#honeyhottoeks thoughts
honeyhotteoks · 1 year
i've been trying to connect these two threads of this night together for the past few days so that the time skips don't feel insane and rushed (because while i love these characters i cannot write 35 chapters of this)...... but i literally can't work it out and it's driving me insane
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
If you make a subscription though it would only be fair if it did mean we would get benefits like chapters earlier otherwise i think the discord should be free
i mean i think the way i've seen patreons and things like that designed in the past would have some kind of a donation tier, but honestly i haven't thought that far into yet.
i do agree additional written benefits make sense, like access to chapters early or access to rough drafts or maybe even a few of my abandoned works.... but my concern is more that i would have people sign up and pay a monthly fee expecting monthly consistent content, and i'm nervous that the pressure would mean i'm writing more slowly or that i would rush to put out work before i was happy with it.
i really wouldn't want to take advantage of people's money in that way if i couldn't consistently deliver, so i totally agree i just worry about letting y'all down.
as far as the discord goes.... that's a fair point but i think if i were to do it, i would probably have it be part of a donation. creating a discord server and moderating it is more work that i think people think. i would really want to make sure the server is a safe space for people to talk and share their opinions, but i don't know all of my readers personally so there's a chance something like a discord gets messy and i'd have to moderate it more intentionally.
i don't talk about my real life on here often, but truly finding the time for that would be hard. i work ~50+ hours a week most weeks and my job is challenging and client facing. i'm also learning an entirely new skill right now which eats into my personal time. this plus maintaining healthy irl friendships, my relationship with my partner, and keeping up with regular life maintenance means my free time has to be spent on writing or i'd never publish anything. finding time for moderating a discord would be a bit more of a chore, so if i were to create it i would need to put it behind a pay wall for my own sanity lol
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