#honeysblooms tag
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laughing-drawing-aces · 2 years ago
I am a huge fan of the secretly related family trope in fanfiction. Like it's one of my absolute favorite because of the drama. (Can you tell that watching daily serials with my grandmother and mom rubbed off on me?) However, it does not make any sense in canon for these characters to be related and I know that. I just like reading it for the drama. But I hate it when people start theorizing that these are true. Like Karen Wheeler is Alice Creel is a fun thing to explore in fanfiction, but it does not make sense in canon. Like no sense and I will scream if that happens. Like the only reason she is so prominent is her actress. (And yeah, it's really weird that she ended up on the main titlecard, while Joe Keery was not on it in season 1 and he did more to drive the narrative than Karen did!) Also the El is a Creel thing going around. Really annoying. Because it's cool to explore in fanfiction but would probably not make sense in the show.
Yes i love that twist too (lmaooo i watch a soap opera so i’m really used to it lol ) but the drama is always soooo good! but yeah like you said in this context it makes zero sense. like you said in fanon it’s fun but people theorizing these things to be true is insane. it’s also insane the amount of loop holes like the loop hole as one of them is legit about how steve’s essay for college is about nancy and how she’s related to victor creel! like that’s a huge ass loop hole and literally making something about steve AND MAKING IT ABOUT NANCY! it’s like steve can’t have ANYTHING in this fandom. it’s just god how is steve’s paper about nancy?!? ITS STEVE’S PAPER!!! that almost everyone mocks like hmmmmm seems sus. honestly el being a creel is just sooooo mind boggling to me because a. the timing makes no fucking sense. b. el just got out of an abusive relationship with brenner and now people want her bio father to be someone that has tried to kill her multiple times - has tried to kill her friends more times than once - has tried to kill the entire world. it’s just so fucking - they want el to go back into an abusive after just getting out of one like they don’t care about el at fucking all.
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luvervinyl · 4 years ago
The summary of your blog is lesbian and Emily Prentiss.
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pawprinterfanfic · 4 years ago
I finally started watching Star Wars! (I wanted to for a while, but school and other stuff got in the way.) I'm on episode 5 going in release order.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I love that so much!!!! What do you think of them so far? I love episode 5 a lot 😭 but my personal faves were released later ☺️☺️
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theblackberrygirl · 4 years ago
I'm 5' 2" and I could only aspire to be as tall as you are now. You are tall, embrace it!
I mean I know I’m above average height but GUYS.
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notsosmexy · 4 years ago
I'm gonna try out the pronouns They/them :))
Tagging people because I can
@im-still-tryin-to-find-it @pxddyblxck @liberty-barnes @evermoreholland @swiftmendeshoran @swiftmind @honeysblooms @cerise-jolie-jennie @doctorenby @spider-babe @hollanderfangirl @emer-sonnn @elizabeth-chase @reesey-willow-luvs-you @yourstrulyamour @unfilledhollowsandemptypromises @londonspidey @parkersbliss
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dontrunintofire · 4 years ago
Pass the happy! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! I'm passing it on to you <3
Awww thank you🥰🥰 it’s so hard to pick just five but here we go
1. Broadway
2. Acting and singing
3. Jeremy Jordan
4. Hanging out with my sisters
5. My babies (dogs and cat)
Idk if you mean privately message or tag so I’m gonna do both @anydragonsaroundhereneedslaying @dontyouknowemma-itsyou @amortensie @incorrect-woso @geekycat07 @strangeweaselroadwinner @vkatelynu @redcoatchemist @honeysblooms @pixaldateblue
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laughing-drawing-aces · 2 years ago
Like the parents are massively massively massively underused in season 4! Because their children literally ran away and stabbed a police car and they did nothing. We don't see them put out a missing alert on the kids. The facts are that their kids are missing and it comes off as they don't care because the show doesn't allocate time to them! Like I don't care about Mike hugging Karen, I care about Claudia and Sue and Charles and Susan? (I don't remember if she is there) reacting properly to their kids running away. You can't have a parental interlude and not include them afterwards when the kids leave so abruptly. And this comes down to the Duffers trying to do so much with so little time - one of the other storylines had to go because they needed to spend more time in Hawkins with the parents of the kids. Either they needed to speed up the Cali timeline, El's timeline or the Russia timeline. I don't particulary care which one, but they had to speed one of those storylines up - or just give us more viewing time!
(And the parents should have been a way bigger obstacle than the show had them as. Because there is a murderer going around and won't they be worried about their kids wandering around? I know it's the 80s but still... I think they would care more)
legit they’re soooo underused in season 4! legit got so hyped for them this season just for them to do nothing 💀 fr though they were on bikes and there were other cars there AND THEY JUST STOOD IN THE ROAD!! LIKE YALL HAVE CARS OR YOU COULD EVEN RUN !! but nope cuz duffer logic! it really does come off like they don’t care - the one time i saw them actually caring that sent a chill down my spine was how the parents of the original party all look at each other once they hear about hellfire and are in the town hall where jason shows the pictures. after that NOTHING COMES OUT OF IT 😭 i got so hyped for nothing to happen with that plot line. i was sooo hyped for claudia sue and charles and susan!’ susan is max’s mom and i would’ve killed for her reaction to finding out that max was hurt like please what the fuck was going on in her mind?!? and yes for those last lines in that paragraph
god the way they hyped it up though if the parents getting involved pisses me off thinking about it though. because they did hype the parents up and then just let it seem in canon like they don’t care about their kids when there is a murderer on the loose and people are dying and a mob is after the kids and they’re just disappearing into the town. like there’s so many ways they could have gotten involved yet we got it where it seems like they don’t care
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luvervinyl · 4 years ago
I can't believe it's already 7 over here. It feels like it was just one.
It's 4 here and I feel dead... I need coffy 😔🖤 
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theblackberrygirl · 4 years ago
thestrawberrygirl -> theblackberrygirl
Bc I had a crisis and now blackberries are my favorite fruit-
prior pinned post here.
tagging moots to boost!!
@ready2rumble @honeysblooms @sapphicdeath @morepeachyogurt @temily @kewlkatherine @ anyone lol
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laughing-drawing-aces · 2 years ago
Like Jonathan not telling Nancy that he doesn't want to go to Emerson is entirely on him but also why didn't he tell Nancy? (This is the conflict they use to keep Jonathan in Cali, but they didn't really need it, there were plenty of reasons for him to stay and Nancy to go. Like this is where they could have built on Nancy not really understanding Jonathan's struggles in season 3.) I believe the reason that the show gives is that Jonathan doesn't want Nancy to change her plans for college, and then resent him for it. Ok. I've seen people who don't like Jancy say this is evidence that Jonathan doesn't really understand Nancy because she would never change her plans for him. There are two points I want to make here. This was in the 80s, long distance, especially coast to coast would be difficult. 2 of my friends are doing long distance at the moment and they struggle a lot (Like emotionally, like with missing each other and stuff, as far I as I know, the relationship is doing well) even with social media because it's different than living in the same town. Like they have Facetime, text messages. And while it probably wasn't impossible to keep a long distance relationship thriving in the 80s, it's not going to be easy, especially coast to coast as college students. So it makes sense that Nancy might want to change her college plans to make it easier on the relationship. (Do I personally think that Nancy would? No, she's too certain in what she wants to change it for anyone. But that's why I think Jonathan might think that.) And the second thing is, why is it Nancy's dream school that is the option here? If they wanted to go to college together, wouldn't they have talked out some of their options? Like how did that conversation go down that Jonathan felt that he couldn't tell Nancy that he wasn't interested in Emerson or leaving the west coast at all? It's still on Jonathan that he didn't tell Nancy that he wasn't interested in going to Emerson but it also reflects on Nancy that he didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her that he didn't want to go initially.
YES like there are plenty of reasons for him to stay and her to go. you’re right tho like why didn’t he tell her - i get that she probs wouldn’t understand his reasoning BUT this is something that is going to come out either way. honesty i feel like that’s more not about understanding nancy and more about just miscommunication/his own insecurities. YOU ARE SO RIGHT WITH THESE POINTS!! starting about long distance - yep yep yep! in the 80s long distance would be even more difficult as we also see present with dustin and suzie. dustin had to go on the Cerbero on top of a hill to just communicate with suzie (i think that’s how you spell it for her) like that’s sooo exhausting to keep doing that. in season 4 he doesn’t exactly do that but it’s still a complicated way! and like you said even in today’s society long distance is hard!!!
yeah i don’t understand either why nancy’s dream school is an option and more important WHEN WE DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT SHE WANTED TO GO THERE UNTIL THIS SEASON! with jonathan joyce says HIS dream school in season 1 so we’ve known that jonathan has wanted to go to that school for a while - of course that was in season 1 and the UD and bejng in cali might have changed that but compared to nancy we’ve known what jonathan’s wanted to do with his life prior to season 4!
YES it absolutely reflects on nancy that jonathan didn’t feel comfortable telling her! idk i feel like people should pay more attention or what this says with their relationship instead of that one comment about jonathan not wanting nancy to change her dreams for him because the fact that jonathan NEVER felt comfortable to tell nancy the truth even after he comes back to hawkins with everything a wreck and knowing nancy could have died says a lot more glaring things about their relationship
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luvervinyl · 4 years ago
You know what's funny? I'm mostly in the CM Fandom on Tumblr. All of my followers are from the Criminal Minds Fandom. But I don't write fanfic for Criminal Minds. (Yes, I do write fanfic for other shows.)
IWNSJJS omg lmao Seriously?! Omg 🖤 how'd that happen????
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theblackberrygirl · 4 years ago
New picrew! (I think lol)
Link here
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Yes I know my hair doesn’t really look like that, I have my tips dyed not streaks but I wanted to include the purple
Tagging: @kermitsaysgayrights @mayliia @catchingflames-with-plasticcups @gayprentiss @saprentiss @honeysblooms @criminalmindsgonewrong @themetaphorgirl @shethegreat @ anyone else who wants to do it!!!
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notsosmexy · 4 years ago
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Ahahha hey guys. So, long story short, I realised I have nothing to do this weekend. Which, yes is sad, but not a surprise. That's when this beautiful idea came to me. Let's have a sleepover! As some of you Amy know I loveeee sleepovers(mostly cause it gets me asks)
Anyone can join!!
Anyone welcome!!
Feb 11 to Feb 16!
🎉~ a blurb for any character/ship
🎊 ~ A mood board based off of what I think your aesthetic is
🎈~ a random fact I probably shouldn't know
🍍~ some fun ass games (cym, fmk, etc)
💅🏼~ random Pick from my camera roll that gives off your vibes
🌺~tell me about yourself and I'll ship you with someone (tell me which fandom, please?)
🍒~get something off your chest (I don't have to post it if u don't want me too)
🎁~ I'll give you advice on whatever you want!
✨~Rant my loves💕
🥳- song(s) that remind me of you
Tagging some lovely bitches: @hesvoid34 @msmarvelsmain @im-still-tryin-to-find-it @jemilyology @drinkingcroissants @theamazingtomholland @holland-parkers @spideyspeaches @mischiefmanaged011 @missjenniek @tclerateit @sunlightgalaxy @sugawaraaaa @finefuckinwalls @honeysblooms @queer-rambling
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laughing-drawing-aces · 2 years ago
Yeah, Nancy not going to Cali doesn't make sense. Her parents were sending Mike, and if she expressed interest, they would have let her go as well! I believe she stayed behind because she had to work on the paper, (Like Jonathan says something about her being so close to being editor and if she does then she'll make it the best paper and that line is just so weird to me because why are they switching editors that late into the year??) which is so telling because the narrative poises it as an issue of Jonathan not wanting to go to Hawkins while ignoring the fact that she can go to him.
Oooo, but now I'm thinking of an alternate universe were she does go and like there's obviously tension between her and Jonathan and the awkward dinner with Nancy! I do think that she knows something suspicious between Joyce and Murray but there's not enough time and evidence for her to determine anything. And back home, they know something is up but Nancy is the one that gets them the Creel information, so maybe Wayne tells Max about it and Robin and Dustin go investigate it while Max and Steve break into the school. I just think it would be interesting because without Nancy, they're down another person and in terms of the show, another fighter. (Of course, her guns canonically have no effect ever so...) And because (to my chagrin) Nancy is such a major player in the season 4 in the Hawkins storyline, it would have to be completely rewritten. And because there's no big investigative line in the California storyline, it would force Nancy to focus on the relationships. We could have gotten Wheeler bonding!
LITERALLY IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!! because also like somehow no one is going with mike! and i know because fin is older it looks like an older teen but mike is a FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!! going into a place when he has never been outside of hawkins! like how do karen and ted not force nancy to go with him? or even suggest going at first but then because of work realize they can’t go so they make her go? like idk the narrative is soooo weird about ‘oh jonathan can’t go’ meanwhile MIKE IS GOING TO CALI!!! like huh realistically how does this work?!? because it would be: mike going to cali, jonathan coming to hawkins. which why is that the case when NANCY CAN GO TO CALI TO SEE JONATHAN WITH HER BROTHER!!? anyway sorry i’m kind of hung up on this now because now it just won’t leave my brain how stupid it is.
also yeah that line is weird because why are they switching editors that late?!? like maybe they could have skirt by for next year bht it’s march in canon so that doesn’t make sense. also it’s a high school paper - why they acting like it’s a full on career make it or break it thing?!?
ihhh i love this au sooo much! and yeah actually a lot changed with nancy going to cali instead of staying in hawkins. i would have loved a wheeler bonding moment!!! also sorry i don’t have much to add about the au just know that i really LOVE IT SO MUCH 💜💜💜💜
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laughing-drawing-aces · 2 years ago
Like I'm not sure if it's a Netflix thing because Stranger Things is literally one of the only Netflix originals I watch, so it could totally be that rushed storylines are a hallmark of Netflix shows! And yeah, it could have been something the Duffers were going for and completely missed the mark on at because the way it came out made it seem more sloppy and unfinished than anything. And like season 5 could fix most of these issues maybe. Or at least make season 4 seem less unfinished. But without it, season 4 is not faring well narratively.
that so true tho like it could be a hallmark of netflix. ngl despite having netflix idk how many things that i watch are actual netflix originals sooo lol. honestly yeah i think they were going for it but they missed the mark soooo. yeah they can totally try to fix it in season 5 which i hope they do!
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laughing-drawing-aces · 2 years ago
Oh! You are right about how the different storylines are separated by distance and how that plays a role! Because there are 4 storylines in the first half of the season, Hawkins, Russia, California and Nevada. And they're all trying to establish different things - Hawkins is doing the Vecna thing, Russia is rescuing Hopper, California is finding El and Nevada is Recovering El's powers. And like other seasons divide up the cast. But what they did in previous seasons is they all get together and discuss what they know to defeat the bad guys. We don't get that in season 4. The 4 storylines stay mostly separate. Like California and Nevada combine at one point and they try to assist Hawkins but they never actually talk. There is no conversation between these two groups! Hawkins has no idea El is going to come in. All the groups are kept separate, there is no exchange of ideas like in previous seasons. That's season 4's fatal flaw. (Also the Vecna Talk) The groups don't come together, the things they are doing have entirely separate goals. And maybe this will all make sense in season 5 - but without season 5, it feels sloppy. That's my three cents on it.
okay yoy said this and i’m realizing how big of a difference going inbetween states and countries are because a lot of the other seasons had way more plot lines than season 4! and they still worked out! like in season 1 they had 1. the mystery of will missing 2. el and the lab plot line 3 the whole thing with the byers family with lonnie 4. the entire teen drama with steve nancy jonathan barb and etc 5. what hopper was going through to find everything 6. joyce trying to find will and also going through her life. and there’s some more strangling plot points that i’m forgetting but they had a bunch of plot lines in season 1 that went sooooo well together because they’re all in one place! and it all connects with one another! everything ended up connecting very well because they were all in one place! also lmaoo idk if i repeated some of the same plot lines. but anyway like there were more plot lines and they divide up. sure they don’t know prior what everyone is doing but they all like you said can get together relay the info that needs to be said to one another and then come up with a plan connected on all of the pieces! in this season it is a struggle which i think the duffers did want to portray that struggle of not being able to meet up which is ultimately what does have their plan falling to shambles in seconds! they can’t tell each other the info but in the show or just looks sloppy instead of the ideas and complications that they were going for. which i would say that it’s also part of the netflix company as i don’t want to always trash the duffers. at the same time tho netflix extended the run time specifically for this show cuz they knew it was going to get a lot of hype soooo idk
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