#honestly this started out as me just wanting to draw kamen rider actually using their helmet horns and bonking em but
pandorasbugs · 2 years
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plushie-sentai · 6 months
Tagged by @stickers-on-a-laptop ! Tysm!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five! Not a lot atm but I used to write a lot on wattpad as well 😅
2. What is your AO3 word count?
11,227 words :P
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Tokusatsu! Namely Kamen Rider Build and King Ohger atm, but I also have a planned Ex-Aid fic (and some old my little pony fics I may move over from wattpad lmao)
4. What are your top five fics by Kudos?
Since I only have five, my top three are
Getting to Know the Boogeyman
Of Courtship & Coccinelles and
Red Looks Good on You
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Sento’s Wandering Mind, the whole thing is a vent piece and I heavily relate to Sento so it’s more of personal processing than anything lmao
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Of Courtship & Coccinelles! I write most stuff with fluffy endings but that one definitively ends on a bright note
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I’ve written two smut pieces so far, which is a huge step for me personally for many reasons, but they’re both best match fics :3 one angst, one fun and sexy. Honestly I draw more of it than I write it lol
10. Do you write crossovers? I hate the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I’m not much for writing crossovers BUT the exaid fic I’ve had in the works for a while technically is one bc it’s hatsune Miku as a bugster lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no but would be neat :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not on AO3 but I love bouncing ideas off of people and also working on characters together, esp mine and @chilipepperconverse ‘s KR OCs :3 actually I used to co-write with friends all the time in middle school when we wrote together.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Bonkers ass question but rn my answer would probably be Bravesnipe?? But I feel like there’s definitely ones I’m crazier abt out there. Maybe sonotaro…
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Unfortunately probably the Miku exaid fic ;-; the concept is fun and cute but with some stuff I get an outline or somethin cookin and then it never sees the light of day again
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m pretty good at detailed descriptions and visuals. I’m much more an artist than a writer, so I’ve spoken before about how I view my stories like written descriptions of story boards, and I absolutely love to try and paint a picture with my words.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
In my actual writing I’m unsure and would love to hear any feedback, but for me it’s actually just GETTINg myself to write. It takes a lot of mental energy to start the task and I can never really make myself do it, it’s only when I’m in a rare and intense mood for writing somethin that I’ve got a REALLY solid idea on. That’s mostly why I’ve got so few fics. I have more ideas, but it’s difficult to get myself to a point with any of them where I’ll actually write any of it out lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Personally I think it’s neat when other people do it, but unless it’s French I probably never will. Even then I’d be so nervous about getting it wrong I’d probably find some kinda work around
19. First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3 it’s King Ohger, but in reality…. Oh boy. Warriors fanfic abt my sonas when I was like 10? Outside of OCs my first canon-aligned fanfic was probably one of the my little pony ones on wattpad. I did mostly original character stuff when I wrote frequently as a tween so I guess I didn’t start with fanfic until like a year or two ago.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I only have a few so I’m proud of them all for different reasons, but I think Sento’s Wandering Mind is one that I’m particularly fond of even tho it didn’t do as well as the others. It’s conceptually something I’ve been trying to put into words for a long time, and it was my first foray into writing anything REMOTELY sexual, which was a huge jump for me that I’m very proud of as a person who previously struggled a lot more with “catholic shame” if I had to put a word to it. It’s kinda a heavy read and isn’t perfect, but the fact that it’s out in the world is important to me and I’m happy with it. Hope you all enjoy!!
Tagging @chilipepperconverse and @cantarella-rose and anyone else who’d like to participate! :3
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Kamen Rider Info and Ideas (Feel free to ignore)
As a huge fan of Kamen Rider, I always wondered about ways it could be expanded, and maybe not improved so much as become More. So, right now, I am gonna make a list of Kamen Rider Series, starting with Black and RX, and continuing all the way to the Reiwa Era! Everybody clap your hands!! *Cricket noises* Okay, here we go!
Kamen Rider Black, and its sequel, Black RX, details the journey of Kohtaro Minami, or Minami Kohtaro for those who prefer the traditional Japanese naming conventions, on his mission to defeat Gorgom, an ancient tribe/organization that has evolved into a cultic terrorist organization bent on world domination. While still holding to the Showa era’s tradition of having Cyborg Riders, Black and RX were the first in which, aside from Kamen Rider Amazon, the supernatural played a prominent part in the powers of the riders, as Kohtaro and his stepbrother Nobuhiko were the designated heirs to the leader of Gorgom, the Century King, and infused with the relics that contained his power, the Kingstones. Both Kohtaro and Nobuhiko were infused with the Kingstones, in the attempt to convert them into the Villains Black Sun and Shadow Moon, with only Kohtaro managing to escape.
One of the things that I felt could’ve been at least a little better in regards to the series was if Shadow Moon could regain his original self and rejoin the path of justice. It would’ve also been pretty cool if Shadow Moon gained his own upgraded form, which did actually happen in tie-in novels and manga, and if either or both of them gained the ability to unleash a final form that drew upon the power they wielded as the New Century Kings. Ah well, that’s what fanfiction is for!
Kamen Rider Kuuga details the battles of Yusuke Godai, the successor to the ancient warrior of justice, Riku, as the Kuuga. Kuuga’s powers are derived from Growth, allowing him to access a variety of forms and powers based on what he needs to grow into, and can be bolstered by mystical energy sources to ascend even further! Yusuke’s enemies are the Gurongi tribe, ancient monsters who abandoned their humanity to satisfy their love of death and conflict, and wished to have all of humanity become as dark and twisted as them, with the “honor” of being the Gurongi to start the process going to whichever of them managed to win their tournament, in which the Gurongi Tribal-members all battled to the death as a whole.
One of the things that bugged me a little, was that Kuuga never fully evolved all his forms, and that his true final form was even used in his series! I mean, seriously, what!? Once again, budget concerns limit the awesomeness of a series before it can bloom, sigh.
Kamen Rider Agito is the story of Shoichi Tsugami, a young amnesiac who belongs to an offshoot of the human race known as the Agito. Agitos possess incredible psychic powers and exist in a perpetual state of evolution, adapting to the changes in themselves and the world around them at an incredible rate.
My only real beef with this series was the limited number of forms Agito had as compared to Kuuga, and that one of the Extra Riders had the lazy name of Another Agito. You heard me right. All in all, not to bad, but a little frustrating.
Next up, Kamen Rider Ryuki, which also served as part of the inspiration for the list. Honestly, with how much I plan on covering JUST for Ryuki, I’ll probably leave this off after this and pick up more tomorrow. Ryuki is one of the first series in the franchise to fully exploit the nature of multiple riders, and basically invented the concept of Dark Riders, which I will also explain.
Ryuki involves the Rider War, a conflict taking place in the real world, and a parallel realm known as the Mirror World, populated by unfeeling monsters known as, you guessed it, Mirror Monsters, which must constantly kill when in our world in order to remain stable, or at least they are allegedly supposed to. The Rider War was a conflict set up by a man known as Shiro to revive his dead sister, under the guise of a tournament to the death for a reality-warping wish, which Shiro wanted for himself. The war brought together 13, yes you read that right, 13 Riders, all with variances in their styles and abilities. This selfish conflict is partially, if not entirely why I said that introduced Dark Riders properly to the franchise; Dark Riders are individuals who bear the same transformative powers of Kamen Riders, but instead of using them to fight against the wicked and monstrous, are instead put towards their own selfish ends, and none of them are the type of individual you wanna run into in a dark alley.
The Riders of Ryuki derived their power from two things, their Contract Monster, a Mirror Monster that they formed a bond with in order to exist without needing to bring about death, and an Advent Deck, a Deck of Cards that harnessed the power of the Mirror Monster it bonded to and allowed the Riders to survive in the Mirror Realm, which is inherently fatal for humans to be in. One of the key aspects of Advent Cards is how they work, each one draws and harnesses an aspect of the Contract Monster it is connected to, or wields a power specifically to fight other Advent Riders. Now, before I get to my thoughts and ideas, I am going to list each Rider from Ryuki, as well as the nature of their Advent Decks and fighting styles.
Shinji Kido: Kamen Rider Ryuki himself, and contracted to the fierce Dragon-Type Mirror Monster, Dragonredder. With a Dragon on his side, you’d expect him to be the powerhouse of the group, right? HAHAHAHAHA no. Shinji stumbled upon the Rider War by near-complete accident, and, being the nice guy he is, decided if he was going to be a part, he would protect the bystanders from the conflict and ensure as many of the Riders made it out alive as he could. Easier said than done. Out of all the Riders, Ryuki has the least straight-forward fighting style, not helped by his incredible clumsiness, with his deck emphasizing the ability to have as many options as possible; jack of all trades master of none, but better master of none than master of one.
Ren Akiyama: Kamen Rider Knight, and the contract holder of the Bat-Type Mirror Monster, Darkwing. He comes across as aloof, cold even, whose only in it for himself, but in truth he decided to enter the war to save the life of his ill fiance. Knight’s fighting style blends straight-up direct combat, and subterfuge based war tactics, with his deck emphasizing this by providing him with both weapons and special abilities that optimize getting the drop on his foes. Hmm... themed after a bat, a knight, and mixing close combat with dark and spooky tactics. Now where have I seen THAT before?
Masashi Shido: Kamen Rider Scissors, a Dark Rider, and the contractor of the Crab-Type Mirror Monster, Volcancer. A corrupt cop and detective, Scissors took bribes and cuts in illegal dealings, and used his Mirror Monster to liberally dispose of witnesses as he pleased. He ultimately died when his contract was destroyed and Volcancer turned on him. Despite his practices necessitating subterfuge, Scissors’ fighting style is rather extravagant, emulating that of a gladiator, with his deck providing cards that mix heavy combat with putting his enemy into an unfavorable situation to seal the deal, fitting for a backstabber.
Shuichi Kitaoka: Kamen Rider Zolga, one of the neutral and later heroic elements in the war, and the bearer of the contract for the Minotaur-Type Mirror Monster, Magnugigas, a colossal bio-mechanical behemoth. A shady lawyer with a lot of wealth, Zolga was diagnosed with fatal cancer, and desired to become immortal to continue living his lifestyle forever. While initially uncaring and selfish, he ultimately came to see the value in others, and lamented all the criminals that walked free due to his actions, hoping Ryuki would win. Cunning, intellegent, and crafty, Zolga’s fighting style favors both heavy defense and massive firepower, burying an enemy in a storm of blasts while he hunkers down, with his deck further emphasizing this with a bevy of long-distance combat cards and barriers.
Miyuki Tezuka: Kamen Rider Raia, a fortune-teller beyond compare, he enters the war to save lives and honor his deceased friend, and bears the contract of the Stingray-Type Mirror Monster, Evildiver. Raia’s fighting style places heavy importance on movement, offering cards that can offer him superior movement, and uses a whip as his principle weapon.
Jun Shibaura: Kamen Rider Gai, an utterly selfish and monstrous beast of a man, he wields the contract of the Rhino-Type Mirror Monster, Metalgelas. A prodigy of computers and gaming, Gai sees the death match that is the Rider War as nothing more than a game, and the fighters as players he can wipe out at his leisure. Gai’s fighting style is a straight up rush of overwhelming force, with his cards emphasizing interfering with his opponent’s options to force them to fight him directly and his brutal power of himself and his Contract Monster gives him an edge.
Takeshi Asakura: Kamen Rider Ouja, and the main Dark Rider of the series, holder of the contract for the Snake-Type Mirror Monster, Venosnaker. A sadistic monster to his core, Takeshi killed his own family as a child, and left a bloody trail in his wake for years, remorselessly cutting down anyone who falls in his path in his bloodlust. Despite his seemingly simple minded nature, Ouja is immensely cunning, favoring a sadistic fighting style that emphasizes causing as much pain to his enemy as he can before they die at his hands, and he is far from afraid to get his hands dirty. Ironically, Ouja has one of the weaker decks in the war, bearing limited options to fight with, Ouja thrives due to his sheer brutality, fighting ability, and utter ruthlessness. “Fun” fact, unlike the other Riders, Takeshi never realized that a wish was up for grabs, he was just having a good time! When he finally learned that the winner got a wish, he decided his wish would be to have ANOTHER Rider War, so he could kill another pack of warriors! Ouja’s deck does have two solid advantages over the other riders; Ouja possesses extra Contract Cards, meaning he can add other Mirror Monsters and their powers to his deck, ultimately deciding to save them to take the Mirror Monsters of the Riders he kills, with his other big trick his Unite Card, which allowed him to COMBINE his Mirror Monsters into the horrifying Chimera-Type Mirror Monster, Genocider (ain’t that a name).
Odin: Kamen Rider Odin, a Rider not designated Dark only due to the fact he doesn’t have enough of a mind to be one, and wielder of the Phoenix-Type Mirror Monster as his Contract, Goldphoenix. Odin is unusual, in that he is essentially a puppet, a brainwashed shell that acts as Shiro’s representative in the war that occupies whatever body Shiro gives the Contract to. Out of all the Riders, Odin has the greatest immediate strength, allowing him to overwhelm just about anything in ideal situations, and if things go wrong, Odin (along with Shiro) can REWIND TIME to reset the war until Shiro gets the outcome he wants, only giving up when he accepts that he won’t be able to bring his sister back.
Satoru Tojo: Kamen Rider Tiger, a man who wants to be a hero, and wields the power of the Tiger-Type Mirror Monster, Destwilder. Tiger is a broken individual, lacking a LOT of basic understanding in regards to people, he wavers between good and evil in his desire to be a hero due to his incomprehension of what it means to be heroic, ultimately becoming a hero when he selflessly sacrificed his life to save a father and son about to be hit by an oncoming truck, finally realizing what it truly meant to be a human in his last moments. A highly inexperienced fighter, Tiger often lost, which didn’t help his instability, forcing himself to rely on ambushes to win, his deck favored close-range melee and offered him support in the form of ice attacks.
Mitsuru Sano: Kamen Rider Imperer, a self-styled mercenary rider, and wielder of the multi-type contract allowing him to command the power of the Gazelle-Type Mirror Monsters, with Gigazelle serving as the leader of his horde. Imperer was raised to believe that wealth was what was most important in life, completely missing the fact that his idea to be a mercenary in the Rider War was impossible as all but one of the contestants must die for it to complete and you cannot quit either. After falling in love, Mitsuru seemed to be realizing that there is more to life than money, he tragically died before he could act on his new views, trapped in the Mirror World, reaching out to the image of his love, screaming in fear. Imperer’s fighting style makes use of boxing, and bum-rushing his enemies with his massive swarm of Contract Monsters.
And, because I am starting to grow tired and this is REALLY LONG, I am gonna finish this later today before I burn out.
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venus-says · 5 years
Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star Episodes 38-49 + Movie
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So this is what I've been missing for all these years???
It has taken me 10 years of being a Precure fan for me to finally watch Splash Star from beginning to end, and I feel like a fool becAUSE I'VE BEEN MISSING SO MUCH, HOW COULD'VE I SPENT TEN YEARS WITHOUT WATCHING THIS??????? This series is so good, THIS ENDING IS SO GOOD!!!!!!! I've finished watching it yesterday and I'm still in awe. Gosh, I love this show.
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But before I can talk about the ending, allow me to dedicate a small paragraph to comment on the movie. Originally I thought about making a separate post for the movie, but I don't have much to say about it so I'm adding this extra portion here (thank god I watched the movie before this was posted so I can add this beforehand). This movie is very lackluster, I got excited from the first scenes, watching it in HD and not DVD quality really brings way much more life to the screen and I was pretty impressed, but then Saki and Mai started to fight before their performance and all the joy went down because it immediately started to feel like Friends of the Snow Sky but worse because Saki and Mai were never this "hostile" against each other before so their fight doesn't seem true to their characters especially considering what originated this argument to begin with.
The movie exclusive characters are good, sadly they don't get that much time on screen and they also don't get a lot to do so they're not used to their full potential and they end up being just flat. In fact, I believe this is a good way to describe this movie, interesting concepts that aren't used fully because they wanna focus on this fight that makes no sense and that is something they've already done before. I don't know if this has to do with the weird duration of the movie, it's not even one hour long, or if it's just the script that is weak, but I really didn't enjoy this movie all that much. 😕
But now let's talk about the good stuff, let's talk about the ending of the season.
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I have so many feels I don't even know where to begin with. Well to begin with, in the title of this post it says this is a review of episodes 38 to 49 but that's actually a lie since episodes 38 and 39 are just fillers that don't add much so I have nothing to comment on. But from episode 40 onward the show picks itself up and it just goes all out to wrap up this story in a very beautiful, exciting, and emotional way.
I admit I was a bit afraid of how this final stretch would go when I saw that the final Dark Fall general was defeated in episode 40, but they managed to wrap up this ending in a very clever way. Bringing back the defeated generals at first felt like a cheap way to do it, but the fact that the villains weren't back for just a single episode and considering there was no monster of the week, all the fights were against the generals themselves, it really enhanced the experience, it was like in the Mega Man games where you'll fight all the Robot Masters again in one of the Wily stages. It was also great that they came back WAY STRONGER and the girls really had to give their best to win those fights, I especially like that they lost right away when the villains came back because it's not always that we see precure losing so it was great to see just how much more difficult it would be for them to win in the end.
The final twist of Gohyan being the actual final villain wasn't all that much surprising, I mean he's the character who's always plotting something I knew he would betray Akudaikan at some point, and in normal circumstances, I'd wouldn't be pleased with this fake-out, but because Gohyan is a character we've seen since the beginning and he has been active, either plotting against his comrades or actually going against the precure, it worked. I kinda wish they had kept him in his "elderly" form, I think he works better that way, but seeing how great the action was for that final fight I'm more than okay with it.
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If I had to say one thing that I completely disliked about this ending it's that, aside of the Christmas episode that once again had the pink try to deal with her feelings for a guy who doesn't look at them on a romantic way, having a four-part ending didn't really feel necessary. I think they could've made it in a way where episodes 46, 47, and 48, where focused in the actual fight, like episode 46 is the raid at Dark Fall, the fight against Akudaikan goes from Part B of 46 and Part A of 47, and then the final battle against Gohyan goes from Part B of 47 and lasts the entirety of episode 48, and then we have episode 49 focused for the aftermath and the epilogue. But that's just a minor thing because they hit the nail in the head in the important stuff so it's all good.
And speaking of action, THEY NAILED IT IN THIS PORTION OF THE STORY. I complained a lot about hoe the fights during the season weren't as good as they could've been, but if they were saving so much just so this ending could be so action-heavy and look so damn good as it was I feel like it was a good trade. Of course, the repeated shots of Bright and (especially) Windy using her powers are still here, but it's incorporated a lot better here and they do some actual creative stuff with it.
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But the greatest thing of this finale was seeing Michiru and Kaoru finally being back, again I was reluctant about bringing them back so soon, but they knew what they're doing and they managed to do so much with them in this short amount of time. And I think it only works so well because they did an excellent job with them in their first arc so we as an audience can feel for them and we can also share the feelings Saki and Mai were having because we care about these characters just as much as they do. And I also like that they were brought back and they served a purpose, they weren't just extensions of Saki and Mai, they had their own concerns, they had their own issues so it wasn't like they were there to do just a single thing and they were able to conclude their arcs in a very satisfactory way. They've become really complex characters and I was always excited about seeing them on screen because I knew something great would come out of it every time, that being either them in their fighting scenes or while they were doing mundane stuff like Michiru enjoying helping at Pan Paka Pan or Kaoru spending time with Minori. Kaoru and Michiru's story was everything Kiriya's story wanted to be and more and this is definitely one of the strongest points of this show.
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Our protagonists were probably the less worked during this arc, they sort of became an entity rather than two distinctive characters, but it somehow works? I think that because Saki ad Mai are such a great duo, they have so much chemistry, and the show seems to balance pretty well the spotlight they give to each girl, that deciding to focus more on these two as a duo rather than individually doesn't backfire. Their arc is more about solidifying their friendship more and more each time and spreading that out to Kaoru and Michiru, and they do a pretty good job at that. I feel like a lot of people don't have high opinions on them because of that, but I honestly didn't leave the show with the feeling that something was missing in regards to this matter so as far as I'm concerned they're great characters.
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Before I wrap up I wanna talk about the ending in specific. It was the perfect pay off that this show needed. After everything Saki, Mai, Kaoru, and Michiru had gone through seeing they fight the big final boss together on an amazing showdown was incredibly awesome, when they lost their powers and the remaining of the spirits still living on Earth gathered together to bring not just Bloom and Egret but also Bright and Windy personified in Kaoru and Michiru felt rewarding as hell. It's pretty sad Kaoru and Michiru aren't considered official Cures because this final battle wouldn't have been the same without them.
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If you read my Kamen Rider reviews you know I don't like it when characters come back from the dead immediately after they die. That wasn't the case here, in fact actually cried during that scene. We've said goodbye to them once and it hurt, seeing that they would go disappear again was like having my chest crushed, especially after everything that went down during this final arc and their speech in the fight about not giving up on the future they want to build with Saki and Mai. I knew precure is a kids show so they wouldn't kill them, but I expected they would go back to the Fountain of the Sky to live with Moop and Food there, but the show allowed the girls to stay with their friends in the Land of Greenery and that made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside.
And that montage at the end, with the four together, Kaoru joining Mai in the Art Club so she can learn how to draw so she can spend more time with Minori, Saki teaching Michiru how to bake, gosh, very few things made me as happy as that little montage did. Even seeing that Flappy finally confessed to Choppy and now they're officially a couple I believe was very endearing to see. And this is pretty much why I wanted the epilogue to be it's own separated episode because these are all things I'd love to watch as they were happening. It was still good, don't get me wrong, I have the dumbest smile in my face from just remembering it, but I wish we had more, GIVE ME AN OVA TOEI!!!!!
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I'm not sure if I said everything I had to say, a lot of what I enjoyed from Splash Star was how the show touched me with emotional moments centered around characters I've grown to love throughout these 49 episodes and sadly my vocabulary isn't so vast so I can put out all these feelings here without sounding more repetitive than I already do. Splash Star is a really wonderful season, it had a slow start but as soon as they found their identity they really shined brightly, this season definitely shouldn't be so overlooked. So if you never watched it, give it a chance, and if you have watched it already, please do it again, appreciate the show for what it is and spread the love that this season and its characters deserve.
Three seasons of Precure down, thirteen more to go. Thank you so much for reading this far, please share the love for Splash Star in the comments. I'll see you soon for Yes! Pretty Cure 5!
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P.S.: I was revising the post and I realized I didn't mention Kintolesky and Shitataare became a couple in the Christmas episode and it makes me really sad that these villains came back to being dust because I'd love to see this relationship. XD Again, GIVE ME AN OVA TOEI (and come up with a dumb excuse for why they're alive like humans and tell us how they've become regulars at Pan Paka Pan and how Kintolesky and Saki's father became the bestest friends ever).
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narashikari · 6 years
Kamen Rider Zi-O Episode 1
So... um, that happened.
Honestly... the season’s not off to a great start for me. I already got a lot of question marks just based off the spoilers I got, but watching the actual episode made me utterly confused. But it did have a lot of potential and I really hope it gets exploited throughout the series.
Anyways, onto the review.
1. First: the theme song. Admittedly I wasn’t too keen on it when I heard it first, but upon re-listening and watching the visuals, I like it better. It’s not quite as catchy as Be the One or Excite or even W-B-X ~W Boiled Extreme~ was for me so it might take a few episodes for it to make my toku playlist (and yes, I have one. I listen to it on my commute home!)
2. Our main characters:
Sougo... might get some getting used to.
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As Cam Watanabe would say, “Ladies and gentlemen... the defender(s) of the universe.”
His apparently honest reply of wanting to be a king almost borders on megalomania, which makes it utterly hilarious but also a little grating when it got repetitive. Like, I get it kid, you’re basically a human Simba. You just can’t wait to be king.
He does seem to have good intentions though, and good-hearted like most of the other Riders. Which kinda made me scratch my head as to why anyone would think he’s possibly the demon king. Aside from the fact he’d be 68 by the the future character’s time and probs not in any condition to fight unless timey wimey shenanigans is involved?
There’s also this... kinda below-the-belt shot
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It’s an in-your-face way to him apart from Sento, who’s a genius, albeit amnesiac, physicist (probably). It’s inevitable that we draw comparisons between them especially since Sento does appear in the episode... but it’s still a little too straightforward. 
Geitsu... is totally my type.
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The first thing I said upon seeing him is “Wow, he’s cute!” 
I feel like he’s kinda like Takeru from Shinkenger- this totally intense, duty-driven guy who feels the weight of the world on his shoulders... but has a hidden side of him that’s a total dork and adorable. I mean, seriously. 
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How subtle does he think he is, trying to hide a giant red robot ala Super Sentai out in the open like that? And looking around the corner like that kinda looks cute imo. I hope we get to see both sides of him equally!
Also, i love his last name. Myokoin. 明光. It means bright light. So poetic. 
Tsukuyomi... is fucking awesome!
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HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE WE HAD A BADASS LADY COMPANION IN KAMEN RIDER? Like... Drive, maybe, with Kiriko, who totally should’ve been a Rider herself?
She catches SENTO AND RYUUGA off guard for fuck’s sake!
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(Sento’s face is pure gold, btw. I wish I could’ve seen Ryuuga’s. Heh.)
I really hope she lives up to her potential and stay as badass as she is in this episode!
Woz... is he supposed to be an expy of Double’s Philip with a creepy servant vibe added?
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Seriously. The hairdo, his clothes, the giant book he’s lugging around... that’s definitely a callback to Philip. Even his matter-of-fact way of speaking resembles Philip’s. Except when he goes into his creepy-servant-mode... then he kinda reminds me of Sebastian from Black Butler. The servant who’ll do anything for you... in exchange for your soul!!
And yeah, I also got some kicks out of that monologue he spouts when Sougo first henshins. Speaking of henshin...
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So, this commander just chooses a random person fated to die to become an Another Rider? And one who couldn’t be more different from Sento, too. There goes my theory about the Another Riders being parallels to the actual Riders.
I get the feeling each of the commanders will have different reasons to choose specific people to become Another Riders, but it’s too early for me to really speculate.
(Also... does anyone else also feel a Philip vibe to this guy? Or maybe Micchy? Is it just me?)
4. Also speaking of henshin: The suits for this season... are a little meh for me. Their suits being based off metal watches are kind of a hit and miss for me. I don’t particularly enjoy wearing metal watches so seeing them on a Rider suit is a little jarring, but I see why they went with the aesthetic. That said, I like the kana on the visor and how it’s not as blatant as Shinkenger’s or Kingranger’s kanji was. And the actual henshin pose is pretty awesome and fun with how it incorporates the belt’s rotating mechanism.
5. I will say... It was NOT a good idea to go straight into the Build tribute right in the first episode.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s not that I didn’t want to see Sento and Ryuuga again. In fact my reaction to this scene...
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...was basically to literally scream and joyfully squeal so hard the bed shook. (Yes, I am a shameless fangirl. Sue me. I love me some Best Match boys.)
But I think it would’ve been way better if they focused more on establishing Sougo, Geitsu and Tsukuyomi and showcase their dynamics for an episode or two prior to jumping into the tributes/cameos. Honestly I felt like Sento and Ryuuga’s cameos (brief as they are) kinda disrupted that.
However on the flip side...
6. SENTO AND RYUUGA ARE BACK (just for the first two weeks BUT STILL)
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Like, isn’t Zi-O supposed to be in the post-Build finale, no-Sky-Wall world Sento created? So why does Sougo show up in the Buildverse pre-Build finale? Did Geitsu accidentally throw them into another timeline instead of just the past? Or, maybe... is it possible that the Zi-Overse is just the Buildverse’s distant future after Sento recreates the universe without Evolt*, and Sougo just travels that far back?
*I don’t really know how to explain this theory succinctly, I might make a separate post about it another day.
I suppose the weirdness might be because Zi-O probably started pre-production long before Build wrapped up, so the Zi-O crew didn’t really know how Build would’ve ended. Though with Build’s director involved in the episode, I’m not sure why it wasn’t discarded when he came on- he should’ve known that this would be very odd airing right after Build’s finale.
Also, the fact that Sougo travels to before the finale means that Sento and Ryuuga’s cameo is from before they eloped ran off together... in this ep at least, since we haven’t seen the bit where they were wearing Satou Tarou gear and handing the Build and Cross-Z Ride Watches in the previews. So maybe the next episode will explain all the timey wimey shenanigans. And maybe tell us what those two did after riding into the sunset together like a couple out of a shoujo manga 
8. All in all, I’d say I’m definitely apprehensive about continuing this season. The whole anniversary thing is already making me nervous since a) I’m only familiar with the post-Decade series and b) I have the tendency to compare such series to Gokaiger. Not to mention I’ll always compare it to the likes of Build and Double (the first season I watched and the first season i finished respectively). 
However, it is just the first episode and there are a year’s worth of episodes, tributes and Rider cameos to wait for so I’m also excited for the season! Hopefully Sougo and co. will live up to the hype and the legacy the other Heisei Riders left behind!
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tomoyanosekai · 3 years
視点 (Shiten: Perspective) ~ Heroes and the Truest Self Behind the Lens~
“Can I get the right shot?... Nahh, this doesn’t look right.” 
- March 10, 2021
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It was a cold twilight evening as I laid there on the steps of my front yard trying to find the right angle. I’m sure you’re wondering, “Why are you laying there in a weird position as you take pictures of a bunch of action figures at that hour of the evening?” To begin somewhere, I’ve always been a very big fan and geek of the Japanese hero and drama franchise called “Kamen Rider.” Something that not everyone knows is that I also run a secondary Instagram (and as of recently, a Twitter) account dedicated to taking pictures of my collection; mainly through figure photography. This year is the 50th anniversary of the Kamen Rider franchise, and considering I own a large collection of the suits and characters from a good majority of the series, and mixed with a close friend’s collection, this allowed me access to every suit and every main character from the past 50 years. The challenge that I gave myself this month was to take photos of every main Kamen Rider throughout the past 50 years and post a picture everyday until April 3rd, which is the day of the titular 50th anniversary. My goal was to be posting and building up to something that hasn’t been seen on Instagram or Twitter all that often, especially not through an American fan. Though, as I underwent this creative challenge in March, I kept finding out more and more about myself as I pushed my creativity to its limits. But before I get to March, I think it’s best to start from the end of February.
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50 Years Worth of Japanese Heroes captured individually for a whole month #RiderMonth
When I think about last month, February was a frustrating mess for me. Nothing really happened, and having to write down that nothing happened bothered me. January through February can easily be summarized with me contracting COVID-19 through unexpected means, having to recover, and then quarantining for extra weeks so that I can get better. But as February ended, that was when things in my life began to slightly pick up again, and I felt it wasn’t proper to write a blog post detailing those thoughts that hadn’t been developed or processed yet. With the end of February being what it was, the thing I kept feeling was a sense of loneliness. I hated the fact that life wasn’t happening for me at all, and at some point as everyone kept moving forward, it felt like nothing eventful or exciting wasn’t happening. Whenever people reached out to me, I noticed that my conversations were really short; while everyone else’s life was happening for them, the most I could say was “I work everyday, eat and then sleep.” At some point, I stopped reaching out to friends because everyone seemed busy, and later down the line: I eventually stopped reaching out because I felt burnt out trying to constantly reach out all the time. 
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“Hrm…. This doesn’t look bad, but this looks… kinda cluttered…”
- March 20, 2021
This loneliness even continued when I was with other people; especially my family. There was one Sunday morning where my family decided to go hiking up at Griffith Park (The place where the Hollywood Sign is.) Although I was with my parents, brother and his girlfriend, it only hammered in how lonely I felt. I was tired of feeling alone where I couldn’t be myself at home, and I only felt even more lonely since my parents had each other and my brother had his girlfriend. I wanted to be with people where I could be myself, but yet also wanted to be alone since I felt that I couldn’t really be myself. Normally, I find it hard to open up and truly be myself in front of other people most of the time; whether that be close friends, acquaintances, coworkers, or even family. I only show certain and specific parts of myself to certain people, but it was never really a thing where I openly showed “all” of myself to everyone; especially towards my parents and my brother. It’s always been hammered into me that I need to be more “normal” so that I don’t get teased or thought of as “weird” for my interests and hobbies.
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“Hrm…. I think this looks better... It’s in the right direction I want to go with, but you can still see the fence…” 
- March 27, 2021
As March rolled around, work continued, I got fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at some point, and I decided to take a creative challenge that I called “Rider Month.” (For those who are curious, all my photos can be found on Instagram with the hashtag, “#RiderMonth.”)  But as I embarked on this project, it was really weird talking to my parents about how I was going to take pictures of my collection for a whole month. The most challenging and weirdest part of all of this was learning to be okay about telling my parents about my secondary account. I never intended on them learning about due to a fear of them using that against me. Nonetheless, I initially chose to take on this project because I wanted to celebrate 50 years of Kamen Rider and wanted to have fun remembering each and every series with other fans. Although this came from a desire of just having fun, this personal project only continued to grow on me the more I did it. Sure, I had fun figuring out how I wanted to pose each figure and take their photo, but the thing that really spoke to me were the comments I kept getting. When seeing some of the comments I got on some of these photos, a lot of these photos were bringing back feelings of nostalgia for my followers. Some watched these shows with their parents when they were young children in the 70s or 80s, some of my followers found their way into watching these heroes in the mid 2000’s when they were in middle or high school just like me, and some of these people just barely got into the franchise and has spurred them to explore the franchise even more. No matter their age, each person had their favorite season with their beloved characters and fondest memories, and that ended up fueling and pushing me through this whole month as I created content for my followers. 
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“Huh, alright, I think I’m good with this photo… Wait, there’s a photography contest now? Dammit, never mind. Back to the drawing board.” 
- March 29th
Much like taking photos, I think this month has been about perspective and learning to take that step back. Throughout my time working, there was always something that I kept questioning: “How good IS the quality of our products?” For a while, I always wondered about how effective our products were if we kept having to answer the same questions and fix the same problems for people over and over again on a daily basis. It seemed repetitive and honestly discouraging. But at some point during a team meeting, I learned that not all our products at work are always defective; and a good majority of our products function normally and properly for customers. In actuality: there’s more right than wrong with our products, which means we’re doing something right. Likewise, even though I was alone on that hike with my family, I was only reminded how large and vast this world was. Although it’s easy to get swept up in the vast size of buildings and take the same sceneries for granted, I was only reminded of how big the world really was when looking at it from a far.   
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Downtown Los Angeles with Griffith Observatory as seen from afar
- February 21st, 2021
Likewise, even though it was easy to focus on how alone I was at the time, it would only be a matter of time where I would be reunited with a few of my friends. I finally opened up to more of my friends this month about my secondary account and some of my work on that secondary Instagram account, and to my surprise, a lot of them were surprised and kept complimenting my work. There was nothing wrong with being me and that’s just fine; it doesn’t matter what other people may think of me. If anything, I feel that this month was also dedicated to me actually learning to see, understand, and accept myself for who I am, just as God sees us. Much like in Psalm 139:14, David writes: 
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:14
I am creative, clever, talented, and driven when I want or need to be. Although I downplay my creative abilities and editing skills, I found that I can be tenacious when I want to be, and the real me is someone who’s always trying to find some different angle when pushed into a corner. I don’t understand who I completely am quite yet, but I have a better understanding and I’m getting closer with each passing day. 
At the time of this writing, there was a photography contest announced specifically for Kamen Rider figures in celebration of the 50th anniversary a few days ago, and even though I thought I could take it easy near the end, I’ve chosen to give it my all. I don’t really care about the prize, and the thing I want to do now even more is to show my creativity and skills, as well as be able to compete against other content makers whom I’ve met who are all better than me. It took me about three weeks to figure out how I could capture this shot. As I captured and edited this shot, I can say that I’m ultimately proud of this one; as this was meant to be the big finish to what I called “Rider Month.” But in the meantime, I have no idea what’s next for April, but with the COVID-19 vaccines coming out to the public and with me learning to accept myself even more, I have something to look forward to as I continue on into 2021. 
“From here on out, it’s my stage!!”
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The final product: 50 Years of Heroes; The Ones who Continually Fight for Justice 
- March 31, 2021
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ahahahahaderp · 7 years
HataJitsu & KamiMiyo Toku Headcanons ✩꒳✩
( ̄ω ̄)that no one asked for but I can’t stop thinking about it okkkk 💦💦💦💦
can you taste my undying thirst and bias for kamimiyo because I am shameless ( ̄ω ̄;)  no actually, I’m Mimi 
Aaaaaand tokusatsu or 特撮 for those who don’t know are J-dramas and/or films that use lots of special effects ^o^ Godzilla, Garo, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman etc. are just some examples~! 
I just think that Kaminaga and Hatano would like really be into tokusatsu series and would debate which ones are better, best suits, fight scenes, etc etc and Miyoshi and Jitsui would just be forced to put up with their embarrassing boyfriends... but low-key enjoying it too wwwwwwww 
and yes, Kaminaga and Hatano would totally do the poses when they go to exhibitions and fanboy so hard at the great details!! (honestly, same tho >w<)
Also thanks @dollofdeath​ for indulging me (*´ω`)o  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Jitsui openly likes Toku too (to a certain degree)  and will watch it with Hatano kinda often
It's cute because Hatano gets all excited and Jitsui is just LOL, finding him sooo cute and precious
Hatano naturally hates being teased and called a kid, but Jitsui can’t help but tease him more for being such an adorable fanboy  (*ノωノ)キャー like okk Hatano, ILY but you ARE a kid sometimes and it’s so freaking cute
Not to mention how pure some of these shows are omfg and the fact that some of the catch phrases are so cheesy and Hatano enjoys them so much and get so into it, makes Jitsui wanna bully protect him more 
Because the real hero isn’t the next rider or super sentai, but the stupid boyfriend beside him(˶′◡‵˶)
Though, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows with these heroes and Jitsui does find himself honestly liking the intriguing plot lines that can surprisingly be deep and insightful 
Jitsui looks forward to Hatano’s reactions but really, it’s vice-versa because a lot of the time Hatano’s already seen these episodes but he just wants Jitsui to enjoy it too 
But then they just keep sneaking glances at each other’s reaction instead of watching wwww
Plus Hatano gets really hyped during the fight scenes and is just always in awe and Jitsui’s starting to wonder like ohhh is this why Hatano took all these martial arts classes  (つ∀<●)゚💦 💦 💦
Hatano sometimes thinks that he could totally be one of the suit actors if not for his height and kinda gets really down about it but Jitsui would just be like “I don’t suppose I’d need special effects to draw fear into people when it’s all natural, so why would you need special effects to suit up and be my hero?” (>////////////<) 
Hatano passed out from a fever that night and Jitsui couldn’t take Hatano being everyone’s hero when he should just be his (✿´ ꒳ ` )
But when they do watch the new episodes together, as much as Jitsui does admit to liking it, they don’t hold a candle to Hatano’s reactions at the suits and everything
Jitsui enjoys Hatano’s stupid smile and overblown excitement the most because Hatano seems low-key troubled sometimes and doesn’t say much because he’s unsure really of why he’s feeling dubious, but when he watches toku, he like forgets all that so secretly, Jitsui loves his addiction so much
And Hatano somehow got Jitsui to start drawing toku art and is just MY BOYFRIEND IS SO AMAZING, HE SCARES ME (wait..he always does)
Random but I think Jitsui would probably enjoy KR Amazons the most and would lol during horror films and Hatano is just......I'm glad he likes me...I think. ( ̄ω ̄;)
Of course, Kaminaga has to drag (and beg and whine for) Miyo to actually consider watching Toku shows and once they start watching, it’s normal for them to marathon shows and de-stress with each other since Miyo wants to see what’s gotten Kaminaga so excited lately and because he’s so cuteeee   (*´∀`*)えへへ
Miyo thinks that the shows aren’t half bad and is at the very least intrigued by the whole idea of it, and also because Kaminaga is so pure and adorable for watching these kind of bubbly shows, it’s almost funny? Even when they’re not always bubbly and kinda deep. He just likes seeing Kaminaga be really happy  *:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・ 
Plus, the chance to tease Kaminaga will never not be amazing wwwww
but Miyo low-key thinking omg the detail on these suits are so amazing and the choreograph is just so grea---I mean...it's passable, naturally. That's why it has a following and all and what no, Kaminaga...I’m just taking this photo for ref ok...?  💦 💦 💦
and yes of course they go to Kamen Rider the Diner and Miyoshi just...why am I here...like sure, Miyo’s a foodie and all but novelty food almost always tastes the same. 
Though, that’s where Kaminaga comes in and says something about how the details they put into creating these silly aesthetics for the food based on quirks from the show makes it really fun to eat! Not to mention that a lot of those times were when he was watching toku with Miyo and that makes all the difference---it’s definitely not as enjoyable if he’s not with Miyo because somehow Miyo makes Toku even better and he just treasures Toku more because of that and I’m cry (´;ω;`)
and god, Kaminaga can you not stare at Miyo like tht because he’s trying to eat here without swooning  (*/∇\*)
Miyo’s just.......I am not getting flustered over some below average novelty food because of you (≧ヘ≦ ) he totally is though wwwwww
and it makes it even worse because Kaminaga’s charms always has that effect on Miyo and Miyo is just...stop taking pictures and eat your weeb food
But also LOL Kaminaga is such a dumb dork and getting excited over the cafe merch or interior and how it reminds him of this and that scene and Miyoshi just can’t help but wanna treasure this stupid pure sunshine even more >w<
Ohhh and and and Kaminaga totally fanboying about toku with these total strangers and Miyo just totally can’t stand it and just cosplays as Kaminaga’s fave to get his attention
though kaminaga is totally flustered at this, he won’t hug Miyo and barely even kiss him because the details of his suit are so amazing and Miyoshi’s just I hate that you’re so cute (˶′◡‵˶) but seriously, look at me b*tch 
Though, what if instead Miyo was like a closet tokusatsu fan because he thinks liking something so childish totally contrasts with his ummm supposedly "cool" image but then again he's dating Kaminaga lololol and he finds the heroes pretty cool lolololl idk (I;m same miyoshi saaaaame)  (∩゚∀`∩)キャ―!!!!
Kaminaga finding out and at first like LOLOLOLOLOL I can't believe I've known you for this long and you managed to keep it from me; that is so cute (and super happy that he’s the only one who knows about Miyo’s addiction) TwT
Kaminaga's not an avid fan but he does enjoy it time to time from the stuff he's seen and finds it pretty cool and Miyo totally getting excited talking about toku and Kaminaga's like dying because that is freaking cuteeeee 
Miyo secretly collects the figures LOL and keeps them hidden even away from Kaminaga ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )
Also okkk so when Jitsui goes to a doujin event to sell his manga or doujins perhaps, of course, the others come to support him! 
Naturally Hatano is there and lol probably buys manga and doujins, artbooks, merch (I feel like he'd be into manga and stuff a lot, but not crazy but does enjoy it) 
Miyoshi comes too, of course, but can't find Kaminaga anywhere is just ...sort of lonely but you know, he's here to support Jitsui and make fun of Hatano and w o w that is some intense cosplay right there huhhh is that his fave rider in a get up that looks almost identical to the exact same suit made for the show and omg his belt is so unreal and every detail makes him feel like this is some crazy dream because this cosplayer is practically oozing this unrivaled charisma and charm ≧(´▽`)≦
and it’s probably his unhindered narcissism, but he can’t help but feel that this cosplayer is looking at him (though, low-key freaking out because oh no, can all toku fans tell who other toku fans are because he is sooo sCREWED)
miyo's like almost sweating but gosh there's so many ppl and thank you god if you're out there because Miyoshi always has his favourite handkerchief to look extra pristine and wipe away non-existent sweat, of course (Gods don’t sweat) (ノ*゜▽゜*)
and ugh where are you Kaminaga because Kaminaga needs to see this too 
and and Miyo wants to... scold him as well for being this late and not answering all his messages
Secretly, however, Miyo won’t mind if Kaminaga makes fun of him but naturally Kaminaga won't...much because Kaminaga thinks Miyo low-key fanboying is just as cute as affectionate drunk miyo ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨
The people are still crowding around this amazing cosplayer but now that Miyo’s kinda close, he can totally sneak a pic while no one's looking at him because oh god no one can find out (even if Kaminaga did yikes, but it’s ok because it’s Kaminaga) 
For once, he feels nearly unworthy to be near this cosplayer that is somehow a person and why isn't Kaminaga answering his phone
Nvm Kaminaga finally picked up and---huhhhhh why does the cosplayer have Kaminaga's phone and is...w-waving? at him no less?
Once the helmet comes off, Miyo can barely even register that it’s Kaminaga and is totally blushing because it’s so freaking hot (actually, Miyo, there’s quite a bit of AC buuut) and Kaminaga is so freaking hot and no, he doesn’t mean just because of the material of the cosplay
Finally when Miyo gets close enough, he’s too flustered to say much and Kaminaga’s just adoring the cuteness exuding Miyo right now 
for the first time, Miyoshi’s really feeling insanely shy right now and he’s known Kaminaga for practically forever and Miyo even has the gall to timidly ask if he can touch his suit because it’s so amazing
Of course, Kaminaga isn’t so foolish as to not tease Miyo at this when Miyo softly grazes the suit and is still in complete awe at the precision and detail because yes, Kaminaga has always been amazingly skilled and Miyo is so so lucky to have this man as his boyfriend  。(〃ω〃)゚.+:。♪
Miyo doesn’t even realize how shy he’s become and is just cautiously raising his phone and is starts murmuring almost
 “So...is it ok if we take a selfie together.........” like he’s now Kaminaga’s fanboy and Kaminaga is so startled and is also blushing frantically (because of the “heat” righttt boyyyys 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀)
but Kaminaga’s just kisses him instead and is just “A kiss is a much more meaningful memorabilia, isn’t it?” and even winks for added measure and gosh, Miyo knows his little handkerchief can’t save him now from looking like a total tomato (because oh yes, the heat is oh so vindictive of him)
“If it’s only for me, I suppose it is.”
THE END wooo fuwa fuwa fluffssssss 
Welp...that was way longer than I intended (((0へ0)💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 cries I kinda wanna write that as a fanfic but idkkkk heehee I just think the whole cliche scenario works for them and is totally adorable TwT If anyone actually read this til the end, thank you for putting up with my eternally thirsty Kamimiyo rambles  (〃 ω 〃) and have a very lovely day and evening because you deserve both, even if you can only have one or the other ( ̄ω ̄)
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recentanimenews · 5 years
THE GREAT CRUNCHYROLL NARUTO REWATCH Has a Large Hairy Son in Episodes 183-189
Welcome to THE GREAT CRUNCHYROLL NARUTO REWATCH! I’m Joseph Luster, back in record time, and I’ll be your host this week as we barrel on through all 220 episodes of the original Naruto anime adaptation. In last week's episodes 176-182, we spent most of our time in the Hidden Star Village, but that arc comes to a swift end this week. Even more filler lies beyond, though, including the start of the Peddlers Escort Mission arc in episodes 183-189.
  As you may be able to tell by the tone of some of these questions, I'm feeling a little deflated at this point. The filler can be overwhelming at times, but at least we have the occasional one-off to brighten our week. In this case, the highlight for me was most definitely the gag episode in which Naruto has to avoid laughing during a funeral despite every possible attempt to get him to crack. It might be the series' most successful attempt at straight-up comedy to date.
  The rest of the batch was mostly disappointing, but there were a few ups to go along with the downs. As Crunchyroll user OrichalcosTwin1 said in last week's comments, "I enjoyed the Hidden Star Village filler, though as you're about to find out this week, I feel it could've concluded sooner and stuck around longer than it should've." I couldn't agree more. Let's find out what everyone else thought! 
    Do you love Sumaru's Mom's Ghost and her two-hit multi-target attacks? Did the finale of the Star Guard arc surprise you in any way, or was its ending written in the stars from the beginning?
  Paul: It was good that the main resolution to the Star Village story involved the children and the other villagers rebelling against Akahoshi after he went Full Crazy-Eyes and freely confessed his evil plans to everyone within earshot, but for the ultimate confrontation, it should have been Sumaru receiving his mother's spiritual energy to deliver the final blow. This arc was Sumaru's story, and tacking Naruto onto the end like that feels like a missed opportunity.
  David: Agreed. Ending a village’s internal political strife by punching the bad guy is one thing, but letting Naruto do it instead of the character most closely affected by the whole thing is pretty lame.
  Jared: I basically laughed when Sumaru’s mom gave her power to Naruto instead of Sumaru. Way to bury the kid both figuratively and literally. Other than that, the arc ended basically how I expected with Akahoshi getting his comeuppance and being real dumb.
  Kevin: The ending was predictable, aside from the stuff that made no sense. Of course the star was going to be destroyed, that way no one can try to bring it up as a power source later. Also, apparently ghosts exist in Naruto. I guess Orochimaru could’ve had a shortcut in creating the Reanimation Jutsu.
  Danni: The whole thing just fell way off the rails, honestly. I’m so tired of evil villains in this show maniacally cackling about how evil they are while trying to kill a bunch of children.
  Kara: I realized right as we were closing out that the Village Hidden in the Stars was literally just Naruto’s excuse to have fairies, after which point I kind of gave up on it making sense at all.
  Noelle: It’s a very typical villain cliché, but I can’t say it doesn’t work. Some of that fantasy stuff sure did happen though.
  Carolyn: It was definitely… weird. I have to agree with the above, that giving Naruto the power was a very odd choice. It also just feels like really weird and awkward writing. I know we’re in the land of filler, but this series is backflipping over the shark at this point.
    It took putting Akamaru in great peril to make me realize nothing can ever happen to Kiba's sweet pee-spraying baby. Which Naruto characters would you defend with your life at this point? 
  Paul: The easy answer is Rock Lee, who is much more of a good boy than Akamaru. It's weird that Akamaru can have a full-on “An American Werewolf in Leaf Village” episode in which he severely injures numerous shinobi, including his own master, and yet he's allowed to continue his ninja-dog training like nothing happened. I figured they'd pull a trick where Akamaru wasn't infected and there was some other werewolf running around, but nope. Straight up Cujo.
  David: Over the course of all this filler I’ve gotten even more attached to Neji and Tenten. Maybe I should go back and rewatch some episodes of that Rock Lee spinoff…
  Jared: ROCK LEE. 
  Kevin: Anime, if you ever try to hurt my ninja son Rock Lee ever again, the Five Great Nations are going to become the Five Great Craters. 
  Danni: ROCK LEE DEFENSE FORCE, ASSEMBLE! [sfx: Kamen Rider transformation noises]
  Kara: Rock Lee, as the rest of the room says. And Hinata. Dear God, I can’t wait ‘til 50% of her lines aren’t “Naruto-kun…” She deserves better than she gets in pretty much any part of her life.
  Noelle: As with everyone else, Rock Lee protection squad unite.
  Carolyn: Hahaha, did we ever expect anything less than a giant chorus of people loudly cheering on good boy Rock Lee?
    The Hidden Leaf Legend episode about Onbu made me think about all the aspects of the Naruto world of which we're not aware yet. From legends to history and beyond, what are you most curious about, and what would you like to see expanded upon in future episodes?
  Paul: There should be an episode where Naruto and the other young ninja of Leaf Village get sent on a snipe hunt mission by Tsunade in search of the legendary tsuchinoko, only for Kakashi, Might Guy, and the other Jonin to prank the heck out of them. Then they actually find a real tsuchinoko during the third act, and it grows angry over them invading its territory, and hijinks ensue.
  David: I was and am still interested in essentially anything that doesn’t have to do with ninjas. How does the rest of the world operate on a day-to-day basis, and how much, if at all, are they even aware of these ninja villages that seem to constantly be at war with each other?
  Jared: I’m kind of surprised there hasn’t been more backstory on the early Hokage, unless that’s being saved for later in Shippuden. Outside of that, I think it’d be good just to dive into character backstories or just go full slice-of-life at some points.
  Kevin: Honestly, I’m most curious about jutsu creation. We’ll get at least some insight into that later in Shippuden, but even then I’d still like to know a lot more.
  Danni: I just wanna know why everyone in the Hidden Leaf Village loves the SEGA Dreamcast so dang much.
  Kara: Considering weird ninja magic is essentially part of day-to-day life, I want to know what their escapist entertainment is like. What the heck do you read action comics about when you’re already halfway to a superhero? I’m guessing they have, like, Archiemaru or something where the escapism comes in the form of severe normality.
  Noelle: Even knowing some of the stuff that comes later, there’s a lot of things that aren’t really that expanded upon. The discrepancy between technology and how that clashes or interacts with ninjutsu is one, and how ninja society seems to be something both out in the open but not something that everyone can do is another. We might get to why ninjutsu happens later, but what of the people who aren’t ninja, in a world so heavily slated toward magical powers and how those with magic seem to rule society?
  Carolyn: We see villages with normal, non-ninja people fairly regularly, but we have no idea how they live. How do the government and ninja work together? Do they work together or do the ninja sort of work on their own laws/volition? Maybe that’s been answered, but I certainly don’t remember it. 
    As episode 186 reminds us, there's nothing more powerful than a forbidden laugh. Can you recall any particularly gut-busting "church laugh" moments in your life where you really lost it when you shouldn't have? 
  Paul: One time my sister got busted for accidentally cracking up during Christmas dinner because the decorative plates we were about to eat off of had a drawing of a little hobo Frosty the Snowman, complete with patches on his snow-suit. I guess the contrast of cloth patches on a suit made out of snow was too much for her, and she burst out laughing during what was supposed to be a solemn moment. She got grounded, and the Legend of the Hobo Snowman went down in Chapman family history.
  David: I don’t remember the details but I do recall actually being sent to the principal in elementary school for being unable to control my laughter one day.
  Jared: I can’t remember the specifics, but I’m pretty sure mine was an actual church laugh moment. Something must’ve made me have the giggles or I was just in a mood but I did that when I was going to church at the time and got in a bit of trouble for it.
  Kevin: I was watching Dororo, and one episode in particular had a guest animator who apparently is known for his… unique art style. Hyakkimaru “running” (ice skating) uphill between trees forced me to pause the video so that I could stop hysterically laughing.
  Danni: I have a rather subdued laugh usually, so I can’t think of any moments where laughing got me in trouble. However, a childhood spent watching a lot of America’s Funniest Home Videos has led to an adulthood full of instinctively laughing when people hurt themselves pratfalling.
  Kara: I was on a bus in Cardiff a few years ago and there was a guy who refused to sit down or hang on or anything. The driver braked and the dude went sliding comically. A few people snickered but I busted out laughing way too big and He Did Not Appreciate That. I got off at the next stop to avoid having my head punched down my own neck. (As an aside, I’ve gotta express my appreciation for Naruto basing an entire episode around the concept of the Giggle Loop from Coupling.)
  Noelle: Admittedly, I’m not the kind of person that bursts out laughing, even if emotions show on my face. My friends saying particularly wild things in public will always get me laughing, though.
  Carolyn: Actual laugh or defensive laugh? I worked as a ride operator at an amusement park as a teen and some kids tried to run on the ride AS IT WAS MOVING. I had to use the emergency shutdown and started laughing like a maniac. The kids' parents were very angry at me for that, but some co-workers and other customers assured them it was a nervous laugh, which it was. They could have gotten very, very hurt and I didn’t know how to react to that.
As for an actual “wow that was funny” laugh … well, this story is a bit mean but it got to me hard. Outside my apartment one day, I saw a kid that was about 11-13 riding a bike and just toppled over and started laughing immediately. It was the way the bike fell. Usually, you imagine some wobbling, the handlebars going back and forth as they lose control or something. This was literally straight up to straight down in one immediate motion. It caught me by surprise. Also, the kid was fine.
    That Brings Us to the Land of Gree— you know what? Forget these veggie peddlers, we're way beyond the point of no return in Filler Purgatory. I hardly remember what it was like when Naruto was good, and the writing is at an all time low for most of this batch. Could you ever recommend this show past episode 140 or so, and has this changed the way you feel about it as a whole?
  Paul: I'm a completionist, so if I'm going to recommend something, I'm going to recommend all of it. You don't get to skip the boring or mediocre bits if you want to claim you've experienced a work of entertainment. The filler hasn't broken my spirit yet, and there are individual parts of it that I find compelling, although I admit nothing we've seen here compares to Naruto at its apex moments.
  David: I’d just recommend skipping all of it, but if you’re gonna watch any of it, the second best thing is probably to skip the arcs and watch some of the one-off episodes instead. The best part about the filler has been the focus on some side characters who didn’t get much time before, and the mostly silly single-episode adventures get you that without having to sit through nonsense stories that just make you wish you were watching the actual story instead.
  Jared: I might not necessarily recommend watching all of the filler, but maybe some of the better parts if they wanted to check that stuff out. People will watch what they watch and I’m not their dad, but I don’t think it’s necessarily all terrible like some people will lead you to believe. It certainly hasn’t changed my overall opinion of the show, it just makes me want to get back to the actual story. Although, if you want a test of endurance, then yeah, people should watch all the filler.
  Kevin: The only way I can realistically recommend Naruto after Filler Purgatory started was if I was trying to talk about all of the interesting character interactions that come from unique team combinations. Unfortunately, even the filler arcs have turned into the same few teams on a loop, and the plots aren’t nearly interesting enough to carry 100 episodes. So in all honesty, unless you just want to full Naruto experience of waiting forever to get to Shippuden or REALLY want to know everything that happens, even if it’s filler, no, I can’t recommend watching past episode 140. 
  Danni: I refused to listen to anyone telling me to skip certain arcs of Dragon Ball since they were filler. I said that if I’m gonna watch it, I’m gonna watch all of it. That being said, I really wish I could just skip ahead to Shippuden right now.
  Kara: This week of episodes has just been a hot mess. Not gonna lie. I’d been coasting because at least I could joke about them. But between this weird double-bluff veggie ninja story and the episode about Naruto adopting the kind of mascot character they’d add to a cartoon adaptation of a live-action 80s sitcom, I’m feeling anywhere from weak to done.
  Noelle: I skipped over most of the filler in my original run of Naruto, and I’d say-- yeah, I’d still rather do that. Nothing here worth noting. 
  Carolyn: I don’t think I would recommend Naruto, as a whole or just cutting off the filler parts. There have been shows I couldn’t get into and people will say to wait for season 3 or 4. I just don’t understand highly recommending something that has so much not-good in it.
    Finally, let's wrap up with the HIGHS and LOWS for this week.
  Paul: My high point was everyone trying to make Naruto laugh, especially with how the humor-assassins would take one look at him and decide that anyone with such a foolish face would be an easy mark. I appreciate the low-grade shade that reminds us that Naruto is kind of a maroon. My low-point was the end of the Onbu episode, which concludes like a mash-up of the Tribbles episode of Star Trek and Gremlins. That joke didn't so much land as belly-flop.
  David: High point was the preview for next week’s first episode - I’m excited to see Hinata getting to handle a fight on her own; hope that’s as neat as it looks. Low point was the ending of the star village arc for the same reasons I said in the first question.
  Jared: High point for this week would probably be the end of the funeral episode with the ridiculous reveal, fake out, and then reveal of the dad being alive. It was probably one step away from going full “IT’S ME AUSTIN” in terms of that. Also, Shino just getting up in Naruto's face like NEVER TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS PLEASE. Low point would probably be basically everything else. Land of Greens is just not great and the other episodes were pretty much just there. Glad we finally get to meet Boruto though, even if I thought he came later on in the series.
High - The plan to take down the first of the enemy ninja in the Land of Greens. Sure, it’s a pretty short moment and not too difficult to figure out (he’s using his weapons as dowsing rods, so break the weapons and lure him to a place without water), but this is Filler Purgatory, and characters not being completely dumb is enough to be one of the better moments of the week.
Low - The Onbu episode. I like getting some worldbuilding, but like I said in my High, I also like characters not being excessively dumb, and practically every decision in the Onbu episode was some level of dumb.
  Danni: High point was the entire funeral episode. It was such a solid comedic concept and the payoffs all landed perfectly. It’s exactly the kind of stupid I want out of all this filler. Honorable mention to the Onba episode, which was maybe a tier below but still some good dumb fun. Low point would have to be watching another arc end with a villain maniacally cackling while trying to murder a bunch of children with a crossbow. Low LOW point was when that one kid’s dead mom became a ninja ghost who just kind of held Naruto in the air like a limp cat. 
  Kara: High point was honestly Magnet Ninja. Like seriously that’s one of the most resourceful Jutsu sets I’ve seen: just grab those headband nerds by the headband. Secondary high point was the puns in the funeral episode that didn’t get translated in the subtitles (as a former subtitle editor, though, I don’t blame them for not trying). Low point was the wrap-up of the Village Hidden in the Seelie Court.
  Noelle: High point, the funeral episode and how everything in it works pretty well. I wouldn’t say it’s all my kind of humor, but it’s functionally fairly solid. No complaints there. Low point… we’re just not going to address how fantasy elements in the afterlife are a thing now? No? Okay, I guess. 
  Carolyn: The uniforms and Naruto’s not-amused reaction to them were pretty great for me. The low point? I guess the weird ghost stuff. The last Scooby-Doo ghost episode was silly, but it also knew it was silly. They sort of took this seriously and that’s quite bizarre.
  This Week:
Ramen: 11 bowls, 1 cup
Hokage: 4
Clones: 78
  Total So Far:
Ramen: 182 bowls, 13 cups
Hokage: 62
Clones: 789
  And that’s it for this week! Remember that you’re always welcome to watch along with the Rewatch, especially if you’ve never seen the original Naruto! Watch Naruto today!
  Here’s our upcoming schedule:
-Next week, KARA DENNISON returns to guide us through the end of the Peddlers Escort Mission!
-On August 2nd, NOELLE OGAWA shows us the formation of the Konoha 11!
-Finally, the mighty DANIEL DOCKERY returns to explore the mystery of Yakumo! 
Episodes 176-182: Reach for the Stars!
Episodes 169-175: Anko’s Backstory At Sea
Episodes 162-168: The Tale of the Phantom Samurai
Episodes 155-161: Quickfire Curry
Episodes 148-154: The Forest is Abuzz With Ninjas
Episodes 141-147: Mizuki Strikes Back!
Episodes 134-140: The Climactic Clash
Episodes 127-133: Naruto vs Sasuke
Episodes 120-126: The Sand Siblings Return
Episodes 113-119: Operation Rescue Sasuke
Episodes 106-112: Sasuke Goes Rogue
Episodes 99-105: Trouble in the Land of Tea
Episodes 92-98: Clash of the Sannin
Episodes 85-91: A Life-Changing Decision
Episodes 78-84: The Fall of a Legend
Episodes 71-77: Sands of Sorrow
Episodes 64-70: Crashing the Chunin Exam
Episodes 57-63: Family Feud
Episodes 50-56: Rock Lee Rally
Episodes 43-49: The Gate
Episodes 36-42: Through the Woods
Episodes 29-35: Sakura Unleashed
Episodes 22-28: Chunin Exams Kickoff
Episodes 15-21: Leaving the Land of Waves
Episodes 8-14: Beginners' Battle
Episodes 1-7: I'm Gonna Be the Hokage!
  Thank you for joining us for the GREAT CRUNCHYROLL NARUTO REWATCH! Have a great weekend, and we'll see you all next time!
  Have anything to say about our thoughts on Episodes 183-189? Let us know in the comments! Don't forget, we're also accepting questions and comments for next week, so don't be shy and feel free to ask away!
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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