#honestly tony not seeing what everyone else does is halirous
prey-to-go · 2 years
Had the idea of Bucky being around while Tony isn't (maybe Tony forgot it was Peter's workday so the heating pad wasn't set out) and just either offering to hold the very anxious kid close or getting him a blanket or even just letting Peter look at his arm to distract him. Bucky just sees Peter alone and makes sure he's alright. Maybe Tony smells Peter on him and gets angry at first, then realizes Peter isn't inside Bucky, just really close.
oooo oh my gosh this is such a cute idea honest! Like once Peter officially meets Bucky, he slowly starts getting more comfortable with the would hybrid because the guy is just so sweet. But obviously sense his issue with the world pred from earlier he would be a little terrified
Bucky knew that Peter was uneasy about being small, the kid was always a bundle of nerves when he was at the tower, well at least he was while people other than Stark were in the room. Admittedly he liked the kid, peter was a sweet kid, or at least he seemed like it, Stark was ungodly protective over the small teen. He never exactly thought he would ever get to talk to the kid alone, so he was surprised when he saw Peter shivering in the common room.
“Don’t you usually have a heating pad?” He asks keeping his voice calm and soft. He grimaces when the boy still flinches looking up to him with wide eyes. This had to be Tony’s kid, which was the same look he had seen on the demon many times when Steve dragged the dramatic genius to the med bay. He holds his hands up in defense before slowly kneeling. He seemed on...defense more than he would think the kid be.
He grimaces when tears start welling in the boy’s eyes, the look of pure panic on the kid’s face. That paired with the glances to his mouth and middle made him realize what exactly was making the boy panic, only he didn’t want to swallow the kid down. “Easy there pup, I’m not going to do that.” He made sure to move slowly, sitting across from the boy. He frowns when Peter stumbles back tripping over his feet and landing on his backside. That wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.
“I’m just worried about you, I know it’s cold without the heating pad.”
“P-please don’t- please I don’t wanna- I’ll do anything.” The boy chokes out before bursting into sobs. It pulled at all his instincts making his hands hover around the small body in front of him. That of course wasn’t the correct thing to say considering Peter burst out into heart breaking wails.
Bucky let a whine out his ears flattening against his skull. Oh that- shit he messed up. He grimaces, immediately scooping the boy up and tucking him against his chest hating that the wails only grew at the action. “Hey, hey shhh it’s okay you’re safe with me pup, you’re safe.” He murmurs in a bit in desperation.
“No no nonononono! No please!”
“You’re safe, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” He starts swaying, using his prosthetic hand to stroke the boy’s back. Peter flinches back from the touch like he was burned, wide honey brown eyes staring up at him with such pure instinctual fear. Something had happened, something that obviously included a wolf hybrid like him. He knew he needed to put the sobbing boy down, but his instincts burned hot enough inside him made it near impossible. This was his pack, *his* family.
He brings the boy up to the croon up his neck, crooning softly as his fingers lightly brush over the kid’s back. He sat like that for a while, making soft reassuring croons or whines until the sobs slowly died down. Soon enough the feeling of a shaky breath brushed against his neck before the weight slumped against him. So, the kid was all cried out now.
“I’m sorry…Instincts are...heh they’re hard to ignore.” The silence was broken now, Bucky hoping it would have the kid at least speak to him. He wanted to know *why* the kid reacted the way he did, the burning need to protect creeping up his throat again.
A few moments of tense silence passed before a quiet sniffle sound from the small body tucked in the crook of his neck. “I-it’s okay...Mr... Stark has them too. I just...I’m sorry.” Peter’s voice was small and unsure like he was going to get in trouble for doing so. “Hey, woah woah it’s not your fault. I’m the one at fault here, I obviously triggered something and I’m sorry.”
“It..yeah, there was just an issue and- it’s stupid m’ sorry.”
“Pup, if it scared you enough to break down it isn’t just ‘nothing’.”
The pup couldn’t possibly think- the small noise of surprise seemed to confirm the boy actually thought it was a silly fear he had. He lets a small sigh out gently pulls Peter away looking at the nervous little face. His ears flatten in shame hating that he had cause that fear.
“B-but it’s nothing it was just part of the job! It happens all the time and I was just a baby about it, I’m still being a baby! I cried with Mr. Stark multiple times and then I freaked out in front of you and you’re like a superhero!” Peter explains ending with an angry exclamation. Okay so it was a pred in the job that had cause this reaction.
“What happened?” He can’t help the growl that builds up in his chest, wincing when Peter tenses immediately. Shit, he hadn’t meant to wind the boy up again. “Not mad at you. You’re just part of the pack and I *hate* that something bad happened to you.”
Crisis solved; the boy’s body slowly fell back into relaxation much to his delight. “I’m part of the pack? Why I’m just...I’m just a snack that Mr. Stark orders sometimes.” Oh. Oh kid. He whines and tucks Peter against his chest again, making comforting rumbles.
That seemed to be familiar considering he felt Peter slumps against him before a tiny face buries into his shirt. He lets another rumble out making the kid relax even further. He couldn’t lose his cool, that wasn’t going to make anyone happy. “You’re not food, and I’m sure if Stark heard you talking like that, he wouldn’t be too happy. He adores you and not because you’re his order, you’re basically his pup at this point.”
There was stunned silence before he heard sniffling again, his heart sinking prepared to have to calm the kid down again. “Do you want to look at my arm? Stark says you’re good with mechanical things.”
“You’d let me look at it?” The shock in the boy’s tone made his heart ache, God this kid was just too precious. He seemed fairly easy to direct as well. “Well yeah, it’s right up your ally and I’m sure you actually know what’s going on with it.” He chuckles lowering the kid down to his lap. “Go ahead...you can touch it.”
The feeling of small hands touches the metal made him shudder. Stark really meant it when he said he’d give the arm the same nerves as a flesh one. Peters hand retreat immediately a wide eye looks on the kid’s face as he looked up at him. It would be cute if the kid wasn’t so scared.
“Sorry, I’m still not used to being able to feel things like that.” He admits trying to keep the kid from completely panicking. Thankfully, Peter seemed to understand, tiny hands still hovering nervously above he metal. “You can still touch; I’m not upset or anything it was just an odd feeling.”
After that reassurance, the small hands went back to lightly running his fingers around the metal plating. The excitement and awe in the boy’s eyes made his heart melt. He wasn’t sure what exactly the other pred had done but he was totally going to have a talk with the hybrid. A small snarl appearing on his face until he heard a small noise of fear. He quickly forced himself to clam down, letting a croon of comfort out to soothe the boys fear. “Sorry, I just...I’m so angry at whoever scared you this much.”
Wide brown eyes stared up at him, the small body trembling to the point he was scared that he had hit a nerve. “I’ll put you down. I was just worried that you were going to go into a panic attack.” He says starting to lower the boy to the ground. He was surprised when a pressure latched onto his fingers a panicked whimper escaping Peter.
“Wait! Wait- please don’t please.it’s so cold just hold me.” That little plea made his heart nearly crumble into dust. He quickly brought the body back to his chest, swaying to start comforting the precious cargo he was now holding. At this moment Bucky knew he was going to protect this precious child with everything he had.
“I’ve gotcha squirt…We’ll just do this until you have to leave, how about that.”
The only response he got was a small nod, so he assumed the message had been received.
 He sat like that for a few hours, walking Peter down and to the car and some guy named Devon. After triple checking that it was the right and Peter was indeed safe, he set the kid inside the car and watched it drive off before heading back inside up to the penthouse. He might have to see if he could order the kid a few times, maybe not to swallow. he wasn’t sure he could ever force himself to do it especially with how scared Peter would be.
Stark wasn’t looking to thrilled when the elevator doors opened up. “Oh, hey Stark- “Bucky grimaces when he was slammed against a wall, a fiery look in Starks eyes. He had rarely seen the demon this. well pissed.
“What did You do? Where is he?”
“Who? Oh Peter? His shift is up.”
Bucky winces when clawed hands dug into his shoulders, a growl tearing from the demon’s throat. That probably wasn’t the right thing to say. “What did you do.” Stark hisses out baring his teeth at him. “I didn’t do anything! He was cold, you forgot the heating pad.” He snaps back not exactly liking how the demon was acting.
“That’s all you did. You didn’t eat him?”
“Why would I do that? He was scared, I didn’t want to scare him.”
He sighs in relief when the pressure on his shoulder’s releases, rubbing the area with a grimace. It was sweet that the demon was worried about the small kid but at the same time he wasn’t exactly thrilled about the attack. His tail swishes anxiously behind him as he looked down at the demon, the fiery look slowly drying down.
“Good. He’s terrified of it in general, but he had a little run in with another pred.” Stark practically snarls. Bucky hadn’t ever seen the demon this riled up, but it did made sense. Peter was practically his son. “I know he told me. I’m not a dick.”
Stark gave him a look, before finally backing down, seeming less violent now. “He was scared but I took care of it. HE was also cold sense you forgot to get his heating pad out.”  He adds on with a n annoyed huff. This time Stark seemed to deflate, wincing slightly. “He was supposed to be off of work today.” The demon responds with a sigh. Well, that made sense, normally the demon had a whole set up for the kid.
“I just..he’s very important to me and the idea of anyone hurting or scaring him just riles me up.” Stark winces, running a hand through his hair. The red blaze in his eyes slowly fading as the demon slowly started to cam down. “I get it, he’s your pup but seriously did you think I’d really eat him? Even if he wasn’t your pup, he’s your prey.” Bucky responds with a frown. He liked to think he wasn’t that big of an asshole.
Stark’s eyes widen at bit a look of something crossing over on his face. “Peter isn’t my pup, or whatever you’re implying, but he is my order and I’ll be damned if I let anyone hurt him.”
Bucky couldn’t help but scoff in laughter at the idea. Did the demon seriously not see it yet?
“What? He’s not mine, he’s a kid sure but he’s not mine.”
“You treat him like yours though. You about ripped my throat out over him, and I know you would’ve torn him out of Steve it wouldn’t have traumatized him.” He points out as he crosses his arms. It wasn’t like he had a professional relationship with the kid either.
“Anyone would’ve, he’s a kid.” Stark shoots back with a frown, though a small look of realization was slowly clouding over it. “Not everyone. Normally people who order are a one and done sorta thing. No one buys cookies or treats their order like you. Peter’s practically yours at this point.” It made sense, at least to him.
“He’s not mine.”
“Whatever you say, but he is. He’s going to slip up and call you dad I just know it.”
“I’ll take twenty against that. There’s no way Peter sees me like that.” Stark huffs his tail swishing behind him much like an annoyed cat. Bucky can’t help the small grin that dances across his face.
“Alright I’ll take that bet, because I’m right.”
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