor, and son Tariq Taylor, along with four grandchildren.
Suffering from colorectal cancer, Taylor died on June 28, 2014, at his home in Altadena, California. Taylor was survived by his wife, their four children, his mother Hertha Ward Taylor (who celebrated her 100th birthday 11 days before Meshach died), two siblings, and four grandchildren. A memorial service to celebrate his life was held at Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Hollywood Hills) on July 6, 2014.
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